Practice 7 Fix - Huong

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Nguyen Thị Diem Huong

Question 7 : Many elderly people are no longer looked after by their

families but are put in care homes or nursing homes. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of this trend?


I. Introduction

II. Body

1. Advantages

- Having take care of specialist to improve the elderly’s


- Living in a quiet place and friendly.

2. Disadvantages :

- Paying more money for health services.

- The elderly cannot meet the members in their families

=> reduce their health

- Not express sentiment of family

III. Conclusion
In many countries, it is common to see that some families no longer look after
their aged members such as grandpapa and grandma. They prefer to entrust them in
the hands of caregiver or nursing homes. I believe that this tendency has both
benefits and drawbacks.

On the one hand, there are number of advantages to elderly people have
staying in nursing homes. The most important advantage is that the elderly could
receive personal care from doctors and nurses with advanced medical equiment.
They can help the elderly to handle nutrition, heart disease or high blood pressure.
The second benefit is that the elderly can live in the quiet places with their peers.
This helps them to make friend easily and have the parterships to share ideas about
life and human. Futhermore, dispatching aged parents to care homes may be
benefitcial for young couples. They can have time to work and focus care on their

On the other hand, there are sigificant disadvantges to old people’s live at
nursing homes. Firstly, caring the elderly at care homes would became the the
financial burden for their familes and society because their families may pay more
money for the elderly services and the goverment would have to invest much
money in faicilities for the elderly people. Secondly, the elderly feel homesick and
stressful which causes negative impacts on their health because they have fewer
opportunties to see other members in their families. Specially, caring elderly
parents is the traditional responsibility of families. Adults have to take care of their
old parents, this would not only bring closeness between members in the family
but also educate children about manners in the family.

In conclusion, taking elderly parents to care homes or nursing homes has both
advantages and disadvantages. It based on the circumstances of each family to
decide for the elderly stay at home or care homes.

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