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I. Put the words in order.

1. I / afternoon / the / go / school / to / in
2. in / morning / do / the / what / you / eat
3. factory / worker / a / works / a / in
4. animal / does / want / he / see / what / to
5. father / my / is / brother / than / taller / my
6. mother / up / does / your / time / get / what
7. ten / at / my / to / o’clock / bed / brother / goes
8. gets / my / early / up / father
9. like / brother / what / your / does / look
10. parents / young / my / are
11. me / brother / is / older / my / than
12. are / their / house / decorating / they
13. like / would / bread / you / some
14. you / the / like / zoo / go / to / would / to
15. to / you / do / want / why / to / park / go / the

II. Complete the sentences.

1. - What time do you ______________?

- I _______________at____________

2. - What time do you __________________?

- I _________________at______________

3. - What time do you __________________?

- I _______________at________________
4. - What time do you _________________?
- I ________________at______________

5. What time do you _______________?

- I _______________at____________

6. He is ________________. 7. He is ________________.
He works in _________________. He works in _________________.

8. She is _________________. 9. She is _________________.

She works ____________________. She works ____________________.

10. - What do you do at Christmas?

- I _______________________. 11. - What do you do at Tet?
- I __________________.

12. - What do you do on Children’s Day?

- I ____________________________.
13. - What do you do on Teachers’ Day?
- I ___________________________.
14. Go____________ 15. Go for___________ 16. Go_____________

17. Go _____________ 18. Go for___________ 19. Go______________

20. - What’s your favourite __________?

- It’s __________________________.

21. - What’s your ____________________?

- It’s ____________________________.

22. - Would you like some_____________and___________?

- Yes, __________.

23. The _______________ are funny. 24. The ______________ is strong.

25. The ________________ is fast. 26. The _____________ are beautiful.

27. The ______________are big.

28. The ______________is scary and the __________is scary, too.

III. Read and complete.

blouse days pair wear shoes

My name is Mai. I am a primary pupil. On hot days at school, I wear a (1) _________, a short skirt,
a red scarf and a pair of sandals. On cold days, I wear a jacket over a jumper, a long skirt, a red
scarf and a pair of socks and (2) ____________. At home, I (3) __________ different things. On
hot (4) ____________, I wear a blouse, a pair of shorts and a pair of slippers. On cold days, I wear
a jumper, a (5) ___________ of trousers and a pair of socks and slippers.

bakery zoo cinema supermarket pharmacy bookshop

It is Sunday today. Phong and Mai go to many places. In the morning, they go to the (1)
____________ because Mai wants to buy some books and pens. Then they go to the (2)
_______________ because Phong wants to buy some medicine. After that, they go to the (3)
______________ because they want to see the animals. In the afternoon, they go to the (4)
_____________ because Phong wants to buy some bread. Then they go to the (5) _____________.
They want to buy something to eat. Finally, they go to see a film in the (6) _____________.

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