ID Pergaulan Bebas Dan Hamil Pranikah

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2. A 26 y.o. girl complains to surgeon with small cystic tumour around the right wrist. An X-
ray revealed a cystic mass, no distortion of bone shape. Biopsy was performed and microscopic
showed a cyst surrounded by fibrocollagenous tissue. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Synovitis
B. Bursitis
C. Ganglion cyst
D. Osteomyelitis
E. Rheumatoid arthritis

3. A 46 y.o. male had pain and swelling for 3 months on his hips and thigh. Culture result
shows yellowish substance
Ans. : Liposarcoma

4. 70 y.o. woman, come with complete fracture of the neck of femur after falling down. Lab
results show serum calcium normal and bone mass density T score -2.5. What’s the most
contributing factors for this condition?
A. Vit. D deficiency
B. Post menopausal bone loss
C. Chondroma
D. …

5. 60 y.o. man with history of hyperuricemia came with ulcerated painless nodule on his right
big toe. Chalky material is..
A. Pannus
B. Tophus
C. Abscess

6. A man presented with 1.5 cm mass in sternum region. It was because of chondroblastoma.
What cells proliferated in this event?
A. Osteoblast
B. Osteocyte
C. Chondroblast
D. Chondrocyte
E. Chondroclast

7. A 6 y.o. kid comes to ER due to fever and pain on his knee. There’s tenderness and mild
swelling on his left proximal tibia. What lab test is appropriate?
A. Blood culture
E. Electrolyte

8. 30 y.o. male has chronic discharging sinus from his left leg. He had tibia fracture a year
before, taken care by traditional bone setter. He is able to walk, bowing, and shortening of the
leg. Sometimes he feels pain. Findings in X-Ray?
A. Sunburst appearance
B. Abscess
C. Non-union fracture
D. Involucrum
E. Brodie’s lesion

10. What nerve runs around the neck of fibula? Common fibular nerve.

11. A 10 y.o. girl got hit on her anterior tibia. What structure of tibia is damaged?
Tibial tuberosity

12. A man can’t walk due to pain in his upper left leg. What nerve is injured?
A. L1-L5
B. L2-L4 (Femoral N.)
C. L5-S1
D. L3-L5

13. Fracture on the neck of femur. What artery is possibly ruptured? Medial (and lateral)
circumflex femoral artery.

15. A person can’t extend his antebrachia. What nerve is injured in this case?
A. Ulnar nerve

B. Radial nerve
C. Median nerve
D. Axillary nerve
D. Musculocutaneous nerve

16. Mr. Hadi fell from motorcycle and had fracture at the shoulder joint. Which fossa of scapula
is connected with head of humerus?
A. Supraspinous fossa
B. Glenoid fossa
C. Infraspinous fossa
D. Subscapular fossa

No number: A 6 y.o. child has a history of leg pain and fever. Walking doesn’t aggravate the
pain. PE shows tenderness over the upper tibia. There’s no pain on passive joint movement,
and there’s full range of movement on the knee. X-ray of the tibia is normal and the WBC
count is 18k. At this stage, it is decided to admit the child to hospital. What’s the most likely
A. Acute leukemia
B. Juvenile RA
C. Osteomyelitis
D. Osteosarcoma
E. Septic Arthritis

What innervates gluteus maximus? N. gluteus inferior.

A 25 y.o. man had a tibial fracture one month ago. He came for physicial and
radiographic exam. There’s normal bone healing, what cell is involved in the process?
A. Osteocyte
B. Osteoblast
C. Osteoclast
D. Osteoid
E. ..

Softening of cartilage on the knee is because

A. Decreased proteoglycan
B. Decreased collagen
C. Dead chondrocyte
D. Vascularization ….. (?)

17. supraglenoid yg attach muscle apa? Bicep brachii caput longum

Kalau Infraglenoid: Tricep brachii caput longum

18. what part Scapulae articulation with clavicle ?

a. Acromion
b. Supraglenoidale

20. Lubricant diartrotic joint systhesized dimana?

A. (lupa)
B. Synovium membrane
C. (lupa)
D. Annulus fibrosum
E. Fibrous capsule

21. a 28 years old runner played futsal, fell down, injured his knee joint. he complained a severe
pain in his right knee joint. later, his right knee joint has been swollen. the doctor showed his
radiograph with fractured patella, and torn patellar ligament. which muscles possible
a. adductor magnus m.
b. biceps femoris m.
c. rectus femoris m.
d. sartorius m.
e. vastus medialis m.

22. Injured knee joint, severe pain right knee, knee joint swollen torn patella ligament,
impaired apa? Knee Extension

23. nyambung sama soal 21, nerve apa yg ke compressed? N. femoralis

25. ada mild tenderness, ada subchondal sclerosis dan osteophytes. diagnosis?

26. Pemain rugby, habis di tackle, knee twisted. Ga bisa weightbearing, The pain is
progressive on the medial knee. What structure is injured?

A. Medial colateral ligament (?)

B. Lateral colateral ligament
C. Medial meniscus

27. A 65 years old woman presents with pain, stiffness, and swelling of her knees. Physical
examination reveals marked knee crepitus. Reconstructive surgery is performed and the
resected bone reveals deconstruction of articular cartilage. Which of the following best
describe the etiology of the woman's disease :
A. Presence of anti IgG antibody
B. Wear and tear destruction of articular cartilage
C. Deficient enzyme in metabolic pathway involving tyrosine
D. Deposition of needle-shaped negatively birefringent crystals
E. Deposition of short, rhomboid shape, positively birefringent crystals

28. 65 years old female have experience pain, stiffness, swelling on the knee,
and krepitus. reconstructive surgery was done, destruction of articular cartilage
was seen on the biopsy. etiology?
JAWABAN: wear&tear destruction of articular cartilage

29. A 55 year old man has pain on his right knee for several years. The pain
increases upon activity. Joint aspiration show which of the following changes:
A. Degradation of hyaline articular cartilage
B. Hyperplasia of synovial membrane
C. Underlying bone osteomyelitis
D. Fibrous dysplasia
E. Crystal deposition in joints

30. old man 60 y.o, have progressive erosion of articular cartilage, subchondral sclerosis and
formation of osteophyte. occur in joints of hands and vertebrae over decade. on examination
shows joint tender but no swelling. what is the diagnosis?
A. lyme disease
B. Osteoarthritis

C. Rheumathoid Arthritis
D. Remote Fracture
E. Osteoporosis

32. A 10 yo boy develop fever, chill, and left leg pain. Upper leg pain started from 3-4 days
ago. No history of trauma on that area. Medical history only otitis at age 2 and 7. There is
swelling and tenderness on his left distal femur. (WBC 1500, normal diff count, ESR 58, blood
culture shows gram + cocci). How did he get the infection?
A. Airborne
B. Fecal-oral
C. Direct spread
D. Hematogenous
E. Lymphogenitic

33. A 40-year-old man was admitted to the hospital because he was suffering from tuberculosis.
Pathology: Caseous necrosis in the macrophage epithelioid at the site of bacterial infection. Which
inflammation type is suitable for the patient?
A. Chronic suppurative
B. Granulomatous
C. Acute suppurative
D. Chronic active
E. Ulcer

35. A 9-year-old boy present to the emergency department with intense pain on upper left leg since
yesterday. He has refused to walk since yesterday. He denied any previous trauma. He has fever and
sore throat since 3 days ago. No tenderness on proximal left tibia. What is the most appropriate
response to this condition?
A. Hospital admission + IV antibiotic
B. Order MRI
C. Cold pack
D. Outpatient
E. Pain management

36. A 76-year-old lady develops osteomyelitis vertebrae. The gram stain is gram positive cocci in
cluster. Which is the most possible cause?
B. Staphylococcus aureus
C. Streptococcus pyogenes

D. Streptococcus
Prophylaxis for S.aureus: Vancomycin

38. A 60 year old women with weight 80kg and height 165cm complaint about pain in both knee when
she walks since 6 months ago. She also feels temporary stiff knees for less than ten minutes after
waking up in the morning. What is the most probable cell that affected in this condition?
A. Chondrocytes
B. Osteoclast
C. Leucocytes
D. Macrophages
E. Synoviocytes

41. What differs cartilage from the other?

A. ECM rich collagen
B. Predominant cell type is a mesenchymal
C. Predominant cell type secrets proteoglycan
D. Lack of blood vessels
E. Mechanical support

42. Bagian cartilage yang mana yg kaya akan proteoglycan dan poor collagen?
A. Epiphysial plate
B. Fibrocartilage
C. Teritorium

45. Pernyataan paling tepat dari compact bone

A. Di orang dewasa,… epiphyseal plate is closed
B. Dikenal sebagai cancellous bone
C. Terdapat osteon
D. …

47. A 20 year old man has sharp and almost constant pain on his right knee. The pain has been present
for 2 months and is associated with swelling on the knee. On radiographic, there is "bulky, sclerotic
lesion". The sclerotic spreads to the extra-osseous tissue with sunray streamer radio-opaque. What is
most likely bone disorder?
A. Hyperparathyroidism
C. Osteomyelitis

D. Osteosarcoma
E. Paget's disease

49. A 10 year-old boy was brought to a clinic because of back pain for around one month
especially while bending. His mother also noted that her son's left shoulder is slightly higher
than the right. On physical examination the doctor found that Adam's test was positive but no
length discrepancy. What is the most appropriate examination to diagnose this patient?
A. Standing PA and lateral X-ray
B. Spine MRI
C. Spine CT-scan
D. Left lateral decubitus X-ray
E. Supine lateral X-ray

51. 51. woman >50 years old come with a lower back pain after a fall in the toilet. x ray of the
sacrolumbar spine shows compression fracture at L4 and multiple lytic lesion on the thoracic
chest X-ray.
a. ankylosing spondylitis
b. fibromyalgia
c. multiple myeloma
d. osteoarthritis

52. A 19 year-old medical student has a fractured radius. He is concerned that his healed
fracture won't be strong enough for football. You tell him that he has particular cells that
produces osteoid and promote mineralization in fracture healing leading to bone strength.
What cell are these?
A. Chondroblast
B. Chondrocytes
C. Osteoblast
D. Osteoclast
E. Osteocyte

53. 4 month baby girl has shorter lower limb. it limits the abduction in flexion of lateral hip.
no trauma and infection before. she likes to be wrapped so tight. Cause?
a. pelvic twistted
b. scoliosis

c. malunion of femur
d. congenital abnormality of femur
e. developmental dysplasia of the hip

56. While examining a piece of supporting tissue from a knee joint, you notice many cells
located in lacuna, some of which are groups of clusters of 2 or more cells. The matrix is
homogenous. Which is the following supporting are you examining?
A. Hyaline cartilage
B. Elastic cartilage
C. Fibrous cartilage
D. Compact bone

58. 30 year old man present with pain and swelling on his right knee for 2 years. The skin of
his proximal cruris look swollen and inflamed. What is the probable finding?
A. isolated e.coli on culture
B. increasing of plasma level on wbc
C. fever and systemic involvement
D. osteolysis on x ray

59. A 70 yo man tiba tiba sharp pain while gardening, Physical exam vital sign normal, ada
pain wktu bending and twisting. X-ray shows compression fracture at L4-L5. Diagnosisnya
apa? Osteoporosis

61. 50 years old woman, ada symmetrical pain di mcp, di kasih obat ibuprofen, ditanya
mechanism dari obat??
a.similar to anti-inflammation corticosteroid
d. selektif menghambat cox 2

62. seorang perempuan, 66 thn sudah memiliki 4 org anak, sedang menjalankan hormone
replacement therapy. dia terkena asma 5 thn yg lalu dan skrg membutuhkan regular medication
dan obat inhale (Corticosteroid menyebabkan bone loss). asmanya mengganggu pekerjaan
ny sehari2. minggu lalu, dia trip from her cat (?) and fracture her hip. sebaiknya dilakukan
pemeriksaan apa?
A. multiple side mri

B. ultrasound blabla..
C. X-ray spine
D. DXA (Bone densitometry)

65. Dorong troli trs jenis contractionnya apa?


66. Myasthenia gravis: muscle easy to fatigue and weak. What neurotransmitter is used for
muscle contraction?

a. Serotonin
b. ...
c. Acetylcholine
d. dopamine
e. ...

67. Neuron yg dipake buat sustained muscle stretch

a. static gamma motor neuron, nuclear chain fiber, intrafusal

68. A marathon runner. What's the appropriate characteristic muscle TYPE 1.......

a. fast cyclo

d. high oxydase activity (slow twitch, rich vascularization, not-so-large diameter)

69. Hubungan length-tension relationship dgn overstretched muscle?

Optimal contraction, max contraction, less contraction, max tension, less tension



72. which of the following statement about pathogenic mechanism in autoimmunity is correct

a. RA are DNA-anti-DNA immune-complexes found in arthritic joints

b. in grave's disease, an auto-antibody found commonly in patients binds to the TSH
receptor & kills the thyroid cell
c. relief can be obtained in some immune disease by blocking the effect of the
inflammatory cytokines produced
d. in SLE, the various anti-nuclear antibodies produced in patient are highly
pathogenic bcs these can bind to the nuclear antigens & cause the cell to undergo

e. cytotoxic t cells don't play a major role in autoimmune disease bcs the auto-antigens
involved are either nucleic acid or carbohydrates

73. before taking another treatment, the doctor gives the patient a non narcotic .... to decrease
the inflammation and pain. diketahui jg pasien 6 months pregnant. what's best NSAID
treatment for this patient?

a. Acetaminophen
b. Aspirin
c. Ibuprofen
d. Methypyrin (?)
e. Mefinic acid




77. wanita datang dengan symptoms RA, (bone erosion pada jari2 tangan, morning stiffness
lebih dari 1.5 jam) sudah konsumsi MTX dan prednisone, tapi symptoms tidak hilang,
treatment selanjutnya apa? Etanecerp (TNF inhibitor)



80. A 19 year old male with HIV has back pain for the last 4 weeks. There is ZN stain showing

Obat untuk TBC?

Rifampicin, streptomycin, pyraziramide,

81. 15 years old boy come with pain in th ankle, when the x-ray performed "sunray"
appareance is found, what is the another possible finding?

d. codman's triangle


84. After lifting a box, a man suddenly felt excruciating pain on his anterior and medial part of
thigh. The doctor diagnosed him with herniated intervertebral disk at L3 which compresses the
spinal nerve where it should come out of the spinal collum. Where is the point of compression?
Intervertebral foramen

85. Herniated vertebral disc is characterized by radiating pain due to compression of spinal
nerve. Part of anatomical structure that compresses the spinal nerve at herniated
intervertebral disc is :
A. Intervertebral disc

B. Vertebral body
C. Vertebral disc
D. Annulus Fibrosus
E. Nucleus Pulposus

60 y.o. lady, radiograph shows complete femoral neck fracture. Serum calcium level is normal,
T score -2.5. Which of the following conditions is the most contributing to this fracture?
B. Vit. D deficiency
C. Post menopausal bone loss
D. Chronic Osteomyelitis

88. A 3 month-old baby. Her mother notices that her left lower limb is shorter than the right.
There’s also limitation on abduction in flexion of the hip. What may be the cause?
A. Pelvic tilt
B. Scoliosis
C. Malunion of the left femur
D. Congenital absence of the hip
E. Developmental dysplasia of the hip

90. A boy suffers a persistent painless limping favoring left leg for 6 months. He has nearly
full abduction. What treatment should he be given?
A. Hip joint aspirate and culture
B. Pelvic X-Ray
C. Wait for 3 month, and then ultrasound

91. A kid feels pain in his knee following an injury. His movement is unstable, and the doctor
recommends to conduct investigation on his cruciate ligament. What is the most appropriate
imaging test?
A. Plain radiograph
B. Ultrasound
C. CT Scan
D. Bone scintigraphy

E. Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

92. A 45 y.o. man presented with acute pain of big toe and knee at night. Physical examination
revealed joint inflammation and a nodular lesion adjacent to the big toe. Joint fluid aspirate is
performed. What fluid analysis test most likely to establish the diagnosis?
A. Total cell count and differential count
B. Gram stain and bacterial culture
C. Cytology
D. Gross appearance.
E. Crystal identification with polarized microscopy

93. Pathogenic mechanism of autoimmune disease:

A. Relief can be obtained by reducing effects of inflammatory cytokines.
B. In SLE, …
C. In Grave’s Disease, …
D. Antinuclear antibody is ….

95. 38 y.o. woman with anticonvulsant medication 12 years ago, complain about diffuse
skeletal pain and tenderness. Decrease physical activity. Radiology shows less bone density,
trabeculae loss, less cortices, with radioluscent band. What is the disorder?
A. Hyperparathyroidism
B. Osteomalacia
C. Osteoporosis
D. Hyperthyroidism
E. Paget’s disease

99. 34 y.o. man came with pain in his left knee since 2 weeks ago, especially in the morning
for more than 1.5 hours. He also felt pain in his Achilles. 1 month before, he got chronic
diarrhea. Rheumatic factor was negative. What is your diagnosis?
A. Osteoarthritis
B. Reactive arthritis (Reiter’s Syndrome)
C. Rheumatoid Arthritis
D. Osteonecrosis (Avascular necrosis)
E. Gout Arthritis


Radiographic finding is shown

above. What is the diagnosis?
Medial malleolar fracture

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