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I , FEBRUARY 1993 75

Lightning-Induced Voltages on Overhead Lines

Carlo Albert0 Nucci, Member, IEEE, Farhad Rachidi, Michel V.
Ianoz, Senior Member, IEEE, and Carlo Mazzetti, Member, IEEE

Abstract- The paper discusses a modeling procedure that have been reported concerning the intensity and the waveshape
permits calculation of lightning-induced voltages on overhead of the induced voltage. This may essentially be due to:
lines starting from the channel-base current. The procedure
makes use of 1) a lightning return-stroke model proposed by the different approaches in modeling the distribution of the
authors for the calculation of the lightning electromagnetic field; current along the channel during the return stroke phase
and 2) a coupling model already presented in the literature based when calculating the electromagnetic field; and
on the transmission line theory for field-to-overhead line coupling different approaches in modeling the coupling between
calculations. Both models are discussed and tested with exper- the electromagnetic field and the conductors.
imental results. The hypothesis of perfect conducting ground,
generally adopted in studies on the subject, is discussed in order In addition to the theoretical studies, several measurement
to better assess its validity limits. The procedure is applied for the campaigns on lightning electromagnetic fields [9], [IO] and
analysis of the voltages induced on an overhead line by a nearby many tests with voltages induced on experimental lines [2],
lightning return stroke with a striking point equidistant from [ 1 I]-[ 141 have been performed; from these, data have been
the line terminations. The analysis shows that the vertical and
horizontal components of the electric field are both to be taken collected that result in a better comprehension of the phenom-
into account in the coupling mechanism. The peak value and the ena involved.
maximum time derivative of the channel-base current are shown The aim of this paper is to 1 ) discuss the adequateness of
to affect both the peak value and the maximum front steepness a modeling procedure that permits calculation of the lightning
of the induced voltages while, for the examined case, the return- induced voltages starting from the channel-base current; 2 )
stroke velocity affects practically only the front steepness of the
induced voltages. A comparison with other models proposed for apply it for the analysis of the voltages induced on a overhead
the same purpose is presented. Peak value and maximum front line by a typical subsequent return stroke; and 3) point out the
steepness of the induced voltages calculated using other lightning differences with other methods proposed for the same purpose.
return-stroke models differ; these differences are of the same The induced voltages are calculated in the following way:
order of magnitude as those that would result from different sets
of characteristic parameters of the lightning discharge. It is also Starting from the lightning current at the channel base, the
shown that a different coupling model used in the power-lightning electromagnetic field at different distances is calculated
literature by several other authors may result in a less accurate making use of a lightning return-stroke model proposed
estimation of the induced voltages. by the authors, which specifies the spatial-temporal dis-
tribution of the current along the channel.
Then use is made of the electromagnetic field in order
to calculate the induced voltages using a coupling model

V OLTAGES caused by lightning on overhead power lines

can cause damages to either the power system (in par-
ticular to distribution transformers), the electronic control and
already presented in the literature based on the transmis-
sion line theory for field-to-transmission line coupling
management system, or both [1]-[3]. Eriksson et al. [2] have In the first part of the paper (Sections I1 and III), the adopted
evidenced that indirect lightning return strokes, hitting the procedure is examined. The hypothesis of perfect conduct-
ground in the vicinity of overhead lines, constitute a more ing ground, generally assumed in studies on the subject, is
dangerous cause of damage than direct strikes, because of their discussed in order to better assess its validity limits. Some
more frequent occurrence. comparisons between calculations and available experimental
Several theoretical studies have been performed and differ- results are presented, even though a complete and adequate
ent models have been proposed in order to estimate the severity comparison is limited by an insufficient set of simultane-
of voltages induced by indirect lightning return strokes [4]- ously recorded parameters (namely, channel-base current wave
[8]. In spite of some general agreement, quite different results shapes, velocity of the return stroke, vertical and horizontal
electric field at different distances from the striking point, and
Manuscript received February 18, 1992; revised July IO, 1992. This work
was sponsored by the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific and line-induced voltages).
Technological Research, Electrical Utilities of Switzerland, and the Swiss In the second part of the paper (Section IV), the analysis
National Science Foundation. of the voltages is performed. Part of the analysis is aimed at
C. A. Nucci is with the 1st. di Elettrotecnica Induwiale, Universiti di
Bologna, viale Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna. Italy. quantifying the contribution of both the horizontal and vertical
F. Rachidi and M. Ianoz are with the Lah. de Reseaux d‘Energie Electrique, electric field components to the induced voltages. In addition,
Ecole Polytechnique FCdCrale de Lausanne, CH- 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. we discuss the influence of the main parameters pertaining to
C. Mazzetti is with the Dip. lngegneria Elettrica. Universita di Roma “La
Sapienm,” via Eudoasiana 18, 0184 Roma, Italy. the lightning discharge (maximum front steepness and peak
IEEE Log Number 9204745. value of the channel-base current, return-stroke velocity) on
00 IX-9375/93$03.00 0 I093 IEEE

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I01\0 rI 1 721 it1 102 r.22 122
(W (11s) ((1s) (kA) (11s) (11s)
10.7 0.25 2.5 2 6.5 2.1 230 2

as expressed by

i ( d .t ) = exp ( - z ’ / X ) i ( O . t - Z ’ / Y ) (1)
X decay constant introduced in order to take into account
the effect of the vertical distribution of charge stored in the
corona sheath of the leader and subsequently discharged dur-
ing the return stroke phase; it has already been determined
Fig. I . Geometry used for the calculation of voltages induced by a lightning
return stroke on a nearby overhead line.
to be in the range of 1-2 km [21]; and
v velocity of the return stroke.
This engineering model represents a modification of the
the induced voltages. transmission line (TL) model introduced by Uman and McLain
The analysis is completed by a comparison of the voltages [ 171, and, as will be shown, results in a better agreement with
calculated adopting different lightning return-stroke models, in experimental results.
order to assess how much the differences in these models may For the current at the channel base i ( O , t ) , we adopt an
affect the calculated voltages. The comparison between the analytical expression described by a sum of two functions of
adopted field-to-overhead line coupling model and one that is the following type [ 191
widely used in the literature (e.g., 151, [6], [13], 1151) is also
i(0.t) = - (2)
In this paper we shall concentrate on voltages induced dur-
ing the lightning return-stroke phase; it is generally accepted
that voltages induced during the preceding leader phase are
consistently lower 141, 171. 71 = rxp [ - ( ‘ 1 / ~ 2 ) ( 1 2 r 2 / r 1 ) ( l ’ ” ) ] (3)
The calculation results presented in this paper were obtained
by means of computer programs developed by the authors. and
10 amplitude of the channel-base current;
TI front time constant;
11. CALCULATION OF LIGHTNING r2 decay time constant;
STROKEELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS rj amplitude correction factor; and
11 exponent (2 . . . 10).
A. Spatial-Temporal Distribution of the Function (2) has been preferred to the commonly used
Lightning Return-Stroke Current double-exponential function since it exhibits a time-derivative
Fig. 1 presents the geometry of the problem: the lightning equal to zero at t = 0, consistent with measured return-stroke
current waveshapes. Further, it allows for the adjustment of the
channel is assumed to be a vertical unidimensional antenna
above a ground plane; no channel branches are considered, current amplitude, maximum current derivative, and charge
transferred nearly independently by varying 10,r1, and r2,
which means that the results, as computed, are mainly appli-
cable to subsequent return strokes [7]. respectively.
For the calculation of the lightning return-stroke electro-
A sum of two functions has been chosen in order to better
magnetic field, a spatial-temporal distribution of the current reproduce the overall waveshape of the current as observed in
typical experimental results 1221. We have chosen the current
along the channel i ( z ’ . t ) must be assumed. To this purpose
parameters reported in Table I in order to reproduce the typical
several models have been proposed in the past years [ 16]-[20];
features of the lightning current at the channel base-namely
it is to be observed that only models in which the return-stroke
the peak value, maximum time derivative, and decay time-of
current i(z’.t) can be simply related to a specified channel-
a typical subsequent return stroke, in accordance with Berger
base (ground-level) current i ( 0 , t ) are suitable, since only the
et al. observations [22] (see Fig. 2).
channel-base current can be measured directly and only for it
experimental results are available.
The model we adopt for the present study is the modified B. Lightning Return-Stroke Electromagnetic Field
transmission line (MTL) model, proposed and tested by the The coupling model adopted in this paper for the calculation
authors in 1201 and 1211; in it the lightning current is allowed of lightning-induced voltages requires the determination of the
to decrease with height while propagating the channel upward, horizontal and vertical components of the electric field.

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14 ai(& t - z ‘ / v - R / c )
+ -r (c’z -Rs2’)
exp (-z’/A)

t o vacuum permittivity;
c speed of light in vacuum; and
R distance from the single dipole to the observation point,
as defined in Fig. 1.
In (4) and ( 5 ) , the first term is called the electrostatic field,
the second the electric induction or intermediate field, and
0 10 20 30 40 the third the electric radiation field. The total vertical and
f [PI 50

horizontal electric fields are obtained by integrating (4) and

( 5 ) along the channel and its image.
We now discuss the assumption regarding the perfect con-
ductivity of the ground for the calculation of the horizontal
and vertical electric field components. The incident electric
field Ei,which excites the line, is due to the contribution of
field originated by the channel dipoles and the response of
the ground. This problem has been treated by Sommerfeld
[24] in the general case of a dipole above an imperfectly
conducting ground. The expressions derived by him for the
electromagnetic field are in terms of slowly converging inte-
grals. Simplified approaches valid for different distance ranges
from the lightning channel have been proposed, some of which
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 are discussed in [25].
f [PI
For the vertical component of the electric field, at distances
Fig. 2. Channel-base (ground level) current for a typical negative subse- from the lightning channel that do not exceed a few kilometers,
quent return stroke: (a) solid line--experimental data (from [22]); dashed its intensity can be calculated with reasonable approximation
line--analytical approximation using a sum of two functions; (b) derivative
of the analytical approximation for the first 2 11s.
assuming the ground as a perfect conductor, as discussed by
several authors (e.g., [25]). At greater distances, attenuations
and distortions of the vertical field, when propagating along an
By assuming the ground as a perfect conductor (a hypothesis imperfectly conducting ground, are no longer negligible [26].
discussed later in this section), Master and Uman [23] have Regarding the horizontal component of the electric field,
derived the equations for the vertical electric field dE,(r. z , t ) its intensity is more affected by the finite conductivity of
and the horizontal electric field dE,(r, z . t ) at altitude z and the ground than the vertical one [25].However, for distance
distance r originated by a vertical dipole of infinitesimal length ranges not exceeding a few hundred meters, the assumption
dz‘ at height z’ along the channel by solving Maxwell’s of perfect ground conductivity can still be considered as
equations in terms of retarded scalar and vector potentials. reasonable. This is shown by Fig. 3(a), where results published
Their equations, adapted to the MTL lightning return stroke in [25], which have been obtained using accurate numerical
current model expressed by (l), become solutions of the Sommerfeld integrals assuming a Bround
conductivity of 1OW2 R-l/m and a relative ground permittivity
of 10, are compared with calculations performed by the
dE,(r. z . t ) = - 47rto [ 2 ( z - 2’)’ - r 2
R5 authors assuming an infinite ground conductivity. Note that, as
discussed in [8], the horizontal component of the field above
a perfect conducting ground is due to the different distances
and different retardation times of the fields produced by the
2(2 - z ’ ) ~- r 2 current in each channel segment and its image.
exp (-z’/A)I(O. t - z’/u - R / r )
+ cR4 For observation points far from the channel, these dif-
ferences tend to equalize and the horizontal field above a
perfect conducting ground becomes negligible; the assumption
,of perfect conducting ground is no more reasonable for real
soils as shown in Fig. 3(b) and (c). In order to calculate the
horizontal component of the electric field above an imperfectly
exp (-.’/A)

37.(z - z ’ )
i’ I(0, ‘T - z ’ / u - R / c )d7 conducting ground at observation points far from the lightning
channel, use is made by some authors of the wave-tilt function
[7], [27]. This function relates the Fourier transform of the
cxp ( - z ’ / A ) i ( O . t - z’/v - R / c )
+ cR4 horizontal electric field E , ( j w ) to that of the vertical electric

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far distance range from the channel ( T > 1 km) 191. The
second have been obtained through firing small rockets trailing
. -4
...-......-. e--------
a grounded wire upward a few hundred meters during thun-
derstorms. With this technique, simultaneous measurements of
r=12km channel-base current and vertical electric field at close distance
(e.g., T = 50 m) have been obtained [lo]. No measurements
of the horizontal electric field above ground at close distances
- - - - .. from 1251

- have been published.


In Fig. 4 the typical vertical electric field at 2 km from

I~"'1"" l""I""I""1''"TT" the lightning channel for a natural subsequent return stroke,

and e,- = 10, same as in 1251, have been adopted. already been presented in 1201 and [21].
Fig. 5 compares the triggered lightning electric field mea-
field E Z ( j w ) sured at 50 m from the channel reported in [lo] with cal-
culations using the MTL model. The channel-base current
reported in [lo] has been digitized and used as input for
the calculation. The presence of the rocket-launching metallic
structure has been modeled by considering two current pulses
where erg and og are the relative permittivity and the conduc- traveling in opposite directions. as suggested in [lo], starting
tivity of the ground, respectively. from a junction point at 15 m above ground; the value of
Equation (6) applies rigorously to the case of plane waves the return stroke velocity near ground level has been fixed
with grazing angle of incidence with respect to the ground at 2.46 . lo8 m/s as derived in [IO], and reflections of the
plane. For the case of lightning electromagnetic fields, its downward-traveling current pulse at the base of the launching
application has been shown to be reasonable provided that the structure (ground level) have not been taken into account. As
observation point is a few kilometer distant from the lightning far as the above assumption can be considered reasonable, the
channel [7], 1271. comparison shows a satisfactory agreement.

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The equations that describe the coupling between the elec-

tromagnetic field produced by an indirect lightning stroke and
a multiconductor overhead line above ground expressed in the
time domain are
d 3 .
dz + ' +
[ i ; ( z : t ) ] [L:j]-[[zi(z>
= [E:(z. hi,t ) ](7)
d d
- [ Z i ( ~ , t ) ] [Gij]. [ u ; ( z , t ) ]
+ [ C : ~dt] , [ U ~ ( Xt,) ]
=o (8)
0 10 20 30 40 50 where
r IN
[ E k ( z h,,, t ) ] vector of the horizontal component of the
Fig. 4. Typical vertical electric field at 2 km from the lightning channel for incident electric field along the .r axis at the conductor's
a natural subsequent return stroke. Solid line--experimental data (from [9]).
Dotted line--calculation adopting the MTL model (A = 1.7 km). height hi, where the subindex i denotes the particular wire
of the multi-wire line;
[ R l j ] [ L l j ] ,[ G ! , j ] ,and [ C i j ] resistance, inductance, con-
ductance, and capacitance matrices respectively, per unit
length of the line, where the subindex zj denotes the
mutual resistance, inductance, conductance, and capacitance
between the Sith and the jth wires, respectively;
[ i i ( x ,t ) ] line current vector;
[uf(z. t ) ] scattered voltage vector, related to
[u,(z,t ) ] , total line voltage vector, by the following ex-

[ ' U L ( Z ,t ) ] = [7g(z.t ) ] + [,u:(z.t ) ]

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Fig. 5. Comparison between calculated and measured vertical electric field at
50 m from a triggered lightning return stroke channel. Solid line--experimental
data (from [lo]). Dotted line--calculation adopting the MTL model ( A = 1.7 where: E l ( z .z , t ) incident (or inducing) vertical electric field
that can be considered as unvarying in the height range
0 < z < hi; and [ui(x, t)]=
E:(z, z , t)dz] % -[hi .
The above justifies the adoption of the MTL model for the E i ( z ,0 . t ) ] incident (or inducing) voltage vector.
calculation of the electromagnetic field radiated by lightning The boundary conditions for the scattered voltage vector
return strokes. [ u B ( z . t ) ]which
, take into account the coupling between the
incident field and the vertical terminations-the "risers"-are
[u;'(z0.t ) ] = -[zA4] +
. ["(zo. t ) ] [hi . El(zo.0. tu (IO)
A. Coupling between Electromagnetic Field and Overhead Line +
[u;(3!o 1. t ) ]= [Z,] . ["(zo + +
1. t ) ] [hi . Ei(ao 1 ; 0: t ) ] +
In this paper, use is made of the model in the time domain (1 1 )
proposed by Agrawal et al. [29], based on the transmission
where [Z,] and [Z,] are the matrices of the termination
line theory for field-to-transmission line coupling calculations.
According to this model, the forcing functions that excite the
Using the above mathematical formalism, the equivalent
line are the horizontal and vertical components of the incident
circuit for the case of a lossless single wire above a perfect
electric field (E: and E:), that is, as already defined in Section
conducting ground excited by an incident electromagnetic field
11-B, the sum of the field radiated by the lightning return stroke
is shown in Fig. 6.
and the ground-reflected field in absence of the line wires. Note
that the total field E is given by the sum of the incident field
El and the scattered field E S . B. Comparison with Experimental Results
A time-domain approach permits to deal with the problem Equations (7)-( 11) have been solved by means of a com-
in a more straightforward way and to take more easily into puter code using the point-centered finite-difference technique.
account nonlinearities. Its main disadvantage lies in the more Calculated values have been compared with experimental
complex treatment of frequency-dependant parameters, such results recorded in Florida during the measurement campaigns
as the ground resistance [3O]. The convolution theorem in the carried out in 1985. The experimental data consist of simul-
time domain, however, can be used for this purpose (e.g., [3I]). taneous measurements of vertical electric field and voltage at

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'9 i
- h El(x.0)

- -
Fig. 6 . Equivalent circuit of a lossless single-wire overhead line excited by
0 20 40 60

Measured E, field

0 20 40

E, field
60 80

lightning return-stroke electromagnetic field.


-0.061 \I 0 20 40 60 80
Measured voltage (*) '
Calculated voltage

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
I /Wl 1 /PI Fig. 8. Example of comparison between measurements and calculations of
Measured E, field r) E, field voltages induced by lightning return stroke. o = 6'; line open circuited at
both ends. *Experimental data taken from 1141.

of error: nonuniformity of ground conductivity, modeling of

the terminations as pure resistances, and the fact that the
ground impedance has been calculated neglecting its frequency

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
1 /PI 1 /PI IV. Analysis of the Induced Voltages
Measured voltage r) Calculated voltage
We consider a 1-km-long 10-m-high single wire overhead
Fig. 7. Example of comparison between measurements and calculations of line, matched at both ends. Matching the line avoids the effect
voltages induced by lightning retum stroke. 0 = 4>.4', line open circuited
at both ends. *Experimental data provided by the Lightning Research Group of reflections on the induced voltages at the line ends that
of the University of Florida. would make the discussion of the results less straightforward;
for the same reason, the line has been considered as single
one end of the top conductor of a 450-m-long three-phase phase. The relative position of the line with respect to the
unenergized overhead distribution line. The azimuth angle of striking point is defined by 20 and y o (see Fig. 1). The striking
the incident field was also measured (see [I41 for further point is considered equidistant from the line terminations and
detail about the test facility). at a distance of 50 m from the line center (3.0 = -500 m and
yo = 50 m). Lower values of yo are assumed to result in a
For all the examined cases (about 20), we have obtained
satisfactory agreement for the waveshapes, but less good direct strike to the line.
agreement for the amplitudes. Two examples of comparison Since the electromagnetic field that excites the line is at
are shown in Figs. 7 and 8. We summarize briefly hereunder a distance range lower than about 500 m, for the following
the procedure used for the comparison. analysis the hypothesis of an infinite conducting ground has
The low value of the measured vertical field E,, as can been assumed as reasonable. The line resistance as well as
be seen in Figs. 7(a) and 8(a), indicates that the lightning the line conductance are neglected; further, no corona effect
struck the ground at a distance far from the line and hence the is taken into account, which means that the induced voltages
field intensity can be considered as constant along the line; are presumably overestimated.
for the same reason the horizontal field can be calculated with A base case to which the analysis is referred has been
reasonable approximation from the digitized values of the ver- specified, as described next.
tical one using (6) [see Figs. 7(b) and 8(b)]. In (6), the ground
conductivity cghas been fixed at 1 . G . 1 V 2 R-l/m, as resulted A. Buse Cuse
from measurements, and the relative ground permittivity c,. has For the base case, the lightning channel-base current of Fig.
been assumed equal to 10. As suggested in [14], a value of 2 has been adopted. This current has a peak value of 12 kA
0.05 R/m has been adopted for the resistance per unit length and a maximum time-derivative of 50 kA/ps, corresponding,
of the line (conductor plus ground). It can be seen that the as already mentioned, to the average experimental data for
calculated voltages at the line termination [Figs. 7(d) and 8(d)] a subsequent retum stroke reported in [22]. For the MTL
are in reasonable agreement with the measured ones [Figs. model, a retum-stroke velocity of 1.3 . lo8 m/s and a decay
7(c) and 8(c), especially if considering the various sources constant X of 1.7 km (211 have been assumed. The channel

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height has been fixed for all the calculations equal to 7.5 km
1181; however, this parameter
1 has been: shown not to affect
? 6 ..-.x.-.
.. 0.. .Ex conrribulion
.x. .-.Incident
-o- Voltage
significantly the radiated electromagnetic fields [32], [33] and,
hence, the induced voltages. 40
\$ ----n----A--Riwrrconlribution

The voltage induced at three points of the line (zol = -500

m; 2 0 2 = -250 m; 2 0 3 = 0 m) is presented in Fig. 9. The
contribution to the total voltage of 1) the incident voltage;
20 4 I I
2) the voltage due to the horizontal field; and 3) the voltage
due to the coupling of the vertical field to the vertical line * .....
terminations (risers contribution), is represented in the same *---- *
figure. The latter two components of the voltage are the two -20 -2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
terms that form the scattered voltage. Note that the voltage f I!&
due to the vertical field is the sum of the first and the third
terms (incident voltage plus risers contribution).
From Fig. 9(a), (b), and (c), it can be seen that according to
the employed coupling model, both the vertical and horizontal
components of the electric field are of fundamental importance
in the coupling mechanism. However, it is worth noting
that the contribution to the total voltage of the vertical field
(incident voltage plus risers) decreases along the line moving
away from the point closest to the striking point, in agreement
with what is observed by Diendorfer [SI.
For the examined case, the total voltage shows a positive
and unipolar waveshape for each of the considered observation b)
points. It is interesting to observe that while the contribution
-40 ->
of the vertical field to the total voltage at each point is of
positive polarity, the horizontal field coupling may result in
a contribution of positive [Fig. 9(a)], bipolar [Fig. 9(b)], or
* - .-..Q ....e._..
negative [Fig. 9(c)] polarity.
Different locations of the striking point, as well as different -0- - - Incident Voliagc
line terminations [14], however, could result in negative or ---X--- X - - - E, convihiion
bipolar induced voltages.
In what follows, the influence of some characteristic param-
eters related to the lightning discharge on the amplitude and
waveshape of the induced voltage is examined. -1oA ’$\\

B. Peak Value and Muximum Time Derivative of the

Lightning Current at the Channel Base 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I lPl
In this study, use is made of the values reported by Berger et
al. [22], referring to peak value and maximum time derivative Fig. 9. Voltages induced at different positions along a I-kmmatched
for subsequent negative return strokes (see Table 11). overhead line by a typical subsequent retum stroke: (a) line terminations;
(b) 250 m from line terminations; (c) middle point of the line. Striking point
From (4), ( S ) , and ( 2 ) , it results that both the horizontal equidistant from the line ends (xu = -500 m, yu = 50 m). Channel-base
and the vertical field intensities are proportional to the current current of Fig. 2. The contributions to the total voltage of the incident voltage,
intensity independently from the return stroke current model of the voltage due to the horizontal electric field, and of the voltage due to
the vertical electric field coupling to the risers are also shown. The first and
used in (4) and (5); as (7)-(9) are linear equations, it follows third terms represent the contribution of the vertical field to the total voltage.
that an increase of a factor n of the channel-base current The time origin is shifted by yo/c.
intensity will result in the same increase for both the peak
value and the maximum time derivative of the induced voltage, The influence of the maximum time derivative of the
as confirmed by calculations. channel-base current, keeping constant the peak value at 12
kA, is shown in Fig. 11. For an increase of a factor 10 in the
However, in order to assess separately the influence of
the peak value and of the maximum time derivative, we examined range, the induced voltage maximum front steepness
have varied singularly each one independently from the other. (time derivative) increases by a factor of 4, whereas the peak
In each case the suitable coefficients for function (2) have voltage increases only by a factor of about 1.4 (see Table 111).
been determined in order to reproduce the values reported in
Table 11. The variation of the peak value keeping constant the C. Return-Stroke Velocity
maximum time derivative of the current at 40 kA/ps is shown In this paper we vary the return-stroke velocity, keeping
in Fig. 10 (see also Table I11 for numerical values). constant the intensity of the current, even though correla-

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Parameter Percent of Cases Exceeding Tabulated Value
95 9% 50% 5%

Peak value 4.6 12 30


Maximum 12 40 I20
time derivative
(kA/ps) , . .
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
r [PI
140 Fig. 1 1 . Influence of the maximum time derivative of the channel-base
current on the induced voltage.

: 100

i7 80




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5
r IN
Fig. IO. Influence of the peak value of the channel-babe current on the
induced voltage.

TABLE I11 Fig. 12. Influence of the return stroke velocity on the induced voltage.
VALUE OF THE INDUCED and calculations are presented in Fig. 12. It can be seen that,
VOLTAGE.CALCULATIONS PERFORMED USINGTHE MTL MODEL for the given configuration, an increase in the return-stroke
Case velocity results in a marked increase of the induced voltage
front steepness but does not affect very much the peak value
Base (see also numerical values in Table 111). This result can be
explained, considering the contribution of the different field
66 190 0.5 I .4 terms to the total electric field and hence on the induced
voltage. At close distance from the lightning channel, the
radiation term is responsible only for the initial fast-rising part
of the field. During this early period, this term increases nearly
I , = 1.6 kA 28 I 05 0.3 1.1 proportionally to the return-stroke velocity; soon after the
electrostatic term, the amplitude of which decreases slightly
with the velocity [32],becomes predominant.
I , = 30 kA 133 225 0.7 2. I
Since experimental data on lightning seem to show a de-
crease of velocity with height for a kilometer scale [28], a ve-
50 65 0.8 2.2 locity decreasing along the channel has been considered. How-
ever, no significant variation in voltages have been found using
72 290 0.3 1.1 an exponentially decreasing velocity 'ti = '00 exp( -z'/y), with
y varying from 0.5 km to infinity.
69 120 0.7 2.2
D. Lightning Return-Stroke Models
I' = 2 ' lo* m / s 61 220 0.3 0.8 Several return-stroke current models with specified channel-
base current have been proposed in the past years; some of
these, namely the Bruce and Golde (BG) [ 161; the transmission
line (TL) [17]; the Master, Uman, Lin and Standler (MULS)
tions between velocity and return stroke currents have been [ 181; the traveling current source (TCS) [ 191, and the modified
considered by other authors (e.g. [5], 1341). Three different transmission line (MTL) [20,2 11 have been recently reviewed
values for a constant return-stroke velocity along the channel, and compared in [33], assuming a common current waveshape
namely: 0.6. lo8, 1 . 3 . lo8,and 2.10' m/s, have been chosen, at the channel base.

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lightning return-stroke models differ, and that these differences

are of the same order of magnitude as those that would result
from different sets of characteristic parameters of the lightning
discharge (compare Tables 111 and IV).
It is worth mentioning that a new model, physically oriented
and consistent with experimental results, has been recently
proposed by Diendorfer and Uman [35]. Due to the fact
that the channel-base current according to this model is the
sum of two components and their choice may not always
be straightforward, this model has not been used for the
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 comparison. Further work, however, is needed in this re-
f I N spect.

Fig. 13. Induced voltages calculated adopting two different lightning return E. Discussion ( f Other Coupling Models
stroke models (MTL and TCS) starting from the same channel-base current
of Fig. 2. In the power-lightning literature, coupling equations ex-
pressed in terms of total voltage, introduced by Rusck [ 5 ]
TABLE IV (see (B-1) and (B-2) of Appendix B), have been adopted
ADWTING by several authors for the determination of lightning-induced
LIGHTN'NG RETURN-STRoKE (MTL A N D TCS) voltages on overhead lines (e.g., [6), [ 131, [ 151, [38]). These
equations differ from (7) and (8). Since the two approaches
Model (kv)
c 7 ~ l ( ~ [ - / ~ / ~ ) I ~ L z L Y t:iii-wu f ~ i (/IS)
~ ( ~ are not equivalent and since the authors feel that, in this
(kV//ts) (Its)
respect, a general agreement has not yet been reached, a
MTL 66 190 0.5 I .4
further discussion is given in what follows. Without loos-
TCS 74 260 0.3 I .2
ing generality, we shall consider a lossless line and a per-
fect conducting ground, since (B-I) and (B-2) refer to this
It has been shown that all of them, apart from the TL model, case.
produce overall field shapes that are reasonable approxima- It can be seen [36] that (7) and (8) (neglecting the line
tions to measured fields from natural lightning. Further, it resistance and the line conductance since we are now consid-
has been shown that they can be classified in two groups ering a lossless line), which are expressed in terms of scattered
depending on: 1) the treatment of the return-stroke wavefront voltage, are equivalent to another couple of equations given
either as a discontinuity (BG, TCS) or as a fast-rising current by Taylor et al. [37], which are written in terms of total line
waveshape with finite rise time equal the rise time assumed for voltage (see (B-4) and (B-5) of Appendix B). These equations
the specified current at the channel base (TL, MULS, MTL); contain two source terms, which are due, respectively, to
and 2) the spatial and temporal distribution of charge removed the incident (or inducing) magnetic flux density field [series
from the leader channel. voltage source, in (B-4)] and to the incident (inducing)vertical
In order to show how the above-mentioned differences can electric field [parallel current source, in (B-5)). Since (B-2) is
have an influence on the calculated voltages, one representative equivalent to (B-5), the above allows us to conclude that in the
model from each group, namely the TCS and the MTL models, coupling set of two equations (B-I) and (B-2), a source term
have been selected for comparison. The spatial-temporal distri- is omitted, namely the contribution of the incident magnetic
bution of the lightning current for the TCS model is reported flux density field [compare (B-1) with (B-4)].
in Appendix A. The result of omitting that source term can lead to a less
The induced voltages calculated starting from the same accurate estimation of the induced voltages and, in some
channel-base current represented in Fig. 2 and assuming the cases, to their underestimation. This is shown in Fig. 14,
same line configuration and same impact point defined in where the induced voltage calculated adopting the coupling
Section IV-A, are shown in Fig. 13. It can be seen that the model by Rusck [described by (B-I) and (B-2)] is compared
wave-shapes of the induced voltages predicted by the two with voltages calculated adopting the Agrawal et al. [(7) and
models are quite similar, but the TCS model yields higher (8)] and the Taylor et al. [(B-4) and (B-5)] models. For
peak value and maximum front-steepness (see Table IV). This the calculation, we considered a 500-m-long line, matched
difference can be explained considering that the TCS model at both ends, with a striking point along the line prolonga-
produces sharper and more intense initial field peaks than does tion at 50 m from the left line termination. The difference
the MTL [33]. between the calculated voltages is quite evident: the Rusck
For the same conditions, the voltages calculated using the voltage has a peak value of 19 kV, while the Agrawal et
other models (BG, TL, MULS) exhibit peak value and max- a/. (and Taylor et ul.) voltage reaches a value of about 33
imum front steepness that are practically equal (TL, MULS) kV.
or greater (BG) than those predicted by the MTL, and do not It is worth observing that the magnetic field source term
exceed those obtained using the TCS. in (B-4) can be expressed in terms of both horizontal and
We can conclude that peak value and maximum front vertical electric field components as shown by ( 1 2), which
steepness of the induced voltages calculated adopting other can be derived from Maxwell's equations [29]

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magnitude as those that would result from different sets

of characteristic parameters of the lightning discharge.
It has also been shown that a different coupling model used
in the power-lightning literature by several other authors, in
which a source term is omitted, may result in a less accurate
estimation of the intensity of the induced voltages.
Further theoretical work, as well as other experimental
results, are needed in order to better estimate the influence
on the induced voltages of ground characteristics and possible
corona effects.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 APPENDIXA
Fig. 14. Calculated voltage at the left line termination of a 500-m matched
overhead line according to the Rusck (dotted line) and the Agrawal er al. and CURRENTSOURCE(TCS) MODEL [19]
Taylor et al. (solid line) models. Striking point along the line prolongation at
50 m from left line termination. In the TCS model, developed by Heidler ,191, a current
source is assumed to travel along the channel from ground
to cloud at the retum stroke velocity. The current flows into
the lightning channel from the traveling source to the ground
with the speed of light. The spatial-temporal distribution of
B&(X,Z,t ) d z = - E:(z. hi, t ) the lightning current is
t ) = i ( O , t + z ' / c ) , for z' 5 vt
+ d .kl hr
E 4 ( 2 . z ,t ) d z . (12)
i ( 2 . t ) = 0: for z' > lit (A- 1)

V. CONCLUSIONS c speed of light; and

'u retum stroke velocity.
For the calculation of voltages induced by indirect lightning
return strokes on overhead lines one needs 1) a lightning
retum-stroke model for the calculation of the electromagnetic APPENDIXB
field; and 2) a field-to-transmission line coupling model. The system of equations presented by Rusck [ 5 ] describing
The MTL lightning retum-stroke model and the coupling the coupling between lightning electromagnetic field and a
model based on the transmission line theory, adopted in this lossless wire above a perfect conducting ground, in the form
paper, give results in reasonable agreement with existing used by several other authors (e.g., [6], [13], [.l5], [38]) reads
experimental data.
These two models have been applied for the analysis of the
i,,u(z, t )
+ L'-d i (ats ,t ) = O (B-1)
voltages induced on a 1-km-long overhead line by a typical di(z,t) i,
subsequent retum stroke with striking point close to the line
- d(.C,t) =0
and equidistant from the line terminations. In addition, the
results have been compared with those obtained adopting where ~ ( 5t ),and i ( x ,t ) are the total line voltage and current,
different lightning return stroke models. t ) is the so-called inducing voltage defined as (see
and uLi(lc,
The study allows to conclude that: also Section 111-A)
the vertical and horizontal components of the electric
field for distance ranges not exceeding a few hundred
meters can be calculated with reasonable approximation
u ' ( L ,t ) = -
I" E ~ ( . EZ ,. t ) d z zz -h . E ~ ( x0,, t )

The Taylor et al. coupling equations for a lossless wire


assuming the ground as a perfect conductor, even though

above a perfect conducting ground, adapted to the coordinate
the determination of the horizontal component requires
system used in this paper and expressed in the time domain,
a more rigorous approach for poor values of the ground
read [37]
the peak value and the maximum time derivative of the
channel-base current affect both the peak value and the
+ L d /' (atJ At ) = -fIa 'L
Bi(z,z,t)dz (B-4)
maximum front steepness of the induced voltages. On
the other hand, for the examined case, the return stroke
velocity affects practically only the front steepness of the
induced voltages; where Bb(z.z.t ) is the component along the y axis of the
peak value and maximum front steepness of the induced incident magnetic-flux density field.
voltages calculated using other lightning return-stroke While (B-2) is equivalent to (B-5), (B-1) differs from (B-4)
models differ; these differences are of the same order of due to the missing source term.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT no. 51, pp. 118-126, 1983.

[24] A. Sommerfeld, “Uber die Ausbreitung der Wellen in der drahtlosen
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Rubinstein for the provided sets of experimental results and [251 A. Zeddam and P. Degauque, “Current and voltage induced on a
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for discussions‘ thanks are due to Prof. D. neric-, R, L, Gardner, Ed, Emisphere Publishers, 1990, pp, 377400.
Zanobetti for profitable discussions during the development of (261 V. Cooray and S. Lundquist, “Effects of propagation on the rise times
work. and the initial peaks of the radiation fields from return strokes,” Radio
Sci., vol. 18, pp. 409415, June 1983.
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lightning induced voltage on power distribution lines,” IEEE Truns. Carlo Alberta Nucci (M’91) was born in Bologna,
Power Deliveiy, vol. 4, pp. 2196-2203, Oct. 1989. Italy, on October 21, 1956. He received the degree
M. Rubinstein, A. Y. Tzeng, M. A. Uman, P. J. Medelius, and E. in electrical engineering in 1981 from the University
W. Thomson, “An experimental test of a theory of lightning-induced of Bologna
voltages on an overhead wire,” IEEE Truns. Electromagn. Cumpat., vol. In 1982, he joined the LJniversity of Bologna
31, pp. 376383, Nov. 1989. a\ a Re\earcher in the Power Electncal Engineer-
P. Chowdhuri, “Analysis of lightning-induced voltages on overhead ing Imtitute, where he is now Associate Professor
lines,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivety, vol. 4, pp. 479492, Jan. 1989. of Power System\ His research interests concern
C. Bruce and R. M. Golde, “The lightning discharge,” J. Inst. Elec. lightning and nuclear EMP impact on power lines,
Eng., vol. 88, pp. 487-520, 1941. power system? simulation, and the study of power
M. A. Uman and D. K. McLain, “Magnetic field of lightning return components including medium voltage capacitors
stroke,” J . Geophysicul Res., vol. 74, pp. 6899-6910, Dec. 1969. dnd traction batteries He I $ author or coauthor of about 30 scientific papers
M. J. Master, M. A. Uman, Y. T. Lin and R. B. Standler, “Calculations presented at internatlonal conferences and publi\hed in reviewed journals
of lightning return stroke electric and magnetic fields above ground,” J.
Geophysical Res., vol. 86, pp. 12 127-12 132, Dec. 1981.
F. Heidler, “Traveling current source model for LEMP calculation,” in
Proc. 6th Inr. Symp. Tech. Exhibition o11 Electromugn. Conlptrt.. Zurich,
Switzerland, Mar, 1985, pp. 157-162.
C. A. Nucci, C. Mazzetti, F. Rachidi, and M. lanoz, “On lightning return Farhad Rachidi was born in Geneva, Switzerland,
stroke models for LEMP calculations,” in Proc. 19th Int. Cot$ Lightning in 1962. He received the M.S. degree in electrical
Protection, Graz, Apr. 1988, pp. 463470. engineering and the Ph.D. degree from the Swiss
C. A. Nucci and F. Rachidi, “Experimental validation of a modification Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzer-
to the transmission line model for LEMP calculations,” in Proc. 8th Int. land, in 1986 and 1991, respectively.
Sjmp. Tech. Exhibition on Electromagri. Comput.. Zurich, Switzerland, He is currently working at the Power Network
Mar. 1989, pp. 389-394. Laboratory at this institute. His research interests
I221 K. Berger, R. B. Anderson, and H. Kroninger, ”Parameters of lightning concern lightning and EMP interactions with power
flashes,” Electra. no. 41, pp. 23-37, 1975. lines. He is the author or coauthor of more than 15
(231 M. J. Master and M. A. Uman, “Transient electric and magnetic fields scientific papers published in reviewed journals and
associated with establishing a finite electrostatic dipole,” Ant. J. Phy c... presented at international conferences.

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Michel V. Ianoz (SM’85) was born in 1936. He Carlo Mazzetti (M’90) was born in Rome, Italy,
received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering in 1943. He received the Dr. Ing. degree in electri-
from the Polytechnical School of Bucarest, Ro- cal engineering from the University of Rome “La
mania, and the Ph.D. degree from the Moscow Sapienza,” Italy, in 1967.
University, Moscow, U.S.S.R., in 1968. In 1967 he joined the University of Rome, first as
He worked on magnetic field calculations for par- a Scientist in High-Voltage (HV) Problems and then
ticle accelerators and focusing devices at the Joint as an Assistant Professor of Advanced Electrical
Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, U.S.S.R., Engineering. In 1974 he became Associate Professor
and at the European Center for Nuclear Research in High-Voltage Engineering, and since 1986 he is
(CERN), Geneva. Since 1975 he joined the Power Full Professor in the same field. Since 1967 his main
Network Laboratorv of the Swiss Institute of Tech- interests have been the HV transient analysis and
nology, Lausanne Switzerland, where he is presently teaching EMC as a measurements with particular reference to lightning effects and diagnostic tests
Professor of the Electrical Department and is engaged in research activities on electrical insulation. His activities include design and test experience on
concerning the calculation of electromagnetic fields, transient phenomena, fluid insulations and studies on lightning electromagnetic fields. From 1986
lightning, and EMP effects on power and telecommunication networks. He to 1989 he was Director of the Electrical Engineering Department of the
is coauthor of a book on high-voltage engineering, editor of a book on University of Rome “La Sapienza,” and from March 1989 Director of the HV
electromagnetic compatibility, and author or coauthor of about 80 scientific Group of the Italian National Research Council. He is author and coauthor of
papers. more than 50 scientific papers.
Dr. Ianoz is chairman of the Swiss National Committee of the URSI, mem- Dr. Mazzetti is a member of the Italian Electrotechnical Committee (CEV81)
ber of the Study Committee 36 “Perturbations” of CIGRE, and of the WGlO of and the International Electrotechnical Commission (1EC/81) on Lightning
the TC77 (EMC) of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). He Protection.
is also an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC

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