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Five k ey s

safe r food
to Why?
icro organisms do not cause
While most m ous microorganisms are
Keep clean during food preparation ger
disease, dan in soil, water, animals
food and of ten widely foun ese microorganisms are
re handling
a n ds befo
and people. ds, wiping cloths and
u r h an
✔ Wash yo
g oin g to the toilet o d p reparation carried on h lly cutting boards and
h yo u r ha nds after uip m en t used for fo ecia
utensils, esp ntact can transfer them
✔ Was es and eq animals co
e all surfa c an d ot her the slightest se foodborne diseases.
Wash and s
r om in sects, pests to food and c
✔ a s and food f
h en a re
✔ Protect kitc

n d c o o k e d pecially meat, poultry and

arate raw a Raw food, es heir juices, can contain

seafood, an roorganisms which may
Sep nd seafood
from other foods
g bo ards for
dangerous m onto other foods during
eat, poultr y a
kn ives and cu ttin be transferre n and storage.
w m as tio
✔ Separa te ra
a nd utensils su ch food prepara
m e nt
U se se p arate equip p re pared foods
✔ w foo ds w ee n raw and
n g ra t bet
ers to a void contac
Sto re fo od in conta

almost all dangerous

horo u g h l y g kills
Proper cookin . Studies have shown tha

Cook t oultry, eggs and se afood microorganis a temperature of 70°C can

cooking food is safe for consumption
pecially meat, p
the y have reached it
help ensure uire special attention
es oughly, at e sure th
ok fo od th or
o iling to m ak
ot pink. Ideally, req
Foods that meats, rolled roasts, large
70°C ✔ Co
oups an d stews to b
at juices are clear, n ed
include minc nd whole poultry.
ods like s ake sure th
✔ Bring fo eat and p o ultr y, m joints of mea
70°C. For m eter
use a therm oroughly
food th
✔ Reheat

s Why?
m p e r a t u r e ltiply ver y
60°C d a t s af e t e ism s c a n m u
Microorgan d is stored at room
Danger Keep foo rature for more th an 2 hours
quickly if f y holding at tempera-
temperature C or above 60°C, the
tempe low 5°C) 5°
zone! od at room
ked fo efera bly be
od (pr tures below oorganisms is slowed
c oo le fo icr
✔ Do not lea ve
d and per ish ab growth of m ed. Some dangerous
5°C p ro m p tly all coo ke
0°C ) prior to serving pp
down or sto s still grow below 5°C.
✔ Refrigerate g ho t (m o re than 6 microorganis
p co o ke d food pipin he re frigerator
✔ Kee in t
f o od to o long even
Do not stor
e t e m pe r ature
✔ fo od at roo m
w fro ze n
✔ Do not tha

ls Why?
w materia and ice,

e r a n d ra ls, including water

Raw materia inated with dangerous
Design: Marilyn Langfeld. Illustration: Janet Petitpierre

e safe wa t m
may be conta s and chemicals. Toxic
Us safe
microorganis be formed in damaged
chemicals m ds. Care in selection of
it to make it
r or treat foo
Use sa fe w a te and mouldy and simple measures

d w ho les ome foods eurized milk ls
raw materia g and peeling may
h an pas t
✔ Select fres d fo r sa fe ty, such as suc h as wa
o se fo o d s processe y if eaten raw reduce the ris
✔ Cho ec iall
a n d ve g etables, esp
✔ Wash fruits nd its exp iry date
e food bey o
Do no t u s

Food Safety
World Health Organization Knowledge = Prevention WHO/SDE/PHE/FOS/01.1
Distribution: General
Original: English

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