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Alexander Technique

Jennifer Jacob Clement

BScN RN Pakistan.
In musicians, musculoskeletal disorders, stress, and performance anxiety are common.
Alexander Technique, a psycho-physical method that is used to release muscle tension due to
this reason some people use it. According to current review Alexander Technique sessions
somehow useful for chronic back pain and Parkinson disease. The aim of that review was to
conclude the evidence for the efficiency of Alexander Technique sessions on musician’s
performance, anxiety, respiratory function and posture (waddell G, et al. 2002).

The aim of the study was to relate the effectiveness of Alexander Technique on
musician’s performance, anxiety, respiratory function and posture, chronic pain and
Parkinson disease.
Systematic review of literature of 20 articles from articles from 2005 to 2015 was
The analysis reveals that there is a great impact of Alexander Technique on chronic
back pain, Parkinson disease, and stress, anxiety and muscle tension in musician.18
publications were selected out of 271 in which there were three Randomized Controlled
trial(RCTs), two controlled non-randomized studies, eight non-controlled studies, four
qualitative analysis and one health economic analysis (Emst.E, et al.. 2003).
Different types of evaluation techniques used to check the efficiency of Alexander
Technique. There is a strong evidence that Alexander Technique is very effective for chronic
back pain and balance skills in older age. RCTs and CTs also proved that it improve anxiety
in musicians.

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