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What is AES encryption and how

does it work?
October 5, 2018

When it comes to cyber security, AES is one of those acronyms that

you see popping up everywhere. That’s because it has become the
global standard of encryption and it is used to keep a significant
amount of our communications safe.
The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a fast and secure form of
encryption that keeps prying eyes away from our data. We see it in
messaging apps like WhatsApp and Signal, programs
like VeraCrypt and WinZip, in a range of hardware and a variety of
other technologies that we use all of the time.

Contents [hide]
 1 Why was AES developed?
 2 Why was this cipher chosen for AES?
 3 How does AES work?
 4 128 vs 192 vs 256-bit AES
 5 AES security issues
 6 Is AES enough?
 7 Why do we need encryption?

Why was AES developed?

The earliest types of encryption were simple, using techniques like
changing each letter in a sentence to the one that comes after it in the
alphabet. Under this kind of code, the previous sentence becomes:

As you can see, this simple code makes it completely unreadable.

Despite the initial unreadability, if you had the time and knew it was a
code and not just a bunch of characters spewed onto the page, it
wouldn’t be too difficult to eventually figure out.

As people got better at cracking codes, the encryption had to

become more sophisticated so that the messages could be kept
secret. This arms race of coming up with more and more
sophisticated methods while others poured their efforts into breaking
them led to increasingly complicated techniques, such as the Enigma
machine invented by the Germans in World War I.
The rise of electronic communication has also been a boon for
encryption. In the 1970s, the US National Bureau of Standards
(NBS) began searching for a standard means that could be used to
encrypt sensitive government information. The result of their search
was to adopt a symmetric key algorithm developed at IBM, which is
now called the Data Encryption Standard (DES). The DES served its
purpose relatively well for the next couple of decades, but in the
nineties, some security concerns began to pop up.

The DES only has a 56-bit key (compared to the maximum of 256-
bit in AES, but we’ll get to that later), so as technology and cracking
methods improved, attacks against it started to become more
practical. The first DES encrypted message to be broken open was in
1997, by the DESCHALL Project in an RSA Security-sponsored

The next year, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) built a DES
cracker which could brute force a key in just over two days. In 1999,
the EFF and the internet’s first computing collective,,
collaborated to get that time down to under 24 hours.

Although these attacks were costly and impractical to mount, they

began to show that the DES’s reign as the go-to encryption standard
was coming to an end. With computing power exponentially
increasing according to Moore’s law, it was only a matter of time
until the DES could no longer be relied on.

The US government set out on a five year mission to evaluate a

variety of different encryption methods in order to find a new standard
that would be secure. The National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST)announced that it had finally made its selection in
late 2001.

Their choice was a specific subset of the Rijndael block cipher, with a
fixed block-size of 128-bits and key sizes of 128, 192 and 256-bits. It
was developed by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen, two
cryptographers from Belgium. In May of 2002, AES was approved to
become the US federal standard and quickly became the standard
encryption algorithm for the rest of the world as well.

Related: A beginner’s guide to cryptography

Why was this cipher chosen for AES?

With any kind of encryption, there are always trade-offs. You could
easily have a standard that was exponentially more secure than AES,
but it would take too long to encrypt and decrypt to be of any practical
use. In the end, the Rijndael block cipher was chosen by
NIST for its all-around abilities, including its performance on both
hardware and software, ease of implementation and its level of

How does AES work?

Be aware that the following example is a simplification, but it gives
you a general idea of how AES works. Unfortunately, there isn’t
enough coffee in the world to make most people want to get through
the more complicated aspects of AES. Normally, the process is
performed in binary and there’s a lot more maths.
First, the data is divided into blocks.

Under this method of encryption, the first thing that happens is that
your plaintext (which is the information that you want to be encrypted)
is separated into blocks. The block size of AES is 128-bits, so it
separates the data into a four-by-four column of sixteen bytes (there
are eight bits in a byte and 16 x 8 = 128).

If your message was “buy me some potato chips please” the first block
looks like this:

b m p
u m o

y e t


We’ll skip the rest of the message for this example and just focus on
what happens to the first block as it is encrypted. The “…to chips
please” would normally just be added to the next block.
Key expansion

Key expansion involves taking the initial key and using it to come up
with a series of other keys for each round of the encryption process.
These new 128-bit round keys are derived with Rijndael’s key
schedule, which is essentially a simple and fast way to produce new
key ciphers. If the initial key was “keys are boring1”:

k i

e a b n

y r
o g

s r
e 1
Then each of the new keys might look something like this once
Rijndael’s key schedule has been used:

14 29 1h

9f st 9f

2h hq 73

ks dj df

Although they look like random characters (and the above example is
just made up) each of these keys is derived from a structured process
when AES encryption is actually applied. We’ll come back to what
these round keys are used for later on.
Add round key

In this step, because it is the first round, our initial key is added to the
block of our message:

b m p

u m o
y e t


k i

e a b n

y r
o g

s r
e 1

This is done with an XOR cipher, which is an additive encryption

algorithm. While it looks like you can’t actually add these things
together, be aware that it is actually done in binary. The characters are
just a stand-in to try and make things easier to understand. Let’s say
that this mathematical operation gives us a result of:

jd zu 7s

7d 26 2n

dj 9c
4b 9d

74 2h hg

Substitute bytes

In this step, each byte is substituted according to a predetermined

table. This is kind of like the example from the start of the article,
where the sentence was coded by changing each letter to the one that
comes after it in the alphabet (hello becomes ifmmp).

This system is a little bit more complicated and doesn’t necessarily

have any logic to it. Instead, there is an established table that can be
looked up by the algorithm, which says, for example,
that h3 becomes jb, s8 becomes 9f, dj becomes 62 and so on. After
this step, let’s say that the predetermined table gives us:

jb n3 kf n2

9f jj js

74 wh 0d 18

hs 17 px

Shift rows

Shift rows is a straightforward name, and this step is essentially what

you would expect. The second row is moved one space to the left, the
third row is moved two spaces to the left, and the fourth row is moved
three spaces to the left. This gives us:

jb kf n2

jj js 9f

0d 74 wh

px hs d6

Mix columns

This step is a little tricky to explain. To cut out most of the maths and
simplify things, let’s just say that each column has a mathematical
equation applied to it in order to further diffuse it. Let’s say that the
operation gives us this result:

ls j4
2n ma
83 28 ke 9f

9w xm m4

5b a9 cj ps

Add round key (again)

Remember those round keys we made at the start, using our initial
key and Rijndael’s key schedule? Well, this is where we start to use
them. We take the result of our mixed columns and add the first round
key that we derived:

ls j4
2n ma

83 28 ke 9f

9w xm m4

5b a9 cj ps

14 29 1h
9f st 9f

2h hq 73

ks dj df

Let’s say that this operation gives us the following result:

9d 5b 28

ls df hf

9t 8f
28 hp

62 7d 15 ah

Many more rounds…

If you thought that was it, we’re not even close. After the last round
key was added, it goes back to the byte substitution stage, where
each value is changed according to a predetermined table. Once
that’s done, it’s back to shift rows and moving each row to the left by
one, two or three spaces. Then it goes through the mix columns
equation again. After that, another round key is added.
It doesn’t stop there either. At the start, it was mentioned that AES has
key sizes of either 128, 192 or 256-bits. When a 128-bit key is used,
there are nine of these rounds. When a 192-bit key is used, there are
11. When a 256-bit key is used, there are 13. So the data goes
through the byte substitution, shift rows, mix columns and round key
steps up to thirteen times each, being altered at every stage.

After these nine, 11 or 13 rounds, there is one additional round in

which the data is only processed by the byte substitution, shift rows
and add round key steps, but not the mix columns step. The mix
columns step is taken out because at this stage, it would just be eating
up processing power without altering the data, which would make the
encryption method less efficient.

To make things clearer, the entire AES encryption process goes:

Key expansion

Add round key

Byte substitution

Shift rows

Mix columns

Add round key

x 9, 11 or 13 times, depending on whether the key is 128, 192 or 256-


Byte substitution

Shift rows

Add round key

Once the data has gone through this complex process, your
original “buy me some potato chips please” comes out looking
something like “ok23b8a0i3j 293uivnfqf98vs87a”. It seems like a
completely random string of characters, but as you can see from these
examples, it is actually the result of many different mathematical
operations being applied to it again and again.
What’s the point of each of these steps?

A lot of things happen when our data is encrypted and it’s important to
understand why. Key expansion is a critical step, because it gives us
our keys for the later rounds. Otherwise, the same key would be
added in each round, which would make AES easier to crack. In the
first round, the initial key is added in order to begin the alteration of the
plain text.

The byte substitution step, where each of the data points is changed
according to a predetermined table, also performs an essential role.
It alters the data in a non-linear way, in order to apply confusion to the
information. Confusion is a process that helps to hide the relationship
between the encrypted data and the original message.

Shift rows is also critical, performing what is known as diffusion. In

cryptography, diffusion essentially means to transpose the data to add
complication. By shifting the rows, the data is moved from its original
position, further helping to obscure it. Mix columns acts in a similar
way, altering the data vertically rather than horizontally.

At the end of a round, a new round key that was derived from the
initial key is added. This adds greater confusion to the data.
Why are there so many rounds?

The processes of adding round keys, byte substitution, shifting

rows and mixing columns alters the data, but it can still be cracked
by cryptanalysis, which is a way of studying the cryptographic
algorithm in order to break it.
Shortcut attacks are one of the key threats. These are attacks that
can crack the encryption with less effort than brute-forcing. When AES
was being designed, shortcut attacks were found for up to six rounds
of its process. Because of this, an extra four rounds were added for
the minimum of 128-bit AES as a security margin. The resulting 10
rounds give the encryption method enough legroom to prevent
shortcut attacks under today’s techniques and technology.
Why don’t we add more rounds to beef up the security?

With most things in security, there needs to be a compromise

between pure defensive strength, usability, and performance. If
you put ten steel doors with deadbolts at each of the entry points to
your house, it would surely make it more secure. It would also take an
unreasonable amount of time to get in and out, which is why we never
see anyone do it.

It’s the same when it comes to encryption. We could make it more

secure by adding more rounds, but it would also be slower and much
less efficient. The 10, 12 and 14 rounds of AES have been settled
on because they provide a good compromise between these
competing aspects, at least in the current technological landscape.
Decrypting AES

If you’ve managed to get your head around the encryption process

explained above, decryption is relatively simple. To go from the
ciphertext back to the plaintext of the original message, everything is
done in reverse.

If we start with our encrypted result of “ok23b8a0i3j

293uivnfqf98vs87a”and apply the inverse of each encryption
step, it starts with the inverse round key, then the inverse shift rows,
and the inverse byte substitution, before going into the inverse of the
9, 11 or 13 rounds. It looks like this:

“ok23b8a0i3j 293uivnfqf98vs87a”

Inverse add round key

Inverse shift rows

Inverse byte substitution

Inverse add round key

Inverse mix columns

Inverse shift rows

Inverse byte substitution

x 9, 11 or 13 times, depending on whether the key is 128,192 or 256-


Inverse add round key

After this decryption process, we end up with our original message

again: “buy me some potato chips please”

128 vs 192 vs 256-bit AES

AES has three different key lengths. The main difference is the
number of rounds that the data goes through in the encryption
process, 10, 12 and 14 respectively. In essence, 192-bit and 256-
bit provide a greater security margin than 128-bit.

In the current technological landscape, 128-bit AES is enough for

most practical purposes. Highly sensitive data handled by those with
an extreme threat level, such as TOP SECRET documents controlled
by the military, should probably be processed with either 192 or 256-
bit AES.
If you are paranoid, you might prefer using 192 or 256-bit encryption
wherever possible. This is fine if it makes it easier for you to sleep at
night, but it’s really not necessary in most situations. It’s not without its
costs either, with the extra four rounds of 256-bit encryption making it
about 40 percent less efficient.

AES security issues

Cryptographers are constantly probing AES for weaknesses, trying to
come up with new techniques and harnessing the technology that
comes their way. This is essential, because if it wasn’t being
thoroughly tested by academics, then criminals or nation states could
eventually find a way to crack it without the rest of the world knowing.
So far, researchers have only uncovered theoretical breaks and side
channel attacks.
Related-key attack

In 2009, a series of related-key attacks were discovered. These are a

type of cryptanalysis that involves observing how a cipher operates
under different keys. The related-key attacks that researchers
discovered aren’t of any great concern; they are only possible against
protocols that aren’t implemented properly.
Known-key distinguishing attack

Again in 2009, there was a known-key distinguishing attack against an

eight round version of AES-128. These attacks use a key that is
already known in order to figure out the inherent structure of the
cipher. As this attack was only against an eight round version, it isn’t
too much to worry about for everyday users of AES-128.
Side-channel attack

There have been several other theoretical attacks, but under current
technology they would still take billions of years to crack. This means
that AES itself is essentially unbreakable at the moment. Despite
this, AES can still be vulnerable if it hasn’t been implemented properly,
in what’s known as a side-channel attack.
Side-channel attacks occur when a system is leaking information.
The attacker listens in to the sound, timing information,
electromagnetic information or the power consumption in order to
gather inferences from the algorithm which can then be used to break

If AES is implemented carefully, these attacks can be prevented by

either removing the source of the data leak, or by ensuring that there
is no apparent relationship between the leaked data and the
algorithmic processes.

The last weakness is more general than AES specific, but users need
to be aware that AES doesn’t automatically make their data
safe. Even AES-256 is vulnerable if an attacker can access a
user’s key. This is why AES is just one aspect of keeping data
secure. Effective password management, firewalls, virus detection and
education against social engineering attacks are just as critical in their
own ways.

Is AES enough?
In the current age, we all transmit so much of our sensitive data
online, AES has become an essential part of our security. Although
it’s been around since 2001, it’s repetitive process of adding keys,
byte substitution, shifting rows and mixing columns has proved to
stand the test of time.

Despite the current theoretical attacks and any potential side-channel

attacks, AES itself remains secure. It’s an excellent standard for
securing our electronic communication and can be applied in many
situations where sensitive information needs to be protected. Judging
by the current level of technology and attack techniques, you should
feel confident using it well into the foreseeable future.

Why do we need encryption?

Now that we’ve gone through the technical details of AES, it’s
important to discuss why encryption is important. At its most basic
level, encryption allows us to encode information so that only those
who have access to the key can decrypt the data. Without the key, it
looks like gibberish. With the key, the jumble of seemingly random
characters turns back into its original message.

Encryption has been used by governments and militaries for

millenniato keep sensitive information from falling into the wrong
hands. Over the years it has crept more and more into everyday life,
especially since such a large portion of our personal, social and work
dealings have now migrated to the online world.

Just think about all of the data you enter into your
devices: passwords, bank details, your private messages and
much more. Without any kind of encryption, this information would be
much easier for anyone to intercept, whether they be criminals, crazy
stalkers or the government.

So much of our information is valuable or sensitive, so it’s clear

that it needs to be protected in a way so that only ourselves and those
that we authorize can access it. That’s why we need encryption.
Without it, the online world just couldn’t function. We would be
stripped completely of any privacy and security, sending our online

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