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21. This my friend. name’s Richard.

A) are / His B) is / My C) is / His D) his / His
22. They Lisa and Max. They from the USA.
A) is / is B) are / is C) are / are D) is / is

23. “What is name?” “My name’s Carlos.”

1. A- Hello, what your name? A) his B) her C) your D) my
A) is B) are C) am D) be
24. This is my sister. name is Laura.
2. name is John. And my is Johnson. A) His B) My C) Her D) Its
A) Your / surname B) My / surname
C) I / surname D) I / name 25. I have brother. name is David
A) an / His B) a / Her C) a / His D) * / His
3. My name is Lisa. Lisa Peterson.
A) My am B) I is C) I am D) I 26. Hello! My Maria. I Mexico.
A) name is / from am B) is name / from am
4. name is Apple. Ann Apple. C) name is / am from D) name am / is from
A) His / She B) His / He’s C) Her / She’s D) His / His
27. Is Catherine sister?
5. “Where John from?” “ from the US.” A) he B) you C) your D) yours
A) is / He’s B) is / His C) am / He’s D) is / She’s
28. We students.
6. are you from? Japan.
A) are a B) is C) are D) am
A) What B) Who C) Where D) When

7. Where you ? 29. I student.

A) is / from B) are / in C) are / is D) are / from A) is / an B) am / * C) am / a D) am / the

8. from Spain. I’m Rodriguez . 30. She Italy.

A) I’m B) He’s C) You’re D) She’s A) are from B) is at C) is from D) am from

9. Pierre is a French boy. from . 31. He is teacher.

A) He’s / France B) His’s / French A) a B) an C) * D) the
C) His / France D) He / France
32. I live a house Los Angeles.
10. Lisa and Max are Americans. from U.S.A. A) * / in B) in / in C) in / * D) at / in
A) There B) Their C) They’re D) Their’re
33. “ is your phone number?”
11. “What their ?” “It’s 2229"
“Alexander and Philip.” A) Where B) How C) What D) Who
A) are/name B) is / name C) is / names D) are / names
34. “ are you?”
12. I 22 years old, but Andrew 20. “I’m Alex.”
A) am / am B) are / am C) am / is D) are / are A) Which B) How C) What D) Who
13. Mark 19, but Brian and Denis 26 and 28. 35. What’s this English?
A) is / are B) are / is C) are / are D) am / are A) * B) in C) at D) on
14. “What this?”
36. Champaigne is French drink.
“It’s umbrella.”
A) a B) the C) an D) *
A) are / a B) is / a C) is / an D) its / an

15. Oxford is English university. 37. Oxford is English university.

A) an B) the C) a D) * A) a B) an C) the D) *

16. Toyotas Japanese . 38. A Mercedes is German car.

A) is a / car B) is / car C) are / cars D) is / cars A) a B) an C) the D) *

17. “What is ?” 39. English is international language.

“She is a bank manager.” A) a B) an C) the D) *
A) his job B)she job C) he job D) her job
40. Milan is Italian city.
18. 0/2/11/18/20 Find the correct alternative. A) a B) an C) the D) *
A) oh / twelve / eighteen / twenty
B) zero / two / one-one / eighteen / twenty 41. A JVC is Japanese camera.
C) zero / two / eleven / eighteen / twenty A) a B) an C) the D) *
D) zero / two / eleven / eighty / twenty
42. I have two .
19. “How old is your aunt?” A) sister B) sisters C) a sister D) sister’s
“ is 29.”
A) She B) He C) She’s D) He’s 43. It’s Spanish orange.
A) a B) an C) the D) *
20. “Where she from?”
“She from Japan.” 44. It’s green apple.
A) are / is B) is / is C) is / am D) are / are A) a B) an C) the D) *
18. This is the photo my family.
A) in B) at C) of D) on

19. It’s good practice you.

A) for B) at C) of D) in

20. I’m home.

A) in B) on C) at D) from

21. I’m La Guardia Community College.

1. “ her name Eliza?” A) in B) on C) at D) of
“No, .”
A) What / it isn’t B) Is / she isn’t 22. I’m New York.
C) Is / it is not D) Is / it isn’t A) in B) for C) at D) of

2. Is your surname Anderson? 23. I’m a class eight other students.

A) Yes, you are. B) Yes, it is. A) in / for B) at / of C) in / with D) at / off
C) Yes, I am. D) Yes, my is.
24. I live an apartment two American boys.
3. “Is she American?” A) in / of B) at / with C) in / with D) of/with
“No, .”
A) hers isn’t B) she isn’t C) she is not D) she her isn’t 25. Central Park is lovely the snow.
A) at B) in C) of D) with
4. “ their names Jack & Benny?”
“Yes, .” 26. “ is his job?”
A) Are / they are B) Aren’t / there are “He a policeman.”
C) Am / their D) Is / they’re A) Which / is B) What / are C) What / is D) Where / is

5. “Is your dog 2 years old?” 27. He from Argentina. He is Mexico.

“Yes, .” A) is / from B) isn’t / from C) isn’t / in D) aren’t / in
A) it’s B) dog is C) it is D) its
28. “ is a hamburger and chips?”
6. “Is your elder brother married?” “Three pounds fifty.”
“No, .” A) How many B) How often C) How much D) How long
A) brother isn’t B) he isn’t
C) he is not D) she isn’t Find the opposite word.
29. easy -
7. “Are you from Senegal?” A) cold B) cheap C) difference D) difficult
“No, .”
A) I’m not B) I amn’t C) I are not D) I not 30. lovely -
A) old B) expensive C) horrible D) quick
8. “ Martha English?”
“Yes, she .” 31. fast -
A) Is / isn’t B) Are / is C) Is / is D) Are / is A) slow B) small C) quick D) warm

9. “ her surname Smith?” 32. expensive -

“No, it .” A) big B) cheap C) cold D) hot
A) What / isn’t B) Is / is C) Is / isn’t D) Are / isn’t
33. hot -
10. “Are you a student?” A) cold B) new C) warm D) small
“Yes, I .”
A) am B) have C) is D) ‘m not 34. big -
A) high B) small C) tall D) slow
11. “ you from Barcelona?”
“No, I’m not.” 35. young -
A) Is B) Are C) Do D) Where A) old B) big C) small D) quick

12. “ you married?” 36. “Are you married?”

“No, I .” “No, .”

A) Aren’t / am B) Are / am A) I am not B) I’m not C) I amn’t D) I m not

C) Is / am not D) Are / ’m not
37. Brazil in Asia. in South America.
13. “ is Brenda?” A) is / It isn’t B) is / It’s C) is / Is D) isn’t / It’s
“She’s Patrick’s wife.”
A) What B) Who C) Which D) Where 38. Snow is .
A) cold B) hot C) small D) cheap

14. My teacher’s name John. C) am D) not 39. A: Greek?

A) are B) is B: Yes, I am.
15. Marcus and Carlos my brothers.
A) is B) am C) are D) be 17. It Monday today.
A) is B) am C) are D) *
16. My mother and father at work.
A) is B) am C) are D) *
A) You B) Are you C) Am I D) I

40. We in a
Russian class.
We in an
English class.
A) are / are B) are / not C) aren’t / are D)
are / am

41. Rolls-Royce cars are .

A) cheap B) blue C) expensive D)

42. “ your teachers married?”
A) Is / he is B) Is / he’s C) Is / she is D) Are / they are

43. “Is it hot today?”

“No, .”
A) it isn’t B) it is not C) it’s not D) it not

44. “Are your parents?”

“Yes, .”
1. She a uniform.
A) they-their are B) their-they are
A) wear B) to wear C) wearing D) wears
C) they-they are D) they-they
2. He his car every weekend.
45. Eliza from Greece. from Poland. A) wash B) washes C) washing D) washed
A) is / Is B) isn’t / She’s C) is / Isn’t D) is / Is not
3. Rosemary three languages.
46. Ann is wife. A) speaks B) talks C) tells D) know
A) John’s B) John is C) John’s is D) John
4. My dad at 7 o’clock everyday.
47. This is not just my computer. It is 4 computer. A) stands up B) looks up C) gets up D) jumps up
A) students’ B) students’s C) student’s D) student
5. Isabel is a flight attendant. She passengers.
48. A: What is ? A) serve B) to serve C) serves D) serving
B: She is a bank manager.
A) his job B) she job C) he job D) her job 6. Their son in this hospital.
A) works B) begins C) starts D) likes
49. “How old is your brother?”
“ 29.” 7. Jim’s a postman. He letters to people.
A) They are B) I am C) It is D) He is A) answers B) works C) delivers D) serves

50. “How old Mr. & Mrs. White?” 8. Jane’s a doctor. She ill people.
“ 50 and 48.” A) looks at B) speaks to C) helps D) serves drinks
A) is / They B) are / They’re
C) are / They D) */ They are 9. Bern in a flat in Birmingham.
A) lives B) stands C) has D) wants
51. “How old , Andrew?”
“ 21 years old.” 10. Nancy’s uncle is a pilot. He all over the world.
A) are you / I’m B) is he / He’s A) goes B) sees C) travels D) delivers
C) is / He is D) are / I
11. In winter Sheila skiing and in summer tennis.
52. “ you now?” A) makes / plays B) goes / plays
“I’m at the school.” C) does / plays D) starts / *
A) Where’s B) Where’re are
C) Where’re D) Where 12. My friend’s son Turkish and English at university.
A) has B) plays C) studies D) goes
53. “Where now?”
“In her office.” 13. Most of the people work at 8 o’clock every morning.
A) is he B) is she C) is it D) is A) finishes B) goes C) does D) starts

54. “ is his father’s job?” 14. A: does Tony Blair live?

“He’s a teacher.” B: In Great Britain.
A) Who B) When C) Why D) What A) When B) Where C) What time D) How

55. This is those toy. 15. does your father do in his free time?
A) kid’s B) kid C) kids’s D) kids’ A) Why B) What kind C) How many D) What

56. They are not my books. 16. does Andy’s little brother play with?
A) children’s B) childs C) children’ D) children of A) Who B) Why C) How old D) Where

57. They’re not his mistakes. 17. A: does Natalie’s nephew do?
A) friend’s B) friend C) friends D) friends’s B: He’s an architect.
A) How B) Whom C) When D) What

18. A: does it rain here?

B: Mostly in summer and winter.
A: snow?
B: In winter.
A) When / Why B) Why / How
C) What time / Whom D) When / What about

19. A: does Anthony go to work?

B: bus.
A) How / By B) How well / On
C) What kind / In D) How / In

20. She from England.

A) come B) comes C) don’t come D) goes

21. she French? 46. languages does she speak?
A) Do / speaks B) Does / speaks A) How much B) How many C) Why D) Where
C) Does / speak D) Is / speak
47. sells things.
22. She from America. A) A postman B) A nurse C) A doctor D) A shopkeeper
A) don’t comes B) doesn’t come
C) doesn’t comes D) does comes 48. A barman .
A) sells things B) serves drinks
23. Every time he a glass of lemonade before breakfast. C) delivers letters D) drinks a lot
A) is B) have C) has D) does
49. looks after money.
24. he three children? A) A nurse B) A postman
A) Does / have B) Does / has C) Do / have D) Has / have C) An accountant D) A dentist

25. a shower. 50. designs buildings.

A) Come B) Go C) Have D) Has A) A pilot B) An architect
C) An interpreter D) An engineer
26. the phone.
A) Go B) Read C) Look D) Answer 51. He lives an island the west of Scotland.
A) on / in B) in / in C) on / on D) in / at
27. She a white coat.
A) wear B) wears C) does wear D) have 52. She’s married an American man.
A) with B) for C) to D) on
28. a magazine.
A) Go B) Read C) Live D) Has 53. He listening music.
A) like / to B) likes / to C) likes / of D) likes / with
29. Our teacher gives a lot of homework.
A) our B) us C) her D) his 54. “How he to work?”
“By car.”
30. He television every evening. A) do / go B) does / goes C) does / go D) does / play
A) watch B) watches C) see D) buy
55. Anna likes Joanna, but Maria doesn’t like .
31. At ten we go bed. A) her B) them C) your D) their
A) in B) on C) to D) sleep
56. That’s my dictionary. Can I have back please?
32. He picks up the apples the tree. A) it B) you C) them D) my
A) for B) from C) on D) at
57. Philippe in London.
33. Get the bus. A) work B) starts C) comes D) lives
A) on B) in C) to D) out
58. “ he married?”
34. She lives Switzerland. “No, he .”
A) at B) on C) in D) city A) Is / doesn’t B) Does / isn’t C) Is / isn’t D) Does / is

35. A nurse looks people in hospital. 59. “What she do?”

A) at B) for C) after D) helps “She is an interpreter.”
A) is B) do C) does D) are
36. There’s a letter you.
A) for B) to C) about D) on 60. he sleep well?
A) Has B) Have C) Do D) Does
37. Tourists come boat.
A) by B) to C) of D) with

38. He drives the children school.

A) of B) at C) to D) go

39. He speaks to people his radio.

A) at B) on C) of D) in

40. She likes going walks summer.

A) for / at B) to / at C) for / in D) on / at

41. She goes skiing her free time.

A) in B) on C) at D) of

42. He works an undertaker.

A) as B) for C) of D) in

43. “Does she live in Australia?”

“No, she .”
A) do B) does C) don’t D) doesn’t

44. We watching television.

A) doesn’t like B) do like C) doesn’t like D) don’t like

45. He to help people.

A) flies B) likes C) runs D) swims

21. “What time is it?”
A) It is quarter past three.
B) It is fifteen past four.
C) It is quarter to four.
D) It is fifteen to four.

22. It is half past eight.

A) 8:30 B) 7:30 C) 18:30 D) 17:30
1. What you at the weekend?
23. It is quarter past eight.
A) does / does B) do / does
A) 8:30 B) 7:30 C) 8:15 D) 17:15
C) does / do D) do / do
24. It is five to nine.
2. What Dick and Tom like ?
A) 9:55 B) 9:35 C) 8:55 D) 9:05
A) do / doing B) doing / * C) do / do D) does / doing
25. It is five past nine.
3. Do boys like jeans?
A) 9:55 B) 9:35 C) 8:55 D) 9:05
A) wear B) wearing C) to wear D) worn
26. A friend of mine likes on picnic at weekends.
4. My classmates on picnic every month.
A) to go B) going C) goes D) go
A) went B) goes C) going D) go
27. I my teeth every morning.
5. Mary face every morning.
A) brushing B) brush C) brushes D) to brush
A) washes his B) wash my C) washes her D) washes their
28. Kate live near Jane?
6. I a cigarette, but my teacher smoke.
A) Is B) Are C) Do D) Does
A) don’t / smokes B) smoke / doesn’t
C) smokes / smokes D) smoke / don’t
29. His father , but Bill’s father smoke.
A) smokes / don’t B) smokes / doesn’t
7. They wash car every day.
C) smoke / don’t D) smokes / isn’t
A) don’t / my B) don’t / his
C) don’t / their D) don’t / our
30. My father driving.
A) doesn’t likes B) don’t likes
8. My parents eat meat.
C) doesn’t like D) don’t like
A) don’t B) aren’t C) doesn’t D) are
31. She a bus to university.
9. Summer holidays in June.
A) always takes B) always take
A) begins B) begin C) beginning D) began
C) takes always D) take always
10. We tennis on Monday evenings, but my little sister on
32. I to a football match every Sunday but my father .
A) go / don’t B) goes / doesn’t
A) play / play B) plays / plays
C) go / doesn’t D) goes / don’t
C) play / plays D) plays / play
33. Every year millions of people The London Museum.
11. You a lot of things in free time.
A) visit B) go C) come D) want
A) do / our B) does / your C) do / my D) do / your
34. The Buckingham Palace lots of rooms.
12. My cat licks tail every evening. But my dogs never lick
A) have B) has C) to have D) having
A) its / their B) its / its C) their / its D) * / *
35. Visitors to India ‘s Independence Day from all over the world.
A) visit B) come C) leave D) goes
13. I like football, but my brother doesn’t.
A) play B) played C) playing D) plays
36. I English, Russian, and Romanian, but I Chinese.
A) speak / don’t speak B) speaks / speak
14. She likes TV, but her husband doesn’t.
C) speaks / speaks D) speaks / don’t speak
A) watching B) to watch C) watches D)watched
37. Many foreigners in our country to the Golden Bazaar.
15. Her sister doesn’t eating a hamburger.
A) buy B) go shopping C) want D) come
A) like B) likes C) liking D) liked
38. A: What you ?
16. Do you like in your free time?
B: An architect.
A) read B) reads C) to read D) reading
A) do / do B) does / do C) are / do D) do / are
17. I like but I like swimming.
39. A: What your niece ?
A) sailing / don’t B) sail / doesn’t
B: A nurse.
C) sail / don’t D) sail / do
A) do / do B) does / is C) does / do D) is / do
18. Tom her but she doesn’t like .
40. A: Where your parents ?
A) like / her B) likes / him C) likes / he D) like / him
B: In the Ministry of Education.
A) do / do B) do / work C) are / work D) work / *
19. Andrew buys a newspaper everyday. reads at home.
A) It / he B) Him / it C) He / it D) His / it
41. A: languages do they speak?
B: Just one.
20. Mike eats cheeseburgers because likes .
A) What B) How many C) How D) Which
A) he / their B) him / they C) he / them D) him / them

42. A: Do you Afghani? 66. We always lemonade in the evenings.
B: No, . A) to drink B) has C) drinking D) have
A) speak / you don’t B) speak / I don’t
C) speak / don’t I D) speaks / don’t speak 67. A: I’m sorry. I’m late.
B: Come and sit down.
43. A: does Margaret start work? A) Excuse me! B) Don’t worry!
B: At 7 in the morning. C) What’s the matter? D) Why are you late?
A) What time B) What kind C) What sort D) What about
68. A- your wife English?
44. A: do your brothers like working in this factory? B- Yes, she does.
B: Because they earn much money. A) Do / speak B) Does / speaking
A) What B) When C) Why D) Whom C) Does / speak D) Do / speaking

45. he like his job? 69. “How many languages you ?”

A) Does B) Do C) Is D) Are “Three: English, German and Spanish.”
A) does / speak B) do / speak
46. I an accountant. C) do / speaking D) does / speaking
A) do B) does C) am D) is
70. Why you like in the hotel?
47. New York exciting? A) do / working B) do / work
A) Are B) Do C) Does D) Is C) does / working D) does / work

48. Where they live? 71. They never go out Friday evenings .
A) are B) do C) does D) is A) on B) in C) at D) by

49. Why you want to learn English? 72. She loves to music.
A) do B) are C) * D) is A) listening B) to listen C) listens D) listen

50. We Algerians. 73. They often eat in a restaurant---------- Tuesdays.

A) does B) are C) do D) am A) on B) in C) of D) at

51. What he do at weekends? 74. summer I play tennis Sundays.

A) do B) is C) does D) are A) In / in B) At / on C) In / on D) At / in

52. He plays football Friday mornings. 75. “Do Mr. Adams and his daughter like going ?”
A) in B) on C) at D) of “No, they .”
A) ski / don’t B) skiing / don’t
53. Do you relax weekends? C) skiing / do D) ski / does
A) at B) on C) in D) by
76. “ they a winter holiday?”
54. Where do you go holiday? “Yes, they do.”
A) at B) in C) of D) on A) Do / wanting B) Does / want
C) Do / want D) Does / wanting
55. I like .
A) cooks B) cooking C) cook D) cooked 77. What time you go to bed?
A) do B) does C) is D) have
56. She gets up early the morning.
A) on B) in C) at D) by 78. “ do you do your homework?”
“After dinner.”
57. She gets up early the weekdays. A) Where B) What C) How D) When
A) at B) of C) on D) in
79. “ you go out on Friday evenings?”
58. He takes photos only spring. “Yes, I do sometimes.”
A) in B) at C) on D) by A) Do B) Where C) Are D) Does

59. He hates football television. 80. “ do you like your job?”

A) watching / on B) to watch / in “Because it’s interesting.”
C) watch / on D) watching / in A) Why B) What C) How D) Where

60. They like very much. 81. “ do you travel to school?”

A) sail B) sailed C) sailing D) sail “By bus.”
A) How B) What C) Why D) Where
61. My brother’s birthday is March.
A) in B) on C) at D) to 82. “ you live with?”
“With my mother and sisters.”
62. The train leaves Paris 4 p.m. A) What / do B) Who / do
A) in B) at C) on D) by C) Where / does D) Who / does

63. Vancouver is very cold winter. 83. “ do you on Sundays?”

A) at B) in C) on D) to “I always relax.”
A) How / doing B) What / do
64. Sometimes we cards. C) Where / does D) What / relax
A) plays B) playing C) play D) to play
84. “ do you on holiday?”
65. She never meat. “To Rome or Paris.”
A) eats B) eating C) eat D) to eat A) Where / like B) How / relax
C) Where / go D) Why / go

19. There’s
open-fire in the living room?
A) a B) some C) an D) any

20. There are big cupboards in the kitchen.

A) a B) some C) any D) *

21. Are there trees and flowers in the garden?

A) a B) some C) any D) *

22. There’s electric cooker.

1. A- there desk?
A) an B) some C) any D) a
B- Yes, is.
A) Is / * / there B) Are / the / they
23. There are good restaurants nearby.
C) Is / a / there D) Is / one / they
A) a B) any C) some D) *
2. A- there three stereos in the living room?
24. Upstairs there’s big bathroom.
B- No, there .
A) some B) a C) an D) any
A) Are / aren’t B) Are / are C) Are / not D) Are / *
25. Does the cottage have dining room?
3. Is there apple in the bag?
A) any B) an C) a D) some
A) a B) an C) the D) *
26. The village of the Kingmore has post office and shop.
4. There 4 on the sofa?
A) some / a B) some / any C) a / a D) an / a
A) are / woman B) is / women
C) * / woman D) are / women
27. Are there good beaches near the cottage?
A) any B) some C) a D) the
5. There one bag. There 3 bags.
A) isn’t / are B) is / is C) not / are D) aren’t / are
28. “ there any cups?”
“Yes, are.”
6. There 3 telephones, but isn’t a cooker.
A) Are / there B) There / is C) This / is D) Is / this
A) are / they B) is / there C) are / there D) are / their
29. “Is a television?”
7. any men in the hall?
“Yes, there .”
A) Are there B) Are their C) Are they D) Is there
A) this / are B) there / is C) this / is D) that / is
8. A: there many mice in the house?
30. There any flowers.
B: No, there .
A) are B) is C) aren’t D) isn’t
A) Are / are B) Are / not C) Are / aren’t D) Are / *
31. It’s the best home the world.
9. there chairs in the class?
A) on B) in C) all D) at
A) Are / a B) Are / some C) Are / there D) Are / any
32. The front door is the top of the steps.
10. Yes, there are chairs, but there are not desks.
A) on B) at C) in D) by
A) some / any B) any / some C) any / any D) some / some

33. There a photo the television.

11. A: is there in the bedroom?
A) are / on B) is / in C) is / on D) are / in
B: There 2 beds, 3 televisions, and 2 cupboards.

A) How many / are B) What / is

34. There are two pictures the wall.
C) What / are D) How many / is
A) at B) on C) of D) in
12. A- books there under your desk?
35. The cinema is the left.
B- There one.
A) in B) at C) off D) on
A) How much / are / is B) How many / is / is
C) What / are / is D) How many / are / is
36. there a table? Yes, there .
A) Are / are B) Is / is C) Are / is D) Is / are
13. There are sandwiches, but there any chips.
A) some / aren’t B) any / aren’t
37. There an armchair.
C) some / are D) any / are
A) any B) is C) are D) some
14. A: Do you have any ?
38. “ there any photos?”
B: No, I don’t. But I have grammar books.
“No, there .”
A) dictionary / any B) a dictionary / some
A) Are / aren’t B) Is / isn’t C) Is / aren’t D) Are/isn’t
C) dictionaries / some D) dictionaries / any
39. There magazines under the table.
15. There is photo of teachers.
A) is B) are C) some D) any
A) some / some B) a / some
C) some / any D) any / some
40. There a post box in front of the chemist’s.
A) are B) is C) some D) any
16. How many are there in the cupboard.
A) glass B) of glasses C) a glass D) glasses
41. How much are glasses?
A) this B) they C) these D) that
17. In our garden there is huge pine tree, and there are
42. “Is book John’s?”
A) a / a lot of B) an / many C) a / lot of D) * / many
“Yes, is.”
A) these / it B) this / it C) it / it’s D) that / its
18. Is there garden?
A) any B) * C) a D) some
43. Take bags into the kitchen.
A) these B) this C) that D) it
44. I don’t like music.
A) they B) these C) this D) it

45. Bob, is my mother.

A) these B) it C) this D) that

46. “Is exercise very easy?”

“No, isn’t.”
A) these / it B) this / its C) these / this D) that / it

47. I like Tom, I don’t like his wife.

A) and B) but C) because D) so

48. I like living here it’s near the shops.

A) because B) so C) and D) but

49. We both like sailing, we live near the sea.

A) and as B) because C) so D) but

50. Our flat is small, it’s comfortable.

A) but B) so C) because D) and

51. New York is expensive, I like it.

A) because B) but C) and D) so

52. I like New York, it’s very exciting.

A) because B) but C) and D) so

53. I like Judy, I often visit her.

A) so B) because C) but D) for

54. I like Chinese food, my husband doesn’t like it at all.

A) so B) but C) because D) and

55. We live in a flat on the top floor, we don’t have a garden.

A) so B) but C) because D) and

56. I like my job it’s interesting.

A) because B) and C) so D) but

57. In my bedroom there’s a bed a wardrobe.

A) but B) so C) and D) also

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