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Prepared by : Arnel H. Sinconigue, C.

NSCP 2010 A.S Structural and Engineering Services Date : Oct. 13, 2011
Specification Structural Engineers and Project Manager PRC # : 116853
and TIN # : 406-365-953-000
Equation No. Sheet Content : Design of Tied Column Issued On: 03/24/2011
Date : Nov. 27, 2011 Issued At: Quezon City

Project Title : Two Storey Resedential House

Location : Brgy. Banale, Pagadian City, Zamboanga Del Sur

Client : Engr. Arnel H. Sinconiegue

Address : Dagat-Dagatan, Caloocan City, Metro Manila

Design Refference : NSCP Volume 1, Fourth Edition 2010

: Design of Reinforce Concrete, 2ND Edition by Jack C. McCormac
: Fundamentals of Reinforced Concrete (Using USD Method, NSCP 2001) by Besavilla

I. Design Inputs :

Axial Demand, Pu = 1550.00 KN

Moment Demand, Mu = 150.00 KN.m
Shear Demand, Vu = 60.00 KN
Unsupported Length, lu = 2.90 m
409.4.2.2 Flexure Capacity Reduction Factor, ɸ = 0.65
409.4.2.3 Shear Capacity Reduction Factor, ɸ = 0.75
410.3.7.3 Compressive Block Deep Factor, β 1 = 0.85

II. Material Properties

Compressive Concrete Strength, fc' = 20.70 Mpa

Steel Yeild Strenght Main Bar, fy = 415.00 Mpa
Steel Yeild Strenght Tie Bar, fst = 415.00 Mpa
Modulus Elasticity of steel, Es = 200000.00 Mpa

III. Design Assumption

Column Width, b = 450.00 mm

Column Depth, h = 450.00 mm
Concrete cover, cc = 40.00 mm
Main Bar diameter, Ø = 25.00 mm
Tie Bar diameter , Øst 10.00 mm
410.10.1 Stee ratio, ρact = 0.02
410.13.1.3 Effective height factor, k 1.00
411.8.4.3 Modification factor, λ 1.00

IV. Desgin Calculation ( using static eqautions )

Calculation for concrete gross area, Ag

Ag = b*h 202500.00 mm2

Calculation for steel area, Ast

Ast = ρact*Ag 4050.00 mm2

Calculatin for db area, Adb

Adb = π*(Ø)2/4 490.87 mm2

Calculation for No. of db, N

N = Ast / Adb 8.25 pcs say 8 pcs

Calculation for eccentricity, e

e = Mu/Pu 96.77 mm Small Eccentricity

Calculation for balance yeild strain, ϵy

ϵy = fy/Es 0.0021

Calculation for d1

d1 = h - cc - Ø/2 397.50 mm

Calculation for Neutral Axis, c

410.3.7.2 c = (0.003/(0.003+ϵy))*d 234.98 mm

Calculation for compressive block depth, a

410.3.7.1 a = β1*c 199.73 mm

V. Check for Slenderness Effect in Compression Members

Calculation for slenderness effect

410.11.1.2 r = 0.3*h 135.00 mm

410.11.1 klu/r = 21.48 Neglect Slendeness

VI. Internal forces and moment

Note : drawings are editable and it depends on what calculated above.

designers should arrange the reinforcement at his/her instance.
calculation done below are also variable it should be incorporated to the drawing.

0.003 0.85fc'
fs3 Fs3
a C Pu C
Pu c
e Mu
d ϵs2
x fs2 Fs2

ϵs1 fs1 Fs1

Section Strain Nominal Stresses Forces & Moment Arms

Calculation of Strains,ϵs

Note: This formula was done by similar triangle

410.3.3 ϵs3 = 0.003( c - (cc+Ø/2))/c 0.0023

410.3.3 ϵs2 = 0.003*(c-h/2)/c 0.000127

ϵs1 = ϵy 0.0021

Calculation of Nominal Stresses

410.3.4 fs3 = ϵs3*Es 465.94 Mpa

410.3.4 fs2 = ϵs2*Es 25.47 Mpa

410.3.4 fs1 = ϵs1*Es 415.00 Mpa

Calculation of Internal Forces

N3 = 3.00 pcs
N2 = 2.00 pcs
N1 = 3.00 pcs
As3 = (π*(Ø)2/4)*(N3) 1472.62 mm2
As2 = (π*(Ø)2/4)*(N2) 981.75 mm2
As1 = (π*(Ø)2/4)*(N1) 1472.62 mm2

Fs3 = As3*fs3 686.16 KN

Fs2 = As2*fs2 25.01 KN
Fs1 = As1*fs1 611.14 KN

410.3.7 C = 0.85fc'*a*b 1581.40 KN

VII. Check for Axial & Flexural Capacity/Demand ratio,C/D

Calculation for Axial Capacity, Pu

ΣFv = 0

Pu = Fs3 + Fs2 + C - Fs1 1681.43 KN

Calculation for Flexure Capacity, Mu

ΣM@ bottom steel = 0

Mu = Fs3(0.32) + Fs2(0.16) + C(0.273) - Pu(0.256) 224.85 KN.m

Calculation for Axial = C/D 1.08 Complaint

Calculation for Flexure = C/D 1.50 Compliant

VIII. Design Vertical Tie Spacing,S

407.11.5.2 16*Ø = 400.00 mm

407.11.5.2 48*Øst = 480.00 mm
407.11.5.4 least dimension, b = 450.00 mm

Actual Spacing = 400.00 mm

Check for shear capacity

Shear Demand, Vu = 60.00 KN

411.4.1.2 Vc = 0.17 * ( 1 + Nu/14Ag )*λ*sqrt(fc')*b*d 213.99 KN

411.6.6 0.5*ɸ*Vc = 80.25 KN Satisfy NSCP 407.11.5

411.2.1 ɸ*Vc = 160.50 KN Compliant

Calculation of min. shear reinforcement,Avmin

N.A N.A N.A mm2

Calculation for area of ties, Aøst

N.A N.A mm2

Calculation for number of ties, N

N.A N.A pcs

IX. Design of lap splices, ld

412.17.1 ld = 0.071*fy*db 736.63 mm

412.17.1 actual length of splice,ld 958.00 mm

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