Hesi Helpful Hints

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Hesi Helpful Hints

Diabetes self management program

Enables clients to become more active participants in controlling the disease

Patient with saline lock wants to shower

Tape a plastic bag over the IV site

Picc line- what to assess

Observe antecubital fossa for inflammation

Postmenauposal- assess thyroid function

Patient will have cold sensitivity

Cerebral palsy- pathophysiology

Brain damage not progressive but have variable course

Ventricular fibrillation- 1st action

Defribilate with one shock

IV site tenderness- needs intervention if there is

Red streak tracking the vein

Native American- spiritual

Participates actively in all treatment regimen

Radiation therapy- breast cancer

Gently pat the skin dry after rinsing with water

Improper inhaler use

Patient states “after I squeeze the inhaler and swallow, I always feel a slight
wave of nausea”

HIV- readiness for medication for asymptomatic patient

Patient is willing to comply with complex drug schedules

Hospitalized adolescent- demands mom to stay with her

Explain to the mom that she is probably feeling insecure

Emergency room nurse transferred to OB. What assignment to give her

Mother with infected episiotomy

Acute pancreatitis history – patient will state

They drink alcohol until intoxicated
Patient needing kidney transplant says he found a kidney online
Advise patient that it is a criminal offense to buy organs online

CVA Patient- needs speech therapy referral if

They have persistent coughing while drinking

Patient to assess 1st

Bowel obstruction due to volvulus that is experiencing abdominal rigidity

Osteoarthritis – pathophysiology
Destruction of joint cartilage
Know that a primary line hangs lower than the secondary line. This is a picture question
and you will have to click on the tube of the primary line
Last opportunity for a near-miss medication error
When determining patient identity at bedside

Saline lock- sodium is 150 with distended neck veins

Monitor for bilateral lung sounds

Chest tube detached

Prepare a new water seal system and reattach the chest tube

PCA Pump- morphine

Make sure to initiate the dosage lockout mechanism

Prominent U waves- select all that apply

Assess for ST depression
Get 12 lead
Check current potassium

Emergency room- coughing with fever in the last 24 hours. What to do first
Place a mask on patient face

Audio Question is S1 and S2. Know normal heart sounds.

TB Patient who needs a private room but there is patient in the only private room.
Intervention is to move the patient that is in that room and give it to the TB patient
because the TB patient needs to be in an isolated private room

Histamine 2 receptor- how it works

Decreases amount of HCL secretions by the parietal cells in the stomach

Diabetic screening for patients who are not at risk

Primary prevention
Aluminum hydroxide
Notify health care provider if patient is also taking allopurinol (zyloprim)

Antibiotic given in 4 divided doses. When to give

1000, 1600, 2200, 0400 (around the clock)

Be familiar with the dorsal plantar flexion. This is when the foot goes up and down while
the patient is laying down. Heel does not lift from the bed; just the foot bending up and
down. This is a picture question and it will ask you the picture to show the dorsal plantar

Monitor for chest pain and dysrhythmia

Heparin therapy
Observe urine for hematuria

High protein diet

Tuna fish with chips and ice cream

Antihistamines treat: (select all that apply)

Allergic rhinitis
Contact dermatitis

Patient that can transfer to medical unit

Chronic liver failure with Hgb of 10

Cystic Fibrosis-
25% chance that a child will get this if parents are carriers

Depressed patient who won’t communicate

Encourage in non-threatening conversations

Delegate to LPN
Had a laparoscopic cholecystectomy the previous day

Risk for cervical cancer

History of unprotected sex with multiple partners

Taking blood pressure- contradiction

Lymphedema in both arms

“flea bite” type of rash in newborn

Common newborn rash, will disappear after several days
DKA patient who experiences increased thirst
Tell them to give themselves a dose of regular insulin

Gastric endoscopy-
Post-procedure patients’ most common complaint is a sore throat

Mitral stenosis at 28 weeks gestation

Investigate if patient has persistent cough

An LPN can be delegated an assignment that includes wound care for a patient with stage
4 ulcer

Antisocial personality disorder will have history of

Multiple convictions for misdemeanors and class B felonies

Anxiety- expected outcome

Patient will use coping mechanisms effectively

Increased laxative use in elderly

Will have increased magnesium

Patient will have increased levels of calcium

Mental health patient who is suicidal

Intervention is to have them sign a no self harm contract

Patient with enlarged pancreas

Do not palpate

Take on empty stomach or 2 hours after meals

Guillain-barre syndrome. Important to monitor

2-3 weeks after patient experiences infection

Schizophrenia patient sitting in corner talking to himself

Approach the patient and ask if he/she is hearing voices

The only fluid compatible with blood products is normal saline

Gagging in newborn is normal

Know normal PT and INR levels. There is a question where it is asking for which lab
needs intervention
Evaluation of gestational trophoblastic disease
Make sure patient stays on contraceptive for 1 year (it is important to educate
women who experience this that they cannot get pregnant for 1 year after. Use

Used to improve sleep

Assess for increased temperature

Positive fern test means

Water is broken and patient is in labor

Septic shock-
Will have peripheral vasodilation

Tube feeding for 2 month old

Hold baby with head slightly elevated and supported

Psoriasis- show acceptance by

Shaking patient hand (because psoriasis is not contagious!)

Decrease in serum potassium

Depressed patient who suddenly starts acting happier and talking more needs to be
closely monitored! It means they are at higher risk for suicide

Crohn disease
Abd pain
Weight loss

Dialysis patient-
Do not give blood pressure medications when the patient is receiving dialysis!

Low Sodium diet-

Pick the diet with the baked chicken

Know the proper way to get a urine sample from a catheter

Increase calcium levels
Celiac disease
No gluten

There are a few priority questions- know that the nursing process cannot be delegated to
the LPN! This includes receiving report for a new admission. RN must receive the report,
not the LPN.

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