Moti Lal

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Broad indicators to judge quality of management Management Quality aspect “3 Growth & profit mindset indicators “1 Unquestionable integrity lmpeceable track record of corporate governance, fully ‘respecting the law ofthe land Concetn forall stekeholders (and not only the majority shareholders). Other stakeholders include customers, ‘employees, debt-holders, government, community, and minority shareholders. Paying full tax and @ welFarticulated dividend policy ae key favorable indicators of management integity. Cerporate empire- building to the detriment of minerity shareholders ic anegative indicator ‘hoallente i Stratego planning and execution. The above should mainly rflect inthe company enjoying 2 sustsinable competitive advantage over its peers, eflcting by \way of above-average return on eaprtal (RoE, ROCE) “Keaping the groth going” is yet ancther key incicater of ‘management competence ‘Long-range prdfit outlook, 8. ensuring sufiiant resources go into longterm issues ike product development, brand buslding, ‘capacity crestion/expansion, succession planning, ete Efficient capita allocation including decisions ike organic or inoiganie growth, same-tranchise oF diversified growth, domestic br overseas grown ete Persisting with growth plane deepite temporary setbacks

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