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Father : (Minor, antagonist, static, flat.)

He is Jackie and Nora's father. He is a good father. He cares to his family, especially to his sons but he
cares more to Nora than Jackie. Maybe it is caused by his rarely being at home and he doesn't know
what is Jackie's problem.

Mother : (Minor, antagonist, static, flat.)

She is Jackie and Nora's mom. She is a good mother. She protects Jackie and try to be wise to solve
his sons's problem. She is also like his husband, she rarely stays at home.

Father :

He is Jackie and Nora’s Father . He is minor and flat character in the short story. He sides with Nora.
He works outside home.

Mother :

She is Jackie and Nora’s mother. She is minor and flat character in the short story. She does not like
Grandmother (to mother’s great indignation , went round the house in bare feet) . She often sides with
Jackie, she works outside home.
4. Point of View

At the beginning of the story, the point of view uses the all knowing or omniscient.
We can see that at the first paragraph.
(It was a Saturday afternoon in early spring. A small boy whose face looked as though
it had been but newly scrubbed was being led by his sister through a crowded street.)
The point of view is also written in first person. The firts person is Jackie and he
clarifies the other characters of the short story. There are conversations and phrases to prove
("Father, I made it up to kill me grandmother.")
("Oh God, father, she's a horrible woman!")
("She takes snuff, father.")
("She takes porter and she ates the potatoes off the table with her hands. And me
mother do be out working most days, and since that one came 'tis she gives us our dinner and
I can't ate the dinner and she gives pinnies to Nora, she doesn't give no pinnies to me because
she knows I can't stand her. And me father sides with her, father, and he bates me, and me
heart is broken and wan night in bed I made it up the way I'd kill her.")

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