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Business Idea

● How to start
● First be confident in making decision
● When you done with the homework
or make any kind of idea then ask the about this idea from your mentor
● Then slowly and gradually take the first step
● Be persistence what work you do
● And last but the first and most important that make dua from Allah everyday and in every
situation whether it is difficult situation or easy
● Always faith and trust Allah S W T

When your plan don't work

● If you made only one plan than it is the sign of worry bcz whenever you tried to do a
business at least make three plans if one of them don't work apply the second one and
the plan one who failed to make an impact don't throw from your business it will be
helpful for you in your future
● Whatever you earned invest most of the profit for e.g That you gain profit of 1000 rupees
invest at least 500 rupees if you invest 700 rupees than you have left 300 rupees which
will be used for your daily needs only and for your saving
● Firstly invest in your own business to raise your small business into big ones
● When your business becomes healthier then you find various types of investment which
should be outside of your business like property and in mudaribat
● And in the run of play don't forget Allah Paak in any kind of situation
“And the conclusion is
be persistence be the
hard worker and always
Trust and faith on Allah
Paak and make dua from
Allah Paak in every day
and in every situation”

May Allah Paak help you in every situation Aameen 

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