Saving Class GO

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Cr"r rrrri SecrctcrY
; 'ffmil l ! , ' . 1' r i ' i r o t P l l y : a c h n l c
t ' e h r l ' 1 ,r: 'i . l . r r c c d n t i ' r n
OO/IilIIII{BIII OF TAI4IL NAUI . ., Cct,ir-,J /'i,/.r'tcchnis
ttluf.rut'tioo It:'
$.B51BA$, ...r,

Tccl:n1c,'rl j-<lucatlor Tcnclrcrs worlcltrg ltr Polytcclurlcs iuld

$pcci"nI Dlplorn trrstl- hrtlons - Ilcvlscct qurLllflcntlcrl
prcscri,l;c..i 'roltscq'.tc.tlt.
cLtRcvlscd-Pny scnlgg^- Pf otcctlcn to
qftLstr,.:g itrcru.tircntsruj.'t'liprc-rcvlscll qualJflcatlcltt -
-.-.- - -r !,;,jr.- -i).!r L:.'i-.'- - --
.\'fd ' -"''}
l I _ .
0 . O J ' l r : , l l o .f t J Drtccl tlrc t4tlr'Argust 1904.
t ' \
: Rondl- "';)t '

Fr--- ]tr,

) 6.'o,l4s,1oBI, lthrcatlcrr clatod J.0.Br89r' 'i t ' '
1 . r) Frqn tlic h:cslclcnt, Tar:ll IInftr 0cvarnncrlt'0fftilrrlq
.J:r1cn ciatccl 2A,2.9O.
' JR/gO rlntccl 21. 2.90rv 1'.
1v) Fro;r tlra &l(Ut1onnl .D[roctor'of Tcclurtcru].'Ecluintlcrr,
tcttcr 1319.t/AS/90-cl1tccl'Ii 10.?. ',';,.,,, ,
--- 'l '
,i' r-:
qIDItJ- - :: , ,: ; it i,.r,, , i, r
i '
.,,.1 2 ' i ' ' , "
r ' ' ' i " , '

In tj:e G.O. first roacl nbonre,tho Gouerrrnontlss\rcd

cndc.rgrc'" thc scnlcs 'of pry of tcaclrcrs \rcrrldng''{n
' Polytcciur-i-cs
mcl SpcclaL Dtplqra Insttttrtlcrls r rdrclcr tlic
control- of Tcr:l.tilt:?r-l-&.lucati crr kpartrrclrt rui.tli cff cct frcrr '
' Ii1.86 (norotagll bclieflt fro1 L.6.BB), In tle .fib-cx/c. G'0.,
'tii'''.. thc 0orcrurrcrt l:nvc 1s'succl ruxau otlrcrs, tlro f o1.1,:f^4rg
:'," qi: :r I


l ,
,s" *Tlic rocn,lt*drt to Instnrctor (tcnclrer)"o.1; fn
Polytcclurlcs ud spcclr.o Dlpl.cnn ltrstltutlars
rlls r:ontlrnrccl. liclucvcrI tlic odstltrg Itrstructcns slrnU
wl].l bo

. bc .rrexotccl as Assoclatc Lcctrtrcrs.,ils.'tulclwhoir tlroy

i';, a c q u l r c t l i c r c c l u l r c cD! .g r c a ' s l r 0 i f f c a ! 1 . o r r r . , , ' , , 1 , , '
lThc nlnlnrur quallflcntlcrr f ca nppolntrcnt to thc post of

t iAsso-"1at,cLcctnrcr wlll- bc,llrst- Class Bnchclor bgrce

iltr tlic ralcviurt cllsclpllnc. .; .
: : "t!"'
Tlrc cirl,atlru tcnclrcrs holcllru D.p1[nn quollflbntlcn
ulJ,l bc ilLlclvcd t,o contlnrrc,1ll tlrclr prcccn'b-J.crrcl,."' . . ,",
fhcy rulI] l:avc to ncqrrlrc tlic rcqulrcll dcgrc.c qrr0lflcntlor'
Tl:c Assoc{atc Lcctnrcr slrrulcl blnplctc' IO ycors(
$cnricc 1n ilrat lcvcl mcl slrcr[d also'pcnicss n'F1rst
C l a s s l n c i ; c l o r r s c l c 5 r c cl n & r g l n c c r 1 n 6 t o b c c c l r g a L c c t u r c r .

( p.t.o.)

/l -L ( (:t\l rS r- s) r ( u} ( l ccr :tfr lctc IO ycnr s cr f scr ytca l n

fili**'r*1 c','.,1 r::ril :'liall ! or:;Css a i,tiSti,f , S ,taguoo or
Il.:rclrc-!r'r I s <lcr'y.ro1rr l:n1-lncc11ng f or prorotl or ns'- Fbncl cyl.
t l :c [],.|;i t't,rtr-rrl .;.

&_rE1ir9gr1:r1; iurclli4rcrlcncc ofs ycars of scrylcc $11-l.bc- '
ciii'i"l;ic_ir: bccct:tca PrinclpnJ'. of polytcclurlc ol Sbccfr\l
Djp. o'rr T'rst,11;rrtl clrs. .
i)r l,lcn-&rr:lrucpttr6 q}rhJccts.ln 'rrf a polytaclilrtc (I
l,tastcr.' '.i-r'cr:uitl', rtT'ftnaikt trl ltic cvanf, mibjabf rnf f
bc rrlrriruur_quilllflcntlon fcr apfcdntnrcntto ilro pcBts of
A s s o c i . n i , cL c r 3 1 ; y 1 car s t g e l L n s L c c t r r r c r
2. Prior to tlic isgttc. of tha abcrvc cEdcrsr nppolntj:lcrlts
\rcrc r:ri'rrlc lrr\rcd on tlic qrlrillflcntlolln prcscrrircci 1ir'thc
ntlcs tlicr"rcxlstcri.. 1l:c. T.+rlll l,lattr.r pQ.{tcclir$c. Tcaglrcrs, .
].ryy1gi rr t,l tll__l.}l.t;*.tt i, r: ,
prc!rr:r-i.!i1..i. rr11of rr:'/1sc(l lr16llrcrqunllflclntlors f crr tonchcrct"
nff cctccl ln a,.
ars 0tliar
Xlli$l:,S{.?Ji,l*iil 1 *-m
c : , ' r ' l ; j - o l l :f : r c s ( l ' j " l > c i . i t r t l r i
at1 drt;-
Itc.r. gual1f1-
tlre }dsltc.r.
q rrn )i . i 'i :a l .:i<rri p rcsr :r ' i.l:ccl1n tir c- nilovc C.O.- flr o bcr yc
,_. -...s_-_i ;

rc(lrc.r,i; \lils tllf cussccl in

r,'1t.ri' !l,o by ilrc I{US$!!on'-',
FgsI":1.ry-. l[.!gli'{li{_l;;,[fd[ffi
S i{t.,2?.:,c, i.', lrns r:ersl,tgrccr--iiit;c,niitl;, SiiiopriocTci
- -- of i'L'r;i;rii
r:{ fl1r,,ntl_ crrrr;ls t.lier.c.f
c,io-rEqii=itAd-{b scnd . ,
rici,;::,,' ' I)rorl.;n]., il.sccl ot .[]ic tilsorss:La-1 of iiri"rilotfng,, ,
' m i
,)r Ttro r)lrcctcrr. .A
' prQrocn,l tct 1;l:c (icvc::tu:rcnt'f lp:llf,tgp,} -HU',fA!lcnrlrns,qo11p'.
0r Uid iil'orrdlor nt-ri.i'rifl,ttg, ."-
clnitsc to tl:,.: ,jr.rnl1{'lcrrtlcarspfCs.nibo,l 1n G.O.l,ts.l,lo.lOd1.
Eclrrcntion ctatcrtl-g.B.Bg tn crrocr-to probcct ,th.o,i;i;;;;;;t --
of tcii.i0l:crsr'riinrrcrc rorcacg 1n scrvicer, ,or rgda.ggai,-.
4. Trrc ccnrcrrlrc*t -axrurl,tcd', ilrc- propcEro of ilrc
DLrcct o1 oI' Tcr:l:nl cnJ- F<tucatl on qtacfacd ici- ncccpt
tltc l'cc(rt:ll:lc'!ltlnflcars
crf tltc Dlrcctor
-f oi Tcciurl'cnl &Jtrcnilcar.
. 'I'licY i\r:c016l-'i.111tyr
rU.rcct tlrnt,ttro off q,rfrig'onv1n6,cLn'bo ,.,
to ilrc q.rnllf.Lcnbitat prcscrlbcd 1n. G.0,.1{s:fOAf,F*uo"tf.(!l,,: -:
clatcrl L9.B.Bg bc protcct tire prolotlouo,-:':
q)p ort\tlri:tlc s of tlic c d stlirg lrrctu.rl:cnti-1c. - fustnr ctctts/
Assoclntc Lacturcrs iu-IclLcctrircrs.wlio wcrc,ln scrvlcc clll
l3.?n:ol i fi
d*f frtt*tfh{c rr1D!.p1
cnn,d;ii illr iiio 1,I
"i "5fill
, I i , " l:':;f{:i",.:'ll
. r l
. l r
' t.lrr$. ) shnll
bc. cllglble . f or , nppolirtncnt t o ilrc ._-
: .H:,S.fii:'ll'1,*S$lflair$":i;il;ii"
rlcgrcc qrrnlLft catl ot.


f -&
11 ) S l rrl 't
r n r] y i l ro sc
wlr o wsSs ln scr vl c
rrls er rg.8.Bg ng
c,,r, ",-:infotcct*iii';r-trrot
1,il nfi'ii-;i: "iiiii',io
F )roo-r..rt; nr lss"cr-n!.o llitoct,rrErl-*d {qr qBp_S'tnorr
iJrrl'"'iic:r.tiica y ccl-rlro lcctrucr ns
j-i'r'r-, u e
9 r c orrt
s':ccil-',rc-or'-diiE-hnss ; - n i J " g o $ n 1 1 f 1 c a-frgrco.
tlcar ilrc n.g.
A Tlrcy .-r-socllrcct. tint 1r orclor
tcnc:l:'i's -t,r'r,ri.riii. to protcct ,ro
scrn/ir..c( .rt 10.B.ijg su' iniii *n"o nlrcn<ly
r-r,i,o['tf,;-i;iiili,.r,e sau_trleclnusc 1'
r;;,{il.o.:crlr,cai,i- c .iilil,. to t]ic
i& r, &*rcatlcrr,anrqd
l; i i ;, ;, il:
i) T]iosc,Yltl!:targ1' s9w!9c-ls^
J sr,r.:1ntS rnstructor.on
D;';1..,6orrat_ifi^,"if ^.lo crr
_rs.B. c ;i!{ t?oofor,o
i ciil or 9,
v il,)iir:i,1; o 1116pc,.11.
,"r,rriJ,cct;urcr 1*c,Jpbctivc-
f crr
ol A"ri,.f uto Lc r.:i;rrrcr
irr t:!ir:l{nslcrt s OiE"oo qrrallf.l ;i;; clnss o'talircd
"i, catlclr.
, il) T l : o s c r . r l : or v c l-raistcr
c ln
I' : ': ,;lrrce rd.{i: l i Trv l g a n s c r r 1 0 . B . B g a s
t . L s oi ) g c 1 1 g . r l : 1 cf
,,ii c,fp:p
s crcgrce c* catl car shnrr. -
c ' i ' 3{,ffi1lHJi,,J,,3.r8 ' ! l t c n 1 * n:;il
; ; ' , , ; l , i " ? r : l - 1 " ' c c : 1 n s s ^ o b t a l r r i ar r y ,rc
6. '_r ;as 1s
rcqttcstcrl t'n "f.:::"TT:I.ll*,;-.*,;,,
llccc::snry praosr.os io flra'cl
&'rl'c:'/\r ricx: nrr-cs l:asccl .ot flro spcclnl
tH.o cxccutlvc 'rrlcr :.n,ilclatcr.y.
(ny rnDEn ordTHtr,0q/EnNrdt) I I
llr I :

\ Io
"r[ij',,'ill] -!2s,
frii: ffiiil,l
*',iT ''.r"
f,i;: fl,::::::,.,T^1::l* ","3t1
l"e.ri'[i I Iljiff
cqpv Lb
--"I; cc1lc: f ,.rt s
;ii, t-, lL l'1n6111-
0ovcr tlr crrt PoJ.ytccl url c
".li+]Mur--r'rn otr' ccrrtri"o poivlo clurrl
h -
--:_.-__--_:_:_.. s,r-u.
";-"d;;;a!u i
Gf.I r..tcctl
",nffitl r.L,.i,, sati ctl r l,laclras_g.
lrl tr c.r o:r (1',,s) scc.bl6n;-iir]il-r]g (to
tatc f o't c,v,up actlor)
/f cnwor<lcol
By crrlor./



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