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Kuncoro Triandono Mukti1, Desti Mina rahayu2 and Anggunmeka Luhur Prasasti3
Computer Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Telkom University
Bandung, Indonesia
1, 2, 3

Abstract — Human pulse is important or wrist. The development of portable technology is

information to know the physiological and quite rapid and researchers have developed new
psychological conditions of human beings. The techniques to measure HR without using ECG
pulse is directly related to the heart rate because signals. The method used to obtain heart rate data is
the pulse is the result of changes in blood volume using optical data obtained from
in the pulse caused by heart activity that pumps Photoplethysmograph (PPG) measurement
blood throughout the body periodically. The technique. The camera's optical sensor captures
heart rate ratio changes depending on the skin discoloration caused by changes in blood
physiological and psychological conditions that vessel volume as a result of cardiac activity that
affect it. Measurement of heart rate ratio in the pumps blood throughout the body [4].
medical world generally use ECG
(Electrocardiogram) or BPM (Blood Pressure In order to change the skin color can be
Measurement). By using the principle on PPG captured by the sensor then in some areas of the
techniques, it is possible that the camera can skin is given the illumination of LED light (Light
also be used as a sensor to capture color changes Eminting Diode). By using the principle on PPG
due to volume changes in the blood vessels. By techniques, it is possible that the camera can also
extracting the video data containing the pulse be used as a sensor to capture color changes due to
activity information, PPG signals can be volume changes in the blood vessels. By extracting
obtained. The PPG signal is obtained from the the video data containing the pulse activity
color changes that occur in the microvascular information, PPG signal can be obtained. Beat-to-
tissue under the skin due to changes in blood beat data from PPG signals provides information
volume. about the HR values calculated based on the
This paper review various studies related to average number of pulses in a single unit of time. If
PPG based on video to determine the heart rate the value of HR can be known through video data
ratio. obtained by the camera then it is possible that the
camera can be used as a tool for monitoring the
Keywords — PhotoPlethysmoGraphy, health condition that is easy and can be used by
Heart Rate, Review everyone [9].
The heart rate (HR) stores important
information to reveal some aspects of human
The heart in humans is a very important organ
health. In order for information related to heart rate
because it plays a role to pump blood carrying
to be known then the heart rate should be
measured. Heart rate is measured by the number of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. The
beats in a minute (beat per minutes / bpm). The human heart is controlled by a series of electrical
pattern of measured heart rate can indicate the level discharges from certain local nodes within the heart
of fitness, the presence of the disease, stress or muscle. The electrical charge of a particular node
fatigue, and blockage in the arteries due to diabetes travels through the heart muscle and stimulates
or high cholesterol levels [3]. contraction in a coordinated way to pump
deoxygenated blood through the lungs (for
Measurement of heart rate for medical benefit
in general using Electrocardiogram (ECG). This
measurement technique is commonly used in
medical standards, but requires specialized tools
and trained resources. Another device that can be
used to measure the pulse rate is the Blood Pressure
Measurement which is commonly used on the arm
oxygenation) and back into the vascular system [8]. Detector) to detect any change of blood volume in
blood vessels. Light can be transmitted through
capillary tissue (capillary bed). When arterial
pulsation fills capillary tissue, changes in vessel
volume alter absorption, reflection, and scattering
of light. PPG signals generally have different
shapes with ECG signals. However, there is a
corresponding signal pattern capable of showing R-
R intervals, The matching pattern of PPG and ECG
signals is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1. Source of electrical stimulation nodes in

the heart [8]
Figure 2. The corresponding PPG and ECG signal
In the normal heart, each pulse begins with patterns
stimulation of the sinoatrial node (SA) in the right
Figure 3 shows the form of
atrium (see Figure 1) which causes depolarization
Photoplethysmography signal consisting of Direct
of the heart muscle in the region. The impulse
Current (DC) and Alternating Current (AC) signal
spreads from the SA node to depolarize the atrium
components. The DC component of the PPG signal
(over two cavities). The electrical signal then
comes from the fixed light transmitted or refracted
reaches the atrioventricular (AV) node, located in
from the body tissues. The AC component shows
the right atrium. This condition causes the heart to
changes in blood volume that occur between the
beat with a frequency between 100-120 bpm. If the
systolic and diastolic phases of the cardiac cycle.
impulse from the SA node is not up to the AV node
the basic frequency of the AC component depends
then the AV node takes over part of the heart trigger
on the heart rate and is superimposed on the DC
but with a lower frequency between 40-60 bpm [8].

Photoplethysmography is a noninvasive
optical technique [7] to measure changes in blood
volume based on variations in the intensity of light
passing or reflected by human organs. Light
emitted in body tissues can be absorbed by
different substances, such as skin pigment, bone,
arterial blood and veins. Changes in blood flow are
most prevalent in arteries and arterioles [6]. It's just
that PPG Technique is quite sensitive to motion
artifacts, in research [13] proposed Techniques to
reduce the effects of motion artifacts using
accelerometers. Several other studies use digital
cameras and PPG Techniques to detect human
resources by using normal ambient light as a source
of illumination [5,9,14,15,16]. PPG is also used on
smartphones to monitor human physiology [17,18]. Figure 3. Variation of Light Absorption by Body
Network [6]
Photoplethysmography uses light source from
LED (Light Emitting Diode) and PD (Photo
considerable distance (> 1m) using ambient light

The basic principle of video plethysmography is

the same as the basic principle of PPG. The most
fundamental difference in video plethysmography
Figure 4. PPG configuration mode (a) is to use image processing to process the data and
transmission mode, (b) reflectance mode [6] extract the data into a signal that represents the
human pulse activity. Color space (color space)
Photoplethysmography has two modes, the used in most video recording devices is RGB (Red
transmission mode and the reflectance mode as Green Blue). In this color space, color is
seen in Figure 4. In transmission mode, the light represented as a mixture of red, green, and blue.
transmitted through the medium / tissue is detected Color space is also called colour coordinate system
by PD (Photo Diode) opposite the LED source. (represented by color coordinate system)
This transmission mode is capable of obtaining represented in three-dimensional coordinate system
relatively better signals, but where the as in Figure 5 (a). R = G = B = 0 represents black
measurement is limited. To be effective, the color while Rmax = Gmax = Bmax = Max
transmission mode sensor must lie in the body at represents white or maximum intensity. Different
the part where transmitted light can be detected combinations of R, G, and B values give rise to
immediately, such as the finger, nasal septum, different color visualizations as seen in Figure 5
cheek, tongue, or earlobe. While in reflectance (b).
mode, PD detects light that is re-scattered or
reflected from tissue, bone and / or blood vessels.
Reflectance mode eliminates the problems
associated with sensor placement, and various
blood flow measurements can be used. So users can
use PPG devices wherever the place is like a wrist.
In PPG there is a complex optical interaction
between light and tissue structure of the skin that
includes scattering, absorption, reflection, and
transmission. The intensity of light received by PD
is influenced by blood volume, movement of blood
vessel walls, and red blood cell orientation. The
larger the volume in the vessels the more it inhibits
the spread of light which results in the smaller the
intensity of light received by PD [7]. Changes in (a)
the intensity of light received by the PD then
generates a signal which is then called the PPG


The video camera can be used as a PPG Photo

Detector (PD) signal, therefore it is also called
Video Plethysmography [6]. Therefore a
smartphone or webcam camera can be used as a
PPG sensor. There are two ways to make the
camera can be used as a PPG signal detector that is
contact measurement and contactless measurement.
At the measurement contact measurement is done
by attaching a finger on the lens with a portion of
the finger on the LED flash that lights up. The
camera acts as a PD and flash LED as a light
source that reflects the PPG signal. In contactless (b)
measurement, measurements can be made at a
Figure 5. (a) RGB color representation in three-
dimensional coordinate system, (b) color A. Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), is
visualization in RGB the process of converting inputs into
analog data into digital data. In ADC there
are two main things: sampling and
In the case of recording using a smartphone resolution. The sampling rate determines
device, the LED used is a white LED. White light how often analog data is converted to
is absorbed, propagated, and reflected through skin digital data over a period of time. While
and microvascular tissue dominated by red blood the resolution determines the accuracy of
cells so that the intensity of light received by the the value of ADC data conversion results.
camera sensor is also dominated by red. In this ADC works by performing a signal at a
paper will also examine related research as in the certain speed. The data retrieval speed of
study [9] which uses Smartphone as a HR detector the analog signal to be converted must
tool without the aid of sensors or enhancements. meet the Nyquist criteria:

Table 1. Wearable Device pengukur Heart Rate [9] f s >2 f ¿ max

The minimum sampling frequency (fs)
Sensor PPG pada jari,
AliveCor must be greater than twice the maximum
terkoneksi smartphone app
input frequency (fin) value to be
converted. If the Nyquist criterion is not
ECG Sensor PPG pada jari, met then an aliasing effect will appear
Check terkoneksi smartphone app
where a certain frequency looks like
ECG (1 channel, 256Hz), Heart another frequency [10].
Rate: 30-220 BPM, 1Hz, QRS
event detection: 4ms resolution, B. Light Emitting Diode (LED), The light
RR intervals: 4ms resolution HRV emitting diode or the Light Emitting
analysis, Quality assessment Diode (LED) is a diode that emits light
channels: when fed forward. Using a mixed
Hexoskin semiconductor material can be produced
Disconnection detection, 50-60Hz LEDs that can radiate various colors such
noise detection, Saturated ECG as red, green, yellow, blue, orange, or
signal Detection infrared (invisible) [11].
Movement artifact detection,
Rrintervals reliability detection

Sensors: Optical heart-rate sensor

& 3-axis accelerometer, Max.
M Cycling
readable heart rate: 220 BPM,
Min. readable heart rate: 30 BPM.

The HR recording device as in Table 1 can

connect with smartphones and also provide a user Figure 6. LED
interface (UI) to display data. However, these
devices are separate PPG sensors with C. Photodiode, although not used in video-
smartphones. Samsung Galaxy S5 has a PPG related research, PD is the basis for the
sensor that build-in with a smartphone but the development of PPG implementation.
device is a special sensor that not all smartphones Photodiode is an electronic device that has
have so its use is limited. a function as a light detector. When not
exposed to light, photodiode can not
I. BASIC THEORY produce an electric current. Photodiode is
an electronic device that has a function as
The supporting tools that can be used in a light detector. When not exposed to
implementing PPG include: light, photodiode can not produce an
electric current. However when exposed to transformations occur only on a set of
light, the photodioda absorbs the photon, discrete frequencies. For our project, the
causing the photodioda on so that the RGB information of the frame is discrete.
electric current will flow [11]. This computational method is called the
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). Fast
Fourier Transform (FFT) is a fast
algorithm for implementing DFT. The
DFT formula is [9]:
N−1 − j 2 pikn
F [ n ]= ∑ f [ k ] e N

( n=0: N −1 )
Figure 7. Photodiode
�[�] = Matrix of PPG data in frequency
D. Independent Component Analysis domain, � = DFT size (DFT data size),
(ICA), a statistical technique used to �[�] = PPG data matrix in time domain, �
reveal independent source signals from a = Index of PPG data in frequency domain,
set of observed mixtures, used to complete � = Index of PPG data in time domain.
the separation of blind sources (BSS) [20, II. RELEATED WORK
21]. BSS aims to recover an unobserved
signal from a set of observations assumed In the study [4], a study of the correlation
as a linear mixture of some underlying between HR values obtained from two different
source. The "blind" property of the BBS smartphones (Droid and iPhone 4s) with HR values
relies on the fact that it is unknown that obtained from ECG signals. The analysis was
they are mixed. "Cocktail party problem " performed using Pearson Correlation method. The
can interpret BBS very well [22]. In this results show that there is a linear relationship
model, a group of microphones revolved between the measurements of the PPG-based
around the cocktail party room, where signal-based HR with the measurement of HR-
people talked together, noting the sounds based ECG signals. The results of the study stated
that were a mixture of people in the room that the smartphone can be used as a real-time HR
(see figure 8). BBS is used to separate measurement tool.
sound from all other microphones, to
eliminate pollution from other people's In the study [5], the authors discussed how
voices, and altogether according to the facial video images taken using a webcam could be
original sound. used in heart rate measurements. In general, the
system in this study will extract the
Photoplethysmography information from the facial
video image input through analysis and
postprocessing using the emguCV library to detect
faces. determines the Region of Interest (ROI)
measurement, and the ROI separation in each frame
into 3 color channels ie R (red), G (green), B
(blue). Then each channel is processed using the
Independent Component Analysis method to obtain
the heart rate as a result of measurement. The result
will be compared to a digital pulse oximeter, a
standard physiological signal gauge based on
photoplethysmography to determine the accuracy
of the measurement results. Post-processing and
Figure 8. The cocktail party problem analysis of video and physiological recordings is
done using software created using C #
E. Fast Fourier Transform (TTF), The programming language and development tools
Fourier transform (FT) is a mathematical Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate (Microosoft Corp.).
transformation used to change signals
then used an automatic face tracker to detect faces
between time domain and frequency
domain [12]. In practice, transformations in the video frame and localize the measurement
often occur in separate signal samples, and area (Region of Interest = ROI) for each video
frame. In the implementation phase, the emguCV
library is used to obtain the coordinates of the face
location [19]. To prevent facial segmentation errors
from affecting the performance of the algorithm,
the face coordinates of the previous frame are used
if no face is detected. Then the ROI is separated
into three channels and calculated the average of
each channel to get red (R), blue (B) and green (G)
measurements for each frame. Then Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) is implemented on the source
signal to get the power spectrum. To overcome the
noise occurring in the pulse frequency calculation Figure 8. Example of research data retrieval results
the historical estimation process of the pulse [9]
frequency is used to reject the artifact by setting the
threshold for the maximum change in pulse 2. Data extraction, Extraction of data is done in
between consecutive measurements (taken 1 the form extract the feature on the video frame
second separately). Based on the results of the and convert it into a signal. The features used
study showed that the results of heart rate are color changes that indicate changes in
measurements produced with ICA approach the blood volume on the microvascular as a result
measurement results using pulse oximeter as a of human heart rate activity. The data
reference. extraction process in this study contains three
stages: determination of Region of Interest
In this study [9], this research will be (ROI), frame extraction, and conversion from
conducted related to detection of pulse using pixel value to signal wave. Region of Interest
camera smartphone which aim is to easy (ROI) is used to locate the image portion
monitoring health condition and can be used by containing the most significant color change
every person. The techniques and calculations used feature [5]. ROI in this research is done by
are photoplethysmography and discrete fourier scanning on one part of the specified frame.
transform (DFT). The image in the selected frame is divided into
4x3 blocks. Each block is calculated on the
average value of pixels (P ̅). The block that has
the most heterogeneous pixel value is indicated
by the value of P ̅ closest to 255/2. Blocks that
meet these criteria are selected as the video
extraction reference area. Then do a scan on
each block to find the part that contains the
most heterogeneous pixel value. It is used as a
reference area for extraction as shown in
Figure 7. Block diagram of the study [9] figure.9.
There are several steps done in this study as can be
seen in Figure 7, namely:

1. Data retrieval, is the first step done in this

study with the test data in the form of video
with 30 fps specifications produced by
smartphone devices. Technically data retrieval
is done by sticking the finger over the camera
lens with the Flash LED device in the
illuminated state. Illumination of light by the
Flash LED causes the discoloration of the
video to be visible when the volume of blood Figure 9. Blok terpilih yang digunakan sebagai
in the skin tissue changes. The color change is area acuan melakukan ekstraksi sinyal PPG
a feature to know information about PPG. The
results of data retrieval can be seen in Figure 8. 3. Filtering data, Signals generated from video
extraction are not always stable. Movement or
change of finger pressure (motion artifact)
when touching the camera causes a change in
the intensity of light received by the camera. signal in the time domain to the frequency
This also causes amplitude to change when domain then use the calculation of Discrate
video extraction takes place. Filter data in this Fourirer Transform (DFT), the DFT equation
study aims to make the signal has a more can be seen in 5.E. The PPG signal on the
stable amplitude. Filter data in this study using frequency domain has three harmonic signals.
Polynomial Curve Fitting (PCF). The number The first harmonic signal has the highest
of polynomials is adjusted manually to adjust power value and indicates pulse activity (heart
the signal pattern. Signals with high aplitudo beat).
ranges tend to require a larger number of
polynomials and vice versa. The result of data
filter using PCF sometimes make the signal
pattern is not smooth or have noise. Therefore,
the filtered signal using PCF must be further
processed to smooth the signal.


Figure 12. Harmonic signal in frequency domain

To know the estimated value of Heart Rate

(HR) on PPG detection process result signal
then done peak detection to know the value of
R-R Interval. R-peak is the peak signal that
Figure 10. Noise that comes after filtering data signifies the beat of the human pulse. The
method used for HR Measurement is the Heart
The process of smoothing the signal in this
rate Variability (HRV) measurement method in
study was done by using Savitzky-Golay (S-G)
the time domain.
filtering. S-G filtering performs scans in a range
of data sequentially along the available data. The results of this study [9] show that the HR score
Then eliminates the noise present in the signal obtained using the proposed algorithm of 72 bpm is
by cutting the signal, removing the noise- not much different from the reference value of HR
containing part and then re-connecting it to the data of 70 bpm. The value is only 2 bpm compared
whole signal that can be seen in Figure 11. to reference data.

In the study [25], conducted a study of Heart

Rate Variability (HRV) extraction of PPG-based
signals on smartphones. The study explored 16
HRV parameters that included time domain,
frequency domain, and non-linear parameters.
From the 30 samples tested, it was found that 14
parameters of HRV from PPG signal have high
correlation value (r> 0.7, P <0.001) to data obtained
from ECG signal. The study used red-channel
video to obtain PPG signal. The observations state
Figure 11. A stable PPG signal pattern that pixel values on G-channel and B-channel tend
to be zero and the color change on R-channel is
In the picture above, the blue signal shows the
clearly visible compared to channel G and B.
original data while the red signal shows the
filtered data using S-G filtering. In the picture III. CONCLUSION
shows that the data that contains noise can be
reduced well. The increasingly advanced technology and
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