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Presentation Techniques: Your Task

Your Task for this module has 2 parts:


Answer the questions below based on what you learned in the module. You will present and
discuss your answers during the live session.

Question 1: What is the goal of presentation phases in the lesson? ________

_ Lesson goals will be for students to learn particular vocabulary, expressions or grammatical
structures so that they can communicate in different situations. You help your students by
presenting the language they need

Question 2: Why do we present language rather than explaining language? How do we do this?

Presenting language in context and building an association of ideas helps the student to
understand. Making links between what students know and what they are learning will help
them fit the new language with structures and expressions they are already using.

Question 3: What is the general structure of our presentation techniques? What are the goals
of each step? _

_Typically, presentation techniques for new language have a 3-step structure:

We build logically to the new expression or structure using lead-in questions. During the lead
in, we use vocabulary or structures that the student is already familiar with. (Lead In) We
present the new language in a statement. For beginner and elementary lessons, we will
encourage the student to try out the new language immediately, by repeating it. (Statements for
Repetition) We confirm that the student understands and can use the new language by
prompting him to use it again in a new example. (Confirmation)

Question 4: What does it mean to present language “in context”? Why do we do this? ______it
means _______________________________________________________________________
showing an object or an illustration and Naming it. Visual clues provide a clear context.

_because by showing a pic or object language can be made clear simply

Question 5: Why is it important for students to USE the new language in sentences? __When
the student use the new language in sentences_We confirm that the student understands and
can use the new language

so we prompt him to use it with new examples____and repititions


Prepare to present new vocabulary and grammar. Use the materials for your demo that are
provided in your Learning Plan, as a task for this module.

You will present and then use Q&A to practice the language with your ‘students’ during your live

The handouts for this module will help as you prepare this demo.

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