Business Law: Assignment # 1

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2/15/2019 Business Law

Assignment # 1

Submitted by: Sarah Minhas

Government Structure

Form of Government:

The Government of Pakistan is a federal government established by the Constitution of

Pakistan. The federal government is constituted of four provinces of federation of nation-state,
known as State of Pakistan The government is mainly composed of the executive, legislative,
and judicial branches in which all powers are vested by the Constitution in the Parliament, the
Prime Minister and the Supreme Court.
The Executive

The executive consists of the President who is a ceremonial figurehead, a ceremonial head of
state representing the unity of the country.

The Cabinet minister/ Prime Minister of Pakistan (Wazir-e- Azam), at national level, is the
executive head of government of Pakistan, constitutionally designated as the Chief Executive is
responsible for running the federal government. The Premier and Members of the Executive
Councils at provincial level which run the country and to make policy in the best interests of its

The Judiciary

Judicial authority is vested in the courts, which are independent and subject to the laws of the
Constitution. The courts are: the Supreme Court of Pakistan (superior court consist of a Chief
Justice, and Senior Justices appointed by the President), Provincial High Courts, District
Courts, Anti-terrorism courts, Sharia courts, and Environmental courts all over the country;
The Supreme Court of Pakistan

The Legislature

The term "legislature" means a body of elected representatives that makes laws. The prime
function of legislatures, therefore, is to formulate, debate and pass legislation which is needed for
the government and the country to function.

Parliament forms of Government:

There is a bicameral Parliament with the National Assembly (Qaumi Assembly) as a lower
house which ensures the government by the people is under the Constitution. It is the countries
sovereignty legislative body. It has 342 members. 272 are elected directly by the people, while
70 seats are reserved for women and religious minorities

the Senate (Aiwan-e-bala) as an upper house serves to give equal representation of all
federating units. It promotes national cohesion and harmony and to alleviate fears of the smaller
provinces regarding domination by any one province because of its majority, in the National
Assembly It has 104 senators elected indirectly by members of provincial assemblies for six-year

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