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Chapter 3


This research deals with the procedure and process in collecting data to complete the study:

It includes the following:

1. Research Design.

2. Respondents.

3. Sampling Technique.

4. Instruments used in the study.

5. Construction of the instrument.

6. Validation of the instrument.

7. Administration of the Instrument.

8. Statistical treatment of the study.

1. Research design- Is the method used to complete the study.

The types of research design are:

a.) Descriptive -it describes existing phenomena. It states what it is and how it is done.
It is sometimes qualitative and quantitative.
b.) Historical Design -This is also a historical because it also discuss about the history of
CCTV in foreign and local literature.

2. Respondents- They are the clients who will answer the questionnaire. They may be students,
parents, administration and whoever would be chosen by the researcher.

Effectiveness of CCTV in community area of Pandacan as crime prevention and

suppression: Towards a guide.

3. Sampling technique- It is a kind of choosing the respondents. The following are utilized:

1.) Purposive Sampling.

2.) Random Sampling.

3.) Stratified Random Sampling.

4. Instrument used in study- These are instruments used in collecting data.

4.1) Questionnaires

-Where the items are located

-includes those from statement of the problem

4.2) Unstructured Interview

-This is a guide for the researcher in asking questionnaire. This is based from
statement of the problem. It strengthens the answer of the respondents from the

4.3) Structural Interview

-These are written questions to be asked to the respondents.

4.4) Focused Group Discussion.

-The researchers convened smaller groups to discuss the answer of the

5. Construction of the Instrument- The researcher has to read literature and studies to
formulate items of the questionnaires. He made a draft and this draft is p resented to
experts for suggestions criticisms. The draft is finalized and the final instrument is printed.

6. Validation of the Instrument- The final draft was distributed to trial respondents who are
not included in the sample respondents. The purpose of the validation is to determine if
there that are difficult to understand. The items are revised and ready for distribution.

7. Administration and Retrieval of Instrument- The researchers distributed personally the

questionnaires to the respondents to assure them of 100% retrieval of the instrument.
They are assisted by those who are in the office.

8. Statistical treatment- The researcher used the following statistical tools.

8.1) Frequency and percentage distribution- This used in the profile of the
Formula: F=

Where F= Frequency

%= Percentage

N= Total number of respondents

8.2) Weighted mean- this is using 5. Likert Scale to determine the scale or range of an

Range Scale Verbal

5 4.50 – 5.0 Very high agree

4 3.50 – 4.49 Highly agree
3 2.50 – 3.59 Moderately agree
2 1.50 – 2.49 Disagree
1 1.0 – 1.49 Very highly Disagree

8.3) Ranking- This is to rank the items 1,2,3,4,5 to determine their orderly sequence

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