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Yoilyn Solís Avila

She was born on July 12th, 1993 in San Vito, Coto Brus, but
she grew up in a rural community called Altamira. She is the
second of four siblings, and she is the daughter of peasant parents. When she was
11 years old, she lost her father, so her mother raised her and her siblings. The
most influential people in her childhood were her parents both taught her to work
continuously to get what she wanted and also that all things are valuable from
listening to a person to meeting with the family to celebrate life.

At high school, her group of friends was small. She had an extraordinary average,
and she was passionate about sciences mainly biology. She always kept in mind
that she had to make her family feel proud, so she was an exceptional student. In
2011, at the age of 17 years old, she left her community to begin her university
studies at the University of Costa Rica in San Ramon, Alajuela. There she obtained
a Bachelor's Degree in Social Studies and Civic Education in 2015. Then in 2016,
she moved to San Pedro headquarter where she obtained a Bachelor`s Degree in
Teaching Natural Sciences in 2018.

She would like a job, where people do not impose how things should be taught.
She thinks that we all learn differently and that every day we learn something new,
so a job where give the freedom to teach what really matters would be an ideal job.
She would have liked to meet the famous scientist Marie Curie since she was well-
prepared chemistry. In that time, women were not well seen in this area, so she
inspires women to continue in the scientific field. Nowadays, only small parts of
women who study scientific majors are reflected. In the political and social field,
she would like to see a change in economic and social equity because people in
charge try to make fun of the masses. She thinks that in politics there should be
serious people with the aim of making the country a better place for everyone not
just for a few.

She defines family as love, support, loyalty, effort, commitment, and teamwork
where people are formed. It is the basis of everything, be it good or bad. She also
defines happiness as instants, moments where there are details that make us feel
important and part of something in the universe. One of her biggest fears is to lose
someone from her family since she had a very painful loss that she would not want
to experience it again. Three main lessons she has learned throughout her life are
do everything you care about with passion and you will see the results, help those
who need it because you do not know when you need to be helped, and finally
changes are an opportunity to fulfill your goals.

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