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Student: ___________________________________ Date: ________

Written assessment for the 6 grade
1. Read the text and answer the questions. (6x5p=30 points)

Percy Adams lived in a great neighborhood. He had many friends there. Percy
woke up one morning and took a long stretch. He had a good night and was very
rested. First, he walked in the kitchen and ate a good breakfast. He waited at the
door for someone to open it and let him out. He had things to do. Percy walked
outside and looked around. Everything seemed fine. Then, he went and checked on
his friend, Al the dog. Al was still sleeping and didn’t want to go with Percy. Percy
walked across the yard and visited the Mother Bird and her babies. They were fine
and were eating some worms for breakfast. They didn’t even look at Percy. They
were busy. Percy walked across the street and visited his friend Bubba. Bubba was
outside stretched out in the sun. Bubba was glad to see Percy. They were great
friends. Bubba said hello to Percy with a great big MEOW. Percy gave a MEOW
right back. Percy and Bubba played and played. They visited their other friends in
the neighborhood. It was time to go home. They were tired and it was a good time
to take a nap.

1. What kind of animals were Percy and Bubba ?

a. dogs
b. birds
c. mice
d. Cats

2. Why did someone have to open the door for Percy?

a. he was too short
b. he was too lazy
c. cats can’t open doors
d. he was scared

3. Who did Percy visit first when he went outside?

a. Al
b. Bubba
c. Mother Bird
d. the frog

4. Why didn’t the birds look at Percy?

a. they were asleep
b. they were afraid
c. they were gone
d. they were eating breakfast

5. What did Percy do when he went home?

a. played with Al
b. took a nap
c. ate some food
d. visited the birds

6. What kind of day do you think Percy had?

a. bad b. ugly
c. great d. sleepy


2.Write the past simple of the verbs in the correct lists. (20x1p=20p)

walk + -ed receive + -d study + -ied stop + p + -ed

plan __________ __________ __________ ____________
__________ __________ __________ ____________ work
__________ __________ __________ ____________
__________ __________ __________ ____________
live __________ __________ __________ ____________ enter
____ ____ ____ ______
visit drop

study walk paint enjoy carry cry taste stay stop receive

3.This is Kate. She is a Japanese ten year old girl. She is talking about her
last holidays in the USA. Fill in the blanks with verbs in the Past Simple.

Last summer holidays Kate and her schoolmates travelled (travel) by

plane to Orlando, Florida in the United States on a school trip. They
__________ (stay) there for two wonderful days. They _________ (visit) Disney World and
Universal Parks.
On the first day they __________ (enjoy) breakfast at the hotel with some Disney characters.
Then they ___________ (study) the map of Disney Word and travelled by monorail to Epcot and
its famous Spaceship Earth.
On the second day they ___________ (walk) in the Main Street and _____________ (visit)
Cinderella’s Castle; they __________ (watch) SpectroMagic concert and even __________
(talk) to Mickey in person and __________ (pose) for a photo with him.
When the holidays _________ (be) over she _________ (cry) a little and ____________
(promise) to come back someday.

4. Answer the following questions related to the text from

exercise 3 (5x2p=10p)

1. Where did Kate travel last summer?

2. Where did they have breakfast the first day?

3. What did they visit the second day?

4. Who did they talk to?

5. What did Kate do when the holidays were over?

Write about the best weekend of your life! 18p
Written assessment for the 6th grade

1) Read the text and answer the questions. (6x5p=30 points)

1. C
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. B
6. C

2.Write the past simple of the verbs in the correct lists. (20x1p=20p)

2- walk + -ed receive + -d study + -ied stop + p + -ed

Visited arrived Carried Planned

Painted lived cried Clapped work
Enjoyed tasted Dropped
Stayed, Watched, received napped
Entered, worked

visit drop

study walk paint enjoy carry cry taste stay stop receive
3.This is Kate. She is a Japanese ten year old girl. She is talking about her
last holidays in the USA. Fill in the blanks with verbs in the Past Simple.

Last summer holidays Kate and her schoolmates travelled (travel) by

plane to Orlando, Florida in the United States on a school trip. They
stayed there for two wonderful days. They visited Disney World and
Universal Parks.
On the first day they enjoyed breakfast at the hotel with some Disney
characters. Then they studied the map of Disney Word and travelled by
monorail to Epcot and its famous Spaceship Earth.
On the second day they walked in the Main Street and visited Cinderella’s
Castle; they watched SpectroMagic concert and even talked to Mickey in
person and posed for a photo with him.
When the holidays were over she cried a little and promised to come back someday.

5. Answer the following questions related to the text from

exercise 3 (5x2p=10p)

6. Where did Kate travel last summer?

She travelled by plane to Orlando, Florida in the United States .
7. Where did they have breakfast the first day?
On the first day they had breakfast at the hotel
8. What did they visit the second day?
On the second day they visited Cinderella’s Castle.
9. Who did they talk to?
They talked to Mickey in person.
10. What did Kate do when the holidays were over?
When the holidays were over she cried a little and promised to come back

Writing Write about the best weekend of your life! 18p

 3 points for appropriately beginning and ending

 3 points for correct grammar structures and connectors
 3 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
 3 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task
 3 points for a balanced structure
 3 points for the general impression

Matrice de specificaţii
C1: C2: C3 C4:
Competenţe Să extragă Reformularea unor Să Să scrie
corespunzătoare informaţii enunturi/rescrierea deducă cuvintele
nivelurilor generale şi unor cuvinte sensul invatate in
taxonomice specifice dintr-un conform cuvintelor legatura cu
text citit în gând unor structuri din context si o tema
Teme/ studiate sa formuleze invatata
Conţinuturi/ enunturi
Unităţi tematice
Copilul şi lumea Ex. 1
înconjurătoare – Casa 30 p
mea de vis -
Verbul - timpuri Ex. 2, 20p Ex. 4,
verbale: Past Simple 3, 12p 10 p
Vocabular: Past Ex 5
activities 18p
TOTAL 30 p 32 p 10p 18 p
Loc: Panic, Str. :Principală, Nr.:100 / A,Cod poştal457171
Tel/ Fax: 026066985 , e – mail:

Test formativ Limba engleză

Clasa a VI-a
Prin testul formativ am urmărit stabilirea nivelului de pregătire a elevilor la sfârșitul
unitatii PAST ACTIVITIES. Acest test presupune un nivel mediu de dificultate şi nu depăşeşte
sfera conţinuturilor reactualizate la orele de curs.Prin acest test s-au verificat concepte
operationale precum: regular, irregular verbs; notiuni de vocabular (activitati in trecut);
Au fost verificate cunostintele de intelegere a textului citit la prima vedere. A trebuit sa
raspunda la intrebari in legatura cu textul citit.
Testul a vizat de asemenea si capacitatea de exprimare liberă în scris a elevilor
prin cerinţa de a elabora o compunere , prin care au avut posibilitatea de a scrie despre un
weekend de succes.

Din analiza testelor am observat că majoritatea elevilor au inteles notiunile gramaticale

invatate. Majoritatea au inteles textul citit si au reusit sa raspunda la intrebari cu mici greseli.
Cei mai multi elevi au avut probleme la redactarea compunerii.

Măsuri ameliorative
Pentru elevii care la unii itemi au înregistrat note mai mici se vor lua măsuri de
recuperare :
o fișe de lucru diferenţiat (fişe de lucru pentru recuperare/dezvoltare);
o elaborarea unor fişe de lucru, care urmăresc rezolvarea unor sarcini de la
general la particular şi de la noţiuni mai simple, la cele mai complexe;
o evaluarea continuă şi periodică a tuturor elevilor prin fişe de evaluare care
urmăresc mai multe categorii de itemi: subiectivi, obiectivi şi semiobiectivi.

Obiective operaţionale

O1 - să ofere informaţii despre sine despre activităţi şi evenimente;

O2 - să recunoască noţiunile/structurile gramaticale învăţate şi să le aplice corect;
O3 – să utilizeze corect timpurile verbale învăţate;
O4 – să folosească corect formele verbale;
O5 - să redacteze o compunere.
Descriptori de performanţă :
1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
x Nu oferă  Oferă foarte puţine  Oferă paţial  Oferă integral
informaţii clare informaţii clare despre informaţii clare informaţii clare
despre sine; sine; despre sine; despre sine;
x Nu recunoaşte  Recunoaşte foarte  Recunoaşte partial  Recunoaşte integral
noţiunile/structuril puţin din din noţiunile/structurile
e gramaticale noţiunile/structurile noţiunile/structurile gramaticale învăţate;
învăţate; gramaticale învăţate; gramaticale învăţate;  Utilizează corect
 Utilizează foarte puţin  Utilizează parţial timpurile verbale
x Nu utilizează
corect verbele la corect învăţate
corect timpurile
timpurile învăţate; timpurile verbale  Utilizează corect
verbale învăţate ;
 Recunoaste foarte învăţate forma negative a
x Nu recunoa;te puţin forma negative a  Utilizează parţial verbelor;
forma negative a verbelor; corect  Reuşeşte integral să
unui verb;  Reuşeşte foarte puţin Formele nrgative; formulize enunţuri
x Nu reuşeşte să să formulize enunţuri  Reuşeşte parţial să logice
formulize enunţuri logice formulize enunţuri  Redacteaza o o
logice ;  Redactează cateva logice compunere integral
x Nu reuşeşte să cuvinte/propoziţii  Redactează parţial o şi corect .
redacteze o dintr- o compunere compunere

Rezultate obţinute:
NOTA 1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
NR.ELEVI 2 0 2 4
PROCENTE 25.0% 0.0% 25.0% 50.0%
diagramă note
progres şcolar

7-8 2 BINE

Raport progres şcolar

Nume si
teste Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
prenume elev
5 7 6 7
8 10 9 9
4 4 5 4
8 10 10 9
7 6 8 8
6. Varga
4 5 5 4
8 9 9 9
8. Vitan
10 10 10 10
PROGRES SCOLAR CLASA A VI-A/ anul scolar 2018-

Progres şcolar cl.a VI-a


1.Bobotan 2.Kozma 3.Loke 4.Ozsvath 5.Szilagyi 6. Varga 7.Vincze 8. Vitan
Julia Tamara Szilard Eliza Vivien Mark Renata Lucia

Note teste initiale Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

Lesson plan

School: Şcoala Gimnazială Nr.1 Panic

Teacher’s name: Tamas Andrea Amalia
Lesson: Test paper
Number of students: 9
Textbook: Limba modernă 1 –Limba engleză
Date: the 28th of March, 2018
Form: 6th
Length: 50 minutes
Lesson type: Lessons of verification and control of knowledge
Language focus: Vocabulary( Past activities)
Grammar ( Past simple/ regular and irregular verbs)
Everyday English ( The best weekend of my life)
Methods and techniques: individual work
- To give the teacher and the students information concerning the students` progress
- To identify any areas of difficulty and weakness which might need remedial work
Skills: integrated
Materials (including source):
Test paper sheets
Anticipated difficulties with tasks:
Some students may have some difficulties in answering some questions
Solutions: drawing attention to this
Stage of the T's activity Ss' activity Interaction Skill Time
lesson Aims
1. Warm-up a) T greets the Ss; - to check
b) T checks attendance; Ss answer T - Ss S 3' attendance;
- to create a
2. T gives Ss the test Ss listen. T - Ss L - to make
Announcing papers. T tell Ss that Ss aware of
the content they have 30’ to solve the test
of the test the exercises. 5’ content and
T gives the Ss the what they
necessary instructions are
for them to complete supposed to
the given tasks. do with it
3. Testing T supervises the Ss Ss write Lockstep 30’ - to check
4. T asks the Ss to Ss change the T - Ss L - to let Ss
Feedback interchange the tests tests between S know how
and and to check if the them. W well they
evaluation objectives are achieved, performed

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