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Word Frequency List of American English

Mark Davies and Dee Gardner
© 2010

These are sample entries (every seventh word, from word #35 on) from the word frequency lists
that are based on the Corpus of Contemporary American English. The full list is available in PDF
eBook format -- $19.95 for the 5,000 word list, $29.95 for 10,000 words, and $39.95 for the full
20,000 word list (nearly 2,000 pages).

Standard introduction
This word frequency list is based on the 400+ million word Corpus of Contemporary American
English (COCA), which is the only large, recent, and genre-balanced corpus of American English. Due
to the characteristics of the corpus on which the data is based, you can be sure that the words that
you find here are ones that you would encounter in the "real world". Because the entries are
arranged in order of frequency, you can maximize your study of English vocabulary in a way that is
probably not available with any other resource.
Other frequency lists are available from These include frequency and
collocates lists that contain 200-300 collocates for each word (compared to the 20-30 here), for a
total of about 5,000,000 collocates for the 20,000 word list. Unlike this PDF version, the expanded
collocates lists allow you to edit, copy from, and print from the files. On the other hand, those
versions are not formatted as nicely as what you have here, they are more expensive, and they are
designed mainly for use by (computational) linguists.
In addition to the frequency lists, you can also purchase complete 2-gram and 3-gram lists from the
entire 400 million word corpus, containing more than 100 million n-grams. You can also purchase a
printed (book) version of the entries 1-5,000, which was published by Routledge in 2010 as the
Frequency Dictionary of American English: word sketches, collocates, and thematic lists.
Finally, a note on accuracy. We believe that the frequency list itself (the words #1-5,000, 10,000 or
20,000) is very accurate -- probably more so than any other frequency list of English. In addition, the
more than 100,000 collocates for words 1-5,000 have been corrected manually, although there are
undoubtedly a few remaining problems. There are more than 250,000 collocates for the 10,000
word list and more than 500,000 collocates for the 20,000 word list. Because of the number of
collocates, these have not been checked individually for accuracy, although many efforts have been
made to correct the list as a whole.
If you would like to see detailed information on the composition of the corpus, and details on
exactly how the frequency list was created (tokenization, part of speech tagging, lemmatization,
frequency and dispersion calculations, extracting collocates, etc), please see the introductory
material in the book sample.
Thank you for purchasing this frequency list. We hope that it will be a useful tool for you in your
study, teaching, and research of English.



verb noun adjective adverb function word

(Note: use ALT ← to return to indexes from frequency-based entries)

Format of frequency-based entries

Rank frequency (1, 2, 3, …), lemma, part of speech

(● Synonyms, when available)
Raw frequency, dispersion (0.00 – 1.00), (register variation: Spoken, Fiction, Magazines, Newspapers, Academic)

Note that the collocates are grouped by part of speech and ordered by frequency (most frequent first). The * • +
symbol indicates pre/post placement with regards to the headword.

35 go v 56 think v
noun •bed, •bathroom, •mile, •nut, •berserk, jail misc noun people, thing, lot, reason, moment, mistake,
•through, let•, •home, •away, •happen, •ahead, •beyond, nonsense, coincidence, retrospect misc I•, you, do•, we,
•sleep, •anywhere, •crazy •about, what, well, really, •important, maybe, probably,
on what•, •inside, list•, •forever, hell•, fighting•, •length, ever, everybody, anybody, frankly
•usual, heck•, •indefinitely off bomb•, alarm•, siren•, through •problem, carefully, •consequence,
beeper•, bulb•, pager•, •tangent, firework•, flashbulb•, •implication, •situation, opportunity• up •idea, •name,
firecracker• back let•, •home, •forth, •sleep, •inside, •excuse, whoever•, clever, •creative back when, •over
•upstairs, •downstairs, •jail up •flame, •smoke, curtain•, ● reason, contemplate, reflect, ponder || believe, feel,
cheer•, eyebrow•, •dramatically, roar•, consider, deem
•chimney down sun•, •tube, swelling•, •breakfast, 772787 | 0.91 S
Titanic out •dinner, •public, party, breakfast
● leave, go away || travel, move || work, run || reach, 63 take v
extend || become, get || die, pass away noun •place, •care, •look, •step, •advantage, action,
1151045 | 0.93 S •break, picture, •account, •risk, position, month,
•responsibility, •course, approach misc long, •away,
42 her a •seriously, home, •deep
she, •she, hand, mother, •eye, •husband, •own, •head, off •clothes, •shoe, plane•, •hat, •shirt, •coat, •jacket,
tell•, •face, •father, hair, arm, •daughter •glass, career• out •loan, •ad, pocket, •wallet, •garbage,
969591 | 0.91 F •cigarette, •trash, •handkerchief, •full-page on •role,
•responsibility, •meaning, •task, •challenge,
49 as i •significance, ready•, •importance up •space, •residence,
well, such•, much•, long•, such•, far•, same•, •result, •position, •arm, •cause, •slack, •challenge,

•part, •though, soon•, serve•, •possible, describe• •golf over communist•, instinct•, •CEO
● in the role of, in the function of, having the status of, ● remove, appropriate || grasp, grab || carry, fetch ||
being conquer, capture || choose, select || accompany, bring
829018 | 0.95 || undertake, adopt || bear, stand || support, hold up
|| contain, hold || study, learn || consider, look at ||
require, need || derive, draw || presume, assume ||
succeed, work || subtract, deduct
670745 | 0.97

70 come v 98 give v
noun •term, •conclusion, minute, •grip, •stop, •rescue, noun money, •opportunity, •birth, name, information,
•stair, me, •realization, announcement•, verdict, reply, •look, •credit, •sense, advice, •idea, speech, •rise,
•fruition, knock, •prominence misc •from, when•, •here, attention, •example, •choice misc •away, willing•, •quick,
•home, next, •together, •along, •close, •forward, soon, •extra, •damn, •time, freely, charitable, generously
•surprise, •closer, •alive, •clean, tomorrow up never•, •hope, •run, finally•, willing•, refuse•,
up •next, sun•, •short, graphics, •empty-handed, •control, ready•, •fight, •hit out •information, award,
•renewal, •parole out •clean, •support, toothpick•, knee•, ticket, •condom in finally•, •temptation, refuse•
•favor, •publicly, paperback down •pike, •aisle, ● provide, contribute || grant, bestow || impart,
•breakfast, •chimney on oh•, honey, aw•, convey || perform, put on || devote, dedicate || yield,
•sweetheart back when•, •haunt, •anytime collapse
● arrive, appear, turn up || happen, occur, take place 384503 | 0.98
|| approach, move toward, draw closer || originate,
hail from, derive || reach, extend, stretch 105 very r
628254 | 0.95 •much, •good, •well, •important, •difficult, •little,
•different, •hard, •few, •close, •strong, •clear, •nice,
77 then r •interesting
back, again, •turn, since•, until, minute•, •suddenly, ● extremely, incredibly, awfully, exceptionally,
second•, pause, •slowly, hesitate•, first•, •sudden, exceedingly, especially
briefly 391821 | 0.92 S
● at that time, at that moment, at that point || next,
afterward, subsequently || in that case, so, therefore 112 through i
|| on the other hand, but then, then again || and, in run•, pass•, •door, walk•, •window, process, air,
addition, too •interpreter, •glass, hole, •crowd, •gate, •forest, •wood
543977 | 0.95 ● across, past, throughout || during, throughout,
during the course of || via, out of, by way of ||
84 way n because of, owing to, due to
adj only, best, long, different, better, easy, wrong, 340921 | 0.98
effective noun people, life, thing, •thinking, variety•,
harm• verb find•, change, act, pave•, behave, explore, 119 may v
clear•, interpret, block, alter noun factor, transcript•, finding•, difficulty, symptom,
● method, means || condition, circumstances || adolescent, clue, indication, counselor• misc able, able,
example, feature || custom, style || route, road || although, although, suggest, suggest, cause, cause,
street, avenue sound, sound, contain, contain, affect, soon, affect
470401 | 0.98 ● might, could, possibly will, may well, may perhaps,
may possibly
91 more d 324569 | 0.95
•than, •year, much•, any, •million, little•, •information,
percent, •money, spend•, •half, nothing•, lot•, •hour 126 still r
420170 | 0.97 •alive, •ahead, •exist, large, •struggle, •plenty, •asleep,
•intact, perfectly•, •unknown, •unclear, •reel, •pending,
● even now, even so, in spite of everything, be that as
it may, nevertheless, nonetheless
296953 | 0.97

133 too r
•much, •many, far, •late, •long, little, •often, •bad, •soon,
•fast, •busy
● also, as well, in addition, besides || excessively,
overly, extremely, exceedingly
280396 | 0.96

140 between i 182 over r

difference•, •two, relationship•, connection•, take•, •year, •there, turn•, •again, walk•, hand•, all•,
distinction•, relation•, link•, gap•, correlation•, •shoulder, million, roll•, pull•, lean•
significant•, line, conflict•, tension•, interaction• 208260 | 0.95
● flanked by, sandwiched between, stuck between,
amid || connecting, linking, joining, involving 189 company n
264158 | 0.94 A adj big, small, major, pharmaceutical, financial, foreign,
holding, electric, independent, Canadian noun
147 family n insurance•, oil•, business, stock, drug•, phone•,
adj whole, extended, royal, entire, poor, nuclear, executive, employee, record, tobacco• verb sell, •pay,
immediate, wealthy, middle-class, low-income noun own, •offer, •operate, •plan, found, •announce, force,
member, friend, child, life, •history, support, parent, form
•planning verb live, raise, own, visit, gather, feed •, ● business, corporation, firm || companionship,
belong, extend, reunite, •flee friendship, camaraderie || group, band, party ||
● relations, relatives, folks || ancestors, descendants, visitors, guests, friends || theater company, troupe,
dynasty || species, genus, type theater group
243267 | 0.97 203345 | 0.93

154 mean v 196 so c

noun •disrespect, compliment misc really, •anything, •can, me, OK•, kind, touch, okay•, mm-hmm•
•nothing, necessarily•, exactly, absolutely, obviously, 191893 | 0.95
literally, deal, basically, •harm, though•, interpret•,
phrase, insult 203 small j
● denote, signify, indicate || intend, propose, aim || noun town, group, business, number, amount,
require, lead to, necessitate company, size, child, room, part, piece, house misc
242198 | 0.93 S large, relatively•, •rural, •wooden, •round, chop,
•medium, fairly•, •medium-sized
161 same d ● little, minute, tiny, diminutive || minor, unimportant,
•time, •as, •thing, •way, much•, •kind, •period, exactly•, trivial, slight
share•, •true, •amount, apply, •size, exact• 185463 | 0.97
222836 | 0.98
210 live v
168 talk v noun people•, life, year, family, house, city, home,
noun •phone, hour, •politics, reporter, •stranger, •area, parent, •street, •poverty, town, month, writer•,
neighbor, •me, trash, counselor, •nonsense, •specific, •mile misc who•, where•, •here, •there, long, •up,
•whisper, •smack, pollster, headset misc •about, let•, •together
listen, someone, everybody, nobody•, somebody, out •life, •fantasy, •dream, •faith, •rest, •final, gospel,
anybody, willing•, refuse•, welcome•, •anymore, •ideal, •remainder on •less, enough•, legacy•, memory,
•openly, •loud, •publicly spirit•, •forever, legend•, tradition• in we•, •house,
● communicate, speak, chat || converse, debate, world, •neighborhood, •town, •society, •building, today
compare notes || confess, betray, rat ● exist, be alive, be in this world, survive || reside, stay,
229429 | 0.92 S have your home, dwell
176144 | 0.98
175 might v
noun possibility•, clue, indication•, speculation•, Dr, 217 happen v
cynic•, telling•, criteria•, Iraqi•, skeptic• misc well, as, noun thing•, accident•, event•, stuff•, incident•, miracle•,
able, expect, consider, suggest, otherwise, wonder, tragedy•, •me, disaster•, •anytime misc something•,
whatever, imagine, fear, afraid, affect, worry, useful nothing•, never•, •again, really•, •next, anything•, ever•,
● may, could, possibly will, may well, may perhaps, may whatever•, bad•, exactly•, everything•, actually•
possibly ● occur, come about, take place, ensue || occur, come
209059 | 0.98 about, take place, ensue
182714 | 0.93 S

224 must v 259 yes u

noun teacher•, educator•, caution, employer•, oh•, right, •sir, no, answer•, •course, •ma'am, yeah, OK,
applicant•, provider•, plaintiff•, military• misc absolutely, •indeed, hello
•understand, •consider, therefore, •recognize, •address, ● all right, okay, sure, why not? || aye, yeah, indeed,
realize, •admit, •accept, surely, •carefully, •ensure, absolutely
•careful, •aware 157364 | 0.89 S
● have to, have got to, be obliged to, ought to, should,
be required to 266 friend n
171043 | 0.96 adj best, old, close, closest, longtime, dear, mutual,
male noun family, relative, school, member, house,
231 area n group, brother, childhood•, help, sister verb tell, meet,
adj rural, urban, metropolitan, major, certain, remote, visit, invite, gather, introduce, date, greet, betray,
particular, surrounding, residential, key noun study, ski•, entertain•
metro•, resident, park, subject•, development, ● pal, buddy, chum || acquaintance, contact, colleague
wilderness•, surface•, population verb live•, cover, || ally, supporter, well-wisher
identify, locate, surround, populate•, explore, expand, 142697 | 0.96
search, concentrate•
● part, zone, extent || neighborhood, locale, vicinity || 273 hour n
subject, topic, field adj long, full, past, wee, extra, countless, endless,
165812 | 0.95 flexible, odd, awake noun •day, minute, mile•, •week,
couple•, night, morning, •half, rush•, number• verb
238 different j spend•, take, work, talk, wait, last•, drive, •pass, arrive
noun way, kind, people, thing, type, group, level, story, ● 60 minutes, time, period, o'clock || time, period, era,
place, view, part, culture misc from, very•, something•, age
each, quite•, completely•, several•, entirely• 138955 | 0.96
● dissimilar, diverse, unlike || distinct, separate,
discrete || unusual, special, singular 280 among i
162411 | 0.96 •other, •them, •those, most, •group, •American,
•member, difference•, •themselves, common•, rate•,
245 word n relationship•, especially•, leader
adj other, key, final, single, written, spoken, exact, very, ● in the middle of, in the midst of, amongst || with,
harsh, dirty noun •mouth, meaning, use•, language, along with, amongst || as well as, including, in addition
•processor, sound, choice, kind, •processing, war verb to
hear•, speak, write, read, spread, •describe, utter, 138192 | 0.94
choose, repeat, search•
● term, expression || chat, conversation || 287 pay v
information, news || rumor, buzz || promise, noun •attention, tax, price, •bill, money, fee, company•,
assurance || command, order || password, code word •debt, dollar, cost, •rent, insurance, salary, cash, wage
152891 | 0.97 misc •for, much, •million, willing•, enough, agree•,
•close, •extra, afford•
252 head n off •debt, loan, work•, •mortgage, •card, •credit, effort•,
adj bald, shaved, severed, ugly, round, blond, balding, investment•, •handsomely, gamble• down •debt,
femoral noun back, side, •start, •shoulder, top•, •state, •national, budget•, credit, •mortgage, surplus•
hair, •neck, arm, department verb shake•, turn, nod•, ● disburse, reimburse, shell out, compensate, forfeit,
tilt, lift•, hit•, raise•, stick•, bow, cock recompense
● skull, cranium, pate || mind, intelligence, intellect || 133133 | 0.96
boss, chief, leader || introduction, beginning, start ||
top, peak, crown
160131 | 0.91 F

294 continue v 336 speak v

noun trend, •discussion, break, •conversation, tradition, noun language, •English, word, voice, •condition,
search, •path, minute, struggle, journey, dialogue, pace, •interpreter, •mind, •truth, French, •phone, •volume,
cycle, mystery•, revision• misc •until, •grow, •rise, •tongue, •anonymity, minute, mouth• misc generally•,
•increase, •throughout, •expand •directly, •softly, •publicly
● endure, go on, persist || last, endure, linger || renew, out •against, •publicly, begin•, •loud, •behalf, continue•,
restart, revive afraid•, •favor, •strongly, courage• up finally•, afraid•,
126029 | 0.98 courage•, suddenly, rarely•
● chatter, talk, chat || say, express, tell || be fluent in,
301 once r converse in, speak a language || address, lecture,
•again, at•, for, all, •while, •week, •twice, every, least•,
•month, •upon
117358 | 0.96
● some time ago, formerly, previously, a long time ago
|| when, after, as soon as, the minute 343 spend v
126203 | 0.97 noun •time, •year, money, •day, •hour, •night, •week,
•month, dollar, •life, amount, •minute, •rest,
308 team n government•, •weekend misc billion, •less, •together,
adj national, Olympic, special, all-star, legal, winning, •half, •several, •million, •whole, •entire, •nearly
successful, opposing, ranked, investigative noun ● pay, expend, pay out || devote, apply, employ || use,
member, player, US•, football•, league, basketball•, use up, waste
sport, baseball•, season, research• verb play, •win, lead, 114569 | 0.97
beat, join•, coach, compete, •finish, •score, head
● side, squad, players, lineup || group, band, panel, 350 war n
crew adj civil, cold, Korean, nuclear, holy, revolutionary,
131489 | 0.92 N global noun world•, end•, year, •terror, •terrorism,
•crime, veteran, drug, peace, prisoner• verb fight, win•,
315 information n wage•, declare•, oppose•, survive•, •rage, escalate,
adj available, additional, personal, useful, specific, •erupt, flee•
detailed, financial, classified noun •system, •technology, ● conflict, combat, warfare || campaign, battle,
source, service, access•, center, amount•, •age, data, struggle || competition, rivalry, feud
nutrition• verb provide•, give, gather, share, obtain, 117804 | 0.93
receive, collect, contain, acquire, exchange
● info, data, statistics, facts || news, report, tidings, 357 change n
word adj social, major, significant, dramatic, global,
127331 | 0.94 fundamental, positive, radical, rapid, cultural noun
climate•, policy, attitude, regime•, •heart, lifestyle, pace,
322 whether c sea•, agent, structure verb make, •occur, bring,
•or, not, question•, determine•, ask•, decide•, •shall,
undergo•, cause, affect, reflect, produce, result, effect•
wonder•, issue•, debate•, consider•, decision•, ● alteration, modification, variation, transformation ||
regardless•, matter• coins, cash, loose change
121921 | 0.96 112426 | 0.94 A

329 only j 364 girl n

noun thing, way, time, person, child, people, reason, adj little, young, teenage, pretty, beautiful, nice,
part, place, problem, man, woman misc •one, •ever, pregnant, gifted, lovely, blond noun boy, school,
whose, •available, •remaining, •known, •truly, •capable woman, baby, •scout, •basketball, •club, sex, •lady,
● lone, solitary, individual, one, single grade verb •name, •wear, marry, dance, dress, kiss,
117700 | 0.98 rape, date, giggle, whisper
● lass, miss, young woman || lassie, young woman,
teenager || maiden, damsel, lass
110409 | 0.93 F

371 air n 413 nation n

adj fresh, clean, cold, hot, cool, warm, thin, open noun adj other, European, African, top, western, Arab, entire,
•force, •base, •pollution, water, •bag, •quality, leading, foreign, developed noun talk•, world, state,
•conditioning, •conditioner, •traffic verb fill, breathe, fly, •capital, •security, •news, history, •council, •Islam,
hang•, blow, smell, gasp•, rise, suck•, sniff• ambassador• verb lead, face, address•, defend, divide,
● atmosphere, space, sky || appearance, look, manner urge, sponsor, rebuild, sweep •, shock•
|| tune, melody, song ● state, country, land, realm || people, population,
105932 | 0.96 inhabitants, citizens
97212 | 0.95
378 across i
•country, •street, •room, •United States, •border, •face, 420 someone p
walk•, •table, line, spread•, •river, move•, •floor, •who, in, •else, love, kill, other, hire•, close, •steal,
•America •whom, trust, •shout, case•, unless•
● through, past, throughout, within, round, around 95608 | 0.95
105559 | 0.96
427 remain v
385 toward i noun question, •mystery, second•, challenge, •calm,
attitude•, move•, turn•, head•, walk•, step•, •end, •door, minute•, troop•, decade, focus, core, doubt, •secret,
point•, policy•, lean•, direct•, trend•, •goal priority, inflation•, gap misc while, •until, •same, •silent,
● in the direction of, to, near, just before || regarding, however, •open, •constant, •unchanged
concerning, for, about ● stay, stay put, stay behind, linger || continue, keep
105984 | 0.94 on, endure, persist
91319 | 0.96
392 process n
adj political, due, whole, democratic, involved, 434 raise v
decision-making, creative, entire, complex, slow noun noun question, •money, •child, •hand, •tax, issue,
peace•, part•, learning•, development, selection•, step, •eyebrow, concern, •voice, •price, family, •rate, fund,
planning•, design•, healing•, review• verb begin, involve, •awareness, •glass misc born•, •serious, billion,
describe, repeat, occur, speed•, improve, complete, •minimum, •interesting, slowly
facilitate, control up God•, child, generation, born•, •leader, •prophet,
● procedure, development, activity, progression, baby, boy, daughter, •son
method, route ● lift, hoist || bring up, look after || increase, inflate ||
107341 | 0.91 A build, erect || mention, bring up || solicit, canvass ||
lift, end || improve, better || cause, elicit
399 probably r 87036 | 0.98
will, most, •best, •due, somewhere, •greatest, •hardest,
•closer, •closest, •best-known, •inevitable, •coincidence 441 else r
● almost certainly, most likely, in all probability, something•, someone•, anything•, anyone•, everyone•,
doubtless, undoubtedly everything•, than•, somebody•, nothing•, everybody•,
99754 | 0.96 one•, no•, anybody•
● as well, besides, in addition, other || other,
406 expect v otherwise, differently, different
noun analyst•, sales, earnings, profit, revenue, investor•, 87876 | 0.95
observer•, visitor, economist•, •miracle, approval,
announcement, ruling, astronomer•, reply misc might•, 448 along i
•increase, •soon, anyone, fully•, reasonably•, •with, •way, •line, •road, •river, •coast, walk•, •border,
reasonable•, tomorrow, hardly• run•, •street, •side, •wall, •edge, •path
● imagine, suppose, guess || wait for, anticipate, look ● next to, beside, by the side of, alongside, by, adjacent
forward to || require, demand, insist on to
95566 | 0.98 84926 | 0.97

455 effort n 490 road n

adj best, concerted, successful, collaborative, serious, adj long, main, paved, winding, two-lane, dusty,
joint, conscious, cooperative, current, extra noun time•, straight, icy, impassable, flat noun side•, dirt•, mile, car,
government, war•, research•, reform•, relief•, lot•, •map, •trip, country•, mountain, block, •bike verb drive,
administration, support, success verb make, require, •lead, build, walk, hit•, travel, cross, head, line, wind
lead, focus, fail, coordinate•, involve, concentrate, ● street, highway, thoroughfare, boulevard, way, path
•address, •achieve 80987 | 0.95
● exertion, energy, sweat, determination || attempt,
try, endeavor, stab 497 difference n
86473 | 0.95 adj significant, big, individual, only, important, major,
mean, ethnic, huge, fundamental noun gender•, group,
462 drug n age, sex, time, similarity, score, •opinion, level, •rate
adj new, illegal, illicit, available, experimental, verb make•, show•, •exist, reveal•, indicate•, explain•,
intravenous, used, harsh, expensive, safe noun alcohol, examine•, notice•, identify, •emerge
prescription•, •administration, food•, •dealer, •abuse, ● change, alteration, variance || dissimilarity, disparity,
•company, •user, war verb use, sell, deal, test, treat, distinction || argument, dispute, disagreement
approve, develop, prescribe, fight, reduce 82911 | 0.92 A
● medication, medicine, painkiller
86231 | 0.94 504 full j
noun time, moon, day, year, life, range, house, name,
469 police n circle, potential, hour, force misc half•, •ahead, empty,
adj local, military, secret, armed, metropolitan, partial, devote•, •diplomatic, •frontal, chock•, head•
uniformed, mounted noun •officer, •department, chief, ● filled, occupied || maximum, greatest || satiated,
•force, •station, •car, city, new• verb call, tell, •arrest, satisfied || plump, round || extensive, complete ||
report, state, •arrive, •investigate, shoot, •search, sonorous, resonant
•respond 77547 | 0.97
● police department, law enforcement agency, police
force, force, constabulary, law 511 director n
85880 | 0.93 adj national, athletic, managing, assistant, associate,
medical, artistic, public, regional noun executive•,
476 price n board•, •center, program, research, deputy•, film,
adj high, low, average, retail, reasonable, median, marketing, communication, •office verb serve•, rate•,
natural, heavy, domestic noun oil, stock•, gas•, market, name, appoint•, hire, contact•, elect, scout, nominate,
•tag, increase, share•, percent, •range, food verb pay, •oversee
rise, fall, raise•, drive•, drop, set, lower•, offer, reduce ● manager, executive, administrator, leader, boss,
● value, worth, fee, charge || penalty, punishment, principal
fine, cost 79813 | 0.93 N
84443 | 0.94
518 pick v
483 hope v noun draft, •tab, •fight, stock, •bag, wind•, •winner,
noun official•, scientist•, researcher•, organizer•, •spot, •ball, •newspaper, glass, fruit, •gun, •cotton,
•glimpse, •miracle, supporter•, planner•, NASA• misc I•, •flower misc •off, •choose, bend•, •apart, carefully,
•will, we, certainly•, •enjoy, •pray, •someday •random, ring•, •remote, ripe
● want, expect, trust, anticipate, wish, look forward to up •phone, where, •piece, •book, •speed, •tab, pace,
81385 | 0.96 •bag, wind•, •newspaper
● harvest, gather, cut, collect || select, single out,
choose, pick and choose
77197 | 0.95

525 support v 560 data n

noun family, evidence•, research, president, study, adj available, demographic, recent, raw, scientific,
•effort, government, finding, hypothesis, data, •idea, qualitative, empirical, electronic noun analysis,
result•, community, position, •claim misc strongly•, •collection, study, system, table, source, information,
fully•, democratic, generally•, financially survey, set, computer verb collect, use, •show, provide,
● hold up, reinforce || bear, hold || provide for, keep analyze, gather, •indicate, base, •suggest, obtain
|| back up, encourage || cheer on, back || verify, ● information, statistics, facts, figures, numbers,
corroborate records
76544 | 0.94 76594 | 0.88 A

532 couple n 567 land n

adj married, young, elderly, odd, interracial, infertile, adj public, private, federal, holy, promised, agricultural,
unmarried, middle-aged, royal, homosexual noun •year, native, dry noun •use, acre•, water, •mine, area,
•day, •week, •time, •month, •hour, •minute verb spend, •management, forest, •reform, sea, resource verb own,
marry, adopt, •file, dance, divorce, last•, stroll, •wed, buy•, sell, protect, purchase, acquire, clear, •belong,
chat control, surround
● twosome, pair, duo ● earth, ground, terrain || homeland, nation, country
74871 | 0.96 || property, plot, parcel
69750 | 0.96
539 star n
adj bright, young, red, brightest, massive, rising, 574 worker n
excellent, hot, extraordinary, central noun movie•, •war, adj social, American, skilled, united, temporary, foreign,
rock•, •trek, film, cluster, neutron•, light, pop•, hard, average, postal, medical noun health, job,
basketball• verb form, •shine, rise, orbit, explode, construction•, factory•, care, farm•, migrant•, aid• verb
observe, surround, twinkle, earn, feature hire•, employ, lay, train, •earn, protect•, represent,
● costar, movie star, actor || legend, celebrity, big rescue•, fire, expose
name || superstar, megastar, celebrity ● employee, member of staff, hand, operative, wage
73695 | 0.95 earner
69962 | 0.94
546 teach v
noun student, school, child, class, teacher, course, skill, 581 personal j
lesson, year, university, •kid, music, education, college, noun life, computer, experience, relationship,
experience misc •how, learn, •basic, •elementary, information, responsibility, trainer, communication,
•respect, effective, effectively, currently •, Catholic, level, history, problem, interest misc own•, professional,
•proper, •advanced social, political, close•, •financial, private, individual
● impart, communicate, show, explain || educate, ● individual, private, own, particular || offensive, rude,
tutor, school, lecture derogatory, familiar
72668 | 0.95 67917 | 0.96

553 figure n 588 step n

adj public, political, human, central, female, major, adj important, small, necessary, major, final, giant,
historical, key, available, male noun graph•, diagram•, positive, significant, logical, simple noun •direction,
table•, father•, authority•, map•, •page, action• verb process, back, porch, number•, baby•, stone•, couple•,
see•, show, illustrate, represent, present, depict, dance•, hall verb take•, walk•, follow, climb•, retrace•,
indicate, emerge, paint, carve represent•, •ensure, descend•, complete
● shape, form, outline || number, numeral, character ● pace, footstep, stride || stair, rung, tread || move,
|| amount, total, cost || diagram, chart, picture || movement, action || stage, phase, period
person, personage, dignitary 66232 | 0.97
74858 | 0.92 A

595 Republican n 630 condition n

adj conservative, moderate, fellow, prominent, leading, adj economic, human, medical, social, environmental,
registered, lifelong noun •party, Democrat, house, physical, certain, living, necessary, working noun
senator, •candidate, •committee, •leader verb vote, win, weather•, •anonymity, health•, control•, heart,
elect, control, oppose, accuse, propose, criticize, favor, treatment, participant, market•, disease, variety• verb
defeat improve, create, speak•, meet, affect, cause, •exist,
● democrat, antiroyalist, antimonarchist describe, treat, impose
71611 | 0.88 S ● state, form, order || stipulation, clause, provision ||
disorder, illness, complaint
602 cause v 63489 | 0.93 A
noun problem, damage, disease, death, pain, •trouble,
•cancer, injury, loss, harm, virus, heart, condition, drug, 637 south n
fire misc •by, may•, •serious, severe, likely•, •significant, adj black, deep, rural, suburban, segregated, upper,
•massive tropical, polar, temperate, agricultural noun north,
● make happen, bring about, produce, set off, instigate, mile•, •side, west, city, new, street, area, •pole, •end
trigger verb head•, move•, live•, drive•, travel•, face, locate•,
64531 | 0.97 host, drift•, •secede
60630 | 0.96
609 difficult j
noun time, situation, task, question, problem, decision, 644 well i
issue, case, job, position, choice, circumstance misc it•, (as well as) as, •one, individual, physical, cultural,
very•, more•, make•, find, most•, become• emotional, practical, spiritual, •numerous, overall,
● hard, tricky, complicated || problematic, hard, tough technical, psychological, visual, personnel
|| incomprehensible, unintelligible, abstruse || 61219 | 0.93 A
obstinate, stubborn, recalcitrant
63947 | 0.96 651 thousand m
hundred•, •year, •dollar, several•, two•, more, than•,
616 energy n ten•, •people, five•, few•, three•, •mile
adj renewable, solar, atomic, nuclear, alternative, total, 58307 | 0.97
kinetic noun source, time•, •efficiency, use, •policy,
price, •resource, cost, •conservation, amount• verb 658 defense n
save•, produce, reduce, focus, spend, increase, expend, adj national, legal, criminal, civil, environmental,
conserve•, burn, measure strategic, aggressive, joint, defensive, immune noun
● vigor, liveliness, get-up-and-go, oomph || power, secretary, •attorney, •lawyer, missile•, minister, •fund,
momentum, strength, force •team, •system, US•, •budget verb play, •argue, rush,
64139 | 0.94 score, mount•, testify, attack, deploy, strengthen•, •rest
● protection, resistance, guard, security || justification,
623 available j argument, vindication, plea
noun information, data, resource, service, option, store, 59701 | 0.94
technology, material, evidence, space, product, source
misc make•, become•, readily•, widely•, best•, only•, 665 west n
currently•, commercially• adj wild, far, due, arid, coastal, Antarctic, industrialized,
● obtainable, accessible, on hand, to be had, existing, intermediate, prosperous, mountainous noun •bank,
offered •coast, east, •side, •street, •point, mile•, south, north,
63187 | 0.94 key• verb move•, head•, travel•, locate•, sail•, flow•,
migrate•, situate•
58169 | 0.95

672 private j 707 near i

noun sector, school, collection, life, company, property, •end, home, live•, •border, park, stand•, anywhere•,
government, practice, land, business, insurance, firm town, center, river, city, area, •top, street
misc both•, hire, attend•, personal, •religious, ● close to, by, next to || like, close to, similar to || on
•nonprofit, corporate, public• the verge of, approaching, nearing
● confidential, personal, hush-hush || secluded, set 54869 | 0.96
apart, isolated || privileged, not in the public domain,
exclusive || reserved, secretive, tight-lipped 714 poor j
57248 | 0.96 noun people, country, child, woman, man, family,
health, performance, neighborhood, condition, thing,
679 top n kid misc rich•, standard•, working, rural, because•,
adj very, green, flat, tall, tight, convertible, sleeveless, urban, elderly, fair•
matching, rounded, spinning noun •head, •list, •bottom, ● broke, needy, destitute || deprived, unfortunate,
page, •percent, tank•, mountain, •stair, table, •hour underprivileged || weak, inadequate, feeble || humble,
verb reach•, rank•, climb•, finish•, rise•, sprinkle, cover, insignificant, lowly
blow•, spread, pour 53820 | 0.97
● pinnacle, summit, apex, crown || cork, lid, cover,
stopper 721 similar j
57743 | 0.95 noun topic, result, situation, way, study, problem,
pattern, program, experience, case, effect, finding misc
686 author n find•, •those, very•, •below, •help, report, face•, quite•,
adj best-selling, favorite, prize-winning, award-winning, remarkably•
principal, primary, contemporary, prolific, abstract, ● alike, like, comparable, parallel, analogous, related
published noun •affiliation, •book, study, article, editor, 55901 | 0.92 A
novel, writer, life, professor, report verb write, •thank,
note, •acknowledge, •wish, •conclude, •contribute, 728 rise v
publish, photograph•, review noun price, rate, year, sun•, cost, voice•, water, stock•,
● writer, novelist, playwright, dramatist || creator, temperature, air misc •from, •above, •fall, •high,
originator, inventor, source continue•, slowly
58300 | 0.93 up •from, •against, again, smoke•, voice•, •protest,
anger, •overthrow, •revolt, •rebellion
693 blood n ● stand up, arise || go up, increase || rebel, revolt ||
adj red, cold, dried, fresh, holy, mixed noun •pressure, originate, begin || emerge, come up || wake up, get
•vessel, •cell, •test, •sugar, •flow, •level, heart verb draw, up
cover•, cause, drip, reduce, stain, •clot, drink•, •pour, 53542 | 0.95
● gore, body fluid, plasma || family, relations, kinship 735 save v
|| lineage, ancestry, extraction noun •life, •money, •energy, dollar, God•, effort•, •face,
56351 | 0.95 •soul, •retirement, •marriage, •taxpayer, month, file,
•planet, •seed misc try•, enough, order•, in•, •yourself,
700 recently r •million, •hundred, •invest, •billion, •ourselves, literally,
more•, until•, most•, only•, as•, •publish, •announce, •endangered, desperate•, •restore, sacrifice
•release, •complete, •discover, •sign, •introduce, up •for, have•, money, •enough, •buy, some, dollar,
researcher month, vacation, •summer
● lately, only just, in recent times, a moment ago, a ● rescue, recover, salvage || put aside, accumulate,
short time ago, newly put away || keep back, set aside, protect || avoid,
55992 | 0.95 prevent, stop
52067 | 0.97

742 despite i 784 staff n

•fact, •effort, yet•, •difference, •recent, •success, •lack, adj joint, medical, senior, general, professional, entire,
•evidence, •claim, strong, •concern, •warning, •attempt, administrative, editorial, paid noun chief•, •member,
•opposition •writer, house•, faculty•, office, hospital, •development,
● in spite of, regardless of, notwithstanding, in the face coaching• verb •contribute, support, join•, hire, train,
of, even with, even though •handle, employ, monitor, review, interview
51526 | 0.96 ● employees, workers, personnel, workforce || rod,
cane, pole, wand
749 exactly r 50177 | 0.95
•what, know•, •how, right, •same, •where, •happen,
mean, •why, sure, •kind, almost•, •opposite 791 wonder v
● precisely, just, accurately, closely, faithfully, correctly noun observer•, critic•, awe•, viewer, skeptic•,
52685 | 0.93 S amazement, pundit• misc I•, •if, •what, she, •how, •why,
•whether, begin•
756 serious j ● speculate, doubt, question, conjecture || marvel,
noun problem, injury, question, threat, issue, crime, admire, gaze at, be amazed
business, consequence, health, illness, concern, trouble 50875 | 0.93 F
misc •about, very•, more•, most•, face, cause•, raise•,
suffer• 798 training n
● thoughtful, grave, solemn || important, momentous, adj military, formal, basic, professional, medical,
significant || dangerous, acute, life-threatening || vocational, on-the-job noun •program, •camp,
earnest, sincere, genuine || thought-provoking, education, teacher, job•, spring•, •session, •center verb
meaningful, intense provide, receive•, require, offer, complete•, attend•,
50285 | 0.97 focus, undergo•, enhance, •consist
● preparation, teaching, guidance, education ||
763 individual n exercise, working out, keeping fit, physical activity
adj social, private, particular, certain, personal, single, 49997 | 0.93 A
likely, wealthy, unique, involved noun group, life,
family, right, organization, number•, education, 805 lay v
institution, ability, relationship verb identify, allow•, noun •bed, •hand, •egg, •foundation, •groundwork,
involve, affect, •experience, •engage, seek, indicate, head, •claim, •eye, table, plan, •blame, blanket, track,
choose, •participate female•, snow misc there, •across, •ahead, •beside,
● person, human being, entity, personality, character, •bare, •upon, •awake
being out plan, •case, •vision, •agenda, •detail, clothes, clearly,
54738 | 0.89 A carefully•, •scenario down •law, •arm, rule, •beside,
•sleep, •next, •weapon, condition, guideline off worker,
770 resource n employee, •thousand, fire, •hundred
adj natural, human, available, financial, scarce, ● put down, place, rest, put, arrange, leave
economic, public, local, valuable, additional noun 49358 | 0.94 F
water•, use, management, •center, department,
energy•, community, land, •council, •defense verb 812 outside i
provide, allocate, develop, devote, protect, manage, •home, •door, stand•, •window, •house, •city, inside•,
•support, share, control, focus area, •office, •room, town, park, •United States,
● reserve, supply, store, source, means •building
53398 | 0.90 A ● beyond, out of, further than, farther than, past, in
front of
777 whatever d 46628 | 0.98
or•, •want, •happen, •reason, •may, •might, •else,
•choose, •necessary, •cause, •outcome, •hell, willing•,
50200 | 0.96

819 lawyer n 854 song n

adj young, legal, criminal, civil, corporate, private, adj favorite, popular, pop, traditional, sad, original,
prominent, involved, female, outside noun defense•, beautiful, famous, definitive, sweet noun folk•, theme•,
trial•, case, doctor, plaintiff•, client, court, right, law, album, lyric, dance, title, country, hit, movie verb sing,
president verb •represent, hire•, •argue, •defend, sue, write, play, hear, record, perform, listen•, love,
advise, •handle, •specialize, contact, appoint accompany, echo
● legal representative, attorney, notary, trial lawyer, ● tune, melody, air, refrain || birdsong, call, cry,
public prosecutor, brief chirrup
47853 | 0.95 45352 | 0.96

826 sister n 861 public n

adj old, young, little, dear, elder, eldest, beloved, pretty, adj American, general, open, available, British, aware,
loving, perpetual noun brother•, mother, father, twin•, broad, traveling, wider, flying noun •opinion, •eye,
baby•, daughter, wife, husband, mom, kid verb •die, •school, •access, poll, information, media, company •,
marry, visit, murder, kiss, hug, rape, tease, beg, babysit interest, court• verb educate•, understand, inform,
● nun, holy sister, religious, vestal || friend, supporter, protect•, •support, convince•, accept, close•, mislead•,
ally, associate respond
48183 | 0.94 F ● everyone, people, populace, community, society,
833 ok r 45684 | 0.95
•so, •let, right, •now, well, all, here, yeah, •thanks
54697 | 0.82 S 868 study v
noun student•, year, •art, •effect, researcher•, •history,
840 act v scientist•, •face, college, music, science, subject,
noun way, Congress•, force, •interest, American•, •behavior, culture, method misc carefully, •hard, closely,

•manner, ability•, authority, individual, •faith, •concert,

extensively, intently
adult, •behalf, •catalyst, •intermediary misc •as, •like, ● learn, take in, bone up, review || examine, consider,
•upon, •quickly, •alone, fail•, •responsibly
scrutinize, experiment
out •fantasy, •story, child•, •scene, •role, sexual, 44897 | 0.96
student•, •part, play, drama up •again, AIDS, asthma•
● replace, represent || take action, take steps || 875 forget v
behave, conduct yourself || pretend, put on an act || noun name, moment, past, minute, •birthday, incident,
function, work || perform, act out •root, •promise, horror, excitement, pill, me,
45648 | 0.98 •sunscreen, homework, •umbrella misc •about, never•,
almost•, ever, sometimes•, easy•, completely•
847 strategy n ● overlook, fail to recall, disremember, be unable to
adj effective, different, economic, military, successful, remember || stop thinking about, put out of your mind,
long-term, environmental, various, global, overall noun disregard, put behind you
student, development, management•, marketing•, 45571 | 0.94 F
teaching•, teacher, intervention•, exit•, change verb use,
develop, adopt, employ, learn, implement, include, 882 close j
pursue, follow, involve noun friend, relationship, family, attention, tie, call,
● plan, scheme, policy, approach, tactic, line of attack proximity, look, relative, range, race, contact misc •to,
49126 | 0.90 A very•, as•, too•, up, keep•, pay•, •behind
● near, nearby || intimate, familiar || careful, rigorous
|| compact, tight || similar, faithful || oppressive,
muggy || silent, quiet || stingy, miserly
43568 | 0.98

889 form v 931 direction n

noun group, •basis, •part, company, •alliance, star, adj opposite, right, different, wrong, future, general,
coalition, •partnership, party, relationship, organization, positive, spiritual noun step•, change, wind, sense•,
shape, community, planet, galaxy misc together•, •own, policy, speed, stage•, pasta•, move• verb give•, head•,
newly•, fully•, combine•, soft, recently•, stiff•, follow•, point•, provide•, face, pull•, push•, match
eventually•, perfectly• ● management, control, government || way, course,
● develop, take shape, materialize || fashion, shape, track || trend, course, route
model || start, found, create 41280 | 0.97
44646 | 0.95
938 control v
896 above i noun government, •cost, system, ability•, •behavior,
•all, head, foot•, rise•, high•, level, •average, •ground, effort•, Congress, party, variable, computer, •access,
•water, hang•, •sea, •else, floor, sky• •effect, process, movement, •flow misc •by, •over, able•,
● more than, greater than, higher than, beyond || on tightly•, carefully•, difficult•, unable•, own•, effectively•
top of, over, higher than, atop ● operate, work, run || restrain, limit, restrict ||
44130 | 0.95 manage, command, supervise || rule, manipulate,
influence || oversee, monitor, regulate
903 that r 41771 | 0.95
•is, •much, •far, •say, really•, •early, •simple, •bad, best,
worse, •easier, •simpler, •earlier 945 shake v
43359 | 0.96 noun •head, hand, shoulder, voice•, arm, finger, •fist,
ground, leg, hair, foot, pan, confidence, •foundation,
910 care v •disgust misc smile, slowly, laugh, •sadly, •violently
noun people, American•, voter•, nurse•, •infant, off •excess, try•, flour, •water, •feeling, •thought, •sign,
physician, provider, •pet, •whit, •Alzheimer, mama, •chill, •injury up really•, little, pretty•, •staff,

•grandchildren, orphan, caregiver•, hospice misc do•, •politics out •hair, cigarette, •match

•about, •for, who•, •what, really•, much

● tremble, quiver, quake || agitate, stir, blend ||
● be concerned, be interested, feel a concern || want, unsettle, unnerve, disturb || brandish, flourish, flaunt
like, favor || feel affection, love, like || look after, tend, 45160 | 0.87 F
42978 | 0.96 952 camera n
adj hidden, digital, infrared, still, candid, live, light,
917 close r hand-held, advanced, planetary noun video•, TV•, •club,
•to, come•, get•, as, too•, •enough, •home, stay•,
television•, •crew, surveillance•, lens, security• verb use,
source•, hold•, •million, face, stand•, lean• move, •follow, capture, •roll, set, •record, catch, point,
● cheek-to-cheek, close up, close together, eye to eye carry•
|| neck and neck, equal, level, too close to call 41218 | 0.95
42826 | 0.95
959 discover v
924 statement n noun scientist•, researcher•, truth, •secret, astronomer•,
adj financial, written, following, strong, clear, joint, doctor•, evidence, planet, cancer, gene, species, joy,
official, recent, brief, general noun mission•, opening•, •talent, object, investigator• misc recently•, newly•,
policy, impact•, fashion•, bank•, income•, response verb quickly•, surprised•, suddenly•
make, issue•, read, release, include, agree•, sign, ● find out, learn, determine, notice || come across,
indicate, reflect, base find, turn up, uncover
● declaration, report, account, announcement || 40489 | 0.97
record, account, report, receipt
42941 | 0.94

966 affect v 1001 method n

noun •life, factor•, decision, issue•, change, policy, adj traditional, different, scientific, effective,
health, •performance, behavior, •ability, disease, alternative, various, common, current, appropriate,
condition, •quality, community, level misc •by, how•, modern noun •participant, study, research, teaching,
adversely•, directly•, significantly•, negatively• •subject, data, analysis, •course, use, assessment verb
● influence, involve, shape || touch, move, disturb || develop, teach, employ, provide, describe, apply,
assume, put on, imitate determine, •produce, •assess, •involve
41496 | 0.93 A ● technique, way, process || approach, fashion,
organization || system, logic, structure
973 worry v 42667 | 0.88 A
noun parent•, official•, •safety, expert•, critic•, analyst•,
investor•, observer•, environmentalist•, •inflation, 1008 heavy j
prospect, •fate, privacy, •me, shyness misc do•, noun metal, rain, cream, load, door, weight, burden,
•anymore, constantly, •aloud, terribly, •dear, overly equipment, traffic, industry, snow, drinking misc too•,
about what, thing, •how, nothing•, need•, something, carry, wear•, lift•, hang, thick, hot, •wooden
anything ● weighty, hefty || thick, dense || demanding, onerous
● be anxious, fret, be concerned, be troubled || annoy, || busy, packed || powerful, forceful || serious,
pester, bother, trouble profound
40210 | 0.96 39160 | 0.96

980 edge n 1015 tough j

adj leading, sharp, outer, competitive, top, western, noun time, question, guy, decision, job, law, issue,
hard, eastern, very, southern noun cutting•, •bed, choice, love, situation, problem, crime misc really•,
water, •town, city, field, river, cliff, forest, wood verb face•, •enough, pretty•, smart, very•, extremely•
sit•, stand•, cut, push•, lose•, reach•, perch•, teeter•, ● threatening, rough, hard || strong, sturdy, robust ||
soften•, roll difficult, hard, demanding || severe, strict, rigid || hard,
● border, rim, boundary || advantage, upper hand, chewy, stringy
superiority || brink, verge, threshold || sharpness, 39600 | 0.94
bitterness, acidity
40960 | 0.94 1022 skin n
adj white, pale, dark, smooth, dry, soft, brown, thin,
987 challenge n thick, light noun color, hair, •cancer, bone, •tone, •cell,
adj new, big, real, greatest, major, legal, serious, tough, surface, layer, •care, muscle verb remove, cause, peel,
economic, environmental noun court, problem, week, burn, protect, touch, rub, break, wear, stretch
kind•, security, century, design, response•, •authority, ● hide, pelt, fur, coat || casing, covering, membrane,
•future verb face, meet•, pose, present•, accept•, crust
address•, rise•, issue•, prepare, mount• 39893 | 0.92
● test, trial, task, contest, encounter
40380 | 0.94 1029 generation n
adj new, young, old, previous, whole, early, current,
994 bar n entire noun people, power•, woman, child, parent,
adj full, local, gay, wet, parallel, wooden, topless, •leader, electricity, boom•, •gap, boomer verb pass•,
crowded, uneven, trendy noun restaurant, candy•, represent, •born, produce, inspire•, belong•, hand•,
chocolate•, hotel, state•, snack•, •grill, drink, •stool, influence•, train, attract•
window verb sit, raise, hang, grab, lean•, tend•, lower•, ● age group, peer group, peers, cohort || production,
dance, feature, slide making, creation, invention
● rod, pole, stick || block, slab, piece || obstruction, 38323 | 0.96
hindrance, block
39853 | 0.95

1036 coach n 1071 responsibility n

adj assistant, offensive, male, first-year, winningest, adj personal, social, individual, primary, moral, full,
opposing, interim, active, professional noun player, fiscal, corporate noun sense•, government, right•,
football•, basketball•, team, college•, head•, season, family, •action, role•, job, authority, freedom,
sport, parent, track• verb hire, pitch•, name, fire, accountability verb take•, assume•, accept•, bear•,
recruit, yell, resign, train, perceive, impress• claim•, share•, carry, •protect, •ensure
● trainer, teacher, instructor, tutor ● accountability, duty, charge || blame, onus, liability
40716 | 0.90 N || task, remit, brief
37084 | 0.95
1043 tend v
noun people•, garden, individual•, American•, •bar, 1078 audience n
female•, male•, attitude, athlete•, voter•, minority, adj large, wider, broad, mass, captive, live, wide, huge
adolescent•, plot, personality, •flock misc •toward, noun member, studio•, television•, target•, stage,
•focus, •less, •view reaction, applause, •share, viewing•, laughter verb tell•,
● have a habit of, have a tendency to, incline || incline, reach•, attract•, •laugh, draw•, address•, •applaud,
veer, lean || look after, care for, take care of || be in remind•, •respond, perform
charge of, manage, keep an eye on ● spectators, viewers, addressees, listeners ||
38295 | 0.94 interview, meeting, consultation, appointment
36227 | 0.96
1050 modern j
noun art, world, time, museum, history, life, society, 1085 travel v
technology, science, state, era, medicine misc early•, noun •mile, •world, distance, •Europe, car, •south,
ancient, traditional, •western, •industrial, thoroughly•, •north, •west, train, •east, speed, month, space,
•urban, •democratic, •European American•, •Africa misc •through, •around, far, •across,
● contemporary, current, up-to-date || state-of-the-art, •along, •hundred
latest, cutting-edge || progressive, enlightened, avant- ● tour, take a trip, voyage, trek, pass through, move
garde 35746 | 0.97
38372 | 0.93
1092 born v
1057 shot n noun child•, baby•, year, son•, daughter•, month, star•,
adj long, best, cheap, single, wide, better, final, clear, infant•, •July, •wedlock, •June, •Germany, •Chicago,
various noun mug•, flu•, jump•, tee•, gun, •glass, •Brooklyn, •poverty misc before•, after, •raise, where•,
warning• verb get•, take•, fire, give•, hit, hear, miss, •kill, since•, •breed, healthy, •prematurely, newly•
•ring, score 35352 | 0.97
● gunshot, potshot || injection, inoculation || bullet,
cannonball || measure, drink || picture, photo || try, 1099 mission n
go adj military, impossible, primary, diplomatic,
37505 | 0.95 humanitarian, educational, peacekeeping, future,
foreign, original noun •statement, space, •control,
1064 capital n school, church, college, rescue•, •district, shuttle•,
adj social, human, foreign, political, financial, private, combat• verb accomplish, fly, carry, complete, send,
international, cultural, long-term noun •gain, •city, support, define, fulfill•, perform, plan
•punishment, nation•, investment, venture•, •market ● assignment, task, job || delegation, deputation,
verb raise•, cut, invest, attract•, reduce, •flow, finance, legation || calling, vocation, purpose
accumulate, lack•, found 35217 | 0.96
● assets, resources, funds, wealth, money, principal
37443 | 0.95

1106 option n 1141 income n

adj other, available, only, best, military, viable, various, adj low, net, high, annual, capita, average, median,
open, limited, nuclear noun stock•, treatment•, range•, personal, federal, gross noun •tax, family, percent,
•share, policy•, price, response•, career•, cost, household•, level, source•, growth, rate, security,
investment• verb give, offer, consider, exercise•, distribution verb pay, earn, rise, increase, provide,
choose, include, provide, explore•, weigh•, •exist report•, generate, raise•, supplement•, •fall
● choice, selection, decision, possibility, opportunity, ● profits, proceeds, returns, revenue, earnings, wages
route 34925 | 0.93
35434 | 0.95
1148 strike v
1113 video n noun deal, •balance, •chord, lightning, court•, •blow,
adj digital, interactive, live, online, instructional, funny, •pose, •conversation, •law, •heart, •match, •note, •gold,
pornographic, full-motion, educational, amateur noun bullet, disaster• misc •by, •against, particularly,
•game, •camera, •clip, music, home•, •screen, image suddenly•, supreme•, •rich
verb watch•, show, play, begin•, end•, shoot, produce, down court•, •law, Supreme•, •state, federal, decision•,
capture, feature, order• appeal•, ruling• out •batter, three, hit, innings, five,
35230 | 0.95 •seven, •swing up •conversation, band, •friendship,
1120 publish v ● hit, beat || collide with, hit || occur to, come to
noun book, article, paper, story, report, university, mind || attack, launch an attack || take industrial
letter, result, work, issue, volume, list, data, collection, action, stop work || discover, hit upon || reach, arrive
science misc •by, recently•, originally•, previously•, at
short, widely 33238 | 0.97
● issue, put out, bring out, print || make public, make
known, announce, broadcast 1155 achieve v
35062 | 0.95 noun •goal, •objective, success, result, •level, student,
effect, •end, means•, •balance, •status, peace, outcome,
1127 opinion n •independence, reduction misc help•, order•, in•, able•,
adj different, personal, strong, popular, legal, difficult•, necessary, •desired
professional, dissenting, favorable, concurring, honest ● attain, realize, accomplish, reach, complete, pull off
noun public•, •poll, court, difference•, majority•, justice, 35166 | 0.92 A
world•, expert, survey verb express, ask•, write, change,
offer•, voice•, form•, entitle•, influence•, •differ 1162 powerful j
● view, estimation, belief, judgment, attitude, outlook noun force, man, tool, woman, state, group, nation,
34501 | 0.95 interest, influence, computer, drug, effect misc most•,
more•, very•, become•, •enough, rich•, less•, politically•
1134 stare v ● influential, commanding, authoritative || strong,
noun eye, face, •ceiling, moment, head•, •space, mighty, muscular || effective, potent, strong ||
•screen, door, wall, floor, glass, •disbelief, •sky, foot,
persuasive, compelling, forceful
•horror misc •at, •into, •back, •straight, •ahead, •blankly,
33151 | 0.97
out •window, •at, •over, eye•, sit•, •across, •sea, 1169 examine v
•windshield down •at, •barrel, window• noun study•, research•, •relationship, •effect, article•,
● gaze, gape, gawk, watch, look intently, ogle student, issue, •difference, analysis•, researcher•, factor,
39266 | 0.83 F •role, •impact, doctor, paper• misc •whether, closely,
carefully, future, possible, conduct•, in, order, •sexual,
● look at, inspect, scrutinize || consider, think about,
look into || test, assess, grade
35826 | 0.89 A

1176 sleep v 1218 element n

noun night, bed, hour, day, baby, morning, bedroom, adj key, important, essential, critical, certain, finite,
wife, dog, husband, tent, dream, trouble•, foot, •cot heavy, crucial, various, central noun design, •culture,
misc back, eat, •together, •soundly, better, drift• •surprise, •society, music, process, •analysis, core•, style,
in •room, •bedroom, •until, •weekend, •Sundays, nature verb include, add•, contain•, combine,
tempting• incorporate•, identify, introduce•, involve, constitute,
● be asleep, have forty winks, slumber, be dead to the mix•
world, nap, snooze ● component, part, section || hint, amount, quantity
34801 | 0.91 F || factor, cause, feature || habitat, environment,
1183 conflict n 33053 | 0.92 A
adj ethnic, armed, potential, Arab-israeli, internal,
military, violent, civil, religious, direct noun •interest, 1225 stone n
resolution, role, family, management, situation, source•, adj large, cold, gray, ancient, huge, unturned, blue,
class•, value verb resolve•, avoid•, •arise, create, end, massive, carved, crushed noun •wall, •mountain, house,
lead, involve, cause, deal•, •occur •age, building, •floor, wood, •step, brick, kidney• verb
● battle, fight, war, struggle || opposition, throw, set, build, carve, place, drop, cast•, mark,
disagreement, clash, divergence surround, etch•
34710 | 0.91 A ● pebble, nugget, grit || stepping stone, boulder, rock
|| talisman, jewel, amulet
1190 by r 32531 | 0.93 F
•now, go•, •far, •no, •means, stand•, come•, •large, pass•,
•most, stop•, walk•, drop•, •about 1232 attempt n
● by means of, through, via, using, by way of, by dint of adj failed, early, unsuccessful, desperate, serious,
32560 | 0.96 recent, successful, previous, futile, repeated noun
suicide•, coup•, assassination•, government, reform,
1197 weekend n goal•, yard, critic•, rescue• verb make, fail, represent•,
adj long, past, nice, busy, final, entire, three-day noun •change, block, •avoid, resist•, •escape, •gain, survive•

•edition, day•, •news, night, holiday, evening, game,

● effort, try, go, shot, bid, endeavor
summer, labor•, trip verb spend•, open•, enter•, visit, 31944 | 0.94
plan, enjoy, schedule•, invite, •feature, •mark
33239 | 0.93 1239 sun n
adj hot, bright, full, rising, blazing, tropical, cool noun
1204 beginning n morning•, ray, moon, afternoon•, light, setting•, star,
adj very, humble, auspicious, inauspicious, promising, sky, summer•, heat verb •shine, •rise, •set, watch•, burn,
shaky noun •end, •year, •century, time, war, •teacher, warm, •beat, dry, orbit•, block•
•season, •era, •career, student verb mark•, signal•,
32646 | 0.92 F
mention•, trace•, quote•, coincide•, cite•
● start, commencement, opening, launch, 1246 mountain n
establishment, creation adj rugged, distant, northern, steep, tall, western,
31866 | 0.97 remote, beautiful, wild, surrounding noun •bike, •view,
stone•, •park, •range, road, •lion, top, man, peak verb
1211 complete v climb, rise, hike, ride, surround, head, cross, overlook,
noun student•, •questionnaire, study, participant•, •loom, locate
work, task, project, survey, course, program, •degree, ● crag, foothill, massif, elevation || pile, mass, stack,
process, teacher, •assignment, week misc after•, before, bundle
each, recently•, successfully•, require•, nearly•, return, 31322 | 0.94
● finish, finalize, conclude, end || accomplish, achieve,
fulfill, carry out
32813 | 0.93 A

1253 refuse v 1288 target n

noun court•, government•, •request, offer, official•, adj easy, military, prime, specific, primary, favorite,
•treatment, judge•, Congress•, •order, administration•, main, moving, likely, Iraqi noun attack, •group,
interview, authority, •permission, •invitation, •entry •audience, •area, •population, •behavior, price,
misc •any, •accept, •allow, •pay, •answer •practice, store, •market verb hit•, become•, set, meet•,
● say no, decline, reject, snub, rebuff, turn down reach•, identify, miss•
30173 | 0.98 ● board, mark, bull's eye || aim, goal, objective || butt,
focus, object
1260 resident n 29866 | 0.96
adj local, longtime, permanent, black, rural, poor,
urban, medical, lifelong, low-income noun city, area, 1295 deliver v
county, home, community, neighborhood, official, noun message, speech, service, •baby, •news, address,
nursing•, village, park verb •live, •complain, •vote, force, •promise, food, lecture, •good, paper, mail, report,
evacuate, •oppose, urge•, •fear, •flee, encourage package, ability• misc able•, fail•, •directly, personally
● occupant, tenant, dweller, inhabitant, denizen, ● bring, transport, carry || set free, release, rescue ||
occupier produce, provide, supply || hand over, give up,
31836 | 0.92 N surrender
29169 | 0.97
1267 increase n
adj significant, large, dramatic, substantial, huge, rapid, 1302 flight n
sharp, average, slight noun percent, tax•, rate, price, adj long, commercial, short, direct, daily, connecting,
•number, population, cost, wage, spending, production manned, powered, cheap, canceled noun •attendant,
verb show•, lead•, report•, result•, cause, experience•, airline•, •stair, space•, air, hour, plane, •deck, •crew,
indicate•, •occur, vote, observe •path verb cancel, catch•, fly, board•, book•, miss•,
● upsurge, surge, rise, growth, intensification, arrive, climb•, •land, check
escalation ● trip, journey, voyage, airlift || escape, departure,
31247 | 0.93 getaway, breakout
29535 | 0.95
1274 reader n
adj young, avid, modern, familiar, poor, Catholic, dear, 1309 quick j
average, voracious, potential noun •service, •card, noun question, fix, break, look, glance, way, response,
circle•, book, text, story, writer, letter, response, mind answer, tip, trip, smile, step misc take•, give•, real•,
verb remind•, invite, share, •respond, inform•, •easy, •point, pretty•, slow, relatively•
encourage, •recognize, draw, address, refer ● rapid, fast, speedy || sudden, immediate, instant ||
● booklover, bookworm, bibliophile brief, cursory, fleeting || alert, bright, quick-thinking ||
31442 | 0.92 A sprightly, spry, nimble
29108 | 0.96
1281 willing j
noun risk, participant, worker, buyer, partner, seller, 1316 operate v
ally, accomplice, victim, suspension, executioner misc noun company•, system, program, plant, facility, •level,
•to, •pay, •take, more•, •give, •accept, able, •spend force•, market, center, organization•, store, vehicle,
● eager, keen, enthusiastic, alacritous || prepared, machine, principle, site misc •under, •within, continue•,
ready, set, agreeable •independently, •efficiently
29635 | 0.97 ● function, work, run, activate || manage, trade, run,
29345 | 0.95

1323 settle v 1358 cry v

noun case, •dispute, dust•, •lawsuit, court, issue, •chair, noun baby, mother, night, tear, boy, voice, girl, •pain,
matter, suit, score, •seat, •claim, immigrant, •difference, •help, •wolf, mom, hour, •foul, minute, daddy misc
•couch misc •into, •back, before, finally•, •less, start•, begin•, hear•, laugh, hard, break
eventually• out for, she•, •loud, •pain, hear•, voice, •help, again,
down before•, thing•, finally•, ready•, marry, until, suddenly
start in once•, next, •behind, comfortably, •beside, ● weep, sob, blubber, snivel || shout, exclaim, shout
dusk• out, call
● resolve, reconcile || stay, inhabit || land, perch || 29690 | 0.90 F
become peaceful, become calm || pay, defray || sink,
drop 1365 result v
28827 | 0.96 noun loss, •death, change, problem, reduction,
•increase, outcome, injury, effect, process,
1330 title n improvement, level, action, policy, failure misc •from,
adj national, consecutive, major, official, main, original, may•, increased, •significant, likely•
popular, working, back-to-back, honorary noun book, ● cause, bring about, give rise to, occasion || ensue, be
•game, world•, division•, song, •role, conference•, •track, caused by, stem, rise
•page, •character verb win•, hold•, defend•, suggest, 29515 | 0.90 A
earn•, claim•, •refer, retain•, state•, bear•
● name, heading, label || championship, trophy, cup || 1372 responsible j
ownership, entitlement, deed noun person, government, death, behavior, action,
29210 | 0.94 party, agency, parent, care, citizen, member, decision
misc •for, hold•, those•, socially•, environmentally•,
1337 present j largely•, partly•, directly•
noun study, time, result, day, finding, purpose, system, ● accountable, in charge, in control || dependable,
state, research, situation, moment, value misc conscientious, trustworthy || to blame, liable, guilty
•examine, past•, clear•, •indicate, •tense, •future, 27569 | 0.96
•investigate, physically•
● current, contemporary, present-day, existing || there, 1379 chairman n
here, in attendance, at hand adj vice, national, democratic, federal, general,
30645 | 0.89 A honorary, past, tribal noun committee, board, house,
•CEO, •executive, •chief, party, president, commission,
1344 ear n campaign verb become•, serve•, name•, elect•, appoint•,
adj middle, left, right, inner, deaf, sympathetic, external, resign, •announce, succeed•, testify, oust•
pointed, tiny, floppy noun eye, hand, •infection, nose, 28560 | 0.92 N
hair•, phone•, •corn, music, •canal, mouth verb
whisper•, ring, cover•, fall•, listen, press, pull, reach•, 1386 demonstrate v
scratch•, close noun study•, student, research•, •ability, •skill, result•,
● external ear, outer ear, auricle || ability, sensitivity, teacher, •effect, •commitment, power, •level,
talent || attention, hearing, heed •relationship, •knowledge, behavior, •importance misc
29597 | 0.92 F clearly•, •significant, •strong, recent•, order•, in•,
•effective, convincingly
1351 border n ● explain, expound, display || prove, validate, establish
adj Mexican, national, southern, northern, Canadian, || protest, march, rally
international, eastern, western noun •patrol, side•, 29170 | 0.90 A
state, US, security, town, •agent, area, mile, •crossing
verb cross•, secure•, close, open, control, protect•, 1393 past i
share•, straddle•, define, extend her, walk•, •hour, minute•, drive•, move•, push•,
● frontier, borderline, boundary || edge, limit, •window, slip•, door, half•, street•, road•, month
boundary || flowerbed, bed, shrub border 28278 | 0.92 F
28636 | 0.94

1400 anyway r 1442 quiet j

die•, thanks, ahead, matter•, anymore•, dead•, stupid• noun time, room, voice, street, moment, place, man,
● anyhow, at any rate, in any case, nevertheless, life, peace, neighborhood, town, corner misc keep•,
nonetheless, besides very•, stay•, remain•, relatively•, suddenly, nice•,
28170 | 0.92 F •except
● silent, noiseless || peaceful, still || private, discreet
1407 afraid j || trouble-free, straightforward || relaxing, restful ||
(afraid of) noun dark, death, height, dog, flying, AIDS, subtle, discreet
snake, failure, commitment, needle, retaliation misc I, 26732 | 0.93 F
because, •might, •lose, •anything, •die, little•, suddenly
● frightened, scared, fearful, terrified, petrified, 1449 function n
anxious adj important, different, discriminant, primary, normal,
27727 | 0.93 F cognitive, sexual, immune, specific, physical noun
brain•, form, structure•, body, role•, school, cell, lung•,
1414 apparently r management verb perform, serve•, improve, vary•,
•willing, •healthy, •unaware, •unable, •random, suicide,
fulfill•, affect, attend•, identify, relate, assess
•contradictory, •unrelated, •oblivious, response, ● purpose, meaning, role, job || gathering, occasion,
•unwilling, unknown, •endless, •irresistible
meeting, affair
● it seems that, it appears that, in fact, rumor has it 28011 | 0.88 A
that || seemingly, deceptively, speciously, ostensibly
26513 | 0.97 1456 wine n
adj red, white, dry, fine, sparkling, sweet, French, cheap,
1421 blow v Italian, light noun glass, bottle, cup, beer, food,
noun wind•, whistle, air, •nose, •smoke, breeze•, •face, •vinegar, •list verb drink•, pour, add•, serve, sip•, taste,
hair, •kiss, head, window, horn, •candle, •mind, storm• produce, buy, sell, spill
misc •away, •through, •across 26682 | 0.92
out •candle, window, •breath, air, wind•, •smoke, •knee,
tire, •match up •building, plot•, bomb, plane, car, 1463 bus n
bridge, wind•, threaten• off •steam, head•, roof•, leg• adj yellow, crowded, double-decker, express, clean,
● whoosh, gust, waft, puff || move, propel, drive, carry chartered, serial, electric, passing, rapid noun school•,
27254 | 0.94 F •driver, •stop, tour, •station, •ride, •service, shuttle•
verb take, wait, drive, board•, •pull, catch•, arrive,
1428 charge v •carry, head, miss•
noun •murder, fee, •crime, price, critic•, company, 25850 | 0.95
police•, •count, battery, agency•, •assault, bank,
prosecutor•, interest, customer misc •with, arrest•, 1470 relatively r
highly•, emotionally•, politically• •small, •low, •new, •few, •high, •easy, •little, •short,
● accuse, indict || attack, rush || rush, dash || accuse, •large, •simple, •number, remain•
indict || attack, rush || rush, dash || accuse, indict || ● comparatively, moderately, rather, somewhat, pretty,
attack, rush || rush, dash reasonably
26432 | 0.96 26476 | 0.92 A

1435 hey u
say•, •guy, •wait, thank, •listen, •minute, •thanks, •baby,
yell, •buddy, •dad, hi, •mom
27659 | 0.91 F

1477 fire v 1512 eastern j

noun shot, gun, missile, rocket, weapon, bullet, •job, noun time, country, state, conference, part, shore,
•round, police, rifle, soldier•, officer, month, gunman •, region, seaboard, bloc, side, district, edge misc middle•,
attorney misc after, hire, ready•, shoot, immediately, •European, central, western, southern, Soviet, former,
threaten•, refuse, •wildly, quit, aim, resign, allegedly along•
up get•, all, engine, •grill, crowd, •stove, •computer, 25103 | 0.94
•cigarette, barbecue, fan• off •letter, •round, •e-mail,
•question, •memo, •angry 1519 front n
● shoot, set off, discharge || inspire, enthuse, excite || adj united, rear, popular, cold, democratic, domestic,
dismiss, sack, can eastern, diplomatic noun back, •house, liberation,
25390 | 0.96 home•, car, side, store, shirt, •center, seat verb sit•,
stand•, open, walk•, park•, fight, present•, hang, attack
1484 photo n ● façade, face, frontage, obverse, head, fore
adj white, black, framed, black-and-white, still, glossy, 24402 | 0.96
autographed, graphic, accompanying, front-page noun
•color, staff•, illustration, •courtesy, collection•, artist•, 1526 lady n
family, image, •album, mug verb •omit, snap•, pose, adj old, young, fat, nice, leading, fair, lovely, beautiful,
feature, print, display, picture, post, decorate, upload elderly noun •room, man, friend, church, •bird,
● photograph, picture, snap, snapshot, print, shot volleyball•, luck, cleaning•, Lord•, bag• verb •enter, •sing,
25492 | 0.94 welcome, •host, excuse, dance, seat, escort•, •skate,
1491 participate v 25436 | 0.92 F
noun •study, student•, •activity, •sport, school, child•,
woman•, •process, opportunity•, teacher•, member•, 1533 tall j
•discussion, individual•, •research, parent• misc •in, noun foot, man, tree, building, woman, grass, glass,
actively, invite•, agree•, allow•, fully window, tale, order, guy, pine misc stand•, as•, •thin,
● contribute, take part, partake, join, join in, share six•, grow•, five•, •black, •slender
26500 | 0.91 A ● high, big, giant || difficult, hard, complicated ||
incredible, unbelievable, unlikely
1498 flower n 25304 | 0.92 F
adj yellow, fresh, small, little, purple, dried, green,
delicate, edible, tall noun garden, plant, •bed, bouquet•, 1540 start n
spring, petal, arrangement, •shop, girl, summer verb adj good, fresh, early, slow, bad, very, fast, running
grow, send•, bring, •bloom, pick•, produce, cut, smell, noun head•, •season, year, program, •war, time, career,
fill, place •treaty, •menu, race verb get•, mark•, wake•, miss•,
● floret, flower head, bud, blossom || best, pick, signal•, •finish, delay•, doom•
choicest, height ● beginning, birth, onset || twitch, jump, jerk || shock,
25642 | 0.93 fright, surprise || lead, advantage, edge
24071 | 0.96
1505 cut n
adj deep, short, federal, final, quick, cold, across-the- 1547 army n
board, clean, rough, additional noun tax•, budget•, rate, adj Iraqi, Israeli, Red, Soviet, British, retired, German,
pay•, program, capital, job•, hair•, gain verb make, Russian, Swiss, regular noun US•, •corps, •officer, force,
miss•, propose, reduce, announce, increase, suffer•, •engineer, general, salvation•, war, soldier, unit verb
oppose•, vote, favor join•, serve, fight, enlist•, train, command, attack,
● scratch, wound, slash, graze || reduction, decrease, •march, retire, order
cutback, decline ● military, armed forces, defense force, militia ||
25327 | 0.94 crowd, mass, host, multitude
23929 | 0.95

1554 danger n 1589 strange j

adj real, great, potential, imminent, clear, greatest, noun thing, man, way, place, world, land, woman, voice,
grave, immediate noun life, •zone, sign, sense•, kind, feeling, look, creature misc very•, seem, feel•,
•drug, threat, fire, level, public verb pose, face, warn•, something•, sound•, •happen, little•
•lose, recognize•, present, avoid•, •lurk, •lie, protect• ● odd, bizarre, outlandish || unfamiliar, alien,
● hazard, risk, peril, threat || chance, possibility, unknown || inexplicable, surprising, funny
likelihood, risk 23744 | 0.93 F
23244 | 0.97
1596 educational j
1561 assessment n noun program, system, institution, student,
adj national, environmental, educational, functional, opportunity, service, experience, level, research,
comprehensive, accurate, initial, authentic, dynamic, reform, need, process misc provide, social, national•,
general noun student, risk•, program, process, cultural, economic, develop, special, current•
performance, teacher, •tool, method, technology•, ● instructive, enlightening, didactic, edifying,
•procedure verb include, need, provide, conduct, base, informative, scholastic
develop, agree•, •determine, identify, indicate 25282 | 0.87 A
● evaluation, appraisal, estimation || valuation,
calculation, taxation || duty, charge, impost 1603 explore v
26318 | 0.85 A noun way, study•, issue, •possibility, student,
•relationship, research•, opportunity, article•, idea,
1568 leaf n •option, area, •difference, theme, experience misc
adj small, large, dead, dried, yellow, mint, brown, fallen, •between, far, •whether, •possible, fully
chopped, thick noun bay•, green•, lettuce, maple•, ● travel, discover, see the sights, sightsee || look at,
basil•, gold•, tea•, water, color, wind verb fall, chop, search, study, investigate
cover, add, remove, eat, pick, rake•, pack•, place 23744 | 0.92 A
● foliage, greenery, sprig || page, sheet, folio || sheet,
foil, plate || flap, foldout, projection 1610 invite v
24044 | 0.93 noun friend, •dinner, party, member, reader, guest,
leader, •meeting, viewer, visitor, artist, audience,
1575 climb v •comparison, birthday, participant misc •join,
noun •stair, •ladder, mountain, •tree, •step, car, •bed, •participate, •visit, •attend
•hill, •wall, •percent, •fence, seat, truck, price•, road ● ask, request, bid, summon || tempt, encourage,
misc •into, •out, •down, •over, •back, •high, •onto, attract, provoke
•aboard 22158 | 0.98
up •ladder, •onto, down, tree, •top, •next, •steep,
•beside 1617 meaning n
● scale, go up, move up, mount || rise, soar, go up, adj new, real, symbolic, literal, original, deeper,
rocket personal, whole, special, multiple noun word, life, term,
24367 | 0.92 F •purpose, value, text, context, phrase, search •,
understanding verb give•, understand•, lose•, change,
1582 importance n convey•, construct, carry•, interpret•, seek•, express
adj great, relative, particular, critical, utmost, strategic, ● sense, connotation, denotation, import ||
economic, paramount, central noun issue, •education, significance, importance, implication, value
value, •family, matter•, factor, order•, •relationship, 24064 | 0.90 A
woman, role verb emphasize•, stress•, recognize•,
understand•, place, underscore•, highlight•, attach,
● significance, meaning, weight || rank, position,
standing || significance, meaning, weight || rank,
position, standing
24946 | 0.89 A

1624 presidential j 1659 organize v

noun candidate, election, campaign, race, year, debate, noun group, community, conference, party, union,
nomination, nominee, politics, party, palace, primary exhibition, event, worker, effort, information, meeting,
misc democratic•, during•, Republican•, former•, win, society, committee, •protest, team misc •by, help•,
•hopeful, vice• •around, •themselves, highly•, local, international
● high-level, top-level, executive, political || dignified, ● establish, form, shape || systematize, arrange,
authoritative, judicious, diplomatic classify || coordinate, manage, control
24057 | 0.89 S 22389 | 0.94 A

1631 temperature n 1666 storm n

adj high, low, warm, cool, average, global, internal, adj tropical, perfect, severe, powerful, violent,
ambient, constant, frigid noun room•, •degree, water, electrical, coming, approaching noun desert•,
body•, air•, surface•, pressure, change, •humidity, range operation•, •surge, •cloud, dust•, wind, winter•, water,
verb •drop, rise, serve, reach, raise•, increase, maintain•, ice•, •drain verb •hit, weather•, •move, •blow, •pass,
reduce•, lower•, measure ride•, •rage, •sweep, survive•, track
● fever, infection, disease, illness, malaise ● tempest, squall, hurricane, gale || outburst, outbreak,
23111 | 0.93 explosion, eruption
22562 | 0.93
1638 sight n
adj plain, common, pretty, beautiful, familiar, strange, 1673 under r
rare, mere noun •sound, line•, end•, love•, •smell, •way, child•, just•, •year, •pressure, percent, •condition,
sense•, land, touch, relief•, •hearing verb lose•, catch•, age, foot, free, already•, •circumstance
set, hide•, drop•, disappear•, stay•, •behold, stun, ● below, underneath, beneath, lower than, further
freeze down
● view, spectacle, prospect, picture || vision, eyesight, 21521 | 0.97
ability to see
22878 | 0.93 F 1680 conclude v
noun study•, report•, court•, researcher•, author•,
1645 connect v agreement, research, article, •discussion, evidence,
noun computer, •dot, line, network, community, cable, committee•, review, treaty, series, deal misc lead•,
other, wire, bridge•, road•, ability•, phone, web, therefore, reasonable•, recently•, reasonably•
machine, feeling misc •with, directly, closely•, ● end, close, finish || deduce, assume, presume ||
intimately•, deeply• bring about, accomplish, settle
● attach, join, link || associate, relate, link || get along, 22247 | 0.93 A
click, hook up
22100 | 0.96 1687 last v
noun •year, •day, •hour, •month, •minute, •week,
1652 photograph n •lifetime, marriage•, war•, period, •decade, session•,
adj black-and-white, framed, still, digital, historic, trial•, interview•, relationship• misc long, will•, •than,
detailed, classic, naked, faded, stunning noun page, only, •about, •until, •forever
•author, color•, time, family, collection•, •courtesy, ● keep, go on, last out, stay fresh, keep going, carry on
•right, photo, image verb show, pose, feature, display, 21219 | 0.97
depict, illustrate, document, accompany, snap, frame
● photo, picture, snap, shot, snapshot, print 1694 county n
22016 | 0.96 adj rural, surrounding, neighboring, urban,
metropolitan, coastal, elected, historic, populous,
fastest-growing noun school, city, •sheriff, district,
•office, •official, •commissioner, •board, court,
•attorney verb •vote, approve, locate, file, sue, contact•,
elect, appoint, reside•, populate•
● region, section, province, district, canton, shire
22675 | 0.90 N

1701 train n 1743 link v

adj high-speed, electric, runaway, elevated, express, noun evidence•, system, study•, network, site,
moving, oncoming noun •station, car, track, freight•, computer, cancer, arm, web, death, health, disease,
•wreck, •thought, commuter•, •ride verb take, run, stop, •crime, communication•, behavior misc closely•,
•pull, •move, board•, catch•, travel, arrive, wait directly, inextricably•, intimately•, common, strongly•
● Pullman, sleeper, Eurostar || sequence, chain, up •with, •other, organization, country, company•,
succession || procession, file, convoy eventually•, line•, •dispersed, •again, begin
21766 | 0.94 ● connect, relate, associate, bring together, link up,
1708 possibly r 21335 | 0.94 A
can•, how•, •even, quite•, everything•, •imagine, except•,
•due, •dangerous, thousand, hundred, soon, •illegal, 1750 outside r
•greatest go•, step•, wait•, inside, stand, walk, sit, play, hear,
● perhaps, maybe, perchance, probably, conceivably, door, car, street, cold, rain
feasibly ● outdoors, in the open air, alfresco, out of doors ||
20953 | 0.97 beyond, out there, yonder, elsewhere
21556 | 0.92 F
1715 but i
•also, •for, •rather, nothing•, necessarily, •nonetheless, 1757 dress n
•now, •reason, everything•, truth, •moment, wear•, adj black, white, blue, red, pink, beautiful, green, short,
•sake, whole yellow, traditional noun •code, wedding•, •shirt, silk•,
20961 | 0.97 •shoe, •rehearsal, cotton•, cocktail• verb wear•, buy,
pull, hang, fit, slip, tear, sew•, •drag, smooth•
1722 meal n ● clothing, clothes, costume, garb, gear, wear
adj hot, delicious, home-cooked, favorite, quick, easy, 21362 | 0.92 F
ready, light, fine, daily noun •day, family, evening•,
restaurant, •plan, fish, corn, •preparation, midday•, 1764 judge v
hotel verb eat, prepare, serve, cook•, include, enjoy•, noun court•, other, success, •quality, contest, behavior,
share, provide, finish, •consist •distance, •character, panel misc •by, •whether,
● collation, repast, spread || mealtime, breakfast time, •harshly, •yourself, difficult•, •rule, •solely, fairly, •order
lunchtime || repast, banquet, feast ● arbitrate, adjudicate, mediate || estimate, guess,
21556 | 0.94 consider || criticize, sneer at, belittle || assess,
evaluate, weigh || consider, reckon, think
1729 truly r 20320 | 0.97
•believe, •love, •understand, yours•, only•, •remarkable,
•amazing, •sorry, •global, •free, •appreciate, •happy, 1771 extent n
•effective adj great, certain, large, lesser, full, possible, true,
● sincerely, faithfully, honestly || very, greatly, really limited, considerable, maximum noun nature, •damage,
|| truthfully, really, in fact power, •individual, •injury, participant, •involvement,
20576 | 0.98 type, •drug, respondent verb determine•, depend•,
assess•, examine•, indicate•, measure•, reveal•, realize•,
1736 museum n vary, rely
adj national, American, metropolitan, historical, private, ● degree, amount, level, range || size, area, coverage,
maritime, living, native, archaeological noun art, history, limit
collection, new, director, gallery, science, curator, 21727 | 0.90 A
exhibition, exhibit verb open, visit•, house, display,
feature, acquire, found, travel, •devote, donate•
● gallery, exhibition hall, arts center, academy,
21715 | 0.93

1778 wake v 1813 basketball n

noun morning, sleep, sound, dawn, baby, •start, adj professional, pro, Olympic, greatest, collegiate,
nightmare, nap, sun, noise, alarm, afternoon, midnight, high-school, indoor noun •team, •player, •game,
•neighbor, noon misc •early, later, asleep•, suddenly, college•, •coach, woman•, football, •court, man•, school
•realize, late, •cold, sleeping, loud•, dream, doze•, verb play•, watch, love, shoot, dribble, bounce, dunk•,
•abruptly retire
up morning, one, day, next, •early, •realize, asleep•, 20955 | 0.91 N
suddenly, •smell, tomorrow
● wake up, awaken, stir, come around || arouse, stir, 1820 address n
awaken, rouse adj inaugural, public, full, presidential, televised,
21330 | 0.91 F forwarding, postal, known noun e-mail•, name•, state•,
number, union•, •phone, •book, radio•,
1785 pilot n •correspondence verb give•, deliver, include•, send, list,
adj American, commercial, private, automatic, military, mail•, check•, •concern, contain, type
experienced, allied, Iraqi, Chinese, downed noun ● speech, talk, discourse, lecture, report, statement
•program, •study, fighter•, air, airline, •project, test 19564 | 0.97
verb •fly, train, shoot, conduct, land, hire•, earn, rescue,
crash, capture 1827 user n
● aviator, flier, aeronaut, copilot adj heavy, current, potential, available, registered,
20192 | 0.96 active, likely, average, experienced, industrial noun
drug•, Internet•, computer•, •fee, •interface, service,
1792 estate n site, end• verb allow•, provide, enable•, require,
adj real, commercial, entire, sprawling, taxable, royal, •choose, •access, •download, design, compare, select
palatial, gated, marital noun •agent, •tax, •market, ● operator, worker, employer, manipulator, handler,
•investment, •developer, •broker, company, business, manager
•trust, value verb sell, buy, own, invest, settle, manage, 20681 | 0.91 A
handle, repeal, preserve•, acquire
● plantation, land, park || area, zone, business park || 1834 rating n
assets, property, holdings adj high, low, mean, overall, favorable, negative,
20673 | 0.93 significant, top, individual, sexual noun approval•, star,
•scale, teacher•, percent, •system, credit•, TV,
1799 pursue v president•, parent verb base, receive•, determine•,
noun •career, policy, •goal, •interest, strategy, case, indicate, compare, average•, assign, •drop, earn•, peer•
•dream, •degree, government•, •education, •study, ● score, assessment, evaluation, grade || sailor,
opportunity, •agenda, research, option misc •own, seaman, hand
continue•, aggressively, decide•, actively•, vigorously 20413 | 0.92
● follow, chase, hunt, trail || practice, engage in, work
at, go in for 1841 landscape n
20136 | 0.96 adj political, American, cultural, urban, natural, vast,
rural, beautiful, surrounding, changing noun painting,
1806 influence v •architect, •painter, feature, •architecture, change,
noun factor•, •decision, behavior, •policy, power•, •designer, artist, element, desert verb paint, create, dot,
attitude, •development, perception, •outcome, dominate, transform, alter•, design, surround, reveal,
variable•, ability, •choice, •performance, experience, define
other misc •by, may•, strongly•, heavily•, greatly•, ● scenery, countryside, land, site || background,
directly• backdrop, circumstances, situation
● sway, manipulate, persuade, induce || affect, 20171 | 0.93
motivate, inspire, shape
21448 | 0.89 A

1848 frame n 1883 bedroom n

adj wooden, single, cold, internal, main, lanky, slight adj spare, single-family, empty, extra, front, closed,
noun time•, •reference, •mind, door•, window•, picture•, darkened, square, two-story, rear noun •door, •night,
aluminum, •house verb build, enter•, fill•, freeze•, hang, master•, •window, room, house, floor, wall, bathroom,
fit, lean•, exit•, feature, extend kitchen verb walk, open, close, enter, sleep, share,
● structure, framework, scaffold || edge, surround, hang, disappear•, paint, burst•
border || build, physique, skeleton ● boudoir, chamber, sleeping quarters, dormitory,
20016 | 0.93 dorm, bedchamber
20387 | 0.90 F
1855 trust v
noun God, government, •instinct, •judgment, banker•, 1890 coverage n
bank, voter, •gut, politician, •intuition, •stranger, adj universal, live, special, full, medical, extensive,
•secret, physician, investor• misc can•, •me, •him, continuing, complete noun media•, news•, health•,
never•, someone, •anyone, learn•, •other, •each, insurance•, press•, care, television•, drug• verb provide•,
enough, whom•, •anybody, completely continue, offer•, receive•, watch•, expand•, buy•,
● have faith in, rely on, believe || hope, believe, expect increase, lack, direct•
|| entrust, confide, assign ● attention, reporting, treatment, exposure, handling,
19482 | 0.95 analysis
19522 | 0.94
1862 regime n
adj military, new, communist, authoritarian, political, 1897 master n
international, democratic, old, totalitarian, current adj grand, open, modern, British, Dutch, Japanese,
noun •change, control, support, trade•, opposition, acknowledged, spiritual, certified, Spanish noun
legitimacy, sanction•, apartheid•, inspection• verb •degree, •bedroom, •plan, •teacher, •program, •suite,
overthrow•, topple•, impose, oppose•, force, threaten, •ceremony verb earn•, win•, receive•, serve•, study•,
•collapse, undermine, survive, challenge finish, copy•, •swim, appoint•, obey•
● government, command, rule, administration || ● controller, ruler, chief || teacher, tutor, guru ||
routine, system, regimen, treatment expert, virtuoso, maestro
21101 | 0.88 A 18880 | 0.96

1869 smart j 1904 wing n

noun people, guy, card, thing, man, kid, woman, move, adj right, left, white, military, conservative, liberal,
way, money, girl, bomb misc very•, •enough, too, funny, broken, blue, huge, tiny noun west•, bird, air, chicken•,
pretty•, tough, beautiful, •figure angel•, butterfly•, •chair, tip, east•, leg verb flap, spread,
● intelligent, bright || keen, clever || insolent, rude || wait•, fly, beat, fold, flutter, stretch, extend, sprout
elegant, neat || fashionable, trendy || lively, brisk ● annex, extension, arm, section || arm, subdivision,
19370 | 0.95 department, branch
19028 | 0.95
1876 variable n
adj dependent, independent, other, demographic, 1911 pour v
significant, social, dummy, continuous, key, noun water, •glass, •mixture, •cup, coffee, money, bowl,
environmental noun study, analysis, predictor•, •table, wine, oil, pan, •tea, •batter, milk, sauce, blood• misc
outcome•, number, control•, result, criterion•, set• verb •into, •over, •through, •himself, hot, until•, •onto, billion
include, relate, measure, examine, affect, identify, out blood•, water, •heart, smoke•, word•, story, •onto,
explain, determine •coffee, •feeling in money•, water, •through, begin•,
22868 | 0.81 A light•, start•, sunlight•, order•, donation• down rain•,
•face, sweat•, tear•, water•, blood•, •cheek, •throat
● decant, dispense, drizzle || spill out, gush, stream ||
swarm, crowd, teem || rain, rain cats and dogs, drench
19300 | 0.93 F

1918 reference n 1960 contemporary j

adj specific, explicit, historical, direct, future, particular, noun art, artist, culture, museum, music, life, society,
personal, sexual, numerous, passing noun point, frame•, world, issue, theory, history, center misc •American,
•book, •material, •group, •image(s), case, letter, library •African, •political, historical, •social, traditional,
verb make, include, provide, contain•, check, cite, modern•, cultural, •native, •Christian
incorporate•, define ● current, modern, up-to-date, present-day, existing,
● allusion, mention, suggestion || orientation, position, present
situation || recommendation, testimonial, character 19293 | 0.90 A
19559 | 0.92 A 1967 careful j
noun attention, analysis, planning, consideration, study,
1925 totally r examination, reading, observation, look, research,
•different, •out, almost•, agree, •wrong, •control, scrutiny, monitoring misc •not, very•, •about, more•,
•destroy, •ignore, •dependent, •unacceptable, must•, need•, require•, •avoid
completely, •disagree, •unexpected ● cautious, wary, vigilant || thorough, meticulous,
● completely, entirely, absolutely, wholly, fully, painstaking || prudent, sensible, judicious ||
perfectly protective, sympathetic, sensitive
18720 | 0.95 17885 | 0.97

1932 travel n 1974 rise n

adj international, foreign, corporate, domestic, adj rapid, sharp, dramatic, sea-level, meteoric, recent,
interstellar, online, independent noun •agent, time, air•, steady noun •fall, price, •power, level, percent, rate,
•office, •agency, business, space• verb •highlight, temperature, sea, crime verb give•, let•, cause,
reduce•, involve, •cost, specialize, limit, arrange, contribute•, explain•, witness•, experience•
restrict, facilitate, ease• ● increase, growth, upsurge || growth, spread,
● tourism, vacation industry, leisure industry, service development || hill, slope, acclivity || climb, ascent,
sector, holiday business elevation
18634 | 0.95 18055 | 0.96

1939 busy j 1981 household n

noun day, street, schedule, life, man, work, week, night, adj American, average, median, poor, common, typical,
season, road, weekend, intersection misc too•, keep•, total, urban, female-headed, nuclear noun •income,
so•, very•, stay•, pretty•, extremely•, •working •name, head, family, child, member, •chore, •waste,
● full, eventful, full of activity || engaged, occupied, •product, •item verb become•, live, •own, •receive,
unavailable || active, on the go, hard-working represent, maintain, •earn, manage, contribute, consist
18500 | 0.95 ● family, home, family circle, family unit, ménage,
1946 cite v 18450 | 0.93 A
noun example, study, reason, case, report, evidence,
source, article, •concern, court, official•, research, •lack, 1988 sector n
author, figure misc •as, often•, frequently•, •above, adj private, public, industrial, financial, agricultural,
among, widely• economic, informal, commercial, social, various noun
● quote, mention, refer to, allude to •economy, service•, manufacturing•, state, government,
19011 | 0.93 A business, energy•, industry, job, growth verb employ,
expand, •account, dominate, affect, encourage, divide•,
1953 everywhere r operate, organize, •decline
there, look, •else, seem, almost•, blood•, fly•, sign•, ● subdivision, segment, area, part || area, zone,
everything, •except, note•, nowhere, scatter•, available• quarter, region
● all over the place, all over, ubiquitously, far and wide, 19103 | 0.90 A
the world over, universally
18126 | 0.96

1995 limited j 2030 noise n

noun number, resource, time, amount, government, adj loud, white, strange, deafening, joyful, ambient,
use, partnership, access, space, success, edition, range internal noun •level, background•, crowd, traffic,
misc very•, only•, •available, because•, offer•, within, engine, sound, •pollution, vibration, wind, street verb
remain•, due•, •English make•, hear•, reduce•, listen•, shout•, complain•, wake,
● incomplete, imperfect, partial, inadequate, narrow, block•, startle, minimize•
restricted ● sound, din, racket, clamor, clatter, blast
18532 | 0.92 A 18024 | 0.93 F

2002 mass n 2037 celebrate v

adj critical, solar, dark, total, Catholic, solid, Arab, noun •anniversary, •birthday, year, holiday, •Christmas,
huddled, daily, poor noun body•, bone•, muscle•, •index, •victory, family, mass, •wedding, party, event, festival,
land•, center•, star, sun, air verb attend•, celebrate, •diversity, •birth, church misc recently•, gather•,
reach•, increase, reveal, form, determine, contain, •centennial, cultural, tonight
exceed, decrease ● rejoice, have fun, have a good time || commemorate,
● form, figure, frame || quantity, corpus, amount || observe, mark || praise, acclaim, commend
bulk, main part, essence 17421 | 0.96
18107 | 0.94
2044 land v
2009 liberal j noun •job, plane, •airport, helicopter, •role, troop,
noun art, Democrat, democracy, party, education, •Mars, fish, aircraft, floor, •contract, •jail, flight•, ball,
college, group, state, media, policy, view, society misc ground misc •on, before•, •near, •safely, fly•, •softly,
more•, •democratic, conservative, most•, political, crash
social, •economic, traditional• ● arrive, alight, come down, touch down || acquire,
● open-minded, broad-minded, moderate, get, annex, gain
noninterventionist || generous, copious, abundant, 17401 | 0.96
18228 | 0.93 2051 escape v
noun •notice, •prison, •death, heat, •attention, air,
2016 promise n •poverty, •lip, trap, steam•, •fate, •punishment, slave,
adj great, broken, full, empty, future, unfulfilled, •reality, gas• misc •from, try•, manage•, allow•, able•
greatest, solemn, considerable noun campaign•, ● flee, run away, get away || avoid, evade, elude ||
•keeper, president, government, land, lot •, hope, leak out, leak, drip
exchange•, kind, politician verb make, keep, hold•, 17195 | 0.97
show•, break•, deliver•, offer•, fulfill, live•, •help
● assurance, undertaking, guarantee, agreement || 2058 physician n
potential, possibilities, capacity, aptitude adj primary, medical, American, primary-care, personal,
17342 | 0.98 responsible, individual, willing, Greek, practicing noun
patient, hospital, family•, nurse, emergency•, •assistant,
2023 narrow j team• verb treat, prescribe, consult•, refer, train,
noun street, road, eye, path, range, strip, window, perform, practice, •recommend, examine, diagnose
room, focus, gap, face, view misc through•, very•, long•, ● doctor, medical doctor, doctor of medicine, general
down•, too•, •between, along, lead practitioner, GP, surgeon
● thin, fine, slim, slender, slight, tapered 17707 | 0.93
17840 | 0.95
2065 addition i
(in addition to) •to, •provide, •regular, •traditional,
•standard, benefit, •usual, •duty, •basic, function, above,
•contribution, •obvious, teaching
17641 | 0.93 A

2072 outside j 2107 wrap v

noun world, force, door, help, wall, expert, influence, noun arm, •paper, •plastic, •blanket, hand, towel, head,
observer, pressure, source, air, edge misc from•, hire•, leg, •foil, body, finger, gift, box, hair, foot misc •around,
rely•, inside, independent, in-house•, dependent• her, tightly, •herself, •himself, carefully, •inside, quickly,
● outdoor, external, separate || external, unknown, individually
unfamiliar || slight, faint, remote up all•, get•, so•, week, case, •series, today,
16797 | 0.97 •nomination, •special, investigation
● enfold, drape, swathe, cover || wrap up, gift wrap,
2079 acquire v package
noun skill, knowledge, company, year, information, 17073 | 0.93 F
•weapon, land, student•, property, power, right,
experience, data, museum, •trade misc •new, •through, 2114 spiritual j
•nuclear, recently•, necessary, billion noun life, leader, experience, practice, power, value,
● obtain, get, get hold of, get your hands on || develop, world, belief, tradition, journey, dimension, need misc
learn, pick up, take up physical, religious, moral, emotional, social, cultural,
17435 | 0.93 personal, psychological
● religious, holy, sacred, divine || mystical, divine,
2086 weak j unworldly, otherworldly
noun economy, spot, point, link, government, dollar, 17074 | 0.92 A
force, knee, voice, argument, muscle, leg misc too•,
strong, very•, feel•, relatively•, remain•, poor, 2121 climate n
extremely• adj global, political, current, economic, social,
● feeble, frail || tired, faint || delicate, insubstantial || motivational, positive, changing, harsh, favorable noun
vulnerable, defenseless || powerless, ineffectual || •change, school•, effect•, •system, impact, model,
cowardly, spineless || faint, feeble || watery, diluted earth•, business•, •control, panel• verb create•, affect,
|| unconvincing, half-hearted address•, •warm, improve, adapt•, contribute•,
16628 | 0.97 influence, alter, establish
● weather, temperature, environment, microclimate ||
2093 signal n atmosphere, situation, ambiance, surroundings
adj digital, clear, strong, electrical, wrong, busy, weak, 17189 | 0.91 A
direct, nonverbal, verbal noun radio•, hand•, traffic•,
warning•, •processing, distress• verb send•, give•, use, 2128 cigarette n
receive, transmit, pick•, detect, carry, produce, adj burning, unlit, cheap, dangerous, safer, safe,
•indicate unfiltered, expensive, fire-safe, half-smoked noun
● sign, indication, gesture, indicator, motion, warning •smoke, pack, •smoking, tax, •butt, •lighter, •company
sign verb light•, put, drag•, hold, buy•, pull, stub•, burn, roll,
16835 | 0.95 •dangle
● roll-up, roll-your-own, cig, ciggy, hand-rolled
2100 fun j cigarette, fag
noun thing, game, time, lot, stuff, kid, day, activity, 17160 | 0.91 F
place, fact, night, factor misc it•, more•, really•, most•,
•watch, always• 2135 emotion n
● amusing, entertaining, enjoyable, exciting, adj negative, human, strong, raw, intense, powerful,
pleasurable, cool personal, deep, basic, overcome noun feeling, thought,
16932 | 0.94 voice, range•, lot•, expression•, control, kind, behavior,
display• verb show•, express•, experience, mix•, stir,
evoke, deal•, convey, affect, betray•
● feeling, sentiment, reaction, passion, excitement,
16062 | 0.97

2142 prosecutor n 2177 chip n

adj special, federal, chief, criminal, independent, adj blue, single, hot, baked, integrated, sweet, fried,
assistant, top, tough, guilty, veteran noun case, county•, Japanese, crushed, crisp noun potato•, chocolate•,
police, •office, defense, attorney, trial, lawyer, jury, computer•, wood•, •cookie, tortilla•, memory• verb use,
department verb say, •charge, •argue, •seek, appoint, •fall, eat•, serve, sell, contain, place, implant, toss,
•investigate, •decide, •file, accuse, cooperate• replace
● prosecuting attorney, DA, district attorney, public ● piece, bit, crumb || mark, damage, imperfection ||
prosecutor token, counter, marker
17260 | 0.90 S 16162 | 0.94

2149 agenda n 2184 perceive v

adj political, national, domestic, American, social, noun student, teacher, •threat, individual•, other,
hidden, economic, legislative, conservative noun ability, parent, athlete•, risk, participant•, need, level,
research•, president, policy•, item, issue, reform, top•, public, relationship, role misc •as, •themselves, may•,
Republican, meeting, security verb set•, push•, •include, social, often•
pursue•, promote•, advance•, dominate, control, ● observe, see, notice, take in || sense, feel,
outline, establish understand, comprehend
● program, schedule, plan, outline, memo, schema 17180 | 0.88 A
16449 | 0.94
2191 later j
2156 expense n noun year, life, date, stage, moment, work, period,
adj other, living, annual, public, administrative, low, generation, use, age, study, hour misc than, sooner•,
total, personal, extra, major noun year, •ratio, time, early, save•, welcome•, store•, till•, schedule•
business, operating•, •account, travel•, taxpayer, ● advanced, far along, well along || late, delayed,
company, money verb pay, cover•, incur, reduce, spare, deferred || posterior, latter, subsequent
include, operate•, save, deduct, justify• 15734 | 0.95
● expenditure, outlay, disbursement || price, rate,
amount || sacrifice, detriment, disadvantage 2198 territory n
16274 | 0.94 adj occupied, new, Palestinian, Indian, uncharted,
familiar, vast, disputed, hostile, foreign noun state,
2163 schedule n enemy•, control, country, home•, claim•, mile•, nation,
adj busy, daily, regular, flexible, full, hectic, tough, tight lot•, male verb occupy, defend•, enter•, cover, mark•,
noun work•, time, year, school, class, week, flight•, explore•, settle•, gain, acquire, belong
month, fall•, interview• verb keep, •include, set, •allow, ● land, terrain, ground || country, land, state || field,
change, fit•, maintain•, start, check•, begin subject, specialty || patch, beat, domain
● agenda, plan, roster, diary, calendar, timetable 15831 | 0.94
15987 | 0.95
2205 transform v
2170 dark n noun life, world, society, process, experience,
adj afraid, quiet, growing, still, near, moonless, endless, •economy, landscape, image, space, energy,
utter noun light, night, eye, room, hair, face, sky, street, technology•, culture, industry, •relationship, nature
cup, hour verb sit•, hang, grow•, glow•, lay, surround, misc •into, •itself, •themselves, radically•, human,
lie•, stare, fall, hide completely•, gradually•, cultural
● darkness, dusk, gloom, dimness, shadows, obscurity ● alter, convert, make over, transmute, renovate,
16865 | 0.90 F change
15815 | 0.94

2212 enable v 2247 discovery n

noun •student, system•, technology•, program•, teacher, adj scientific, recent, startling, significant, surprising,
•user, information, •researcher, skill•, software•, medical, remarkable, greatest, accidental, initial noun
•individual, process•, development, •scientist, tool• •channel, process, shuttle•, space, science, drug•, oil,
misc will•, •us, develop, design•, thus• voyage•, research, planet verb make, lead, announce•,
● allow, permit, make possible, empower, qualify, aid report•, share, await•, confirm, prompt, revolutionize,
16293 | 0.91 A spark
● find, innovation, breakthrough, invention ||
2219 release n detection, finding, unearthing, sighting
adj early, recent, late, upward, immediate, quick, 15358 | 0.95
theatrical, current, limited noun press•, hostage, news•,
year, prisoner, •date, time, •prison, album, week verb 2254 benefit v
issue, schedule•, secure•, sign•, demand•, send•, noun student, program, company, proceed•,
negotiate•, gain•, promote, coincide• community, patient, consumer, economy, society,
● relief, discharge, freedom, liberation || •intervention, charity, environment, corporation,
announcement, issue, statement, publication population, shareholder misc •from, will•, can•, may•,
15540 | 0.95 also•, most, might•, both, greatly, million
● help, promote, profit, do good to, advance, further
2226 rule v 15424 | 0.94
noun court•, judge•, world, country, case, law, death,
•favor, justice•, decision, official•, jury•, commission•, 2261 knife n
doctor, •roost misc Supreme•, federal•, •against, state, adj sharp, paring, serrated, bloody, thin, dull, tiny,
refuse•, •unanimously, ultimately• quick, X-acto noun hand, fork, blade, kitchen•, edge,
out not•, can•, •possibility, do•, •any, •other, •option, pocket, butcher•, army•, •throat, palette• verb use•, cut,
•anything hold, pull•, put•, carry•, stick, pick, draw, •slice
● govern, reign, run, administrate, have power over, 15792 | 0.92 F
15310 | 0.96 2268 Mexican j
noun government, border, American, immigrant, state,
2233 existence n food, official, worker, president, restaurant
adj very, human, continued, mere, independent, daily, 15514 | 0.93
physical, aware, everyday, earthly noun year, evidence•,
reason•, condition•, reality, nature, meaning, proof•, 2275 foundation n
threat•, level verb deny•, acknowledge•, prove•, adj national, private, solid, nonprofit, legal,
threaten, justify•, confirm•, owe•, recognize•, reveal•, international, strong, charitable, educational, very
depend noun science•, research, heritage•, family, grant,
● being, life, reality, presence, survival, actuality president, art, director, community, education verb lay•,
15969 | 0.92 A provide, build, establish, form•, support, fund, serve,
shake•, sponsor
2240 cycle n ● basis, grounds, substance, groundwork ||
adj vicious, menstrual, natural, economic, solar, establishment, institution, charity, organization
complete, endless, normal, entire, annual noun life•, 15273 | 0.94
time, business•, election•, •violence, •poverty, stage•,
phase•, news•, carbon• verb break•, repeat, end, 2282 occasion n
perpetuate•, ride•, execute, generate, •last, correspond, adj special, rare, numerous, different, separate, social,
resume certain, festive, various, solemn noun number•, couple•,
● series, sequence, set, round, rotation, succession event, •anniversary, •birthday, experience, celebration,
15775 | 0.93 A sense, honor•, gift verb rise•, mark•, dress•, celebrate,
recall, visit, •arise, refer, •demand, drink
● time, case, juncture || chance, possibility,
opportunity || reason, cause, ground
14792 | 0.97

2289 ordinary j 2324 kiss v

noun people, life, citizen, man, American, thing, person, noun •cheek, hand, lip, •forehead, neck, •goodbye, girl,
matter, folk, language, experience, income misc out•, night, mother, head, •ass, wife, •top, boy misc her, him,
extraordinary, nothing•, •human, •universal, beyond•, •me, lean•, bend•, gently, •passionately
everyday ● osculate, caress, smooch, neck || touch, brush,
● normal, commonplace, usual, regular || dull, trite, glance, graze
drab, dreary 16128 | 0.87 F
14776 | 0.97
2331 involvement n
2296 touch n adj parental, active, military, great, American, political,
adj finishing, nice, personal, light, final, soft, human, direct, personal, social, professional noun parent•,
warm, close noun sense•, •screen, •button, •football, community, level, student, family, government, activity,
finger, taste, sight, healing•, •reality, style verb lose•, sport, process, teacher verb deny•, increase•, require•,
add•, keep•, put•, stay•, feel, apply, lend•, promise, report•, encourage•, promote•, limit, reflect, examine,
•linger measure
● pat, stroke, fondle || trace, bit, dash || style, facility, ● participation, connection, contribution, engrossment
gift || attachment, interest, commitment, enthusiasm
14939 | 0.95 15640 | 0.89 A

2303 passion n 2338 attach v

adj real, sexual, lifelong, intense, shared, consuming, noun importance, wire, end, side, cable, body, •wall,
wild, secret noun life, love, music, •fruit, •play, crime•, meaning, line, condition, back, rope, arm, significance,
energy, emotion, •commitment verb share•, pursue•, piece misc still•, •themselves, emotionally•, firmly,
stir, develop•, indulge•, arouse, inflame•, discover•, securely•
inspire, reflect• ● fasten, join, connect, fix || ascribe, assign, confer,
● fervor, ardor, obsession || desire, hunger, thirst || attribute
rage, fury, outburst 14552 | 0.95
14632 | 0.97
2345 complaint n
2310 sauce n adj common, formal, only, criminal, similar, somatic,
adj soy, hot, red, chili, dipping, spicy, remaining, legitimate, civilian, frequent, main noun consumer•,
creamy, orange, tartar noun tomato•, cup, tablespoon, number•, customer, citizen, discrimination, office,
pepper, teaspoon, pasta, fish, cream, barbecue•, patient, letter, lot•, official verb file, hear, receive•,
cheese verb serve, add, stir, pour, combine, thicken, investigate•, respond•, lodge, dismiss, voice, deal,
taste, prepare•, spoon, simmer answer•
● impudence, impertinence, rudeness, insolence, ● grievance, criticism, protest, grumble || illness,
insouciance, nerve condition, ailment, disorder
15903 | 0.88 M 14551 | 0.95

2317 employer n 2352 mystery n

adj large, private, prospective, potential, current, adj great, unsolved, medical, divine, enduring,
previous, willing, medical, legal, future noun employee, complete noun murder•, life, man, •novel, •writer,
worker, insurance, plan, •mandate, health, company, woman, hour•, sense•, death verb solve, remain•,
contribution, benefit, •sanction verb •pay, require, •hire, •surround, unravel•, read•, •continue, explain, unlock•,
•provide, offer, allow, sue•, •match, force, •contribute shroud•, explore•
● boss, company, manager, owner, proprietor, firm ● secrecy, anonymity, obscurity, ambiguity ||
14846 | 0.94 whodunit, detective novel, thriller, crime novel
14211 | 0.97

2359 king n 2394 distribution n

adj future, ancient, undisputed, divine, reigning, adj rigid, normal, spatial, equitable, unequal, equal,
Persian, Egyptian, wise, homecoming, evil noun •queen, geographic, mass noun •transmission, •deadline,
burger•, man, lion•, son, father, •mackerel, Lord, •pop •system, income, power, •center, production•, food,
verb •live, welcome•, kill, crown•, rule, honor•, table•, resource verb control•, determine•, affect,
celebrate, declare, march, •command compare, reflect, assume•, influence•, examine•, result,
● monarch, sovereign, ruler || ruler, chief, head || gain•
leader, star, superstar || face card, picture card, ● sharing, allocation, giving out || delivery, supply,
playing card circulation || spreading, dispersal, dissemination
14445 | 0.95 15249 | 0.89 A

2366 accomplish v 2401 interpretation n

noun •goal, mission, thing, •task, •objective, feat, work, adj historical, open, constitutional, biblical, broad,
•purpose, •aim, method, learning, function, tool •, literal, alternative, correct, multiple, various noun data,
achievement, sanction misc can•, •through, •something, •law, result, analysis, text, court, history, •event,
try•, •anything, able•, hope•, order•, easily •finding, theory verb offer, base, support•, present,
● achieve, complete, do, finish, get done, bring about argue, involve, influence, accept•, differ, affect•
14325 | 0.96 ● clarification, understanding, explanation, reading,
construal, elucidation
2373 bean n 15613 | 0.86 A
adj green, black, white, fresh, drained, whole, sweet,
tender, hot, refried noun rice, coffee•, Lima•, •soup, 2408 constant j
vanilla•, kidney•, fava•, •sprout, water, pound• verb add, noun reminder, threat, change, pressure, companion,
drain, cook, eat•, stir, spill•, cut, cover, fill•, snap• stream, fear, contact, motion, struggle, source,
14996 | 0.91 M attention misc remain•, require•, hold•, maintain•,
almost•, relatively•, fairly•, cosmological•
2380 total n ● continuous, endless, relentless || frequent,
adj grand, combined, annual, final, cumulative, overall, persistent, recurrent || steady, stable, even || faithful,
estimated, equal noun percent, year, point, sum•, vote, loyal, trustworthy
season, participant, •score, career•, fund verb bring•, 14069 | 0.95
include, spend, receive•, raise•, increase, reach, exceed,
contain•, result• 2415 nervous j
● sum, whole, entirety, full amount, totality noun system, breakdown, energy, wreck, laugh,
14559 | 0.93 laughter, smile, investor, glance, disorder, tension,
habit misc •about, make•, get•, very•, little•, central•,
2387 increasing j feel
noun number, pressure, demand, rate, level, use, ● anxious, worried, edgy, jumpy, panicky, tense
amount, population, cost, frequency, tax, interest misc 14100 | 0.95
•among, ever•, rapidly•, economic, face•, despite•,
because• 2422 tomato n
● cumulative, snowballing, swelling, growing || rising, adj fresh, green, ripe, red, chopped, sun-dried, medium,
growing, going up, mounting small, diced, roasted noun •sauce, cup, cherry•, •juice,
14886 | 0.91 A •paste, slice, lettuce, plum•, •plant verb add•, dice, chop,
stir•, cut, combine•, place, pick, taste, cover
14864 | 0.89 M

2429 electronic j 2471 moon n

noun system, device, media, equipment, mail, data, adj full, new, blue, bright, pale, waning, rising noun sun,
computer, communication, information, control, earth, star, planet, crescent•, night, light, surface, sky,
commerce, music misc use, such, send, digital, available, phase verb •rise, •pass, walk•, •shine, •hang, land•, fly•,
via, mechanical shoot, orbit, discover
● electric, microelectronic, electrical, automated, 13959 | 0.92 F
14057 | 0.94 2478 observer n
adj political, international, outside, casual, independent,
2436 smoke n foreign, military, northern, longtime, keen noun
adj black, thick, secondhand, white, blue, gray, acrid industry•, participant, group, election, •mission, team,
noun cigarette•, cloud•, fire, tobacco•, air, •detector, behavior, view, position, data verb •believe, •note,
puff•, plume•, flame, smell verb blow•, •rise, fill, billow, •agree, •expect, •report, •record, train, •notice, •assume,
•clear, •drift, •pour, watch, •hang, •curl •count
14327 | 0.92 F ● spectator, witness, viewer, onlooker, bystander,
2443 fellow j 13806 | 0.93
noun student, member, citizen, man, officer, traveler,
soldier, worker, being, teacher, passenger, countryman 2485 strike n
misc his•, their•, my•, •human, among•, join, urge•, adj military, general, preemptive, nuclear, lucky, pre-
respect emptive, joint, terrorist, surgical noun air•, •zone,
● sister, parallel, associated, corresponding, equivalent, hunger•, worker, •force, lightning•, baseball•, missile•,
related player• verb call, begin, launch•, end, throw•, kill, break,
13585 | 0.97 •occur, support, •protest
● raid, attack, assault, foray || industrial action,
2450 educator n slowdown, walkout, work stoppage
adj physical, special, environmental, professional, social, 13686 | 0.94
early, important, public, future, effective noun music•,
teacher, parent, art•, school, education, study, program, 2492 literally r
health, community verb •need, •teach, help, •develop, mean, quite•, •hundred, •thousand, •figuratively,
•consider, •recognize, suggest, assist, encourage, train almost, •million, hour, •apart, •dozen, metaphorically
● teacher, instructor, coach, professor, educationalist, ● factually, accurately, exactly, plainly
mentor 13425 | 0.95
15447 | 0.85 A
2499 construct v
2457 perfectly r noun building, model, •validity, identity, system,
•well, fit•, •good, •normal, •still, •clear, seem•, •fine, knowledge, meaning, image, facility, wall, narrative,
•legal, •safe, suit, •happy, understand• theory, material, space, plant misc new, socially•,
● flawlessly, faultlessly, effortlessly, seamlessly || carefully•, newly•, poorly•
completely, entirely, wholly, absolutely ● build, make, create, put up || compose, put together,
13671 | 0.95 create, structure
14234 | 0.89 A
2464 retirement n
adj early, individual, mandatory, personal, comfortable,
phased, normal noun •plan, •age, •account, year,
•saving, •benefit, •income, •fund, •community, security
verb announce•, save•, reach•, near•, force•, approach•,
increase, contribute, •last, •loom
● superannuation, departure, leaving, giving up work
|| withdrawal, retreat, sequestration, seclusion
13964 | 0.93

2506 date v 2541 channel n

noun •year, man, woman, guy, letter•, girl, •month, adj clear, local, narrow, main, digital, available, official,
friend, history•, relationship, tradition•, •period, site, diplomatic, normal, multiple noun news, cable•, TV,
season, origin misc •from, •early, start•, ancient, sexual, television, discovery•, communication, •island,
married, •last, seriously, briefly, •teenage, consecutive• weather•, water, •catfish verb change•, watch, open,
back •year, •century, •least, tradition•, history•, •far, switch•, carry, flip•, check•, cross•, broadcast, air
•decade, ancient, origin•, record• ● station, network, frequency || canal, conduit,
● court, go out, see, pay court to || go with, go out waterway || means, outlet, conduit || ditch, dike,
with, see, socialize groove
13231 | 0.96 12975 | 0.96

2513 smoke v 2548 roll n

noun •cigarette, •cigar, •pipe, •marijuana, •pot, drug, adj sweet, fresh, French, fat, warm, crusty, slow,
kid, •pack, •crack, •dope, tobacco, adult, •weed, whole-grain, tight, forward noun rock•, •call, paper,
restaurant, bar misc drink, never•, •joint, likely•, hot welfare•, •film, honor•, egg•, jelly•, spring• verb cut,
● burn, be on fire, smolder shoot•, reduce•, bake, grab•, slice, tear•, arrange
13438 | 0.94 ● reel, cylinder, spool, tube
13053 | 0.95
2520 fifth m
•grade, fourth•, •amendment, •year, •sixth, •day, •floor, 2555 Palestinian j
•grader, finish•, •century, third•, •season, game, win noun authority, state, leader, people, refugee, territory,
13150 | 0.96 official, minister, land, uprising
14008 | 0.88
2527 weigh v
noun •pound, •ton, •ounce, •option, •risk, factor, 2562 giant j
•benefit, •evidence, •mind, scale, fish, baby•, •pro, noun planet, step, company, slalom, tree, leap, screen,
month, bike• misc •than, •more, •about, •less, much, star, squid, corporation, panda, hand misc like•, red,
•heavily, •against, •hundred •forward, form, resemble•, green, •elliptical,
in •on, also•, president, •about, court•, expert• pharmaceutical
● consider, ponder, think about, evaluate, meditate on, 12963 | 0.95
reflect on
13051 | 0.96 2569 particular r
in•, general•, nobody•, nowhere•, emphasize,
2534 preparation n psychology, Arab•, Dr, African-american•, regard,
adj professional, academic, mental, adequate, autonomy, •single, Latino, anthropologist
educational, careful, psychological noun teacher, •time, 13259 | 0.92 A
•program, •minute, food•, education, college, course,
personnel•, training verb make•, begin, require, receive, 2576 conventional j
involve, complete, improve, assist•, emphasize, entail noun wisdom, force, weapon, treatment, method,
● groundwork, training, grounding, homework || system, war, way, medicine, therapy, approach, arm
planning, provision, arrangement, formulation misc than•, more•, use•, •military, nuclear, compare•,
13553 | 0.92 A challenge•, beyond•
● conservative, conformist, straight, predictable ||
usual, established, standard, normal
13209 | 0.93 A

2583 general r
in•, •particular, •tend, •specifically, general, culturally,
13256 | 0.92 A

2590 onion n 2632 barrier n

adj green, red, medium, chopped, large, small, yellow adj great, cultural, physical, significant, social, concrete,
noun garlic, cup, pepper, oil, heat•, tomato, celery, major, effective, legal, economic noun trade•,
tablespoon, carrot, potato verb add•, chop, cook, stir, language•, •island, •reef, color•, sound•, use,
saute, dice, •soften, caramelize, brown, fry •investment, communication, vapor• verb break•,
13769 | 0.88 M overcome, remove•, create•, cross•, erect, reduce•,
•prevent, form•, act•
2597 criteria (PL) n ● obstacle, difficulty, stumbling block, sticking point ||
adj following, important, specific, different, objective, fence, wall, barricade, blockade
certain, primary, major, multiple, main noun selection, 12772 | 0.93 A
performance, inclusion, •variable, study, student,
•measure, set•, •validity, eligibility• verb meet•, base, 2639 classic j
include, determine, develop, satisfy•, fit• noun example, case, movie, story, style, book, study,
14160 | 0.86 A film, rock, car, period, tale misc •American, •French,
modern, •Italian, contemporary, •western, •southern
2604 armed j ● timeless, immortal, unforgettable || definitive,
noun force, service, conflict, robbery, guard, man, typical, characteristic || simple, stylish, elegant
group, member, struggle, police, soldier, officer misc 12610 | 0.94
heavily•, against, serve•, military, Soviet•, Iraqi,
•dangerous, •Islamic 2646 advocate n
● equipped, fortified, prepared adj strong, public, leading, human, civil, effective,
12966 | 0.93 patient, outspoken, free, poor noun right, consumer•,
child, health, devil•, policy, privacy•, victim, community
2611 normally r verb become•, •argue, •point, •claim, serve•, act•, •fear,
will, •associate, function•, •distribute, •require, •difficult, •worry, •contend, •warn
eat, cell, •reserve, breathe•, •occur, his•, hour, behave• ● supporter, backer, promoter, believer, activist,
● usually, in general, as a rule, on the whole || as campaigner
normal, as usual, naturally, unexceptionally 12565 | 0.94
12402 | 0.97
2653 distant j
2618 activist n noun galaxy, past, relative, cousin, future, star, place,
adj political, environmental, gay, social, conservative, voice, light, mountain, memory, object misc more•,
democratic, black, longtime, liberal, young noun right•, seem•, hear•, most•, toward•, grow•, •third, sound•
group, community•, woman, AIDS•, animal•, peace•, ● faraway, remote, far-off || aloof, cold, unfriendly ||
leader verb organize, support, •seek, •claim, •oppose, vague, faint, indistinct
•argue, •protest, arrest, •complain, urge
12542 | 0.94
● campaigner, protester, objector, militant, advocate
12737 | 0.94 2660 Italian j
noun restaurant, immigrant, food, renaissance, parsley,
2625 ultimate j family, sausage, bread, woman, government, city, wine
noun goal, end, test, question, power, reality, authority, 12384 | 0.95
responsibility, success, decision, source, purpose misc
human, perhaps•, achieve•, divine, retain•, •spiritual, 2667 house v
universal, •driving noun building•, center, museum, office, collection,
● final, last, eventual, decisive || fundamental, basic, program, service, city, facility, area, department, art,
essential, supreme •worker, inmate, structure misc build•, feed, •homeless,
12542 | 0.95 •poor, multifamily•, currently•, •elderly, temporarily•,
subsidize•, •armed, random•, formerly•
● accommodate, lodge, give shelter to, shelter ||
contain, keep, store, hold
12268 | 0.95

2674 super j 2716 cabinet n

noun bowl, team, delegate, champion, power, victory, adj wooden, locked, entire, upper, antique, dark,
game, season, hero, coach, model, star misc win•, play, presidential, inner, diverse noun member, •minister,
four, •rich, superconducting•, Austrian•, host•, straight• kitchen•, medicine•, file•, president, •secretary, •door
● wonderful, fantastic, great, marvelous || better, verb open, •meet, build, appoint•, approve, form, name,
enhanced, improved, outstanding install, lock, contain
12586 | 0.92 N 11846 | 0.96

2681 lawsuit n 2723 literary j

adj federal, civil, class-action, frivolous, pending, similar, noun criticism, critic, theory, study, history, text, work,
environmental, potential, separate, expensive noun works, tradition, world, magazine, character misc
court, action•, shareholder•, plaintiff, settlement, class•, American•, cultural, artistic, historical, contemporary•,
harassment•, discrimination•, malpractice•, industry traditional•, critical, well
verb file, bring, settle•, •claim, face•, win•, •seek, ● fictional, mythical, legendary, storybook || bookish,
•accuse, dismiss, •challenge erudite, scholarly, well-read
● court case, proceedings, litigation, process 12801 | 0.88 A
12656 | 0.91 N
2730 overcome v
2688 burden n noun obstacle, problem, •fear, barrier, challenge,
adj heavy, financial, economic, additional, undue, huge, difficulty, •resistance, •limitation, hurdle, •deficit,
terrible noun •proof, tax•, debt, care, responsibility, •adversity, effort•, •feeling, •opposition, weakness misc
cost, caregiver, taxpayer, share•, beast• verb bear•, help•, must•, able•, difficult•
carry, place, put•, impose, shift, ease•, reduce•, ● overwhelm, overpower, incapacitate || carry away,
shoulder•, •fall affect, move to tears || prevail over, surmount, rise
● load, weight, cargo || problem, drain, encumbrance, above || conquer, defeat, beat
affliction 11801 | 0.96
12054 | 0.96
2737 wipe v
2695 communicate v noun hand, •eye, •tear, •face, •mouth, •sweat, •nose,
noun ability•, information, message, parent, idea, •forehead, table, finger misc •off, •away, •clean, down,
language, teacher, •public, need, computer, •feeling, •across, •dry, whole, quickly•, carefully, nearly, virtually•,
•audience, •vision, cell, •value misc •with, able•, •each, gently
•other, effectively, •another, learn•, •directly, clearly out can•, •by, entire, whole, disease, saving, virtually•,
● converse, talk, speak || convey, share, impart || species, nearly•, •dinosaur
connect, interconnect, lead into ● rub, mop, polish || smear, spread, rub || erase,
12179 | 0.95 remove, obliterate
12435 | 0.91 F
2702 like r
just•, guy, mean, really, •oh, kind, sort 2744 genetic j
● resembling, similar to, not unlike, close to, noun engineering, material, code, disease, testing,
reminiscent of, bordering on information, diversity, test, research, disorder, makeup,
13238 | 0.87 S variation misc human, environmental, cause, identify,
carry, develop, rare•, biological
2709 bear n ● hereditary, inherited, heritable, inherent, genomic,
adj black, polar, grizzly, brown, stuffed, golden, chromosomal
defensive, super, still, gummi noun •market, •paw, •hug, 12069 | 0.93
mountain, season, yard, baby•, defense, animal, tree
verb kill, watch, shoot, hunt, feed, beat, chase,
photograph, •roam, load•
12194 | 0.94

2751 slave n 2786 fiction n

adj African, black, freed, runaway, female, escaped, adj short, American, historical, contemporary, literary,
male, British, civil, domestic noun •trade, •labor, popular, narrative noun science•, fact, writer, pulp•,
•owner, master, descendant•, •ship, sex•, •trader verb book, work•, section•, poetry, story, •nonfiction verb
free, become, own•, sell, buy, born, escape, treat•, write, read•, •appear, publish, separate•, maintain•,
descend•, •obey distinguish•, sound•, explore, portray
11863 | 0.94 ● creative writing, literature, works of fiction || work
of fiction, novel, fantasy || invention, fantasy,
2758 expansion n imagination || falsehood, fabrication, lie
adj economic, rapid, major, far, international, future, 11701 | 0.94
global, existing, industrial, urban noun •team, universe,
plan, program, rate, •franchise, market, trade, growth, 2793 flow v
period• verb support•, cause, oppose•, finance•, slow, noun water•, river, blood•, stream•, fluid, tear•, juice•,
limit•, increase, prevent•, halt•, accelerate current•, hair, body, •lake, •north, sea, fund, electron
● growth, development, increase, extension, spreading misc •from, •into, •through, •out, •freely
out, opening out ● run, pour, flood, stream || spring, arise, emerge,
12054 | 0.92 emanate
11365 | 0.96
2765 tight j
noun end, budget, control, race, market, jeans, security, 2800 boundary n
circle, spot, space, labor, line misc keep•, very•, wear•, adj national, political, social, international, cultural,
hold•, •little, under•, •black, abs• traditional, maritime, clear, disciplinary, professional
● taut, stretched || close-fitting, body-hugging || firm, noun state, line, park•, area, •condition, •layer,
fixed || strict, stringent || miserly, tightfisted || community, land, •dispute, space verb cross•, set,
difficult, problematic define, push•, mark•, establish, transcend•, blur•, create,
11641 | 0.95 •separate
● border, frontier, borderline, state line, edge, limit
2772 square j 12082 | 0.90 A
noun foot, mile, inch, kilometer, area, meter, footage,
root, building, block, yard, face misc per•, than, about•, 2807 raw j
million•, more•, cover•, every•, small•, over• noun material, data, meat, score, sewage, power, food,
● four-sided, right-angled, rectangular, quadrangular || deal, vegetable, umber, sienna, egg misc eat•, cooked,
fair, honest, genuine, just rub•, red, fresh, burnt, contain, yellow
11630 | 0.95 ● uncooked, rare || unprocessed, unrefined || painful,
sore || inexperienced, untrained || inclement, chilly ||
2779 telescope n visceral, brutal
adj large, small, optical, ground-based, infrared, 11310 | 0.96
amateur, binocular, modern, space-based noun space•,
radio•, sky•, mirror, image, •science, astronomer, star, 2814 newly r
mount, optics verb use, build, •show, point, observe, •form, •create, •elect, •arrive, •discover, •independent,
•reveal, operate, •detect, aim, discover •acquire, •establish, •open, •appoint
12754 | 0.86 M ● recently, lately, freshly, just now || afresh, anew,
again, once more
11388 | 0.95

2821 mutual j 2863 insight n

noun fund, respect, stock, friend, company, adj valuable, great, additional, unique, special, deeper,
understanding, interest, trust, benefit, support, aid, spiritual, better, sudden, cultural noun •nature, student,
insurance misc •between, invest, •among, buy, base•, experience, information, perspective, knowledge,
other, each, manage understanding, offer•, character, kind verb provide•,
● joint, shared, common, communal, reciprocated, give•, gain•, share•, might, yield•, lead, appreciate,
reciprocal develop, achieve
11566 | 0.93 ● vision, understanding, awareness, intuition,
perception, acumen
2828 delivery n 11591 | 0.92 A
adj special, effective, instructional, vaginal, overnight,
premature, immediate noun service, •system, care, 2870 double v
•truck, health, •room, model, •man verb improve•, noun number, •size, population, price, rate, •amount,
ensure•, speed•, facilitate•, affect, arrange•, order, sales, percent, •money, revenue, tax, •value, stock•,
resume hour, space misc more•, nearly•, almost•, •since,
● manner of speaking, approach, manner || expect•, roughly•, easily•, per, approximately•
distribution, transfer, transport || release, liberation, over •pain, •laughter, gasp, almost•, •clutch, •laugh,
rescue •agony, •fall, cough up •laughter, •fist, •relative
11323 | 0.95 ● increase twofold, amplify, magnify, double up ||
bend, fold, double up, bend over
2835 attractive j 11195 | 0.95
noun woman, man, alternative, option, place, girl,
feature, price, investment, stock, investor, target misc 2877 originally r
more•, make•, very•, find•, most•, less•, young •plan, •design, •intend, •develop, •publish, •write, •build,
● appealing, alluring, charming, pretty, cute, eye- •schedule, •propose, •conceive, •present, •appear
catching ● first, initially, in the beginning, formerly, firstly, at
11119 | 0.97 first
10995 | 0.96
2842 regularly r
who•, use, meet•, attend, exercise•, •scheduled, visit, 2884 stair n
appear, eat, check, church, meeting adj narrow, front, steep, wooden, dark, main, spiral,
● frequently, often, on a regular basis, habitually || carpeted, concrete, wide noun flight•, bottom•, room,
consistently, evenly, smoothly, methodically door, foot•, back•, head•, basement, set•, footstep•
11329 | 0.95 verb climb•, come•, walk•, run•, lead, start•, descend•,
fall•, carry, reach
2849 assistant j ● step, tread, rung || staircase, stairway, flight of steps,
noun professor, coach, secretary, director, attorney, set of steps
manager, editor, principal, chief, superintendent, 12171 | 0.86 F
administrator, commissioner misc •general, former•,
•managing, clinical, serve•, •vice, head 2891 dirty j
● associate, subordinate, secondary, junior, sub-, vice- noun work, secret, trick, word, water, laundry, clothes,
11391 | 0.94 bomb, dish, hand, look misc •little, old, wear, clean,
dangerous, quick•, •brown, yellow
2856 thirty m ● unclean, filthy, grimy || dishonest, illegal, corrupt ||
•year, •ago, •minute, about•, than•, more, •second,
dull, muted, muddy
•foot, twenty•, over•, •day, •percent, •later, after
11112 | 0.94
11637 | 0.92 F

2898 controversy n 2933 split v

adj political, public, current, recent, considerable, noun party, vote, •difference, •hair, •middle, wood,
major, whole, growing noun year, center•, lot•, subject•, stock, •cost, •atom, •faction, pair, profit, sample, voter•,
source•, debate, matter•, quarterback•, storm•, kind• lip misc •into, •two, •between, evenly, •off, •apart,
verb •surround, stir•, create•, cause•, generate, spark•, •open, •down, •half, •among, •along, equally, •wide
•erupt, •involve, •continue, •arise up when, parent•, after, •into, family, then, couple,
● disagreement, argument, debate, storm, hullabaloo, good, recently•, •search
dispute ● go, leave, depart, make yourself scarce || divide, rip,
11054 | 0.94 tear, crack
10593 | 0.97
2905 tragedy n
adj terrible, great, personal, human, real, national, 2940 neither d
horrible noun family, death, comedy, triumph, kind•, •them, •side, •one, •any, •party, •ever, •speak, •anything,
history, week, victim•, sense•, loss verb •happen, •strike, though•, •parent, yet, although•, •candidate, •whom
•occur, prevent•, end•, •unfold, cause, suffer, deal•, 10587 | 0.97
● disaster, calamity, catastrophe, misfortune, 2947 poet n
heartbreak adj romantic, famous, greatest, female, favorite, fellow,
11039 | 0.94 prize-winning, lyric, Chinese noun •laureate, writer,
woman, novelist, artist, critic, poem, author, playwright,
2912 constitute v •essayist verb write, read, name, describe, publish,
noun •percent, •threat, •part, •majority, definition•, •sing, quote, inspire, praise, feature
element, community, •endorsement, •violation, act, ● bard, writer, lyricist, rhymester, versifier, composer
experience, •approval, •basis, journal•, relationship 10840 | 0.94
misc •large, •important, •major, social, •significant
● set up, establish || comprise, make up || amount to, 2954 adapt v
represent || set up, establish || comprise, make up || noun change, need, •environment, recipe, •book,
amount to, represent technology, •use, style, •circumstance, species•,
11945 | 0.87 A •climate, technique, material, model, method misc
•from, •changing, learn•, quickly, easily, able•,
2919 comprehensive j successfully•
noun program, plan, study, approach, health, ● change, alter, modify, adjust || become accustomed,
education, system, care, reform, assessment, service, familiarize, get a feel for, get used to
test misc more•, most•, provide•, develop•, offer•, 10987 | 0.93 A
include, •environmental, require
● complete, inclusive, full, all-inclusive, wide-ranging, 2961 load n
broad adj heavy, full, high, light, viral, total, maximum,
11602 | 0.89 A cognitive, huge, average noun debt•, •cell, fund,
course•, case, work•, teaching•, •capacity verb carry•,
2926 introduction n reduce, lighten•, handle•, haul•, increase, apply, drop•,
adj new, brief, recent, general, formal, excellent, gentle, dump•, teach•
gradual noun •page, technology, letter•, species, ● weight, cargo, freight, consignment, shipment,
product, section, reference•, article, disease, •edition burden
verb write•, provide•, include•, follow•, note, mention•, 10869 | 0.93
present, delay•, precede, allude
● foreword, opening, preface || outline, overview,
primer || institution, presentation, insertion
11483 | 0.90 A

2968 distribute v 3003 divorce n

noun •information, food, company, money, product, adj no-fault, final, bitter, messy, painful, nasty, parental,
material, fund, weight, •news, service, film, copy, ugly, impending, expensive noun marriage•, •rate, child,
power, •picture, data misc evenly, •among, widely•, year, •case, •law, parent, •lawyer, wife, separation verb
•throughout, •across, million get•, end•, file•, seek•, grant, sue•, handle•, settle,
● mete out, deal out, hand out, dole out || deliver, •proceed
supply, circulate, spread out ● separation, split, split-up, break up, annulment
10747 | 0.94 10322 | 0.96

2975 lawn n 3010 tail n

adj front, green, manicured, wide, broad, sloping, adj long, red, bushy, blue, top, stiff, fluffy, prehensile,
healthy, rolling, flat noun •mower, •chair, house, forked, muscular noun •end, head•, leg, dog, tip•,
garden, oak•, south•, tree, •care, grass, water verb comet, •feather, fin, lobster•, wing verb wag, turn, hang,
mow•, sit•, cut, walk•, cross•, surround, push, park, chase•, twitch, grab•, curl, lift, thump, flick
spread, stretch 10663 | 0.92 F
● grass, sward, grassland, meadow || turf, grass,
pasture, meadow 3017 custom n
10815 | 0.93 adj local, social, traditional, religious, ancient, common,
tribal, cultural, native, strange noun law, •official,
2982 garlic n •agent, immigration, •service, border, •officer, design,
adj minced, large, fresh, chopped, roasted, green, •union verb build, follow•, create, •fit, adopt, maintain,
crushed noun clove, onion, oil, teaspoon, pepper, salt, adapt•, •dictate, specialize•, differ
tablespoon, •powder, cup, sauce verb •mince, add•, ● tradition, practice, convention || habit, practice,
chop, stir, cook, •peel, saute, slice, combine•, taste routine || trade, business, patronage
11449 | 0.87 M 10408 | 0.94

2989 fantasy n 3024 damage v

adj sexual, male, romantic, pure, erotic, ultimate, noun liver•, brain, reputation, kidney, system, cell,
female, secret, paranoid noun world, reality, life, man, •credibility, fire, car, lung, •relationship, •environment,
child, fiction, science, play, •novel, •land verb live•, relation, tissue, vessel misc •by, badly•, severely•,
indulge•, act, fulfill•, share, •involve, feed•, engage, seriously•, heavily•
inspire, •harm ● injure, harm, spoil, hurt, smash up, break
● dream, daydream, image, hope || imagination, 10163 | 0.96
unreality, caprice, whim
10448 | 0.95 3031 consume v
noun food, amount, percent, energy, alcohol, water,
2996 ongoing j fire, American•, product, resource, quantity, fat, flame,
noun process, investigation, part, debate, effort, study, animal, process misc •by, •less, nearly, •approximately,
program, research, project, war, relationship, problem billion, quickly
misc •between, provide•, require•, because•, ● eat, drink, devour || use, use up, expend || destroy,
•professional, despite•, involve annihilate, burn up
● continuing, constant, rolling, current, in progress, 10308 | 0.95
10721 | 0.92 A 3038 in c
(in that) which, year, new, way, place, •world, life,
school, country, case, •area, city, •United States, •fact
9996 | 0.97

3045 limitation n 3080 helpful j

adj functional, inherent, important, present, certain, noun comment, information, suggestion, hint, tip,
major, possible, future, human, potential noun study, advice, reviewer, tool, resource, discussion, staff,
statute•, term•, space, effluent•, strength, power, use, article misc very•, may•, also•, find•, might•, most•,
result, approach verb impose, overcome•, recognize•, especially•, particularly•
include, understand•, accept•, address•, consider, ● useful, beneficial, advantageous, of use || obliging,
•apply, face cooperative, accommodating, supportive
● drawback, inadequacy, imperfection, weakness, 10120 | 0.94
shortcoming, snag
11038 | 0.88 A 3087 contest n
adj annual, presidential, democratic, athletic, primary,
3052 arrest n close, staring noun beauty•, winner, essay•, popularity•,
adj cardiac, sudden, arbitrary, respiratory, prize, week, entry, costume•, photo•, recipe• verb win•,
cardiopulmonary, immediate, mandatory noun house•, enter•, plead•, sponsor, judge, compete•, participate•,
warrant, police, drug, record, month, •conviction, case, feature, conduct, announce
charge, officer verb make, lead•, issue, resist•, follow, ● competition, tournament, challenge, race, match,
result•, place•, announce•, report, •occur gala
● capture, seizure, detention, apprehension, custody 10002 | 0.95
10250 | 0.94
3094 organic j
3059 educate v noun matter, food, material, compound, soil, farm,
noun child, people, •student, •public, parent, •kid, farmer, product, carbon, farming, molecule, waste misc
•other, •consumer, university, health, girl misc •about, volatile•, grow, such, buy•, natural, certified•, produce,
well, need•, highly•, help•, •themselves, •yourself, inorganic
inform, raise, poorly• ● carbon-based, biological, living || unprocessed,
● teach, instruct, school, edify, tutor, train unrefined, untreated || gradual, natural, spontaneous
10171 | 0.95 10572 | 0.89 M

3066 rid v 3101 myth n

noun •Saddam, body, •weapon, •stuff, desire, •debt, adj Greek, ancient, popular, urban, modern, racial,
•dirt, •wrinkle, •cellulite, •corruption, •racism, •steroid religious, Christian, African, classical noun legend,
misc •of, get•, •them, want•, try•, •himself, •themselves, •reality, history, creation•, origin, culture, ritual, version,
•itself, •myself, •ourselves, •herself, glad•, •yourself, rape• verb dispel•, perpetuate•, debunk•, base,
•nuclear, •excess •surround, explode•, shatter•, destroy•, promote, relate
● free, clear, purge, liberate, divest, do away with ● legend, fable, saga, fairy story || falsehood, fiction,
10104 | 0.95 illusion, invention
10161 | 0.93 A
3073 efficiency n
adj high, great, economic, improved, low, increased, 3108 nerve n
maximum, improving, thermal noun energy•, fuel•, adj facial, cranial, raw, peripheral, cochlear, pinched,
improvement, gain, cost, percent, •standard, laryngeal noun •cell, •gas, •damage, •ending, optic•,
effectiveness, use, speed verb improve•, reduce, •center, •fiber, •agent verb get•, touch•, lose•, strike•,
achieve, enhance•, promote•, boost•, result, save, hit•, calm•, cause, control, jangle, connect
decrease, •vary ● courage, bravery, spirit, audacity || boldness,
● competence, efficacy, effectiveness, productivity, impudence, insolence, effrontery
proficiency, adeptness 9933 | 0.94
10579 | 0.91 A

3115 controversial j 3150 detailed j

noun issue, decision, figure, program, topic, book, case, noun information, description, analysis, study, account,
subject, plan, proposal, film, policy misc most•, more•, plan, map, report, discussion, data, instruction,
very•, become•, highly•, remain•, less•, somewhat• explanation misc more•, provide•, give•, most•, offer•,
● contentious, provocative, debated, debatable, include•, require•, highly•
divisive, hot ● full, thorough, comprehensive, complete, exhaustive,
9918 | 0.94 meticulous
10006 | 0.92 A
3122 suspect n
adj prime, possible, potential, criminal, likely, chief, 3157 workshop n
main, primary, British noun police, murder, terror•, adj professional, educational, free, special, hands-on,
bombing, •custody, list, crime, arrest, terrorism•, victim various, two-day, three-day, one-day, numerous noun
verb identify, become•, consider•, name•, shoot, track•, teacher, participant, conference, training, summer•,
question, kill, •flee, •confess writer•, course, writing•, lecture, center verb attend•,
● accused, defendant, respondent hold, conduct•, offer, teach, lead, provide, participate•,
10204 | 0.91 S •focus, develop
● clinic, seminar, practicum || shop, plant, factory ||
3129 provider n studio, workspace, workroom
adj other, large, medical, private, primary, social, 9926 | 0.93 A
leading, preferred, financial, content noun service•,
care•, health•, Internet•, healthcare•, abortion•, family, 3164 flavor n
child, company, cable• verb •offer, require, pay, choose, adj rich, sweet, strong, fresh, mild, intense, full, nutty,
check, •charge, compete, •assess, link, assist subtle, smoky noun texture, color, food, dish, fruit,
● breadwinner, wage-earner, earner, worker || aroma, tomato, ice, chocolate, chicken verb add, blend,
supplier, source, contributor, donor bring•, enhance, develop, retain•, taste, impart•, enjoy•,
10196 | 0.91 A •meld
● taste, savor, zest || additive, seasoning, extract ||
3136 handful n hint, sense, feeling
adj small, tiny, relative, mere, double, select, scant 10143 | 0.91 M
noun •people, •company, •state, •woman, •case,
•country, •player, •other, •seed verb grab•, throw•, pick•, 3171 orange j
pull•, scoop•, toss•, eat• noun peel, bowl, zest, light, rind, grove, tree, slice, glow,
● some, a few, one or two, not many || test, trial, blossom, jumpsuit misc bright•, yellow, grate•, wear•,
problem, nuisance red, blue, black
9735 | 0.95 ● carroty, red, ginger, auburn
9755 | 0.94
3143 request v
noun information, •anonymity, •assistance, •permission, 3178 cabin n
government, letter•, service, •meeting, •copy, •help, adj main, small, tiny, forward, aft, one-room, first-class
administration•, court, teacher, member, report misc noun log•, door, night, wood, room, passenger,
million, •additional, send, free, specifically•, formally•, mountain, •fever, window, light verb build, stay, fill,
•complete, deny, repeatedly• enter•, share, rent, hide, •feature, emerge•,
● ask for, demand, apply for, call for, entreat, invite •accommodate
9619 | 0.96 ● hut, log cabin, cottage, bungalow || compartment,
cubicle, berth, cab
9955 | 0.92 F

3185 pine n 3227 flame n

adj white, tall, green, yellow, lone, loblolly, towering, adj blue, open, orange, low, eternal, bright, Olympic,
knotty noun •tree, •forest, •nut, •needle, oak, •cone, tiny, medium, medium-high noun fire, smoke, candle,
mountain, fir, stand•, wood verb grow, cut, smell•, wall•, gas, tongue•, •retardant, keeper•, ball•, sky verb
cover, plant, surround, whisper•, line, sprinkle•, burst•, burn, fan•, •shoot, engulf, light, •lick, •rise,
dominate watch•, explode
9824 | 0.93 ● blaze, flare, spark, flicker, fire, conflagration
9716 | 0.92 F
3192 absolute j
noun power, value, truth, term, right, number, 3234 depict v
certainty, difference, necessity, zero, control, authority noun figure, scene, painting, woman, life, image, film,
misc •best, relative, above•, total, than•, moral, rather• artist, table, event, mural•, art, character, subject,
● total, complete, utter || unconditional, unlimited, landscape misc as, often•, female, accurately, various,
supreme || conclusive, resolved, firm sexual, graphically
9622 | 0.94 ● portray, show, represent, describe, illustrate, paint
9721 | 0.92 A
3199 register v
noun voter, face, •degree, car, thermometer•, offender, 3241 borrow v
mind, •complaint, •surprise, gun, •Republican, •course, noun •money, •phrase, •car, bank, •friend, book,
poll, citizen, Democrat misc •vote, require•, barely•, government•, idea, term, dollar, fund, loan, cost,
million, fail•, insert•, officially• interest, rate misc •from, •against, •heavily, beg•, •steal,
● enter, list, record || enlist, enroll, sign on || disclose, •directly, freely
show, convey || reach, touch, record ● have a loan of, use, make use of, have access to ||
9389 | 0.96 copy, plagiarize, derive, pirate
9150 | 0.97
3206 shit n
adj holy, little, full, deep, fucking, crazy, stupid, sick, 3248 weekly j
sorry, dumb noun piece•, dog•, pile, •fan, hell, chicken•, noun standard, newspaper, editor, magazine, basis,
dude, piss verb give•, beat•, scare•, fuck, eat•, pull, •hit, news, meeting, show, session, column, program, report
smell•, kick, shoot misc meet•, daily, write•, publish, monthly, twice•,
11047 | 0.82 F attend•, average•
9297 | 0.95
3213 economics n
adj international, supply-side, trickle-down, 3255 measurement n
neoclassical, agricultural, applied, ecological noun adj accurate, precise, direct, curriculum-based,
professor, politics, law•, school•, science, business, standard, objective, actual, quantitative, physical,
home•, degree•, market•, history verb teach, study•, recent noun error, system, instrument, data, method,
major•, apply, specialize, •dictate, dominate, model, performance, •technique, study, •period verb
revolutionize•, concern, •supplant make, take, base, include, obtain, compare, allow,
9758 | 0.92 determine, •indicate, perform
● dimension, size, extent, quantity, amount, capacity
3220 fly n 10187 | 0.87 A
adj dry, black, tiny, dead, male, Spanish, stable, wet,
light noun •rod, •ball, fruit•, fishing, sacrifice•, line, •ash 3262 wise j
verb •buzz, catch, hit•, swat•, drop•, kill, cast, unzip•, noun man, use, decision, choice, guy, word, investment,
•land policy, movement, person, move, advice misc old,
9689 | 0.93 •enough, •beyond, •foolish, smart, crack•, prudent,
● astute, intelligent, prudent || knowledgeable,
learned, informed || shrewd, cunning, crafty
9101 | 0.97

3269 medium n 3311 killing n

adj new, interstellar, different, happy, acrylic, mass, adj mass, innocent, brutal, involved, serial, responsible,
intergalactic, electronic, perfect noun heat•, recent, indiscriminate, senseless, intentional noun
communication, spirit•, television, painting, art, •field, •spree, •machine, •civilian, mercy•, •ground,
•message, artist, light, yellow• verb use, reduce•, mix•, contract•, death verb stop, •occur, charge•, end, order•,
increase•, explore, employ, master condemn•, accuse•, investigate•, convict•, link
● means, vehicle, channel, mode, method, way ● murder, assassination, butchery, slaughter, carnage,
9523 | 0.92 M homicide
9109 | 0.95
3276 lung n
adj black, right, left, normal, full, collapsed, punctured, 3318 transformation n
healthy, artificial noun •cancer, heart, •disease, air, adj social, political, economic, radical, personal, cultural,
blood, •function, •tissue, breath, risk, patient verb fill, major, dramatic, profound, structural noun process,
cause, breathe, burn, develop, collapse, puncture, •society, change, economy, conflict•, data, market,
damage•, affect, •ache strategy verb undergo•, •occur, involve, lead, require,
9206 | 0.95 describe, experience, witness•, achieve•, perform
● alteration, conversion, revolution, renovation,
3283 basket n makeover, change
adj hanging, full, woven, empty, easy, wooden, winning, 9561 | 0.90 A
game-winning, round noun egg•, •case, picnic•, fruit,
wicker•, laundry•, bread, ball, gift•, wire• verb fill, carry•, 3325 nonetheless r
hold, weave, set, place, hang, lift•, •contain, line but•, remain, significant, manage, •insist, powerful,
● bag, hamper, picnic basket, linen basket, wicker substantial, impressive, considerable, useful, distinct,
basket, shopping basket discourse, •crucial, valuable
9316 | 0.94 ● however, nevertheless, even so, on the other hand
9168 | 0.93 A
3290 portray v
noun woman, character, media, image, movie, film, 3332 blanket n
actor•, figure, picture, television, culture, attempt•, adj electric, warm, heavy, thick, wet, soft, thin, blue,
event, animal, screen misc •as, •himself, often•, try•, extra, woolen noun pillow, bed, sheet, wool•, security•,
•themselves, accurately•, seek•, usually• baby, •shoulder, beach•, snow, •chest verb wrap•, cover,
● depict, represent, describe, show, render, interpret pull, lay, spread, throw, sit, drape
9202 | 0.94 ● coverlet, cover, covering, over-blanket, bedspread,
electric blanket
3297 cookie n 9385 | 0.91 F
adj chocolate-chip, tough, baked, ungreased, hot, fresh,
favorite, warm, basic, remaining noun •sheet, 3339 prescription n
chocolate•, chip•, dough, •cutter, •jar, fortune• verb adj nonmedical, available, over-the-counter, lethal,
make, bake, eat•, place, cut, buy•, sell•, cool, press, cheap, expensive, affordable, valid, leftover, high-
crumble priced noun •drug, •medication, doctor, •benefit, use,
9480 | 0.91 M coverage, •medicine, cost, plan, policy• verb write, fill,
provide•, pay•, buy, offer•, cover, refuse•, •cure,
3304 awful j •relieve
noun lot, thing, time, day, place, truth, moment, night, ● medicine, treatment, drug, preparation, remedy,
feeling, noise, news, stuff misc there•, feel•, something•, medicament
•happen, sound•, pretty•, spend•
9169 | 0.93
● dreadful, terrible, appalling, unpleasant, poor,
9300 | 0.93

3346 consensus n 3381 cool v

adj general, national, broad, political, scientific, noun minute, rack, water, pan, air, heat, hour, •heel,
international, growing noun building, group, lack•, issue, cake, cookie, engine, skin, cup, •degree, planet misc
policy, decision, •view, •conference, panel, •builder •down, •completely, •slightly, allow•, •before, aside•,
verb reach, build•, •emerge, achieve, develop, •exist, until, let•
reflect•, base, seek•, support off after, •bit, weather
● agreement, accord, harmony, compromise, consent, ● make cold, freshen, refrigerate, cool off || wane,
unanimity abate, dampen down, dampen
9250 | 0.92 A 8980 | 0.93 M

3353 sake n 3388 grave n

adj sweet, premium, chilled, precious, soy, super- adj mass, shallow, unmarked, open, fresh, common,
premium noun heaven•, goodness•, art•, argument, native, watery, empty noun mother, cemetery, father,
safety•, God•, sake, convenience, pity•, appearance cradle•, flower, foot•, stone, parent, husband,
verb sacrifice•, assume, drink•, compromise•, •mutter, •repatriation verb dig•, visit•, bury•, stand, mark, walk•,
sip• lay, lie, fill, rise•
8954 | 0.94 F ● tomb, crypt, vault, burial chamber || tomb, crypt,
vault, burial place
3360 reinforce v 8868 | 0.94
noun behavior, •idea, •notion, •belief, view, image,
message, value, •point, •stereotype, •concept, •sense, 3395 makeup n
skill, impression, identity misc •by, far•, mutually•, adj ethnic, genetic, racial, heavy, chemical,
social, serve• psychological, physical noun •artist, hair, eye, face,
● strengthen, underpin, buttress, bolster || add force clothes, skin, mirror, •bag, costume, jewelry verb wear•,
to, boost, emphasize, underline put•, apply, change, remove•, touch, reflect•, smear,
9345 | 0.90 A alter, blend
● cosmetics, face paint, greasepaint || composition,
3367 sacred j constitution, structure || temperament, character,
noun place, heart, site, space, text, cow, ground, object, personality
land, church, mountain, thing misc most•, nothing•, 8916 | 0.93
secular, consider•, religious, •profane, native
● holy, blessed, consecrated, hallowed, revered, 3402 rail n
sanctified adj light, high-speed, top, bottom, front, wooden,
9018 | 0.93 A heavy noun •line, •system, •car, commuter•, road, side•,
bus, •service, •yard, •station verb lean•, ride•, stand,
3374 square n build, cut, connect, grab•, •link, climb•, grip•
adj public, central, main, downtown, ordinary, tiny, ● bar, railing, handrail, banister, support, barrier
mean, wide, gray, framing noun time•, •garden, town•, 8826 | 0.93
city, market•, street, red•, park, center, village• verb
cut•, fill, place, form, gather•, overlook•, cross•, 3409 peer v
surround, locate, frame noun •window, eye, face, room, head•, wall, •corner,
● four-sided figure, quadrangle, tetragon, rectangle || •hole, •screen, top, •windshield, mirror, tree, telescope,
plaza, open area, marketplace, place astronomer• misc •at, •into, •through, •out, •over,
8906 | 0.94 •around, •inside
● look, scrutinize, gaze, stare, examine, look closely
9099 | 0.90 F

3416 norm n 3451 hunt v

adj social, cultural, subjective, moral, traditional, noun deer, animal, game, dog, bird, hunter, elk, •food,
political, human, local, sexual, societal noun value, duck, season, •prey, bear, wolf, buffalo, caribou misc
group, rule, attitude, culture, peer•, exception, gender•, fish, wild, •together, •gather, prefer•, heavily, actively•,
practice, set• verb become•, establish, violate•, base, legally
conform•, compare•, •govern, reflect•, •favor, promote down •kill, •terrorist, •criminal, •enemy, mission•,
● custom, average, rule, model, type, standard agent•, •cancer, capture
9360 | 0.88 A ● chase, pursue, stalk || seek out, hunt down, track
down || search, seek, rummage
3423 organ n 8812 | 0.92 M
adj other, internal, vital, reproductive, sexual, major,
sensory, various, female, light noun •transplant, body, 3458 compound n
pipe, tissue, •donation, donor, system, •music verb play, adj organic, chemical, related, active, annual, walled,
donate, remove, grow, affect, receive, function, fail, main, complex, various, similar noun branch•, family•,
damage, contain sulfur•, plant, embassy•, •interest, effect, •rate, •eye,
● structure, tissue, body part || publication, metal verb contain, produce, enter, test, form, identify,
mouthpiece, newspaper || agency, organization, body surround, •cause, discover, •derive
8596 | 0.95 ● mix, mixture, complex, amalgam, composite,
3430 counseling n 8573 | 0.94
adj individual, psychological, professional,
comprehensive, genetic, pastoral, premarital, online 3465 presidency n
noun school•, •program, •service, student, group, adj vice, modern, successful, collective, failed, entire,
•center, family, career•, •session, guidance verb powerful noun year, office•, candidate•, run•, power•,
provide•, need, offer, seek•, receive•, support, attend•, campaign•, Congress, election, Republican, college verb
undergo•, focus, teach win•, assume•, seek•, lose•, resign•, define, weaken,
● therapy, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, analysis, rotate, •unravel
treatment ● premiership, position, job, function || post, status,
9303 | 0.88 A function, office
8814 | 0.91 S
3437 favor n
adj sexual, special, big, political, personal, huge, divine, 3472 cry n
enormous, royal noun party•, curry•, percent, odds•, adj far, shrill, sharp, loud, muffled, anguished, plaintive,
champagne, vote•, argument•, gift, toast, scale• verb soft, strangled, piercing noun •help, rallying•, battle•,
do•, ask, return•, fall•, work•, find•, gain•, rule• baby, war•, •pain, boy•, •freedom verb hear•, give•,
● good turn, errand, kindness || approval, support, listen•, utter•, stop, rally•, respond•, ignore•, •fill,
kindness || gift, trinket, token answer
8403 | 0.97 ● call, shout, exclamation, yell, scream, shriek
8648 | 0.93 F
3444 surgeon n
adj orthopedic, American, cosmetic, medical, chief, 3479 final n
cardiac, oral, vascular, retired noun •general, plastic•, adj regional, national, open, sectional, consecutive,
heart•, physician•, brain•, hospital, patient, office, army, 100-meter, all-american, amateur noun game,
transplant• verb •perform, •remove, •operate, allow•, conference•, year, cup•, team, •minute, •week,
recommend, •specialize, refer, •implant, •insert, consult tournament•, point verb reach•, win, play, lose,
● doctor, physician, medical practitioner, specialist, advance•, contain, •consist, score, miss•, include
neurosurgeon, plastic surgeon ● round, match, game, decider, last leg
8519 | 0.95 8964 | 0.89 N

3486 secondary j 3528 daily r

noun school, education, student, level, market, study, dinner•, lunch•, open•, almost•, hour, •commute, twice•,
program, source, mirror, role, importance, analysis •reservation, breakfast, •living, activity, meal•, •physical,
misc elementary•, primary•, public, •social, •such, teach, serving•
•physical, junior• ● every day, each day, on a daily basis, day by day, day
● subordinate, minor, inferior, lesser || resulting, after day
resultant, derived, derivative 8405 | 0.93
9121 | 0.87 A
3535 reliable j
3493 curve n noun source, information, data, measure, system, way,
adj steep, light, smooth, gentle, normal, low, sharp, flat, instrument, test, indicator, result, estimate, method
graceful, blind noun learning•, bell•, •ball, figure, road, misc more•, most•, valid, provide•, welcome•, less•,
growth•, yield•, demand•, body, supply• verb show, accurate, safe
follow•, throw•, round•, learn•, represent, trace•, fit, ● dependable, consistent, steadfast, unswerving,
hit•, form unfailing, trustworthy
● arc, bend, bow, curvature, arch, camber 8302 | 0.94
8397 | 0.95
3542 occasional j
3500 exclude v noun series, use, visit, article, call, problem, piece, trip,
noun woman, •analysis, group, study, •possibility, tree, appearance, sound, visitor misc only•, even•,
•other, patient, policy•, •participation, black, data, except•, despite•, well•, punctuate•, than•
person, activity, reason, category misc •from, ● infrequent, chance, irregular, sporadic, rare,
specifically•, military, largely•, tend•, explicitly•, intermittent
previously• 8162 | 0.95
● keep out, leave out, bar, prohibit || reject, rule out,
eliminate, discount 3549 tip v
8780 | 0.90 A noun head, •hat, •scale, •balance, hand, chair, •side,
•cap, police, •edge, boat, ball, box, mouth, cup misc
3507 corridor n •over, •back, •toward, •forward, •favor, •onto, •slightly
adj long, narrow, main, dark, empty, central, short off police, FBI, reporter, play, •authority, official,
noun room, end•, door, •night, hospital•, •power, wall, basketball•, guard, foreign, schedule
floor, street•, hotel• verb walk•, lead, move, connect, ● tilt, slope, slant || knock over, pour, empty || give,
enter, line, light, fill, echo•, •stretch slip, reward
● passage, passageway, hall, hallway || strip, access 8300 | 0.93
strip, air corridor, flight path
8842 | 0.89 F 3556 plead v
noun •charge, •case, •contest, eye, •misdemeanor,
3514 excuse v •help, voice, defendant•, •manslaughter, •ignorance,
noun •behavior, lady, •expression, •pun, •French, •mercy, official, officer•, executive•, •cause misc •guilty,
•conduct, •mess, •ignorance, •brutality, •ma'am misc •innocent, beg, later•, agree•, •lesser, •fifth, cry,
•me, •himself, please, •herself, •myself, •interrupt, •sentence, silently
•themselves ● beg, beseech, implore || declare, assert, claim ||
● forgive, pardon, acquit || explain, overlook, justify || defend, argue, support
exempt, free, relieve 8140 | 0.95
8722 | 0.90 S F

3521 T-shirt n
adj white, black, blue, red, baggy, faded, gray, green,
tight, yellow noun jeans, short, pant, cap, cotton•, hat,
jacket, shirt, •shop, sneakers verb wear•, sell•, •read,
pull, buy•, dress•, print, •bear, •hang, feature
8386 | 0.94

3563 suburb n 3605 encounter n

adj northern, southern, affluent, western, wealthy, adj sexual, close, brief, personal, casual, initial, recent,
middle-class, quiet, outer, growing, surrounding noun previous, violent, face-to-face noun chance•, kind,
city, north, south, town, area, county, west, northwest •, •death, animal, nature, detail•, memory•, sort, series•,
•mile, resident verb live•, move•, build, drive, locate, UFO verb describe•, •occur, recall•, involve, survive•,
flee•, surround, spread, commute•, house result, experience, avoid, record, engage
● conurbation, environs, district, development, area, ● meeting, chance meeting, happenstance
exurbia 8073 | 0.94
8249 | 0.93 N
3612 wish n
3570 motivate v adj true, best, dying, fond, secret, fervent, dear,
noun student, people, behavior, action, individual, greatest, deepest, ardent noun •list, death•, father,
employee, other, force, person, interest, need, •greed, mother, parent, Christmas, patient•, •fulfillment verb
player, effort, activity misc •by, highly•, politically•, make•, grant, express•, respect•, carry, follow, honor•,
primarily fulfill•, keep
● inspire, stimulate, encourage, egg on || cause, ● desire, aspiration, hope, yearning || request,
prompt, provoke, induce demand, bidding, command
8324 | 0.92 A 7789 | 0.97

3577 legislative j 3619 ownership n

noun branch, history, executive, session, process, adj private, public, foreign, local, corporate, full,
council, action, body, power, election, agenda, collective noun land, home•, gun•, property, sense•,
proposal misc judicial, during, federal, regulatory, right, •group, form•, company, employee• verb claim•,
•administrative, special•, congressional retain•, transfer•, increase, base•, encourage, restrict,
● lawmaking, governmental, judicial, jurisdictive, promote, assume•, imply
statutory, parliamentary ● possession, rights, tenure, proprietorship, title
8384 | 0.91 A 8177 | 0.92 A

3584 plain j 3626 laugh n

noun sight, yogurt, view, language, paper, fact, clothes, adj good, big, little, short, hearty, nervous, throaty,
face, folk, text, truth, bread misc just•, •old, •white, bitter, loud, deep noun •line, lot•, smile, •track, belly•,
•simple, •wrong, hide•, •black, wear• •riot, •cry, barrel• verb make•, get•, give•, hear, add•,
● basic, unadorned, pure || evident, obvious, manifest share•, stifle•, force•, feel, bark•
|| blunt, straightforward, direct || homely, ordinary, ● fun, joke, teasing, giggle, hoot, game
plain-featured 8164 | 0.92 F
8015 | 0.95
3633 project v
3591 assemble v noun image, year, •screen, •power, •future, •wall,
noun team, group, collection, part, force, piece, panel, population, budget, ability•, earnings, slide, deficit, cost,
component, •list, data, crowd•, worker•, •salad, light, film misc •onto, million, •increase, •grow, billion,
ingredient, army misc easy•, quickly, fully•, easily, •forward, upon, •beyond
hastily• ● forecast, predict, estimate || stick out, jut out,
● bring together, draw together, collect || muster, protrude || throw, launch, shoot || plan, envisage,
collect, meet || put together, build, make propose
7996 | 0.95 7871 | 0.95

3598 southwest n
adj American, rural, arid, far, ancient, dry, extreme
noun mile•, •airline, •conference, state, •corner, center,
city, •side, area, desert• verb locate•, fly, lie•, head,
travel•, situate•, shift•, •resume
8190 | 0.93

3640 warrior n 3682 continuing j

adj great, cold, young, holy, fierce, wounded, happy, noun education, problem, program, effort, coverage,
reluctant, dead, native noun road•, weekend•, woman, development, resolution, debate, operation,
•society, battle, war, king, rainbow•, culture, spirit verb investigation, series, need misc despite•, economic,
•fight, lead, •ride, •attack, defeat, depict, •guard, because•, •professional, reflect•, •forever, due•, amid•
portray•, transform•, bind ● ongoing, current, enduring, remaining, unending,
● soldier, fighter, combatant, trooper lasting
7975 | 0.93 7845 | 0.94

3647 privilege n 3689 peaceful j

adj special, attorney-client, social, certain, male, rare, noun solution, resolution, world, means, settlement,
secret, lawyer-client, legal, constitutional noun right, coexistence, way, life, place, transition, change, protest
executive•, power, honor, claim, wealth•, •citizen, misc more•, nuclear, quiet, democratic, relatively•,
position, •clause, client verb give, enjoy, grant, pay•, political, stable, seek•
lose•, invoke•, protect, assert•, deny, waive• ● quiet, serene, calm, still || nonviolent, passive,
● freedom, license, opportunity, dispensation || honor, diplomatic, peaceable
source of pride, treat, pleasure 7704 | 0.95
7923 | 0.94
3696 simultaneously r
3654 re i while•, almost•, both, several, different, occur•,
in•, •editor, •na, •elect, eg•, re, •search, Inc, •supposed, multiple, exist•, operate•, thus, present, variable•,
•circle, •speaker, fa, •metal, •adoption identity, direction
● on the subject of, with regard to, with reference to, ● at the same time, concurrently, in chorus, at once, all
concerning, regarding, about together, instantaneously
15773 | 0.47 S 7960 | 0.92 A

3661 pond n 3703 retired j

adj small, little, frozen, shallow, nearby, tiny, muddy noun general, officer, army, teacher, person, colonel,
noun water, lake, fish, duck, stream, edge•, surface, worker, professor, executive, police, employee,
farm•, area, tree verb build, swim, dig, stock, overlook•, engineer misc •who, American•, •military, recently•,
surround, drop•, drain, •freeze, dry •marine, •live, •former, senior
● pool, fishpond, millpond, tarn, mere ● superannuated, pensioned off, discharged, emeritus,
7971 | 0.93 emerita, elderly
7869 | 0.92 N
3668 minimum j
noun wage, standard, requirement, level, size, age, 3710 colony n
investment, number, amount, increase, tax, sentence adj British, American, French, penal, Portuguese,
misc raise•, require, pay•, meet•, set, alternative•, European, whole, southern, original, lost noun artist•,
mandatory, maximum ant, bee, art•, space•, crown•, •ship, population, leper•
● smallest, least, lowest, minutest, slightest, tiniest verb establish, form, found, settle, arrive•, destroy,
8011 | 0.92 declare, defend•, •revert, •persist
● settlement, outpost, dependency, protectorate ||
3675 aim n gathering, group, collection, cluster
adj ultimate, primary, political, main, social, present, 7822 | 0.93
stated, careful, dead, principal noun •study, war•,
article, movement, method, goal, objective, purpose,
rifle, strategy verb take•, achieve•, accomplish•, pursue•,
•improve, state•, shift•, adjust•
● goal, purpose, intention, object, objective, target
7973 | 0.92 A

3717 towel n 3752 enthusiasm n

adj clean, wet, damp, white, hot, folded, cold, cool adj great, full, infectious, initial, contagious, youthful,
noun paper•, hand, dish•, kitchen•, head, bath•, face, renewed, unbridled, popular noun energy, lack•,
beach•, •rack, hair verb wrap, throw•, place, dry, cover•, student, lot•, interest, level, excitement, project,
hang, •wipe, grab•, drape, drop• passion verb share•, show•, dampen•, generate, lose•,
● cloth, bath towel, bath sheet, hand towel, guest express•, curb•, greet•, •wane, inspire
towel, tea towel ● eagerness, interest, fervor, passion || craze, interest,
7978 | 0.91 F hobby, passion
7368 | 0.97
3724 conduct n
adj professional, sexual, disorderly, criminal, personal, 3759 mandate n
homosexual, moral, ethical, human, improper noun adj federal, unfunded, British, clear, broad,
code•, rule•, •war, standard•, •disorder, •problem, congressional, individual, local, constitutional, popular
president, policy, kind•, law verb engage•, govern•, noun state, employer•, government, law, nation,
involve, regulate•, violate, charge•, condemn•, prohibit, •change, agency, legislation, •coverage, election verb
establish•, determine require, provide, carry, impose, comply•, receive,
● behavior, demeanor, ways, manner || management, •protect, enforce, •reduce, fulfill•
handling, organization, administration ● order, command, directive || permission,
7821 | 0.92 A authorization, consent || term of office, reign, tenure
7704 | 0.92
3731 weird j
noun thing, way, stuff, guy, sort, kid, feeling, place, idea, 3766 mechanical j
sound, noise, science misc really•, feel•, something•, noun engineering, engineer, system, device, problem,
too, little•, kind• failure, design, property, arm, energy, part,
● strange, odd, bizarre, peculiar, uncanny, eerie reproduction misc electrical, •such, electronic, cause,
7709 | 0.93 F chemical, thermal, than, rather
● motorized, powered, power-driven, automatic ||
3738 survey v automatic, perfunctory, involuntary, unconscious
noun student, •scene, study, area, •room, group, 7835 | 0.90 A
teacher, •damage, American•, university•, •landscape,
analyst•, land, field, researcher misc •report, recently•, 3773 trait n
•determine, •indicate, nearly, •regarding, conduct, adj common, certain, positive, human, cultural, genetic,
briefly personal, different, specific, desirable noun
● examine, review, study || look at, consider, peruse personality•, •anxiety, character•, gene, measure, value,
|| plot, map out, chart scale, behavior, individual, plant verb share, associate,
7556 | 0.95 possess•, exhibit•, identify, inherit, develop, pass,
define, reflect
3745 intelligent j ● mannerism, peculiarity, attribute, characteristic,
noun design, life, man, woman, system, person, eye, feature, quality
being, way, decision, species, machine misc very•, 7980 | 0.89 A
more•, highly•, most•, •enough, young, less•
● brainy, bright, smart, gifted || sensible, rational, wise, 3780 corruption n
logical adj political, public, rampant, widespread, military,
7373 | 0.97 economic, official, corporate noun government, charge,
•scandal, police, crime, allegation, investigation, case,
mismanagement, violence verb fight•, expose•,
investigate•, accuse•, involve, root•, end•, face•,
•threaten, undermine
● dishonesty, exploitation, sleaze, bribery || depravity,
perversion, immorality, harm
7518 | 0.94

3787 compromise n 3822 blow n

adj political, possible, reasonable, territorial, adj big, final, devastating, serious, fatal, major, low,
acceptable, grand, bipartisan noun •bill, kind•, room•, severe, crushing noun body•, death•, hammer•, •dryer,
•plan, sort•, negotiation, •solution, budget verb make, knockout•, sand•, •hole, sound• verb deal•, strike•,
reach, accept•, offer•, negotiate•, agree, •allow, strike, deliver•, soften•, suffer•, land, receive
seek•, represent• ● knock, crack, jolt, swipe || setback, upset,
● agreement, settlement, arrangement, bargain, disappointment, shock
concession, deal 7324 | 0.95
7469 | 0.94
3829 hook n
3794 rush n adj left, red, right, grappling, treble, single, baited,
adj sudden, mad, headlong, frantic, last-minute, usual, barbless noun line, fish, phone•, •sinker, coat•, meat•,
heady, giddy, gold, dizzying noun •hour, gold•, •copy, metal•, dough•, •back, •shot verb let•, hang, set, ring•,
•transcript, adrenaline, pass•, morning•, •judgment, •air, bait, catch, attach, remove, dangle, push
•traffic verb feel•, experience, avoid•, trigger•, rush, ● peg, hanger, nail, knob, catch, fishhook
•embrace, •sweep, slow, adrenaline•, scour• 7382 | 0.94
● haste, hurry, urgency, flash || blast, current, gale,
gust 3836 attraction n
7458 | 0.94 adj main, sexual, big, popular, fatal, major, same-sex,
physical, mutual, gravitational noun tourist•, park, star•,
3801 lock n roadside•, area, sex, visitor, vector•, repulsion,
adj dark, curly, remote-control, electronic, remote, restaurant verb become•, include, offer, must-see•,
double, outer, virtual, stray, biometric noun door, key, explain•, •draw, feature, acknowledge•, express•,
•hair, eye, trigger•, •stock, air•, safety•, •box, •step verb diminish
open, change, turn, pick, break, check•, click, push, ● magnetism, lure, pull, desirability, hold, charm
close, release 7280 | 0.95
● security device, padlock, dead bolt, combination lock
|| curl, tuft, wisp, tress 3843 ship v
7605 | 0.92 F noun company, product, good, box, order, oil, food,
material, weapon, •north, computer, month, truck, arm,
3808 technological j •customer misc •back, •overseas, million, before•,
noun change, advance, innovation, development, •across, •directly, ready•, •abroad
progress, literacy, advancement, breakthrough, out before•, •Iraq, about, •again, soon, soldier•, troop•,
revolution, world, society, improvement misc economic, ready•, schedule• off before•, •war, •camp
scientific•, social, rapid•, •such, modern, major•, ● send, transport, distribute, dispatch, convey
financial 7264 | 0.95
● technical, scientific, industrial, high-tech
7780 | 0.90 A 3850 ankle n
adj right, sprained, left, broken, sore, twisted, thick,
3815 desire v injured, thin, weak noun knee, foot, •injury, leg, wrist,
noun information, result, outcome, weight, goal, top, heel, boot, •sprain, •support, weight verb break•, cross,
mixture, peace, seed, minute, privacy, unity, reduction, grab•, twist•, •swell, wear, fall, suffer, reach•, hurt
happiness, •grace misc leave•, whatever•, place, 7397 | 0.93 F
•immediately, additional, fresh, truly •, sexual
● want, wish for, long for, covet || request, ask,
require, appeal
7454 | 0.93

3857 rider n 3899 primary n

adj low, easy, free, young, rough, experienced, adj democratic, presidential, open, gubernatorial,
recreational, lone, light, serious noun horse, bike, bull•, contested, mayoral noun Republican•, new•, state,
bus, freedom•, subway• verb pass, carry, attract•, caucus, party, voter, week, candidate, election, vote
attach, compete, •pedal, •climb, •gallop, match, verb win•, hold, lose, enter•, defeat, focus, choose,
•dismount challenge•, •determine, include
● proviso, qualification, provision, condition, 7823 | 0.86 S
stipulation, requirement
7450 | 0.92 M 3906 guidance n
adj spiritual, parental, comprehensive, little, moral,
3864 anxious j clear, divine noun •counselor, school, teacher, •system,
noun parent, face, moment, eye, mother, voice, patient, •program, counseling, student, support, classroom•
look, glance, individual, thought, subject misc •about, verb provide•, give•, need, offer•, seek•, receive, issue•,
get, feel•, more•, very•, depressed, become•, seem• assist
● nervous, worried, concerned, uneasy || eager, keen, ● leadership, direction, supervision, management ||
enthusiastic, concerned help, assistance, advice, support
7096 | 0.96 7399 | 0.91 A

3871 poster n 3913 oral j

adj wanted, large, framed, missing, huge, colorful, giant, noun sex, history, tradition, argument, reading,
official, promotional noun •child, •boy, wall, movie•, contraceptive, communication, language, presentation,
•board, campaign, •girl, book, film, image verb hang, fluency, cavity, culture misc written, perform•, write,
put, read, plaster, cover, •advertise, create, display, during, receive•, anal, treat
feature, decorate ● spoken, verbal, viva voce, uttered, said, verbalized
● picture, print, reproduction, artwork || 7448 | 0.90 A
advertisement, placard, notice, bill
7069 | 0.96 3920 endorse v
noun president, •candidate, plan, •idea, bill, group,
3878 sum n Republican, government, party, •product, policy, •view,
adj large, huge, small, substantial, undisclosed, organization•, •use, approach misc •by, strongly•,
considerable, total, individual, equal, tidy noun •money, refuse•, publicly•, support, likely•, enthusiastically•
lump•, •part, score, payment, dollar, •square, •rule, ● sanction, approve, ratify, recommend || support,
item, tax verb pay, spend, invest, receive, raise•, offer, back, advocate, favor
divide, earn•, exceed, average 7167 | 0.93
● calculation, addition, computation, summation ||
amount, quantity, entirety, totality 3927 indicator n
7217 | 0.94 adj economic, good, leading, key, important, social,
best, reliable, early, better noun performance, health,
3885 hers p quality, success, development, index•, •light, use,
his•, she, hand•, eye•, friend•, face•, against•, mouth•, change, data verb include, provide, serve•, •suggest,
next•, lip•, body•, meet•, mine, touch• develop, •point, base, define•, examine, •rise
7770 | 0.87 F ● pointer, needle, gauge, dial, display, meter
7574 | 0.88 A
3892 evil j
noun spirit, man, empire, eye, people, thing, force, 3934 reluctant j
person, act, scientist, twin, power misc good, off•, noun official, leader, witness, reader, warrior, hero,
inherently•, truly•, intrinsically•, dead, Soviet• decision, smile, acquiescence misc very•, may•, seem•,
● wicked, malevolent, sinful, malicious || foul, vile, •talk, •leave, often•, •accept
nasty, horrible ● unwilling, unenthusiastic, disinclined, loath, hesitant,
7045 | 0.96 indisposed
6842 | 0.97

3941 eating n 3976 addition n

adj healthy, disordered, good, emotional, bad, adj new, recent, late, welcome, key, valuable, nice,
healthful, poor noun •habit, •disorder, food, •pattern, later, useful, simple noun •subtraction, change, line,
•behavior, •plan, exercise, weight, drinking verb stop•, multiplication, •collection, building, nitrogen, •vanilla,
finish•, start, keep•, develop•, associate •garden, renovation verb beat, blend•, build, include,
7067 | 0.94 require•, mix, provide, help, announce•, create
● adding, adding up, adding together, totaling ||
3948 realm n supplement, add-on, appendage, addendum
adj public, political, private, spiritual, human, economic, 7027 | 0.93
cultural, whole, domestic, aesthetic noun •possibility,
spirit, •politics, •art, •science, culture, theory, idea, 3983 automatically r
reality, religion verb enter•, exist•, lie, belong•, extend•, system•, •assume, •adjust, computer, almost•, shut,
explore•, expand•, encompass, constitute software•, data, generate, update, switch, itself,
● kingdom, monarchy, dominion, empire || area, scope, •transfer, •qualify
sphere, field ● unconsciously, instinctively, spontaneously,
7261 | 0.91 A impulsively || inevitably, routinely, repeatedly,
3955 peel v 6823 | 0.96
noun potato, skin, paint, onion, carrot, apple, shrimp,
orange misc •cut, •away, •slice, •seed 3990 interior j
off skin, layer, •clothes, then•, •bill, •paper, start•, noun ministry, designer, minister, design, space, wall,
•glove, •shirt, begin• back •layer, •reveal, lip• decorator, room, official, monologue, light, decoration
● unpeel, skin, unwrap, shed, pare, hull misc former•, exterior, •announce, install, French•,
7182 | 0.92 Russian•, coastal, vast•
● internal, inner, central, inland, inside
3962 bias n 6931 | 0.94
adj racial, cultural, liberal, political, social, potential,
possible, personal, strong, optimistic noun gender•, 3997 Arab n
media, study, response•, selection•, prejudice, result, adj fellow, Shiite, moderate, neighboring noun Sunni•,
source•, desirability•, evidence• verb show•, reflect, Jew, Israeli, •Muslim, Palestinian, Gulf, conflict verb
reduce•, introduce, •exist, eliminate•, avoid•, affect, •live, kill, fight, •remain, •support, accept, hate, urge•,
report, •occur unite, seek
● prejudice, partiality, preference, unfairness, 7222 | 0.90
favoritism, predisposition
7388 | 0.89 A 4004 pump v
noun water, •gas, blood, heart•, •money, oil, air, •fist,
3969 entity n arm, •iron, leg, system, adrenaline, body misc •through,
adj other, political, private, single, small, corporate, •full, enough, hard
independent, governmental, large, different noun up get•, •volume, all•, •price, •stock, tire, crowd, muscle,
government•, state, business•, information, interest, •economy, artificially• out water, blood•, amount,
relationship, individual, agency, organization, type verb •enough, •sea, stomach
create, exist, own, require, control, form, represent, ● drive, impel, propel, thrust || question, interrogate,
operate, regulate, emerge cross examine, grill
● object, unit, thing, article, being, individual 6765 | 0.96
7276 | 0.90 A
4011 steep j
noun slope, hill, price, trail, mountain, terrain, road,
decline, hillside, side, angle, incline misc up•, climb,
too•, down•, narrow, long•
● sheer, vertical, sharp, precipitous || unreasonable,
expensive, extreme, excessive
6972 | 0.93 M

4018 scary j 4060 spread n

noun thing, movie, part, story, thought, place, stuff, adj rapid, wide, global, far, upward, two-page,
guy, situation, face, feeling, experience misc it, very•, worldwide noun •disease, •AIDS, •weapon, word•, •virus,
really•, little•, pretty•, too •technology, •democracy, cheese•, effort•, •infection
● frightening, creepy, chilling, terrifying, petrifying, verb prevent•, stop•, help•, control•, reduce•, slow•,
daunting halt•, limit•, cover, lay•
6865 | 0.94 ● feast, banquet, blowout || range, extent, increase ||
variety, range, selection || ranch, estate, farm
4025 repair v 6686 | 0.95
noun •damage, car, equipment, road, zipper, shop,
•relationship, bridge, leak, ship, •infrastructure, 4067 annually r
•relation, crew, •facility, •hole misc replace, •damaged, million•, billion•, percent•, about, spend•, dollar•, grow•,
•broken, surgically•, •torn ton•, •next, award•, •since, average, earn•, •according
● overhaul, mend, patch up, restore, darn, put back ● yearly, per annum, once a year, every twelve months,
together every year, by the year
6730 | 0.96 6928 | 0.92

4032 realistic j 4074 processing n

noun goal, expectation, approach, view, chance, model, adj cognitive, digital, central, visual, parallel, auditory,
assessment, option, plan, picture, situation, fiction misc mental, emotional noun information, word•, •plant,
more•, most•, only•, •expect, practical, develop•, data•, food•, •system, image•, •facility, signal• verb
possible, base require, involve, occur, handle, increase, facilitate•,
● sensible, practical, pragmatic, reasonable || truthful, reduce, engage•, •cost, control
accurate, faithful, representative 7220 | 0.88 A
6786 | 0.95
4081 verbal j
4039 outstanding j noun abuse, skill, behavior, ability, communication,
noun award, share, job, contribution, performance, score, expression, aggression, interaction, performance,
student, debt, service, achievement, issue, warrant, form, instruction misc physical, visual, •nonverbal,
player misc most•, recognize•, name•, including, truly•, written, such, sexual, negative•, emotional
honor•, total• ● spoken, oral, vocal, unwritten, voiced, speaking
● exceptional, terrific, wonderful, stupendous || 7227 | 0.87 A
unresolved, unsettled, unpaid, remaining
6803 | 0.94 4088 sexually r
•abuse, •transmitted, •active, •disease, •assault,
4046 descend v •explicit, woman, •harass, her, •aggressive, become•,
noun •stair, •step, •staircase, silence•, darkness, plane•, •molest, •behavior, •material
line, ladder, •chaos, earth, •level, elevator, floor, •hill, 6806 | 0.93
trail misc •from, •upon, begin•, •toward, slowly, quickly
● go down, move down || slope, incline || derive, 4095 stem v
originate || lower yourself, stoop || arrive, drop in || noun problem•, •tide, •fact, charge•, •flow, part, effort,
fall, fall on loss, violence, lack, difference, fear, difficulty•, interest,
6896 | 0.93 F failure misc •from, may•, partly, largely, •directly,
4053 cooperate v ● stop, staunch, curtail, halt, restrict, slow
noun •teacher, government, •investigation, •authority, 6712 | 0.94
•police, weather•, •prosecutor, agency, willingness•,
•investigator, nation, •inspector, department, refusal•,
•enforcement misc •with, fully, refuse•, agree•, willing•
● collaborate, work together, liaise, unite || oblige,
accommodate, help, aid
6763 | 0.95

4102 mate n 4137 dynamics [PL] n

adj running, potential, perfect, ideal, suitable, adj general, social, political, internal, computational,
prospective, chief noun soul•, male, choice, female, complex, nonlinear, cultural, structural, human noun
band•, selection, office•, cell•, •class verb find•, choose•, group, family, fluid•, population•, system, power,
attract•, meet•, pick•, seek•, select•, •possess, guard, community, change, relationship, structure verb
cheat understand•, affect, study•, examine•, capture•,
● friend, pal, buddy, companion || helper, assistant, influence, explore•, shape, •underlie, contribute
colleague, partner ● changing aspects, subtleties, forces at work, dynamic
6693 | 0.94 forces || louds and softs, dynamic range, changes in
volume, crescendos
4109 sacrifice n 7084 | 0.87 A
adj human, great, personal, willing, ultimate, necessary,
shared, ritual, financial, Supreme noun •fly, animal•, 4144 bubble n
blood•, war, kind•, willingness•, lot•, courage, adj tiny, speculative, dot-com, pink, real-estate, high-
•cannibalism, commitment verb make, require, offer, tech, acrylic noun •gum, air•, •bath, •burst, soap•,
involve, demand•, perform, honor, entail, prepare, save •economy, •wrap, gas, plastic•, stock verb blow•, pop,
● expense, detriment, disadvantage, cost || martyr, form, create•, fill, •appear, remove•, float, prick•,
sacrificial victim, ransom, victim •expand
6591 | 0.95 6570 | 0.94

4116 loyalty n 4151 glory n

adj personal, strong, ethnic, fierce, dual, blind, familial, adj old, great, past, crowning, reflected, full, greatest,
deep, conflicting, absolute noun party, family, oath, personal noun •day, morning•, •year, power, moment•,
brand•, customer•, sense•, love, commitment, value• blaze•, path•, dream, fame, honor verb bring, bask•,
verb show, win•, demonstrate•, inspire•, prove•, restore•, cover•, seek, recapture•, share•, recall•, fade,
demand•, question•, owe, develop•, •lie shine
● faithfulness, devotion, allegiance, trustworthiness, ● magnificence, splendor, beauty, wonder || credit,
constancy, reliability fame, praise, laurels
6604 | 0.94 6443 | 0.96

4123 nominee n 4158 queen n

adj presidential, judicial, presumptive, likely, general, adj homecoming, African, reigning, evil, undisputed,
federal, vice-presidential, top, particular, gubernatorial wicked noun king•, •mother, beauty•, •bee, •soul, prom•,
noun court•, Republican•, president, party, Oscar•, year, majesty•, •conch verb save•, crown, name, knight•,
award•, attorney, •governor verb become•, support•, reign, celebrate, honor, feature, greet, hail•
choose, confirm, select, announce, pick•, oppose• ● monarch, sovereign, ruler, crowned head || icon,
● candidate, contender, entrant, applicant, nomination ideal, star, doyenne
7138 | 0.87 S 6606 | 0.93

4130 jaw n 4165 sail v

adj low, strong, open, square, broken, upper, powerful, noun ship, boat, sea, •world, ocean, water, •air, vessel,
shut, gaping, firm noun muscle, tooth, set, •drop, line, ball•, •coast, island, cruise, •England, •river, fleet• misc
face, bone, mouth, nose, neck verb clench, break, snap, •through, •into, set•, •over, •away, •across, •around,
•tighten, move, rub• •past
● chin, jawbone, jowl, jawline, mouth, chops ● set sail, put out to sea, navigate, cruise || glide, flow,
6922 | 0.90 F drift, fly
6525 | 0.94

4172 withdrawal n 4207 root v

adj unconditional, immediate, complete, military, social, noun •tradition, culture, •history, •experience,
full, early, total noun troop, •force, •symptom, terrorism, •spot, •corruption, ground, tree, fan•,
timetable•, plan, bank, water•, reason, date, sport verb identity, sense, •nature, •past, value misc deeply•,
call•, begin, lead, announce•, demand•, follow, allow, firmly•, •around, deep, remain•
occur, trigger out •corruption, •terrorist, try•, •insurgent, effort•,
● removal, extraction, drawing || departure, leaving, terrorism, •fraud, evil, Taliban, •cause
abandonment || retraction, renunciation, disavowal || ● dig, grub, rootle || search, nose, rummage || cheer,
alienation, depression, isolation shout, applaud
6624 | 0.92 6276 | 0.96

4179 condemn v 4214 collaboration n

noun •death, resolution•, •attack, •action, government, adj interdisciplinary, successful, international, close,
•violence, •Israel, •act, right, •bombing, council•, professional, effective, creative, active noun teacher,
statement•, •terrorism, leader, •Iraq misc strongly•, community, research, project, communication, process,
human, •die, roundly•, publicly•, widely• cooperation, opportunity, agency, partnership verb
● censure, denounce, criticize || rebuke, reprove, work, develop, require, involve, encourage•, promote•,
reprimand || convict, sentence, find guilty facilitate, foster•, enhance, support
6418 | 0.95 ● cooperation, teamwork, partnership, association,
alliance, relationship
4186 equip v 6889 | 0.87 A
noun computer, force, kitchen, device, army,
•technology, •equipment, •radio, •video, facility, 4221 tropical j
•weapon, engine, •bag, classroom, •knowledge misc noun forest, storm, rain, fruit, plant, fish, island,
•with, better•, fully•, well•, train depression, tree, species, region, rainforest misc
● provide, furnish, endow, fit out || prepare, train, arm, •subtropical, lush•, temperate, such, warm, eastern,
school exotic, •botanical
6436 | 0.94 ● hot, steamy, humid, sultry, stifling
6473 | 0.92
4193 courtroom n
adj federal, packed, criminal, empty, crowded, hushed, 4228 calm v
mock noun camera•, •day, judge, •drama, trial, jury, noun •nerve, •fear, voice, •mind, breath•, situation,
lawyer, juror, scene, testimony verb sit•, leave•, walk•, traffic, effort•, sea, •anxiety, attempt•, crowd, breathing,
enter•, allow•, testify, •erupt, gather•, •explode, •hush horse, wind• misc try•, him, her, help, •himself, •herself,
6772 | 0.89 S •myself, •yourself, relatively•
down she, just, try•, now, need•, after, •little, let, until•,
4200 seal n •bit
adj spotted, green, gray, presidential, official, tight, ● pacify, calm down, quiet down, soothe, settle down,
airtight, imperial noun navy•, •approval, harbor•, fur•, appease
elephant•, pressure•, monk•, water verb break, check•, 6484 | 0.92 F
bear•, kill, hunt, form, dive, test•, obtain•, award
● closure, cover, stopper, lid || stamp, hallmark, 4235 afterward r
impress, impression soon•, shortly•, long•, year•, immediately•, week•,
6543 | 0.92 month•, hour•, •lay, reporter•, minute•, dinner•, recall,
● later, after that, subsequently, then, next
6353 | 0.94

4242 ass n 4284 ministry n

adj fat, sorry, dumb, nice, bare, smart, sweet, fucking, adj foreign, public, international, Christian, pastoral,
skinny, stupid noun pain•, rat•, kick•, piece•, horse•, tit•, various, ordained, active, lay noun defense, •education,
•jail, •gear, shit, thigh verb get, kiss•, save•, haul•, bust•, official, finance, health, •affair, government•, church,
cover•, fuck•, laugh, bet• •culture, •spokesman verb enter•, support, •announce,
6911 | 0.86 F establish, head, •issue, found, •confirm, engage,
4249 thigh n ● office, department, bureau, agency, organization,
adj inner, right, left, upper, low, outer, fat, thin, skinless, government
front noun hand•, leg, hip, muscle, knee, chicken•, calf, 6250 | 0.93
•bone, inside•, head verb slap•, press, touch, rest•, rub,
spread, stroke•, face, cover, place 4291 manipulate v
6576 | 0.90 F noun system, ability•, image, object, •information,
•data, computer, level, •price, media, other,
4256 ideological j •environment, •public, process, •opinion misc by, try•,
noun difference, position, line, conflict, struggle, party, control, easily•, able•, easy•
reason, commitment, battle, issue, agenda, spectrum ● operate, work, use || influence, control, direct ||
misc political, •between, cultural, social, religious, maneuver, direct, control
economic, within 6159 | 0.94
● philosophical, conceptual, moral, political, ethical,
sociopolitical 4298 mushroom n
6793 | 0.87 A adj wild, dried, white, large, black, green, red, chopped,
hot, edible noun onion, portobello•, •cloud, •cap, •soup,
4263 exam n sauce, pound•, stem, chicken, •mixture verb add•, slice,
adj final, physical, medical, rectal, annual, written, saute, stir, grow, remove, eat, stuff, mix, discard
pelvic, oral, digital, thorough noun student, entrance•, 6454 | 0.90 M
school, bar•, state•, •room, score, college, •year, breast•
verb take•, pass•, fail•, prepare•, study•, require, cram•, 4305 respect i
finish•, •reveal, •assess (with respect to) •to, with•, issue, particularly•, policy,
● examination, test, assessment, paper, question paper, use, position•, difference•, especially•, role, matter,
oral exam decision, action, •gender
6176 | 0.95 6659 | 0.87 A

4270 conspiracy n 4312 sympathy n

adj vast, right-wing, criminal, guilty, international, adj great, public, deepest, personal, certain, deep,
federal, grand, involved, alleged, communist noun international, genuine, profound noun lot•, empathy,
•theory, charge, part•, •theorist, fraud, count, •victim, expression•, understanding, support, •devil,
government, •silence verb •commit, convict•, •involve, •card, lack•, compassion verb feel•, express•, show•,
•kill, •murder, plead•, engage•, prove•, allege, join• offer•, gain•, win•, extend•, elicit•, •lie, inspire
● plot, scheme, plan, intrigue, collusion, machination ● understanding, compassion, kindness || pity,
6261 | 0.94 commiseration, condolences || approval, agreement,
4277 functional j 6044 | 0.95
noun assessment, status, analysis, limitation, group,
unit, area, impairment, vision, level, capacity, food misc 4319 eleven m
fully•, such, structural, behavioral, highly•, decorative, •year, •o'clock, •old, after, ten•, •day, •month, about•,
than, beautiful age•, •ago, •twelve, hundred, •later, morning
● useful, practical, handy, purposeful || working, 6239 | 0.92 F
operational, operative, running
6736 | 0.87 A

4326 ambition n 4368 flexibility n

adj political, personal, territorial, global, regional, adj great, regulatory, maximum, increased, local,
modest, driving, secret, blind, stated noun dream•, goal, considerable, financial, operational noun strength,
desire, drive, lack•, career•, talent, greed, energy•, •tour state, •analysis, degree•, need•, freedom, lot•,
verb •become, realize, harbor•, pursue•, fulfill•, achieve, endurance, design, cost verb give•, allow, provide,
match, motivate, satisfy•, expand offer•, increase•, show•, improve, require, maintain•,
● drive, determination, get-up-and-go, motivation || demonstrate•
goal, aim, objective, aspiration ● suppleness, litheness, elasticity, give, plasticity,
5962 | 0.96 springiness
6149 | 0.92 A
4333 presumably r
•because, therefore, •due, •refer, somewhere, 4375 charge i
•reference, intelligent, latter•, •asleep, •response, •loyal (in charge of) •of, who•, put•, man•, official•, •operation,
● most probably, I assume, I imagine, in all probability, president•, agent•, •security, special•, vice•, officer•,
most likely, it would seem person•, agency•
6039 | 0.95 5893 | 0.96

4340 gut n 4382 sibling n

adj leaky, fat, sick, empty, tight, flabby, ample, bulging, adj old, young, other, only, close, surviving, eldest,
ballooning noun •feeling, •instinct, •reaction, blood•, closest, bitter noun parent, child, •rivalry, family,
heart, guy, beer•, •check, pain, bacteria verb feel, hate•, mother, relationship, friend, father, •age, cousin verb
spill•, trust•, hit•, suck•, puke•, shoot, tear•, wrench share, fight, tend, adopt, •attend, separate, abuse, cope,
● belly, stomach, paunch, spare tyre, beer gut, beer bicker, explore
belly ● brother, sister, relative, relation, family member
6067 | 0.94 6102 | 0.92

4347 helmet n 4389 soap n

adj blue, protective, Kevlar, yellow, golden, mandatory, adj antibacterial, liquid, mild, favorite, insecticidal,
plumed noun head, mask, bike•, light, motorcycle•, scented, real-life noun •opera, water, bar•, dish, hand,
bicycle•, visor, football•, hair verb wear•, put•, remove•, •bubble, shampoo, box, television, •star verb use,
pull, carry, throw•, hit, grab• watch•, wash, smell•, buy•, clean, rinse, scrub, feature
6203 | 0.92 F ● cleanser, detergent, shampoo, soap powder || serial,
soap opera, series, program
4354 cast n 5952 | 0.94
adj supporting, great, entire, all-star, original, whole,
strong, talented, diverse, short noun •character, •crew, 4396 passing j
plaster•, member•, rest•, arm, leg, •thousand, actor, noun game, yard, car, day, year, grade, leader, interest,
•mind verb •include, join•, feature•, head, wear•, draw, lane, reference, motorist misc each•, every•, bear•,
perform, assemble, direct, •sing stare•, rush, wave•, merely•, all-time•
● company, troupe, dramatis personae, actors, players, ● transitory, transient, short-lived, ephemeral ||
performers cursory, quick, casual, superficial
6007 | 0.95 5903 | 0.95

4361 cocaine n 4403 liquid n

adj powdered, prenatal, pure, alleged, raw, refined adj clear, hot, reserved, thick, excess, flammable,
noun crack•, heroin, use, marijuana, drug, possession, remaining, cold, natural, boiling noun cup, cooking•,
user, addiction, powder, alcohol verb sell•, buy•, test•, gas, water, glass, solid, food, bottle, heat, pan verb add,
snort•, deal, flood, •originate absorb, pour, cook, •evaporate, •reduce, drain•, stir,
6207 | 0.91 drink•, discard
● fluid, water, liquor, juice, solution
5948 | 0.94

4410 correctly r 4452 workout n

if•, •identify, answer, understand•, use•, read•, adj good, aerobic, daily, full, cardiovascular, short,
remember•, hear•, point, question, spell, •predict, better, total-body, total, upper-body noun day, cardio•,
•classify weight, exercise, •schedule, morning•, body, •routine,
● precisely, right, accurately, rightly || appropriately, muscle, •clothes verb miss•, follow, finish•, design, skip•,
suitably, properly, acceptably increase, wear, improve, complete•, plan
5884 | 0.95 ● exercise session, exercises, training, aerobics || test,
road test, trial, run
4417 heal v 6414 | 0.86 M
noun wound, time, body, God•, scar, injury, heart, pain,
•rift, skin, ability•, power•, nation, •division, spirit misc 4459 gross j
help•, never•, try•, begin•, completely noun product, income, revenue, margin, sales, motor,
● cure, restore to health, make well, nurse || make profit, violation, growth, negligence, receipt, abuse
good, settle, patch up, reconcile misc •domestic, •national, adjusted•, million, per, capita,
5797 | 0.96 annual•, total, •human
● coarse, vulgar || disgusting, unpleasant ||
4424 organism n uncultured, uncivilized || flagrant, blatant ||
adj other, living, different, human, marine, large, small, overweight, obese || total, combined
aquatic, single, natural noun environment, soil, gene, 5802 | 0.95
group•, disease, water, cell, plant, animal, food verb
•live, evolve, kill, create, identify, •survive, affect, 4466 frontier n
•adapt, contain, •thrive adj new, American, electronic, western, final, northern,
● living thing, creature, animal, plant || system, body, eastern, wild noun •airline, •town, •forest, •foundation,
organization, institution •province, space, •region, science, settlement, area
6210 | 0.89 A verb cross•, explore•, push•, open•, settle, expand,
extend•, spread, •attract, •separate
4431 pro j ● border, boundary, limit, edge, border line, front line
noun bowl, football, player, team, sport, basketball, 5897 | 0.93
shop, game, career, athlete, league, season misc play•,
former•, bass•, sign•, •defensive, induct•, •rata, name• 4473 interfere v
6101 | 0.91 N noun •ability, •life, government•, •process, activity,
•affair, •operation, business, law, •sleep, behavior,
4438 comprise v •learning, •function, drug•, action misc •with, not•, may•,
noun group, item, sample, student, part, population, anything•, •normal, directly
team•, system, member, study, individual, category, ● delay, inhibit, restrict, affect || pry, intrude, stick
•majority, community, committee• misc which•, •about,
your oar in, meddle
each, •approximately, total, •nearly, •mainly, •hundred 5709 | 0.96
● include, encompass, contain, cover, consist of,
embrace 4480 attendance n
6258 | 0.88 A adj average, high, religious, low, daily, perfect, poor,
total, regular noun school, church•, student, record,
4445 reportedly r year, college•, •rate, game, percent, class verb increase,
•million, •tell, •pay, •offer, •kill, •plan, •receive, official•,
require, •drop, predict•, report•, expect, improve,
police, •sell, military, leader, •cost, •worth encourage•, boost•, decline
● allegedly, supposedly, apparently, seemingly, so they ● presence, attending, appearance, being present ||
say, purportedly audience, turnout, number present, gate
5911 | 0.93 5963 | 0.92 A

4487 mill n 4522 organizational j

adj old, abandoned, grinding, rolling, historic, noun structure, commitment, change, skill, culture,
converted, olive noun steel•, paper•, •road, water•, level, behavior, development, system, resource, chart,
textile•, •town, •worker, grist•, lumber•, sugar• verb form misc provide, social, within, political, such,
build, close, operate, own, shut, •grind, visit, •employ, develop, individual, personal
supply, process ● structural, administrative, legislative, executive,
● grinder, mincer, crusher, pounder, pulverizer, mortar logistic, managerial
5761 | 0.95 6445 | 0.84 A

4494 catalog n 4529 dot n

adj free, online, whole, messy, complete, entire, adj red, black, white, small, blue, tiny, green, single,
electronic, comprehensive, full-color noun exhibition, colored noun polka•, quantum•, line, multiplication,
seed•, company, mail-order•, page, card•, order, •light, •map, pattern, color, •inch, •butter verb connect•,
product, library, essay verb offer, include, sell, list, center•, show, appear, •represent, •indicate, cover,
publish, •describe, send, •feature, •contain, buy• mark, place, paint
● list, directory, file || list, index, register || set, ● spot, point, mark, blotch, speck, particle
collection, list 5795 | 0.93
5925 | 0.92 M
4536 weaken v
4501 someday r noun economy, system, state, power, •position, law,
will, might, hope•, may, maybe, •soon, perhaps, •able, government, support, •ability, effort, bone, party,
marry, someone, return, dream•, somebody, somehow market, muscle, force misc •by, far, immune,
● one day, sooner or later, sometime, soon, in the strengthen•, political, severely•
future, one of these days ● grow weaker, deteriorate, fail || give in, cave in, give
5744 | 0.94 way || damage, destabilize, detract from || dilute,
water down, thin || enfeeble, exhaust, enervate
4508 confrontation n 5640 | 0.95
adj military, direct, violent, physical, major, nuclear,
dramatic, final noun kind, conflict, cooperation, 4543 terrain n
violence, strategy, superpower, politics• verb avoid•, adj rough, rugged, steep, difficult, flat, mountainous,
lead, provoke•, involve, seek•, •occur, force, escalate, hilly, rolling noun •park, mountain, mile, weather, acre,
risk•, erupt snow, type, desert•, feature, map verb cover, explore•,
● hostility, conflict, clash, battle || opposition, navigate•, study•, negotiate•, ride•, scan•, climb, vary
argument, disagreement, quarrel ● land, topography, territory, ground, landscape,
5762 | 0.94 environment
5873 | 0.91 M
4515 stack n
adj neat, tall, thick, huge, short, whole, entire, growing 4550 planner n
noun •paper, •book, box, •bill, •magazine, •card, •letter, adj financial, military, urban, local, fee-only, social,
•newspaper, •mail, •file verb carry•, pull•, hand•, blow•, senior, strategic, environmental, top noun city•,
pick•, drop, lift•, sort•, slide, lean discharge•, county•, war•, event•, party•, wedding•,
● pile, heap, mass, mound || chimney, smokestack, work• verb advise, hire•, consult•, anticipate, target,
flue employ, convince•
5858 | 0.92 F ● town planner, organizer, developer, city planner ||
planning aid, diary, calendar, wall chart
5797 | 0.92

4557 jungle n 4599 compliance n

adj dense, thick, tropical, concrete, urban, remote, adj environmental, federal, full, regulatory, voluntary,
green, central noun •gym, •fever, mountain, law•, international, patient, strict, behavioral, complete noun
animal, •canopy, •floor, tree, trail, island verb live, hide•, •law, program, cost, •standard, state, •regulation,
emerge, climb, welcome•, flee•, escape, crash •requirement, •rule, rate, •officer verb ensure•,
● tropical forest, rain forest, forest, wilderness || monitor•, bring•, achieve•, enforce•, require, force•,
tangle, muddle, maze, mess report, reduce, vary
5693 | 0.94 ● obedience, acquiescence, agreement, submission ||
conformity, fulfillment, observance, accordance
4564 wound v 5973 | 0.88 A
noun people•, other, soldier•, man, •attack, war, officer,
civilian, police, •battle, thousand, •action, shooting, 4606 specialty n
combat, •leg misc kill•, dead•, seriously•, mortally•, adj medical, local, regional, professional, occupational,
badly•, dozen, hundred academic, high-end noun •store, •shop, •food, area,
● injure, hurt, damage, mutilate || offend, upset, hurt, market, house, care, product verb include, sell, offer,
injure develop•, choose•, feature•, cook, order, •range,
5660 | 0.94 pursue•
● subject, field, study, discipline, area
4571 skip v 5622 | 0.94
noun •school, •beat, •meal, heart•, •class, •step,
•breakfast, •rope, •lunch, •town, •generation, •stone, 4613 listener n
•dinner, morning, •dessert misc •over, •across, •ahead, adj good, young, male, female, active, average,
•altogether, decide• sympathetic, casual, regular, long-time noun radio,
out •early, •bill, •debt, •fear, •legal, •lunch speaker, reader, music, viewer, performer, challenge•,
● hop, bounce, prance || avoid, miss, cut || omit, •conversation, song, •line verb tell•, hear, remind•,
leave out, miss out •understand, draw•, invite•, urge•, encourage•,
5635 | 0.94 •respond, perceive
● hearer, auditor, radio listener, audience member,
4578 likewise r audiophile, eavesdropper
•emphasize, interaction, faculty, dramatic, sibling,
5621 | 0.93
involvement•, •problematic, •evident
● similarly, the same, equally, also, as well, too 4620 excessive j
5821 | 0.91 A noun force, use, amount, drinking, consumption, cost,
alcohol, regulation, growth, violence, weight, heat misc
4585 pat v cause, seem•, avoid•, without•, prevent•, lead, because•,
noun •back, hand, •shoulder, •head, •arm, •pocket, such•
•knee, •hair, face, dough, •neck, chicken•, mixture, fish,
● extreme, too much, unnecessary, unwarranted,
finger misc •on, •her, •his, she•, •dry, •my, rinse•, gently undue, disproportionate
● touch, slap, stroke, caress || shape, smooth, knead, 5633 | 0.93
5968 | 0.89 F 4627 ash n
adj volcanic, black, gray, bottom, green, burning, cold
4592 well-being n noun cigarette, white•, wood•, fire, •tree, fly•, coal•,
adj psychological, economic, physical, emotional, social, dust, smoke, cloud verb scatter, rise•, turn, fall, burn•,
human, mental, spiritual, subjective, overall noun cover, flick•, spread, tap•, blow
health•, sense•, child, family, level•, community, ● residue, cinders, slag, embers, powder, dust
concern•, individual, material•, feeling• verb improve•, 5647 | 0.93 F
affect•, promote•, enhance•, contribute•, relate,
threaten•, •constitute
● happiness, comfort, security, good, welfare, safety
6005 | 0.88 A

4634 mineral n 4683 chew v

adj other, essential, rich, certain, valuable, abundant, noun •gum, •tobacco, •lip, •food, •piece, •cud, •nail,
ionic, inorganic noun vitamin•, •water, bone•, oil, cigar, •fat, •bit, leg misc •swallow, slowly, •spit, •off,
•resource, •density, •deposit verb contain, form, extract, stop•, •thoughtfully
mine, absorb, mix, dissolve, exploit•, replenish• up •spit, get•, •more, dog, •shoe, sort, bullet•, enzyme,
● crystal, rock crystal, quartz || ore, rock, metal, •sadness, tire
element ● masticate, chew up, gnaw, grind, crush, chomp
5758 | 0.91 M 5669 | 0.91 F

4641 cure v 4690 triumph n

noun •disease, •cancer, •problem, patient, illness, •ill, adj great, greatest, personal, ultimate, major, final,
drug, doctor•, medicine•, treatment, •ailment, eventual, diplomatic noun moment•, tragedy, •spirit,
•diabetes, infection, •heart, •meat misc prevent, treat•, democracy, victory, •will, •capitalism, sense, failure,
sick, completely, •ail look• verb celebrate•, represent•, return•, score•, mark•,
● heal, treat, make well, restore to health || preserve, end, enjoy•
smoke, dry, salt ● victory, achievement, conquest, accomplishment ||
5444 | 0.96 joy, rejoicing, pride, elation
5337 | 0.96
4648 striking j
noun feature, difference, example, resemblance, 4697 interval n
contrast, similarity, thing, worker, woman, image, adj long, short, brief, irregular, frequent, mean, decent,
result, aspect misc most•, more•, •between, bear•, various, average, silent noun time, confidence•,
perhaps•, quite•, particularly•, bore• •training, day, minute, behavior, table, workout, data,
● conspicuous, noticeable, marked, remarkable || scale verb occur, follow, increase, repeat, space•,
good-looking, handsome, attractive, eye-catching record, measure•, •indicate, place, alternate
5516 | 0.94 ● intermission, break, pause, interlude || gap, time,
hiatus, period
4662 eligible j 5708 | 0.89 A
noun student, child, voter, parole, benefit, service,
bachelor, program, patient, man, woman, player misc 4704 emotionally r
•for, become•, those•, •receive, •vote, •free, most•, physically, •charge, child, feel•, financially, •disturb,
•participate mentally, •drain, become•, intellectually, both•, involve,
● qualified, entitled, suitable, fit || unmarried, spiritually, •disturbed
unattached, available, single ● expressively, passionately, fervently, ardently,
5529 | 0.94 warmly, enthusiastically
5321 | 0.96
4669 demographic j
noun variable, characteristic, information, data, table, 4711 lid n
change, questionnaire, factor, group, trend, age, adj tight-fitting, heavy, tight, top, upper, hinged,
participant misc economic, social, include, between, wooden, removable noun box, grill, jar, eye, pot, trunk•,
•such, collect, provide, complete• plastic, •heat, coffin, container verb keep•, lift•, open,
6103 | 0.85 A close, put•, cover•, remove, blow, shut, slam•
● top, cover, closure, cap
4676 programming n 5558 | 0.92 F
adj educational, local, original, regular, special, gifted,
object-oriented, cultural, religious noun •language,
television•, child, computer•, cable, network, TV, hour•,
news, education verb provide, offer, develop, produce,
require, broadcast, interrupt•, •consist, transmit, block•
● software design, program design, program writing,
user interface design, software development
5507 | 0.94

4718 patron n 4753 predator n

adj wealthy, political, rich, private, regular, royal, adj sexual, large, natural, top, potential, violent, online,
primary, chief, longtime noun •saint, art, bar, artist, unmanned, vulnerable, alleged noun prey, species,
restaurant, friend, library, table verb serve•, name•, •control, protection•, predator, fish, animal, population,
accommodate•, please•, honor•, cater, worship•, insect, parasite verb protect•, kill, avoid•, escape•, catch,
appeal• feed, attract•, hide•, hunt, control
● supporter, fan, benefactor, sponsor || customer, ● marauder, killer, slayer, hunter, pillager, raider
client, diner, user 5400 | 0.93
5331 | 0.95
4760 dancing n
4725 instant n adj dirty, nude, square, slow, traditional, wild, Indian,
adj brief, single, precise, exact, mere, fleeting, given aerobic, tribal noun music, ballroom•, •girl, •lesson,
noun •silence, •creation, •hesitation, surprise, •clarity folk•, dinner•, •shoe, tap•, ice•, belly• verb start•, stop•,
verb feel, realize, change, hesitate•, freeze, wonder, love, watch•, teach, enjoy•, feature, practice•
pause•, disappear, last• 5243 | 0.95
● second, time, minute, split second, the twinkling of
an eye, moment 4767 thread n
5755 | 0.88 F adj common, golden, thin, single, loose, black, metallic,
red, strong, narrative noun needle, silk•, fabric, cotton•,
4732 formerly r spool•, silver, gold, end, •count, number verb hang,
•as, •director, •communist, •own, artist•, •occupy, weave, pull, lose•, •connect, pick•, tie, follow, sew, spin•
•editor, •homeless, •prince, •assistant, •senior ● cotton, cord, yarn, strand || idea, drift, gist,
● previously, before, in the past, in earlier times, once, sequence
earlier 5340 | 0.93
5350 | 0.94
4774 fraction n
4739 mobile j adj small, tiny, large, total, significant, mere, substantial,
noun home, phone, unit, device, service, missile, park, sizable noun •second, •cost, •inch, •population, •price,
launcher, source, system, telephone, lab misc ejection•, •size, •amount, value, •energy verb
upwardly•, highly•, less, increasingly•, •biological, represent•, pay•, account•, cover, contain, constitute•,
downwardly•, stationary, fixed measure•, •exceed
● movable, portable, transportable || active, flexible, ● little bit, little, small part, tiny proportion || portion,
limber || expressive, changing, changeable || segment, part, section
upwardly mobile, successful, ambitious 5313 | 0.94
5339 | 0.94
4781 remark v
4746 brake n noun mother•, friend, father, voice, critic•, interview,
adj anti-lock, rear, front, hydraulic, avid, standard, historian, observer•, •passing, •dismay misc once•,
mechanical, four-wheel, abs, juicy noun disc•, car, •upon, often•, later•, casually
•lever, •pad, air, brake, •pedal, antilock•, system, foot• ● say, comment, state, observe, pronounce, mention
verb slam•, put•, hit•, apply, •stop, release•, tire, pump•, 5289 | 0.94
tap•, squeal
● restraint, constraint, curb, control, limitation, damper 4788 fragile j
5522 | 0.91 M noun life, ecosystem, democracy, economy, peace,
state, bone, system, thing, body, area, nature misc so,
very•, more•, too•, already•, remain, protect•,
vulnerable, delicate
● delicate, brittle, breakable || tenuous, unstable,
delicate || frail, weak, delicate
5125 | 0.97

4795 prevail v 4830 fare n

noun justice•, condition•, sense•, •court, end, peace•, adj low, standard, high, round-trip, traditional, best,
reason•, spirit•, truth•, argument, •century, democracy•, light, simple, usual, one-way noun air•, airline, bus•,
circumstance•, plaintiff, Russia misc will•, •over, still•, •increase, •war, discount, cab•, service, restaurant, cost
•upon, •against, must• verb pay•, offer, include, serve, raise•, cut, reduce,
● triumph, succeed, be victorious, overcome || exist, feature, sample•, •depend
reign, be happening, occur ● charge, price, tariff || passenger, customer, client ||
5207 | 0.95 food, menu, meal
5362 | 0.91 N
4802 screw v
noun face, eye, guy, •cap, •courage, lid, bulb, wall, 4837 frown v
piece, hole, mouth, •top, filter, hat, •silencer misc •up, noun •concentration, lip, Dr, Mrs•, Mr, eyebrow, brow,
•around, really•, everything, •together, •onto, •tight, •confusion, mirror, gaze, watch, •disapproval, chin,
glue•, •shut, totally•, temporarily• •puzzlement, •annoyance misc at, she, upon, shake,
● attach, bolt, fasten || turn, twist, rotate || crumple, slightly, smile, nod, stare, pause, glance, deeply, lean,
twist, distort thoughtfully, sigh, rub
5361 | 0.92 F ● knit your brow, scowl, glare, glower, lower, pull a
4809 projection n 5903 | 0.83 F
adj dual, digital, current, optimistic, financial, low,
economic, rear, long-term, recent noun year, screen, 4844 retreat n
population, •system, power, budget, image, •booth, adj hasty, private, spiritual, presidential, annual,
video•, cost verb base, •slide, exceed•, represent, religious, strategic, tactical noun weekend•, mountain,
display, compare•, revise, cite, rely•, employ •center, summer•, country, camp, vacation•, glacier,
● forecast, plan, prognosis, estimate || outcrop, advance, island verb beat•, attend, offer, cover•, force•,
protuberance, bulge, protrusion block•, order•, signal•, prompt, •expose
5288 | 0.93 A ● departure, withdrawal, flight, evacuation || haven,
hideaway, sanctuary, refuge
4816 mansion n 5132 | 0.95
adj old, Victorian, historic, elegant, sprawling, colonial,
Georgian, haunted, green, presidential noun governor•, 4851 ha u
house, hill, •night, room, executive•, playboy•, beach, per, Ah•, yeah, •ho, laugh, tree•, •sido, funny,
revival•, brick• verb build, live•, buy•, own, •overlook, approximately•, •forest, •filter, hectare•, •hee, Los
restore, visit•, occupy, •belong, •feature 5372 | o.90
● hall, manor, tower || manse, villa, estate || stately
home, manor, hall 4858 contemplate v
5233 | 0.94 noun •suicide, action, •possibility, •future, change,
moment, •move, •career, death, act, •retirement,
4823 sexuality n •marriage, administration•, scenario, viewer• misc while,
adj human, female, male, sexual, adolescent, teenage, sit•, •whether, ever•, seriously, terrible, awful•, willing•,
healthy, emerging noun woman, gender, •education, briefly•
issue, attitude, study, class, research, relationship, race ● look, gaze, stare || weigh, muse, deliberate ||
verb explore•, understand•, express, control•, relate•, anticipate, expect, plan || meditate, muse, imagine
deal•, teach•, emphasize, bind 5027 | 0.96
5531 | 0.88 A

4865 marker n 4907 sovereignty n

adj magic, genetic, black, historical, grave, permanent, adj national, territorial, political, popular, full, tribal,
red, historic, cultural, clear noun mile•, gene, DNA, international, Iraqi, Israeli, Indian noun state, issue,
stone•, pen, disease, table, boundary•, buoy, bone verb nation, •integrity, independence, principle, claim•,
identify, serve•, place, draw, •indicate, pick•, label, sovereignty, concept•, transfer• verb recognize•, claim,
express•, grab•, toss• defend•, exercise•, respect•, state•, protect•, violate•,
● indicator, sign, indication, symbol, pointer declare•, assert•
5156 | 0.94 ● dominion, rule, power, control || independence,
autonomy, self-government, freedom
4872 provoke v 5541 | 0.86 A
noun •response, •reaction, •debate, question, thought,
violence, •controversy, crisis, •discussion, attack, 4914 crowd v
conflict, •outrage, action, •anger, •confrontation misc noun people, street, table, other, wall, space, tourist,
might•, try•, •among, •strong, •violent building, shelf, office, thousand•, field, sidewalk,
● incite, aggravate, needle, goad || cause, bring about, reporter, hall misc •into, •around, •together, small
elicit, trigger ● throng, flock, herd, assemble || jam-pack, overcrowd,
5063 | 0.95 pack, cram
5083 | 0.94 F
4879 transport n
adj public, military, international, supersonic, easy, 4921 sunny j
interstate, atmospheric noun air•, •plane, ozone•, noun day, afternoon, morning, side, sky, room, spot,
•system, •aircraft, area, •service, •communication, •ship, weather, window, disposition, spring, beach misc warm,
energy verb •carry, prevent•, reduce, arrive, control•, bright•, hot, beautiful•, clear, •yellow, cold
arrange•, facilitate•, await•, •crash, deliver ● sunlit, bright, luminous, brilliant || cheerful, cheery,
● conveyance, carriage, transportation, transference || bright, positive
vehicle, transportation, conveyance, means of 5117 | 0.93
5313 | 0.91 A 4928 terribly r
not•, •wrong, something•, so•, •important, feel•, •sorry,
4886 depart v miss•, seem•, •difficult, suffer•, •sad, •concerned,
noun flight, train•, tour•, hour, ship, cruise•, airport, •disappointed
•tradition, plane•, month, bus•, •scene, •precedent, ● awfully, dreadfully, appallingly, horribly || very,
•peace, •earth misc •from, before•, after, arrive, leave, extremely, tremendously, exceedingly
•early, soon, recently•, return 5096 | 0.93
● start out, set out, set off || die, pass on, pass away ||
pull out, leave, go away || deviate, diverge, differ 4935 seldom r
5035 | 0.96 •see, very•, •use, •ever, though•, •speak, •mention,
•anything, •visit, •discuss, •venture, •occur, •except,
4893 transmit v •anyone
noun information, data, disease, signal, virus, message, ● not often, hardly ever, rarely, infrequently,
image, knowledge misc •through, •via, •receive, occasionally, once in a while
sexually, able• 5009 | 0.95
● put on the air, send out, put out, broadcast || convey,
hand on, communicate, spread 4942 balanced j
5117 | 0.94 noun budget, diet, approach, fund, life, plan, view,
meal, program, attack, agreement, act misc more•, fair•,
4900 within r provide•, pass•, eat•, require•, achieve•, maintain•
from•, •about, •outside, •between, both•, •without, ● fair, impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced || stable,
•across, light•, •among, •beyond, enemy•, •minute, lie• composed, well-adjusted, together
● inside, in, indoors, in the interior 5486 | 0.86
5085 | 0.94

4949 till c 4998 middle-class j

wait•, wait•, •get, up•, •now, •see, morning, •then, •end, noun family, tax, woman, neighborhood, life, home,
day, •after, •next, last, stay• parent, value, suburb, kid, community, voter misc
5269 | o.90 F white, black, American, poor, upper•, among•,
suburban, mostly•
4956 devil n ● bourgeois, conventional, conformist, unadventurous,
adj red, little, poor, incarnate, very, handsome, evil, sly staid, predictable
noun dust•, •advocate, work, angel, soul, deal•, pact•, 5025 | 0.93
•tower, •dress, •cauldron verb play, •wear, speak, kill•,
beat, dance, possess, chase•, tempt, •lurk 5005 chopped j
5051 | 0.94 noun cup, onion, tablespoon, parsley, cilantro, garlic,
teaspoon, pecan, pepper, tomato, celery, walnut misc
4963 public r finely•, •fresh, cup, coarsely•, chopped, add•, green,
in•, make•, appear•, speak•, wear•, least, private, chop, sprinkle•, red, peeled•, stir
discuss•, rarely•, perform•, sing•, kiss•, cry•, drink• 5493 | 0.85 M
4877 | 0.97
5012 bomber n
4970 sometime r adj Palestinian, long-range, heavy, strategic, British,
•after, •next, •during, •later, •between, •before, •around,
allied, suspected, German, nuclear, Soviet noun
•soon, •early, •future, until•, tomorrow, morning, again•
suicide•, fighter, missile, stealth•, air, •pilot, force,
● at some point, at some time, someday, in the future, •jacket, attack, dive• verb kill, •attack, fly, •strike, send,
one day, one of these days •blow, •detonate, launch, destroy, target
4938 | 0.95 5145 | 0.91

4977 accelerate v 5019 rape v

noun process, growth, pace, •development, trend, year, noun woman, man, girl, daughter, wife, victim, soldier,
change, car•, rate, program, effort, progress, reform, •murder, •me, gang•, charge, sister, husband, prison,
inflation•, field misc •toward, economic, greatly, rapidly, girlfriend misc her, murder, kill, beat, accuse, torture,
quickly repeatedly, strangle, brutally, assault, allegedly, rob,
● go faster, speed up, increase speed, gather speed, claim, charge, sodomize
pick up the pace, pick up speed 5063 | 0.92 S
4923 | 0.96
5026 zero m
4984 spit v below•, degree, zero, •tolerance, •percent,
noun •word, •face, •blood, mouth, tobacco, water, •fire, temperature•, •gravity, almost•, near•, significantly•,
head•, tooth, •seed, •stream, •juice, food, window, dust rate, ground•, less•, range•
misc •out, •into, then, chew•, •onto, •upon, cough• 4850 | 0.95
● gob, expectorate, splutter || sputter, spatter, sizzle
|| utter, splutter, hiss || impale, skewer, spear || rain, 5033 developed j
shower, drizzle noun country, world, nation, region, economy, society,
5286 | 0.89 F sense, skill, technology, cancer, ability, method misc
less•, highly•, developing, newly•, fully•, recently•,
4991 sensor n throughout•, patient•, economically•, systematically•,
adj infrared, electronic, optical, light, tiny, Inc, available, relatively•, industrial
ultrasonic, multiple, digital noun system, pressure•, ● technologically advanced, industrialized, advanced,
temperature, data, sensor, motion•, camera, established, settled
technology, array, satellite verb use, •detect, •measure, 5163 | 0.90 A
monitor, design, place, develop, attach, install, trigger
● device, measuring device, instrument, radar, beam,
5154 | 0.91

5040 critique n 5075 sheriff n

adj social, cultural, feminist, radical, western, modern, adj local, orange, assistant, retired, off-duty, corrupt,
postmodern, contemporary, liberal, scathing noun small-town, elected, sadistic noun deputy, •office,
•society, culture, theory, ideology, •science, analysis, •department, county•, police, car, town, officer,
critique, article, •capitalism, discourse verb offer•, detective, •investigator verb call, •arrest, arrive, elect•,
publish•, present, articulate, analyze•, mount•, launch•, investigate, search, complain•, contact•, escort, alert
aim, level, imply• 4914 | 0.93
● analysis, assessment, evaluation, account, review,
appraisal 5082 vein n
5290 | 0.87 A adj similar, blue, varicose, jugular, deep, rich, red, tiny,
left, retinal noun blood, artery, neck, leg, arm, skin,
5047 Iranian j vein, muscle, •temple, leaf verb run, course•, flow•,
noun government, official, president, revolution, leader, •bulge, tap•, pulse, •pop, pump•, remove, inject
border, hostage, regime, oil, force, minister, agent misc ● layer, seam, lode || mood, frame of mind, manner ||
•nuclear, •foreign, Iranian, •revolutionary, Iraqi, streak, strip, stripe
•military, Syrian, Islamic, Turkish, Persian, senior •, seize 4859 | 0.94
5350 | 0.86
5089 stroke v
5054 legendary j noun •hair, hand, heart•, •head, disease, •cheek, arm,
noun figure, coach, singer, star, king, son, hero, status, •back, attack•, face, finger, •beard, •chin, •neck, cancer
jazz, career, artist, actor misc become•, whose, •coach, misc his, her, her, a, gently, reach, kiss, softly, lightly,
legendary, famous, photograph•, wooden, feature•, touch, soft, smooth, stroke, smile, slowly
inspire, •Mexican, honor•, credit ● caress, fondle, pat, rub
● fabled, mythical, mythological, imaginary || famous, 5120 | 0.89 F
renowned, well-known, celebrated
4904 | 0.94 5096 classic n
adj American, modern, instant, literary, western,
5061 authentic j contemporary, Italian, popular, French, timeless noun
noun experience, assessment, music, self, voice, cult•, film, version•, professor, movie, holiday•,
culture, learning, cuisine, document, teaching, identity, •literature, song, rock, Christmas verb become•,
expression misc more•, real, authentic, •Mexican, consider•, study•, perform•, feature, star, update•,
•Christian, •African, •Indian, •musical, •native, sound•, remake, adapt, regard
•Chinese, original ● masterpiece, landmark, benchmark, model,
● genuine, original, authenticated || true, reliable, masterwork, prototype
dependable || genuine, original, authenticated || true, 4829 | 0.94
reliable, dependable
4933 | 0.93 A 5103 stunning j
noun view, victory, success, beauty, example, defeat,
5068 editorial j image, performance, collection, sight, display,
noun page, board, editor, writer, director, staff, photograph misc most•, absolutely•, visually•, •upset,
cartoon, member, comment, assistant, newspaper, quite•, stunning, beautiful, truly•, equally•, deliver•,
chronicle misc •advisory, regarding, publish, assistant, capture, feature
direct, daily, vice•, separate•, editorial, •electronic, ● spectacular, striking, fabulous, splendid, superb,
exercise•, select magnificent
● journalistic, reporting, newspaper, tabloid, 4779 | 0.95
broadsheet, writing
4926 | 0.93

5110 ray n 5152 prosecute v

adj cosmic, ultraviolet, UV, light, harmful, high-energy, noun case, attorney, crime, •war, government•, law,
infrared, bright, energetic, solar noun sun, gamma•, court, office•, •criminal, person, •murder, decision•,
•light, cathode•, •hope, •sunlight, ray, energy, manta •, department•, district•, justice• misc shall, under,
•sunshine verb catch, produce, reflect, •penetrate, emit, investigate, federal, successfully, criminal, arrest,
cause, UVB•, detect, block•, shine decide, responsible, difficult, criminally, full, anyone,
● beam, shaft, gleam, glimmer, flicker, spark punish, refuse
4872 | 0.93 M ● put on trial, act against, impeach, arraign, indict, take
legal action
5117 copper n 4820 | 0.92 S
adj green, thin, heavy, stainless, bright, polished,
proper, solid, plated, burnished noun •wire, silver, 5159 glow n
•mine, zinc, gold, iron, aluminum, •pot, steel, brass verb adj warm, red, faint, soft, orange, golden, blue, dim,
contain, hang, cast•, strip, mine, wrap, connect, attach, yellow, healthy noun light, face, lamp, fire, sun, skin,
•gleam, steal• candle, sky, moon, screen verb cast•, bask•, light,
4810 | 0.94 bathe•, reflect, illuminate, •fade, shine, emit•, •emanate
● radiance, ruddiness, light, luminosity, glimmering,
5124 lyrics [PL] n afterglow
adj explicit, popular, musical, violent, original, complete, 4925 | 0.90 F
dramatic, poetic, hip-hop, English noun song, music,
melody, rap, rock, album, tune, rhythm, poetry, poem 5166 satisfied j
verb write, sing, read, listen, contain, rap•, inspire, noun customer, smile, user, faculty, client, nod, grin,
compose, recite•, belt• satisfaction, sigh, respondent, overall, whole misc
4747 | 0.94 more•, very•, feel•, seem•, never•, less•, until, satisfied,
quite•, completely•, •dissatisfied, happy
5131 rob v ● content, pleased, fulfilled, gratified, contented,
noun •bank, •store, •gunpoint, drug, victim, •cradle, happy
•ability, grave, gun, apartment, thief•, •restaurant,
4640 | 0.96
•train, dealer, gang• misc kill, someone, steal, beat,
rape, somebody, murder, accuse, shoot, blind, rob, rich, 5173 organizer n
attempt, assault, threaten adj Olympic, professional, local, graphic, personal,
● steal from, take from, hold up, stick up || deprive, electronic, chief, key, principal, longtime noun
cheat, fleece, drain community•, union•, event, conference, labor•, festival,
4675 | 0.96 race•, activist, show, march verb •hope, •plan,
•announce, protest•, •promise, hire, invite, advance•,
5138 dragon n rally•, •accuse
adj red, Chinese, grand, green, magic, fire-breathing, ● manager, director, planner, controller || diary,
flying, tiny, lucky, bearded noun tiger, •head, dungeon•, agenda, schedule, daybook
dragon, Komodo•, •tooth, sea•, fire, •lady, tail verb slay•, 4741 | 0.93
crouch•, fight, •reborn, fly, •breathe, chase•, •hunt,
guard, carve 5180 disagreement n
5352 | 0.83 F adj strong, fundamental, serious, major, considerable,
sharp, internal, honest, minor, basic noun agreement•,
5145 time v policy, conflict, •statement, disagreement, debate,
noun •period, minute, •slot, second, •visit, others•, discussion, argument, extent, confusion• verb resolve,
arrival, •pass, release, •fly, Mr, •interval, •pulse, •signal, indicate•, express•, •arise, •exist, •multiply, settle,
•occultation misc give, spend, coincide, perfectly, save, •concern, •constitute, stem
allow, yourself, carefully, precisely, pm, best, consume, ● dispute, difference of opinion, quarrel, argument ||
multiply, time, poorly difference, divergence, incongruity, discrepancy
● count, measure, clock, calculate || schedule, 4721 | 0.93
program, timetable, plan
4572 | 0.98

5187 Iraqi n 5222 destiny n

adj ordinary, innocent, Iraqi, armed, Arab, displaced, adj manifest, human, common, ultimate, individual,
fellow, capable, Shiite, grateful noun American, Iraqi, historical, eternal, global, shared, female noun •child,
soldier, weapon, responsibility, Iranian, coalition, control•, sense•, fate, destiny, master•, character•,
sovereignty•, Sunni, Kuwaiti verb kill, fight, attack, train, nature•, biology•, date• verb control•, determine, fulfill•,
fire, •vote, cooperate, •withdraw, destroy, capture shape•, fulfil, choose, accept•, affect•, alter, escape•
5599 | 0.79 S ● fate, fortune, lot, luck || purpose, vocation, intention,
5194 stun v 4561 | 0.95
noun gun, •silence, audience, sight, •beauty, crowd,
verdict, Dr, colleague, shock, •speed, blow, •courtroom, 5229 narrative j
revelation, champion misc by, learn, a, little, stare, noun structure, voice, form, text, audience, discourse,
everyone, absolutely, momentarily, discover, shocked, theory, strategy, technique, history, mode, level misc
bit, completely, silent, somewhat, first narrative, fictional, traditional•, historical, present,
● shock, daze, dumbfound, upset || knock out, daze, present, ideal•, rather, visual, proper, complex•, employ
lay out, paralyze 5237 | 0.83 A
4658 | 0.94
5236 greenhouse n
5201 mature j adj global, atmospheric, so-called, runaway, increasing,
noun woman, tree, buck, adult, forest, plant, cell, growing, future, solar, increased, net noun •gas,
market, male, relationship, industry, audience misc •emission, •effect, carbon, dioxide•, concentration,
more•, •enough, sexually•, develop, less•, produce, atmosphere, reduction, plant, level verb reduce•,
fully•, •handle, •responsible, physically•, •male, healthy •warm, grow, produce, limit•, cut•, build, cause, emit,
● established, developed, settled || experienced, control•
responsible, adult || grown-up, adult, full-grown || ● conservatory, orangery, hothouse, glasshouse
ripe, mellow, ready 4744 | 0.92
4648 | 0.94
5243 fuel v
5208 philosopher n noun growth, •fire, boom, •debate, economy, fear,
adj political, French, Greek, German, ancient, natural, •speculation, anger, interest, demand, •desire,
moral, modern, contemporary, famous noun scientist, movement, factor•, industry, gas misc by, part,
poet, theologian, historian, •stone, •science, century, economic, largely, growing, ethnic, rapid, intense,
writer, psychologist, •king verb argue, quote•, •propose, industrial, fully, explosive, partly, massive, primarily,
rule, •debate, •assert, •devote, •distinguish, •grapple, widespread
•ponder ● power, fire, run, drive || increase, stimulate,
● theorist, truth-seeker, thinker, academic, logician, promote, energize
dreamer 4591 | 0.94
4918 | 0.89 A
5250 migrant n
5215 kidney n adj black, rural, Mexican, illegal, urban, recent, poor,
adj living, chronic, red, severe, polycystic, normal, southern, transnational, internal noun •worker, •labor,
yellow, digestive, renal, rinsed noun •disease, liver, •farm, family, •laborer, community, population, migrant,
•failure, •transplant, •bean, •stone, heart, •problem, •camp, border verb return, arrive, settle, attract•, •cross,
•dialysis, lung verb cause, donate•, die•, remove, •fail, travel, employ, hire, constitute, house•
suffer•, damage•, treat•, function, undergo• ● refugee, immigrant, emigrant, asylum seeker ||
● food, offal, meat, organ meats, variety meat wanderer, traveler, nomad, itinerant
4683 | 0.93 4951 | 0.87 A

5257 competence n 5292 part-time j

adj social, perceived, cultural, academic, athletic, high, noun job, faculty, student, worker, work, employee,
professional, technical, physical, interpersonal noun college, member, basis, employment, instructor,
level•, perception•, teacher, sense•, area, competence, position misc work•, full-time, full-•, teach, employ•,
skill, scale, feeling•, evaluation verb perceive•, temporary, hire•, part-time, attend•, •earn, mostly•,
demonstrate•, develop, relate, coach•, define, assess•, flexible
improve, promote, increase• ● job-sharing, evening, weekend, freelance, casual
● capability, ability, skill, fitness, aptitude, proficiency 4611 | 0.93
5197 | 0.83 A
5299 cautious j
5264 homeowner n noun approach, optimism, step, policy, investor,
adj average, individual, solar, low-income, existing, consumer, researcher, scientist, attitude, analyst, tone,
nearby, growing, first-time, middle-class, elderly noun spending misc more•, •about, very•, a•, remain•, little•,
•association, •insurance, •policy, tax, property, overly•, extremely•, careful, bit•, slow, extra•
mortgage, neighborhood, county•, auto, loan verb pay, ● careful, watchful, thoughtful, alert, vigilant, guarded
•refinance, •face, cover, •install, save, encourage•, cost•, 4397 | 0.97
purchase, sue
4789 | 0.90 N 5306 Italian n
noun French, German, Jew, English, Greek, American,
5271 hike n pole, restaurant, Japanese, cup• verb speak, •dress,
adj long, short, easy, guided, steep, strenuous, round- translate, sing, cook, chop, Salvatore•, swear, borrow
trip, overnight, moderate, minimum noun tax•, rate•, 4495 | 0.95
price•, day•, trail, mountain, mile, interest•, bike, park
verb take•, plan, climb, trail, feed•, swim, ride, hike, 5313 mercy n
approve, ski adj tender, medical, divine, corporal, sweet, spiritual,
● trek, ramble, walk, climb, scramble, trudge so-called, infinite, humanitarian, gracious noun justice,
4808 | 0.90 M mercy, •hospital, •killing, sister•, compassion, love,
mission, works•, act• verb show•, beg•, throw•, plead•,
5278 hostility n cry•, scream•, deserve•, grant, pray•, temper•
adj open, racial, outright, mutual, ethnic, growing, ● compassion, pity, clemency, forgiveness || blessing,
imminent, overt, deep, active noun cessation•, end•, relief, kindness, stroke of luck
anger, anxiety, suspicion, outbreak•, •religion, 4448 | 0.95
aggression, depression, indifference• verb end,
express•, encounter•, cease, provoke•, engage•, •exist, 5320 acute j
generate, •direct, prevent noun care, problem, patient, stress, pain, syndrome,
● aggression, anger, unfriendliness, resentment, infection, hospital, sense, illness, shortage, failure misc
antagonism, opposition more•, chronic, become•, particularly•, •respiratory,
4614 | 0.93 most•, during, severe•, suffer•, especially•, cause,
5285 explicitly r ● severe, serious, critical || perceptive, shrewd,
state, implicitly, address, •recognize, •political, •reject, intelligent || sharp, sensitive, keen || intense, violent,
•mention, refer, although•, either•, •acknowledge, strong
•religious, •link, •define 4758 | 0.89 A
● openly, clearly, overtly, obviously, plainly,
unambiguously 5327 blast v
4975 | 0.86 A noun music, air, rock, radio, horn, bomb•, hole, wind,
space, wall, rocket•, speaker, gun, shotgun•, fire misc
through, off, away, out, off, apart, through, onto, past,
drill, loud, giant, Israeli, blast, bomb
● blow up, explode, detonate || criticize, attack, vilify
|| damage, blight, disfigure
4492 | 0.94

5334 notably r 5369 cane n

most•, several•, •absent, •lack, European, critic•, works, adj white, free-standing, wooden, wild, broken, thick,
French, scholar•, exception•, Latin, decade•, ally•, giant, sweet, used, blind noun sugar•, candy•, •field,
variable• chair, •toad, tip, hat, cane, •pole, Walker verb use•,
● particularly, remarkably, especially, markedly, walk, lean•, cut, carry, tap, grab•, hobble, bend, harvest
conspicuously, outstandingly ● bamboo, wicker, rattan || stick, walking stick, staff
4606 | 0.92 A 4481 | 0.93

5341 exile n 5376 aging j

adj Cuban, Iraqi, political, self-imposed, internal, forced, noun process, population, parent, boomer, baby,
Saudi, Spanish, voluntary, polish noun year•, research, society, service, body, star, network, care
•community, government•, leader, return, opposition•, misc replace•, slow•, care•, rapidly•, normal•, reverse•,
refugee, exile, decade•, homeland verb live•, return, growing•, associate•, increasingly, accelerate, repair•,
force•, send•, flee, Laden, train, escape, organize, upgrade•
•oppose ● elderly, old, aged, mature, of advanced years, senior
● émigré, tax exile, expatriate, deportee || banishment, 4402 | 0.94
deportation, expulsion, separation
4480 | 0.94 5383 desirable j
noun behavior, characteristic, trait, outcome, feature,
5348 endangered j goal, quality, value, response, property, location,
noun species, act, list, animal, habitat, plant, wildlife, alternative misc more•, most•, less•, socially•, highly•,
protection, trade, bird, fish, sea misc threaten, protect•, possible, consider•, necessary, least•, both•, less•,
most•, under•, threatened, federal•, rare•, •undesirable
international•, save•, list, •act, including ● wanted, needed, necessary, required || attractive,
● rare, in danger of extinction, dying out, scarce, pleasing, enviable, pleasant
threatened, vanishing 4615 | 0.90 A
4553 | 0.92
5390 attain v
5355 originate v noun •goal, level, •status, •degree, objective, •position,
noun idea, term•, role, •region, concept, flight•, source, •standard, means, success, knowledge, score, height,
century, loan, cell, movement•, tradition, tumor•, •rank, skill, •size misc high, certain, order, in, difficult,
mortgage, human misc from, where, where, within, full, necessary, maximum, desired, fail, strive, maintain,
outside, ancient, middle, modern, southern, elsewhere, ideal, critical, educational
somewhere, eastern, northern, likely, mainly ● accomplish, achieve, reach, conquer, manage, make
● create, invent, initiate, instigate || begin, derive, 4654 | 0.89 A
stem from, start
4558 | 0.92 A 5397 dinosaur n
adj extinct, purple, carnivorous, ancient, giant,
5362 loom v feathered, living, alive, Cretaceous, duck-billed noun
noun •horizon, question•, mountain•, shadow•, face•, •bone, fossil, dinosaur, bird, •egg, age, park,
threat•, deadline•, figure•, building•, crisis•, foot, •monument, skeleton, extinction verb wipe•, •roam,
election•, •distance, •background, tower• misc large, evolve, dig, discover, •disappear, •rule, unearth, survive,
over, over, above, ahead, before, behind, huge, dark, feature
suddenly, overhead, front, beyond, tall, above ● relic, fossil, has-been, vestige, leftover, hangover
● appear, emerge, come out, materialize || impend, 4512 | 0.91
hang over, threaten, approach
4432 | 0.94

5404 rising j 5439 accommodation n

noun tide, star, sun, cost, price, number, rate, water, adj reasonable, public, special, appropriate, religious,
power, health, demand, moon misc •lift, face•, •middle, overnight, mutual, luxury, comfortable, luxurious noun
reflect, contribute•, ride•, stem•, •Islamic, escape•, hotel, meal, package, disability, need, assessment,
blame•, response•, coincide• restaurant, •modification, resort, accommodation verb
● increasing, growing, going up, mounting, getting include, provide, reach•, offer•, test•, require, seek•,
higher, getting bigger •range, arrange, house
4267 | 0.97 ● adjustment, adaptation, alteration, change ||
housing, room, space, place
5411 orthodox j 4475 | 0.91 A
noun church, Jew, Christian, Catholic, Christianity,
community, priest, faith, rabbi, leader, view, tradition 5446 lone j
misc Russian•, Greek•, eastern•, •Christian, •Jewish, noun star, ranger, state, wolf, tree, figure, gunman,
Serbian•, religious, Catholic, modern•, orthodox, voice, pine, survivor, exception, mountain misc a•,
Ukrainian•, Roman •female, lone, spot, •bright, score•, empty, •ride,
● conventional, accepted, traditional, conformist, continued•, •remaining, except•, cast•
approved, established ● single, solitary, single-handed || only, sole, unique ||
4536 | 0.91 isolated, lonely, separate
4361 | 0.93
5418 strand n
adj long, single, loose, thin, thick, dark, various, gray, 5453 circulation n
barbed, thematic noun •hair, DNA, •wire, •pearl, strand, adj daily, poor, general, global, combined, total,
•bead, web, fiber, spaghetti, •thought verb pull, brush•, atmospheric, wide, mass, paid noun air•, newspaper,
weave, push•, hang, twist, separate•, tuck•, tie, form blood, magazine, paper, advertising, •model, news,
● thread, filament, fiber || lock, tress, wisp || element, ocean•, •pattern verb increase•, improve•, cut•, boost•,
component, constituent reduce, stimulate, restore, promote•, decline, enhance•
4433 | 0.93 F ● flow, movement, passage || exchange, flow,
transmission || distribution, readership, sales
5425 uphold v 4378 | 0.93
noun court, •law, decision, appeal, •right, state, ruling,
•constitution, •standard, •principle, conviction, •value, 5460 venue n
judge, circuit, •rule misc federal, swear, vote, adj other, Olympic, different, public, various, major,
constitutional, moral, appellate, state, affirmative, outdoor, appropriate, popular, sporting noun change•,
unanimously, commit, defend, administrative, superior, sport•, music, concert•, entertainment•, art, event,
consistently, impose exhibition, performance, competition verb provide•,
● support, sustain, maintain, defend, endorse, perform•, •host, travel•, •range, locate, •feature,
advocate schedule, display, vary
4388 | 0.93 ● site, place, location, scene, setting, spot
4404 | 0.92 N
5432 hazardous j
noun waste, material, substance, site, chemical, 5467 regression n
management, disposal, health, facility, release, air, adj multiple, logistic, linear, hierarchical, stepwise,
cleanup misc potentially•, contain•, solid, dispose, toxic, significant, multivariate, standardized, separate, final
clean•, extremely•, less•, reduce•, generate, handle•, noun •analysis, •model, table, result, •equation,
environmental •coefficient, variable, correlation, regression, series•
● dangerous, risky, perilous, unsafe, harmful, lethal verb use, conduct, •predict, perform, •analyse, show,
4742 | 0.86 A •indicate, enter•, •examine, include
● reversion, deterioration, relapse, worsening || going
backward, recession, retreat, retrogression
5065 | 0.8 A

5474 skinny j 5509 zero n

noun leg, kid, guy, arm, boy, Jean, girl, body, nun, hair, adj ground, absolute, near, net, Japanese, patient, sub,
pant, neck misc tall•, too•, •little, long, •white, wear, equal, fat, toxic noun ground•, •tolerance, policy,
short, fat, skinny, pale, annual•, •blond degree, •gravity, value, zero, •growth, one, •population
● thin, lean, undernourished, emaciated, scrawny, verb near•, approach•, achieve•, score•, equal, rate,
skeletal rebuild•, dig, bat•, calculate•
4443 | 0.91 F ● nothing, nil, zip, zilch, naught, zippo
4227 | 0.94
5481 reassure v
noun •public, parent, •investor, •reader, •voter, 5516 verse n
•consumer, Dr, •neighbor, •ally, •passenger, adj free, satanic, biblical, blank, following, final, modern,
•conservative, touch, calm, •supporter, •relative misc English, Koranic, traditional noun chapter•, Bible, verse,
her, him, try, himself, myself, seek, herself, somewhat, song, line, form, prose, •Koran, poem, poetry verb
worry, yourself, somehow, smile, nervous, calm, hardly write, sing•, read, recite•, quote, cite•, contain,
● assure, comfort, encourage, set your mind at rest, compose, memorize, refer
soothe, calm ● poetry, rhyme, blank verse, free verse || stanza,
4194 | 0.96 canto, section, unit
4280 | 0.93
5488 revival n
adj Greek, religious, economic, colonial, Islamic, gothic, 5523 co-worker n
recent, ethnic, musical, cultural noun •meeting, •style, adj male, female, close, fellow noun friend, family,
•interest, Broadway•, •movement, church, tent, neighbor, supervisor, boss, relative, lunch, employee,
•mansion, •tradition, renaissance verb enjoy•, employer•, supervision• verb kill, date•, harass,
experience•, spark•, undergo•, star, direct, preach, complain, accuse, threaten, injure, impress•, greet
•sweep, spur•, celebrate 4199 | 0.94
● revitalization, renewal, restoration, stimulation ||
resuscitation, recovery, waking, coming to 5530 startle v
4324 | 0.93 noun voice•, sound, door•, noise, horse, appearance,
silence, knock, •sleep, ring•, •reverie, sight, cat, shadow,
5495 abundance n bell• misc him, me, her, jump, a, awake, little, suddenly,
adj relative, natural, low, overall, apparent, total, sudden, loud, realize, discover, bit, easily, smile
present, sheer, marine, light noun species, distribution, ● disconcert, shock, frighten, surprise, alarm, amaze
food, •element, estimate, fish, change, diversity, 4515 | 0.88 F
resource, index verb produce•, increase, estimate,
affect•, decline, exist•, measure•, reflect, contain•, 5537 separately r
possess• each, together, sell•, consider•, analyze•, examine•,
● profusion, plenty, wealth, richness, copiousness, meet•, conduct•, analysis, treat•, purchase•, male,
lavishness report•, female
4445 | 0.90 A ● distinctly, unconnectedly, disjointedly, discretely ||
unconnectedly, independently, alone, individually
5502 successor n 4245 | 0.93 A
adj possible, likely, worthy, Soviet, potential, chosen,
designated, hand-picked, immediate, communist noun 5544 hometown n
son•, minister, search•, pope•, •chairman, •regime, adj adopted, northern, beloved, rural noun name•,
predecessor•, apostle, heir, successor verb name, •hero, •newspaper, •phone, •paper, •daytime, •fan,
choose, pick•, appoint, elect, •state, groom•, select, •crowd, •favorite, •association verb return•, visit•, flee•,
confirm, •inherit list•, bury•, honor, boo, root•, •withhold, cheer
● heir, inheritor, replacement, beneficiary 4220 | 0.93
4248 | 0.94

5551 grid n 5586 applicant n

adj electrical, electric, catenary, square, entire, existing, adj qualified, white, potential, male, eligible, female,
smart, solar, rectangular, regional noun power•, prospective, successful, overweight, criminal noun job,
electricity•, system, street, line, •pattern, utility, pool, number•, percent•, minority•, •position, college,
transmission•, grid, •cell verb connect, lay, draw, place, test, loan, employee verb •must, require, screen•,
feed•, arrange•, mark, extend, display, transfer reject, accept, interview, •receive, hire, select, seek
● network, lattice, net, web, gridiron, grating ● candidate, interviewee, claimant, hopeful, aspirant,
4257 | 0.92 contender
4318 | 0.90 A
5558 spotlight n
adj national, public, international, bright, harsh, 5593 conceptual j
uncomfortable, tiny, white-hot, intense, glaring noun noun framework, model, art, understanding,
media•, glare•, •handicap, tester•, stage, DATELINE, knowledge, structure, modeling, level, artist, design,
beam, spotlight, •convention, scandal verb shine, put•, approach, skill misc provide•, develop, theoretical, base,
turn, share•, focus, steal•, grab•, step•, thrust•, throw• empirical, •practical, •methodological, physical,
● attention, limelight, fuss, focus, interest, public eye present•, relate, identify, linguistic
4144 | 0.95 4681 | 0.83 A

5565 polite j 5600 peach n

noun applause, conversation, society, smile, voice, adj fresh, ripe, white, canned, sliced, pink, sweet, giant,
rating, manner, tone, request, greeting, refusal, green, red noun •tree, apple, pear, peach, plum, •cream,
stranger misc very•, too•, always•, quiet, unfailingly•, fruit, •cobbler, apricot, bowl verb peel, pick, eat•, •halve,
nice, friendly, •respectful, •other, •each, extremely•, slice, combine, cup, preserve, taste, •pit
courteous ● beauty, honey, cracker, humdinger, wow, dilly
● well-mannered, good-mannered, civil, well-bred || 4183 | 0.93
refined, cultured, polished, elegant
4230 | 0.92 F 5607 lobby v
noun •Congress, group, •government, state, effort,
5572 superintendent n •reform, member, law, official, organization, •bill,
adj assistant, public, national, Indian, associate, interim, •legislation, firm, industry, •activity misc for, against,
acting, chief, elected, principal noun school, district, hard, successfully, federal, heavily, behalf, actively,
park, state•, board, principal, county•, police, education, aggressively, congressional, personally, engage, INT,
•instruction verb state•, hire, appoint, contact•, order, legislative, organize
fire, select, park•, school•, elect ● petition, press your case, try to influence, apply
● manager, supervisor, administrator, officer, pressure, sway opinion, push
controller, overseer 4119 | 0.94
4250 | 0.92 N
5614 poison n
5579 editorial n adj deadly, chemical, lethal, toxic, used, regional,
adj recent, editorial, front-page, daily, scathing, psychotropic, radioactive, glowing, potent noun •gas,
unsigned, excellent, accompanying, indignant, outraged •ivy, •control, •pill, poison, •oak, •center, rat•, body,
noun newspaper, •post, •editor, journal, •chronicle, plant verb kill, drink, spread, contain•, feed•, pour•,
•page, street, •board, news, editorial verb write•, read•, spray•, swallow•, release•, inject•
publish, •title, •suggest, state, note, •entitle, •criticize, ● venom, toxin, contagion, toxic substance
quote 4091 | 0.94
● editorial column, viewpoint, perspective, essay,
commentary, exposition
4304 | 0.90 N

5621 concrete n 5663 lamb n

adj reinforced, abstract, precast, wet, poured, broken, adj grilled, sacrificial, roast, roasted, braised, tender,
pouring, cold, solid, thick noun steel, foot, asphalt, lost, boneless, mint, newborn noun •chop, silence•, leg•,
glass, brick, slab•, wall, metal, chunk•, stone verb pour, rack•, •shank, beef, pork, chicken, •stew, pound• verb
reinforce, build, mix•, cover, lay, scrape•, cast•, bury•, serve, place, cook, roast, trim, marinate, dress, grill,
surround slaughter, transfer•
4045 | 0.95 4104 | 0.93

5628 obsession n 5670 academy n

adj national, sexual, current, growing, lifelong, adj military, private, western, male, naval, secular,
magnificent, secret, romantic, unhealthy, increasing French, official, contemporary, scientific noun police•,
noun •compulsion, media•, culture, celebrity, passion, member, service•, training, art, class, graduate, science,
weight, object•, obsession, •detail, •secrecy verb officer, •award verb teach, graduate•, attend•, enter•,
become•, border•, pursue•, overcome•, nurture, fuel•, train, establish, enroll•, •honor, nominate, envision
•diet, indulge•, distract, trace ● school, college, conservatory, conservatoire, arts
● mania, fascination, fixation, passion, preoccupation, school, private school
thing 4106 | 0.92
3989 | 0.96
5677 supervise v
5635 nutrition n noun teacher, student, work, program, •activity,
adj good, poor, proper, human, better, medical, •construction, •staff, •operation, •election, •project,
adequate, clinical, artificial, physical noun health, food, worker, employee, training, care, officer misc closely,
•program, professor•, director•, exercise, •expert, train, properly, personally, responsible, carefully,
fitness, education, care verb provide•, exercise, teach•, monitor, hire, internationally, fail, professional, clinical,
improve•, •label, •cook, house, specialize•, •tip, adequately, regulate, directly
incorporate ● oversee, manage, administer, control, run, direct
● nourishment, diet, food, sustenance 3967 | 0.95
4219 | 0.91 M
5684 fried j
5642 wool n noun chicken, food, egg, potato, rice, tomato, fish,
adj black, heavy, gray, white, thick, fine, wet, red, shrimp, catfish, pork, bread, onion misc eat•, •green,
brown, blue noun •coat, •sweater, cotton, •blanket, serve, fried, crispy•, hot, fresh, sweet, crisp, mashed,
•suit, •jacket, •sock, steel•, silk, •cap verb wear•, pull, baked, southern•
spin•, knit, wrap, cover, weave, smell, dress, dye 4064 | 0.93
● angora, mohair, cashmere, yarn, fabric, material
4196 | 0.91 F 5691 con n
adj pro, ultimate, convicted, elaborate, classic, small-
5649 cherry n time, crunchy, charming, hablar, tan noun pro•, •man,
adj dried, red, black, sour, sweet, fresh, wild, tart, ripe, •artist, •leche, •score, Ella, chili•, cafe•, victim, •pollo
green noun •tomato, •tree, cup, •blossom, •pie, apple, verb weigh•, discuss•, debate•, ust, portray, •blink
•red, maraschino•, •wood, grape verb pick, •halve, cup, ● convict, prisoner, jailbird || confidence game, fraud,
pit, chop, stir•, combine, line, pop, garnish• scam || negative, disadvantage, minus
4153 | 0.92 M 4028 | 0.94

5656 accordingly r 5698 precedent n

adjust•, act•, plan•, respond•, treat•, react•, modify•, adj historical, legal, dangerous, bad, important,
behave•, adapt•, suffer•, asset, compensate•, dress•, international, future, terrible, ample, judicial noun
vary• court, case, law, history, decision, rule, Senate,
● appropriately, suitably, correspondingly, fittingly || doctrine•, principle, tradition verb set, establish, follow•,
so, for that reason, therefore, hence cite, create•, •exist, overturn, apply, rely, bind
4253 | 0.90 A ● example, model, pattern, instance, guide, standard
4053 | 0.93

5705 encompass v 5747 listing n

noun area, •range, •acre, •variety, term•, category•, adj local, complete, multiple, current, available, partial,
definition, park•, region, district•, view, mile, •aspect, comprehensive, alphabetical, endangered, annual noun
concept, theory misc both, broad, entire, everything, job•, •service, •game, description•, page, TV•, •plan, site,
wide, social, square, expand, diverse, cultural, event, •decision verb see•, check•, include, publish,
environmental, vast, complex, define, extend view, •comprise, scan•, fax•, search•, •contact
● include, cover, take in, incorporate, involve, ● list, catalog, inventory, register || citation, item,
comprehend entry
4152 | 0.90 A 4086 | 0.91

5712 skillet n 5754 thoughtful j

adj large, medium, medium-high, heavy, hot, cast-iron, noun analysis, comment, person, consideration,
small, high, deep, olive noun •heat, oil, butter, onion, discussion, manner, expression, moment, approach,
iron•, tablespoon, •spray, minute, bacon, wok• verb add, response, gift, look misc very•, more•, most•, careful,
•cook, heat, remove•, place, •stir, melt, return•, cover, serious, intelligent, quiet•, sensitive, funny, thorough,
pour generous, gentle•
4431 | 0.85 M ● considerate, kind, caring || pensive, meditative,
contemplative || careful, meticulous, painstaking
5719 mat n 3819 | 0.97
adj welcome, fine, rubber, algal, thick, woven, sleeping,
thin, dense, soft noun floor, place•, •board, straw•, 5761 jail v
bath•, mat, yoga•, window, foot, tatami• verb sit, place, noun •month, •charge, crime, •murder, prison, judge,
lay, cover, lie, roll, sleep•, form•, weave, spread Mr, •contempt, dissident, offender, journalist, prisoner,
● rug, carpet, doormat, bathmat || pad, place mat, •fraud, criminal, activist• misc to, go, send, off, arrest,
table mat, doily haul, sentence, briefly, refuse, ought, rather, beat, fine,
4071 | 0.92 torture, order
● imprison, lock up, put away, lock away, put behind
5726 bitch n bars, incarcerate
adj little, stupid, fucking, crazy, dumb, rich, fat, sorry, 3987 | 0.93 S
ugly, tough noun son•, bitch, •whore, dog, stitch•, •heat,
ass, slut, hell, nigga verb kill, fuck, shut, scream, mutter, 5768 quantum n
hate, slap, •yell, •brew, shout adj mechanical, general, classical, fractional, relativistic,
4335 | 0.86 F fundamental, coherent, adiabatic, molecular,
theoretical noun •mechanic, •theory, •physics, •leap,
5733 millennium n •computer, •dot, •state, •computing, •effect, quantum
adj new, past, Christian, coming, digital, approaching verb •leap, describe, •state, apply, •tunnel, exist,
noun end•, turn•, century•, •development, •goal, park, predict, associate, exhibit, process
•project, •bug, falcon, •celebration verb approach,
4199 | 0.88 A
enter•, celebrate•, usher, mark, date•, •dawn, kick, ring•,
•makeover 5775 cigar n
● time, epoch, era, age, period adj Cuban, smoking, unlit, fine, fat, thin, cheap,
4151 | 0.90 expensive, thick, puffing noun •box, •smoke, •mouth,
cigarette, cigar, •store, •smoking, pocket, wine, •smoker
5740 burn n verb smoke•, light•, puff•, pull•, chew, smell•, roll, enjoy,
adj severe, third-degree, slow, second-degree, chomp•, drink
controlled, minor, prescribed, serious, chemical, first- 4107 | 0.90 F
degree noun calorie, •victim, •mark, skin, cigarette•,
•unit, burn, injury, fire, patient verb suffer•, cause, treat,
burn, cover, crash•, heal, prevent•, scar, boost•
● injury, blister, scald, scorch
3946 | 0.94

5782 jerk v 5824 stabilize v

noun head, hand, arm, body, •thumb, door, back, foot, noun population, situation, economy, •country, market,
leg, car, •wheel, shoulder, •stop, •halt, •motion misc his, price, system, rate, •level, •emission, effort•, •currency,
her, back, around, away, off, toward, out, away, patient, condition, •region misc help, until, financial,
forward, awake, suddenly, free, upright, off global, reduce, order, in, prevent, improve, aim, upper,
● yank, pull, wrench || lurch, jolt, shudder || twitch, once, eventually, abs, atmospheric
shudder, tremble ● steady, even out, become stable, become constant,
4370 | 0.84 F calm, calm down
3838 | 0.95
5789 mob n
adj angry, Russian, howling, Hindu, alleged, married, 5831 Polish j
unruly, violent, Italian, Irish noun •boss, •scene, noun government, American, army, Jew, immigrant,
•violence, mob, •rule, •mentality, connection, media, tie, language, peasant, German, alliance, worker, Italian,
attack verb Lynch•, kill, attack, •hit, •gather, beat, border misc •national, polish, Russian, German, Jewish,
surround, burn, •shout, chase Irish, Catholic, Czech, •foreign, •ethnic, Hungarian,
● crowd, horde, mass, multitude || masses, populace, Soviet
plebs, hoi polloi 4142 | 0.87 A
3931 | 0.93
5838 curse v
5796 sip v noun •breath, •luck, •fate, •darkness, driver, foot,
noun •coffee, •tea, •drink, •wine, •beer, •cup, •water, •stupidity, •fool, blessing•, •streak, enemy, Jew, witch,
glass, •champagne, table•, •coke, •whiskey, •soda, •juice, curse•, devil misc himself, under, silently, myself,
•bottle misc her, while, sit, hot, watch, slowly, iced, eat, herself, scream, curse, bless, shout, yell, spit, other,
nibble, cold, nod, smile, smoke, warm, cool softly, throw, cry
● taste, drink, swallow, sup ● swear, blaspheme, damn, cuss || plague, afflict,
4186 | 0.88 F trouble, blight
4066 | 0.89 F
5803 lifelong j
noun learning, friend, resident, dream, commitment, 5845 reconciliation n
process, love, interest, Democrat, learner, Republican, adj national, political, racial, genuine, religious,
career misc become•, develop•, •physical, promote•, historical, inter-korean, African, historic, Christian noun
fulfil•, fulfill•, pursue•, •fan, lifelong, achieve•, •liberal, truth•, •commission, process, act, peace, budget•,
embrace forgiveness, effort, •bill, omnibus• verb promote•,
● enduring, all-time, lifetime, permanent, ultimate, achieve, seek•, contribute, pursue, attempt, facilitate•,
lasting effect, preach, foster•
3847 | 0.95 ● settlement, understanding, squaring off, resolution,
compromise, reunion
5810 embassy n 3967 | 0.91 A
adj American, Chinese, foreign, British, Soviet, Israeli,
Iraqi, African, French, western noun bombing, official, 5852 film v
attack•, •staff, •compound, embassy, east, officer, noun movie, scene, camera, video, location, crew•,
•personnel, diplomat verb bomb, close, blow, attack, show, documentary, TV, episode, month •, series,
surround, evacuate, contact, burn, •consulates, reopen television, cameraman•, break• misc while, during, start,
● consulate, legation, mission, delegation, deputation actually, finish, currently, film, recently, complete,
4097 | 0.89 photograph, beautifully, live, secretly, edit, star
● record, tape, capture, shoot, video, take
5817 facial j 3824 | 0.94
noun expression, nerve, feature, hair, paralysis, muscle,
gesture, surgery, injury, body, skin, patient misc left,
facial, cause, •swelling, severe•, perform, complete•,
surgical, iatrogenic•, •vocal, traumatic•, •reconstructive
4049 | 0.90 A

5859 luxury n 5894 torture v

adj modern, rich, ultimate, rare, affordable, relative, noun •death, prisoner, rape, murder, prison, police,
expensive, quiet, pure, extra noun lap•, necessity, victim, •animal, soldier•, suspect, execution, killing,
comfort, luxury, taste•, •sedan, convenience, wealth, •chamber, abuse, kidnapping misc kill, rape, beat,
simplicity, good verb afford, live•, enjoy•, allow•, murder, execute, arrest, yourself, myself, imprison,
indulge•, permit, •ignore, •dream, revel•, •comfort abuse, kidnap, accuse, capture, burn, subject
● treat, extra, extravagance, indulgence || lavishness, ● torment, afflict, persecute, brutalize, punish, mistreat
comfort, sumptuousness, opulence 3716 | 0.96
3752 | 0.96
5901 repetition n
5866 coaching n adj endless, constant, frequent, mere, advanced, light,
adj athletic, previous, assistant, effective, head, exact, key, slow, mindless noun set, word, •exercise,
preferred, involved, female, overall, perceived noun weight, repetition, pattern, form, •leg, •phrase,
•staff, •job, head•, •career, •behavior, experience, •compulsion verb prevent•, perform, avoid•, repeat,
•position, •change, coach, role verb teach, peer•, coach, •rest, •switch, increase, complete•, lift, count•
retire•, •staff, question, rank, favor, code•, facilitate ● recurrence, replication, duplication, reiteration,
● training, education, schooling, teaching, tutoring, reappearance, echo
instruction 3958 | 0.90 A
4014 | 0.89 N
5908 wash n
5873 smoking j adj thin, dry, light, transparent, dark, warm, blue,
noun gun, cigarette, marijuana, pot, cessation, ban, brown, pale, eastern noun car•, water, color, body•,
habit, crack, drinking, section, scene, cigar misc drink, egg•, •basin, •light, brush, watercolor, oil verb apply•,
drink, quit•, start•, quit•, start•, stop•, stop•, smoking, lay•, •dry, hang, bake, paint•, brush•, mix, tone•,
smoke, smoke, handicapped• disappear
3738 | 0.96 ● stain, tint, rinse || shower, shampoo, sponge ||
washing, layer, film
5880 competent j 3804 | 0.93
noun teacher, adult, authority, person, trial, patient,
individual, care, practice, lawyer, staff, leader misc 5915 like n
more•, feel•, culturally•, become•, most•, highly•, adj just noun •dislike, word•, movie, song•, phrase•,
mentally•, less•, themselves•, socially, confident, stuff•, Mr, works•, hit•, like verb •dislike, compete•,
professional feature•, attract•, mingle, encounter•, host•, boast•
● capable, able, knowledgeable, experienced, skilled, 3702 | 0.96
3837 | 0.93 A 5922 incidence n
adj high, low, increased, reported, overall, sexual,
5887 excellence n increasing, significant, annual, respiratory noun cancer,
adj academic, national, educational, artistic, musical, •disease, •rate, study, •disability, •infection, •heart,
technical, athletic, televised, environmental, individual increase•, •abuse, •breast verb reduce•, increase, report,
noun award, standard•, •education, center•, •journalism, decrease, associate, relate, estimate, occur, determine•,
pursuit•, •commission, teaching, project•, •art verb compare
achieve•, strive•, teach, promote•, pursue•, recognize, ● occurrence, frequency, rate, commonness,
maintain•, demonstrate, demand, focus• prevalence
● fineness, brilliance, distinction, quality, superiority, 4073 | 0.87 A
3864 | 0.92 A

5929 corrupt j 5964 stroll v

noun government, official, system, politician, practice, noun •street, •garden, •beach, park, couple, •sidewalk,
regime, police, power, leader, officer, cop, organization •aisle, •arm, •town, •path, •ground, visitor•, •avenue,
misc most•, •political, influence•, less•, incompetent, evening, shop misc through, into, down, along, along,
inefficient, corrupt, tend•, •act, morally•, foreign•, over, around, across, past, down, around, toward, by,
weak• up, casually
● immoral, unethical, dishonest, crooked, shady, ● walk, amble, saunter, promenade, ramble, wander
fraudulent 3804 | 0.92 F
3675 | 0.96
5971 respective j
5936 thorough j noun country, group, role, community, party, position,
noun investigation, examination, understanding, field, region, sport, discipline, institution, culture misc
review, analysis, study, search, job, assessment, their•, our•, each, within•, other•, •ethnic, assign•,
discussion, knowledge, evaluation misc more•, very•, separate•, mean, exclusive•, review•, another•
most•, conduct•, provide•, require•, •physical, base•, ● own, individual, particular, separate, corresponding,
•medical, detailed, fair, careful one-to-one
● methodical, careful, systematic || full, detailed, 3935 | 0.89 A
systematic || absolute, complete, total
3704 | 0.95 5978 classification n
adj racial, educational, international, various, ethnic,
5943 monk n current, standard, academic, correct, traditional noun
adj Buddhist, Tibetan, Benedictine, Hawaiian, Trappist, •system, •scheme, •table, category, data, type, analysis,
medieval, Franciscan, Christian, Catholic, silent noun gender, •disease, score verb base, propose, identify,
nun, monastery, •seal, monk, robe, •cell, century, priest, defy•, apply, result, fit, employ, derive, permit
cannibal•, temple verb chant, •pray, bow, copy, •seal, ● organization, cataloging, arrangement, sorting ||
ordain, wander, meditate, found, •kneel category, class, group, grouping
● holy man, friar, monastic, religious, abbot, prior 4110 | 0.85 A
3932 | 0.89
5985 jam v
5950 sniff v noun hand, •pocket, street, gun, door, traffic, foot,
noun •air, dog•, nose, •glue, •scent, •smell, finger, •wind, •finger, phone, •brake, radio, mouth, band, floor •,
heroin, flower, •odor, foot, bottle, cat•, •tear misc out, crowd• misc into, against, together, onto, hard, down,
around, around, sniff, smell, loudly, lift, lean, train, lick, narrow, inside, inside, tightly, tight, shut, tiny, jam,
wipe, suspiciously, appreciatively, deeply, snort beneath
● inhale, breathe, snuffle, smell ● squeeze, cram, pack || fill, fill up, throng || stop,
3972 | 0.88 F seize, seize up
3768 | 0.92 F
5957 bored j
noun voice, expression, housewife, teenager, while, 5992 reservoir n
guard, routine, tear, clerk, boredom, watch misc get•, adj large, huge, vast, deep, central, natural, main,
look•, grow•, become•, bored, easily, lonely, tired, underground, slow, nearby noun water, lake, dam,
restless, quickly, little•, soon• river, creek, storage, reservoir, park, •dog, oil verb build,
● uninterested, fed up, tired, bored rigid, bored stiff, fill, create, contain, drain, feed, store, form, supply,
bored to death release
3794 | 0.92 F ● tank, pool, basin, lake, artificial lake
3697 | 0.94

5999 fund-raising n 6034 valve n

adj political, democratic, illegal, private, annual, adj mitral, nasal, aortic, available, variable, open, Inc,
involved, aggressive, successful, direct-mail, nonprofit mechanical, one-way, artificial noun heart•, valve,
noun campaign, •effort, •event, party, Republican, safety•, control, pressure, ball•, water, air, check•,
•activity, •dinner, •scandal, organization, •letter verb cylinder verb open, close, control, install, •allow, design,
investigate•, organize, involve, launch•, conduct•, replace, check, shut, operate
volunteer, handle•, lobby, host•, engage• ● regulator, controller, stopcock, faucet, spigot, tap
3844 | 0.90 N 3866 | 0.88 A

6006 regret n 6041 owl n

adj only, deep, greatest, profound, genuine, later, adj spotted, northern, great, horned, barred, snowy,
deepest, sincere, bitter, expressed noun sense•, gray, endangered, Mexican, threatened noun night•,
expression•, loss, guilt, regret, pang•, feeling•, twinge•, hawk, owl, screech•, barn•, forest, hoot, bird, habitat,
sadness, sorrow verb express•, feel•, regret, apologize, tree verb hoot, protect•, •fly, bar•, save•, burrow•, list,
anger, voice•, convey•, quit •perch, photograph•, •hunt
● remorse, guilt, repentance, compunction || 3702 | 0.92
disappointment, sorrow, unhappiness, grief
3633 | 0.95 6048 static j
noun electricity, pile, pressure, model, analysis, seal,
6013 sophomore n radio, burst, voice, timing, image, test misc dynamic,
adj high, junior, senior, defensive, talented, rising, remain•, provide•, aerated•, than•, rather, relatively•,
super, two-deep, outstanding, promising noun •year, static, nor, fill•, rather, but•
school, college, freshman•, season, university, •guard, ● motionless, stationary, still, inert || unchanging,
•junior, class, quarterback verb •score, •average, constant, invariable, unvarying
complete, redshirt, •guard, quit, •graduate 3755 | 0.91 A
3857 | 0.89 N
6055 correction n
6020 recreational j adj Bonferroni, necessary, surgical, minor, appropriate,
noun activity, use, drug, facility, fishing, vehicle, area, automatic, quick, multiple, slight, fraternal noun
sport, fishery, opportunity, fisherman, purpose misc •officer, error•, course•, •official, market, department,
commercial, social•, provide•, educational, such, •factor, color•, mid-course•, correction verb make,
competitive, cultural, marine, outdoor•, scenic•, require, apply, perform, issue, introduce, print, correct,
popular•, well undergo•, estimate
● spare time, fun, frivolous, entertaining, leisure, ● alteration, improvement, rectification, modification,
amusing amendment, adjustment
3774 | 0.91 A 3640 | 0.93

6027 unaware j 6062 dressing n

noun presence, danger, existence, public, participant, adj remaining, creamy, low-fat, Italian, balsamic, fat-
extent, physician, surroundings, irony, investigator, free, light, fresh, Russian, sterile noun •room, salad•,
observer, scrutiny misc seem•, completely•, most•, •table, •gown, door, cup, sauce, mirror, oil, bowl verb
remain•, totally•, often•, blissfully•, apparently•, catch•, serve, add, sit, toss, wear•, pour•, mix, whisk, apply,
largely•, either•, seemingly• prepare
● ignorant, uninformed, oblivious, unconscious, ● bandage, covering, gauze
unmindful, heedless 3632 | 0.93
3559 | 0.96

6069 smooth v 6111 lottery n

noun •hair, hand, edge, •skirt, •wrinkle, surface, skin, adj winning, pari-mutuel, genetic, tribal, lucky, patriotic,
•top, •transition, •dress, finger, •feather, bed, sheet, provincial, state-run, illegal, scratch-off noun •ticket,
•mustache misc out, her, over, down, over, back, away, state•, •winner, draft•, lottery, gambling, •revenue,
carefully, onto, straighten, gently, sand, flatten, smooth, •official, casino, •bingo verb win•, play•, buy•, pick,
rather state•, hit•, sell, enter•, purchase, fund
● flatten, smooth out, level, iron, press ● draw, sweepstakes, raffle, lotto || risk, gamble,
3717 | 0.91 F chance, fortune
3690 | 0.91
6076 uniform j
noun standard, code, law, distribution, size, policy, rule, 6118 academic n
crime, cop, regulation, jacket, shirt misc •military, adj legal, professional, prominent, conservative, female,
•across, •across, provide•, provide•, wear, wear, fellow, Canadian, male, feminist, academic noun
establish•, establish•, produce•, produce•, full• athletics, journalist, politician, sport, leader,
● unchanging, unvarying, even || consistent, professional, practitioner, lawyer, intellectual, activist
standardized, homogeneous || identical, like, alike verb •study, focus, emphasize, •advise, stress, criticize,
3601 | 0.94 •debate, account•, balance•, excel•
● professor, instructor, teacher, lecturer, researcher,
6083 mattress n college lecturer
adj thin, bare, soft, firm, lumpy, thick, stained, 3652 | 0.91 A
comfortable, flat, dirty noun •floor, air•, bed, spring,
pillow, box, cover, sheet, foam•, •pad verb sleep•, lay, 6125 heating n
cover, buy, lie, pull, stuff, hide•, sink, drag adj central, solar, air-conditioning, electric, natural, hot,
● futon, air mattress, cushion, pad, bed, air bed radiant, electrical, geothermal, efficient noun •system,
3689 | 0.91 F •oil, home•, •bill, water, air, fuel, •cooling, cost,
•element verb •cool, reduce•, cook, cause, install•, •cost,
6090 wary j save•, replace, supply, burn
noun eye, look, investor, glance, consumer, expression, ● space heating, heating system, central heating, boiler
stranger, bird, politician, resident, smile, buck misc || warming, warming up, cooking, heating up
shall•, remain•, a•, little•, grow•, especially•, cast•, 3603 | 0.92 M
increasingly•, bit•, extremely•, suddenly•, other
● watchful, cautious, suspicious, distrustful, mistrustful, 6132 rationale n
chary adj economic, underlying, clear, theoretical, original,
3506 | 0.96 compelling, religious, strategic, secular, primary noun
policy, decision, •intervention, approach, •speech,
6097 footstep n protection, strategy, purpose, rationale, curriculum
adj heavy, soft, running, quiet, quick, light, rapid, verb provide•, explain•, offer, understand•, •support,
muffled, slow, faint noun sound•, father•, •stair, door, present•, apply, discuss•, •underlie, state
•hall, voice, floor, dad•, •hallway, echo• verb hear•,
● basis, justification, motivation, grounds, raison d'être,
follow•, •echo, walk, approach, listen•, •sound, •fade, validation
•crunch, •recede
3759 | 0.88 A
● footfall, step, tread, pace, sound
3764 | 0.89 F 6139 lieutenant n
adj top, young, retired, chief, French, trusted, senior,
6104 recorder n junior, naval, loyal noun •governor, •colonel, police•,
adj digital, small, personal, portable, audio, hidden, •general, •commander, •dial, captain, force•, air, rank•
paperless, tiny, reel-to-reel, hand-held noun tape•, verb promote•, name, commission•, •command, •assign,
video•, voice•, data•, flight•, cassette•, cockpit•, camera, order, •shout, appoint, elect•, retire•
videocassette•, recorder verb turn, •record, carry, 3547 | 0.93
cockpit, •capture, switch•, hide, recover, steal•, shut
3540 | 0.95

6146 motorcycle n 6181 ramp n

adj pro, off-road, fast, used, classic, cross-country, adj steep, concrete, wooden, off, spiral, interstate,
electric, antique, three-wheeled, broken noun car, wide, internal, front, narrow noun exit•, boat•,
•accident, •helmet, •gang, •jacket, truck, back•, police, entrance•, wheelchair, top•, launch•, freeway, ramp,
•cop, bicycle verb ride•, drive, buy•, race, •roar, sell•, access, parking• verb build, •lead, walk•, roll•, climb•,
wear, •park, climb, own head•, lower, drop, descend, slide
3531 | 0.94 ● slope, incline, rise, upgrade || hump, ridge, bump,
speed bump
6153 amazed j 3519 | 0.93
noun amount, sight misc I•, •at, •how, still, always•,
watch, constantly•, shocked•, •discover, •anyone, 6188 nickname n
absolutely•, truly• adj collective, affectionate, Indian, favorite, golden,
● astonished, astounded, shocked, stunned, startled, official, colorful, mad, unfortunate, cute noun •location,
surprised name, childhood•, •lady, nickname, •captain, eagle,
3487 | 0.95 •devil, tiger, bulldog• verb earn•, give, •stick, acquire•,
hate, prefer, bestow, inspire•, tag•, adopt•
6160 jewel n ● name, pet name, handle, epithet, moniker, sobriquet
adj precious, rare, tiny, rich, green, bright, beautiful, 3522 | 0.93
glittering, crowning, hidden noun crown•, gold, •box,
•thief, jewel, •tone, park, diamond, •wasp, silver verb 6195 garment n
wear, steal, glow, encrust, shine, sparkle, adorn, glitter, adj outer, international, seamless, traditional, Chinese,
drip, bedeck• clean, loose, dry, waterproof, protective noun •industry,
● ornament, trinket, charm, accessory || gemstone, •worker, •factory, •bag, •district, textile, •manufacturer,
gem, precious stone, semiprecious stone lady•, shop, •union verb wear, sew, produce, •hang,
3523 | 0.94 remove•, weave, export, dress•, fit, wrap
● clothing, dress, vestment, attire, costume, apparel
6167 viewpoint n 3451 | 0.95
adj different, opposing, religious, particular, diverse,
alternative, multiple, conservative, various, Christian 6202 activate v
noun •letter, section•, •discrimination, variety•, noun system, cell, brain, gene, muscle, device,
diversity•, range•, perspective, viewpoint, participant, emergency, button, unit, light, voice, guard, alarm,
minority verb express, represent, present, support•, computer, memory misc immune, automatically, press,
share, reflect, adopt•, •overplay, favor, challenge visual, cognitive, injured, internal, deactivate, bind,
● point of view, view, perspective, standpoint || prior, disabled, reserve, fully, electronic, inhibit
vantage point, viewing platform, belvedere, lookout ● make active, set in motion, set off, turn on, trigger,
3610 | 0.91 A start
3454 | 0.95
6174 individually r
each, •collectively, student, group, both•, administer, 6209 hug n
small, wrap, participant•, either•, answer•, meet•, test•, adj big, quick, warm, huge, brief, tight, extra, gentle,
•own friendly, awkward noun •kiss, bear•, hug, handshake,
● separately, independently, alone, on your own, by tear, smile, good-bye, pat, Mr, touch verb give•, •kiss,
yourself, in isolation greet•, exchange•, •hug, grab, welcome, squeeze, bear•,
3602 | 0.91 A •last
● embrace, cuddle, squeeze, clinch, clasp, bear hug
3526 | 0.92 F

6216 pyramid n 6251 toast n

adj great, Egyptian, ancient, inverted, illegal, tall, adj French, buttered, dry, burnt, fresh, whole-wheat,
stepped, Nubian, steep, reverse noun food•, •scheme, warm, whole-grain, scrambled, plain noun piece•, egg,
guide•, top•, base, pyramid, research•, sun, building, slice, champagne•, breakfast, glass, coffee, butter, plate,
temple verb build, form•, construct, climb•, collapse, tea verb serve, eat•, propose•, drink, raise•, spread,
•recommend, stack•, resemble, shape, erect offer•, burn, butter•, deliver
3520 | 0.92 ● toasted bread, grilled bread, browned bread ||
salute, tribute, pledge || darling, favorite, delight
6223 convincing j 3482 | 0.92 F
noun evidence, argument, case, proof, explanation,
victory, voter, answer, character, illusion, trouble, 6258 swirl v
demonstration misc very•, more•, clear•, most•, need•, noun water, wind, dust, cloud, snow, air, rumor•, head,
provide•, sound•, less•, present•, offer, pretty•, quite• controversy•, mist, smoke, pan, hair•, glass, oil misc
● persuasive, believable, credible, realistic || around, around, through, across, red, inside, coat, dark,
undoubted, substantial, resounding, considerable above, gently, swirl, blue, thick, cold, past
3368 | 0.96 ● whirl, twirl, spin, eddy, churn
3528 | 0.91 F
6230 wide r
eye•, open•, door•, mouth•, •enough, arm•, leave•, foot•, 6265 foam n
•shut, •space, spread•, window•, •apart, field adj white, closed-cell, thick, rigid, cellular, open-cell,
● off course, off target, off the mark, wide of the mark, insulating, thin, soft, closed noun •pad, plastic, piece•,
out •rubber, foam, polyurethane•, •insulation, •mattress,
3519 | 0.92 F •board, layer verb skim•, cover, fill, spray, wipe•, •fly,
apply, remove, wrap, •pour
6237 ground v ● bubbles, froth, fizz, lather, suds
noun •reality, theory, plane, experience, second•, 3459 | 0.92
tradition, •principle, approach, shuttle, •choice, •fielder,
•assumption, nature, belief, airline misc keep, firmly, 6272 abandoned j
stay, remain, third, empirically, ultimately, solidly, noun building, house, mine, child, car, site, factory,
score, single, spiritually, historically, ground, culturally, warehouse, street, farm, property, land misc near,
deeply along, past•, lots, empty, clean•, next•, outside, litter,
● punish, deal with, chastise || base, support, build || •hazardous, inside•, vacant
initiate, prepare, coach ● discarded, forsaken, derelict || empty, deserted,
3482 | 0.93 A derelict || wild, uncontrolled, unrestricted
3372 | 0.95
6244 stereo n
adj digital, portable, personal, standard, electronic, top, 6279 pope n
loud, southern, high-end, built-in noun •system, car•, adj Catholic, polish, Roman, holy, papal, liberal,
•speaker, •equipment, sound, music, TV, division, •card, encyclical, spiritual, temporal, Italian noun pope,
television verb play, steal, blast, crank, listen, blare, bishop, visit, church, teaching, cardinal, Catholic,
•slide, install, •mount, connect emperor, •council, audience verb elect, meet, choose,
● CD player, personal stereo, hi-fi, CD || sound system, •visit, pray, condemn, select, •declare, celebrate,
hi-fi, stereo system, music centre •resign
3454 | 0.93 ● pontiff, bishop of Rome, Holy Father
3854 | 0.83

6286 glorious j 6328 exclusion n

noun day, past, moment, history, morning, food, future, adj Chinese, social, racial, religious, cultural, total,
victory, summer, view, revolution, sunset misc most•, annual, complete, ideological, competitive noun
grand•, rich•, golden, beautiful, celebrate, •past, inclusion•, act, law, •zone, other, policy, repeal•,
wonderful, brief•, truly•, fourth, magnificent principle, combat, immigration verb base, repeal•,
● magnificent, wonderful, splendid, celebrated, superb, justify•, result•, •apply, permit•, challenge•, complain•,
outstanding qualify•, perceive•
3344 | 0.95 ● keeping out, leaving out, barring || rejection,
elimination, marginalization || ban, refusal, sanction
6293 transcript n 3634 | 0.87 A
adj Inc, verbatim, hidden, grand, official, entire, edited,
complete, original, unofficial noun •copy, rush•, 6335 fond j
interview, effort•, tape, trial, •conversation, court, page, noun memory, farewell, heart, hope, wish, childhood,
testimony verb •may, read•, •reflect, assure•, release, dream, recollection, smile, remembrance, jet, cat misc
review•, order•, compile, code, publish very•, grow•, particularly•, especially•, quite•, •Lac,
● record, transcription, copy, text •quote, •point, •other, •each, rather•, bid•
3988 | 0.8 S ● loving, tender, affectionate, caring, warm, doting
3325 | 0.95
6300 mainland n
adj Chinese, economic, Taiwanese, communist, Asian, 6342 archaeologist n
Greek, Japanese, coastal, indirect, Spanish noun island, adj professional, indigenous, native, British, amateur,
policy, China, mile, investment•, •Chinese, relation•, ancient, chief, German, tribal, Australian noun
coast, •affair, •authority verb visit•, separate•, connect•, university, historian, anthropologist, site, museum,
travel•, export, flee•, link•, recover•, elect•, invest• color, evidence, archaeology, decade, discovery verb
● landmass, continent, land, landfall •excavate, •discover, •dig, study, •uncover, •examine,
3581 | 0.89 A unearth, train, hire•, •estimate
3857 | 0.81 A
6307 turning n
adj major, real, critical, key, crucial, tight, slow, 6349 disturbance n
dramatic, twisting, historic noun •point, •back, •history, adj emotional, serious, human, natural, severe, civil,
•radius, wheel, page, •circle, windrow, wood•, •red verb major, psychological, domestic, intermediate noun
•point, mark•, toss•, twist, •wave, signal•, •trick, wheel• effect, sleep•, mood•, •regime, disturbance, disorder,
3303 | 0.96 depression, type, soil, response• verb cause, sleep•,
create, eat•, •occur, •affect, associate, result,
6314 prone j experience, minimize•
noun position, violence, disease, body, error, ● trouble, commotion, riot, uproar || annoyance,
depression, accident, infection, injury, individual, interruption, intrusion, bother
behavior, flooding misc •to, more•, less•, especially•, lie•, 3543 | 0.89 A
particularly•, lay•, thus•, violent, therefore, highly•,
•damage 6356 spokeswoman n
● disposed to, predisposed to, susceptible to, inclined adj American, national, Dietetic, Inc, Palestinian, chief,
to || horizontal, lying, flat out, face down planned noun department•, company, hospital, agency,
3354 | 0.94 district, police•, campaign, county, association, council
verb say, •decline, •comment, •confirm, •deny,
6321 hammer n •acknowledge, quote, dismiss
adj heavy, wooden, pneumatic, rubber, two-pound, 3728 | 0.84 N
broken, loose, triangular, electric, external noun •nail,
head, hand, chisel, •sickle, claw•, •blow, sledge•, saw,
sound• verb hit, swing•, cock, pick•, strike, pull, drop,
smash, pound, tap
3380 | 0.93

6363 prototype n 6398 scholarly j

adj working, modern, physical, rapid, electric, virtual, noun work, research, journal, attention, article,
original, functional, initial, experimental noun •system, literature, study, interest, book, publication, debate,
model, car, device, design, development, test, product, writing misc popular, publish, receive•, recent•, serious•,
vehicle, technology verb build, develop, test, design, academic, professional, scientific, historical, engage•,
create•, demonstrate, produce•, base, construct, unveil attract•, numerous•
● example, sample, model, original, archetype, ● learned, academic, erudite, intellectual, educated,
exemplar studious
3407 | 0.92 3567 | 0.87 A

6370 anthropologist n 6405 provincial j

adj cultural, physical, social, forensic, medical, native, noun government, capital, town, governor, level, park,
contemporary, interested, feminist, Indian noun authority, city, official, council, election, assembly misc
university, historian, archaeologist, sociologist, culture, federal, national, local, French•, municipal, central•,
psychologist, scientist, scholar, museum, Mead verb state, Canadian•, regional, •territorial, elect, provincial
•study, •argue, observe, •examine, •discover, assert, ● local, regional, county, district || unsophisticated,
remark, demonstrate, train, document unfashionable, outmoded, parochial
3566 | 0.88 A 3434 | 0.90 A

6377 dominance n 6412 arch n

adj male, political, American, social, economic, cultural, adj golden, low, cold-pressed, triumphal, natural,
military, global, western, traditional noun market, branchial, pointed, gothic, left, mandibular noun back,
power, party, trait•, •submission, control, •hierarchy, foot, •paper, stone•, park, arch, column, bridge,
struggle•, species, ideology verb establish•, challenge•, eyebrow, entrance verb pass•, form, support, •frame,
maintain•, achieve•, assert•, gain•, reflect•, extend•, carve, •collapse, erect, incorporate, derive, stretch
retain•, ensure• ● arc, curve, semicircle, bend || archway, doorway,
● supremacy, ascendancy, domination, governance, portico
power, authority 3454 | 0.89
3470 | 0.90 A
6419 greeting n
6384 throw n adj warm, friendly, traditional, formal, brief, usual,
adj free, final, overhand, perfect, wild, consecutive, standard, polite, cordial, cheerful noun •card, hand•,
technical, straight, missed, off-balance noun stone•, holiday•, Christmas•, greeting, season•, birthday•,
•line, •second, •pillow, •rug, •percentage, •shooting, exchange•, hallmark•, •guest verb exchange•, send•,
game, ball, hammer• verb make•, hit•, shoot•, miss•, return•, nod•, offer, wave•, smile•, raise•, shout•,
•open, sink•, beat, attempt, •score, bounce extend•
● toss, lob, heave, pitch || rug, cover, blanket, shawl ● salutation, welcome, welcoming, reception,
3370 | 0.92 N acknowledgement, address
3328 | 0.93 F
6391 clip v
noun video•, hair, newspaper, paper•, wing, •coupon, 6426 sleeping n
•belt, film, magazine, article, movie, hedge, toenail, adj warm, extra, down, comfortable, wet, separate,
wire, picture misc from, away, onto, short, off, save, awake, empty, homeless, lightweight noun •bag,
neatly, clip, along, carefully, tiny, trim, m, k, digital trouble•, •pill, tent, •quarter, night, room, floor, bed,
● cut, trim, shorten, shear || fasten, attach, pin, staple blanket verb lay•, eat, sleep, lie•, roll, wake, crawl•,
3319 | 0.94 wrap, climb•, spread
3344 | 0.92 F

6433 awesome j 6468 protected j

noun power, responsibility, sight, task, beauty, talent, noun area, land, species, speech, status, forest, right,
weapon, dude, machine, scenery, presence, secret misc class, park, market, management, activity misc
awesome, totally•, pretty•, truly•, •cool, beautiful, constitutionally•, federally•, within, marine, establish,
display, fucking•, worship•, frightening, wow, outside•, existing•, safe, natural, engage•, legally•,
•destructive manage•
● overwhelming, grand, breathtaking, splendid, ● endangered, threatened, nearing extinction ||
tremendous, remarkable sheltered, safe, secure || locked, tamper-proof,
3243 | 0.95 inaccessible
3389 | 0.90 A
6440 deliberate j
noun effort, attempt, act, choice, policy, decision, 6475 handy j
attack, action, strategy, speed, process, use misc slow•, noun tool, feature, reference, guide, Wc, skill, tip,
conscious, •systematic, accidental, careful, •intentional, device, bag, pocket, list, card misc come•, in•, keep•,
•part, •the, thoughtful, •intend, proceed•, premeditated might•, especially, whatever•, pretty•, prove•, extra,
● purposeful, premeditated, conscious, intentional || quick, •case, handy
thoughtful, careful, slow, cautious ● near, nearby, convenient || useful, helpful, practical
3224 | 0.95 || skillful, dexterous, practical
3307 | 0.92 M
6447 boost n
adj big, huge, major, economic, extra, significant, 6482 hammer v
much-needed, tremendous, psychological, quick noun noun heart•, nail, door, deal, agreement, sound•, stock,
economy, energy, confidence, •phase, morale, sales, •detail, •message, compromise, fist, theme, •chest,
ego•, performance, career•, self-esteem verb get•, give•, rain•, Democrat misc out, into, away, home, together,
need, help•, provide•, receive•, benefit•, recycle hard, hammer, saw, final, wooden, repeatedly, bend,
● improvement, increase, enhancement, helping hand, crude, plaster, joint
pep talk, shot in the arm ● beat, strike, hit, knock, pound, nail
3301 | 0.93 3167 | 0.95

6454 nephew n 6489 cement n

adj young, favorite, three-year-old, four-year-old noun adj wet, rubber, huge, cold, concrete, cracked, gray,
niece•, son, sister, cousin, uncle•, brother, nephew, epoxy, broken, empty noun •floor, •wall, •block, •plant,
aunt, king, prince• verb marry, •murder •truck, •mixer, bag, brick, steel, foot verb mix•, pour, fill,
3199 | 0.95 cover, lay, apply, paint, harden, replace, construct
● glue, adhesive, paste, epoxy resin
6461 fairy n 3210 | 0.94
adj classic, magic, evil, grim, pink, wicked, fractured,
lilac, magical, romantic noun •tale, tooth•, •godmother, 6496 click n
story, princess, fairy, •dust, queen, •host, king verb adj loud, remote, soft, single, audible, sharp, double,
•dance, •sing, sprinkle, bless, •hover metallic, satisfying, faint noun mouse, click, •boom,
● pixie, brownie, sprite, elf, leprechaun, fay door, •button, phone, camera, lock, •tongue, computer
3315 | 0.92 F verb hear•, breathe, click, open, shut, •hang, pop, emit,
punctuate, snap
● clack, tick, snap, clunk
3357 | 0.90 F

6503 thinker n 6538 indirect j

adj great, independent, critical, political, deep, creative, noun effect, cost, evidence, influence, rule, method,
leading, Christian, free, conservative noun writer, approach, heat, impact, tax, discourse, benefit misc
century, enlightenment, artist, leader, thinker, direct•, through, free•, •such, include, indirect, both•,
philosopher, generation•, poet, tradition verb •argue, significant, environmental, verbal, via, positive
•tend, influence, •employ, •question, •reject, perceive, ● circuitous, rambling, circumlocutory || unintended,
orient•, assert, •concern secondary, ancillary || devious, oblique, implicit
● philosopher, theorist, intellectual, academic, scholar, 3437 | 0.87 A
3308 | 0.91 A 6545 stride v
noun •room, door, •length, •stage, •hall, office, •street,
6510 underestimate v frequency, stride, figure•, •kitchen, •hallway, •podium,
noun •power, •importance, •cost, number, •ability, step, •path misc into, toward, across, through, down, in,
•value, •impact, risk, •amount, •effect, •role, •difficulty, over, off, forward, out, away, up, turn, past,
•extent, intelligence, •strength misc shall, never, may, purposefully
tend, often, grossly, overestimate, probably, greatly, ● step, walk, pace, tread, march, tramp
seriously, actual, true, either, vastly, consistently 3429 | 0.87 F
● undervalue, underrate, misjudge, miscalculate
3143 | 0.95 6552 discomfort n
adj physical, psychological, mild, abdominal, obvious,
6517 collaborative j growing, minor, severe, slight, considerable noun pain,
noun effort, group, project, research, process, chest•, feeling•, patient, anxiety, danger, fear, cause•,
relationship, learning, work, program, approach, degree•, embarrassment verb cause•, feel, experience,
teacher, model misc •between, develop•, create, ease•, express•, reduce•, associate, relieve•, sense•,
•nominal, involve, establish, require, engage•, promote, enjoy•
support, collaborative, cooperative ● ache, pain, soreness, tenderness || uneasiness,
● cooperative, concerted, collective, joint, combined, distress, anxiety, embarrassment
shared 3127 | 0.95
3613 | 0.83 A
6559 icy j
6524 northwestern j noun water, wind, cold, road, snow, air, winter, surface,
noun university, school, professor, state, law, hospital, river, finger, body, foot misc cold, •blue, across, blow,
memorial, region, center, corner, island, acre misc at•, down, hot, slip•, slide, beneath•, •form, steep•, onto
•medical, •Hawaiian, near, western, locate•, graduate•, ● freezing, frozen, frosty, ice-cold || unfriendly, frosty,
•mutual, southern, vs, northern •, attend• hostile, distant
3244 | 0.92 N 3248 | 0.91 F

6531 genuinely r 6566 governance n

seem•, •believe, •interested, •concerned, •surprised, adj corporate, good, democratic, global, international,
•care, •love, •happy, sound•, •nice, person, •enjoy, economic, effective, political, local, environmental
•sorry, •puzzled noun structure, system, issue, institution, form•, policy,
● authentically, truly, actually, legitimately || sincerely, role•, model, practice, process verb improve,
honestly, frankly, openly participate•, promote, establish, contribute, strengthen,
3077 | 0.97 adopt, link, transform, constitute
3460 | 0.85 A

6573 spawn v 6608 sustained j

noun salmon, fish, industry, river, stream, •stock, noun growth, effort, wind, period, attention, campaign,
•ground, •generation, movement, •hit, •imitator, development, yield, support, operation, attack, mile
habitat, Internet, species•, bass misc new, return, misc •economic, require•, maximum•, long-term,
upstream, spawn, wild, corporate, migrate, massive, achieve•, serious, effective, generate•, substantial,
shallow, countless, numerous, freshwater, upriver, capable•, rapid•, positive
constantly, vast ● continued, constant, continual, continuous, nonstop,
● lay, deposit, produce || reproduce, give birth, unrelenting
procreate || create, generate, produce 3185 | 0.92 A
3179 | 0.93
6615 radically r
6580 dump n •different, change, •alter, •new, •transform, differ•,
adj toxic, nuclear, hazardous, radioactive, municipal, •reduce, approach, human, shift, view, •restructure,
illegal, low-level, abandoned, chemical, nearby noun situation, depart•
•truck, garbage•, waste•, •site, city•, town, ammunition•, ● very, fundamentally, drastically, completely, totally,
trash, bag, landfill verb clean•, haul, tire, dump, deeply
scavenge•, blow, locate, abandon, spill, smell 3169 | 0.92 A
● garbage dump, junkyard, scrapyard, landfill || hole,
pigsty, eyesore, mess 6622 re-create v
3126 | 0.94 noun •scene, •experience, attempt•, •condition, image,
•look, •sound, event, •environment, past, •feeling,
6587 singing n •atmosphere, pattern, ability •, memory misc try, create,
adj choral, beautiful, congregational, popular, vocal, original, attempt, seek, ancient, in, historical, order,
sweet, famous, musical, classical, lovely noun •voice, continually, modern, ourselves, re-create, constantly,
•group, •career, music, song, •star, dancing, •bird, •style, famous
•cowboy verb •dance, listen•, sing, accompany, perform, ● reproduce, copy, redesign, redevise, reinvent,
feature•, evoke, pursue•, concentrate, •chant reconstruct
● vocals, songs, vocal music, chanting, warbling, 3040 | 0.95
3066 | 0.96 6629 unacceptable j
noun behavior, risk, level, condition, situation, practice,
6594 comeback n status, damage, quo, alternative, violence, demand
adj big, remarkable, strong, fourth-quarter, greatest, misc totally•, socially•, consider•, completely•,
dramatic, stunning, amazing, successful, improbable acceptable•, simply•, morally•, politically•, absolutely•,
noun •kid, •year, •victory, •history, •season, •player, deem•, pose•, clearly•
•trail, •attempt, •album, comeback verb make•, stage•, ● intolerable, improper, deplorable, offensive,
•win, attempt•, enjoy•, launch•, complete•, mount•, undesirable, objectionable
engineer•, cap• 3067 | 0.94
● retaliation, reply, retort, response || return, revival,
reinstatement, rebirth 6636 carriage n
3183 | 0.92 N adj horse-drawn, common, horseless, open, fancy,
passing, closed, elegant, royal, antique noun baby•,
6601 astonishing j •house, horse, •ride, gun•, •road, door, park, •bolt,
noun number, rate, speed, success, variety, amount, wheel verb pull, drive, ride, push•, draw, •roll, climb•,
array, range, discovery, growth, diversity, lack misc step, arrive, approach
most•, quite•, truly•, rather•, absolutely•, equally•, ● cart, wagon, stagecoach || bearing, posture, way of
astonishing, somewhat, •considering, account•, yield•, moving || transport, delivery, carrying
utterly• 3197 | 0.90 F
● amazing, surprising, astounding, shocking,
bewildering, beyond belief
3042 | 0.96

6643 moist j 6685 proliferation n

noun soil, air, eye, cake, skin, heat, forest, meat, lip, adj nuclear, mass, rapid, recent, non-, biological,
mouth, chicken, environment misc keep•, warm•, cool, regional, horizontal, global, concerned noun weapon,
tender, soft, grow•, slightly, stay•, dry, thick, rich, cell, missile, issue, •technology, arm, security, concern,
•enough threat, terrorism verb prevent•, stop•, halt•, control•,
● humid, soggy, clammy, saturated, soaking, damp contribute•, curb•, result•, stem•, limit•, encourage•
3104 | 0.93 ● propagation, explosion, production, spread, creation,
6650 craft v 3138 | 0.91 A
noun plan, policy, bill, legislation, •strategy, piece,
message, •wood, •image, solution, •compromise, artist, 6692 perimeter n
song, object, •agreement misc carefully, beautifully, adj outer, defensive, entire, southern, northern,
finely, wooden, highly, exquisitely, meticulously, outside, eastern, secure, proposed, interior noun area,
expertly, effective, superbly, attempt, bipartisan, security, •fence, defense, center, •mall, •college, wall,
skillfully, comprehensive, ambitious player, building verb walk•, set, establish, patrol•, form•,
● make, fashion, create, manufacture, construct, shape mark•, line•, secure•, shoot, guard
3066 | 0.94 ● border, edge, boundary, limit, outskirts, outside
3032 | 0.94
6657 Swedish j
noun study, academy, massage, meatball, science, 6699 flock n
society, researcher, language, king, minister, design, adj small, whole, wild, entire, huge, mixed, faithful,
German misc •royal, •medical, Finnish, Danish, •foreign, mixed-species, vast, growing noun •bird, •sheep, •goose,
Swedish, Norwegian, name, German, translate, •English, shepherd•, •pigeon, chicken, turkey, herd, •duck, •crow
Russian verb •fly, tend•, gather, join•, feed, scatter, •rise,
3164 | 0.91 attract•, spot•, circle
3032 | 0.94
6664 noisy j
noun conversation, room, environment, crowd, 6706 rigorous j
restaurant, street, machine, bird, engine, traffic, noun standard, program, study, training, test, analysis,
demonstration, db misc too•, •normal, bomb•, crowded, testing, research, process, curriculum, method,
less, quiet, dirty, full, busy, •crowd, fill, rather• schedule misc more•, through•, most•, require, less•,
● loud, deafening, earsplitting, piercing, raucous, •scientific, •academic, undergo•, meet•, pass•, subject•,
strident •physical
3051 | 0.94 ● hard, severe, difficult, demanding || exact, thorough,
precise, meticulous
6671 insult n 3066 | 0.93 A
adj personal, ultimate, final, racial, verbal, added,
perceived, gross, grave, terrible noun •injury, 6713 sturdy j
•intelligence, threat, insult, •dog, •comic, compliment•, noun tree, frame, leg, chair, boot, shoe, tripod, table,
slight, triumph•, barrage• verb add•, hurl•, shout•, yell•, box, wall, plastic, building misc •enough, build, strong,
trade•, suffer, ignore, intend, exchange•, endure• tall•, thick, wear, simple, •wooden, short, lightweight,
● affront, slight, slur, rudeness, offense •withstand, light
3002 | 0.95 ● robust, durable, strong || strong, powerful, strapping
|| determined, strenuous, decisive
6678 asthma n 3108 | 0.91 M
adj severe, chronic, allergic, respiratory, bronchial,
persistent, exercise-induced, mild, acute, likely noun
•attack, allergy, child, rate, asthma, patient, problem,
symptom, childhood•, disease verb suffer•, cause,
treat•, trigger, diagnose•, control•, increase, reduce,
associate, breathe
3230 | 0.89

6720 drift n 6755 catastrophe n

adj continental, genetic, deep, slow, upward, light, adj environmental, natural, major, global, humanitarian,
random, downward, inevitable, rightward noun snow, economic, human, financial, ecological, potential noun
boat, mind•, •net, wind•, smoke, foot, conversation, •theory, catastrophe, disaster, race•, crisis•, scale,
cloud, fishing verb catch•, •sleep, pile, smoke•, blow, possibility, error•, hurricane, brink• verb prevent•, avert,
dig, slow•, melt, block, bury avoid•, lead•, face•, •occur, cause, result, survive•,
● gist, meaning, point, sense, idea, implication •strike
3045 | 0.93 ● disaster, calamity, upheaval, devastation, ruin,
6727 replicate v 2931 | 0.96
noun study, finding, result, research, model,
•experiment, virus•, pattern, success, effect, •sample, 6762 violin n
•experience, researcher, cell, attempt• misc itself, able, adj classical, electric, musical, bass, Italian, precious,
extend, attempt, previous, themselves, present, easily, advanced, acoustic, minor, half-size noun •concerto,
original, current, seek, future, design, exactly, natural piano, •case, •lesson, cello, music, •maker, •viola, string,
● duplicate, repeat, copy, imitate, reproduce, instrument verb play•, study•, pick•, •sing, practice•,
photocopy perform, tune, feature•, pluck, bow
3122 | 0.90 A 3061 | 0.91

6734 radical n 6769 rag n

adj free, Islamic, left-wing, liberal, Muslim, dangerous, adj old, clean, wet, dirty, damp, red, filthy, bloody, oily,
religious, toxic, Arab, unstable noun oxygen, cell, tattered noun •doll, •riches, hand, •rug, paper, rag,
damage, hydroxyl•, molecule, radical, antioxidant, dust•, pile•, floor, clothes• verb wear•, wipe, dress•,
conservative•, liberal, moderate verb cause, produce, wrap, stuff, cover, hang, throw, tie, clean
fight•, neutralize•, damage, attack, form, generate, ● cloth, duster, scrap, wisp, tatter, thread
protect, tie• 3129 | 0.89 F
● extremist, activist, militant, revolutionary, fanatic
3030 | 0.93 6776 detention n
adj juvenile, indefinite, federal, military, administrative,
6741 verge n arbitrary, preventive, pretrial, secret, noncriminal noun
adj nervous, civil, historic, asleep, massive, grassy, •center, •facility, •camp, arrest, county, month •, •trial,
humanitarian, violent noun •tear, •collapse, youth•, prison, bay verb hold•, challenge•, send•, place•,
•bankruptcy, •extinction, •breakdown, •death, release•, torture, justify, order•, authorize•, protest•
•breakthrough, •divorce, •panic, •retirement verb seem•, ● custody, imprisonment, confinement, arrest,
•become, •lose, appear•, •break, •fall, teeter•, •explode, incarceration, locking up
•commit, •launch 3056 | 0.91
● edge, border, threshold, approach, limit, brink
2935 | 0.96 6783 pact n
adj mutual, free, military, Soviet, free-trade, non-
6748 deter v aggression, secret, nuclear, regional, Andean noun
noun •crime, •attack, •aggression, threat, •use, force•, trade•, •country, •devil, suicide•, peace•, agreement,
penalty•, effort, •criminal, violence, •drug, weapon, •force, union, •nation, defense• verb sign, negotiate,
•behavior, terrorism, punishment • misc from, future, form, oppose, conclude, ratify •, approve, •exist,
nuclear, potential, Iraqi, military, Soviet, seek, illegal, announce, seal
far, order, prevent, fail, design, in ● deal, agreement, treaty, contract, compact, accord
● discourage, put off, daunt, dissuade, prevent, 3045 | 0.91
2991 | 0.94

6790 signify v 6825 uncommon j

noun word, change, term•, signifier•, sound•, fury•, noun sense, tumor, beauty, occurrence, courage, sight,
language•, identity, presence, •lack, sign•, •status, lesion, injury, finding, phenomenon, fruit, good misc
desire, absence, meaning misc nothing, red, cultural, not•, •among, relatively•, common, particularly, unique,
sexual, signify, negative, necessarily, interpret, external, rare, hardly•, fairly•, from•, •rural, •Asian
spiritual, embody, whereas, profound, radical, ● rare, unusual, infrequent, scarce, special, exceptional
Moreover 2899 | 0.95
● mean, indicate, show, imply, suggest, be a sign of
3064 | 0.90 A 6832 deepen v
noun •understanding, crisis, relationship, frown•, voice,
6797 prestige n color, mystery, line, face, recession, •sense,
adj social, international, enormous, certain, personal, •commitment, knowledge, shadow, faith misc only,
considerable, occupational, professional, academic, economic, far, broaden, widen, expand, extend,
financial noun power, status, money•, influence, wealth, enhance, existing, dark, enrich, slow, strengthen,
authority, loss•, position, reputation, matter• verb spread, gradually
enhance•, enjoy, gain•, lend•, increase, acquire•, ● dig out, excavate, hollow out, scoop out || intensify,
confer•, •associate, restore•, influence extend, accumulate, expand
● respect, status, standing, stature, kudos, esteem 2887 | 0.95
3016 | 0.92 A
6839 crouch v
6804 poetic j noun tiger, •dragon, •floor, •corner, door, wall, foot,
noun justice, language, form, voice, text, image, license, shadow, window, tree, knee, ground, rock, bed, cat
tradition, style, theory, prose, expression misc wax•, misc down, behind, beside, low, over, over, next, under,
describe, poetic, beautiful, historical, French•, artistic, front, beneath, near, ready, forward, dark, peer
literary, rhetorical, highly•, musical, aesthetic ● squat, hunker, stoop, bend, duck, bow
● lyrical, elegiac, graceful, rhythmical || sensitive, full 3187 | 0.86 F
of feeling, profound, deep
3097 | 0.89 A 6846 interestingly r
•enough, •however, although, •though, •respondent,
6811 scoring n •none, •neither, male, female, significantly,
adj all-time, top, balanced, average, total, double, respectively•, skilled, •surprisingly
consecutive, low-post, holistic, consistent noun •system, ● fascinatingly, captivatingly, stimulatingly, remarkably
team, •point, •average, league•, •record, game, •leader, || intriguingly, enigmatically, fascinatingly, beguilingly
career•, •pass verb lead•, •rebound, win, set•, score, 3024 | 0.90 A
average, •point, •assist, increase, •steal
3090 | 0.89 N 6853 fetch v
noun •water, price, instruction, line, data, •dollar, dog,
6818 imminent j •glass, •beer, •request, store, •coffee, •drink, •ball,
noun threat, danger, death, attack, war, demise, arrival, operation misc her, send, far, per, fetch, to, clean, L1,
collapse, departure, action, change, endangerment estimate, L2, outside, due, sequential, wooden, pretty
misc seem•, face•, pose•, •substantial, appear•, military, ● obtain, bring, carry, take || sell for, make, go for,
predict•, nuclear, announce•, clear•, present•, raise
inevitable 3029 | 0.90 F
● about to happen, looming, coming up, forthcoming,
pending, impending 6860 deaf j
2903 | 0.95 noun ear, school, child, person, speech, hearing, tone,
culture, dialogue, speaker, language, sign misc blind,
fall•, turn•, hear, •dumb, deaf, born•, profoundly•, •hard,
•mute, totally•, completely•
● hearing-impaired, deafened, tone-deaf ||
unresponsive, indifferent, oblivious, heedless
2910 | 0.94

6867 allocate v 6902 homosexual j

noun resource, fund, money, government, amount, noun man, act, activity, behavior, conduct, person,
budget, water, Congress•, dollar, land, •cost, patient•, marriage, right, relationship, orientation, couple,
funding, •portion, •capital misc million, among, billion, relation misc heterosexual, engage•, sexual,
federal, scarce, efficiently, additional, randomly, homosexual, male, report, bisexual, exclusively•,
financial, individual, private, per, limited, total, specific condemn•, gay, openly•, female
● assign, allot, apportion, distribute, deal, give 3038 | 0.89 A
3038 | 0.90 A
6909 coconut n
6874 hurry n adj flaked, shredded, fresh, unsweetened, toasted,
adj big, particular, terrible, damn, desperate noun hell•, dried, sweetened, remaining, chopped, sweet noun
hurry, •Mr verb leave, marry, dress•, •rush, pack, •rid •milk, cup, •oil, cream, •palm, grove, •cake, coconut,
● haste, rush, dash, flurry || urgency, time pressure, •tree, banana verb add•, cup, stir•, sprinkle•, serve,
panic, rush sweeten•, combine•, pour, toast, top
2951 | 0.92 F 2956 | 0.91

6881 probable j 6916 dislike v

noun cause, starter, standard, consequence, outcome, noun reason•, like•, peer, •sight, voter•, •opponent,
future, carcinogen, warrant, cost, source, explanation, neighbor, •label, boss, politician, liberal• misc him, like,
knee misc most•, seem•, possible, highly•, less•, much, intensely, other, each, dislike, particularly, hate,
criminal•, administrative, determine•, probable, certain, distrust, whom, generally, thoroughly, fear, actively
definite•, establish• ● hate, abhor, detest, loathe, frown on, disapprove
● likely, credible, possible, feasible, plausible, apparent 2795 | 0.96
2947 | 0.92
6923 dating n
6888 translator n adj interracial, online, sexual, physical, casual, marital,
adj universal, English, Spanish, Arabic, professional, radioactive, mobile, actual, precise noun •game,
Iraqi, Russian, French, Chinese, unidentified noun •service, •partner, •relationship, •scene, •site,
interview•, language, editor, speaker•, writer, •note, radiocarbon•, •violence, dating, sex verb start•, date,
English, Bible, translator, guide verb speak, serve•, act•, acquire•, •marry, view, ban•, prohibit, •tip,
•translate, hire•, •render, accompany, relay, employ, conceptualize•, mate
•convert 2924 | 0.92
● interpreter, decoder, decipherer, converter
2974 | 0.91 6930 syrup n
adj simple, high-fructose, brown, pure, sweet, light,
6895 displace v thick, hot, fresh, dark noun maple•, corn•, cup, sugar,
noun people, worker, •home, •hurricane, refugee•, tablespoon, chocolate•, cough•, butter, honey, •vanilla
population, resident, technology, plant, species, •ton, verb add, pour•, serve, stir, combine, mix, cup, cook,
conflict, •fighting, violence, farmer misc by, million, cover, taste
native, onto, internally, local, traditional, eventually, ● sweet liquid, maple syrup, corn syrup, molasses,
civil, tend, gradually, completely, laterally, largely, sauce, golden syrup
indigenous 3018 | 0.89 M
● move, relocate, shift, transfer || oust, supplant,
replace, supersede 6937 erode v
2912 | 0.93 A noun support, power, value, soil, inflation•, •confidence,
base, authority, •trust, wind, position, •credibility,
quality, rock, •ability misc begin, far, away, continue,
public, gradually, seriously, economic, quickly, slowly,
steadily, severely, rapidly, eventually, traditional
● wear away, wear down, corrode, eat away, eat into,
grind down
2840 | 0.94

6944 paperwork n 6979 lunar j

adj necessary, administrative, legal, proper, required, noun eclipse, surface, module, year, moon, orbit,
bureaucratic, endless, additional, excessive, involved mission, crater, landing, base, landscape, month misc
noun amount•, cost, desk, care, •reduction, pile•, •planetary, solar, total•, lunar, •occur, near, dark, bright,
mountain•, hour, paperwork, •order verb fill•, require, •Martian, manned•, onto, establish•
file•, complete, handle•, sign, finish•, reduce•, process, ● lunate, lunular, semilunar
catch• 3010 | 0.88 M
● form-filling, accounts, bookkeeping, correspondence,
administration, filing 6986 utter v
2811 | 0.95 noun word, name, •sound, phrase, •cry, line, •sentence,
syllable, prayer, statement, remark, •curse, comment,
6951 indulge v mouth•, •exclamation misc never, hear, single, ever,
noun •passion, •fantasy, •love, •taste, •desire, •behavior, before, barely, dare, anyone, rarely, famous, soft, aloud,
•luxury, •pleasure, •appetite, habit, •bit, guest•, immortal, racial, complete
•preference, •whim, •speculation misc in, himself, ● say, express, state, pronounce, voice, speak
yourself, themselves, myself, little, allow, herself, 2841 | 0.93 F
ourselves, favorite, sexual, happy, willing, indulge,
instead 6993 enrich v
● spoil, pamper, pander, cosset, make a fuss of, coddle noun •life, •uranium, experience, soil, •understanding,
2825 | 0.95 culture, •learning, curriculum, knowledge, opportunity•,
environment, classroom, compost, perspective,
6958 atmospheric j •expense misc our, themselves, himself, greatly, itself,
noun administration, pressure, carbon, concentration, expand, cultural, nuclear, enliven, in, extend, highly,
dioxide, condition, gas, research, scientist, effect, order, deepen, heavy
center, turbulence misc national•, oceanic•, •Co, global, ● augment, supplement, improve, enhance, deepen,
low, •CO2, cause, increase, reduce•, rise, •drag, develop
oceanographic• 2850 | 0.93
● impressive, distinctive, moody, special, full of
character, full of atmosphere 7000 twilight n
2941 | 0.91 adj bright, deepening, blue, western, purple, perpetual,
soft, gray, deep, cool noun •zone, evening, sky,
6965 finished j morning•, hour, end, •career, summer•, glow, light verb
noun product, compost, painting, work, piece, good, •fall, enter•, fade, rise, shine, •descend, disappear, •last,
basement, second, material, look, film, drawing misc gather, settle
from•, quite•, produce, raw•, screen, deliver•, market, ● dusk, nightfall, evening, sunset, sundown
ship•, export•, store, inspect•, distribute 2868 | 0.92 F
● over, ended, done || refined, perfect, polished ||
polished, buffed, varnished || ruined, wrecked, 7007 princess n
washed-up adj little, beautiful, Indian, royal, fit, pretty, Egyptian,
2858 | 0.93 perfect, pink, lovely noun prince•, fairy, tale, •dress, ice•,
pop•, lady•, crown, fairy-tale, beauty verb marry, treat•,
6972 gossip n rescue•, dress•, kiss, portray•, dance, pretend•, whisper
adj local, late, idle, malicious, juicy, daily, endless, 2938 | 0.90 F
spreading, tabloid, trivial noun •column, •columnist,
news, rumor, •girl, celebrity•, bit•, subject•, •page, 7014 fare v
town• verb hear, spread, share•, listen•, catch, gossip, noun fund•, stock•, others, candidate•, bus•, investor•,
exchange, trade•, •circulate, print •competition, index, bond, Mr, •recession, •comparison,
● chatter, chinwag, talk || rumor, hearsay, tittle-tattle •cookbook, cab•, female• misc well, better, how, than,
|| blabbermouth, tattler, tattletale better, bad, poorly, much, as, under, badly, best, little,
2840 | 0.93 less, bad
● manage, do, cope, get on, get along, get by
2770 | 0.95

7021 destine v 7056 tornado n

noun •greatness, •market, •failure, good•, •career, fate, adj British, deadly, huge, powerful, rare, violent,
cargo•, •stardom, consumption, •landfill, •classic, devastating, mobile, northern, severe noun •warning,
waste•, •recycling, •sale, creature• misc for, seem, •watch, hurricane, wind, •season, damage, storm, •alley,
become, appear, remain, die, forever, fail, last, repeat, town, earthquake verb •hit, •strike, •touch, destroy, •rip,
each, other, marry, surely, disappear kill, blow, •tear, spin, •sweep
● predestine, fate, preordain, doom, predetermine, ● cyclone, twister, whirlwind, hurricane, storm,
foreordain windstorm
2741 | 0.96 2934 | 0.89

7028 evacuate v 7063 nucleus n

noun people, home, area, building, resident, city, police, adj atomic, active, galactic, small, heavy, bright,
helicopter, town, official, authority•, patient, American, vestibular, stellar, single, starlike noun cell, comet•,
hospital, settlement misc wounded, force, order, refuse, galaxy, atom, electron, nucleus, proton, hydrogen, egg,
early, everyone, safely, prepare, foreign, immediately, helium• verb form, contain, fuse, produce, remove,
quickly, entire, nearby, yesterday, British surround, collide, split, capture, orbit•
● empty, abandon, withdraw from, leave || send away, ● center, basis, core, heart, focus, nub
remove from, move out of, clear from 2944 | 0.88 A
2984 | 0.88 S
7070 comic n
7035 float n adj stand-up, African, tragic, underground, funny,
adj marching, dead, giant, tiny, wooden, orange, popular, unknown, graphic, late-night, gay noun book,
elaborate, just, empty, adjustable noun parade, water, marvel•, page, •strip, newspaper, •artist, TV, comic,
•air, •surface, band, •trip, it•, boat, fly, float verb carve•, movie, cartoon verb read•, draw, marvel•, •strip,
ride•, feature, attach, Bob, march, suspend, drift, •back, feature, illustrate, depict
•free ● joker, jester, comedian, stand-up || comic book,
2827 | 0.93 magazine, funny book, funny paper
2823 | 0.92
7042 instability n
adj political, economic, social, regional, emotional, 7077 sedan n
mental, financial, potential, internal, increased noun adj new, luxury, black, four-door, small, compact, blue,
source•, •region, violence, period•, disk•, stability•, dark, unmarked, available noun sport•, family•, •wagon,
conflict, market, sign•, uncertainty verb create, cause, coupe, car, model, line, version, •chair, flagship• verb
lead, increase, contribute•, result, experience, reflect, •pull, drive, •park, midsize•, •replace, introduce, •arrive,
promote•, introduce test, launch, climb
● unpredictability, variability, uncertainty, unsteadiness, 2873 | 0.90 N
volatility, shakiness
2908 | 0.90 A 7084 off j
noun season, day, chance, hour, button, switch,
7049 marvelous j distance, base, course, ramp, duty, camera misc far•,
noun job, machine, opportunity, example, humor, •than, well•, better•, bad•, •four, press•, •beaten,
collection, tale, invention, gift, possession, array, actor •remote, distant
misc wonderful, marvelous, absolutely•, strange, truly•, ● rotten, rancid, tainted, moldy, sour, inedible
sound•, beautiful, magical, fantastic, bloody•, possess•, 2701 | 0.96
● amazing, impressive, remarkable, magnificent ||
great, brilliant, wonderful, fantastic
2740 | 0.95

7091 overview n 7126 chat n

adj brief, historical, general, broad, comprehensive, adj online, little, live, nice, private, informal, brief,
excellent, current, quick, recent, following noun friendly, instant, sexual noun •room, Internet•, •show,
season•, appearance•, article•, section•, •research, fireside•, site, •line, •board, •session, e-mail, phone•
•history, paper•, •literature, method, discussion verb verb monitor, participate•, enjoy•, log, conduct•, host•,
provide•, give•, present•, offer•, contain•, gain•, chat, post, •devote, type
conclude•, •highlight ● conversation, one-to-one, heart-to-heart, tête-à-tête,
● indication, summary, outline, synopsis, gestalt talk, dialogue
2905 | 0.89 A 2728 | 0.94

7098 benign j 7133 dune n

noun tumor, neglect, condition, lesion, hyperplasia, adj national, coastal, wild, primary, sleeping, tall, rolling,
form, breast, disease, prostate, view, neoplasm, lump Martian, dark, sandy noun sand•, beach, dune, •field,
misc more•, relatively•, environmentally•, seem•, •buggy, grass, top•, mile, desert, sea verb •form, cover,
•malignant, •prostatic, less•, seemingly•, remove, climb•, stabilize, contact, scrub, roll, overlook, blow,
usually, entirely•, cause bury•
● kind, benevolent, caring, kindly, gentle, ● bank, sandbank, hill, mound, ridge, hump
nonthreatening 2865 | 0.89 M
2760 | 0.93
7140 susceptible j
7105 follow-up n noun disease, infection, injury, individual, population,
adj long-term, quick, subsequent, median, mean, far, effect, influence, damage, illness, plant, virus, pressure
necessary, six-month, clinical, postoperative noun year, misc •to, more•, make•, less•, most•, particularly•, may•,
patient, month, study, factor•, treatment, •segment, highly•, become•, especially•, therefore•, render•
participant, baseline•, data verb lose•, •range, conduct, ● vulnerable, at risk, liable, prone || receptive, open,
complete, record, •indicate, obtain, measure, monitor, impressionable, sensitive
participate• 2772 | 0.92
● continuation, addition, supplement, complement,
development, sequel 7147 relentless j
2908 | 0.88 A noun pursuit, pressure, attack, sun, drive, effort,
campaign, focus, wind, search, pace, heat misc under•,
7112 coherent j despite•, wage•, pursue, escape•, daily, constant•,
noun policy, strategy, whole, system, vision, plan, massive, steady, aggressive, relentless, exhaust
thought, theory, set, framework, narrative, view misc ● persistent, unyielding, unremitting, inexorable,
more•, develop•, provide•, together•, form•, less•, insistent, harsh
create•, lack•, consistent, clear•, single•, offer• 2667 | 0.96
● consistent, logical, sound, reasoned || intelligible,
clear, comprehensible, articulate 7154 staircase n
2872 | 0.89 A adj spiral, grand, narrow, winding, wide, long, wooden,
main, steep, circular noun top•, floor, room, marble•,
7119 canned j step, back•, wall, stone•, door, hall verb •lead, climb•,
noun food, tomato, cup, good, bean, vegetable, fruit, descend•, walk•, ascend, curve, •rise, head•, spiral,
tuna, chicken, broth, soup, corn misc fresh, frozen, cup•, emerge
drained, canned, drain, •black, rinsed, eat•, dried, ● stairway, stair, stairs, flight of steps, set of steps,
•green, freeze flight of stairs
● preserved, conserved, tinned || prerecorded, 2844 | 0.90 F
recorded, taped, reproduced
2785 | 0.92 M

7161 mold v 7196 selling n

noun crown•, plastic, injection•, body, clay, •shape, adj big, best, living, strong, main, direct, average, best-,
•foot, piece, process, frame, panel•, material, •opinion, top, short noun •point, •price, buying•, •book, drug,
dust•, base misc into, shape, fit, itself, form, onto, •stock, author, •album, •product, selling verb buy•, sell,
cultural, paint, install, easily, trim, carefully, pour, tall, •point, •trade, spark, •tire, •subside, rent
flat ● vending, sales, marketing, trade, retailing, export
● cast, make, fashion || affect, influence, change || 2686 | 0.94
cling, hug, follow
2713 | 0.94 7203 allocation n
adj efficient, scarce, dynamic, financial, fair, current,
7168 blunt j appropriate, annual, foreign, various noun resource,
noun instrument, trauma, force, end, object, message, asset•, water, •fund, decision, budget•, cost, sector•,
head, finger, nose, edge, criticism, cut misc pretty•, process, land verb resource•, determine, •base, shift•,
rather•, direct, thick, deliver•, smoke•, blunt, unusually•, implement, ensure, market•, depend, influence•,
sharp, broad, honest, hate• govern•
● dull, rounded, dulled, blunted || uncompromising, ● distribution, provision, apportionment, sharing ||
straightforward, direct, frank share, portion, allotment, allowance
2653 | 0.96 2911 | 0.87 A

7175 gratitude n 7210 surface v

adj deep, sincere, deepest, profound, enormous, noun report•, name•, problem•, issue•, •week,
immense, undying, eternal, alive, tremendous noun allegation•, evidence•, month, memory•, rumor•, tape•,
debt•, sense•, love, expression•, respect, relief, feeling•, charge•, whale•, concern, tension• misc first, when, last,
admiration, joy, prayer• verb express•, feel, show•, owe, again, during, recently, early, quickly, soon, publicly,
extend, earn•, deserve•, fill•, wish•, acknowledge• suddenly, repeatedly, occasionally, eventually,
● thanks, thankfulness, appreciation, gratefulness, disturbing
appreciativeness ● float up, come up, break the surface || appear,
2657 | 0.96 reappear, turn up || become known, come to light,
come out || coat, cover, skim
7182 disparity n 2598 | 0.97
adj racial, economic, great, growing, wide, rich, social,
huge, poor, regional noun health, income, •wealth, 7217 awe n
power, gender•, •rate, factor, wage, poverty, adj religious, sheer, quiet, silent, utter, inspired,
•treatment verb •exist, reduce•, eliminate•, explain•, superstitious, absolute, complete, childlike noun sense•,
address•, increase, reflect, account•, contribute•, shock•, wonder, reverence, fear, respect, feeling•, voice,
attribute mixture•, mystery verb watch•, stand•, inspire, stare•,
● difference, inequality, discrepancy, disproportion, •wonder, fill•, gaze•, regard•, strike, shake•
gap, inconsistency ● wonder, admiration, respect, amazement || fear,
2802 | 0.90 A terror, dread, fright
2656 | 0.95
7189 deepest j
noun part, fear, secret, feeling, level, sense, sympathy, 7224 overnight j
desire, value, lake, thought, self misc our•, •most, noun bag, trip, stay, guest, success, sensation, camp,
express•, •human, extend•, reveal•, share•, deepest, hour, delivery, service, rate, shift misc become•, stay,
•moral, •blue, experience, •spiritual carry•, require•, charge•, other•, each•, •available,
2648 | 0.96 soaked•, dry•, pack•, plus•
● instant, immediate, abrupt, instantaneous, sudden,
2671 | 0.94

7231 scout n 7266 substantive j

adj pro, major, Indian, chief, professional, western, noun issue, change, difference, law, threat, policy,
eastern, assistant, veteran, longtime noun talent•, boy•, content, process, discussion, rule, education, reform
coach, •team, college•, league•, NBA•, •leader, player, misc more•, any•, procedural, provide•, •due, real,
advance• verb send, impress•, sign, hire•, advance•, anything•, serious•, than, rather, address,
spot, enlist•, dispatch, •search, attract• •environmental
● lookout, spy, watch, undercover agent, detective, ● practical, functional, utilitarian || essential,
emissary fundamental, basic || independent, autonomous,
2730 | 0.92 separate || substantial, decent, considerable
2808 | 0.89 A
7238 antenna n
adj small, high-gain, main, external, huge, receiving, 7273 consolidate v
sensitive, parabolic, directional, giant noun radio•, TV•, noun •power, •position, •control, democracy,
signal, dish, satellite, roof, array, cable, television•, •operation, •gain, industry, •hold, loan, •base, •debt,
antenna verb receive, build, point, •pick, place, install, effort•, •rule, plan•, regime misc its, help, political,
mount, •stick, transmit, consist• democratic, in, seek, order, single, existing, expand,
● feeler, projection, probe, protuberance, whisker regional, eliminate, attempt, fully, strengthen
2691 | 0.93 ● combine, unite, join, fuse || strengthen, firm up,
establish, confirm
7245 plausible j 2678 | 0.93
noun explanation, argument, scenario, deniability,
reason, theory, interpretation, answer, model, 7280 cockpit n
candidate, hypothesis, alternative misc seem•, more•, adj open, aft, forward, roomy, front, rear, tiny,
most•, least•, sound•, equally•, less•, offer•, certainly•, standard, cramped, wet noun •voice, •recorder, •door,
entirely•, quite•, •assume pilot, plane, •window, •crew, flight, seat, control verb
● reasonable, believable, credible, probable, sit, fill, climb•, fly, storm•, strap, jump•, seat, smoke,
conceivable, likely reinforce•
2735 | 0.91 A ● arena, battleground, fight arena, boxing ring, floor,
7252 behalf n 2729 | 0.91
adj active, unable noun effort•, action•, campaign•,
letter•, client, statement•, Dr, claim, appeal•, argument• 7287 knight n
verb speak•, act•, testify•, intervene•, intercede•, lobby•, adj white, shining, green, medieval, dark, round, brave,
file•, negotiate•, advocate•, sue armored, mounted, noble noun •armor, •horse, king,
2568 | 0.97 sir•, •sword, sister•, •cloak, •lady, battle, knight verb
joust, kneel, rescue, dismount, defeat, dub
7259 designated j ● cavalier, caballero, knight-errant, adventurer
noun area, hitter, wilderness, driver, site, spot, person, 2755 | 0.90 F
beneficiary, zone, trail, successor, acre misc within,
specially•, officially•, newly•, federally•, outside•, •wild, 7294 groan v
•critical, •scenic, except•, restrict•, •smoking noun •weight, •pain, •sound, floor•, bed, foot, wind,
2656 | 0.94 moan, chair•, wood•, truck, metal•, bus•, grunting, ice•
misc under, hear, again, moan, inwardly, roll, creak,
laugh, aloud, creaking, loudly, everyone, shake, softly,
● creak, squeak, squeal || grumble, complain, carp ||
moan, grunt, cry out
2896 | 0.85 F

7301 feat n 7336 pearl n

adj small, mean, remarkable, great, amazing, easy, adj black, tiny, gray, fake, pink, precious, cultured,
impressive, extraordinary, impossible, greatest noun freshwater, crushed, gleaming noun •necklace, string•,
engineering, •strength, sport, •endurance, baseball, •onion, •earring, •jam, diamond, strand•, gold, pearl,
•courage, athlete, •magic, •imagination, •navigation •wisdom verb wear, •peel, string, cup, adorn, decorate•,
verb accomplish, perform•, achieve, pull, manage•, trim•, glow, dangle, shine
duplicate, •require, repeat•, match, attempt ● gem, treasure, precious thing, nugget, prize
● achievement, accomplishment, deed, exploit, act, 2737 | 0.90 F
2631 | 0.94 7343 allergy n
adj seasonal, severe, common, medical, life-
7308 hay n threatening, cold, immune, chronic, developing,
adj fresh, loose, sweet, dry, wet, round, sweet-smelling, respiratory noun food•, asthma, symptom, latex•,
stacked, organic, fresh-cut noun bale, •fever, field, barn, allergy, •shot, peanut•, •medication, drug, •sufferer
grass, horse, •wagon, grain, straw, roll• verb cut, feed, verb cause, suffer•, develop•, treat•, trigger, reduce,
bale•, hit•, smell•, stack, harvest, pitch•, haul•, roll outgrow•, diagnose•, avoid, affect
● straw, grass, feed, fodder, dry feed, silage ● reaction, allergic reaction, sensitivity, hypersensitivity
2649 | 0.93 || aversion, dislike, antipathy, distaste
2791 | 0.88 M
7315 probation n
adj juvenile, academic, fine, two-year, supervised, chief, 7350 disappointing j
one-year, three-year, convicted, guilty noun year•, noun result, season, year, earnings, performance, sales,
•officer, parole, month, violation, •department, team, news, loss, report, record, finish misc very•,
sentence, prison, condition, term• verb place•, put•, most•, a•, little•, prove•, somewhat•, finish•, despite,
violate•, sentence•, receive•, serve•, •order, release•, surprising, bit•, extremely•, pretty•
•fine, revoke ● unsatisfactory, unacceptable, second-rate, poor,
● trial, audition, experimentation, test, tryout below par, not up to scratch
2668 | 0.92 2581 | 0.95

7322 pirate n 7357 wax n

adj Caribbean, Barbary, Spanish, English, suspected, adj hot, yellow, red, whole, melted, soft, warm,
minor, straight, fierce, consecutive, drunken noun •ship, Brazilian, green, molten noun •paper, •museum, candle,
•treasure, pirate, manager, season, crew, sea, captain, •figure, sheet•, ball•, ear, floor•, bikini•, bean verb melt,
victory, •king verb capture, •beat, sail, attack, score, seal•, wrap•, cover, drip, remove, apply, place, pour,
dress•, •steal, seize, trade, raid smell•
● buccaneer, adventurer, swashbuckler ● beeswax, crude wax, honeycomb, candlewax
2777 | 0.88 F 2636 | 0.93

7329 masculine j 7364 shovel n

noun woman, sport, role, gender, power, trait, identity, adj sharp, folding, long-handled, wooden, used,
characteristic, quality, behavior, voice, culture misc mechanical, flat, digging, broken, rusty noun snow,
feminine, more•, both•, androgynous, female, pick•, hand, rake, dirt, sand, steam•, •ground, handle,
traditionally•, traditional•, •ideal, strong•, male, shovel verb use, dig, pick, lean, grab•, hit, carry•, throw•,
associate, perceive• •scoop, borrow•
● male, manly, mannish, virile, macho, boyish ● spade, scoop, trowel, tool
2779 | 0.88 A 2654 | 0.92 F

7371 freezer n 7413 reverse j

adj large, zip-top, full, frozen, cold, ready, deep, empty, noun discrimination, mortgage, transfer, angle, single,
heavy-duty, extra noun •bag, refrigerator, plastic•, ice, osmosis, side, order, student, engineering, effect,
container, cream•, month, •door, fridge, •minute verb transcriptase misc forward•, reverse, •coded, post-
place•, put•, keep, store•, •freeze, open•, remove, fill, baccalaureate•, affirmative, Fha-insured•, temporary•,
pour, stock sort•, negatively•, •double, negative•, •chronological
2654 | 0.92 M ● opposite, contrary, converse, inverse
2591 | 0.93
7378 adversary n
adj potential, political, adaptive, off-line, formidable, 7420 shack n
military, oblivious, powerful, worthy, longtime noun adj little, small, wooden, tiny, two-room, one-room,
ally, weapon, adversary, enemy, algorithm, partner, corrugated, abandoned, tar-paper, dilapidated noun
conflict•, alliance, battle, threat verb face, generate, radio•, love•, •store, roof, tin•, chicken•, shotgun•,
define, view•, engage•, threaten, deter•, attack, guard•, beach, •edge verb live•, build, •house, tear,
overcome•, defeat• burn, pack, line, lean, search, occupy
● opponent, challenger, rival, enemy, foe, antagonist 2621 | 0.92 F
2720 | 0.89
7427 bleak j
7385 cash v noun future, picture, outlook, prospect, house,
noun check, stock, bank•, •paycheck, •option, •chip, landscape, situation, winter, view, assessment, reality,
reservation•, investor•, bond, •ticket, share, •retirement, condition misc look•, as•, seem•, paint•, pretty•, bleak,
•investment, fund, access• misc in, out, try, hope, check, economic, face•, rather•, despite•, gray, cold
rather, ready, convert, eager, refuse, position, daily, ● unwelcoming, austere, miserable || hopeless,
stolen, retire, front unpromising, gloomy || cold, harsh, wintry || forlorn,
2598 | 0.94 miserable, dejected
2513 | 0.96
7392 diaper n
adj disposable, changing, dirty, wet, clean, soiled, dry, 7434 mandate v
extra, fresh, tiny noun baby, •bag, cloth•, •change, food, noun law, state, Congress, government, program,
•rash, clothes, bottle, adult•, paper verb change•, wear•, standard, policy, requirement, legislation, change,
wash, wipe, feed, clean, dry, wet•, grab, smell education, use, test, regulation, rule• misc by, federally,
2625 | 0.92 federal, congressionally, legally, constitutionally, pass,
minimum, state, educational, specific, legislatively,
7399 glue n Supreme, equal, specifically
adj hot, white, super, dry, epoxy, excess, Krazy, mating, ● instruct, authorize, direct, delegate, assign, require
tacky, thin noun •gun, paper, joint, glue, rabbitskin•, 2598 | 0.93 A
wood, nail, surface, •set, Elmer• verb •hold, use, apply•,
stick, spread•, •dry, sniff•, •bind, •set, attach 7441 entitlement n
● adhesive, paste, superglue, gum, cement adj social, federal, legal, collective, poor, middle-class,
2702 | 0.90 M individual, extended, so-called, racial noun •program,
sense•, spending, reform, •security, right, welfare, cap,
7406 mankind n cut, growth• verb cut, spend, end•, reform, control•,
adj giant, common, greatest, universal, moral, proper, cap•, establish, propose, extend, fund
spiritual, evil, beauteous, disposed noun history•, ● right, power, prerogative, title, privilege, claim
museum, leap•, nature, benefit•, mankind, rest•, 2751 | 0.87
future•, hope•, earth verb save•, benefit•, destroy•,
free•, redeem•, •preserve, plague•
● men, menfolk, manhood, males
2555 | 0.95

7448 ginger n 7483 foliage n

adj fresh, minced, crystallized, chopped, soy, green, adj green, dense, lush, dark, thick, bright, yellow,
peeled, red, pickled, turmeric noun teaspoon, ground, tropical, gray, purple noun flower, plant, fall•, tree,
garlic, tablespoon, cinnamon, sauce, sugar, cup, onion, color, autumn, spring, leaf, stem, texture verb grow,
salt verb grate•, mince•, add, peel, chop, stir, combine, hide, cut, cover, remove, form, emerge, contrast,
cook, •cup, bake photograph, surround•
2971 | 0.81 M ● leaves, greenery, vegetation, undergrowth,
shrubbery, plants
7455 openness n 2744 | 0.86 M
adj new, great, political, economic, increased, relative,
intellectual, genuine, democratic, religious noun sense•, 7490 disguise v
glasnost•, freedom, degree•, honesty, transparency, noun •fact, voice, attempt•, identity, effort•, •purpose,
lack, culture, commitment, reform verb •experience, •origin, soldier, army, •feeling, •intention, mask,
require, encourage, promote•, maintain•, characterize, •contempt, •peasant, entertainment misc as, as,
demonstrate•, trust, foster, demand himself, themselves, herself, thinly, myself, hide, no,
● honesty, directness, frankness, sincerity, candidness, true, barely, cleverly, attempt, bother, beneath
plainness ● cover up, hide, conceal, mask, masquerade, veil
2626 | 0.91 A 2475 | 0.96

7462 hurl v 7497 raft n

noun rock, •insult, •stone, •wall, body, window, •air, ball, adj rubber, whole, inflatable, yellow, makeshift, huge,
•bottle, grenade, epithet, •ground, accusation, spear, floating, tiny, inner, wooden noun life•, river, water,
•space misc at, into, against, himself, themselves, •trip, boat, canoe, raft, sailing•, kayak, sea verb float,
across, herself, itself, toward, onto, off, myself, forward, build, swim, •drift, ride, lie, throw•, push, paddle, flip
aside, grab ● bundle, number, tranche, portfolio, range, host
● fling, throw, toss, chuck, launch, heave 2554 | 0.93
2631 | 0.91 F
7504 prolonged j
7469 prosperous j noun period, exposure, use, war, drought, recession,
noun country, family, nation, city, economy, society, effect, contact, slump, silence, stress, struggle misc
future, week, community, town, region, farmer misc during•, after•, require•, lead, cause, •economic, result,
more•, most•, become•, peaceful, relatively•, stable, experience•, avoid•, severe, intense, occur
democratic, free, ahead•, less•, build•, once• ● lengthy, protracted, long, continued, extended,
● wealthy, affluent, rich, well-off || flourishing, thriving, sustained
successful, booming 2541 | 0.93 A
2482 | 0.96
7511 cathedral n
7476 forensic j adj national, gothic, holy, Catholic, medieval, orthodox,
noun evidence, science, expert, pathologist, scientist, Episcopal, sacred, massive, Roman noun church,
team, anthropologist, psychologist, analysis, •ceiling, choir, window, bell, chapel, crystal•, tower,
psychiatrist, investigation, work misc forensic, medical, spire, cathedral verb build, visit, celebrate, construct,
•examine, hire, perform, conduct•, •testify, pack•, resemble•, •dominate, boast•, bury, •date
psychological, modern•, criminal, analyze, clinical 2587 | 0.91
● scientific, criminal, criminological, legal, medical,
pathological 7518 alternate j
2626 | 0.90 noun assessment, route, form, universe, source, juror,
reality, history, plan, leg, energy, method misc suggest•,
alternate, complete, present, select, propose•, •daily,
Olympic, explore, judge, retest•, generate•
● every other, alternating, every second || alternative,
substitute, different, another
2560 | 0.92

7525 keeper n 7560 rainbow n

adj official, assistant, secret, royal, Christian, adj brown, double, bright, wild, fair, tiny, yellow,
evangelical, sacred, elderly noun promise•, lighthouse•, brilliant, pastel, catchable noun •trout, color, •coalition,
brother•, record•, •flame, zoo•, peace, sister•, finder•, end•, room, •bridge, light, warrior, rainbow, brown verb
saloon• verb promise•, attend, •commit, score•, catch, chase, stock, arch, paint, •brook, flash, fish•,
appoint• land•, •smelt
● warden, guard, guardian, caretaker, attendant, ● arc, arch, bow
ranger 2505 | 0.93
2536 | 0.93
7567 corresponding j
7532 reverse n noun increase, value, figure, change, score, author,
adj true, miniature, braided, exact, usual, neutral noun decrease, data, rate, period, item, reduction misc
car•, •portrait, engine, truck•, •transfer, •transcriptase, without•, each, compare•, accompany•, respectively•,
pattern, item•, undergraduate•, drive verb put•, throw•, significantly•, result•, mean, obtain, match•, whereas•,
shift•, •score, •back, slam•, •occur, •commute, spin, generate•
suffer• ● consistent, conforming, agreeing, matching,
● contrary, opposite, antithesis || back, rear, equivalent, parallel
underneath || setback, reversal, hitch 2725 | 0.86 A
2456 | 0.96
7574 high-quality j
7539 enormously r noun product, care, service, education, program, bond,
•popular, •important, •successful, help•, vary•, •complex, vendor, fund, material, image, food, protein misc
grow•, benefit•, •difficult, •powerful, •expensive, provide•, produce•, offer•, available, deliver•, low-cost,
increase•, •influential, •helpful affordable, •digital, receive•, purchase, •corporate,
● extremely, very, a lot, a great deal, hugely, ensure
immensely ● good, first-class, first-rate, superior || high-grade,
2456 | 0.95 quality, finest, superior
2560 | 0.91 M
7546 chaotic j
noun system, situation, scene, order, condition, 7581 distributor n
process, motion, environment, event, nature, behavior, adj large, wholesale, major, local, independent, Inc,
phenomenon misc less, violent, random, increasingly•, exclusive, foreign, retail, Canadian noun manufacturer•,
somewhat•, complex, pretty•, totally•, •unpredictable, film, producer•, product, food, retailer, supplier, beer•,
otherwise•, stressful, dangerous dealer, wholesaler verb sell, buy, contact, purchase,
● disordered, muddled, confused, messy, untidy, hectic supply, •handle, •deliver, •refuse, ship, recruit
2447 | 0.96 ● supplier, provider, purveyor, wholesaler, broker,
7553 saw n 2547 | 0.91
adj old, circular, just, electric, portable, musical,
cordless, sharp, comfortable, thin noun chain•, 7588 prose n
•palmetto, •blade, table, hammer, •mill, power•, tool, adj poetic, clear, purple, modern, short, literary, English,
•grass, drill verb use, •cut, remove, whine, reciprocate•, scientific, vivid, elegant noun poetry, •poem, •style,
•fit, operate, rip, guide, •equip •fiction, writer, verse, book, piece, writing, prose verb
● saying, proverb, adage, maxim, motto, aphorism write, read, publish, translate, deliver•, compose•,
2539 | 0.92 •characterize
● writing style, style, text
2556 | 0.91 A

7595 eagerly r 7630 down j

•await, •anticipate, wait, •seek, nod•, forward, •accept, noun payment, side, time, home, market, money, earth,
•embrace, •anticipated, watch, •arrival, respond•, agree, comforter, jacket, bag, position, economy misc upside•,
lean• low, require•, save•, billion, enough•, •closing, afford•,
● keenly, enthusiastically, excitedly, readily, willingly, borrow, press•, slow•, predict•
impatiently ● depressed, unhappy, miserable || listed, nominated,
2468 | 0.94 scheduled || out of action, inoperative, not working
2436 | 0.95
7602 catcher n
adj all-star, veteran, junior, senior, defensive, big- 7637 morale n
league, minor, offensive, everyday, opposing noun adj low, high, military, poor, Iraqi, internal, all-time,
pitcher•, •mitt, league, baseball, ball, dog•, backup•, improved, civilian, improving noun employee, •problem,
fog•, base, dream• verb hit, throw, trade, sign, steal, troop, teacher, staff, •booster, soldier, productivity,
backup•, brave, pitch, bat, knock boost, effect• verb boost•, improve•, affect•, destroy•,
2622 | 0.88 N raise•, hurt•, maintain•, restore•, bolster•, undermine•
● confidence, self-esteem, self-confidence, drive,
7609 layout n assurance, optimism
adj physical, standard, interior, basic, QWERTY, spatial, 2465 | 0.93
traditional, original, familiar, overall noun design, page•,
keyboard•, building, space, course, feature, resort, floor, 7644 pragmatic j
store• verb design, study•, box•, define, resemble, noun approach, reason, view, policy, consideration,
match, •mark, feature, •stretch, incorporate solution, diplomacy, concern, term, politics, response,
● plan, design, arrangement, outline, draft, blueprint strategy misc more•, political, practical, less, moderate,
2586 | 0.90 M ideological, purely•, •neoliberal, adopt•, rather, than,
7616 rancher n ● practical, realistic, hardheaded, logical, rational,
adj local, wealthy, western, Mexican, grazing, jolly, sensible
independent, rural, fourth-generation, neighboring 2563 | 0.90 A
noun farmer, cattle, land, sheep•, miner,
environmentalist, logger, county, hunter, livestock verb 7651 diversion n
•sell, own, •graze, •fear, complain, destroy, lease, warn, adj pleasant, welcome, nice, illegal, popular, residential,
reimburse, convince• temporary, nuclear, so-called, agricultural noun water,
● farmer, livestock farmer, landowner, breeder, squire, dam, •program, •fund, percent, •rate, waste•, river,
planter •project, diversion verb create•, seek, achieve•,
2543 | 0.91 prevent•, •amount
● distraction, entertainment, pastime, hobby || change,
7623 autonomous j alteration, departure, digression
noun region, state, republic, individual, community, 2447 | 0.94
province, university, organization, self, power,
institution, development misc become•, relatively•, 7658 comedian n
create•, independent, •political, •within, human, fully•, adj stand-up, late-night, late, funny, famous, popular,
remain, free, develop•, less• physical, silent, favorite, professional noun actor, show,
● self-governing, sovereign, free, independent, singer, comedian, joke, television, TV, •host, writer,
separate comedy verb •name, star, •laugh, hire, feature•,
2654 | 0.87 A perform, •joke, celebrate•, date•, photograph•
● comic, stand-up, clown, wit, joker, jester
2459 | 0.93

7665 preview n 7700 redefine v

adj upcoming, special, exclusive, live, annual, future, noun •role, •relationship, •term, •mission, •marriage,
coming, listening, quick, Olympic noun sneak•, •identity, •concept, effort•, •meaning, •nature, •notion,
•program, show, •broadcast, week, movie, •party, •relation, attempt•, •success, •boundary misc itself,
•audience, weekend, section verb give•, begin, •open, must, themselves, define, seek, struggle, attempt,
sneak•, offer•, attend•, feature, click, object•, skate• terms, constantly, thus, traditional, radically, very,
● showing, performance, broadcast, screening || continually, ourselves
trailer, promo, ad, clip 2454 | 0.93 A
2502 | 0.91
7707 blueprint n
7672 real-life j adj genetic, detailed, original, economic, future,
noun situation, experience, story, problem, drama, ambitious, comprehensive, fiscal, mental, complete
event, example, character, article, model, counterpart, noun plan, •action, DNA•, •future, reform, design,
application misc base•, describe•, inspire, face, apply•, budget•, set•, gene, drawing verb provide•, draw•,
real-life, deal•, present, solve, portray, fictional, create, follow, serve•, build, develop, lay, carry•, draft•
•healthy ● plan, drawing, design, proposal, outline, draft
● actual, true, factual, real, realistic, genuine 2380 | 0.95
2416 | 0.95
7714 nude j
7679 adult j noun woman, scene, body, photo, picture, dancing,
noun child, day, care, male, program, service, figure, model, beach, photograph, club, image misc
education, cell, supervision, female, stem, center misc pose•, female, nude, male, totally•, depict•, herself,
two•, two•, three•, three•, •male, four•, four•, •sexual, swim•, dance, paint•, nearly•, completely•
•social, •protective, human, •female ● unclothed, in the nude, undressed, in the buff, in a
● mature, fully developed, grown-up, grown, fully- state of undress, in your birthday suit
grown, full-grown 2379 | 0.95
2447 | 0.93
7721 shorten v
7686 discretion n noun •time, •life, cup, vegetable•, butter, length,
adj broad, wide, judicial, prosecutorial, sole, local, tablespoon, sugar, •distance, •period, name, season,
individual, considerable, complete, professional noun flour, •span, •stay misc cut, cup, lengthen, considerably,
judge, court, agency•, abuse•, exercise•, prosecutor, beat, melt, significantly, medium, solid, reserve,
law, official, matter, amount• verb exercise•, use, give•, dramatically, cold, tend, unsalted, drastically
allow, •decide, abuse•, limit, •determine, •advise, grant ● cut down, cut, cut back, curtail, abbreviate, abridge
● freedom of choice, will, pleasure, option || 2409 | 0.94
carefulness, prudence, caution, canniness
2482 | 0.92 7728 ground j
noun pepper, salt, teaspoon, zero, cup, tablespoon, oil,
7693 maneuver n troop, force, sea, cayenne, ounce misc freshly•, freshly•,
adj military, political, legal, tactical, evasive, difficult, •black, •taste, •taste, coarsely•, coarsely•, kosher•,
brilliant, tricky, parliamentary, diplomatic noun room•, finely•, finely•, •white, fresh
Heimlich•, series•, practice, army, troop, emergency•, ● crushed, pulverized, broken up, minced, milled,
freedom•, plane, •warfare verb perform•, execute, pounded
practice•, conduct, attempt, repeat•, engage, avoid, 2609 | 0.86 M
•design, demonstrate•
● move, movement, operation, exercise || ploy, trick,
plot, scheme
2374 | 0.96

7735 playwright n 7770 affect n

adj young, British, greatest, prize-winning, famous, Irish, adj positive, negative, significant, daily, adverse,
successful, German, living, award-winning noun poet, emotional, pre-exercise, flat, sexual, psychological
actor, director, novelist, •horizon, play, writer, author, noun affect, measure, exercise, •scale, participant, level,
theater, actress verb write, direct, adapt, honor, •pen •score, performance, change•, relationship verb report,
● dramatist, writer, author, tragedian, dramaturge, associate, influence, compare, complete•, relate,
scriptwriter measure, experience, predict•, examine
2465 | 0.91 N 2730 | 0.82 A

7742 vent n 7777 heterosexual j

adj hydrothermal, open, hot, volcanic, deep-sea, air- noun man, woman, couple, marriage, homosexual,
conditioning, thermal, deep, active, top noun air•, relationship, male, sex, student, intercourse,
steam•, heating•, heat, window, vent, ceiling, roof, orientation, activity misc homosexual, gay, sexual, male,
•pipe, wall verb open, close, blow, rise•, install•, block, exclusively•, white•, among, report, heterosexual,
pour, remove, form, flow married, identify, bisexual
● opening, outlet, aperture, escape, exhaust, chimney 2558 | 0.87 A
2464 | 0.91 M
7784 em p
7749 intent j •up, •out, give•, let•, •down, tell•, •off, bring•, keep•,
noun letter, possession, assault, face, satisfaction, gaze, •away, na•, shoot, em•, kill•
notice, requirement, harm, expression, cocaine, 2485 | o.90 F
profession misc •on, •on, so•, so•, •upon, •upon, •kill,
•kill, •stay, •stay, seem•, seem• 7791 gosh u
● concentrated, absorbed, focused, directed || Oh•, my•, thank, •sake, for•, •darn, •wish, •OK, •well,
intending to, bent on, determined, resolved •sorry, gosh, wow, good•, •like
2354 | 0.95 ● goodness, golly, gracious, goodness gracious, my, gee
2606 | 0.85 S
7756 loading n
adj high, cyclic, positive, organic, low, significant, static, 7798 Methodist j
negative, hydraulic, canonical noun factor, •dock, item, noun church, university, minister, hospital, pastor,
table, •rate, •condition, loading, tissue, seat, exercise• bishop, memorial, member, conference, center, mount,
verb •unload, reduce, •range, determine, apply, preacher misc unite•, southern•, first•, •Episcopal,
associate, demonstrate, result, supervise•, obtain African•, pm, Christian, Presbyterian, •present,
2601 | 0.86 A evangelical, sponsor, Baptist
2474 | 0.90 N
7763 mirror v
noun result, face, •society, trend, pattern, image, •wall, 7805 pair v
finding, movement, glass, expression, behavior, noun •t-test, wine, teacher, •test, •comparison, •mentor,
concern, attitude, structure misc those, own, other, •sample, couple, skirt, pant, salad, dress, male, cheese,
closely, each, whose, exactly, similar, actual, generally, jacket misc with, off, each, together, often, t, whom,
broad, ethnic, overall, perfectly, mirror test, matching, PREFORMATTED, female, perfectly,
● reflect, echo, copy, emulate || represent, illustrate, randomly, Hispanic, experienced
symbolize, typify ● join up, team up, pair off, match up, put together,
2374 | 0.94 combine
2391 | 0.93

7812 plum n 7847 periodic j

adj ripe, fresh, red, purple, dried, wild, Italian, medium, noun table, element, report, review, comet, error, basis,
sweet, canned noun •tomato, peach, •tree, sugar•, assessment, inspection, maintenance, meeting, visit
creek, cup, •job, plum, •sauce, pear verb chop, dice, misc require•, suffer•, file•, undergo•, regular, despite•,
•seed, slice, •pit, land•, •halve, combine, •preserve, subject•, conduct•, annual, experience, punctuate,
bake ongoing
● reward, award, bonus, windfall, trophy, catch ● episodic, intermittent, intervallic, interrupted ||
2411 | 0.92 cyclic, recurring, recurrent, serial
2403 | 0.91 A
7819 boiling j
noun water, point, pot, cup, minute, pasta, heat, 7854 adore v
potato, oil, steam, kettle, bean misc into•, add•, pour•, noun father, mother, son, kid, girl, wife, fan, daughter,
•until, cook, cover, over, large •, stir, salted, cup•, reach• husband, sister, brother, dad, dog, audience, beauty •
● hot, sweltering, scorching, roasting, baking, steaming misc him, her, love, whom, absolutely, each, other,
2407 | 0.92 M adore, everyone, admire, worship, obviously,
universally, respect, idolize
7826 lust n ● love, esteem, respect || like, be mad about, be crazy
adj sexual, pure, male, raw, sheer, carnal, blind, deadly, about || worship, revere, idolize
romantic, secret noun love, power, •day, blood, greed, 2327 | 0.94
heart, desire, passion, sex, lust verb satisfy•, drive, envy,
anger, inspire•, fear, transform, consume• 7861 outing n
● desire, envy, covetousness, longing, yearning, adj special, corporate, short, previous, fun, weekly,
hankering annual, perfect, regular, pleasant noun family•, golf•,
2368 | 0.93 weekend, trip, •club, park, •season, summer•, beach,
solo• verb enjoy•, plan•, arrange, organize•, feature,
7833 depiction n schedule, sponsor, participate•, accompany, invite
adj graphic, accurate, visual, sexual, human, realistic, ● visit, excursion, trip, day trip, jaunt, day out
female, popular, negative, detailed noun rape, 2370 | 0.92
•violence, scene, film, artist•, •sex, media•, figure,
•character, arousal• verb paint, rape•, typify, aim, 7868 tentative j
challenge• noun agreement, step, conclusion, plan, deal, smile,
● representation, portrayal, description, illustration, contract, settlement, answer, voice, finding, date misc
delineation, drawing reach•, •toward, a•, offer•, first, announce, suggest,
2432 | 0.91 A little•, draw, somewhat•, •alternative, •uncertain
● hesitant, cautious, uncertain, faltering || provisional,
7840 pronounced j exploratory, speculative, unconfirmed
noun effect, difference, accent, limp, trend, tendency, 2298 | 0.95
flavor, increase, gender, contrast, bias, nose misc
more•, most•, become•, less•, •dead, quite•, exhibit•, 7875 stagger v
officially•, pronounce•, neither noun foot, number•, door, •step, cost, balance, •weight,
● marked, distinct, noticeable, definite, obvious, •bathroom, •bed, loss, shoulder•, statistics•, knee,
prominent •kitchen, implication• misc back, out, under, toward,
2332 | 0.94 backward, around, forward, across, fall, down, drunk,
along, backwards, away, slightly
● reel, lurch, sway || astound, astonish, amaze ||
alternate, zigzag, vary
2418 | 0.90 F

7882 uprising n 7917 adulthood n

adj Palestinian, popular, armed, Israeli, bloody, Shiite, adj young, early, late, emerging, sexual, middle, later,
military, Kurdish, violent, mass noun intifada, Soweto•, successful, healthy, male noun adolescence•,
•occupation, prison•, peasant, slave•, •territory, childhood•, child, transition•, age, birth•, youth•,
support•, anniversary•, army verb lead, •begin, passage•, contact•, infancy• verb reach•, grow•, survive•,
suppress•, crush•, spark•, quell•, launch•, •occur, stage•, enter•, continue•, carry•, persist•, approach•, extend•,
participate• mature•
● rebellion, revolution, revolt, rising, unrest, mutiny ● maturity, parenthood, middle age, old age, later life,
2389 | 0.91 majority
2351 | 0.92 A
7889 saga n
adj Icelandic, legendary, continuing, ongoing, sad, 7924 gigantic j
historical, epic, heroic, strange, civil noun saga, family, noun tree, scale, machine, stone, size, cloud, glass, rock,
king, chapter•, •kraka, hero, character, star•, •Icelander, proportion, amount, wing, ship misc huge•, resemble•,
author verb •begin, continue, •unfold, recount, inside, form•, front, surround, stretch, vast, beneath,
distinguish, retell•, •date, depict, •inspire, •analyze truly•, towards, dominate•
● epic, story, tale, account, chronicle, history ● huge, enormous, massive, vast, gargantuan, colossal
2650 | 0.82 A 2287 | 0.94

7896 flake n 7931 loft n

adj red, hot, frosted, white, red-pepper, dried, dry, tiny, adj downtown, sleeping, urban, open, industrial, live-
optional, crushed noun pepper•, corn•, teaspoon•, work, residential, spacious, extra, lite noun •night,
snow, fish•, garlic, salt, chili•, skin, cup verb fall, add, •apartment, building, space, choir•, street, floor,
•test, crush•, stir, •taste, cook, swirl, snow•, dry bedroom, office, artist• verb sleep, enter, •overlook,
● shaving, fleck, sliver, scale, fragment, snowflake convert, climb•, rent, feature, house, locate, retain•
2355 | 0.92 ● attic, garret, roof space, upper floor
2358 | 0.91
7903 offshore j
noun oil, island, drilling, account, gas, fishing, water, 7938 imported j
company, wind, fishery, platform, bank misc •drill, noun oil, good, food, product, price, dependence, ant,
inshore, develop•, historic•, offshore, coastal, onshore•, fire, beer, car, tariff, steel misc domestic, sell, cheap,
ban•, commercial, inshore•, huge•, •trawl buy•, •such, local, reduce•, expensive, foreign,
2355 | 0.92 dependent•, red•, Chinese
2326 | 0.93
7910 degradation n
adj environmental, human, far, natural, global, 7945 uranium n
economic, ecological, moral, significant, severe noun adj enriched, depleted, nuclear, enriching, radioactive,
land•, habitat, resource, soil, loss, •environment, natural, weapons-grade, bomb-grade, significant,
poverty, forest, rate, growth verb cause, lead, result, atomic noun •enrichment, plutonium, uranium,
contribute•, prevent•, suffer•, •occur, resource, reduce, •program, fuel, ton•, weapon, mine, •ore, plant verb
reverse• enrich•, use, produce, seek•, buy•, suspend•, stop•,
● humiliation, disgrace, shame, mortification || squalor, contain, acquire•, purchase•
filth, dilapidation, deprivation 2417 | 0.89
2493 | 0.87 A
7952 ceramic j
noun tile, art, bowl, artist, glass, sculpture, vessel, pot,
plate, material, form, piece misc white•, blue•, glazed•,
paint, ceramic, contain, contemporary•, design, •fill,
feature, painted, pour
● earthenware, clay, pottery, terra cotta, ironstone
china, ironstone
2399 | 0.89 M

7959 violently r 7994 knob n

shake•, head, die•, •against, react•, •oppose, throw, adj little, front, left, bald, round, wooden, mad, rocky,
suddenly•, •ill, act•, sometimes•, tremble•, body•, soft, loose noun door, hand•, control•, button, brass•,
•attack top, switch, glass•, volume•, turn verb turn, twist•, pull,
● pugnaciously, aggressively, brutally, cruelly || fiercely, reach•, adjust, •open, push, grab•, control, touch•
ferociously, vehemently, viciously ● handle, doorknob, dial, button || lump, bump, bulge,
2332 | 0.92 F protuberance
2357 | 0.90 F
7966 landowner n
adj private, large, local, wealthy, small, rural, adjacent, 8001 nickel n
neighboring, individual, rich noun property, land, right, adj wooden, double, stainless, extra, defensive, gross,
farmer, developer, permission, value•, county, hunter, shiny, rare noun •dime, copper, penny, iron, quarter,
agency verb compensate, allow, require, protect, metal, nickel, cadmium, zinc, •battery verb pay•, cost•,
•manage, own, encourage•, permit, obtain, negotiate drop, save•, contain•, earn, •dim, brush•, •plate, rub
● property-owner, landlord, owner, proprietor, 2230 | 0.95
2353 | 0.91 8008 dependency n
adj chemical, economic, foreign, academic, mutual,
7973 painfully r interpersonal, physical, increasing, total, cultural noun
•aware, •obvious, slowly•, become•, •shy, •slow, •clear, welfare•, •theory, oil, drug, relationship, cycle•, alcohol•,
almost•, learn, •thin, •familiar, sometimes•, •apparent, •politics, treatment, poverty verb create•, reduce•,
•honest break•, encourage, foster•, perpetuate•, associate,
● with difficulty, laboriously, stiffly || excruciatingly, avoid•, result, free•
agonizingly, embarrassingly || agonizingly, ● territory, colony, dependent state, dependent
uncomfortably, excruciatingly || distressingly, territory || dependence, need, reliance, addiction
uncomfortably, upsettingly 2439 | 0.87 A
2274 | 0.94 F
8015 chemotherapy n
7980 Hawaiian j adj standard, high-dose, conventional, short-course,
noun island, shirt, culture, monk, garden, seal, volcano, aggressive, toxic, intensive, effective, neoadjuvant,
punch, species, language, archipelago, beach misc traditional noun radiation, treatment, cancer, patient,
native•, wear•, main•, northwestern•, traditional•, surgery, •drug, month•, effect, therapy, dose• verb
ancient•, •tropic, Hawaiian, endangered•, •royal, blue, undergo•, receive•, treat•, follow, respond•, cause,
•cultural administer, compare, fail, endure•
2401 | 0.89 2305 | 0.92

7987 computing n 8022 ineffective j

adj personal, portable, distributed, high-performance, noun teacher, policy, counsel, treatment, strategy, drug,
advanced, parallel, ubiquitous, mobile, secure, reduced practice, response, assistance, management,
noun •power, quantum•, •system, communication, communication, performance misc prove•, effective•,
•technology, •device, •environment, network, computer, render•, often•, largely•, relatively•, totally•, weak•,
future verb enable, link, combine, dominate, analyze, costly, dangerous, reduce, completely•
integrate, process, network, advance•, rely ● unsuccessful, unproductive, useless, vain, futile,
2365 | 0.90 M hopeless
2319 | 0.91 A

8029 jersey n 8064 catalyst n

adj yellow, white, black, green, blue, red, York-new, adj important, major, key, main, chemical, effective,
striped, autographed, retired noun number, •dress, nonprofit, powerful, positive, educational noun
football•, team, game, •pocket, top, player, silk•, shirt •change, •development, role, •action, platinum,
verb wear•, hang, retire, pull, dress, grab, knit, •sign, •growth, •theory, enzyme, •reaction, presence• verb
toss, •emblazon serve•, act•, become•, prove•, promote, •speed, coat•,
2339 | 0.90 function•, •split, react
● chemical agent, substance, compound, reagent ||
8036 chair v promoter, spur, facilitator, incentive
noun committee, subcommittee, board, Senate, 2264 | 0.93
meeting, commission, group, task, •panel, Republican,
force, conference, Democrat, hearing, •department 8071 wardrobe n
misc who, by, national, international, former, adj new, whole, entire, complete, extensive, huge,
congressional, advisory, democratic, organize, oversee, casual, elegant, working, super noun •malfunction,
armed, appoint, powerful, joint, select witch•, door, hair, clothes, designer, piece, makeup,
● preside, take the chair, lead, direct, oversee, manage suit, closet verb buy•, open•, update•, wear, •consist,
2239 | 0.94 step, match, dress, assemble•, fit
● clothes, clothing, attire, apparel, gear
8043 wink v 2289 | 0.91
noun eye, light•, star•, wink, •existence, window•, sun,
shoulder, camera, smile, grin, nod, dad, lip•, firefly misc 8078 doctoral j
at, me, her, then, smile, wink, nod, grin, laugh, blink, noun program, student, degree, dissertation, study,
nudge, green, blue, whisper, broadly university, candidate, thesis, education, school, master,
● flash, twinkle, sparkle, glitter, glint, shine psychology misc write•, complete, •level, offer•, earn•,
2459 | 0.86 F receive•, pursue•, base•, physical, unpublished•, •award,
8050 coarse j 2507 | 0.83 A
noun salt, hair, mixture, meal, sand, crumb, sea,
teaspoon, sugar, cup, material, texture misc until•, 8085 hen n
resemble•, •kosher, •add, fine, •black, •freshly, thick, adj Cornish, red, wet, mad, blue, brown, fat, dry, wild,
cover, sprinkle, •brown, gray broody noun egg, mother•, •house, game•, chicken,
● rough, bristly, uneven || indelicate, tasteless, vulgar gobbler, rooster, guinea•, mud•, •duck verb lay, feed,
|| unrefined, crude, untreated stuff, cluck, •fly, yelp, gather, guard•, roast, chase•
2254 | 0.93 2290 | 0.91

8057 outreach n 8092 pinch n

adj public, educational, religious, extensive, aggressive, adj large, red, fresh, dried, ground, optional, minced,
effective, involved, active, global, rural noun •program, financial, kosher, hot noun •salt, pepper, •hitter,
community•, •effort, education, •worker, center, ground, teaspoon•, sugar, •cayenne, pinch, cup,
service, director, •project, •coordinator verb provide, •nutmeg verb feel•, add•, •hit, taste•, cup, bake, chop,
conduct, develop•, expand•, focus, •design, target, •seal, mix•, sprinkle•
extend•, strengthen, aim ● tweak, squeeze, nip || touch, smidgen, dash,
2290 | 0.92 A soupçon
2266 | 0.92

8099 specially r
•design, •train, •build, •construct, •equip, •formulate,
create, •designated, •prepared, •commission, treat,
•dog, order, •prepare
● particularly, in particular, especially, specifically ||
personally, individually, to order
2189 | 0.95

8106 revised j 8148 yearn v

noun version, page, edition, model, article, scale, draft, noun mass•, freedom, heart•, love, •peace, •return,
plan, rule, policy, proposal, standard misc white•, American•, soul•, •connection, human•, •simplicity,
double•, •standard, under•, issue•, recently•, publish, passion, •touch, voter•, expression misc for, something,
newly•, adopt, submit•, •updated, disqualify• free, return, huddled, breathe, simple, deep, secretly,
2335 | 0.89 A touch, experience, yearn, desperately, deeply, sad
● desire, long, crave, ache, hanker, want
8113 dropout n 2160 | 0.95
adj high, gifted, low, potential, male, Hispanic, teenage,
academic, total, average noun school•, •rate, college•, 8155 prostitution n
student, percent, participant, •prevention, type, adj legal, illegal, involved, forced, sexual, female, male,
pregnancy, sport verb reduce•, compare, decrease•, Chinese, legalized, homosexual noun drug, child•,
calculate•, •earn, •decline, grade, •rate, discriminate•, woman, •ring, gambling, sex, crime, use, girl•,
lower• pornography verb force•, legalize•, engage•, deal,
2341 | 0.89 promote•, •ring, arrest•, enter•, •exist, associate•
2272 | 0.90
8120 martial j
noun art, law, court, artist, training, music, imposition, 8162 equate v
expert, class, skill, form, lifting misc declare, under•, noun value, •racism, success, •Zionism, culture, quality,
impose, lift, teach, mixed•, face•, study•, Chinese•, resolution•, tendency•, term, •happiness, attempt•,
under•, train, mix• •marriage, mistake•, •freedom, failure misc with, tend,
● military, soldierly, paramilitary, warlike || warlike, necessarily, western, sexual, religious, automatically,
aggressive, fierce, belligerent cultural, academic, moral, Christian, gay, thereby,
2230 | 0.93 marginal, mental
● associate, liken, compare, connect, parallel, link
8127 flooding n 2233 | 0.92 A
adj coastal, bad, severe, heavy, massive, major, flash,
seasonal, widespread, extensive noun area, river, rain•, 8169 Hindu j
water, problem, storm, damage, hurricane, risk•, noun temple, God, nationalism, Kush, nationalist, party,
erosion• verb cause, prevent•, •occur, affect, damage, Buddhist, tradition, culture, religion, deity, priest misc
reduce, destroy, control•, increase, result Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, •nationalist, Indian, Buddhist,
2320 | 0.89 Islamic, ancient•, religious, Christian, predominantly•,
8134 border v 2275 | 0.90 A
noun state, •side, area, tree, field, land, road, park,
north, fence, wall, property, •sea, forest, town misc on, 8176 pharmacy n
by, white, sometimes, narrow, green, absurd, wide, adj local, available, green, cooperative, online,
southern, thick, northern, tall, ridiculous, yellow, broad Canadian, medical, retail, licensed, nursing noun drug,
● abut, be next to, touch, border on, adjoin, conjoin store, hospital, prescription, doctor, university, •shelf,
2163 | 0.95 medicine, •benefit, board verb sell, fill, buy, own•,
•dispense, supply, charge, •stock, purchase•, confirm
8141 spinal j ● drugstore, druggist's, apothecary, dispensary,
noun cord, injury, brain, tap, column, fluid, nerve, chemist's, dispensing chemist's
patient, surgery, canal, fusion, individual misc suffer•, 2212 | 0.92
cause, injure, acute•, spinal, sever, cerebral•, •injured,
chronic•, treat•, severe•, damage 8183 distinctly r
● back, backbone, vertebral •different, remember, •American, hear, •modern,
2241 | 0.92 clearly•, voice, form, character, •human, style, •recall,
quite•, •flavor
● definitely, clearly, noticeably, markedly, particularly,
2154 | 0.95

8190 flirt v 8225 tortilla n

noun woman, girl, •idea, •disaster, guy, boy, husband, adj warm, fresh, whole-wheat, remaining, baked, hot,
•danger, •waiter, sex, •nurse, stranger, notion, •failure, soft, blue, fried, low-fat noun •chip, flour•, corn•, cup,
waitress misc with, her, someone, other, openly, dance, cheese, bean, soup, tortilla, salsa, side verb serve, place,
each, shamelessly, flirt, laugh, briefly, outrageously, wrap, fill, roll, warm, cut, cook, fold, eat
tease, drink, handsome 2348 | 0.86 M
● trifle, toy, play, philander || flick, jerk, toss, flip
2207 | 0.92 8232 bakery n
adj local, Italian, French, fresh, sweet, commercial,
8197 hypothetical j favorite, organic, Mexican, wonderful noun bread, shop,
noun situation, question, scenario, case, example, store, restaurant, cafe, cake, owner, street, pastry,
rating, behavior, absence, diabetes, margin, participant, •product verb open, sell, own, buy, operate, smell,
victory misc base, report•, present•, hypothetical, •supply, •employ
consider•, •determine, describe, purely•, •self-consent, 2207 | 0.92
answer•, involve, following•
● theoretical, imaginary, supposed, proposed, assumed, 8239 vow n
conjectural adj solemn, religious, sacred, marital, traditional,
2261 | 0.90 A monastic, final, faithful, indestructible, lifelong noun
marriage, wedding•, •celibacy, •poverty, •silence,
8204 delete v •chastity, couple•, renewal, exchange•, vow verb take•,
noun expletive•, •file, scene, name, message, item, make, exchange•, break•, renew•, repeat•, violate•,
word, computer, data, e-mail, •button, •reference, •key, fulfill•, honor, •fight
record, •analysis misc add, delete, hit, key, simply, ● promise, oath, pledge, guarantee, declaration,
press, automatically, original, remove, revise, click, undertaking
modify, edit, accidentally, permanently 2128 | 0.95
● erase, remove, rub out, strike out, obliterate, cancel
2152 | 0.94 8246 waterfall n
adj small, spectacular, frozen, huge, rushing, indoor,
8211 slate n beautiful, complete, tropical, cascading noun pool,
adj clean, blank, online, gray, full, blue, dark, entire, mountain, rock, river, pond, stream, garden, lake, cliff,
green, flat noun magazine, •roof, •elector, •candidate, fall verb cascade, tumble, •pour, climb, flow, feature•,
•tile, editor, •floor, stone, •stylus, column verb wipe•, •spill, form, rush, roar
name•, appoint•, clean, select•, found, vote•, clear•, ● cascade, falls, cataract, weir, force
elect, record 2174 | 0.93
2170 | 0.94
8253 infected j
8218 relaxation n noun animal, person, plant, cell, blood, contact, patient,
adj progressive, deep, mental, total, physical, profound, virus, bird, individual, mosquito, area misc become•,
guided, quiet, endothelium-dependent, effective noun •die, remove•, bite, spread, destroy•, direct•, cause,
•technique, •response, stress, exercise, muscle, likely, transmit, treat•, infected
meditation, therapy, rest•, •training, imagery verb ● contaminated, polluted, tainted || ill, diseased, sick
promote•, teach•, exercise, breathe, reduce, induce•, || septic, festering, weeping || affected, touched,
improve, combine•, practice•, achieve• influenced
● recreation, entertainment, rest, repose || reduction, 2168 | 0.93
lessening, letup, easing
2209 | 0.92

8260 mustache n 8295 restructure v

adj black, thick, white, thin, gray, little, bushy, dark, noun company, •economy, school, system, •debt,
blond, droopy noun hair, man•, beard, handlebar•, lip, program, plan, government, industry, •contract, effort,
eye, goatee, milk•, guy•, glass verb grow, wear, trim, process, organization, loan, charge misc its, so, radically,
shave•, sport•, stroke•, smooth•, twirl•, twitch, •curl itself, downsize, foreign, completely, reduce, in, global,
● mustachio, whiskers, walrus mustache, pencil fundamentally, existing, financial, reform, attempt
mustache, handlebar mustache ● rearrange, reorganize, streamline, reform, reshuffle,
2263 | 0.89 F redistribute
2177 | 0.92
8267 cadet n
adj military, female, male, fellow, senior, naval, 8302 swimmer n
Australian, first-year, junior, VMI noun corps, cub, adj good, Olympic, competitive, strong, best, better,
academy, force, class, space•, air, army, officer, citadel excellent, female, synchronized, top noun water, elite•,
verb enter, •score, graduate, train, •march, •shout, player, cave•, rescue•, diver, medal, pool, swimmer,
complete, rape•, attend, measure• runner verb •win, •swim, •compete, rescue•, •train,
● trainee, plebe, police cadet, army cadet, sea cadet qualify, •Alm, •jump, •dive, •drown
2278 | 0.88 ● bather, skinny-dipper, diver, snorkeler || diver, deep-
sea diver, snorkeler, frogman
8274 preheat v 2171 | 0.92
noun •oven, •degree, grill, •deg, •broiler, instruction•,
pepper•, minute•, cup•, direction•, cheese•, hour•, 8309 liberalism n
sugar•, salt•, table misc to, prepare, optional, taste, adj political, American, economic, classical, modern,
aside, meanwhile, bake, set, overnight, follow, chop, constitutional, contemporary, western, democratic,
place, cook, fresh, chopped theological noun democracy, welfare•, conservatism,
● heat, heat up, warm, warm up, turn on liberalism, socialism, deal, value, crisis•, principle•,
2427 | 0.83 M religion verb argue, define, oppose•, defend, associate,
•rest, criticize•, •emphasize, embrace, abandon
8281 striped j ● tolerance, broad-mindedness, open-mindedness,
noun bass, shirt, tie, suit, pant, awning, sweater, cotton, moderation, freethinking, laissez-faire
dress, fish, T-shirt, pajamas misc white, •bass, wear•, 2335 | 0.85 A
blue•, red, black, wild•, hybrid•, yellow, catch, green,
black-and-white• 8316 low n
● barred, banded, lined, stripy || candy-striped, stripy, adj all-time, historic, low, clear, saturated, dry, previous,
pink-and-white striped upper, emotional, extreme noun high•, record•, voice•,
2201 | 0.91 percent, rate•, head•, stock, diet•, price, inflation• verb
keep•, hit•, fall•, reach•, record•, drop, sink•, plunge,
8288 sauté v experience•, test•
noun onion, •minute, garlic, heat, pepper, mushroom, ● trough, low point, slump, nadir, depression, depths
oil, skillet•, •vegetable, shallot, butter, pan, celery, 2135 | 0.93
chicken, shrimp misc until, add, medium, over, stir,
about, over, olive, large, lightly, medium-high, chopped, 8323 sculptor n
hot, tender, golden adj Italian, Yoruba, ceramic, French, greatest, famous,
● fry, stir-fry, pan-fry, brown ancient, foremost, professional, British noun painter•,
2323 | 0.86 M N artist, work, architect, master•, works, writer, galaxy,
poet, photographer verb carve, •name, inspire,
commission, train, •mold, •capture
2161 | 0.92

8330 grove n 8372 colon n

adj olive, orange, small, sacred, ancient, thick, adj entire, rectal, precancerous, spastic, advanced,
eucalyptus, shady, live, dense noun •tree, oak, pine, endometrial, protective, pancreatic, developing,
palm, aspen, citrus•, bamboo•, field, redwood, birch hereditary noun •cancer, breast, risk•, prostate, disease,
verb walk•, surround, plant, enter•, nestle•, hide, wind•, lung, polyp, •rectum, stomach, patient verb die•,
disappear, wander•, overlook prevent•, diagnose•, remove, reduce•, screen, protect•,
● copse, coppice, orchard, wood, stand, plantation treat•, lower•, undergo•
2152 | 0.92 F 2217 | 0.89 M

8337 converge v 8379 harden v

noun line•, force•, interest, factor•, police•, technology, noun face•, heart, eye, position, artery, voice•,
stream•, •scene, river•, trend•, crowd•, track•, path•, expression•, •resolve, muscle, feature•, attitude, bone,
element•, •solution misc on, upon, toward, several, jaw, rock, nipple• misc into, against, off, rich, quickly,
single, diverge, tend, eventually, parallel, powerful, dry, form, completely, cool, once, instantly, beneath,
gradually, Persian, multiple, Indian, immediately soften, somehow, darken
● meet, join, touch, unite, congregate, come together ● solidify, freeze, consolidate, settle || toughen,
2086 | 0.95 strengthen, reinforce, stabilize
2144 | 0.92
8344 porcelain n
adj Chinese, white, blue, Hard-paste, fine, imperial, 8386 burner n
delicate, Japanese, antique, tiny noun •factory, •bowl, adj front, electric, Taylormade, fat, sealed, roasting,
•height, •doll, •decoration, export•, •underglaze, •cup, dual, double-layer, digital, dedicated noun back•, gas•,
•plate, •vase verb glaze, decorate, paint, •slip, mix, stove, charcoal•, incense•, •heat, pan•, CD•, oil, coal•
display, depict, exhibit, •illustrate, reproduce• verb turn, light, set, cook, place, simmer, remove,
2306 | 0.86 M install, fire, boil
● gas ring, ring, heat, flame, gas jet, Bunsen burner
8351 scanner n 2119 | 0.93
adj optical, digital, MRI, bar-code, electronic, flatbed,
medical, hand-held, portable, commercial noun police•, 8393 hack v
printer, computer, laser, CT•, camera, radio, color•, noun •death, computer, •system, •piece, •cough,
image, cat• verb use, read, listen, install•, scan, pick, machete, site, tree, •file, •limb, knife, web•, •network,
•detect, •record, check, operate tool, •software misc into, away, off, off, someone,
2137 | 0.93 cough, apart, shoot, somebody, hack, stab, each, burn,
dry, through
8358 aquatic j ● chop, slash, lacerate, scythe || cope, manage,
noun plant, life, species, habitat, ecosystem, center, succeed, make do
sediment, insect, environment, fish, animal, water misc 2116 | 0.93 F
terrestrial, such, support, marine, •riparian, Div•,
aquatic, wild, affect•, protect•, freshwater, particularly 8400 creditor n
● water, marine, sea, river adj unsecured, large, international, secured, foreign,
2266 | 0.87 A major, private, financial, commercial, official noun
bankruptcy, protection•, debtor, company, bank,
8365 moderate v •committee, investor, •nation, creditor, debt verb pay,
noun •effect, •relationship, •behavior, discussion, level, owe, negotiate•, file, seek, protect, •claim, •force,
•depression, •debate, temperature, price, Republican,
represent•, seize
policy, •view, variable, gender, panel misc between, 2147 | 0.91
may, somewhat, appeal, mediate, range, rather, cope,
● curb, control, tone down, play down || arbitrate,
mediate, referee, facilitate
2156 | 0.91 A

8407 prosper v 8449 mask v

noun company•, business•, economy, community, noun face, •fact, reality, pain, •identity, •smell, flavor,
nation•, industry•, •century, •environment, trade, firm•, sound, noise, •feeling, gas•, •fear, •odor, attempt•,
investment, farm, religion, •expense, colony• misc scent misc may, often, true, behind, underlying, deep,
survive, grow, continue, under, live, prosper, because, overall, tend, barely, global, attempt, hide, thick,
order, likely, despite, thrive, in, manage, part, enable temporarily, fundamental
● flourish, thrive, do well, get on || succeed, make ● cover, hide, disguise, conceal, camouflage, screen
money, show a profit, be in the black 2031 | 0.95
2058 | 0.95
8456 thyme n
8414 plasma n adj fresh, dried, chopped, black, wild, creeping, red,
adj quark-gluon, magnetic, total, hot, bovine, normal, olive, minced, remaining noun teaspoon, sprig, leaf,
significant, dense, fasting, huge noun concentration, •salt, pepper, tablespoon, rosemary, garlic, oregano,
blood, •screen, •cell, •TV, plasma, •level, •excision, gas, bay verb chop, •leave, add•, mince•, stir, •cook, crush,
field verb measure, increase, contain, donate•, study•, marjoram, •cup, combine•
replace, detect, display, estimate•, heat 2235 | 0.86 M
2171 | 0.90 A
8463 microscope n
8421 divided j adj atomic, optical, light, powerful, tunneling, tiny,
noun government, country, society, city, nation, binocular, digital, standard, conventional noun
Congress, cup, loyalty, court, party, teaspoon, self misc electron•, scanning•, slide, force•, •image, cell,
deeply•, remain•, closely•, sharply•, evenly•, divided, microscope, transmission•, operating•, probe• verb use,
racially•, severely•, olive•, ethnically•, cup•, bitterly• scan•, tunnel•, put•, examine, peer•, focus, view•,
2075 | 0.94 •reveal, study
● optical microscope, light microscope, electron
8428 toast v microscope, hand-held microscope, simple microscope,
noun cup, bread, minute, almond, seed, nut, pecan, compound microscope
glass, oven, egg, slice, skillet, walnut, heat, pine misc 2058 | 0.94
until, lightly, chopped, stir, bake, sliced, fragrant, dry,
whole, raise, each, other, medium, toast, spread 8470 liable j
● grill, brown, crisp || warm, warm up, heat || drink to, noun damage, company, party, defendant, cost, injury,
pledge, salute landlord, employer, death, person, owner, act misc •for,
2148 | 0.90 M hold•, find•, •under, personally•, legally•, criminally•,
jointly•, strictly•, potentially, severally•, liable
8435 recognizable j ● legally responsible, accountable, answerable,
noun face, name, form, figure, image, pattern, style, responsible || likely, apt, predisposed, prone
shape, character, feature, object, sound misc most•, 2100 | 0.92
instantly•, easily•, immediately•, barely•, become•,
clearly•, readily•, •human, hardly•, no•, highly• 8477 best-seller n
● familiar, identifiable, decipherable, detectable, adj runaway, major, international, current, instant, late,
distinguishable, perceptible recent, huge, perennial, popular noun •list, time•, book,
2042 | 0.95 author•, week, top•, paperback, publisher, month,
novel• verb become•, write•, •list, hit•, top•, publish,
8442 pilgrimage n climb•, dominate•, co-author•
adj annual, holy, religious, spiritual, sacred, Muslim, 2060 | 0.93
ancient, Presbyterian, medieval, regular noun •site,
place, church, •shrine, •land, journey, •tradition, •route,
Muslim, pilgrim verb make•, undertake•, visit, organize•,
complete•, embark•, transplant•
● journey, trip, visit, hajj, tour, excursion
2142 | 0.90

8484 packed j 8519 citation n

noun powder, base, house, cup, format, snow, room, adj presidential, special, scriptural, original, internal,
dirt, sugar, leaf, earth, suitcase misc tightly•, densely•, biblical, numerous, average, mean, individual noun
recursive, loosely•, low, •brown, closely•, •full, cup•, •article, contempt•, number•, journal, traffic•, citation,
packed, •fresh, store• •index, publication, •science, award verb issue, •omit,
● crowded, crammed, full, filled || saturated, full, receive•, include, •support, refer, •publish, award•, note,
brimming, brimful contain
2094 | 0.92 ● quote, quotation, mention, reference, excerpt,
8491 jog v 2157 | 0.89 A
noun •memory, •place, •mile, walking•, morning, •park,
•street, walk•, track, •path, •trail, road, minute, short, 8526 trot v
•suit misc while, walk, toward, around, run, across, noun dog•, horse, •field, road, •step, •stair, •hill, wolf•,
along, around, up, along, down, swim, by, hike, jog globe, heel, coyote•, •yard, Fox•, •wood, •base misc out,
● run, keep fit, trot, train || nudge, prod, bump, bang off, over, toward, back, down, along, away, down,
2070 | 0.93 behind, up, around, across, along, hot
● jog, run, hurry, scurry, scamper
8498 plateau n 2144 | 0.89 F
adj high, Tibetan, central, tibial, vast, northern, arid,
eastern, western, rocky noun mountain, edge, •region, 8533 eternity n
•river, hill, foot, plain, valley, desert, mile verb reach•, adj seeming, eternal noun eternity, hell, soul•, hour,
hit•, rise, •overlook, avoid•, cross, dot, emerge•, stretch, second•, •band, •politics, minute•, heaven, perspective•
trade• verb seem•, spend•, last•, stretch, suffer•, burn•, pose,
● table, upland, highland, hill || level, stage, period, promise, evoke, bind
phase ● time without end, perpetuity, infinity, all time, ever
2062 | 0.93 and a day
2046 | 0.93 F
8505 slaughter n
adj mass, wholesale, innocent, senseless, ethnic, 8540 compression n
massive, ritual, responsible, representative, humane adj lossless, digital, simulated, lossy, spinal, two-
noun animal, •house, horse, •innocent, cattle, sheep, channel, effective, adaptive, adjustable, external noun
slaughter, lamb•, •civilian, •Jew verb stop•, end•, data•, •ratio, •algorithm, •strap, •system, compression,
prevent•, order•, escape•, result•, witness•, fatten•, image, technology, chest•, •technique verb cause,
survive•, document• achieve, apply, occur, result, measure, improve,
● killing, murder, massacre, carnage, butchery perform, obtain, •enable
2016 | 0.95 2423 | 0.79 A

8512 ready v 8547 litter v

noun plane•, boat, weapon, •puzzle, •shipment, •battle, noun floor, ground, street, body, table, landscape,
ship, •equipment, •sleep, •sale, crew• misc you, play, OK, room, debris, glass, road, paper, bottle, beach, can,
himself, themselves, yeah, herself, myself, okay, order, field misc with, broken, dead, empty, around,
ourselves, ready, nod, outside, rock abandoned, discarded, front, dirty, tiny, tire, fallen,
● prepare, arrange, prime, organize, make plans for, lay everywhere, shattered, brown
out ● drop litter, scatter, spoil, strew, clutter
2052 | 0.93 2045 | 0.93

8554 deceive v 8589 oblivious j

noun appearance•, •public, eye, look•, •Congress, noun fact, presence, surroundings, adversary, danger,
inspector, attempt•, ability•, investor, •reader, intention, traffic, coefficient, pain, possibility, adult, beauty,
customer, •consumer, •voter, devil misc us, try, competitiveness misc •to, seem•, seemingly•, remain•,
themselves, himself, lie, ourselves, intent, myself, completely•, •everything, •around, apparently•, totally•,
deliberately, deceive, anyone, attempt, manipulate, but, •but, by•
mislead, in ● unaware, unconscious, unmindful, ignorant,
● cuckold, two-time, cheat, betray || mislead, betray, insensible
trick, take in 2073 | 0.91 F
1977 | 0.96
8596 cannon n
8561 crane n adj loose, heavy, Methodist, civil, giant, English, rifled,
adj whooping, giant, huge, tall, heavy, wild, overhead, automatic, used, millimeter noun •fire, water•, •fodder,
white-naped, mobile, migratory noun construction•, •ball, gun, shot, building, ship, cannon, laser • verb fire,
•operator, sandhill•, camera•, tower, crane, truck, shoot, blast, boom, mount, aim, •salute, •explode, cast•,
goose, bulldozer, ship verb •lift, whoop•, sandhill•, •shell
lower, •fly, operate•, hoist, drop, hang•, •swing 2030 | 0.93
● hoist, derrick, winch, gantry
2034 | 0.93 8603 drummer n
adj different, little, bass, African, original, Chinese,
8568 jeopardy n funky, grateful, motley, rolling noun bassist, band, •boy,
adj double, serious, legal, final, entire, grave, beat, guitarist, player, rock, jazz•, singer, dancer verb
immediate, very, criminal, constitutional noun life•, •play, march•, feature•, beat, perform, drum, •pound,
job•, game, show•, •clause, career•, wheel, future•, pedal•, dance, hire•
fortune•, •standard verb put•, place•, watch•, ● percussionist, drum player, timpanist, rhythmist,
constitute•, violate•, challenge instrumentalist
● danger, risk, threat, peril, hazard, difficulty 2000 | 0.94
2013 | 0.94
8610 performing n
8575 grill v adj visual, high, low, poorly, fine, Conant, creative,
noun steak, chicken, meat, vegetable, fish, minute, musical, cultural, classical noun •art, •center, school,
burger, salmon, fire, oil•, charcoal, hour, food, pepper, student, •group, •complex, music, studio, county, •artist
grill misc before, broil, hot, until, serve, cook, whole, verb create, Schwartz, Gwinnett, compose, improvise,
roast, grill, red, bake, steam, ready, lightly, fried feature, direct, rehearse•, schedule, program
● question, interrogate, examine, press, give somebody ● execution, carrying out, accomplishment, acting,
the third degree, probe acting out, performance
2086 | 0.91 2030 | 0.92 A

8582 promoter n 8617 Thai j

adj local, independent, leading, chief, tireless, greatest, noun food, restaurant, government, curry, sauce, dish,
academic, ardent, longtime, regional noun concert•, border, society, cooking, basil, chicken, salad misc
•king, boxing•, manager, growth•, club, fight•, event, Chinese, military, green, northern•, Thai, •red, spicy•,
sport, stock• verb •claim, •promise, •book, blame, ethnic, central•, •evangelical, •royal, Vietnamese•
persuade 2085 | 0.90
● organizer, agent, sponsor, advocate, supporter,
2063 | 0.92 N

8624 trim n 8666 addict v

adj white, black, blue, green, red, interior, gold, noun drug, •alcohol, •cocaine, •heroin, •oil, •painkiller,
exterior, dark, yellow noun wood•, •line, window, door, baby, •food, nicotine, •prescription, •gambling, user•,
style•, body, wall, leather, gold•, sedan• verb paint, •sex, pain, caffeine misc to, become, crack, born, addict,
install, fit, fight•, remove, mold, match, nail, dress, homeless, admit, kind, pregnant, physically, hopelessly,
repeal• completely, sexually, exercise, illegal
● decoration, adornment, frill, edge, border 1989 | 0.93
2084 | 0.90 M
8673 humane j
8631 rove v noun society, treatment, way, animal, method,
noun •house, adviser•, president, strategist, eye•, approach, care, alternative, association, solution, letter,
campaign, Republican, source, chief, aide, advisor, shelter misc more•, most•, less, compassionate,
conversation, lawyer, architect•, election misc political, effective, honorary•, decent, liberal, fair, efficient, safe•,
former, Rove, top, presidential, chief, testify, senior, democratic
indict, discuss, advise, grand, fire, involved, mention ● compassionate, caring, kind, gentle, humanitarian,
● wander, roam, range, meander, travel, journey kindly
2452 | 0.76 S 1960 | 0.94

8638 retaliation n 8680 digit n

adj massive, military, Israeli, nuclear, possible, Iraqi, adj double, single, triple, random, low, correct,
apparent, afraid, terrorist, swift noun fear•, threat•, incorrect, extra, significant, binary noun number,
attack, •goal, bombing, form•, •killing, target, action, minute, digit, •span, •travel, rate, code, •poll, phone, •pi
trade verb fear•, threaten•, face•, protect•, suffer•, verb •correct, reach•, dial, hit•, form, punch•, count•,
trigger•, •complain, provoke•, order, result drop•, dip•, measure
● reprisal, revenge, vengeance, retribution ● number, numeral, figure, cipher, character, symbol
1994 | 0.93 1978 | 0.93

8645 con v 8687 intuition n

noun pro•, •artist, •air, •perk, argument, ojo, sin, didn•, adj human, moral, common, spiritual, correct, feminine,
celos, ello, Ella, hora•, hacia, •sider, •che misc Los, pro, artificial, mathematical, artistic, female noun sense,
Tr, I, di, expensive, respectively, easily, weigh, anybody, experience, feeling, instinct, insight, knowledge,
a, tan intuition, creativity, emotion, observation verb base,
● swindle, defraud, rip off, cheat || deceive, hoodwink, trust•, rely•, confirm•, suggest, guide, share•, prefer,
trick, mislead sense, violate
2020 | 0.92 ● instinct, perception, insight, sixth sense || hunch,
feeling, inkling, suspicion
8652 noticeable j 2013 | 0.92
noun difference, change, effect, improvement, loss,
increase, hair, result, lack, feature, shift, symptom misc 8694 sociologist n
most•, more•, less•, become•, barely•, particularly•, adj political, military, French, German, Catholic, rural,
hardly•, especially•, result•, produce•, cause•, scarcely• northwestern, leading, distinguished, urban noun
● obvious, visible, perceptible, conspicuous, evident, university•, psychologist, historian, anthropologist,
manifest scientist, economist, •religion, philosopher, author,
1976 | 0.94 Ph.d verb •study, •note, argue, •describe, •observe,
•specialize, publish, •interview, cite, •conclude
8659 yep u 2000 | 0.92
Yep, right, OK, yeah, exactly, nod•, speaker•, reply, huh•,
guess, •absolutely, Mm-hmm, is, •sure
2116 | 0.88 S

8701 volcanic j 8743 announcer n

noun eruption, rock, activity, ash, island, soil, mountain, adj play-by-play, public-address, unidentified, female,
earthquake, crater, cone, peak, mount misc form, male, longtime, Iraqi, veteran, live noun radio•, TV•,
major•, cause, hot, near, massive•, ancient•, trigger, sport•, voice, television, game, •booth, Pa, news,
dark•, active•, recent•, •rise baseball• verb hear•, •introduce, •intone, broadcast,
2002 | 0.92 M ring•, •shout, •attempt, boom, •declare, decipher•
● presenter, anchor, broadcaster, telecaster,
8708 entertainer n newscaster, reporter
adj black, popular, professional, favorite, greatest, 2001 | 0.91
famous, well-known, top, multitalented, highest-paid
noun •year, athlete, artist, politician, music, award, 8750 mar v
entertainer, sport, career, actor• verb •perform, noun •fish, violence, •surface, hotel, beauty, image,
photograph•, feature•, stroll•, entertain beach•, •landscape, race•, scandal, election, •mammal,
● performer, artiste, artist •resort, •racetrack, •lab misc by, otherwise, mar,
1976 | 0.93 perfect, racial, Los, seriously, tiny, pristine, slightly,
forever, smooth, top-down, brown, delicate
8715 nebula n ● deface, ruin, mutilate, damage, disfigure, stain
adj planetary, dark, solar, bright, spiral, faint, visible, 1935 | 0.94
gaseous, famous, central noun star, emission•, crab•,
galaxy, cluster, nebula, ring•, veil•, reflection•, image 8757 absorption n
verb •appear, form, lie, discover, surround, adj atomic, optical, complete, infrared, poor, total,
photograph•, contain, observe, reveal, name systemic, intestinal, light, solar noun •line, calcium,
2248 | 0.81 M •spectrum, shock•, nutrient, water, iron, rate, light,
body verb increase•, interfere•, reduce, prevent•,
8722 muffin n enhance•, improve•, decrease•, slow•, •occur, inhibit•
adj English, fresh, toasted, homemade, greased, full, ● preoccupation, fascination, interest, captivation ||
sweet, prepared, warm, clean noun •cup, •tin, •pan, amalgamation, incorporation, assimilation,
corn•, blueberry•, muffin, bran•, batter, bread, coffee combination
verb bake, fill, •cup, eat•, serve, place, spray, remove•, 2061 | 0.88 A
pour•, top
2040 | 0.90 M 8764 hemisphere n
adj western, northern, southern, left, right, eastern,
8729 demeanor n entire, visible, native, cerebral noun country, brain,
adj calm, quiet, whole, friendly, serious, professional, nation, observer, democracy•, summer, winter,
cool, gentle, confident, general noun change, hemisphere, trade, planet verb travel, •process, record,
appearance, dress•, attitude, tone, smile, courtroom, •tilt, dominate•, activate, warm, migrate, confine,
skill, expression, posture verb change, maintain•, •specialize
describe•, soften, display, hide, adopt•, belie, possess•, 2002 | 0.91 A
● manner, conduct, behavior, character, deportment, 8771 catfish n
performance adj fried, good, blue, fair, catchable, farm-raised, spicy,
1909 | 0.96 giant, striped, live noun channel•, •fillet, catfish, bass,
pound, pond, •farm, trout, lake, fish• verb catch, eat,
8736 tempting j serve, swim, cook, fry, •row, bait, •perch, process
noun target, offer, fate, matter, option, alternative, 2021 | 0.90
prospect, dessert, morsel, dish, array, cake misc it•,
too•, may, might, although•, •conclude, •speculate,
offer•, sound•, •suggest, •dismiss, •assume
● alluring, enticing, attractive, appealing, inviting,
1928 | 0.95

8778 rogue n 8813 stuffed j

adj terrorist, nuclear, so-called, charming, mass, lovable, noun animal, bear, toy, dog, bird, chair, pepper, doll,
dangerous, greatest, isolated noun •state, •nation, head, mushroom, chicken, shirt misc hold•, serve, fill,
•regime, •gallery, terrorist, •wave, •cop, •element, place, favorite•, tiny, surround•, clutch, •name, sleep,
missile, threat verb •state, prevent•, act, pose•, operate, toss•, •line
launch•, deny, •acquire, deter•, •constitute ● filled, lined, packed, jammed || full, fit to burst,
● scoundrel, rascal, reprobate, ne'er-do-well, cad, replete, sated
scalawag 1938 | 0.93
2014 | 0.90
8820 eyelid n
8785 supernatural j adj heavy, closed, low, open, right, upper, shut,
noun power, being, force, world, belief, realm, entity, drooping, left, blue noun eye, lip, •surgery, inside•, face,
event, reality, ability, order, creature misc natural•, finger, nose, cheek•, skin, tear• verb •flutter, close,
human, divine, religious, possess•, represent, invoke•, open, •droop, lower, lift, •shut, •swell, pull•, kiss•
supernatural, spiritual, fantastic, endow, scientific 2054 | 0.87 F
● paranormal, mystic, mystical, ghostly, ghostlike,
uncanny 8827 raise n
2042 | 0.89 A adj big, lateral, annual, substantial, hefty, congressional,
minimum, huge, average, hanging noun pay•, •money,
8792 zoom v percent, tax, promotion, •fund, employee, teacher, calf,
noun camera•, car•, video, image, lens, helicopter•, •awareness verb get•, help•, give•, ask•, let•, receive•,
stock•, space, screen•, frame, whale•, display, speed, offer•, vote, deserve•, feed
map, truck misc in, by, past, off, toward, around, ● increase, promotion, advance, elevation, rise
around, zoom, along, overhead, down, past, ahead, 1910 | 0.94
close, count
● go fast, whiz, whoosh, zip || increase, skyrocket, 8834 cherish v
shoot up, rise noun memory, •moment, value, freedom, American,
1949 | 0.93 love, tradition, honor•, ideal, hope, daughter, •privacy,
•vision, principle, gift misc love, always, every, honor,
8799 musical n forever, above, protect, value, care, respect, wish,
adj high, new, American, popular, classic, original, preserve, precious, cherish, embrace
successful, off-broadway, favorite, animated noun ● treasure, value, prize, appreciate, relish, take
Broadway•, school•, movie•, stage•, play, hit•, song, film, pleasure in
rock•, drama verb •base, write, produce•, star, present, 1866 | 0.96
perform, direct, sing, feature, stage
2033 | 0.89 N 8841 smuggle v
noun drug, weapon, •country, •border, arm•, gun,
8806 grievance n cocaine, heroin, •immigrant, route, material, good,
adj legitimate, economic, real, local, personal, ethnic, •marijuana, prison, bomb misc into, out, in, across, try,
past, collective, formal, popular noun •procedure, illegal, nuclear, aboard, allegedly, Chinese, onto,
redress•, list•, sense•, air•, union•, complaint, attempt, illegally, manage, accuse
•committee, grievance, arbitration verb file•, address, ● handle contraband, traffic, run, sneak in, bring in,
redress•, air, settle, express, present•, resolve•, seek, rustle
discuss• 1884 | 0.95
● complaint, protest, criticism, objection || injustice,
wrong, cause of distress, ill-treatment
1926 | 0.94

8848 dawn v 8883 simultaneous j

noun day•, morning•, light•, dusk, realization, era•, EXT•, noun translation, analysis, processing, attack, process,
understanding•, century•, comprehension, recognition•, equation, regression, event, use, task, operation,
reality•, hour, truth•, sky misc on, it, me, him, then, measurement misc two, multiple, •successive, allow•,
new, begin, her, finally, suddenly, before, clear, slowly, •both, nearly•, sequential, require•, involve, separate,
upon, gradually perform, •endoscopic
● begin, start, be born, emerge || occur, cross your ● concurrent, immediate, instantaneous, real-time,
mind, register with, strike synchronized, coinciding
1918 | 0.93 F 2013 | 0.88 A

8855 mock j 8890 nestle v

noun trial, battle, juror, jury, horror, scrape, interview, noun •mountain, town•, •hill, •valley, head, foot, tree,
surprise, draft, riot, turtleneck, orange misc hold•, village•, box, bed, •foothill, arm, •crook, building, wood
stage•, shake•, conduct•, perform•, mock, complete, misc into, against, among, between, small, under, amid,
participate•, engage•, sigh•, widen•, •fire inside, next, within, together, tiny, beside, behind, near
● fake, pretend, simulated, imitation, artificial, ersatz ● snuggle, cozy up, cuddle up, huddle || cushion, place,
1888 | 0.94 lie, soften
1916 | 0.92
8862 stalk n
adj tall, large, green, thick, dry, thin, medium, tough, 8897 amazingly r
red, fresh noun celery, corn, flower•, leaf, grass, plant, •enough, yet•, •strong, •beautiful, •easy, •successful,
end, asparagus, broccoli, wheat verb cut, chop, slice, •simple, •effective, amazingly, •accurate, •short, prove•,
grow, dice, remove, trim, peel, discard, form •diverse, •talented
● stem, shoot, trunk, branch || stem, shoot, trunk, ● astonishingly, astoundingly, remarkably, wonderfully,
branch incredibly, startlingly
1946 | 0.91 1867 | 0.95

8869 commemorate v 8904 heater n

noun •anniversary, event, year, day, death, plaque•, adj electric, hot, hot-water, solar, portable, tankless,
monument•, war, ceremony•, •victory, holiday, cold, warm, electrical, conventional noun water•,
•occasion, •history, battle, •birthday misc dead, space•, gas•, air, car•, kerosene•, furnace, propane•,
centennial, special, historic, gather, celebrate, historical, heater, heat verb turn, install, warm, light•, plug,
annual, erect, honor, bicentennial, organize, annually, operate, control, •burn, replace, heat
intend, fiftieth ● stove, radiator, electric fire, electric heater, space
● honor, remember, memorialize, celebrate, observe, heater, boiler
venerate 1933 | 0.91 M
1883 | 0.94
8911 caucus n
8876 chile n adj black, congressional, democratic, political, national,
adj green, red, dried, hot, fresh, chopped, small, Hispanic, presidential, legislative, conservative, Asian
minced, roasted, canned noun •pepper, garlic, •sauce, noun primary, member, Republican•, woman•, state,
teaspoon, tomato, chile, onion, chipotle•, serrano•, house, chairman, party, caucus, Senate verb hold, win,
•powder verb •seed, add, chop, dice•, stir, chipotle•, vote, attend•, state, participate, elect, organize,
mince, remove, roast, combine •oppose, •split
2095 | 0.85 N ● conclave, group, assembly, committee || faction,
bloc, alliance, league
2105 | 0.84 S

8918 visualize v 8960 scout v

noun ability•, eye•, scene, image, mind, future, object, noun director, •location, player, team, •area, •report,
structure, •shot, painting, •success, •goal, map, college, •site, game, •route, •combine, coach, trip,
composition, technique• misc try, help, yourself, easy, talent, league misc out, around, ahead, combine, coach,
close, difficult, myself, themselves, hard, easily, beyond, potential, advance, scout, ahead, vice, junior, hunt,
imagine, clearly, mentally, complex map, assistant, longtime
● imagine, envisage, picture, see in your mind's eye, ● search, hunt, scout around, look around || recce,
dream of, think about check out, survey, investigate
1883 | 0.94 1896 | 0.92

8925 thirty-five m 8967 subside v

•year, •percent, •ago, hundred, about•, •old, •dollar, noun pain•, fear•, symptom•, anger•, violence•, storm•,
•mile, •thousand, age•, •minute, •forty, thirty•, •later panic•, wind•, rain•, noise•, fever•, laughter•, month,
1902 | 0.92 F minute, feeling• misc until, begin, after, finally, quickly,
gradually, slowly, eventually, usually, soon, initial,
8932 following i swelling, rise, replace, somewhat
•death, month, week, increase•, election, period, ● diminish, lessen, decrease, dwindle || collapse, cave
procedure, •treatment, •attack, •surgery, immediately•, in, fall down, drop
improve•, loss, •lead 1858 | 0.94 F
● behind, after, in the wake of, at the back of, at the
rear of 8974 quiz n
1869 | 0.94 adj online, weekly, short, quick, evaluative, frequent,
interactive, present, daily, unannounced noun •show,
8939 frantically r pop•, question, student, test, sound•, culture•, game,
•try, search, look, wave, around, work, run, begin, door,
effect, answer verb take•, pop•, complete•, answer,
pull, arm, dig, reach, scramble •test, administer, prepare, grade, •consist, flunk•
● hysterically, anxiously, agitatedly, desperately || ● test, puzzle, game, contest, competition, exercise
frenziedly, frenetically, feverishly, madly 1920 | 0.91
1982 | 0.88 F
8981 internally r
8946 delightful j •externally, •consistent, •displaced, both•, •generate,
noun surprise, summer, wine, garden, lady, aroma, •person, •within, •displace, focus, •motivate, •direct,
collection, dish, tale, combination, evening, flavor misc handle•, refugee•, coherent
most•, charming, enjoy, absolutely•, fresh, delightful, ● inside, within, on the inside
that, sound•, wonderful, sweet, utterly•, feature 1889 | 0.92 A
● pleasant, charming, lovely, wonderful, enjoyable,
amusing 8988 chart v
1846 | 0.95 noun •course, •progress, •path, •future, •territory,
•direction, single•, map, data, top•, •growth, movement,
8953 wrongdoing n career, •evolution, album• misc new, own, future, top,
adj criminal, alleged, corporate, guilty, admitting, literary, carefully, coherent, analyze, map, spiritual,
financial, innocent, possible, involved, serious noun meticulously, emotional, daily, marching, attempt
evidence•, allegation•, official, investigation, charge•, ● register, record, project, plot, chronicle, log
admission•, police, accusation, officer, executive verb 1848 | 0.94
deny•, admit•, clear•, accuse•, charge•, investigate•,
acknowledge, report•, commit, involve
● bad behavior, unlawful activity, crime, offense,
1896 | 0.92

8995 restricted j 9030 all-purpose j

noun stock, area, access, agent, range, use, zone, space, noun flour, cup, teaspoon, tablespoon, sugar, salt,
share, diet, model, airspace misc more•, •free, within, baking, egg, yard, butter, vanilla, extract misc cup•,
less•, because, severely•, restricted, permanently•, unbleached•, unsifted•, plus, large, •bake, yellow, divide,
temporarily, highly, limited, enter• sift, granulate, •unsweetened, chopped
● limited, controlled, constrained, delimited || ● general purpose, multipurpose, universal, overall,
classified, top-secret, secret, confidential versatile, general
1869 | 0.93 A 2015 | 0.85 M

9002 forefront n 9037 etch v

adj international, environmental, contemporary, noun face, line, glass, name, •stone, •memory, •mind,
educational, global, very, emerging, gay, scientific noun surface, wall, plate, pattern, image, •silicon, acid, metal
issue, •mind, •effort, •movement, •research, •debate, misc into, onto, deeply, across, black, forever, sharply,
•technology, •discussion, •development, •reform verb deep, finely, indelibly, tiny, remain, clearly, blue, thin
bring•, move•, remain•, push, place•, surge•, leap•, ● engrave, scratch, scrape, incise, score, carve
propel• 1842 | 0.93
● pole position, front, vanguard, lead || front,
foreground, frontage, face 9044 inspired j
1831 | 0.94 noun idea, choice, oxygen, artist, confidence, fraction,
design, leadership, vision, fear, dish, creation misc
9009 mundane j most•, classically•, politically•, divinely•, religiously•,
noun life, task, matter, activity, detail, reality, object, original, biologically•, inspire, French, Chinese, creative,
aspect, existence, routine, chore, subject misc more•, truly•
most•, even•, as•, such•, •everyday, seemingly•, •such, ● brilliant, outstanding, superb, exceptional ||
rather•, •daily, focus•, beyond• stimulated, stirred, moved, encouraged
● ordinary, dull, routine, everyday, commonplace, 1820 | 0.94
1815 | 0.95 9051 plumbing n
adj indoor, electrical, modern, outdoor, mechanical,
9016 lest c running, leaky, faulty, residential, ancient noun system,
•forget, shall•, •anyone, •lose, judge, •miss, dare•, •ye, electricity, •fixture, wiring, heating, •supply, home,
•reader, •tempt, ourselves, afraid•, •misunderstand, water, •pipe, •contractor verb install, lack•, fix•, repair•,
fear• replace, own•, leak, •supply, clog•, connect
● in case, for fear that, so as not to ● drains, sanitation, drainage system, water system,
1825 | 0.95 heating system, pipes
1823 | 0.94
9023 barracks [PL] n
adj military, marine, empty, abandoned, Soviet, British, 9058 inflate v
temporary, Iraqi, separate, wooden noun army•, night, noun balloon, price, air, bag, number, •value, •cost,
police•, bombing, room, soldier, building, camp, troop, figure, stock, •earnings, profit, •revenue, airbag•, ego,
officer verb live•, return•, •kill, bomb, build, house, hit•, raft misc tire, artificially, properly, deflate, wildly, fully,
confine•, enter•, blow vastly, hide, thus, grossly, quickly, falsely, beyond,
● quarters, garrison, station, billet somewhat, gradually
1839 | 0.94 ● blow up, pump up, fill with air || exaggerate, amplify,
embellish || increase, go up, drive up
1809 | 0.95

9065 intellectually r 9107 punitive j

•gifted, child, emotionally, physically, •stimulating, noun damage, award, measure, action, expedition,
both•, morally, •honest, spiritually, •challenging, sanction, law, court, cap, verdict, policy, behavior misc
understand, •inferior, •dishonest, socially •against, million•, compensatory•, award, seek•, billion•,
● intelligently, knowledgeably, logically, cerebrally, less•, impose•, limit, than, rather, assess
rationally, mentally ● disciplinary, castigatory, penal, corrective, retaliatory,
1858 | 0.92 A retributive
1882 | 0.90
9072 culprit n
adj real, main, likely, common, major, only, primary, 9114 scissors [PL] n
chief, possible, potential noun •warming, crime, adj sharp, small, bipolar, surgical, tiny, decorative,
•disease, culprit, search•, fat•, scientist, obesity, cardboard, blunt, straight, German noun pair•, paper,
weather, alcohol verb identify, catch, name•, finger•, knife, rock•, •hand, tape, nail•, kitchen•, scissors, blade
cite•, suspect, discover, track•, •hide, blame verb cut, use•, snip, grab•, glue, trim, stick, hand•,
● offender, criminal, guilty party, perpetrator, wield•, stab
wrongdoer, felon 1876 | 0.90 F
1826 | 0.94 M
9121 negotiating n
9079 jointly r adj tough, Korean, intergovernmental, Israeli, fast-track,
•by, own, file•, develop, married•, couple•, sponsor, exclusive, busy, nuclear, Palestinian, broad noun •table,
hold, operate, •liable, implement, conduct, fund, •process, •team, •position, •skill, •session, •committee,
•severally party, •partner, •authority verb return•, deal, resolve,
● together, in cooperation, both, equally, mutually, achieve, •process, undermine•, negotiate, compromise•,
cooperatively strengthen•
1858 | 0.92 A 1841 | 0.92

9086 cache n 9128 tense v

adj large, shared, binodal, huge, main, secret, internal, noun muscle, body•, shoulder, arm, face•, verb•, leg,
secondary, set-associative, four-way noun data•, •line, present•, jaw, past•, voice•, finger, atmosphere, foot,
•miss, memory, cache, •size, instruction•, •directory, relation misc up, feel, wait, suddenly, relax, ready, past,
weapon, •array verb •miss, access, contain, reduce, sometimes, anxious, increasingly, nervous, tired, bit,
discover, occur, hide, fetch, address•, manage slightly, extremely
● hoard, accumulation, reserve, collection, store 1918 | 0.88 F
2399 | 0.71 A
9135 high-end j
9093 bedside n noun system, store, restaurant, market, product, model,
adj dying, digital, sick noun •table, •lamp, •manner, home, computer, shop, designer, hotel, feature misc
clock, light, patient, doctor, drawer, hospital, phone sell, •such, offer, buy, •retail, low-end, •luxury, •audio,
verb sit•, turn•, stand•, switch•, lay, kneel•, light, pray, •cost, •digital, expensive, •corporate
glance•, rest• 1906 | 0.89 M
1881 | 0.90 F
9142 participating j
9100 disparate j noun school, state, student, teacher, country, unit,
noun group, element, impact, treatment, interest, number, agency, parent, institution, organization,
source, culture, piece, view, community, image, member misc each•, •include, among•, receive,
collection misc these•, together, such•, as•, between•, available, submit, select, participate, •recognize,
seemingly•, bring•, among•, unite•, widely•, often, link• obtain•, complete, express
● dissimilar, unlike, unequal, different, incongruent, 1953 | 0.86 A
1851 | 0.92 A

9149 continental j 9191 blockbuster n

noun airline, divide, shelf, Congress, breakfast, army, adj big, late, potential, conceptual, would-be, animated
drift, association, trail, basketball, slope, plate misc noun movie, •video, summer, •drug, film, store,
along•, outer•, European, Inc, global, continental, •entertainment, •exhibition, season, show verb •hit,
regional, cross•, British, eastern, am, fly• rent, star, head, compete•, •launch
● mainland, inland, interior, central ● runaway success, hit, smash hit, epic, chartbuster,
1840 | 0.92 A bestseller
1832 | 0.91 N
9156 clearance n
adj top, high, secret, top-secret, medical, final, proper, 9198 tow n
axillary, sufficient, classified noun security•, ground•, noun •truck, rope, child•, •driver, kid•, car, cable,
•rate, inch•, foot•, •process, •sale, in, clearance, min •missile, lb, capacity verb •pull, wait•, arrive, drag,
verb require, receive•, obtain•, allow, wait•, grant•, •head, •haul, grab•, tow, fire, •retrieve
increase, await•, land, tire 1790 | 0.93
● permission, authorization, go-ahead, consent,
approval, okay 9205 experimentation n
1770 | 0.95 adj human, sexual, medical, social, scientific, active,
creative, formal, bold, artistic noun drug, animal,
9163 pamphlet n research•, innovation, period•, process•, form,
adj free, available, religious, printed, informational, exploration•, observation, laboratory• verb encourage•,
educational, anonymous, promotional, glossy, require, discover, permit•, foster•, characterize•
numerous noun book, badge•, merit•, newspaper, ● research, testing, investigation
information, brochure, magazine, copy•, form, series 1837 | 0.91 A
verb publish, write, read•, distribute, hand•, •entitle,
print, pass•, issue, •title 9212 enjoyable j
● leaflet, brochure, booklet, guide, tract, fact sheet noun experience, activity, aspect, learning, trip, sport,
1810 | 0.93 task, fun, vacation, evening, course, reading misc more•,
most•, make•, as•, easy, less, much•, interesting,
9170 pajamas [PL] n meaningful, physical•, fun, thoroughly•
adj blue, striped, white, black, red, pink, clean, favorite, ● pleasant, pleasurable, pleasing, agreeable,
green, barefoot noun flannel•, silk•, bed, robe, pair•, entertaining, amusing
•slipper, cotton•, bathrobe, jacket, foot verb wear•, 1758 | 0.95
put•, dress•, sit, change•, pull, sleep, slip, •brush, hang
● nightclothes, sleepwear, nightwear 9219 untouched j
1890 | 0.89 F noun area, food, plate, forest, land, wilderness, tree,
acre, powder, region, snow, yard misc •by, leave•,
9177 oriental j remain•, virtually•, left•, relatively•, largely•, sit•,
noun rug, carpet, mandarin, institute, art, study, hotel, almost•, yet•, •human, lie•
lily, medicine, fruit, market, motor misc African, ● uninjured, unhurt, intact, unharmed || unaffected,
orthodox, ancient•, Chinese, Occidental, exotic, indifferent, unmoved, unimpressed
eastern•, traditional, •fly, beautiful•, western, dark• 1754 | 0.95
1793 | 0.93
9226 jelly n
9184 hardwood n adj red, royal, mint, hot, sweet, green, homemade,
adj tropical, northern, mixed, tall, polished, bare, favorite, thick, soft noun butter•, peanut•, •bean,
mature, huge, dense, dark noun •floor, •forest, tree, •sandwich, •roll, petroleum•, jam•, jar, jelly, grape• verb
pine, •flooring, oak, ceiling, stand, upland•, eat, fill, spread•, preserve, melt, smear•, pour, jam, mix,
bottomland• verb replace, mix, burn, surround, •list, cup
install•, refinish•, dominate, carve•, squeak ● gelatin, aspic, gel || petroleum jelly, lubricant,
1833 | 0.91 M ointment
1795 | 0.92

9233 ballroom n 9275 sustainability n

adj grand, crowded, main, packed, huge, hot, Bowery, adj environmental, long-term, urban, ecological, global,
empty, ornate, amateur noun hotel, •dancing, •dance, economic, social, local, human, agricultural noun issue,
night, •dancer, room, floor, •west, Audubon•, music •indicator, effort, resource, development, community,
verb dance, enter•, fill, gather•, pack, crowd, sweep•, justice, challenge, goal, investment verb achieve,
convert, overlook, rent• promote•, ensure•, require, focus, define, address,
1807 | 0.92 assess•, enhance•, integrate
2047 | 0.8 A
9240 ceremonial j
noun center, occasion, community, dance, exchange, 9282 imposing j
robe, sword, object, purpose, role, function, event misc noun figure, sanction, building, presence, structure, tax,
largely•, wear•, serve, traditional•, perform, sacred, restriction, wall, control, cost, order, condition misc
religious, Samoan•, ceremonial, dress•, Jewish, ritual without, less•, tall, physically•, •upon, avoid•, •limit,
● ritual, traditional, ritualistic, formal || ritual, grand•, prevent, excessive, stare•, surround
traditional, ritualistic, formal ● impressive, striking, grand, magnificent, stately,
1841 | 0.90 A arresting
1730 | 0.95
9247 amusing j
noun story, anecdote, tale, comment, joke, example, 9289 spiral j
detail, comedy, incident, adventure, experiment, noun galaxy, arm, staircase, notebook, CT, pattern,
diversion misc find•, very•, sometimes, quite•, •watch, structure, nebula, stair, ultrasonography, shape, star
rather•, highly•, particularly•, less•, somewhat•, mildly•, misc •lead, bar•, milky, climb•, bright, negative•, up•,
charming form, barred•, outer•, faint•, normal•
● funny, humorous, entertaining, comical, witty, droll 1824 | 0.90 M
1745 | 0.95
9296 tutor n
9254 motto n adj private, English, elementary, individual, future,
adj national, appropriate, official, unofficial, famous, senior, automated, academic, electronic, effective
British, Latin, live noun scout•, device•, T-shirt•, Fig, noun student, teacher, school, peer•, mentor,
•pluribus, library•, •unum verb adopt•, •collect, volunteer•, class, math, tutee, training verb hire•,
•prepare, inscribe, bear•, adhere•, emblazon, display•, •teach, provide, serve•, •learn, assist, volunteer•, peer•,
quote, repeat train, assign
● slogan, saying, maxim, dictum, axiom, aphorism ● teacher, instructor, professor, lecturer, trainer, coach
1728 | 0.95 1790 | 0.91

9261 gravy n 9303 mediator n

adj mashed, brown, thick, wavy, green, rich, fried, adj federal, cultural, inflammatory, international,
homemade, red-eye, hot noun potato, •train, biscuit, potential, neutral, chief, European, middle,
turkey, •boat, chicken, sauce, gravy, cream, giblet• verb independent noun role•, relationship, dispute,
serve, pour, add, thicken, dress, stir, simmer, cook, mediator, conflict, variable, peace, talk, effect,
smother•, stuff position• verb serve•, act•, meet, •resolve, appoint,
1794 | 0.92 train, function•, recommend, •negotiate, •facilitate
● go-between, intermediary, third party, arbitrator,
9268 walker n negotiator, moderator
adj avid, fast, standard, wheeled, all-american, fellow, 1840 | 0.89 A
regular, slow, veteran, imperial noun tightrope•, dog•,
wheelchair, cane, baby•, runner, jogger, crutch, Walker,
space• verb use, •rally, lean, grab
● hiker, rambler, mall walker, stroller
1790 | 0.92

9310 alcoholism n 9338 heed v

adj parental, chronic, elderly, mental, genetic, sexual, noun •warning, •call, •advice, •word, message, •lesson,
rampant, domestic, clinical, psychiatric noun drug, voice, •request, •sign, •demand, •order, •instruction,
abuse, addiction, disease, treatment, depression, leader, •plea, suggestion misc shall, fail, must, pay,
problem, alcohol•, rate, suicide verb die•, treat•, suffer•, refuse, little, apparently, worth, wise, following, unless,
cause, battle•, struggle, drink, relate, overcome, nor, advise, seriously, rarely
contribute ● pay attention to, listen to, take note of, observe,
● intoxication, drunkenness, inebriation, intemperance notice, regard
|| intoxication, drunkenness, inebriation, 1700 | 0.96
1790 | 0.91 9345 barber n
adj red, tiki, licensed noun •shop, •chair, •pole, hair,
9317 safeguard v beauty, barber, demon•, haircut, skip, chip• verb •shave,
noun •interest, •right, •health, security, information, trim, •race, line
•environment, nation, law, effort•, •privacy, •integrity, ● men's hair stylist, hair stylist, stylist, coiffeur, gents'
freedom, •sovereignty, land, resource misc against, hairdresser, hairdresser
national, must, order, in, human, nuclear, design, 1741 | 0.93
international, necessary, individual, protect, natural,
civil, future 9352 gamble v
● defend, maintain, preserve, uphold, protect, look noun money, casino, sport, •baseball, gamble, dollar,
after card, investor•, Internet, Procter•, stake, drink, starling,
1767 | 0.92 A credit, •fortune misc away, willing, drink, lose, decide,
everything, love, heavily, gamble, force, afford, online,
9324 eradicate v smoke
noun disease, effort•, •poverty, smallpox, drug, ● put money on, lay bets, bet, wager || risk, stake,
campaign•, polio, attempt•, goal•, •hunger, population, venture, hazard
•virus, •racism, •plant, •cancer misc completely, seek, 1718 | 0.94
human, virtually, attempt, totally, order, declare,
control, but, in, largely, destroy, aim, impossible 9359 brisk j
● eliminate, get rid of, wipe out, destroy, exterminate, noun walk, business, pace, walking, wind, sales, minute,
do away with air, morning, trade, voice, activity misc walk•, short,
1747 | 0.93 •efficient, •businesslike, climb, enjoy•, moderate•,
•blow, sunny, ride, outside, fairly •
9331 fallout n ● energetic, fast, quick || abrupt, curt, brusque ||
adj political, radioactive, nuclear, economic, potential, refreshing, cool, cold
emotional, negative, financial, legal, psychological noun 1744 | 0.93
•shelter, scandal, test, look•, bomb, •attack, radiation,
•crisis, explosion, •bombing verb deal•, •shelter, avoid•, 9366 cramped j
affect, measure, handle•, •spread, assess•, debate•, noun room, quarter, space, apartment, office,
contaminate• condition, kitchen, seat, leg, wall, trailer, dark misc
● result, outcome, upshot, consequence, effect, knock- small•, live•, sit•, •little, share, stretch, inside•, dark,
on effect •living, tiny, enter•, •fill
1746 | 0.93 ● overcrowded, confined, restricted, close, small, poky
1743 | 0.93 F

9373 hymn n 9408 instinctively r

adj old, favorite, Christian, marine, traditional, closing, know, reach, hand, turn, feel, understand, move, react •,
Byzantine, familiar, ancient, final noun battle•, republic, almost•, toward, away, pull, •draw, arm
church, •praise, prayer, •book, song, word, gospel•, ● impulsively, mechanically, on impulse, automatically,
choir verb sing, play, hum•, chant•, listen, recite, unconsciously, intuitively
compose, •celebrate, sound, pray 1753 | 0.91 F
● song, chant, carol, chorus, anthem, canticle
1718 | 0.94 9415 energize v
noun •base, voter, movement, Republican, Democrat,
9380 blindness n party, crowd, campaign, supporter, •economy,
adj visual, low, leading, legal, willful, total, mental, •workout, exercise, •conservative, brain, spirit misc feel,
congenital, blind, temporary noun impairment, vision, democratic, newly, conservative, clearly, inspire, relax,
cause•, river•, kidney, disease, deafness, color•, eye, healthy, excite, energize, highly, active, alive, unite,
field verb cause, lead•, prevent•, cure•, result, suffer•, strangely
treat, define•, eliminate•, experience ● invigorate, strengthen, boost, pep up, galvanize,
● sightlessness, loss of sight, impaired vision || motivate
thoughtlessness, carelessness, recklessness, rashness 1713 | 0.93
1819 | 0.89 A
9422 amused j
9387 rainfall n noun smile, eye, look, expression, voice, glance, tone,
adj heavy, annual, high, low, average, normal, eyebrow, detachment, gaze, surprise, irony misc seem•,
significant, increased, maximum, seasonal noun inch, sound•, both•, watch, slightly•, annoyed, smile, shake,
temperature, amount, year, area, pattern, water, soil, surprised, half•, exchange•, angry
region, summer verb increase, receive•, cause, •occur, ● smiling, laughing, pleased, tickled, entertained
produce, measure, reduce, decrease, •total, affect 1841 | 0.87 F
● precipitation, rain, shower, rainwater, drizzle, Scotch
mist 9429 mourning n
1814 | 0.89 A adj national, black, official, deep, Christian, collective,
Chinese, grieving, perpetual, forbidding noun period,
9394 outnumber v day•, Alonzo•, •dove, process, grief•, •clothes, •dress,
noun woman, man, Republican, Democrat, female, loss, •ritual verb wear, end, dress•, declare, mourn,
•white, male, •one, force, black, worker, girl, boy, mark•, •last, signify•
population, police misc by, far, those, greatly, vastly, ● grief, bereavement, sorrow, sadness, lamentation,
where, where, black, always, outgun, male, badly, woe
nearly, heavily, registered 1702 | 0.94
● outstrip, be more than, be more numerous than
1688 | 0.95 9436 cartel n
adj Cali, Colombian, Mexican, international, powerful,
9401 award-winning j Latin, strict, infamous, ideological, global noun drug•,
noun academy, author, Emmy, book, writer, journalist, cocaine•, member, leader, cartel, oil•, •model, price,
film, actress, chef, actor, documentary, show misc monopoly, organization verb control, form•, operate,
Grammy•, produce•, whose, base, •investigative, weaken, target, fix, attack, swing, •smuggle, dominate
•corporate, direct•, feature•, Newbery•, successful, ● interest group, lobby, alliance, association, union,
•musical, best-selling league
● prized, high-quality, valued, respected || 1790 | 0.89
prizewinning, victorious, successful, triumphant
1743 | 0.92

9443 coil n 9478 sprawl v

adj magnetic, mortal, electric, tight, electromagnetic, noun •floor, •bed, body•, •couch, •ground, •back, •chair,
current, superconducting, hot, barbed, thick noun •wire, city, foot, •acre, •sofa, leg•, •grass, •seat, •sidewalk misc
•rope, •spring, coil, hair, steel, magnet, heating•, air, on, across, out, lay, over, send, onto, lie, beside, along,
copper verb wrap, wind, shuffle•, place, form, connect, dead, front, upon, naked, outside
replace, •generate, clean•, twist ● slump, spread out, collapse, lounge || spread out,
● loop, curl, spiral, twist, twirl, helix cover, extend over, stretch over
1744 | 0.91 1786 | 0.89 F

9450 reprint v 9485 pup n

noun •permission, •request, article, book, •arrangement, adj young, foster, female, newborn, natural, nursing,
newspaper, essay, press, magazine, letter, •collection, bold, wild, husky, healthy noun •tent, mother, seal•, di,
paper, author, •page, excerpt misc by, publish, reprint, litter, wolf•, pup, dog, adult, female verb •rear, •born,
Inc, widely, FL, II, address, legislative, following, original, name, train, •survive, nurse, wean, feed, bark, grab•
frequently, translate, random, full ● upstart, brat, whippersnapper, puppy, know-it-all,
● reissue, print again, publish again, produce again, smart aleck
republish, reproduce 1832 | 0.86 M
1796 | 0.89 A
9492 multiple n
9457 lineman n adj high, low, complex, single, average, contradictory,
adj offensive, defensive, best, top, interior, senior, maximum, diverse, multiple, conflicting noun earnings,
fellow, pro, veteran, two-way noun linebacker, football, market•, stock, •line, P/E•, •equation, price-earning•,
team, back, receiver, defense•, def, lineman, Redskin, •access, price, code• verb trade•, sell•, compare,
Bronco verb •block, name, rush, knock, draft•, coach, account, •repeat, •overlap, explore•
•tackle, •lean 1728 | 0.91 A
1850 | 0.86 N
9499 elegance n
9464 folly n adj casual, simple, understated, formal, classic, certain,
adj human, sheer, pure, utter, youthful, holy, grand, easy, quiet, sheer, European noun style, grace, beauty,
dangerous noun Ziegfeld•, beach, folly, love•, march•, simplicity, touch•, design, comfort, standard,
height•, wisdom•, foible, garden, football• verb •sophistication, dignity verb add•, combine•, exude•,
recognize•, illustrate•, expose•, demonstrate•, •attack, dress, admire•, lack, reflect, demonstrate, personify,
•pretend display•
● foolishness, madness, idiocy, silliness, craziness, ● stylishness, grace, style, sophistication, class, taste
recklessness 1699 | 0.93 M
1680 | 0.95
9506 glamour n
9471 secondary n adj old-fashioned, famous, raw, ultimate noun
adj tertiary, primary, elementary, postsecondary, •magazine, glitz•, •girl, star, bit•, beauty, fashion,
defensive, offensive, junior, senior, vocational, key excitement, editor•, celebrity verb love•, lack•,
noun •education, primary•, •school, •level, post•, •associate, glitz•, define•, •attach, •surround, strip•
teacher, •college, injury, •institution, infection verb ● allure, charm, appeal, fascination || good looks,
become•, occur•, •cost, •grade, •question, exploit•, beauty, glitz, glitziness
coach• 1688 | 0.93
1770 | 0.90 A

9513 burgeoning j 9555 relay v

noun population, industry, market, field, movement, noun information, message, •news, •story, data, signal,
city, number, economy, class, community, demand, satellite, •instruction, communication, radio, image,
business misc •middle, •international, •civil, •urban, meter•, •order, coordinate, phone misc via, am,
environmental, feed•, •Asian, accommodate•, control, honorable, immediately, monitor, Iraqi, automatically,
global, rapidly, •professional complex
● growing, mushrooming, increasing, escalating || ● communicate, pass on, transmit, spread, convey,
budding, promising, up-and-coming, nascent impart
1683 | 0.93 1650 | 0.95

9520 inconsistency n 9562 crackdown n

adj apparent, logical, internal, various, numerous, adj military, bloody, recent, illegal, Soviet, major, brutal,
obvious, seeming, inherent, glaring, moral noun federal, harsh, pro-democracy noun government•,
contradiction, •story, •policy, •testimony, •finding, data, •crime, police•, security•, square, media, •movement,
example, error, •statement, consistency• verb point•, •militant, •dissident, immigration verb begin, follow,
resolve•, reveal•, explain•, note, address•, •exist, lead, order•, launch•, announce•, protest•, fear, arrest,
eliminate•, riddle•, highlight• prompt•
● discrepancy, contradiction, variation, irregularity, ● clampdown, restriction, suppression, squelching ||
changeability, unpredictability cleanup, onslaught, attack, offensive
1719 | 0.91 A 1728 | 0.90 N

9527 academically r 9569 vividly r

student, •talented, •gifted, school, socially, child, remember, recall, so•, most•, describe, •illustrate, still•,
•successful, high, college, program, both •, succeed•, •demonstrate, •color, quite•, mind, •portray, capture,
perform•, •ineligible •express
● scholastically, intellectually, mentally, educationally ● brightly, intensely, richly || gaudily, garishly,
1778 | 0.88 A flamboyantly || strikingly, powerfully, strongly ||
distinctly, clearly, lucidly
9534 falter v 1628 | 0.96
noun voice•, economy•, smile•, market•, stock•,
•moment, courage•, sign•, growth, talk•, second, 9576 networking n
marriage•, painting, expression, conversation• misc adj social, online, optical, professional, informal,
begin, never, bit, fail, suddenly, badly, slightly, succeed popular, personal, global, electronic, effective noun
● hesitate, waver, pause || fail, weaken, fade || •site, computer•, wireless•, •company, •technology,
stagger, trip up, stumble •system, home•, •software, •opportunity, •equipment
1672 | 0.94 verb develop, connect, promote•, expand•, •enable,
post, install•, combine•, enhance
9541 hastily r 1710 | 0.91
•arrange, add, together, pull, •conference, •away,
•construct, •assemble, •erect, •assembled, step, act•, 9583 futile j
meeting, bury noun attempt, effort, treatment, care, search, exercise,
● hurriedly, quickly, fast, at speed, speedily, in a hurry gesture, resistance, patient, hope, struggle, quest misc
1731 | 0.90 F prove•, seem•, medically•, ultimately•, largely•, realize•,
deny•, medical, •attempt, fight, render•, endless
9548 warden n ● useless, pointless, fruitless, unsuccessful, vain,
adj senior, assistant, associate, air-raid, chief, ineffective
correctional, junior, female noun game•, prison, county, 1657 | 0.94
warden, office, park, traffic•, deputy, guard, •narrator
verb •station, state•, deem•, •approach, •insist
● custodian, curator, keeper, steward, superintendent,
1727 | 0.90

9590 hanging j 9632 footing n

noun Chad, basket, locker, tree, garden, plant, lamp, adj equal, solid, firm, financial, concrete, sound, strong,
light, clothes, pot, scroll, window misc low, beneath•, legal, economic, stable noun war•, post, wall, rock, foot,
above, cedar-lined•, open, fill, light, •hang, above, sound•, stone, bottom, foundation, pier verb lose•,
dimpled, double•, install• find•, regain•, keep•, •fall, gain•, compete•, struggle•,
● droopy, floppy, limp, dangling || suspended, pendent, pour, dig
floating, hovering ● foothold, balance, stability, equilibrium || basis,
1680 | 0.92 position, foundation, base
1619 | 0.95
9597 accused j
noun right, killer, trial, criminal, murderer, case, person, 9639 motorist n
rapist, priest, terrorist, accuser, victim misc stand•, adj passing, black, stranded, uninsured, angry, innocent,
•guilty, defend•, military, convict, •serial, face, frustrated, fleeing, average, intoxicated noun car,
represent, innocent, criminal, prosecute•, •terrorist police, road, beating•, traffic, sign•, highway, king,
1675 | 0.92 pedestrian, officer verb stop, •drive, •pay, pull, beat•,
kill, pass, •honk, warn•, •slow
9604 dice v ● driver, car driver, car user, car owner, chauffeur
noun cup, onion, tomato, pepper, bell, tablespoon, 1721 | 0.89 N
celery, can•, carrot, •garlic, potato, •clove, ounce,
•teaspoon, avocado misc red, peel, finely, green, 9646 gloom n
medium, small, large, seed, dice, slice, fresh, yellow, adj dark, deep, green, gray, deepening, perpetual, thick,
cup, chopped, chop pre-dawn, smoky, murky noun doom, gathering•, light•,
● cube, cut up, chop, cut into cubes || gamble, risk, shadow, rain, forest, darkness, winter, cloud•, gloom
stake, bet verb peer•, adjust•, disappear•, pierce•, stare•, •hang,
1841 | 0.84 M emerge•, deepen, vanish•, spread
● darkness, shade, murkiness, shadow || pessimism,
9611 barefoot j despair, sadness, dejection
noun child, boy, girl, shoe, park, snow, kitchen, 1686 | 0.91 F
contessa, foot, bed, beach, short misc walk•, stand•,
run•, •wear, •across, •down, around•, dance•, •pregnant, 9653 bandage n
pad•, step•, •dress adj ace, white, adhesive, elastic, bloody, sterile, left,
● unshod, shoeless, barefooted fresh, makeshift, bleeding noun head, hand, gauze•,
1694 | 0.91 F wound, arm, blood, leg, bandage, •chest, tape verb
wrap, cover, put•, change•, wear•, pull, swathe•, apply•,
9618 shady j remove, peel
noun spot, side, tree, area, character, rest, deal, garden, ● dressing, binding, strapping, compress
street, past, corner, hospital misc under•, slim•, cool•, 1705 | 0.90 F
sunny, green, quiet, beneath, moist, pretty•, plant, dry,
wet 9660 misconception n
● out of the sun, in the shade, shaded, under the trees adj common, big, popular, serious, greatest, ecological,
|| dishonest, crooked, underhand, shifty widespread, fundamental, introductory, psychological
1666 | 0.93 noun student, lot•, myth•, teacher, research,
misconception, conception•, •psychology, score,
9625 puff v science verb correct•, clear•, dispel•, address•, •exist,
noun cheek, •cigarette, chest, •cigar, •pipe, smoke, identify•, relate, perpetuate•, overcome•, reinforce
breath, air, lip, cream•, cloud, face, dust•, hair, •pride ● fallacy, delusion, misapprehension, misconstruction,
misc up, his, out, huff, away, until, himself, up, blow, mistaken belief, false impression
puff, golden, red, brown, slightly, hard 1715 | 0.89 A
● blow, exhale, breathe out, breathe || pant, breathe
heavily, wheeze, gasp
1731 | 0.89 F

9667 dysfunction n 9709 motionless j

adj sexual, erectile, endothelial, neurological, immune, noun body, eye, air, floor, moment, bed, figure, foot,
female, cognitive, renal, social, psychological noun sky, ground, form, hour misc stand•, sit•, remain•, lay•,
family•, level, brain•, patient, disorder, organ•, liver•, lie•, there•, hang•, stare, silent, hold•, watch, stay•
disease, cause, function verb cause•, associate, treat•, ● stationary, immobile, still, stock-still, static, frozen
result, relate•, suffer•, experience, •occur, define, 1767 | 0.86 F
1748 | 0.87 A 9716 jockey n
adj black, top, female, winning, royal, leading, live,
9674 plume n fellow, thoroughbred noun disc•, club, disk•, horse,
adj white, black, hot, huge, volcanic, blue, thick, red, short, lawn•, radio, odds•, trainer, desk• verb •win, ride,
gray, dark noun •smoke, dust, nom•, steam, water, wear, •name, spin, •race, paint•, feature•
mantle•, ash, exhaust, •material, gas verb •rise, send•, ● rider, equestrian, steeplechaser, show jumper,
shoot, blow, trail, form, contain, •pour, exhale•, •erupt competitor, point-to-pointer
● trail, cloud, spiral, column, curl 1662 | 0.91 N
1667 | 0.92
9723 traveling j
9681 medium-high j noun companion, exhibition, salesman, show, exhibit,
noun heat, skillet, oil, pan, saucepan, minute, grill, public, circus, team, wave, pant, library, party misc
onion, boil, frying, oven, speed misc over•, •add, large•, •entitle, organize, •retrospective, •Jewish, host•, •fair,
•until, over•, •stir, cook, •hot, •reduce, heat, boil, Dutch• fund•, feature, pack, sponsor, currently
1901 | 0.8 M ● itinerant, roving, wandering, peripatetic || migratory,
wandering, drifting, migrant
9688 tangled j 1580 | 0.95
noun hair, web, mess, mass, forest, tree, sheet, history,
vine, root, knot, wire misc through•, become•, long•, 9730 televised j
thick•, lay•, red, weave, lie, brown, hang, hopelessly•, noun debate, address, game, speech, conference, trial,
•blond event, image, interview, broadcast, news, meeting misc
● twisted, snarled, jumbled, scrambled || complicated, nationally•, during•, live, watch•, •presidential, deliver•,
confused, complex, messy tonight, exciting•, widely, popular•, •oval, brief•
1661 | 0.92 F ● on-screen, television, TV, live, on-air, televisual
1643 | 0.92 N
9695 override v
noun •veto, vote•, Congress•, law, •decision, right, 9737 skyline n
interest, concern, power, •objection, Senate, authority, adj downtown, urban, beautiful, familiar, shimmering,
majority, legislature•, control misc presidential, vote, famous, gray, glistening, glittering, high-rise noun city•,
enough, federal, strong, local, individual, fail, two- view, •drive, night, building, •trail, south, tower, mile,
thirds, necessary, common, override, tend, in, easily west verb dominate, rise, fill, loom, disappear, define•,
● disregard, overrule, defy, flout || supersede, •wash, frame, •feature, overlook•
dominate, prevail, predominate ● horizon, distant, prospect, vista
1606 | 0.95 1616 | 0.93

9702 donkey n 9744 borrower n

adj wild, female, male, feral, pregnant, gray, stubborn adj risky, delinquent, potential, poor, financial, private,
noun •cart, horse, tail, camel, elephant, donkey, mule, corporate, average, interest-only, prospective noun
animal, sheep, goat verb ride, bray, •carry, pull, tie, loan, lender, credit, mortgage, rate, percent, income,
load, •kick, approach, feed, •tether interest, •payment, home verb •pay, •must, •repay,
1706 | 0.89 F require, •default, allow•, •refinance, qualify, rise,
● debtor, mortgagor, insolvent, defaulter, pledger,
1761 | 0.85 N

9751 eldest j 9786 containment n

noun son, daughter, child, brother, sister, girl, sibling, adj dual, Soviet, secondary, cold, global, effective,
wife, Jr, cousin, heir, grandson misc her•, three, four, double, universal, inadequate, nuclear noun cost•,
born, •six, •eight, whom, •seven, marry, eldest, •inherit, policy, strategy, event•, horizon•, •communism,
•male deterrence, •structure, health, care verb cost•,
● oldest, first-born, first, primogenital implement•, •fail, argue, adopt, pursue•, spill, Peter,
1605 | 0.94 construct
1669 | 0.90 A
9758 unhealthy j
noun behavior, relationship, food, level, weight, habit, 9793 magnify v
air, lifestyle, diet, fat, condition, eating misc healthy•, noun glass, problem, image, eye, effect, lens, sound,
dangerous, breathe, potentially, negative•, extremely•, power, importance, difference, •impact, light, loss, view,
unhealthy, avoid•, mentally•, engage•, •saturated, object misc greatly, everything, tend, highly, tiny,
overweight• enable, blue, potential, thick, distort, enormously,
● harmful, detrimental, injurious || sick, unfit, out of negative, tenfold, exponentially, above
condition || corrupt, unwholesome, morbid ● enlarge, blow up, expand, amplify, increase, augment
1593 | 0.94 1574 | 0.95

9765 intimately r 9800 mailing n

know•, •involved, •connect, •familiar, •link, more•, adj mass, initial, electronic, follow-up, direct, additional,
•relate, •tie, become•, most•, •bind, involve, •associate, regular, current, multiple, original noun •list, •address,
•acquaint •label, name•, office, week•, •phone, •telephone, call,
● closely, warmly, familiarly || quietly, informally, newsletter verb send, receive•, •list, include•, respond•,
cozily || through and through, very well, fully •result, generate, •address, sign•, maintain•
1593 | 0.94 1608 | 0.93

9772 persuasion n 9807 warranty n

adj political, religious, moral, coercive, verbal, gentle, adj extended, one-year, limited, three-year, five-year,
various, friendly, rational, similar noun power•, strategy, standard, full, two-year, available, implied noun
•coercion, art•, means, force, burden•, method•, manufacturer, year, lifetime•, •coverage, part, service,
argument, communication verb rely•, •fail, •convince, warranty, car, •card, •claim verb offer, cover, void•,
employ, depend, influence extend•, buy, sell•, provide, •expire, carry•, •cost
● persuading, encouragement, coaxing, influence || ● guarantee, contract, pledge, assurance
affiliation, belief, order, denomination 1752 | 0.85 M
1637 | 0.92 A
9814 poisoning n
9779 wed v adj acute, accidental, common, chronic, chemical, lead-
noun couple•, month, wife, daughter, actress, marriage, based, mass, severe, attempted, fatal noun food•, lead•,
band•, •notion, ring•, •ceremony, singer, •sweetheart, case, carbon•, monoxide•, blood•, alcohol•, pesticide•,
•theater, queen, dance misc pm, newly, whom, thee, mercury•, symptom verb lead•, die•, cause, suffer•,
soon, wish, recently, plan, marry, pop, legally, like, wed, •occur, prevent•, result, suspect, poison, link
am, once 1590 | 0.94
● get married, get hitched, walk down the aisle ||
marry, espouse, take in marriage || join in matrimony, 9821 lofty j
marry, join in wedlock || unite, join, link noun goal, ideal, position, level, perch, height,
1627 | 0.92 expectation, ambition, standard, price, peak, status
misc such•, less•, despite, reach•, achieve•, •academic,
bit•, •ideal, •moral, attain•, accomplish•, •literary
● haughty, supercilious, disdainful || grand, exalted,
elevated || tall, high, towering
1562 | 0.95

9828 meager j 9870 taxation n

noun resource, salary, income, supply, saving, food, adj double, progressive, social, joint, local, direct,
result, wage, belongings, living, fund, ration misc federal, excessive, foreign, judicial noun
supplement•, relatively•, compare, earn, eat•, rather•, •representation, state•, income, system, government,
•available, despite•, beyond•, gather•, •best, survive• •finance, policy, department•, committee•, regulation
● scanty, insufficient, inadequate, paltry, skimpy, verb avoid•, eliminate•, escape•, reduce, lower, apply,
miserable exempt•, finance, exclude•, •estimate
1565 | 0.95 ● fiscal policy, tax policy, tax system, revenue system
|| duty, levy, toll, dues
9835 might n 1621 | 0.91 A
adj military, economic, American, industrial, full, Soviet,
armed, just, British, Persian noun power, volume•, 9877 protector n
symbol•, display•, strength, principle, might, balance, adj powerful, male, natural, chief, fierce, external,
empire verb pull, push•, fight•, •refer, strain•, protect, ultimate, Taliban, dakhal, weak noun animal•, role•,
unleash, demonstrate•, rely•, squeeze pocket•, surge•, researcher, chest•, provider, guardian,
● strength, power, force, capacity, valor, potency plastic•, brother verb act•, wear•, protect, surge•, view•
1552 | 0.96 ● shield, armor, mask, apron || guard, guardian,
defender, handler
9842 dryer n 1572 | 0.94
adj electric, hot, automatic, front-loading, cool, round,
fresh, wet, solar, warm noun hair•, washer•, clothes•, 9884 thermometer n
blow•, air, •sheet, machine•, dishwasher, lint, •vent adj thick, instant-read, digital, infrared, lesbian, gay,
verb use, sit, blow, dry, vent, operate, wash, •curl, bisexual, male, deep-fry, rectal noun meat•, degree,
remove, install temperature, candy•, •portion, minute, •center,
1610 | 0.92 mercury, •score, oven• verb •insert, use•, •register, read,
check, place, measure, remove, •reach, stick•
9849 remotely r 1624 | 0.90 M
even•, anything•, •like, operate, control, •resemble,
•vehicle, nothing•, never•, •possible, anyone•, •connect, 9891 cape n
monitor, •relate adj black, red, long, blue, dark, short, purple, green,
● distantly, tenuously, slightly, a little || at all, in the hooded, scarlet noun hat, shoulder, •buffalo, fur,
least, the least bit, the slightest bit velvet•, plunge•, dress, silk, mask, hood verb wear•,
1548 | 0.96 •billow, throw, pull•, hang, wrap, dress•, toss, wave,
9856 loophole n ● promontory, peninsula, headland, outcrop, point
adj legal, big, corporate, closing, huge, gaping, soft, 1628 | 0.90 F
close, potential, existing noun tax, law, gun•,
advantage•, bill, show•, regulation, loophole, Congress, 9898 parachute n
rule verb close•, •allow, find•, exploit•, create•, •exist, adj golden, pink, tiny, surplus, soft noun •cord, •jump,
eliminate•, plug•, contain•, riddle• plane, •drop, silk, landing, foot, fall, •flare, atmosphere
● dodge, gap, ambiguity, excuse, escape, out verb open, deploy, jump, drop•, float, wear•, land, pull,
1586 | 0.93 strap, •slow
1567 | 0.93
9863 skater n
adj Olympic, in-line, pro, female, synchronized, Russian, 9905 marketer n
male, competitive, Soviet, professional noun figure•, ice, adj direct, top, mass, online, leading, aggressive, savvy,
speed•, judge, pair, skater, cyclist, roller, champion•, brand-name, independent, exclusive noun sport•,
pressure verb report, compete, experience, skate, rank, product, consumer, gas, food•, information, card•,
•glide, •perform, race, spin, favor• manufacturer•, •dream, producer• verb sell, •target,
1671 | 0.88 direct•, brand, ignore
1624 | 0.90 N

9912 eclectic j 9954 recurring j

noun mix, collection, group, style, taste, approach, noun theme, role, problem, dream, nightmare, pattern,
music, menu, art, list, array, shop misc •include, offer•, image, character, motif, infection, feature, event misc
•range, draw, feature•, diverse, reflect, •musical, because•, •throughout, suffer•, experience•, prevent,
combine, equally, highly•, wildly• frequently•, chronic, periodically, plague•, feature•,
● heterogeneous, varied, wide-ranging, extensive, •emerge
diverse, catholic ● recurrent, periodic, frequent, repeated, habitual,
1573 | 0.93 repetitive
1536 | 0.94
9919 mileage n
adj better, high, low, weekly, daily, average, unlimited, 9961 occupied j
extra, frequent, triple noun gas•, car, fuel•, •standard, noun territory, settlement, land, Palestinian, area,
lot•, vehicle, •mile, mileage, •requirement, highway• withdrawal, zone, building, strip, space, population,
verb get•, increase•, •vary, improve•, •drive, earn, troop misc Palestinian, Israeli•, Jewish•, Arab, live•,
double•, reduce, boost•, estimate• withdraw•, military, within, return•, settle•, Iraqi•,
● distance, traveling distance, range, extent || benefit, inside•
profit, advantage, usefulness ● busy, engaged, employed || in use, full, engaged ||
1604 | 0.91 M conquered, subjugated, subject
1711 | 0.85
9926 centralized j
noun system, control, state, government, power, 9968 demolish v
structure, authority, planning, organization, economy, noun building, house, home, city, structure, street,
management, bureaucracy misc more, highly•, •political, •wall, plan, church•, apartment, bulldozer•, owner, unit,
strong•, create•, less•, decentralized, •religious, housing, property misc old, replace, completely, build,
•economic, bureaucratic, maintain•, centralized rebuild, entire, totally, Israeli, Palestinian, historic,
1648 | 0.88 A relocate, destroy, effectively, partially, order
● knock down, tear down, pull down || beat, annihilate,
9933 abdomen n defeat || destroy, ruin, flatten || disprove, tear to
adj low, upper, swollen, distended, soft, bloated, left, pieces, dismantle || devour, gobble, eat up
bare, tender, flat noun chest•, pain•, hand•, back, leg, 1536 | 0.94
muscle•, arm, hip, wound, breast verb shoot•, spread•,
press, swell, touch, remove, push, implant•, expand, 9975 semifinal [PL] n
rest• adj regional, western, eastern, open, national, sectional,
1568 | 0.93 French, final, defeated, eventual noun conference•,
state•, class•, tournament, •season, •final, cup•, NCAA•,
9940 uniformed j east, region• verb reach•, •coach, lose, advance•, win,
noun officer, service, cop, police, man, guard, beat, state•, •score, eliminate•, defeat
policeman, security, personnel, soldier, member, force ● round, heat, leg, match, game
misc two•, •military, secret, •stand, armed, behind, 1738 | 0.83 N
civilian, past, •enter, escort, neatly•, guard
● liveried, costumed, dressed up, caparisoned 9982 furiously r
1573 | 0.92 F work•, scribble, write•, fast•, away, pedal•, bark•, fight•,
type, note, beat•, blush•, blink•, pump•
9947 hairy j ● angrily, irately, wrathfully, heatedly || energetically,
noun man, leg, arm, hand, chest, creature, elephant, feverishly, frantically, violently
vetch, face, body, leaf, root misc big•, little•, huge•, a•, 1639 | 0.88 F
pretty•, thick•, short•, fat•, tall, brown, hairy, naked•
● hirsute, bearded, bushy, furry || dangerous,
hazardous, risky, treacherous
1621 | 0.89 F

9989 devoid j 10024 bulge v

noun life, meaning, emotion, face, content, value, noun eye, muscle, vein•, arm, cheek, bag, pocket, neck,
interest, sense, expression, voice, feeling, tree misc •of, face, belly, mouth, wall, stomach, shoulder•, sack misc
•any, completely•, totally•, almost•, human, •political, his, slightly, blue, beneath, outward, red, huge, brown,
nearly•, entirely•, utterly•, largely•, virtually• wide, fat, above, dark, pale, green, upward
● empty, barren, without, bereft, lacking, wanting ● stick out, protrude, expand, be full to bursting, swell,
1534 | 0.94 be swollen
1608 | 0.89 F
9996 walkway n
adj wooden, narrow, covered, concrete, front, moving, 10031 ensuing j
wide, main, short, central noun pedestrian•, house, noun year, month, decade, silence, war, discussion,
brick•, side, stone•, building, end•, garden, tree, patio week, battle, debate, chaos, kickoff, crisis misc during•,
verb •lead, connect, line, walk•, build•, stroll•, step, over•, kill, •civil, •last, fumble•, •witness, blame•, brief,
head•, cross, cover devastating•, Spanish, endure
● path, footpath, pathway, sidewalk || aisle, corridor, ● resultant, subsequent, succeeding, resulting,
passage, passageway following, later
1556 | 0.92 F 1532 | 0.93

10003 vigor n 10038 same r

adj renewed, great, full, hybrid, equal, youthful, all•, the•, •color, •size, •stuff, •except, •height, age,
increased, increasing, usual, physical noun youth, •ingredient, excite•, proud, •question, disability, •plant
energy, plant, strength, health•, fatigue, score, vim•, 1555 | 0.92 F
mood•, vigor verb pursue•, restore•, increase•, lack•,
anger•, maintain, renew•, attack, promote•, improve 10045 combustion n
● vitality, strength, energy || intensity, strength, force adj internal, spontaneous, incomplete, complete,
|| potency, life, robustness efficient, fluidized, conventional, hot, external, clean
1518 | 0.94 noun •engine, fuel, •chamber, gas, fossil, air, system,
•process, turbine, product verb produce, require,
10010 incompetent j •reduce, burn, control, generate, cause, emit, release,
noun teacher, patient, trial, person, decision, doctor, achieve
employee, lawyer, administration, counsel, officer, staff ● ignition, fire, burning, incineration
misc mentally•, corrupt, declare•, •stand, either•, 1614 | 0.88 A
totally•, lazy, judge•, prove•, stupid, competent•, fire•
● inept, useless, bungling, unskilled, ineffectual, 10052 discrete j
hopeless noun event, entity, trial, skill, behavior, area, unit,
1496 | 0.96 variable, series, scale, category, task misc each, than,
rather, continuous, single, identify•, teach•, involve•,
10017 drizzle n relatively•, •insular, separate, discrete
adj olive, remaining, light, steady, cold, warm, fine, ● separate, distinct, disconnected, detached, isolated,
melted, gray, balsamic noun •oil, •sauce, •tablespoon, unconnected
bowl•, mixture, top, pan•, •vinaigrette, pepper•, plate• 1652 | 0.86 A
verb •dress, serve, •fall, •remain, sprinkle, toss, bake,
rain, slow•, desire• 10059 insanity n
● light rain, trickle, shower, sprinkle adj guilty, temporary, legal, mental, innocent, criminal,
1617 | 0.88 M contagious, mad, sheer, psychiatric noun •defense,
•plea, definition•, form•, trial, lawyer, jury, sanity •, fear,
brink• verb stop•, plead•, argue, reject, acquit•, cause,
claim, •commit, define, feign•
● foolishness, irrationality, senselessness, absurdity,
folly, recklessness
1503 | 0.94

10066 called j 10101 imprisonment n

noun book, strike, it, movie, series, song, play, lake, adj false, fine, wrongful, punishable, maximum,
poem, sp, tune, ph misc so•, •because, write•, •because, criminal, sexual, unjust, punitive, colonial noun life•,
•third, re•, musical•, so-•, properly•, weekly•, running, year, arrest•, sentence•, death, fines, term, rate,
wrap• penalty, month verb sentence•, face•, punish•, risk•,
● named, baptized, christened, known as, termed, so- torture, suffer, •exile, threaten•, release, impose•
called ● custody, incarceration, captivity, detention, sentence,
1525 | 0.93 S term
1510 | 0.93
10073 disposable j
noun income, diaper, camera, plastic, razor, cup, pan, 10108 impaired j
product, bag, paper, cloth, glove misc use, real•, buy, noun student, child, individual, person, function, vision,
•available, spend, disposable, •personal, wear, average, patient, group, nurse, adult, glucose, hearing misc
capita, per, increase visually•, blind•, hear•, •elderly, mentally•, severely•,
● throwaway, one-use, nonrefundable including, physically•, cognitively•, mental, •renal, due
1518 | 0.93 ● reduced, lessened, decreased, weakened, diminished,
10080 flop v 1702 | 0.83 A
noun •bed, fish, head, •couch, •side, •back, •chair, •floor,
arm, hair•, foot, belly, ground, •seat, leg• misc down, 10115 dysfunctional j
onto, around, over, back, across, forward, beside, flop, noun family, relationship, attitude, system, behavior,
loose, front, roll, backward, loosely, front home, belief, depression, pattern, subject, support,
● collapse, slump, fall down, droop || fail, bomb, fold, consequence misc become•, dysfunctional, functional•,
close poor, sexually•, highly•, associate, largely•, sexual,
1568 | 0.90 F completely, increasingly•, negative
1538 | 0.91
10087 ambivalence n
adj certain, deep, profound, cultural, sexual, 10122 alcoholic j
considerable, nuclear, growing, moral, very noun noun beverage, drink, manager, father, parent, mother,
feeling, anxiety, ambiguity, lack, confusion, conflict, control, person, board, tax, sale, tobacco misc female,
•identity, contradiction, attitude, expression verb drink•, alcoholic, male, consume, recover•, general•,
reflect, express•, reveal•, display, characterize, share, abusive, •per, cope, born•, violent
view•, indicate•, exhibit•, stem ● intoxicating, inebriating, fermented, distilled, strong,
● uncertainty, contradiction, unsureness, inconsistency, boozy
doubt, incongruity 1549 | 0.91
1553 | 0.91 A
10129 shimmering j
10094 blizzard n noun light, water, heat, gold, hair, sun, sea, surface,
adj raging, cold, blinding, sudden, freezing, ferocious, silver, glass, wave, color misc blue, white, across, above,
arctic, occasional, lost, howling noun snow, •condition, green, golden, wear•, red, dark, rise, yellow, beyond
winter, middle•, storm, spring, wind, blizzard, season, ● iridescent, sparkling, shining, gleaming, glistening,
warning verb •blow, •hit, •rage, •dump, survive•, •shut, glittering
trap, bury, •strike, brave• 1555 | 0.90 F
● snowstorm, whiteout, storm
1572 | 0.90

10136 usefulness n 10171 rigor n

adj potential, perceived, limited, personal, adj scientific, academic, intellectual, methodological,
organizational, various, practical, overall, educational, physical, mathematical, technical, analytical, necessary,
financial noun research, information, •data, validity•, theoretical noun •mortis, research, lack•, •training,
•assessment, technology, value, •model, interest, •travel, discipline, standard, science, degree•,
•analysis verb outlive•, limit•, demonstrate•, question•, preparation verb withstand•, lack•, prepare•, •set,
assess•, evaluate•, perceive•, test•, extend•, determine• survive•, handle•, apply, endure•, demand, enhance
● practicality, worth, helpfulness, utility || ● severity, strictness || thoroughness, consistency ||
valuableness, convenience, advantageousness, hardship, difficulty || stiffness, rigidity || severity,
expediency strictness || thoroughness, consistency || hardship,
1605 | 0.87 A difficulty || stiffness, rigidity
1502 | 0.93 A
10143 vineyard n
adj olive, French, organic, rolling, terraced, nearby, 10178 stale j
Christian, ancient, Italian, lazy noun wine, orchard, noun air, bread, smell, beer, odor, cigarette, smoke,
grape, winery, airport, valley, island•, vineyard, owner, sweat, room, breath, water, coffee misc smell•,
acre• verb plant, own, •produce, taste, visit, surround, become•, grow•, old, a•, little•, taste•, fresh, eat, dry,
pinot, overlook•, sample, labor• hot, stink•
● winery, wine producer, wine grower, estate, chateau, ● decayed, sour, old, musty || hackneyed, worn-out,
vinery tired, overused
1538 | 0.91 1540 | 0.90 F

10150 self-efficacy n 10185 errand n

adj high, low, social, perceived, academic, positive, adj running, quick, mysterious, last-minute, urgent,
general, physical, significant, creatine noun condom•, busy, ordinary, secret, odd, menial noun fool•, •boy, car,
belief, use, performance, level, student, score, theory, town, care•, chore, trip, shopping, lunch, •mercy verb
self-efficacy, self-esteem verb relate, increase, measure, run•, send, return, drive, clean, perform, commute,
influence, perceive, report, assess, indicate•, enhance•, cook, combine•, shop
•communicate ● task, run, duty, chore || task, run, duty, chore
2013 | 0.69 A 1525 | 0.91 F

10157 acknowledgment n 10192 short-lived j

adj public, federal, individual, grateful, tacit, official, noun series, star, marriage, career, relationship, sitcom,
explicit, Frank, formal, rare noun author, research, victory, TV, campaign, success, isotope, relief misc
thanks, volume•, recognition, article, •reality, apology, prove•, however, relatively•, usually•, produce•, tend•,
nod•, •contribution verb thank•, wish•, receive•, •soon, form, establish, massive•, star•, shallow
•acknowledge, nod•, preclude•, appreciate•, demand•, ● brief, fleeting, transitory, passing, short, ephemeral
declare, grunt• 1476 | 0.94
● greeting, salutation, nod || response, reply, reaction
|| recognition, acceptance, admission 10199 band v
1513 | 0.92 A noun rock•, group•, rubber•, metal•, boy•, music, band,
arm•, steel•, shadow•, blue•, resistance, wrist, punk•,
10164 anyhow r gold• misc together, form, wear, fight, perform, save,
ter, hell, anyhow, nobody, •once, go•, anywhere, na•, heavy, tribal, thick, march, multiple, thin, musical,
•wen, dat, em, damn•, mean, matter feature, attach
● anyway, in any case, at any rate, nevertheless, 1459 | 0.95
nonetheless, besides
1627 | 0.86 F

10206 rehab n 10241 termination n

adj physical, triple-a, cardiac, minor, vocational, adj wrongful, parental, early, immediate, premature,
double-a, sober, intensive, long-term, court-ordered sudden, abrupt, athletic, voluntary, unlawful noun
noun •center, drug•, •program, •assignment, alcohol, pregnancy, •right, program, •pay, level•, •employment,
month•, •facility, stint, hospital, •clinic verb check•, decision, sport, policy, •fee verb result•, relate•, affect,
enter•, complete, attend, undergo•, •hire, land•, avoid•, recommend•, hire, request•, target•, •coincide,
transfer, recover predict•
1520 | 0.91 ● end, finish, close, expiry, conclusion, closure
1558 | 0.88 A
10213 lame j
noun duck, excuse, joke, session, deer, horse, attempt, 10248 forceful j
leg, Congress, gold, halt, foot misc sound•, lame, gold•, noun fantasy, action, advocate, statement, response,
pretty•, blind, silver•, laugh, sick•, deaf, rather•, •lazy, voice, personality, presence, leader, speech, leadership,
totally• movement misc more•, very•, •sexual, most•, strong•,
1475 | 0.94 •enough, clear, aggressive, consensual •, direct•, sound•,
10220 iceberg n ● powerful, strong, dynamic, potent || persuasive,
adj shredded, huge, proverbial, cold, visible, giant, convincing, compelling, valid
massive, submerged, floating, tangy noun tip•, •lettuce, 1463 | 0.94
salad, •profile, ship, iceberg, sea, wedge, ocean, ice
verb hit•, •float, strike•, melt, calve, •sink, drift, spot•, 10255 gateway n
dress, dot• adj main, arched, global, northern, eastern, residential,
1462 | 0.94 ancient, outside, photonic, principal noun •drug,
wireless, town, park, •west, Internet, mountain, airport,
10227 alert n •arch, marijuana verb serve•, connect, configure,
adj high, heightened, red, orange, terrorist, clinical, install•, dine, host, frame•
potential, commercial, yellow, false noun terror•, ● entry, doorway, entryway, entrance || opening, first
consumer•, security•, news•, e-mail•, warning, action•, step, opportunity, access
•user, weather•, message verb issue, send, receive,
1476 | 0.93
•sound, sign•, •warn, trigger, pop, vibrate•, flash
● warning, signal, alarm, siren, red alert, heads-up 10262 password n
1506 | 0.92 adj secret, strong, secure, forgotten, online, unique,
proper, stored, correct, saved noun user•, name•,
10234 enrichment n password, computer, number, account, access, e-mail,
adj personal, cultural, nuclear, gifted, after-school, •manager, site verb use, enter•, change, require, click,
academic, school-wide, mutual, educational, protect, type, create•, access, steal•
appropriate noun •program, uranium•, •activity, ● code word, open sesame, secret word, PIN, key,
student, •class, opportunity, curriculum, teacher, secret code
•facility, acceleration verb suspend•, provide, stop•,
1550 | 0.89 M
offer, compact, halt•, participate•, contribute•, attend•,
relate• 10269 wane v
● enhancement, improvement, upgrading, noun interest•, enthusiasm•, influence•, support, power,
augmentation, amelioration, development waxing•, moon, popularity, attention•, confidence,
1567 | 0.88 A century, strength•, energy•, afternoon•, summer misc
wax, begin, appear, quickly, whose, rapidly, recent,
gibbous, soon, bit, somewhat, gradually, left,
eventually, considerably
● diminish, decrease, decline, get smaller, fade,
1445 | 0.95

10276 clipping [PL] n 10311 ulcer n

adj yellowed, undated, framed, fresh, faded, yellow, adj peptic, bleeding, chronic, gastric, duodenal, Buruli,
chopped, unidentified, folded, prominent noun diabetic, decubitus, gastrointestinal, ischaemic noun
newspaper•, grass•, leaf, news•, press•, lawn, magazine, pressure•, stomach•, patient, disease, treatment, skin,
photograph, file, photo verb send•, read•, collect, ulcer, leg•, stress, foot verb cause, develop•, treat, heal,
contain, press•, save, fill•, hand, paste, mulch• bleed, suffer•, cure, prevent•, •occur, form
● cutting, extract, excerpt, article, feature, piece ● sore, boil, abscess, pustule, carbuncle
1473 | 0.93 1550 | 0.88 M

10283 patronage n 10318 weed v

adj political, local, royal, artistic, imperial, female, noun •garden, grass•, •bed, field, one, plant, planting•,
increased, traditional, British, powerful noun system, crop, control, flower, •seed, pruning, lawn, weed, hoe
politics, art, state, job, network, power, source•, misc out, bad, water, plant, harvest, grow, design, hoe,
corruption, •machine verb enjoy•, distribute, seek, weak, cultivate, mow, weed, trim, tend, fertilize
extend•, state, establish, dispense•, secure, •dominate, ● hoe, tidy, pick over, clear
encourage 1442 | 0.94
● benefaction, investment, backing, sponsorship, aid
1541 | 0.89 A 10325 hospitalize v
noun patient, •week, •month, mother•, •heart,
10290 cosmetics n •depression, •injury, •illness, •condition, •pneumonia,
adj natural, major, skin-care, expensive, Inc, cheap, •disorder, doctor, surgery, •blood, disease misc after,
online, injectable, French, worldwide noun •company, while, briefly, several, four, twice, die, severe, mental,
product, •industry, line, drug, food, fashion, beauty, suffer, serious, likely, recently, since, broken
makeup, •department verb sell•, •counter, test, apply, 1440 | 0.94
•contain, introduce•, •makeover, fashion, regulate,
manufacture 10332 coordinated j
● makeup, face paint, greasepaint, powder and paint, noun effort, attack, service, program, action, system,
face, maquillage care, approach, policy, strategy, campaign, plan misc
1509 | 0.90 M comprehensive, require•, develop•, •international,
carefully, together•, launch•, integrated, effective,
10297 whim n involve, plan, highly•
adj political, dependent, mere, personal, sudden, ● synchronized, harmonized, corresponding, matched,
vulnerable, slight, arbitrary, fickle, capricious noun in time, in step
nature, •fashion, •wind, chance, •caprice, desire, 1481 | 0.92 A
•weather, wish, will, consumer verb cater•, decide,
base•, indulge•, satisfy•, suit•, obey•, depend•, bend•, 10339 triumphant j
subject• noun return, church, smile, moment, grin, tour, voice,
● impulse, urge, notion, quirk, caprice, fancy entry, look, comeback, note, march misc emerge•,
1442 | 0.95 universal•, home, return, final, happy, ultimately•,
march, joyful•, witness, sad•, tragic
10304 DJ n ● proud, winning, victorious, glorious, dominant,
adj jazzy, hip-hop, live, popular, famous, favorite, conquering
female, lucky, charismatic, late-night noun •vu, radio, 1433 | 0.94
music, DJ, dance, party, sense•, •booth, •shadow,
producer verb •spin, feature•, name, mix, •announce, 10346 chandelier n
dance, •record, wed, tune, •pump adj huge, massive, French, ornate, wrought-iron,
● disc jockey, deejay, MC, radio presenter || dinner elegant, glittering, antique, beautiful, gilded noun
jacket, tuxedo, tux, black tie crystal•, room, glass, light, ceiling, dining, •earring,
1537 | 0.89 brass•, table, wall verb hang, swing, light, dangle, install,
•sway, suspend, drip, •fit, replace
1523 | 0.89

10353 sanitation n 10388 incompatible j

adj poor, public, clean, basic, safe, environmental, noun system, homosexuality, democracy, value, service,
proper, improved, inadequate, adequate noun water•, view, activity, behavior, position, practice, use, goal
food, •worker, supply•, health, •program, service, misc •with, •military, •Christian, mutually•,
•facility, •system, •department verb improve, lack•, fundamentally•, human, •each, seemingly•, •other,
drink•, •reduce, clean, achieve, waste, implement•, necessarily•, completely•, entirely•
install, dump ● mismatched, unsuited, discordant, unharmonious,
● hygiene, cleanliness, cleanness, public health, health dissenting, irreconcilable
1540 | 0.88 A 1510 | 0.89 A

10360 unpaid j 10395 suppression n

noun bill, leave, work, tax, worker, labor, week, debt, adj immune, brutal, political, military, violent,
volunteer, balance, family, month misc paid•, pay•, to•, international, articulatory, complete, Soviet, native
•medical, provide, •care, serve•, collect•, because, noun fire•, system, disease•, •speech, voter•, evidence,
•domestic, perform, owe• •rebellion, defense, period •, freedom verb result,
● voluntary, honorary, amateur, free || unsettled, •occur, cause•, associate•, justify•, induce, link•,
outstanding, overdue, due advocate•, cooperate•, aim
1450 | 0.93 ● repression, containment, control || conquest, defeat,
destruction || withholding, cover-up, concealment
10367 clam n 1513 | 0.89 A
adj soft, hard, giant, happy, fried, fresh, steamed, raw,
tiny, bottled noun •chowder, oyster, •shell, •juice, 10402 re-elect v
•sauce, clam, crab, shrimp, lobster, scallop verb dig, noun president, year, •term, Republican, Congress,
eat•, open, add•, gather, cook, linguine•, stir, clam, Democrat, board, incumbent, voter•, majority, •Senate,
scrub •margin, governor, election, mayor misc get, elect,
1509 | 0.89 second, deserve, vote, democratic, recently, re-elect,
overwhelmingly, easily, ought, newly, consecutive,
10374 vector n incumbent, twice
adj primary, positive, basic, scalar, genetic, 1509 | 0.89 S
independent, potential, normal, infectious, viral noun
disease, •control, •attraction, •multiplication, matrix•, 10409 cloud v
vector, •reduction, force, field, •Graphics verb noun eye, face, judgment, issue, sky•, mind, vision,
represent, associate, define, control, •contain, future, glass, thinking, view, breath, thought, emotion,
•generate, express, transmit, access, operate picture misc over, remain, blue, tend, yellow,
● course, trajectory, path, flight path, route, direction somewhat, clear, milky, gray, emotional, thick, darken,
1587 | 0.85 A racial, behind, shroud
● veil, blur, obscure, shadow, make unclear, confuse
10381 venerable j 1418 | 0.94
noun institution, tradition, company, hotel, club, firm,
museum, organization, version, bank, magazine, hall 10416 parishioner n
misc most•, old, •British, ancient, •western, equally•, adj fellow, Catholic, holy, German, French, Irish, female,
Russian, declare•, •Italian, •French, •eastern, found spiritual, sexual, gay noun church, priest, parish, pastor,
● respected, august, esteemed, honored, revered, redeemer, parishioner, minister, clergy, mass, neighbor
admired verb encourage•, attend, visit, greet, •pray, •gather,
1446 | 0.93 inform, •donate, organize, accommodate
1466 | 0.91

10423 coin v 10458 coronary j

noun term, phrase, word, name, slogan, •expression, noun artery, disease, heart, risk, bypass, surgery,
writer, gold, researcher•, Mr•, credit•, hole, scientist, patient, blood, factor, care, angiography, blockage misc
decade, neologism misc by, describe, credit, whoever, such•, coronary, reduce•, undergo•, cause•, left•,
refer, cultural, British, French, originally, famous, increase•, percutaneous•, massive•, normal•,
English, borrow, German, Roman, Greek endothelial, suffer•
● invent, think up, make up, create, devise 1516 | 0.87
1415 | 0.94
10465 adept j
10430 three-day j noun skill, technology, finger, professional,
noun weekend, trip, period, event, conference, visit, conversation, comedy, pass, handling, carver, politician,
meeting, two-, festival, workshop, pass, celebration musician, mentor misc •at, become•, more•, prove•,
misc during•, include, offer•, annual, attend•, end, particularly•, most•, equally•, quite•, less•, socially•,
organize, cancel, throughout•, host•, two-day•, especially•, politically•
intensive• ● skillful, skilled, expert, proficient, adroit, practiced
1449 | 0.92 N 1411 | 0.94

10437 resurrection n 10472 spur n

adj dead, bodily, Christian, miraculous, holy, eternal, adj golden, flying, dual, lucky, steep, continental, bony,
ordinary, divine, metropolitan, mass noun death•, life, sharp, stubby, idle noun •moment, game•, bone•,
•body, crucifixion•, hope•, church•, cross•, belief•, •horse, •growth, boot, season •, development, rocket,
incarnation•, theology• verb celebrate•, promise, affirm, •sun verb help•, win•, coach, earn•, remove, guard, ride,
witness•, symbolize•, await•, commemorate, proclaim•, •trail, jingle, assist
transform, owe ● incentive, inducement, stimulus || branch, limb,
● revival, renaissance, rebirth, revivification, shoot || spike, point, barb || ridge, mountainside,
reappearance, restoration projection
1555 | 0.85 A 1400 | 0.94

10444 upright j 10479 scold v

noun position, piano, posture, stance, row, bass, tilt, noun mother•, father, voice, •dog, squirrel•, judge, tone,
riding, body, citizen, vacuum, tree misc more•, during•, •ratio, praise•, daddy•, nurse, aunt, boss, cat, mama
maintain•, tall•, full•, return•, honest•, comfortable•, misc him, her, me, herself, himself, myself, publicly,
forward, normal, •wooden, morally• gently, praise, fail, instead, shake, nobody, pretend,
● erect, standing, straight, vertical || righteous, moral, threaten
honorable, decent ● tell off, reprimand, yell at, reproach, rebuke,
1443 | 0.92 M admonish
1454 | 0.91 F
10451 subsistence n
adj traditional, native, commercial, rural, economic, 10486 rebuilding n
basic, deviant, cultural, poor, recreational noun •farmer, adj economic, massive, major, complete, slow, involved,
•farming, •economy, •agriculture, •level, •activity, long-term, Iraqi, busy, downtown noun •effort, process,
•hunting, •crop, •fishing, •production verb live, harvest, plan, •project, •program, job, cost•, task, infrastructure,
depend, engage•, hunt, combine, supplement•, rely•, season verb begin, oversee•, complete, participate•,
shift•, •forage contribute•, undertake•, assist•, commit•, •repair,
● survival, existence, maintenance, sustenance prohibit
1549 | 0.86 A ● reconstruction, renovation, reform, modernization,
renewal, restoration
1455 | 0.91

10493 upbringing n 10528 bailout n

adj religious, Catholic, strict, southern, Christian, adj federal, financial, international, Mexican, massive,
privileged, middle-class, rural, normal, moral noun child, monetary, corporate, troubled, expensive, failed noun
family, education, background, birth•, religion, government, loan•, •money, taxpayer•, bank, •package,
childhood, nature, hardscrabble•, faith• verb •teach, •plan, industry, fund, •bill verb •cost, pass, support•,
reflect•, •prepare, attribute•, •born, credit•, root•, stem•, oppose, seek, announce, vote, finance, approve,
recount, trace negotiate
● education, childhood, background, rearing, nurture, 1672 | 0.78
1374 | 0.96 10535 dissatisfied j
noun teacher, body, customer, performance, party,
10500 festivity n patient, difference, appearance, voter, worker,
adj inaugural, all-star, annual, free, live, religious, ritual, response, status misc •with, very, become•, satisfied•,
carnival, Olympic, rural noun day, year, part•, evening, feel•, increasingly•, remain•, dissatisfied, extremely,
Christmas•, week, holiday•, wedding•, celebration, somewhat•, •current, indicate
anniversary verb •include, •begin, enjoy•, join•, attend•, ● disgruntled, displeased, discontented, disappointed,
celebrate, participate•, •end, plan, kick unhappy, frustrated
● party, celebration, event, carnival || joy, good cheer, 1432 | 0.91 A
happiness, cheeriness
1396 | 0.94 10542 imprint n
adj indelible, deep, lasting, human, parallel, cultural,
10507 scrap v physical, faint, random, divine noun book, •evidence,
noun plan, •metal, program, •system, wood, idea, •pattern, icon•, finger, shoe, memory, imprint, •matter,
project, •tax, decision•, •lumber, •weapon, paper, •iron, publisher verb leave•, bear•, carry•, tire, bore•, publish,
missile, •yard misc favor, decide, altogether, whole, stamp•, notice•, fade, retain•
nuclear, existing, entire, force, reduce, original, replace, ● impression, print, impress || stamp, inscription,
ready, eventually, propose, instead name || hallmark, emblem, stamp || indication, sign,
● cancel, abandon, get rid of, ditch || argue, fight, effect
scuffle, tussle 1434 | 0.91
1397 | 0.94
10549 ion n
10514 intolerance n adj negative, positive, secondary, heavy, solar,
adj religious, racial, political, growing, related, ethnic, continuous, charged, dissolved, ferrous, present noun
extreme, Islamic, increasing, intellectual noun lactose•, electron, lithium•, beam, •source, •exchange, •battery,
food•, violence, allergy•, hatred, racism, •ambiguity, hydrogen•, metal•, •channel, ion verb charge•, produce,
tolerance, intolerance, bigotry verb promote•, •exist, form, accelerate, sputter, cause, combine, control,
demonstrate, overcome•, breed, preach•, associate•, contain, measure•
express, confront, combat• 1534 | 0.85 A
● bigotry, prejudice, narrow-mindedness, fanaticism,
narrowness, bias 10556 prehistoric j
1444 | 0.91 A noun time, site, animal, creature, art, culture, cave,
artifact, evidence, monster, past, ruin misc since•,
10521 honorary j human, historic, late•, •Indian, •native, archaeological,
noun degree, doctorate, member, chairman, fellow, ancient, date•, natural, exist, modern
membership, title, chair, curator, doctor, award, letter ● primeval, primitive, antediluvian, early || old-
misc receive•, award•, give•, serve•, name•, accept•, fashioned, out-of-date, ancient, old
rise•, confer•, grant•, •hon, •humane, honorary 1420 | 0.92
● nominal, token, symbolic, titular || unpaid, voluntary,
unsalaried, volunteer
1416 | 0.93

10563 abuser n 10605 sprig n

adj sexual, alleged, human, ill, serial, criminal, potential, adj fresh, mint, optional, small, large, chopped, dried,
elderly, homeless, intravenous noun drug•, substance•, red, flat-leaf, Italian noun thyme, parsley, rosemary,
child•, alcohol•, sex•, abuser, victim, treatment, garnish, cilantro, leaf, basil, •mint, salt, dill• verb
alcoholic•, cocaine• verb abuse, treat•, recover•, deal, garnish•, •serve, chop, add, place, cup, remove,
identify, prosecute, prevent, track•, •commit, accuse• •combine, •desire, tie
1420 | 0.92 ● spray, twig, stem, branch, twiglet, shoot
1505 | 0.86 M
10570 brilliance n
adj sheer, intellectual, technical, tactical, artistic, legal, 10612 anew r
blinding, sudden, pure, dazzling noun flash•, light, color, begin•, start•, each, must•, raise•, create•, build•, act,
sun, sky, stroke•, burst•, depth, talent, contrast verb discover•, learn•, cycle•, born•, anew, focus•
shine, reflect, blind, recognize•, match, display, dazzle, ● again, afresh, once again, once more, over, new
capture•, •fade, combine• 1353 | 0.95
● brightness, brilliancy, intensity, vividness ||
braininess, wisdom, smartness, cleverness 10619 year-old j
1383 | 0.94 noun son, daughter, girl, boy, kid, sister, baby, ph,
driver, male, granddaughter, female misc whose, ten•,
10577 smoked j •name, eight•, four-•, six-•, •male, fifteen•, nine•,
noun salmon, turkey, fish, ham, sausage, cheese, trout, seventeen•, sixteen•, twelve•
ounce, chicken, glass, pork, bacon misc •cut, serve, 1405 | 0.92
sliced•, fresh, smoked, cooked, whole•, eat•, dice, cook,
slice, chop 10626 stoop v
1423 | 0.91 N noun shoulder, •level, posture, garden•, ball, coach•,
foot•, porch•, knee, shoe, sink, row, knife, hawk•,
10584 thoughtfully r cotton misc up, pick, down, low, over, slightly, tall, a,
look•, nod•, chew•, stare•, consider, gaze•, •provide, retrieve, little, bend, kiss, gather, conquer, lift
chin, lip•, rub•, add•, regard•, study•, moment ● bend down, bend forward, bend over, bend || lower
● considerately, kindly, caringly || pensively, yourself, condescend, deign, debase yourself
meditatively, contemplatively || carefully, meticulously, 1464 | 0.88 F
1488 | 0.87 F 10633 unused j
noun space, room, portion, capacity, land, vacation,
10591 adjective n credit, building, fund, ticket, amount, property misc sit•,
adj bipolar, positive, negative, descriptive, favorite, remain•, lie•, return, sell•, largely•, available, store,
multiple, qualifying, semantic, possessive, proper noun empty, •sick, refrigerate•, inside
noun, verb, adverb, •checklist, list, use•, scale, pair, ● new, brand-new, fresh || idle, vacant, unemployed
rating, affect• verb use, •describe, apply, choose, || unfamiliar, unaccustomed, unacquainted
•modify, define, consist•, •mind, contain•, emphasize 1354 | 0.95
1442 | 0.90 A
10640 complexion n
10598 monologue n adj dark, pale, light, fair, white, olive, flawless, ruddy,
adj interior, long, internal, dramatic, inner, late, smooth, brown noun hair, eye, skin, face, color•,
autobiographical, funny, rambling, nightly noun vagina•, makeup, nose, lip, shade, •dark verb change•, brighten•,
dialogue, opening•, play, joke, monologue, series•, improve•, •pale, darken, •tan, •glow, ruin•, color, clear•
character, comedy•, stage verb deliver•, write, launch•, ● skin, features, face, appearance || nature, character,
perform•, •describe, interrupt, recite•, engage•, cast, tone
•conduct, consist 1414 | 0.91 F
● soliloquy, speech, prologue, epilogue || drone,
harangue, rant, speech
1377 | 0.94

10647 testosterone n 10682 zinc n

adj low, high, male, normal, sexual, synthetic, elevated, adj low, white, rich, toxic, heavy, essential,
anabolic, extra, fetal noun level, hormone, man, phosphorous, ultramarine, excellent, yellow noun
estrogen, testosterone, body, amount•, •production, copper, •oxide, iron, vitamin, magnesium, titanium,
•therapy, sex verb produce, increase, convert, lower•, selenium, •white, cadmium, manganese verb lead,
raise, reduce, cause, test, •drop, bind contain•, apply, prevent, supplement, contaminate•,
1485 | 0.86 M suck•, •boost, range, mix
1446 | 0.88 M
10654 interrogate v
noun police, prisoner, •suspect, hour, agent, officer•, 10689 cutback n
•witness, official, terrorist, detainee, prison, detective, adj federal, military, corporate, major, recent, sharp,
•terror, soldier•, authority misc him, arrest, detain, massive, financial, dramatic, severe noun budget•,
torture, capture, secret, suspected, suspect, beat, Iraqi, defense, government, program, funding, job, layoff,
demand, search, investigate, interview, brutally service, spending, production verb announce•, face•,
● question, interview, cross-examine, quiz, grill, debrief force, affect, cause, hurt, suffer•, hit, result, plan
1352 | 0.95 ● reduction, cut, decrease, decline, drop, falloff
1422 | 0.90 N
10661 chatter n
adj idle, constant, nervous, endless, excited, incessant, 10696 remedial j
steady, mindless, loud, noisy noun radio, lot•, laughter, noun course, student, education, action, program, class,
music, cocktail•, background, sound•, noise, bird, reading, instruction, measure, college, math, work misc
stream• verb hear, listen•, fill, •chase, ignore, engage•, need•, require•, provide•, developmental, offer, place,
overhear•, carve•, drown, •spill teach, preventive, special, complete•, receive•,
● talk, gossip, chat, conversation •tutoring
1384 | 0.92 F ● corrective, counteractive, curative, helpful, educative
1518 | 0.84 A
10668 visitation n
adj annual, increased, regular, apostolic, liberal, alien, 10703 glisten v
court-ordered, supervised, scheduled, angelic noun noun eye•, sweat, •sun, tear, water, face•, skin, hair•,
•right, custody, park, home•, court, father, hospital•, light, sunlight, body•, forehead, gold, •oil, lip misc her,
parent, order, winter• verb supervise•, limit, grant•, black, white, dark, wet, red, bright, blue, brown,
increase, refuse, deny, attend, arrange•, schedule, beneath, tiny, pale, thin, fresh, golden
conduct ● gleam, sparkle, glint, flash, reflect, shine
● visit, examination, inspection, check || punishment, 1473 | 0.86 F
curse, calamity, blight
1384 | 0.92 10710 gritty j
noun city, town, dirt, street, drama, reality,
10675 biopsy n neighborhood, realism, voice, dust, sound, sand misc
adj fine-needle, excisional, surgical, open, positive, nitty•, •urban, •industrial, hot, gray, rough, tough•,
incisional, negative, endometrial, left, salivary noun •blue-collar, •downtown, slightly•, staff•, thick
•specimen, breast, needle, tissue, •sample, result, ● determined, persistent, resolute || realistic, stark,
aspiration•, patient, diagnosis, cancer verb perform, graphic || grainy, coarse, rough
•reveal, •show, •confirm, undergo•, obtain, require, 1358 | 0.94
recommend, repeat•, •indicate
● cell removal, operation, surgery, culture, tissue 10717 courtship n
removal adj early, long, brief, married, putative, romantic,
1477 | 0.86 A entire, sexual, male, intense noun •marriage, •behavior,
•disorder, •ritual, whirlwind•, dance, male, love,
relationship, expression• verb begin, engage•, marry,
•last, recall, date, initiate•, intercourse•, evolve•, flirt
● wooing, dating, engagement
1383 | 0.92

10724 gracefully r 10766 nostalgic j

move•, age•, as•, old•, grow•, accept, bow, •across, glide, noun past, feeling, memory, image, longing, mood,
curve, slowly•, foot, lose•, rise• appeal, look, view, scene, holiday, song misc feel•, •old,
● elegantly, stylishly, with poise, charmingly, graciously wax•, almost, sentimental, romantic, waxed•, evoke,
1372 | 0.92 F sweet, •lost, sound•, sad
● sentimental, wistful, misty, longing, yearning,
10731 cellphone n regretful
adj digital, hand-held, electronic, mobile, extra, Web- 1326 | 0.95
enabled, cheap, busy, expensive, used noun computer,
call, •service, e-mail, laptop, •user, message, use, device, 10773 humanities [PL] n
pager verb use•, call, •ring, buy•, ban•, dial, answer•, adj social, national, medical, fine, natural, academic,
chat, own•, charge traditional, junior, doctoral, interdisciplinary noun
1613 | 0.78 N science, art, •endowment, professor, university, course,
study, •council, •department, program verb •research,
10738 victimization n teach, •program, differ•, regard, graduate, fund•, •stem,
adj sexual, criminal, multiple, violent, physical, occupy•, award•
adolescent, general, self-reported, fearful, significant 1506 | 0.83 A
noun bullying•, fear•, woman, •school, type•,
experience, rate, crime•, context, risk• verb experience, 10780 parody n
report, associate, suggest, relate•, measure, reduce•, adj grotesque, live, romantic, funny, perfect, famous,
bully, increase, examine classical, modern, cruel, comic noun satire, •show,
● persecution, oppression, ill-treatment, discrimination, movie, song, site, parody, novel, text, caricature,
abuse, harassment ideology verb parody, intend, publish•, feature, mix•,
1707 | 0.74 A constitute•, protest, inspire, cite•, •flick
● caricature, imitation, lampoon, satire || distortion,
10745 principally r travesty, misrepresentation, perversion
consist•, focus, •because, •responsible, base•, rely•, 1349 | 0.93
economic, relate, engage, concerned, investment, upon,
compose•, depend• 10787 Ethiopian j
● mainly, chiefly, above all, first and foremost, noun government, Jew, immigrant, force, army, study,
primarily, predominantly painting, church, art, society, refugee, famine misc
1404 | 0.90 A •orthodox, •democratic, traditional, •revolutionary,
Ethiopian, military, Eritrean, international•, Soviet,
10752 remorse n African, Christian, •prime
adj full, deep, slight, apparent, genuine, overcome, 1531 | 0.82 A
brief, stricken, sincere, overall noun guilt, lack•, feeling,
buyer•, regret, shame, expression•, pain, sign•, sense• 10794 differentiation n
verb feel•, show•, express•, fill•, kill, regret, cry, suffer•, adj social, sexual, ethnic, economic, clear, cultural,
consume•, anger increasing, similar, genetic, spatial noun cell, process,
● regret, sorrow, repentance, penitence, guilt, gender•, product•, role, degree•, curriculum, lack•,
compunction integration, class verb involve•, indicate, reflect•,
1346 | 0.94 demonstrate, result, •exist, express, examine, account•,
10759 Austrian j ● distinction, discrimination, delineation, demarcation
noun government, circuit, German, empire, army, || difference, diversity, variation, distinction
border, team, officer, economics, fair, accent, physicist 1527 | 0.82 A
misc •super, German, II, •alpine, Russian, name, defeat•,
obscure•, French, Belgian•, imperial, above•
1357 | 0.93

10801 spew v 10843 resurrect v

noun water, volcano, gas, •cloud, •air, smoke, mouth, noun •career, effort•, attempt•, •image, •tradition,
plant•, venom, ash, fire, lava, •stream, dust, rock misc dream, •memory, spirit, past, notion, •debate, •era,
out, into, forth, hot, black, huge, onto, toxic, erupt, •football, •moribund, •symbol misc dead, try, old, itself,
noxious, volcanic, chemical, dark, rupture, everywhere recently, original, newly, sort, somehow, cosmological,
● disgorge, vomit, discharge, send out || pour out, ancient, discredited, crucify, single-handedly, bury
pour forth, gush, flow ● resuscitate, bring back to life, raise from the dead,
1343 | 0.93 restore to life || save, breathe new life into, revive,
10808 adopted j 1302 | 0.95
noun child, daughter, son, country, home, parent,
family, father, city, hometown, mother, homeland misc 10850 backfire v
his•, their•, her•, biological, native•, Chinese, •search, noun strategy•, car•, plan•, tactic•, move•, Republican,
apart•, longtime, •foster, embrace, gay approach•, truck•, scheme•, Democrat, run•, ad•, •voter,
1316 | 0.95 engine•, attempt misc can, may, might, actually,
sometimes, ultimately, likely, easily, instead, backfire,
10815 confiscate v sound, hurt, badly, bind, warn
noun property, weapon, police, land, government, gun, ● go wrong, boomerang, miscarry, fail, flop, not go as
authority, drug, equipment, officer•, computer, asset, planned
document, passport, guard misc private, Palestinian, 1310 | 0.95
arrest, illegal, redistribute, eventually, destroy, steal,
freeze, belong, unofficial, disband, censor, secret, Iraqi 10857 downright r
● repossess, take away, remove, seize, impound, seem•, •dangerous, become•, sometimes•, •hostile,
sequester fact•, •scary, •ugly, •nasty, •silly, •rude, •stupid, sound•,
1318 | 0.95 •impossible
● positively, undeniably, unquestionably, undoubtedly,
10822 encircle v totally
noun arm, •city, •waist, wall, •neck, band•, ring, head, 1329 | 0.93
fence, force, •wrist, army, gold•, mountain, island misc
by, large, small, white, completely, entire, huge, blue, 10864 reciprocal j
red, golden, thin, central, green, left, Russian noun relationship, obligation, exchange, relation,
● enclose, ring, circle, enfold, hem in, girdle nomination, teaching, effect, influence, process,
1335 | 0.93 interaction, discovery, agreement misc •between, social,
•among, mutual, involve, peer, base, establish, •exist,
10829 boldly r each, •constitutional, other
•where, act•, speak•, move•, •declare, step, state,
● mutual, give-and-take, joint, shared, equal, common
•proclaim, assert, •announce, walk, •no, •predict, stare•
1457 | 0.85 A
● bravely, courageously, daringly, intrepidly ||
confidently, brashly, brazenly, shamelessly 10871 viral j
1315 | 0.95 noun infection, disease, load, illness, hepatitis,
replication, wheeze, RNA, pneumonia, protein, drug,
10836 watery j meningitis misc bacterial, cause, such, viral, preschool•,
noun eye, grave, light, nose, soup, blood, stool, depth, CD4%•, including, fungal, acute•, treat•, CD4, common
diarrhea, smile, glass, dark misc •blue, thin•, red, pale, ● virus-related, pathological, biological, epidemiologic,
runny, •gray, brown, slightly, blink, rise, below, soft• biochemical, disease-causing
● weak, thin, runny || wet, soggy, squelchy || weak, 1397 | 0.89 A
feeble, faint || bland, tasteless, insipid
1369 | 0.91 F

10878 sparkle n 10913 redesign v

adj little, blue, bright, extra, green, tiny, dark, light, noun program, system, product, •process, model, •site,
brilliant, brown noun eye, light, sun, water, sunlight, interior, plan, course, space, •engine, engineer•, project,
color•, crystal, star, diamond, bit• verb add•, •dance, •fall, tank misc its, completely, so, design, totally, newly,
lack•, glisten, glow, lend•, match, gleam, wink, flash radically, accommodate, entire, improve, recently,
● life, vivacity, energy, enthusiasm || effervescence, existing, introduce, civic, incorporate
carbonation, bubbles, aeration ● reshape, reform, rewrite, restructure, reformat,
1348 | 0.92 restyle
1323 | 0.93
10885 outpatient n
adj mental, medical, residential, psychiatric, surgical, 10920 renounce v
local, general, intensive, Hispanic, ambulatory noun noun •violence, •citizenship, •claim, •terrorism, •use,
•clinic, care, •treatment, inpatient, •service, hospital, •weapon, •force, faith, past, •allegiance, •membership,
•program, center, •basis, surgery verb receive•, treat•, •terror, •belief, desire, religion misc must, recognize,
provide, perform•, discharge•, refer•, undergo•, order•, refuse, nuclear, force, publicly, in, favor, willing,
operate•, •combine embrace, renounce, formally, worldly, truly, explicitly
● casualty, case, patient ● relinquish, surrender, hand over, turn down ||
1378 | 0.90 A disavow, repudiate, give up, reject
1303 | 0.94
10892 skyscraper n
adj downtown, tall, modern, gleaming, huge, soaring, 10927 Shiite n
towering, urban, corporate, distant noun city, building, adj Iraqi, Kurdish, Lebanese, religious, Shiite, secular,
glass•, window, top, floor•, •hotel, bridge, construction, southern, moderate, fellow, poor noun Sunni, Kurd,
steel• verb build, •rise, design, surround, construct, •south, majority, leader, •cleric, Shiite, •militia, Muslim,
overlook, •house, feature, explode, crash• Arab verb kill, dominate, oppress, control, attack, •vote,
● multistory building, tower, high-rise building •suffer, urge, divide, accuse
1312 | 0.94 1517 | 0.81

10899 pronouncement n 10934 investing j

adj public, official, recent, late, grand, bold, foreign, noun money, style, public, stock, fund, strategy, plan,
papal, authoritative, definitive noun policy, value, resource, investor, principle, approach misc
administration, speech, judgment, writing, pope, socially•, responsible•, social•, international•, ethical•,
discourse, •advocate, •habit, philosopher verb make•, online•, successful•, save•, global•, long-term•,
issue, deliver•, echo, sound, •reflect, ignore, condemn, automatic•, foreign•
•constitute, utter• 1362 | 0.90 M
● statement, assertion, declaration, announcement,
decree, verdict 10941 lore n
1321 | 0.93 adj local, Indian, popular, ancient, rich, traditional,
regional, western, Greek, oral noun part•, family•,
10906 resilient j history, legend, book•, bit•, star•, knowledge, tradition,
noun economy, youth, kid, market, individual, nature, baseball• verb learn, steep•, fill, •surround, gather,
spirit, ecosystem, material, institution, stress, skin misc •accumulate, celebrate, record, immerse•, machine
more•, very•, strong, prove•, tough•, less•, remarkably•, ● wisdom, tradition, teachings, knowledge, experience,
•enough, human, highly•, pretty•, remain• beliefs
● hardy, strong, tough, robust || elastic, pliable, 1294 | 0.94
flexible, supple
1311 | 0.94 10948 gal n
adj old, little, single, pretty, liberal, icy, sweet, southern,
sexy, crude noun fuel, guy•, water, •pal, •power, gal,
degree•, capacity•, career•, glamour• verb •test, •name,
marry, •spill, cf, date, clean, quote, surprise, volunteer
1313 | 0.93

10955 czar n 10990 stash v

adj new, Russian, economic, so-called, domestic, noun money, cash, bag, place•, •back, box, closet,
terrible, powerful, Olympic, Mexican, orthodox noun bottle, pocket, •bed, •bank, fund, gun, trunk, pack misc
drug•, border•, car•, office, intelligence•, energy•, away, your, where, under, where, somewhere, behind,
position, administration, czar, secretary verb appoint, inside, beneath, safe, someplace, safely, stash, secret,
name•, •oversee, overthrow, •order, •assassinate, plenty
install, rule, found, wield ● hide, hoard, put away, put by, stockpile, salt away
1318 | 0.93 1320 | 0.92

10962 plunge n 10997 down v

adj steep, cold, fatal, deep, ready, headlong, downward, noun •drink, plane, tree, glass, •shot, •beer, cup, •line,
final, sudden, dramatic noun market, stock, price, •pool, pilot, helicopter, aircraft, coffee, •vodka, missile, bottle
•cape, •router, •foot, •profit, •share, river verb take•, misc half, cold, Iraqi, German, quick, British, fifth, fire,
decide•, survive•, score•, accelerate•, soar•, •wipe, slow, allied, destroy, p186, Iranian, amber, consecutive, pour
fear, recover ● consume, drink, eat || knock down, floor, overpower
● dive, drop, plummet, fall, nose dive || put down, lay down, throw down
1302 | 0.94 1307 | 0.93

10969 sharing n 11004 Ukrainian j

adj eucharistic, cultural, personal, equitable, mutual, noun government, independence, leader, force,
equal, common, fair, comfortable, intimate noun parliament, movement, official, party, officer, Catholic,
information, power, revenue•, •idea, •experience, church, revival misc Russian•, •national, •orthodox,
•intelligence, •knowledge, •resource, benefit, •armed, •Greek, speak, military, •popular, •Catholic,
•responsibility verb allow, involve, facilitate•, polish, Ukrainian, Soviet
encourage•, share, promote•, •occur, prevent•, permit•, 1450 | 0.84
● distribution, allocation, giving out, division, allotment 11011 positioning n
1347 | 0.90 A adj global, precise, proper, accurate, hand-held,
strategic, careful, exact, linear, satellite-based noun
10976 choral j •system, Gp, •satellite, •device, technology, product,
noun music, director, ensemble, student, teacher, camera, control, figure, unit verb use•, require,
group, school, rehearsal, performance, educator, determine, equip•, guide, design, measure, rely•,
conductor, singing misc instrumental, general, sing, combine•, •locate
teach, vocal, middle•, orchestral, perform, choral, 1340 | 0.90 A
musical, •pm, participate•
● vocal, harmonic, sung 11018 substitution n
1441 | 0.84 A adj sensory, simple, therapeutic, natural, generic, penal,
silent, domestic, ex-post, smart noun import•, crop•,
10983 swarm n elasticity, energy, fuel, interfuel•, effect,
adj small, angry, African, tiny, huge, giant, dense, vast, •industrialization, •variable, material verb allow,
alien, Africanized noun •bee, •fly, •mosquito, •locust, import•, suggest, •occur, result, •replace, achieve•,
•insect, earthquake, •star, •hornet, ant, •tourist verb promote, limit•, induce•
buzz, •fly, rise, •descend, attack, surround•, attract, ● replacement, switch, exchange, swap, change,
capture•, gather, form changeover
● group, cloud, flight || horde, crowd, throng, flock 1398 | 0.86 A
1328 | 0.91 F

11025 gamble n 11067 familial j

adj big, huge, desperate, calculated, bold, risky, noun relationship, tie, support, disease, loyalty, factor,
enormous, dangerous, high-risk, electric noun Procter, relation, stability, role, connection, responsibility, bond
Co, gamble, risk, bit•, •giant, chairman, dollar, maker, misc social, personal•, cultural, communal, economic,
linebacker verb take•, •pay, stare, drink•, announce, individual, sexual, emotional•, strong•, marital, tribal,
gamble, hook, •succeed, chuckle, •backfire sleeping
● wager, bet, stake, flutter || chance, risk, hazard, ● family, ancestral, household, matrimonial, marital,
venture domestic
1279 | 0.94 1375 | 0.87 A

11032 adoptive j 11074 upstate j

noun parent, family, mother, father, birth, child, home, noun town, home, farm, college, prison, region, camp,
vote, mom, couple, kinship, daughter misc her•, facility, farmer, dairy, winter, reservoir misc •where,
biological, online•, prospective•, foster, would-be•, small•, •eight, live•, rural•, near, correctional•, born•,
adoptive, potential•, place•, legal, adopt, contact tiny•, native•, somewhere, suburban
1360 | 0.89 1281 | 0.94

11039 macho j 11081 detachment n

noun man, guy, culture, kind, image, posturing, male, adj emotional, certain, ironic, military, cool,
attitude, type, stuff, sport, sort misc macho, tough, professional, clinical, scientific, retinal, complete noun
real•, male, typical•, pretty•, cool, hey, handsome, sense•, objectivity, police•, guard, feeling•, army,
Spanish, sort•, dangerous •soldier, cavalry, officer, commander verb send•,
● manly, masculine, virile, brave, bold, fearless command•, maintain•, reflect•, achieve, cultivate•,
1280 | 0.94 •guard, march, view, •patrol
● aloofness, remoteness, indifference || objectivity,
11046 clothe v disinterest, disinterestedness || disconnection,
noun bed, body, figure•, •dress, •sun, tree, plant, separation, disengagement || group, unit, task force
•garment, •robe, •rag, swimming, pool, shower•, •linen,
1285 | 0.93
fabric misc fully, feed, naked, house, wear, himself,
themselves, partially, lie, properly, hungry, yourself, 11088 bison n
shelter, educate, lay adj American, national, wild, cooperative, free-roaming,
● dress, fit out, attire, cover, array, garb free-ranging, native, grazing, extinct, grizzly noun herd,
1287 | 0.94 elk, park, range, deer, cattle, bison, meat, horse,
brucellosis verb •roam, kill, •graze, slaughter, •wander,
11053 spreading j hunt, •transmit, pronghorn, manage, shoot
noun rumor, tree, disease, democracy, branch, fear, 1383 | 0.87 M
consistency, blood, butter, lie, oak, AIDS misc
•throughout, •among, rapidly•, prevent•, economic, 11095 provisional j
accuse•, beneath, avoid•, slowly•, tall•, spreading, plant noun government, authority, coalition, ballot, approval,
1255 | 0.96 application, certification, north, west, east, south, rule
misc •full, cast•, seek•, •Palestinian, apply•, form•, Iraqi,
11060 Emmy n temporary, establish•, •Irish, Us-led•, U.s.-led
adj award-winning, best, annual, outstanding, golden, ● temporary, interim, conditional, makeshift, short-
local, regional, consecutive, three-time, multiple noun term, impermanent
•nomination, •award, winner, year, show, daytime•,
1355 | 0.88 A
series, night, •role, actress verb win•, nominate•, earn•,
receive•, announce, host, award, •direct, deserve•,
1343 | 0.89

11102 original n 11137 powerfully r

adj true, Spanish, lost, English, ruffled, Greek, unique, so•, more•, •build, most•, affect, •influence, speak•,
carnal, rare, exact noun copy, reproduction, collection•, demonstrate, draw, act•, •shape, resonate•, reinforce,
version•, paperback•, •cover, character, emphasis, spirit, express
text• verb produce, copy, replace•, destroy, •exist, own•, ● strongly, mightily, sturdily || effectively, potently,
•disappear, reproduce, match •, preserve intensely || persuasively, compellingly, forcefully
● real McCoy, prototype, pattern, archetype, exemplar, 1264 | 0.94
1260 | 0.95 11144 accentuate v
noun •difference, •need, line, color, effect, shape, trend,
11109 oversized j importance, •curve, figure, contrast, hair•, •positive,
noun T-shirt, shirt, bag, head, chair, jacket, glass, coat, dress•, skin misc positive, far, white, tend, dark, rather,
jeans, frame, tub, pair misc like•, wear•, black, •white, than, eliminate, thin, negative, ethnic, indigenous,
behind, resemble•, dress•, carry•, red, hang, fill, •tire bright, snug, smooth
● oversize, king-size, extra large, large, huge, monster ● emphasize, highlight, put emphasis on, stress, draw
1307 | 0.91 F attention to, bring out
1272 | 0.93
11116 jolt n
adj sudden, electric, electrical, powerful, unexpected, 11151 primer n
initial, quick, painful, emotional, sharp noun •electricity, adj clean, quick, brief, acrylic, elementary, excellent,
•energy, •pain, caffeine, •adrenaline, heart, economy, gray, oil-based, prime, outer noun coat, paint, air•, act,
•pleasure, •shock, •surprise verb give•, feel•, send•, primer, foundation, oil•, Sidebar•, sequence, DNA verb
realize, provide•, receive, deliver, hit, cause, shoot apply•, offer•, design, paint, contain, •fill, publish,
● shock, surprise, bolt from the blue, bombshell || present•, sand, mix
bump, shake, jerk, joggle ● textbook, reader, grammar, introduction
1289 | 0.92 F 1292 | 0.92 M

11123 demolition n 11158 reinstate v

adj Palestinian, underwater, controlled, Israeli, heavy, noun penalty, court•, death, •draft, appeal, capital,
proposed, complete, existing, structural, aggressive punishment, decision, tax, judge, employee, license,
noun construction•, building, •derby, house, waste, order, conviction, •charge misc after, order, since,
•crew, •expert, home, •debris, site verb slate•, schedule, federal, seek, recently, refuse, original, retroactive,
plan, order, threaten•, complete, permit, mark•, •tear, suspend, vote, diocesan, urge, fire, attempt
protest• ● restore, give back, replace, recall, return, reestablish
● destruction, pulling down, knocking down, 1265 | 0.93
annihilation, devastation, flattening
1286 | 0.92 11165 vegetarian n
adj strict, low-fat, healthy, kosher, vegetarian, organic,
11130 reorganize v militant, longtime, Jewish, occasional noun vegan, food,
noun company, government, system, department, diet, meat, dish, restaurant, animal, gourmet•, egg,
effort, force, process, office, plan•, •structure, carnivore verb become•, •eat, feed, •prefer, practice,
bankruptcy, •operation, management, agency, division cook•, consume, •motivate
misc its, itself, under, so, military, federal, along, ● fruitarian, vegan, lactovegetarian, veggie
themselves, seek, completely, organize, newly, attempt, 1335 | 0.88 M
force, restructure
● regroup, move around, reorder, rearrange,
restructure, tidy up
1270 | 0.94

11172 stabilization n 11214 dormitory n

adj economic, structural, macroeconomic, political, adj coed, athletic, low-density, high-density, separate,
successful, financial, international, monetary, fiscal, overcrowded, high-rise, Olympic, concrete, crowded
necessary noun •program, •policy, •plan, •fund, •force, noun •room, student, college•, campus, hall, classroom,
population, image•, •adjustment, •measure, process building, girl, bed, floor• verb live•, build, sleep, house,
verb implement•, require, achieve, contribute•, •occur, reside•, •convert, assign, rape, construct•, lock•
result, apply, launch, attempt•, assist ● student house, hall of residence, hall, dorm, frat
● steadying, steadiness, maintenance, balance, house, residence
equilibrium, evening out 1281 | 0.92
1374 | 0.86 A
11221 eject v
11179 condition v noun material, •game, gas, star, shell, •tape, •button,
noun air•, hair, factor, behavior, culture, experience, •space, dust, comet, debris, pilot•, supernova, •plane,
response, •nature, reality, belief, aid, dog, athlete, seat misc from, eject, hit, solar, spent, safely, forcibly,
•muscle, discovery misc by, under, expect, upon, empty, twice, outer, Iraqi, massive, immediately,
culturally, historically, accept, socially, determine, powerful, order
historical, fear, strongly, fully, Japanese, somewhat ● cast out, discharge, get rid of, emit || expel, banish,
● acclimatize, get used to, prepare, train, get ready, drive out, throw out
shape up 1246 | 0.94
1281 | 0.92 A
11228 oatmeal n
11186 backstage r adj instant, hot, brown, cooked, cold, whole, dried, Irish,
•at, night, show, meet, watch, wait•, room, concert, warm, Quaker noun •cookie, bowl•, breakfast, cup,
walk, backstage, actor, stage, pass, performance •raisin, rice, oatmeal, bread, egg, cereal verb eat•, add,
● offstage, behind the scenes, in the wings, in private, mix, cook, serve, cup, stir, •top, feed•, combine•
in secret 1306 | 0.90 M
1271 | 0.93
11235 angle v
11193 alternately r noun head, side, body, foot, degree, face, sun, wall,
mixture, add, flour, •milk, butter•, beat, sugar•, •cream, corner, shoulder, light, chair, edge, leg, elbow misc
•sour, •buttermilk, cup, skewer, ingredient, •praise toward, down, so, across, slightly, forward, upward,
● off and on, in turn, by turns, one after the other, away, sharply, away, left, downward, face, steeply,
interchangeably, consecutively above
1251 | 0.94 ● slant, tilt, turn, twist, slope, point
1306 | 0.90 F
11200 eyeball n
adj transparent, hairy, left, blue, raw, giant, round, like, 11242 moderation n
bloody, inner noun eyeball, glass, •socket, shape, eyelid, adj political, key, relative, Soviet, Islamic, alcoholic,
fish•, •advertiser, brain, debt, lid verb roll, stare, pop, proper, reasonable, healthy, dietary noun voice•,
bulge, attract, pluck•, glue, suck•, press, capture• balance, force, food, alcohol•, sense, key, variety,
1266 | 0.93 F restraint, caution verb eat•, drink•, support•, consume,
indicate•, emphasize, recommend•, promote•, reflect,
11207 mute j exercise•
noun button, testimony, witness, voice, swan, TV, ● restraint, control, self-control, temperance, fairness,
appeal, condition, subject, television, silence, sign misc balance
stand•, remain•, deaf•, hit•, render•, sit•, stare•, blind, 1247 | 0.94
mute, suddenly•, nearly•, strike•
● silent, voiceless, unspeaking, speechless, quiet,
1288 | 0.91 F

11249 fitting j 11284 Nigerian j

noun tribute, end, memorial, room, model, name, noun government, university, artist, economy, lecturer,
symbol, description, conclusion, metaphor, shoe, education, leader, society, undergraduate, official,
clothes misc more•, seem•, most•, perhaps•, perfectly•, stress, immigrant misc among•, •military, northern•,
loose•, quite•, wear•, initial, •proper, final, properly• •civil, related•, African, academic•, •secondary,
● appropriate, suitable, right, correct, apt, decent contemporary, cultural, •criminal, British
1230 | 0.95 1351 | 0.86 A

11256 powerhouse n 11291 disable v

adj economic, global, financial, industrial, perennial, noun system, learning•, car, vehicle, alarm, injury,
traditional, nutritional, corporate, southern, high-tech •accident, •ship, security, facility, •feature, weapon,
noun •team, football•, industry, •firm, energy, stroke, device, gene misc permanently, mentally,
technology, basketball, media, banking•, manufacturing developmentally, physically, kill, nuclear, remove,
verb become•, build•, create•, emerge, fuel, coach, severely, temporarily, totally, rather, enable, key, order,
challenge•, •locate, generate, lobby in
● driving force, capital, heart, center, dynamo, live wire ● incapacitate, restrict, inactivate, deactivate, put out
1286 | 0.90 N of action, spike
1220 | 0.95
11263 flick n
adj quick, late, tiny, remote, upcoming, animated, 11298 treasury n
funny, favorite, impatient, cheap noun •wrist, •switch, adj federal, national, public, royal, central, assistant,
chick•, horror•, •finger, action•, •tail, movie, •thumb, general, corporate, empty, Russian noun secretary,
•tongue verb •star, catch•, dismiss•, chick•, direct, rent•, state•, bond, money, •bill, campaign•, •security, fund,
gross, flick, feature bank, market verb loot•, raid•, deplete•, state•, finance,
● riffle, quick look, glance, perusal, skim, scan drain, cost•, pour•, bankrupt•, invest•
1253 | 0.93 1265 | 0.91

11270 vent v 11305 revolver n

noun •frustration, •anger, •rage, gas, •feeling, air, adj loaded, pearl-handled, single-action, empty, snub-
•emotion, steam, •spleen, chance•, •fury, exhaust, •heat, nosed, automatic, double-action, long-barreled, heavy,
•atmosphere, opportunity• misc their, allow, vent, holstered noun service•, hand, holster, rifle, caliber•,
outside, hot, properly, anger, directly, scented, outside, barrel, bullet, pistol, •pocket, shotgun verb pull•, hold,
otherwise, excess, angry, frustrated, internal fire, draw•, carry•, shoot, point, aim, reach•, pick•
● express, give vent to, find expression for, voice, expel, ● pistol, handgun, gun, firearm, shooter
emit 1291 | 0.89 F
1229 | 0.94
11312 suggested j
11277 marginalize v noun price, donation, reading, list, program, activity,
noun group, woman, society, community, culture, role, month, change, theme, solution, Sidebar, improvement
•population, practice, movement, •individual, minority, misc •retail, next•, include, choose•, list•, pm•, closed•,
concern, majority, attempt•, politics misc poor, far, captioned•, below•, implement•, present•, additional
often, economically, increasingly, politically, political, 1267 | 0.91
previously, within, exclude, ignore, themselves,
because, tend, socially 11319 specificity n
● relegate, sideline, demote, downgrade, disregard, adj great, high, historical, cultural, low, situational,
freeze out theoretical, individual, occupational, particular noun
1323 | 0.88 A sensitivity•, lack•, level•, degree•, host•, detail, culture•,
generality, species, domain verb lack•, require, address,
define, relate, host•, indicate, demonstrate•,
emphasize•, acknowledge•
1366 | 0.84 A

11326 pitfall n 11361 timer n

adj potential, common, aware, possible, major, fraught, adj old, automatic, electronic, digital, programmable,
obvious, inherent, serious, main noun benefit•, •trap, old-, built-in, light, mechanical, internal noun minute,
potential, danger•, •marriage, promise•, pitfall, egg•, market•, kitchen•, •tavern, light, oven•, clock,
approach, possibility•, challenge verb avoid•, face, timer, model verb set•, turn, •count, hit•, install,
warn•, •associate, recognize•, •await, illustrate•, point•, activate, market•, •remind, •ring, •tick
present, sidestep• 1229 | 0.93
● drawback, snare, snag, danger, downside,
consequence 11368 wake-up n
1236 | 0.93 adj real, loud, huge, serious, daily, sobering, fiscal, rude,
regular, consistent noun •call, morning, wake-up, sort,
11333 clerical j bedtime, •routine, alarm, hell, knock, warning verb •call,
noun worker, job, work, error, collar, staff, abuse, serve•, shall, send•, issue, await•, deliver•, schedule,
service, position, leader, regime, garb misc lay, wear•, •prompt
•sexual, such, lay, administrative, religious, perform•, 1238 | 0.92
secretarial, professional, medieval•, Catholic•
● secretarial, office, bookkeeping, accounting || 11375 diffusion n
priestly, religious, ecclesiastical, church adj cultural, global, rapid, general, gaseous, financial,
1277 | 0.90 A thermal, molecular, wide, widespread noun
•knowledge, technology, identity •, •coefficient,
11340 involuntary j innovation, •information, •equation, barrier, process,
noun manslaughter, movement, servitude, rate verb •occur, describe, depend, associate, control•,
commitment, euthanasia, charge, muscle, response, resist, inhibit•, promote•, prevent, reflect
memory, exposure, minority, reaction misc voluntary•, ● dispersal, dispersion, dissemination, distribution,
guilty•, charge•, convict•, •unanticipated, cause•, civil, circulation, transmission
active, force•, •escape, render•, control• 1443 | 0.79 A
● compulsory, obligatory, unwilling, reluctant ||
instinctive, spontaneous, reflex, unintentional 11382 splendor n
1244 | 0.92 adj American, natural, sartorial, original, full, solitary,
ancient, scenic, visual, imperial noun •grass, beauty,
11347 hamstring n century, hotel•, truth, glory, gold, •squalor, exhibition,
adj left, strained, right, pulled, low, sore, tight, injured, mile• verb restore•, enjoy•, preserve•, surround, savor,
upper, torn noun •injury, back, •calf, •muscle, glute•, bear, overwhelm•, surpass, celebrate•, relax
quad, hip, •curl, leg, game• verb strengthen•, stretch, ● magnificence, glory, grandeur, brilliance || wonder,
pull, strain, suffer, •lie, tear•, return, injure•, hit marvel, miracle, glory
1308 | 0.88 M N 1217 | 0.93

11354 man v 11389 canister n

noun checkpoint, •gun, soldier, •phone, •station, desk, adj empty, hot, liquid, tiny, round, heavy, stainless,
•post, guard, •line, •machine, crew, •wife, security, portable, sealed, cardboard noun gas, film•, tear•, fuel,
officer, barricade misc by, pronounce, front, Iraqi, metal•, •stove, plastic•, oxygen, canister, steel• verb fill,
armed, mostly, Israeli, uniformed, British, fuck, console, •contain, fire, drop, store, place, empty, throw, attach,
actively, mounted, train, mainly refill•
● operate, staff, crew, work, manage, handle ● container, can, tin, flask, cylinder
1218 | 0.94 1259 | 0.90 M

11396 refute v 11438 biotech j

noun •claim, argument, •charge, evidence, •notion, noun company, firm, industry, stock, drug, crop, start-
•idea, •theory, study, fact, •allegation, finding, up, product, revolution, sector, investor, research misc
•hypothesis, •statement, report, contention misc small•, pharmaceutical, agricultural•, growing•, Inc,
support, confirm, attempt, hard, difficult, seek, easily, invest, head, leading, profitable, launch, global,
either, tend, challenge, thus, impossible, claim, promising
completely, scientific 1334 | 0.85 M
● disprove, contest, rebut, counter, repudiate, negate
1233 | 0.92 A 11445 throttle n
adj full, open, wide-open, electronic, light, digital, idle,
11403 stillness n pro, heavy, crisp noun control, engine, •response,
adj sudden, perfect, absolute, eerie, utter, quiet, deep, •speed, •lever, foot, boat, fuel, •position, brake verb
dead, dark, vast noun night, silence, moment, air, open•, push•, pull•, ease•, twist•, hit•, control, •shift,
morning, motion, peace, sound, movement, stillness apply, advance•
verb break, shatter, •settle, listen•, •lay, echo•, disturb•, 1277 | 0.88 M
freeze, interrupt•, sense
● motionlessness, immobility, silence, quietness, 11452 allusion n
tranquillity, calm adj literary, biblical, classical, historical, direct, obvious,
1292 | 0.88 F cultural, intertextual, sexual, poetic noun reference,
metaphor, quotation, text, speech, theme, irony, song,
11410 blah u reality, poem verb contain•, appreciate•, •abound, slip,
blah, blab, whatever, etc•, mumble•, judge, acting, vice•, intend, link, lace•, reinforce, imply, pepper
hungry•, mustache, gossip, diva•, noble, bang• ● reference, mention, hint, suggestion, insinuation,
1277 | 0.89 S quotation
1265 | 0.89 A
11417 backseat n
adj asleep, empty, loud, stiff, silent noun •car, hotel•, 11459 partisan n
•van, •driver, window, bag•, sister, limo, floor, suitcase• adj political, democratic, ideological, fierce, fellow,
verb take•, sit•, climb•, ride•, slide, throw•, lay, lean, bitter, left, Yugoslav, southern, liberal noun Republican,
glance, lift •side, •party, partisan, politics, debate, •opposition,
1272 | 0.89 F Democrat, voter, •Chetnik verb •bicker, •snipe, fight,
•claim, divide, •squabble, •attack, •split, •posture,
11424 vaccination n complain
adj mass, pneumococcal, effective, mandatory, ● follower, supporter, adherent, fan, member,
widespread, medical, universal, necessary, routine, enthusiast
compulsory noun smallpox•, •program, influenza•, 1213 | 0.93
•campaign, disease, rate, flu•, vaccine, plan, hepatitis
verb receive•, recommend, prevent, require, administer, 11466 tangle v
associate•, conduct, initiate, target•, eradicate noun hair, line, foot, leg, finger, sheet, vine, tree,
● inoculation, immunization, injection, shot, jab •blanket, wind, grass, •web, knot, •wire, string misc
1322 | 0.86 with, up, get, together, around, around, blue,
hopelessly, inside, golden, avoid, loose, gray, hers,
11431 budge v careful
noun •inch, door•, •position, scale, refusal•, pound, ● knot, twist, snarl || snag, catch, snarl || trap, catch,
•demand, handle•, def, needle, •stance, limit, Iraqi•,
ensnare || come up against, confront, mess with
wheel misc n't, will, refuse, barely, neither, finally, 1247 | 0.90 F
hardly, willing, budge, until, unwilling, first, kick, unable,
● move, shift, dislodge, nudge, push, shove
1234 | 0.92 F

11473 ignition n 11508 sociological j

adj electronic, thermonuclear, homogeneous, nuclear, noun study, theory, perspective, analysis, research,
electrical, faulty, digital, direct, thick, electric noun key, review, phenomenon, factor, aspect, approach,
•system, car, engine, •switch, source, fuel, •timing, explanation, reality misc psychological, American•,
•facility, spark verb turn•, start, switch•, cause, •drive, historical, political, anthropological, economic, cultural,
key•, hit•, dangle•, spark, shut• social, theological, philosophical, scientific, present•
● explosion, detonation, eruption, burst, blastoff, start 1309 | 0.85 A
1235 | 0.91 F
11515 titanium n
11480 bookshelf n adj yellow, stainless, light, blue, thin, forged, Tig-
adj built-in, futurist, available, floor-to-ceiling, full, welded, lightweight, raw, gray noun •white, •dioxide,
empty, wooden, tall, towering, modest noun wall, book, oxide, steel, zinc, frame, aluminum, alloy, carbon,
room, mother•, desk, table, library, •page, cabinet, cadmium verb use, produce, contain•, replace, mix,
office• verb line, fill, sit•, cram, •pull, scan•, rest•, •stuff, ride•, fasten•, •bend, •screw, consist•
overflow, lean• 1291 | 0.86 M
● shelf, stand, ledge, rack, bookstand, bookrest
1245 | 0.90 F 11522 inland r
far•, mile•, move•, coast, head•, beach, turn•, few, •river,
11487 bulldozer n about•, water, ocean, •coastal, kilometer•
adj Israeli, used, armored, heavy, yellow, clearing, huge, ● within, inshore, upcountry, inside, centrally, inward
light, civilian, monstrous noun truck, tank, crane, 1188 | 0.94
•operator, site, tractor, backhoe, •driver, construction,
blade verb •move, •clear, drive, •push, send•, level, •dig, 11529 afloat j
•demolish, dump, •roll noun company, ship, business, economy, sea, boat,
● earthmover, power shovel, excavator, steam shovel, industry, vessel, bank, loan, attempt, help misc keep•,
front-end loader stay•, struggle•, help•, set•, remain•, financially,
1216 | 0.92 •despite, manage•, barely•, ashore, afoot•
1179 | 0.95
11494 subdued j
noun color, voice, tone, lighting, light, mood, manner, 11536 itinerary n
nature, atmosphere, inflation, conversation, palette adj detailed, Caribbean, four-day, daily, original,
misc more•, seem•, a, quiet, relatively•, little, bit•, western, seven-day, customized, European, complete
somewhat•, blue, soft•, dark, strangely• noun trip, travel•, ship, flight, stop, •map, tour•, cruise,
● gentle, quiet, restrained, muted || passive, cowed, traveler, route verb include, plan•, offer, follow•, travel,
submissive, quiet arrange, list, •depart, organize, •book
1197 | 0.93 ● route, circuit, tour, schedule, program, journey
1206 | 0.92
11501 rationality n
adj instrumental, economic, functional, human, 11543 insistent j
scientific, criminal, western, practical, proper, finite noun voice, demand, beat, tone, presence,
noun rationality, logic, truth, belief, science, standard•, individualism, rhythm, knocking, knock, ringing, ring,
sense, form•, notion•, objectivity verb assume, exhibition misc more•, become•, loud•, grow•, less•,
emphasize, associate, demonstrate•, reject•, influence, •upon, equally•, particularly•, sample•, pretty•, demand,
•operate, •demand, defy•, evaluate increasingly•
● logic, reason, shrewdness, judgment, lucidity, clear- ● adamant, firm, persistent, unrelenting || incessant,
headedness repeated, persistent, relentless
1355 | 0.83 A 1208 | 0.92 F

11550 wildflower n 11585 rut n

adj native, yellow, purple, tiny, common, alpine, adj deep, muddy, stuck, full, narrow, mental, visible,
colorful, green, rare, spectacular noun grass, meadow, soft, familiar, intermediate noun road, peak, buck,
field•, tree, spring, garden, bird, plant, bouquet, desert • wagon, wheel•, trail, rut, phase, deer, rock verb stick•,
verb •bloom, •grow, include, pick•, plant, fill•, dot, fall•, break•, hunt, wear, tire, •occur, bounce•, avoid•,
gather, photograph•, burst •last
1235 | 0.90 M ● furrow, groove, channel, runnel, pothole
1259 | 0.88 M
11557 boycott v
noun •election, •game, •product, •meeting, leader•, 11592 rummage v
•Olympics, talk, party•, •conference, store, •vote, bus, noun •drawer, •bag, •closet, •pocket, •box, •purse, desk,
opposition, Sunni•, •class misc threaten, Soviet, urge, •cabinet, •file, •pile, •sales, refrigerator, •sale,
decide, because, protest, boycott, vote, unless, Korean, •cupboard, •bin misc through, her, around, begin, start,
Olympic, largely, pickete, Arab, economically until, among, through, behind, inside, inside, cardboard,
● refuse, stay away from, impose sanctions, embargo, bend, frantically, bit
shun, proscribe ● search, look through, grope, fumble, poke around,
1216 | 0.91 delve
1265 | 0.87 F
11564 corpus n
adj federal, entire, suspended, British, brown, historical, 11599 vulgar j
extensive, vast, literary, written noun habeas•, writ•, noun language, word, remark, behavior, expression,
•petition, •Domini, •callosum, right, court, data, •writing, taste, term, passion, comment, gesture, relativism,
•works verb file, contain, suspend•, collect, grant, display misc sometimes, coarse, rather, crude•, violent,
•extend, •challenge, review, restore•, •transfer obscene, vulgar, common, particularly, sound•, stupid,
1254 | 0.88 A slightly•
● rude, offensive, crude || tasteless, brash, common ||
11571 wink n bad-mannered, uncouth, discourteous
adj little, quick, sly, knowing, conspiratorial, broad, 1173 | 0.94
flirtatious, exaggerated, light, suggestive noun nod,
smile, eye, •sleep, wink, grin, •voice, •direction, nudge, 11606 away j
laugh• verb give•, sleep•, wink, catch•, add•, nod, noun game, team, home, performance, record, need,
throw•, smile, •nudge, toss schedule, hour, trade, ticket, gun, proposal misc do•,
1239 | 0.89 F want•, far•, throw•, decide•, travel•, •affirmative, while•,
wish•, compare•, going•, scared•
11578 homelessness n ● absent, gone, left, missing, not here
adj social, chronic, mental, literal, urban, homeless, 1163 | 0.95
long-term, contemporary, domestic, primary noun
problem, poverty, drug, hunger, crime, issue, abuse, 11613 accompaniment n
unemployment, cause•, youth verb end•, increase, adj musical, perfect, instrumental, simple, traditional,
experience, cause, prevent•, solve•, fight•, associate, rhythmic, live, orchestral, chordal, natural noun song,
address, contribute piano•, music, melody, guitar, drum, variation•, sound,
● vagrancy, begging, pennilessness, panhandling, solo, salad verb provide•, sing•, play, serve•, include,
penury, destitution improvise•, arrange, compose, record, perform
1232 | 0.90 ● supplement, accessory, garnish, adjunct,
complement, addition
1194 | 0.92

11620 incorporation n 11655 quicker j

adj cultural, indigenous, direct, Soviet, selective, noun response, recovery, pace, result, return, rate,
environmental, modern, effective, Baltic, subsequent player, steering, reaction, turnaround, turn, release
noun process, article•, •paper, •doctrine, •technology, misc •than, much•, much•, better, cheap, allow, •easy,
nitrogen, theory, •knowledge, organization, culture •less, a•, short, that•, easy
verb recognize•, resist•, facilitate•, encourage•, aid•, 1160 | 0.94
achieve, recommend•, propose•, promote•, obtain
● combination, amalgamation, integration, assimilation, 11662 assertive j
merger, fusion noun woman, behavior, policy, role, response, control,
1322 | 0.83 A flavor, range, communication, personality, action,
treatment misc more•, become•, aggressive, less,
11627 deference n increasingly•, independent, •foreign, active•, sexually•,
adj great, judicial, legislative, due, traditional, certain, strong•, mildly•, confident
proper, administrative, complete, exaggerated noun ● self-confident, self-assured, confident, firm, forceful,
court, respect, •agency, •authority, •decision, •Congress, emphatic
•interpretation, •wish, •tradition, degree• verb give, 1186 | 0.92 A
show•, treat•, entitle•, accord, grant•, •state, demand•,
deserve•, bow• 11669 terrorize v
● respect, esteem, regard, reverence, admiration, awe noun people, •city, •population, community,
1197 | 0.92 A •neighborhood, gang•, killer•, •civilian, •resident, town,
drug•, sniper•, village, •citizen, •enemy misc who, kill,
11634 purport v entire, serial, Iraqi, innocent, intimidate, civilian, stalk,
noun study•, document•, message•, evidence, video•, torture, armed, intend, rape, punish, brutalize
theory•, measure, instrument•, tape•, argument, ● terrify, frighten, scare, threaten, intimidate, bully
reality•, claim, •reader, myth, statute• misc to, show, 1157 | 0.94
represent, measure, explain, offer, speak, describe,
reveal, prove, very, address, protect, religious, act 11676 recurrent j
● claim, assert, allege, profess || intend, aim, mean, noun injury, theme, infection, disease, patient, history,
plan risk, problem, nerve, dream, pattern, episode misc
1185 | 0.93 A •laryngeal, prevent•, persistent, chronic•, develop•,
cause, present•, experience•, treat•, reduce•, severe,
11641 corroborate v suffer•
noun evidence, finding, •story, study, result, ● recurring, regular, repeated, persistent, frequent,
information, witness, account, research, data, periodic
•testimony, •claim, report, observation, statement misc 1290 | 0.84 A
by, able, previous, independent, physical, tend,
independently, obtain, indicate, present, historical, 11683 connotation n
initial, additional, correct, concerning adj negative, different, positive, religious, sexual,
● verify, validate, document, substantiate, back up, pejorative, political, strong, spiritual, cultural noun
support term, word, meaning, language, denotation, •image,
1197 | 0.92 A •context, phrase, •usage, title verb carry•, acquire•,
•associate, avoid•, refer, •attach, •imply, retain•, reject•,
11648 stable n reinforce
adj INT, royal, stable, empty, warm, nearby, regular, ● meaning, implication, suggestion, association,
pleasant, equestrian noun horse, livery•, riding•, •artist, undertone, subtext
barn, EXT•, blood•, shop, stable, owner• verb keep•, 1244 | 0.88 A
clean•, ride, own•, convert, smell, board, trail, hurry,
● stall, shed, stabling || team, gang, string, group
1184 | 0.92

11690 seminal j 11732 abduct v

noun work, study, book, event, paper, article, fluid, noun child, •alien, woman, girl, soldier, daughter,
contribution, moment, works, essay, figure misc month, boy•, •stranger, police, son, gunman, rebel,
publish•, describe, •modern, introduce•, cite•, conduct, •gunpoint, wife misc by, her, kill, rape, after, Israeli,
•historical, influential, •urban, feature•, later, influence claim, murder, force, someone, whose, accuse, kidnap,
● influential, important, formative, pivotal, inspiring, torture, strange
inspirational ● kidnap, snatch, make off with, seize, hold somebody
1199 | 0.91 A against his or her will, capture
1177 | 0.92
11697 relieved j
noun sigh, smile, pain, breath, laughter, pressure, 11739 pointless j
tension, symptom, minute, burden, grin, stress misc noun exercise, violence, act, conversation, meeting,
feel•, look•, seem•, so•, very•, sound•, •finally, quite•, argument, existence, task, trip, fight, gesture, running
happy, laugh, smile, relieve misc seem•, •argue, rather•, stupid•, otherwise•,
● reassured, thankful, calmed, pleased, comforted seemingly•, engage•, entirely•, pretty•, kind•, render•,
1216 | 0.89 F silly
● useless, futile, senseless, meaningless, worthless,
11704 patterned j stupid
noun fabric, shirt, carpet, tie, rug, silk, floor, surface, 1155 | 0.94 F
wallpaper, dress, cloth, layer misc •after, intricately•,
•after, black, blue, wear•, brightly•, highly•, richly•, red, 11746 slot v
wildly•, cover noun •spoon, minute•, •fee, plate•, •chicken, •bacon,
● decorative, decorated, floral, flowery, spotted, card•, •spatula, care•, pan•, expansion, •hole, type, egg•,
mottled •machine misc with, remove, use, transfer, into, drain,
1161 | 0.94 lift, set, aside, cut, open, place, available, fill, brown
● position, locate, fit, insert, drop in, slip
11711 offensive n 1190 | 0.91 M
adj military, major, German, Israeli, massive, allied,
diplomatic, Iraqi, Serbian, Taliban noun ground•, 11753 yarn n
charm•, government, force, air•, spring•, troop, rebel, adj colored, red, pink, yellow, natural, soft, fine, thick,
army, guerrilla verb launch•, begin, •tackle, •aim, heavy, bright noun ball, piece•, wool•, skein, silk, string,
mount•, plan, •design, •target, press, wage• needle, color, •shop, fabric verb spin•, tie, dye, knit,
● assault, attack, onslaught, incursion, storming, blitz weave, wind, wrap, twist•, color, attach
1188 | 0.91 ● story, tale, tall tale, shaggy-dog story || thread, fiber,
11718 quarterly j 1177 | 0.92
noun report, earnings, profit, loss, newsletter, company,
magazine, meeting, result, dividend, journal, basis misc 11760 slay v
its•, report•, publish•, post•, monthly•, meet•, •financial, noun •dragon, beast, •monster, police, •enemy, •spirit,
annual, late•, •since, recent•, receive• brother, giant, king, month, son, demon, husband,
● three-monthly, trimestral, four times a year soldier, victim misc near, wherever, civil, brutally, alone,
1189 | 0.91 N unintelligible, Palestinian, slay, ultimately, reportedly,
brave, Israeli, for, capture, attempt
11725 tributary n ● kill, murder, assassinate, massacre, eliminate,
adj small, major, main, large, upper, numerous, narrow, slaughter
principal, heavy, northern noun river, creek, stream, 1162 | 0.93
lake, bay, water, mile, canyon, west, valley verb feed,
drain, flow, divert•, enter, spawn, •flood, •record,
locate, travel•
● branch, arm, offshoot, river, stream
1184 | 0.91

11767 crackle v 11802 birch n

noun radio•, voice•, fire, flame, air, sound, energy, adj white, yellow, Baltic, red, tall, weeping, thick, gray,
lightning, spark, electricity, light, leaf, speaker, foot, laminated, soft noun •tree, maple, •bark, •plywood,
skin misc over, hear, static, beneath, pop, hiss, across, pine, forest, paper•, aspen, river•, oak verb climb, bend,
blue, dry, electric, spit, spark, snap, loudly, comm lean, line, •spruce, surround•, swamp, decorate•, •tulip,
● crunch, snap, pop, sizzle, crack, scrunch sway
1242 | 0.87 F ● cane, rod, stick, switch, whip
1190 | 0.90 M
11774 coward n
adj weak, fucking, evil, pathetic, afraid, moral, dirty, 11809 calculator n
brave, gutless, faceless noun coward, hero, liar, traitor, adj online, hand-held, electronic, scientific, graphing,
fool, terrorist, soldier, bully, conscience•, •murderer financial, mechanical, solar-powered, handy, solar noun
verb call•, •hide, shoot, flee, •fear, hate, brand•, pocket•, computer, number, use, retirement•, paper,
intimidate•, •prefer, surrender site, pencil•, cost, math verb use•, graph•, •figure,
● chicken, quitter, weakling, deserter, runaway, fraidy- punch•, •determine, calculate, crunch, whip•, grab•,
cat •solve
1188 | 0.90 F ● adder, adding machine, computer
1151 | 0.93
11781 big-time j
noun college, player, sport, football, program, team, 11816 two-week j
drug, basketball, athletics, dealer, coach, star misc play, noun period, trip, session, vacation, course, tour, stay,
big-time, corporate, owe•, •democratic, •athletic, small- break, trial, program, training, visit misc during•, after•,
town•, cost•, small-time•, •pro, recruit, academic over•, after•, offer•, sexual•, attend•, annual, return•,
1174 | 0.91 N recently•, •test-retest, throughout
1149 | 0.93
11788 glittering j
noun eye, light, star, gold, jewel, sea, prize, crystal, 11823 autobiographical j
chandelier, glass, sky, cloud misc among, •blue, •white, noun novel, account, memory, story, writing, work,
wear•, above, tiny•, stare•, green, beneath, fill, poem, book, narrative, essay, works, fiction misc write,
shimmering, hang short•, base, personal, largely•, publish, biographical,
● impressive, sparkling, dazzling, splendid, scintillating, native, •literary, fictional, •entitle, novel
glitzy ● first-person, nonfictional, factual, narrative, historical,
1182 | 0.91 F documentary
1167 | 0.91 A
11795 fabrication n
adj central, complete, total, outright, pure, automated, 11830 lunchtime n
thin-film, independent, actual, sheer noun •process, adj crowded, regular, busy, downtown, hungry,
design•, •plant, metal•, method, •facility, material, ambitious, packed, thick noun •crowd, day, office,
•technology, •technique, semiconductor verb involve, cafeteria, morning•, restaurant, hour, •concert,
process, employ, estimate•, solve•, electroplate•, •conversation, minute verb eat, gather, approach, dress,
minimize, initiate•, monitor•, arise jam, cool, wander, crowd, near, •empty
● construction, manufacture, production, assembly || 1139 | 0.93
untruth, lie, invention, falsehood
1217 | 0.88 A 11837 headphone n
adj audio, portable, noise-canceling, standard, digital,
active, in-the-ear, dual, listening, loud noun •Jack, •ear,
music, pair•, set•, player, microphone, stereo•,
wireless•, sound verb wear•, put•, listen, hear, remove•,
pull•, plug, hand, clamp, slip•
1183 | 0.90

11844 ingenious j 11879 conveniently r

noun way, method, device, system, solution, idea, use, •locate, •forget, •ignore, •place, •fact, •overlook, •near,
design, plan, invention, experiment, argument misc fit, •available, •situate, •fail, •aside, •next, •omit
most•, devise•, develop, create, simple, •design, rather, ● suitably, expediently, handily, opportunely, accessibly,
various•, figure•, invent, clever•, creative fittingly
● inventive, resourceful, original, creative || nifty, 1127 | 0.94
clever, effective, cunning
1137 | 0.93 11886 utopian j
noun vision, movement, community, thought, ideal,
11851 replay v idea, society, thinking, project, future, mind, dream
noun scene, mind, tape, •memory, •moment, video, misc create, grounded•, socialist, •ideal, ground•,
event, night, •conversation, game, scenario, interview, imagine, than, revolutionary, •dystopian, represent, nor,
TV, •experience, network misc over, again, itself, perfect
endlessly, constantly, mentally, replay, repeat, rewind, ● ideal, perfect, ultimate, best || idealistic, naive,
re, sleep, analyze, throughout, record, previous impracticable, impractical
● play again, rerun, repeat, retell, reiterate, restate 1237 | 0.85 A
1124 | 0.94
11893 correctness n
11858 birthplace n adj political, cultural, academic, environmental,
adj historic, modern, Hindu, famous, ancient, western, ideological, mere, sexual, liberal, educational,
actual, stellar, very, atomic noun age•, site, •civilization, therapeutic noun term•, multiculturalism, critic, PC,
mile•, •blue, •golf, museum, •jazz, •movement, conversation•, standard•, campus, proof, style,
•democracy verb visit•, return •, mark•, travel•, restore•, correctness verb prove•, evaluate•, define, confirm•,
•swear, tear, celebrate, list stifle, perceive, behave•, validate, complain•
● origin, source, home, hometown, place of birth, ● precision, accuracy, exactness, perfection ||
native land appropriateness, suitability, acceptability, fittingness
1134 | 0.93 1185 | 0.89 A

11865 victorious j 11900 marine n

noun war, team, ally, army, power, troop, battle, leader, adj American, British, Dutch, Iraqi, French, female,
warrior, candidate, coalition, general misc emerge•, •II, armed, wounded, fellow, Japanese noun merchant•,
British, •allied, •march, aboard•, •vanquished, Soviet, soldier•, sailor•, force, airman•, navy, marine, weapon,
•defeated, honor•, manage•, neither army, platoon• verb kill, send•, •land, join•, •die, train,
● winning, triumphant, champion, prizewinning, •shoot, fight, •enter, •station
successful, conquering 1159 | 0.91
1160 | 0.91
11907 prosthesis n
11872 rebirth n adj pre-afma, successful, ankle-foot, conventional, fair,
adj spiritual, symbolic, religious, untold, cultural, moral, residual, retinal, total, overall, below-knee noun
African, Russian, annual, Japanese noun death•, cycle•, socket•, •design, control, CASD/CAM•, knee, AK•,
renewal, birth•, symbol•, nation, celebration, hope, subject•, AFMA, prosthesis, limb verb use, wear•, walk,
nature, spring verb experience•, symbolize, enjoy•, fit, •design, control, receive•, replace, produce, •equip
represent•, celebrate•, mark•, undergo•, await•, poise•, 1414 | 0.74 A
● renaissance, reawakening, renascence, revival ||
regeneration, restoration, renewal, revitalization
1120 | 0.94

11914 crutch n 11949 receiving j

adj tiny, wooden, axillary, left, weak-minded, mental, noun end, yard, line, country, corps, area, society,
used, weak, homemade, familiar noun cane, brace, leg, game, season, blanket, touchdown, antenna misc on•,
wheelchair, Walker, arm, foot, pair•, aid•, tip verb use•, rushing•, verbal•, comfortable•, all-time•, wide, wrap•,
walk•, lean, hobble, grab•, throw•, swing, prop, rest, handle, •prolong, patient•, result, average
hand• 1121 | 0.93
● prop, support, aid, help || stick, support, prop,
walking aid 11956 stormy j
1139 | 0.92 noun weather, night, sea, relationship, dark, day, sky,
marriage, meeting, cloud, condition, winter misc dark•,
11921 conscientious j cold, navigate•, stormy, gray, •outside, inadequate•,
noun objector, objection, status, war, teacher, effort, increasingly•, •unstable, wet•, sail•, weather•
parent, worker, decision, individual, citizen, consumer ● wild, rainy, squally, thundery || tempestuous, violent,
misc very•, most•, apply•, military, highly•, refuse, turbulent, unsettled
selective•, honest•, hard-working, generally, Catholic•, 1105 | 0.95
● careful, thorough, meticulous, painstaking || dutiful, 11963 depot n
responsible, honorable, upright adj Inc, marine, naval, chemical, historic, downtown,
1123 | 0.93 Atlanta-based, nearby, retail, restored noun home,
office, store, train•, bus•, army•, center, supply•,
11928 foreseeable j railroad•, storage• verb supply•, donate, shop•, contact,
noun future, risk, harm, plaintiff, consequence, present, store, •house, recruit•, PLASZOW, double•, command
conflict, injury, outcome, return, challenge, anytime ● railroad station, bus station, terminus || yard,
misc for•, least•, at•, reasonably•, remain•, continue•, maintenance yard, goods yard, garage
•future, within•, likely, substantial•, unlikely, but• 1126 | 0.93
● predictable, probable, likely, imaginable || near,
immediate, imminent, prospective 11970 reliably r
1135 | 0.92 A can•, more•, •predict, measure, identify, •detect,
produce, perform, operate•, assess, •distinguish, data,
11935 secretary-general n behavior, safely•
adj special, assistant, Arab, Boutros-ghali, Iraqi, UNCED, ● dependably, consistently, constantly, unfailingly,
African, European, ki, armed noun nation, •Boutros- steadfastly
ghali, •Boutros, deputy•, representative, party, role, 1143 | 0.91 A
report, effort, organization verb meet, appoint, address,
urge, •warn, •propose, elect•, request•, •ban, convene 11977 staunch j
● chief executive officer, C.E.O., head, chief, chair, noun supporter, ally, defender, opponent, advocate,
chairperson conservative, Republican, critic, support, flow,
1182 | 0.89 opposition, Democrat misc even•, among, remain•,
•bleeding, •Catholic, traditional, conservative,
11942 worrisome j communist, prove•, whom•, liberal, •Arab
noun trend, sign, situation, development, level, ● loyal, faithful, steadfast, reliable, dependable,
prospect, aspect, finding, threat, signal, decline, constant
increase misc more•, most•, particularly•, especially•, 1091 | 0.95
perhaps•, less•, little•, quite, equally•, •emerge,
potentially•, indeed 11984 glucose n
● troublesome, worrying, annoying, irritating, adj high, fasting, impaired, low, normal, simple,
bothersome elevated, daily, healthy, random noun blood•, •level,
1103 | 0.95 sugar, •tolerance, insulin, cell, •test, body, fructose,
control verb lower, fast•, convert•, test, check•, •enter,
monitor, control•, improve•, release
1207 | 0.86 M

11991 streamline v 12026 perceptual j

noun •process, •operation, government, •system, effort, noun experience, skill, variation, distortion, body,
•bureaucracy, •procedure, cost, business, application, process, information, processing, difference, motor,
•production, technology, rule, organization, •approval size, ability misc cognitive, visual, different, •among,
misc cut, reduce, federal, aim, seek, improve, eliminate, emotional, base, attitudinal, auditory, associate, verbal•,
save, administrative, regulatory, intend, simplify, in, dynamic•, various
consolidate, facilitate 1288 | 0.8 A
● rationalize, modernize, update, reorganize,
restructure, simplify 12033 wicker n
1121 | 0.93 adj white, wooden, woven, huge, natural, brown,
antique, green, painted, comfortable noun •chair,
11998 discontinue v •basket, table, •furniture, •rocker, porch, columnist,
noun •use, program, service, medication, treatment, •hamper, •seat, wicker verb sit•, carry•, paint, rock, fill,
therapy, practice, •participation, drug, reason•, patient, seat•, arrange, settle•, furnish•, grab
support, activity, model, decision• misc after, shall, ● cane, rattan, wickerwork, bamboo
decide, because, recently, agree, recommend, 1137 | 0.91 F
immediately, altogether, plan, force, due, prior,
eventually, advise 12040 mayonnaise n
● stop, cease, halt, end, suspend, break off adj sour, light, low-fat, chopped, soy, fresh, fat-free,
1126 | 0.92 A homemade, regular, spicy noun cup•, tablespoon,
mustard, jar, salad, garlic, •teaspoon, cream, lemon,
12005 etiquette n bowl verb dress, add, spread, combine•, mix, stir•,
adj proper, social, sexual, common, basic, elaborate, serve, whisk•, chop, blend
rude, strict, English, polite noun rule•, book, breach•, 1162 | 0.89 M
•expert, business, lesson, class, golf•, skill, behavior
verb teach, learn•, observe, dictate, care•, date•, 12047 hobble v
•publish, advise, violate•, •tip noun foot, crutch, cane, leg, door, •injury, knee, horse,
● manners, good manners, protocol, custom, propriety, •step, ankle, •kitchen, economy, lack, pain, •ability misc
decorum by, over, around, toward, along, away, off, across,
1122 | 0.92 down, up, off, forward, front, by, slowly
● limp, hop, shuffle, shamble, totter, stagger
12012 crushing j 1133 | 0.91 F
noun defeat, blow, debt, burden, pressure,
disappointment, weight, victory, loss, force, poverty, 12054 bruised j
load misc deliver•, suffer•, avoid•, •financial, escape•, noun face, rib, knee, ego, shoulder, eye, hand, feeling,
deal•, crushing, struggle•, despite•, survive•, withstand•, body, skin, game, arm misc batter, •left, battered, •right,
beneath swollen, suffer, broken, cut, badly•, rub•, bloodied,
● devastating, severe, overwhelming, humiliating, because•
serious, grave ● injured, hurt, sore, damaged || wounded, upset, hurt,
1084 | 0.95 offended
1135 | 0.91 F
12019 negligence n
adj gross, criminal, contributory, medical, liable, guilty, 12061 primal j
strict, simple, willful, common noun liability, case, suit, noun scene, scream, fear, nature, urge, force, instinct,
•standard, defendant, nuisance, claim, rule, negligence, need, quest, sense, sound, mind misc something•,
plaintiff verb sue•, prove•, cause, claim, involve, accuse•, primal, deep•, pure, tap•, deep, modern, recover•,
charge•, result, file, •occur powerful, •sexual, basic•, contemporary
● neglect, carelessness, inattention, abandonment, ● original, primitive, aboriginal, primeval, primordial,
disregard, laxity prehistoric
1154 | 0.89 A 1110 | 0.93

12068 nitrate n 12103 alloy n

adj high, coliform, agricultural, excess, exposed, adj stainless, light, special, lightweight, exotic, soft,
sensitive, total, mercuric, silver, significant noun various, durable, high-strength, forged noun aluminum•,
ammonium•, level, water, concentration, •directive, metal•, steel, •wheel, copper, titanium, frame, carbon,
nitrite, silver•, •pollution, •fertilizer, nitrogen verb material, alloy verb use, tire, •wheel, highlight, cast,
•leach, reduce, contain•, drink, cause, convert•, control•, form, compose, but•, •exhibit, consist
remove•, exceed, identify ● blend, amalgam, compound, mixture || adulterant,
1403 | 0.73 A contaminant, pollutant, additive
1152 | 0.89 M
12075 peacekeeping j
noun force, mission, operation, troop, role, effort, 12110 lug v
nation, soldier, participation, ground, unit, organization noun •bag, •suitcase, •box, •camera, •bucket,
misc international•, multinational•, send, deploy, •equipment, •backpack, •pack, •pound, •briefcase, •gear,
African•, military, lead, participate•, join•, regional•, •stuff, •cooler, •machine, •grocery misc around, heavy,
establish, ongoing up, home, around, across, along, down, extra, onto,
1158 | 0.88 huge, arrive, upstairs, lift, unconscious
● drag, heave, cart, carry || drag, heave, cart, carry
12082 aptly r 1118 | 0.91 F
•name, •describe, •call, •title, •put, •state, •characterize,
•note, •demonstrate, •point, •sum, his•, •summarize, 12117 befriend v
•illustrate noun man, boy, girl, artist, neighbor, stranger, •owner,
● appropriately, fittingly, suitably, rightly, pertinently, Indian, •inmate, •musician, •painter, guard, grade,
appositely prostitute, priest misc who, him, young, whom, meet,
1101 | 0.93 someone, name, whose, homeless, visit, lonely,
eventually, English, junior, Indian
12089 obscenity n ● make friends with, take care of, look after, help,
adj federal, illegal, criminal, legal, used, unspeakable, assist, support
live, racial, obscene, shouted noun •law, •charge, •case, 1071 | 0.95
pornography, definition, prosecution, standard, court,
obscenity, •trial verb shout•, yell•, scream•, define, 12124 heroism n
utter•, charge•, pander•, arrest•, violate•, mutter• adj military, extraordinary, personal, individual, quiet,
● offensiveness, atrocity, tastelessness, rudeness || incredible, ordinary, moral, amazing, female noun act•,
indecency, lewdness, offensiveness, explicitness story•, tale•, courage, sacrifice, bravery•, horror,
1152 | 0.89 tragedy, example•, medal verb celebrate•, honor,
praise•, display, perform•, save, redefine•, inspire,
12096 tack n emphasize•, award•
adj different, new, sharp, opposite, similar, changing, ● valor, bravery, courageousness, fearlessness,
clean, light, extra, subtle noun •room, brass•, tie•, boldness, pluckiness
carpet•, upholstery•, •shop, glue, hammer, glass, metal 1093 | 0.93
verb take•, try•, change•, hang, switch•, adopt•, pursue•,
attempt, stud•, tack 12131 doorbell n
● nail, pin, screw || approach, tactic, line || direction, adj front, old-fashioned, nervous, loud noun •ring, door,
path, bearing ringing, sound•, •chime, apartment, minute, phone,
1088 | 0.94 telephone, button verb ring, hear, answer, press•, •wait,
push•, •open, •jump, •sound, ignore
1184 | 0.86 F

12138 turning j 12180 modesty n

noun point, history, life, career, moment, relation, adj false, legal, female, certain, epistemological,
radius, sort, trial, election, battle, wheel misc a•, mark•, characteristic, feminine, Islamic, Muslim, extreme noun
reach•, represent•, prove•, signal•, •terms, •civil, humility, virtue, sense•, display•, standard, norm•,
•modern, definitely•, widely•, •Russian honesty, sake, •ambition, notion• verb preserve•, claim,
1073 | 0.95 protect•, demand, appreciate, •discover, •forbid,
disarm•, guard, •snap
12145 fray n ● diffidence, reserve, humility, reticence, shyness,
adj political, presidential, partisan, eager, daily, crucial, unpretentiousness
tall noun •Bernardo, middle•, •politics, election, •ode, 1096 | 0.92
diary•, second, jumping•, •meaning, politician verb
enter•, join•, jump•, stay•, step•, return•, remain•, rise•, 12187 gut v
leap•, draw• noun fire, house, building, •fish, program, home, bill,
● fight, argument, quarrel, fracas, dispute, •law, kitchen, Republican•, interior, deer, knife•, floor,
disagreement •animal misc completely, clean, skin, rebuild,
1073 | 0.95 environmental, clean, hang, pluck, endangered,
virtually, scale, original, affirmative, rebuilt, interior
12152 generational j ● strip, clear out, empty || disembowel, eviscerate,
noun change, difference, shift, conflict, issue, divide, clean || ruin, damage, destroy
equity, line, gap, gender, status, politics misc cultural, 1070 | 0.94
reflect•, ethnic, racial, partly, represent, cross•,
generational, historical, ideological, mark•, part• 12194 medalist n
1105 | 0.92 A adj Olympic, gold, two-time, silver, three-time, four-
time, individual, triple, Newbery, double noun gold•,
12159 GNP n silver•, bronze•, world, championship, freestyle, relay,
adj national, gross, per, capita, real, annual, economic, game, team, Olympics verb •win, skate, defend•, beat,
low, nominal, military noun percent•, growth, defeat, breaststroke•, alternate•, •swim, repeat,
percentage•, product•, rate, country, share•, cent•, backstroke
level, •health verb rise, spend, increase, •grow, •decline, ● winner, champion, runner-up, gold medalist, silver
•fall, reduce, measure, estimate, account
medalist, bronze medalist
1226 | 0.83 A 1244 | 0.81 N

12166 cosmology n 12201 distraught j

adj modern, big, physical, standard, traditional, noun woman, mother, parent, wife, husband, death,
contemporary, inflationary, text-based, scientific, daughter, relative, grandmother, passenger, divorce,
fundamental noun physics•, quantum•, universe, theory, weeping misc so•, •over, very•, become•, emotionally•,
particle, idea, cosmology, relativity, science, plasma• obviously•, clearly•, appear•, visibly•, distraught, angry,
verb relate, reveal, shape, •spark, •express, derive, sound•
transform, solve, connect, embody ● distressed, beside yourself, out of your mind,
1168 | 0.87 A hysterical, upset, troubled
1079 | 0.93
12173 abyss n
adj black, dark, deep, yawning, bottomless, deepest, 12208 sprint n
endless, fiery, procedural, gloomy noun edge•, abyss, adj Olympic, full, short, final, all-out, long-distance,
brink•, bottom•, foot, descent•, self, ocean•, •suffering, intense, uphill, maximal, flat-out noun PC, •car,
darkness verb fall•, stare•, plunge, slide•, sink•, peer•, champion, phone, service, cup•, race, marathon, sprint,
drop•, separate, gaze, head• •championship verb win•, run•, break•, finish, climb,
● gulf, chasm, gorge, hole, void, depth match•, jump, •convert, issue, verify•
1088 | 0.93 ● dash, race, run, 100 meters, cycle race
1120 | 0.90

12215 hind j 12250 subset n

noun leg, foot, limb, end, wing, dog, quarter, paw, adj small, large, specific, particular, general, overall,
helicopter, bear, tail, animal misc on•, its•, up•, stand•, selected, narrow, mean, appropriate noun •data,
rear•, walk•, right•, left•, rise•, kick, lift, front •population, score, •patient, item, sample, analysis, set,
● back, rear, hindmost, posterior, rearmost •participant, frustration verb focus, identify, select,
1121 | 0.90 F base, represent, form, divide•, constitute•, measure,
12222 solace n ● subsection, subdivision, subgroup, subcategory,
adj only, spiritual, temporary, emotional, sought, daily, subclass
silent, scant, comforting, sole noun •fact, source•, 1179 | 0.85 A
comfort, religion, pain, peace, •thought, •belief,
•strength, •prayer verb find•, take•, seek•, offer•, 12257 otter n
provide•, draw•, search•, •comfort, promise adj giant, sleek, bald, dead, southern, marine, male,
● comfort, consolation, relief, succor, support, help fresh, playful, abundant noun sea•, river•, seal, •trawl,
1050 | 0.96 bird, mink, population, •fall, beaver, •fur verb •swim,
beaver, eat, release, •trawl, spot•, feed, hunt, •frolick,
12229 piety n •dive
adj filial, religious, popular, personal, Christian, 1141 | 0.87 M
practical, eucharistic, medieval, true, Catholic noun
theology, act•, practice, expression•, politics, love, 12264 chilled j
virtue, form•, loyalty•, prayer verb demonstrate•, noun glass, water, soup, butter, wine, bowl, room, cup,
demand, reflect, express, preach•, combine•, challenge, temperature, bottle, air, salad misc serve, into, feel•,
shape, stress, center keep, •cut, warm•, •per, pour•, white, cover, •until,
● piousness, devoutness, devotion, religiousness || unsalted
self-righteousness, sanctimoniousness, moralizing, ● ice-cold, freezing, frozen || laid-back, cool, relaxed ||
hypocrisy refrigerated, cooled, frozen
1114 | 0.90 A 1094 | 0.91

12236 meticulously r 12271 shuffling n

plan, each, •research, •document, •maintain, •detailed, adj slow, still, soft, bare, just, constant, bureaucratic,
•organize, prepare, his•, •arrange, hair, •record, quiet, odd, steady noun foot, paper, •card, sound, •step,
•describe, follow •deck, door, •gait, floor, •hall verb hear•, begin•, dance,
● exactly, accurately, precisely, squarely, methodically, kick•, mumble, reply•, scrape
punctiliously 1125 | 0.88 F
1061 | 0.94
12278 bullpen n
12243 schizophrenia n adj strong, solid, deep, closer, key, concerned, healthy,
adj paranoid, bipolar, mental, major, African, manic, decent, shaky, vulnerable noun rotation, •coach,
psychotic, affective, psychiatric, cultural noun disorder, pitcher, Sox•, help, •session, Yankee, season, rest,
depression, diagnosis•, illness, disease, patient, offense verb lead, •blow, throw•, pitch, warm, anchor,
treatment, client, research, brain verb suffer•, save, head•, improve, demote•
diagnose•, treat•, develop•, associate•, •affect, cure•, 1223 | 0.81 N
characterize, result, hospitalize•
1134 | 0.88 12285 paramilitary j
noun group, force, organization, police, unit, guerrilla,
leader, activity, army, operation, fighter, squad misc
military•, loyalist•, right-wing•, Protestant•, train,
disarm, Serbian•, main•, armed, local•, former•, join•
● guerrilla, rebel, revolutionary, terrorist
1089 | 0.91

12292 infertility n 12334 polity n

adj male, reproductive, secondary, medical, female, adj democratic, American, large, African, liberal,
leading, increasing, increased, emotional, tubal noun independent, European, modern, traditional, domestic
treatment, problem, woman, year, •clinic, cause•, noun economy, society, structure, change,
couple, •specialist, rate, disease verb cause•, treat•, characteristic, village, democracy, culture, variable,
lead•, suffer•, experience•, associate, struggle•, seek•, regime verb define, transform•, •govern, •sustain,
deal•, overcome• •evolve, characterize, •favor, rule, depend, engage
● sterility, barrenness, poverty, childlessness, aridity, ● political entity, organization, institution, state,
unproductiveness society, community
1127 | 0.88 M 1231 | 0.8 A

12299 bearer n 12341 flower v

adj bad, standard, native, sorry, cultural, democratic, noun plant, year, tree, summer, •spring, fruit, seed,
conservative, authentic, light, ancient noun standard•, garden, fall, shrub, stem, winter, perennial, flower, leaf
•news, ring•, culture, party, flag•, torch•, •tiding, misc begin, once, early, until, early, produce, late, grow,
stretcher•, tradition verb •carry, ring•, hate•, entitle•, send, yellow, throughout, profusely, blue, tall, pink
refer, •lower, pall ● bud, bloom, blossom, open || develop, come to
● carrier, bringer, deliverer, conveyer || holder, fruition, flourish, blossom
possessor, owner, keeper 1089 | 0.91 M
1073 | 0.92
12348 spreadsheet n
12306 vice-president n adj financial, electronic, available, personal, web-based,
adj senior, general, corporate, executive, academic, complex, like, popular, used, pro noun word•, •program,
assistant, external, chief, later, Syrian noun executive•, processor•, processing•, database, data, •software,
•marketing, president•, •sales, •operation, •director, application, document, computer verb use•, excel•,
•development, bank, office, affair verb elect•, appoint•, create, enter•, calculate, Google•, analyze, update•,
refer, •succeed, merchandise indicate•, •track
1142 | 0.87 M ● worksheet, database, table
1134 | 0.87 M
12313 aha u
•moment, American•, •product, heart•, Aha, •director, 12355 slam n
executive, hospital•, concentration, according•, •report, adj grand, front, heavy, loud, in-your-face, greatest,
•experience, acid, •box ninth-inning, reverse, breakaway, shut noun •dunk,
1083 | 0.91 door, screen•, car•, career, poetry, •title, body•, run,
•event verb hit•, hear•, win, •dunk, complete•, close,
12320 scheduling n score, •cap, •knock, shut
adj flexible, alternative, global, current, presidential, 1055 | 0.93
creative, academic, basic, proper, careful noun block•,
•conflict, •problem, instruction, class, course, practice, 12362 silver j
algorithm, flexibility, management verb allow, handle, noun dollar, hair, medal, medalist, gold, size, coin, eye,
plan, improve•, present, organize, cite•, resolve, pose, piece, ring, star, silver misc two•, two•, wear•, wear•,
•schedule win•, win•, gray, a•, a•, cover, cover, pull
1107 | 0.89 A ● silvery, gray, hoary, shiny
1076 | 0.91 F
12327 rattle n
adj faint, loud, loose, soft, ancient, sharp, noisy,
metallic, dry, occasional noun death•, baby•, drum,
door, snake, hum, sound, gourd, rattle, chain verb
hear•, shake•, listen•, •roll, sound•, •bait, •echo, dance,
rattle, •hum
● clatter, jangle, bang, crash, commotion
1107 | 0.89 F

12369 bowl v 12411 resin n

noun state, game, mixture, chicken, ball, onion, adj epoxy, acrylic, sticky, liquid, natural, clear, artificial,
bowling, vegetable, minute•, league, fruit•, bowler, synthetic, biodegradable, phenolic noun plastic•, plant•,
fish•, goldfish•, beef misc green, over, transfer, add, tree, pine•, polyester•, •bag, fiber, wood, gum•, oil verb
alone, stir, return, mix, toss, remaining, cover, aside, use, contain, mix, coat, •harden, produce•, •mold, bond,
gently, pm, repeat inject, paint
● careen, career, roll along, travel || roll, pitch, throw, ● mastic, gum, balm, kauri gum, gamboge, dammar
lob 1089 | 0.90 M
1068 | 0.92
12418 conduit n
12376 seamless j adj electrical, major, main, illegal, divine, direct, passive,
noun transition, web, whole, system, garment, service, underground, natural, terrorist noun •information,
funding, network, integration, care, process, water, •money, pipe, power, cable, communication,
connection misc create•, •between, provide•, almost•, network•, river, wire verb serve•, act•, become•,
form•, appear•, achieve•, single, global, smooth, weave, provide•, connect, snag•, replace, •channel, •install,
relatively• function•
● unified, all-in-one, one-piece, whole || smooth, ● channel, canal, duct, tube, pipe, ditch
perfect, faultless, uniform 1038 | 0.94
1052 | 0.93
12425 fresco n
12383 poppy n adj crumbled, famous, Italian, ancient, Sistine, fresh,
adj red, blue, tall, orange, yellow, dried, growing, huge, medieval, Jacque, upper noun queso•, wall,
oriental, bright, wild noun •seed, opium•, field, painting, ceiling, •cycle, mosaic, figure, creation•,
cultivation, tablespoon•, poppy, teaspoon, coca•, fragment, church verb paint, •depict, date, cover,
farmer, •crop verb grow, plant, cultivate, sesame, stir•, represent, decorate•, view•, •crumble, adorn, study
eradicate, sprinkle•, •dress, •bloom, •reseed ● wall painting, mural, frieze, wall, painting
1069 | 0.92 1105 | 0.88

12390 suspiciously r 12432 diagonal j

look•, •like, eye•, him•, ask•, eye•, sound•, stare•, act•, noun line, slice, star, mirror, measurement, side, brace,
watch•, view•, peer•, glance, around• stripe, element, cut, heel, eyepiece misc cut•, •across,
● shadily, shiftily, questionably, deviously || doubtfully, slice•, along•, form•, diagonal, thin•, star•, opposite•,
distrustfully, apprehensively, warily compare•, half, horizontal
1104 | 0.89 F ● slanting, oblique, sloping, crossways, crosswise,
12397 lapel n 1075 | 0.90 M
adj wide, red, white, complimentary, thin, blue, all-new,
narrow, gray, yellow noun •pin, edition•, weekend•, 12439 arcade n
jacket, suit, coat, button, hand, flag•, ribbon verb wear•, adj virtual, continental, electronic, crowded, huge,
grab•, pin•, send, pull, stick, smooth•, finger•, clip•, miniature, noisy, popular, blind, classic noun game,
clutch• video•, shopping•, penny•, machine, shop, street•, •fire,
1070 | 0.91 F restaurant, amusement verb play, •line, •spin, feature,
display, light, connect, video•, •supply, stroll
12404 windfall n ● colonnade, cloister, loggia, gallery || shopping
adj financial, huge, big, potential, economic, arcade, shopping mall, precinct, shopping centre
unexpected, enormous, one-time, wealthy, expected 1141 | 0.85
noun •profit, tax, oil, revenue, •gain, cash•, industry,
dollar, earnings, •apple verb reap•, •tax, receive, create•,
spend, result, expect•, prove•, •profit, generate
● bonus, handout, bonanza, payout, dividend, win
1054 | 0.93

12446 patriot n 12488 delinquency n

adj American, great, true, revolutionary, British, French, adj juvenile, high, female, adolescent, serious, low,
Italian, ardent, so-called, super noun •movement, later, social, early, minor noun school•, crime, rate, girl,
militia, hero, soldier, •cause, army, citizen, •missile, problem, behavior, abuse, youth, •violence, substance
blood•, fighter verb consider•, fight, •defend, hail•, verb contribute•, reduce•, rise, relate, prevent•, explain,
•care, belong, insist, honor•, •overthrow, •devote refrain•, associate, influence, predict•
● loyalist, nationalist, flag-waver, partisan, jingoist, ● criminal behavior, crime, felony, lawbreaking ||
xenophobe negligence, carelessness, recklessness, failure
1032 | 0.94 1209 | 0.8 A

12453 sill n 12495 creep n

adj narrow, open, wooden, outer, wide, rear, concrete, adj little, total, slow, cold, upward, red-haired, fucking,
clinical, bottom, outside noun window•, door, elbow•, rotten, suburban, so-called noun mission•, bracket•,
edge, floor, plant•, sill, foot•, •joist, board verb lean•, sit, rate, creep, factor, skin•, relaxation, flesh•, skull,
lay, rest•, step•, perch•, place, hang, peer, climb• deformation verb give•, •crawl, suffer•, bracket•, slow,
● ledge, shelf, ridge, projection, windowsill grade•, blame, •hate
1084 | 0.89 F 1049 | 0.92 F

12460 vascular j 12502 aforementioned j

noun disease, plant, patient, system, malformation, noun study, research, literature, criteria, factor,
lesion, complication, risk, surgeon, tissue, death, tumor variable, data, finding, article, measure, list, researcher
misc peripheral•, venous•, •endothelial, vascular, misc addition•, base•, none•, •indicate, light•, due•,
major•, cause, highly•, congenital•, significant, relate•, •theoretical, plus, address•, •cognitive, refer•, cite•
•smooth, increased• ● above-mentioned, aforesaid, said
1195 | 0.81 A 1076 | 0.89 A

12467 proficient j 12509 anti-American j

noun student, level, reader, reading, English, standard, noun sentiment, feeling, demonstration, rhetoric,
math, language, achievement, use, skill, teacher misc propaganda, cleric, protest, slogan, terrorism, view,
become•, more•, English•, limited•, score•, technically•, force, campaign misc strong•, radical, •among, anti-
advanced, •read, proficient, somewhat•, •enough, western, •Shiite, •Arab, Islamic, Muslim, inflame•,
highly• virulently•, chant•, fuel•
● capable, talented, expert, gifted, adroit, skilled 1071 | 0.90
1088 | 0.89 A
12516 gull n
12474 gorge n adj white, shy, western, quiet, laughing, gray, blue,
adj deep, narrow, Olduvai, royal, steep, flaming, rocky, aggressive, hungry, lone noun sea•, cry•, tern, bird,
scenic, spectacular, inner noun river, project, side•, beach, wind, water, herring•, gull, cormorant verb •fly,
mountain, foot, bridge, bottom•, rock, wall•, •dam verb •circle, wheel, watch•, scream, •swoop, •screech, •cry,
•dam, climb•, overlook, rise, cross, carve, plunge, span•, laugh, •hover
leap, hike• 1078 | 0.89 F
● valley, ravine, canyon, defile, gap, chasm
1061 | 0.91 12523 concussion n
adj mild, broken, severe, multiple, slight, minor, serious,
12481 magnesium n long-term, cracked, cumulative noun game, player,
adj low, rich, dietary, phosphorous, deficient, daily, effect•, injury, week, symptom, •brain, •grenade,
intracellular, total, lightweight, diabetic noun calcium•, football, concussion verb suffer•, sustain•, cause, •occur,
potassium, iron, level, •deficiency, vitamin, zinc, mg, •knock, return, recover•, •hit, explode, retire
magnesium, aluminum verb •help, contain•, •reduce, 1097 | 0.87
replace, treat, decrease, measure, •prevent, consume•,
1169 | 0.82 M

12530 self-control n 12565 quintessential j

adj low, high, social, significant, academic, racial, drug- noun example, experience, town, guy, symbol, form,
related, negative, antisocial, total noun problem, level•, band, summer, insider, element, dish, ski misc
effect, skill, behavior, relationship•, difference•, lack•, •American, •southern, perhaps•, modern, describe•,
discipline, control verb exercise•, lose•, lack•, learn•, •British, •urban, •female, •western, regard•, eastern,
teach•, •cope, develop•, maintain, regain•, control •Russian
● self-discipline, discipline, willpower, restraint, ● typical, archetypal, essential, prototypical, ideal,
strength of mind, strength of will model
1120 | 0.86 A 1018 | 0.93

12537 potassium n 12572 untreated j

adj high, low, rich, phosphorous, normal, dietary, fatal, noun water, sewage, patient, disease, waste, group,
extra, folic, oral noun sodium, calcium, magnesium, infection, control, illness, wood, disorder, gallon misc
vitamin, •chloride, phosphorus, mg, •iodide, iron, fiber left•, if•, leave•, •lead, •mental, dump•, discharge•,
verb contain•, •stop, add•, folate, cause, •lower, drink•, undiagnosed•, treat, cause, often
•prevent, inject, release, regulate ● unprocessed, unrefined, natural, raw, crude, basic
1097 | 0.87 M 1046 | 0.91

12544 meltdown n 12579 cumbersome j

adj financial, economic, nuclear, Asian, global, noun process, system, procedure, bureaucracy, rule,
emotional, near, partial, dot-com, major noun market•, task, method, regulation, camera, technology, weight,
mortgage•, stock, reactor, core, economy, verge•, tech•, structure misc too•, more•, less•, expensive, slow•,
island, energy verb cause•, prevent•, avoid•, •occur, become•, heavy•, time-consuming, costly, prove•, a•,
suffer•, trigger•, head•, experience•, threaten, avert• carry
● collapse, breakdown, failure, disaster, disintegration, ● unwieldy, awkward, weighty, bulky, burdensome,
ruin clumsy
1065 | 0.90 1008 | 0.94

12551 earmark v 12586 cede v

noun money, fund, •project, tax, percent, dollar, noun •control, land, •power, territory, •authority,
Congress•, revenue, development, •education, aid, •ground, •sovereignty, government•, treaty•,
budget, funding, spending, grant misc for, federal, •responsibility, tribe, Republican, •leadership, acre,
specifically, already, special, specific, additional, future, agency• misc to, much, force, willing, ready, refuse,
environmental, annually, particular, replace, previously, British, effectively, southern, gradually, essentially,
largely, fiscal western, vast, prepare, reluctant
● allocate, assign, allot, set aside, put aside, put to one ● yield, concede, give up, give way, let go, surrender
side 1023 | 0.93
1037 | 0.92
12593 glitter v
12558 pertain v noun eye•, light, sun, gold, star, sunlight, water, glass,
noun question•, information, issue, item•, law•, matter, diamond, sky, tree, silver, jewel, tear, window misc like,
research, factor, data•, content•, •subject, rule•, black, blue, under, white, dark, bright, tiny, above,
•individual, •aspect, operation misc to, as, only, shine, green, below, cold, beneath, reflected
especially, directly, specific, particularly, human, ● gleam, sparkle, shine, dazzle, shimmer, glisten
specifically, physical, following, thereto, sexual, insofar, 1127 | 0.84 F
● relate, refer to, connect to, apply to || relate, refer
to, connect to, apply to
1105 | 0.86 A

12600 illiterate j 12642 blink n

noun population, adult, computer, peasant, parent, adj slow, light, attentional, quick, geological, geologic,
mother, farmer, worker, American, mass, voter, rapid, mere, nervous, lone noun •eye, kid•, light, blink,
language misc functionally•, poor•, largely•, teach, screen, eyelid, minute, twitch, nod, •tear verb blink,
mostly•, ignorant, rural, literate•, educated, disappear•, stare, blow, shift•, vanish•, breathe, nod,
scientifically•, lazy, completely• flash•
● uneducated, uninformed, ignorant, unschooled, 1047 | 0.90 F
untrained, untaught
1008 | 0.94 12649 snarl v
noun traffic, dog, tooth, hair, lip, brother, creature•,
12607 seaside n cat•, wolf, bitch•, •rage, shoulder, guard, crowd, anger
adj dusky, sleepy, quiet, tiny, English, southern, misc growl, snap, other, each, leap, bark, suddenly,
beautiful, lovely, famous, nearby noun •town, •resort, forward, bare, hiss, lunge, shout, scream, deep, bite
•village, •community, •city, hotel, restaurant, beach, ● roar, sneer, grumble, scowl, grimace, growl
•sparrow, •course verb overlook•, locate, •link, lounge, 1101 | 0.85 F
•retreat, stroll, paint
● seashore, beach, shore, coast 12656 wry j
1022 | 0.93 noun smile, humor, grin, face, sense, look, comment,
amusement, wit, tone, observation, mouth misc give•,
12614 Islamist n smile•, twist, •cross, flash, manage•, gentle, funny, witty,
adj radical, political, militant, moderate, Egyptian, touch, •ironic, •sad
Muslim, Arab, common, Palestinian, mainstream noun ● ironic, cynical, sardonic, dry, droll
opposition, power, secularist, election, nationalist, 1033 | 0.91 F
movement, democracy, rise•, west, Sunni• verb •win,
argue, control, seek, view, refer, •reject, challenge, 12663 prime v
oppose, •insist noun •pump, canvas, linen, •effect, •gesso, muscle, oil,
1120 | 0.84 A thought, brain, •coat, audience, sex, pan, •success,
wood misc paint, respond, sand, biologically, stretch,
12621 agrarian j fire, calculate, either, emotionally, Preheat, pump,
noun reform, society, economy, law, community, land, calibrate, fully
policy, legislation, change, capitalism, lifestyle, ● prepare, ready, get ready, make ready || brief, fill in,
movement misc •industrial, rural, traditional•, largely•, give somebody the lowdown, instruct
neoliberal•, southern, poor, indigenous, Mexican•, 1027 | 0.91 M
associate•, Latin, establish
● agricultural, farm, farming, land, rural 12670 soaked j
1131 | 0.83 A noun water, blood, shirt, sweat, clothes, hair, bean,
rain, bag, shoe, foot, leg misc get•, •overnight, wet•,
12628 dick n cold, dried, thoroughly•, •shiver, •stick, sweat, •hot,
adj big, hard, limp, private, fucking, damn, tiny, remove•, muddy
swinging, stiff, soft noun guy, Dick, mouth, •button, ● wet through, saturated, sodden, waterlogged,
•joke, ass, folder, size, homicide•, option verb suck•, drenched, dripping
stick•, pull, cut, select, rub, click•, teeter, whip•, hire 1042 | 0.90 F
1143 | 0.82 F
12677 boyhood n
12635 crane v adj Indian, favorite, rural, Catholic, modest, lost,
noun •neck, •head, window, shoulder, •operator, tiptoe, complex, typical, sweet noun •friend, memory, •dream,
seat, passenger, crowd•, camera•, construction•, driver•, •hero, •home, •buddy, •idol, •pal, •chum, •manhood
hall•, bird•, bridge• misc his, her, see, their, look, verb spend, remember, recall•, remind•, recount,
around, forward, toward, peer, stand, watch, reveal, up, publish, fascinate•, trace•, surround
lean, stare ● childhood, youth, early years
1119 | 0.84 F 999 | 0.94

12684 inhibition n 12719 demo n

adj sexual, social, behavioral, low, collaborative, free, adj free, live, original, acoustic, quick, specialized, Inc,
negative, latent, central, differential noun lack•, key, clean, prospective noun •tape, song, •version, •ski,
excitation, response, level•, arousal, result, effect, record, test, demo, software, product, band• verb
propensity•, behavior, •activity verb lose•, lower•, record, send, download•, sing, cut•, listen•, shop, •tape,
reduce, shed•, overcome•, •associate, cause, break, display, •contact
produce, •occur ● sample, showpiece, example || demonstration,
● reserve, hang-up, shyness, embarrassment, self- presentation, display || protest, demonstration,
consciousness, reticence protest march
1059 | 0.88 A 1026 | 0.91 M

12691 raccoon n 12726 exuberant j

adj rabid, dead, wild, gray, occasional, typical, noun style, crowd, color, personality, flower, joy, dance,
enormous, albino, feral, hungry noun eye, deer, skunk, expression, celebration, painting, garden, mood misc
squirrel, •coat, Fox, •possum, opossum, dog, cat verb irrationally•, whose, wild, wonderful, •optimistic, tall•,
eat, pull, hunt•, smell, bite, trap•, •climb, sleep, beaver•, sexual, fresh•, •rather, •musical, burst, usual•
skin• ● enthusiastic, excited, energetic, high-spirited,
1045 | 0.89 F cheerful, lively
990 | 0.94
12698 wording n
adj exact, specific, minor, actual, similar, original, 12733 dosage n
proposed, precise, vague, final noun question, item, adj recommended, high, low, daily, proper, standard,
change, •order, •resolution, bill, variation•, statute, correct, certain, effective, safe noun drug, •level,
•amendment, ballot verb change, suggest, •vary, agree, medication, effect, •mg, doctor•, chlorine, treatment•,
alter•, indicate, •reflect, contain•, approve, discuss• form, instruction verb increase, reduce•, follow,
● phrasing, words, language, phraseology, diction, determine, adjust, recommend, double•, up•, •base,
expression lower•
1024 | 0.91 A ● amount, quantity, dose, measure, prescription
1032 | 0.90 M
12705 mop v
noun •floor, •brow, •face, •sweat, •forehead, towel•, 12740 cutting-edge j
•blood, •kitchen, handkerchief•, bucket, bathroom, noun technology, research, science, work, art, design,
janitor•, •mess, dish•, hat• misc up, his, while, clean, off, technique, product, stuff, computer, development,
sweep, scrub, dry, sweeping, wash, finish, clean, spill, treatment misc most•, develop•, •such, create, •medical,
spilled, dust scientific, design, present, contemporary, test•, •digital,
● wash, wipe, clean, swab, dust, mop up fund•
1048 | 0.89 F ● leading-edge, front-line, pioneering, trailblazing,
radical, innovative
12712 accumulated j 1018 | 0.91
noun year, knowledge, wisdom, wealth, experience,
debt, evidence, juice, deficit, interest, capital, effect 12747 muse n
misc pay•, remove•, base•, •foreign, total, release•, adj longtime, gay, creative, tragic, male, virgin, dapper,
•oropharyngeal, •sick, credit•, plus, result•, eliminate• heavenly, courtly, beloved noun •female, •art, poet,
1005 | 0.93 A artist, •collection, writer•, muse, •quai, •poetry,
attorney verb inspire, invoke•, •descend, exhibit,
pursue•, free, depict•, entice
992 | 0.93

12754 Appalachian j 12796 jargon n

noun trail, state, spring, region, mountain, forest, music, adj technical, medical, legal, military, academic,
north, foothill, craft, research, folk misc southern•, scientific, professional, free, incomprehensible,
hike•, •regional, along•, traditional•, central•, cultural, specialized noun industry•, term, language, science,
cross•, isolated•, native, coastal, Christian computer•, trade, sport•, reader, •theory, slang• verb
1014 | 0.91 use•, understand, describe, avoid, spout •, define, •refer,
translate, invent•, •acquire
12761 respectfully r ● terminology, slang, lingo, argot || mumbo jumbo,
•disagree, treat•, •decline, ask, listen•, speak•, nod•,
waffle, nonsense, verbiage
•suggest, I•, must•, •answer, •submit, •request, bow•
988 | 0.93
● deferentially, reverentially, reverently, humbly,
dutifully 12803 corrupt v
971 | 0.95 noun power, money, system, •process, •influence,
politics, society, •youth, culture, value, language, •data,
12768 virtuous j official, religion, •politician misc by, absolutely,
noun woman, life, man, person, circle, cycle, citizen, absolute, political, itself, corrupt, easily, corrupt,
behavior, husband, society, character, action misc feel•, destroy, entire, moral, somehow, democratic,
a•, wise, vicious, promote, necessary, truly•, happy, deformed, accuse
virtuous, morally•, wholly•, beautiful ● debase, degrade, taint, pervert, warp, spoil
● good, righteous, worthy, honorable, moral, upright 975 | 0.94
1017 | 0.91 A
12810 cramp [PL] n
12775 ledger n adj menstrual, abdominal, severe, bad, painful,
adj general, computer-based, financial, conventional, debilitating, terrible, bleeding, heavy, premenstrual
leather-bound, handwritten, thick, daily, double-entry, noun stomach•, muscle•, leg, diarrhea, pain, nausea,
multiple noun side•, •book, account, •system, star•, fever, symptom, heat, writer• verb cause•, suffer•,
•sheet, entry, accounting, balance, •file verb account,
vomit, bloat, experience•, relieve•, ease, stretch, •occur,
cover, record, balance•, maintain•, contain, •attach, beat•
shove•, pore•, fasten ● spasm, pain, contraction, shooting pain, twinge,
● book, account book, record book, record, register, convulsion
archive 1039 | 0.88 M
1015 | 0.91
12817 securely r
12782 idle v hold•, more•, •attach, tie•, •place, fasten, lock, door•,
noun car•, engine•, truck, worker, bus, •traffic, motor•, wrap, •around, fit•, close, anchor, bag•
plant, •curb, hour, light, •street, driver, •driveway, ● firmly, steadily, tightly, strongly, fast
factory misc away, while, leave, sit, wait, front, near, 997 | 0.92 M
pull, along, neutral, next, outside, nearby, outside, slow
● laze, laze around, hang around || tick over, turn over, 12824 moderator n
run || lay off, dismiss, can adj potential, single, situational, significant, additional,
1003 | 0.92 F direct, presidential, effective, Presbyterian, managing
noun •variable, debate, question, •effect, role,
12789 appease v relationship, discussion, chief•, bureau•, panel verb
noun •spirit, attempt•, •God, effort•, •critic, •public, •meet, serve•, examine•, act•, identify, •exist, conduct,
sacrifice•, •interest, desire, •conservative, Democrat, explore, elect•, •facilitate
Republican, •concern, fear, appetite misc try, order, in, ● mediator, go-between, arbiter, arbitrator, diplomat,
design, seek, local, sacrifice, conservative, powerful, fail, referee
attempt, angry, hungry, instead, aim 1022 | 0.90
● mollify, conciliate, pacify, placate || satisfy, assuage,
attenuate, calm
961 | 0.96

12831 stealth n 12866 goodies [PL] n

adj invisible, high-tech, advanced, visual, smart, so- adj other, little, full, baked, extra, assorted, homemade,
called, secret, operational, essential, supersonic noun corporate, electronic, store-bought noun bag, oldy•,
•bomber, •fighter, •technology, •aircraft, plane, •attack, basket•, gourmet•, box•, sort•, holiday•, nut•, Christmas,
•suit, air, force, •campaign verb fly, design, deploy, gift verb fill•, bring, •include, buy, offer, pack, enjoy,
operate, rely•, borrow•, combine•, •land, invent•, load•, grab•, bake
export• 984 | 0.92
● furtiveness, surreptitiousness, sneakiness, slyness,
craftiness, secrecy 12873 exhaustive j
1001 | 0.91 noun list, study, search, research, review, investigation,
analysis, survey, detail, test, examination, account misc
12838 temperate j provide•, means•, after•, by•, no•, conduct•, nor,
noun forest, zone, climate, region, north, rain, south, intend•, despite•, represent, base, from•
latitude, world, belt, area, rainforest misc more•, ● thorough, comprehensive, complete, in-depth, full,
tropical, northern, subtropical, grow, boreal, southern, extensive
coastal, cool•, temperate, deciduous, arctic 982 | 0.93 A
● restrained, self-controlled, controlled, moderate ||
moderate, mild, clement, pleasant 12880 Mormon n
1030 | 0.89 A adj devout, religious, fundamentalist, Christian, latter-
day, married, Catholic, orthodox, gay, non-mormon
12845 indulgence n noun book•, Catholic, Jew, church, Christian, •witness,
adj perpetual, only, plenary, personal, pure, occasional, Muslim, Indian, Mormon, Baptist verb •believe, raise•,
ultimate, sensual, sexual, secret noun sister•, self, teach, practice, vote•, settle, marry, •expose, preach,
pleasure, reader, holiday•, chocolate, sale•, decade•, elect
•Easter, bit• verb beg•, permit, count•, grant, encourage, 1048 | 0.87
purchase, request•, reserve, afford, coddle
● luxury, extravagance, pleasure, treat || tolerance, 12887 suffocate v
lenience, understanding, clemency noun •death, baby, heat, air, fish, •weight, •bag, plant,
970 | 0.94 chest•, mask, root, gas, silence•, •sleep, •infant misc her,
feel, under, almost, nearly, slowly, before, die, inside,
12852 flush n threaten, strangle, like, drown, beneath, dead
adj royal, hot, straight, warm, full, red, faint, pink, fat, ● smother, choke, stifle, throttle, asphyxiate, gag
sudden noun face, toilet, •cheek, water, •growth, •color, 969 | 0.94 F
•embarrassment, skin, •bloom, •anger verb feel•, •rise,
•spread, •creep, hit•, fade, trim•, •color, enjoy•, •emerge 12894 symbolically r
● blush, high color, redness, rosiness, ruddiness, bloom important, represent, at•, least•, both•, literally, thus•,
1011 | 0.90 F link, significant, express, either•, space, •construct,
12859 propeller n ● figuratively, metaphorically, nonliterally,
adj single, wooden, left, huge, original, soft, efficient, emblematically, representatively, allegorically
flying, conventional, giant noun engine, plane, •blade, 1011 | 0.90 A
boat, •shaft, airplane, design, ship•, wing, speed verb
spin, drive, rotate, counter-rotating•, design, damage, 12901 metaphorical j
bend, power, •mount, •increase noun sense, meaning, language, expression, process,
1059 | 0.86 term, image, use, truth, discourse, comparison, domain
misc literal, •between, real, metaphorical, describe,
than, rather, well, physical, simply, metonymical, actual
● figurative, symbolic, allegorical, representational,
1062 | 0.85 A

12908 captor n 12943 tame j

adj Iraqi, free, Lebanese, alleged, Muslim, French, noun comparison, inflation, animal, stuff, standard, lion,
Japanese, would-be, male, Shiite noun prisoner, deer, hair, bird, melaleuca, horse, bear misc seem•,
hostage, •demand, captive, release, video, gun, too•, pretty•, •compare, relatively•, rather•, wild, fairly•,
•behead, rebel•, communication• verb release, kill, sound•, quite•, gentle, •nor
escape•, •threaten, •force, free, treat, struggle, beat, ● domestic, domesticated, broken || docile, meek,
•demand compliant || bland, dull, insipid
● abductor, imprisoner, hijacker, kidnapper, hostage 952 | 0.94
taker, jailer
1016 | 0.89 12950 diving j
noun board, swimming, pool, catch, suit, accident, duck,
12915 unreal j team, bird, gear, bell, end misc off•, jump, swim, dive,
noun tournament, expectation, reality, dream, quality, deep, Olympic•, top•, deep-sea•, snorkel, •remove,
character, sight, feeling, feature, estate, version, equip•, diving
landscape misc seem•, real, feel•, almost•, a•, 1014 | 0.89
everything, little•, unreal, completely•, distant•, totally•,
sound• 12957 appreciative j
● imaginary, dreamlike, illusory, fantastic || false, noun audience, crowd, inquiry, glance, smile, laughter,
artificial, imitation, fake look, effort, applause, nod, fan, client misc very•, more•,
959 | 0.94 deeply•, draw•, especially•, grateful, cast•, aware•,
•notice, extremely•, thankful, •critical
12922 bleachers [PL] n ● grateful, thankful, indebted, beholden || approving,
adj wooden, left-field, right-field, left, empty, center- enthusiastic, admiring, positive
field, rickety, reserved, concrete, far noun field, kid, 942 | 0.95
seat, row•, fan, football, gym, stadium, crowd, baseball
verb sit•, •watch, fill, cheer, settle, climb•, scan•, head•, 12964 unnerve v
shout•, •clap noun silence, sight, prospect, thought, stare, •investor,
● benches, stand seats, seating, seats presence, •incident, proximity, •resident, intensity,
999 | 0.90 F uncertainty•, travel, visit, •darkness misc by, him, her, a,
little, bit, slightly, completely, especially, clearly,
12929 sailboat n particularly, totally, sudden, somewhat, thoroughly
adj small, white, blue, tiny, wooden, chartered, ● alarm, frighten, scare, upset, nonplus, surprise
Caribbean, bright, marine, luxury noun yacht, harbor, 979 | 0.92 F
water, boat•, •race, sea, bay, mast, •owner, lake verb
build, race, sail, watch•, buy•, own•, •moor, •Bob, •glide, 12971 detergent n
•fly adj liquid, mild, harsh, chemical, strong, automatic, hot,
980 | 0.92 powdered, commercial, regular noun laundry•, soap,
water, box, bottle, product, dishwasher•, chemical,
12936 accuser n detergent, dish• verb use, wash, dishwash, clean, sell,
adj young, accused, chief, sexual, alleged, false, contain, buy, add, avoid•, smell•
principal, criminal, sole, anonymous noun mother, ● cleaner, cleansing agent, cleanser, laundry detergent,
right•, charge, sex, •brother, trial, testimony, lawyer•, dishwashing liquid, shampoo
•judge, attack• verb face•, confront•, accuse, attack•, 994 | 0.90 M
identify, •testify, sue•, interview•, •file, question•
● challenger, confronter, criticizer || indicter, litigant, 12978 underwrite v
petitioner || informer, telltale, tattletale noun •cost, company, program, bond, insurance,
1047 | 0.86 S research, loan, policy, bank•, project, investment, fund,
•security, taxpayer, stock misc by, help, federal, willing,
largely, financial, corporate, initial, municipal, cultural,
sponsor, risky, Russian, heavily, trade
● guarantee, countersign, back, endorse, fund, finance
965 | 0.93

12985 handwritten j 13027 full-blown j

noun note, letter, page, sign, message, list, card, copy, noun crisis, war, recession, attack, panic, trial, disease,
paper, draft, document, statement misc send•, read, affair, diabetes, investigation, addiction, hearing misc
receive•, contain•, original, produce•, •tape, •post, into•, become•, develop•, turn•, spring•, emerge•, •civil,
accept•, type, hand•, accompany escalate•, diagnose•, suffer•, prevent•, eventually•
947 | 0.94 ● complete, full, full-scale, full-size, developed, total
939 | 0.94
12992 pocketbook n
adj concerned, immediate, corporate, driving noun 13034 cosmopolitan j
•issue, consumer•, American, wallet, leather•, taste•, noun city, magazine, culture, striving, center, town,
voter, politics•, taxpayer, impact verb hit•, open, vote•, society, atmosphere, capital, population, perspective,
carry, affect•, reach•, hurt•, grab•, clutch•, protect• view misc more•, most•, international, urban,
● shoulder bag, handbag, purse || notecase, wallet, sophisticated, itself, truly•, artistic, reflect•, •cultural,
purse, case global, increasingly•
944 | 0.94 ● multicultural, multiethnic, pluralistic, diverse,
international, multinational
12999 glaring j 990 | 0.89 A
noun light, example, omission, sun, weakness, eye,
exception, error, problem, difference, discrepancy, 13041 captivate v
need misc most•, under•, •white, perhaps•, despite•, noun •audience, story, •imagination, •nation, •attention,
point•, contain•, expose•, fill•, reveal, yellow, address• •public, •beauty, reader, •interest, image, charm,
● conspicuous, obvious, evident || brilliant, dazzling, •viewer, style, visitor, •generation misc by, young,
shimmering || garish, brash, gaudy everyone, immediately, completely, totally, equally,
933 | 0.95 capture, instantly, beautiful, very, truly, artistic,
fascinate, increasingly
13006 clamber v ● attract, charm, enchant, fascinate, entrance, draw
noun •foot, •rock, side, back, •ladder, •wall, •bed, •tree, 933 | 0.95
•slope, •seat, •boat, •roof, fence, stair, •top misc up,
over, onto, down, into, over, out, through, up, aboard, 13048 foggy j
aboard, across, steep, toward, down noun night, bottom, day, morning, idea, notion, street,
● climb, scramble, scale, crawl mind, glass, afternoon, voice, deck misc a•, venture•,
1000 | 0.89 F cold•, little•, angle, gray, rainy, cloudy, •bottom, damp•,
cool, dark•
13013 millimeter n ● hazy, misty, cloudy, murky || unclear, vague,
adj long, wide, thick, square, cubic, short, focal, mere, confused, muddled
accurate, penile noun •diameter, millimeter, •year, 973 | 0.91 F
length, •size, inch, •mm, •mercury, rainfall, fraction•
verb measure•, rise•, operate, range•, average•, lower, 13055 unnecessarily r
shift•, extend• add, die•, suffer•, perhaps•, •cruel, kill, •cost, •expensive,
963 | 0.92 alarm, •complex, delay, worry•, quite•, risk
● needlessly, pointlessly, gratuitously, unreasonably,
13020 honk v superfluously
noun horn, car, driver, goose, traffic, street•, truck, 920 | 0.96
sound•, bus, motorist•, taxi, road•, cab, wheel, •nose
misc behind, wave, honk, hear, again, by, drive, outside, 13062 nurturing n
yell, flash, someone, twice, fly, loudly, shout adj very, supportive, loving, maternal, careful, caring,
● beep, hoot, toot, tootle, blare, blast positive, emotional, consistent, parental noun
1009 | 0.88 F •environment, child, role, mother, •program, care,
parent, skill, love, lack• verb need•, provide•, create•,
love, care, experience, •encourage, feed, •sustain,
956 | 0.92

13069 binder n 13104 idiom n

adj three-ring, loose-leaf, black, thick, full, blue, dry, adj American, musical, familiar, cultural, contemporary,
organic, hydraulic, brown noun paper, pigment, page, local, modern, visual, literal, popular noun meaning,
leather•, note, letter, ring•, plastic, report, metal• verb idiom, familiarity, style, language, use•, subject,
fill, contain, open, pull•, flip•, mix•, collect, clip, stuff, •expression, accent, likelihood verb rate, express,
•label translate, encounter•, adopt•, borrow•, employ,
● folder, file, ring binder, looseleaf folder fashion•, •render, •dominate
973 | 0.90 ● phrase, set phrase, turn of phrase, saying || language,
dialect, speech, style
13076 boo v 1020 | 0.86 A
noun fan•, crowd•, •stage, audience, player, hometown,
folk, introduction, •boo, spectator•, garden, pitcher, 13111 insomnia n
stadium, draft, breath• misc him, off, cheer, loudly, hiss, adj chronic, common, transient, short-term, hot,
roundly, boo, throw, jeer, boo, lustily, applaud, behavioral, mild, severe, stress-related, long-term noun
mercilessly, shout, deep anxiety, headache, night, fatigue, sleep, problem,
● jeer, hoot, catcall, barrack, hiss depression, irritability, cause, symptom verb suffer•,
958 | 0.92 N cause, treat•, sleep, •last, relieve•, cure•, result,
experience•, combat
13083 ANOVA n ● sleeplessness, wakefulness, restlessness
adj one-way, significant, repeated, two-way, follow-up, 1003 | 0.87 M
main, separate, factorial, independent, mean noun
measure, result, •difference, •table, group, univariate•, 13118 sneeze v
test, •effect, analysis•, gender verb use, •perform, noun nose, cough, eye, dust, fit, allergy•, symptom•,
•reveal, •conduct, •show, •indicate, analyze, •determine, mouth•, tissue, cat, headache•, cold•, handkerchief,
•compute, repeat• •throat, •powder misc cough, nothing, again, when,
1146 | 0.77 A someone, runny, sneeze, cause, blow, laugh, violently,
wheeze, sniffle, somebody, cold
13090 mourner n 964 | 0.91 F
adj chief, kaddish, female, fellow, professional,
deceased, principal, still, silent, hired noun funeral, 13125 purposeful j
crowd•, group•, grave, •memorial, procession, noun movement, activity, action, stride, sampling,
photograph•, flower, •bench, priest verb •gather, stand, design, learning, experience, collaboration, step, walk,
•attend, watch, •pay, fill, •file, pass, comfort•, •arrive effort misc meaningful, strong•, active, than, quick•,
● bereaved person, funeral-goer, griever, widow, engage•, systematic, rather, indicate, •effective,
widower, pallbearer confident•, achieve
954 | 0.92 F ● focused, determined, decisive, resolute, firm, fixed
954 | 0.91 A
13097 outperform v
noun stock, •market, group, fund, student, •peer, 13132 analyse v
company•, bond, other, index, •control, growth, noun regression•, data, factor•, result, variable, sample,
•average, •counterpart, •one misc other, those, study, analysis, component•, item, effect, method,
significantly, consistently, continue, tend, traditional, correlation, score, use misc use, multiple, conduct,
expect, likely, poor, standard, average, both, vastly, perform, far, hierarchical, principal, determine,
handily confirmatory, logistic, test, examine, separately, linear,
● outdo, outstrip, outpace, outclass, beat, overtake assess
965 | 0.91 M 1068 | 0.82 A

13139 compulsory j 13174 anti-semitic j

noun education, service, school, law, attendance, noun policy, remark, racist, statement, comment,
insurance, schooling, health, membership, sterilization, propaganda, incident, slur, view, violence, sentiment,
licensing, militia misc •military, free•, •national, •public, Jew misc racist, •Jewish, openly, anti-semitic, anti-
religious, primary, introduce, complete•, limited•, american, sexist•, anti-black, formulate•, Nazi, publish•,
compulsory, universal, nine alleged•, virulent•
● required, obligatory, necessary, enforced, essential, 954 | 0.91
1008 | 0.86 A 13181 culmination n
adj long, logical, entire, long-standing, modern,
13146 modality n successful, year-long, complex, week-long, English
adj different, visual, cognitive, therapeutic, noun •year, •effort, •process, •work, •decade, •month,
developmental, sensory, multiple, various, preferred, event, •series, •career, •trend verb represent•, mark•,
effective noun treatment•, imaging•, learning, therapy, reach•, witness
variety•, use, •patient, intervention, healing, ● conclusion, finale, peak, height, zenith, result
communication verb use, discuss, include, involve, 928 | 0.93
employ, select, achieve, present•, identify, image
1092 | 0.8 A 13188 rustle v
noun leaf, wind, breeze, tree, paper, sound, grass, Bush,
13153 priesthood n cattle, branch, palm, skirt•, dress•, hair, voice misc hear,
adj married, Catholic, religious, celibate, male, gay, through, something, behind, around, dry, along, green,
faithful, Mormon, common, diocesan noun woman•, warm, light, softly, dead, soft, blue, inside
church, candidate•, vocation•, priest, •believer, celibacy, ● swoosh, swish, rush, swirl, whiz, whirl
seminary, call•, ordination• verb leave•, enter•, study•, 1014 | 0.85 F
ordain•, join•, prepare•, •marry, train•, admit•, remove•
● vocation, calling, office, position || clergy, ministry, 13195 lowland n
cloth adj tropical, western, northern, southern, coastal,
983 | 0.88 eastern, swampy, central, fertile, agricultural noun
•gorilla, •forest, •area, highland, •rainforest, upland,
13160 gimmick n region, •plain, •rain, south verb contain, dominate•,
adj little, promotional, late, financial, marketable, flood, associate, spread, stretch, graze•, explore•, farm,
imaginable, silly, clever, goofy, fancy noun marketing•, flee
budget, accounting•, gimmick, advertising•, bit, fad, ● plain, fen, flat, valley, swamp, wetland
election•, •vote, trick verb use, •sell, account•, •attract, 984 | 0.88 A
avoid•, figure, resort•, rely, insert, depend
● trick, ploy, stunt, device, promotion, tactic 13202 astound v
943 | 0.92 noun result, •success, •speed, •beauty, fiction,
revelation, accomplishment, implication•, •discovery,
13167 full-fledged j •magnitude, tale•, •trick, debt•, equipment, progress
noun member, democracy, war, citizen, movement, misc me, truly, short, nothing, absolutely, simply, me,
campaign, status, investigation, adult, peace, Internet, musical, visual, amaze, equally, weird, incredible,
riot misc become•, into•, grow•, develop•, •nuclear, unbelievable, given
launch•, •civil, soon•, •democratic, transform•, evolve•, ● amaze, astonish, surprise, shock, dumbfound,
ensure• flabbergast
● complete, developed, mature, full-size || qualified, 907 | 0.95
seasoned, genuine, real
913 | 0.95

13209 layer v 13251 jumping n

noun color, •potato, •layer, slice, cheese, ingredient, adj celebrated, equestrian, cross-country, individual,
glass, •top, material, leaf, cake, dish, •bottom, bread, Olympic, combined, Nordic, joint, high-impact, running
piece misc over, then, top, over, half, thin, upon, noun bungee•, ski•, rope, show•, •point, frog, team,
remaining, fresh, deep, repeat, dark, onto, light, base•, sport•, event• verb run, show•, ski•, •Jack, throw,
carefully jump, •dressage, race, sprint, cry•
958 | 0.90 M 928 | 0.92

13216 wondrous j 13258 decay v

noun thing, beauty, sight, moment, creature, land, noun body•, atom•, building, particle, orbit•, proton,
event, journey, discovery, vision, sound, gift misc most•, tooth•, neutron•, •matter, electron, wood, element•,
truly•, strange, rare•, behold, •beautiful, brief•, magical, growth•, •soil, plant misc into, begin, rapidly, slowly,
recall•, wondrous, intricate, celebrate• quickly, allow, radioactive, eventually, unstable, fast,
● wonderful, astounding, incredible, astonishing, because, cause, resistant, organic, gradually
marvelous, extraordinary ● decompose, rot, grow moldy, molder || decline,
924 | 0.93 degenerate, deteriorate, fall off
917 | 0.93
13223 chronically r
•ill, child, patient, •homeless, •high, •short, •mentally, 13265 acrylic j
disabled, •depressed, unemployed, •underfunded, noun paint, painting, gesso, medium, oil, color, canvas,
individual, •late, population gel, painter, coat, panel, polymer misc use, clear•, apply,
● constantly, unceasingly, unendingly, continually || acrylic, mix, white, paint, either•, dry, prime•, thin•,
recurrently, frequently, regularly, habitually tone
930 | 0.93 1023 | 0.84 M

13230 cork n 13272 weathered j

adj burnt, popping, rubber, soft, loose, giant, smooth, noun face, wood, stone, house, building, brick, sign,
wooden, floating noun bottle, champagne•, wine, barn, shingle, plank, board, fence misc old, gray,
•board, sound•, •tree, glass, •stopper, •oak, wall verb •wooden, sit, •white, across•, wear, •blue, stare,
pop, pull•, put•, Bob, remove•, •pour, •shoot, plug, sniff, resemble, deeply•, above
draw ● worn, battered, windswept, weather-beaten, gnarled,
● top, lid, cover, stopper, cap wrinkled
941 | 0.91 947 | 0.90 F

13237 cunning j 13279 inescapable j

noun smile, intelligence, strength, animal, look, wit, noun conclusion, fact, reality, truth, presence,
courage, speed, guile, skill, nature, master misc •little, consequence, nature, irony, television, conflict,
clever, •enough, low•, sly•, wise, ruthless, charming•, condition, logic misc seem•, lead•, human, seemingly•,
powerful, smart, survive, enough• cultural, nearly•, accept•, virtually•, •moral, •modern,
● sly, wily, crafty, astute || inventive, resourceful, obvious•, reflect
ingenious, creative ● inevitable, unavoidable, bound to happen, certain,
943 | 0.91 F unpreventable, inexorable
913 | 0.94
13244 chap n
adj old, poor, nice, dear, sorry, decent, handsome, 13286 childlike j
forthcoming, fringed, friendly noun leather•, •stick, hat, noun empress, voice, face, innocence, wonder, quality,
boot, cowboy, jacket, sort•, pair•, •leg, n.d• verb wear•, sense, delight, smile, joy, faith, look misc almost•,
name, ride innocent, yet, simple, primitive, childish, sweet•,
● guy, fellow, lad, gentleman, man, person parental, round•, childlike, somehow, weak
948 | 0.91 ● innocent, pure, naive, candid, uncomplicated,
920 | 0.93

13293 wholesome j 13335 creatively r

noun food, family, image, entertainment, environment, think•, more•, use, work•, problem, solve, respond,
activity, fun, grain, meal, product, look, attitude misc music, ability•, act•, learn•, express, together, •gifted
more•, good, clean•, provide•, healthy, fresh, safe, eat•, ● imaginatively, artistically, ingeniously, resourcefully,
natural, simple•, wholesome, pure• productively, innovatively
● healthy, healthful, nutritious || decent, moral, clean 926 | 0.92 A
|| sensible, open, honest || fit, healthy, fresh-faced
908 | 0.94 13342 respite n
adj brief, welcome, temporary, only, short, in-home,
13300 borderline n cool, nice, institutional, pleasant noun •care, family,
adj high, clinical, antisocial, clear, normal, typical, service, caregiver, moment•, form•, period•, •worker,
significant, retarded, narcissistic, mental noun relief, hour• verb offer•, provide•, seek•, enjoy•, gain,
•personality, •disorder, •patient, •case, •feature, •range, afford•, assist, homemaking, welcome•, arrange
post, cholesterol, •diabetic, condition verb treat•, mark, ● interval, break, breather, breathing space || reprieve,
cross•, suffer•, •separate, diagnose• delay, postponement, adjournment
● dividing line, midpoint, indeterminate state, limbo || 902 | 0.94
frontier, boundary, state line, border
992 | 0.86 13349 innumerable j
noun form, star, species, works, opportunity, subject,
13307 spook v act, variation, hour, difficulty, scene, scholar misc
noun •deer, •fish, horse, investor, •market, buck, animal, complex, discuss•, exist, attend, historical, •popular,
bird, •trout, herd, hunter, •cow, noise, shadow, •sight •testify, responsible•, attract, musical, •lots, undergo•
misc without, a, easily, little, avoid, financial, myself, ● countless, uncountable, numerous, incalculable,
thoroughly, risk, completely, unless, time, badly, immeasurable, untold
potential, wary 908 | 0.93
● startle, surprise, shock, alarm, agitate, disturb
940 | 0.91 13356 fascist j
noun state, government, regime, movement, party, art,
13314 kicker n dictatorship, leader, dictator, threat, ideology, period
adj real, field-goal, accurate, higher-skilled, pro, lower- misc Nazi, communist, fascist, Italian•, •totalitarian,
skilled, wide, defensive, perfect, veteran noun field, label•, •foreign, socialist•, nor, democratic, German,
goal•, team, punter, •history, season, ball, football, liberal•
rookie•, kicker verb •miss, place•, •kick, •hit, sign•, 947 | 0.89
•coach, •line, tire, release, •score
975 | 0.87 N 13363 Amish j
noun community, country, farm, farmer, family, school,
13321 blazer n church, settlement, dairy, quilt, culture, shooting misc
adj blue, white, gray, black, red, double-breasted, dark, grow, Amish, clear, •Mennonite, traditional, marry,
brown, khaki, striped noun trail•, navy•, Chevy, slack, attend, antique, covered•, baptize•, deadly•, varied•
tie, shirt, skirt, pant, Chevrolet, wool• verb wear•, trail, 984 | 0.86
dress•, drive, coach, •hang, button, •tie, •own, score
940 | 0.90 F 13370 unhappiness n
adj widespread, current, common, general, profound,
13328 scallions [PL] n growing, upset, emotional, moral, biological noun
adj chopped, white, sliced, green, minced, light, fresh, happiness, source•, cause•, frustration•, confusion•,
small, ginger, red noun cup, tablespoon, garlic, pepper, sign•, depression, feeling•, root•, pain verb cause,
oil, onion, bunch•, parsley, cilantro, ginger verb add•, express•, blame•, result, reveal•, mar•, experience,
chop, •slice, •serve, sprinkle•, stir, •trim, cut, mince, suffer, register•, measure
cook ● sadness, sorrow, grief, misery, discontent,
993 | 0.85 M despondency
893 | 0.94

13377 cello n 13412 oppress v

adj unaccompanied, double, triple, beautiful, bass, noun people, woman, other, government, power•,
Stradivari, vocal, front, classical, unique noun violin, minority, Shiite, society, black, individual, Muslim,
viola, music, piano, cello, •bass, •concerto, instrument, white, neighbor, •century, majority misc by, who, poor,
string, •player verb play, produce, study•, •sound, oppress, long, social, themselves, economically, exploit,
perform, compose, tune, emerge, •resonate, lug• discriminate, marginalize, doubly, politically, thus,
1007 | 0.84 working
● keep down, coerce, tyrannize, dominate || afflict,
13384 understate v worry, torment, depress
noun •case, cost, number, rate•, figure•, discount•, 894 | 0.94
•return, style, •extent, risk, •amount, statistics•,
•importance, •income, benefit misc actual, elegant, yet, 13419 stockholder n
probably, simple, overstate, true, quiet, actually, adj major, large, current, happy, annual, individual,
greatly, typically, significantly, seriously, official, grossly corporate, principal, total, common noun company,
● play down, minimize, devalue, belittle, make little of •equity, employee, dividend•, •meeting, share, director,
899 | 0.94 profit, corporation, majority• verb own, pay•, •meet,
•sell, •receive, •vote, •sue, file, approve, announce
13391 nagging j ● shareholder, bondholder, owner, stakeholder,
noun question, injury, problem, feeling, doubt, investor
suspicion, sense, concern, fear, worry, voice, pain misc 920 | 0.91 N
there•, remain, constant•, despite•, answer•, suffer•,
bother, persist, fight•, deep, persistent, constantly• 13426 sync n
● irritating, niggling, troublesome, distressing, irksome, adj perfect, continuous, external, light, online noun lip•,
pesky computer, calendar, rhythm, •public, •nature, file,
886 | 0.95 opinion, segment, •reality verb move•, seem•, fall•,
design•, sway•, swing, slip
13398 fractured j 909 | 0.92
noun skull, bone, family, leg, rib, sense, vertebra,
society, hip, finger, rock, shoulder misc broken, •left, 13433 furry j
suffer•, •right, repair•, fractured, because•, recover, noun friend, animal, creature, head, face, body, ear,
despite•, unify•, spinal, severely arm, tail, ball, coat, slipper misc small•, little, big•, white,
● cracked, broken, split, splintered, cleft, fissured black, soft•, red, wear•, warm•, brown, gray, yellow•
894 | 0.94 ● hairy, fuzzy, woolly, furred, downy, fleecy
932 | 0.90 F
13405 inexplicable j
noun reason, behavior, matter, action, fear, mystery, 13440 speechless j
presence, phenomenon, pain, desire, feeling, event noun moment, mouth, terror, stroke, shock, rage, foot,
misc some•, seem•, sudden•, explain•, otherwise•, beauty, horror, comedy, wonder misc leave•, render•,
seemingly•, remain, strange•, totally•, •terms, stand•, stare, almost•, nearly•, momentarily•,
apparently, odd• speechless, stunned•, strike•, nod, left•
● unaccountable, mysterious, incomprehensible, ● thunderstruck, flabbergasted, astonished, astounded,
unfathomable, bizarre, curious amazed, dumbstruck
893 | 0.94 942 | 0.89 F

13447 stardom n 13489 effortlessly r

adj international, instant, major, sudden, newfound, move•, through, almost•, as•, seem•, glide•, •across,
fast, breathless, ready, super, future noun movie, rise•, flow•, quickly•, float•, carry, roll, rise•, foot
fame, dream•, shot•, road•, path•, success, stardom, TV ● naturally, readily, smoothly, fluently, with ease, easily
verb achieve•, catapult•, destine•, rise•, shoot•, gain•, 898 | 0.92
enjoy, dance•, launch•, rocket•
● fame, celebrity, prominence, glory, renown, 13496 fondness n
recognition adj special, great, particular, certain, genuine, deep,
911 | 0.91 growing, mutual, evident, excessive noun love,
American, instrument, •alcohol, nostalgia, •respect,
13454 rightful j admiration, •tea, snake, •cake verb remember•,
noun place, owner, heir, role, share, king, history, claim, develop•, share•, recall•, reveal•, retain•, admit•,
position, possession, inheritance, land misc its•, their•, demonstrate•, express•, acquire•
take•, return•, restore•, assume•, claim•, reclaim•, ● liking, affection, weakness, soft spot, partiality,
deprive•, gain•, hence, indeed• attachment
● fair, equitable, correct, legal, due, just 880 | 0.94
894 | 0.93
13503 fifteenth m
13461 defensively r •century, •sixteenth, late•, early, fourteenth•, •birthday,
offensively, play, respond•, a•, react•, better•, team, during•, year, end•, half•, second•, •Congress, •floor,
improve•, both•, solid•, little•, offense•, yard•, strong• •party
● sensitively, oversensitively, protectively, warily, 946 | 0.87 A
cautiously, apologetically
915 | 0.91 N 13510 compost v
noun yard, biosolids•, facility, food, material, residuals,
13468 preparatory j waste, •site, manure, percent, windrow, recycling, soil,
noun school, college, course, drawing, meeting, work, ton, project misc organic, recycle, commercial, static,
conference, committee, program, study, student, generate, aerated, produce, municipal, collect,
southwest misc high, during•, attend•, regional•, special, successfully, solid, operate, central, on-site, green
Jesuit•, private•, establish, •English, graduate•, •define, 1184 | 0.7 A
● introductory, foundation, preliminary, elementary, 13517 Jamaican j
opening, preparative noun child, teacher, government, jerk, immigrant,
917 | 0.91 A adolescent, radio, accent, sample, society, economy,
music misc African, Jamaican, •report, total•, •weekly,
13475 kissing n Canadian, endorse, •prime, cultural, popular, versus•,
adj French, deep, passionate, oral, sexual, physical, significantly
same-sex, intimate, shy, slow noun •booth, sex, •cousin, 1000 | 0.82 A
•scene, sound, couple, lip, baby, •noise, behavior• verb
hug, stop, hold, kiss, •touch, embrace, •caress, •pet, 13524 heirloom n
•fondle, engage• adj growing, treasured, available, beautiful, true, ripe,
901 | 0.92 open-pollinated, organic, precious, colorful noun
family•, •tomato, •variety, •seed, •vegetable, •salad,
13482 finder n garden, recipe, •plant, •apple verb grow•, sell, •hand,
adj terrestrial, electronic, polar, automated, optional, save, display, top, preserve•, discover•, inherit•,
rocky, detailed, lost, visible, automatic noun •fee, photograph
•scope, •chart, fact•, range•, fish•, planet•, depth•, view, ● family treasure, inheritance, valuable, gift, bequest,
•keeper verb use•, •locate, check•, align, mount, search, treasure
attach, position•, •reveal, aim• 957 | 0.86 M
● discoverer, locator, detector, spotter, identifier,
959 | 0.86 M

13531 pep n 13566 fertilization n

adj little, full, academic, daily, brief, much-needed, adj in, vitro, in-vitro, artificial, human, successful,
intellectual, usual noun •talk, •rally, •teacher, •boy, internal, natural, intensive, reproductive noun egg,
•band, •squad, •pill, •step, player, assembly verb give•, •clinic, embryo, sperm, process, procedure, •technique,
•rally, deliver•, •remind, encourage, •reflect, participate, •rate, baby, •success verb •occur, conceive•, undergo•,
•kick, gather• produce, result, involve, increase, prevent, born,
● energy, liveliness, vim, vigor, perkiness, zest achieve•
909 | 0.91 ● insemination, impregnation, pollination, artificial
insemination || fertilizer application, manuring,
13538 khaki j composting, top dressing
noun shirt, uniform, slack, man, suit, jacket, pair, T-shirt, 908 | 0.90
navy, skirt, clothes, boot misc wear•, white, dress•, blue,
black, green, brown, gray, khaki, red, dark, short• 13573 ply v
925 | 0.89 F noun •trade, •water, ship•, boat•, street, craft,
•question, •route, •sea, bus•, •road, ferry•, fisherman•,
13545 prowl v •north, barge• misc their, along, coastal, ship, cold,
noun night, •street, •room, cat•, dog•, •aisle, •hall, water, main, commercial, placid, openly, narrow, solar,
•corridor, •store, •wood, shadow, •ground, sea, animal,
forth, nearby, double
•sideline misc around, through, around, search, outside,
● work, practice, pursue || use, work with, apply ||
down, wild, dark, instead, beneath, dangerous, nuclear, supply, pile, furnish || badger, hound, harass
nearby, downtown, outside 873 | 0.94
● stalk, lurk, skulk, hang around, lie in wait, scavenge
900 | 0.91 F 13580 quail n
adj wild, grilled, fried, roasted, hollow, blue, pen-raised,
13552 fluency n roast, Japanese, unlimited noun •egg, hunting,
adj oral, English, verbal, compositional, mean, bobwhite•, pheasant, dove, covey•, duck, deer, hunter,
ideational, one-to-one, Spanish, significant, increased quail verb hunt, shoot, stuff, eat, top, flush, scatter,
noun reading•, score, •comprehension, language, grill•, •fly, feed
fluency, word, level, counting•, student, number verb 924 | 0.89
read, perceive, improve•, assess, demonstrate, increase,
develop, measure, require, achieve 13587 assisted j
● effortlessness, eloquence, articulacy, ease, facility, noun suicide, living, facility, reproduction, technology,
confidence law, euthanasia, state, housing, format, death, care
1072 | 0.77 A misc •living, •reproductive, against•, legalize•,
independent, •dying, ban•, oppose•, such, legal, •tackle,
13559 revamp v terminally
noun •system, program, company, plan•, line, effort, ● aided, helped, abetted, supported, sponsored
•policy, •curriculum, •tax, •product, •structure, process,
922 | 0.89
•image, •procedure, •operation misc its, entire,
completely, recently, social, totally, financial, 13594 caterpillar n
traditional, fit, aging, announce, propose, ambitious, adj green, woolly, yellow, giant, common, larval, leaf-
credit, emphasize eating, furry, tiny, fat noun moth•, butterfly, monarch•,
● makeover, refurbish, restore, overhaul || face-lift, egg, beetle, leaf, gypsy•, larva, tent•, body verb •feed,
refurbishment, restoration, renovation eat, crawl, raise, chew, control•, attack, devour, hatch,
897 | 0.92 N emerge
911 | 0.90 M

13601 chime v 13643 sore n

noun bell•, clock•, •hour, church•, voice•, other•, door•, adj cold, open, sore, running, oral, sick, painful, chronic,
phone•, sound, com•, doorbell•, •midnight, song•, hall•, weeping, raw noun mouth, canker•, pressure•, saddle•,
•guitar misc in, begin, hear, o'clock, announce, quickly, skin, body, lip, bed•, face, sore verb cause, cover•, •heal,
comm, softly, eleven, laugh, immediately, please, develop, prevent•, treat•, •appear, ooze•, pick, avoid
ahead, ring, from ● wound, abscess, lesion, eruption, blister, boil
● strike, peal, ring, ring out, sound, toll 885 | 0.92 M
922 | 0.89 F
13650 mull v
13608 peg v noun •option, •question, •offer, thought, idea,
noun currency, rate, •dollar, price, •exchange, value, •possibility, official•, •future, •wine, •matter, month•,
•cost, •ground, estimate•, yuan, peso, population, •cider, •prospect, •retirement, •detail misc over, over,
deficit•, stone, analyst• misc as, whose, above, future, while, still, whether, reportedly, awake, carefully, sip,
net, liberal, long-term, tie, potential, Argentine, French, relevant, worth, currently, seriously, future, silent
nominal, average 869 | 0.93
● attach, hang, nail || gauge, keep score, note down ||
freeze, fix, set 13657 behemoth n
868 | 0.94 adj corporate, huge, giant, retail, lumbering, global,
enormous, industrial, Japanese, billion-dollar noun
13615 hole v industry, •tractor, foot, banking•, software•, order,
noun •putt, •hotel, •birdie, •bunker, •shot, week, media•, firm, Internet•, insurance• verb create•,
fighter•, •apartment, rebel•, month, •cabin, •motel, behold•, •weigh, compete•, •dominate, merge•, sink,
•sand, •cave, weekend• misc up, where, spend, inside, roll, launch, invest
shoot, somewhere, remain, inside, Palestinian, since, 879 | 0.92
huh, hide, armed, sink, apparently
870 | 0.94 13664 expatriate n
adj American, Iraqi, British, Arab, local, European,
13622 encase v English, wealthy, African, resident noun •community,
noun •plastic, •glass, body, foot•, leg•, hand•, ice, head•, •worker, •artist, •American, tax, remittance, tourist,
•box, metal, layer, •leather, shell, steel, •suit misc in, •manager, •writer, •poet verb live, •return, •name, own,
black, within, white, thick, hard, completely, huge, attend, settle, rely, train, •cast, attract
heavy, tiny, clear, brown, inside, rigid, red ● émigré, tax exile, emigrant, deportee, refugee,
● cover, enclose, sheathe, coat, wrap, swathe colonial
880 | 0.92 F 875 | 0.92

13629 mouthful n 13671 one-man j

adj big, sharp, huge, hot, warm, delicious, crooked noun show, band, rule, operation, play, exhibition,
noun •water, •tooth, •food, •air, •beer, •smoke, •rice, crew, shop, campaign, crusade, industry, comedy misc
•milk, •bread, •brace verb swallow•, spit, chew•, eat•, run, •wrecking, perform•, wage•, consolidated•, earn,
gulp•, mumble•, suck•, drink, draw•, smile virtually•, stage•, stand-up, •musical, •consulting, star•
● swallow, gulp, swig, slurp || harangue, invective, 870 | 0.93
earful, sermon
926 | 0.88 F 13678 crazed j
noun eye, fan, killer, look, gunman, terrorist, horse,
13636 magically r mob, glass, bull, character, bird misc like•, wild, half•,
•appear, •into, almost•, •transform, •disappear, crazed, slightly•, sound•, chase, angry, violent, aim,
somehow•, seem•, •transport, •produce, •change, rise, suicidal, desperate
together, •reappear, suddenly• ● irrational, distraught, overwrought, demented, wild,
● mysteriously, mystically, supernaturally, miraculously crazy
|| wonderfully, excitingly, mysteriously, enchantingly 880 | 0.92 F
864 | 0.94

13685 chemically r 13727 postage n

•treat, •induce, •dependent, react, •alter, •similar, adj return, first-class, free, foreign, commemorative,
•bond, produce, •amplify, molecule, water, physically, sufficient, due, territorial, regular, self-addressed noun
•sensitive, •inert •stamp, return, envelope, cent•, •handling, cost, size•,
883 | 0.91 M •rate, paper, •meter verb •stamp, pay, include, issue,
save, cost, send, print, return•, •affix
13692 molten j ● stamp price, postage fee, postage charge, postage
noun rock, lava, metal, glass, lead, steel, gold, iron, cost, first-class postage, second-class postage
magma, core, chocolate, material misc into, pour, hot, 898 | 0.89
•flow, fill•, form, bubble, burn, rise, solidify, •beneath,
heat 13734 constitutionally r
● melted, liquefied, liquid, fluid, heated, flowing •protect, •protected, right, •mandate, state,
879 | 0.92 •guaranteed, •require, speech, •permissible, •incapable,
government, Congress, activity, •unable
13699 cardiologist n 903 | 0.89 A
adj pediatric, medical, interventional, chief, noted,
leading, top, prominent, cardiac, clinical noun •Dr, M.d•, 13741 inefficiency n
heart, doctor, surgeon, hospital, patient, physician, adj economic, bureaucratic, inherent, Soviet,
internist, specialist verb •treat, •recommend, •name, environmental, poor, administrative, structural,
warn, practice, examine, confirm, pose, insert, rampant, obvious noun corruption, system,
•attempt government, market, waste, cost, source•, energy,
897 | 0.90 M economy, •markup verb lead, create•, eliminate•, cause,
waste, reduce•, avoid•, result, identify•, plague
13706 deduce v ● disorganization, incompetence, inadequacy,
noun fact, principle, astronomer•, •nature, observation, wastefulness, ineptitude, ineffectiveness
conclusion, •presence, theory, rule, scientist•, •cause, 890 | 0.90 A
element, •distance, structure, truth misc from, can,
able, possible, quickly, observe, easily, immediately, 13748 geek n
simple, order, moral, in, merely, therefore, underlying adj inner, resident, total, male, self-described, typical,
● infer, assume, presume, reason || determine, cool, comic, hot-shot, skinny noun computer•, nerd,
conclude, judge, deem science•, geek, freak, film, software•, band•, drama•,
875 | 0.92 A •glass verb •inherit, stat•, concoct, •appreciate, •bear
883 | 0.91
13713 land-use n
adj local, comprehensive, land-cover, environmental, 13755 preface n
current, regional, sustainable, urban, agricultural, poor adj English, original, brief, famous, experimental,
noun •plan, •change, •decision, •planning, •practice, historical, presidential, following, collected, editorial
•pattern, •policy, •regulation, county•, •control verb noun book, •edition, author, introduction, •collection,
•plan, affect•, change, approve, protect, •control, state, text, nature, •volume, report, catalogue verb write•,
•permit, manage, review• state, explain, picture, note, contain•, mention•,
948 | 0.85 A promise, publish•, acknowledge
● foreword, preamble, introduction, prologue, prelude
13720 stereotypical j 933 | 0.86 A
noun image, woman, role, view, character, notion,
gender, characteristic, idea, behavior, perception, 13762 funk n
thinking misc •black, •feminine, •masculine, •Indian, adj deep, blue, heavy, hip-hop, Brazilian, retro, classic,
•female, reflect•, male, portray, negative, fit•, avoid•, legendary, uncut, Latin noun rock, soul, jazz, •band,
conform• •reggae, •music, •railroad, pop, disco, dance verb fall•,
● conventional, orthodox, formulaic, banal, hackneyed, fake•, slip, dance, stick, sink•, shout, rap, snap•, mix•
clichéd ● stench, smell, odor, stink, pong
878 | 0.91 A 878 | 0.91

13769 shipyard n 13811 payout n

adj naval, Finnish, German, nearby, secret, working, adj high, big, annual, low, large, average, monthly,
British, blue, Italian, historic noun •worker, point•, lump-sum, huge, likely noun •ratio, company, dividend•,
hunter•, construction, factory, submarine, mill, boat, insurance, cash•, fund, •period, dollar, rate, stock verb
strike, ship verb work•, build, close, •produce, save•, receive•, offer•, increase, •exceed, base, choose, rise,
complete, own•, •earn, construct, launch boost•, •range, guarantee
● dockyard, boatyard, dry dock ● disbursement, expenditure, expenses, outgoing ||
928 | 0.86 payment, pay, payoff, wages
913 | 0.87 M
13776 skylight n
adj large, natural, huge, tubular, stained, stained-glass, 13818 dislocation n
open, bright, vaulted, central noun window, glass, light, adj economic, social, severe, cultural, massive, major,
ceiling, room, wall, roof, floor•, atrium, foot verb open, traumatic, anterior, joint, initial noun sense•, fracture•,
install, illuminate, fall, drop•, filter, replace, light•, fit, shoulder•, economy, trauma, hip, result, change, pain,
•flood destruction• verb cause, experience•, suffer•, create•,
891 | 0.89 result, •occur, associate, sustain•, mark, prevent•
● displacement, disarticulation, dislodgment ||
13783 pre-war j disruption, interruption, disturbance, disorder
noun intelligence, level, period, population, apartment, 890 | 0.89 A
building, production, claim, administration, economy,
era, electricity misc its•, return•, postwar, below•, 13825 stalemate n
restore•, British, compare•, Iraqi, barely, •German, adj political, current, military, continued, bloody,
•European, Jewish protracted, prolonged, nuclear, congressional, costly
872 | 0.91 noun war, budget•, •side, Congress, month•, battle,
•Senate, sort•, election, •peace verb break•, end•,
13790 toss n reach•, lead•, •continue, result, develop, •drag, resolve,
adj quick, soft, green, sliced, nice, blond, blonde noun •last
coin•, •head, ball, salad, pepper•, pasta, bag, hair, ring•, ● impasse, deadlock, standoff, logjam, standstill
mixture• verb win•, add, lose•, •serve, dress, throw, 863 | 0.92
•divide, •toss, determine, ring •
● lob, throw, pitch, chuck, heave, fling 13832 naming n
866 | 0.92 adj rapid, shaming, independent, serial, specific, actual,
official, crucial, evident, negative noun •right,
13797 downhill j •ceremony, •system, color•, name, fluency, stadium,
noun skiing, ski, course, slide, race, run, putt, skier, side, picture•, process, letter verb sell•, involve, •deal, •name,
slope, racer, bike misc cross-country, Olympic•, uphill•, sing•, reflect, complete•, define, depend, mark
steep•, race, uphill, face•, tough, inside•, carve, relax, ● identification, designation, nomenclature, christening,
slightly baptism
● easy, simple, effortless, plain sailing, straightforward 887 | 0.89 A
914 | 0.87 M
13839 wastewater n
13804 million-dollar j adj municipal, industrial, treated, domestic, on-site,
noun home, question, house, deal, contract, view, raw, decentralized, untreated, urban, conventional
smile, player, mansion, salary, bonus, prize misc buy, noun •treatment, system, •plant, water, onsite•, •facility,
build, sell, million-dollar, sign•, past•, earn•, multi-•, •management, gallon•, sludge, phenol verb treat,
land•, flash•, multi•, potential• discharge, remove•, recycle, reduce, •generate,
856 | 0.93 •contain, dump, dispose•, reuse
970 | 0.82 A

13846 siding n 13888 reconnect v

adj exterior, white, Quaker, wooden, green, original, noun •family, •friend, line, •root, •nature, effort•,
interior, blue, gray, corrugated noun aluminum•, vinyl•, daughter, •past, chance•, couple•, tube, opportunity•,
house, wood•, cedar•, window, roof, trim, wall, metal• •railway, attempt•, sister misc with, try, each, other,
verb paint, cover, install, cut, remove, replace, apply, disconnect, share, long-lost, yearn, cross-border, sort,
rip, nail, finish somehow, native, high-level, attempt, Catholic
898 | 0.88 M ● connect up, rewire, rejoin, relink, recouple,
13853 honored j 846 | 0.93
noun guest, magazine, year, news, place, television,
tradition, newsmagazine, history, achievement, 13895 idly r
controller, citizen misc most•, feel•, very•, among, •by, sit•, stand•, wonder, •watch, while, •through, hand,
attain•, treat•, •dead, quite•, •privileged, •humble, finger, chat, stare•, •while, pick, glance
•respected, time-• ● lazily, indolently, shiftlessly, slothfully || frivolously,
● privileged, pleased, flattered, grateful, thrilled futilely, pointlessly, worthlessly
849 | 0.93 897 | 0.87 F

13860 garb n 13902 spatula n

adj traditional, black, religious, clerical, African, adj rubber, wide, small, scraping, large, wooden, offset,
saturated, military, western, native, colorful noun thin, narrow, flat noun metal•, bowl•, spoon, mixture,
prison•, period•, clothes, century, peasant•, priest, knife, pan, •egg, edge, minute•, batter verb use•,
hunting•, •jeans, gear, protein• verb dress•, wear•, •transfer, •fold, •spread, turn, stir, •scrape, lift, •add,
cloak•, clad•, •head, clothe•, shed•, deck•, attire•, •beat
assume 919 | 0.85 M
● clothing, dress, attire, costume, apparel, outfit
843 | 0.93 13909 kerosene n
adj used, cheap, flickering, burnt, burning, outdoor,
13867 faith-based j electric, bright, warm, liquid noun •lamp, •stove,
noun initiative, organization, program, group, •lantern, •refrigerator, light, •heater, fuel, gasoline, gas,
community, institution, service, charity, funding, oil verb light, burn, buy•, pour•, smell•, •set, douse•, fill•,
government, office, prison misc •social, religious, cook, replace
federal, faith-based, promote, support•, private, ● fuel, oil, lamp oil, fuel oil, paraffin, paraffin oil
charitable, discriminate, involve, expand•, challenge 859 | 0.91 F
926 | 0.85
13916 exile v
13874 gubernatorial j noun leader, death, amnesty•, imprisonment•, •island,
noun candidate, race, campaign, election, year, homeland, king•, camp, •arrangement, •politics,
Republican, primary, state, nomination, GOP, bid, refugee•, regime, •realm, detention, suffering misc
debate misc democratic•, during•, win•, former•, from, himself, imprison, Soviet, torture, herself, native,
Republican•, presidential, congressional•, lose•, vote, flee, Palestinian, fear, forcibly, Spanish, capture,
•hopeful, •mayoral, senatorial, legislative thirteen
892 | 0.88 N ● banish, send away, deport, cast out, separate, expel
836 | 0.93
13881 sarcasm n
adj heavy, biting, obvious, thick, mild, slight, dark, 13923 dreaded j
bitter, used, angry noun voice, touch•, hint•, irony•, noun word, disease, police, classification, genre, call,
humor, trace•, wit, edge•, tone, dose• verb drip•, virus, chore, syndrome, phrase, complication, wood
ignore•, miss•, lace, detect•, ooze•, express, edge, hide•, misc most•, avoid•, •secret, cause, •red, prevent•,
endure escape•, suffer•, •middle, •double, approach, eliminate•
● irony, mockery, cynicism, derision, acerbity, scorn 835 | 0.93
876 | 0.90 F

13930 shifting n 13972 fluke n

adj constant, smooth, electronic, tectonic, crisp, front, adj statistical, hind, complete, raw, powerful, parasitic,
automatic, double, quick, subtle noun cost•, gear, mere, lucky noun whale, tail•, season, success•, •nature,
weight, change, sound•, foot, blame, phase•, liver•, accident, victory, series•, fluke verb prove, •hit,
transmission•, •shadow verb keep•, allow•, •brake, infect, float
prevent•, cause, •occur, improve, undergo•, experience, ● accident, coincidence, stroke of luck, lucky break,
blame• chance occurrence, chance
840 | 0.93 828 | 0.94

13937 jeweler n 13979 tiptoe v

adj local, retail, fine, Dutch, famous, German, noun room, door, •hall, •stair, bed, •living, kitchen,
occasional, British, French, imperial noun diamond, •issue, •bedroom, foot, •tulip, noise•, guest, •yard,
•loupe, •box, jeweler, window, designer, weaver, stone, •corner misc into, around, around, through, down, in,
gold, gem verb sell, design, marry, •stick across, over, out, past, down, up, away, toward, along
854 | 0.91 ● creep, sneak, steal, skulk, glide, slink
884 | 0.88 F
13944 rubric n
adj general, holistic, analytic, broad, various, single, 13986 limitless j
cultural, preferred, modified, conjoined noun student, noun possibility, opportunity, energy, potential,
assessment, teacher, evaluation, performance, •table, resource, supply, power, space, future, source, choice,
music, rubric, development, plan verb use, fall•, include, love misc almost•, seemingly•, seem•, virtually•, offer,
develop, •assess, score, design, create•, apply•, nearly•, provide•, appear•, human, potentially•, limited,
evaluate apparently•
● title, heading, header || rules, instructions, ● boundless, unbounded, immeasurable, unlimited,
guidelines || custom, tradition, practice || class, infinite, vast
category, classification 826 | 0.94
992 | 0.78 A
13993 pre-existing j
13951 distrust v noun condition, insurance, disease, problem, coverage,
noun •government, reason•, American•, •authority, health, belief, relationship, institution, network, form,
fear•, public•, •ability, •media, suspicion•, •press, material misc •medical, exclude•, because•, social,
•politician, •intention, politics, instinct, voter misc other, cover•, eliminate•, •legal, base, •cultural, confirm•, rely•,
learn, each, fear, dislike, hate, because, another, teach, local
tend, deeply, myself, despise, religious, whom 862 | 0.90 A
● disbelieve, doubt, be suspicious of, mistrust, suspect
823 | 0.94 14000 immunization n
adj national, free, low, advisory, mass, preventive,
13958 charging j available, prenatal, universal, to noun child, •program,
noun fee, system, approach, bull, customer, interest, childhood•, rate, health, •coverage, care, record,
admission, station, decision, bank, price, battery misc vaccine, •service verb receive, offer, •prevent,
start•, begin•, stop•, face•, shoot•, •extra, recommend, increase, •administer, •protect, •save,
•organizational, prohibit•, sue•, •plus, front, slam improve, estimate•
833 | 0.93 ● vaccination, inoculation, injection, shot, jab
881 | 0.88
13965 aquifer n
adj underground, deep, shallow, unconfined, local,
major, saline, confined, sustainable, dry noun water,
•system, groundwater•, depletion, contamination, river,
area, soil, recharge, well verb pump•, deplete,
recharge•, contaminate•, •supply, tap, reduce, contain,
feed, pollute
940 | 0.83 A

14007 hawk v 14049 screenwriter n

noun vendor•, Ware, •product, street, •T-shirt, •book, adj aspiring, Oscar-winning, blacklisted, successful,
•good, TV, item, salesman•, •souvenir, •radiation, beer, first-time, directorial, Oscar-nominated, British, award-
paper, video misc everything, spit, outside, discover, winning, prolific noun director, novelist•, playwright,
tiny, thick, presidential, online, beg, inaugural, actor, producer, film, author, journalist•, movie, writer
homeless, feature, past, cheap, busy verb write, •name, adapt, •unite, •struggle, hire•, direct
● sell, peddle, push, deal, vend, flog ● scriptwriter, writer, dramatist, author, playwright
828 | 0.93 840 | 0.91 N

14014 lite j 14056 HIV-positive j

noun race, beer, cup, light, loft, version, carbon, cheese, noun woman, individual, patient, mother, person, baby,
sauce, monkey, stem, milk misc call•, tire, lite, drink•, doctor, worker, client, health, status, disclosure misc
•soy, II•, XXX•, Bontrager•, •normal, introduce•, copy•, who, test•, pregnant, diagnose•, healthy, born•,
•Inc discover•, depict•, identify•, Hiv-negative, treat, admit•
866 | 0.89 M 879 | 0.87

14021 aching j 14063 doctrinal j

noun back, head, muscle, foot, joint, body, heart, leg, noun development, change, statement, issue,
shoulder, hand, arm, knee misc my, her, feel, rub•, sore, difference, orthodoxy, dialogue, history, reflection,
soothe•, relieve•, ease•, inside, massage, rest•, stiff formulation, error, responsibility misc formal•,
● painful, sore, tender, throbbing, sensitive, hurting theological, pastoral, moral, religious, rather, chief•,
857 | 0.90 F than•, argue•, traditional•, Christian, Catholic
942 | 0.81 A
14028 old-time j
noun music, religion, movie, radio, song, baseball, 14070 cornfield n
resident, hour, favorite, star, bar, park misc like•, adj flat, green, nearby, central, fallow, vast, lush,
traditional, dress•, remind•, •southern, •western, name, midwestern, harvested, frozen noun edge•, middle•,
modern, bluegrass, old-time, native, wooden •maze, farm, mile, road, soybean, wood, acre, farmer •
● old-fashioned, outdated, outmoded, traditional, old- verb surround•, fly•, plant•, harvest, rise•, plow, crash•,
style, old-world land, flood, carve•
841 | 0.91 830 | 0.92

14035 choreographer n 14077 fullness n

adj young, contemporary, modern-dance, leading, adj aural, human, Christian, divine, added, complete,
Russian, principal, renowned, legendary, chief, original absolute, piriform, eschatological, wonderful noun
noun dancer, director, dance, work, ballet, composer, •time, •life, feeling•, sense•, love, •breast, •experience,
artist, works, producer, parade verb direct, dance, lip, •emptiness, faith verb add•, experience•, lack•,
perform, compose, invite, collaborate, introduce, register•, reveal, liberate•, possess•, await, diminish, lift
feature, insist, employ ● completeness, richness, abundance || roundness,
874 | 0.88 N plumpness, chubbiness, ampleness
838 | 0.91 A
14042 hydrocarbon n
adj aromatic, polycyclic, unburned, chlorinated, liquid, 14084 subpoena v
complex, total, burning, organic, long-chain noun noun •record, witness, document, president, jury,
emission, carbon, monoxide, fuel, compound, nitrogen, committee, attorney, prosecutor•, lawyer, information,
•molecule, oxide, percent, •resource verb produce, motion•, investigator•, office, reporter, Congress misc
contain•, reduce•, emit, form, burn, break•, generate, testify, before, grand, appear, after, whether, threaten,
chlorinate•, •compound federal, before, plan, secret, unless, congressional,
859 | 0.89 A investigate, relate
● summon, compel, require, order, command
947 | 0.81 S

14091 flamboyant j 14133 abolition n

noun style, lawyer, character, star, figure, personality, adj nuclear, private, British, Indian, eventual,
lifestyle, producer, tree, director, display, trial misc immediate, legal, electoral, universal, outright noun
more•, most•, less•, rather•, •former, wear, name, •slavery, •movement, trade, penalty, death, tax, slave,
famous•, certainly, wild, dramatic•, •Mexican •law, •weapon, call• verb call•, lead•, argue•, demand•,
● showy, colorful, loud, flashy, gaudy, glitzy recommend•, advocate•, favor•, announce•, propose•,
817 | 0.93 promote•
● elimination, ending, closing down, eradication,
14098 brandish v closure, obliteration
noun •weapon, •gun, •sword, •knife, •pistol, •stick, •rifle, 858 | 0.88 A
flag, •spear, •handgun, •shotgun, arm, •torch, •club, sign
misc toward, outside, nuclear, automatic, shout, 14140 freckle n
proudly, fake, smile, above, step, chant, scare, fiercely, adj red, pale, brown, light, dark, white, curly, cute, blue,
behind, wooden tiny noun hair, •nose, face, skin, eye, sprinkling•,
● wield, wave, flourish, handle, ply, flaunt •bridge, •cheek, freckle, shoulder verb cover, sprinkle,
829 | 0.92 F fade, dot, scatter, •jump, ride, dust, notice•, match
● spot, mark, patch, speck, speckle, blotch
14105 token j 880 | 0.86 F
noun force, gesture, economy, system, holder, booth,
payment, effort, opposition, ring, gift, resistance misc 14147 penetrating j
only•, few•, only•, offer•, least•, pay, send•, receive•, noun eye, trauma, injury, gaze, look, analysis, question,
accept•, •fear, little•, cross-border• stare, insight, head, neck, oil misc more•, most•, offer•,
● symbolic, nominal, perfunctory, empty •blue, dark, cold•, deeply•, fix, highly•, usually, deliver,
822 | 0.92 capable•
● all-pervading, powerful, pungent || probing,
14112 inlet n searching, questioning || sharp, intelligent, astute ||
adj low, upper, narrow, central, coastal, laryngeal, piercing, shrill, high-pitched
northern, tidal, marine, tiny noun beluga, cook, water, 816 | 0.93
air, animal, bay, •outlet, north, •temperature, island
verb •compare, •separate, range, feed, collect•, 14154 impenetrable j
concentrate•, attach•, flow, swim, surround noun wall, barrier, forest, darkness, jungle, thicket, fog,
● cove, fjord, creek, bay mystery, layer, dark, wood, blackness misc almost•,
892 | 0.85 A nearly•, seem•, remain•, form•, dark, seemingly•,
create•, virtually•, dense•, thick•, vast•
14119 Buddhist n ● impassable, dense, tightly packed || unsolvable,
adj Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Tibetan, religious, unfathomable, indecipherable || indecipherable,
devout, Chinese, practicing, Confucian noun Hindu, inscrutable, obscure
Muslim, Jew, Christian, Catholic, Taoist, practice•, 812 | 0.93
temple, atheist, Buddhism verb •believe, raise•, chant,
practice•, convert, worship, •pray 14161 critter n
821 | 0.92 adj little, crispy, poor, tiny, cute, alive, tough, crazy, live,
wild noun plant, sea, sort•, critter, bird, •garden, •cat,
14126 proverbial j earth, animal•, •bear verb catch, feed, attract•, capture,
noun wisdom, wall, gun, needle, grain, straw, rock, bite, search, rid•, •range, •evolve, •chew
glass, China, canary, bull, iceberg misc like•, hit, 838 | 0.90 M
•smoking, throw•, drop, •blind, witty•, •sore, view, stick,
intend•, •magic
● well-known, familiar, axiomatic, legendary ||
archetypal, clichéd, typical, regular
802 | 0.94

14168 divulge v 14203 mascara n

noun •information, •secret, •detail, •name, •source, adj black, waterproof, little, red, thick, blue, heavy,
client, •identity, •plan, •outsider, liberty•, •confidence, brown, false, dark noun eye, lash, lipstick, coat•,
•whereabouts, •location, address, reporter• misc refuse, eyeliner, cheek, eyelash, liner, shadow•, lip verb apply•,
never, any, without, confidential, anything, personal, wear•, •run, put•, •smear, smudge, wipe•, •streak,
reluctant, decline, require, decide, anyone, willing, •lengthen, brush•
private, force 861 | 0.87 M
● reveal, tell, make known, disclose, let drop, give away
792 | 0.95 14210 misuse v
noun •power, •fund, information, word, term,
14175 payback n •authority, charge•, data, drug, •office, •resource, gun,
adj simple, karmic, immediate, quick, potential, huge, technology, tool, •trust misc often, abuse, accuse,
obvious, supposed, long-term, rapid noun •time, whether, public, misunderstand, sometimes, personal,
•period, investment, payback, cost, sort, loan •, •hell, overuse, easily, destroy, deny, prevent, frequently,
revenge•, •bitch verb exact•, promise, estimate, complain
measure, engage, owe, calculate•, demand• ● abuse, exploit, mistreat, knock around || waste,
● reimbursement, benefits, profit, remuneration, misappropriate, squander, misapply
repayment, settlement 801 | 0.94
806 | 0.93
14217 yearbook n
14182 laud v adj high, old, statistical, international, senior, various,
noun •effort, critic•, •plan, official, article•, Republican•, Canadian, financial, annual, sporting noun school•,
•accomplishment, •performance, chairman•, •success, picture, photo, statistics•, editor, trade•, college•,
•achievement, essay•, artist, colleague, virtue misc as, direction•, football•, class verb list, describe, publish,
critically, state, widely, universally, repeatedly, praise, •state, sign•, hand•, search, edit, scan, feature
highly, brilliant, nonetheless, constantly, deserve, ● annual, annual report, almanac
female 805 | 0.93
● praise, extol, acclaim, glorify, applaud, sing the
praises of 14224 hush v
814 | 0.92 noun voice, •puppy, room•, crowd, tone, audience•,
mouth, •baby, sound, noise, catfish•, awe, •silence,
14189 self-reported j courtroom•, lip• misc up, everyone, quiet, suddenly,
noun behavior, data, use, measure, weight, effect, listen, hush, fried, hush, thee, reverent, dim, please,
study, health, level, attitude, activity, participant misc bark, cry, instantly
between•, •sexual, measure, base•, academic, •physical, ● silence, quiet, mute, quiet down, shut up, quieten
assess•, •among, compare•, associate•, actual, relate 852 | 0.88 F
957 | 0.79 A
14231 flip-flop n
14196 penal j adj rubber, pink, bare, green, purple, dark, classic noun
noun code, system, colony, law, section, institution, flip-flop, short, T-shirt, pair•, Jean, stomach•, foot,
article, violation, Militar, Codigo, reform, murder misc •issue, sandal, plastic verb wear•, explain, throw, kick•,
military•, civil•, under•, within•, international•, Kenyan•, dress, slip•, •slap, mention•, insist, hurt
judicial, Czech•, harsh•, criminal, state, •substitutionary ● backward flip, backward handspring, backward
● punitive, punishing, disciplinary, corrective somersault, backflip, tumble, flip
883 | 0.85 A 824 | 0.91

14238 melodrama n 14280 snowfall n

adj historical, popular, nineteenth-century, romantic, adj annual, heavy, average, skinny, light, fresh, skiable,
Mexican, revolutionary, comic, traditional, cheap, early, natural, rare noun inch, foot•, acre, winter, drop•,
Victorian noun comedy, TV•, television, genre, soap, record•, season, temperature, wind, terrain verb
romance, villain, drama, film, tradition verb •feature, increase, cover, exceed, vanish, affect, •total, clear•,
surpass•, •highlight, dismiss•, associate cancel•, result, depend•
● play, drama, tragedy, comedy || fuss, drama, scene, ● snowstorm, snow, flurry, blizzard, whiteout
to-do 830 | 0.89 M
837 | 0.89
14287 namesake n
14245 looking j adj biblical, famous, striking, chief, mythical noun
noun glass, man, woman, guy, girl, car, skin, boy, restaurant, company, son•, town, park, grandfather,
building, fellow, inch, hair misc good•, through•, very•, founder•, •lake, •novel, daughter• verb •born, locate
nice•, great•, young•, fine•, step•, funny•, better•, 804 | 0.92
pretty•, ordinary•
812 | 0.92 F 14294 implement n
adj sharp, various, agricultural, modern, crude, wooden,
14252 traditionalist n digging, necessary, traditional, strange noun farm•, tool,
adj religious, conservative, modernist, Catholic, cultural, cooking•, •war, •dealer, writing•, stone•, metal•,
native, radical, tribal, die-hard, Christian noun kitchen•, iron• verb use, help•, develop•, plan, handle,
conservative, modernist, secularist, modernizer•, recommend•, design, •evaluate, dig, stack
progressive, argument, moderate, split•, radical, ● tool, device, gadget, instrument, contrivance, gizmo
conflict• verb •believe, •argue, •oppose, •insist, •claim, 792 | 0.94
•worry, •refuse, •favor, shock, •view
● conservative, purist, fundamentalist, conformist 14301 gratifying j
827 | 0.90 noun experience, result, feeling, success, response,
aspect, return, audience, agreement, classroom,
14259 wavy j surprise, it misc very•, most•, more•, find, especially•,
noun hair, line, eye, glass, gravy, head, lock, dark, finger, particularly•, extremely•, deeply•, less, quite•, instantly•,
skin, strand, shape misc her•, brown, black, dark, thick•, surprising•
long•, white, long•, blond, gray, short•, •red ● rewarding, satisfying, agreeable, heartwarming,
● curly, crimped, curvy, undulating acceptable, pleasing
843 | 0.88 F 780 | 0.95

14266 twenty-nine m 14308 clamp n

•year, •after, •percent, •hour, •old, age•, •minute, adj tight, stainless, quick, wide, necessary, proper,
twenty-nine, twenty-eight•, •past, later, kill, dollar, standard, loose, adjustable, hydraulic noun hose•,
•thirty clamp, metal•, pipe•, bolt, •down, cable, joint, gear,
805 | 0.92 bar• verb use, •hold, put•, apply, attach, tighten•,
remove•, •pull, set, release
14273 douse v ● wheel clamp, lock, immobilizer, Denver boot
noun water, •fire, •flame, •gasoline, light, •kerosene, 825 | 0.90 M
•sauce, rain, •oil, •cigarette, •perfume, firefighter•,
spray, •blaze, hair misc with, himself, cold, themselves, 14315 lieu i
hot, burn, light, herself, sweet, quickly, boiling, yourself, (in lieu of) in•, use•, •flower, •tax, payment, •cash,
torch, thin, liberally accept•, treatment•, gift, jail, stock, prison, donation,
● drench, soak, souse, wet || quench, extinguish, put •incarceration
out, smother 781 | 0.95
805 | 0.92

14322 wanting j 14364 perpendicular j

noun reason, information, help, stuff, change, sex, noun line, floor, axis, direction, plane, surface, ground,
control, attention, matter, revenge, knowledge, wall, Lin, thigh, body, angle misc •to, nearly•, almost•,
freedom misc find•, stop•, wanting, wrong•, sexual, so•, •magnetic, perfectly•, draw, roughly•, shear, along•,
blame•, imagine•, hungry•, cry, deliberately, marry, •horizontal, exactly•
•opposed ● at right angles, vertical, upright, bolt upright, erect,
● deficient, inadequate, imperfect, not good enough, sheer
not up to standard, not up to scratch 818 | 0.89
785 | 0.94
14371 inert j
14329 unsuspecting j noun gas, body, material, object, form, knowledge,
noun victim, public, tourist, prey, driver, investor, guest, substance, ingredient, matter, molecule, helium, metal
target, consumer, animal, visitor, customer misc sell•, misc lie, lay•, remain•, chemically•, render, •such,
lure•, poor•, upon•, catch, onto•, •arrive, grab, unleash•, passive, contain•, cold•, lifeless, relatively•, fill•
innocent, stalk•, pounce• ● motionless, still, lifeless, immobile || sluggish,
● unwary, gullible, credulous, innocent, unsuspicious, unmotivated, slow, inactive
naive 790 | 0.93
778 | 0.95
14378 mechanically r
14336 retort v •inclined, •reproduce, almost•, •ventilated, •similar,
noun Mr•, lie•, truth, cloud, nonsense, critic•, mayor•, both•, •patient, eat•, remove, •possible, image, quickly,
•grin, Dr misc angrily, sharply, anymore, firmly, grin, •vessel, •harvest
sting, glare ● automatically, without thinking, instinctively,
● respond, rejoin, snap, come back, counter, bite back unconsciously, reflexively, involuntarily
826 | 0.89 F 782 | 0.93

14343 devalue v 14385 purchaser n

noun currency, peso, dollar, society, rate, culture, adj large, prospective, potential, foreign, competing,
property, value, experience, ruble, lira, exchange, major, would-be, private, single, individual noun
decision•, •yuan, •rupee misc its, human, often, force, consumer, price, health, background•, care, product,
traditional, itself, ignore, tend, sharply, greatly, African, seller, gun, handgun•, market verb •buy, require, check•,
dominant, financial, entire, devalue sell, demand, limit•, benefit, permit, notify, acquire
● diminish, lessen, undervalue, bring down, cheapen, ● buyer, procurer, customer, client, consumer, payer
revalue 816 | 0.89
807 | 0.91 A
14392 composting n
14350 embroidered j adj solid, mixed, active, organic, commercial, static, in-
noun silk, dress, pillow, skirt, cloth, shirt, jacket, blouse, vessel, on-farm, residential, institutional noun waste•,
lace, linen, robe, handkerchief misc wear, white, black, •facility, food, backyard •, windrow•, •program, residuals,
red, dress•, blue, cover•, drape, colorful, Chinese, •operation, home•, material verb recycle, mix, compost,
richly•, traditional• •cure, encourage, operate, process, •reduce, divert,
814 | 0.90 F •conduct
1090 | 0.67 A
14357 deductible j
noun expense, tax, contribution, interest, percent, 14399 madman n
amount, income, business, policy, plan, cost, premium adj dangerous, raging, loose, crazy, frenetic, Arab,
misc your, pay, fully•, tax•, annual•, high•, raise•, maniacal, mad noun madman, reputation•, genius•,
•federal, medical, usually•, traditional, •individual •monster, driver, whim, terrorist, drum, raving •, fool
858 | 0.85 M verb run, drive•, laugh, •name, yell•, scream•, worry,
•wander, strike, cry
812 | 0.90 F

14406 well v 14448 predominate v

noun tear•, eye, blood•, anger•, fear•, emotion, throat, noun view•, culture, form•, population, language,
frustration•, feeling•, •chest, joy•, voice, heart, pain•, image, theme•, concern, red•, style•, •character,
sadness• misc her, feel, her, dark, hot, bright, blue, minority•, object, cell, consideration misc where, where,
strange, sudden, cry, fresh, notice, tear, deep, angry among, over, although, male, tend, especially, likely,
● spring up, brim, surge, gush || grow, rise, swell, thus, ethnic, European, individual, central, racial
intensify ● prevail, dominate, outweigh, preponderate, be in the
841 | 0.87 F majority, lead
828 | 0.87 A
14413 paternity n
adj legal, divine, paid, genetic, biological, putative, 14455 coke n
unwed, bitter, uncertain, female noun •test, •suit, adj classic, empty, daft, chief, regular, pubic, just,
•leave, child, father, •action, case, maternity, issue, frozen, flat, spilled noun diet•, bottle, can, coke,
•support verb establish, file, prove, acknowledge, deny •, •machine, rum•, vanilla•, brand, coffee•, ad verb drink,
determine, test, assert•, involve, •suit buy, sip•, sell, order•, snort•, grab•, pour•, smoke, kick
866 | 0.84 819 | 0.88 F

14420 expressed j 14462 paying j

noun concern, interest, need, desire, anger, confidence, noun job, customer, guest, attention, client, passenger,
percent, disappointment, surprise, support, frustration, public, subscriber, audience, patient, gig, adult misc
feeling misc interview•, despite•, current, respond•, high•, low•, better•, attract•, million, draw•, less, land•,
poll•, significant•, total, state, associate, •unmet, •order, •in, high-•, broke•
•societal, •prostatic 757 | 0.95
814 | 0.89 A
14469 auxiliary j
14427 visor n noun bishop, power, unit, task, service, officer,
adj green, blue, dark, red, mirrored, removable, cool, equipment, engine, input, constant, police, tank misc
stiff, rubber, visible noun helmet, sun•, cap, eye, provide, auxiliary, serve•, basic, require, appoint•, •rich,
handspring•, mirror, face, car, visor, palm verb wear•, present, along, •contain, install•, •necessary
flip•, pull•, raise•, lift•, lower•, slide•, •shade, attach•, tilt ● supplementary, secondary, support, back up,
● eyeshade, screen, blind supporting, assisting
839 | 0.87 F 798 | 0.90 A

14434 craze n 14476 resurface v

adj late, current, low-carb, hot, recent, whole, dot-com, noun year, laser•, skin, issue•, road, memory•, •mile, hip,
nationwide, running, Titanic noun fitness•, dance•, •machine, roadway, ice•, treatment, century, debate,
fashion•, health•, height•, aquarium•, baby, reality, TV, talk• misc later, again, recently, during, early, soon,
Internet• verb start•, •sweep, •hit, catch•, spark•, launch, periodically, lots, missing, dive, late, experience,
feed, crash, •spread, inspire underground
● fad, trend, fashion, rage, enthusiasm, obsession ● float up, come up, break the surface || reappear,
784 | 0.92 come back, rematerialize || coat, cover, skim
763 | 0.94
14441 mainline j
noun church, Protestant, denomination, Protestantism, 14483 blanket v
Catholic, Christian, group, congregation, religion, noun snow, •area, •city, •ground, forest, fog, cloud,
seminary, institution, organization misc •Protestant, landscape, mountain, land, foot, •sky, layer, •nation,
many•, American, liberal, evangelical, Christian, among•, valley misc thick, entire, white, nearly, dark, fresh,
Catholic, within•, Roman, religious, affiliate• green, gray, soft, endless, dense, front, square,
● principal, main, chief, leading, head, key beautiful, below
831 | 0.87 M ● cover, obscure, encase, drape, carpet, swathe
770 | 0.93

14490 grainy j 14532 glacial j

noun image, video, photograph, photo, picture, film, noun ice, pace, lake, period, moraine, water, river,
footage, texture, mustard, shot, screen, videotape misc deposit, stream, meltwater, retreat, cirque misc during•,
•black-and-white, white, •black, shoot, gray, slightly•, last•, move•, •melt, cover, along, blue, ancient•, cold,
flicker, somewhat•, dark, bit•, •blur, thick• form, carve•, milky•
● gritty, coarse, rough, granular, sandy, gravelly ● icy, ice-cold, freezing, biting || hostile, unfriendly, icy,
787 | 0.91 F cold
788 | 0.91 M
14497 miserably r
fail•, nod•, stare•, shake, •cold, •poor, perform, huddle•, 14539 meek j
attempt, sigh, whisper•, hunch•, cry•, shrug• noun earth, rep, voice, Democrat, analyst, lamb,
● unhappily, sadly, despondently, dejectedly, creature, congresswoman, sheep, posture, spirit, smile
wretchedly, glumly misc •inherit, •shall, •mild, gentle, blessed•, •for, timid,
776 | 0.93 F meek, quiet•, state, submissive, weak
● humble, quiet, gentle, docile || submissive, weak,
14504 ethically r cowed, fearful
morally, •wrong, legally, act•, •challenge, •questionable, 766 | 0.93
both•, •acceptable, behave•, •neutral, •mind,
•responsible, •correct, scientifically 14546 bravely r
● morally, justly, decently, properly, fittingly, virtuously fight, smile•, try, on, face, stand, die•, forward, act•,
785 | 0.91 A march•, carry, serve, step, soldier
● courageously, valiantly, heroically, daringly, fearlessly,
14511 grudge n staunchly
adj old, personal, long-standing, petty, bitter, annual, 771 | 0.93 F
ancient noun •match, sort•, rivalry, lady•, go•, fight,
•holder, hatred, •vendetta, motive verb hold•, bear•, 14553 tan v
carry•, harbor•, nurse•, bore•, settle, forget, nurture, noun skin, face, •salon, hide, •bed, leg•, sun, hair,
hurt leather, product, body, arm, •oil, •booth, beach misc
● complaint, chip on your shoulder, rancor, bitterness, deeply, white, blond, dark, tall, wear, darkly, brown,
dislike, resentment smooth, fit, muscle, herself, slightly, ready, hide
763 | 0.94 ● bronze, brown, toast, burn || treat, preserve,
process, dye
14518 self-employed j 789 | 0.90 F
noun people, business, worker, employee, person,
applicator, tax, insurance, individual, contractor, health, 14560 codify v
consultant misc small, •pay, unemployed, •deduct, noun law, •section, policy, rule, principle, •practice,
report, earn, self-employed, nearly, particularly, likely, statute, •approach, Congress, standard, provision,
employ, •independent constitution, legislation•, attempt•, regulation misc
● freelance, your own boss, independent, freelancing, amend, scattered, international, federal, simply, legal,
entrepreneurial, self-starting various, existing, religious, essentially, enforce, judicial,
799 | 0.90 formal, specific, basic
● organize, collect, collate, gather together, arrange,
14525 morph v order
noun face, yard•, animal, ability•, cell, video, wing, 827 | 0.86 A
feature•, movement, •shape, angel, screen•, decade,
insurgency•, monstrosity misc into, something, quickly,
suddenly, itself, civil, soon, industrial, rapidly, twist,
onto, another, gradually, slowly, full-fledged
● transform, alter, switch, convert, adapt, change
800 | 0.90

14567 lumpy j 14609 cranky j

noun bed, mattress, batter, breast, face, head, body, noun kid, baby, mood, critic, judge, cry, nap, disposition,
couch, universe, skin, pillow, mixture misc a•, slightly•, customer, comment, wonder, modem misc •old, tired•,
bit•, lumpy, little•, gray, lay•, red, •misshapen, •brown, a•, little•, sometimes, irritable, usually, hungry,
thick•, •mashed everybody•, re•, uncharacteristically•, cranky
● lump-filled, clumpy, uneven, bumpy || cumbersome, ● irritable, crabby, cantankerous, grouchy || eccentric,
awkward, lumbering, unwieldy quirky, idiosyncratic, bizarre
812 | 0.88 F 766 | 0.92

14574 dye v 14616 traffic v

noun hair, •color, wool, •red, •blond, •shade, yarn, cloth, noun woman, narcotic•, drug, arm•, coalition•, child,
cotton•, fabric, indigo, shoe, •black, blood, silk misc her, sex, •country, prostitution, cocaine, person, victim,
black, blond, red, blue, match, dark, purple, brown, •border, weapon, human misc against, heavily, stolen,
weave, yellow, spin, short, cut, natural across, illegal, international, charge, such, sell, human,
● color, stain, tint, change the color of illegally, annually, illicit, counterfeit, combat
774 | 0.92 F ● have dealings, deal in, trade, trade in || smuggle, run,
14581 ram n 794 | 0.89
adj big, hydraulic, huge, wooden, front, armored,
average, solid, wild, pubic noun battering•, •horn, head, 14623 incredulous j
•pressure, door, sheep, ewe, air, bighorn •, •wall verb noun look, stare, tone, voice, expression, Dr, noise,
batter•, shoot, kill•, prefer, •slaughter, •knock, sacrifice•, laugh, crowd, surprise, silence, shit misc ask•, look•,
•operate, blow, breed laugh, stare•, remain•, shake•, sound•, bit•, absolutely•,
800 | 0.89 exchange•, somewhat•, slightly•
● disbelieving, skeptical, unbelieving, doubtful,
14588 Marxism n doubting, unconvinced
adj orthodox, Soviet, Latin, classical, scientific, Hegelian, 791 | 0.89 F
historical, structural, critical, cultural noun theory,
feminism, •Leninism, ideology, socialism, •philosophy, 14630 index v
psychoanalysis, liberalism, thought, nationalism verb noun •inflation, •gain, •capital, tax, •fund, benefit, page,
argue, teach, claim, associate•, embrace•, influence•, wage, price, search, article, amount•, •finger, rate,
reject, impose, destroy, appeal income misc social, fully, future, s, search, relative,
872 | 0.81 A individual, limit, collect, annual, t, index, automatically,
S&p, x
14595 ambience n 773 | 0.91 A
adj comfortable, overall, bright, cozy, casual, unique,
quiet, elegant, physical, small-town noun service, food•, 14637 rainwater n
music, town, •star, restaurant, mood•, reaction•, adj full, fresh, collected, soft, heavy, clean, pure, dirty,
comfort•, atmosphere verb create•, add•, enjoy•, soak•, residential, wet noun •system, water, •roof, runoff,
•challenge, contribute, improve, maintain•, capture•, tank, cistern, rainwater, •collection, puddle•, pool• verb
destroy• collect, harvest, fill•, catch•, fall, drink, •wash, soak,
794 | 0.89 N capture•, drip
● rain, precipitation, rainfall, raindrops, freshwater
14602 underfoot r 804 | 0.88 M
feel•, crunch•, ground, trample•, snow•, crush•, rock•,
solid•, soft•, leaf•, earth•, floor•, grass, sand• 14644 printout n
793 | 0.89 F adj digital, financial, thick, actual, folded, computerized,
monthly noun computer•, •camera, stack•, paper, page,
data, desk, •result, file, ream• verb show, read, pull•,
provide•, produce•, hand•, study•, receive•, •contain,
771 | 0.91 F

14651 felt n 14686 conjunction n

adj black, gray, brown, green, yellow, soft, actual, adj close, superior, inferior, planetary, grand, rare,
comfortable, heavy, purple noun •hat, •pen, •need, spectacular, solar, historical, closest noun •sun, •planet,
piece•, •tip, •sense, •experience, paper, •injustice, sky, moon, star, •event, element, •earth, evening•,
•marker verb wear•, glue, cover•, cut, pull, draw, month verb publish•, •occur, pass, reach•, conjoin•,
respond, form, convert, line involve, form, arise•, celebrate•, coordinate•
771 | 0.91 ● combination, aggregation, unification, coincidence,
concurrence, juxtaposition
14658 prank n 807 | 0.87 A
adj little, harmless, stupid, childish, cruel, senior, silly,
teenage, elaborate, merry noun •call, •phone, kind•, 14693 supersede v
joke, fool•, sort•, victim•, threat, Halloween•, fraternity• noun law, state, right, identity, rule, interest, need,
verb play, pull•, commit, plan, enjoy•, engage, value, authority, culture, order, organization,
accompany, perpetrate, execute, forgive• •consideration, method, •concern misc by, federal, local,
● trick, practical joke, joke, lark, hoax, wind-up soon, international, eventually, individual, original, thus,
753 | 0.93 state, intend, common, gradually, cultural, tend
● succeed, take over, supplant, replace, surpass,
14665 truck v displace
noun •company, •firm, •industry, airline•, •site, railroad, 774 | 0.90 A
business, •town, animal, •plant, border, rail, •mile, cost,
•farm misc in, away, across, along, remote, harvest, 14700 vandalism n
southern, barge, market, haul, ship, regulate, forth, adj petty, minor, serious, increased, grand, random,
expand, newly blatant, guilty, conscious, isolated noun act•, theft,
767 | 0.92 violence, crime, graffiti, drug, property, damage, threat,
assault verb commit•, report, •occur, prevent, reduce,
14672 instantaneous j convict•, accuse•, steal, loot•, arrest•
noun communication, rate, response, change, ● damage, destruction, wreckage, sabotage,
perception, result, death, information, reaction, access, defacement, harm
mortality, velocity misc almost•, nearly•, •natural, cause, 751 | 0.93
global, produce, virtually•, •electronic, •worldwide,
assume•, permit•, rapid 14707 entrepreneurship n
● prompt, rapid, sudden, immediate, instant, direct adj social, economic, corporate, private, global,
768 | 0.91 technological, individual, free, intellectual, Soviet noun
business, innovation, program, professor, development,
14679 reassert v education, course, management, risk, market• verb
noun •control, •authority, •claim, •power, •leadership, teach•, encourage•, foster, offer, promote•, study•,
government, •role, •identity, attempt•, •presence, embrace•, sponsor, deter•, boost•
•position, nature•, •independence, •sovereignty,
770 | 0.91 M
•dominance misc itself, its, over, themselves, try,
himself, traditional, seek, civilian, long-standing, 14714 windowsill n
Russian, continually, cultural, historical, Kuwaiti adj sunny, wide, bright, potted, African, yellow, perfect
● restate, reaffirm, repeat, reiterate, confirm, insist noun plant, pot•, kitchen, wall, •sink, glass, floor, cat,
753 | 0.93 A shelf, geranium• verb sit, lean•, line•, perch•, place•,
rest, •stare, pile, climb•, jump
● ledge, sill, shelf, window ledge
802 | 0.87 F

14721 innocent n 14763 gulp n

adj holy, guilty, proven, innocent, poor, sweet, adj big, long, great, deep, single, huge, quick, audible,
Episcopal, helpless, sorry, vulnerable noun slaughter•, fresh, greedy noun •air, •water, wine, drink, •coffee,
death•, killing•, massacre•, blood•, violence•, attack, •beer, glass, vodka, •juice, •cup verb take•, swallow,
terrorist, suffering•, murder• verb kill, •suffer, •die, drink•, breathe•, down•, suck•, choke, gulp, gasp, pour
•catch, punish, slaughter, declare, attack •, •sleep, ● swallow, guzzle, swig, drink || mouthful, swig, slug,
prove• drink
737 | 0.95 824 | 0.84 F

14728 boardroom n 14770 cheers u

adj corporate, major, required, sly, Inc noun room, •applause, crowd, everyone, show•, bar, cheer, thank,
•table, executive, •segment, office, meeting, bedroom, draw•, laugh, TV•, •tear, audience, thanks, shout
•suite, •coup, courtroom verb hang•, head•, appoint•, ● thanks, thank you, thanks a lot, nice one! || goodbye,
suit, dominate•, •overlook bye, bye bye, cheerio
752 | 0.93 772 | o.90

14735 elasticity n 14777 quarantine n

adj high, own-price, short-run, estimated, low, overall, adj national, strict, medical, naval, voluntary, global,
significant, positive, long-run, negative noun price•, self-imposed, necessary, mandatory, infected noun
income•, demand, skin, supply, energy, substitution, protection•, crop•, •ARS, •facility, •area, isolation, plant,
elasticity, estimate, fuel verb lose•, estimate, improve•, •zone, animal•, •official verb enforce•, impose•, plant•,
increase, calculate, vary, maintain•, cause, reduce, place•, announce•, slap, declare•, •prevent, •import, lift
imply ● isolation, seclusion, confinement, solitary
● bounciness, springiness, resistance || softness, confinement, cordon sanitaire, separation
pliability, suppleness || spring, springiness, bounce 759 | 0.91
896 | 0.78 A
14784 enigma n
14742 lightweight n adj German, everyday, greatest, Japanese, aware,
adj small, portable, compact, durable, super, unresolved, interesting, deep, mysterious, ecological
inexpensive, strong, simple, cheap, easy noun •pound, noun •machine, mystery, answer•, riddle•, •code,
•material, compact, fabric, aluminum, •frame, •final, •cipher, enigma, secret, device, bit• verb remain•, wrap,
•mount, boot, •plastic verb design, scull, •hike, fight, solve, resolve, crack•, present, unravel•, pose
dismiss•, reinforce, weave, •fit, pack ● paradox, conundrum, problem, mystery, riddle,
● person of little consequence, small fry, little man, puzzle
little guy, pawn 739 | 0.93
778 | 0.89 M
14791 reverie n
14749 symptomatic j adj pleasant, private, quiet, erotic, brief, peaceful,
noun patient, problem, treatment, disease, relief, case, solitary, silent, deep, momentary noun dream, sound,
infection, health, improvement, youth, malaria, change interrupt•, sort•, thought, midst, childhood, meditation,
misc become•, •large, •content, •deep, develop, gaze, minute verb break, interrupt, fall•, lose•, snap•,
•general, itself•, mental•, asymptomatic, experience, startle•, shake•, end, pull•, wake•
•broad, than ● daydream, dream, trance, musing, contemplation,
● indicative, suggestive, characteristic brown study
803 | 0.86 A 771 | 0.89 F

14756 mop n 14798 charred j

adj black, thick, curly, blond, brown, red, dark, wet, noun remains, body, wood, skin, flesh, bone, corpse,
damp, unruly noun •hair, bucket, broom, floor, •curl, ruin, piece, smell, beam, rubble misc black, remain, off•,
hand, dust•, •handle, •head, •top verb push•, clean, remove•, peel•, smell•, scrape•, place, reveal,
•stand, grab, lean, drop•, shake•, wring•, hand•, wield •blackened, twisted, drag
785 | 0.88 F 752 | 0.92 F

14805 fang n 14847 foresight n

adj long, sharp, white, huge, yellow, bared, deadly, adj perfect, strategic, likely, proactive, remarkable,
pointed, gleaming, poisonous noun claw, eye, snake, brilliant, future, technological, lucky, critical noun lack•,
•sheath, venom, mouth, tooth, •mark, jaw, courage, thanks•, planning, vision, •innovation,
•penetration verb bare, sink•, reveal•, drip, flash•, hang, hindsight, leader, wisdom•, insight verb lack•, require•,
draw•, hiss•, •extend, slash demonstrate•, •plan, •save, •predict, display, •preserve,
809 | 0.85 F exercise•, •order
● forethought, prudence, farsightedness, anticipation
14812 pepper v || premonition, insight, prescience, prevision
noun •question, speech, reference, hole, •bullet, 751 | 0.91
reporter•, conversation, image, sentence, language,
star, hair•, phrase, •talk, salt• misc with, gray, whose, 14854 head-on r
heavily, throughout, salted, numerous, ancient, lightly, •into, meet•, confront•, face•, hit•, collide•, problem•,
complex, bright, French, occasionally, salt, liberally address•, tackle•, issue•, car, crash, run•, deal•
● sprinkle, shower, spray, scatter || scatter, ● straight on, frontally, straight ahead, directly ||
intersperse, sprinkle, interleave unflinchingly, uncompromisingly, with guns blazing,
746 | 0.92 confrontationally
726 | 0.94
14819 idealized j
noun image, vision, version, view, past, family, model, 14861 shaggy j
notion, form, figure, body, beauty misc •American, noun hair, head, dog, coat, beard, beast, story,
human, present, depict, base, represent, female, eyebrow, mane, pony, brow, grass misc black, brown,
highly•, than•, rather•, rather, portray• long•, blond, •white, •gray, wear, around, dark, shake•,
● perfect, flawless, faultless, ideal, unrealistic, fanciful long•, lift
769 | 0.89 A ● hairy, unkempt, disheveled, bushy, unshorn, hirsute
770 | 0.89 F
14826 phosphorus n
adj high, total, white, red, inorganic, agricultural, rich, 14868 ecclesiastical j
soluble, dissolved, organic noun nitrogen, potassium, noun authority, history, hierarchy, court, institution,
calcium, level, nutrient, concentration, soil, iron, water, law, establishment, jurisdiction, power, structure,
•runoff verb reduce•, contain•, apply, remove, increase, tradition, matter misc political, secular, civil, Catholic,
indicate, •enter, occur, •accumulate, precipitate• theological, Christian, competent•, upon, traditional•,
816 | 0.84 A particular•, formal•, temporal•
● church, clerical, religious, priestly, apostolic, papal
14833 conspicuously r 805 | 0.85 A
•absent, most•, •silent, •miss, less•, •lack, fail, remain•,
•list, display, place, consume, •empty, •quiet 14875 pang n
● noticeably, obviously, clearly, evidently, visibly adj sharp, sudden, momentary, slight, bittersweet,
738 | 0.93 deep, occasional, middle, suffering, acute noun hunger,
•guilt, •conscience, birth•, •regret, •jealousy, •envy,
14840 relativism n •sadness, •disappointment, •nostalgia verb feel•, suffer•,
adj moral, cultural, ethical, historical, radical, religious, realize, remember, experience•, •strike, ignore•, hit,
extreme, postmodern, epistemological, absolute noun endure•, •shoot
idealism, pluralism, •scale, value, dictatorship•, culture, ● twinge, spasm, paroxysm, shooting pain, wrench,
nihilism, historicism, dualism•, doctrine verb lead, cramp
indicate, reject, •associate, avoid, espouse, dominate, 769 | 0.89 F
differ, derive, •undermine
● contingency, belief, doctrine
835 | 0.82 A

14882 saline j 14924 polluter n

noun solution, water, implant, lake, sea, spray, adj big, corporate, major, large, bad, industrial, toxic,
irrigation, ml, silicone, injection, bag, aquifer misc environmental, gross, local noun •principle, company,
normal•, nasal, phosphate-buffered•, intranasal•, air, emission, cost, fines•, oil•, source, pollution, cash
hypertonic•, sterile•, highly•, replace, fill•, inject•, either, verb •pay, allow, require, •reduce, •clean, force•, fight,
less• identify•, protect, represent•
● salty, salt, brackish, briny, salted, pickled ● contaminator, dumper, poisoner, emitter, discharger,
767 | 0.89 A fly-tipper
761 | 0.89
14889 Brazilian n
adj Japanese, elderly, African, foreign, poor, native, 14931 oscillation n
middle-class, Brazilian, Peruvian, ordinary noun percent, adj solar, arctic, global, five-minute, southern, coherent,
Japanese, American, Brazilian, •descent, Portuguese, pool-table, large-scale, stellar, acoustic noun frequency,
Israeli, Mexican, generation, •Catholic verb argue, neutrino, amplitude, mode, period, •network, wave,
•name, demand, favor, estimate•, •engage, •prefer, data, relic•, figure verb produce, observe, detect•,
target •occur, measure, cause, •increase, exhibit•, •depend,
784 | 0.87 A •damp
● swaying, fluctuation, vacillation, alternation, swinging,
14896 affectionately r undulation
•call, know, as, •as, •refer, •dub, pat•, smile•, whom•,
823 | 0.82 A
arm•, squeeze•, around, shoulder, rub•
● warmly, lovingly, tenderly, kindly, caringly, 14938 aloof j
demonstratively noun style, cold, attitude, politics, struggle, reputation,
737 | 0.92 manner, stoic, personality, neighbor, expression, smile
misc remain•, stand•, seem•, hold•, distant, stay•, a,
14903 three-month j arrogant, somewhat•, cold•, himself•, little
noun period, bill, percent, rate, discount, investigation, ● remote, standoffish, reserved, indifferent || separate,
season, supply, trial, end, tour, summer misc during•, remote, distant, set apart
over•, end, auction, after•, •yesterday, •six-month, 720 | 0.94
conduct•, nearly, sell•, •average, •yield
746 | 0.91 N 14945 grocer n
adj local, Korean, online, green, progressive, available,
14910 gradient n Asian, natural, retired, independent noun food, shop,
adj steep, environmental, large, strong, thermal, store, specialty, neighborhood, son•, •shelf, •butcher,
latitudinal, magnetic, spectral, vertical, broad noun market, •wife verb carry, sell, check•, murder, supply,
pressure•, temperature•, concentration•, field•, species, shop, •stock, •deliver, order, market
peak•, stress•, carbon, outflow•, stream verb increase, 732 | 0.92
produce, maintain•, generate, decrease, reduce, define,
occur, affect, •control 14952 shorthand n
● slope, ramp, incline, hill, rise, pitch adj convenient, verbal, popular, cultural, neat,
835 | 0.81 A schematic, journalistic, handy, complicated noun kind•,
term, •description, name, code, •label, form•, culture,
14917 commonality n •language, •reference verb use, become•, write•,
adj human, cultural, certain, only, ethnic, shared, describe, refer, type, express, note, communicate,
significant, common, historical, underlying noun record
difference, •experience, •interest, culture, sense, 713 | 0.95
degree•, theme, •purpose, method, item verb find•,
share, emphasize•, recognize•, identify•, base•, •exist,
explore•, suggest, •discuss
778 | 0.87 A

14959 seniority n 15008 scribe n

adj equal, strict, congressional noun •system, year•, •list, adj chief, medieval, ancient, later, royal, expensive,
rule, job, •right, order•, teacher, committee, level verb twelfth-century, responsible, spiritual, wise noun •line,
base•, gain•, strip•, determine, govern, earn, merge•, Pharisee, priest, author, reader, text, cave, tomb,
•elect, modify, assign compass•, scholar• verb write, copy, •record, act•, train,
● supremacy, precedence, priority, position, tenure, •sign, employ, •view, guide, cross
superiority ● book copier, transcriber, copyist, clerk, illuminator
733 | 0.92 740 | 0.91

14966 centrally r 15015 booking n

•locate, •plan, •economy, more•, •control, place, adj online, early, central, future, last-minute, direct,
•important, •system, •involved, •direct, •concerned, cheap, increased, ready, theatrical noun •agent,
both, figure, •organize •agency, travel, hotel•, airline, advance•, summer, guest,
763 | 0.88 A month, cruise• verb handle, cancel, offer, travel•,
arrange, advance•, accept, save, check, cost
14973 three-point j ● reservation, hold, option, deposit || appointment,
noun shot, range, shooting, play, line, percent, shooter, engagement, contract, agreement
goal, field, scale, percentage, attempt misc from•, 737 | 0.91 N
shoot•, lead•, including•, convert•, hit, score, behind•,
top•, nine•, miss•, beyond• 15022 obedient j
784 | 0.86 N noun servant, child, dog, subject, son, wife, girl, soldier,
daughter, row, attentiveness, will misc always, loyal,
14980 infield n humble, faithful, respectful, passive, polite, •compliant,
adj right, middle, left, famous, solid, smooth noun obedient, docile•, produce•, submissive•
•single, side•, grass, ball•, •dirt, outfield, position, track,
● compliant, dutiful, submissive, respectful, biddable,
•defense, •practice verb hit, play•, score, rake, beat, fill,
steal, •bat, drag•, check 733 | 0.91 F
778 | 0.86 N
15029 prompt j
14987 forty-eight m noun action, treatment, response, attention, payment,
•hour, •percent, •year, •state, after, •later, within•,
cleanup, service, diagnosis, reply, removal, recognition,
next•, low•, •ago, •dollar, •second, twenty-four•, past• care misc •medical, early•, complete, appropriate,
733 | 0.92 F aggressive, forward•, financial, critical, •effective,
•essential, serious, •hazardous

14994 insurgent j ● punctual, on time, at the appointed time, without

noun group, attack, force, stronghold, activity, leader, delay || quick, rapid, swift, without delay
violence, candidate, campaign, movement, sniper, 723 | 0.92 A
commander misc against, Iraqi•, kill, •inside, suspected•,
fight, attack, •safe, deadly•, sectarian, control, Muslim 15036 forsake v
● mutinous, rebellious, rebel, insurrectionary noun •other, husband•, •culture, language, •career,
820 | 0.82 •heritage, flesh, •weapon, •bread, witness•, marriage,
soul, colleague, priest, •responsibility misc why, never,
15001 looter n thou, hast, completely, decide, thee, nor, entirely,
adj armed, commercial, archaeological, Iraqi, hard-core, abandon, favor, traditional, encourage, faithful,
ancient, professional, would-be, potential, grave noun altogether
site, street, collector•, target•, archaeologist, artifact, ● abandon, desert, leave, disown || renounce,
police•, fire, rioter, •building verb shoot, catch, protect•, relinquish, give up, turn your back on
strip, steal, •ransack, kill•, dig, arrest, hit 711 | 0.94
● robber, raider, plunderer, burglar, thief, pillager
796 | 0.84

15043 punishing j 15085 bohemian j

noun schedule, criminal, air, sun, blow, procedure, noun life, club, artist, grove, rhapsody, culture, girl,
behavior, hour, employer, heat, wrongdoer, pace misc neighborhood, lifestyle, store, crystal, look misc live,
most•, despite•, lead, less•, rewarding, prevent, simply, Czech, slightly•, •chic, bourgeois•, artistic, •near,
physically•, survive•, •hire, force, protect downtown, Moravian, •Indian, cool, dress
● grueling, exhausting, demanding, tiring, arduous, ● unconventional, nonconformist, alternative, carefree,
laborious relaxed, avant-garde
706 | 0.94 718 | 0.92

15050 consummate j 15092 avian j

noun skill, insider, politician, player, actor, professional, noun flu, influenza, virus, bird, disease, outbreak,
team, actress, gentleman, artist, craftsmanship, species, genome, strain, predator, threat, malaria misc
performer misc •professional, cast•, demonstrate•, pandemic, H5N1, human, avian, spread, such, report,
fashion•, southern •reach, highly•, infected, pathogenic•, identify
● skilled, skillful, expert || perfect, excellent, ideal || 785 | 0.84
absolute, chronic, total
707 | 0.94 15099 micro n
adj macro, small, similar, tiny noun •level, macro, •cell,
15057 caseload n •fuel, micro, •heat, •ethinyloestradiol, •enterprise,
adj large, small, high, heavy, average, social, growing, •scale, •camera verb produce, contain•, focus, •manage,
low, public, total noun welfare•, worker•, patient, design, hide, link
percent, size, teacher, reduction, •integration, court, ● microcomputer, small computer, personal computer,
agency verb reduce•, increase, handle, •fall, carry, PC, laptop computer, laptop
•drop, rise, •consist, measure, •decline 769 | 0.86 A
772 | 0.86 A
15106 somatic j
15064 duffel n noun anxiety, complaint, state, cell, symptom, self-
adj large, small, black, green, full, empty, heavy, blue, confidence, education, subscale, experience,
red, rolling noun •bag, clothes, canvas•, •floor, confidence, level, trait misc cognitive•, between•,
backpack, •shoulder, nylon•, suitcase, bottom•, bed •reproductive, withdraw•, predict, low•, social, •such,
verb carry•, grab•, pack, pull, throw, stuff, reach, open•, both, emotional, negative, report
pick•, toss• 939 | 0.7 A
769 | 0.86 F
15113 seawater n
15071 case v adj fresh, cold, freshwater, warm, ambient, brackish,
noun •manner, month, •neighborhood, hospital, salty, coastal, deep, surrounding noun •desalination,
burglar•, facility, others•, threat, opinion•, fellow, water, plant, salt, temperature, ocean, sample, gallon,
•prosecution misc which, joint, decide, like, determine, •intrusion, sea verb fill, drink, pour, pump, filter•, mix,
choose, carefully, bad, handle, appropriate, involved dissolve•, flood, produce, collect
698 | 0.95 724 | 0.91

15078 sear v 15120 skunk n

noun •memory, •side, heat•, meat, tuna, •minute, •mind, adj dead, drunk, spotted, wild, striped, awkward, dirty,
pain•, •scallop, oil, eye, skin, •consciousness, chicken, low-down, gray noun raccoon, •cabbage, •works, Fox,
steak misc into, until, hot, add, quickly, forever, itself, •party, possum, •garden, badger, skunk, opossum verb
outside, serve, medium-high, medium, burn, left, •work, smell•, drink•, eat, spray, Lockheed•, •weasel,
golden, brown bear, •dig, chase
● burn, scorch, solder, singe, flame, blister 738 | 0.89
727 | 0.91

15127 archipelago n 15169 dumping n

adj Hawaiian, vast, Indonesian, Japanese, Cuban, ethnic, adj illegal, toxic, nuclear, industrial, social, hazardous,
entire, Philippine, remote, Malay noun island, gulag•, radioactive, environmental, Japanese, certain noun
end•, south, north, •mile, portion•, •Boca, •packet, •ground, waste, •law, •site, ocean•, •margin, complaint,
•ocean verb •stretch, form, discover, comprise, inhabit, pollution•, •product, industry verb become•, prevent,
•locate, emerge, •divide, populate ban•, apply, •occur, rid•, dump•, file, refer, assess
738 | 0.89 747 | 0.88 A

15134 secession n 15176 federalism n

adj Soviet, southern, civil, successful, Kurdish, ethnic, adj new, American, moral, constitutional, political,
outright, northern, formal, Belgian noun right, war, cooperative, federal, judicial, Canadian, environmental
movement, law, act•, threat•, south, self- noun issue, principle•, case, democracy•, system•,
determination•, crisis, republic verb oppose•, vote•, power, right, court, idea, separation verb base, •state,
declare, favor•, reject, seek•, prevent•, threaten•, involve, undermine•, •concern, preserve, •promote,
argue•, push• favor•, debate, •ensure
● withdrawal, departure, separation, retreat, 829 | 0.79 A
retirement, resignation
756 | 0.87 15183 fireball n
adj huge, bright, brilliant, hot, expanding, spectacular,
15141 karate n primordial, red, tremendous, gigantic noun explosion,
adj black, Japanese, martial, Korean, cool, fake, Hai sky, impact, meteor, fireball, debris, •network, gas,
noun belt, •kid, •class, •chop, •lesson, •kick, teacher, •piece, energy verb explode, erupt, create, •rise,
•instructor, art, boxing verb •kick, learn, study•, produce•, shoot, send, ignite•, throw, hit
practice•, teach•, wear, swim, assume•, own•, execute• ● meteor, shooting star, falling star, bolide || ball
707 | 0.93 lightning, ball of fire, flash, lightning
734 | 0.89
15148 checker n
adj chubby, Chinese, red, yellow, super, built-in, 15190 jobless j
handcrafted, fact-, electronic, straight noun game, fact•, noun rate, claim, recovery, benefit, worker, percent,
chess, spelling•, •board, •cab, pool•, card, checker, number, job, American, month, week, unemployment
virus• verb play•, spell•, check, beat, smile, cheat, misc homeless, •rise, •fall, weekly•, low, •among,
replace, assign, •hug, kiss unemployed•, extend•, •jump, •drop, initial•, remain
● inspector, examiner, assessor, regulator, overseer, ● out of work, unwaged, unemployed, on the dole, on
supervisor benefit, redundant
742 | 0.89 F 736 | 0.89 N

15155 likable j 15197 longer-term j

noun guy, character, man, person, personality, fellow, noun effect, solution, problem, goal, rate, trend,
quality, hero, drama, lead, opponent, cast misc very•, strategy, bond, interest, study, investment, project
more•, as•, extremely•, intelligent, charming, warm, misc short-term•, •economic, •such, address•, focus•,
friendly, less•, particularly•, instantly•, decent immediate•, broad, require, deal, involve•, invest•,
● pleasant, affable, agreeable, amiable, genial, ensure•
easygoing 705 | 0.93
704 | 0.93
15204 five-day j
15162 spinning j noun period, trip, waiting, week, tour, workshop, visit,
noun wheel, rod, reel, class, blade, ball, top, disk, head, program, stay, conference, course, event misc during•,
star, tackle, light misc light•, cast, spin, inside, catch, offer•, require•, attend•, •biochemical, impose, •involve,
balance, form, bright•, fast, blue, drag•, rig per, cost, throughout, conduct, participate
728 | 0.90 M 708 | 0.92

15211 cinder n 15253 throb v

adj black, volcanic, white, red, gray, hot, stellar, bare, noun head•, pain, temple, heart•, vein•, leg, hand•,
dead, smoldering noun •block, •cone, wall, •track, ash•, body, pulse•, eye, music, finger, blood, back, knee• misc
building, foot, •path, smoke, rock verb burn, build, set•, his, her, my, begin, feel, start, ache, painfully, behind,
reduce•, lay, •fly, surround•, blow, •block, weight• swell, cause, red, left, dull, beneath
● clinker, ashes, ember, residue, used coal ● pound, thump, pulsate, pulse, thud, beat
732 | 0.89 F 763 | 0.85 F

15218 sandwich v 15260 puncture v

noun layer, plate, electrode, foam•, plastic, panel, •slice, noun lung, skin, hole, tank, bullet, air, •balloon, rib•,
slide, •metal, •sheet, foot, •piece, aluminum, tuna•, bone, leg, bubble, suit, heart, eardrum, •myth misc tire,
•pillow misc between, two, in, between, together, break, crush, accidentally, collapse, sharp, outer,
original, thin, inside, rigid, narrow, thick, active, broken, inflated, tear, bite, through, pierce, repeatedly,
oriented, light, instead thick
● squeeze in, squash in, pack in, slot in || squeeze in, ● pierce, stab, perforate, prick || undermine, deflate,
squash in, pack in, slot in erode, ruin
700 | 0.93 687 | 0.94

15225 comical j 15267 discord n

noun face, expression, figure, appearance, scene, leg, adj marital, internal, racial, domestic, social, religious,
incident, mouth, gesture, attempt, sight, character misc serious, ethnic, apparent, current noun family, source•,
almost•, rather•, sometimes•, slightly•, quite•, appear•, harmony, seed•, sign•, division, disharmony, •conflict,
somewhat•, sound•, kind•, funny, comical, tragic relationship, abuse verb sow•, create•, end•, cause•,
● rib-tickling, amusing, funny, laughable, sidesplitting, contribute•, result, promote•, experience, prevent•,
comic plant
700 | 0.93 ● disagreement, conflict, dispute, argument ||
dissonance, disharmony, cacophony, inharmoniousness
15232 wasteland n 697 | 0.93 A
adj vast, industrial, barren, urban, frozen, teenage,
empty, arid, cultural, frigid noun desert, land, 15274 ripen v
television•, mile, swamp, journey•, sky, neighborhood, noun fruit•, tomato, tree, grape•, vine, berry•, seed,
sand, middle• verb become•, transform, wander•, cross, apple•, summer, peach•, plant, variety•, banana, pear,
reclaim•, roam•, clean•, •graze, regard•, view season misc fully, red, late, early, grow, green, allow,
● wilds, wilderness, desert, badlands early, harvest, best, slowly, properly, pick, mature,
692 | 0.94 sweet
● mature, season, grow, evolve, develop
15239 naturalistic j 711 | 0.91 M
noun setting, style, approach, inquiry, study,
representation, form, garden, figure, view, research, 15281 fluid j
observation misc more•, abstract, both•, highly, noun situation, ounce, dynamics, flow, movement,
qualitative, less•, rather, than, examine, formal, category, identity, motion, loss, form, retention, grace
realistic•, depict• misc more•, more•, very•, very•, so, as•, as•, •change,
● realistic, real, true-to-life, natural, lifelike, •change, highly•, highly•, less
representational ● unsolidified, watery, liquid || effortless, flowing,
754 | 0.86 A smooth || adaptable, flexible, changeable
692 | 0.93
15246 inexplicably r
suddenly•, •start, •fail, die, fire, •abandon, somehow•,
quite•, vanish, •throw, •slow, •drop, •draw, •burst
● mysteriously, strangely, bizarrely, curiously,
unaccountably, enigmatically
694 | 0.93

15288 post-traumatic j 15330 medallion n

noun stress, disorder, syndrome, symptom, depression, adj central, grilled, round, golden, tiny, fresh, female,
growth, veteran, anxiety, reaction, treatment, sign, bacon-wrapped, oval, dark noun gold•, pork•, neck,
patient misc suffer•, diagnose•, treat•, develop•, chain, veal•, silver•, sauce, figure, beef, taxi verb wear,
experience•, including•, post-traumatic, sexual, deal•, •hang, draw•, serve, receive, cut•, slice•, inscribe, •bear,
psychological, cause, emotional• award
729 | 0.88 ● medal, decoration, pendant, rondure, ensign,
15295 crimson n 713 | 0.90
adj blue, ultramarine, permanent, yellow, burnt, bright,
deep, purple, green, white noun alizarin•, red, cadmium, 15337 malfunction n
light, orange, sienna, gold, color, yellow, face• verb adj mechanical, human, major, electrical, serious,
turn•, •rise, mix, glow, •sap, flush•, mark, range•, well, technical, etiological, immune, genetic, super noun
replace wardrobe•, system, equipment•, computer•, function,
732 | 0.88 M brain, engine•, failure, error, malfunction verb cause,
•occur, experience•, result, correct•, alert, define,
15302 tycoon n suffer•, prevent•, •fire
adj real, Greek, Russian, temperamental, late, British, ● fault, breakdown, failure, error, blip, glitch
Japanese, Chinese, powerful, rich noun business•, oil•, 703 | 0.91
estate•, media•, shipping•, newspaper•, son•, railroad•,
owner, husband verb buy, own, name, control, •Tung, 15344 rigidity n
•fund, ship•, •announce, marry•, publish• adj torsional, lateral, structural, ideological,
● magnate, mogul, business person, industrialist institutional, overall, muscular, bureaucratic, increasing,
700 | 0.92 traditional noun strength, weight, tremor, body•,
•routine, flexibility, lack, muscle, support, stiffness verb
15309 huff v provide•, increase•, add•, avoid•, characterize, maintain,
noun •puff, •breath, air, stair, grunting, dust, train•, reduce•, impose, improve•, •control
steam, gasoline, butane, •sigh, nose, •cloud, run, ● stiffness, inflexibility, inelasticity, firmness ||
inhalant misc puffing, puff, blow, up, puffed, along, huff, inflexibility, firmness, severity, strictness
breathe, answer, bit, jog, loudly, burn, stomp, uphill 721 | 0.89 A
● puff, pant, wheeze, gasp || bluster, grumble, rant,
complain 15351 misinformation n
730 | 0.88 F adj spreading, deliberate, confident, outright, historical,
pervasive, rampant, misplaced, confusing noun lot•,
15316 indignant j information, campaign, •condition, kind•, bit•,
noun voice, look, letter, protest, editorial, mom, tone, disinformation, effect, deal•, lie verb correct•, base•,
thought, expression, worker, response, stuff misc spread, feed, expose•, •present, perpetuate, deceit,
become•, sound•, almost, righteously•, suddenly•, angry, contain, fear
•moral, wax•, •insist, ignore, shocked•, •outraged
● misrepresentation, distortion, half-truth, bending of
● irate, vexed, put out, in a huff, outraged, incensed the truth, spin, fabrication
706 | 0.91 F 697 | 0.92

15323 escalator n 15358 swagger n

adj down, steep, upper, temporary, moving noun adj little, confident, certain, rolling, arrogant,
elevator, stair, step, floor, •walkway, top•, bottom•, exaggerated, cocky, cocksure, usual, slight noun •stick,
station, •clause, subway verb ride•, •lead, move, run, table, bit•, •attitude, street, match•, confidence, •walk,
step•, walk•, climb, fall, head•, ascend• cowboy, swagger verb walk•, lose, watch•, announce,
● moving staircase, staircase, stairway, stairs maintain•, regain•
743 | 0.86 F ● boastfulness, arrogance, bluster, conceit, boasting,
706 | 0.90

15365 mainframe n 15407 charter v

adj large, personal, traditional, centralized, corporate, noun plane, school, boat, •jet, company, flight, state,
expensive, powerful, central, cheap, single noun bus, bank, yacht, corporation, nation•, Congress, ship,
•computer, system, software, business, minicomputer, fishing misc private, United, fly, financial, nonprofit,
data, company, •network, server, program verb run, commercial, federally, own, British, congressionally,
replace•, connect, link•, access•, •cost, dominate, print, board, independent, instead, aboard, operate
communicate•, tie• ● rent, lease, hire, take on, commission, let
749 | 0.85 M 685 | 0.93

15372 courteous j 15414 heron n

noun kind, manner, service, driver, behavior, voice, adj blue, great, white, green, gray, wild, bald, male,
smile, tone, host, bow, response, conversation misc purple, tall noun egret, night•, heron, osprey, •fish,
very•, friendly, polite, most•, always, helpful, respectful, eagle, duck, ibis, crane, bird verb •stand, watch•, •fly,
professional, •enough, civil, unfailingly•, extremely• •stalk, •egret, shake, •egrets, •glide, •perch, nod•
● polite, well-mannered, considerate, chivalrous, civil, 719 | 0.88
678 | 0.94 15421 opportunistic j
noun infection, behavior, species, pathogen, alliance,
15379 individualistic j AIDS, politician, use, strategy, disease, organism, feeder
noun society, culture, learning, value, explanation, misc such, •cause, inefficient, individual, •seek, rather•,
factor, perspective, nature, condition, view, approach, politically•, merely•, adaptable•, treat•, tend, reduce•
model misc more•, competitive, highly•, cooperative•, ● unscrupulous, resourceful, unprincipled, devious,
than, rather, less•, western, social, traditional•, cunning, adaptable
•democratic, collectivistic• 690 | 0.92 A
750 | 0.85 A
15428 sonar n
15386 well-educated j adj passive, active, low-frequency, underwater,
noun people, woman, parent, professional, person, sophisticated, infrared, used, deep, hand-held, arctic
population, worker, force, class, American, adult, noun •system, •equipment, radar, •unit, •screen, sensor,
citizen misc young, very•, white, affluent, less•, middle- sonar, •device, submarine, technology verb use•, detect,
class, relatively, •professional, intelligent•, highly, •locate, send, display, •map, pick, •listen, enable,
among•, wealthy employ
● cultured, erudite, knowledgeable, well-read, learned 708 | 0.89
675 | 0.94
15435 roundup n
15393 right v adj annual, nightly, recent, Nazi, mass, ready, thought-
noun wrong, ship, •chair, injustice, balance, boat, provoking, planned, weekly, western noun •rider, news,
economy, human•, bottle, justice, cabin•, paddle•, •entertainment, •celebrity, rattlesnake•, cattle, •Jew,
wheel, smile, knee• misc itself, back, himself, wrong, horse, future•, society• verb conduct•, escape, ride,
herself, call, themselves, bring, quickly, fall, myself, test•, order•, arrest•
finally, stumble, through, commit ● assembly, capture, hunt, herding || summary,
● redress, rectify, amend, remedy, correct, restore rundown, review, summing up
682 | 0.93 F 699 | 0.90 M

15400 Spanish n 15442 intuitively r

noun •language, English, Latin•, modem•, century•, know, understand, seem, feel, •appealing, grasp,
French, speaker•, translation•, sign•, pidgin• verb speak, •obvious, sense, •recognize, although•, •expect, •appeal,
learn, •arrive, teach, translate•, •refer, •encounter, realize, •true
•occur, establish, preserve ● instinctively, by instinct, automatically,
693 | 0.92 spontaneously, naturally, unthinkingly
693 | 0.91 A

15449 saunter v 15491 eatery n

noun •room, door, •street, •bar, table, hall, •stage, adj popular, local, Italian, favorite, casual, trendy,
•aisle, •road, dog, crowd, couple•, •step, •stair, •kitchen ethnic, downtown, chic, famous noun shop, restaurant•,
misc over, into, down, toward, off, through, back, in, up, bar, food, hotel, store, neighborhood, boutique, chef,
away, across, out, past, by, around gallery verb open, •serve, feature, water, occupy, line•
● stroll, walk, amble, mosey, meander, ramble ● restaurant, cafeteria, bistro, eating place, café,
732 | 0.86 F brasserie
720 | 0.87 N
15456 pop u
pop, pop•, rock, pop, jazz, term•, hey•, •greatest, 15498 non-western j
•challenge, snap, folk•, crackle•, Hi•, sorry noun culture, society, art, world, tradition, music,
723 | 0.87 F country, study, course, practice, context, civilization
misc western, •rhetorical, •cultural, study•, especially,
15463 anti j traditional, well, certain•, ethnic, represent, ancient•,
noun drug, abortion, level, choice, activist, movement, particularly
campaign, pro, police, tax, lock, legislation misc anti, 770 | 0.81 A
•social, •Semitic, •anything, negative•, •inflammatory,
Christian, •tubercular, pro•, democratic, corporate, 15505 amnesia n
•nuclear adj collective, selective, historical, complete, cultural,
● opposed to, against, antagonistic, averse, ill-disposed, temporary, traumatic, willful, partial, global noun
hostile memory, case•, kind•, victim, loss, •past, amnesia,
727 | 0.87 denial, •repression, consciousness• verb suffer•, forget,
cause•, develop•, induce•, recognize, cure, afflict,
15470 cultivar n complete•, •settle
adj new, native, available, different, resistant, ● loss of memory, memory loss, forgetfulness,
improved, commercial, variegated, Asian, open- obliviousness, oblivion, blankness
pollinated noun species, seed, potato, garden, •loss, 674 | 0.93
plant, variety, fruit, grape•, cultivar verb develop, grow,
plant, choose, produce, breed, introduce, select, 15512 frosted j
identify, name noun glass, window, flake, mug, cake, hair, door, light,
858 | 0.73 M box, breath, sugar, chocolate misc through•, white,
•pink, eat•, tall•, brown•, blue, front, cold•, peer•,
15477 Cambodian j •blond, below
noun government, refugee, border, leader, faction, ● ice-covered, iced, frosty, icy, snowy, frozen
peace, dance, culture, official, guerrilla, capital, music 697 | 0.90 F
misc Vietnamese, among•, traditional•, near•, Laotian,
foreign, classical, along, Cambodian, •Indian, train, 15519 prudence n
alternate adj fiscal, political, common, practical, long-term, moral,
722 | 0.87 simple, habitual, ordinary, wise noun virtue, justice,
wisdom, courage, caution, juris•, temperance, sense,
15484 fallacy n act, matter• verb require, •dictate, exercise•, suggest,
adj logical, common, naturalistic, ecological, intentional, act•, recognize•, question•, •recommend, justify,
pathetic, central, false, misplaced, genetic noun overcome
•argument, fallacy, •notion, example•, jangle•,
● farsightedness, forethought, judiciousness,
•concreteness, discussion, growth, logic, subaltern •
carefulness, caution, practicality
verb commit•, expose•, •assume, avoid•, recognize•, 692 | 0.90 A
point•, base•, lay, demonstrate•, illustrate
● misconception, myth, error, mistake, delusion,
704 | 0.89 A

15526 reflected j 15568 rebuttal n

noun light, glory, sunlight, image, appraisal, shadow, adj point-by-point, quick, detailed, lengthy, final, brief,
color, sound, sun, glow, heat, signal misc bask•, shine•, effective, angry, closing, successful noun •witness,
positive•, •light, glitter•, bright•, direct•, bathe, produce, argument, prosecution, letter, charge, •claim,
yellow•, catch•, analyze• prosecutor, •defense, lawyer•, •statement verb write•,
679 | 0.92 offer•, issue•, prepare•, publish•, present•, plan•,
mount•, print, argue
15533 interchangeable j ● refutation, disproof, confutation, denial, negation,
noun part, lens, term, system, choke, camera, tube, contradiction
piece, unit, role, concept, gun misc become•, virtually•, 695 | 0.89
almost•, less•, pretty•, feature, offer•, nor, largely•,
easily•, eight, fit 15575 fleeing j
● substitutable, identical, the same, similar, compatible, noun refugee, persecution, suspect, poverty, crowd,
transposable car, soldier, vehicle, rebel, slave, violence, force misc
680 | 0.92 after, catch•, kill•, pursue•, stop, shoot•, chase•, fire•,
•Taliban, •Iraqi, unarmed, southern
15540 cobblestone n 660 | 0.94
adj narrow, steep, winding, wide, wet, quaint, slick,
damp, uneven, smooth noun •street, •path, •road, alley, 15582 more n
brick, •square, town•, building, sidewalk, village verb adj social, sexual, cultural, traditional, contemporary,
walk•, line, •lead, pave•, stroll•, rattle•, lay•, roll•, local, religious, western, changing, modern noun value,
clatter•, surround society, manner, culture, custom, law, belief, •behavior,
● cobble, paving stone, sett, stone, flagstone, flag norm, rule• verb change, reflect•, affect, order, dictate,
691 | 0.90 F instruct•, appreciate•, differ, offend, impose
702 | 0.88 A
15547 tranquility n
adj domestic, relative, quiet, inner, peaceful, civil, 15589 chug v
spiritual, emotional noun peace•, •base, sense•, beauty, noun •beer, train•, •bottle, water, car•, engine•,
order, revitalization•, moment, oasis•, emotion•, calm machine•, boat•, economy•, •drink, track, steam•, bus•,
verb provide, •shatter, enjoy•, disturb, maintain•, glass, truck misc along, down, away, through, toward,
recollect•, ensure•, •copy, seek•, restore• keep, while, chug, across, past, around, up, along,
● serenity, calmness, peacefulness, quietude, quietness, slowly, down
stillness ● continue, keep going, plug away, keep at it || guzzle,
661 | 0.94 gulp, gulp down, swig
677 | 0.92 F
15554 two-bedroom j
noun apartment, house, home, condo, unit, suite, 15596 whittle v
cottage, bungalow, one-, villa, condominium, noun •stick, •list, •number, wood, •communication,
townhouse misc live•, buy•, rent•, share, small•, move•, •piece, •size, knife, •middle, month•, •waist, •debt,
home, modest•, •one-bath, one-•, build, •two-bath pocketknife, carving, •inventory misc down, away, off,
698 | 0.89 N sharp, slowly, financial, whittle, hone, fat, dull, instead,
diet, steadily
15561 petrified j ● carve, shape, fashion, shave, sculpt, cut
noun forest, wood, park, garden, tree, piece, trail, foot, 666 | 0.93
porn, sand, dune, dinosaur misc •national, absolutely•,
stand•, totally, petrified, approach, completely, freeze,
sing, alone, front, giant
● frightened, terrified, scared, alarmed || fossilized,
hardened, solidified, fixed
680 | 0.92

15603 payer n 15638 acquired j

adj single, third-party, private, multiple, feasible, noun taste, inheritance, syndrome, knowledge,
commercial, universal, sole, global, financial noun tax•, characteristic, skill, deficiency, immunodeficiency,
•system, patient, provider, care, health, government, company, trait, motivation, theory misc •immune,
rate•, bill, party• verb •pay, cover, support, save, congenital, •lecture, •domestic, apply•, systemic•,
require, subsidize, contact, •demand, reimburse, adopt inherit, secondary•, definitely•, define, rather, Inc
● spender, financier, customer, client, paymaster, ● learned, picked up, developed, assimilated, attained,
bursar taught
719 | 0.86 713 | 0.86 A

15610 suede n 15645 laundering n

adj blue, brown, black, soft, gray, red, tan, purple, adj terrorist, possible, federal, international, illegal,
fringed, green noun •shoe, •jacket, •boot, leather, coat, guilty, involved, alleged, commercial, money- noun
pair•, skirt, •sandal, bag, jeans verb wear•, dress•, money•, drug, fraud, charge, trafficking•, tax,
•drape, belt, sing•, shearling, complete, grab• conspiracy, racketeering, financing, •scheme verb
691 | 0.89 M combat, involve, link, charge•, traffic, plead, convict•,
•control, indict•, prevent•
15617 spoiled j 676 | 0.91
noun brat, child, food, kid, girl, milk, meat, ballot, boy,
baby, daughter, generation misc like•, •rich, act•, •little, 15652 shattering j
eat•, throw, •pamper, behave•, spoiled, rather•, •selfish, noun glass, sound, window, earth, news, experience,
rotten event, record, bone, blow, myth, metal misc hear•,
● ruined, damaged, decayed, rotted || overindulged, break, fall, suffer•, tear•, snap, •disrupt, imagine,
ruined, willful, bratty sudden•, shattering, civil•, subtle•
663 | 0.93 ● devastating, crushing, shocking, earth-shattering,
cataclysmic, catastrophic
15624 refurbish v 659 | 0.93 F
noun building, hotel, home, room, property, project•,
•stadium, •image, •field, computer, •facility, plan•, 15659 premier n
•baseball, furniture, dollar• misc old, build, newly, adj Chinese, Soviet, vice, prime, Israeli, Russian, Italian,
recently, buy, completely, rebuild, expand, totally, provincial, French, polish noun vice, deputy•, minister,
program, replace, existing, upgrade, recycle, historic party, season•, will•, movie, meeting•, DJ, union• verb
● renovate, restore, redecorate, renew, revamp, •accuse, elect•, •visit, •announce, •resign, •appoint,
overhaul •issue, quicken, warn•, launch
667 | 0.92 ● prime minister, PM, leader, head of state, ruler, head
of government
15631 truffle n 664 | 0.92
adj white, black, fresh, wild, swept, miniature, dark,
rare, remaining, chopped noun chocolate•, •oil, cake, 15666 trope n
mushroom, gras, truffle, foie, champagne, •sauce, adj rhetorical, literary, central, familiar, visual, common,
cheese verb serve, eat•, fill, roll, shave, drizzle•, taste•, cultural, classical, chiastic, ancient noun •figure, use•,
flavor, feed, bake metamorphosis, metaphor, •teacher, master•,
702 | 0.88 N personification, image, prosopopoeia, •scheme verb
employ, •describe, encapsulate, invoke, repeat, rely•,
dismiss, express
760 | 0.81 A

15673 paleontologist n 15715 musket n

adj vertebrate, early, Chinese, professional, adj heavy, loaded, British, French, ready, civil,
evolutionary, amateur, natural, English, renowned, Portuguese, sharp, steady, ancient noun •ball, •fire,
modern noun dinosaur, fossil, biologist, geologist, soldier, rifle, cannon, bayonet, sword, •shot, barrel,
scientist, bone, museum, animal, century•, •evidence artillery verb fire, hold, carry, raise•, load, arm•, grab•,
verb •study, •discover, unearth, •recognize, •dig, •revise, shoot, point, shoulder
name, •speculate, •announce, reconstruct 737 | 0.83 F
701 | 0.87 M
15722 disservice n
15680 clique n adj great, tremendous, terrible, grave, huge, real,
adj small, ruling, white, little, social, military, popular, serious, enormous, massive, greatest noun reader,
secret, ethnic, tiny noun school, group, member, clique, •student, country, public, community, •American, bit•,
girl, •officer, individual•, faction, club, army verb form, •consumer, client, •memory verb do•, perform•, •imply,
break•, belong•, tend, determine, view, exclude, render
dominate, retreat, •gossip ● damage, harm, wrong, injury, difficulty
● group, circle, faction, set, gang, elite 652 | 0.93
668 | 0.92
15729 droop v
15687 moisten v noun head•, shoulder, eyelid•, eye, mouth, face, ear,
noun •lip, ingredient•, water, eye•, mixture, •edge, arm, •side, lid•, flower, plant•, body•, leaf•, hair• misc
•dough, •batter, tongue, finger, paper, bread, sauce, his, her, begin, over, over, down, let, start, a, low,
flour•, soil misc until, just, her, dry, stir, evenly, each, forward, slightly, little, onto, heavy
beat, mix, gently, little, enough, toss, pour, dress ● sag, wilt, bow, hang down || tire, tire out, wear out,
● dampen, moisturize, humidify, soak, saturate, drench flag
674 | 0.91 M 710 | 0.86 F

15694 lukewarm j 15736 satanic j

noun water, support, cup, response, coffee, review, noun cult, verse, abuse, ritual, memory, mill, novel,
reception, tea, heat, bath, reaction, interest misc only•, book, worship, author, activity, conspiracy misc •ritual,
at, best, cool•, receive•, until•, cup•, hot, pour, serve, dark•, sexual, •request, involve, abuse•, alleged, evil,
despite, sip• perform, belong•, satanic, murder
● unenthusiastic, half-hearted, cool, unexcited || tepid, 684 | 0.89
warm, hand-hot, cool
651 | 0.94 15743 skipper n
adj professional, veteran, experienced, due, Italian, tiny
15701 paprika n noun boat, crew, charter•, butterfly, ship, cup•, •helm,
adj sweet, Hungarian, hot, red, black, smoked, dry, owner•, delivery•, •yacht verb report, •compete, •steer,
Spanish, dried, turmeric noun teaspoon, pepper, salt, sail, •adjust, operate, checker•, locate
tablespoon, garlic, powder, cayenne, ground, cumin, ● captain, boss, chief, head, person in charge
thyme verb sprinkle•, add•, stir, smoke•, combine•, 682 | 0.89
taste, •bake, mix, coriander, chop
730 | 0.84 M 15750 sterling n
adj Inc, stainless, emeritus, defensive, injured, humble,
15708 acquiesce v correctional, exquisite, engraved, welcome noun •silver,
noun •demand, •decision, •request, administration•, pound•, sterling, height, gold, •reputation, yard•,
regime•, choice, pressure, •judgment, council•, •flatware, owner, district verb draft, host, •cast,
assumption, •advance, will, marriage, •nod, scientist• illustrate, register, battle, sub, oxidize, •resume, reprint
misc in, finally, simply, least, quietly, force, eventually, 668 | 0.91 M
accept, refuse, meekly, participate, rather, easily,
whatever, tacitly
● agree, comply, accept, consent, assent, give in
657 | 0.93 A

15757 incubator n 15799 scum n

adj nonprofit, small-business, Kuwaiti, successful, for- adj green, thick, thin, absolute, brown, northern, stupid,
profit, perfect, in-house, refrigerated, entrepreneurial yellow, initial, floating noun pond•, •earth, yuppie•,
noun baby•, business, technology•, hospital, •fund, scum, soap•, water, piece•, guy•, ice, surface verb cover,
incubator, •center, Internet•, chick, enterprise verb skim•, form, remove, •rise, float, •deserve, attract•,
serve•, open, •develop, pull•, place•, remove, act•, treat•, wipe•
•scatter, warm•, stare• ● impurities, layer, filth, froth, foam, crust
682 | 0.89 664 | 0.91 F

15764 airman n 15806 insulated j

adj American, black, allied, British, senior, German, noun bag, box, wire, wall, panel, window, glass, boot,
missing, Iraqi, famed, retired noun Tuskegee•, soldier•, glove, door, jacket, metal misc structural•, warm,
sailor•, •marine, air, force•, •class, •officer, flight, crew highly•, inside, heavily•, •sip, poorly•, waterproof•,
verb kill, capture, •fly, •shoot, •miss, •station, rescue, protect, cold, wear•, live
rape, command, •claim 675 | 0.89 M
673 | 0.90
15813 Scot n
15771 sorority n adj Irish, English, British, Welsh, huge, Scottish, French,
adj black, Inc, national, African-american, African, proud, fellow noun English, •French, century,
exclusive, feminist, involved noun fraternity•, •sister, independence, clan, Scot, battle, golf, soldier, elite•
•house, •girl, member, college, theta •, •party, club, verb •fight, •claim, •name, •face, •arrive, •invent, attend,
campus verb join•, pledge, belong•, benefit, •found, form, •born, •dominate
invite, •haze, •install, organize•, target 739 | 0.82
666 | 0.91
15820 pander v
15778 underage j noun •audience, •voter, politician, •fear, •interest, •vote,
noun drinking, girl, sex, child, drinker, alcohol, kid, boy, •obscenity, party•, •conservative, •public, politics,
worker, smoker, marriage, teen misc sexual, drink, •constituency, Democrat•, desire, liberal misc to,
illegal, serve, sell•, cite•, reduce•, encourage•, engaged•, accuse, refuse, common, liberal, either, simply, charge,
combat•, target•, perform in, popular, religious, domestic, hate, prurient,
● juvenile, immature, youthful, young, callow conservative
669 | 0.90 657 | 0.92

15785 outlying j 15827 avenge v

noun area, city, village, district, town, suburb, region, noun •death, •loss, •father, •murder, attack, •brother,
county, community, island, farm, province misc small, killing, •defeat, chance•, desire•, •crime, son, •insult,
•rural, well•, faint•, link•, locate•, •lots, Soviet, visit, •honor, •wrong misc must, himself, kill, themselves,
afford, control, far upon, seek, vow, dead, someone, yourself, herself,
● remote, out-of-the-way, distant, faraway || remote, order, in, determine, bend
out-of-the-way, distant, faraway ● retaliate, punish, even the score, take vengeance, get
645 | 0.94 even, hit back
646 | 0.93
15792 wryly r
say•, she, smile•, note, observe, add•, comment•, grin•, 15834 freak j
laugh•, remark, •refer, suggest, wonder, point noun show, accident, storm, injury, wave, snowstorm,
● amusingly, ironically, quizzically, drolly, sardonically, fall, occurrence, weather, dancing, lightning, event misc
humorously die•, kill•, hit, occur, freaky•, fucking•, injure•, doubtful•,
672 | 0.90 F ban, severely•, suffer•, blame•
661 | 0.91

15841 panoramic j 15876 huddle n

noun view, window, vista, landscape, shot, city, scene, adj quiet, offensive, tight, quick, gray, brown, brief
picture, photograph, experience, wall, mountain misc noun play, team, player, football•, offense, •time-out,
offer•, provide•, a•, enjoy•, sweeping, •downtown, •quarterback, •coach, soldier, presence• verb call,
African-american•, afford•, wide, onto•, reveal•, break•, stand•, walk•, form•, join•, gather, emerge•,
spectacular• step•, trot•
651 | 0.92 ● group, cluster, knot, crowd, clump, mass
656 | 0.91
15848 sacramental j
noun theology, marriage, life, church, character, 15883 grounding n
practice, causality, memorial, act, grace, wine, adj solid, theoretical, firm, strong, intentional,
celebration misc within, contemporary•, Catholic, thorough, moral, basic, very, theological noun •line,
liturgical, Christian, consummate, itself, perform, •history, •science, •principle, value•, art, •tradition,
religious, enter•, •sacred, theological •theory, •reality, •culture verb provide•, lack•, receive•,
746 | 0.8 A require, •retreat, prevent, force
● basis, preparation, training, instruction, education,
15855 overarching j foundation
noun goal, theme, question, principle, concern, 655 | 0.91 A
narrative, issue, purpose, strategy, framework, concept,
sense misc political, single•, •social, within•, define•, 15890 alfalfa n
•cultural, address, •strategic, •moral, broad•, beneath, adj green, dried, ineffective, purple, normal, fresh-cut,
maintain fresh, unusual, tender, clean noun •sprout, field, hay,
● all-embracing, all-encompassing, main, predominant, corn, crop, soybean, plant, clover, wheat, •meal verb
principal, primary grow, feed, plant, eat•, •sprout, develop, identify,
688 | 0.87 A •spread, contain, irrigate
677 | 0.88
15862 serotonin n
adj low, selective, chemical, feel-good, normal, active, 15897 expertly r
norepinephrine, increased, happy, antidepressant noun hand, play, •prepare, •craft, cut, quickly•, catch, •flip,
level, brain, neurotransmitter, chemical, •reuptake, •guide, •cast, •slice, horse, knife, finger
•inhibitor, •activity, norepinephrine, dopamine, ● skillfully, knowledgeably, proficiently, capably, well
serotonin verb increase•, produce, dopamine, boost•, 657 | 0.91 F
cause, raise•, release, affect, stimulate, relate
732 | 0.82 M 15904 terra-cotta n
adj large, small, white, funerary, ancient,
15869 impervious j commemorative, red, famous, glazed, huge noun •pot,
noun surface, water, criticism, change, pressure, •tile, •head, •sculpture, century•, •figure, •floor, roof,
weather, attack, moisture, pain, element, temperature, wall, •container verb paint, fill•, •represent, date,
soil misc •to, seem•, remain•, seemingly•, almost•, unearth, line, contain, surround, decorate, •overflow
appear•, prove•, relatively•, virtually•, totally•, render•, 680 | 0.88
● unreceptive, unbending, unyielding, unwavering || 15911 perfectionist n
impermeable, resistant, waterproof, water-resistant adj high, prescribed, obsessive, hard, workaholic,
648 | 0.92 extreme, neurotic, self-oriented, poor, demanding
noun stress, tendency, perfectionist, •standard,
•tradition, bit•, •nature, perfectionism•, designer,
•illusion verb tend, focus, •experience, explain,
characterize, engage, demand, criticize, emphasize
● stickler, purist, pedant, obsessive, quibbler,
661 | 0.90

15918 shaking n 15960 grisly j

adj violent, strong, uncontrollable, seismic, slight, busy, noun murder, detail, scene, crime, death, story,
visible, intense, deep, constant noun •hand, •voice, discovery, image, task, history, tale, picture misc
•finger, •head, ground, •shoulder, •leg, arm, •fist, •knee particularly•, grim, pretty•, despite•, capture, remove,
verb stop, hold•, control•, •cause, point•, •subside, •last, stare, spare•, recount, intense, horrible, •suddenly
tremble, •intensify, touch ● gruesome, ghastly, horrible, horrific, grim, horrid
● vibration, jolting, rocking, rattling, shuddering, 635 | 0.93
661 | 0.90 F 15967 garland n
adj fresh, red, floral, white, yellow, evergreen, blue,
15925 legalization n thick, bright, green noun flower, wreath, ribbon, tree,
adj earned, medical, political, gay, homosexual, same- light, ornament, Christmas, rose, pine, foot verb drape,
sex, illegal, local, interracial, physician-assisted noun hang, wear, weave, adorn•, place, decorate•, string,
drug, •marijuana, abortion, •marriage, •program, •party, tinsel, trim
path•, •regulation, worker, debate verb support, ● wreath, chaplet, coronet, circlet || festoon, swag,
oppose•, earn•, lead, favor•, •increase, apply, argue, drape, chain
demand•, result 655 | 0.90
● ratification, authorization, certification, validation,
endorsement 15974 braided j
668 | 0.89 A noun hair, line, rug, rope, leather, cord, bread, loaf,
channel, gold, reverse, hat misc long•, around, wear•,
15932 swine n white, tie, dangle, onto•, natural, hang, elaborately•,
adj African, human, filthy, live, domestic, dirty, Jewish, tightly•, thick
fat, genetic noun pearl•, cattle•, •flu, sheep, poultry, 657 | 0.90 F
•fever, industry, •farm, •operation, goat verb •manure,
feed•, •waste, raise, •dive, cast•, infect•, engage•, •spray, 15981 predation n
root adj increased, sexual, natural, vulnerable, marine,
● pig, hog, boar juvenile, intense, successful, severe, reproductive noun
798 | 0.74 risk, effect, competition, mortality, food, •rate, whale,
killer, disease, population verb reduce, avoid•, increase,
15939 skyward r suffer•, protect•, test•, evaluate•, engage•, prevent,
look•, point•, eye•, shoot•, rise•, send•, soar•, turn•, occur
smoke•, lift•, reach•, roll•, stretch•, stare• 726 | 0.81 A
● heavenward, upward, up, above, aloft, into the sky
653 | 0.91 F 15988 humanist j
noun manifesto, movement, tradition, society, value,
15946 condescending j member, pioneer, philosophy, principle, culture,
noun attitude, smile, tone, manner, voice, remark, look, history, heroine misc American•, •II, secular•, humanist,
comment, religion, insult, jury, arrogance misc sound•, •III, traditional•, Aha, •diverse, bourgeois•, liberal•,
•toward, arrogant•, without•, patronizing, somewhat•, universal, •accommodate
rude, insulting, appear, sometimes, little•, slightly• 748 | 0.79 A
● patronizing, disdainful, superior, haughty, pompous,
arrogant 15995 cynic n
634 | 0.93 adj wrong, hardened, true, ultimate, brilliant, tough
noun skeptic, cynic, Diogenes•, critic, patriotism,
15953 cottonwood n •thought, sentimentalist, philosopher, •Obama,
adj old, tall, riparian, towering, fallen, dead, native, red, generation• verb •might, •believe, •wonder, •suggest,
huge, yellow noun •tree, willow, grove, leaf, stand•, •argue, •note, prove•, •insist, sound•, dismiss
branch, river, aspen, shade•, creek verb grow, •stand, ● pessimist, skeptic, disparager, detractor, doubter,
line, plant, shade, perch•, stretch, mark, surround, lean misanthropist
669 | 0.88 670 | 0.88

16002 malaise n 16037 good-natured j

adj economic, general, social, spiritual, current, political, noun ribbing, fun, laugh, face, smile, humor, boy,
deep, moral, cultural, widespread noun symptom•, laughter, competition, teasing, spirit, crowd misc
fever, sense•, •speech, headache, economy, •society, always, laugh•, fill, tolerant•, sweet, innocent, gentle•,
•memory, feeling•, cause verb suffer•, contribute•, accept•, mostly, creative, generous, smart
shake•, cure•, blame•, reflect, •last, •affect, •threaten, ● pleasant, cheerful, friendly, kind, happy, helpful
experience• 636 | 0.92
● sickness, illness, disease, disorder || dissatisfaction,
discontent, unease, disquiet 16044 boneless j
640 | 0.92 noun chicken, breast, pound, pork, loin, half, chop, beef,
roast, oil, lb, steak misc skinless, •cut, •chicken-breast,
16009 parenthesis n whole•, pound•, olive•, •halve, •Chuck, trim, roast, skin,
adj standard, empty, running, dependent, statistical, medium•
left, standardized, brief, previous, original noun 671 | 0.87 M
number•, deviation•, ranking•, error, percentage,
coefficient, value, variable, name, week• verb indicate, 16051 spout v
show•, give•, list•, add, appear•, follow, note, include, noun water, whale, blood, fountain, word, •line,
enclose• •theory, •rhetoric, •nonsense, •slogan, mouth, •horn,
● digression, afterthought, addition, aside, comment, stuff, stream, handle• misc off, start, gibberish, pour,
interpolation drip, removable, forth, absolute, volcanic, conservative,
664 | 0.89 A blue, anti-american, nobody, inner, incomprehensible
● spew out, shoot out, send forth, discharge || talk,
16016 ill-fated j utter, pontificate, rabbit on
noun attempt, flight, expedition, effort, mission, trip, 636 | 0.92
decision, marriage, campaign, invasion, ship, plan misc
during•, since•, aboard, tragic•, •rescue, board•, •French, 16058 bottleneck n
launch•, European adj major, potential, bad, electronic, likely, serious,
● doomed, ill-starred, unlucky, unfortunate, hapless, genetic, institutional, bureaucratic, significant noun
star-crossed problem, traffic•, transmission•, performance,
631 | 0.93 transportation, production, supply, distribution,
development, population verb create•, become, avoid•,
16023 conventionally r cause•, eliminate•, break•, identify, •occur, ease•,
•grow, more•, spell, •name, •produce, •pretty, relieve•
•understand, •define, •raise, compare•, crop, •design, ● block, blockage, restricted access, traffic jam, jam,
describe, •cotton logjam
● conservatively, unadventurously, predictably, 641 | 0.91
orthodoxly || usually, typically, traditionally, commonly
660 | 0.89 A 16065 fortified j
noun wine, position, cereal, milk, zone, food, town, city,
16030 nightly r border, wall, camp, compound misc heavily•, •green,
dinner•, lunch•, weekday•, •rating, almost•, pm, •soy, build•, •such, inside•, outside•, remain, contain,
•reservation, menu•, appear•, •brunch, show•, change•, •defensive, establish•, fortified
•casual, •observe ● encouraged, heartened, invigorated || defended,
● every night, night by night, once a night, nocturnally, walled, protected || reinforced, strengthened,
through the night hardened
653 | 0.90 N 643 | 0.91 M

16072 dumpster n 16114 particulate n

adj nearby, roll-off, open, green, nearest, empty, adj fine, small, suspended, high, airborne, organic, toxic,
overflowing, wheeled, clean noun trash•, garbage, alley, heavy, total, tiny noun •matter, •air, •pollution,
store, side, food, back, building, metal, truck verb emission, ozone, standard, filter, level, concentration,
throw•, toss•, pull, park, eat•, climb, fill, end•, pick, drop sulfur verb remove•, reduce•, produce, emit, measure•,
665 | 0.88 F •cause, control•, respond•, carry, contain•
699 | 0.83 A
16079 drone v
noun voice, TV, television•, radio, engine•, •background, 16121 hoot n
predator•, plane•, fly, noise, speaker•, executive, bee, adj real, holy, occasional, distant, barred, wild, raucous,
sound, professor misc on, about, while, hear, listen, loud noun owl, laughter, •holler, whistle, call•, •howl,
unmanned, overhead, fly, along, deep, meanwhile, audience, chorus•, •catcall, crowd• verb give•, hear,
quietly, familiar, steadily, softly •holler, care•, fill, greet, answer, clap
● hum, buzz, whine, whirr, murmur ● beep, honk, toot, tootle || whoop, howl, shout, roar
655 | 0.89 F 647 | 0.90 F

16086 involuntarily r 16128 twitch n

back, eye•, •commit, hand, almost•, shiver•, voluntarily•, adj nervous, slight, little, right, facial, fast, slow, left,
glance, body, face, muscle•, shudder, duck, expose tiny, quick noun eye, muscle, body•, nose, mouth, •lip,
● unwillingly, reluctantly, unhappily, against your will, face, tic, •fiber, shoulder verb give•, develop, twitch,
compulsorily, obligatorily jerk, notice•, erupt, respond•, retrieve, worry
650 | 0.90 F ● tic, spasm, jerk, jolt, convulsion, shudder
652 | 0.89 F
16093 disobey v
noun •order, •law, •rule, command, •mother, officer, 16135 jumbo j
soldier•, duty•, punishment•, •husband, authority, noun jet, shrimp, lump, loan, pound, screen, shell, crab,
•traffic, adultery, sign, •injunction misc direct, lie, onion, Ozaki, size, bag misc fly, fresh, build, super•,
charge, anyone, dare, choose, ignore, deliberately, blow•, •peel, land, A380•, •crash, •hot, aboard•, cook
lawful, order, obey, unjust, whenever, false, guilty ● oversize, oversized, outsize, outsized, huge, gigantic
● defy, refuse to comply, break the rules, contravene, 634 | 0.91
violate, go against
631 | 0.92 16142 furor n
adj current, political, national, recent, public,
16100 iodine n international, resulting, growing, nationwide, present
adj radioactive, thyroid, iodized, tiny, stable, cold, noun Congress, debate, month, media, comment,
essential, regular, rich, normal noun •deficiency, salt, •threat, cause•, •privacy, pardon verb cause, create•,
water, chlorine, amount•, •treatment, •disorder, •tablet, •erupt, raise, ignite•, spark•, •die, •surround, touch•,
iodine, solution verb contain•, add, treat•, •kill, cause, •arise
•destroy, smell, absorb, lack•, drink• ● uproar, outcry, commotion, controversy ||
784 | 0.74 M excitement, hysteria, hype, frenzy
628 | 0.92 N
16107 reliant j
noun stadium, energy, Astrodome, park, center, 16149 embroil v
company, power, Texan, technology, tax, aid, fuel misc noun •controversy, •dispute, •scandal, •war, •battle,
•on, become•, more•, •upon, less•, heavily•, too•, •debate, •conflict, •lawsuit, •sex, •fight, court, •politics,
increasingly•, pm•, reliant, totally•, overly• •custody, Congress•, •divorce misc in, become, find,
● dependent, needful, conditional, subject to, over, himself, legal, itself, civil, bitter, political,
contingent, trusting themselves, already, deeply, heated, major
681 | 0.85 N ● entangle, enmesh, ensnare, entrap, involve, catch
615 | 0.94

16156 qualifier n 16191 syntax n

adj Olympic, Mini-tournament, partial, open, important, adj musical, black, English, pictorial, Spanish, fractured,
top, automatic, sectional, final, supersectional noun complex, very, garbled, mangled noun grammar•,
year, cup•, elite•, belief•, tournament, qualifier, vocabulary, word, language, sentence, •semantics,
championship, champion, trial, season verb add•, beat, dialect•, structure, naturalness•, meaning verb spell•,
win, admit, •earn, schedule, down mangle, refer, alter, check, vary, •express, relate, parse,
● finalist, contestant, contender, challenger, invert
frontrunner, runner-up ● grammar, sentence structure, language rules,
677 | 0.85 N composition, word order, arrangement
651 | 0.88 A
16163 carver n
adj professional, Yoruba, skilled, African, successful, 16198 lopsided j
wooden, individual, famous, original, accomplished noun grin, smile, victory, loss, vote, game, win, defeat,
noun wood, stone•, master•, work, painter, ivory•, ship•, trade, score, hair, distribution misc most•, give•,
Makonde•, mask, sculptor verb create, produce, •carve, slightly•, flash, his, grin•, form, smile•, result, by, yellow
commission, demonstrate, sculpt, •complete, ● uneven, askew, crooked, cockeyed, skewed,
•accomplish, recall, encourage disproportionate
702 | 0.82 A 621 | 0.92

16170 sabotage n 16205 stone v

adj economic, deliberate, urban, involved, foreign, noun death, car, adultery, adulterer, mob, •mind,
electrical, industrial, terrorist, outright, German noun •gourd, crowd, punishment, embassy, others,
act•, oil, •attack, evidence•, campaign, terrorism, adulteress, convoy, soldier, •amputation misc drunk,
attempt, possibility•, resistance, tactic verb commit•, out, little, probably, burn, sentence, either, completely,
suspect, carry•, prevent•, cause, protect•, investigate•, shoot, laugh, stone, deaf, stab, dance, anybody
design, train, plot 632 | 0.91 F
● disruption, damage, interruption, interference
621 | 0.93 16212 grease v
noun •pan, degree•, •baking, •wheel, •sheet, butter•,
16177 Washington-based j •dish, oven•, •skid, oil•, deg•, •cookie, bowl, •flour, •cup
noun group, organization, research, policy, director, misc lightly, generously, large, plus, cover, baking,
firm, president, advocacy, education, project, analyst, square, shallow, prepare, round, roasting, bake,
company misc •national, nonprofit, •American, remove, extra, heavily
•environmental, •international, •public, according•, ● lubricate, smear, oil
•represent, •political, •economic, Inc, independent 639 | 0.90 M
651 | 0.88 N
16219 queue n
16184 soulful j adj long, single, logical, multiple, short, finite, orderly,
noun eye, voice, sound, music, ballad, singer, song, corresponding, held, impatient noun print•, •driver, job,
tune, hair, blue, rendition, hit misc most•, brown, deep•, printer, store, instruction, data, queue, request•, hair
romantic, sing•, sound, sexy, spiritual•, •vocal, sad•, verb wait, join•, stand•, move, form, arrive•, jump•,
slow•, fill print•, define, •extend
● expressive, affecting, sad, moving, poignant, touching ● line, file, crocodile, column || backlog, log jam, train,
642 | 0.90 M string
744 | 0.77 A

16226 grown j 16268 infringement n

noun kid, girl, generation, daughter, feel, marriage, adj serious, individual, unconstitutional, religious, free,
weed misc •up, all•, now, feel•, all•, almost•, already•, civil, private, intellectual, basic, constitutional noun
now•, quite•, sound•, •married, little copyright•, patent•, •right, trademark•, •suit, •case,
● grown-up, full-fledged, full-grown, adult, developed, •lawsuit, law, •amendment, •sovereignty verb sue•,
mature claim, file•, prove, protect•, constitute•, avoid•, allege•,
626 | 0.91 F dismiss, accuse
● breach, violation, contravention, transgression ||
16233 gleefully r encroachment, intrusion, invasion, interference
shout, watch, point, almost•, recall, note, laugh, sister, 633 | 0.90 A
Republican, •anticipate, announce, Democrat, jump,
•predict 16275 fence v
● delightedly, happily, joyfully, elatedly || triumphantly, noun area, land, yard, wire, field, property, cattle,
jubilantly, smugly, exultantly garden, row, fence•, pasture, acre, plot, road, good
619 | 0.92 misc off, in, off, barbed, securely, private, stolen, fence,
inside, plant, easily, expensive, entire, tiny, remaining
16240 bottle v ● enclose, hedge, shut in, restrict || evade, parry, feint,
noun water, wine, •committee, cup•, oil, emotion, dodge
sauce, milk, feeling, teaspoon, anger•, beer, Senate, 612 | 0.93
tablespoon, bottle• misc up, keep, sell, inside, inside,
everything, remain, dress, wish, feed, either, Italian, 16282 gondola n
olive, minced, instead adj high-speed, Venetian, open, skiable, beautiful,
612 | 0.93 eight-passenger, open-air, complete, eight-person,
yellow noun •ride, cable, •canal, quad, car, lift•, top,
16247 sickle n balloon•, station, gondola verb ride, float, •connect,
adj comprehensive, Soviet, severe, cystic, red, board•, step•, •fly, lift, replace, •attach, head
rheumatoid, bright, genetic, particular, silvery noun 642 | 0.88
•cell, •disease, •anemia, hammer•, •bill, •trait, star, gene,
sickle, •crisis verb cut, cause, lie, test•, replace, lay, 16289 wistfully r
treat•, diagnose•, swing•, suffer• say•, she, look•, smile•, speak•, a•, almost•, add•, recall,
637 | 0.90 talk•, remember, little•, stare•, •window
● pensively, thoughtfully, reflectively, contemplatively,
16254 brunette n regretfully, sadly
adj blonde, petite, tall, pretty, young, blond, attractive, 629 | 0.90 F
beautiful, pale, slim noun •hair, redhead, blonde•, •eye,
girl, blond•, •beauty, bar, •skin, shade verb •wear, 16296 testimonial n
•name, notice, prefer•, lean, hand, •dress adj personal, satisfied, literary, unsolicited, similar,
656 | 0.87 F glowing, oral, living, heartfelt, impressive noun •dinner,
•novel, •evidence, letter, •competence, customer,
16261 cursory j literature, •process, •narrative, •patient verb offer•,
noun glance, examination, look, review, check, read•, listen•, rely•, feature•, repeat, •testify, •exist,
inspection, attention, search, reading, survey, analysis, judge, publish
treatment misc even•, only•, give•, most•, after•, ● recommendation, reference, endorsement,
receive•, •reveal, base•, clear•, rather•, conduct•, confirmation || tribute, honor, reward, celebration
beyond 637 | 0.89
● superficial, hasty, brief, passing, quick, rapid
614 | 0.93

16303 motorized j 16345 wholeheartedly r

noun vehicle, wheelchair, use, cart, boat, scooter, agree, support, embrace, believe, endorse, throw•,
traffic, canoe, recreation, equipment, treadmill, chair accept, disagree•, approve, commit, welcome, adopt,
misc use•, drive, allow, design, around, ride, close•, himself•, love•
prohibit•, manual•, •climb, reduce, deliver ● enthusiastically, passionately, unreservedly, totally,
● motor, motor-powered, gas-powered, diesel- unstintingly, unequivocally
powered, electrically powered, mechanical 593 | 0.95
629 | 0.90 M
16352 amorphous j
16310 fickle j noun silicon, shape, blob, nature, form, ice, mass,
noun nature, public, world, fan, wind, weather, material, film, goal, structure, concept misc vague,
business, market, fashion, fate, consumer, finger misc rather•, somewhat•, thin, vast•, crystalline, largely•,
as•, notoriously•, unpredictable, prove•, whose, transform•, organic, than, rather, •stretch
increasingly, tend•, dependent•, •inconsistent, warm, ● formless, shapeless, nebulous, vague, unstructured,
threaten, volatile fluid
● inconsistent, changeable, capricious, indecisive, 611 | 0.92 A
inconstant, vacillating
605 | 0.94 16359 well-trained j
noun force, staff, teacher, army, worker, soldier, horse,
16317 stacked j dog, personnel, workforce, lawyer, professional misc
noun box, deck, stone, wall, row, book, heel, side, very•, well-equipped, •young, •highly, experienced,
image, layer, pile, paper misc neatly•, top, behind•, cut, professional, produce, competent, well-armed, require•,
full, cover, consist•, vertically•, lay•, end, •wooden, enough•, perform•
•cardboard 595 | 0.95
● loaded, weighted, set, slanted, fixed, arranged
618 | 0.92 16366 default v
noun •loan, •debt, •mortgage, company•, •payment,
16324 boundless j borrower•, student, bond, bank, government,
noun energy, enthusiasm, love, imagination, future, sky, •obligation, issuer•, homeowner•, •pension, •contract
space, optimism, possibility, potential, ambition, misc on, its, likely, foreign, federal, avoid, force,
opportunity misc seemingly•, seem, whose•, endless, essentially, since, unlikely, risk, prevent, tend, threaten,
reveal, timeless, bare, generous, unconditional, guaranteed
•uncomplicated, unbounded•, indeed ● fail to pay, evade, shirk, duck, duck out, dodge
● unlimited, endless, limitless, infinite, ceaseless, 618 | 0.91
599 | 0.94 16373 deceit n
adj deliberate, alleged, capable, tangled, outright, male,
16331 bushy j incapable, elaborate noun fraud, lie, web•, pattern•,
noun eyebrow, hair, beard, mustache, tail, brow, plant, decade, corruption, •misrepresentation, receipt,
eye, moustache, head, run, sideburn misc his•, •white, dishonesty, hypocrisy• verb lie, practice, •perpetrate,
•black, big•, raise, grow, under•, •gray, red, dark, long, involve, control, bear•, hide
brown ● dishonesty, treachery, deceitfulness, deception,
● luxuriant, abundant, profuse, shaggy, thick, hairy trickery, sham
635 | 0.89 F 592 | 0.95

16338 triumphantly r
smile•, announce, hold, return•, march, grin•, raise•,
stand•, •aloft, wave, shout•, rise•, •above, carry
● proudly, victoriously, gloriously, exultantly, jubilantly,
631 | 0.89 F

16380 woefully r 16422 poise n

•inadequate, •unprepared, •short, •lack, •out, adj tough, perfect, professional, regal, moral, calm,
•incomplete, fall•, remain•, •ignorant, •understaffed, remarkable, unreserved, tremendous, equivocal noun
•insufficient, •inept, prove•, agency• confidence, grace, lot•, dignity, intelligence, •patience,
● unhappily, dolefully, sadly || distressingly, presence, •maturity, •pressure, elegance• verb show•,
traumatically, tragically || pathetically, pitifully, lose•, recover•, maintain•, regain•, lack, possess•,
regrettably impress•, display•, exude•
597 | 0.94 ● composure, dignity, self-assurance, self-confidence
|| grace, bearing, deportment, carriage
16387 Tamil j 598 | 0.93
noun rebel, refugee, woman, state, minority, group,
government, leader, population, separatist, language, 16429 Israeli-Palestinian j
north misc up-country•, Lankan•, Sinhalese, Indian•, noun conflict, peace, process, talk, issue, agreement,
Tamil, ethnic, fight, speak, southern, separatist, militant, dispute, violence, accord, relation, negotiation,
Muslim settlement misc resolve, since, joint•, late, reach,
714 | 0.79 A revive•, Palestinian, final, ongoing•, because•, two-
state•, solve•
16394 psychoanalytic j 642 | 0.87
noun theory, study, therapy, term, concept, view,
training, treatment, criticism, interpretation, account, 16436 authoritarianism n
practice misc within•, feminist, Marxist, contemporary•, adj political, democratic, economic, military, right-wing,
Anglo-american, international•, Freudian•, literary, bureaucratic, soft, civil, religious, Russian noun
recent•, psychoanalytic, reveal, •itself democracy, transition•, form•, return•, relationship•,
757 | 0.74 A totalitarianism, •corporatism, tradition, type,
personality• verb associate, dominate, support,
16401 airfare n correlate, favor, emphasize, •prevail, emerge, embrace•,
adj round-trip, low, cheap, first-class, double, domestic, revert•
extra, free, international, discounted noun •hotel, ● totalitarianism, oppression, tyranny, despotism,
package•, price•, cost•, person•, •war, •car, meal, •flight, dictatorship, absolutism
trip verb include•, pay•, •lodge, exclude•, rise, cover•, 673 | 0.83 A
compare•, fall, save•, bargain
● fare, tariff, charge, ticket price, seat rate 16443 hustle n
643 | 0.87 N adj urban, everyday, usual, thick, modern, sheer, busy
noun kung•, fu•, •flow, side•, lack•, film•, movie•, bustle,
16408 frond n noise, •politics verb •bustle, escape•, •hustle, •explore,
adj green, long, delicate, brown, chopped, yellow, •contribute
feathery, dead, soft, remaining noun palm•, fern, 630 | 0.88
fennel•, tree, leaf, coconut, palmetto•, wind, breeze,
plant verb wave, rustle, weave•, stir, frame, reserve•, 16450 unannounced j
rattle, •dry, garnish•, hide noun visit, inspection, office, house, home, trip, visitor,
● leaf, palm leaf, branch, fern leaf quiz, test, inspector, officer, apartment misc up•, show•,
618 | 0.91 F arrive•, drop•, visit•, conduct, appear•, walk•, uninvited,
•catch, •nuclear, twice•
16415 organic n ● unexpected, surprise, impromptu, spontaneous
adj separated, commercial, residential, composting, 593 | 0.94
industrial, Inc, toxic, organic, renewable, volatile noun
source•, •recycling, collection, food, program, •recovery,
diversion, •industry, waste, ton verb •recycle, compost,
process, separate•, collect, •increase, divert•, contain,
remove•, control
748 | 0.75 A

16457 zenith n 16492 orgy n

adj radiant, blue, golden, Turkish-israeli, portable, adj Roman, drunken, wild, veritable, sexual, final,
bright noun sun•, sky, horizon•, power, star, career, •TV, pagan, brief, bloody, annual noun •violence, sex, •scene,
•sector, •radio, north verb reach•, cross•, hit, aim•, •killing, •looting, •spending, •speculation, •excess,
launch, rise•, approach, represent•, mark•, achieve• •greed, murder verb participate•, engage•, indulge•,
● peak, summit, pinnacle, top, acme, high point murder•, •feed, explode•, compare
603 | 0.92 ● saturnalia, celebration, bacchanalia, revel, party,
16464 handicap v 594 | 0.93
noun child•, •lack, •race, term•, need, horse, disability,
•boob, birth, poverty, integration •, obstacle, golfer• 16499 jumpsuit n
misc by, mentally, severely, physically, visually, mildly, adj orange, blue, white, black, red, green, gray, dark,
handicap, seriously, disabled, emotionally, profoundly, tight, matching noun prison•, pocket, leather, jail•,
because, educationally, elderly, ill •boot, cap, cotton•, silk•, •glove, mechanic• verb wear•,
619 | 0.90 dress•, unzip, hang, slip•, climb, •roll, •leap, fit, •lean
621 | 0.89 F
16471 unbiased j
noun information, estimate, source, jury, size, effect, 16506 feral j
advice, opinion, reporting, observer, assessment, noun cat, hog, pig, dog, animal, eye, horse, population,
analysis misc provide•, fair•, accurate, appear•, goat, colony, control, bee misc wild, almost•, eliminate•,
independent, present•, impartial•, produce•, consider, kill, •contact, eradicate•, address•, feral, WD•, control•,
remain•, •possible, represent• native, feed
● impartial, balanced, dispassionate, neutral, ● wild, untamed, undomesticated, savage,
unprejudiced, fair uncontrollable, uncontrolled
613 | 0.91 A 676 | 0.82 F

16478 encapsulate v 16513 assail v

noun story, history, term, culture, experience, view, noun doubt, critic, nostril, Democrat, •Republican,
moment, message, •notion, symbol, statement•, sense, •administration, smell•, policy, thought•, •nose,
attitude•, career, response, •component misc within, defense, wind, •record, memory• misc her, immediately,
single, neatly, both, perfectly, whole, best, nicely, thus, congressional, cultural, suddenly, western, repeatedly,
central, basic, following, particular, various, rhetorical dare, dismantle, question, denounce, constantly, ignore,
● sum up, summarize, put in a nutshell, condense, democratic, easily
capture, compress ● attack, assault, set about, lay into || criticize, attack,
626 | 0.89 A lay into, berate
588 | 0.94
16485 chewing n
adj busy, noisy, like, sugarless, soft, just, yellow, 16520 punctuation n
vigorous, used noun •gum, cigarette, wad•, stick•, adj correct, visual, proper, grammatical, final, internal,
piece•, mouth, bar•, candy, mint, nicotine• verb buy•, comic, total, occasional, necessary noun •mark, spelling,
chew•, •stick, sell•, eat, •cause, spit, pop•, •stimulate, grammar, word, capitalization, sentence, use•, number,
catch rule•, punctuation verb spell, add•, •mark, end, check•,
● mastication, munching, eating, chomping || format, count, correct, •relate
rumination, grazing, browsing, chewing the cud 622 | 0.89 A
599 | 0.92
16527 co-write v
noun book, song, script, •screenplay, film, article,
movie, producer, tune, •hit, animal, play, paper,
husband, album misc who, direct, produce, write, star,
co-produce, hit, co-directed, recently, award-winning,
perform, publish, co-star, sing, feature
619 | 0.89 N

16534 tepid j 16569 plunder v

noun water, response, coffee, support, bath, review, noun resource, country, ship, pirate, planet, food, oil,
cup, air, applause, shower, endorsement, growth misc treasure, •environment, •nation, site, land, village,
at, •best, hot, a•, cool, drink•, despite•, sip•, offer•, cold, •wealth, booty• misc pillage, rape, destroy, natural,
little•, fill• Spanish, steal, wherever, rich, corporate, loot, force,
● lukewarm, hand hot, blood hot, warmish || ravage, raid, own, burn
unenthusiastic, half-hearted, lukewarm, indifferent ● steal, rob, loot, pillage, raid, ransack
585 | 0.94 582 | 0.94

16541 margarita n 16576 noodle v

adj frozen, fresh, Mexican, orange, refreshing, pink, noun rice•, lasagna•, soup, raman•, ounce, egg•,
virgin, tall, canned, green noun pitcher•, •glass, beer, package, water, •dish, sauce, chicken, vegetable,
sip•, •mix, •salt, strawberry•, bar, drink, beach verb •direction, •cup, bowl misc around, eat, according,
drink•, sip•, serve, order•, pour, enjoy, hand, mix, down, dried, cook, serve, thin, Chinese, fresh, cold, boil, drain,
rim salted, soak, cup
610 | 0.90 623 | 0.88 M

16548 coursework n 16583 sketchy j

adj high, academic, professional, formal, additional, noun detail, information, report, evidence, account,
required, traditional, advanced, multicultural, remedial knowledge, data, record, plan, trail, outline, memory
noun student, education, school, university, college, misc only•, still•, very•, at, •best, often•, pretty•, rather•,
teacher, experience, program, •field, undergraduate bit•, base•, sort•, admittedly•
verb complete•, require, include, offer, teach, deliver, ● vague, unclear, hazy, imprecise, woolly, rough
•prepare, address, •relate, pursue• 578 | 0.95
● assignments, homework, project, prep
683 | 0.8 A 16590 pernicious j
noun effect, anemia, influence, form, doctrine, practice,
16555 hiding n myth, nature, drug, impact, element, evil misc most•,
adj secret, perfect, favorite, holy, loose, ideal, safe more•, particularly•, as•, especially•, less•, treat•,
noun •place, bear•, treasure, foot•, wood, mansion, counter•, pervasive, •racial, reckless•, modern
bedroom, knife, closet, bottle• verb emerge•, watch, ● malicious, wicked, evil, malevolent || destructive,
discover, crawl•, search, rise•, reveal•, remove•, creep, harmful, deadly, fatal
climb• 597 | 0.92 A
● beating, walloping, wallop, whacking, whack,
thumping 16597 unambiguous j
631 | 0.87 F noun message, statement, term, evidence, language,
signal, answer, policy, meaning, identification,
16562 deceptively r conclusion, sign misc clear•, send•, provide•, clearly,
•simple, seem•, appear•, question, •easy, small, voice, morally•, simple•, •moral, •regarding, relatively•, single•,
•casual, •complex, •difficult, •gentle, •quiet, surface, yield•, express
•strong ● unmistakable, clear-cut, explicit, definite, decided,
● dishonestly, misleadingly, illusorily, deceivingly, unequivocal
unreliably, disingenuously 615 | 0.89 A
583 | 0.94

16604 mellow v 16639 scab n

noun year, •age, flavor, voice, •color, mood, •taste, adj susceptible, dark, soft, fresh, bloody, tiny, ugly,
cream, cooking, tomato•, winter, soil, minute, coffee, dried, loose, dirty noun apple•, •knee, scab, disease,
atmosphere misc out, a, old, seem, bit, since, warm, wheat•, resistance, •wound, face, worker, skin verb
sweet, allow, maybe, rich, yellow, considerably, little, pick•, form, cover, cause•, soak, stop, peel, dry, rip, heal
mellow ● crust, layer, skin, shell, covering, casing
● calm down, ease up, settle down, relax || mature, 615 | 0.88 F
soften, fill out, ripen
587 | 0.93 16646 pretentious j
noun film, restaurant, nonsense, movie, artist, drivel,
16611 mismatch n jerk, claim, painting, style, sort misc sound•, too•, less•,
adj fundamental, cultural, thermal, apparent, potential, a•, seem•, bit•, nothing•, least•, little•, rather•, dull,
serious, concerned, current, sensory, growing noun pretentious
•repair, •gene, skill, scale, •supply, DNA•, •institution, ● affected, ostentatious, showy, exaggerated,
•demand, •perception, •employer verb create•, •occur, conceited, hollow
cause, result, •exist, correct•, indicate, •demand, 580 | 0.94
exploit•, reflect•
● incongruity, disparity, discrepancy, divergence, 16653 second-class j
misalliance, bad fit noun citizen, status, citizenship, woman, treatment,
609 | 0.90 A passenger, travel, black, ticket, train, mailing, care misc
as•, treat•, like•, feel•, relegate•, consider•, first-•,
16618 ferocity n receive•, one-way•, remain•, accept•, regard•
adj surprising, sheer, equal, quiet, surprised, musical, 584 | 0.93
pure, renewed noun attack, battle, storm, •assault, fire,
•combat, intensity, •fighting, violence, frequency verb 16660 handiwork n
fight•, attack, stun, defend, display, surprise, impress•, adj proud, pleased, bloody, fellow, final, delicate noun
rattle, demonstrate•, hide nature•, look•, firmament•, thanks•, example•, creator,
● fierceness, ferociousness, cruelty, wildness || craftsman, •engineer, chef, designer verb admire•,
intensity, strength, extremeness, severity survey•, examine•, display, lay, view•, enjoy•, inspect•,
587 | 0.93 check•, assess
● deed, action, achievement, work || handicraft, craft,
16625 enshrine v skill, art
noun constitution, law, right, principle, •hall, freedom•, 583 | 0.93
value, •article, •baseball, •history, •memory, •legislation,
concept, •charter, •nation misc within, constitutionally, 16667 tiring j
international, federal, democratic, legally, basic, noun day, work, sign, fish, trip, distance, journey, leg,
fundamental, current, cultural, constitutional, religious, while, routine misc very•, long•, without•, tiring, less•,
pro, forever, universal a•, little•, difficult•, drive•, •frustrating, exhaust, •boring
● preserve, protect, treasure, hallow, cherish ● exhausting, strenuous, arduous, wearing, demanding,
592 | 0.92 A laborious
579 | 0.94
16632 e-commerce n
adj business-to-business, e-business, vice, online, web- 16674 whirlpool n
based, electronic, senior, financial, Inc, continuous adj hot, separate, giant, double, huge, two-person,
noun •site, company, •system, business, •service, private, indoor, heated, tiny noun •tub, bath, fireplace,
Internet, technology, •strategy, growth, software verb pool•, room, sauna, shower, master, spa, steam verb
build, •sell, •ERP, implement, slow, •comprise, generate, suck, sit, spin, catch•, swirl, offer, create•, swim, pull•,
process•, •host, experience feature•
699 | 0.78 ● eddy, vortex, swirl, current, waterspout
600 | 0.90

16681 stipulation n 16716 extrinsic j

adj only, donor-imposed, explicit, constitutional, noun reward, motivation, factor, orientation, need,
textual, following, strict, additional, legal, Jordanian value, satisfaction, goal, reinforcement, task, venom,
noun law, agreement, donor, client, treaty, asset•, gland misc intrinsic•, •value, •such, extrinsic, •eg, both•,
parole•, probation•, manager, contract verb •must, both•, low•, ie, versus, motivate, internal
include•, agree•, restrict, meet, seek•, enter, place, 715 | 0.75 A
•require, •maintain
● condition, requirement, proviso, demand, 16723 dent v
specification, prerequisite noun car, side, can, metal, door•, wall, fender, •image,
611 | 0.89 A ball, furnace, floor, •confidence, steel, •top, roof misc
barely, scratch, badly, slightly, hardly, rusted, little,
16688 divine v seriously, hit, rusty, green, fail, scuff, easily, bend
noun •intention, •law, •future, •truth, •fate, ability•, ● knock, hit, bump, bang || reduce, diminish, lessen,
•will, name, •meaning, •intervention, •answer, •rod, undermine
obedience•, •origin, human misc try, attribute, rather, 587 | 0.92 F
correctly, therefore, attempt, somehow, claim, that,
oneself, is, elevate 16730 breakfast v
● discover, guess, presume, deduce, discern, perceive noun morning, day, dinner, bed, •lunch, egg, •cereal,
583 | 0.93 hotel, meal•, breakfast, •meeting, slice•, cup, kitchen,
supper misc down, sit, every, eat, before, daily,
16695 lumber v together, both, fix, downstairs, head, invite, wake, skip,
noun truck•, •foot, bus•, door, bear•, •stair, train•, dress
wagon•, turtle•, •forest, minute, track, cow•, gate, 587 | 0.92 F
corner misc into, down, toward, through, across, along,
over, off, out, up, around, away, forward, past, around 16737 observant j
● load, encumber, burden, weigh down || trudge, noun Jew, eye, Muslim, person, movement, Christian,
shamble, hobble, plod reader, drama, poverty, faith, Catholic, audience misc
621 | 0.87 F more•, very•, religiously•, less•, Jewish, •notice, sharply•,
enough, •note, themselves•, keenly•, sensitive
16702 protectionism n ● sharp-eyed, alert, attentive, watchful, vigilant, on the
adj monetary, economic, free, political, increased, ball
cultural, existing, European, agricultural, global noun 579 | 0.93
trade, form•, policy, isolationism, protectionism,
nationalism, economy, industry, tariff, rise verb rise, 16744 yoke n
avoid•, reduce•, justify•, oppose, reverse, prevent, fight, adj wooden, heavy, colonial, free, oppressive, foreign,
argue•, urge U-shaped, tyrannical, Soviet, virtual noun shoulder, ox,
● isolationism, protection, tariff barriers, trade barriers control, neck, egg, steering•, •plane, •oppression, shirt,
642 | 0.84 A •airplane verb throw•, pull•, haul•, wear, escape•, grab•,
push, bear, free•, lift
16709 knocking n ● oppression, burden, bondage, encumbrance, drag,
adj loud, front, insistent, distant, soft, hard, frantic, load
light, heavy, urgent noun door, sound, room, 597 | 0.90
opportunity•, window, office•, heart, •noise, soundbite•,
knocking verb come•, hear•, enter•, open, stop, 16751 cardigan n
•continue, walk, bother•, •knock, wake• adj black, white, gray, blue, red, brown, green, long,
627 | 0.86 F yellow, matching noun •sweater, cashmere•, jacket,
skirt, dress, wool•, top, shirt, cotton, •shoulder verb
wear•, pull•, knit, button, wrap, dress, throw, tie, •hang,
610 | 0.88 F

16758 slog v 16793 resettlement n

noun •mud, •way, •snow, day, foot, •road, •swamp, mile, adj forced, local, Japanese, massive, ethnic, Arab,
hour, •rain, soldier•, •sand, •jungle, month•, crew• misc displaced, permanent, large-scale, rural noun refugee,
through, on, across, through, along, away, toward, long, •program, •agency, policy, government•, •scheme,
uphill, around, ahead, hard, up, spend, forward •camp, repatriation•, area, plan verb refuse•, assist,
● trudge, plod, tramp, trek || work, labor, toil, struggle pose, house, relate, guarantee, implement, grant•,
584 | 0.92 undertake, finance•
● relocation, immigration, emigration, migration,
16765 judgmental j transfer, transplantation
noun other, attitude, tone, gaze, stance, quality, bias, 621 | 0.86 A
factor, religion, comment, criteria, reader misc less•,
too•, without•, harsh•, that•, sound•, quite•, highly•, 16800 elaborately r
tend•, critical, arrogant, cool •carved, •decorated, •decorate, most•, •paint, •carve,
● critical, hypercritical, condemnatory, negative, •detailed, •wooden, wall, •door, •dress, •stage, hair,
disapproving, disparaging table
567 | 0.95 ● decoratively, sumptuously, intricately, ornately, richly,
16772 bereft j 570 | 0.94
noun idea, resource, hope, material, skill, soul, talent,
humanity, purpose, leadership, tear, existence misc 16807 midpoint n
feel•, leave•, •any, completely•, spiritually•, utterly•, adj exact, neutral, possible, temporal, constant, mean,
largely•, totally•, alone•, empty, •intellectual, exactly• approximate, composite, chronological, total noun
● deprived, bereaved, mourning, in mourning || empty, scale, range, •season, •exercise, line•, score, •century,
starved, devoid, deprived •term, value, rating• verb reach•, represent•, approach•,
572 | 0.94 •indicate, locate•, mark•, near•, estimate, collect•
● average, center, border line, mediocre, norm,
16779 cross-examination n medium
adj direct, tough, withering, key, critical, vigorous, 604 | 0.88 A
lengthy, blistering, effective, brutal noun defense,
witness, testimony•, •lawyer, attorney, prosecution, 16814 heretofore r
expert, prosecutor, examination•, stand• verb conduct•, •unknown, •consider, •unexplored, •unseen, effort,
admit, prepare•, face•, testify, expose, finish•, source, •unrecognized, •hide, •largely, his•, •ignore,
withstand•, test•, undergo •reserve, mostly, domain
● questioning, reexamination, interrogation, cross- 576 | 0.93
questioning, probe, review
713 | 0.75 S 16821 vagaries [PL] n
adj human, vulnerable, free, cultural, modern,
16786 baroque n susceptible, familiar, dependent, used noun •weather,
adj classical, Spanish, European, late, modern, gothic, •market, •nature, •politics, •business, •fate, •stock,
medieval, Italian, French, ornate noun •music, style, art, •economy, fashion, •climate verb deal•, expose•,
church, •building, •period, •pearl, form, •architecture, subject, suffer•, depend•, divorce, respond•, associate,
•opera verb feature, •design study, reflect•
585 | 0.91 570 | 0.93

16828 superfluous j 16863 meringue n

noun detail, gesture, explanation, argument, matter, adj sweet, basic, golden, Italian, white, brown, whipped,
material, expenditure, stuff, criticism, base, knife, fluffy, crisp, remaining noun lemon•, •pie, chocolate,
ornament misc seem•, become•, render•, perhaps, •powder, cream, oven, cake, cookie, egg, sugar • verb
eliminate•, quite, cut, therefore, unnecessary, anyway, make, bake, spread•, fill, beat, top, finish, prepare•,
rather, throw pipe, cover•
● extra, surplus, redundant, unnecessary, unessential, 617 | 0.86 M
574 | 0.93 16870 lull v
noun •sense, •complacency, sound, •sleep, voice•,
16835 fanatical j •rhythm, rain, public, investor, song, engine •, hour,
noun group, fan, devotion, Islam, belief, terrorist, wave, warmth, surf misc into, by, sleep, me, false, her,
follower, cult, sport, following, Muslim, zeal misc us, believe, almost, myself, soft, deep, gentle, forget,
•about, become•, most•, almost•, religious, nearly
fundamentalist, violent, •Muslim, terrorist, extremist, ● soothe, calm, reassure, quieten, settle down, comfort
•aggressive, •Jewish 582 | 0.91 F
● fanatic, obsessive, dedicated, fervent, fixated,
zealous 16877 trapped j
573 | 0.93 noun air, miner, gas, animal, water, electron, bubble,
charge, bird, foot, heat, American misc like•, feel•,
16842 slaughterhouse n release•, free•, reach•, rescue•, •escape, •raise, prevent•,
adj wild, humane, municipal noun •worker, horse•, overwhelm, bleed•, hundred•
•plant, animal, farm, waste, meat, poultry •, cattle, beef ● shut in, locked in, stuck, surrounded || stuck, caught,
verb •process, send•, lead, kill, •handle, sell•, end•, jammed, stuck fast
operate, deliver, shut 571 | 0.93
● abattoir, shambles, knacker's yard
622 | 0.85 16884 falsify v
noun •record, •document, •report, •data, •evidence,
16849 undercurrent n company, •information, test, •result, history, •business,
adj strong, political, deep, dark, racial, subtle, sexual, charge•, police•, past, •application misc accuse, charge,
emotional, constant, powerful noun •tension, allegedly, financial, admit, deliberately, attempt, hide,
•resentment, •fear, •violence, voice, •anxiety, •racism, verify, fabricate, in, order, lie, difficult, medical
•concern, •frustration, •anger verb •run, carry•, sense•, ● fabricate, fake, forge, misrepresent, rig, fix
reveal, detect•, emerge•, exist•, fear 568 | 0.93
● current, tide, undertow, pull || feeling, hint,
undertow, suggestion 16891 principled j
560 | 0.95 noun stand, position, opposition, limit, ground, person,
basis, approach, stance, distinction, conservative,
16856 monastic j objection misc between, •against, consistent, than•,
noun life, community, order, tradition, priest, church, highly•, •base, •human, honest•, strong•, •moral, define,
practice, body, theology, vow, rule, settlement misc rather
early, almost•, Buddhist•, medieval, diocesan, outside, ● honorable, righteous, upright, ethical, just, moral
celibate, secular•, enter•, Christian•, orthodox•, simple 577 | 0.92
● reclusive, Spartan, frugal, ascetic, austere, simple
650 | 0.82 A 16898 two-part j
noun series, question, part, article, report, process, test,
essay, story, interview, answer, second misc first,
second•, a•, •epoxy, •examine, special•, determine,
part•, recent, tonight•, •discuss, I•
● bipartite, divided, split, mutual, shared, in common
567 | 0.93

16905 dissimilar j 16947 dialog n

noun group, material, background, task, metal, style, adj open, resulting, common, select, direct,
role, individual, perception, set, region, object misc professional, typical, separate, necessary, advanced
not•, two•, similar•, •those, too•, as•, between•, quite•, noun •box, property•, file•, option, type, bottom•, edit•,
culturally•, thus, vastly•, potential• •figure, menu•, window verb •click, open, close•, •select,
● unlike, different, far from, unrelated, disparate, save•, •appear, •choose, pop, press, •check
divergent 628 | 0.84 M
591 | 0.89 A
16954 bash n
16912 airspace n adj big, annual, outdoor, huge, black-tie, wild, going-
adj international, restricted, Soviet, Iraqi, Cuban, away, all-star, inaugural, superior noun birthday•, year,
military, Chinese, Turkish, Saudi, busy noun plane, party, Christmas•, night, beer•, •brother, holiday,
aircraft•, flight, •system, base, use•, violation, foot, monster•, baby• verb throw•, •hold, •feature, •celebrate,
control•, mile verb enter•, violate•, fly•, control, attend, host•, plan, enjoy•, •mark, organize
penetrate•, cross•, close, clear•, restrict•, shut ● party, celebration, shindig || attempt, try, go || dent,
● territory, skies, boundaries, limits, flight exclusion bump, smash || punch, hit, smash
zone, no-fly-zone 579 | 0.91 M
582 | 0.91
16961 downstairs n
16919 wing v adj main, front noun •room, •neighbor, •bathroom,
noun •way, wing, chicken•, bird•, air, •south, shot, •window, •bedroom, upstairs•, •door, •hallway, •hall,
goose•, flight, operation•, •it, •sky, gull•, ball, mile misc apartment verb walk, close, switch, clean, hang,
just, across, toward, right, fly, steady, special, by, convert, ring, darken, notice•, wash
outstretched, kind, sort, wild, straight, through, along 588 | 0.89 F
● fly, speed, race, whiz || injure, hurt, maim, shoot
565 | 0.93 16968 co-chair n
adj national, democratic, honorary, congressional,
16926 cacophony n international, feminist, working, special, environmental,
adj visual, loud, competing, deafening, conflicting, technical noun campaign, committee, group,
incredible, growing, strange, mechanical, horrendous Republican, event, board, panel, party, •litigation,
noun •voice, •sound, •noise, music, •horn, •shriek, director verb serve•, name, found•
•phone, •society, •alarm, •bark verb hear•, create•, fill, 573 | 0.91
break, sound, ring, •erupt, shout, rise, drown
● discord, discordance, dissonance, disharmony, 16975 goldfish n
unmusicality, harshness adj full, tiny, live, giant, living, thin, secret, dippy, dying
567 | 0.93 F noun •bowl, pond, •cracker, tank, pet, fish, goldfish, cat,
pool, carp verb •swim, feed•, •die, swallow•, •bowl,
16933 roost v pick•, •stall, float•, •name, gaze•
noun bird, chicken•, bat, •tree, •night, gobbler, cave, 584 | 0.89 F
pigeon•, turkey, place, area, evening, •site, nest, crow•
misc come, home, where, feed, fly, blue, roost, near, 16982 trying j
nearby, prefer, forage, tall, abandoned, feeding, noun time, day, circumstance, season, experience,
complete period, task, situation, month, trip, journey, pan misc
● settle, rest, stay, perch, sleep, nestle very•, most•, more•, spend•, during•, million•, under•,
583 | 0.90 billion•, best, difficult, trillion•, rather•
● annoying, tiresome, irritating, wearisome, frustrating,
16940 unattended j demanding
noun child, display, bag, car, baby, candle, hour, death, 550 | 0.95
package, operation, box, symbol misc leave•, left•,
never•, run, lie, private, unattended, •even, suspicious,
place, •near, •religious
571 | 0.92

16989 aggravated j 17031 elucidate v

noun assault, murder, charge, battery, robbery, count, noun study•, research•, •role, text, •nature,
crime, child, rape, location, female, felony misc •sexual, •relationship, •process, •mechanism, •issue, •structure,
charge•, convict•, guilty•, arrest•, attempted, armed, meaning, •principle, effect, •difference, attempt• misc
plead•, aggravated, black•, including•, •criminal help, far, between, such, clearly, order, in, fundamental,
● serious, worse, intensified, heightened || annoyed, serve, aim, fully, necessary, seek, hope, attempt
angry, upset, worked up ● explain, clarify, explicate, expound, illuminate, spell
598 | 0.87 N out
625 | 0.83 A
16996 preventable j
noun disease, death, cause, cancer, illness, year, 17038 universality n
problem, health, accident, risk, error, injury misc die•, adj human, universal, western, cultural, very, Catholic,
most•, leading•, largely•, treatable, completely•, growing, inherent, near, democratic noun claim•, •right,
entirely•, •such, cause, •human, major•, •mental principle, particularity, •spirit, nature, assumption•,
● avoidable, needless, unnecessary, avertible, objectivity, appeal, challenge• verb recognize•, achieve•,
escapable, inevitable seek, demonstrate•, stress•, argue•, claim, assume•,
563 | 0.93 question, emphasize
608 | 0.85 A
17003 oil v
noun •pan, hair, •sheet, •dish, •baking, •side, body, grill, 17045 spying n
wood, fish•, oil, machine, •grate, vegetable•, •bowl misc adj domestic, Chinese, secret, warrantless, alleged,
lightly, bake, large, clean, heavily, place, ready, myself, electronic, corporate, nuclear, legal, illegal noun
smooth, polish, cover, rub, cook, handle, roasting •program, •operation, NSA•, •activity, •scandal,
● apply oil, lubricate, grease, smear with oil, loosen intelligence, charge, agency, citizen, allegation verb
569 | 0.92 accuse•, catch•, arrest•, suspect•, spy, reveal, uncover,
increase, charge•, authorize
17010 screaming n ● undercover work, intelligence work, espionage,
adj loud, primal, horrible, terrible, muffled, wild, female, eavesdropping, snooping, infiltration
high-pitched, silent, shrill noun sound•, crying, •baby, 606 | 0.86
•lamb, ear, yelling, help, sky, •wind, scream verb hear•,
stop, •yell, kick, realize, •holler, •match, •tire, clutch, 17052 reload v
•cease noun matrix•, gun, •rifle, pistol, •shotgun, •musket,
580 | 0.90 F •camera, second, clip, shell, •fire, weapon, •shot, truck,
•base misc fire, shoot, while, quickly, stop, behind, fast,
17017 inanimate j struggle, unload, finish, semi-automatic, place, empty,
noun object, thing, body, animal, matter, being, person, immediately, onto
character, creature, material, figure, entity misc ● refill, fill, load again, replenish, fill up
animate•, •such, human, animate, •mechanical, natural, 570 | 0.91 F
alive, rather, than, infuse•, •dead, abstract•
● lifeless, nonliving, inorganic, inert || inactive, dull, 17059 gunpoint n
unresponsive, apathetic adj necessary noun man, car•, hostage•, police, boy•,
571 | 0.91 knifepoint, victim•, suspect, soldier•, •parking verb
hold•, rob•, force, kidnap•, steal•, rape•, abduct•, order,
17024 yelp v •shoot, threaten
noun dog•, •pain, •surprise, hen, gobbler, tree•, finger, 559 | 0.93
animal•, arm•, hunter, leg•, sound•, yard, minute•,
neck• misc run, behind, fall, grab, yelp, growl, leap,
drop, jerk, bark, whine, giggle, suddenly, purr, loud
● bark, yap, cry, squeal, squeak
608 | 0.85 F

17066 self-reliance n 17101 betting n

adj economic, individual, hard, personal, local, African, adj off-track, pari-mutuel, tribal, illegal, legal, online,
regional, complete, increased, rural noun heavy, off-course, British, broke noun bingo, •lottery,
independence, responsibility, sense, value•, emphasis•, •parlor, gaming, •pool, •shop, game, •window, track•,
work•, individualism, virtue, freedom•, policy• verb •line verb involve, bet, •slip, wager, couple
achieve•, learn, promote, develop•, teach•, encourage•, ● gambling, gaming, bookmaking
emphasize, seek, pursue•, increase• 589 | 0.87
● independence, self-sufficiency, autonomy, self-
confidence, self-assurance, self-containment 17108 grandpa n
578 | 0.89 A adj lucky, excited, funny, scared, silly, mighty, ornery,
neat, drunk, awake noun grandma, grandpa, •uncle,
17073 modulate v mom, dad, •farm, horse•, daddy•, •grandfather, aunt
noun voice, signal, activity, tone, •response, •level, verb answer, •laugh, •smile, wake, yell, shout, ring,
color, amplitude•, •effect, beam, laser, •behavior, reply, sigh, kiss
intensity, function, carrier misc carefully, able, learn, ● grandfather, granddad, gramps
immune, beautifully, subtly, emotional, thus, perfectly, 561 | 0.92
control, easily, directly, instead, changing, via
● adapt, adjust, alter, change || moderate, curb, 17115 barb n
control, tone down adj sharp, verbal, single, tiny, vicious, stinging, pointed
576 | 0.90 A noun wire, hook, stingray, trading•, candidate, •chest,
fence, target•, •fitting, •opponent verb trade•, throw,
17080 radial j aim, catch, pull, hurl•, exchange•, direct, hit, fire•
noun velocity, fracture, motion, head, star, engine, ● point, hook, tip, spur || gibe, insult, dig, taunt
pattern, distance, direction, component, growth, 558 | 0.92
design misc tire, measure•, radial, along, low, axial,
magnetic, reveal•, produce, •Baja, vertical, limit• 17122 rump n
● circular, outward, centrifugal, radiated, outspread, adj white, round, tiny, hind, rolled noun •roast, horse,
radiating back, leg, slap•, •air, •party, rump, animal, •patch verb
597 | 0.86 A slap•, roll, rub, pat•, kick•, push•, land, rest, slide•, tap•
● hindquarters, back end, rear, buttocks, rear end
17087 all-important j 570 | 0.90 F
noun question, task, position, voter, sense, race, swing,
primary, season, image, difference, rating misc 17129 thong n
including•, answer•, control, •demographic, ignore•, adj rubber, black, pink, red, lacy, thin, matching, blue,
presidential, attract yellow, low-rise noun leather•, •bikini, •neck, sandal,
550 | 0.94 underwear, pair•, rawhide•, bra•, •song, girl verb wear•,
tie, hang, slip•, bind, untie•, attach, expose, fasten•,
17094 ration v dangle
noun care, health, water, food, government, supply, ● string, cord, band, strap, belt, tie
service, system•, need•, sugar•, gasoline, gas, •resource, 571 | 0.90 F
price, •electricity misc ration, medical, strictly, scarce,
carefully, force, already, available, severely, impose, 17136 picky j
common, allocate, limited, unavailable, limit noun eater, eating, kid, soil, husband, plant, detail,
● limit, control, restrict, put a ceiling on, regulate, curb customer, buyer, lender, consumer, butterfly misc
562 | 0.92 •about, picky, too•, very•, a•, afford•, less•, pretty•,
little•, •choose, •eat, that•
● fastidious, fussy, persnickety, choosy, hard to please,
556 | 0.92 M

17143 matron n 17185 mammoth n

adj young, old, respectable, suburban, elderly, plump, adj woolly, wooly, Siberian, giant, pygmy, Columbian,
Roman, tall, assistant, afflicted noun society•, •honor, extinct, whole, mammoth, frozen noun •mastodon,
field•, hair, daughter, mama, •malice, prison•, police•, bison, tusk, herd•, horse, ice, animal•, hunter, Schaefer•,
dorm• verb serve•, remove, •name, lie, imagine dinosaur• verb hunt, •roam, clone•, wander, dig,
● older woman, mature woman, middle-aged woman, •disappear, depict, surround •, •lumber
matriarch, doyenne, woman of a certain age 566 | 0.90
573 | 0.89 F
17192 entryway n
17150 intercollegiate j adj arched, main, front, grand, left, wide, outdoor,
noun athletics, athlete, sport, director, woman, circular, narrow noun house, building, door, step, wall,
program, team, football, study, basketball, coach, gate•, light, glass•, floor•, stone• verb stand, step•, walk,
administrator misc •athletic, female•, national•, lead, rush•, fill, guard•, illuminate, block, define
Canadian•, play, male, participate•, among•, central•, 570 | 0.89 F
compete, interscholastic•, involved•
● intercollege, interuniversity, interschool, intermural 17199 pubic j
632 | 0.81 A noun hair, bone, area, breast, head, sample, mound,
triangle, development, comb, belly, patch misc her•,
17157 storied j black•, against, above•, grow, cover, low, shave•,
noun history, career, past, franchise, football, city, •underarm, dark, gray•, remove•
program, team, baseball, tradition, rivalry, league misc ● pelvic, lumbar, sacral, genital, iliac
most•, its•, long•, proud•, traditional, grand, 567 | 0.90 F
throughout•, •date, French
565 | 0.90 N 17206 kindle v
noun fire, •interest, county, eye, hope, wood, passion,
17164 blanch v imagination, spark, flame, piece, •light, •owner,
noun water, face•, bean, •minute, cup, vegetable, •enthusiasm, •reader misc read, dry, onto, original,
•almond, broccoli, asparagus, tomato, •thought, green, purchase, lay, download, e-book, electronic, split, soon,
•carrot, pea, skin misc boiling, green, until, add, peel, no
boil, white, cook, freezing, salted, meanwhile, freeze, ● encourage, stimulate, stir up, fire up || spark, light,
remove, sliced, thin set alight, burn
● go pale, grow pale, lighten, bleach || go pale, grow 611 | 0.83
pale, lighten, bleach
561 | 0.91 17213 decrepit j
noun building, house, housing, office, structure,
17171 beefy j infrastructure, justice, wall, boat, floor, hotel,
noun man, guy, hand, arm, jerk, shoulder, aluminum, apartment misc old, mentally•, •continue, rebuild•,
face, boy, ski, guard, security misc big•, across, •former, •wooden, past•, line, fix•, retire, dangerous, replace•,
red, fold, tall•, •tire, solid, heavy, past, •thick, red-faced house
● muscular, strapping, brawny, thickset, heavy, hefty ● dilapidated, crumbling, decaying, falling to pieces ||
565 | 0.90 M old, feeble, frail, weak
550 | 0.92 F
17178 monsoon n
adj dry, late, heavy, tropical, warm, Indian, annual, dark, 17220 paneling n
seasonal, wet noun •season, •rain, summer•, •wind, adj dark, fake, original, white, beaded-board, heavy,
southwest•, •wedding, •cloud, climate, •forest, sky verb light, stained, wooden, warm noun wood•, wall, room,
•rain, arrive, associate•, •end, flood, wash, cause, pour, oak•, mahogany•, floor, ceiling, door, walnut•, window
dump, •wind verb paint, cover, install•, remove•, strip, contrast•,
● rainy season, wet season, rains line•, mold, retain•, hide•
567 | 0.90 ● wainscot, wainscoting, cladding, lining
557 | 0.91

17227 abject j 17269 mandated j

noun poverty, failure, terror, fear, apology, surrender, noun reporting, benefit, reporter, program, state, law,
look, despair, misery, condition, submission, test, health, curriculum, level, service, requirement
humiliation misc live•, most•, indeed•, complete, misc state•, meet•, require, teach•, support•, •private,
despite•, rural, miserable, but•, suffer, utter increased, •medical, establish, below•, mandated, due•
● hopeless, miserable, wretched, dismal || humble, 565 | 0.89 A
servile, meek, submissive
544 | 0.93 17276 liberally r
sprinkle, use, apply, •educate, quote, •salt, •educated,
17234 big-city j interpret, pepper, oil, brush, •throughout, season•,
noun mayor, school, problem, newspaper, life, police, borrow
department, market, street, crime, hospital, cop misc ● copiously, generously, freely, abundantly, profusely,
small-town, away•, typical•, rural, act, state, mostly, substantially
lack•, enjoy, virtually•, •corporate, average• 543 | 0.93
553 | 0.91
17283 keg n
17241 evasive j adj fine, full, empty, free, wooden, nuclear, huge noun
noun action, answer, maneuver, question, tactic, beer, powder•, •party, •dynamite, wine•, •elevator, nail•,
measure, response, strategy, pattern, maneuvering, porch•, bar, keg verb tap•, sit, drink, •wait, sell, fill, hang,
behavior, subject misc take•, seem•, misleading, •avoid, throw, •explode, light•
answer, defensive, •lie, vague•, particularly, sound•, ● barrel, cask, tub, firkin, drum, vat
false•, knowingly• 545 | 0.92
● elusive, slippery, shifty, indirect, oblique, equivocal
549 | 0.92 17290 sand v
noun floor, wood, surface, coat, •sugar, •edge, layer,
17248 subordination n paint, •paper, painting, dust, wall, gesso•, panel, •block
adj military, civilian, female, racial, political, social, misc then, down, lightly, smooth, each, scrape, before,
human, economic, armed, complete noun woman, smooth, off, paint, after, dry, refinish, finish, remove
domination, authority, relation•, position•, principle•, ● rub down, smooth, sandpaper, polish, rub, scrape
dominance•, form•, relationship•, •control verb ensure•, 570 | 0.88 M
involve•, resist, maintain, imply•, accept•, perpetuate,
express, reject, justify• 17297 embolden v
● relegation, demotion, reduction, subservience noun •success, •Democrat, enemy, opposition, support,
630 | 0.8 A weakness, •administration, •victory, •terrorist,
Republican, movement, incident, month, election,
17255 dot-com j opponent• misc by, feel, become, perhaps, newly,
noun boom, bust, company, bubble, stock, crash, era, encourage, recent, strengthen, attack, apparently,
business, industry, collapse, economy, burst misc empower, challenge, congressional, push, Iraqi
during•, since•, •late, •burst, hit, •corporate, high-tech, ● encourage, hearten, buoy up, reassure, inspire,
ride•, dot-com, compete•, despite•, blame• bolster
643 | 0.78 N 537 | 0.93

17262 leasing n 17304 do-it-yourself j

adj commercial, retail, offshore, corporate, long-term, noun project, kit, program, home, approach, test, store,
attractive, financial, short-term, Inc, inherent noun repair, guide, product, punk, installation misc sell•,
•company, •program, •agent, land, oil•, business, •special, simple•, complete, •legal, mostly•, feature•,
equipment, car•, office, •agreement verb sell, consider•, professional•, encourage, design, outdoor, supply
buy, determine, •finance, •purchase, handle, own•, ● self-assembly, DIY, flat pack, homemade
discuss, approve• 562 | 0.89 M
● rental, letting, charter, hire
582 | 0.87

17311 extricate v 17353 newsprint n

noun •situation, arm, •army, leg, military•, •plastic, adj recycled, high, rising, low, ordinary, used,
attempt•, help•, •marriage, difficulty, hope•, breath•, diversified, cheap, increased, grainy noun paper, price,
institution, •passenger, •politics misc from, himself, cost, percent, sheet•, television, •production,
themselves, herself, try, itself, myself, ourselves, newspaper, ink, page• verb rise, read•, cite, draw•,
yourself, difficult, able, manage, finally, struggle, waste•, recycle, reproduce•, decline, •cost, lay
attempt ● newspaper, printing paper, coarse paper
● get out, extract, remove, disentangle, detach, 563 | 0.88 N
544 | 0.92 17360 fourth-quarter j
noun earnings, profit, percent, loss, result, touchdown,
17318 identified j comeback, company, point, lead, sales, revenue misc
noun student, problem, need, disability, area, number, its•, report•, •rise, fiscal•, •fall, score•, expect•, Inc•, •net,
factor, skill, risk, peer, learning, behavior misc each, post•, beat, increase
address•, meet•, •gifted, away•, base•, relate•, 616 | 0.81 N
•environmental, behalf•, than, •eg, and/or
624 | 0.8 A 17367 sheaf n
adj thick, folded, thin, green, yellow, stapled, bound,
17325 geyser n stiff, Siberian, tall noun •paper, •page, •wheat, •bill,
adj faithful, hot, old, low, geothermal, upper, active, •letter, •document, •note, •newspaper, •straw,
natural, boiling, famous noun spring, water, steam, •printout verb hold•, pull•, hand, pick•, toss•, produce•,
crystal•, •basin, geyser, park•, •blood, pool, •peak verb carry, contain•, bind, wave•
•erupt, shoot, spew, send•, explode, spout, locate, ● bundle, bunch, cluster, clump, wad, stack
•name, spray, discover• 563 | 0.88 F
● hot spring, spring, natural spring, fountain, jet, spout
571 | 0.87 17374 unbridled j
noun enthusiasm, joy, power, passion, growth,
17332 karaoke n capitalism, optimism, competition, development,
adj Japanese, live, central, Chinese, digital, musical energy, greed, corruption misc such•, wild, pure•, cause,
noun •bar, •night, •machine, music, karaoke, room, raw•, succumb, prevent•, vote, •sexual, indeed
•song, stage, •contest, •club verb sing•, dance, hire, ● unrestrained, uncontrolled, uninhibited, unconcealed,
sponsor, perform, sound, caf• unchecked, intemperate
● sing-along, singing, music, karaoke night || sing- 533 | 0.93
along, singing, music, karaoke night
574 | 0.87 17381 hardball n
adj political, eastern, special, legal, willing, pretty noun
17339 earmark n •tactic, •politics, game, campaign, hardball, •player,
adj congressional, federal, pork-barrel, wasteful, Republican•, •negotiation, strategy, edition verb play•,
particular, so-called, appropriate, serial, separate noun watch•, throw•, •punish, •threaten, intend, lobby
bill, earmark, project, Congress, •reform, spending, 565 | 0.88 S
defense, budget, pork, lawmaker verb eliminate•, insert,
cut, receive•, request, win•, contain•, seek, rid•, bear• 17388 autoimmune j
652 | 0.76 noun disease, disorder, lupus, patient, cancer, arthritis,
response, thyroid, condition, problem, reaction,
17346 released j implant misc other•, •such, cause, rheumatoid, trigger•,
noun prisoner, hostage, report, document, energy, chronic, inflammatory, affect, develop, •including,
inmate, convict, fish, gas, waste, offender, bird misc multiple, lead
soon-to-be•, •hazardous, private, tag•, release, order, 582 | 0.85 M
newly•, •II, •determine
542 | 0.92

17395 nuanced j 17430 totalitarianism n

noun understanding, view, approach, reading, portrait, adj Soviet, communist, political, Nazi, modern, socialist,
relationship, discussion, analysis, performance, position, left, nationalistic, democratic, twentieth-century noun
argument, history misc more•, •than, complex, much•, democracy, origin•, transition•, century,
develop•, far•, provide•, sophisticated, offer•, •political, authoritarianism, form, totalitarianism, rise•, struggle•,
subtle•, rich• fascism• verb oppose•, define, defeat, •lie, predict,
556 | 0.89 A defend•, replace
● dictatorship, despotism, absolutism, tyranny,
17402 irreverent j autocracy, authoritarianism
noun humor, style, attitude, sense, spirit, show, artist, 566 | 0.87 A
language, look, joke, comedy, approach misc funny,
young, sometimes, somewhat•, ironic, little•, smart, 17437 fowl n
sound•, bit•, frequently, •spiritual, brilliant adj wild, domestic, roasted, roast, various, red,
● disrespectful, mocking, impertinent, derisive, incredible, exotic, northern noun fish•, guinea•, water•,
impudent, rude chicken, meat•, jungle•, •air, game, bird, turkey• verb
528 | 0.94 hang, cry•, roast
● bird, feathered friend, birdie
17409 abhor v 534 | 0.92
noun •vacuum, nature•, •violence, •idea, American•,
practice, culture, abortion, •notion, politics, •thought, 17444 perplexing j
•terrorism, media, tactic•, behavior misc abhor, noun question, problem, issue, situation, dilemma,
religious, adore, absolutely, claim, condemn, indeed, challenge, aspect, finding, reality, mystery, behavior,
avoid, slow, nonetheless, profess, despise, very, variety misc most•, more•, equally•, particularly•, yet,
apparently raise, rather•, solve•, especially•, face, sometimes,
● detest, hate, loathe, dislike, despise, be repulsed somewhat•
528 | 0.93 ● confusing, confounding, mystifying, puzzling,
bewildering, baffling
17416 bouncer n 532 | 0.92
adj bottom, burly, part-time, bored noun bar, club,
door, nightclub•, night, bouncer, strip, guard, check•, 17451 patronizing j
bartender verb work•, •stand, guard, arrest, step, grab, noun tone, attitude, smile, view, voice, remark,
moonlight•, beat, act•, check comment, sort, grin, manner, pity, approach misc
560 | 0.88 F sound•, •toward, condescending, a•, smile•, consider•,
somewhat•, little•, best, perhaps, bit•, rather•
17423 sleigh n ● condescending, belittling, supercilious, full of yourself,
adj horse-drawn, open, full, wrong, antique, ready, superior, denigrating
lovely, flying, front, tiny noun •ride, •bell, reindeer, •bed, 527 | 0.93
horse, Christmas, runner, sound•, coffin•, snow verb
pull, •ride, •fly, jingle, climb•, drive, •draw, load•, carry, 17458 heft v
jump• noun •bag, •shoulder, •pack, hand, weight, •rifle, •gun,
● toboggan, sledge, bobsled, luge, sled, bobsleigh ball, bottle, •pound, •box, •weapon, foot•, •briefcase,
555 | 0.89 F muscle• misc onto, himself, heavy, enough, pick, enter,
thick, weigh, carefully, name, solid, test, huge,
● lift, hoist, heave, raise, raise up, swing
566 | 0.87 F

17465 fibrous j 17507 clothesline n

noun tissue, dysplasia, tumor, histiocytoma, adj retractable, wet, empty, dry, old-fashioned, hanging,
meningioma, material, case, root, band, bone, stroma, left, makeshift, outdoor noun sheet, clothes•, laundry,
patient misc solitary•, malignant•, tough•, temporal, rope, backyard, pole, cord, back, length•, wire verb
contain, separate, •connective, develop, occur, dense•, hang•, dry, string, tie, •stretch, flap•, drape•, duck, pin•,
green, •involve grab
● tough, leathery, stringy, rubbery, chewy 552 | 0.88 F
585 | 0.84 A
17514 kale n
17472 gusto n adj Tuscan, red, chopped, leafy, green, Russian, fresh,
adj great, equal, sensual, particular noun •futbol, steak, ornamental, steamed, Chinese noun green, broccoli,
dinner verb eat•, play•, sing•, attack•, devour•, laugh, spinach, cabbage, collards, leaf, collard, lettuce,
consume•, grab•, gobble•, finish mustard, minute• verb add•, stir, cook, •wilt, •remove,
● enjoyment, delight, pleasure, enthusiasm, passion, trim, serve, cauliflower•, cup, chop
zest 586 | 0.83 M
527 | 0.93
17521 shepherd v
17479 crosstalk n noun •process, •project, •Congress, •satellite, sheep,
adj but-, to-, you-, the-, not-, that-, me-, and-, have-, •flock, sister, guide•, nomination, •movement, tourist,
this- noun •gentleman, noise, crosstalk, judge•, bit•, it•, tour•, soul, detail, •congregation misc through, into,
•second, •Dr, signal, fen• verb •let, •wait, •excuse, toward, across, onto, along, carefully, successfully,
investigate, generate, disagree, trust market, away, whom, charge, herself, past
743 | 0.66 S ● marshal, drive, guide, steer, propel, direct
522 | 0.93
17486 goad v
noun action, decade•, cousin, supervisor, •outburst, 17528 ramble v
neighborhood, soul, entrepreneur, conscience, captive, noun conversation•, •minute, discussion•, •hour, •hill,
folk, enemy, hunger, argument misc into, him, me, try, foot, •yard, caller•, wood, route, lake, thought, rose,
on, her, each, drive, other, intend, onto, onward, late-night•, mile misc on, about, through, around, let,
unknown, attack, provoke sometimes, across, along, incoherently, tend, through,
● provoke, incite, prod, push || prod, poke, spur, drive listen, wild, forever, imagine
530 | 0.92 ● ramble on, go on, digress, blether || go for a walk,
walk, hike, wander
17493 capitalization n 530 | 0.92 F
adj total, large, median, low, initial, combined, current,
individual, entire, correct noun market•, company, 17535 synonym n
stock, punctuation, value, firm, •effect, spelling, fund, adj rough, mere, line-item, multiple, ugly, perfect noun
rule verb market•, base, •rise, increase, measure, word, antonym, name•, term, list•, tag, art, database,
•shrink definition•, thesaurus• verb use•, become•, contain•,
552 | 0.88 define•, account, list•, treat•, remove, •match,
17500 precariously r ● alternative word, alternative expression, other word,
•on, balance, perch, •edge, lean•, hang•, •between,
substitute, replacement
•over, •close, dangle•, teeter•, seem•, cling•, •side
550 | 0.88 A
● insecurely, unsteadily, uncertainly, unstably
538 | 0.91 F

17542 politeness n 17584 forged j

adj unfailing, common, false, mere, extreme, chilly, noun document, steel, passport, signature, iron, check,
forced, equal, excessive, exaggerated noun respect, paper, aluminum, letter, driver, knife, link misc base•,
sake, manner, kindness, lack, rule•, civility•, courtesy, carry•, forged, newly•, steal, combine, submit•,
sense, expression• verb •require, treat•, drop, •demand, •stainless, •fabricated, rely•, illegal, contain•
maintain•, respond• ● fake, counterfeit, false, spurious, specious, phony
● good manners, graciousness, manners, civility, 531 | 0.91
breeding, courtesy
546 | 0.89 F 17591 meningitis n
adj bacterial, meningococcal, spinal, viral, aseptic,
17549 sweating n pneumococcal, acute, suspected, fatal, penicillin-
adj profuse, hot, gustatory, heavy, tired, excessive, red- resistant noun patient•, infection, pneumonia, case,
faced, red, intense, cold noun body, nausea, •heart, child, diagnosis•, disease, brain, hepatitis, influenza
bed•, breath, rate, palm, hour•, gland, pain• verb start•, verb cause, die•, contract•, treat•, present, diagnose•,
stop•, pant, lose•, breathe, cause, sweat, shake, lay, •confirm, survive, suffer•, •spread
cool 567 | 0.85 A
536 | 0.90 F
17598 harmonica n
17556 posse n adj chromatic, diatonic, professional noun •player,
adj whole, entire, armed noun member, sheriff•, guitar, blue, music, glass•, •pocket, •song, piano, tune,
•comitatus, gang, barn, •citizen, gun, •agent, •butler, band verb play•, •sing, learn•, pull•, blow•, pick, sound,
•outlaw verb lead•, ride, round, form•, send•, join•, teach•, dance, discover
surround•, •shoot, •arrive, •protect 574 | 0.84
● gang, mob, band, party, group, company
544 | 0.89 17605 sender n
adj limited, original, anonymous noun •receiver,
17563 tried j address, message, e-mail, return•, information, role•,
noun method, suicide, cocaine, technique, alcohol, name, •recipient, letter verb return•, identify, forward,
marijuana, formula, investor, meth, acupuncture, •claim, authenticate, intend, •bear, connect
capital, to- misc •true, •tested, •fail, I•, stick•, British•, ● dispatcher, correspondent, contributor, source,
rely•, tempt, similar, Ah•, pretty, settle• writer, transmitter
519 | 0.93 535 | 0.90

17570 succulent j 17612 postpartum j

noun meat, leaf, plant, fruit, pork, lamb, stem, garden, noun depression, psychosis, woman, month, symptom,
beef, chicken, dish, growth misc most•, sweet, tender, depressive, period, pregnancy, disorder, birth, week,
moist•, •roast, grow, eat, juicy, fresh, red, cook, •grilled mother misc suffer•, six•, during•, severe•, •often,
● juicy, moist, tender, luscious, delicious, tasty mental, early, experience•, pregnant•, diagnose•,
533 | 0.91 M •control, develop•
● postnatal, post-delivery, perinatal
17577 graphical j 626 | 0.77
noun interface, user, representation, information,
display, analysis, browser, format, form, model, data, 17619 antigen n
system misc use, provide•, present•, display, such, adj specific, prostate-specific, immune, foreign, human,
tabular, textual, graphical, available, simple•, receive•, epithelial, positive, present, bacterial, common noun
•interface prostate•, test, cell, rotavirus•, blood, response, protein,
567 | 0.85 A antibody, level, class• verb •test, detect, produce,
identify, bind, recognize•, express, expose•, present,
591 | 0.81 A

17626 bigot n 17661 blowout n

adj white, anti-catholic, religious, racist, vicious, racial, adj big, annual, close, final, huge, well noun •loss, game,
gay, bloated, homophobic, hateful noun racist, anti- victory, •party, week, gas•, win, quarter, oil, weekend
semite, •map, bigot, letter, •homophobe, crook, verb win, tire•, cause, suffer•, •occur, prevent, achieve,
homosexuality, definition, hater• verb call•, label•, result•
•disagree, •control, prevent, hate, avoid, insist ● puncture, flat tire, flat || walkover, cinch, certainty
● extremist, diehard, dogmatist, racist, chauvinist, || binge, feast, pig out
hypocrite 535 | 0.89
530 | 0.90
17668 caddie n
17633 merciless j adj best, longtime, professional, confidential, wooden,
noun sun, attack, savage, heat, rain, finger, desert, cold, beautiful, perfect noun golf, player, hole•, cart,
press, teasing, bombardment, competition misc under, •brother, lizard, •club, magazine, groupie, •bone verb
•whose, •Indian, vicious, herself, beat, constant, cold, laugh, hug•, fire•, •wear, name, recall
subject•, cruel, brutal, deal• ● assistant, carrier, transporter, porter
● cruel, hardhearted, pitiless, heartless, unpitying, 558 | 0.86 M
521 | 0.92 F 17675 didactic j
noun purpose, instruction, training, approach, method,
17640 amputee n teaching, session, function, content, activity,
adj below-knee, double, above-knee, traumatic, information, presentation misc less, traditional, often,
dysvascular, normal, bilateral, unilateral, low, single follow, moral, both•, •alone, serve•, rather, rather•,
noun subject, limb, group, percent, foot, prosthesis, than•, •nor
gait, AK•, operation, amputee verb compare•, •walk, fit, ● moral, moralistic, improving, moralizing, educational,
•test, AK•, analyze, inspire, •tolerate, record instructive
708 | 0.68 A 564 | 0.85 A

17647 collapsing j 17682 flirtation n

noun star, economy, building, core, system, gas, price, adj brief, harmless, little, sexual, innocent, mild, serious,
cloud, tower, market, oil, bank misc Soviet, form, cause, light, silly, casual noun idea, form•, •harassment,
inside, thus, away•, result, •Russian, huge, shore, flirtation, •courtship, scene, sort•, workplace, •fun,
escape•, explode •affair verb end, strike
513 | 0.93 ● romance, fling, love affair, amour, entanglement,
17654 retake v 517 | 0.92
noun •test, force•, •control, •city, Democrat•, student•,
•town, •seat, army•, government, •Senate, •land, 17689 campaigning n
•territory, attempt•, power misc Soviet, prepare, key, adj negative, political, presidential, aggressive, dirty,
offensive, fail, attempt, Iraqi, launch, Chechen, modern, last-minute, intense, relentless, door-to-door
strategic, Croatian, democratic, serious, Palestinian, noun election, kind•, candidate, television, month,
British voter, form•, decade, primary, Democrat verb engage•,
● take back, recapture, regain, reconquer || repeat, •end, accuse, dislike•, recognize•
redo, resit ● agitation, activism, demonstration, protest ||
514 | 0.93 politicking, speechmaking, lobbying, politics
550 | 0.86 S

17696 rote n 17731 mister n

adj traditional, verbal, mindless, low-level, basic noun adj sorry, twisted, dear, frightened, bald, kind, neat,
•memorization, •learning, method, song, •memory, wicked noun mister, •neighborhood, black, thanks, sir,
teaching, skill, •sequence, •repetition, education verb stranger, miss•, ear, sleep, horn• verb listen•, excuse•,
learn, teach•, rely•, sing, repeat, recite•, focus, yell, fuck•, •wan, beg, owe, fetch, interrupt•, •grin
emphasize•, •memorize, sound• 550 | 0.86 F
● repetition, memorization, routine, habit, conditioning,
rotation 17738 test-retest j
535 | 0.89 A noun reliability, coefficient, correlation, consistency,
scale, stability, validity, data, study, estimate, score,
17703 falsehood n week misc internal•, report•, adequate•, high•, •range,
adj outright, false, wrong, outrageous, absolute, blatant, •over, examine•, indicate, show, total, assess,
deliberate, defamatory, dangerous, necessary noun acceptable•
truth•, lie, falsehood, situation, record, half-truth•, 618 | 0.77 A
deception•, distortion, journalist•, lip• verb tell•,
spread•, speak•, utter, publish•, repeat, base•, accuse•, 17745 everlasting j
reveal, expose• noun life, love, fire, soul, light, peace, credit, glory, hell,
● lie, untruth, story, tale || deception, dishonesty, happiness, death, memory misc perish•, eternal,
mendacity, deceit mighty•, everlasting, unto•, title•, preserve•, promise,
518 | 0.92 nor•, lean•, enjoy•, grant•
● eternal, endless, ceaseless, perpetual, undying,
17710 first-generation j unending
noun student, college, immigrant, American, status, 510 | 0.93
parent, migrant, minority, experience, disclosure,
difference, graduate misc •American, among•, 17752 surreptitiously r
•Mexican-american, compare, face, potential•, watch, glance•, •conversation, •record, slip, •check,
•Japanese, •whose, report, first-generation, •generally, •behind, •wipe, •tape, •remove, study, wife•, •watch,
prospective• •install
551 | 0.86 A ● furtively, secretly, sneakily, slyly, covertly,
17717 flake v 517 | 0.91 F
noun teaspoon, paint, pepper•, skin, cup, tablespoon,
fish, wall, stone, bit, piece, corn•, salt, chili•, Dr• misc 17759 stilt [PL] n
off, red, away, begin, off, white, hot, gray, dried, dry, adj banded, wooden, tall, short, African, dark, two-
until, peel, cause, crushed, crack story, thatched, raised noun house, dancer,
● peel, crumble, come off, scale, blister, chip •masquerade, hut•, •foot, cottage, stilt, nonsense•, leg,
528 | 0.90 M structure• verb build•, walk•, stand•, perch•, wear,
•masquerade, dance, •surround, nest, burst
17724 humanist n ● toy, lifter, pole, stand || post, column, support, pillar
adj secular, social, liberal, Christian, religious, 560 | 0.84
professional, academic, Florentine, classical,
enlightened noun scientist, atheist, secularist, culture, 17766 drive-by j
artist•, agnostic, example, language, physician, noun shooting, victim, murder, gang, attack, shooter,
authority verb identify, •approach, advocate, •admit, drug, killing, bullet, robbery, death, violence misc
accuse, judge, endorse, •affirm •shoot, kill•, during•, random, die, gun•, catch, murder•,
557 | 0.85 A participate•, wound•, drive-by, worry•
540 | 0.87

17773 psychedelic j 17815 co-chairman n

noun drug, color, music, rock, scene, use, poster, adj national, congressional, international, democratic,
mushroom, light, show, break, band misc funky, paint•, chief, general, advisory, co-chief, joint, global noun
•sixties, •pedal, •light, dead, scientific, weird•, swirling•, campaign, •committee, commission, executive,
•blue, powerful•, seventies Republican, •conference, entertainment, board, film,
● hallucinogenic, mind-altering, mind-expanding, mind- •task verb serve•, name•, Miramax, elect•
blowing || colored, patterned, vibrant, vivid 538 | 0.87 N
529 | 0.89
17822 lawless j
17780 alchemy n noun city, border, region, frontier, action, element,
adj strange, modern, acoustic, ancient, financial, land, town, environment, order, society, regime misc
curious, mysterious, magic, transformative, powerful lawless, •violent, imminent•, incite•, along, wild, likely,
noun kind•, author•, astrology, science, •love, gold, corrupt, •rule, suddenly, •armed, southern
chemistry, sort•, magic, •heaven verb •turn, •transform, ● unruly, anarchic, uncontrolled, unregulated,
produce, seek, perform, •transmute, achieve•, assume, ungovernable, anarchistic
mix, study• 507 | 0.92
● experimentation, transformation, pseudoscience
526 | 0.89 17829 retard v
noun •growth, •development, •progress, •process, •loss,
17787 rail v rate, bone, ability, research, •timing, factor•, •decay,
noun government, Republican, •excess, Mr•, speech, •reform, •aging, •flow misc economic, may, aging,
enemy, Democrat, conservative•, environmentalist•, advance, prevent, promote, accelerate, increase,
conference•, •adultery, preacher, •cruelty, machine, thereby, physical, far, remove, retard, fucking, bacterial
minute• misc against, publicly, weep, constantly, very ● hold back, hold up, slow down, delay, check, hinder
● criticize, complain, kick, kick up, protest, object 513 | 0.91
501 | 0.94
17836 lockout n
17794 necktie n adj rear, adjustable, protracted, manual noun strike•,
adj blue, red, wide, yellow, striped, matching, gray, player, owner, NBA•, fork, season, spring, hockey, end,
favorite, stiff, conservative noun shirt, suit•, jacket, travel verb end, impose, •prevent, strike, cause, avoid,
shoe, dress, knot•, •hat, vest, •collar, silk verb wear, tie•, •delay, •occur, •wipe, worry
buy, sell•, loosen, •hang, dress, straighten•, adjust•, 556 | 0.84 N
● tie, scarf, bandanna, cravat 17843 goddamn u
522 | 0.90 F •it, •hell, goddamn, Oh•, shit, stop, listen, fuck, cry,
shout•, scream, goddamn•, hot, foot•
17801 halibut n 575 | 0.81 F
adj grilled, Alaskan, fresh, black, roasted, pan-roasted,
local, sweet, pan-seared, nice noun salmon, cod, fillet, 17850 CPA n
fish, •steak, piece, sauce, pound, sea, halibut verb serve, adj big, non-big, financial, individual, regional, typical,
skin•, •cut, sear, fish•, poach, place•, taste, cook, traditional, willing noun •firm, •official, •exam, tax,
manage lawyer, •privacy, •consultant, audit, degree, attorney
536 | 0.88 verb perform, hire•, pass, •admit, perceive, account,
study•, sign, earn•, multiply•
17808 jeez u 568 | 0.82
Oh•, •guy, •hope, •guess, •ya, •quiet, •sound, •hate,
mutter, deal•, inside, •sorry, •scare, mom
546 | 0.86 F

17857 dopamine n 17899 invisibility n

adj low-dose, high, chemical, low, elevated, opioid, adj near, complete, relative, cultural, certain, visible,
natural, renal, basal, frontal noun brain, potential, virtual, invisible noun cloak, spell, point•,
neurotransmitter, level, chemical, receptor, serotonin, visibility•, silence, feature, invisibility, researcher, speed,
cell, dopamine, •system, norepinephrine verb produce, media verb fade•, near•, unveil, •ignore, cloak, achieve,
release, increase, block•, decrease, reduce, •cause, contribute•, shrink•, demonstrate•
involve•, drive•, •associate ● hiddenness, inconspicuousness, indiscernibility,
560 | 0.83 M faintness, indistinctness, lateness
519 | 0.89
17864 sturgeon n
adj white, pallid, endangered, striped, smoked, legal, 17906 dynamism n
prehistoric, pubic, giant, grilled noun caviar, fish, Roe, adj economic, social, structural, cultural, African,
beluga•, salmon, bass, trout, fishing, species, internal, tremendous, personal, inner, regional noun
•population verb catch, spear, •swim, fish, spawn, •economy, sense•, energy, market, innovation, •society,
•release, •produce, farm•, smoke, •caviar region, diversity•, activity, stability verb contribute•,
546 | 0.85 reveal•, demonstrate•, associate, lack, express,
exemplify, observe•, market, define
17871 allay v ● vitality, vigor, zing, zip, energy, drive
noun •fear, •concern, •suspicion, •anxiety, effort•, 534 | 0.87 A
•doubt, worry, attempt•, •public, consumer, •investor,
measure•, strategy•, deal•, distrust misc try, any, help, 17913 gloss v
seek, public, quickly, little, attempt, somewhat, fail, noun fact, problem, issue, •difference, lip, text, •detail,
hope, design, potential, fear, enough •term, truth, •reality, attempt•, tear, •finish, •label,
● dispel, calm, alleviate, assuage, relieve, put to rest reader misc over, over, tend, often, usually, ignore,
501 | 0.93 simply, kind, attempt, crucial, fundamental, rather,
potentially, completely, racial
17878 drawl n ● annotate, add footnotes, interpret, explain, make
adj southern, soft, thick, slow, deep, lazy, distinctive, notes on, comment on
slight, sexy, languid noun voice, north•, Texan•, speech, 498 | 0.93
cowboy, accent•, hint•, grin•, ear, stoner• verb speak•,
•sound, imitate•, reply•, declare, affect• 17920 islander n
● pronunciation, intonation, inflection, enunciation, adj other, native, fellow, local, proud, present-day,
twang, brogue cultural, ancient, British, laid-back noun tourist•,
516 | 0.90 F descendant, loss, visitor, generation• verb •gather,
protect, share•, •refer, •depend, •name
17885 spotlight v ● dweller, inhabitant, local, resident, occupant, native
noun media•, problem, •issue, artist, show•, light•, 525 | 0.88
•effort, month, •role, abuse, coast, •talent, sun•,
opportunity, article misc on, occasionally, potential, 17927 restlessness n
intense, regional, dozen, future, current adj inner, increasing, constant, growing, certain,
● highlight, point up, draw attention to, underline, extreme, incessant, heavy, spiritual noun kind•, anxiety,
focus on, underscore irritability, insomnia, depression, feeling, symptom,
504 | 0.92 •confusion, boredom•, sense verb sense•, cause, satisfy,
increase, born, wake, •result, stir, wander, •kick
17892 cicada n ● agitation, impatience, restiveness, edginess, anxiety,
adj female, periodic, psychic, male, shrill, seventeen- disquiet
year, annual, hot, occasional, paranoid noun tree, 501 | 0.92
•killer, sound, cricket, hum•, periodical•, summer,
noise•, voice, song verb •sing, •chirp, hear•, •hum, •buzz,
•scream, •saw, •emerge, sweat, •fill
566 | 0.82 F

17934 medium-low j 17976 claimant n

noun heat, saucepan, skillet, minute, cook, oil, butter, adj potential, rival, legitimate, medical, individual,
pan, cover, onion, pot, garlic misc to•, reduce•, over•, available, residual, vast, workers-comp, original noun
simmer, cook, over•, •add, •until, •stir, cover, large•, asbestos•, •fraud, claim, attorney, compensation,
•constantly insurance•, asylum•, •throne, status, amount• verb pay,
561 | 0.82 M represent, require, •receive, •suffer, •file, deny, award•,
prove, confront
17941 ouster n ● applicant, plaintiff, pretender, petitioner, appellant,
adj chief, military, prime, top, immediate, eventual, supplicant
elected, longtime, Soviet, responsible noun president, 524 | 0.88 A
year, call•, general, •executive, dictator, CEO, leader,
month, •secretary verb call•, lead•, demand•, follow•, 17983 dictum n
seek•, engineer•, result•, force•, push•, press• adj famous, simple, prescriptive, Socratic, favorite,
● removal, ejection, upheaval, coup, dismissal, well-known noun court, faculty•, •knowledge, •politics,
expulsion mill, design, writing• verb follow•, violate•, state, note,
533 | 0.87 N cite•, quote•, subscribe•, recall•, accept•, echo
● pronouncement, dictate, statement, saying, maxim,
17948 unyielding j motto
noun stone, opposition, faith, force, body, commitment, 516 | 0.89 A
position, strength, support, expression, belief,
determination misc against•, stiff•, hard•, remain•, 17990 readable j
strong•, cold•, rigid, solid•, his, stubborn•, harsh•, hit noun book, text, history, form, account, screen, writing,
● stubborn, firm, unbending, obstinate || inflexible, display, narrative, letter, machine, volume misc highly•,
rigid, stiff, unbending more•, very•, most•, easily•, write, barely•, •neat,
498 | 0.93 eminently•, quite•, produce•, mostly•
● legible, decipherable, understandable,
17955 defraud v comprehensible, clear
noun •government, •investor, scheme•, company, 495 | 0.93
charge•, •bank, •system, conspiracy•, •customer, •client,
•public, •shareholder, consumer, prison •, •insurance 17997 memorialize v
misc charge, out, accuse, conspire, guilty, plead, federal, noun event, wall•, •victim, •Reverend, east•, west•,
intent, allegedly, scheme, claim, convict, indict, allege, martyr, plaque, death, •Dr, need•, •nation, •one, site, •Jr
deceive misc dead, kill, decide, ancient, past, fallen, choose,
● deceive, swindle, cheat, trick, fleece, take advantage honor, intend, II, eight, very, popular, comprehensive,
of forever
508 | 0.91 N 506 | 0.91

17962 cystic j 18004 carousel n

noun fibrosis, carcinoma, disease, patient, gene, mass, adj wooden, historic, rotating, old-fashioned, colorful,
cell, thymoma, degeneration, cancer, hemophilia, miniature, central, famous, refurbished, musical noun
lesion misc adenoid•, such•, genetic, cause, •muscular, baggage•, horse, slide, ride, luggage•, coaching•, wheel,
contain, rare, reveal•, •cf, develop•, chronic, •extend bag, music, •projector verb ride•, spin, •turn, rotate,
538 | 0.86 A remove, •revolve
● merry-go-round, ride, roundabout || container,
17969 co-pilot n cassette, cartridge, drum
adj experienced noun pilot•, •seat, plane, •flight, •chair, 501 | 0.91
control, back, captain•, cockpit•, navigator verb sit•, fly,
kill, push, drop, •land, jump, strap, •respond, •recite
523 | 0.88 F

18011 fruity j 18053 melodramatic j

noun wine, flavor, oil, drink, smell, aroma, red, light, noun story, film, music, tone, voice, mode, imagination,
scent, taste, cup, fragrance misc •olive, sweet, rich, •red, formula, scene, play, novel, text misc sound•, too, a•,
•white, •such, fresh•, floral, soft•, slightly, light•, spicy little•, dramatic•, •sometimes, •describe, tend•, nor,
● rich, sweet, tangy, zesty || resonant, rich, plummy, highly•, slightly•, strike
mellow ● histrionic, overdramatic, overemotional, exaggerated,
515 | 0.89 sensational, theatrical
495 | 0.92
18018 site v
noun plant, facility, site, power, landfill, garden, 18060 pacifist n
community, waste, project, visit, •ground, compost, adj Christian, social, strong, committed, lifelong,
authority, size, •mile misc where, close, near, within, military, international, democratic, avowed, German
decide, major, specific, tend, visit, usually, poorly, crash, noun •view, Quaker, church, artist, •movement,
design, generally, southern tradition, •constitution, •position, Catholic•, isolationist
● put, position, place, situate, locate, establish verb express, •oppose
498 | 0.92 ● peace lover, peacekeeper, conscientious objector,
dove, peacemaker
18025 smattering n 506 | 0.90
adj local, polite, healthy, Russian, gray noun •applause,
•freckle, •French, hair, English, language, •knowledge, 18067 allergen n
Jew, •boo, •Latin verb pick, greet, gather adj common, airborne, major, potential, inhaled,
● bit, modicum, dash, smidgen, iota, little undeclared, allergic, indoor, cosmetic, potent noun
490 | 0.93 •challenge, food•, dog•, mite•, pollen, dust, exposure,
response•, latex•, reaction verb reduce•, •cause, inhale,
18032 innermost j contain•, remove•, identify, avoid, expose•, eliminate•,
noun thought, planet, feeling, secret, part, being, circle, produce
loop, self, ring, fear, desire misc your•, its, our•, reveal•, 577 | 0.79 M
share•, express•, solar, reach•, confide•, outermost,
•secret, yourself 18074 genial j
● inmost, deepest, private, secret, personal, intimate noun man, host, manner, smile, guy, tubercle, fellow,
499 | 0.92 disposition, humor, image, artist, atmosphere misc
whose, friendly, usually•, nice•, balding, beneath•, lay,
18039 paralyzed j grandfatherly, relaxed, warm•, display, tough
noun muscle, veteran, leg, patient, arm, body, side, ● friendly, amiable, warm, welcoming, hospitable,
limb, face, fear, endurance, contraction misc become•, gracious
seem•, stand, feel•, remain•, •walk, partially•, •spinal, 490 | 0.93
•low, left, •unable, lie•
493 | 0.93 18081 forego v
noun •opportunity, •use, revenue, conclusion, •pleasure,
18046 enforced j •benefit, •treatment, option, decision •, •marriage,
noun law, segregation, policy, separation, silence, rule, career, income, exchange, insurance, earnings misc
regulation, isolation, pregnancy, curfew, disappearance, decide, must, willing, allow, agree, in, otherwise,
standard misc strictly•, legally•, rarely•, judicially•, choose, order, nuclear, due, collect, force, willingly,
•racial, socially•, heavily•, impose, •involuntary,
privately•, define, •Soviet ● give up, pass by, do without, miss out on, sacrifice,
● compulsory, obligatory, imposed, required, waive
prescribed, forced 490 | 0.93 A
495 | 0.92 A

18088 incendiary j 18130 dispersed j

noun device, bomb, rhetoric, fire, issue, weapon, noun population, community, group, settlement,
remark, material, language, liquid, activity, bombing pattern, site, member, network, village, development,
misc use, most•, drop•, burn, carry•, throw, knowledge, nature misc more•, widely•, geographically•,
•inflammatory, potentially•, fire•, explosive•, ignite, small•, too•, live•, among•, gather, together,
rather fragmented•, link•, increasingly
● combustible, flammable, inflammable || ● diffuse, spread, disseminated, distributed ||
inflammatory, provocative, rabble-rousing, aggressive scattered, distributed, strewn, sprinkled
486 | 0.93 523 | 0.86 A

18095 weakening j 18137 downsizing n

noun economy, dollar, yen, power, party, union, adj corporate, military, economic, massive, major,
market, institution, result, security, rate, labor misc federal, cold, necessary, sensible, far noun government,
lead•, •political, cause•, because•, despite•, •central, job, •industry, •force, restructuring, defense, layoff,
contribute•, result•, far•, reflect•, •traditional, era•, trend•, victim• verb lead, announce•, force, lay,
significant• occur, reflect, preside•, undergo•
● flagging, fading, waning, wearying, failing, abating 523 | 0.86
498 | 0.91 A
18144 unwrap v
18102 whisky n noun •present, gift, •package, •dough, hour•, •sandwich,
adj scotch, single, Irish, fine, single-malt, cheap, empty, •box, •foil, •bandage, plastic, paper, •bar, baby, •candy,
famous, Scots, dark noun bottle, malt•, glass•, beer, parcel misc begin, reveal, watch, around, carefully,
shot•, cigarette, taste, drink•, gin, •distillery verb drink•, serve, cut, fresh, discard, remove, place, slowly, slice,
pour, sip•, smoke, •age, produce•, share•, taste, blend, pink, package
nurse• ● undo, unpack, remove, open, tear open
545 | 0.83 F 508 | 0.89 F

18109 indie n 18151 flowering n

adj small, local, low-budget, tiny, hot, foreign, English, adj full, great, late, early, cultural, vigorous, Jewish,
British noun •film, •rock, •band, •label, •movie, record, natural, personal, democratic noun •plant, spring•, •art,
•music, studio, •rocker, •filmmaker verb •hit, •flick, growth, tree, •culture, summer, •bulb, •cross, •seed
release•, shoot, direct, •band, finance, •label, sign verb •fruit, prevent•, encourage•, witness•, finish•,
538 | 0.84 M represent, prune•, •extend, force, •occur
● high point, acme, blossoming, pinnacle, zenith, peak
18116 space-time j 501 | 0.90 M
noun continuum, fabric, ripple, curvature, wave, point,
geometry, distortion, gravity, theory, energy, matter 18158 ingrain v
misc through•, warp, create, curved•, •itself, distort•, noun •culture, •society, •mind, habit, tradition, belief,
four-dimensional•, warped•, across•, within•, bend•, •consciousness, practice, memory, •psyche, attitude•,
local• image, mentality•, •character, training misc deeply, so,
522 | 0.87 become, our, American, within, firmly, thoroughly,
basic, cultural, collective, traditional
18123 assertiveness n ● impress, etch, drill in, fix, root, hammer in
adj sexual, social, low, growing, increasing, Hispanic, 477 | 0.94
cultural, significant, Russian, female noun •training,
woman, level, skill, lack•, •risk, independence, 18165 hazelnut n
•avoidance, self-esteem, self-confidence verb correlate, adj toasted, chopped, roasted, sweet, fine, warm,
relate, •increase, focus, display, contain, •compare, whole, fresh, shelled, brown noun cup•, chocolate,
associate•, demand•, undercut almond, •oil, walnut, pecan, sugar, •butter, cream,
● confidence, forcefulness, insistence, decisiveness, flavor verb toast, spread, skin•, cup, dress, •serve,
boldness, firmness sprinkle, add, roast, place
560 | 0.81 A 537 | 0.84 M N

18172 intelligible j 18214 enviable j

noun word, speech, language, principle, form, meaning, noun position, record, job, track, task, reputation,
species, order, voice, content, purpose, reader misc lifestyle, success, situation, achievement, figure, roster
make•, more•, render•, barely•, become•, human, misc enjoy•, achieve•, maintain•, boast•, less•, despite•,
whose, mutually•, itself, less, perfectly•, possible• rare•, hardly•, environmental, inherit•, manage,
● comprehensible, understandable, plain, lucid, logical, establish•
clear ● desirable, fortunate, lucky, privileged, to die for,
531 | 0.85 A happy
484 | 0.92 M
18179 unicorn n
adj winged, pink, mythical, nice noun •horn, dragon, 18221 thistle n
tapestry, unicorn, horse, lion, creature•, •keyboard, adj yellow, purple, Russian, native, wild, exotic,
garden, nickname verb kill, ride•, •disappear, name, Canadian, scotch, star, prickly noun milk•, star•, •seed,
•graze weed, grass, plant, bull•, pig•, thistle, field verb grow,
542 | 0.83 F attack, control•, eat, sow•, •enhance, embroider, sprout,
resemble•, spread
18186 warming j 528 | 0.84
noun trend, climate, effect, drawer, oven, kitchen,
planet, tray, water, hut, sun, impact misc cause, long- 18228 boldness n
term, rise, built-in•, accelerate, thereby, dig•, •outside, adj certain, daring, characteristic, growing noun
lay, slight•, warm, worry• courage, act, degree•, boldness, credit•, design,
493 | 0.91 strength•, quality, inhibition•, •enterprise verb admire•,
encourage•, display, reward, disarm, dare, control•,
18193 insensitivity n combine, hide
adj racial, cultural, social, perceived, certain, poor, ● courage, daring, audacity, bravery || confidence,
gross, apparent, total, moral noun insensitivity, other•, self-assurance, brashness, nerve
lack, androgen•, greed, cruelty, discrimination, 477 | 0.93
understanding, indifference, example• verb show•,
display•, demonstrate•, accuse•, charge•, produce, 18235 populism n
reflect•, refer adj economic, new, cultural, political, southern, ethnic,
● selfishness, thoughtlessness, inconsiderateness, macroeconomic, territorial, progressive, Latin noun
tactlessness, inattentiveness, coldness brand•, kind•, class•, populism, elitism, leader•,
488 | 0.92 tradition•, nationalism, form•, version• verb accuse•,
tap, root, associate•, •assert
18200 salesperson n 519 | 0.86 A
adj knowledgeable, top, commissioned, average, retail
noun customer, store, car, insurance•, phone, call, shop, 18242 hang n
advice•, dealership, counter verb ask•, tell, •sell, hire•, adj conventional noun •glider, •gliding, while• verb get•,
•explain, deal, •visit, name, quote start•
● sales rep, rep, seller, marketer || sales assistant, 488 | 0.91 F
salesclerk, floorwalker, shop assistant
505 | 0.88 M 18249 microchip n
adj tiny, electronic, embedded, personal, sophisticated,
18207 quarter-century n implantable, digital, cellular noun •technology,
adj past noun •death, scientist, career, practice, lesson computer, •industry, •brain, power, semiconductor•,
verb •remain, span• circuit, silicon, transistor, chip verb implant, base,
493 | 0.91 N design•, •double, embed, sell, •enable, invent, contain,
497 | 0.89 M

18256 buffet v 18298 skimpy j

noun wind, force, economy, storm, •side, wave, air•, noun outfit, top, dress, bikini, suit, hair, clothes,
change, •turbulence, rain, •direction, •breeze, sea, costume, clothing, T-shirt, halter, attire misc wear•,
•crosswind, tide misc by, strong, about, around, •black, a•, •white, dress•, •bathing, little, little•, bit•,
economic, already, constantly, conflicting, along, heavy, pretty•, barely, female
violently, wind, protect, other, pelt ● meager, insufficient, scanty, inadequate, sparse,
● rock, pound, batter, bang, knock, strike scant
476 | 0.93 479 | 0.92

18263 fortification n 18305 luminosity n

adj Iraqi, military, strong, German, massive, coastal, adj intrinsic, low, white, similar, total, integrated,
defensive, elaborate, underground, concrete noun wall, observed, solar, spectral, stellar noun star,
city, field, food, •mine, enemy•, series•, force, lull•, temperature•, color, distance, size, mass, peak•,
•plant verb build, erect, face, enhance, protect, •painting, surface, dwarf verb achieve, increase, create,
maintain, assault•, attack•, destroy, dig produce, enhance•, compare•, retain•, measure, relate•,
● strengthening, defense, reinforcement, buttressing indicate
|| defenses, ramparts, buttresses, walls ● glow, light, brilliance, radiance, shine, sheen
491 | 0.90 521 | 0.85 M

18270 tinge n 18312 cropland n

adj slight, green, faint, yellow, bluish, greenish, reddish, adj rain-fed, total, irrigated, global, available, potential,
red, yellowish, pink noun •regret, color, •sadness, •skin, cultivated, erodible, agricultural, excessive noun acre•,
hair, •green, •red, •bitterness, •resentment, humor verb percent, loss, •area, forest, use, land, pasture, water,
feel•, carry•, sense acreage• verb lose, convert•, increase, irrigate, reduce•,
● hint, touch, dash, drop, trace, bit •nonfarm, protect•, •plant, •decrease, blow
482 | 0.92 F 547 | 0.81 A

18277 masturbate v 18319 elation n

noun man•, woman•, bed, sex, night, guy, picture•, adj strange, sudden, sheer, initial, curious, momentary,
report•, •hour, •month, masturbation•, stage, rare, fierce, total noun sense•, moment, feeling•, joy•,
pornography, •bathroom, partner misc while, front, mixture•, depression, despair, emotion•, relief, elation
masturbate, himself, ever, frequently, likely, report, verb feel, fill•, experience•, share•, •last, fear, •fade,
herself, teach, force, twice, admit, regularly, catch settle, temper, recall•
491 | 0.90 ● ecstasy, joy, delight, euphoria, jubilation, excitement
477 | 0.92 F
18284 crow v
noun rooster•, cock•, morning, •hen, •delight, •victory, 18326 black-eyed j
chicken, Republican•, window, sound, triumph, press, noun pea, cup, bean, rice, green, rudbeckia, salad,
•laughter, cat, •dawn misc hear, wake, triumphantly, collard, corn, chicken, Susan, can misc cook, serve, cup,
strut, cluck, flap, suddenly, awaken, practically, nearby add, eat•, drain, •rinsed, dried, stir•, frozen•, drained,
● caw, cry, call, squawk || gloat, boast, brag, show off yellow
495 | 0.90 F 498 | 0.89 M

18291 vest v 18333 panicked j

noun power, authority, option, year, right, noun look, call, voice, face, eye, phone, moment, flight,
responsibility, pension, •Congress, executive, crowd, glance, breathing, retreat misc look•, hear•,
constitution, government, law, appointment, plan, sound•, receive•, •flee, shoot, throw, scream, desperate,
interest misc shall, fully, become, federal, political, yet, •cross, suddenly•, •barely
administrative, legislative, constitutional, solely, seven, 499 | 0.88 F
herein, grant, natural, municipal
● confer, bestow, devolve, consign, entrust, assign
497 | 0.89 A

18340 blurred j 18382 patina n

noun vision, image, face, boundary, light, line, photo, adj old, rich, green, dark, aged, natural, beautiful,
reflection, eye, figure, edge, shadow misc •between, original, brown, polished noun •age, surface, oil•, color,
become•, behind•, cause, result•, rather•, focus•, cone•, copper, bronze, metal, •use, patina verb cover,
experience, sharp, •distorted, sudden, beautiful acquire•, create, add, develop•, apply, possess•, form,
● blurry, indistinct, unclear, hazy, distorted, fuzzy lend, lay
483 | 0.91 F ● verdigris, tarnishing, staining || sheen, shine, luster
|| veneer, layer, covering
18347 wrangling n 499 | 0.88 M
adj legal, political, partisan, bureaucratic, bitter,
intense, internal, diplomatic, protracted, far noun year•, 18389 crass j
month•, week, lot•, budget, •policy, •Congress, decade•, noun commercialism, materialism, politics, term,
Republican, lawyer• verb •continue, •agree, end, delay, exploitation, talk, motive, sort, fear, self-interest, TV,
count• emotion misc seem•, such, sound•, political,
484 | 0.91 •commercial, •materialistic, •brutal, vulgar, guess, crude,
kind•, rude
18354 extraneous j ● insensitive, thoughtless, tactless, vulgar, obnoxious,
noun variable, factor, noise, information, detail, gross
stimulus, movement, material, effect, arousal, source, 461 | 0.95
issue misc •such, nothing•, eliminate•, control•,
remove•, consider, add, including, distract•, exclude, 18396 tank v
irrelevant, influence noun market•, stock•, economy•, fish•, tank, sales•,
● irrelevant, unrelated, unconnected, inappropriate || office, price•, movie, •owner, •top, •box, Abrams•, dot•,
inessential, unimportant, unnecessary, superfluous media misc up, INT, before, ter, absolutely, throw
489 | 0.90 A 482 | 0.91

18361 resuscitate v 18403 angelic j

noun •economy, •order, patient, effort•, reputation, noun face, voice, smile, boy, girl, eye, light, choir,
•industry, doctor, attempt•, means, •heart, •moribund, conversation, look, beauty, host misc white, almost•,
•career, hospital, emergency, •victim misc try, her, help, •little, sweet, demonic, blond, pure, soft, smile, sensual,
dead, dying, attempt, successfully, desperately, paint, float
unsuccessfully, ailing, somehow, sign ● innocent, good, pure, beatific, saintly, adorable
● give the kiss of life to, give artificial respiration to, 478 | 0.92 F
bring around, save || breathe new life into, revive,
revivify, resurrect 18410 heretic n
466 | 0.94 adj Christian, secular, schismatic, poor, religious,
Spanish, branded noun Jew•, word, witch, infidel, stake,
18368 hardcover n death, inquisition, pagan, traitor, Protestant• verb call•,
adj available, best-selling, massive, tattered noun burn, declare•, consider•, regard•, punish, view•, prove,
•edition, •book, paperback, •CD-ROM, choice•, copy, torture, sound•
page•, best-seller, novel, •fiction verb •continue, sell, 488 | 0.90
publish•, cost•, issue•, •feature
508 | 0.86 18417 antebellum j
noun south, mansion, home, plantation, period, house,
18375 unwavering j history, tour, era, missionary, farm, north misc
noun support, commitment, faith, loyalty, gaze, belief, •southern, •home, during, white, historic•, •civil, middle,
conviction, eye, devotion, confidence, love, stare misc colonial•, free•, Indian, African, dress
because•, clear•, steady•, demonstrate•, •moral, ● early nineteenth-century, eighteenth-century,
maintain•, •other, •each, demand•, risk, seek, complete colonial, historical, Federalist, prewar
● steady, firm, solid, steadfast, untiring, dogged 501 | 0.87 A
464 | 0.95

18424 daydream n 18459 feared j

adj little, erotic, secret, idle, vivid, pleasant, like noun noun hitter, leader, police, weapon, situation, player,
fantasy, dream, nightmare, •reality, thought, sort, attack, nation, consequence, object, agency,
escape, hour, stuff• verb interrupt, lose•, return, snap•, complication misc most•, one•, among•, than•, •secret,
wake•, •forget, recall•, drift•, •discover, dream rather•, hate•, respected, perhaps•, •terrorist, fear,
● reverie, fantasy, musing, contemplation, dream, •opposing
fancy 462 | 0.94
480 | 0.91 F
18466 hardness n
18431 filtering n adj soft, cold, various, dry, green, total noun •eye,
adj light, spatial, collaborative, digital, adaptive, federal, •heart, degree•, diamond, •testing, •voice, face,
available, myoelectric, natural, additional noun •system, alkalinity, level, material• verb feel•, soften, reduce,
•software, •process, •technology, water, •device, contain•, test•
•window, method, filter, filtering verb use, provide, ● rigidity, stiffness, firmness, inflexibility, solidity,
install•, •occur, combine, require, •remove, •block, toughness
employ, •process 479 | 0.91
487 | 0.90 A
18473 prick n
18438 connote v adj little, sharp, arrogant, real, tiny, selfish, fucking,
noun word•, term•, name•, •sense, idea, •quality, stupid, total, painful noun pin•, needle, skin, finger•,
•success, image, relationship, mind, •characteristic, •light, •test, mouth, prick, •pain, thorn verb feel•, laugh,
ignorance, context•, •status, •understanding misc •prick, stick, sound, •rise, •deserve
different, connote, certain, rather, usually, necessarily, ● hole, puncture, perforation, pinhole
positive, physical, generally, than, spell, male, rather, 532 | 0.82 F
divine, unconventionally
● mean, signify, suggest, purport, intimate, imply 18480 secede v
502 | 0.87 A noun right•, republic•, state, •union, south•, province•,
region, nation, north, •rest, attempt•, territory,
18445 horticultural j referendum•, •federation, district misc from, if, Soviet,
noun society, crop, garden, plant, industry, oil, research, try, threaten, vote, attempt, southern, independent,
center, USDA-ARS, therapy, expert, field misc decide, declare, allow, wish, Baltic, join
American•, •research, such, local•, agricultural•, locate, ● break away, disaffiliate, break from, separate,
floral, establish•, commercial, agronomic, •insecticidal, withdraw, pull out
divide 510 | 0.85
● gardening, garden, market garden, agricultural,
viticultural, nursery 18487 foodstuff [PL] n
502 | 0.87 M adj other, basic, imported, various, raw, cheap,
available, common, European, essential noun oil, price•,
18452 grotto n food, material, consumer, supply, import•, •medicine,
adj blue, dark, underground, hidden, dank, grim, grain•, distribution• verb grow, buy•, sell, import,
underwater, huge, famous, dim noun fern, waterfall, purchase, produce•, supply, trade, store, •feed
fish•, wall, pool, rock, cave, entrance, crystal•, stone• ● food, staple, essential, ingredient, provisions,
verb lead, visit•, stand•, form, fill•, build•, •hide groceries
● cavern, pothole, hollow, cave 478 | 0.91
480 | 0.91 F
18494 flint n
adj sharp, like, burnt, hard, chipped, gray, burned,
striking, amber, prehistoric noun •steel, piece, tool,
•knife, •point, •arrowhead, stone, eye, fire, spark• verb
strike, spark, •ignite, pick, produce, date, discover,
•light, contain, dry
491 | 0.88 F

18501 voluptuous j 18543 conservatively r

noun woman, body, figure, curve, lip, beauty, girl, estimate, dress, more•, invest, manage, very•, treat•,
pleasure, hair, breast, hip, skin misc whose, beautiful•, play•, patient•, vote•, •million, •cut, •suit, fund
feature•, •blonde, short•, describe, soft, lovely, ● conventionally, unadventurously, predictably,
•provocative, •dress, Mexican, •naked orthodoxly, unoriginally
467 | 0.93 F 461 | 0.93

18508 snugly r 18550 swoon v

fit•, •into, •around, shall, wrap•, •against, •over, hold•, noun woman•, girl•, stock•, audience•, critic•, •arm,
•between, nestle•, •inside, tuck, tie•, •under •foot, press•, fan, lady•, desire, concert, magazine•,
● cozily, warmly, comfortably || tightly, closely, neatly, public•, teen misc over, over, almost, female,
securely practically, nearly, cause, each, since, faint, other,
482 | 0.90 M positively, swoon, hot
● pass out, faint, black out, lose consciousness, faint
18515 underfunded j away, collapse
noun school, program, pension, system, plan, agency, 464 | 0.93
service, health, team, fund, education, research misc
understaffed, chronically•, public, always•, 18557 three-week j
overcrowded•, often, remain•, grossly•, already•, plan, noun period, tour, trip, vacation, two-, trial, program,
severely•, woefully• session, course, summer, stay, break misc during•, after,
471 | 0.92 over•, after•, begin•, offer, return•, end, annual•,
intensive•, cause, finish
18522 foolishly r 459 | 0.94
perhaps, act•, grin•, behave•, love, •imagine, •fail,
rather•, smile•, someone•, hope, •attempt, wave, 18564 silken j
bravely• noun tofu, hair, cup, ounce, texture, leg, thread, pkg,
● stupidly, unwisely, imprudently, thoughtlessly, cord, gown, robe, skin misc her, soft, firm•, beneath,
irrationally low-fat, drain, silken, thick, •dark, dress, close, fill•
469 | 0.92 F ● smooth, soft, silky, silky-smooth, glossy, shiny
484 | 0.89 F
18529 cul-de-sac n
adj quiet, suburban, small, private, tree-lined, far, dark, 18571 meditative j
gated, wooded, dead noun end, house, street, home, noun state, practice, quality, technique, calm, mind,
•neighborhood, road, car, subdivision, •north, loop verb garden, exercise, prayer, moment, air, discipline misc
live, end, park, pull•, •surround, wind, enter, locate•, quiet•, almost•, long•, slow•, relaxing•, create,
cross•, peer contemplative, deep•, spiritual, breathe, deepen•,
● dead end, impasse, blind alley eastern
471 | 0.91 ● thoughtful, reflective, contemplative, pensive,
introspective, preoccupied
18536 familiarize v 469 | 0.91 M
noun student, teacher, •reader, research, staff,
procedure, computer, course•, worker, •concept, 18578 pistachio n
training•, •participant, need•, article, library misc with, adj chopped, roasted, unsalted, crushed, green, salted,
themselves, yourself, them, himself, myself, help, raw, red, dried, mint noun •nut, cup•, ounce, almond,
design, herself, ourselves, must, in, order, various, basic cream, chocolate, •ice, tablespoon, bag, walnut verb
● acquaint, tell, explain, make clear, train, drill shell•, chop, •serve, sprinkle•, stir•, combine, eat•, cup,
479 | 0.90 A add•, •remove
507 | 0.85 M

18585 amplification n 18620 infertile j

adj light, stimulated, social, binaural, chemical, noun couple, woman, man, child, egg, soil, act, baby,
hydrological, three-channel, electronic, maximum, far intercourse, land, male, husband misc help•, become,
noun •system, sound, DNA, signal, •emission, •factor, leave•, render•, allow, previously•, sexual, fertile•,
use, risk, •device, process verb require•, provide, base, •married, donate, •conceive, relatively•
•filter, •occur, result•, yield, label, •resist, introduce ● sterile, unproductive, barren, unfruitful, childless,
● elaboration, clarification, development, expansion || arid
intensification, strengthening, magnification, 479 | 0.89
513 | 0.84 A 18627 radiologist n
adj interventional, medical, diagnostic, board-certified,
18592 macro n image-guided, certified, chief, practicing, specialized,
adj clocked, global, round, macro, soft, available, useful, unaware noun surgeon, mammogram, Dr, study,
dynamic, embedded, various noun macro, micro, •level, •report, •x-ray, cardiologist, technician, •hospital,
file, recorder, array•, custom•, cache•, unit, data• verb anesthesiologist verb read, perform, interpret,
use, create, record, contain, require, allow, design, save, •determine, review, assess, •study, enable•, complain,
implement, test examine
● instruction, command, function, key code, shortcut 477 | 0.89
615 | 0.7 A
18634 harem n
18599 input v adj large, Turkish, female, red, eastern, blue noun
noun data, information, user•, number, computer, code, woman, •girl, female, hen, bull•, male, cow, harem, lady,
•decision, •process, •model, •development, •parameter, elk verb join•, wear•, surround•, gather•, collect•, herd•,
citizen•, staff, •address, output misc into, use, allow, defend•, dress•, dance
provide, manually, require, respond, easy, supply, 478 | 0.89 F
individual, wrong, regarding, central, whatever, accept
● enter, key, key in, record, store, keyboard 18641 acumen n
469 | 0.91 A adj political, financial, intellectual, critical, legal, mental,
considerable, superior, scientific, keen noun business•,
18606 chairmanship n skill, manager•, portfolio•, •asset, marketing•, energy,
adj democratic, armed, foreign, powerful, rotating, lack, leadership, executive• verb develop•, demonstrate,
annual, international, full, natural, stripped noun admire•, possess, acquire, lack•, test•, •recognize
committee•, party, Republican, •Senate, house, ● shrewdness, insight, penetration, judgment,
subcommittee, Democrat, judiciary, department, intelligence, wisdom
senator verb assume•, lose•, hold•, strip•, resign•, 456 | 0.93
•rotate, accept•, reward•, retain•, feed
483 | 0.89 18648 stereotyped j
noun image, locomotion, music, role, behavior, out-
18613 interrelationship n group, gender, minority, sulpiride, male, expectation,
adj complex, different, various, social, possible, natural, female misc •as, negatively•, often•, positively•, less,
psychological, historical, genetic, key noun study•, amphetamine-induced•, male•, produce, easily•,
•variable, factor, understanding•, process•, •motivation, repetitive•, base, result
•measure, •knowledge, model•, object verb examine•, 494 | 0.86 A
understand•, explore•, •exist, reveal•, investigate•,
focus•, analyze•, base, indicate• 18655 scroll v
529 | 0.81 A noun screen, sea•, •list, page, computer, •bottom, text,
name, bar, message, •painting, menu, admonition•,
image, •display misc through, down, across, by, through,
around, watch, click, quickly, backward, past, personal,
forward, past, press
460 | 0.92

18662 habitation n 18704 feel-good j

adj human, unfit, early, fit, local, only, nearest, noun story, chemical, movie, endorphin, hormone,
permanent, continuous, safe noun sign•, •module, site, brain, serotonin, music, exercise, film, song, legislation
place, trace•, space, land, evidence•, use, island verb misc •such, release•, trigger•, natural, •chemical,
design, declare•, reveal, land, intend positive•, similar, •complex, but, boost•
● occupancy, occupation, tenancy || abode, dwelling, ● upbeat, optimistic, positive, happy, cheerful,
house || building, structure, housing satisfying
469 | 0.91 468 | 0.90

18669 pathos n 18711 aimlessly r

adj full, human, genuine, pure, sympathetic, comic, wander•, around, walk•, •through, drive•, •around,
final, deep, Greek, tragic noun humor, pathos, •tragedy, about, •street, room, float•, drift•, move•, begin, run•
comedy, sense•, appeal, •suffering, emotion•, ethos, ● pointlessly, uselessly, without direction, without
scene• verb evoke•, reflect, avoid, generalize•, capture•, purpose, meaninglessly, purposelessly
experience•, arouse• 477 | 0.89 F
● sadness, bleakness, despair, tragedy, anguish
473 | 0.90 A 18718 beater n
adj electric, clean, old, stiff, chrome-plated, dry, low,
18676 piss n soft, rotary, straight noun egg, wife•, peak•, bowl•,
adj full, cold, hot, warm, rotting noun shit, cat•, dog•, beater, mixer, cup, white, whisk, wire verb •lift, beat,
smell•, •vinegar, beer, piss, •leg, horse•, bathroom• verb form•, •whip, lick•, wash, scrape•, •stir, blend, •fold
take•, smell•, scare•, drink•, beat•, taste•, stink•, dry, ● whisk, blade, attachment, stick || jalopy, rattletrap,
cool•, •settle heap, wreck
516 | 0.82 F 468 | 0.90

18683 neurosurgeon n 18725 outscore v

adj pediatric, medical, renowned, wild, orthopedic, noun •opponent, team, game•, season, quarter•,
Canadian, senior, chief noun Dr, hospital, surgeon, •average, point, •opposition, rocket•, district, half•,
surgery, doctor, •correspondent, brain, neurologist, female, no, halftime•, eagle misc by, first, its, second,
medicine, operation verb become•, •perform, •remove, during, win, fourth, third, significantly, consistently,
•specialize, •operate, •practice, Sanjay•, compare, •treat combined, second-place, regular, qualifying
468 | 0.91 507 | 0.83 N

18690 ten-year j 18732 antiseptic j

noun period, study, plan, bond, anniversary, rate, five-, noun smell, room, property, oil, hospital, solution,
term, contract, veteran, return, career misc over•, ointment, cut, quality, soap, air, odor misc smell•,
during•, •old, •yield, end, five-year, sign•, develop•, clean•, apply•, natural•, antibacterial, •white,
currently, five-•, mark•, recently• •antifungal, clean•, •mix, topical•, bright, powerful•
477 | 0.89 M ● sterile, antibacterial, uncontaminated, clean || bland,
insipid, tame, uninteresting
18697 atlas n 464 | 0.91
adj historical, photographic, lunar, western,
ethnographic, electronic, blue, detailed, classic, middle 18739 yuppie n
noun star•, world, sky, road•, fish•, map, rocket, street•, adj very, suburban, pricey, corporate, aging noun •scum,
mountain•, atlas verb shrug, publish, carry•, •catch, •couple, •type, •parent, •neighborhood, •flu, •phone,
illustrate, locate, feature, purchase•, trace, consult bar, •lifestyle, class verb sound
● book of maps, diagrams, charts, plans, drawings, 476 | 0.89
494 | 0.86

18746 sweating j 18788 heh u

noun face, bullet, hand, glass, blood, forehead, body, heh, yeah•, hmm, Butt-head, •goo, attack, TV, cool, Oh,
pitcher, bucket, guy, palm, bottle misc wipe•, around, a-, bye, R-, •muddy, Beavis•
shake, place•, •shiver, wake•, nervous•, his, tight•, amid, 585 | 0.72 F
next•, stick•
481 | 0.88 F 18795 sully v
noun reputation, name, image, •site, portrait, character,
18753 smock n prisoner•, oil, purity, scandal, memory, •journal, robe•,
adj white, blue, green, black, brown, gray, pink, surgical, honor, •environment misc historic, blanch, paint, sully,
red, shapeless noun pocket•, •dress, hair, laboratory•, Indian, inscribed, forever, present
artist•, •shoe, glove, hat, cap, •jacket verb wear•, dress•, ● smear, vilify, dishonor, discredit || pollute,
pull, •cover, remove, tie, hand, •print, hang, slip• contaminate, soil, befoul
486 | 0.87 F 501 | 0.84

18760 schism n 18802 anvil n

adj great, religious, deep, major, internal, growing, adj so-called, tropical, hollow noun hammer•, cloud,
profound, philosophical, ethnic, ideological noun stone, diamond•, iron•, head, bronze•, blacksmith,
heresy, church, schism, •movement, •division, sword•, •pruner verb drop, strike, lift, hammer, pound,
Republican, reality, politics, •rank, conflict verb create, •fall, place•, throw•, forge•, crush•
cause, lead, heal•, avoid•, •open, •occur, reveal•, end•, 477 | 0.88
● split, break, division, rupture, rift, gulf 18809 headband n
457 | 0.92 adj white, red, black, beaded, little, green, wide, Indian,
pink, yellow noun hair, face, •eye, head, forehead, hat,
18767 accede v pipe, dress•, leather•, plastic• verb wear, pull, slip•,
noun •demand, •request, country•, •wish, government•, decorate, bead•, tie, cover, notice, push•, •tease
treaty, •convention, •Republican, agreement, regime, ● hairband, sweatband, circlet, bandeau, headdress,
pressure, will, •suggestion, •reality, order misc to, Alice band
refuse, ratify, finally, international, consider, Arab, 457 | 0.92
willing, eventually, readily, simply, prepare, popular,
reluctantly, recently 18816 churn n
● agree, assent, consent, comply || inherit, come into, adj still, five-gallon, wooden, constant noun butter,
succeed, take over stomach•, water, ice, cream, milk, maker, machine•,
462 | 0.91 A factory•, •ton verb reply, reduce•, chill•, shake•, •dress
455 | 0.92
18774 salmonella n
adj positive, raw, intestinal, deadly, rare, resistant, 18823 dioxin n
harmful, drug-resistant, nationwide, virulent noun Col, adj chlorinated, toxic, high, human, chemical,
outbreak, strain, food, poultry, •poisoning, risk•, dangerous, environmental, organic, hazardous, known
•contamination, •Shigella, egg verb contaminate•, test•, noun Pcb, level, exposure, •furans, emission, risk, effect,
cause, kill•, infect, avoid, carry•, poison, eat, reduce• chemical, mercury, pesticide verb contain•, produce•,
524 | 0.8 emit, contaminate, •cause, expose•, release, surround•,
reduce•, poison•
18781 trimester n 547 | 0.76
adj final, fetal noun •pregnancy, woman, abortion,
week, end•, drinker•, use, trimester, second•, fetus verb
occur•, drink•, test, perform•, assess•, measure•, enter•
499 | 0.84

18830 labeling n 18872 wrought-iron j

adj mandatory, special, voluntary, clear, proper, noun gate, fence, balcony, table, railing, chair, bed,
environmental, positive, false, negative, specific noun chandelier, door, furniture, window, bench misc black•,
product, food, identification•, drug, practice, •effect, hang, open, white•, sit, behind, •surround, ornate•,
material, deficit•, packaging, consumer verb require•, front, around, outside, onto
label•, •prevent, argue, approve, •contain, avoid, 463 | 0.90 F
recommend, occur, observe
461 | 0.91 A 18879 receptacle n
adj GFCI, passive, empty, individual, mere, seminal,
18837 scrunch v standard, natural, outdoor, perfect noun trash•, •outlet,
noun face, nose, eye, shoulder, eyebrow, •toe, •seat, power, switch, waste, deformation, use, cord,
head•, lip, mouth, side, brow, hair, •chair, foil misc up, attachment•, plug verb trash•, serve•, plug•, •switch, fill,
her, into, down, over, against, together, sit, close, shut, protect, •contain, deposit, place, remove•
deep, scrunch, tiny, kind, face ● container, vessel, holder, repository, magazine, depot
● crumple, crush, crunch, crease, squeeze, wrinkle 464 | 0.89
480 | 0.87 F
18886 robin n
18844 seamstress n adj round, blue, American, ragged, European, purple,
adj local, Chinese, retired, excellent, poor, skilled, red, broken, pink, native noun •egg, sparrow, •nest,
professional, accomplished, talented noun mother•, bird•, spring, blue, bluebird, size•, •thrush, •lawn verb
job•, dress, •shop, •factory, tailor•, •sister, cook, •fly, •sing, paint•, nest, chirp, resemble•, migrate,
designer, worker verb work, •sew, finish, hire, •hunch •gather, •perch, feed•
453 | 0.92 456 | 0.91 F

18851 polka n 18893 mausoleum n

adj white, red, German, pink, blue, Mexican, yellow, adj royal, private, ornate, imperial, empty, elaborate,
polish, lively, embroidered noun •dot, music, dress•, impressive noun cemetery, tomb, Vanderbilt•, ground,
stripe, waltzes, •band, dance, •waltz, •dancing, beer square, temple, marble, granite•, top, stone• verb build,
verb play, dance•, paint, mix, match remove, •contain, bury, visit•, fill, enter•, line, lie,
463 | 0.90 intend
● tomb, vault, crypt, resting place, grave, burial
18858 floodplain n chamber
adj fertile, low, alluvial, coastal, rich, similar, seasonal, 464 | 0.89
natural, healthy, eastern noun river, upland, wetland,
•management, habitat, soil, channel•, •forest, use•, 18900 cobble v
swamp verb inundate, grow, occur, lie•, manage, noun plan, •coalition, team, piece, shoe, effort•, •scrap,
reduce, dot, dominate, deposit, cross• •vote, compromise, gravel, machine, stone, package,
● plain, valley, delta, water meadow, fen, mudflat peace, patch misc together, out, try, able, manage,
529 | 0.79 A several, enough, various, working, tiny, force, hastily
● mend, repair, patch, patch up, stitch, put back
18865 photovoltaic j together
noun cell, system, panel, power, PV, technology, 446 | 0.93
energy, array, module, electricity, roof, cost misc solar,
install•, produce, •convert, •generate, cost, power•, 18907 cheater n
photovoltaic, conventional•, thermal, thin-film•, adj serial, suspected noun cheater, liar, tax•, player•,
develop• casino, welfare•, •page, •detection, husband, •gene
493 | 0.84 M verb catch, cheat, punish, •prosper, •win, brand•, test•,
spot, detect•
458 | 0.90

18914 wily j 18956 stricture [PL] n

noun veteran, politician, coyote, character, creature, adj moral, religious, social, legal, traditional, Islamic,
hunter, Fox, hero, fellow, commander, Willie, general esophageal, common, tight, cultural noun •law, •society,
misc •old, smart•, •professional, tough, willful, rather•, •practice, language, treaty, behavior, ulcer, •morality,
clever, •escape, prove•, manipulative faith, movement verb •impose, •apply, violate•, follow,
● crafty, cunning, sly, guileful, devious, scheming ease•, adhere•, ignore•, escape, place, loosen
449 | 0.92 ● criticism, attack, rebuke, telling off || limit,
constraint, limitation, boundary
18921 orator n 449 | 0.91 A
adj great, fiery, powerful, best, political, accomplished,
ancient, famous, fine, Greek noun speech•, •freedom, 18963 hiccup n
word, poet, writer, •audience, voice, editor, leader, adj little, slight, occasional, momentary, minor, vocal,
lawyer verb •speak, urge, listen unexpected, tiny, technical, mere noun •sound, sob•,
● speaker, debater, lecturer, raconteur, storyteller, market, baby•, couple•, officer, parole, •cry, breath,
speechmaker sort• verb •stop, cause•, cure•, jerk, sneeze, catch,
454 | 0.91 •occur, listen
● hitch, glitch, interruption, delay, setback
18928 turntable n 451 | 0.91
adj rotating, sliding, built-in, ready noun record, •heel,
cartridge, car•, vinyl, equipment•, stereo•, player, 18970 collie n
•speaker, •device verb play, spin, set, rotate, place•, adj black, Australian, infinite, German, smart, bearded,
hover, install•, step, revolve, fit working, Scottish, wet, friendly noun border•, dog,
454 | 0.91 shepherd, •sheep, breed, •sadness, •pup, •mix,
retriever•, •ph verb •name, •bark, eat, imagine, perform,
18935 recalcitrant j smile, •fetch, breed, guard, •lay
noun member, Republican, regime, agency, leader, ● dog, Border collie, sheep dog
subject, nature, population, board, husband, rancher, 470 | 0.87
pressure misc most•, force•, remain•, deal•, remove,
answer, prove•, •environmental, reluctant, upon•, 18977 sneer n
•resist adj slight, subtle, nasty, cruel, faint, angry noun face, lip,
● unruly, intractable, refractory, disobedient, wayward, smile, •voice, mouth, •contempt, sneer, expression,
headstrong corner, smirk verb curl•, twist•, lift•, wear•, cross, form•,
450 | 0.91 respond•, imagine•
466 | 0.88 F
18942 indoctrination n
adj political, religious, ideological, moral, communist, 18984 collapsed j
military, Marxist, intense, certain, official noun noun building, lung, star, wall, rubble, section, roof,
education, training, •program, propaganda, value, tent, bridge, freeway, economy, peso misc under•,
process, control, •belief, effect•, effort verb teach, broken, trap•, suffer•, beneath•, above, bury•, block,
avoid, engage• crush•, •wooden, rebuild•, rise•
● instruction, programming, propaganda, brainwashing, 445 | 0.92
training, teaching
484 | 0.85 A 18991 one-party j
noun state, rule, system, government, dictatorship,
18949 handset n regime, year, end, democracy, decade, politics, control
adj mobile, cellular, digital, cordless, sleek, available, misc political, authoritarian, under, end, multi-party,
virtual, charging, one-piece noun phone, telephone•, facto•, •dominant, remain, essentially•, socialist,
base, •cradle, service, •ear, wireless•, radio•, call, •democratic, military
antenna verb use, pick•, hold•, allow, lift•, sell, choose, 475 | 0.86 A
grab•, place, replace•
● receiver, earpiece, mouthpiece, phone, telephone
486 | 0.84 M

18998 countenance n 19040 priestly j

adj fierce, sorrowful, familiar, pale, pleasing, stern, noun ministry, formation, celibacy, ordination, woman,
handsome, happy, woeful, serious noun face, knight•, vocation, office, blessing, role, authority, class, church
scandal, stake•, look•, •model, expression, •evaluation, misc sexual, confer•, ancient, •religious, whatsoever•,
stature• verb lift, reveal, search•, assume exercise•, whose, •prophetic, perform, liturgical, carry,
● expression, face, features, mien, visage •upon
457 | 0.89 F ● holy, pastoral, ecclesiastical, church, clerical, religious
457 | 0.89
19005 un-american j
noun activity, hearing, investigation, dissent, wage, 19047 age-related j
approach, behavior misc before•, unpatriotic, noun degeneration, disease, change, loss, memory,
somehow•, testify•, appear•, quite, un-christian, unfair, difference, decline, eye, impairment, problem, vision,
investigate, simply•, immoral, stupid• study misc •macular, may, prevent•, •visual, •cognitive,
443 | 0.92 help•, reduce•, •such, including, normal•, specific•,
19012 unrecognizable j ● developmental, age-linked, growth-related,
noun face, body, mass, lump, voice, shadow, shape, hormonal, child-development
form, bit, image, metal, victim misc almost•, become•, 469 | 0.86 M A
nearly•, render•, virtually•, completely•, •behind,
familiar•, but•, probably•, totally•, suddenly 19054 alertness n
● distorted, grotesque, unnatural, monstrous, bizarre adj mental, high, heightened, increasing, increased,
444 | 0.92 F physical, special, constant, certain, decreased noun
level, performance, state•, energy, •concentration,
19019 furrow v fatigue, memory, driver, •arousal, brain verb improve,
noun brow, forehead, face•, eyebrow, •concentration, increase•, maintain•, boost•, require, enhance•,
•thought, •concern, line, •consternation, lip•, •mouth,
heighten•, indicate, develop, reduce
scowl, skin, cat•, dark misc his, her, deeply, slightly, ● attentiveness, watchfulness, awareness,
stare, deep, serious, heavily, tap, shake, pause, rough, preparedness, vigilance, readiness
mock, wide, straight 446 | 0.91
● wrinkle, crease, gather, draw, contract
487 | 0.84 F 19061 five-star j
noun hotel, restaurant, rating, resort, general, room,
19026 mind-boggling j palace, fund, service, accommodation, property, dinner
noun array, number, assortment, diversity, variety, misc luxury, four-star, four-•, coveted•, stay•, elegant,
complexity, possibility, amount, technology, me, choice, fine•, fancy, earn•
discovery misc truly•, absolutely•, kind•, itself, pretty•, 450 | 0.90
particularly•, fascinating•
● overwhelming, mind-bending, complex, difficult, 19068 pneumatic j
complicated, puzzling noun system, actuator, tube, control, door, cylinder,
448 | 0.91 otoscopy, valve, hammer, compression, pressure,
device misc •tire, use, hydraulic, •burst, •open,
19033 medial j including•, •rotary, design, pneumatic, •piercing,
noun ligament, collateral, side, aspect, muscle, canal, electric, available
portion, nerve, flare, cruciate, cortex, wall misc lateral, ● air-filled, inflated, inflatable, air
anterior, •tibial, left, right, superior, locate•, inferior, 454 | 0.89 A
posterior, torn•, •perforant, tear•
503 | 0.81 A

19075 vengeful j 19117 delirious j

noun God, widow, ghost, kind, character, act, spirit, noun fever, joy, pain, fan, dream, pleasure, crowd,
violence, demon, lover, army, victim misc angry, violent, laughter, scene, hour, rage, heat misc become•, nearly•,
•toward, extremely•, fear, whose, jealous, evil, bitter•, stumble, feverish•, happy•, somewhat•, toss, clearly•,
•fire, commit, personal• lay
● vindictive, implacable, unforgiving, revengeful, ● feverish, fevered, hot, hallucinating || elated,
resentful, rancorous ecstatic, transported, on cloud nine
435 | 0.93 450 | 0.89 F

19082 old-school j 19124 tertiary j

noun guy, style, kind, coach, approach, music, fan, rule, noun secondary, care, education, institution,
charm, method, politician, look misc •cool, new-school, prevention, hospital, level, treatment, butyl, ether,
favor, hip-hop, •urban, modern-day, •southern, average procedure, center misc secondary•, primary,
480 | 0.84 M Cretaceous•, academic, •medical, Nigerian•, intensive•,
particularly, design, refer, tertiary, •level
19089 sorbet n 472 | 0.85 A
adj fresh, frozen, orange, homemade, green, refreshing,
tropical, favorite, icy, cool noun fruit, cream, ice, 19131 vindictive j
chocolate, lemon•, mango•, dessert, cup, raspberry, noun action, person, passion, behavior, jerk, feeling,
apple• verb serve, remove•, freeze, mix, •cup, prepare, nature, purpose, act, editor, charge, campaign misc
taste, eat, stir, •top •against, petty•, •toward, jealous•, bitter•, malicious,
● fruit ice, ice, sherbet, dessert, sweet, pudding vindictive, hate, vicious•, mean-spirited, angry•, former
468 | 0.86 N ● spiteful, malicious, mean, cruel || unforgiving,
revengeful, rancorous, vengeful
19096 sequin [PL] n 427 | 0.94
adj white, black, red, blue, purple, metallic, pink, bright,
tiny, green noun bead, dress, gold•, feather, silver•, 19138 fishy j
satin•, skirt, fringe, gown, button verb wear•, cover•, noun smell, fish, taste, odor, water, air, flavor, breath,
embellish•, glitter, adorn•, •catch, sew, glue•, gain•, scent, tail, tuna, finger misc something•, smell•, a•,
embroider sound•, little•, •on, nothing•, taste•, fishy, bit•, salty,
● spangle, bead, bauble, star, decoration, trimming definitely•
512 | 0.79 F ● suspicious, irregular, shady, shifty, devious, strange
442 | 0.91
19103 leaning [PL] n
adj political, liberal, conservative, ideological, socialist, 19145 plagiarism n
democratic, strong, artistic, libertarian, true noun adj potential, academic, guilty, intellectual, presidential,
leftist•, Republican, comfort, •longevity verb reflect•, out-of-court, word-for-word noun charge, student,
reveal• •thesis, occurrence•, fabrication, •master, •detection,
● inclination, tendency, bent, affinity, preference, falsification•, accusation•, tool verb detect•, accuse•,
proclivity cheat•, commit•, involve, sue•, check•, discuss•, •publish,
434 | 0.93 hide•
● copy, lifting, stealing, bootlegging, piracy, fraud
19110 departed j 467 | 0.86 A
noun soul, spirit, friend, mother, father, star, one,
relative, wife, lover, grave, husband misc replace•, 19152 flammable j
dear•, •loved, faithful•, pray•, British•, dead, honor•, noun liquid, gas, material, fuel, substance, chemical,
imagine• fabric, refrigerant, device, mixture, wood, methane
● dead, deceased, late, defunct, lamented misc highly•, toxic, use, hazardous, explosive, less•,
442 | 0.91 away, contain•, store, ignite•, •such, extremely•
● combustible, incendiary, inflammable, igneous
441 | 0.91

19159 fallow j 19201 tutelage n

noun field, land, deer, year, period, season, buck, soil, adj political, foreign, moral, armed, British noun father,
pasture, garden, plot, ground misc lie•, leave•, lay•, •master, •teacher, expert•, •professor, •artist, guidance•,
allow•, left•, plant, •abandoned, •increase, approach, reform, •mentor, Dr verb learn, seek•, place•, exercise,
fertile, mostly•, tend liberate•, emerge•
● unplanted, unseeded, unused, untilled || uncreative, ● instruction, guidance, teaching, coaching, expert
unproductive, barren, sterile hand, wing
469 | 0.85 436 | 0.91

19166 pessimist n 19208 negativity n

adj happy, gloomy, Chinese noun optimist, future, adj growing, constant, perceived, current, escalating,
realist, •view, pessimist, heart, evidence, critic, camp underlying noun lot•, •bias, positivity, media, amount•,
verb •argue, •fear, •believe, •predict, •point, •tend, •rely, •campaign, marriage, hostility, cynicism•, gloom• verb
•regard, prove, divide• •surround, associate, deal•, •feed, reflect, encounter,
● cynic, doubter, worrier, nihilist, naysayer, defeatist prevent, increase•, •tend, refer
434 | 0.92 ● unconstructiveness, unhelpfulness, pessimism,
19173 anti-communist j 438 | 0.91
noun government, movement, crusade, hysteria, force,
policy, party, revolution, guerrilla, opposition, 19215 embellishment n
campaign, demonstration misc staunchly•, join•, adj little, stylistic, architectural, decorative, mere,
democratic, strong•, fiercely•, anti-soviet, strongly•, various, rhetorical, far, minor, aesthetic noun surface•,
because•, carry, liberal•, cold, staunch• detail•, form•, minimum, •holiday, variation, decoration,
451 | 0.88 style, pattern•, gold verb add, require, apply
● decoration, adornment, ornamentation, embroidery
19180 aegis n || exaggeration, elaboration, aggrandizement,
adj national, international, British, powerful, African enhancement
noun •system, •cruiser, destroyer, •radar, government, 434 | 0.91
•nation, •ship, •defense, missile, weapon verb operate•,
fall•, equip•, sell•, prepare•, •detect, publish•, defer• 19222 fell n
● auspices, sponsorship, guidance, protection, support, adj just, Norman, quiet, deep, dark, Inc, composite,
tutelage poor noun •percent, dollar•, •love, star•, tree, housing•,
446 | 0.89 peso•, •cent, •chair, month verb start•, •swoop,
remove•, roll
19187 cropped j 424 | 0.93
noun hair, jacket, jeans, top, head, grass, beard, image,
face, sweater, skirt, trench misc closely•, her, short, 19229 misfit n
wear, •black, brown, •blond, his•, close, •gray, •white, adj social, odd, usual, terrible, lonely, sexual noun
blue society, outcast, band•, movie•, collection•, gang•,
448 | 0.89 outsider, teen, oddball•, •toy verb form
● oddity, eccentric, loner, odd one out, nonconformist,
19194 suitability n crank
adj particular, long-term, various, sexual, general, 427 | 0.93
geological, certain, holy, wide, determining noun
candidate, habitat, site, •range, doubt•, criteria, job, soil, 19236 derision n
•use, assessment verb determine•, assess•, evaluate•, adj public, mild, universal, short noun object•, term•,
screen•, analyze•, examine•, emphasize•, test•, base, contempt, voice, target•, scorn, tongue, source•,
indicate laughter, snort• verb snort•, meet•, greet•, face•,
● appropriateness, aptness, fittingness, fitness, express•, draw•, hoot•, laugh•, single•, earn
correctness, rightness ● scorn, mockery, disdain, ridicule, contempt,
451 | 0.88 A disrespect
430 | 0.92

19243 Americanization n 19285 approvingly r

adj national, global, European, cultural, ethnic, nod•, look•, quote, note•, cite, smile•, write•, on•,
traditional, French, resonant, inevitable, western noun speak•, watch, head•, refer, respond•, shoulder
process, •movement, assimilation, immigrant, program, ● positively, favorably, appreciatively, sympathetically,
•work, •study, •effort, argument, term verb promote•, admiringly
resist•, argue, describe, contribute•, define 441 | 0.89 F
514 | 0.77 A
19292 unwitting j
19250 abrasion n noun victim, accomplice, subject, dupe, customer,
adj resistant, minor, left, chemical, multiple, vaginal, agent, participant, experiment, pig, radiation, player,
superficial, rapid, moderate, tough noun resistance, guinea misc become•, often•, himself•, perhaps,
cut•, bruise, contusion, skin, area, injury, surface, rock•, otherwise, innocent, thus, apparently •, lure•, result,
•face verb cause, resist•, suffer•, include•, reduce•, highly, poor•
•occur, heal, remove, enter, withstand ● unknowing, unaware, unsuspecting, ignorant ||
● scrape, scratch, scuff, graze unintentional, accidental, involuntary, chance
449 | 0.88 M 416 | 0.94

19257 dictatorial j 19299 photocopy n

noun regime, power, government, rule, control, leader, adj mechanical, original, white, black-and-white, actual,
approach, tendency, coach, democracy, authority, Wiccan, various noun •machine, •letter, color•,
policy misc assume•, corrupt, authoritarian, photocopy, collection•, page, •document, article,
increasingly•, almost•, democratic, consider•, support•, •picture, copy verb make•, •record, send, include•,
•military, no, rather•, maintain place•, contain•, •supply, request•, tape, hand
● tyrannical, despotic, autocratic, authoritarian, ● copy, duplicate, reproduction, print
overbearing, dogmatic 430 | 0.91
439 | 0.90
19306 primeval j
19264 goon n noun forest, galaxy, soup, tree, landscape, earth,
adj chief, corporate, armed, hired noun •squad, dock•, nature, swamp, ocean, beauty, ooze, sense misc
goon, security•, hockey, gun, •show, union•, pair, perhaps, return, hunt, mend•, seek•, •eventually, deep•,
couple• verb send, hire, •kill, shoot, laugh, •grab, •dress, eternal, dark•, original•, assume•
throw, •beat, fight ● ancient, archaic, prehistoric, original || primitive,
● thug, gangster, attacker, assailant, hoodlum, criminal primordial, primal, basic
453 | 0.87 F 439 | 0.89

19271 spurt v 19313 whole-wheat j

noun blood•, growth•, water, •mouth, •foot, milk, •nose, noun flour, bread, cup, slice, pita, pasta, tortilla, pastry,
•neck, •wound, air, fountain, artery, kid •, juice•, finger teaspoon, toast, bun, crust misc cup•, white•, •couscous,
misc from, out, out, in, short, all, onto, forward, broken, all-purpose, •English, half, •cut, regular, serve•, sift•,
prevent, forth, everywhere, understanding, red, carotid low-fat, brown
● gush, spray, burst, jet, erupt, squirt 470 | 0.83 M
449 | 0.88 F
19320 roost n
19278 burned-out j adj communal, likely, nearby, ideal, temporary noun
noun building, car, bulb, house, light, tank, hulk, shell, bird, •tree, bat, chicken•, •site, type, turkey•, evening,
star, bus, vehicle, ruin misc replace•, stand, past•, near, winter•, gobbler• verb rule•, fly•, sit•, gobble, return•,
pass, •lots, •vacant, outside•, litter, next•, restore•, seek•, switch, protect•, visit•, •contain
empty 443 | 0.88 M
● exhausted, stressed out, worn out, tired out ||
gutted, destroyed, burnt down, reduced to ashes
434 | 0.91

19327 acclaim v 19369 dapper j

noun critic, •film, •series, •show, movie, •hero, author, noun man, suit, gentleman, dresser, guy, Musee,
•performance, writer•, actor, public, television, success, morning, figure, shirt, Fondation, tie, dress misc look•,
musician, inventor misc critically, as, widely, highly, •little, small•, •young, gray, wear, dress, describe, stride,
most, nationally, internationally, fine, both, best, dapper, favor, blue
successful, his, universally, unanimously, greatest ● neat, elegant, trim, well-dressed, tidy, spruce
● praise, sing the praises of, give approval, hail, 429 | 0.91
commend, applaud
426 | 0.92 19376 one-of-a-kind n
adj beautiful, original, spectacular, handmade,
19334 unabashedly r exquisite, immortal noun •piece, art, item, jewelry,
most•, stare•, •embrace, •liberal, •admit, •conservative, object, •gift, •design, •experience, •image, artist verb
romantic, •proud, •value, •seek, remain, promote, itself, create, offer, sell, build, •craft, produce•, design•,
•support feature
425 | 0.92 443 | 0.88 M

19341 hologram n 19383 impinge v

adj dynamic, three-dimensional, vast, holy, computer- noun •right, •life, •sovereignty, force•, •consciousness,
generated, animated, associative, entire, destructive, factor•, •freedom, practice, development, policy,
enormous noun image, •information, computer, beam, process, •nerve, •ability, •interest, society misc on,
piece•, •picture, reality, laser, ship, hologram verb upon, directly, social, personal, other, each, constantly,
•contain, •appear, •record, •complete, form, project, individual, religious, environmental, immediately,
produce, •disappear another, external, global
479 | 0.82 F ● impose, intrude, interrupt, encroach, invade, impact
444 | 0.87 A
19348 pacemaker n
adj cardiac, temporary, medical, implantable, 19390 glitzy j
implanted, circadian, similar, artificial, electrical, noun casino, hotel, name, event, show, restaurant,
permanent noun heart, device, •defibrillator, brain, campaign, store, neighborhood, shopping, party,
implantation, implant, patient, pacemaker, valve, fashion misc big•, •glamorous, build•, less•, expensive,
surgery verb implant, receive, •require, install, adjust•, nor, dress, glossy
interfere•, •insert, wear•, place, •deliver ● showy, ostentatious, swanky, flashy, extravagant,
● pacesetter, innovator, pacer, modernizer, trendsetter, plush
leader 431 | 0.90 N
447 | 0.87
19397 multipurpose j
19355 Euro-American j noun room, center, facility, vehicle, trail, tool, court,
noun culture, instructor, society, student, counterpart, area, vessel, building, plant, product misc senior, build,
scholar, market, tradition, settlement, European, outdoor, instead, •wheeled, single, •challenge, carry,
history, settler misc American, native, cultural, African, •house
far, Indian, white•, dominant•, mainstream, Afro- ● versatile, flexible, adaptable, multiuse
american•, predominantly•, suggest• 429 | 0.90
494 | 0.79 A
19404 splurge v
19362 doable j noun •item, urge•, •dinner, •pair, •weekend, couple,
noun project, task, recipe, plan, technology, month, •gift, •trip, •meal, bit, breakfast, cream, •bottle, set,
mission, range, menu, cook misc very•, seem•, easy, Christmas misc on, a, little, buy, afford, consider, bit,
totally•, entirely•, difficult•, doable, absolutely, sound•, save, extra, ahead, expensive, rather, fancy, frequent,
eminently•, reasonable, clearly exotic
● achievable, possible, workable, feasible, attainable ● indulge, binge, wallow, spoil || spend, fritter, waste,
426 | 0.91 squander
445 | 0.87 M

19411 percolate v 19453 savagery n

noun water•, surface, soil, idea•, coffee•, rainwater•, adj human, Indian, noble, sheer, African, pure,
issue•, •ground, brain, groundwater, •rock, •aquifer, unprecedented, primal noun civilization, •barbarism,
light, economy, •bed misc through, into, down, begin, kind•, war, act•, conquest•, •attack, violence,
let, slowly, continue, allow, upward, already, inside, management•, scene• verb fight, embody, confront
quickly, throughout, low, below ● cruelty, violence, barbarity, viciousness, barbarism,
● drip, filter, ooze, trickle || seep into, infiltrate, ferocity
permeate, penetrate 427 | 0.90 A
417 | 0.93
19460 undertone n
19418 zigzag n adj racial, political, rich, yellow, cool, subtle, warm,
adj white, distinct, straight, wavy, vertical, sudden, dark, religious, sexual noun voice, class, skin, •irony,
colored, steep, raised noun •pattern, line, •course, movie, foundation, •surface, dark, painting, resentment
•path, •dance, •lightning, run, scar, route, spiral verb verb speak•, carry•, add, catch•, imply, mix
follow•, walk•, lead, dig, form, draw•, refer ● hint, suggestion, trace, tinge, undercurrent, air
426 | 0.91 421 | 0.91

19425 superhuman j 19467 tenured j

noun strength, effort, power, being, feat, ability, speed, noun professor, faculty, position, teacher, member,
quality, human, figure, hearing, task misc almost•, radical, university, job, teaching, evaluation,
seem•, require•, human•, perform•, supernatural•, carry, professorship, employee misc become•, academic, full-
nearly, manage, heroic, despite, demonstrate• time, •full, •tenure-track, offer•, teach, fire, English,
● phenomenal, prodigious, staggering, heroic, evaluate•, appoint, eventually•
exceptional, herculean 432 | 0.89 A
417 | 0.92
19474 mossy j
19432 abysmal j noun rock, oak, grove, green, stone, wall, tree, log,
noun record, condition, failure, right, performance, water, bank, branch, creek misc green, wet, across•, fall,
rate, epoch, standard, score, policy, ignorance, care onto•, soft•, jagged, cool, surround, slick, bright, red
misc late•, •human, absolutely•, produce•, •record, ● moss-covered, moss-grown, moss-topped,
improve•, current•, pretty•, poor, despite• overgrown, green
● terrible, awful, dreadful, horrible, appalling, bad 441 | 0.87 F
427 | 0.90
19481 degenerative j
19439 adhesive j noun disease, condition, change, brain, disorder,
noun tape, bandage, strip, material, pad, force, cancer, process, arthritis, aging, osteoarthritis, disc, eye
property, paper, piece, backing, boot, skin misc use, misc chronic•, •joint, other, •such, suffer•, •neurological,
attach, white•, stick, pull•, place, •across, sterile, wrap•, •affect, characterize, incurable•, lead•, because•,
peel, cover, cohesive multiple
440 | 0.87 ● wasting, worsening, deteriorating, progressive
430 | 0.89 M
19446 hideout n
adj suspected, secret, underground, perfect, insurgent, 19488 crafty j
terrorist, Laden, Taliban, Olde, Israeli noun mountain, noun look, smile, strategy, king, move, driver, inmate,
jungle•, hideout, police, north, •militant, rock, rebel•, stuff misc pretty•, clever, smart, cruel, intelligent•,
raid•, •pub verb raid•, •kill, bomb•, arrive subtle, patient, •devious, •wonderful
● safe house, hideaway, refuge, sanctuary, retreat, den ● cunning, sneaky, sly, shrewd, devious, wily
427 | 0.90 412 | 0.93

19495 ostrich n 19537 mimetic j

adj beautiful, green, dead, tiny, tall noun •feather, •egg, noun representation, desire, character, faculty,
•plume, head, emu, •meat, bird, sand•, neck, •farmer reference, level, function, identification, mode,
verb raise•, eat, ride• dimension, narrative, language misc high•, low•, •ironic,
444 | 0.86 traditional•, than•, rather•, thematic, representational,
mimetic, romantic, recognize, literary
19502 unholy j ● imitative, derivative, copied, representational,
noun alliance, Trinity, religion, mess, terror, faith, hour, simulated, faked
thought, racket, union, marriage, scream misc •three, 498 | 0.76 A
•between, holy, blind•, form•, rather•, claim, scream•,
four-part•, environmental, whatever, rise 19544 congruence n
● unconsecrated, unhallowed, unblessed || ungodly, adj high, social, Islamic, significant, personal, person-
blasphemous, secular || outrageous, ungodly, environment, far, necessary, actual, perceived noun
disgraceful coefficient•, degree•, level•, consistency, lack•, value,
425 | 0.90 F •class, goal, •proportionality, analysis verb show•,
achieve•, indicate, determine•, correlate, examine•,
19509 unbeaten j reflect, suggest•, demonstrate•, base
noun team, season, streak, game, week, conference, 483 | 0.79 A
victory, league, play, record, home, champion misc
remain•, previously•, last, only•, stay•, regular, •win, 19551 despairing j
against, end, lead, extend•, five noun eye, voice, moment, face, sigh, look, cry, glance,
● undefeated, winning, champion, unbowed, top- expression, wife, optimist, witness misc sometimes,
ranking, victorious himself, angry•, realize, terrible•, hysterical, bleak•,
457 | 0.83 N destitute, poor, •rise, from•, nor
● hopeless, desolate, miserable, pained, despondent,
19516 extermination n desperate
adj mass, Nazi, European, human, systematic, 416 | 0.91 F
deliberate, ethnic, Jewish, Hungarian, total noun •Jew,
•camp, campaign, war•, Nazi, policy, genocide, 19558 inhospitable j
deportation, •species, concentration• verb send•, noun environment, place, terrain, desert, land, world,
genocide, base, •fail, escape•, save•, prevent•, perform•, earth, region, climate, planet, area, landscape misc
mark• most•, create•, remote•, across•, increasingly•, face•,
● extinction, annihilation, execution, termination, seemingly•, render•, along, incredibly•, dry, beautiful
killing, slaughter ● unwelcoming, unfriendly, unreceptive, uncongenial
425 | 0.90 A || hostile, barren, forbidding, bleak
407 | 0.93
19523 deep-sea j
noun fishing, diver, fish, vent, diving, coral, sediment, 19565 breakaway j
species, fishery, fisherman, creature, water misc noun republic, region, group, province, speed, state,
•hydrothermal, •diving, •submersible, near, catch, faction, party, dunk, threat, rebel, movement misc
explore, wonderful, volcanic, unique, •thermal, Russian, recognize•, lead•, •Baltic, form, •Yugoslav,
reproductive, slowly Georgian, Muslim, catch, free, declare, •Japanese
● marine, oceanic, ocean, sea ● separate, splinter, independent, nonaligned,
435 | 0.87 M autonomous, alternative
428 | 0.88 N
19530 assistive j
noun technology, device, use, equipment, service,
program, information, user, training, handling,
rehabilitation, type misc use•, provide, •patient,
appropriate, specific•, •such, including, without•, select•,
include, •available, various•
536 | 0.71 A

19572 curd n 19614 incomparable j

adj fresh, white, fermented, orange, remaining, soft, noun beauty, view, flavor, value, experience, music,
thick, firm, dried, fried noun bean•, lemon•, cheese, talent, setting, skill, record, voice, valley misc offer•,
•whey, soybean, milk, cup, •product, cake, curd verb natural, whose, mighty•, Un, exalted•, sing, feature
eat, cook, add, form, separate, spread, cup, buy•, press, ● unequaled, unrivaled, unparalleled, unsurpassed,
stir unmatched, outstanding
510 | 0.74 405 | 0.93

19579 epilepsy n 19621 divination n

adj severe, temporal, mental, chronic, photosensitive, adj ancient, ritual, pagan, artificial, dialogical, Byzantine,
serious, psychiatric, partial, medical, multiple noun traditional, African, Bangladeshi, Chinese noun form•,
seizure, patient, disease, brain, drug, treatment•, •sign, system, process, practice, •tray, ritual, technique,
condition, medication, •disorder, lobe• verb treat•, healing, possession verb associate, perform, record,
suffer•, cause, diagnose•, control•, •correlate, occur, relate, practice, present•, seek, determine, consult•,
•affect, •damage, associate cast
428 | 0.88 M ● prophecy, prediction, forecast, foretelling, insight,
19586 underserved j 539 | 0.7 A
noun area, population, community, market, student,
care, group, service, minority, health, program, need 19628 cachet n
misc medically•, rural, traditionally•, serve, reach, adj certain, special, artistic, intellectual, added,
provide•, particularly•, poor•, historically•, •urban, international, Italian, cultural, similar, popular noun
typically•, focus• •name, brand, celebrity•, •product, title, club, shopper•,
429 | 0.88 A cash, course, superstar verb give•, carry•, lose•, add•,
gain•, enjoy•, bring, lend•, offer, lack•
19593 intermission n ● status, prestige, distinction, respect, reputation,
adj brief, short noun intermission, audience, lobby•, standing
concert, lead•, hour•, stage, performance, •trial, beauty 416 | 0.90 N
verb finish
● intermezzo, interval, break, interlude, pause, rest 19635 fragmentary j
410 | 0.92 noun evidence, nature, knowledge, information, data,
report, fashion, text, memory, form, glimpse, figure
19600 omnipresent j misc only•, often, •incomplete, albeit•, although,
noun threat, camera, society, police, television, voice, •remain, •broken, highly•, partial, survive, sometimes,
danger, force, surveillance, conflict, media, omnipotent •contradictory
misc although•, omniscient•, omnipotent, •inescapable, ● incomplete, disconnected, scrappy, patchy,
global, •good, despite•, eternal fragmented, bitty
● ubiquitous, all-pervading, universal, ever-present, 429 | 0.87 A
pervasive, all over
410 | 0.92 19642 nationalize v
noun •bank, •industry, government, •oil, •election, •care,
19607 burlap n company, •health, country, •gas, plan•, economy,
adj wet, full, simple, rough, damp, heavy, tattered, property, •mine, •field misc American, major, able, raise,
cardboard, empty, thick noun •sack, •bag, piece•, scrap•, effectively, succeed, whose, congressional, key, seek,
•feed, root•, •paper, •shoulder, top, •cloth verb wrap,
private, plan, foreign, commercial, polish
cover, carry•, •sack, hang, stuff, pull•, •fill, lift, wear• ● make public, take over, municipalize
429 | 0.88 F 420 | 0.89

19649 gory j 19691 sandpaper n

noun detail, scene, violence, story, murder, movie, film, adj fine, rough, coarse, like, smooth, dry, medium,
horror, Dr, crime, description, photo misc bloody, abrasive, soft, wooden noun •painting, surface, voice,
violent, including, graphic•, dear•, less, extremely•, gory, piece•, rasp, grit, tongue, skin, panel•, •block verb use,
describe, figure, spare, staff• feel•, smooth, rub, •remove, sand, •dust, rough, finish,
● bloody, bloodstained, blood-soaked || violent, sharpen
gruesome, brutal || disgusting, gruesome, grisly 442 | 0.84 M
413 | 0.91
19698 endear v
19656 stoplight n noun •fan, audience, •reader, •teammate, style•,
adj rear, red, yellow, green, single noun car, town, quality•, colleague, •local, •public, drama•, crowd,
intersection, sign, street•, stoplight, traffic, road, mile, •conservative, •listener, attempt•, •citizen misc to, him,
engine• verb •turn, stop, wait•, pull, flash, •reach, himself, her, me, herself, little, itself, hardly,
pause•, install, •save, time themselves, myself, exactly, everyone, natural, initially
409 | 0.92 ● commend, recommend, ingratiate, make appealing,
19663 unprofitable j 402 | 0.93
noun company, business, route, enterprise, store,
market, service, activity, cost, operation, industry, line 19705 dislocate v
misc close, become•, sell•, prove•, eliminate•, cut, noun shoulder, worker, hip, •ankle, thumb, arm, •elbow,
continue, profitable•, buy•, abandon, remain•, rid• wrist, finger, leg•, jaw, bone, rib•, knee, season misc his,
● loss-making, unsuccessful, running at a loss, left, right, broken, break, almost, fracture, nearly, third,
nonpaying || unhelpful, useless, pointless, futile badly, themselves, rupture, cost, constantly, injure
415 | 0.90 ● put out of place, displace, put out of joint, disjoint ||
disrupt, interrupt, disturb, upset
19670 unconditionally r 396 | 0.94
love•, withdraw•, accept, immediately, release, shall•,
surrender•, must, completely, •without, agree, support, 19712 preconceived j
resolution, return noun notion, idea, plan, image, prejudice, set,
● totally, unreservedly, categorically, absolutely, conclusion, bias, agenda, assumption, role, opinion
completely, entirely misc •about, •what, any•, no•, without•, own•, fit•,
446 | 0.84 challenge•, than•, base, rather•, female
● fixed, defined, rigid, inflexible, predetermined, set
19677 lifelike j 404 | 0.92
noun image, figure, character, doll, detail, statue,
quality, behavior, movement, sound, picture, 19719 oddball n
mannequin misc more•, so•, create•, seem, almost, real, adj beautiful noun •character, role, •kook, oddball,
produce•, remarkably•, incredibly•, realistic, mount•, couple, •misfit, play, •weirdo, bunch, bit• verb play•, let•,
detailed consider•
● realistic, natural, believable, convincing, credible, 411 | 0.90
404 | 0.92 19726 jellyfish n
adj giant, stinging, yellow, transparent, fluorescent,
19684 no-fly j huge, monstrous, tiny noun thimble•, sea, sting, water,
noun zone, list, enforcement, plane, north, aircraft, jet, coral, •swarm, gene, fish, tentacle, •anemone verb sting,
nation, south, missile, warplane, patrol misc enforce•, •swim, float, eat•, •wash, pick, pulsate, rise, lie
over, southern, northern, patrol•, establish, impose, 427 | 0.87
Iraqi•, extend•, violate•, British•, so-called•
477 | 0.78 S

19733 inadequately r 19782 implantation n

•prepare, •train, •treat, •address, poorly, often•, adj cochlear, mononuclear, fertilized, surgical, capitalist,
student, •represent, teacher, system, •control, possible, human, stent, autologous, uterine noun
•prepared, •fund, equip electrode, cell, embryo, patient, •procedure, egg,
● insufficiently, poorly, scarcely, scantly || month•, technique, week•, uterus verb undergo•,
incompetently, ineffectively, defectively, imperfectly follow•, perform, proceed•, prevent•, •occur, associate•,
417 | 0.89 A test, design•
● establishment, embedding, grafting, attaching,
19740 salami n joining, splicing
adj Italian, hard, kosher, sliced, Hebrew, jerky, olive, 462 | 0.8 A
hot, dried, crispy noun cheese, sandwich, slice, ham,
battle•, •ph, beef•, pound•, sausage, •egg verb slice, 19789 canine n
•provolone, buy•, add•, •serve, hang, eat•, cut•, fry•, adj large, low, sharp, human, feline, upper, wild, cute
fight noun dog, •tooth, pet, human, incisor, pair, scent,
417 | 0.89 canine, behavior, feline verb •bite, bare, wander, train,
•tear, •elongate, name
19747 checked j ● dog, pooch, mongrel, bow-wow, cur, hound
noun bag, baggage, shirt, luggage, suit, percentage, 405 | 0.91
jacket, dress, cloth, tablecloth, table, airline misc wear•,
screen, white•, blue•, black-and-white•, red, •within, 19796 plural j
mishandle•, •return, red-and-white•, yellow, brown• noun marriage, society, form, knowledge, singular,
● check, checkered, patterned, plaid, crisscross, practice, wife, pronoun, identity, culture, value,
squared democracy misc comprehensive•, culturally•,
418 | 0.89 religiously•, within, singular, diverse, •rather, than,
present•, cultural, base, democratic
19754 premarital j 439 | 0.84 A
noun sex, counseling, couple, intercourse, attitude,
education, homosexuality, cohabitation, activity, 19803 ilk n
relationship, relation, agreement misc •sexual, engage•, adj similar noun others•, Mr•, movie•
•extramarital, toward•, among, •marital, promote•, ● type, like, kind, class, breed, manner
offer, mandatory, encourage, premarital, female 397 | 0.93
428 | 0.87
19810 polarized j
19761 wok n noun light, glass, lens, society, beam, debate, politics,
adj large, high, hot, medium-high, heavy, deep, electric, view, target, electron, microscopy, muon misc •light,
medium, stir-fry, flat-bottomed noun •skillet, heat, oil•, under•, polarized, scatter, off, wear•, green•, UV,
pan, frying, vegetable, grill•, basket, •cooking, detect•, current•, result, either
tablespoon verb heat•, •add, place•, cook, cover, set, 411 | 0.90
coat, pour, remove•, fill
436 | 0.85 M 19817 stasis n
adj long, total, absolute, terrible, relative noun •field,
19768 wham u •case, •bed, body, •chamber, period•, movement,
wham, then•, •hit, •bam, door, •thank, •slam, head, •booth, change, motion verb put•, hold, remain•, place•,
swoosh, •barn, tackle, step•, •blade, suddenly achieve, pick•, commit•, cause•, •slow
444 | 0.83 F ● motionlessness, stability, status quo, continuity,
inertia, stillness
19775 annal n 466 | 0.79 F
adj American, unprecedented, great, unique, modern,
historical, human, criminal, Chinese, recent noun
•history, •sport, place•, story, •warfare, •law, record•,
name•, •literature, •medicine verb record•, enter•
398 | 0.93

19824 hacienda n 19866 brewer n

adj indigenous, Spanish, grand, henequen, neighboring, adj big, large, local, major, foreign, chief, Belgian,
sprawling, commercial, colonial, private, Mexican noun federal, German, European noun •yeast, beer, world•,
land, •system, community, •era, •owner, authority, craft•, coffee•, home•, Baker, •distiller, specialty•,
respect•, period, estate, elder verb build, house, maker verb buy, •sell, name, •expand, •yeast, claim,
transform, own, purchase, tend, visit, establish, note, own•
dominate•, locate 424 | 0.86
467 | 0.79 A
19873 iguana n
19831 prima n adj marine, green, giant, blue, huge, male, wild, female,
adj Italian-american noun •Donna, •ballerina, materia, endangered noun land•, bird, pet, rock, iguana, snake,
painting, •evidence, prima, •energy, alia•, tu, hermana lizard, tortoise•, cat, population verb eat, •sun, feed•,
verb work•, paint•, mutter•, deal•, prefer•, act• hunt•, •name, •crawl
394 | 0.93 425 | 0.86 M

19838 overuse n 19880 despondent j

adj common, chronic, medical, natural, poor, noun suicide, mood, loss, sigh, look, husband misc
concerned, similar, long-term noun •injury, •antibiotic, •over, become•, feel•, grow•, •return, recent, sound•,
•resource, •pesticide, •misuse, problem, result, use, deeply•, •listen, •finally, apparently•, lonely
•drug, muscle verb cause, prevent•, lead, encourage•, ● hopeless, low, dejected, despairing, downhearted,
result, avoid•, reduce•, •affect, worry•, occur downcast
● overemployment, overdoing, misuse, abuse, overplay 396 | 0.92
405 | 0.90 M
19887 heft n
19845 internment n adj emotional, considerable, intellectual, extra, moral,
adj Japanese, Japanese-american, mass, wholesale nice, heavy, dramatic, financial, added noun size•,
noun •camp, •world, Japanese-american, American, •balance, weight, •wheel, height, lack• verb add•, lend•,
relocation, wartime•, citizen, Japanese, •civilian, •center gain•, reduce•, carry, lack, handle, compare•, check•,
verb send•, release, remain, confine•, lock•, place, test•
range ● weight, bulk, size, mass, immensity, heaviness
● imprisonment, captivity, confinement, custody, 403 | 0.90 M
incarceration, detention
438 | 0.84 19894 impeccably r
•dress, •groom, always•, clean, •suit, •tailored, •tailor,
19852 top-rated j young, •maintain, •attire, wear, •black, •cut, •manicured
noun show, TV, program, school, television, nation, ● flawlessly, faultlessly, perfectly, immaculately,
sitcom, bond, toy, series, passer, network misc high- beautifully, exquisitely
grade•, become•, •high-yield, corporate, tax-exempt, 396 | 0.92
include, tune•, feature
● popular, well-liked, top, top ten, number one, 19901 contrived j
favorite noun situation, experience, image, nature, laboratory,
417 | 0.88 M N plot, version, exercise, setting, scenario, play,
performance misc seem•, too•, feel•, sound•, however,
19859 jetliner n less•, rather•, hastily•, artificial, base•, natural, certain
adj commercial, American, hijacked, supersonic, Iraqi, ● forced, artificial, unnatural, manufactured, false,
Korean, Colombian, modern, terrorist noun crash, fixed
world, airline, air•, Usair•, •trade, attack, engine, 391 | 0.93
passenger•, runway verb •crash, •carry, fly, build•,
hijack, hit, down•, •kill, land, blow•
418 | 0.87

19908 inferno n 19943 laminated j

adj towering, raging, blazing, fiery, hellish, instant, noun card, wood, stock, glass, paper, sheet, plywood,
burning, deep, modern, roaring noun canto, disco•, fire, map, plastic, wall, board, table misc each, carry, large•,
flame, scene•, hell•, paradise, •heat, •front, forest verb white, cover, produce•, pull•, read, •Finnish, contain,
kill, escape•, explode•, survive•, erupt, engulf, •Cooper, •pink
•consume, •rage, race, trap• ● plastic-coated, coated, covered, bonded || plastic-
● blaze, fire, firestorm, flames || hell, hellhole, Hades, coated, coated, covered, bonded
underworld 400 | 0.90 M
394 | 0.92
19950 altercation n
19915 laissez-faire n adj physical, involved, verbal, violent, domestic, aware,
adj economic, nineteenth-century, liberal, open, brief, serious, minor noun •police, sort, •bar, traffic•,
extreme, pure, negative, minimal, intellectual noun •officer, •player, wife, injury, accident•, bench• verb
•policy, •approach, •attitude, •capitalism, system, follow, •end, avoid•, result, ensue, arrest, shoot,
•economics, government, •economy, philosophy, witness•, •involve, •occur
•regime verb adopt•, •fail, dominate, imply•, favor•, ● argument, quarrel, disagreement, dispute, exchange,
stick• squabble
● noninterventionism, nonintervention, 390 | 0.93
noninvolvement, laxity
422 | 0.86 A 19957 kayak v
noun sea•, canoeing•, fishing, rafting, river, ocean•,
19922 store-bought j sport, climbing, mountain, skiing, •gold, activity•, •silver,
noun cake, cookie, tomato, food, cup, dough, sauce, •rock, water misc hike, bike, snorkel, such, sail, ride,
crust, bread, dress, product, clothes misc use•, enjoy, including, outdoor, along, paddle, climb, Olympic,
homemade, eat, fresh, better•, wear•, buy•, favorite•, bicycle, popular
serve, either•, cup, •easy 422 | 0.86 M
411 | 0.88 M
19964 bodice n
19929 transitory j adj black, tight, white, embroidered, fitted, red, blue,
noun nature, life, phenomenon, existence, effect, gathered, beaded, pleated noun dress, skirt, gown, lace,
moment, behavior, reality, phase, stage, career, sleeve, •ripper, back, satin, silk, waist verb embroider,
sculpture misc themselves, prove•, than, develop, rip, pull, •fit, feature•, wear, cover, lace, cut, tuck•
rather, permanent, therefore, because, likely•, specific•, 421 | 0.86 F
capture•, eternal
● fleeting, passing, brief, temporary, momentary, 19971 moccasin n
short-lived adj white, Indian, beaded, fringed, Italian, soggy,
407 | 0.89 A traditional, native, wet, thick noun water•, foot, pair•,
leather, buckskin, copperhead, shoe•, sock, boot, snake
19936 bulwark n verb wear, bead, slip, swim•, sell•, pull•, carry, dress•,
adj Soviet, only, middle, democratic, strong, greatest, crawl, snap
communist, sturdy, personal, final noun •liberty, 417 | 0.86 F
•communism, •freedom, •tyranny, •democracy,
•stability, regime, •east, order, •society verb serve•, 19978 dogged j
provide•, stand, form•, act•, perceive, •protect noun determination, pursuit, persistence, effort, work,
● fortification, embankment, earthwork, barricade || commitment, hope, investigation, research, detective,
safeguard, protection, defense, buttress perseverance, adherence misc most•, persistent•,
394 | 0.92 A require•, determined, whose•, •pursue, despite,
•personal, •chase, fight
● relentless, determined, single-minded, unwavering,
indefatigable, resolute
388 | 0.93

19985 prejudiced j 20027 summarily r

noun people, attitude, individual, person, parent, mind, •dismiss, •execute, •reject, •fire, •shoot, kill, •expel,
belief, response, racist, white, trial, thought misc •relieve, •suspend, court•, judge, arrest, •ban, •deport
•against, less•, •toward, a•, racially•, biased•, white, ● instantly, immediately, instantaneously, abruptly,
bigoted, sound, racist, bit•, little• suddenly, swiftly
● biased, intolerant, bigoted, narrow-minded, 387 | 0.93
discriminatory, unfair
390 | 0.92 20034 steppe n
adj central, Russian, Asian, Eurasian, open, arid, dry,
19992 enforceable j northern, Mongolian, vast noun mountain, horse,
noun contract, right, agreement, standard, law, court, desert•, grass, forest, sagebrush•, nomad, •grassland,
provision, obligation, property, litigation, rule, labor north, Mongol verb ride, •stretch, wander•, graze•,
misc legally•, •under, legal, judicially•, create•, itself, populate
clear•, fully•, enforceable, •international, •federal, ● prairie, grassland, plain, savanna, pampas
effective• 434 | 0.82
427 | 0.84 A
20041 irritability n
19999 inscribed j adj increased, low, poor, patient, extreme, general,
noun side, text, tablet, stone, monogram, surface, severe, emotional, unusual, common noun depression,
translation, object, audience, copy, reader, century anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, headache•, loss, symptom,
misc •join, low•, •draw, •present, •born, below•, sully, •difficulty, level•, feeling• verb include•, cause•, sleep,
left•, •refer •concentrate, anger, •accompany, report•, vomit, treat,
434 | 0.83 M fear•
● touchiness, bad temper, petulance,
20006 poke n cantankerousness, prickliness, tetchiness
adj sharp, little, slow, playful, gentle noun •salad, pig•, 403 | 0.89 M
•eye, •rib, •hole, •shoulder, head, stick, fun, •bonnet
verb give•, eat•, •stick 20048 opus n
● stab, push, prod, thrust, dig, nudge adj late, exotic, dangerous noun magnum•, Mr•, strip•,
400 | 0.90 film, opus, three-volume, birth, •technology, comic
verb publish•, •feature, complete•
20013 blasphemy n ● composition, oeuvre, work, piece, production,
adj outright, guilty, punishable, British, colossal noun brainchild
heresy•, obscenity, law, blasphemy, death, crime, form•, 401 | 0.89
charge•, sin, act• verb commit•, accuse•, consider•,
charge•, utter, •masquerade, condemn•, subsidize• 20055 opiate n
● profanity, sacrilege, wickedness, irreverence || oath, adj positive, natural, injectable, synthetic, powerful,
curse, profanity, cuss certain, regular noun •receptor, •mass, drug, religion•,
392 | 0.92 use, •user, cocaine, brain, heroin, prescription verb
prescribe, test•, release•, contain, treat•, replace,
20020 sunspot n •relieve, abuse•, •cause, block
adj solar, magnetic, large, dark, active, bright, regular, 427 | 0.84 A
intense, current, cool noun •cycle, activity, number,
region, field, minimum, flare, maximum, sunspot, 20062 quench v
observation verb •appear, observe, cause, produce, noun •thirst, fire, water, body, radical, flame, jet•,
surround•, •form, view, discover•, •increase, explain• •lotion, •skin, tank, spirit, need, desire, •blaze, •passion
● resort, tourist spot, holiday resort, beach resort, misc free, enough, cold, thirst, perhaps, main, dry, fill,
vacationland imagine, parched, rapid, fiery, quickly, raging
452 | 0.79 M ● slake, satisfy, satiate, reduce || extinguish, douse,
smother, stifle
391 | 0.91

20069 long-lived j 20111 sentient j

noun species, plant, tree, star, biomass, animal, isotope, noun being, species, life, creature, machine, animal,
history, feature, asset, Cfc, population misc relatively, race, right, planet, individual, soul, alien misc human,
•such, large, stable, produce•, •radioactive, extremely, intelligent, native, kill•, barely•, actually, either,
slow, reproductive, exceptionally•, require, •well suppose•, necessary, non-human, biological, vital•
● long-lasting, long-standing, prolonged, abiding, long- ● conscious, animate, flesh-and-blood, alive ||
term, enduring emotional, responsive, sensitive, perceptive
409 | 0.87 M 425 | 0.84 F

20076 paragon n 20118 impregnate v

adj moral, ethical, modern noun •virtue, •responsibility, noun woman, man•, girl, sperm, mother, •wife, •female,
•democracy, •efficiency, •consistency, speech, •chastity, •resin, male•, teen, cloth, •spirit, •rape, mare, •cell misc
•capitalism, •excellence, •manhood verb compare, with, her, young, herself, rape, itself
present• ● saturate, soak, steep, infuse, permeate, fill
● model, shining example, epitome, archetype, 376 | 0.94
quintessence, paradigm
384 | 0.93 20125 scaling n
adj allometric, various, simple, metabolic, idiographic,
20083 unanimity n traditional, equal, ordinal, direct, spatial noun •back,
adj near, virtual, complete, surprising, rare, impossible, •factor, •relationship, •law, analysis, •question,
total, Episcopal, difficult, unusual noun •opinion, •issue, technique, model, •task, •exponent verb use, provide,
decision, principle, consensus, community, resolution, apply, describe, base, explain•, result, note•, undergo•,
rule•, agreement, degree• verb require•, achieve•, exist
reach, •exist, approach• 449 | 0.79 A
398 | 0.89
20132 mangle v
20090 escaped j noun body, word, •name, hand•, language, leg, limb,
noun convict, slave, fish, prisoner, inmate, patient, arm, finger, •machine, piece, syntax, tree, •machinery,
criminal, salmon, Nazi, murderer, farm, transgene misc metal misc badly, whose, beyond, bloody, left, crushed,
•return, •name, •mental, monitor•, •wild, cause, pose, front, lie, kill, dead, burn, scream, quite, mention,
reduce•, document, capture, catch, shoot English
394 | 0.90 ● crush, mash, smash, contort, twist, batter
384 | 0.92 F
20097 upswing n
adj economic, recent, late, slight, huge, current, 20139 unlicensed j
dramatic noun business, economy•, market•, interest, noun driver, contractor, company, service, vendor,
ball•, •rate, •cycle, career•, stock, •east verb catch, provider, gun, doctor, business, person, dealer,
attribute spectrum misc licensed, operate, sell, involve•, •carry,
● increase, improvement, upturn, pickup, turnaround, catch, arrest•, •uninsured, illegal, possibly, drive•,
upsurge increased
387 | 0.92 N ● uninhibited, unrestricted, unrestrained, abandoned,
immoral, unconstrained
20104 salaried j 394 | 0.90 N
noun employee, worker, job, position, physician, staff,
work, percent, doctor, force, class, manager misc 20146 assay n
hourly, pay, full-time, employ, cut•, •professional, adj enzyme-linked, immunosorbent, sensitive, positive,
•middle, half, white-collar, fully, than•, apply• biological, specific, viral, standard, indirect, in noun
● paid, compensated, remunerated, waged laboratory•, reaction•, result, assay, antibody,
394 | 0.90 polymerase, chain, DNA, test, use verb use, develop•,
determine, conduct, measure, perform, test, confirm,
•prove, •indicate
439 | 0.81 A

20153 laziness n 20174 sloth n

adj intellectual, poor, just, sheer, certain, simple, adj giant, three-toed, human, moral, wild, extinct,
supposed, general, current noun •lack, stupidity, sign•, spiritual, deadly noun ground•, monkey, tree, gluttony,
greed, excuse, ignorance, incompetence, weakness, greed, sin•, •armadillo, sloth, lust•, •bear verb envy,
sense•, •procrastination verb blame, accuse•, promote•, name, exist, succumb, •voice
cause, encourage•, fear ● laziness, idleness, sluggishness, indolence, apathy,
● idleness, lethargy, indolence, languor, sluggishness, languor
slothfulness 437 | 0.81 M
380 | 0.93
20181 sundae n
20160 enjoin v adj hot, little, giant, very, frozen, favorite, delicious,
noun court•, state, use, action, order, judge•, agency, French, soft, fat noun cream•, ice•, fudge•, chocolate,
activity, law, •operation, •enforcement, •construction, ice-cream•, butterscotch•, cherry•, dessert, brownie•,
audience, district, authority misc from, seek, any, •sauce verb eat•, serve, order•, finish, stare, sprinkle,
federal, upon, engage, permanently, avoid, explicitly, share•
eat, state, constitutionally, instead, therefore, 394 | 0.89
● order, charge, command, instruct, bid, direct 20188 naysayer n
406 | 0.87 A adj wrong noun lot•, critic, skeptic, climate•, alarmist•,
doubter, chorus• verb prove•, ignore•, dismiss, silence•,
20167 smoldering j listen•, •complain, •predict, •contend, deter, argue
noun fire, ruin, ember, eye, ash, wreckage, pile, 387 | 0.91
cigarette, smoke, heap, anger, rubble misc over, stare•,
beside•, dead, still•, burning, rise, ignite, beneath, 20195 glade n
poke• adj open, little, small, green, untracked, quiet, tight,
388 | 0.91 F deep, grassy, empty noun forest, tree, chute, skiing,
powder, center, aspen, trail, glade, pine verb cross•, lie,
enter•, •carpet, •mark, space•, deepen, venture, ring
● clearing, opening, gap, open space, dell
411 | 0.86 M


A 18641 acumen n 10227 alert n

6272 abandoned j 5320 acute j 19054 alertness n
9933 abdomen n 2954 adapt v 15890 alfalfa n
11732 abduct v 8666 addict v 17087 all-important j
17409 abhor v 2065 addition i 9030 all-purpose j
17227 abject j 3976 addition n 17871 allay v
14133 abolition n 1820 address n 18067 allergen n
896 above i 10465 adept j 7343 allergy n
19250 abrasion n 19439 adhesive j 6867 allocate v
3192 absolute j 10591 adjective n 7203 allocation n
8757 absorption n 10808 adopted j 12103 alloy n
5495 abundance n 11032 adoptive j 11452 allusion n
10563 abuser n 7854 adore v 448 along i
19432 abysmal j 7679 adult j 14938 aloof j
12173 abyss n 7917 adulthood n 19950 altercation n
6118 academic n 7378 adversary n 7518 alternate j
9527 academically r 2646 advocate n 11193 alternately r
5670 academy n 19180 aegis n 6153 amazed j
18767 accede v 7770 affect n 8897 amazingly r
4977 accelerate v 966 affect v 14595 ambience n
11144 accentuate v 14896 affectionately r 4326 ambition n
19327 acclaim v 11529 afloat j 10087 ambivalence n
5439 accommodation n 12502 aforementioned j 19243 Americanization n
11613 accompaniment n 1407 afraid j 13363 Amish j
2366 accomplish v 4235 afterward r 15505 amnesia n
5656 accordingly r 19047 age-related j 280 among i
12712 accumulated j 2149 agenda n 16352 amorphous j
9597 accused j 16989 aggravated j 18585 amplification n
12936 accuser n 5376 aging j 17640 amputee n
1155 achieve v 12621 agrarian j 9422 amused j
14021 aching j 12313 aha u 9247 amusing j
10157 acknowledgment n 3675 aim n 13132 analyse v
15708 acquiesce v 18711 aimlessly r 10612 anew r
2079 acquire v 371 air n 18403 angelic j
15638 acquired j 16401 airfare n 11235 angle v
378 across i 15764 airman n 3850 ankle n
13265 acrylic j 16912 airspace n 19775 annal n
840 act v 17780 alchemy n 8743 announcer n
6202 activate v 10122 alcoholic j 4067 annually r
2618 activist n 9310 alcoholism n 13083 ANOVA n

18417 antebellum j 19530 assistive j 17115 barb n

7238 antenna n 6678 asthma n 9345 barber n
6370 anthropologist n 6601 astonishing j 9611 barefoot j
15463 anti j 13202 astound v 16786 baroque n
12509 anti-American j 18697 atlas n 9023 barracks n
19173 anti-communist j 6958 atmospheric j 2632 barrier n
13174 anti-semitic j 2338 attach v 16954 bash n
17619 antigen n 5390 attain v 3283 basket n
18732 antiseptic j 1232 attempt n 1813 basketball n
18802 anvil n 4480 attendance n 2373 bean n
3864 anxious j 3836 attraction n 2709 bear n
10164 anyhow r 2835 attractive j 12299 bearer n
1400 anyway r 1078 audience n 18718 beater n
12754 Appalachian j 10759 Austrian j 1883 bedroom n
1414 apparently r 5061 authentic j 9093 bedside n
12789 appease v 686 author n 17171 beefy j
5586 applicant n 16436 authoritarianism n 12117 befriend v
12957 appreciative j 11823 autobiographical j 1204 beginning n
19285 approvingly r 17388 autoimmune j 7252 behalf n
12082 aptly r 3983 automatically r 13657 behemoth n
8358 aquatic j 7623 autonomous j 2254 benefit v
13965 aquifer n 14469 auxiliary j 7098 benign j
3997 Arab n 623 available j 16772 bereft j
12439 arcade n 15827 avenge v 8477 best-seller n
6412 arch n 15092 avian j 17101 betting n
6342 archaeologist n 9401 award-winning j 140 between i
15127 archipelago n 11606 away j 3962 bias n
231 area n 7217 awe n 17234 big-city j
2604 armed j 6433 awesome j 11781 big-time j
1547 army n 3304 awful j 17626 bigot n
3052 arrest n 13069 binder n
49 as i B 10675 biopsy n
4627 ash n 10850 backfire v 11438 biotech j
4242 ass n 11417 backseat n 11802 birch n
16513 assail v 11186 backstage r 11858 birthplace n
20146 assay n 10528 bailout n 11088 bison n
3591 assemble v 8232 bakery n 5726 bitch n
11662 assertive j 4942 balanced j 18326 black-eyed j
18123 assertiveness n 9233 ballroom n 11410 blah u
1561 assessment n 10199 band v 17164 blanch v
2849 assistant j 9653 bandage n 3332 blanket n
13587 assisted j 994 bar n 14483 blanket v

20013 blasphemy n 12677 boyhood n 10066 called j

5327 blast v 15974 braided j 4228 calm v
13321 blazer n 4746 brake n 15477 Cambodian j
12922 bleachers n 14098 brandish v 952 camera n
7427 bleak j 14546 bravely r 17689 campaigning n
9380 blindness n 14889 Brazilian n 5369 cane n
12642 blink n 19565 breakaway j 19789 canine n
10094 blizzard n 16730 breakfast v 11389 canister n
9191 blockbuster n 19866 brewer n 7119 canned j
693 blood n 10570 brilliance n 8596 cannon n
3822 blow n 9359 brisk j 9891 cape n
1421 blow v 12054 bruised j 1064 capital n
17661 blowout n 16254 brunette n 17493 capitalization n
7707 blueprint n 4144 bubble n 13041 captivate v
7168 blunt j 14119 Buddhist n 12908 captor n
18340 blurred j 11431 budge v 16751 cardigan n
14728 boardroom n 18256 buffet v 13699 cardiologist n
19964 bodice n 10024 bulge v 910 care v
15085 bohemian j 11487 bulldozer n 1967 careful j
7819 boiling j 12278 bullpen n 18004 carousel n
10829 boldly r 19936 bulwark n 6636 carriage n
18228 boldness n 2688 burden n 9436 cartel n
5012 bomber n 9513 burgeoning j 16163 carver n
16044 boneless j 19607 burlap n 15071 case v
13076 boo v 5740 burn n 15057 caseload n
15015 booking n 19278 burned-out j 7385 cash v
11480 bookshelf n 8386 burner n 4354 cast n
6447 boost n 1463 bus n 4494 catalog n
1351 border n 16331 bushy j 8064 catalyst n
8134 border v 1939 busy j 6755 catastrophe n
13300 borderline n 1715 but i 7602 catcher n
5957 bored j 1190 by r 13594 caterpillar n
1092 born v 8771 catfish n
3241 borrow v C 7511 cathedral n
9744 borrower n 3178 cabin n 8911 caucus n
16240 bottle v 2716 cabinet n 602 cause v
16058 bottleneck n 9086 cache n 5299 cautious j
17416 bouncer n 19628 cachet n 12586 cede v
2800 boundary n 16926 cacophony n 2037 celebrate v
16324 boundless j 17668 caddie n 13377 cello n
12369 bowl v 8267 cadet n 10731 cellphone n
11557 boycott v 11809 calculator n 6489 cement n

9926 centralized j 17892 cicada n 9443 coil n

14966 centrally r 5775 cigar n 10423 coin v
7952 ceramic j 2128 cigarette n 14455 coke n
9240 ceremonial j 15211 cinder n 4214 collaboration n
8036 chair v 5453 circulation n 6517 collaborative j
1379 chairman n 8519 citation n 18984 collapsed j
18606 chairmanship n 1946 cite v 17647 collapsing j
987 challenge n 17976 claimant n 18970 collie n
10346 chandelier n 10367 clam n 8372 colon n
357 change n 13006 clamber v 3710 colony n
2541 channel n 14308 clamp n 10045 combustion n
7546 chaotic j 2639 classic j 70 come v
13244 chap n 5096 classic n 6594 comeback n
4375 charge i 5978 classification n 7658 comedian n
1428 charge v 9156 clearance n 7070 comic n
13958 charging j 11333 clerical j 15225 comical j
14798 charred j 6496 click n 8869 commemorate v
8988 chart v 2121 climate n 14917 commonality n
15407 charter v 1575 climb v 2695 communicate v
7126 chat n 6391 clip v 189 company n
10661 chatter n 10276 clipping n 5257 competence n
18907 cheater n 15680 clique n 5880 competent j
19747 checked j 882 close j 2345 complaint n
15148 checker n 917 close r 1211 complete v
14770 cheers u 11046 clothe v 10640 complexion n
13685 chemically r 17507 clothesline n 4599 compliance n
8015 chemotherapy n 10409 cloud v 13510 compost v
8834 cherish v 16968 co-chair n 14392 composting n
5649 cherry n 17815 co-chairman n 3458 compound n
4683 chew v 17969 co-pilot n 2919 comprehensive j
16485 chewing n 5523 co-worker n 8540 compression n
13286 childlike j 16527 co-write v 4438 comprise v
8876 chile n 1036 coach n 3787 compromise n
12264 chilled j 5866 coaching n 13139 compulsory j
13601 chime v 8050 coarse j 7987 computing n
2177 chip n 18900 cobble v 5691 con n
5005 chopped j 15540 cobblestone n 8645 con v
10976 choral j 4361 cocaine n 5593 conceptual j
14035 choreographer n 7280 cockpit n 1680 conclude v
13223 chronically r 6909 coconut n 5621 concrete n
15589 chug v 14560 codify v 12523 concussion n
18816 churn n 7112 coherent j 4179 condemn v

15946 condescending j 3381 cool v 14434 craze n

630 condition n 4053 cooperate v 13678 crazed j
11179 condition v 10332 coordinated j 13335 creatively r
3724 conduct n 5117 copper n 8400 creditor n
12418 conduit n 13230 cork n 12495 creep n
10815 confiscate v 14070 cornfield n 15295 crimson n
1183 conflict n 10458 coronary j 2597 criteria n
4508 confrontation n 11564 corpus n 5040 critique n
19544 congruence n 6055 correction n 14161 critter n
14686 conjunction n 4410 correctly r 18312 cropland n
1645 connect v 11893 correctness n 19187 cropped j
11683 connotation n 7567 corresponding j 16779 cross-examination n
18438 connote v 3507 corridor n 17479 crosstalk n
11921 conscientious j 11641 corroborate v 6839 crouch v
3346 consensus n 5929 corrupt j 18284 crow v
18543 conservatively r 12803 corrupt v 4914 crowd v
7273 consolidate v 3780 corruption n 12012 crushing j
14833 conspicuously r 10290 cosmetics n 11914 crutch n
4270 conspiracy n 12166 cosmology n 3472 cry n
2408 constant j 13034 cosmopolitan j 1358 cry v
2912 constitute v 15953 cottonwood n 18529 cul-de-sac n
13734 constitutionally r 3430 counseling n 13181 culmination n
2499 construct v 18998 countenance n 9072 culprit n
3031 consume v 1694 county n 15470 cultivar n
15050 consummate j 532 couple n 12579 cumbersome j
9786 containment n 16548 coursework n 13237 cunning j
4858 contemplate v 15372 courteous j 19572 curd n
1960 contemporary j 4193 courtroom n 4641 cure v
3087 contest n 10717 courtship n 5838 curse v
9149 continental j 1890 coverage n 16261 cursory j
294 continue v 11774 coward n 3493 curve n
3682 continuing j 17850 CPA n 3017 custom n
19901 contrived j 9562 crackdown n 1505 cut n
938 control v 11767 crackle v 10689 cutback n
3115 controversial j 6650 craft v 12740 cutting-edge j
2898 controversy n 19488 crafty j 2240 cycle n
11879 conveniently r 12810 cramp n 15995 cynic n
2576 conventional j 9366 cramped j 17962 cystic j
16023 conventionally r 8561 crane n 10955 czar n
8337 converge v 12635 crane v
6223 convincing j 14609 cranky j D
3297 cookie n 18389 crass j 3528 daily r

3024 damage v 4886 depart v 511 director n

4760 dancing n 19110 departed j 2891 dirty j
1554 danger n 8008 dependency n 11291 disable v
19369 dapper j 3234 depict v 5180 disagreement n
2170 dark n 7833 depiction n 7350 disappointing j
560 data n 11963 depot n 6552 discomfort n
2506 date v 19236 derision n 11998 discontinue v
6923 dating n 4046 descend v 15267 discord n
8848 dawn v 7259 designated j 959 discover v
18424 daydream n 5383 desirable j 2247 discovery n
6860 deaf j 3815 desire v 10052 discrete j
13258 decay v 19551 despairing j 7686 discretion n
16373 deceit n 742 despite i 7490 disguise v
8554 deceive v 19880 despondent j 6916 dislike v
16562 deceptively r 7021 destine v 19705 dislocate v
17213 decrepit j 5222 destiny n 13818 dislocation n
13706 deduce v 11081 detachment n 16093 disobey v
14357 deductible j 3150 detailed j 9100 disparate j
19523 deep-sea j 6776 detention n 7182 disparity n
6832 deepen v 6748 deter v 18130 dispersed j
7189 deepest j 12971 detergent n 6895 displace v
16366 default v 14343 devalue v 10073 disposable j
658 defense n 5033 developed j 10535 dissatisfied j
13461 defensively r 4956 devil n 15722 disservice n
11627 deference n 9989 devoid j 16905 dissimilar j
17955 defraud v 12432 diagonal j 2653 distant j
19481 degenerative j 16947 dialog n 8183 distinctly r
7910 degradation n 7392 diaper n 12201 distraught j
8204 delete v 9604 dice v 2968 distribute v
6440 deliberate j 12628 dick n 2394 distribution n
8946 delightful j 19257 dictatorial j 7581 distributor n
12488 delinquency n 17983 dictum n 13951 distrust v
19117 delirious j 17675 didactic j 6349 disturbance n
1295 deliver v 497 difference n 7651 diversion n
2828 delivery n 238 different j 8421 divided j
8729 demeanor n 10794 differentiation n 19621 divination n
12719 demo n 609 difficult j 16688 divine v
4669 demographic j 11375 diffusion n 12950 diving j
9968 demolish v 8680 digit n 3003 divorce n
11123 demolition n 5397 dinosaur n 14168 divulge v
1386 demonstrate v 18823 dioxin n 10304 DJ n
16723 dent v 931 direction n 17304 do-it-yourself j

19362 doable j 9667 dysfunction n 11060 Emmy n

8078 doctoral j 10115 dysfunctional j 2135 emotion n
14063 doctrinal j 4704 emotionally r
19978 dogged j E 2317 employer n
6377 dominance n 16632 e-commerce n 2212 enable v
9702 donkey n 7595 eagerly r 16478 encapsulate v
12131 doorbell n 1344 ear n 13622 encase v
17857 dopamine n 17339 earmark n 10822 encircle v
11214 dormitory n 12551 earmark v 5705 encompass v
12733 dosage n 1512 eastern j 3605 encounter n
4529 dot n 15491 eatery n 5348 endangered j
17255 dot-com j 3941 eating n 19698 endear v
2870 double v 14868 ecclesiastical j 3920 endorse v
14273 douse v 9912 eclectic j 9415 energize v
7630 down j 3213 economics n 616 energy n
10997 down v 980 edge n 19992 enforceable j
13797 downhill j 5068 editorial j 18046 enforced j
10857 downright r 5579 editorial n 14784 enigma n
18137 downsizing n 3059 educate v 20160 enjoin v
16961 downstairs n 1596 educational j 9212 enjoyable j
5138 dragon n 2450 educator n 7539 enormously r
17878 drawl n 3073 efficiency n 6993 enrich v
13923 dreaded j 455 effort n 10234 enrichment n
1757 dress n 13489 effortlessly r 16625 enshrine v
6062 dressing n 11221 eject v 10031 ensuing j
6720 drift n 16800 elaborately r 8708 entertainer n
17766 drive-by j 14735 elasticity n 3752 enthusiasm n
10017 drizzle n 18319 elation n 7441 entitlement n
16079 drone v 9751 eldest j 3969 entity n
15729 droop v 2429 electronic j 14707 entrepreneurship n
8113 dropout n 9499 elegance n 17192 entryway n
462 drug n 1218 element n 18214 enviable j
8603 drummer n 4319 eleven m 19579 epilepsy n
9842 dryer n 4662 eligible j 8162 equate v
15064 duffel n 441 else r 4186 equip v
6580 dump n 17031 elucidate v 9324 eradicate v
15169 dumping n 7784 em p 6937 erode v
16072 dumpster n 5810 embassy n 10185 errand n
7133 dune n 19215 embellishment n 15323 escalator n
14574 dye v 17297 embolden v 2051 escape v
4137 dynamics n 14350 embroidered j 20090 escaped j
17906 dynamism n 16149 embroil v 1792 estate n

9037 etch v 11795 fabrication n 13482 finder n

8533 eternity n 5817 facial j 6965 finished j
14504 ethically r 6461 fairy n 1477 fire v
10787 Ethiopian j 13867 faith-based j 15183 fireball n
12005 etiquette n 15484 fallacy n 17710 first-generation j
19355 Euro-American j 9331 fallout n 19138 fishy j
7028 evacuate v 19159 fallow j 11249 fitting j
17241 evasive j 17703 falsehood n 15204 five-day j
17745 everlasting j 16884 falsify v 19061 five-star j
1953 everywhere r 9534 falter v 7896 flake n
3892 evil j 11067 familial j 17717 flake v
749 exactly r 18536 familiarize v 14091 flamboyant j
4263 exam n 147 family n 3227 flame n
1169 examine v 16835 fanatical j 19152 flammable j
5887 excellence n 14805 fang n 3164 flavor n
4620 excessive j 2989 fantasy n 15575 fleeing j
3500 exclude v 4830 fare n 4368 flexibility n
6328 exclusion n 7014 fare v 11263 flick n
3514 excuse v 13356 fascist j 1302 flight n
12873 exhaustive j 3437 favor n 18494 flint n
5341 exile n 18459 feared j 14231 flip-flop n
13916 exile v 7301 feat n 8190 flirt v
2233 existence n 15176 federalism n 17682 flirtation n
2758 expansion n 18704 feel-good j 7035 float n
13664 expatriate n 19222 fell n 6699 flock n
406 expect v 2443 fellow j 8127 flooding n
2156 expense n 14651 felt n 18858 floodplain n
9205 experimentation n 16275 fence v 10080 flop v
15897 expertly r 16506 feral j 2793 flow v
5285 explicitly r 16618 ferocity n 1498 flower n
1603 explore v 13566 fertilization n 12341 flower v
14420 expressed j 10500 festivity n 18151 flowering n
1771 extent n 6853 fetch v 13552 fluency n
19516 extermination n 17465 fibrous j 15281 fluid j
18354 extraneous j 16310 fickle j 13972 fluke n
17311 extricate v 2786 fiction n 12852 flush n
16716 extrinsic j 13503 fifteenth m 3220 fly n
12726 exuberant j 2520 fifth m 6265 foam n
11200 eyeball n 553 figure n 13048 foggy j
8820 eyelid n 5852 film v 7483 foliage n
18431 filtering n 7105 follow-up n
F 3479 final n 8932 following i

9464 folly n 18011 fruity j 9506 glamour n

6335 fond j 5243 fuel v 12999 glaring j
13496 fondness n 504 full j 16233 gleefully r
18487 foodstuff n 13027 full-blown j 10703 glisten v
18522 foolishly r 13167 full-fledged j 12593 glitter v
9632 footing n 14077 fullness n 11788 glittering j
6097 footstep n 2100 fun j 19390 glitzy j
10248 forceful j 1449 function n 9646 gloom n
9002 forefront n 4277 functional j 6286 glorious j
18081 forego v 5999 fund-raising n 4151 glory n
7476 forensic j 13762 funk n 17913 gloss v
11928 foreseeable j 9982 furiously r 5159 glow n
14847 foresight n 16142 furor n 11984 glucose n
17584 forged j 19019 furrow v 7399 glue n
875 forget v 13433 furry j 12159 GNP n
889 form v 9583 futile j 35 go v
4732 formerly r 17486 goad v
15036 forsake v G 17843 goddamn u
18263 fortification n 10948 gal n 16975 goldfish n
16065 fortified j 11025 gamble n 16282 gondola n
14987 forty-eight m 9352 gamble v 16037 good-natured j
2275 foundation n 13860 garb n 12866 goodies n
17360 fourth-quarter j 15967 garland n 19264 goon n
17437 fowl n 2982 garlic n 12474 gorge n
4774 fraction n 6195 garment n 19649 gory j
13398 fractured j 10255 gateway n 7791 gosh u
4788 fragile j 13748 geek n 6972 gossip n
19635 fragmentary j 2583 general r 6566 governance n
1848 frame n 1029 generation n 10724 gracefully r
8939 frantically r 12152 generational j 14910 gradient n
12145 fray n 2744 genetic j 14490 grainy j
15834 freak j 18074 genial j 17108 grandpa n
14140 freckle n 6531 genuinely r 17577 graphical j
7371 freezer n 17325 geyser n 14301 gratifying j
12425 fresco n 2562 giant j 7175 gratitude n
5684 fried j 7924 gigantic j 3388 grave n
266 friend n 13160 gimmick n 9261 gravy n
16408 frond n 7448 ginger n 16212 grease v
1519 front n 364 girl n 5236 greenhouse n
4466 frontier n 98 give v 6419 greeting n
15512 frosted j 14532 glacial j 5551 grid n
4837 frown v 20195 glade n 8806 grievance n

8575 grill v 18368 hardcover n 5271 hike n

15960 grisly j 8379 harden v 12215 hind j
10710 gritty j 18466 hardness n 8169 Hindu j
7294 groan v 9184 hardwood n 14056 HIV-positive j
14945 grocer n 18634 harem n 12047 hobble v
4459 gross j 17598 harmonica n 13615 hole v
18452 grotto n 9541 hastily r 19341 hologram n
7728 ground j 7980 Hawaiian j 11578 homelessness n
6237 ground v 14007 hawk v 5264 homeowner n
15883 grounding n 7308 hay n 5544 hometown n
8330 grove n 5432 hazardous j 6902 homosexual j
16226 grown j 18165 hazelnut n 13020 honk v
14511 grudge n 252 head n 10521 honorary j
13874 gubernatorial j 14854 head-on r 13853 honored j
3906 guidance n 18809 headband n 3829 hook n
12516 gull n 11837 headphone n 16121 hoot n
14763 gulp n 4417 heal v 483 hope v
17059 gunpoint n 8904 heater n 18445 horticultural j
17472 gusto n 6125 heating n 10325 hospitalize v
4340 gut n 1008 heavy j 5278 hostility n
12187 gut v 9338 heed v 273 hour n
19887 heft n 2667 house v
H 17458 heft v 1981 household n
4851 ha u 18788 heh u 15876 huddle n
18662 habitation n 13524 heirloom n 15309 huff v
19824 hacienda n 4347 helmet n 6209 hug n
8393 hack v 3080 helpful j 8673 humane j
9947 hairy j 8764 hemisphere n 15988 humanist j
17801 halibut n 8085 hen n 17724 humanist n
6321 hammer n 42 her a 10773 humanities n
6482 hammer v 18410 heretic n 3451 hunt v
11347 hamstring n 16814 heretofore r 7462 hurl v
3136 handful n 12124 heroism n 6874 hurry n
16464 handicap v 15414 heron n 14224 hush v
16660 handiwork n 3885 hers p 16443 hustle n
18949 handset n 7777 heterosexual j 14042 hydrocarbon n
12985 handwritten j 1435 hey u 9373 hymn n
6475 handy j 18963 hiccup n 8197 hypothetical j
18242 hang n 19446 hideout n
9590 hanging j 16555 hiding n I
217 happen v 9135 high-end j 10220 iceberg n
17381 hardball n 7574 high-quality j 6559 icy j

14819 idealized j 3927 indicator n 7042 instability n

17318 identified j 18109 indie n 4725 instant n
4256 ideological j 15316 indignant j 14672 instantaneous j
13104 idiom n 6538 indirect j 9408 instinctively r
12782 idle v 763 individual n 15806 insulated j
13895 idly r 15379 individualistic j 6671 insult n
11473 ignition n 6174 individually r 14994 insurgent j
19873 iguana n 18942 indoctrination n 9065 intellectually r
19803 ilk n 6951 indulge v 3745 intelligent j
16016 ill-fated j 12845 indulgence n 18172 intelligible j
12600 illiterate j 8022 ineffective j 7749 intent j
6818 imminent j 13741 inefficiency n 15533 interchangeable j
14000 immunization n 14371 inert j 17150 intercollegiate j
10108 impaired j 13279 inescapable j 6846 interestingly r
19894 impeccably r 13405 inexplicable j 4473 interfere v
14154 impenetrable j 15246 inexplicably r 3990 interior j
15869 impervious j 8253 infected j 19593 intermission n
19383 impinge v 19908 inferno n 8981 internally r
19782 implantation n 18620 infertile j 19845 internment n
14294 implement n 12292 infertility n 2401 interpretation n
1582 importance n 14980 infield n 18613 interrelationship n
7938 imported j 9058 inflate v 10654 interrogate v
9282 imposing j 1806 influence v 4697 interval n
20118 impregnate v 315 information n 9765 intimately r
10542 imprint n 16268 infringement n 10514 intolerance n
10101 imprisonment n 11844 ingenious j 2926 introduction n
3038 in c 18158 ingrain v 8687 intuition n
19733 inadequately r 12684 inhibition n 15442 intuitively r
17017 inanimate j 19558 inhospitable j 10934 investing j
18088 incendiary j 11522 inland r 17899 invisibility n
5922 incidence n 14112 inlet n 1610 invite v
1141 income n 18032 innermost j 16086 involuntarily r
19614 incomparable j 14721 innocent n 11340 involuntary j
10388 incompatible j 13349 innumerable j 2331 involvement n
10010 incompetent j 18599 input v 16100 iodine n
9520 inconsistency n 10059 insanity n 10549 ion n
11620 incorporation n 19999 inscribed j 5047 Iranian j
1267 increase n 18193 insensitivity n 5187 Iraqi n
2387 increasing j 2863 insight n 17402 irreverent j
14623 incredulous j 11543 insistent j 20041 irritability n
15757 incubator n 13111 insomnia n 12614 Islamist n
14630 index v 9044 inspired j 17920 islander n

16429 Israeli-Palestinian j 3311 killing n 3577 legislative j

2660 Italian j 17206 kindle v 9016 lest c
5306 Italian n 2359 king n 8470 liable j
11536 itinerary n 2324 kiss v 2009 liberal j
13475 kissing n 8309 liberalism n
J 2261 knife n 17276 liberally r
5761 jail v 7287 knight n 4711 lid n
5985 jam v 7994 knob n 14315 lieu i
13517 Jamaican j 6139 lieutenant n
12796 jargon n L 19677 lifelike j
4130 jaw n 16709 knocking n 5803 lifelong j
17808 jeez u 18830 labeling n 14742 lightweight n
9226 jelly n 1526 lady n 15155 likable j
19726 jellyfish n 19915 laissez-faire n 5915 like n
8568 jeopardy n 5663 lamb n 2702 like r
5782 jerk v 10213 lame j 4578 likewise r
8029 jersey n 19943 laminated j 3045 limitation n
19859 jetliner n 567 land n 1995 limited j
6160 jewel n 2044 land v 13986 limitless j
13937 jeweler n 13713 land-use n 9457 lineman n
15190 jobless j 7966 landowner n 1743 link v
9716 jockey n 1841 landscape n 4403 liquid n
8491 jog v 12397 lapel n 4613 listener n
9079 jointly r 1687 last v 5747 listing n
11116 jolt n 2191 later j 14014 lite j
1764 judge v 14182 laud v 2492 literally r
16765 judgmental j 3626 laugh n 2723 literary j
16135 jumbo j 15645 laundering n 8547 litter v
13251 jumping n 17822 lawless j 210 live v
16499 jumpsuit n 2975 lawn n 2961 load n
4557 jungle n 2681 lawsuit n 7756 loading n
819 lawyer n 5607 lobby v
K 805 lay v 3801 lock n
17514 kale n 13209 layer v 17836 lockout n
17332 karaoke n 7609 layout n 7931 loft n
15141 karate n 20153 laziness n 9821 lofty j
19957 kayak v 1568 leaf n 5446 lone j
7525 keeper n 19103 leaning n 20069 long-lived j
17283 keg n 17262 leasing n 15197 longer-term j
13909 kerosene n 12775 ledger n 14245 looking j
13538 khaki j 15925 legalization n 5362 loom v
13314 kicker n 5054 legendary j 9856 loophole n
5215 kidney n

15001 looter n 7406 mankind n 14238 melodrama n

16198 lopsided j 4816 mansion n 18053 melodramatic j
10941 lore n 8750 mar v 12544 meltdown n
6111 lottery n 16541 margarita n 17997 memorialize v
8316 low n 11277 marginalize v 17591 meningitis n
13195 lowland n 11900 marine n 17633 merciless j
4116 loyalty n 4865 marker n 5313 mercy n
12110 lug v 9905 marketer n 16863 meringue n
15694 lukewarm j 8120 martial j 12901 metaphorical j
16870 lull v 7049 marvelous j 1001 method n
16695 lumber v 14588 Marxism n 7798 Methodist j
18305 luminosity n 14203 mascara n 12236 meticulously r
14567 lumpy j 7329 masculine j 2268 Mexican j
6979 lunar j 8449 mask v 15099 micro n
11830 lunchtime n 2002 mass n 18249 microchip n
3276 lung n 1897 master n 8463 microscope n
7826 lust n 18277 masturbate v 4998 middle-class j
5859 luxury n 5719 mat n 16807 midpoint n
5124 lyrics n 4102 mate n 9835 might n
17143 matron n 175 might v
M 6083 mattress n 5250 migrant n
11039 macho j 5201 mature j 9919 mileage n
18592 macro n 18893 mausoleum n 4487 mill n
14399 madman n 119 may v 5733 millennium n
13636 magically r 12040 mayonnaise n 13013 millimeter n
12481 magnesium n 9828 meager j 13804 million-dollar j
9793 magnify v 1722 meal n 19537 mimetic j
9800 mailing n 154 mean v 19026 mind-boggling j
15365 mainframe n 1617 meaning n 4634 mineral n
6300 mainland n 3255 measurement n 3668 minimum j
14441 mainline j 3766 mechanical j 4284 ministry n
3395 makeup n 14378 mechanically r 7763 mirror v
16002 malaise n 12194 medalist n 9660 misconception n
15337 malfunction n 15330 medallion n 14497 miserably r
17185 mammoth n 19033 medial j 19229 misfit n
11354 man v 9303 mediator n 15351 misinformation n
3759 mandate n 18571 meditative j 16611 mismatch n
7434 mandate v 3269 medium n 1099 mission n
17269 mandated j 9681 medium-high j 17731 mister n
7693 maneuver n 17934 medium-low j 14210 misuse v
20132 mangle v 14539 meek j 5789 mob n
4291 manipulate v 16604 mellow v 4739 mobile j

19971 moccasin n 1736 museum n 2030 noise n

8855 mock j 4298 mushroom n 6664 noisy j
13146 modality n 8799 musical n 4123 nominee n
8365 moderate v 15715 musket n 15498 non-western j
11242 moderation n 224 must v 3325 nonetheless r
12824 moderator n 8260 mustache n 16576 noodle v
1050 modern j 11207 mute j 3416 norm n
12180 modesty n 2821 mutual j 2611 normally r
17073 modulate v 2352 mystery n 6524 northwestern j
6643 moist j 3101 myth n 10766 nostalgic j
15687 moisten v 5334 notably r
7161 mold v N 8652 noticeable j
13692 molten j 13391 nagging j 17395 nuanced j
16856 monastic j 14287 namesake n 7063 nucleus n
5943 monk n 13832 naming n 7714 nude j
10598 monologue n 5229 narrative j 13062 nurturing n
17178 monsoon n 2023 narrow j 5635 nutrition n
2471 moon n 413 nation n
14756 mop n 19642 nationalize v O
12705 mop v 15239 naturalistic j 11228 oatmeal n
7637 morale n 20188 naysayer n 15022 obedient j
91 more d 707 near i 8589 oblivious j
15582 more n 8715 nebula n 12089 obscenity n
12880 Mormon n 17794 necktie n 16737 observant j
14525 morph v 19208 negativity n 2478 observer n
19474 mossy j 12019 negligence n 5628 obsession n
9709 motionless j 9121 negotiating n 2282 occasion n
3570 motivate v 2940 neither d 3542 occasional j
6146 motorcycle n 6454 nephew n 9961 occupied j
9639 motorist n 3108 nerve n 19719 oddball n
16303 motorized j 2415 nervous j 7084 off j
9254 motto n 8890 nestle v 11711 offensive n
1246 mountain n 9576 networking n 7903 offshore j
13090 mourner n 18683 neurosurgeon n 17003 oil v
9429 mourning n 2814 newly r 833 ok r
13629 mouthful n 17353 newsprint n 19082 old-school j
8722 muffin n 8001 nickel n 14028 old-time j
13650 mull v 6188 nickname n 19600 omnipresent j
9492 multiple n 11284 Nigerian j 301 once r
19397 multipurpose j 16030 nightly r 13671 one-man j
9009 mundane j 12068 nitrate n 19376 one-of-a-kind n
12747 muse n 19684 no-fly j 18991 one-party j

2996 ongoing j 4039 outstanding j 11459 partisan n

2590 onion n 182 over r 4396 passing j
329 only j 15855 overarching j 2303 passion n
7455 openness n 2730 overcome v 10262 password n
1316 operate v 7224 overnight j 1393 past i
20055 opiate n 9695 override v 4585 pat v
1127 opinion n 11109 oversized j 14413 paternity n
15421 opportunistic j 19838 overuse n 18669 pathos n
13412 oppress v 7091 overview n 18382 patina n
1106 option n 6041 owl n 12446 patriot n
20048 opus n 3619 ownership n 4718 patron n
3913 oral j 10283 patronage n
3171 orange j P 17451 patronizing j
18921 orator n 19348 pacemaker n 11704 patterned j
2289 ordinary j 18060 pacifist n 287 pay v
3423 organ n 8484 packed j 14175 payback n
3094 organic j 6783 pact n 15603 payer n
16415 organic n 7973 painfully r 14462 paying j
4424 organism n 7805 pair v 13811 payout n
4522 organizational j 9170 pajamas n 3689 peaceful j
1659 organize v 15673 paleontologist n 12075 peacekeeping j
5173 organizer n 2555 Palestinian j 5600 peach n
16492 orgy n 9163 pamphlet n 7336 pearl n
9177 oriental j 15820 pander v 3955 peel v
11102 original n 17220 paneling n 3409 peer v
2877 originally r 14875 pang n 13608 peg v
5355 originate v 18333 panicked j 14196 penal j
5411 orthodox j 15841 panoramic j 14147 penetrating j
14931 oscillation n 6944 paperwork n 13531 pep n
19495 ostrich n 15701 paprika n 14812 pepper v
12257 otter n 9898 parachute n 2184 perceive v
17941 ouster n 20076 paragon n 12026 perceptual j
7861 outing n 18039 paralyzed j 19411 percolate v
15785 outlying j 12285 paramilitary j 15911 perfectionist n
9394 outnumber v 16009 parenthesis n 2457 perfectly r
10885 outpatient n 10416 parishioner n 8610 performing n
13097 outperform v 10780 parody n 6692 perimeter n
8057 outreach n 5292 part-time j 7847 periodic j
18725 outscore v 1491 participate v 16590 pernicious j
812 outside i 9142 participating j 14364 perpendicular j
2072 outside j 2569 particular r 17444 perplexing j
1750 outside r 16114 particulate n 581 personal j

9772 persuasion n 11739 pointless j 14448 predominate v

12558 pertain v 16422 poise n 13755 preface n
19166 pessimist n 5614 poison n 8274 preheat v
15561 petrified j 9814 poisoning n 10556 prehistoric j
8176 pharmacy n 20006 poke n 19985 prejudiced j
5208 philosopher n 19810 polarized j 19754 premarital j
14826 phosphorus n 469 police n 15659 premier n
1484 photo n 5831 Polish j 2534 preparation n
19299 photocopy n 5565 polite j 13468 preparatory j
1652 photograph n 17542 politeness n 3339 prescription n
18865 photovoltaic j 12334 polity n 1337 present j
2058 physician n 18851 polka n 3465 presidency n
518 pick v 14924 polluter n 1624 presidential j
17136 picky j 3661 pond n 6797 prestige n
12229 piety n 714 poor j 4333 presumably r
8442 pilgrimage n 15456 pop u 16646 pretentious j
1785 pilot n 6279 pope n 4795 prevail v
8092 pinch n 12383 poppy n 16996 preventable j
3185 pine n 18235 populism n 7665 preview n
7322 pirate n 8344 porcelain n 476 price n
18676 piss n 3290 portray v 18473 prick n
18578 pistachio n 11011 positioning n 13153 priesthood n
11326 pitfall n 17556 posse n 19040 priestly j
19145 plagiarism n 1708 possibly r 19831 prima n
3584 plain j 15288 post-traumatic j 12061 primal j
4550 planner n 13727 postage n 3899 primary n
8414 plasma n 3871 poster n 12663 prime v
8498 plateau n 17612 postpartum j 11151 primer n
7245 plausible j 12537 potassium n 19306 primeval j
7735 playwright n 1911 pour v 7007 princess n
3556 plead v 1162 powerful j 10745 principally r
7812 plum n 11137 powerfully r 16891 principled j
9051 plumbing n 11256 powerhouse n 14644 printout n
9674 plume n 7644 pragmatic j 672 private j
16569 plunder v 14658 prank n 3647 privilege n
10962 plunge n 13993 pre-existing j 4431 pro j
19796 plural j 13783 pre-war j 6881 probable j
13573 ply v 17500 precariously r 399 probably r
19068 pneumatic j 5698 precedent n 7315 probation n
12992 pocketbook n 19712 preconceived j 392 process n
2947 poet n 15981 predation n 4074 processing n
6804 poetic j 4753 predator n 12467 proficient j

4676 programming n 9485 pup n 1834 rating n

3633 project v 14385 purchaser n 17094 ration v
4809 projection n 11634 purport v 6132 rationale n
6685 proliferation n 13125 purposeful j 11501 rationality n
7504 prolonged j 1799 pursue v 12327 rattle n
2016 promise n 6216 pyramid n 2807 raw j
8582 promoter n 5110 ray n
15029 prompt j Q 3654 re i
6314 prone j 13580 quail n 6622 re-create v
7840 pronounced j 16156 qualifier n 10402 re-elect v
10899 pronouncement n 5768 quantum n 17990 readable j
12859 propeller n 14777 quarantine n 1274 reader n
7588 prose n 18207 quarter-century n 8512 ready v
5152 prosecute v 11718 quarterly j 7672 real-life j
2142 prosecutor n 4158 queen n 4032 realistic j
8407 prosper v 20062 quench v 3948 realm n
7469 prosperous j 16219 queue n 14679 reassert v
11907 prosthesis n 1309 quick j 5481 reassure v
8155 prostitution n 11655 quicker j 11872 rebirth n
6468 protected j 1442 quiet j 10486 rebuilding n
16702 protectionism n 12565 quintessential j 15568 rebuttal n
9877 protector n 8974 quiz n 18935 recalcitrant j
6363 prototype n 11949 receiving j
14126 proverbial j 700 recently r
12691 raccoon n
3129 provider n 18879 receptacle n
17080 radial j
6405 provincial j 10864 reciprocal j
6734 radical n
11095 provisional j 8435 recognizable j
6615 radically r
4872 provoke v 5845 reconciliation n
18627 radiologist n
13545 prowl v 13888 reconnect v
7497 raft n
15519 prudence n 6104 recorder n
6769 rag n
17773 psychedelic j 6020 recreational j
3402 rail n
16394 psychoanalytic j 11676 recurrent j
17787 rail v
17199 pubic j 9954 recurring j
7560 rainbow n
861 public n 7700 redefine v
9387 rainfall n
4963 public r 10913 redesign v
14637 rainwater n
1120 publish v 1918 reference n
8827 raise n
9625 puff v 15526 reflected j
434 raise v
4004 pump v 15624 refurbish v
14581 ram n
16520 punctuation n 1253 refuse v
17528 ramble v
15260 puncture v 11396 refute v
6181 ramp n
15043 punishing j 1862 regime n
7616 rancher n
9107 punitive j 3199 register v
5019 rape v

5467 regression n 5971 respective j 19320 roost n

6006 regret n 13342 respite n 16933 roost v
2842 regularly r 1071 responsibility n 4207 root v
10206 rehab n 1372 responsible j 17696 rote n
3360 reinforce v 17927 restlessness n 15435 roundup n
11158 reinstate v 8995 restricted j 8631 rove v
1470 relatively r 8295 restructure v 13944 rubric n
14840 relativism n 1365 result v 2226 rule v
8218 relaxation n 14476 resurface v 11592 rummage v
9555 relay v 10843 resurrect v 17122 rump n
2219 release n 10437 resurrection n 3794 rush n
17346 released j 18361 resuscitate v 13188 rustle v
7147 relentless j 17654 retake v 11585 rut n
3535 reliable j 8638 retaliation n
11970 reliably r 17829 retard v S
16107 reliant j 3703 retired j 16170 sabotage n
11697 relieved j 2464 retirement n 15848 sacramental j
17052 reload v 14336 retort v 3367 sacred j
3934 reluctant j 4844 retreat n 4109 sacrifice n
427 remain v 13559 revamp v 9317 safeguard v
4781 remark v 14791 reverie n 7889 saga n
10696 remedial j 7413 reverse j 4165 sail v
10752 remorse n 7532 reverse n 12929 sailboat n
9849 remotely r 8106 revised j 3353 sake n
10920 renounce v 5488 revival n 19740 salami n
11130 reorganize v 11305 revolver n 20104 salaried j
4025 repair v 3066 rid v 18200 salesperson n
5901 repetition n 3857 rider n 14882 saline j
11851 replay v 15393 right v 18774 salmonella n
6727 replicate v 13454 rightful j 161 same d
4445 reportedly r 15344 rigidity n 10038 same r
9450 reprint v 10171 rigor n 17290 sand v
595 Republican n 6706 rigorous j 19691 sandpaper n
3143 request v 15274 ripen v 15218 sandwich v
5992 reservoir n 1974 rise n 10353 sanitation n
16793 resettlement n 728 rise v 13881 sarcasm n
1260 resident n 5404 rising j 15736 satanic j
10906 resilient j 490 road n 5166 satisfied j
12411 resin n 5131 rob v 2310 sauce n
770 resource n 18886 robin n 15449 saunter v
4305 respect i 8778 rogue n 8288 sauté v
12761 respectfully r 2548 roll n 19453 savagery n

735 save v 4935 seldom r 4382 sibling n

7553 saw n 12530 self-control n 16247 sickle n
16639 scab n 10150 self-efficacy n 13846 siding n
20125 scaling n 14518 self-employed j 1638 sight n
13328 scallions n 17066 self-reliance n 2093 signal n
8351 scanner n 14189 self-reported j 6790 signify v
4018 scary j 7196 selling n 18564 silken j
2163 schedule n 9975 semifinal n 12453 sill n
12320 scheduling n 11690 seminal j 12362 silver j
18760 schism n 17605 sender n 721 similar j
12243 schizophrenia n 14959 seniority n 8883 simultaneous j
6398 scholarly j 4991 sensor n 3696 simultaneously r
9114 scissors n 20111 sentient j 6587 singing n
10479 scold v 5537 separately r 5796 sip v
6811 scoring n 19096 sequin n 826 sister n
15813 Scot n 756 serious j 18018 site v
7231 scout n 15862 serotonin n 9863 skater n
8960 scout v 1323 settle v 16583 sketchy j
10507 scrap v 4823 sexuality n 5712 skillet n
17010 screaming n 4088 sexually r 18298 skimpy j
14049 screenwriter n 7420 shack n 1022 skin n
4802 screw v 9618 shady j 5474 skinny j
15008 scribe n 14861 shaggy j 4571 skip v
18655 scroll v 945 shake v 15743 skipper n
18837 scrunch v 15918 shaking n 15120 skunk n
8323 sculptor n 10969 sharing n 13776 skylight n
15799 scum n 15652 shattering j 9737 skyline n
4200 seal n 17367 sheaf n 10892 skyscraper n
12376 seamless j 17521 shepherd v 15939 skyward r
18844 seamstress n 5075 sheriff n 12355 slam n
15078 sear v 13930 shifting n 8211 slate n
12607 seaside n 10927 Shiite n 8505 slaughter n
15113 seawater n 10129 shimmering j 16842 slaughterhouse n
18480 secede v 3843 ship v 2751 slave n
15134 secession n 13769 shipyard n 11760 slay v
16653 second-class j 3206 shit n 1176 sleep v
3486 secondary j 10192 short-lived j 6426 sleeping n
9471 secondary n 7721 shorten v 17423 sleigh n
11935 secretary-general n 14952 shorthand n 16758 slog v
1988 sector n 1057 shot n 11746 slot v
12817 securely r 7364 shovel n 20174 sloth n
7077 sedan n 12271 shuffling n 203 small j

1869 smart j 8099 specially r 8862 stalk n

18025 smattering n 4606 specialty n 539 star n
18753 smock n 11319 specificity n 13447 stardom n
2436 smoke n 13440 speechless j 1134 stare v
2513 smoke v 343 spend v 1540 start n
10577 smoked j 10801 spew v 5530 startle v
5873 smoking j 8141 spinal j 10990 stash v
20167 smoldering j 15162 spinning j 19817 stasis n
6069 smooth v 9289 spiral j 924 statement n
8841 smuggle v 2114 spiritual j 6048 static j
12649 snarl v 4984 spit v 11977 staunch j
18977 sneer n 11382 splendor n 12831 stealth n
13118 sneeze v 2933 split v 4011 steep j
5950 sniff v 19404 splurge v 4095 stem v
14280 snowfall n 15617 spoiled j 588 step n
18508 snugly r 6356 spokeswoman n 20034 steppe n
196 so c 13307 spook v 6244 stereo n
12670 soaked j 5558 spotlight n 18648 stereotyped j
4389 soap n 17885 spotlight v 13720 stereotypical j
11508 sociological j 16051 spout v 15750 sterling n
8694 sociologist n 9478 sprawl v 126 still r
12222 solace n 4060 spread n 11403 stillness n
15106 somatic j 11053 spreading j 17759 stilt n
4501 someday r 12348 spreadsheet n 16681 stipulation n
420 someone p 10605 sprig n 13419 stockholder n
4970 sometime r 12208 sprint n 1225 stone n
15428 sonar n 10472 spur n 16205 stone v
854 song n 19271 spurt v 10626 stoop v
6013 sophomore n 17045 spying n 19656 stoplight n
19089 sorbet n 2772 square j 19922 store-bought j
13643 sore n 3374 square n 17157 storied j
15771 sorority n 11172 stabilization n 1666 storm n
16184 soulful j 5824 stabilize v 11956 stormy j
637 south n 11648 stable n 5418 strand n
3598 southwest n 4515 stack n 1589 strange j
4907 sovereignty n 16317 stacked j 847 strategy n
18116 space-time j 784 staff n 11991 streamline v
15400 Spanish n 7875 stagger v 18956 stricture n
10878 sparkle n 2884 stair n 6545 stride v
13902 spatula n 7154 staircase n 2485 strike n
6573 spawn v 10178 stale j 1148 strike v
336 speak v 13825 stalemate n 4648 striking j

8281 striped j 17752 surreptitiously r 2779 telescope n

5089 stroke v 3738 survey v 9730 televised j
5964 stroll v 7140 susceptible j 12838 temperate j
868 study v 3122 suspect n 1631 temperature n
8813 stuffed j 12390 suspiciously r 8736 tempting j
5194 stun v 9275 sustainability n 18690 ten-year j
5103 stunning j 6608 sustained j 1043 tend v
6713 sturdy j 15358 swagger n 9128 tense v
17864 sturgeon n 10983 swarm n 7868 tentative j
11494 subdued j 18746 sweating j 19467 tenured j
17248 subordination n 17549 sweating n 16534 tepid j
14084 subpoena v 6657 Swedish j 10241 termination n
12250 subset n 8302 swimmer n 15904 terra-cotta n
8967 subside v 15932 swine n 4543 terrain n
10451 subsistence n 6258 swirl v 4928 terribly r
7266 substantive j 18550 swoon v 2198 territory n
11018 substitution n 12894 symbolically r 11669 terrorize v
3563 suburb n 4312 sympathy n 19124 tertiary j
5502 successor n 14749 symptomatic j 17738 test-retest j
17570 succulent j 13426 sync n 16296 testimonial n
15610 suede n 17535 synonym n 10647 testosterone n
12887 suffocate v 16191 syntax n 8617 Thai j
11312 suggested j 6930 syrup n 903 that r
19194 suitability n 77 then r
18795 sully v T 9884 thermometer n
3878 sum n 3521 T-shirt n 4249 thigh n
20027 summarily r 12096 tack n 56 think v
1239 sun n 3010 tail n 6503 thinker n
20181 sundae n 63 take v 2856 thirty m
4921 sunny j 168 talk v 8925 thirty-five m
20020 sunspot n 1533 tall j 18221 thistle n
2674 super j 12943 tame j 17129 thong n
16828 superfluous j 16387 Tamil j 5936 thorough j
19425 superhuman j 14553 tan v 5754 thoughtful j
5572 superintendent n 11466 tangle v 10584 thoughtfully r
8785 supernatural j 9688 tangled j 651 thousand m
14693 supersede v 18396 tank v 4767 thread n
5677 supervise v 1288 target n 10430 three-day j
525 support v 9870 taxation n 14903 three-month j
10395 suppression n 546 teach v 14973 three-point j
7210 surface v 308 team n 18557 three-week j
3444 surgeon n 3808 technological j 15253 throb v

11445 throttle n 3318 transformation n 19005 un-american j

112 through i 19929 transitory j 19334 unabashedly r
6384 throw n 6888 translator n 6629 unacceptable j
8456 thyme n 4893 transmit v 16597 unambiguous j
2765 tight j 4879 transport n 20083 unanimity n
4949 till c 16877 trapped j 16450 unannounced j
5145 time v 1932 travel n 16940 unattended j
11361 timer n 1085 travel v 6027 unaware j
18270 tinge n 9723 traveling j 19509 unbeaten j
3549 tip v 11298 treasury n 16471 unbiased j
13979 tiptoe v 11725 tributary n 17374 unbridled j
16667 tiring j 17563 tried j 6825 uncommon j
11515 titanium n 8624 trim n 19670 unconditionally r
1330 title n 18781 trimester n 1673 under r
6251 toast n 4690 triumph n 15778 underage j
8428 toast v 10339 triumphant j 16849 undercurrent n
14105 token j 16338 triumphantly r 6510 underestimate v
2422 tomato n 15666 trope n 14602 underfoot r
133 too r 4221 tropical j 18515 underfunded j
679 top n 8526 trot v 19586 underserved j
19852 top-rated j 14665 truck v 13384 understate v
7056 tornado n 15631 truffle n 19460 undertone n
8225 tortilla n 1729 truly r 12978 underwrite v
5894 torture v 1855 trust v 13370 unhappiness n
13790 toss n 16982 trying j 9758 unhealthy j
2380 total n 12138 turning j 19502 unholy j
17430 totalitarianism n 6307 turning n 18179 unicorn n
1925 totally r 18928 turntable n 6076 uniform j
2296 touch n 19201 tutelage n 9940 uniformed j
1015 tough j 9296 tutor n 17038 universality n
9198 tow n 14266 twenty-nine m 20139 unlicensed j
385 toward i 7000 twilight n 13055 unnecessarily r
3717 towel n 16128 twitch n 12964 unnerve v
14252 traditionalist n 15554 two-bedroom j 10360 unpaid j
14616 traffic v 16898 two-part j 19663 unprofitable j
2905 tragedy n 11816 two-week j 12915 unreal j
1701 train n 15302 tycoon n 19012 unrecognizable j
798 training n 14329 unsuspecting j
3773 trait n U 9219 untouched j
15547 tranquility n 11004 Ukrainian j 12572 untreated j
6293 transcript n 10311 ulcer n 10633 unused j
2205 transform v 2625 ultimate j 18375 unwavering j

19292 unwitting j 10143 vineyard n 10318 weed v

18144 unwrap v 7959 violently r 1197 weekend n
17948 unyielding j 6762 violin n 3248 weekly j
10493 upbringing n 10871 viral j 2527 weigh v
5425 uphold v 12768 virtuous j 3731 weird j
10444 upright j 10668 visitation n 644 well i
7882 uprising n 14427 visor n 14406 well v
11074 upstate j 8918 visualize v 4592 well-being n
20097 upswing n 9569 vividly r 15386 well-educated j
7945 uranium n 8701 volcanic j 16359 well-trained j
10136 usefulness n 18501 voluptuous j 665 west n
1827 user n 8239 vow n 19768 wham u
11886 utopian j 11599 vulgar j 777 whatever d
6986 utter v 322 whether c
W 10297 whim n
V 1778 wake v 16674 whirlpool n
11424 vaccination n 11368 wake-up n 18102 whisky n
16821 vagaries n 9268 walker n 15596 whittle v
6034 valve n 9996 walkway n 19313 whole-wheat j
14700 vandalism n 10269 wane v 16345 wholeheartedly r
1876 variable n 14322 wanting j 13293 wholesome j
12460 vascular j 350 war n 12033 wicker n
10374 vector n 9548 warden n 6230 wide r
11165 vegetarian n 8071 wardrobe n 11550 wildflower n
5082 vein n 18186 warming j 1281 willing j
10381 venerable j 9807 warranty n 18914 wily j
19075 vengeful j 3640 warrior n 12404 windfall n
7742 vent n 6090 wary j 14714 windowsill n
11270 vent v 5908 wash n 1456 wine n
5460 venue n 16177 Washington-based j 1904 wing n
4081 verbal j 15232 wasteland n 16919 wing v
6741 verge n 13839 wastewater n 11571 wink n
5516 verse n 8246 waterfall n 8043 wink v
105 very r 10836 watery j 2737 wipe v
18291 vest v 14259 wavy j 3262 wise j
12306 vice-president n 7357 wax n 3612 wish n
10738 victimization n 84 way n 16289 wistfully r
11865 victorious j 2086 weak j 4172 withdrawal n
1113 video n 4536 weaken v 4900 within r
6167 viewpoint n 18095 weakening j 16380 woefully r
10003 vigor n 13272 weathered j 19761 wok n
19131 vindictive j 9779 wed v 791 wonder v

13216 wondrous j 8953 wrongdoing n 259 yes u

5642 wool n 18872 wrought-iron j 16744 yoke n
245 word n 12656 wry j 18739 yuppie n
12698 wording n 15792 wryly r
574 worker n Z
4452 workout n Y 16457 zenith n
3157 workshop n 11753 yarn n 5026 zero m
11942 worrisome j 10619 year-old j 5509 zero n
973 worry v 14217 yearbook n 19418 zigzag n
4564 wound v 8148 yearn v 10682 zinc n
18347 wrangling n 17024 yelp v 8792 zoom v
2107 wrap v 8659 yep u

PART OF SPEECH INDEX 1085 travel 2212 enable

1092 born 2226 rule
1120 publish 2254 benefit
1134 stare 2324 kiss
35 go
1148 strike 2338 attach
56 think
1155 achieve 2366 accomplish
63 take
1169 examine 2499 construct
70 come
1176 sleep 2506 date
98 give
1211 complete 2513 smoke
119 may
1253 refuse 2527 weigh
154 mean
1295 deliver 2667 house
168 talk
1316 operate 2695 communicate
175 might
1323 settle 2730 overcome
210 live
1358 cry 2737 wipe
217 happen
1365 result 2793 flow
224 must
1386 demonstrate 2870 double
287 pay
1421 blow 2912 constitute
294 continue
1428 charge 2933 split
336 speak
1477 fire 2954 adapt
343 spend
1491 participate 2968 distribute
406 expect
1575 climb 3024 damage
427 remain
1603 explore 3031 consume
434 raise
1610 invite 3059 educate
483 hope
1645 connect 3066 rid
518 pick
1659 organize 3143 request
525 support
1680 conclude 3199 register
546 teach
1687 last 3234 depict
602 cause
1743 link 3241 borrow
728 rise
1764 judge 3290 portray
735 save
1778 wake 3360 reinforce
791 wonder
1799 pursue 3381 cool
805 lay
1806 influence 3409 peer
840 act
1855 trust 3451 hunt
868 study
1911 pour 3500 exclude
875 forget
1946 cite 3514 excuse
889 form
2037 celebrate 3549 tip
910 care
2044 land 3556 plead
938 control
2051 escape 3570 motivate
945 shake
2079 acquire 3591 assemble
959 discover
2107 wrap 3633 project
966 affect
2184 perceive 3738 survey
973 worry
2205 transform 3815 desire
1043 tend

3843 ship 5355 originate 6993 enrich

3920 endorse 5362 loom 7014 fare
3955 peel 5390 attain 7021 destine
4004 pump 5425 uphold 7028 evacuate
4025 repair 5481 reassure 7161 mold
4046 descend 5530 startle 7210 surface
4053 cooperate 5607 lobby 7273 consolidate
4095 stem 5677 supervise 7294 groan
4165 sail 5705 encompass 7385 cash
4179 condemn 5761 jail 7434 mandate
4186 equip 5782 jerk 7462 hurl
4207 root 5796 sip 7490 disguise
4228 calm 5824 stabilize 7700 redefine
4291 manipulate 5838 curse 7721 shorten
4417 heal 5852 film 7763 mirror
4438 comprise 5894 torture 7805 pair
4473 interfere 5950 sniff 7854 adore
4536 weaken 5964 stroll 7875 stagger
4564 wound 5985 jam 8036 chair
4571 skip 6069 smooth 8043 wink
4585 pat 6202 activate 8134 border
4641 cure 6237 ground 8148 yearn
4683 chew 6258 swirl 8162 equate
4781 remark 6391 clip 8190 flirt
4795 prevail 6482 hammer 8204 delete
4802 screw 6510 underestimate 8274 preheat
4837 frown 6545 stride 8288 sauté
4858 contemplate 6573 spawn 8295 restructure
4872 provoke 6622 re-create 8337 converge
4886 depart 6650 craft 8365 moderate
4893 transmit 6727 replicate 8379 harden
4914 crowd 6748 deter 8393 hack
4977 accelerate 6790 signify 8407 prosper
4984 spit 6832 deepen 8428 toast
5019 rape 6839 crouch 8449 mask
5089 stroke 6853 fetch 8491 jog
5131 rob 6867 allocate 8512 ready
5145 time 6895 displace 8526 trot
5152 prosecute 6916 dislike 8547 litter
5194 stun 6937 erode 8554 deceive
5243 fuel 6951 indulge 8575 grill
5327 blast 6986 utter 8631 rove

8645 con 10507 scrap 12187 gut

8666 addict 10626 stoop 12341 flower
8750 mar 10654 interrogate 12369 bowl
8792 zoom 10703 glisten 12551 earmark
8834 cherish 10801 spew 12558 pertain
8841 smuggle 10815 confiscate 12586 cede
8848 dawn 10822 encircle 12593 glitter
8869 commemorate 10843 resurrect 12635 crane
8890 nestle 10850 backfire 12649 snarl
8918 visualize 10913 redesign 12663 prime
8960 scout 10920 renounce 12705 mop
8967 subside 10990 stash 12782 idle
8988 chart 10997 down 12789 appease
9037 etch 11046 clothe 12803 corrupt
9058 inflate 11130 reorganize 12887 suffocate
9128 tense 11144 accentuate 12964 unnerve
9317 safeguard 11158 reinstate 12978 underwrite
9324 eradicate 11179 condition 13006 clamber
9338 heed 11221 eject 13020 honk
9352 gamble 11235 angle 13041 captivate
9394 outnumber 11270 vent 13076 boo
9415 energize 11277 marginalize 13097 outperform
9450 reprint 11291 disable 13118 sneeze
9478 sprawl 11354 man 13132 analyse
9534 falter 11396 refute 13188 rustle
9555 relay 11431 budge 13202 astound
9604 dice 11466 tangle 13209 layer
9625 puff 11557 boycott 13258 decay
9695 override 11592 rummage 13307 spook
9779 wed 11634 purport 13384 understate
9793 magnify 11641 corroborate 13412 oppress
9968 demolish 11669 terrorize 13510 compost
10024 bulge 11732 abduct 13545 prowl
10080 flop 11746 slot 13559 revamp
10199 band 11760 slay 13573 ply
10269 wane 11767 crackle 13601 chime
10318 weed 11851 replay 13608 peg
10325 hospitalize 11991 streamline 13615 hole
10402 re-elect 11998 discontinue 13622 encase
10409 cloud 12047 hobble 13650 mull
10423 coin 12110 lug 13706 deduce
10479 scold 12117 befriend 13888 reconnect

13916 exile 15708 acquiesce 17458 heft

13951 distrust 15729 droop 17486 goad
13979 tiptoe 15820 pander 17521 shepherd
14007 hawk 15827 avenge 17528 ramble
14084 subpoena 16051 spout 17654 retake
14098 brandish 16079 drone 17717 flake
14168 divulge 16093 disobey 17787 rail
14182 laud 16149 embroil 17829 retard
14210 misuse 16205 stone 17871 allay
14224 hush 16212 grease 17885 spotlight
14273 douse 16240 bottle 17913 gloss
14336 retort 16275 fence 17955 defraud
14343 devalue 16366 default 17997 memorialize
14406 well 16464 handicap 18018 site
14448 predominate 16478 encapsulate 18081 forego
14476 resurface 16513 assail 18144 unwrap
14483 blanket 16527 co-write 18158 ingrain
14525 morph 16569 plunder 18256 buffet
14553 tan 16576 noodle 18277 masturbate
14560 codify 16604 mellow 18284 crow
14574 dye 16625 enshrine 18291 vest
14616 traffic 16688 divine 18361 resuscitate
14630 index 16695 lumber 18396 tank
14665 truck 16723 dent 18438 connote
14679 reassert 16730 breakfast 18480 secede
14693 supersede 16758 slog 18536 familiarize
14812 pepper 16870 lull 18550 swoon
15036 forsake 16884 falsify 18599 input
15071 case 16919 wing 18655 scroll
15078 sear 16933 roost 18725 outscore
15218 sandwich 17003 oil 18767 accede
15253 throb 17024 yelp 18795 sully
15260 puncture 17031 elucidate 18837 scrunch
15274 ripen 17052 reload 18900 cobble
15309 huff 17073 modulate 19019 furrow
15393 right 17094 ration 19271 spurt
15407 charter 17164 blanch 19327 acclaim
15449 saunter 17206 kindle 19383 impinge
15589 chug 17290 sand 19404 splurge
15596 whittle 17297 embolden 19411 percolate
15624 refurbish 17311 extricate 19642 nationalize
15687 moisten 17409 abhor 19698 endear

19705 dislocate 658 defense 1267 increase

19957 kayak 665 west 1274 reader
20062 quench 679 top 1288 target
20118 impregnate 686 author 1302 flight
20132 mangle 693 blood 1330 title
20160 enjoin 763 individual 1344 ear
770 resource 1351 border
784 staff 1379 chairman
84 way 798 training 1449 function
147 family 819 lawyer 1456 wine
189 company 826 sister 1463 bus
231 area 847 strategy 1484 photo
245 word 854 song 1498 flower
252 head 861 public 1505 cut
266 friend 924 statement 1519 front
273 hour 931 direction 1526 lady
308 team 952 camera 1540 start
315 information 980 edge 1547 army
350 war 987 challenge 1554 danger
357 change 994 bar 1561 assessment
364 girl 1001 method 1568 leaf
371 air 1022 skin 1582 importance
392 process 1029 generation 1617 meaning
413 nation 1036 coach 1631 temperature
455 effort 1057 shot 1638 sight
462 drug 1064 capital 1652 photograph
469 police 1071 responsibility 1666 storm
476 price 1078 audience 1694 county
490 road 1099 mission 1701 train
497 difference 1106 option 1722 meal
511 director 1113 video 1736 museum
532 couple 1127 opinion 1757 dress
539 star 1141 income 1771 extent
553 figure 1183 conflict 1785 pilot
560 data 1197 weekend 1792 estate
567 land 1204 beginning 1813 basketball
574 worker 1218 element 1820 address
588 step 1225 stone 1827 user
595 Republican 1232 attempt 1834 rating
616 energy 1239 sun 1841 landscape
630 condition 1246 mountain 1848 frame
637 south 1260 resident 1862 regime

1876 variable 2394 distribution 3073 efficiency

1883 bedroom 2401 interpretation 3087 contest
1890 coverage 2422 tomato 3101 myth
1897 master 2436 smoke 3108 nerve
1904 wing 2450 educator 3122 suspect
1918 reference 2464 retirement 3129 provider
1932 travel 2471 moon 3136 handful
1974 rise 2478 observer 3157 workshop
1981 household 2485 strike 3164 flavor
1988 sector 2534 preparation 3178 cabin
2002 mass 2541 channel 3185 pine
2016 promise 2548 roll 3206 shit
2030 noise 2590 onion 3213 economics
2058 physician 2597 criteria 3220 fly
2093 signal 2618 activist 3227 flame
2121 climate 2632 barrier 3255 measurement
2128 cigarette 2646 advocate 3269 medium
2135 emotion 2681 lawsuit 3276 lung
2142 prosecutor 2688 burden 3283 basket
2149 agenda 2709 bear 3297 cookie
2156 expense 2716 cabinet 3311 killing
2163 schedule 2751 slave 3318 transformation
2170 dark 2758 expansion 3332 blanket
2177 chip 2779 telescope 3339 prescription
2198 territory 2786 fiction 3346 consensus
2219 release 2800 boundary 3353 sake
2233 existence 2828 delivery 3374 square
2240 cycle 2863 insight 3388 grave
2247 discovery 2884 stair 3395 makeup
2261 knife 2898 controversy 3402 rail
2275 foundation 2905 tragedy 3416 norm
2282 occasion 2926 introduction 3423 organ
2296 touch 2947 poet 3430 counseling
2303 passion 2961 load 3437 favor
2310 sauce 2975 lawn 3444 surgeon
2317 employer 2982 garlic 3458 compound
2331 involvement 2989 fantasy 3465 presidency
2345 complaint 3003 divorce 3472 cry
2352 mystery 3010 tail 3479 final
2359 king 3017 custom 3493 curve
2373 bean 3045 limitation 3507 corridor
2380 total 3052 arrest 3521 T-shirt

3563 suburb 4130 jaw 4634 mineral

3598 southwest 4137 dynamics 4676 programming
3605 encounter 4144 bubble 4690 triumph
3612 wish 4151 glory 4697 interval
3619 ownership 4158 queen 4711 lid
3626 laugh 4172 withdrawal 4718 patron
3640 warrior 4193 courtroom 4725 instant
3647 privilege 4200 seal 4746 brake
3661 pond 4214 collaboration 4753 predator
3675 aim 4242 ass 4760 dancing
3710 colony 4249 thigh 4767 thread
3717 towel 4263 exam 4774 fraction
3724 conduct 4270 conspiracy 4809 projection
3752 enthusiasm 4284 ministry 4816 mansion
3759 mandate 4298 mushroom 4823 sexuality
3773 trait 4312 sympathy 4830 fare
3780 corruption 4326 ambition 4844 retreat
3787 compromise 4340 gut 4865 marker
3794 rush 4347 helmet 4879 transport
3801 lock 4354 cast 4907 sovereignty
3822 blow 4361 cocaine 4956 devil
3829 hook 4368 flexibility 4991 sensor
3836 attraction 4382 sibling 5012 bomber
3850 ankle 4389 soap 5040 critique
3857 rider 4403 liquid 5075 sheriff
3871 poster 4424 organism 5082 vein
3878 sum 4452 workout 5096 classic
3899 primary 4466 frontier 5110 ray
3906 guidance 4480 attendance 5117 copper
3927 indicator 4487 mill 5124 lyrics
3941 eating 4494 catalog 5138 dragon
3948 realm 4508 confrontation 5159 glow
3962 bias 4515 stack 5173 organizer
3969 entity 4529 dot 5180 disagreement
3976 addition 4543 terrain 5187 Iraqi
3997 Arab 4550 planner 5208 philosopher
4060 spread 4557 jungle 5215 kidney
4074 processing 4592 well-being 5222 destiny
4102 mate 4599 compliance 5236 greenhouse
4109 sacrifice 4606 specialty 5250 migrant
4116 loyalty 4613 listener 5257 competence
4123 nominee 4627 ash 5264 homeowner

5271 hike 5775 cigar 6300 mainland

5278 hostility 5789 mob 6307 turning
5306 Italian 5810 embassy 6321 hammer
5313 mercy 5845 reconciliation 6328 exclusion
5341 exile 5859 luxury 6342 archaeologist
5369 cane 5866 coaching 6349 disturbance
5397 dinosaur 5887 excellence 6356 spokeswoman
5418 strand 5901 repetition 6363 prototype
5439 accommodation 5908 wash 6370 anthropologist
5453 circulation 5915 like 6377 dominance
5460 venue 5922 incidence 6384 throw
5467 regression 5943 monk 6412 arch
5488 revival 5978 classification 6419 greeting
5495 abundance 5992 reservoir 6426 sleeping
5502 successor 5999 fund-raising 6447 boost
5509 zero 6006 regret 6454 nephew
5516 verse 6013 sophomore 6461 fairy
5523 co-worker 6034 valve 6489 cement
5544 hometown 6041 owl 6496 click
5551 grid 6055 correction 6503 thinker
5558 spotlight 6062 dressing 6552 discomfort
5572 superintendent 6083 mattress 6566 governance
5579 editorial 6097 footstep 6580 dump
5586 applicant 6104 recorder 6587 singing
5600 peach 6111 lottery 6594 comeback
5614 poison 6118 academic 6636 carriage
5621 concrete 6125 heating 6671 insult
5628 obsession 6132 rationale 6678 asthma
5635 nutrition 6139 lieutenant 6685 proliferation
5642 wool 6146 motorcycle 6692 perimeter
5649 cherry 6160 jewel 6699 flock
5663 lamb 6167 viewpoint 6720 drift
5670 academy 6181 ramp 6734 radical
5691 con 6188 nickname 6741 verge
5698 precedent 6195 garment 6755 catastrophe
5712 skillet 6209 hug 6762 violin
5719 mat 6216 pyramid 6769 rag
5726 bitch 6244 stereo 6776 detention
5733 millennium 6251 toast 6783 pact
5740 burn 6265 foam 6797 prestige
5747 listing 6279 pope 6811 scoring
5768 quantum 6293 transcript 6874 hurry

6888 translator 7420 shack 8008 dependency

6909 coconut 7441 entitlement 8015 chemotherapy
6923 dating 7448 ginger 8029 jersey
6930 syrup 7455 openness 8057 outreach
6944 paperwork 7483 foliage 8064 catalyst
6972 gossip 7497 raft 8071 wardrobe
7000 twilight 7511 cathedral 8085 hen
7007 princess 7525 keeper 8092 pinch
7035 float 7532 reverse 8113 dropout
7042 instability 7553 saw 8127 flooding
7056 tornado 7560 rainbow 8155 prostitution
7063 nucleus 7581 distributor 8176 pharmacy
7070 comic 7588 prose 8211 slate
7077 sedan 7602 catcher 8218 relaxation
7091 overview 7609 layout 8225 tortilla
7105 follow-up 7616 rancher 8232 bakery
7126 chat 7637 morale 8239 vow
7133 dune 7651 diversion 8246 waterfall
7154 staircase 7658 comedian 8260 mustache
7175 gratitude 7665 preview 8267 cadet
7182 disparity 7686 discretion 8302 swimmer
7196 selling 7693 maneuver 8309 liberalism
7203 allocation 7707 blueprint 8316 low
7217 awe 7735 playwright 8323 sculptor
7231 scout 7742 vent 8330 grove
7238 antenna 7756 loading 8344 porcelain
7252 behalf 7770 affect 8351 scanner
7280 cockpit 7812 plum 8372 colon
7287 knight 7826 lust 8386 burner
7301 feat 7833 depiction 8400 creditor
7308 hay 7861 outing 8414 plasma
7315 probation 7882 uprising 8442 pilgrimage
7322 pirate 7889 saga 8456 thyme
7336 pearl 7896 flake 8463 microscope
7343 allergy 7910 degradation 8477 best-seller
7357 wax 7917 adulthood 8498 plateau
7364 shovel 7931 loft 8505 slaughter
7371 freezer 7945 uranium 8519 citation
7378 adversary 7966 landowner 8533 eternity
7392 diaper 7987 computing 8540 compression
7399 glue 7994 knob 8561 crane
7406 mankind 8001 nickel 8568 jeopardy

8582 promoter 9205 experimentation 9800 mailing

8596 cannon 9226 jelly 9807 warranty
8603 drummer 9233 ballroom 9814 poisoning
8610 performing 9254 motto 9835 might
8624 trim 9261 gravy 9842 dryer
8638 retaliation 9268 walker 9856 loophole
8680 digit 9275 sustainability 9863 skater
8687 intuition 9296 tutor 9870 taxation
8694 sociologist 9303 mediator 9877 protector
8708 entertainer 9310 alcoholism 9884 thermometer
8715 nebula 9331 fallout 9891 cape
8722 muffin 9345 barber 9898 parachute
8729 demeanor 9373 hymn 9905 marketer
8743 announcer 9380 blindness 9919 mileage
8757 absorption 9387 rainfall 9933 abdomen
8764 hemisphere 9429 mourning 9975 semifinal
8771 catfish 9436 cartel 9996 walkway
8778 rogue 9443 coil 10003 vigor
8799 musical 9457 lineman 10017 drizzle
8806 grievance 9464 folly 10045 combustion
8820 eyelid 9471 secondary 10059 insanity
8827 raise 9485 pup 10087 ambivalence
8862 stalk 9492 multiple 10094 blizzard
8876 chile 9499 elegance 10101 imprisonment
8904 heater 9506 glamour 10136 usefulness
8911 caucus 9520 inconsistency 10143 vineyard
8953 wrongdoing 9548 warden 10150 self-efficacy
8974 quiz 9562 crackdown 10157 acknowledgment
9002 forefront 9576 networking 10171 rigor
9023 barracks 9632 footing 10185 errand
9051 plumbing 9639 motorist 10206 rehab
9072 culprit 9646 gloom 10220 iceberg
9086 cache 9653 bandage 10227 alert
9093 bedside 9660 misconception 10234 enrichment
9114 scissors 9667 dysfunction 10241 termination
9121 negotiating 9674 plume 10255 gateway
9156 clearance 9702 donkey 10262 password
9163 pamphlet 9716 jockey 10276 clipping
9170 pajamas 9737 skyline 10283 patronage
9184 hardwood 9744 borrower 10290 cosmetics
9191 blockbuster 9772 persuasion 10297 whim
9198 tow 9786 containment 10304 DJ

10311 ulcer 10948 gal 11501 rationality

10346 chandelier 10955 czar 11515 titanium
10353 sanitation 10962 plunge 11536 itinerary
10367 clam 10969 sharing 11550 wildflower
10374 vector 10983 swarm 11564 corpus
10395 suppression 11011 positioning 11571 wink
10416 parishioner 11018 substitution 11578 homelessness
10437 resurrection 11025 gamble 11585 rut
10451 subsistence 11060 Emmy 11613 accompaniment
10472 spur 11081 detachment 11620 incorporation
10486 rebuilding 11088 bison 11627 deference
10493 upbringing 11102 original 11648 stable
10500 festivity 11116 jolt 11683 connotation
10514 intolerance 11123 demolition 11711 offensive
10528 bailout 11151 primer 11725 tributary
10542 imprint 11165 vegetarian 11753 yarn
10549 ion 11172 stabilization 11774 coward
10563 abuser 11200 eyeball 11795 fabrication
10570 brilliance 11214 dormitory 11802 birch
10591 adjective 11228 oatmeal 11809 calculator
10598 monologue 11242 moderation 11830 lunchtime
10605 sprig 11256 powerhouse 11837 headphone
10640 complexion 11263 flick 11858 birthplace
10647 testosterone 11298 treasury 11872 rebirth
10661 chatter 11305 revolver 11893 correctness
10668 visitation 11319 specificity 11900 marine
10675 biopsy 11326 pitfall 11907 prosthesis
10682 zinc 11347 hamstring 11914 crutch
10689 cutback 11361 timer 11935 secretary-general
10717 courtship 11368 wake-up 11963 depot
10731 cellphone 11375 diffusion 11984 glucose
10738 victimization 11382 splendor 12005 etiquette
10752 remorse 11389 canister 12019 negligence
10773 humanities 11403 stillness 12033 wicker
10780 parody 11417 backseat 12040 mayonnaise
10794 differentiation 11424 vaccination 12068 nitrate
10878 sparkle 11445 throttle 12089 obscenity
10885 outpatient 11452 allusion 12096 tack
10892 skyscraper 11459 partisan 12103 alloy
10899 pronouncement 11473 ignition 12124 heroism
10927 Shiite 11480 bookshelf 12131 doorbell
10941 lore 11487 bulldozer 12145 fray

12159 GNP 12642 blink 13328 scallions

12166 cosmology 12677 boyhood 13342 respite
12173 abyss 12684 inhibition 13370 unhappiness
12180 modesty 12691 raccoon 13377 cello
12194 medalist 12698 wording 13419 stockholder
12208 sprint 12719 demo 13426 sync
12222 solace 12733 dosage 13447 stardom
12229 piety 12747 muse 13475 kissing
12243 schizophrenia 12775 ledger 13482 finder
12250 subset 12796 jargon 13496 fondness
12257 otter 12810 cramp 13524 heirloom
12271 shuffling 12824 moderator 13531 pep
12278 bullpen 12831 stealth 13552 fluency
12292 infertility 12845 indulgence 13566 fertilization
12299 bearer 12852 flush 13580 quail
12306 vice-president 12859 propeller 13594 caterpillar
12320 scheduling 12866 goodies 13629 mouthful
12327 rattle 12880 Mormon 13643 sore
12334 polity 12908 captor 13657 behemoth
12348 spreadsheet 12922 bleachers 13664 expatriate
12355 slam 12929 sailboat 13699 cardiologist
12383 poppy 12936 accuser 13713 land-use
12397 lapel 12971 detergent 13727 postage
12404 windfall 12992 pocketbook 13741 inefficiency
12411 resin 13013 millimeter 13748 geek
12418 conduit 13062 nurturing 13755 preface
12425 fresco 13069 binder 13762 funk
12439 arcade 13083 ANOVA 13769 shipyard
12446 patriot 13090 mourner 13776 skylight
12453 sill 13104 idiom 13790 toss
12474 gorge 13111 insomnia 13811 payout
12481 magnesium 13146 modality 13818 dislocation
12488 delinquency 13153 priesthood 13825 stalemate
12495 creep 13160 gimmick 13832 naming
12516 gull 13181 culmination 13839 wastewater
12523 concussion 13195 lowland 13846 siding
12530 self-control 13230 cork 13860 garb
12537 potassium 13244 chap 13881 sarcasm
12544 meltdown 13251 jumping 13902 spatula
12607 seaside 13300 borderline 13909 kerosene
12614 Islamist 13314 kicker 13930 shifting
12628 dick 13321 blazer 13937 jeweler

13944 rubric 14714 windowsill 15295 crimson

13965 aquifer 14721 innocent 15302 tycoon
13972 fluke 14728 boardroom 15323 escalator
14000 immunization 14735 elasticity 15330 medallion
14035 choreographer 14742 lightweight 15337 malfunction
14042 hydrocarbon 14756 mop 15344 rigidity
14049 screenwriter 14763 gulp 15351 misinformation
14070 cornfield 14777 quarantine 15358 swagger
14077 fullness 14784 enigma 15365 mainframe
14112 inlet 14791 reverie 15400 Spanish
14119 Buddhist 14805 fang 15414 heron
14133 abolition 14826 phosphorus 15428 sonar
14140 freckle 14840 relativism 15435 roundup
14161 critter 14847 foresight 15470 cultivar
14175 payback 14875 pang 15484 fallacy
14203 mascara 14889 Brazilian 15491 eatery
14217 yearbook 14910 gradient 15505 amnesia
14231 flip-flop 14917 commonality 15519 prudence
14238 melodrama 14924 polluter 15540 cobblestone
14252 traditionalist 14931 oscillation 15547 tranquility
14280 snowfall 14945 grocer 15568 rebuttal
14287 namesake 14952 shorthand 15582 more
14294 implement 14959 seniority 15603 payer
14308 clamp 14980 infield 15610 suede
14385 purchaser 15001 looter 15631 truffle
14392 composting 15008 scribe 15645 laundering
14399 madman 15015 booking 15659 premier
14413 paternity 15057 caseload 15666 trope
14427 visor 15064 duffel 15673 paleontologist
14434 craze 15099 micro 15680 clique
14455 coke 15113 seawater 15701 paprika
14511 grudge 15120 skunk 15715 musket
14581 ram 15127 archipelago 15722 disservice
14588 Marxism 15134 secession 15743 skipper
14595 ambience 15141 karate 15750 sterling
14637 rainwater 15148 checker 15757 incubator
14644 printout 15169 dumping 15764 airman
14651 felt 15176 federalism 15771 sorority
14658 prank 15183 fireball 15799 scum
14686 conjunction 15211 cinder 15813 Scot
14700 vandalism 15232 wasteland 15862 serotonin
14707 entrepreneurship 15267 discord 15876 huddle

15883 grounding 16541 margarita 17185 mammoth

15890 alfalfa 16548 coursework 17192 entryway
15904 terra-cotta 16555 hiding 17220 paneling
15911 perfectionist 16611 mismatch 17248 subordination
15918 shaking 16618 ferocity 17262 leasing
15925 legalization 16632 e-commerce 17283 keg
15932 swine 16639 scab 17325 geyser
15953 cottonwood 16660 handiwork 17332 karaoke
15967 garland 16674 whirlpool 17339 earmark
15981 predation 16681 stipulation 17353 newsprint
15995 cynic 16702 protectionism 17367 sheaf
16002 malaise 16709 knocking 17381 hardball
16009 parenthesis 16744 yoke 17416 bouncer
16058 bottleneck 16751 cardigan 17423 sleigh
16072 dumpster cross- 17430 totalitarianism
16100 iodine examination 17437 fowl
16114 particulate 16786 baroque 17472 gusto
16121 hoot 16793 resettlement 17479 crosstalk
16128 twitch 16807 midpoint 17493 capitalization
16142 furor 16821 vagaries 17507 clothesline
16156 qualifier 16842 slaughterhouse 17514 kale
16163 carver 16849 undercurrent 17535 synonym
16170 sabotage 16863 meringue 17542 politeness
16191 syntax 16912 airspace 17549 sweating
16219 queue 16926 cacophony 17556 posse
16247 sickle 16947 dialog 17591 meningitis
16254 brunette 16954 bash 17598 harmonica
16268 infringement 16961 downstairs 17605 sender
16282 gondola 16968 co-chair 17619 antigen
16296 testimonial 16975 goldfish 17626 bigot
16373 deceit 17010 screaming 17640 amputee
16401 airfare 17038 universality 17661 blowout
16408 frond 17045 spying 17668 caddie
16415 organic 17059 gunpoint 17682 flirtation
16422 poise 17066 self-reliance 17689 campaigning
16436 authoritarianism 17101 betting 17696 rote
16443 hustle 17108 grandpa 17703 falsehood
16457 zenith 17115 barb 17724 humanist
16485 chewing 17122 rump 17731 mister
16492 orgy 17129 thong 17759 stilt
16499 jumpsuit 17143 matron 17780 alchemy
16520 punctuation 17178 monsoon 17794 necktie

17801 halibut 18382 patina 18928 turntable

17815 co-chairman 18410 heretic 18942 indoctrination
17836 lockout 18424 daydream 18949 handset
17850 CPA 18431 filtering 18956 stricture
17857 dopamine 18452 grotto 18963 hiccup
17864 sturgeon 18466 hardness 18970 collie
17878 drawl 18473 prick 18977 sneer
17892 cicada 18487 foodstuff 18998 countenance
17899 invisibility 18494 flint 19054 alertness
17906 dynamism 18529 cul-de-sac 19089 sorbet
17920 islander 18578 pistachio 19096 sequin
17927 restlessness 18585 amplification 19103 leaning
17941 ouster 18592 macro 19145 plagiarism
17969 co-pilot 18606 chairmanship 19166 pessimist
17976 claimant 18613 interrelationship 19180 aegis
17983 dictum 18627 radiologist 19194 suitability
18004 carousel 18634 harem 19201 tutelage
18025 smattering 18641 acumen 19208 negativity
18060 pacifist 18662 habitation 19215 embellishment
18067 allergen 18669 pathos 19222 fell
18102 whisky 18676 piss 19229 misfit
18109 indie 18683 neurosurgeon 19236 derision
18123 assertiveness 18697 atlas 19243 Americanization
18137 downsizing 18718 beater 19250 abrasion
18151 flowering 18739 yuppie 19264 goon
18165 hazelnut 18753 smock 19299 photocopy
18179 unicorn 18760 schism 19320 roost
18193 insensitivity 18774 salmonella 19341 hologram
18200 salesperson 18781 trimester 19348 pacemaker
18207 quarter-century 18802 anvil 19376 one-of-a-kind
18221 thistle 18809 headband 19418 zigzag
18228 boldness 18816 churn 19446 hideout
18235 populism 18823 dioxin 19453 savagery
18242 hang 18830 labeling 19460 undertone
18249 microchip 18844 seamstress 19495 ostrich
18263 fortification 18851 polka 19516 extermination
18270 tinge 18858 floodplain 19544 congruence
18305 luminosity 18879 receptacle 19572 curd
18312 cropland 18886 robin 19579 epilepsy
18319 elation 18893 mausoleum 19593 intermission
18347 wrangling 18907 cheater 19607 burlap
18368 hardcover 18921 orator 19621 divination

19628 cachet 20195 glade 2268 Mexican

19656 stoplight 2289 ordinary
19691 sandpaper ADJECTIVE 2387 increasing
19719 oddball 2408 constant
203 small
19726 jellyfish 2415 nervous
238 different
19740 salami 2429 electronic
329 only
19761 wok 2443 fellow
504 full
19775 annal 2555 Palestinian
581 personal
19782 implantation 2562 giant
609 difficult
19789 canine 2576 conventional
623 available
19803 ilk 2604 armed
672 private
19817 stasis 2625 ultimate
714 poor
19824 hacienda 2639 classic
721 similar
19831 prima 2653 distant
756 serious
19838 overuse 2660 Italian
882 close
19845 internment 2674 super
1008 heavy
19859 jetliner 2723 literary
1015 tough
19866 brewer 2744 genetic
1050 modern
19873 iguana 2765 tight
1162 powerful
19887 heft 2772 square
1281 willing
19908 inferno 2807 raw
1309 quick
19915 laissez-faire 2821 mutual
1337 present
19936 bulwark 2835 attractive
1372 responsible
19950 altercation 2849 assistant
1407 afraid
19964 bodice 2891 dirty
1442 quiet
19971 moccasin 2919 comprehensive
1512 eastern
20006 poke 2996 ongoing
1533 tall
20013 blasphemy 3080 helpful
1589 strange
20020 sunspot 3094 organic
1596 educational
20034 steppe 3115 controversial
1624 presidential
20041 irritability 3150 detailed
1869 smart
20048 opus 3171 orange
1939 busy
20055 opiate 3192 absolute
1960 contemporary
20076 paragon 3248 weekly
1967 careful
20083 unanimity 3262 wise
1995 limited
20097 upswing 3304 awful
2009 liberal
20125 scaling 3367 sacred
2023 narrow
20146 assay 3486 secondary
2072 outside
20153 laziness 3535 reliable
2086 weak
20174 sloth 3542 occasional
2100 fun
20181 sundae 3577 legislative
2114 spiritual
20188 naysayer 3584 plain
2191 later

3668 minimum 5201 mature 6475 handy

3682 continuing 5229 narrative 6517 collaborative
3689 peaceful 5292 part-time 6524 northwestern
3703 retired 5299 cautious 6538 indirect
3731 weird 5320 acute 6559 icy
3745 intelligent 5348 endangered 6601 astonishing
3766 mechanical 5376 aging 6608 sustained
3808 technological 5383 desirable 6629 unacceptable
3864 anxious 5404 rising 6643 moist
3892 evil 5411 orthodox 6657 Swedish
3913 oral 5432 hazardous 6664 noisy
3934 reluctant 5446 lone 6706 rigorous
3990 interior 5474 skinny 6713 sturdy
4011 steep 5565 polite 6804 poetic
4018 scary 5593 conceptual 6818 imminent
4032 realistic 5684 fried 6825 uncommon
4039 outstanding 5754 thoughtful 6860 deaf
4081 verbal 5803 lifelong 6881 probable
4221 tropical 5817 facial 6902 homosexual
4256 ideological 5831 Polish 6958 atmospheric
4277 functional 5873 smoking 6965 finished
4396 passing 5880 competent 6979 lunar
4431 pro 5929 corrupt 7049 marvelous
4459 gross 5936 thorough 7084 off
4522 organizational 5957 bored 7098 benign
4620 excessive 5971 respective 7112 coherent
4648 striking 6020 recreational 7119 canned
4662 eligible 6027 unaware 7140 susceptible
4669 demographic 6048 static 7147 relentless
4739 mobile 6076 uniform 7168 blunt
4788 fragile 6090 wary 7189 deepest
4921 sunny 6153 amazed 7224 overnight
4942 balanced 6223 convincing 7245 plausible
4998 middle-class 6272 abandoned 7259 designated
5005 chopped 6286 glorious 7266 substantive
5033 developed 6314 prone 7329 masculine
5047 Iranian 6335 fond 7350 disappointing
5054 legendary 6398 scholarly 7413 reverse
5061 authentic 6405 provincial 7427 bleak
5068 editorial 6433 awesome 7469 prosperous
5103 stunning 6440 deliberate 7476 forensic
5166 satisfied 6468 protected 7504 prolonged

7518 alternate 8701 volcanic 9912 eclectic

7546 chaotic 8736 tempting 9926 centralized
7567 corresponding 8785 supernatural 9940 uniformed
7574 high-quality 8813 stuffed 9947 hairy
7623 autonomous 8855 mock 9954 recurring
7630 down 8883 simultaneous 9961 occupied
7644 pragmatic 8946 delightful 9989 devoid
7672 real-life 8995 restricted 10010 incompetent
7679 adult 9009 mundane 10031 ensuing
7714 nude 9030 all-purpose 10052 discrete
7728 ground 9044 inspired 10066 called
7749 intent 9100 disparate 10073 disposable
7777 heterosexual 9107 punitive 10108 impaired
7798 Methodist 9135 high-end 10115 dysfunctional
7819 boiling 9142 participating 10122 alcoholic
7840 pronounced 9149 continental 10129 shimmering
7847 periodic 9177 oriental 10178 stale
7868 tentative 9212 enjoyable 10192 short-lived
7903 offshore 9219 untouched 10213 lame
7924 gigantic 9240 ceremonial 10248 forceful
7938 imported 9247 amusing 10332 coordinated
7952 ceramic 9282 imposing 10339 triumphant
7980 Hawaiian 9289 spiral 10360 unpaid
8022 ineffective 9359 brisk 10381 venerable
8050 coarse 9366 cramped 10388 incompatible
8078 doctoral 9401 award-winning 10430 three-day
8106 revised 9422 amused 10444 upright
8120 martial 9513 burgeoning 10458 coronary
8141 spinal 9583 futile 10465 adept
8169 Hindu 9590 hanging 10521 honorary
8197 hypothetical 9597 accused 10535 dissatisfied
8253 infected 9611 barefoot 10556 prehistoric
8281 striped 9618 shady 10577 smoked
8358 aquatic 9681 medium-high 10619 year-old
8421 divided 9688 tangled 10633 unused
8435 recognizable 9709 motionless 10696 remedial
8470 liable 9723 traveling 10710 gritty
8484 packed 9730 televised 10759 Austrian
8589 oblivious 9751 eldest 10766 nostalgic
8617 Thai 9758 unhealthy 10787 Ethiopian
8652 noticeable 9821 lofty 10808 adopted
8673 humane 9828 meager 10836 watery

10864 reciprocal 11928 foreseeable 12985 handwritten

10871 viral 11942 worrisome 12999 glaring
10906 resilient 11949 receiving 13027 full-blown
10934 investing 11956 stormy 13034 cosmopolitan
10976 choral 11977 staunch 13048 foggy
11004 Ukrainian 12012 crushing 13125 purposeful
11032 adoptive 12026 perceptual 13139 compulsory
11039 macho 12054 bruised 13167 full-fledged
11053 spreading 12061 primal 13174 anti-semitic
11067 familial 12075 peacekeeping 13216 wondrous
11074 upstate 12138 turning 13237 cunning
11095 provisional 12152 generational 13265 acrylic
11109 oversized 12201 distraught 13272 weathered
11207 mute 12215 hind 13279 inescapable
11249 fitting 12264 chilled 13286 childlike
11284 Nigerian 12285 paramilitary 13293 wholesome
11312 suggested 12362 silver 13349 innumerable
11333 clerical 12376 seamless 13356 fascist
11340 involuntary 12432 diagonal 13363 Amish
11438 biotech 12460 vascular 13391 nagging
11494 subdued 12467 proficient 13398 fractured
11508 sociological 12502 aforementioned 13405 inexplicable
11529 afloat 12509 anti-American 13433 furry
11543 insistent 12565 quintessential 13440 speechless
11599 vulgar 12572 untreated 13454 rightful
11606 away 12579 cumbersome 13468 preparatory
11655 quicker 12600 illiterate 13517 Jamaican
11662 assertive 12621 agrarian 13538 khaki
11676 recurrent 12656 wry 13587 assisted
11690 seminal 12670 soaked 13671 one-man
11697 relieved 12712 accumulated 13678 crazed
11704 patterned 12726 exuberant 13692 molten
11718 quarterly 12740 cutting-edge 13720 stereotypical
11739 pointless 12754 Appalachian 13783 pre-war
11781 big-time 12768 virtuous 13797 downhill
11788 glittering 12838 temperate 13804 million-dollar
11816 two-week 12873 exhaustive 13853 honored
11823 autobiographical 12901 metaphorical 13867 faith-based
11844 ingenious 12915 unreal 13874 gubernatorial
11865 victorious 12943 tame 13923 dreaded
11886 utopian 12950 diving 13958 charging
11921 conscientious 12957 appreciative 13986 limitless

13993 pre-existing 14973 three-point 15848 sacramental

14014 lite 14994 insurgent 15855 overarching
14021 aching 15022 obedient 15869 impervious
14028 old-time 15029 prompt 15946 condescending
14056 HIV-positive 15043 punishing 15960 grisly
14063 doctrinal 15050 consummate 15974 braided
14091 flamboyant 15085 bohemian 15988 humanist
14105 token 15092 avian 16016 ill-fated
14126 proverbial 15106 somatic 16037 good-natured
14147 penetrating 15155 likable 16044 boneless
14154 impenetrable 15162 spinning 16065 fortified
14189 self-reported 15190 jobless 16107 reliant
14196 penal 15197 longer-term 16135 jumbo
14245 looking 15204 five-day 16177 Washington-based
14259 wavy 15225 comical 16184 soulful
14301 gratifying 15239 naturalistic 16198 lopsided
14322 wanting 15281 fluid 16226 grown
14329 unsuspecting 15288 post-traumatic 16261 cursory
14350 embroidered 15316 indignant 16303 motorized
14357 deductible 15372 courteous 16310 fickle
14364 perpendicular 15379 individualistic 16317 stacked
14371 inert 15386 well-educated 16324 boundless
14420 expressed 15421 opportunistic 16331 bushy
14441 mainline 15463 anti 16352 amorphous
14462 paying 15477 Cambodian 16359 well-trained
14469 auxiliary 15498 non-western 16387 Tamil
14490 grainy 15512 frosted 16394 psychoanalytic
14518 self-employed 15526 reflected 16429 Israeli-Palestinian
14532 glacial 15533 interchangeable 16450 unannounced
14539 meek 15554 two-bedroom 16471 unbiased
14567 lumpy 15561 petrified 16506 feral
14609 cranky 15575 fleeing 16534 tepid
14623 incredulous 15617 spoiled 16583 sketchy
14672 instantaneous 15638 acquired 16590 pernicious
14749 symptomatic 15652 shattering 16597 unambiguous
14798 charred 15694 lukewarm 16646 pretentious
14819 idealized 15736 satanic 16653 second-class
14861 shaggy 15778 underage 16667 tiring
14868 ecclesiastical 15785 outlying 16716 extrinsic
14882 saline 15806 insulated 16737 observant
14903 three-month 15834 freak 16765 judgmental
14938 aloof 15841 panoramic 16772 bereft

16828 superfluous 17647 collapsing 18648 stereotyped

16835 fanatical 17675 didactic 18690 ten-year
16856 monastic 17710 first-generation 18704 feel-good
16877 trapped 17738 test-retest 18732 antiseptic
16891 principled 17745 everlasting 18746 sweating
16898 two-part 17766 drive-by 18865 photovoltaic
16905 dissimilar 17773 psychedelic 18872 wrought-iron
16940 unattended 17822 lawless 18914 wily
16982 trying 17934 medium-low 18935 recalcitrant
16989 aggravated 17948 unyielding 18984 collapsed
16996 preventable 17962 cystic 18991 one-party
17017 inanimate 17990 readable 19005 un-american
17080 radial 18011 fruity 19012 unrecognizable
17087 all-important 18032 innermost 19026 mind-boggling
17136 picky 18039 paralyzed 19033 medial
17150 intercollegiate 18046 enforced 19040 priestly
17157 storied 18053 melodramatic 19047 age-related
17171 beefy 18074 genial 19061 five-star
17199 pubic 18088 incendiary 19068 pneumatic
17213 decrepit 18095 weakening 19075 vengeful
17227 abject 18116 space-time 19082 old-school
17234 big-city 18130 dispersed 19110 departed
17241 evasive 18172 intelligible 19117 delirious
17255 dot-com 18186 warming 19124 tertiary
17269 mandated 18214 enviable 19131 vindictive
17304 do-it-yourself 18298 skimpy 19138 fishy
17318 identified 18326 black-eyed 19152 flammable
17346 released 18333 panicked 19159 fallow
17360 fourth-quarter 18340 blurred 19173 anti-communist
17374 unbridled 18354 extraneous 19187 cropped
17388 autoimmune 18375 unwavering 19257 dictatorial
17395 nuanced 18389 crass 19278 burned-out
17402 irreverent 18403 angelic 19292 unwitting
17444 perplexing 18417 antebellum 19306 primeval
17451 patronizing 18445 horticultural 19313 whole-wheat
17465 fibrous 18459 feared 19355 Euro-American
17563 tried 18501 voluptuous 19362 doable
17570 succulent 18515 underfunded 19369 dapper
17577 graphical 18557 three-week 19390 glitzy
17584 forged 18564 silken 19397 multipurpose
17612 postpartum 18571 meditative 19425 superhuman
17633 merciless 18620 infertile 19432 abysmal

19439 adhesive 4410 correctly

19467 tenured 4445 reportedly
19474 mossy 4501 someday
77 then
19481 degenerative 4578 likewise
105 very
19488 crafty 4704 emotionally
126 still
19502 unholy 4732 formerly
133 too
19509 unbeaten 4900 within
182 over
19523 deep-sea 4928 terribly
301 once
19530 assistive 4935 seldom
399 probably
19537 mimetic 4963 public
441 else
19551 despairing 4970 sometime
700 recently
19558 inhospitable 5285 explicitly
749 exactly
19565 breakaway 5334 notably
833 ok
19586 underserved 5537 separately
903 that
19600 omnipresent 5656 accordingly
917 close
19614 incomparable 6174 individually
1190 by
19635 fragmentary 6230 wide
1400 anyway
19649 gory 6531 genuinely
1414 apparently
19663 unprofitable 6615 radically
1470 relatively
19677 lifelike 6846 interestingly
1673 under
19684 no-fly 7539 enormously
1708 possibly
19712 preconceived 7595 eagerly
1729 truly
19747 checked 7959 violently
1750 outside
19754 premarital 7973 painfully
1925 totally
19796 plural 8099 specially
1953 everywhere
19810 polarized 8183 distinctly
2457 perfectly
19852 top-rated 8897 amazingly
2492 literally
19880 despondent 8939 frantically
2569 particular
19901 contrived 8981 internally
2583 general
19922 store-bought 9065 intellectually
2611 normally
19929 transitory 9079 jointly
2702 like
19943 laminated 9408 instinctively
2814 newly
19978 dogged 9527 academically
2842 regularly
19985 prejudiced 9541 hastily
2877 originally
19992 enforceable 9569 vividly
3325 nonetheless
19999 inscribed 9765 intimately
3528 daily
20069 long-lived 9849 remotely
3696 simultaneously
20090 escaped 9982 furiously
3983 automatically
20104 salaried 10038 same
4067 annually
20111 sentient 10164 anyhow
4088 sexually
20139 unlicensed 10584 thoughtfully
4235 afterward
20167 smoldering 10612 anew
4333 presumably

10724 gracefully 16233 gleefully 707 i near

10745 principally 16289 wistfully 742 i despite
10829 boldly 16338 triumphantly 812 i outside
10857 downright 16345 wholeheartedly 896 i above
11137 powerfully 16380 woefully 1393 i past
11186 backstage 16562 deceptively 1715 i but
11193 alternately 16800 elaborately 2065 i addition
11522 inland 16814 heretofore 3654 i re
11879 conveniently 17276 liberally 4305 i respect
11970 reliably 17500 precariously 4375 i charge
12082 aptly 17752 surreptitiously 8932 i following
12236 meticulously 18508 snugly 14315 i lieu
12390 suspiciously 18522 foolishly 651 m thousand
12761 respectfully 18543 conservatively 2520 m fifth
12817 securely 18711 aimlessly 2856 m thirty
12894 symbolically 19285 approvingly 4319 m eleven
13055 unnecessarily 19334 unabashedly 5026 m zero
13223 chronically 19670 unconditionally 8925 m thirty-five
13335 creatively 19733 inadequately 13503 m fifteenth
13461 defensively 19894 impeccably 14266 m twenty-nine
13489 effortlessly 20027 summarily 14987 m forty-eight
13636 magically 420 p someone
13685 chemically FUNCTION WORDS 3885 p hers
13734 constitutionally 7784 p em
13895 idly 42 a her 259 u yes
14378 mechanically 196 c so 1435 u hey
14497 miserably 322 c whether 4851 u ha
14504 ethically 3038 c in 7791 u gosh
14546 bravely 4949 c till 8659 u yep
14602 underfoot 9016 c lest 11410 u blah
14833 conspicuously 91 d more 12313 u aha
14854 head-on 161 d same 14770 u cheers
14896 affectionately 777 d whatever 15456 u pop
14966 centrally 2940 d neither 17808 u jeez
15246 inexplicably 49 i as 17843 u goddamn
15442 intuitively 112 i through 18788 u heh
15792 wryly 140 i between 19768 u wham
15897 expertly 280 i among
15939 skyward 378 i across
16023 conventionally 385 i toward
16030 nightly 448 i along
16086 involuntarily 644 i well

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