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32" TAMILNADU STATE UNDER-13 OPEN and GIRLS CHESS ‘CHAMIPIONSHIP- 2019 FIDE RATED CHESS TOURNAMENT AICF Event code: 208074/208075/TN(S)2019 (TNSCA Approval No. 803/KGI/19-20) ORGANISED BY KRISHNAGIRI DISTRICT CHESS ASSOCIATION — Hosur (Affiliated to TSCA) (Gn behalf of TAMIL NADU STATE CHESS ASSOCIATION Venue : AADHIYAMAAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, Hosur From 19" to 23" APRIL 2019 Total Cash Prizes: Rs. 30,000/- (Rs. 15,000 for Boys & Rs. 15,000 for Girls) [mare mer | All entsies whether ‘regular’ o ‘special’ should be roured through dhe sespective district chess associadion on oF before 15.04.2019, Entry fee can be remitted by Demand Draft favouring “Krishnagr District Chess Association” payable at Hosur. No. i, Eshwar Nagar, Adjacent to Indian Bank, Bye-pass Road, Hosur. Traugurgl function, 7308 M. Managers Meeting 10,30,A.M, To) Foday Round 1 11,00, AM. Reund 2 3.4 PM. BM-a0r Sarurday Rend 3 C Round 4 3.00 PM. 19 Sunday Round 5 9.00 ALM. Round 6 3.00 PM. 22-04-2019 Mond, Round 7 9.00 A.M. Round 8 3.00 BM, B. 19) Round 9 ize Distribution *Pleare note thatanly players who take par ia thin Stabe Ohampionship will be sed/apecial entries in the farth coming Natiunal U-13 Ghess Champin ion in this State Championship is COMPULSORY. ‘Note tn District Chess Assaciations: Hence advise ullyour 1-19 players ta take part in this state ehampivoship. Last date foi receipt of entries :13* A pril 2019. Strictly Entries will not be accepted after thelast date (13 A pril 2019). Ail entries be it regular / special should be routed through respective District Chess Association. RULES AND REGULATIONS Age Eligibility Those bom on or after (01.01.2006 are eligible ro participare. Age proof is required. Certificate should be from the Panchayat/Municipality or corporation obtained soon. afier bicth. Players without the date of birth certificate will not be allowed m1 re. As per the rules of AICF, only players whose dates of birth are registered within one year of their birth are permitted to take part in respective age group state/nationals, Other country passport holders shall net be allowed to participare in the Stare Chess Championship, Lodging Free Dormitory type of Lodging will be provided at the Venue for ll the Participents ind Parents. Players are requested to bring their own beddings. AICF Player AICF player registration is compulsory for all players. AICF Player Registration Registration fee ts Rs. 250/- for the year 2019-2020. AICF player registrations will be accepted oaly through ontine. Players / Arbiters registration should be done well before the start of event (Tournament). For renewing AICF registration of existing players, please click hitpe//aickin/ players/ For fresh AICF registration please click hitpi//nichin/oaline-player registrations For fresh AICF registration, players are requested to keep their scanned passport size photograph and birth certificate and a valid email address (unique) not used by any other person/ player for AIGK, ready before the registration proces: ‘Note: Only passport size (less than MB) photographs in jpeg format should be uploaded, Al the participants of 32" Tamil Naclu State U-13 Open & Gils Chess ‘Championship must he eepisteced with T by paying Rs. 150/- a player repisteation fee for the year 2019-2020, the players have to submit their Date of Birth Certificate copy and one passport size phate alongwith the duly signed TN Playees' Registeation Form. Those who have aleeady paid. must submit the proot Kerishnagitd District -Krishnagiti District Chess Association Player's Registeation is compulsory for Chess Association —_Krishnagjri District players, The fee foe the year 2019-2020 is Rs. 100/- only. Players Registration Default ime: ‘Default time is 15 minutes. Players have to be ar the boards within 15 minutes ‘of the start Rules: FIDE rules in force shall apply. System of play. The Tournament shall be conducted an a Nine rounds Swiss System, ‘Vime Controt Digital Clock 90 minutes each plus’ 30 seconds increment per move from number one. break ‘Direct encounter, Buchhole Cur 1, Buchholz, Sonnebern Bergerand number oF wins (forfeit included) tie-break rules will be applied. In case of tie, prizes will nat be shared Fach Association is requested ta provide at least two chess clocks for every four playess Appeals Aa Appeals Committee comprising. of five members ples two ceserves willbe formed at the Commince: managers meeting All dhe members and eqxerves shall be from different darsiers. No member of committee can vote on. dispute in which a player fom bis own dlistrict/stares is involved and in such case(s), the reserve member takes his place “The decision of the appeals cammiteee is final and binding on all players concerned. ‘Tournament ‘The tournament committee consisting of the General Secretary, TNSCA or his Commitee: fepresenrative, and cepresentative from another distect to be nominated by the shall decide on all emergency matters Protest, if any against the decision of the Chief arbirer shall be made in writing with apmotest fee of Rs.501/- within 15 minutes of the incident. The decisions of the appeals committee shall be final and binding on all concemed, The pentest fee is refundable one if the protest is upheld. A player may witheiraw from the tournament at any stage after informing the Chief Acbiter in writing, “Arrears: “The players belonging to Districts which are in arrears to TNSCA will ant be allowed to take pact. Rights of ‘The AICF/TNSCA /orginizer Krishnagiti District Chess Association / reserve the right to admit / reject any entry without assigning any reason thereof, ‘Admission ‘The AIGF/TNSCA/ organizer Keishnagis Distoict Chess Association reserve the nghts of admission to the venue and lodging place. Age Limit (Complaints against suspected over-aged players could be made with a fee of Rs.1000//+to the organizers before the end of the second round who shall medically verify the players concerned. Only the Manager deputed by Participating district chess association can lodge such complaints Instruction to As per the rules of AICE, only the players whose dates of bicth are registered the District within one Year of theirbirth are permitted to take part in sespective age group, Chess District Chess Associations ate directed hereby to forwaed the names of players Associations: whose Birth registration have been done within a year of thelr birth for this TN State Under-13 Championship, Wheeever discrepancies exist, the matter may be taken up with AIC Through TNSCA. This will avoid the inconvenience ‘caused to such players when they appear in National U=13 Championship. Wrist watches of —AICF has hanned the wrist watches while playing in FIDE Rated events. Players are players instructed not to wear wrist watches while playing, Eigibilicy: Subject co the age limit, the following players cam participate: Every alliliated District Chess Associstion/Special Unit of TNSCA is entitled to fletd two entries in each Category. ‘The top four rankers of 2018 TN Siate Linder-13 (Open and Cirls) Chess Charmpionship subject to age stipulation The two rankersof 2018°TN State Unde -11 (Open and Girls) Che+s Championships are seeded to play in their spective categanen ‘The Champion of TN State 1-9 Open &eGirke Chess Championship 2018 are seeded to phiy in tbeir respective categories. In addition 4 above the following Districts can field adkitional entries by virtue of three medal winners (gold, silver and. tronze) seeured by their players in the last 31°T'N Stnte Under 13 Open & Girls Chess Championship 2018 held st Coimbatore. Bosse Gold (Kanchipuram} - 3, Silver ( Tirwvullur) -2, Bronce (Sivaganga}- |-Girla: Gold (Ranch param} = 4, Silver (Kanyakumari) -2, Bronze (Cuddalore) 1, All these norninations from the Distriet Associations shall be ‘given only from the Rank list of their respective District charmpionstips with proof and not to anybody else, ‘The host Krishnagtri District Chess Assoointion isentitled ta fckd one additional enty in euch -cateyory Any player who pays the prescribed Special entry fee “Open: Rs. 80i/-Cirls: Rs.8Od- may be ounsidered forpartisipation with Fecommendation of the respective District Association, The TNSCA Sccreiary can nominate one player in cach category. ‘Any euitent Notional Champion in any category i to be seeied to All State championships subject to age stipulatioa, ‘Any current National No.2 and 3 are to be seeded to the same entegery State Championship subjest to sae stipulation. ‘Any eusrent World Champion in any category ts to be sceded to All State Champinrishipss subjest to ope stipulation. ‘Any eurrent World No. 2 and 3.are to he seeded to the sume + one step higher State champéonships subject to-age stipulation ‘Any Current Asian Champion is tobe seeded: the same plus one step higher state championship subject to age stipulation ‘Any Current Asian Nor 2 and 3 ore to be seeded to the same category subject to age stipulation. ‘Any current Siate Champion isto be seeded (o all Lower enicgoriex State Championships mityect to the restriction regarding age ‘ALLGMs & IMs are seeded to ull Open (bays) Stute Chatnpionships subject to age stipulation, WOM & WIMs are seeded 10 all Stute Chest Championships subject (o age stipulation. Cnty Indian National are eligible to purticipate,

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