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Matacon National High School

Matacon ,Polangui,Albay
2nd Periodical Test in MAPEH G-8

Name_________________________________________________ Year & Section______________Score_____________

Test I Multiple Choice

Direction: Read the questions carefully, choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer
from the given choice.
1. He is the Canadian clergyman,educator and physician who invented the basketball .
a. Dr. Luther H. Gulick c.Alexander Cartwright
b. James Naismith d.Babe Ruth
2. It is the ability to jump with power to gain possession of the ball as it bounces to the rim after
a failed shot before it touches the floor.
a. Shooting c. Rebounding
b.Running d.Passing
3.This move involves bouncing the ball off the floor with your hands as you cover the floor.
a. Shooting c. Passing
b.Dribbling d.Rebounding
4. Basketball game was first introduced in ___________________________.
a. Springfield, Massachussetts c. Canada
b.New York City d. Asia
5. It is 75 to 78 cm in circumference and weighs 600-650 grams.
a. Basket c.Basketball
b. Bat d.Baseball
6.He is the one who tosses the ballup for the center jump at the start of the game and he is the
official who controls the game.
a. Umpire c.Scorer
b. Referee d. Timekeeper
7.The duration of the game in basketball is___________________________.
a. 6 minute quarter (24 minutes per game)
b. 7 minute quarte (28 minutes per game)
c. 8 minute quarter (32 minutes per game)
d. 9 minute quarter (36 minutes per game)
8. The following are all time violation except for __________________________.
a. 3-second violation c.8-second violation
b.5 second violation d.Blocking Foul
9.The individual who throws the ball from the middle of the diamond or the pitcher's mound.
a. Pitcher c.Umpires
b. Batters d.Catcher
10.This is a defensive skill used to receive a thrown ball and hold a base runner or batter from
proceeding or prevent the opponent from earning a point or a run.
a. Pitching c.Throwing
b. Catching d.Batting
11.This is an offensive skill used to strike the pitched ball using a bat.
a. Hitting/Batting c. Throwing
b.Catching d. Running
12.They are the players that cover the grassy area behind the infield.
a. First Baseman c. Third Baseman
b.Second Baseman d. Outfielders
13.The size of baseball bat is ______________________.
a. 39 inches long & 2-1/4 inches in diameter
b.40 inches long & 2-1/2 inches in diameter
c. 41 inches long & 2-3/4 inches in diameter
d. 41 inches long & 2-3/4 inches in diameter
14.The official in baseball/softball is called________________________.
a. Referee c.Lineman
b. Umpire d. Judge
15. The team in baseball /softball is composed of ____________________.
a. 5 players c. 8 players
b. 7 players d. 9 players

Identify which sport each skill belong to. Write the corresponding answers on the space provided.


1. Dribble
2.Chest Pass
3.Bounce Pass
11. Strike
12.3-second violations
13.Home Base
15.Short Stop

Test III (Health) Matching Type

Direction: Match the sentences in column A with the correct answer in column B. Write
the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

Column A Column B
1.The period of milk production initiated a. Marriage
by prolactin hormone in mammary gland.
2.The ideal and traditional form of feeding b.Fidelity
an infant.
3.The period when a new cell during fertilization c.Parenthood
grows and develops in a woman's uterus.
4.The smallest integral unit of a society d.Breastfeeding
5.The legal union of man and woman as e.Family
husband and wife.
6.The intense emotions that one feels for f.Parenthood
another person
7.A period when one tells his/her intense g.Infatuation
feelings/desire to one person.
8.Characteristics of being faithful,loyal and h.Engagement
true to a relationship.
9.The period when couples are ready to i.Pregnancy
embrace their responsibilities to care for
the children and provide them quality life.
10.The period in a couple's relationship j.Courtship
before getting married.
11.One's dedication to a relationship k. Love
12.The tender and compassionate affection l. Commitment
shared between two people.
13. A passage of a baby from the mother's m.Newborn Screening
uterus to outside of mother's body.
14.A simple procedure to find out if the baby n.Third Trimester
has congenital metabolic disorder.
15.It is the last trimester from week 28 o.Birth
to the giving birth
TEST 1V (Health) True or False
Direction: Write True if the sentence is correct and False if it is wrong.

1.Wealth is an ingredients of a happy marriage where couples do not keep secrets that
may cause misunderstanding.
2.Marriage is a temporary relationship between two people inlove.
3.Marriage of persons below 18 years old is null and void.
4.Having fewer children and proper spacing of birth are good for the health of the
mother and the children.
5.Smoking and drinking liqour is healthy during pregnancy.
6.Listening to music gives a pregnant woman and the baby in her womb relaxation.
7. Responsible parenthood is the will and ability to respond to the needs and
aspirations of the family.
8. A mother's milk is economical and nutritious and it promotes bonding between
the mother and the child.
9. Babies can have health issues that are different from older children and adults.
10. The first trimester of pregnancy last from week 13 to week 27.
11.Nausea and vomiting is also known as morning sickness.
12.Caesarian delivery is the process of giving birth where the doctor removes the baby
from the womb.
13.To have a successful married life ,one must be responsible in choosing his/her
lifetime partner.
14. Fruits and vegetables is not important during pregnancy.
15.Delivering at a hospital with a qualified doctor is the safest way.

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