A Story of Stuff PK

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In a video, Annie Leonard talks about stuff.

She mentions about How stuff was made,

used and destroyed. There are lots of stories behind one piece of stuff that we use
nowadays. In a system of a stuff there are 5 steps; Extraction, Production, Distribution,
Consumption and Disposal. In each steps of making stuff was effect the world and people
atrociously. The system of a stuff is in a linear system which it is actually contradictory with
the world as a linear system runs infinitely but in reality we have a finite resource.

Annie Leonard discuss about process of making a stuff and shows a negative side
that people didn’t notice about it. She said that “We didn’t pay for the stuff but others were
paying with their loss of natural resources.” This statement shows that using a stuff does
effect people’s life. According to Leonard, a system of stuff was running in a linear system
infinitively which it oppose to the reality which our world are finite. Every time we use this
system to produce a stuff it does give a pollute to the world in a direct way and to people in
an indirect way. I think that it’s true of what she says because the world started to get
worse every as we see from increasing of natural disasters all around the world. In an
extraction process everyday we cut down huge amount of natural resources such as trees,
oil, iron and etc. This affect both human and Earth as it demolishes animal’s habitat and also
damage clean air. I think that extraction breaks down an equilibrium of a nature in which it
is a factor that cause natural disasters. All those resources that were cut down will be used
in in a production part to produce a stuff. In a process of production, it creates a lot of toxics
such as carbon dioxide or toxic chemicals. All of the toxics were released in places such as in
the air, water or ground. This process contains an economics externality. The owner of the
factories mostly didn’t care about health and safety as they have lower cost. If there is a
toxic in a process it means that there are high chances that there are some toxics in a
product. Those products are selling all around the world to a consumer like us and we
consume it. When use those stuff we already touching or taking a toxic in to our body. This
will cause lots of health problems in human. Kids that are born these days are consuming a
stuff with toxics when they’re still young and they have a high potential to consume more
when they grown up. This is why people are facing lots of health problems everyday. When
we are done using those stuff, all of the stuff are moving into a disposal process. Some of a
stuff got recycled but most of it got burn or buried under the ground. The normal process of
disposal actually cause more toxic than a production part. Recycle is one of the very good
way of saving natural resources and to decrease a toxic and pollute but it cost a lot of
money to make it so even it’s healthy for the world. The people who are paying for it are not
so happy to pay a lot of money for recycling the stuff. If we keep making stuff in this system,
our world will ran out of the resources. That’s why this system can’t fit in to our world. I
agree with Annie Leonard except one thing. She said that “ When people along this system
get united, we can reclaim and transform linear system in to a system that doesn’t waste
resources or people.” I personally think that it’s very hard to make everybody get united. In
this world there are a lot of people who thinks of money before the world. In the reality
money controls people’s action and mindset. In another word, I don’t think that all the
people will get united. I think that it’s a very good system and a very well caring about the
earth but It’s impossible.

To conclude, our world can’t use a linear system of stuff since the system is infinite.
Using this system cause a lack of resources and a break down of an equilibrium of a nature
as we use lots of the resources everyday. This system also makes a lot of pollution and
toxics which it affects to nature and human health. Recycle is one of a good way that we can
save resources and decrease a pollution but it causes a lot of money which lots of people
are not willing to pay for it. Annie Leonard have an interesting idea of making a new system
that doesn’t waste resources or people but I think that it is impossible to do it.


1. A stuff moves in system from extraction, production, distribution, consumption and

2. A linear system can’t run on a finite planet.
3. 50% of federal tax money goes to the military.
4. In 100 largest economies, 51 are corporations.
5. World are running out of resources because we are using too much stuff.
6. 1/3 of the resources had been consumed in the past three decades.
7. The US have less than 4% of original forest left.
8. In the US 40% of waterways became undrinkable.
9. The US have 5% of the world population, but they are consuming 30% of the world
resources and create 30% of the world waste.
10. Three to five planet will be need if everyone consumes like the US.
11. 75% of global fisheries now are fished at or beyond capacity.
12. 80% of the planet’s original forests are gone.
13. There are over 100,000 synthetic chemicals in use in commerce today.
14. 200,000 people a day are moving from environment into the cities.
15. Industry in the US release 4 billion pounds of toxic chemicals a year.
16. 30% of kids in Congo have had to drop out of the school to mine coltan.
17. 99% of stuff in the system had been trashed within 6 months.
18. The US consume twice as much as they consume 50 years ago.
19. In the US people is targeted with over 3,000 advertisements a day.
20. We saw an advertisements in a year than people 50 years ago see in a lifetime.
21. The US national happiness peaked during the 1950s.
22. The US spend 3to4 times as many hours shopping as our counterparts in Europe do.
23. The US house size has doubled since 1970s.
24. Each people in the US makes 4 ½ pounds of garbage a day.
25. For every one garbage can of waste you put on the curb, 70 garnage cans of waste
were mage upstream to make the junk in that one garbage can you put out on the

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