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Union Budget of India: What is it and Why is it so

In accordance to the Constitution of India’s Article 112, it is necessary to present a
budget at the Parliament before the beginning of every financial year. The Union Budget
is allotted for the upcoming fiscal year, which starts from 1st of April and ends on
31st March of the next year.
About Union Budget
The Union Budget contains details about the projected receivables and payables of the
government for a particular fiscal year. This budget statement is divided into two major
parts—capital budget and revenue budget.

 Capital budget

Capital budget accounts for government-related capital payment and receipts.

Capital receipts include loans from the public or that from the Reserve Bank of
India (RBI), while capital payment includes expenses incurred towards health
facilities, development and maintenance of equipment, as well as educational

 Revenue budget

As the name suggests, a revenue budget accounts for all the revenue expenditure
and receipts. If the revenue expense is in excess of the receipts, the government
suffers a revenue deficit.
Understanding the importance of a Union Budget
The general objective of the Union Budget is to bring about a rapid and balanced
economic growth of our country coupled with social justice and equality. Following are
the key objectives that highlight the importance of Union Budget in India.

1. Ensure efficient allocation of resources

It is necessary to employ the available resources in the best interest of the country.
Allocating resources optimally helps to achieve profit maximization for the
government so as to foster public welfare.

2. Reduce unemployment and poverty levels

Another objective of the Union Budget is to wipe out poverty and create more job
opportunities. This will ensure that every citizen of the country is able to meet
his/her basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing, along with facilities for health
care and education.

3. Reduce wealth and income disparities

The budget aids in influencing the distribution of income through subsidies and
taxes. It helps to ensure that a high rate of tax is levied on the rich class, thereby
reducing their disposable income. On the other hand, a lower rate of tax is charged
on the lower income group to ensure they have sufficient income in hand.

4. Keep a check on prices

The Union Budget aids in controlling the economic fluctuations as well. It ensures
proper handling of inflation and deflation, thus bringing about economic stability.
During inflation, surplus budget policies are implemented, while deficit budget
policies are devised during deflation. This aids in maintaining a price stability in
the economy.

5. Change tax structure

The Union Budget also dictates the possible changes in the direct and indirect
taxes of the country. It brings about changes to income tax rates and tax brackets.
For instance, the upcoming income tax slab A.Y. 2018-19 is part of this budget.
The Union Budget is indeed crucial as it has a widespread impact on numerous areas.
Hence, it is imperative to have knowledge about what it stands for and its importance.

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