6614 Issue 2 Use of A Stray Current DATA Logger

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Work Instruction No.

Asset Protection
Cathodic Protection 6614

Use Of A Stray Current DATA Logger

Approved by: Manager
(Straycorder) Pipeline Standards

1 PURPOSE plugged into the base station even if

the external supply is turned off. Also
The purpose of this work instruction is to
the base station will enter into a low
describe the steps required to set-up, retrieve,
power mode until it receives
analyse and save data from a Straycorder
characters from the host computer
current/voltage data logging instrument being
and the on/off light will remain off.
used to capture and record potential readings
from a metallic gas pipeline or network. All • Place a STRAYCORDER data
works shall comply with APT O&MS Health, logger into the base station ensuring
Safety and Environmental Management that the optical windows in the logger
Systems and meet the requirements of all align with the corresponding
relevant statutory gas supply legislation. windows in the base station. The
data logger is now ready for
operation by the DOS software
2 REFERENCES application.
9019 Cathodic Protection System The communication interface protocol is set by
Maintenance and Testing Procedure the logger and the supplied software to: 9600
baud, 8 bit data and one stop bit as shown in
Figure 1.
Data loggers are placed on cathodically
protected steel pipes to retrieve and capture
the stray current/voltage potentials on the
network or pipeline. After analysis of the
captured data Cathodic Protection
units/current drainage systems can be
adjusted to compensate for any discrepancies
that may arise.
This work instruction assumes that all data
loggers used for the data captured have been
calibrated and pre-programmed with all
relevant default information in accordance with
design requirements.

4.1 Base Station
• Connect the base station to the host
Personnel Computer using the serial
cable attached to the base station.
Note the PC’s serial port connection
for entering into the set-up procedure Base Station
of the logger interface software.
• Supply power to the base station Figure 1
from an external source, via a USB
connection from the PC, or use the
internal battery. The base station
will not draw power from the internal
battery if an external power supply is

Issue 2 October 2007 Page 1 of 8

Use Of A Stray Current DATA Work Instruction No.:
Logger (Straycorder) 6614

4.2 Straycorder Data Logger ¾ Note: For negative voltage chart

orientation to be achieved, reverse
the lead connections, change the
earth stake (reference cell) and the
‘time below’ to negative values (eg.
For current data logging there are two
situations, one is an electrolysis drainage bond
and the other is a bond between two
structures. For the electrolysis drainage bond,
STRAYCORDER Data Logger pin ‘A’ (black lead) is connected to the more
Figure 2 negative structure, in this case the electrolysis
drain and pin ‘B’ (red lead) is connected to the
more positive structure. For a bond between
4.3 Connection of Leads two structures, leads should be connected in a
consistent manner (eg. red to red and black to
black or blue). In South Australia the red lead
should be connected to the black upstream
cable and the black lead to the yellow
downstream cable.

4.4 Programming Data Loggers

(Straycorder) Placement in the Field
Data Logger – Test Point Connection Leads 4.4.1 Initial Start-Up
Figure 3
• Insert the STRAYLOG boot
diskette/CD into the computers
Data Logger Test Point Connection floppy drive/CD drive.
There are 4 pins on top of the Data Logger for • Plug in the STRAYCORDER base
connection to potential and current sources station to the relevant COM
(as shown in Figure 4). connection located on the back of
your computer hard drive.
• Turn the computer on, this condition
will automatically start the
STRAYLOG software package in
DOS and open in the “FIRST MENU
A D SCREEN”. See Figure 5 for a
sample of the displayed FIRST

Figure 4
A = Ground First Menu Screen
B = Current Figure 5
C = 10 Volts
D = DVM • Place the STRAYCORDER into the
For potential data logging, pin ‘A’ (black lead) STRAYCORDER base station.
is connected to the earth or reference cell and • Turn the Base Station to the on
pin ‘C’ (red lead) is connected to the structure. position using the battery power on
Issue 2 October 2007 Page 2 of 8
Use Of A Stray Current DATA Work Instruction No.:
Logger (Straycorder) 6614

• Press the F9 (DIRECTORY) key on • To initiate a new test use the up and
your computers keyboard to access down arrow keys on your computers
the STRAYCORDER’s directory keyboard to select and highlight the
screen, this screen provides the next available clear block in the
following information: logger’s memory.
¾ Note: The directory function reads • Once the next clear block has been
header information plus battery highlighted press the ENTER key on
and memory data from a logger, a your computers keyboard, this
directory listing of ten blocks, their condition will take you to the VIEW
titles, readings and status is HEADER DATA screen, where the
displayed. While communicating header values may be edited to
with the logger, the commands reflect the desired test details. See
being set to the logger are Figure 7 for a sample of the
displayed near the top left-hand HEADER DATA SCREEN.
side of the screen. This has been
done so that the user can see the
process progressing. If there is a
problem during this process
striking any key should interrupt
the process and return to the
¾ As well as presenting a directory of
the logger contents there is a new
menu presented at the bottom of
the screen. This menu lists a
number of functions that can be
used to operate the logger and its
data. See Figure 6 for a sample of
the Directory Screen.
¾ Where the logger is still set for
recording data, a message will
appear on your computers screen
advising you of this condition, to
stop the data logger from recording Header Data View Screen
press the F4 (STOP LOGGING)
key on your computers keyboard. Figure 7

• In the header data screen you may

set the following parameters by
using the up and down arrow keys
on your computers keyboard to
highlight the required item.
¾ Name the block to reference where
the test is being conducted.
¾ Set the start and end times by
pressing the F9 key twice located
on your computers keyboard, this
condition will set the start and end
times automatically to a default
period. Alternatively these times
Directory Screen may be overwritten as required.
Figure 6 ¾ Where required set the actual start
and end times.
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Use Of A Stray Current DATA Work Instruction No.:
Logger (Straycorder) 6614

¾ Where required set the required • Press the F9 key (DIRECTORY

sample period. KEY) on your computes keyboard to
¾ Where required set the required access the STRAYCORDER’s
window start and end times. directory screen.
¾ Enter the chart reading/s required ¾ Note: Where the logger is still set
i.e. Current/Voltage. To change for recording data, a message will
the chart type highlight the appear on your computers screen
parameter then press enter, select advising you of this condition, to
the appropriate parameter and stop the data logger from recording
press enter on your computer press the F4 (STOP LOGGING)
keyboard. key on your computers keyboard.
¾ Enter the earth stake (reference • Using the up and down arrow keys
cell) value for potential surveys or located on your computers keyboard
for current surveys enter the shunt highlight the block that contains the
value. required test data. Normally this
• Press the F10 (EXIT) key to return to block is automatically highlighted.
the FIRST MENU SCREEN. To exit • Press the F3 (READ DATA) key on
this screen a parameter field must be your computers keyboard, this
highlighted prior to pressing the F10 condition allows the STRAYLOG
key. computer software to read the data
• Press the F8 (WRITE TO LOGGER) captured by the logger.
Key located on your computers ¾ Note: A screen advising you that
keyboard to send the programmed the read time may take several
data to the logger. seconds will appear.
• Press the F9 (START LOGGER) Key ¾ After the data has been read by
to commence the data capture the STRAYLOG computer
required of the programmed logger. software a screen will appear to
advise you of the data read
• Press the F10 (EXIT) key to return to
completion and will ask you to
continue by “hitting any key on the
keyboard”, press the spacebar
4.4.2 Downloading and Analysing Data located on your computers
Captured By the Logger keyboard.
• Insert the STRAYLOG boot • Press the F6 (ANALYSIS) key to
diskette/CD into the computers access the ANALYSIS &
floppy drive/CD drive. GRAPHING screens. Once the F6
(ANALYSIS) key has been activated
• Plug in the STRAYCORDER base
you will be prompted to enter the
station to the relevant COM
connection located on the back of
your computers hard drive. ¾ Minimum voltage/current the
default - parameters may be used
• Turn the computer on, this condition or if required the value may be
will automatically start the overwritten to suit the required test
STRAYLOG software package in outcomes.
DOS and open in the “FIRST MENU
SCREEN”. See Figure 5 for a • Press the ENTER key located on
sample of the displayed FIRST you computers keyboard to continue.
MENU SCREEN. • Once the ENTER key has been
• Place the STRAYCORDER into the activated you will be prompted to
STRAYCORDER base station. enter the following:
• Turn the Base Station to the on ¾ Maximum voltage/current - the
position using the battery power on default maximum voltage/current
switch. may be used or if required the
Issue 2 October 2007 Page 4 of 8
Use Of A Stray Current DATA Work Instruction No.:
Logger (Straycorder) 6614

value may be overwritten to suit this horizontal plane does not need
the required test outcomes. to be adjusted. See Figure 9 for an
• Press the ENTER key located on example of this screen.
you computers keyboard to continue. • Press the END key located on your
• Press the F3 (Graph 1) key located computer keyboard.
on your computers keyboard to enter ¾ Where required adjust the limits of
the screen that displays a graph of the vertical plane of the
the data captured during the current/voltage range by using the
designated test period. See Figure 8 up & down arrow keys located on
for an example of this screen. your computers keyboard,
¾ Where required adjust the limits of alternatively, this vertical plane
the left horizontal plane of the test does not need to be adjusted. See
period by using the left & right Figure 8 for an example of this
arrow keys located on your screen.
computers keyboard, alternatively, • Press the END key located on your
this horizontal plane does not need computers keyboard, this condition
to be adjusted. See Figure 8 for will add a numeric analysis of the
example this screen. data captured during the test period.
See Figure 10 for an example of this

Example Of Graph 1 Screen

Figure 8

Example Of Graph 1 Screen With Numeric

Analysis Added
Figure 10

• Press the F10 (EXIT) key located on

your computers keyboard to exit into
• Press the F10 (EXIT) key to return to
Example of Graph 1 Screen With
the DIRECTORY Screen.
Adjustable Planes
• Where required save the captured
Figure 9
data as detailed in item 5.3 (Saving
the DATA captured by the Logger) of
• Press the END key located on your this work instruction.
computers keyboard.
¾ Where required adjust the limits of
the right horizontal plane of the
test period by using the left & right
arrow keys located on your
computers keyboard, alternatively,
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Use Of A Stray Current DATA Work Instruction No.:
Logger (Straycorder) 6614

4.4.3 Saving the DATA captured by the computers keyboard to access the
Logger STRAYCORDER’s directory screen.
All logger memory blocks should be
The data should be analysed as detailed in
Section 4.4.2 in this Work Instruction prior to
saving any data. • Press the F10 (EXIT) key to return to
press the F2 (SAVE DATA) key to
access the SAVE DATA SCREEN. 4.4.5 Exiting the Straylog Programme
• Upon entering the SAVE DATA • From the FIRST MENU SCREEN
SCREEN you will be prompted to press the F10 (EXIT) key located on
nominate which directory you would your computers keyboard.
like to save the data. Type in the
• A Y/N (yes/no) prompt will appear,
desired directory. Alternatively use
confirm the exit by typing the letter Y
the default directory as provided.
in the prompt and press the enter
• Press the ENTER key located on key.
your computers keyboard.
• Remove the floppy disk / CD from
• Next you will be prompted to enter a the computers floppy disk drive / CD
file save name, enter an appropriate drive.
file save name in the highlighted
area. Alternatively the automatic
default file name may be used. 4.5 Base Station Power Supply
• Press the ENTER key located on The base station requires 12 Volts DC (11.0 to
your computers keyboard to save the 13.5 volts) power drawing up to 100mA. This
data to the directory previously input. is supplied through an external power input
socket (or the USB port for the USB port
powered model). This may be from a mains
4.4.4 Data Logger Reset/Wipe Memory powered plug pack or from a vehicle 12V
• From the FIRST MENU SCREEN, system, possibly through the cigarette lighter
press the F6 (RESET LOGGER) key socket. Alternatively the base station is fitted
to enter the Logger Reset screen. with eight (8) AA alkaline batteries for stand
¾ Upon entering the logger reset alone power. Operation under battery power
screen you will be prompted to is limited by battery capacity and to assist in
confirm the reset by pressing the Y prolonging the unit goes into a low power
key located on your computers mode after a few minutes of no activity on the
keyboard. serial input line. The first two or three (2-3)
characters received in the low power mode
• Type the letter Y (for yes) and press switches the base station back to full
the enter key located on your operation.
computers keyboard.
Low voltage (flat batteries or external input)
• Next you will come to a screen that reduces the reliability of communication. The
will give you an option to reset the operator may not realise that the voltage has
Data Loggers inbuilt clock. Confirm fallen too low for reliable operation so the unit
the method of reset you require by monitors the battery voltage and shuts down
typing the relevant number into the completely if the voltage falls to low (10.5 -
prompt box. 11.0 volt). When the unit shuts down the
• Press the Enter key located on your on/off light goes off. The external power
computers keyboard, this condition socket disconnects the battery and bypasses
will take you to the FIRST MENU the time out and voltage level circuits.
SCREEN. ¾ Note: Even in the low power mode
• To confirm that the reset of the the base station draws power from
Logger was successful press the F9 the batteries and will drain them

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Use Of A Stray Current DATA Work Instruction No.:
Logger (Straycorder) 6614

eventually so the unit MUST be • Press the F1 key (CALIBRATE)

turned off when not in use. located on your computers keyboard.
This condition brings up the input
4.6 Data Logger Verification and range selection menu on your
Calibration computers screen.
• Select the desired input range from
Data loggers are calibrated annually to asses this menu.
and adjust the calibration voltage/current input
ranges. The clock speed may be raised or ¾ This condition will bring up the real
lowered to compensate for any clock time time reading output which can be
keeping variations that may have occurred used with a calibrated multimeter
since the previous calibration. to determine the calibration
requirements. Input zero to
The calibrations and the unit serial number are measure the offset error, note the
stored in EEPROM which can be altered, offset error measured has been
however, it is a slow process and the writing of scaled by the old scale factor. To
the new calibration parameters takes a few establish the scale factor
seconds. correction required, enter a large
The voltage / current inputs operate by taking magnitude voltage (large relative
from the ADC then subtracting an offset to the ranges fall scale) and note
correction. This is followed by multiplying by a the logger and corresponding
scale factor. The user may enter new offsets multimeter reading. The new scale
and scale factors. factor is the old scale factor times
To calibrate an input range, proceed as the ration of the meter reading
follows: over the corresponding logger
• Insert the STRAYLOG boot diskette / reading. Exit the real time reading
CD into the computers floppy drive / mode by pressing the RETURN
CD drive. key and then enter the offset and
scale factor in response to the
• Plug in the STRAYCORDER base prompts.
station to the relevant COM
connection located on the back of • There are now two (2) current input
your computer hard drive. ranges (these are actually voltage
ranges intended to be used with
• Turn the computer on, this condition current shunts): +/- 200mV and +/-
will automatically start the 400mV. The final range is a +/- 10V
STRAYLOG software package in for protection voltage monitoring
DOS and open in the “FIRST MENU STRAYCORDER. The ranges
SCREEN”. See Figure 11 (same as available from the menu as shown in
Figure 5) for a sample of the Figure 12.

(a) Attenuated Voltage: +/- 100mV

(b) Attenuated Voltage: +/- 1V
(c) Attenuated Voltage: +/- 10V
(d) Attenuated Voltage: +/- 100V
(e) Attenuated Voltage: +/- 1000V
First Menu Screen (f) Current Shunt Range: +/- 400mV
Figure 11 (g) Current Shunt Range: +/- 200mV
(h) Protection Voltage: +/- 10mV
• Place the STRAYCORDER into the
STRAYCORDER base station.
• Turn the Base Station to the on Input Ranges
position using the battery power on Figure 12
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Use Of A Stray Current DATA Work Instruction No.:
Logger (Straycorder) 6614

Adjust the Clock Rate is correctly plugged into the host

• Select calibrate from the first menu computer.
[Figure 5]. This brings up the range • Check that the interface software
selection menu. has the correct serial port selected
• Select clock adjust from this menu. and that the serial port is operating
¾ Note the clock drift rate over a
period and calculate the number of • Check that the on/off light comes on
seconds it will drift in a week. This when the external power supply or
weekly drift rate is then entered in power supply via the USB
response to the prompt; a positive connection with the PC, is plugged in
value slows the logger clock and a and turned on, or that when using
negative number speeds it up. the internal battery the light comes
The software calculates and the on when characters are sent to the
adjustment required and sends it base station (the light operates with
to the logger. or without a logger in the base
4.6.1 Base Station Battery Replacement • If the base station appears to be
functioning correctly try using a
The batteries are attached to the base plate on different data logger.
the bottom of the base station and may be
replaced as follows:
• Remove the self tapping screws that
hold the base plate to the upper
body of the base station.
• Separate the base plate carefully as
wires run from the batteries on the
base plate to the circuit in the upper
• Remove the eight AA alkaline
batteries and replace with new fully
charged batteries.
• Reattach the base plate with new
batteries to the upper using the self
tapping screws.

4.7 Communication Failure

Should the base station / logger combination
fail to respond the following steps should be
• Check that the logger has been
placed in the base station with the
correct orientation so as to align the
optical windows of the logger and the
base station.
• Press the Reset button to get the
logger into guaranteed known state.
• Check that power is being supplied
to the base station - either from an
external source, via a USB
connection from the PC or internal
batteries. Check that the serial cable
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