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___ date _______




Subject: Non-Disclosure Agreement

Dear Ms. XYZ:

As you perform due diligence on the possible acquisition of _________________, you will have access to
and be entrusted with trade secrets and information which is confidential and proprietary to
________________________. This information includes data, concepts and ideas developed and
researched at considerable expense and time by _____________________, as well as information
regarding the business, methods, technology, clients, customers, and finances of
_________________________. You will also have access to and be entrusted with trade secrets and
information furnished to _________________________ by its clients, customer, and/or business
associates which is of confidential nature and in respect of which ___________________________ has
an obligation to keep confidential.

Both during and after the period of performing due diligence:

(1) You will keep any and all such information confidential and secret; You will not divulge or
suggest to any person whatsoever any and all such confidential information;

(2) You will use your best endeavors to prevent the publication or disclosure of any and all such
confidential information.

If you agree to the terms above, please affix your signature below.





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