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DigComp 2.

for Citizens
With eight
proficiency levels
and examples
of use
Stephanie Carretero,
Riina Vuorikari and
Yves Punie

Joint EUR 28558 EN

DigComp 2.1

for Citizens
With eight
proficiency levels
and examples
of use
Stephanie Carretero,
Riina Vuorikari and
Yves Punie
This publication is a Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. It aims
to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position
of the European Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that
might be made of this publication.

We are grateful to all the stakeholders who contributed and helped us to shape DigComp 2.1 over a period of more than a year. Special thanks go
to those who provided their expertise in the validation process of DigComp 2.1, being especially grateful to Monique Derrider (Katholiek Onderwijs
Vlaanderen, Belgium), Jim Devine (Independent expert, Ireland), George Evangelinos (Anglia Ruskin University, UK), Gloria García Amat (Fernando de
los Ríos Consortium, Spain), Itziar Garcia Blazquez (Independent expert, Spain), Jean-Yves Jeannas (Independent expert, France), Jesús Moreno (Inde-
pendent expert, Spain), Uwe Richter (Anglia Ruskin University, UK), Anelia Stoikova (Independent expert, Bulgaria), Esther Subias (El Teb, Spain), and
Ryszard Wos (ECCC Foundation, Poland).

We would also like to thank:

• Our colleagues Margherita Bacigalupo, Christine Redecker and Pan Kampylis from our team on learning and skills at the JRC, who participated and
enriched the development of the framework providing their feedback and comments.
• William Okeeffe from DG EMPL for his review and comments.
• Patricia Farrer (JRC) for proof-reading and editing.
• Emiliano Bruno (JRC) for the editorial consultancy coordination.
• Massimiliano Fucci (JRC) for the design and layout of the report.
• Rubén Jiménez El Rubencio for the illustrations.

We believe they have all made significant contributions to enable JRC to present the current report.

Contact information
Name: Yves Punie

JRC Science Hub

EUR 28558 EN

PDF ISBN 978-92-79-68006-9 ISSN 1831-9424 doi:10.2760/38842

Print ISBN 978-92-79-68005-2 ISSN 1018-5593 doi:10.2760/836968

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2017

© European Union, 2017

The reuse of the document is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged and the original meaning or message of the texts are not distorted.
The European Commission shall not be held liable for any consequences stemming from the reuse.

How to cite this report: Carretero, S.; Vuorikari, R. and Punie, Y. (2017). DigComp 2.1: The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens with eight profi-
ciency levels and examples of use, EUR 28558 EN, doi:10.2760/38842

All images © European Union 2017, except: [illustrations on cover and on page 14-15-19-20, El Rubencio (Spain),]

DigComp 2.1: The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens with eight proficiency levels and examples of use

DigComp 2.1 is a further development of the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens. Based on the reference conceptual model published in
DigComp 2.0, we present now eight proficiency levels and examples of use applied to the learning and employment field.
DigComp 2.1

for Citizens
With eight
proficiency levels
and examples
of use
JRC research on Learning and Skills for the Digital Era started in 2005 with the aim to

provide evidence-based policy support to the European Commission and the Member

States on harnessing the potential of digital technologies to innovate education and

training practices, improve access to lifelong learning and to deal with the rise of new

(digital) skills and competences needed for employment, personal development and

social inclusion. More than 20 major studies have been undertaken on these issues with

more than 100 different publications.

The European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens1, also known as DigComp,

offers a tool to improve citizens’ digital competence. DigComp was developed by the JRC

as a scientific project and with intensive consultation of stakeholders, initially on behalf

of DG EAC and, more recently, on behalf of DG EMPL. First published in 2013, DigComp

has become a reference for the development and strategic planning of digital compe-

tence initiatives both at European and Member State level. In June 2016 JRC published

DigComp 2.0, updating the terminology and conceptual model, as well as showcasing

examples of its implementation at the European, national and regional level.

The current version is labelled DigComp 2.1 and it focuses on expanding the initial three

proficiency levels to a more fine-grained eight level description as well as providing ex-

amples of use for these eight levels. Its aim is to support stakeholders with the further

implementation of DigComp.

Other related JRC works on capacity building for the digital transformation of education

and learning and for changing requirements on skills and competences has focussed

on the development of:

More information on:
• digital competence frameworks for educators (DigCompEdu),

• educational organisations (DigCompOrg),

• consumers (DigCompConsumers).

A framework for opening-up Higher Education Institutions (OpenEdu) was also published

in 2016, as well as a competence framework for entrepreneurship (EntreComp). Some

of these frameworks are accompanied by (self-)assessment instruments. Additional

research has been undertaken on computational thinking (CompuThink), Learning Ana-

lytics, MOOC learners (MOOCKnowledge) and MOOCs and free digital learning opportu-

nities for migrants and refugees (MOOCs4inclusion).

More information from all our studies can be found on the JRC Science hub:

Yves Punie

Project Leader

DG JRC Unit Human Capital and Employment

European Commission

Learning Analytics:!cB93Gb
Section 1
Introduction 10

Section 2
The eight proficiency levels and examples of use 12

Section 3
The competences 21

Competence area 1: information and data literacy 23

Competence area 2: communication and collaboration 26

Competence area 3: digital content creation 32

Competence area 4: safety 36

Competence area 5: problem solving 40

Section 1

The report presents the latest version of the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens

(DigComp)2 which was elaborated by the Human Capital and Employment Unit (Joint

Research Centre) on behalf of the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs

and Inclusion of the European Commission.

The DigComp Framework has 5 dimensions:

Dimension 1: Competence areas identified to be part of digital competence

Dimension 2: Competence descriptors and titles that are pertinent to each area

Dimension 3: Proficiency levels for each competence

Dimension 4: Knowledge, skills and attitudes applicable to each competence

Dimension 5: Examples of use, on the applicability of the competence to

different purposes

Two of the dimensions in the earliest version of the Framework (DigComp 1.0 pub-

lished in 2013) were updated in 2016, namely Dimension 1 (the competence areas) and

Dimension 2 (the descriptors and titles). The updated version became DigComp 2.03.

This report presents the latest version of the Framework – DigComp 2.1 – which includes

further updates. Dimension 3 now has eight proficiency levels and Dimension 5 has new

examples of use4.

Section 2 of this report explains the eight proficiency levels and describes the examples

of use. Section 3 presents the new Framework in detail. Significant effort has been dedi-

cated to the lay-out and graphical representation of DigComp 2.1 to increase readability

for all stakeholders interested in implementing the framework. As a reminder, in the next

page an overview of DigComp 2.0 is presented, indicating the changes for DigComp 2.1.

Information on DigComp:
DigComp 2.0 is available at:!HV34YF
DigComp 2.1 does not include an update of dimension 4, we prefer focusing on proving examples of use applied to the field of
employment and learning due to their policy relevance.
DigComp 2.0 (year 2016) DigComp 2.1 (year 2017)

Competence areas Competences Proficiency levels Examples of use

(dimension 1) (dimension 2) (dimension 3) (dimension 5)

1.1 Browsing, search-

ing and filtering data,
information and digital
1.2 Evaluating data,
Information and data
information and digital
1.3 Managing data,
information and digital

2.1 Interacting through

digital technologies
2.2 Sharing through
digital technologies
2.3 Engaging in citi-
2. zenship through digital
Communication and technologies
collaboration 2.4 Collaborating
through digital technol-
2.5 Netiquette
2.6 Managing digital
identity Examples of use of the
Eight proficiency levels eight proficiency levels
3.1 Developing digital for each of the 21 applied to learning and
content competences employment scenario in
3.2 Integrating and the 21 competences
3. re-elaborating digital
Digital content creation content
3.3 Copyright and
3.4 Programming

4.1 Protecting devices

4.2 Protecting personal
data and privacy
4.3 Protecting health
and well-being
4.4 Protecting the

5.1 Solving technical

5.2 Identifying needs
and technological
Problem solving
5.3 Creatively using
digital technologies
5.4 Identifying digital
competence gaps

Section 2

The eight proficiency levels and examples of

DigComp 1.0 Framework had three proficiency levels in Dimension 3 (foundation, inter-

mediate and advanced). These have now been increased to eight levels in DigComp

2.1. A wider and more detailed range of proficiency levels supports the development of

learning and training materials. It also helps in the design of instruments for assessing

the development of citizens’ competence, career guidance and promotion at work.

Eight proficiency levels for each competence have been defined through learning out-

comes (using action verbs, following Bloom’s taxonomy) and inspired by the structure

and vocabulary of the European Qualification Framework (EQF). Moreover, each level

description contains knowledge, skills and attitudes, described in one single descriptor

for each level of each competence; this equals to 168 descriptors (8 x 21 learning out-

comes). An online validation survey helped to revise a first version of the levels, and to

produce a final version.

As shown in Table 1 on the following page, each level represents a step up in citizens’

acquisition of the competence according to its cognitive challenge, the complexity of the

tasks they can handle and their autonomy in completing the task. To illustrate this point,

we could say that a citizen at level 2 is able to remember and to carry out a simple task

with help from somebody with digital competence only when she/he needs it. A citizen

at level 5, however, can apply the knowledge, carry out different tasks and solve prob-

lems and also helps others to do so. We can also see that the first six proficiency levels

of the new Framework are linked to the three levels originally identified in DigComp 1.0.

A new highly-specialised level has been added to the latest version of the Framework

which includes levels seven and eight. The information in Table 1 (page 13) is graphical-

ly represented on the infographics on page 14 and 15.

Table 1: Main keywords that feature the proficiency levels
Levels in Levels in Complexity Autonomy Cognitive
DigComp 1.0 DigComp 2.1 of tasks domain

Simple tasks With guidance Remembering

Simple tasks Autonomy and Remembering
with guidance
2 where needed

Well-defined and On my own Understanding

routine tasks, and
3 straightforward

Tasks, and Independent and Understanding
well-defined according to my
4 and non-routine needs

Different tasks Guiding others Applying

and problems

Most appropriate Able to adapt Evaluating
tasks to others in a
6 complex context

Resolve complex Integrate to Creating

problems with contribute to the
7 limited solutions professional prac-
tice and to guide
Resolve complex Propose new Creating
problems with ideas and pro-
8 many interacting cesses to the field

The Figure 1 below gives a detailed explanation of how the competences are presented

in the Section 3 of this report.

• The Competence Areas (dimension 1) and their Competence title and Compe-

tence descriptor (dimension 2) appear on the vertical banner, which colour chang-

es depending on the Competence area.

• The first row shows the names of the 8 Proficiency Levels (dimension 3) according

to the version 2.1 (level 1, level 2, etc). In parallel, the name of the levels according

to DigComp 1.0 is stated (Foundation, Intermediate, etc.).

• In the second row, we can see the description for each proficiency level related to

the complexity of the tasks and problems and the level of autonomy, together with

the description of the competence in terms of learning outcomes. Each bullet corre-

sponds to one descriptor of the competence, and each action verbs and key words

are in bold.

Figure 1: Explanation how the competences are presented

Name of the
The 8 proficiency in
proficiency DigComp 1.0

The first para-

graph describes
the complexity
Each bullet point of the tasks,
corresponds to a problems to
descriptor of the be solved and
competence and, the level of
at the same time, autonomy
Competence Area, are written in
Competence Title Action verbs
terms of learning and Keywords
and Competence outcomes
Descriptor are in bold

The examples of use (dimension 5 of the framework) have also been updated and

contextualised in scenarios for two areas of use: employment and learning. These

illustrate the eight proficiency levels to help future implementation of DigComp 2.1.

As we can see in the Section 3 of this report, the examples of use are presented as


• We include examples of proficiency levels for two areas of use: employment and


• We include scenarios for each competence area and area of use in order to contex-

tualise the examples.

• We have elaborated examples for the two areas of use in each proficiency levels.

In this version 2.1, the examples for the 8 levels are only available in the first com-

petence (1.1), for the rest of competences we provide an example per level and area

of use5.

In order to give examples in the same number of proficiency levels and to have the

same number of examples across the levels, we have followed a “cascade” strategy:

for one competence we have written the examples for one level, and in the following

competence we have written the example in the following level, and so on. For ex-

ample, competences 1.1 and 1.2 have has an example for level 1, competence 1.3

for level 2, competence 1.4 for level 3, etc.

The progression of the proficiency levels of the competences, their learning outcomes

and practical application shown in the “Examples of use” have been made more under-

standable on the fold-out table (Competence 1.1) at page 19.

We do not provide examples for all the proficiency levels, because the nature of the framework is descriptive and their aim is to illustrate
the proficiency levels.
Here comic strips have been used in order to showcase one example of use for an em-

ployment scenario and one example of use for a learning scenario in competence 1.1.

Concretely, the comic strips allow the reader to easily understand the progression in the

acquisition of a digital competence, and therefore it is a support for the stakeholders

willing to implement the framework.


Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with guidance, I can: At basic level and with autonomy and appropri- On my own and solving straightforward prob- Independently, according to my own needs, and As well as guiding others, I can: At advanced level, according to my own needs At highly specialised level, I can: At the most advanced and
• identify my information needs, ate guidance where needed, I can: lems, I can: solving well-defined and non-routine problems, • respond to information needs, and those of others, and in complex contexts, I • create solutions to complex problems with specialised level, I can:
• identify my information needs, • explain my information needs, I can: can: limited definition that are related to brows- • create solutions to solve complex prob-
• find data, information and content through a • apply searches to obtain data, information
• illustrate information needs, • assess information needs, ing, searching and filtering of data, information lems with many interacting factors that
simple search in digital environments, • find data, information and content through a • perform well-defined and routine searches and content in digital environments,
and digital content. are related to browsing, searching and filtering
simple search in digital environments, to find data, information and content in digital • organise the searches of data, information • adapt my searching strategy to find the most
To articulate information needs, to search for data, information and content in digital environments, to access and navigate between them. To create and update personal search strategies

• find how to access these data, information • show how to access to these data, informa- data, information and digital content.
Competence area 1: Information and data literacy 1.1 Browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content

environments, and content in digital environments, appropriate data, information and content in • integrate my knowledge to contribute to
and content and navigate between them. • find how to access these data, information tion and content and navigate between them.
digital environments, professional practice and knowledge and • propose new ideas and processes to the field.
and content and navigate between them. • explain how to access them and navigate • describe how to access to these data, infor-
• identify simple personal search strategies. • propose personal search strategies. guide others in browsing, searching and filter-
between them. mation and content, and navigate between • explain how to access to these most
• identify simple personal search strategies. ing data, information and digital content.
them. appropriate data, information and content
• explain well-defined and routine personal
and navigate among them.
search strategies. • organise personal search strategies.
• vary personal search strategies.

Examples With help from an employment adviser: With the help if necessary of an employment By myself: I can give examples to the employment adviser When job seeking, I can find job portals and I can assess the most appropriate job portals for I can create a digital collaborative platform I can create new apps or platforms for browsing,
of use adviser: of suitable job portals or apps that I use as for apps related to my job profile in any digital job vacancies according to my job seeking needs (blog, wiki, etc.) which can be used by other job searching and filtering job portals and offers,
I can identify, from a list, those job portals which I can name the job portals I routinely use to help my job seeking needs. environment, either the routine or new ones (OS, and those of a friend. seekers to browse and filter job portals and according to job seekers’ needs.
01 can help me look for a job. I can identify, from a list, those job portals which me look for a job. apps, devices). offers according to their job seeking needs
Employment can help me look for a job. I can organise my own search strategy such as I can find the job apps adapted to my job seek-
I can also find these job portals in my smart- I can use well-defined keywords to find jobs por- using keywords and checking apps’ evaluation, I can also show a friend how to find apps on ing needs and those of a friend. I can differen-
phone’s app store, and access and navigate I can also find these job portals in my smart- tals in my smartphone’s app store, and explain in order to find suitable apps on my smartphone her smartphone, using different keywords and tiate between appropriate and inappropriate
between them. phone’s app store, and access and navigate to the employment adviser how I access and that fit with my job seeking profile. evaluation criteria to select those that fit her job apps, and pop-up information or spam while I
Job seeking between them. navigate between them. profile. am accessing and navigating between apps.
process From a list of generic keywords for job seeking I can describe to the employment adviser how
available in a blog on job hunting, I can also From a list of generic keywords for job seeking I can explain to the employment adviser why I I access and navigate between the apps I have I can explain to her how to access and navigate I can explain to other job seekers how I perform
identify the keywords that are useful for me. available in a blog on job hunting, I can also usually use certain keywords to find job portals found through this organised search strategy. between these apps to find appropriate job these searches, and I can overcome unexpected
identify the keywords that are useful for me. and apps in my smartphone. vacancies. situations that arise in the digital environment
I can organise a list of keywords that are useful (spam, inappropriate job portals, problems with
I can fix problems such as accessing to the for finding job portals and apps with job offers I can offer a friend my tips on job seeking con- the downloading, etc.) in order to find appropri-
wrong portal or job app, or navigating away related to my job profile on my smartphone. taining the main keywords, job ads, blogs, wikis, ate job offers on my smartphone.
from portals that I routinely use. apps and portals I use when job seeking, and
While I am doing these activities, I can resolve share it with other job seekers. I can share my tips on job seeking containing
issues such as evaluate new apps that come the most appropriate keywords, job ads, blogs,
up in my smartphone’s app store as a result of wikis, apps and portals adapted to different job
my search, or add new keywords to my personal profiles, and give examples on how to overcome
search strategy. complex situations when job seeking (e.g. not
finding appropriate job ads, fake or old job ads).
Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with guidance, I can: At basic level and with autonomy and appropri- On my own and solving straightforward prob- Independently, according to my own needs, and As well as guiding others, I can: At advanced level, according to my own needs At highly specialised level, I can: At the most advanced and
• identify my information needs, ate guidance where needed, I can: lems, I can: solving well-defined and non-routine problems, • respond to information needs, and those of others, and in complex contexts, I • create solutions to complex problems with specialised level, I can:
• identify my information needs, • explain my information needs, I can: can: limited definition that are related to brows- • create solutions to solve complex prob-
• find data, information and content through a • apply searches to obtain data, information
• illustrate information needs, • assess information needs, ing, searching and filtering of data, information lems with many interacting factors that
simple search in digital environments, • find data, information and content through a • perform well-defined and routine searches and content in digital environments,
and digital content. are related to browsing, searching and filtering
simple search in digital environments, to find data, information and content in digital • organise the searches of data, information • adapt my searching strategy to find the most
To articulate information needs, to search for data, information and content in digital environments, to access and navigate between them. To create and update personal search strategies

• find how to access these data, information • show how to access to these data, informa- data, information and digital content.
Competence area 1: Information and data literacy 1.1 Browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content

environments, and content in digital environments, appropriate data, information and content in • integrate my knowledge to contribute to
and content and navigate between them. • find how to access these data, information tion and content and navigate between them.
digital environments, professional practice and knowledge and • propose new ideas and processes to the field.
and content and navigate between them. • explain how to access them and navigate • describe how to access to these data, infor-
• identify simple personal search strategies. • propose personal search strategies. guide others in browsing, searching and filter-
between them. mation and content, and navigate between • explain how to access to these most ap-
• identify simple personal search strategies. ing data, information and digital content.
them. propriate data, information and content and
• explain well-defined and routine personal
navigate among them.
search strategies. • organise personal search strategies.
• vary personal search strategies.

Examples With help from my teacher: In the classroom with my teacher who I can By myself: I can give examples to my classmates of web- For preparing the report, I can access websites, I can assess the most appropriate websites, I can create a digital collaborative platform I can develop a new app or platform for brows-
of use consult whenever I need: sites, blogs and digital databases I consult to blogs and digital databases to find literature blogs and digital databases to obtain the litera- (blog, wiki, etc.) in the digital learning environ- ing, searching and filtering literature on academ-
I can identify websites, blogs and digital data- I can name to my teacher websites, blogs and find the literature on my report topic. related to the topic, using any digital environ- ture according to my need and those of a friend. ment of the school, to share and filter literature ic topics to be used by the classroom.
02 bases from a list in my digital textbook to look I can identify websites, blogs and digital data- digital databases I routinely access on my ment, either the routine or new ones (OS, apps, I found useful on the topic of the report, guiding
Learning for literature on the report topic. bases from a list in my digital textbook to look computer in order to consult literature for my I can organise my own search strategy to find devices). I can find websites, blogs and digital databases my classmates in writing their report.
for literature on the report topic. homework. these websites, blogs and digital databases adapted to my needs and those of a friend, and
I can also identify literature on the report topic containing literature related to my report topic. I can show a classmate how to find on her differentiate between appropriate and inap-
in these websites, blogs and digital databases, I can also identify literature on the report topic I can also use well-defined keywords to find tablet, websites, blogs and digital databases propriate digital resources, pop-up information
Prepare a and access and navigate among them. in these websites, blogs and digital databases, literature resources in websites, blogs and I can describe to my teacher how I access and containing the literature for the report. or spam while I am accessing and navigating
short report and access and navigate among them. digital databases, and explain how I access and navigate between websites, blogs and digi- among them.
on a specific Using a list of generic keywords and tags availa- navigate between the results I find. tal database to find the literature I obtained I can explain her how to access and navigate
topic ble in my digital textbook, I can also identify Using a list of generic keywords and tags availa- through this organised search. between these digital resources in order to find I can explain to my teacher how I perform these
those which would be useful for finding litera- ble in my digital textbook, I can also identify I can explain to my classmates those keywords literature for her report. searches, and overcome unexpected situations
ture on the report topic those which would be useful for finding litera- and tags I usually use to find literature in digital I can organise, with digital and online sticky that arise on the digital environment (e.g. need
ture on the report topic. environments (blogs, websites, databases) to notes on my tablet, a list of useful keywords I can offer a friend my tips on how I find web- a username to access a digital library archives)
prepare my homework. and tags for finding literature related to the sites, blogs and digital database with literature to find literature for writing the report.
report topic. related to the report using keywords and tags.
I can fix problems such as identifying that I have I can give tips highlighting my personal strategy
accessed the wrong website, or that I am navi- I can respond to any issue while I am doing for finding the most appropriate literature in
gating away from my routinely-used websites. these activities. For example, I can add new websites, blogs and digital databases, including
keywords and tags to my personal search strat- examples on how I can overcome the complexity
egies if I don’t find appropriate resources related that occurs while navigating among these digital
to the report topic. resources (e.g. not finding enough literature, junk
Section 3

The competences
This section shows each competence of DigComp 2.1 in a table with four dimensions: di-

mension 1 (competence area), dimension 2 (competence title and descriptor), dimension

3 (proficiency levels), and dimension 5 (examples of use). We remind here that DigComp

2.1 does not include dimension 4 (knowledge, skills and attitudes).

Competence area 1: Information and data literacy 23

1.1 Browsing, searching, filtering data, information and digital content
1.2 Evaluating data, information and digital content
1.3 Managing data, information and digital content

Competence area 2: Communication and collaboration 26

2.1 Interacting through digital technologies
2.2 Sharing throught digital technologies
2.3 Engaging in citizenship through digital technologies
2.4 Collaborating through digital technologies
2.5 Netiquette
2.6 Managing digital identity

Competence area 3: Digital content creation 32

3.1 Developing digital content
3.2 Integrating and re-elaborating digital content
3.3 Copyright and licences
3.4 Programming

Competence area 4: Safety 36

4.1 Protecting devices
4.2 Protecting personal data and privacy
4.3 Protecting health and well-being
4.4 Protecting the environment

Competence area 5: Problem solving 40

5.1 Solving technical problems
5.2 Identifying needs and technological responses
5.3 Creatively using digital technologies
5.4 Identifying digital competence gaps



Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appropriate straightforward problems, my own needs, and solving I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
• identify my information guidance where needed, I can: well-defined and non-rou- • respond to information those of others, and in • create solutions to • create solutions to
needs, I can: • explain my information tine problems, I can: needs, complex contexts, I can: complex problems with solve complex problems
To articulate information needs, to search for data, information and content in digital environments, to access and navigate between them. To create and update personal search strategies

• identify my information needs, • illustrate information • assess information limited definition that with many interacting
Competence area 1: Information and data literacy 1.1 Browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content

• find data, information and • apply searches to obtain

needs, needs, needs, are related to browsing, factors that are related
content through a simple • perform well-defined data, information and
searching and filtering to browsing, search-
search in digital environ- • find data, information and and routine searches to • organise the searches content in digital environ- • adapt my searching
of data, information and ing and filtering data,
ments, content through a simple find data, information and of data, information and ments, strategy to find the most
digital content. information and digital
search in digital environ- content in digital environ- content in digital environ- appropriate data, infor-
• find how to access these • show how to access to content.
ments, ments, ments, mation and content in • integrate my knowl-
data, information and these data, information
digital environments, edge to contribute to • propose new ideas and
content and navigate • find how to access these • explain how to access • describe how to access and content and navigate
professional practice processes to the field.
between them. data, information and them and navigate to these data, information between them. • explain how to access to
and knowledge and
content and navigate between them. and content, and navigate these most appropriate
• identify simple personal • propose personal search guide others in browsing,
between them. between them. data, information and
search strategies. • explain well-defined strategies. searching and filtering
content and navigate
• identify simple personal and routine personal • organise personal search data, information and
among them.
search strategies. search strategies. strategies. digital content.
• vary personal search

Examples With help from an employ-

of use ment adviser:

01 I can identify, from a list,

Employment those job portals which can
help me look for a job.
I can also find these job
Job seeking portals in my smartphone’s
process app store, and access and
navigate between them.

From a list of generic

keywords for job seeking
available in a blog on job
hunting, I can also identify
the keywords that are use-
ful for me.

Examples With help from my teacher:

of use
I can identify websites,
02 blogs and digital databases
Learning from a list in my digital
textbook to look for litera-
ture on the report topic.

Prepare a I can also identify literature

short report on the report topic in these
on a specific websites, blogs and digital
topic databases, and access and
navigate among them.

Using a list of generic key-

words and tags available
in my digital textbook, I can
also identify those which
would be useful for finding
literature on the report topic
Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
To analyse, compare and critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of sources of data, information and digital content. To analyse, interpret and critically evaluate the data, information and digital content.

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appropriate straightforward problems, my own needs, and solving I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
• detect the credibility and guidance where needed, I can: well-defined and non-rou- those of others, and in
• carry out an evaluation • create solutions to • create solutions to
reliability of common I can: tine problems, I can: complex contexts, I can:
• perform the analysis, of the credibility and relia- complex problems with solve complex problems
sources of data, infor- • detect the credibility and comparison and evalua- • perform the analysis, bility of different sources • critically assess the limited definition that with many interacting
mation and their digital reliability of common tion of the credibility and comparison and evalua- of data, information and credibility and reliability of are related to analysing factors that are related
content. sources of data, infor- reliability of well-defined tion of sources of data, digital content. sources of data, informa- and evaluating credible to analysing and evaluat-
mation and their digital sources of data, informa- information and digital tion and digital content. and reliable sources of ing credible and reliable
• carry out an evalua-
content. tion and digital content. content. data, information and sources of data, informa-
tion of different data, • critically assess data,
content in digital environ- tion and content in digital
• perform the analysis, • perform the analysis, information and digital information and digital
ments. environments.
interpretation and evalua- interpretation and evalu- content. content.
tion of well-defined data, ation of data, information • integrate my knowledge • propose new ideas and
information and digital and digital content. to contribute to pro- processes to the field.
content fessional practices and
knowledge and to guide
others in the analysis
Competence area 1: Information and data literacy 1.2 Evaluating data, information and digital content

and evaluation of the

credibility and reliability
of data, information and
digital content and their

Examples With help from an employ-

of use ment adviser:

01 I can identify in a list of job

Employment portals and apps a friend
has found in an employ-
ment office’s blog, those
that are commonly used
Job seeking because they have credible
process and reliable job offers.

Examples Helped by my teacher:

of use
I can identify, from a list in
02 my textbook of blogs and
Learning digital databases containing
available literature, those
that are commonly used
because they are credible
Prepare a and reliable.
short report
on a specific

Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appropriate straightforward problems, my own needs, and solving I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
guidance where needed, I can: well-defined and non-rou- those of others, and in
• identify how to organise, • manipulate information, • create solutions to • create solutions
I can: tine problems, I can: complex contexts, I can:
store and retrieve data, • select data, information data and content for complex problems with to solve complex
information and content • identify how to organise, and content in order • organise information, their easier organisation, • adapt the management limited definition that problems with many
in a simple way in digital store and retrieve data, to organise, store and data and content to storage and retrieval. of information, data and are related to managing interacting factors that
environments. information and content retrieve in a routine way be easily stored and content for the most ap- data, information, and are related to managing
• carry out their organisa-
in a simple way in digital in digital environments. retrieved. propriate easy retrieval content for their organisa- data, information, and
• recognise where to tion and processing in a
environments. and storage. tion, storage and retrieval content for their organisa-
organise them in a sim- • organise them in a rou- • organise information, structured environment.
in a structured digital tion, storage and retrieval
ple way in a structured • recognise where to tine way in a structured data and content in a • adapt them to be organ-
environment. in a structured digital
environment. organise them in a sim- environment. structured environment. ised and processed in
ple way in a structured the most appropriate • integrate my knowledge
environment. structured environment. to contribute to pro- • propose new ideas and
fessional practices and processes to the field.
knowledge and to guide
others in managing data,
Competence area 1: Information and data literacy 1.3 Managing data, information and digital content

information and digital

content in a structured
To organise, store and retrieve data, information, and content in digital environments. To organise and process them in a structured environment.

digital environment.

Examples At home with my sister who

of use I ask whenever I need:

01 I can identify how and

Employment where to organise and keep
track of job ads in a job
app (e.g.
of my smartphone in order
Job seeking to retrieve them when I
process need them along my job

Examples In the classroom with my

of use teacher who I can consult
whenever I need:
Learning I can identify an app in
my tablet to organise
and store links to those
websites, blogs and digital
Prepare a databases related with a
short report specific topic of literature
on a specific and use it to retrieve them
topic when needed for my report.
Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appropriate straightforward problems, my own needs, and solving I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
guidance where needed, I can: well-defined and non-rou- those of others, and in
• select simple digital • use a variety of digital • create solutions to • create solutions to
I can: tine problems, I can: complex contexts, I can:
technologies to interact, • perform well-defined technologies in order to complex problems with solve complex problems
and • select simple digital and routine interactions • select a variety of digital interact, • adapt a variety of digital limited definition that with many interacting
technologies to interact, with digital technologies, technologies to interact, technologies for the most are related to interacting factors that are related to
• identify appropriate • show others the most
and and and appropriate interaction, through digital technolo- interacting through digital
simple communica- appropriate digital
and gies and digital communi- technologies and digital
tion means for a given • identify appropriate • select well-defined and • select a variety of appro- communication means for
cation means. communication means
context. simple communica- routine appropriate digi- priate digital communi- a given context • adapt the most ap-
tion means for a given tal communication means cation means for a given propriate communica- • integrate my knowledge • propose new ideas and
context. for a given context. context. tion means for a given to contribute to pro- processes to the field.
context. fessional practices and
knowledge and to guide
others in the interaction
through digital technol-

Examples By myself:
Competence area 2: Communication and collaboration 2.1 Interacting through digital technologies

of use
I can interact with partici-
01 pants and other colleagues
Employment using my corporate email
To interact through a variety of digital technologies and to understand appropriate digital communication means for a given context.

account app on my smart-

phone in order to organise
an event for my company.
Organise an
event I can also select options
available in my email suite
to organise the event,
such as sending calendar

I can fix problems, e.g. an

incorrect email address.

Examples By myself:
of use
I can use a commonly-used
02 chat on my smartphone
Learning (e.g. Facebook messenger
or WhatsApp) to talk to my
classmates and organise
group work.
group work I can choose other digital
with my communication means on
classmates the classroom tablet (e.g.
my classroom forum) that
could be useful to talk
about the details of organ-
ising group work.

I can fix problems such as

adding or deleting members
to the chat group.

Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appropriate straightforward problems, my own needs, and solving I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
guidance where needed, I can: well-defined and non-rou- those of others, and in
• recognise simple appro- • share data, informa- • create solutions to • create solutions to
I can: tine problems, I can: complex contexts, I can:
priate digital technologies • select well-defined tion and digital content complex problems with solve complex problems
to share data, information • recognise simple appro- and routine appropriate • manipulate appropriate through a variety of • assess the most appro- limited definition that with many interacting
and digital content. priate digital technologies digital technologies to digital technologies to appropriate digital tools, priate digital technolo- are related to sharing factors that are related
to share data, information share data, information share data, information gies to share information through digital technol- to sharing through digital
• identify simple refer- • show others how to act
and digital content. and digital content. and digital content. and content. ogies. technologies.
encing and attribution as an intermediary for
To share data, information and digital content with others through appropriate digital technologies. To act as an intermediary, to know about referencing and attribution practices.

practices. • identify simple refer- • explain how to act as an • explain how to act as an sharing information and • adapt my intermediation • integrate my knowledge • propose new ideas and
encing and attribution intermediary for sharing intermediary for sharing content through digital role, to contribute to pro- processes to the field.
practices. information and content information and content technologies. fessional practices and
• vary the use of the more
through well-defined through digital technol- knowledge and guide
• apply a variety of ref- appropriate referencing
and routine digital tech- ogies, others in sharing through
erencing and attribution and attribution practices.
nologies, digital technologies.
• illustrate referencing and practices.
• illustrate well-defined attribution practices.
and routine referencing
and attribution practices.

Examples I can use my company’s

Competence area 2: Communication and collaboration 2.2 Sharing through digital technologies

of use digital storage system to

share the event’s agenda
with the list of participants I
01 created on my PC.
Scenario: I can show my colleagues
on their smartphones how
Organise an to access and share the
event agenda using my organ-
isation’s digital storage

I can show my boss

examples on her tablet of
the digital sources I use to
design the event’s agenda.

I can respond to any issue

while I am doing these ac-
tivities, such as unexpected
problems with sharing the
agenda with the partici-

Examples I can use a cloud-based

of use storage system (e.g.
Dropbox, Google Drive) to
share material with other
02 members of my group.
Scenario: I can explain to other mem-
bers of my group, using the
Prepare class laptop, how I share
group work the material in the digital
storage system.
with my
classmates I can show my teacher,
on her tablet, the digital
sources I use to prepare the
material for group work.

While I am doing these

activities, I can solve any is-
sue that may arise such as
solving problems to do with
storage or sharing material
with other members of my
Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appropriate straightforward problems, my own needs, and solving I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
guidance where needed, I can: well-defined and non-rou- those of others, and in
To participate in society through the use of public and private digital services. To seek opportunities for self-empowerment and for participatory citizenship through appropriate digital technologies.

• identify simple digital • propose different digital • create solutions to • create solutions
I can: tine problems, I can: complex contexts, I can:
services in order to partic- • select well-defined and services to participate in complex problems with to solve complex
ipate in society. • identify simple digital routine digital services • select digital services society. • vary the use of the most limited definition that problems with many
services in order to partic- in order to participate in in order to participate in appropriate digital ser- are related to engaging in interacting factors that
• I can recognise sim- • use appropriate digital
ipate in society. society. society. vices in order to partici- citizenship through digital are related to engaging in
ple appropriate digital technologies to empower
pate in society. technologies. citizenship through digital
technologies to empower • recognise simple appro- • indicate well-defined • discuss appropriate myself and to participate
myself and to participate priate digital technologies and routine appropriate digital technologies to in society as a citizen. • vary the use of the most • integrate my knowledge
in society as a citizen. to empower myself and digital technologies to empower myself and to appropriate digital to contribute to pro- • propose new ideas and
to participate in society empower myself and to participate in society as a technologies to empower fessional practices and processes to the field.
as a citizen. participate in society as a citizen. myself and to participate knowledge and guide
Competence area 2: Communication and collaboration 2.3 Engaging in citizenship through digital technologies

citizen. in society as a citizen. others in engaging in

citizenship through digital

Examples I can propose and use

of use different media strategies
(e.g. Survey on FaceBook,
01 Hastags on Instagram
Employment and Twitter) to empower
the citizens of my city to
participate in defining the
main topics of an event on
Organise an the use of sugar in food
event production.

I can inform my colleagues

about these strategies and
show them how to use a
particular one to empower
citizens to participate.

Examples I can propose and use

of use different micro-blogs (e.g.
Twitter), blogs and wikis,
02 for a public consultation
Learning regarding social inclusion of
migrants in my neighbour-
hood to collect proposals on
the topic of the group work.
group work I can inform my class-
with my mates about these digital
classmates platforms and guide them
on how to use a particular
one to empower citizenship
participation in their neigh-

Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according As well as guiding others, At advanced level, according to my At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appro- straightforward problems, to my own needs, and I can: own needs and those of others, and in I can: specialised level, I can:
priate guidance where I can: solving well-defined and complex contexts, I can:
• choose simple digital • propose different • create solutions to • create solutions
needed, I can: non-routine problems,
tools and technolo- • select well-defined digital tools and • vary the use of the most appropri- complex problems to solve complex
I can:
gies for collaborative • choose simple digital and routine digital technologies for ate digital tools and technologies for with limited definition problems with many
processes. tools and technolo- tools and technolo- • select digital tools and collaborative collaborative processes. that are related to using interacting factors
gies for collaborative gies for collaborative technologies for collab- processes. collaborative process- that are related to using
• choose the most appropriate
processes. processes. orative processes. es and co-construction collaborative process-
digital tools and technologies for
and co-creation of data, es and co-construction
co-constructing and co-creating data,
resources and knowledge and co-creation of data,
resources and knowledge.
through digital tools and resources and knowledge
technologies. through digital tools and
• integrate my knowledge
to contribute to pro- • propose new ideas and
fessional practice and processes to the field.
knowledge and guide
others in collaborating
Competence area 2: Communication and collaboration 2.4 Collaborating through digital technologies

through digital technol-

To use digital tools and technologies for collaborative processes, and for co-construction and co-creation of data, resources and knowledge.

Examples I can use the most appropriate digital

of use tools at work (e.g. Dropbox, Google
Drive, wiki) to create with my col-
01 leagues a leaflet and a blog on the
Employment event.
I can also differentiate between appro-
priate and inappropriate digital tools
Organise an for collaborative processes. The latter
event are those tools that do not address the
purpose and scope of the task - e.g.
two people editing text simultaneously
using a wiki is impractical.

I can overcome unexpected situations

that can arise in the digital environ-
ment when co-creating the leaflet and
the blog (e.g. controlling access to edit
documents or a colleague cannot save
changes to the material).

Examples I can use the most appropriate digital

of use resources in order to create a video
related to the work on my tablet with
02 my classmates. I can also differentiate
Learning between appropriate and inappropriate
digital resources to create this video
and work in a digital environment
together with classmates.
group work I can overcome unexpected situations
with my that arise on the digital environment
classmates when co-creating data and content and
making a video on group work. (e.g. a
file is not updating the changes made
by the members, a member doesn’t
know how to upload a file in the digital
Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
To be aware of behavioural norms and know-how while using digital technologies and interacting in digital environments. To adapt communication strategies to the specific audience and to be aware of cultural and

Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appropriate straightforward problems, my own needs, and solving I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
guidance where needed, I can: well-defined and non-rou- those of others, and in
• differentiate simple • apply different be- • create solutions to • create solutions
I can: tine problems, I can: complex contexts, I can:
behavioural norms and • clarify well-defined havioural norms and complex problems with to solve complex
know-how while using • differentiate simple and routine behavioural • discuss behavioural know-how while using • adapt the most appro- limited definition that problems with many
digital technologies and behavioural norms and norms and know-how norms and know-how digital technologies and priate behavioural norms are related to digital interacting factors that
interacting in digital envi- know-how while using while using digital tech- while using digital tech- interacting in digital envi- and know-how while etiquettes respectful to are related to digital
ronments. digital technologies and nologies and interacting in nologies and interacting in ronments. using digital technologies different audiences and etiquettes respectful to
interacting in digital envi- digital environments. digital environments. and interacting in digital cultural and generational different audiences and
• choose simple com- • apply different commu-
ronments. environments. diversity. cultural and generational
munication modes and • express well-defined • discuss communication nication strategies in digi-
strategies adapted to an • choose simple com- and routine communica- strategies adapted to an tal environments adapted • adapt the most appro- • integrate my knowledge
audience and munication modes and tion strategies adapted to audience and to an audience and priate communication to contribute to pro- • propose new ideas and
strategies adapted to an an audience and strategies in digital envi- fessional practice and processes to the field.
• differentiate simple • discuss cultural and • apply different cultural
audience and ronments to an audience knowledge and guide
cultural and generational • describe well-defined generational diversity as- and generational diversity
and others in digital etiquette.
diversity aspects to con- • differentiate simple and routine cultural and pects to consider in digital aspects to consider in
sider in digital environ- cultural and generational generational diversity as- environments. digital environments. • apply different cultural
ments. diversity aspects to con- pects to consider in digital and generational diversity
sider in digital environ- environments. aspects in digital environ-
ments. ments.

Examples While organising an event

of use for my organisation, I can
solve problems that arise
01 while writing and commu-
Employment nicating in digital environ-
ments, (e.g. inappropriate
comments about my organ-
isation in a social network).
Organise an
event I can create rules from this
practice for my current and
Competence area 2: Communication and collaboration 2.5 Netiquette

future colleagues to imple-

ment and use as a guide.

Examples I can solve problems of

of use etiquette that arise with
my classmates while
02 using a digital collaborative
Learning platform (blog, wiki, etc.) for
group work (e.g. classmates
criticising each other).
generational diversity in digital environments.

Prepare I can create rules for ap-

group work propriate behaviour while
with my working online as a group
classmates which can be used and
shared in the school’s digital
learning environment. I can
also guide my classmates
as to what constitutes ap-
propriate digital behaviour
while working with others
on a digital platform.

Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appropriate straightforward problems, my own needs, and solving I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
guidance where needed, I can: well-defined and non-rou- those of others, and in
To create, and manage one or multiple digital identities, to be able to protect one’s own reputation, to deal with the data that one produces through several digital tools, environments and services.

• identify a digital identity, • use a variety of digital • create solutions to • create solutions to
I can: tine problems, I can: complex contexts, I can:
• discriminate a range of identities, complex problems with solve complex problems
• describe simple ways
• identify a digital identity, well-defined and rou- • display a variety of spe- • discriminate multiple limited definition that with many interacting
to protect my reputation • apply different ways
tine digital identities, cific digital identities, digital identities, are related to managing factors that are related
online, • describe simple ways to protect my reputation
digital identities and pro- to managing digital iden-
to protect my reputation • explain well-defined • discuss specific ways online, • explain the more appro-
• recognise simple data tection of people’s online tities and protection of
online, and routine ways to pro- to protect my reputation priate ways to protect
I produce through digital • use data I produce reputation. people’s online reputation.
tect my reputation online, online, one’s own reputation,
tools, environments or • recognise simple data I through several digital
• integrate my knowl- • propose new ideas and
services. produce through digital • describe well-defined • manipulate data I pro- tools environment and • change the data pro-
edge to contribute to processes to the field.
tools, environments or data I routinely produce duce through digital tools, services. duced through several
professional practice
services. through digital tools, environments or services. tools, environments and
and knowledge and guide
environments or services. services.
others in managing
digital identity.

Examples I can propose to my boss a

of use new social media procedure
that avoids actions which
01 could harm our company’s
Employment digital reputation (e.g.
spam) when promoting the
company’s events.
Organise an
Competence area 2: Communication and collaboration 2.6 Managing digital identity


Examples I can propose a new

of use procedure to my school
that avoids the publication
02 of digital content (texts,
Learning pictures, videos), that can
harm the students’ repu-
group work
with my
Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appropriate straightforward problems, my own needs, and solving I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
guidance where needed, I can: well-defined and non-rou- those of others, and in
• identify ways to create • apply ways to create and • create solutions to • create solutions to
I can: tine problems, I can: complex contexts, I can:
and edit simple content • indicate ways to create edit content in different complex problems with solve complex problems
in simple formats, • identify ways to create and edit well-defined • indicate ways to create formats, • change content using limited definition that with many interacting
and edit simple content and routine content in and edit content in differ- the most appropriate are related to content factors that are related
• choose how I express • show ways to express
in simple formats, well-defined and rou- ent formats, formats, creation and edition in to content creation and
myself through the myself through the crea-
tine formats, different formats, and edition in different for-
creation of simple digital • choose how I express • express myself through tion of digital means. • adapt the expression
self-expression through mats, and self-expression
means. myself through the • express myself through the creation of digital of myself through the
digital means. through digital means.
creation of simple digital the creation of well-de- means. creation of the most ap-
means. fined and routine digital propriate digital means. • integrate my knowledge • propose new ideas and
means. to contribute to pro- processes to the field.
fessional practice and
knowledge and guide
others in developing

Examples Helped by a colleague

of use who has advanced digital
Employment I can identify, from a tutori-
al video on YouTube, how to
create a brief support video
on my tablet to present
Develop a the new organisational
short course procedure to the staff on
(tutorial) to our intranet.
train the staff
on a new From a list already prepared
procedure that my colleague found in
to be applied a wiki, I can also identify
Competence area 3: Digital content creation 3.1 Developing content

in the organi- alternative digital means

sation to create the procedure to
To create and edit digital content in different formats, to express oneself through digital means.

the staff.

Examples Helped by my teacher:

of use
I can find out how to create
02 a digital animated pres-
Learning entation, using a video tuto-
rial from YouTube provided
by my teacher to help me
to present my work to my
Prepare a classmates.
on a certain I can also identify other
topic that digital means from an
I will make article in my textbook that
to my can help me to present the
classmates work as an animated digital
presentation to my class-
mates on the interactive
digital whiteboard.

Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appropriate straightforward problems, my own needs, and solving I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
guidance where needed, I can: well-defined and non-rou- those of others, and in
• select ways to modi- • operate with new differ- • create solutions to • create solutions
I can: tine problems, I can: complex contexts, I can:
fy, refine, improve and • explain ways to mod- ent items of content and complex problems with to solve complex
integrate simple items • select ways to modi- ify, refine, improve and • discuss ways to modify, information, modifying, • assess the most limited definition that problems with many
of new content and infor- fy, refine, improve and integrate well-defined refine, improve and inte- refining, improving and appropriate ways to are related to modifying, interacting factors that
mation to create new and integrate simple items items of new content and grate new content and integrating them in order modify, refine, improve refining, improving and in- are related to modifying,
original ones. of new content and infor- information to create new information to create new to create new and original and integrate specific tegrating new content and refining, improving and in-
mation to create new and and original ones. and original ones. ones. new items of content and information into existing tegrating new content and
original ones information to create new knowledge to create new information into existing
and original ones. and original ones. knowledge to create new
and original ones.
• integrate my knowledge
to contribute to pro- • propose new ideas and
To modify, refine, improve and integrate information and content into an existing body of knowledge to create new, original and relevant content and knowledge.

fessional practice and processes to the field.

knowledge and guide
others in integrating and
re-elaborating content

Examples With the help of a colleague

Competence area 3: Digital content creation 3.2 Integrating and re-elaborating digital content

of use (who has advanced digital

competence and who I can
01 consult whenever I need)
Employment and having as support a
tutorial video with the steps
on how to do it:
Develop a I can find out how to add
short course new dialogues and images
(tutorial) to onto a brief support video
train the staff already created on the in-
on a new tranet to illustrate the new
procedure organisational procedures.
to be applied
in the organi-

Examples At home with my mother

of use (who I can consult whenev-
er I need) and the help of
02 a list (stored on my tablet
Learning provided by my teacher with
the steps on how to do it):
I can identify how to
Prepare a update a digital animated
presentation presentation I have created
on a certain to present my work to my
topic that classmates, adding text,
I will make images and visual effects to
to my be shown in the classroom
classmates using the interactive digital
Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appropriate straightforward problems, my own needs, and solving I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
guidance where needed, I can: well-defined and non-rou- those of others, and in
• identify simple rules of • apply different rules of • create solutions to • create solutions to
I can: tine problems, I can: complex contexts, I can:
copyright and licenses • indicate well-defined copyright and licenses complex problems with solve complex problems
that apply to data, digital • identify simple rules of and routine rules of • discuss rules of copyright that apply to data, digital • choose the most appro- limited definition that with many interacting
information and content. copyright and licenses copyright and licenses and licenses that apply information and content. priate rules that apply are related to applying factors that are related
that apply to data, digital that apply to data, digital to digital information and copyright and licences to copyright and licenses to to applying copyright and
information and content. information and content. content. data, digital information data, digital information licenses to data, digital
and content.. and content. information and content.
• integrate my knowledge • propose new ideas and
to contribute to profes- processes to the field.
sional practice and knowl-
edge and guide others in
applying copyright and

Examples By myself:
of use
I can tell a colleague which
01 image banks I usually use
Employment to find images that I can
download free of charge
for a brief tutorial video on
a new procedure for my
Develop a organisation’s staff.
short course
(tutorial) to I can deal with problems
train the staff such as identifying the sym-
on a new bol that indicates whether
procedure an image is licensed with
to be applied
Competence area 3: Digital content creation 3.3 Copyright and licenses

a certain type of Creative

in the organi- Commons licence and
sation therefore can be reused
without the author’s per-
To understand how copyright and licenses apply to data, digital information and content.

Examples By myself:
of use
I can explain to a friend
02 which image banks I usually
Learning use to find images that I
can download completely
free of charge to create a
digital animation to present
Prepare a my work to my classmates.
on a certain I can fix problems such as
topic that identifying the symbol that
I will make indicate that an image is
to my copyrighted and therefore
classmates cannot be used without the
author’s permission.

Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appropriate straightforward problems, my own needs, and solving I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
guidance where needed, I can: well-defined and non-rou- those of others, and in
• list simple instructions • operate with instructions • create solutions to • create solutions to
I can: tine problems, I can: complex contexts, I can:
for a computing system to • list well-defined and for a computing system to complex problems with solve complex problems
solve a simple problem or • list simple instructions routine instructions for • list instructions for a solve a different problem • determine the most limited definition that with many interacting
perform a simple task. for a computing system to a computing system to computing system to or perform different tasks. appropriate instructions are related to planning factors that are related
solve a simple problem or solve routine problems or solve a given problem or for a computing system to and developing instruc- to planning and devel-
perform a simple task. perform routine tasks. perform a specific task. solve a given problem and tions for a computing oping instructions for a
perform specific tasks. system and performing a computing system and
task using a computing performing a task using a
system. computing system.
• integrate my knowledge • propose new ideas and
to contribute to pro- processes to the field.
fessional practice and
knowledge and guide
others in programming.

Examples Using a programming lan-

of use guage (e.g. Ruby, Python),
I can provide instructions
To plan and develop a sequence of understandable instructions for a computing system to solve a given problem or perform a specific task

to develop an educational
01 game to introduce the new
Employment procedure to be applied in
Scenario: the organisation.

Develop a I can resolve issues such as

short course debugging the programme
to fix problems with my
(tutorial) to code.
train the staff
on a new
to be applied
in the organi-
Competence area 3: Digital content creation 3.4 Programming

Examples Using a simple graphical

of use programming interface (e.g.
Scratch Jr), I can develop
a smartphone app that
02 presents my work to my
Learning classmates.

Prepare a If a problem appears, I

presentation know how to debug the pro-
gramme and I can fix easy
on a certain problems in my code.
topic that
I will make
to my
Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appropriate straightforward problems, my own needs, and solving I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
guidance where needed, I can: well-defined and non-rou- those of others, and in
• identify simple ways to • apply different ways to • create solutions to • create solutions to
To protect devices and digital content, and to understand risks and threats in digital environments. To know about safety and security measures and to have a due regard to reliability and privacy.

I can: tine problems, I can: complex contexts, I can:

protect my devices and • indicate well-defined protect devices and digital complex problems with solve complex problems
digital content, and • identify simple ways to and routine ways to • organise ways to protect content, and • choose the most limited definition that with many interacting
protect my devices and protect my devices and my devices and digital appropriate protection are related to protecting factors that are related
• differentiate simple • differentiate a variety
digital content, and digital content, and content, and for devices and digital devices and digital con- to protecting devices and
risks and threats in digital of risks and threats in
content, and tent, managing risks and digital content, managing
environments, • differentiate simple • differentiate well-de- • differentiate risks and digital environments,
threats, applying safety risks and threats, applying
risks and threats in digital fined and routine risks threats in digital environ- • discriminate risks and
• choose simple safety • apply safety and security and security measures, safety and security
environments, and threats in digital ments, threats in digital environ-
and security measures, measures. and reliability and privacy measures, and reliability
environments, ments,
and • follow simple safety and • select safety and security in digital environments. and privacy in digital envi-
• employ different ways
security measures. • select well-defined measures. • choose the most appro- ronments.
• identify simple ways to have due regard to • integrate my knowledge
and routine safety and priate safety and security
to have due regard to • identify simple ways • explain ways to have due reliability and privacy to contribute to pro- • propose new ideas and
security measures. measures.
reliability and privacy to have due regard to regard to reliability and fessional practice and processes to the field.
reliability and privacy • indicate well-defined privacy • assess the most appro- knowledge and guide
and routine ways to priate ways to have due others in protecting
have due regard to relia- regard to reliability and devices.
bility and privacy privacy

Examples I can protect the corporate

of use Twitter account using differ-
ent methods (e.g. a strong
01 password, control the recent
Employment logins) and show new col-
leagues how to do it.
I can detect risks like
Use of a receiving tweets and mes-
Twitter sages from followers with
account false profiles or phishing
to share attempts.
on my I can apply measures to
organization avoid them (e.g. control the
privacy settings).

I can also help my col-

leagues to detect risks and
threats while using Twitter.
Competence area 4: Safety 4.1 Protecting devices

Examples I can protect information,

of use data and content on my
school’s digital learning
02 platform (e.g. a strong
Learning password, control the recent
I can detect different risks
Use of the and threats when accessing
school’s school’s digital platform
digital and apply measures to
learning avoid them (e.g. how to
platform virus-check attachments
to share before downloading).
on interested I can also help my class-
topics mates to detect risks and
threat while using the
digital learning platform on
their tablets (e.g. controlling
who can access the files).

To protect personal data and privacy in digital environments. To understand how to use and share personally identifiable information while being able to protect oneself and others from damages. To understand that
Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, accord- As well as guiding At advanced level, according to my own needs and At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appro- straightforward prob- ing to my own needs, others, I can: those of others, and in complex contexts, I can: I can: specialised level, I can:
priate guidance where lems, I can: and solving well-de-
• select simple ways • apply different ways • choose the more appropriate ways to protect • create solutions to • create solutions
needed, I can: fined and non-routine
to protect my person- • explain well-defined to protect my person- personal data and privacy in digital environ- complex problems to solve complex
problems, I can:
al data and privacy in • select simple ways and routine ways to al data and privacy in ments, and with limited defini- problems with many
digital environments, to protect my person- protect my personal • discuss ways to pro- digital environments, tion that are related to interacting factors
• evaluate the most appropriate ways of using
and al data and privacy in data and privacy in tect my personal data and protecting personal data that are related to
and sharing personally identifiable information
digital environments, digital environments, and privacy in digital and privacy in digital protecting personal data
• identify simple ways • apply different spe- while protecting myself and others from dam-
and and environments, and environments, using and privacy in digital
to use and share cific ways to share my ages.
and sharing personally environments, using
personally identifiable • identify simple ways • explain well-defined • discuss ways to use data while protecting
• evaluate the appropriateness of privacy policy identifiable information and sharing personally
information while to use and share and routine ways and share personally myself and others
statements on how personal data are used. protecting self and identifiable information
protecting myself and personally identifiable to use and share identifiable informa- from dangers.
others from dangers, and protecting self and
others from damages. information while personally identifiable tion while protecting
• explain privacy policy privacy policies to use others from dangers, and
protecting myself and information while myself and others
• identify sim- statements of how my personal data. privacy policies to use
others from damages. protecting myself and from damages.
ple privacy policy personal data is used my personal data.
others from damages. • integrate my knowledge
statements of how • identify sim- • indicate privacy poli- in digital services.
to contribute to pro- • propose new ideas and
personal data is used ple privacy policy • indicate well-de- cy statements of how
fessional practice and processes to the field.
in digital services. statements of how fined and routine personal data is used
knowledge and guide
personal data is used privacy policy in digital services.
others in protecting per-
in digital services. statements of how
sonal data and privacy.
personal data is used
in digital services.

Examples I can select the most appropriate way to protect

of use the personal data of my colleagues (e.g. address,
phone number) when sharing digital content (e.g. a
01 picture) on the corporate Twitter account.
I can distinguish between appropriate and inappro-
priate digital content to share it on the corporate
Twitter account, so that my privacy and that of my
Use of a
Competence area 4: Safety 4.2 Protecting personal data and privacy

colleagues are not damaged.

account I can assess whether personal data are used on
to share the Corporate Twitter appropriately according to
information the European Data Protection Law and Right to be
on my Forgotten.
I can deal with complex situations that can arise
with personal data in my organisation while on
digital services use a “Privacy policy” to inform how personal data is used.

Twitter, such as removing pictures or names to

protect personal information in accordance with
the European Data Protection Law and Right to be

Examples I can select the most appropriate way to protect

of use my personal data (e.g. address, phone number),
before sharing it on the school’s digital platform.
Learning I can distinguish between appropriate and inap-
propriate digital content to share it on my school’s
digital platform, so that my privacy and that of my
classmates are not damaged.
Use of the
school’s I can assess whether the way my personal data
digital are used on the digital platform is appropriate and
learning acceptable as regards my rights and privacy.
to share I can overcome complex situations that can arise
information with my personal data and those of my class-
on interested mates while on the digital education platform, such
topics as personal data is not used in accordance to the

“Privacy policy” of the platform.

Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
To be able to avoid health-risks and threats to physical and psychological well-being while using digital technologies. To be able to protect oneself and others from possible dangers in digital environments

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appropriate straightforward problems, my own needs, and solving I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
guidance where needed, I can: well-defined and non-rou- those of others, and in
• differentiate simple • show different ways to • create solutions to • create solutions to
I can: tine problems, I can: complex contexts, I can:
ways to avoid health • explain well-defined avoid health -risks and complex problems with solve complex problems
-risks and threats to • differentiate simple and routine ways to how • explain ways to how threats to physical and • discriminate the most limited definition that with many interacting
physical and psychologi- ways to avoid health to avoid health -risks and to avoid threats to my psychological well-being appropriate ways to are related to avoiding factors that are related
cal well-being while using -risks and threats to threats to physical and physical and psychologi- while using digital tech- avoid health -risks and health -risks and threats to avoiding health -risks
digital technologies. physical and psychologi- psychological well-being cal health related with the nologies. threats to physical and to well-being while using and threats to well-being
cal well-being while using while using digital tech- use of technology. psychological well-being digital technologies, to while using digital tech-
• select simple ways • apply different ways to
digital technologies. nologies. while using digital tech- protect self and others nologies, to protect self
to protect myself from • select ways to protect protect myself and others
nologies. from dangers in digital and others from dangers
possible dangers in digital • select simple ways • select well-defined and self and others from from dangers in digital
environments, and to the in digital environments,
environments. to protect myself from routine ways to protect dangers in digital environ- environments. • adapt the most appro-
use of digital technologies and to the use of digital
possible dangers in digital myself from dangers in ments. priatee ways to protect
• identify simple digital • show different digital for social well-being and technologies for social
environments. digital environments. myself and others from
technologies for social • discuss on digital technologies for social social inclusion. well-being and social
dangers in digital environ-
well-being and social • identify simple digital • indicate well-defined technologies for social well-being and social inclusion.
ments. • integrate my knowledge
inclusion. technologies for social and routine digital well-being and inclusion. inclusion.
to contribute to pro- • propose new ideas and
well-being and social technologies for social • vary the use of digital
fessional practice and processes to the field.
inclusion. well-being and social technologies for social
knowledge and guide
inclusion. well-being and social
others in protecting

Examples I can create a digital cam-

of use paign of possible health
dangers of using Twitter
01 for professional reasons
Employment (e.g. bullying, addictions,
physical well-being) which
can be shared and used
by other colleagues
Use of a and professionals on their
Twitter smartphones or tablets.
to share
(e.g. cyber bullying). To be aware of digital technologies for social well-being and social inclusion.
Competence area 4: Safety 4.3 Protecting health and well-being

on my

Examples I can create a blog on

of use cyberbullying and social
exclusion for my school’s
02 digital learning platform,
Learning which helps my classmates
to recognise and face
up to violence in digital
Use of the
to share
on interested

Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appropriate straightforward problems, my own needs, and solving I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
guidance where needed, I can: well-defined and non-rou- those of others, and in
• recognise simple en- • show different ways to • create solutions to • create solutions to
I can: tine problems, I can: complex contexts, I can:
vironmental impacts of • indicate well-defined protect the environment complex problems with solve complex problems
digital technologies and • recognise simple en- and routine environ- • discuss ways to protect from the impact of digital • choose the most ap- limited definition that with many interacting
their use. vironmental impacts of mental impacts of digital the environment from the technologies and their propriate solutions to are related to protecting factors that are related
digital technologies and technologies and their impact of digital technol- use. protect the environment the environment from the to protecting the environ-
their use. use. ogies and their use. from the impact of digital impact of digital technol- ment from the impact of
technologies and their ogies and their use. digital technologies and
use. their use.
• integrate my knowl-
edge to contribute to • propose new ideas and
professional practice processes to the field.
and knowledge and
guide others in protect-
ing the environment.

Examples I can create an illustrat-

of use ed video which answers
questions on the sustaina-
01 ble use of digital devices in
Employment organisations of my sector,
to be shared on Twitter, and
to be used by staff and by
other professionals in the
Use of a sector.
to share
on my
Competence area 4: Safety 4.4 Protecting the environment
To be aware of the environmental impact of digital technologies and their use.

Examples I can create a new eBook

of use to answer questions on
the sustainable use of
02 digital devices at school
Learning and home, and share it on
my school’s digital learning
platform in order to be used
by other schoolmates and
Use of the their families.
to share
on interested
Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appropriate straightforward problems, my own needs, and solving I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
guidance where needed, I can: well-defined and non-rou- those of others, and in
• identify simple technical • assess technical prob- • create solutions to • create solutions to
I can: tine problems, I can: complex contexts, I can:
problems when operating • indicate well-defined lems when using digital complex problems with solve complex prob-
devices and using digital • identify simple technical and routine technical • differentiate technical environments and operat- • appraise technical limited definition that lems with many
environments, and problems when operating problems when operating problems when operating ing digital devices, and problems when operating are related to technical interacting factors that
devices and using digital devices and using digital devices and using digital devices and using digital problems when operating are related to technical
• identify simple solu- • apply different solutions
environments, and environments, and environments, and environments, and devices and using digital problems when operating
tions to solve them. to them.
environments. devices and using digital
• identify simple solutions • select well-defined and • select solutions to them. • resolve them with the
to solve them. routine solutions to them. most appropriate • integrate my knowl-
solutions edge to contribute to • propose new ideas and
professional practice processes to the field.
To identify technical problems when operating devices and using digital environments, and to solve them (from trouble-shooting to solving more complex problems).

and knowledge and to

guide others in solving
technical problems.

Examples Helped by a colleague from

of use the IT department:

01 I can identify a simple tech-

Employment nical problem from a list of
those that can arise while
using a digital learning
platform, and
Use of a
digital I can identify what type of
learning IT support would solve it.
to improve
my career
Competence area 5: Problem solving 5.1 Solving technical problems

Examples Helped by a friend:

of use
I can identify a simple tech-
02 nical problem from a list of
Learning those that can arise while
using a digital learning
platform, and
Use of a I can identify what type of
digital IT support would solve it.
to improve
my math

Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
To assess needs and to identify, evaluate, select and use digital tools and possible technological responses and to solve them. To adjust and customise digital environments to personal needs (e.g. accessibility).

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appropriate straightforward problems, my own needs, and solving I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
guidance where needed, I can: well-defined and non-rou- those of others, and in
• identify needs, and • assess needs, • create solutions to • create solutions to
I can: tine problems, I can: complex contexts, I can:
• indicate well-defined complex problems with solve complex problems
• recognise simple digital • apply different digital
• identify needs, and and routine needs, and • explain needs, and • assess needs, limited definition using with many interacting
tools and possible techno- tools and possible techno-
digital tools and possible factors using digital tools
logical responses to solve • recognise simple digital • select well-define and • select digital tools and logical responses to solve • choose the most appro-
technological responses, and possible techno-
those needs. tools and possible techno- routine digital tools and possible technological those needs. priate digital tools and
and to adapt and custom- logical responses, and
logical responses to solve possible technological responses to solve those possible technological
• choose simple ways to • use different ways to ise digital environments to adapt and customise
those needs. responses to solve those needs. responses to solve those
adjust and customise adjust and customise to personal needs. digital environments to
needs. needs.
digital environments to • choose simple ways to • select ways to adjust digital environments to personal needs.
• integrate my knowledge
personal needs. adjust and customise • select well-defined and and customise digital personal needs. • decide the most appro-
to contribute to pro- • I can propose new ideas
digital environments to routine ways to adjust environments to personal priate ways to adjust
fessional practice and and processes to the field.
personal needs. and customise digital needs. and customise digital
knowledge and guide
environments to personal environments to personal
others in identifying
needs. needs
needs and technological

Examples With the help of a colleague

of use from the Human Resource
department who I can con-
01 sult whenever I need:
5.2 Identifying needs and technological responses

From a list of online courses
that the Human Resources
department has prepared,
Use of a I can identify those that fit
digital with my career improve-
learning ment needs.
to improve While reading the study
my career material on the screen
opportunities of my tablet, I can make
the font larger to help
the readability.

Examples In the classroom with my

of use teacher who I can consult
whenever I need:
Learning From a list of digital math
resources prepared by my
Competence area 5: Problem solving

teacher, I can choose an

educational game that
Use of a can help me to practice
digital my math skills.
platform I can adjust the game’s
to improve interface to match with
my math my mother tongue.
Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
To use digital tools and technologies to create knowledge and to innovate processes and products. To engage individually and collectively in cognitive processing to understand and resolve conceptual problems and

Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
guidance, I can: autonomy and appropriate straightforward problems, I can: my own needs, and solving I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
guidance where needed, well-defined and non-rou- those of others, and in
• identify simple digital • select digital tools and • apply different digital • create solutions to • create solutions
I can: tine problems, I can: complex contexts, I can:
tools and technologies technologies that can be tools and technologies complex problems to solve complex
that can be used to • identify simple digital used to create well-defined • differentiate digital to create knowledge and • adapt the most with limited definition problems with many
create knowledge and to tools and technologies knowledge and well-defined tools and technologies innovative processes and appropriate digital tools using digital tools and interacting factors
innovate processes and that can be used to innovative processes and that can be used to products. and technologies to technologies. using digital tools and
products. create knowledge and to products. create knowledge and to create knowledge and to technologies.
• apply individually and • integrate my knowledge
innovate processes and innovate processes and innovate processes and
• show interest individ- • engage individually and collectively cognitive pro- to contribute to pro- • propose new ideas and
products products. products.
ually and collectively collectively in some cognitive cessing to resolve differ- fessional practice and processes to the field.
in simple cognitive • follow individually and processing to understand and • engage individually and ent conceptual problems • resolve individually and knowledge and guide
processing to understand collectively simple cogni- resolve well-defined and collectively in cognitive and problem situations in collectively conceptual others in creatively using
and resolve simple tive processing to under- routine conceptual problems processing to understand digital environments. problems and problem digital technologies.
conceptual problems and stand and resolve simple and problem situations in and resolve conceptual situations in digital
problem situations in conceptual problems and digital environments. problems and problem environments.
digital environments. problem situations in situations in digital
digital environments. environments.

Examples By myself:
of use
I can use a MOOC’s forum to
01 ask for well-defined infor-
Employment mation on the course I am
following and I can use its tools
(e.g. blog, wiki) to create a
new entry for exchanging more
Use of a information.
Competence area 5: Problem solving 5.3 Creatively using digital technology

I can engage in a collaborative

platform exercise with other students
to improve using the mind map tool of the
my career MOOC in order to understand a
opportunities concrete issue in a new way.

I can fix problems such as iden-

tifying that I am introducing
a question or comment in the
wrong place.

Examples By myself:
of use
I can use the MOOC’s forum
02 to ask for well-defined infor-
Learning mation on the course I am
following, and I can use their
tools (e.g. blog, wiki) to create a
new entry for exchanging more
Use of a information.
learning I can engage in exercises of the
platform MOOC that use simulations to
problem situations in digital environments.

to improve practice a math problem that

my math I failed to solve correctly at
skills school. Discussing the exercises
in chat with other students
helped me to approach the
problem differently and
improved my skills.

I can fix problems such as iden-

tifying that I am introducing
a question or comment in the
wrong place.

Proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Specialised
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

At basic level and with At basic level and with On my own and solving Independently, according to my own As well as guiding others, At advanced level, accord- At highly specialised level, At the most advanced and
To understand where one’s own digital competence needs to be improved or updated. To be able to support others with their digital competence development. To seek opportunities for self-development

guidance, I can: autonomy and appro- straightforward problems, needs, and solving well-defined and I can: ing to my own needs and I can: specialised level, I can:
priate guidance where I can: non-routine problems, I can: those of others, and in
• recognise where my • demonstrate where my • create solutions to • create solutions
needed, I can: complex contexts, I can:
own digital competence • explain where my • discuss on where my digital own digital competence complex problems with to solve complex
needs to be improved or • recognise where my digital competence competence needs to be improved needs to be improved or • decide which are the limited definition that problems with many
updated. own digital competence needs to be improved or or updated, updated, most appropriate ways are related to improving interacting factors that
needs to be improved or updated, to improve or update digital competence, and are related to improving
• identify where to • indicate how to support of others • illustrate different
updated, one’s own digital compe- to find opportunities for digital competence, and
seek opportunities for • indicate where to seek to develop their digital compe- ways to support others in
tence needs, self-development and to find opportunities for
self-developments and • identify where to well-defined oppor- tence. the development of their
to keep up-to-date with self-development and to
to keep up-to-date with seek opportunities for tunities for self-devel- digital competence. • assess the development
• indicate where to seek opportu- new developments. keep up-to-date with the
the digital evolution. self-developments and opments and to keep of others’ digital compe-
nities for self-developments and • propose different digital evolution.
to keep up-to-date with up-to-date with the tence. • integrate my knowl-
to keep up-to-date with the digital opportunities found for
the digital evolution. digital evolution. edge to contribute to • propose new ideas and
evolution. self-development and to • choose the most ap-
professional practice processes to the field.
keep up-to-date with the propriate opportunities
and knowledge and to
digital evolution. for self-development and
guide others in identi-
to keep up-to date with
fying digital competence
new developments.

Examples I can discuss the digital competence

of use I need to be able to use MOOCs
for my professional career with an
employment adviser.
Employment I can tell her where I find and use
Scenario: MOOCs to develop and update my
proficiency level of digital compe-
Use of a tences to improve my professional
5.4 Identifying digital competence gaps

digital career.
learning I can deal with any issue while I
platform am doing these activities, e.g. I can
to improve evaluate whether new digital en-
my career vironments that I find while surfing
opportunities are appropriate means of improving
my digital competence’ proficiency

Examples I can discuss with a friend the digital

of use competence I need to use the tools
of a MOOC for my studies in math.
02 I can show my teacher where I find
Learning and use MOOCs according to my
Competence area 5: Problem solving

Scenario: learning needs.

and to keep up-to-date with the digital evolution.

Use of a I can tell her which digital activities

digital and pages I surf in order to keep my
digital competence updated so that
learning I can profit the most from digital
platform learning platforms for my learning
to improve needs.
my math
skills I can deal with any issue while I am
doing these activities, such as eval-
uate whether new digital environ-
ments that appear while surfing are
appropriate for improving my digital
competence and getting the most
profit from the MOOC.
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JRC Mission

As the science and knowledge

service of the European Commission,
the Joint Research Centre’s mission
is to support EU policies with
independent evidence throughout
the whole policy cycle.

EU Science Hub

EU Science Hub - Joint research Centre
Joint Research Centre
EU Science Hub


ISBN 978-92-79-68006-9

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