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Lesson 1 - Prophetic Symbols Revealed

The prophet Daniel wrote in symbolic language.
Just as military planners send secret messages in code to keep the enemy from intercepting and understanding
them, so God has cloaked prophecy in symbolic language. He didn’t use symbols to prevent us from understanding
His messages. He used them so the evil powers He exposed wouldn’t readily see themselves in the messages and
attempt to tamper with them, change them, or destroy them.

Chart of Symbols (Optional to Discuss)

By using symbolic images and prophetic pictures, God is able to condense thousands of years of history into a very
small space. Each prophetic symbol is clearly explained in Scripture. Once you understand the meaning of the
symbol, Bible prophecy becomes plain. To help you in your understanding, study the chart below. The left-hand
column lists the symbol as it appears in Bible prophecy. The center column lists the text which explains the symbol.
The right-hand column gives the meaning of the symbol.

Symbol Clarifying Text What the Symbol Means

Metals in Daniel 2—gold, silver, brass, Four successive world empires beginning in
Daniel 2:38-40
iron Daniel’s day
Head of gold in Daniel 2:38 Daniel 2:31-32 Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom—Babylon
Toes of image in Daniel 2:41 Daniel 2:41 A divided kingdom
The rock cut out without hands in
Daniel 2:44, 45 God’s eternal kingdom
Daniel 2:34
The tree in Daniel 4:10 Daniel 4:20-22 King Nebuchadnezzar
The cutting down of the tree in Daniel King Nebuchadnezzar’s loss of his throne to
Daniel 4:24, 25
4:14 temporary insanity
The band of iron and brass around the
Daniel 4:26 Nebuchadnezzar’s empire preserved
tree’s stump in Daniel 4:15
The mysterious writing on the wall of
Daniel 5:26-28 God’s judgment pronounced upon Babylon
Belshazzar’s banquet hall in Daniel 5:5
Winds equal devastation and destruction. The
Jeremiah 49:36, 37 (See also
Four winds in Daniel 7:2 number four symbolizes the directions of the
Revelation 7:1, 2)
compass—North, South, East, and West.
Sea in Daniel 7:2 Revelation 17:15 Multitudes, peoples, nations
Beasts in Daniel 7:3 Daniel 7:17, 23 Empires or kingdoms
The lion, bear, leopard, and dragon-like Four successive world empires of Babylon,
Daniel 7:4-7
beast in Daniel 7:3-8 Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome
Ten horns in Daniel 7:7-8 Daniel 7:24 (first part) Ten kings or kingdoms—divisions of power
A diverse or different power; one that is not
Little horn in Daniel 7:8 Daniel 7:24, 25 (last part)
political, but religious in nature
Eyes equal understanding or wisdom. Eyes like a
Eyes like a man in Daniel 7:8 Ephesians 1:18 man indicate a system based on human, rather
than divine, wisdom
Matthew 16:27; Revelation
Clouds of heaven in Daniel 7:13 Angels
Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6;
A prophetic day One year
Genesis 29:27
Time, times, and half a time in Daniel
Revelation 12:6, 14 1,260 prophetic days or 1,260 literal years
Son of man in Daniel 7:13 Luke 19:10; Luke 21:27 Jesus Christ
Ram in Daniel 8:3 Daniel 8:20 Media-Persia
He goat in Daniel 8:5 Daniel 8:21 Greece

Daniel 9:25, 10:13, 12:1;

Prince of the Host in Daniel 8:11 Jesus Christ
Isaiah 9:6
Transgression in Daniel 8:12 1 John 3:4 Sin is the transgression, or breaking, of God’s law
Transgression or abomination of Open rebellion against God, His word, and His
Daniel 11:31, 32
desolation law—the Ten Commandments
2300 prophetic days in Daniel 8:14 Ezekiel 4:6; Numbers 14:34 2,300 literal years
Seventy weeks in Daniel 9:24 Ezekiel 4:6; Numbers 14:34 490 literal years
Messiah the Prince in Daniel 9:25 Matthew 1:21 Jesus Christ
God’s plan of salvation through the blood of
The covenant in Daniel 9:27 Matthew 26:28
The prince of the kingdom of Persia in
John 12:31 The prince of this world, or Satan
Daniel 10:13
Spiritual Egypt, anti-God powers, atheistic
King of the South in Daniel 11:5 Exodus 5:2
Spiritual Babylon, or false religious powers
King of the North in Daniel 11:7 Revelation 14:8, 9; 18:1-5 which, under the guise of religion, deceive with
false teachings
Tidings from the east in Daniel 11:44 Matthew 24:27 The message of Christ’s soon return

More Than a Hostage

The prophetic book of Daniel was written for our time. Its prophecies speak with increased meaning to this
generation. The angel Gabriel specifically told Daniel to “seal up” these prophecies until the “time of the end.”
Daniel 12:4.
The Bible prophet, Daniel, outlines in vivid detail world events now unfolding before our eyes. His predictions,
covering twenty-five hundred years of history, clearly outline world events from the prophet’s time (six hundred
years before Christ) to ours.
As we near the close of earth’s history, these amazing predictions become more detailed. They provide “inside
information” on the enemy’s plans. They reveal the last-day delusions Satan uses to deceive the world’s population.
They also carefully outline God’s strategy for the end time. Best of all, the prophet reveals how to thrive in the
tough times ahead. The days ahead will be difficult. A crisis of unimagined fury will break upon our world.
Friend, you can do much more than survive—you can thrive. Daniel describes how to tap into resources of spiritual
power. As a hostage in a foreign land, subjected to the pressures of mind manipulation, Daniel triumphed. He
overcame insurmountable odds. You can too!
As you study these lessons, you will:
 Discover the secrets of a deeper prayer life.
 Experience a new sense of God’s power in your own life.
 Develop the spiritual strength to resist temptation.
 Learn of earth-shaking events soon to burst upon the world as an overwhelming surprise.
 Find the keys to understanding truth for our times.
Each lesson will lead you on a journey of discovery into the Scriptures. As you look up the answers in your own
Bible, you will find Bible study a rewarding experience. You will discover the path to lasting happiness and life’s
deepest joy.
Daniel, chapter 1, introduces the theme of the entire book—a titanic struggle between good and evil. It reveals
God’s divine power in an unusual way. God is never taken by surprise. He is never caught off guard. His plans
triumph in the midst of apparently insurmountable odds.

Truth for the End Time: Questions 1-4

1. For what special time in this world's history were the prophecies of Daniel written? Daniel 12: 6, 8, 9, 13.
Answer: For the time of the end.
The Holy Spirit reveals truth through the Bible prophets.
2. What promise does God give His people regarding the future? Amos 3:7.

Answer: He promises to reveal the secrets of the future to them.

The future is clearly revealed. God is never caught by surprise.
3. Why should we study Bible prophecy? John 14:29.
Answer: When we see the prophecies actually happen, it will strengthen our faith.
Fulfilled prophecy increases our confidence in the truthfulness of the Bible. It also prepares us for the
overwhelming events ahead.
The book of Daniel must be extremely important.
4. What counsel did Jesus personally give in His sermon on end-time events, regarding the prophecies of
Daniel? Matthew 24:15.
Answer: That we should read and understand them.
It is the only book which Jesus specifically urges His last-day people to study. It contains truth for our time. Daniel’s
prophecies reveal the plans of God and unmask the plans of the enemy. The book of Daniel can be divided into two
parts—stories and prophecies. The stories reveal how to be ready for earth’s final days. The prophecies reveal
when these last-day events will occur.

Conflict in the Middle East: Questions 5-6

5. The book of Daniel opens with a major conflict in the Middle East. What two nations were involved?
Daniel 1:1.
Answer: Judah and Babylon
In 605 B.C., Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, led a vicious attack on Jerusalem.
6. Who was the king of Babylon? Daniel 1:1.
Answer: Nebuchadnezzar
These two cities represented two ways of life—two ideologies—two philosophies. Babylon was the center of
rebellion against the true God. It stood for apostasy or a counterfeit system of religion based on idol worship in
opposition to the law of God. Jerusalem, the city of Daniel, stood for loyalty, fidelity, and faithfulness. It represented
worship of the true God and obedience to His law. In the first verse of Daniel’s book, this struggle between the
forces of good and the forces of evil is introduced. The great controversy between good and evil which began in
heaven (Revelation 12:7-9) continues on earth.

Hostages Seized: Questions 7-10

7. Describe the qualities of the Hebrew young men whom Nebuchadnezzar took captive. Daniel 1:4.
Answer: He was smart, good-looking and a quick learner.
8. What did Nebuchadnezzar do to change the hostages' Hebrew identity? Daniel 1:6, 7.
Answer: He gave them Babylonian names.
Nebuchadnezzar began a "brainwashing" process - changing the names of the Hebrew young men to represent
pagan Babylonian gods. In this way, he hoped to destroy their identity.
9. What decision did Daniel make which changed the course of his life? Daniel 1:8.
Answer: He purposed in his heart not to be defiled by the king's food or strong drink.
The word “purpose” means “to determine” or “decide.” The governing power within our mind is our will. When we
choose to do right, God supplies the moral power to carry out our choices. His Holy Spirit guides us to make the
choice—and as we make it, He gives us the power to carry it out.
10. What did Daniel request of the king's servant? Daniel 1:12.
Answer: A 10-day test with vegetables to eat and water to drink.
Daniel’s faith led him to conclude that God would honor his choice. He knew that God would never disappoint him.

Miraculous Results: Question 11

11. What benefits did Daniel and his friends gain from their choice to be totally obedient to God? Daniel
1:15, 17, 19

Answer: They appeared stronger and healthier, God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and
wisdom and they were chosen to serve the king.
Daniel’s faithfulness to God brought him God’s blessing. When we make decisions that are morally right—when we
do right because it is right—we too can expect the abundant blessings of a loving, heavenly Father. We may
experience trials. Daniel did! We may experience disappointments. Daniel did! But we can be certain of ultimate
triumph at last. God turns our defeats into victories. He turns our scars into stars to shine for His glory forever. In
the trials of life we can truly trust Him.

Lesson 2 - The Psychics vs. the Prophet

Throughout the centuries the future has always intrigued people. We have desired to know what lies just ahead.
How can we face tomorrow with greater confidence? What kind of world will our children live in? Many sources
claim to have reliable information regarding the future. The psychics, astrologers and fortune tellers all claim to
have the ability to predict coming events.
In Daniel, chapter 2, God challenges the psychics head on! And He reveals Himself as the only One who really
knows the future. In this chapter, God clearly outlines 2,500 years of history in advance, accurately foretelling the
rise and fall of empires. As you study this lesson, you will marvel at God’s ability to guide the destiny of the nations.
If He is wise enough to predict the future and powerful enough to orchestrate the rise and fall of nations, He can
certainly guide our personal lives. Our lesson today clearly reveals that it is safe to trust God.

An Ancient King’s Dream: Questions 1-3

1. Who alone can foretell the future? Isaiah 46:9, 10.
Answer: God
2. What unusual experience did Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, have one night while he was sleeping?
Daniel 2:1.
Answer: He had a dream he could not remember.
3. What was the king's immediate response? Daniel 2:2-3.
Answer: He called in all his wise men and demanded that they tell him his dream.
The wise men of Babylon utterly failed. Miraculously, God hid the dream from Nebuchadnezzar’s mind. If the king
could have remembered the dream, the psychics would have been able to make up a plausible interpretation.
The King Called in His Brightest Minds: Questions 4-5
 The magicians—used sleight of hand, magic, and trickery.
 The astrologers—observed the patterns of the stars as a means of attempting to forecast the future.
 The sorcerers—spiritualists who claimed to communicate with the dead for information regarding the
 The Chaldeans—the educated elite who attempted to tell the future by human genius, mathematical
calculations, and an understanding of philosophy.
The angry king condemned all the wise men of Babylon to death when they could not tell him what he had
4. How did Daniel respond to this crisis in the nation? Daniel 2:16-18.
Answer: He asked the Lord to reveal the secret in order to save their lives and the lives of all the wise men of
5. What two qualities does God have in super abundance? Daniel 2:20.Daniel 12: 6, 8, 9, 13.
Answer: Wisdom and might.

God Reveals the Future: Questions 6-11

6. Who alone could reveal the king's dream? Daniel 2:28, first part.
Answer: a. Only God in heaven could reveal his dream b. The latter days.
The book of Daniel especially reveals events in the last days of earth’s history. The king’s dream focuses on the end
times. It foretells events which occur at the close of this earth’s history.
7. What did Nebuchadnezzar see in his dream? Daniel 2:31.
Answer: An image/statue of great splendor.
8. Label the corresponding metals (see Daniel 2:32-35): a. Head, b. Chest, c. Belly & Thighs, d. Legs, e. Feet
Answer: a. Gold, b. Silver, c. Bronz,e d. Iron, e. Iron and clay, f. Stone

According to Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, each corresponding metal represented a kingdom
that would rule the world. Beginning with Babylon, the prophet traces the destiny of the nations through the
9. How did God describe Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom of Babylon? Daniel 2:37-38.
Answer: As the head of gold.
Gold is a fitting symbol for Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom ruled the world from 605 to 539 B.C. Located in
modern-day Iraq, some sixty miles south of Baghdad, the capital city of Babylon was the center of the most
powerful nation in the Middle East at that time. Its chief god, Bel-Marduk, was crafted of solid gold. His golden
image sat on a golden throne beside a golden candlestick before a golden table in a golden-domed temple. The
prophet Isaiah also calls Babylon “the golden city” Isaiah 14:4.
Yet Babylon would not last forever. It would be overthrown by another dominant power.
10. How does the Bible describe the next three world powers? Daniel 2:39, 40.
Answer: a. Another inferior kingdom. b. A third kingdom that shall rule over all the earth. c. As strong as iron.
The Medes and Persians overthrew the Babylonians in 539 B.C. Cyrus, the general who led the Medo-Persian
armies, is predicted by name 150 years in advance in Isaiah 44:28 and Isaiah 45:1. The Medes and Persians ruled
the world from 539 to 331 B.C.
The nation of Greece overthrew the Medes and Persians. The Greeks ruled the world from 331 to 168 B.C.
Alexander the Great conquered the world by the time he was thirty-three years old. We will study more about his
meteoric rise to power in Daniel, chapter 8.
The Romans conquered the Greeks in 168 B.C. The Roman Empire ruled the world during the time of Christ. Caesar
Augustus, a Roman emperor, passed the decree that all the world should be taxed. A Roman court tried Jesus, and
Roman soldiers nailed Him to the cross.
11. What did the Bible predict would be the fate of Rome, the fourth kingdom? Daniel 2:40-42.
Answer: It would be divided.
The prophet Daniel predicted that the Roman Empire would be divided. The break-up of the empire occurred from
351 to 476 A.D. No fifth world empire overthrew the Romans. Rome was divided exactly as the prophet predicted.
The barbarian tribes from the north invaded the Roman Empire, and it was divided into separate, distinct states.
The nations of Europe today—France, Germany, England, Spain, Italy, etc.—were predicted in this amazing dream.

Prophecy Fulfilled: Question 12

12. Would the nations of Europe ever be united into one cohesive, lasting, political nation again? Daniel
Answer: No. They will not adhere (mix with) one another.
God’s Word is clear. These seven prophetic words, “They shall not cleave one to another,” have stopped every
would-be conqueror of Europe through the centuries. Throughout history, political leaders such as Charlemagne,
Charles V, Louis XIV, Napoleon, Hitler, and Stalin have attempted to rule the world by uniting Europe. Each has
desperately failed. Bible prophecy is accurate. The future is in God’s hands. He can be safely trusted.
Hope on the Horizon: Question 13
13. What is the next event on the horizon of history? Daniel 2:44.
Answer: God will set up His Kingdom, and it will never be destroyed.
The rock that was cut out without hands represents the coming kingdom of God. Christ is the Rock (1 Corinthians
10:4). Soon all wickedness, evil and rebellion will be gone forever. The forces of evil will be crushed, broken into
pieces and destroyed. God will establish His everlasting kingdom forever.

Lesson 3 - Defying the Death Decree

For every Bible truth there is a counterfeit. The devil is determined to deceive God’s people. From the beginning,
his work has been one of deception. He is the father of lies (John 8:44). He lied when he deceived Eve in the Garden
of Eden (Genesis 3:4), and he has been lying ever since. In contrast, Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John
14:6). His truth exposes Satan’s lies. Truth is worth living for, and it is worth dying for! Our faithfulness to Christ
and His truth will finally determine our eternal destiny.
Today’s lesson reveals the cost three young Hebrews were willing to pay for truth. Rather than accept a
counterfeit, disobey God, and fall for Satan’s lies, they placed their lives on the line. Their faith led them to the
flames, and it led them through the flames triumphantly. In today’s lesson we will discover how we ourselves can
have this death-defying faith in earth’s final hours.

Challenged by the Counterfeit: Questions 1-3

1. In defiance of the true God, what did Nebuchadnezzar build on the plains of Dura in ancient Babylon?
Daniel 3:1.
Answer: An image of pure gold.
You will recall in Daniel 2, God gave Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, a dream of the future. In chapter 3, the king
builds his own counterfeit image. In opposition to God’s view of the future, Nebuchadnezzar desires to take the
future into his own hands. God revealed the future as being dominated by succeeding empires depicted by an
image made of gold, silver, brass and iron. But the image Nebuchadnezzar made was all gold, indicating his desire
for Babylon to last forever.
2. What command did the king give the representatives from his entire kingdom? Daniel 3:3-5.
Answer: He commanded them all to worship his golden image.
Nebuchadnezzar summoned representatives from his entire kingdom. The decree was universal. The central issue
in this growing conflict centers in worship. The counterfeit and the genuine collide. In a moving drama on the
plains of Dura, loyalty to the king meets head-on with loyalty to God.
3. What penalty did the king threaten to impose on those who failed to obey his urgent commands? Daniel
Answer: They would be thrown into a fiery furnace.
Please note this fact clearly. A powerful world leader passes a universal death decree. The central issue revolves
around worship. The penalty for disobeying the command of this powerful world leader, who has united church
and state, is death.
4. What specific commands would the Hebrew youths violate if they bowed down to the image? Exodus
Answer: The command not to bow to any image or idol.
The book of Revelation describes a decree, which will be passed at the end of time, similar to the decree in Daniel 3.
Please read Revelation 13:15-17 and note the similarities between the two edicts.
5. What specific instruction does the apostle Peter give us in Acts 5:29?
Answer: We should obey God rather than man.
According to Romans 13:1, Christians have a responsibility to obey the civil authorities. We should obey the laws of
the land. Yet no earthly power has the authority to intervene between the individual conscience and God. The
commands of God supersede the human laws of the state. If any state passes laws requiring its citizens to violate
God’s law, God’s people are always subject to the higher law of God.
The three Hebrew youths were placed in a trying position. Preserving their loyalty to God meant being disloyal to

Commitment at a Cost: Questions 6-8

6. What choice did these Hebrew youths make? Daniel 3:16-18.

Answer: They would not worship the golden image.

The response of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego was immediate. The King James Version says, “We are not
careful to answer thee in this matter, O King” (verse 18). The old English word “careful” means hesitant. They were
settled. Procrastination, hesitancy, or delay would have made them vulnerable to Satan’s temptations. The only
safe course when faced with temptation is to take a decided stand for right.
7. What was the result of their decision? Daniel 3:19-21.
Answer: They were cast into the fiery furnace.
They were thrown into the fiery furnace “bound.” Apparently alone, they faced death.
8. As Nebuchadnezzar peered into the flames expecting to see the Hebrews immediately consumed, what
surprising question did he ask? Daniel 3:24.
Answer: Didn't we throw three men into the fiery furnace?

Comforted by Christ: Questions 9-12

9. What did the king see? Daniel 3:25.
Answer: He saw four men walking in the midst of the fire.
Nebuchadnezzar saw four men loose—not three men bound. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, leaped into the flames
and miraculously delivered the Hebrews. The only thing that was consumed were the bonds which bound them. In
the trials of life, Jesus is also there. In the heartaches of life, He is there. When we go through the flames, He is there.
Here are some marvelous promises of encouragement for our times of trouble.
 “Fear thou not for I am with thee. Be not dismayed for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee; yea I will help
thee; yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness” Isaiah 41:10.
 “Casting all your care upon Him for He careth for you” 1 Peter 5:7.
 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God” Romans 8:28.
10. What promise did God give David, the psalmist? Psalm 34:7.
Answer: The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them.
11. What title is Jesus given in Daniel 3:25?
Answer: The Son of God.
The “Son of God” is one of the most powerful names of Jesus. It denotes His ability to deliver us in trial. When we go
through our darkest times, He is always there. He is the “Son of God;” nevertheless, He became a human being and
dwelt in human flesh so He understands our heartaches and longings.
12. What effect did the three Hebrews' loyalty have upon Nebuchadnezzar? Daniel 3:28.
Answer: He blessed the God of Heaven.
When we make decisions to do right, when we are faithful to God’s Word, when we obey the dictates of a Spirit-
inspired conscience, when we follow God totally, our lives will have a powerful influence on others. We, too, will
influence them for right!

Lesson 4 - The Impossible Deliverance

Often God reveals Himself to us in surprising ways. Sometimes His taps on the shoulder are gentle. A still, small
voice within us guides us to right. A persistent conscience convicts us of sin.
There are times when God’s voice is loud. He startles us. He interrupts the routine of our lives. He stops us in our
tracks. He shakes us up. Our lives seem to be falling apart. Everything seems to be upside down. We may even be in
danger of losing the very things we have lived for all our lives. Suddenly, God surprises us. He breaks into our lives
in a remarkable way. It happened to King Nebuchadnezzar, and it can happen to you.

Nebuchadnezzar’s Testimony: Questions 1-3

1. Who is the author of chapter 4 of Daniel? Daniel 4:1, first phrase.
Answer: Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon.
2. What remarkable quality does this once-heathen king offer us? Daniel 4:1, last part.
Answer: Peace
Nebuchadnezzar has found the source of inner peace. He has discovered the One who provides internal stability
and calm (Isaiah 26:3). He seems to be overflowing with gratitude to God. The heathen king’s life has been
3. Why has Nebuchadnezzar written this chapter? What does he desire to say to us? Daniel 4:2.
Answer: He wants to share with us the wonders of the Most High God.
Nebuchadnezzar is a changed man—transformed by the grace of God. He must tell his story; he must share the
greatness of the God who changed his life. If God changed Nebuchadnezzar, He can change your life too, friend.

Nebuchadnezzar’s Tragedy Foretold: Questions 4-7

4. How does Nebuchadnezzar describe his life before he came to know God? Daniel 4:4.
Answer: At rest, and flourishing in his palace.
It is extremely easy to become complacent when things are going well in our lives. At times, God allows hardships
and adversity into our lives to drive us to Him.
5. What did Nebuchadnezzar see in his dream? Daniel 4:10.
Answer: A very tall tree in the midst of the earth.
6. What happened to the tree? Daniel 4:14.
Answer: It was chopped down.
7. Why did God give this dream to Nebuchadnezzar? Daniel 4:17.
Answer: So he would know that God is the ruler of heaven and earth.

Nebuchadnezzar’s Trial Experienced: Questions 8-9

8. Who did the tree represent? Daniel 4:21, 22.
Answer: Nebuchadnezzar
In the vision of the tree, Nebuchadnezzar saw the collapse of his own reign as king. The cutting down of the tree
represented Nebuchadnezzar’s fall from divine favor and the loss of his kingdom. For seven years (seven times) the
king would experience an insanity which made him think and act like a wild beast.
9. Where would the king live during this time? Daniel 4:25.
Answer: With the beasts of the field.
It’s hard to imagine the brilliant, popular king of Babylon wandering around like a wild beast. Afflicted with
temporary insanity, he allowed his nails and hair to grow. He didn’t bathe. He felt more at home with the animals
than with the royal court.
What a contrast with his former life in the palace! The king hit rock bottom. His life was a total disaster; it was in
absolute ruin. There was no place to look—but up. There was no one to turn to—but God.

God’s Appeal for Repentance: Questions 10-11

10. What counsel did God give the king? Daniel 4:27.
Answer: Repent of your sins and do what is right.
The judgments of God can be avoided if we repent. It’s a dangerous thing to continue in willing disobedience to
God. His blessings withdrawn open our lives to disaster.
11. When did God's judgment fall upon the king? Daniel 4:30, 31.
Answer: When he proudly reveled in his own accomplishments.
The judgments of God can be avoided if we repent. It’s a dangerous thing to continue in willing disobedience to
God. His blessings withdrawn open our lives to disaster.

Nebuchadnezzar’s Triumph Realized: Questions 12-14

12. When did Nebuchadnezzar's understanding return? Daniel 4:34, 35.
Answer: At the end of the predicted time.
When Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, acknowledged the true God, his understanding returned. The king looked
to heaven. He recognized the God of the universe. His life was changed. In a sense, Nebuchadnezzar’s story is your
story! It is my story! We, too, have fallen from grace. We wander around in a lost condition. We are confused and
don’t know where to turn.
13. What invitation does God give us? Isaiah 45:22.
Answer: To look to Him and be saved.
God invites us to come to Him. In Him we find the security we long for. Life is so fragile. Our jobs, our homes, our
marriages and our health provide little security. They all can be whisked away in a moment. In God, and in God
alone, can we find strength and meaning and purpose in our lives.
14. What promise does the Saviour give to those who come to Him by faith? John 6:37.
Answer: They will not be cast out if they come to Him.
Would you like to flee to His loving arms today? Would you like to feel His warm embrace and listen to His
reassuring voice say, “You are mine. I’ll never let you go.”?

Lesson 5 - Life's Greatest Mistake

What is life’s greatest mistake? What is life’s most foolish decision? The greatest mistake in life is not to make
mistakes—it is to fail to learn from the mistakes we make. Life’s most foolish decision is to ignore the warnings of
God. It is to repeatedly violate our conscience, reject God’s counsel, and turn our backs on His instruction. It is to
walk away from the opportunities God gives us.
Belshazzar, the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar, had plenty of opportunities to serve God. His own grandfather had
committed his life to the true God. The prophet Daniel had lived in Babylon witnessing for truth for seventy years.
The light of truth shone upon Belshazzar, but he foolishly rejected it. A day of judgment was approaching much
faster than he realized. Belshazzar learned, as we must, that one thing is for certain—there is a day of judgment for
us all.

Belshazzar’s Night of Pleasure: Questions 1-4

1. What scene does Daniel describe occurring on Babylon's last night? Daniel 5:1.
Answer: He describes a great feast given by Belshazzar.
2. How does the apostle James describe the last days of earth? James 5:5.
Answer: He describes people living in pleasure and luxury.
3. How does Jesus characterize our time? Luke 21:34-36.
Answer: He characterizes people weighed down with the cares of this life.
4. What act of open defiance finally brought God's judgment upon Babylon? Daniel 5:2-4.
Answer: When Belshazzar commanded the temple vessels to be brought for the feast.
The sacred vessels from the temple at Jerusalem were dedicated for use in Israel’s worship services of the true God.
It was blasphemous to defile these holy goblets by filling them with intoxicating wine at a drunken Babylonian
orgy. The king crossed God’s boundary line. Judgment was about to fall.

The Divine Interruption: Questions 5-9

5. What divine event interrupted the king's feast? Daniel 5:5.
Answer: A hand wrote a message on the wall of the palace.
The king was shocked. His countenance changed. His stomach muscles tightened. He was seized with terror. His
entire body shook nervously. His thoughts raced with fear. He knew something had gone terribly wrong, but he
wasn’t sure what it was. “What terrible event,” he wondered, “does the writing on the wall foretell?”
6. Who did the king enlist to read the mysterious writing on the wall? Daniel 5:7.
Answer: The astrologers, Chaldeans, and so-called wise men of Babylon.
Belshazzar failed to learn from the past. The so-called wise men of Babylon had failed Nebuchadnezzar, and they
would fail him, too.
7. Who finally encouraged the king to call for Daniel?Daniel 5:10-11.
Answer: The queen.
Some translations say, “Queen-Mother.” Evidently she was not Belshazzar’s wife. She was an older woman—a
mother figure in the empire—most likely Nebuchadnezzar’s wife. She knew from personal experience the life-
giving power of God. She also knew that God had used Daniel in the past and that He would use him again.
8. What demeaning question did Belshazzar ask Daniel? Daniel 5:13.
Answer: Aren't you one of the captives from Judah?
Daniel served as a statesman in Babylon for seventy years. His sterling reputation was well known. His wisdom in
political affairs had influenced the nation repeatedly. In view of all this, Belshazzar, in a drunken stupor, attempted
to demean Daniel by implying that he was merely an Israelite captive. In a desperate attempt to understand the
mysterious writing, Belshazzar offered Daniel lavish rewards if he could explain the significance of these strange
9. How did Daniel respond? Daniel 5:17.

Answer: He told Belshazzar to keep his rewards.

Daniel could not be bought! His services were not for sale. His one motive was to serve God. His one ambition was
the honor of God’s kingdom. Daniel took this opportunity to review God’s attempts to save Babylon. Throughout
Babylon’s history, God gave it repeated opportunities to know His will. In a variety of ways, God knocked on
Babylon’s door. Those opportunities were now quickly coming to a close; the door of mercy, open for seventy
years, was soon to shut. The Babylonians had hardened their hearts, and there was little God could do except to
give them up to their own selfish desires.

Life’s Greatest Mistake: Questions 10-13

10. What was Belshazzar's mistake? Why was his guilt so great? Daniel 5:22.
Answer: He knew what was right, but he did not follow God's commands.
Belshazzar knew what was right, but he didn’t do it! He turned his back on the light God gave him. He chose
darkness rather than light.
11. When are our sins the greatest? James 4:17; John 9:41.
Answer: When we know what is right, but do not do it.
Babylon’s sin was so great because the Babylonians openly rebelled against God when they knew better. Our world
today is following the same course.
12. What was the meaning of the mysterious writing on the wall?Daniel 5:25-28
Answer: a. God has numbered your kingdom and finished it. b. You have been weighed in the balances and
found wanting. c. Your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persians.
There is a last night for everyone and everything on earth. There is an invisible line we cannot cross without
suffering the consequences. Judgment once again will fall on our society. When the accumulated figures of sin reach
a certain amount, God says, “It’s enough.” In the days of Noah, wicked men sealed their destiny. During Sodom and
Gomorrah’s time, the accumulated result of sin sealed the city’s doom, and heaven’s fiery judgment fell. So it will be
in the last days.
13. How does the last book of the Bible, Revelation, describe the final, irrevocable decision that the entire
human race will make one day soon? Revelation 22:11, 12.
Answer: The decision for good or evil is final and the rewards for that decision will be given when Jesus comes
Our Lord invites us to come to Him now. The enticing “pleasures” of sin just are not worth it. His arms are open
now. His mercy is available now. His grace touches us now. His Spirit is impressing you now. Why not come now?
Why make the same tragic mistake of Belshazzar? Don’t delay, give Him your life today!
One day soon there will be a day of reckoning, a day of accountability, a day of earth’s final judgment. Soon every
individual will make his or her final decision. The choices you make today are setting your eternal destiny.

Lesson 6 - Confidence in the Crisis

When our will conflicts with God’s will—and we choose His will instead of our own—our commitment to Him
deepens. Christian character is developed when our faith is tested. God often allows us to experience temptations
to enable us to grow.
Throughout his life, Daniel faced significant temptations. As he met these temptations through the power of God,
his faith grew. The story of Daniel in the lions’ den is a familiar one, but it contains vital lessons of courage for end-
time Christians.

Intrigue in the Palace: Questions 1-3

1. What influential position did Daniel have in the Medo-Persian Empire? Daniel 6:1-3.
Answer: He was chief over all the governors and satraps, second only to the king.
God richly blessed Daniel’s faithfulness. His diplomatic service spanned seventy years. He served under numerous
kings in two different empires. Daniel’s life illustrates the biblical principle, “Those who honor Me I will honor” (1
Samuel 2:30, NKJV).
Daniel’s colleagues coveted his position. Their jealousy led to lying, and lying led to the willingness to murder
2. What was the only area of Daniel's life which these evil plotters thought they might use to trap him?
Daniel 6:5.
Answer: In the area concerning the law of his God.
Jealous of Daniel’s position, these Medo-Persian statesmen resorted to a conspiracy of lies. Their greed led them to
be willing to put Daniel to death. Cherished in the heart, sin puts down it’s roots and produces ugly fruit.
3. Where did Daniel's final test lie? Daniel 6:7.
Answer: Whether or not he would worship God, even when the law forbade it.
Daniel’s final test revolved around the question of true and false worship. It centered in the counterfeit versus the

Daniel’s Unyielding Faith: Questions 4-7

4. Although Daniel knew the decree was signed, how did he respond? Daniel 6:10.
Answer: He went home and prayed as his custom was three times a day.
Prayer was Daniel’s constant source of strength for maintaining an intimate relationship with God. It was vital.
Prayer is the Christian’s lifeline to heaven.
5. When Daniel was cast into the lions' den, what statement did Darius make, indicating he, too, had
confidence in Daniel's God? Daniel 6:16.
Answer: Your God whom you serve will continually deliver you.
Darius violated his own conscience; he knew that he was condemning an innocent man. Filled with guilt, he spent a
restless, sleepless night in the palace. Unresolved guilt creates anxiety and dis-ease. The consciousness of doing
right brings a sense of calm in the midst of life’s storms. Daniel was at peace in the lions’ den, while Darius was
filled with stress in his palace.
Arriving at the lions’ den in the early-morning hours, the king discovered that Daniel had been miraculously
6. To whom did Daniel pay tribute for his deliverance? Daniel 6:22.
Answer: God
7. What provisions does God make for us during our times of greatest temptation? 1 Corinthians 10:13.
Answer: He won't let us be tempted beyond what we are able to withstand.
8. How did Paul testify of God's power to keep him faithful while he was imprisoned in Rome? Philippians
Answer: He was able to do all things through Christ.

The devil’s power to overwhelm us is greater than our ability to resist. Left alone, we are powerless. But
strengthened by God’s power, we will be victorious.
9. What tribute did Darius, the heathen king, pay to Daniel's God? Daniel 6:26, 27.
Answer: He described Him as living, steadfast and One whose dominion will last forever.
The word, “steadfast,” means “reliable,” “trustworthy,” “one who can be counted upon.” God never lets us down.
When the lions of temptation roar in our ears, He is there to shut their mouths. When the evil one attempts to
destroy us, He is there to deliver us.
The ultimate, final deliverance will occur at the second coming of Christ.
10. How does the apostle John describe this final deliverance? Revelation 19:11-19.
Answer: He describes Jesus coming from heaven to save us from Satan.
Pictured as a mighty conqueror streaming down the corridor of the sky, and as a general leading the armies of
heaven, Jesus is revealed as our mighty Deliverer. He is “faithful and true.” He keeps His word. In the last moments
of time, He delivers His children. Daniel longed for that ultimate deliverance. He foresaw the day that all evil would
be finally destroyed and God’s kingdom would reign forever.
God specializes in the impossible. He delights in deliverance. The same God who promises to deliver this planet
from the dominion of evil, promises to deliver you from Satan’s evil clutches today. The same God who will restore
this planet to its original purpose, desires to restore your life today. You can praise God today as the mighty

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