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Newscast/Skit Presentation Rubric

Story Writing : Poem Writing Rubric

Exceptional Good Work Developing Beginning

CATEGORY 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points
Focus on Assigned The entire poem is related to the Most of the poem is related to the Some of the poem is related to the No attempt has been made to relate the
Topic assigned topic and allows the reader to assigned topic. The poem assigned topic, but a reader does poem to the assigned topic.
understand much more about the topic. wanders off at one point, but the not learn much about the topic.
reader can still learn something
about the topic.

Creativity The poem contains many creative The poem contains a few creative The poem contains a few creative There is little evidence of creativity in the
details and/or descriptions that details and/or descriptions that details and/or descriptions, but they poem. The author does not seem to have
contribute to the reader's enjoyment. contribute to the reader's distract from the poem. The author used much imagination.
The author has really used his enjoyment. The author has used has tried to use his imagination.
imagination. his imagination.

Spelling and There are no spelling or punctuation There is one spelling or There are 2-3 spelling and The final draft has more than 3 spelling and
Punctuation errors in the final draft. punctuation error in the final draft. punctuation errors in the final draft. punctuation errors.

Title Title is creative, sparks interest and is Title is related to the poem and Title is present, but does not appear No title
related to the poem and topic. topic. to be related to the poem and topic.
Poor Fair Good Excellent
2 pts 4 pts 5 pts 6 pts

Accuracy of Facts Poor Fair Good Excellent

No facts are reported accurately OR no facts 1 to 3 facts are reported Almost all facts are reported All supportive facts are reported
were reported accurately accurately (4 of 5). Your audience accurately (5 of 5). Your newscast
was a little confused because you gave your audience a clear
weren't clear in presenting your understanding of your story

Point of View-Purpose Poor Fair Good Excellent

It was difficult to figure out the purpose of the The purpose is somewhat clear but Establishes a purpose at the Newscast establishes a purpose at
newscast. many apects of the newscast seem beginning, but occasionally wanders the beginning and maintains that
only slightly related. from that focus. focus throughout! Cohesive

Creativity Poor Fair Good Excellent

Presentation is dry and unengaging with little Presentation is informative; Presentation is informative and Presentation is engaging and
creativity added to engage the listener presenter's style and creativity are shows the presenter's personal shows the presenter's personal
apparent style of the informatoin in its style of the information in its
creativity creativity

Speaks Clearly Poor Fair Good Excellent

Does NOT speak clearly and distinctly most of Speaks clearly and distinctly most Speaks clearly and distinctly the Speaks clearly and distinctly all of
the time AND/OR mispronounces more than of the time and mispronounces no entire time but mispronounces ONE the time and mispronounces no
ONE word. words or more words words

Graphics Poor Fair Good Excellent

Graphics are not related to the material being Graphics include some original Graphics are clearly related to the Graphics include some original
presented material but are only somewhat material being presented, but none material and are clearly related to
related to the material being are original the material being presented
Emerging Competent Proficient Distinguished
1 pts 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts

Craftsmanship Emerging Competent Proficient Distinguished

5 pts
Art work is messy and shows Art work is somewhat messy Art work is neat and shows very Art work is impeccable and shows no
smudge marks and rips, tears, and shows either smudge little evidence of smudge marks, evidence of smudge marks, rips, tears,
or folds. marks or rips, tears, or folds. rips, tears, or folds. A few erasure or folds. No erasure lines showing.
Erasure lines showing. Some erasure lines showing. lines showing.

Technique/Art Emerging Competent Proficient Distinguished

5 pts Art work lacks technique Art work shows some Art work shows good technique. All Art work shows a mastery of advanced
and/or understanding of art technique and understanding objects are placed in correct space. techniques in compositon. All objects
concepts. Paper is left mainly of art concepts. Average use of Negative and positive space is are placed in correct space. Negative
blank, little area drawn on and negative and positive space. almost balanced.Paper is drawn on and positive space is balanced. Paper is
does not show a background, Paper is half filled and leaving some area undone and completely drawn on and shows a
mid-ground and/or foreground and background is shows a background, mid-ground background, mid-ground and
foreground. clearly shown. and foreground. foreground.

Creativity Emerging Competent Proficient Distinguished

5 pts
Art work shows little or no Art work shows some evidence Art work reflects originality. Art work reflects a high level of
evidence of original thought. of originality. Student uses Student uses line, shading or form originality.
Student does not use line, line, shading or form in a in an original manner. Student uses line, shading or form in a
shading or form in a creative slightly original manner. highly original manner.

Shading/Proportion Emerging Competent Proficient Distinguished

5 pts
Completed art work is not Completed art work is half Completed art work is almost fully Completed art work is fully shaded
shaded or incorrectly shaded. shaded showing average shaded showing good placement of showing excellent placement of light
Still life objects are incorrect in placement of light and darks light and darks using good drawing and darks using excellent drawing
proportion with real life using average drawing technique. Still life objects are technique. Still life objects are in
objects. technique. Some still life mostly in good excellent
objects are in proportion with proportion with real life objects. proportion with real life objects.
real life objects.

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