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TEACHING SPEAKING understood, using their current

proficiency to the fullest.

They should try to avoid confusion in
the message due to faulty
Speech is the most basic means of pronunciation, grammar, or
communication. “Speaking in a vocabulary, and to observe the social
second language or foreign language and cultural rules that apply in each
has often been viewed as the most communication.
demanding and challenging of the
four skills.” (Bailey and Savage,1994).
What specifically makes speaking in a To help students develop
second language or foreign language communicative efficiency in speaking,
difficult . instructors can use a balanced
activities approach that combines
According to Brown(1994) a number
language input, structured output,
of features of spoken language
and communicative output.
includes reduced forms such as :
contractions, vowel reduction, and
elision; slang and idioms; stress, THE NATURE OF SPEAKING
rhythm, and intonation. Students
Oral communication is a two-way
who are not exposed to reduced
process between speaker and listener
speech will always retain their full
(or Listeners) and involves the
forms and it will become a
productive skill of speaking and
disadvantage as a speaker of a
receptive skill of understanding( or
second language. Speaking is an
listening with understanding). Both
activity requiring the integration of
speaker and listener have a positive
many subsystems.
function to perform. Ain simple
terms, the speaker has to encode the
message he wishes to convey in
The Goal of Teaching
appropriate language, while listener
The goal of teaching speaking skills is (no less actively) has to decode( or
communicative efficiency. Learners interpret) the message.
should be able to make themselves
automaticity of production
focus on these tiny
Different views of speaking in
phonological details of
language teaching
language? The answer is “yes,”
A review of some of the views of the but in a different way from
current issues in teaching oral what was perceived to be
communication can help provide essential; a couple of decades
some perspective to the more ago.
practical considerations of designing
speaking lessons. 3. ACCURACY AND FLUENCY
An issuethat pervades all of
language performance centers
1. CONVERSATIONAL DISCOURSE on the distinction between
The benchmark of successful accuracy and fluency. It is clear
language acquisition is almost that fluency and accuracy are
always the demonstration of both important goals to pursue
an ability to accomplish in Communicative Language
pragmatic goals through Teaching (CLT). While fluency
interactive discourse with may in many communicative
other speakers of the language. language courses be an
essential goal in language
teaching, accuracy is achieved
to some extent by allowing
There has been some
students to focus on the
controversy over the role of
elements of phonology,
pronunciation work in a
grammar, and discourse in
communicative, interactive
their spoken output.
course of study. Because the
overwhelming majority of adult
The fluency/accuracy issue
learners will never acquire an
often boils down to the extent
accent-free command of a
to which our techniques should
foreign language, should a
be message oriented ( or
language program that
teaching language use) as
emphasizes whole language,
opposed to language oriented (
meaningful contexts, and
also known as teaching
language usage). Current often eclipsed by conventions
approaches to language of how to say things, when we
teaching lean strongly toward speak, and other discourse
message orientation with constraints.
language usage offering a
supporting role. DavidNunan (1991) notes a
further complication in
4. AFFECTIVE FACTORS interactive discourse; what he
One of the major obstacles calls the interlocutor effect, or
learners have to overcome in the difficulty of a speaking task
learning to speak is the anxiety as gauged by the skills of one’s
generated over the risks of interlocutor. In other words,
blurting things out that are one learner’s performance is
wrong, stupid or always colored by that of the
incomprehensible. Our job as person (interlocutor) he or she
teachers is to provide the kind is talking with.
of warm, embracing climate
that encourages students to 1. Native Language
speak, however halting or If the teacher is familiar
broken their attempts may be. with the sound system of a
learner’s active language,
5. THE INTERACTION EFFECT (s) he will be better able to
The greatest difficulty that diagnose student student
learners encounter in attempts dificculties. Many L1 to L2
to speak is not the municipality carryovers can be overcome
of sounds, words, phrases, and through a foused awareness
discourse forms that and effort on the learner’s
characterize any language, but part.
rather the interactive nature 2. Age
of most communication. Children under the age of
Conversations are collaborative puberty generally stand an
as participants engage in a excellent chance of
process of negotiation of “sounding like a native” if
meaning. So, for the learner, they have continued
the matter of what you say is exposre in authentic
contexts. Beond the age of are a matter of an
puberty, while adults will awareness of your own
almost surely maintain a limitations combined with
“foreign accent” there is no conscious focus on doing
particular advantage something to compensate
attributed to age. for those limitations.
3. Exposure
It is difficult to define 5. Identity and language ego
exposure. One can actually Another influence is one’s
live in a foreign country for attitude toward speakers of
some time but not take the target language and the
advantage of being “with extent to which the
the people”. Research language ego identifies with
seems to support the notion those speakers. Learners
that the quality and need to be reminded of the
intensity of exposure are importance
more important than mere
length of time. 6. Motivation and concern for
4. Innate Phonetic ability good pronunciation
Often referred to as having Some learners are not
an “ear” for language, some particularly concerned
people manifests a phonetic about their pronunciation,
coding ability that others do while others are. The ectent
not. In many cases, if a to which learners’ intrinsic
person has had exposure to motivation propels them
a foreign language as a toward improvement will be
child. This “knack” is perhaps the strongest
present whether the early influence of all six of the
language is remembered or factors in this list. If that
not. Others are simply more motivation and concern are
attuned to phonetic high, then the necessary
discriminations. Strategies- effort will be expended in
based instructions, pursuit of goals.
however, has proven that
some elements of learning
PROBLEMS THAT of speaking that in turn
LANGUAGE LEARNERS FACE stigmatizes them.
Douglas Brown (2000) 4. Performance variables
identified eight factors that One of the advantages of
can make speaking difficult. spoken language is that
the process of thinking
1. Clustering as you speak allows you
Fluent speech is phrasal, to manifest a certain
not word by word. number of performance
Learners can organize hesitations, pauses,
their output both backtracking, and
cognitively and corrections. Learners can
physically (in breath be taught how to pause
groups) through such and hesitate.
5. Colloquial language
2. Redundancy Make sure your students
The speaker has an are reasonably well
opportunity to make acquainted with the
meaning clearer through words, idioms, and
the redundancy of phrases of colloquial
language. Learners can language and those they
capitalize on this feature get practice in producing
of spoken language. these forms.

3. Reduced forms 6. Rate of Delivery

Contractions, elisions, Another salient
reduced vowels, etc., all characteristic of fluency
form special problems in is rate of delivery. One of
teaching spoken English. the language teacher’s
Students who don’t learn tasks in teaching spoken
colloquial contractions English is to help
can sometimes develop learners achieve an
a stilted, bookish quality acceptable speed along
with other attributes of
fluency. 8. Interaction
Learning to produce
7. Stress, rhythm and waves of language in
intonation vacuum---without
This is the most interlocutors----would
important characteristic rob speaking skill of its
of English pronunciation. richest component: the
The stress-timed rhythm creativity of
of spoken English and its conversational
intonation patterns negotiation.
convey important


Type of Performance Task/Response

Imitative Speaking  Student simply parrots
back (imitate) a word of
phrase or possibly a
 Tasks:
-word repetition
-pronunciation drills
(stress, intonation)
Intensive Speaking  One step beyond imitative
speaking to include any
speaking performance
that is designed to
practice some
phonological or
grammatical aspect of
-Directed response
completion tasks
-oral questionnaires
-picture-cued tasks
Responsive Speaking  Short replies to teacher-
or- student- initaiated
questions or comments ( a
good deal of student
speech in the classroom is
responsive); replies do not
extend into dialogues;
such speech can be
meaningful and authentic.
 Tasks
- Question and answer
- Eliciting instructions
and directions
- Paraphrasing a story or
a dialogue
Interactive Speaking - Transactional Dialogue-
- Transactional carried out for the
(dialogue) purpose of convying or
- Interpersonal exchanging specific
(dialogue) information involves
relatively long
stretches of interactive
- Interpersonal dialogue-
carried out of the
purpose of maintaining
social relationships
- Tasks:
- Interviews
- Role play
- Discussions (arriving at
a consensus, problem-
- Games
- Conversations
- Information gap
- Telling longer stories
- Extended explanations
Extensive Speaking (monologue) - Usually for
intermediate to
advanced levels; tasks
involve complex,
relatively lengthy
stretches of discourse;
extended monologues
can be planned or
- Tasks:
- Oral reports
- Summaries
- Short speeches
- Picture-cued
- Retelling a story or a
news event

Stages in a Speaking Lesson

What is the role of the language teacher in the classroom? In the frist
place, like any other teacher, the task of the language teacher is to
create the best conditions for learning. In a sense, the teacher is a
means to an end an instrument to see that the learning takes place.
But in addition to this general function, a teacher plays specific roles
in different stages of the learning process.

The Presentation Stage

This is also known as the pre-activity phrase of the lesson where the
teacher introduces something new to be learned. At this stage of a
speaking lesson, the teacher’s, main task is to serve as a kind of
informant. As the teacher, you know the language; you select the
new material to be learned and you present this in such a way that
the meaning of the new language is as clear as memorable as
possible. The students listen and try to understand. Although they
are probably saying very little at this stage, except when invited to
join in, they are by no means passive. Always so much so that the
students do not get enough time to practice the language

The Practice Stage

At the practice stage it is the students’ turn to do most of the talking,
while your main task is to devise and provide the maximum amount
of practice, which must at the same time be meaningful, authentic,
and memorable. This stage is also called the While (or Main) Activity
or the Speaking Activity stage. Your role then as teacher is radically
different from that at the presentation. You do the minimum amount
of taking yourself. You are like the skillful conductor of an orchestra,
giving each of the performers a chance to participate and monitoring
their performance to see that it is satisfactory.

The Production Stage

It is a pity that language learning often stops short at the practice
stage or does not go regularly beyond it. Many teachers feels that
they have done their job if they have presented the new material
well and have given their students adequate---through usually
controlled--- practice in it. No real learning should be assumed to
have taken place until the students are able to use the language for
themselves; provision to use language must be made part of the
lesson. At any level of attainment, the students need to be given
regular and frequent opportunities to use language freely, even if
they sometimes make mistakes as a result. This is not to say that
Mistakes are unimportant, but rather that free expression is more
important, and it is a great mistake to deprive students of this
It is through these opportunities to use language as they wish that
the students become aware that they have learned something useful
to them personally and are encouraged to go on learning. Thus, in
providing the students with activities for free expression and in
discreetly watching over them as they carry them out, you as
teacher, take on the role of manager, guide, or adviser.

Although the sequence describes above---presentation- Practice---

 Production ----- is a well-tired approach to language learning and
is known to be effective in average (i.e., non-privileged) classroom
conditions; it should not, however, be interpreted too literally. These
stages are not recipes for organizing all our lessons. In the first place,
the actual “shape” of a lesson will depend on several factors, such as
the amount of time needed for each stage. Activities at the
production stage can vary a great deal in length. Also, stages tend to
overlap and run into one another; for example, some practice may
part of the presentation stage.

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