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Clarissa Osornio

7th period
Mammography and CT Lung Cancer Screening Can Improve Population Based Health
Outcomes February 14th, 2019
Summary: In February 13th, 2019 this article was written by the Department of Radiology &
Biomedical Imaging. It has been common that women after the age of 40 get regular
mammograms, they are provided for low-income women as well. Some women can even qualify
for lung cancer screenings. The Radiological Society of North America did a survey which
concluded that over 5,500 women can have a big risk factor over both breast cancer and lung
cancer screening. Overall women would be qualified to get both breast cancer and lung cancer
screenings, but some do not even choose to get them, even if they could. This is an increase of
the studies of Radiology to improve population-based imaging. It is important for patient
awareness with the beliefs of CT lung cancer screenings and eligibility.
Project Topic Connections: This connects to my project because mine is about the procedures
getting done. When a patient comes in with a disease such as breast and lung cancer in this case,
there is a certain procedure and with the help of mammograms helps the doctor with what is
going on. To have these objects and materials it makes the surgery easier and it makes it also go
faster. Radiology technology helps with different surgeries, without it we struggle more. With
my mentor we are finding ways for me to see all of this being done and learning the ways to
make this stuff easier.
Personal Connections: I personally haven’t had any experience with breast cancer and lung
cancer. The older women in my family have gotten checkups and I’ve heard that they are painful.
I hope there are easier ways for them to get their checkups without being in pain. This article was
surprising because I didn’t know that mammograms can also get you a free passage to also get
your lungs cheeked.
MLA Citation: Https://

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