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Languages to learn:

Android studio

Topics to learn
Machine learning and artificial intelligence:

 What is Machine Learning (Definitions - Theoretical, Applied Practice)

 What is Artificial Intelligence (Definitions - Theoretical, Applied Practice)

 Machine Learning vs AI

 Machine Learning vs Deep Learning

 What makes Machine Learning tick (Algorithms - History, Authors, Purpose or

Objective, Learning Style Algorithm, Similarity Style Algorithm, Number of
Algorithms, Infographic, Top 10/Most Common ML Algorithms)

 Types of Machine Learning (Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement)

 General Steps or Process of Machine Learning (SourceX ->Feature Extraction -

>Feature Correlation ->Feature TransformX ->Train Model ->Ensemble -
>Evaluate; Data cleaning, data transform/fitting; Overfitting, Underfitting,
Variance, Bias)

 Required Maths (Linear Algebra - In Numpy, Probability, Stats, Calculus)

 Tool Kit (Python Basics; Python Advance - Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib; Scikit-
learn or sklearn Library)
 Classification (Random Forest, Decision Trees, Logistic Regression, Support
Vector Machines, KNN, Naïve Bayes, Usage)

 Regression (Linear Regression - Regularization Techniques, Polynomial

Regression, Usage)

 Case Study (Classification)

 Clustering (K-Means, K Nearest Neighbours, Association Rule Learning)

 Dimensionality Reduction (PCA, SVD, tSNE)

 Case Study (Clustering/Anomaly/Fraud Detection)

 Markov Decision

 Monte Carlo Prediction

 Case Study (next best offer, dynamic pricing)

 Neural Networks/Deep Learning (CNN, RNN/LSTM/GRU, Transfer Learning,

Case Study

 Natural Language Processing (Text Mining, Generation, Case Study)

 Predictive Analytics - Forecasting (Logistic, Time Series - ARIMA, Case Study)

 Ensemble Techniques (Boosting, Bagging)

 Machine Learning Applications Across Industries (Healthcare, Retail, Financial

Services, Manufacturing, Hospitality)

 Cloud Based ML offerings

 Top 10 AI Startups

 Flashcards (Tips, Tricks, Definition)

Blockchain technology and management:

 Introduction to Blockchain

 Program Overview & Structure

 Gartner's Hype Curve and Evolution of Blockchain Technology

 Blockchain Need & Genesis

 Key Characteristics of Blockchain

 P2P System

 Cryptography, Hashing and Transactions

 Digital Signatures

 Blockchain Structure

 Mining and Consensus

 How Blockchain Works

 Centralization and Decentralization

 Byzantine General Problems

 How is Blockchain Different

 Smart Contracts

 Story of mysterious Satoshi

 Bitcoin Whitepaper

 Understanding Bitcoin

 Components of a Block

 How they are joined together through Blockchain

 Forks: soft & hard forks, Ummer blocks

 Different forks from Bitcoin

 Wallets, Transactions, Public & Private keys

 Merkle tree, Mining, PoW, Nonce difficulty level

 Double spending attack: Physical & digital world with history

 How bitcoin can fix this, history of attacks on Bitcoin and crypto

 Introduction to programming

 Types of Programming & Software Development

 Operating Systems - Ubuntu & RHEL

 DBMS- Database Management System

 Types of Database

 Networking

 Cloud Computing

 Basic Web - HTML5 / CSS3 / Bootstrap

 Introduction to JavaScript

 Code 2 (Arithmetic Operations), Inbuilt methods

 Array, data types, operators

 Logic and control structures

 Objects and functions

 Important concepts in functions

 Object Oriented JS, Bugs and Error handling, ES6, Compiler

 Introduction to Node.js & environment setup

 Node.js Fundamentals

 Node Module System & NPM

 Create Server, API using Node JS & Express JS

 MongoDB & MYSQL database

 Asynchronous NodeJS - Async/Await

 WebSockets & HTTP Server


 Frontend Development with Angular JS

 Building a Web app with Angular JS

 Mobile App Basics with Ionic

 Building a Mobile App with Angular JS & Ionic

 Desktop applications with Electron JS

 Understanding Blockchain - Public, Private & Hybrid Blockchain

 Blockchain Implementation & Use cases

 Finance & Banking Industry Introduction

 Case Study: Remittance with crypto-currencies

 Case Study: Ripple

 Supply Chain & Logistics Introduction

 Case Study: Tracking & Authenticity

 Case Study: Everledger

 Health Care & Medicals Introduction

 Case Study: Electronic Health Record System

 Case Study: Biomedicines Research

 Governance & Public Services Introduction

 Case Study: Voting on Blockchain

 Case Study: Public Benefit Distribution System

 Case Study: Document Management & Storage

 The need of Ethereum

 Participation of users in Ethereum

 Ethereum Foundation

 Ethereum Whitepaper

 How Ethereum Works

 Ethereum network

 Accounts & its creation

 Ethereum Virtual Machine

 Transactions and Types

 Gas - Transactional Fee & Incentivisations

 Blockchain Structure & Formation

 Mining & Consensus

 Smart Contracts

 Consensus - PoW

 New Proposal - PoS Casper

 Introduction to DAO

 Introduction to DApp

 DApp & its components

 Client app

 Smart contract

 Web3js

 Use Metamask to do transaction

 Use the account keys directly to the application

 Programming languages

 Types of Architecture design

 Client, Web3js, Network, Account/wallet.

 Client, Middleware, Web3js, Network, Account/wallet

 Programming in Solidity & Introduction

 What is solidity

 Solidity basics

 Solidity Data Types

 Functions and modifiers

 Inheritance

 Libraries

 Solidity Events

 ERC20, ERC223, ERC771 Tokens

 Auditing security and testing

 Using Remix, Testnet, Metamask

 Test RPC

 DApp Development Tools

o Hyperledger Composer

o Introduction To Blockchain & Enterprise Blockchain

o Hyperledger Composer

o What is Composer?
o What are the components involved

o How to create you first network

o What is Composer Playground

o What is model?

o What is Query File

o How to write transaction processing functions

o How to create participants & assets

o How to submit transactions with playground

o Adding Identities

o What is ACL

o Export Composer From Playground

o Start your fabric sample network

o Install composer chainode

o Deploy and Start the composer chaincode

o Create Participants

o Create Identities for participants

o Generate Card files for the participant identities

o Submit transactions for composer client

o Composer Rest API server

o Hyperledger Fabric

o Getting Started With Hyperledger Fabric Network

o Understanding the components

o Explanation of Configuration Files

o Crypto Configuration

o Configtx

o Defining the network topology

o Docker Compose file with all the components explained

o Orderer

o Peer

o CouchDB

o Fabric CA

o Scripts and commands to start the network

o Developing our own chaincode in fabric go sdk

o Installing it in the fabric network

o With Scripts and commands

o Invoking and querying transactions from command line

o Creating a node application for fabric chaincode

o Registering and enrolling users

o Invoking transactions

o Query Data from ledger

o Creating a REST Api for Fabric Client

 When to use Blockchain Technology

 Benefits of implementing Blockchain over legacy solution

 Understanding Blockchain Limitations

 Blockchain Frameworks analysis to choose from

 Ethereum
 Hyperledger Fabric

 R3 Corda

 Sawtooth

 Quorum

 MultiChain

 Building Technical & Functional aspects of Blockchain Voting App

 Defining Requirements and Functional Components

 Creating User Story and Technical Requirements

 Defining Tech Stack Architecture

 Defining which framework to be used

 Understand Smart Contract Code & Implementation

 Understand Client Side Implementation

 Writing the test scripts

 Deploying Distributed Applications

 Building Technical & Functional aspects of Distributed Ride Sharing App

 Defining Requirements and Functional Components

 Creating User Story and Technical Requirements

 Defining Tech Stack Architecture

 Defining which framework to be used

 Understand Smart Contract Code & Implementation

 Understand Client Side Implementation

 Writing the test scripts

 Deploying Distributed Applications

 Top Global companies and their work in Blockchain technology

 New developments in Blockchain technologies & looking forward

 Case Study: EOS

 White paper analysis

 Building application on EOS

 Case Study: Auxledger

 White paper analysis

 Interoperability and Customizability with Auxledger

 Integration of Blockchain with other technologies: IoT, AIML and BigData

 Process excellence & Mistake proofing requirements

 Case Study: IOTA

 Case Study: BigChainDB

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