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Sensate focus
The following text is reprinted for the that occurs as something is happening, Many couples will find that the time spent
education of Gannett patients and clients. not after it’s over— is even more self-de- on the sensate focus process can be a
It is an excerpt from Chaper 2, entitled feating in erotic moments. Just as being a useful and pleasant way to reawaken their
“Sex and Sensuality;” (pp 25-41) of the restaurant critic changes the experience own sensual (and sexual) feelings.
book “Heterosexuality,” written by William of dining out, being evaluative as sex is I suggest that you try these exercises
H. Masters, PhD, Virginia E. Johnson, and happening invariably puts you in the posi- when you and your partner are both re-
Robert C. Kolodny, MD; HarperCollins, New tion of being an observer as a participant. laxed, well rested, and affable toward one
York, 1994. The part of your mind that is observing another. Trying to start at a time when
is blocked from experiencing, with the
What is Sensate focus? either one of you is tense, tired, or grumpy
all-too-common result that you think too is not advisable. In the privacy of your
Sensate focus is about touching and be- much and feel too little. own home, at a time when you won’t be
ing touched. Many couples think that this
The judgmental/evaluative posture also interrupted by children, telephone or cell
sounds about as exciting as wet sand, but
forces us to pigeonhole what’s happening phone call, or other distractions and when
the truth is that the art of touching and
in terms of loaded words and concepts. you have at least 30 to 40 minutes to
the art of being touched have a lot more
Sex gets rated as good or bad, boring or yourselves, you can begin. As a practical
to them than most people realize. One
sizzling, explosive or tame in an artificial matter, I suggest that it’s best to decide in
of the ways of maximizing the potential
way. Part of getting into the senate focus advance who will pick the time for the first
of sensate focus is to begin without any
experience is to avoid judging or evaluat- touching session; after that, alternate who
preconceived notions of what you will feel,
ing what’s happening and to concentrate chooses, so you don’t have to deal with
how good it will be, or how much pleasure
instead on noticing what’s happening in the problem of “Are you ready to start
it will produce. In other words, even if
terms of physical feelings. By noticing touching now?” queries and unnecessary
the idea doesn’t seem thrilling, you need
whether your partner’s skin feels smooth negotiations or guesswork.
to start out with an open mind about it,
or warm or moist, you avoid having evalu-
because otherwise your expectations tend
ative, judgmental thoughts and simply STEP ONE: Non-Genital Touching
to color your experience and feelings.
focus on the experience. There are two parts to this step, which we
You may also need to reorient your
In order to set the stage for a new type call A and B. For illustrative purposed and
thinking away from being judgmental and
of touching that puts the emphasis is grammatical simplicity, assume that it the
evaluative to simply being and experienc-
on sensuality, rather than sexuality, we woman who decides when to begin in part
ing. In sexual matters, judgmental think-
instruct couples to abstain from any type A. (Second-guessing her timing isn’t very
ing almost always boxes us in:
of sexual activity during the first step of useful and can get things started on a
Was it good? Was it boring? Was it sensate focus. This means that no matter sour note, so don’t turn down her invita-
ecstatic? Evaluative thinking— which we how turned on they might become, touch- tion unless you’re really tired, distracted
define as a form of judgmental thinking ing the genitals (or the woman’s breasts) or emotionally wrung out.) From the
having oral sex, having intercourse, or beginning, both partners should be com-
having any other type of sexual involve- pletely undressed. We also suggest the re-
ment is off limits. This prohibition is moval of earrings, watches, necklaces, and
partly intended to set a clear focus on the rings. It also helps to be sure that you’re
sensual side of touching as a distinct en- not sweaty or dirty, so a preliminary bath
tity in its own right. (Of course, learning to or shower, possibly together may be in
be sensual has something to do with being order. It isn’t necessary, however, to be
sexual, too.) It also serves to remove any obsessive about cleanliness, and it’s best,
pressure on either partner to need to too, not to pour on perfume or cologne
respond in some particular way-getting or aftershave lotion. If nudity distresses
an erection, becoming sexually aroused, either partner, or if overwhelming hostility
or responding in a certain manner to a is a fact of life in your relationship, it is
partner’s needs. In addition, this approach advisable to get professional help before
is likely to be very different from the way trying these exercises.
couples usually approach touching, and The one who issues the invitation to
this is exactly the point: it allows for new begin is the ACTIVE participant in part A.
discoveries and avoids ingrained behavior Her partner lies flat on his back on the
patterns that may have gotten stale and bed (or even the floor) his role, for now,

* Additional information about sexual health, including contraception and prevention of

sexually transmitted infections, planning a pregnancy, and more, is available on the
Gannett website:
is simply to take in the sensations he is ately. If her touch is so light that it tickles, •  Vary the firmness and tempo of your
feeling as he is touched by his partner, not he should let her know this as well. This touching. Let yourself feel the difference
to reciprocate her touch (or comment on permits the toucher to concentrate on her between a long-drawn-out, feathery-light
her touching, or what he is feeling) in any own feelings without having to worry about touch on your partner’s are (or face or
way. Remembering that the man’s genitals her partner’s comfort. leg) and a slightly firmer and quicker
are off limits, the woman is free to begin We recommend that part A continue for touch, using small circular motions, in the
exploring her partner’s body in any other at least 15 minutes-especially since we rec- same areas. Switch to a staccato type of
way that interest her in order to discover ognize that, at the beginning, it may seem rhythm for a while, and then switch back
what she feels as she does this. Because a bit awkward or unnatural, and a few to a smoother , more languorous touch.
starting can be awkward, some women minutes might be needed to get past the Does changing the tempo of your touch
prefer to begin at one spot on the man’s strangeness. On the other hand, we urge alter your tactile sensations?
body-say, the neck or feet-and work their touching not be prolonged to the point of •  See how touching with your whole hand
way up or down from there. Other women boredom or fatigue for either partner. feels compared to touching just with
don’t need a definite plan of faction and your fingertips. Notice how touching with
simply explore the various textures and Part B of this exercise simply reverses the
roles of the man and woman, so that now both hands at once differs (or whether it
temperatures and contours of their part- differs)compared to the tactile sensations
ners’ body without any preconceived idea the woman is the one who lies down and
the man is the one who does the touching. you get from just using one hand.
of how they will proceed. Whichever way
you choose, the point of this exercise, as Unless it’s absolutely necessary-such as Let us reiterate several points. First, the
the term sensate focus implies, is to zero needing to use the bathroom-we strongly goal of this exercise is not to produce any
in on the sensations you are experienc- suggest not taking a break of any sort kind of erotic response. Even if you find
ing as you touch. There is no right way or between Parts A & B. yourself becoming greatly aroused, do not
wrong way to do this, and the point of this As in Part A, the man is free to touch turn this into a sexual encounter. Second,
touching opportunity is not to try and turn his partner’s body anywhere but the either partner can ask to end the touch-
your partner on, or to make him feel good, genitals; in addition, he should not touch ing session. A[part from the 15 minute
or to give him a massage: The point is to her breasts for now. His partner’s only minimum, as in part A, there is no need
try to live through your fingertips, taking responsibility is to protect him from doing for part B to match or exceed part A in du-
in each and every physical sensation they anything that makes her physically or ration, but don’t touch for so long that you
provide, while doing whatever happens to psychologically uncomfortable. She, as he become worn out or uninterested. Note: If
interest you at the moment. did, focuses on what her partner’s touches you start to fall asleep while you’re touch-
feel like to her, avoiding any attempts to ing or being touched, it is not apt to be a
Some women become fascinated by the positive growth experience, is it?) Third,
fine details in the contours and angles evaluate or judge what he’s doing. Helpful
Hint: neither partner should be compar- the point of sensate focus in not to give
on their partner’s face. They may never your partner a back rub or massage (al-
before have taken the opportunity to trace ing the man’s touching style with the
style the woman used in part A. There’s though either may be a perfectly wonder-
their fingertips lightly along his lips, or ful and romantic thing to do on another
to feel the difference in texture between no reason they should be taking the same
approach of using the same touches or occasion) or to touch her in a way that
and ear and a cheek, or to notice that the you think will make her happy. The point is
hair at the nape of his neck is softer than sequence; they are two different people
with individual feelings and perceptions. very straightforward: to allow the person
the hair on top of his head. Other women doing he touching to take in a variety of
move from one region of the man’s body As the man explores his partner’s body
from head to toe, it is important that he sensory experiences and to notice what
to another more quickly, comparing the they fell like, without any distractions or
smoothness of the skin on his thigh to not set out to try to touch her in a way
that he thinks she’s going to like, or in a “should” lurking in the background.
the rougher palm of his hand, or to his
toes. Again, there is no right way to do way that he thinks she’ll find stimulation. Some couples enjoy repeating this version
this exercise other than allowing yourself Again, the purpose of this exercise it not of the sensate focus exercises for several
the opportunity to focus on your physical to set the erotic juices flowing; it is to let days. Often they notice things a little dif-
awareness of sensations in a non-evalua- each partner feel her or his own physical ferently each time, and they also try out
tive way. At any point during the touching, sensations in a leisurely, unstructured, variations in technique and timing a that al-
the woman can ask her partner to turn over non-goal –oriented manner. low them to experiment-in a non-pressured
so she can touch his back and have easier Unlike most women, many men aren’t way-with their sensual perceptions. But the
access to the backs of his legs and neck. used to noticing the tactile sensations decision on whether to repeat this exercise
deriving from textures or temperatures, so a few times or to move on to the next step is
The Man’s Role In Part A a flexible one: there’s no test to pass before
they may need a little while to become ac-
The man should primarily focus on his own climatized to this process. Here are some you “graduate” to the next level.
sensations as he is being touched. For the suggestions we’ve found helpful with re-
moment, he is not expected to reciprocate STEP 2: Genital Touching
gard to the various types of touching that
by touching his partner. He should be no- can be explored. In this next step of sensate focus, the
ticing the sensations he is receiving not in prohibition on touching the breasts and
terms of evaluating or analyzing them (”I •  Play a texture awareness game with
genitals is dropped, but you should still
like that”, or “why is she doing that?”) but yourself. First, see if you can notice dif-
abstain from attempting sexual inter-
allowing himself to experience them. His ferences in the surface texture of skin
course. As with the preceding step, one
only responsibility is to protect his partner on different parts of her body. How does
person should be designated to pick the
from doing something that makes him the smoothness and softness of skin
time to begin. If you don’t simply want to
acutely uncomfortable, either physically on her cheeks compare to the backs of
alternate from whoever made this choice
or psychologically. If she is rubbing a sore her hands, her calves, or her neck? Are
the last time, you can always flip a coin to
spot on his back, he must tell her immedi- there areas on her face that seem silkier
decide. In this example, we will have the
or more supple than others?
Reprinted from: “Heterosexuality,” written by William H. Masters, PhD, Virginia E. Johnson, and Robert C. Kolodny, MD; HarperCollins, New York, 1994.
man begin. The background details are
also the same as before: privacy, nudity,
cleanliness, and so forth.
In part A of this exercise, the man should
begin exactly as in the nongenital touch-
ing, with general touching of his partner’s
body. It is often advisable for the woman
to start out lying face-down on the bed to
facilitate this process so the man doesn’t
become automatically fixated on her
breasts and genitals. Even though the
ban on touching the breasts and genitals
is no longer in effect, the man should
be especially careful NOT to change the
nature of the touching experience by
rushing immediately and singlemindedly
to “sexual” touching. In fact, it is helpful
to remember that this is not a torrid X-
rated movie but a sensate focus exercise:
the point is not to try to be turned on
or to make something happen to or for
your partner, but to pay attention to your
sensations in the context of exploring
your partner’s body as a sensual, sensory
tactile experience.
If the impulse toward action is overwhelm-
ingly tempting, think back and try to
repeat some of what you learned in the
previous step of sensate focus. Slowly
feel the curve of your partner’s back and
compare it to the contour of her hips;
trace along the edge of her spine and
see how this feels compared to the softer
tissue on the back of her upper arms; run
your fingers through her hair as thought
you were feeling its texture and thickness
for the first time. After you are comfort-
able and feeling in the rhythm of the
moment, as well as feeling as if you are
connecting with the sensations that are
registering through your fingertips, then
shift into the position shown in Figure 2.1.
If there is no headboard on your bed, a
few pillows behind the man’s back will
provide support for him as he sits with
his legs slightly spread in a V. The woman
leans back against his chest so that her
head is resting on one of his shoulders. By he touches her. He continues to touch for him when a slower sort of stroking might
reaching down or around her, the man can what he finds interesting, to distinguish be especially sensual, or let him know
touch most of his partner’s body(although and notice various sensations, and to do when she’d like him to move from one part
he probably cannot reach her lower legs so in an open-ended, non-goal-directed of her body to an entirely different spot.
and feet in this position). manner, but she has the opportunity of The man doesn’t have to abide by these
providing him with nonverbal feedback tidbits of information as though they were
At his juncture, as the man continues about subtle preferences of her own. instructions from an airport control tower;
his general exploration of his partner’s Although it is not his job to anticipate her with a little practice, he can learn how to
body, a new twist is added in the form of feelings(in fact, she may not even be able combine his own feelings and needs with
a special technique to enhance nonverbal to anticipate them herself), responding the messages provided by his partner.
communication: the woman puts her hand to her silent messages gives him a way to He should also recognize that a signal to
on top of his as he is touching (as shown integrate her reactions into his actions. move his hand is not a criticism of what
in Figure 2.2). The intention of this hand- he’s doing; instead, it means, “Right now, I
riding technique is not for the woman With the hand-riding technique, the
woman can show her partner where she’d think I’d like to try this”.
suddenly to take the lead in directing the
action but rather to provide a simple, like a firmer touch, where she’d like him As we mentioned earlier, the man is free
quick, effective way for her to transmit to linger awhile, or where she’d like a to incorporate genital touching into his
additional information to her partner as lighter, silky sort of touch. She can show tactile explorations in this exercise. (In

Reprinted from: “Heterosexuality,” written by William H. Masters, PhD, Virginia E. Johnson, and Robert C. Kolodny, MD; HarperCollins, New York, 1994.
part B, which we will describe shortly, the stimulates herself to orgasm. (Men: if ily to reach forward with access to most
woman will have the same opportunity.) you try either of these methods, this is of his body. At this juncture, the couple
But it is especially important that he does not the time for an analytical discussion can again use the hand-riding technique,
not suddenly shift the nature of his touch- of why a particular type of touch feels a this time with the man’s hand placed on
ing into a relentless assault or a feverish certain way). There is no point, however, top of his partner’s as she touches and
push to make his partner quiver and melt in working to make orgasm happen. If it explores his body.
in his arms. This means, for example, that gets to feeling like a job, either partner The woman can now extend her touch-
it is usually best to touch briefly in or should call “time out”. ing to include her partner’s genital area
around the genital area and then move As in step 1 of the sensate focus exer- as well as other regions. We recommend
elsewhere on the woman’s body for a cises, either the man or woman can say that the woman simply incorporate
while, returning to the genitals in the nat- “I’d like to switch.” There is no specific genital touching into her general explora-
ural ebb and flow of exploratory touching. time requirement or limitation, although tions with no specific goal (such as trying
(For those men who may be wondering, “a once again, our general suggestion is that to get her partner aroused) and without
while” , means longer than 3 seconds). If a the touching should not last so long that parking her hand indefinitely in this
man literally pounces on his partner’s gen- either person becomes bored or tired. area. The man may or may not develop
itals and then concentrates his touching an erection, and whether he does or not is
there almost exclusively, without regard The procedure for part B should paral-
lel the steps that are outlined above. We unimportant. If he does become erect, the
to her feelings, it is understandably likely woman should make a point of stroking the
to make her feel like a sex object and suggest that the woman begin with a
period of general body touching, permit- penis for a bit and then deliberately moving
not much more. If, instead, the man adds her hand to a different area, rather than
gentle, light caresses of the breasts and ting herself to flow into the experience by
focusing on her tactile sensations. As in staying focused on his sexual organ.
genital area (including the lips of the va-
gina, the clitoris, and the region between the previous phase of sensate focus, she In addition to touching or stroking the
the vagina and the rectum) to a broader should take time to notice subtle varia- penis (whether or not it is erect), the
repertoire of touching that includes all of tions in surfaces and contours, textures woman might also want to use her finger-
his partner’s body, he extends the range and temperatures of her partner’s body, tips to explore the scrotum, feeling the
of the sensual experience both he and his and she should explore his body in a way texture of the skin of the scrotal sac, gen-
partner are having. that interests her, not in order to make tly cupping the testicles in her hands, and
something happen to or for him. running her fingers along the perineum,
Here are a few additional pointers to keep the sensitive region of skin between the
in mind: At some point when she is feeling reason-
ably comfortable and absorbed in the base of the scrotum and the rectum.
• The couple should feel free to move experience, the couple can move into the These are not meant to be suggestions in
whenever they would like into a posi- position shown in Figure 2.3. (This is not the how-to-turn-your-partner-on mode:
tion different from the one suggested a mandatory part of the exercise, but they are meant to provide a greater de-
(although many women report feeling many couples have found it useful.) In this gree of awareness of your partner’s body.
especially comfortable and relaxed in position, where the man is lying on his As this touching and exploration con-
the position illustrated). back with his head pointed away from his tinues, the man can use the hand-riding
• The woman should be especially careful to partner’s body, and his legs bent at the technique to send subtle messages to his
give her partner signals while he is touch- knees and draped over her wait while she partner about the types of touching he
ing her genital area so he doesn’t need is sitting close to him, she is able eas- finds most comfortable and pleasurable.
to guess at what type of touching she
prefers. It isn’t necessary that she know in
advance exactly what will feel pleasing or
interesting, only that she provide him with
feedback as he’s touching her.
• So that you don’t lose sight of the fact
that this is a sensate focus opportunity,
not just a preamble to sex, we suggest
that you abstain from kissing while you
are doing this exercise. Kissing often
seems to push people into cruise control
when it comes to sensual/sexual behav-
ior, and what you are trying to accom-
plish here is to break old habit patterns,
not solidify them.
• If the woman finds that her feelings
are aroused enough that she wants to
be orgasmic, it is perfectly appropriate
to let orgasm occur either by manual
stimulation from her partner (with some
hand-riding guidance from her) or by
using the reverse approach: letting her
partner put his hand on top of hers and
follow her motions and touches as she

Reprinted from: “Heterosexuality,” written by William H. Masters, PhD, Virginia E. Johnson, and Robert C. Kolodny, MD; HarperCollins, New York, 1994.
It’s important for both partners to realize Some couples like to begin touching your partner; it means using your lips and
that when they receive a message of this without the lotion and then add the lotion tongue as a way of sensually exploring
sort suggesting they move to a different partway into the experience for contrast. your partner’s body. There is a big differ-
spot, it doesn’t mean they should never Other couples experiment by using the ence in these two intentions. Especially if
return. Both men and women find that lotion on one hand and not the other, you’ve done oral sex a lot before, see how
what is comfortable pleasing changes comparing and contrasting sensations be- different it can be when you approach it
with time; a touch that is just perfect right tween the two hands. Other couples find it as sensual exploration instead of a way of
now may be too much, or too little, or off easier to use the lotion from the very begin- servicing your partner.
target, in just a few moments. (Here’s a ning of their touching. Whichever approach Another variation you might want to try is
perfect case in point. If you’ve ever tried you choose (and you might want to try each changing the scene of your sensate focus
to have your partner scratch an itchy spot on different occasions), be sure that you activities from the bedroom to the shower
on your back because you couldn’t reach it don’t let the lotion inadvertently turn you or bathtub. Some couples find that the
yourself, you know how elusive getting that into a massage artist. The point of the exer- slippery feel of warm water and soap suds
itch can be. One moment he or she is at ex- cise is still to focus on your sensations. (or with bath gel) gives them a special set
actly the right spot, but then the itch shifts of sensations. While this might not be an
just a little higher or a little lower or a bit to STEP 4: Mutual Touching
everyday event, it can provide an interest-
the left, and you’ve got to ask him or her to So far, we have deliberately structured ing change of perceptions.
move a little to relieve the itch precisely.) the touching exercises so that you were
As the woman’s exploration of her part- always in a “your turn/my turn” mode. STEP 5: Sensual Intercourse
ner’s body continues, the man may well Now, it’s time to extend the scope of the Almost everybody knows what sexual
find himself becoming sexually excited, touching experience by removing the arti- intercourse is, but have you ever thought
which is perfectly fine and natural. The ficiality of separate turns. This gives each about sensual intercourse? If you haven’t
woman doesn’t need to direct her atten- of you the opportunity to use your newly tried it, you probably don’t know what
tion immediately to penile stimulation, as improved sensory awareness to focus si- you‘re missing.
though an erection requires emergency multaneously on your fingertip sensations
from touching your partner and on the Sexual intercourse if often a very me-
care, but if her partner feels that the
physical sensations your body registers chanical act, with an emphasis on thrust-
wants to receive further penile touching
from being touched and held. ing and pushing toward orgasm. In this
and possibly go on to ejaculation, either
version of sensate focus, you extend the
she can provide this type of stroking for We suggest that the first time or two you gains you have already made in emphasiz-
him (with his hand riding on hers to guide try this version of sensate focus, you still ing your awareness of physical sensations
its tempo and firmness) or she can instead refrain from kissing and from attempt- into the realm of penile-vaginal contact to
put her hand on his and follow his motions ing intercourse. These simple steps help find a stylistically different type of inter-
as he stimulates himself. Either choice is a to prevent you from just reverting to course. Here again, there is no right way
matter of personal preference at the mo- your old, tried and true sexual behavior or wrong way of doing things; instead, the
ment, not a reflection of the state of your patterns. Remember, what you are trying goal is to find out what feels interesting
relationship. As in part A of this exercise, to achieve here is a way of adding a new and pleasurable.
if either partner starts to feel that the sensual dimension to your lives.
touching has turned into some sort of As with all of the previous phases of sen-
When you become involved in mutual sate focus, which build on the same foun-
job or obligation, it’s advisable to stop. (If
touching , it’s useful to view it as a con- dation, we suggest starting this exercise
necessary, the man can ejaculate by self-
tinuation of the earliest sensate focus with a period of general body (non-geni-
stimulation even if his partner needs to
opportunities, not just another way of get- tal) touching. Allow yourselves to get into
call it quits for now.)
ting around to sex. If you decide that you a comfortable rhythm and focus: be aware
STEP 3: Adding Lotion are becoming too sexually (as opposed to of what your fingertips are telling you and
sensually) focused, it’s perfectly fine to lie don’t worry about whether or not you or
One of the ways of enhancing sensory back and let your partner do the touching
awareness is to alter the medium of touch your partner is becoming aroused.
for a while. It’s also useful to direct your
a bit. Since we don’ t have volume control attention to decidedly nonsexual areas, Gradually extend the scope of the touch-
knobs on our fingertips, the next best although it’s amazing how absolutely ing to include exploration of the genital.
thing is to try the same sensate focus sensuous (and stimulation) your partner’s Don’t be shy about using the hand-riding
exercise described in step 2 with the hair or neck or lips can be. Another way technique to show your partner what you
addition of a lotion or oil to add a slicker, of avoiding the problem of turning this like, but don’t try to be a traffic cop and
silkier dimension to your touching. We into pure sex is to keep yourself from direct every move he or she makes.
suggest using a nonalcoholic, hypoaller- sexual fantasies as the touching is going When you are both comfortable, move
genic lotion, but many couples find that on. (While we are enthusiastic advocates into a position where the man lies on his
baby oil or even suntan lotion is conve- of sexual fantasizing in lots of other back and the woman moves astride him,
nient, inexpensive, and fun. situations, it does have a way of distract- positioning herself so that her vaginal
If you try this step (which is completely ing your attention from sensual matters area is close to his penis (see Figure 2.4).
options), it’s best first to warm the con- because your brain has to focus on your Once you’ve gotten to this point, don’t
tainer of oil or lotion in a basin of hot mental erotic imagery.) rush things. Use the same principles of
water. Another hint to prevent the lotion One possible variation in the mutual sensate focus you’ve been using all along
from feeling chilly is never to drip it onto touching opportunities is to incorporate to continue your touching, but now extend
your partner’s body. Putting some lotion oral-genital stimulation as part of your the touching so that it is not only done by
in the palm of your hand and then rubbing sensual play. This doesn’t mean using oral your fingertips, but so your genital areas
it briefly also helps to warm it up. sex to make something happen to or for can touch each other, too. It is usually

Reprinted from: “Heterosexuality,” written by William H. Masters, PhD, Virginia E. Johnson, and Robert C. Kolodny, MD; HarperCollins, New York, 1994.
A woman once wrote us a letter in which
she referred to “sense aid” instead of
sensate focus. In a way, she was absolutely
right. The point of these exercises, after
all, is to help your senses: to restore the
feeling side to sex.

Ten Ways of Blocking Sensuality

Over the years, we’ve learned a good deal
about what interferes with the sensual
side of sex. Here are the most common
barriers we’ve encountered. Not listed in
any particular order, they are self-evident
enough to require no further explanation.
• The “wham, bam, thank you ma’am”
• Children who pop into your room when-
ever they want to.
• Time constraints, including always leav-
ing sex for the last thing at night when
you and your partner are both tired out.
• The “it’s my job to make my partner
happy” attitude.
• The notion that sex is serious business.
• The idea that sex is solely for the man’s
easiest for the woman to take hold of sensation these movements produce. • Inattention to your partner’s sensibili-
the man’s penis (which, after all, is fairly Here again, instead of moving right away ties, as demonstrated by cigar breath,
easy to find) and move it against herself, into the old, familiar thrusting pattern, a heedful of hair curlers, or unrelenting
rubbing it against her clitoris, or along the continue your sensual intercourse experi- body odor.
lips of the vagina, or playing with the pe- ence by slowly withdrawing the penis from
nis around her vaginal opening. The man • The mistaken belief that fulfilling sex is
the vagina and playing with it at the exter-
doesn’t need to be a passive participant as only for young and attractive people.
nal genital area again briefly— for 20 or 30
this is happening. In addition to focusing seconds. Then the woman can slide back • Thinking (and worrying) too much during sex.
on the sensations he is receiving through onto the penis, repeating any of the above • Being angry with your partner, but keep-
his penis, he can be actively touching the steps that seem interesting or pleasurable, ing your anger to yourself.
woman anywhere he finds interesting or until either partner decides that some
pleasurable, whether this involves stroking Obviously there are many more sources
deeper thrusting would be desirable.
her hair, fondling her breasts, running his of sexual problems. But it is certain that
fingers up and down her spine, or reach- Once you’ve tried such sensual varia- if a couple manages to maintain a healthy
ing up to trace gently the curves of her tions, you may certainly want to move sensuality in their relationship, they will
cheekbones. to a quicker type of thrusting, and you be well on the way to a sexually satisfying
may also instinctively move into a deeper life together.
When the woman feels ready, she can thrusting pattern. Some couples find that
hold the erect penis at a angle of about it’s very enjoyable to establish a quicker,
45 degrees (pointed toward the man’s Gannett’s Clinical Counselor is available
shallower thrusting pattern for a while. to talk with individuals and couples about
head) and slide back slowly on the penis, (In fact, women find this especially sensu-
letting her vagina snuggle around its how sensate focus activities can be used
al, since nerve endings in the vagina are to enhance sexual health and pleasure.
head without attempting to insert it any more heavily concentrated in the outer
further. Once in the position, resist the portion than deep inside). However you Appointments with the Clinical Counselor
urge to start thrusting right away. Instead, proceed, try to keep your focus on your can be made by calling 255-5155.. Addition-
let the penis rub very gently and slowly sensations as much as possible, and give al information about sex counseling can be
in and out of the opening of the vagina, yourself the opportunity to enjoy your found at
noticing the sensations you both are “new” way of having intercourse.
receiving from this type of contact. After
One final point: if you enjoy sensual in-
a few minutes, the woman can slide a bit
more onto the penis, letting about half of tercourse and want to use this approach
it inside her. Again, instead of immediately from time to time, you’ve got to let your
establishing a vigorous thrusting pattern, partner know in advance what you’re
stop to feel the sensations of warmth and thinking about. If one person is having
contact. Hold absolutely still for a few good old lust sexual intercourse while the
seconds, and then the woman can squeeze other wants a more leisurely sensual ex-
her legs together (or contract the muscles perience, it could be like playing a record
around her vagina) to see what different at 33 1/3 and 45 rpm at the same time.

Reprinted from: “Heterosexuality,” written by William H. Masters, PhD, Virginia E. Johnson, and Robert C. Kolodny, MD; HarperCollins, New York, 1994.

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