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2 The ultrastructure of cells

Prokaryotic Cells:
 DNA is not enclosed within a membrane; forms one circular chromosome
 DNA is not attached to proteins; its free
 Lack membrane-bound organelles.
 Simple structured no compartmentalization.
 Much smaller than eukaryotic cells
 Between 1 and 10 micrometer in size
 Appeared first on earth
 Eg: Bacteria

Features of a prokaryotic cell:

Cell wall
 Cell wall protects and maintains the shape of the cell
 Cell wall is composed off: Peptidoglycan
 Aditional layer outside the cell wall: Polysaccharide
 Layer allows bacteria to adhere to structures such as teeth

Plasma membrane
 Just inside the cell wall
 Controls the movement of materials into and out of the cell
 Role in binary fission
 Cytoplasm occupies the complete interior
 DNA/chromosome is the most visible structure
 No compartmentalization
 Therefore all cellular processes within prokaryotic cells take place
within the cytoplasm

 Hair like growth on the outside
 Can be used for attachment
 Main function: join bacterial cells in prepration for the transfer of DNA
from one cell to another. (sexual reproduction)

 Longer than pili
 Allow a cell to move
 Complex structures within the plasma membrane
 No exterior membrane
 Site of proteinsynthesis
 Occur in very large numbers; producing a lot of protein
 Give a granular apperance when numerous are present under an electron

Nucleoid Region
 Contains a single, long, continous, circular thread of DNA
 ie, involved with cell contol and reproduction
 Contains plasmid: not connected to the main bacterial chromosome;
replicate idependentaly of the chromosomal DNA
 Plasmid DNA is not required by the cell under normal conditions; help
adapt to unusual circumstances.

Binary fission
 DNA is copied
 2 daughter chromosomes attach to different regions on the plasma
 Cell divides into 2 genetically identical daughter cells.
 Division process includes
 elongation of the cell
 Partitioning of newly produced DNA by microtubule
fibres: FtsZ

# ORGANELLES: non-cellular structures that carry out specific functions

Eukaryotic Cells

 Eukaryotic cells occur in: Algae


 Diameter: 5 to 100 micrometer

 Nucleus is noticeable in the cytoplasm

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