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Professional Development Plan

Complete the chart below to plan your professional development over the next 2-3 years. Be sure your goals are specific and

Goal #1: Goal #2: Goal #3:

Create an effective learning Begin working on Maser’s Program Create effective lesson plans
environment in new classroom. in curriculum and instruction. throughout the year to meet
standards and needs of kids.
Rationale: Why As a first year teacher, it is important to Since I am finishing my Bachelor’s in My current school has team planning
did you choose have an effective classroom set up in a few short weeks, I have thought long which makes the planning process
this goal? How do order to set myself up for success and hard about my educational journey much easier, however my school next
you expect it to throughout the year. and how I want to continue bettering year is in a different district that does
improve the myself for the sake of my students. not have team planning and we only
Getting my Master’s in curriculum and meet with the curriculum specialist
outcomes of your
instruction will absolutely help with once per week.
future students? ensuring I create effective lessons for
my students now and in the future.
End Date: By Should be completed by the first day of The program is 18 months long so if I I am hoping to have mastered
when do you school on August 1st, 2019 (ready the start it in late June, I will expect to be creating effective lesson plans that
expect to moment the kids come in so done in January of 2021. meet all the standards and kids needs
accomplish this expectations are set high right away). by the end of the year in May 2020.
Action Timeline: I started by meeting with my new I will set up a calendar to ensure I meet I will be attending meetings over the
What steps will principal to see the classroom, see what all important dates and due dates and summer to learn the different
you take to is already provided and create a class use the material that I learn about when curriculum that the school uses, as
complete this goal, wish list that the school can provide. creating my own curriculum. well as meeting with the curriculum
and by when will My next steps will be to seek advice specialist to create an effective first
from other fifth grade teachers on two weeks of lesson plans. I will then
you take them?
important things to consider in a continue my planning every week
Example: when kids go to specials.
classroom set up and begin putting
1/31/18: Join things together in June (once keys to
AACTE class are given).

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Resources: What The principal, school district, fellow co- The school that I am going to has a There are many online resources that
resources are workers and online resources will help curriculum specialist that I will meet I can use, I can bounce ideas off of
available to assist me to accomplish this goal. with every week, I think using her as a other fifth grade teachers, and the use
you in resource during my program will really of our curriculum specialist.
accomplishing help me to stay on track and implement
what I have learned into my
your goal? curriculum.

© 2019 Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved

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