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Mafijul Isalm, ID#1511261030

Hoque, D.M.M, Ahsan, D.H.M, Barua, S. and Alam, D. (n.d.). BRT in Metro
Dhaka: Towards Achieving a Sustainable Urban Public Transport System.
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Dhaka the capital city of Bangladesh having a people of 15 million has a
straightforward public transport structure including cycle rickshaws, Para-
travel, taxis and transports. Buses being the only mode of mass transit
available in Dhaka, they carry about 1.9 million passengers per day. The
number of privately owned cars is increasing day by day because of under
develop public transport system and lack of door to door services within
public transport network. For achieving sustainable urban transport in
Dhaka. They also suggested the Strategic transport Plan (STP) that the
develop of six major corridors as mass transit routes including three BRT
Alam, M.J.B, and Habib, K.M.N (2003).Effects of alternative transportation
options on congestion and air pollution in Dhaka city.Journal of civil
Engineering, CE 31, 2.
Transportation serves a huge portion of a country economic development.
Transportation development requires a large amount of resources and time
and it is a type of cost that irreversible. To optimize future needs detailed
planning is needed for any sort of development. There are also some
alternatives to improve traffic congestion and air pollution.
Andaleeb, S.S. Haq, M. and Ahmed, R.I.(n.d.).Reforming Innercity Bus
Transportation in a Developing Country: A Passenger-Driven Model.
One of the main reasons for traffic jam of Dhaka city are the shortage of
motorizes vehicle and excessive number of non-motorized vehicles on the
streets. A huge development of transportation system in Dhaka city is
needed because about 12 million of middle and lower-middle class people
are living here. There are eight factors highlighted to be focused to resolve
the city’s transport issues. Passenger satisfaction, stuff behavior, number of
buses changed to reach destination, supervision, and waiting facility these
are the points of that eight factor.
Khan, S.M. and Hoque, M.S (2013). Traffic Flow Interruptions in Dhaka City: Is
Smooth Traffic Flow Possible? Journal of PU, 2, 46-54.
Weak infrastructure has provoked the heterogeneous mixing of vehicle along
with non-lane based movement and no access control. Taking advantage of
existing poor monitoring system, number of non-registered and road
unworthy vehicles is on a rise. Due to lack of proper implementation of
transport planning and effective management there are a large number of
vehicles remains motionless for hours.
Labib, S.M, Mohiuddin, H. and Shakil, S.H. (2013).Transport Sustainability of
Dhaka: A measure of ecological footprint and means for sustainable
transportation system. Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners. 6, 137-
Daily an enormous CO2 emission from a large number of vehicles travel in
Dhaka city which is seventy times more compared to bio-capacity of this
city. It is near to impossible to acquire sustainability of transportation system
unless considering ecological balance; transport demand management
(TDM), Low carbon transports, transit oriented development (TOD), and
creation of green corridors.

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