HATZ 1D41 1D42 1D50 1D81 1D90 Diesel IM

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Translation ofthe


1D 41.
1D 42.
1D 50.
1D 81.
1D 90.

000043320209-ENG -12.09-3
Printed in Germ any
A new HATZ dieselengine is ready to work foryou
This engine is intended only forthe purpose determ ined and tested by the m anufacturerofthe
equipm entin which itis installed.Using itin any otherm annercontravenes the intended purpose.
Fordangerand dam age due to this,M otorenfabrik HATZ assum es no liability.The risk is with the
useronly.Use ofthis engine in the intended m annerpresupposes com pliance with the m aintenance
and repairinstructions laid down forit.Noncom pliance leads to engine breakdown.
Please study this Instruction Book before you startthe engine forthe firsttim e:itwillhelp you to
avoid accidents,to operate the engine correctly,to perform m aintenance work and to keep the engine
operating atfullefficiency fora very long tim e.
Please pass this Instruction M anualon to the nextuserorto the following engine owner.

Always have service work perform ed by qualified specialists.To this effect,we recom m end thatyou
consultone ofthe 500 HATZ service stations.There,yourengine is repaired by staffwho constantly
undergo training and who use both originalHATZ spare parts and HATZ tools.The world-wide HATZ
service network is also available to you forconsultation and spare parts supply.
Forthe address ofyournearestHATZ service station,please referto the attached listorthe internet

The installation ofinappropriate spare parts m ay cause problem s.W e cannnotacceptany liability for
dam age orconsequentialdam age resulting therefrom .
Thus,we recom m end thatyou use originalHATZ spare parts.These parts are m anufactured follow-
ing the strictHATZ specifications and ensure,thanks to theirperfectfitand function,m axim um oper-
ating reliability.Forthe reference num ber,please consultthe attached spare partlistorthe internet
under:www.hatz-diesel.com .Please take the com plete spare parts kits in Table M 00 into account.

In the interests oftechnicalprogress we reserve the rightto introduce m odifications.



Page Page
1. Im portantnotes on safe operation 5.3. M aintenance every 250 hours
ofthe engine 3 ofoperation 23
5.3.1.Oilbath aircleanerm aintenance 23
2. Description ofthe engine 5
5.3.2.Changing engine oil,renewing
3. Generalinform ation 7 oilfilter 24
3.1. Technicaldata 7 5.3.3.Checking and adjusting
3.2. Transport 8 valve clearances 25
3.3 Instructions forinstallation 8 5.3.4.Clean the cooling airsystem 26
3.4. Load on engine 8 5.3.5.Checking threaded connections 27
3.5. Type plate 8 5.3.6.Cleaning m esh insertin exhaust
silencer 27
4. Operation 9
4.1. Before initialstart-up 9
5.4. M aintenance every 500 hours
4.1.1.Engine oil 9
ofoperation 28
4.1.2.Oilbath aircleaner 9
5.4.1.Renewing fuelfilter 28
4.1.3.Fuel 10
5.4.2.Dry-type aircleanerm aintenance 29
4.1.4.M echanicaloilpressure m onitor 11
4.2. Starting the engine 12 6. M alfunctions – Causes – Rem edies 31
4.2.1.Preparations forstarting 13
7. W ork on the electricalsystem 35
4.2.2.Starting with the handle 14
4.2.3.Starting in cold weather 15 8. Protective treatm ent 35
4.2.4.Electric starter 16
9. Declaration forIncorporation 36
4.3. Stopping the engine 17
5. M aintenance 19
5.1. M aintenace sum m ary 19

5.2. M aintenance every 8 – 15 hours

ofoperation 21
5.2.1.Check engine oillevel 21
5.2.2.Check airintake point 21
5.2.3.Aircleanerblockage indicator 21
5.2.4.Checking cooling airzone 22
5.2.5.Checking the watertrap 22

This sym boldraws attention to im portantsafety precautions.

Please com ply with them m ostcarefully in orderto avoid any risk ofinjury to persons or
dam age to m aterials.
Generallegalrequirem ents orsafety regulations issued by the com petentauthorities or
industrialaccidentinsurers are also applicable.

1. Im portantnotes on safe operation ofthe engine

HATZ dieselengines are econom ical,strongly builtand long-lasting.They are therefore frequently
chosen forcom m ercially and industrially operated equipm entand m achinery.
Since the engine form s partofthe finished equipm entorm achine,its m anufacturerwilltake allthe
applicable safety regulations into account.
Nevertheless,we give below certain additionalcom m ents on operating safety,and would recom m end
you to note them carefully.
Depending on the m annerin which the engine is installed and its intended application,the equipm ent
m anufactureroroperatorm ay have to attach additionalsafety devices and prohibitpotentially hazard-
ous aspects ofoperation,forexam ple:

– Parts ofthe exhaustsystem as wellas the surface ofthe engine are ofcourse hotduring operation
ofthe engine,butalso when itis stillcooling down afteruse,and m ustnotbe touched.
– Faulty wiring orincorrectoperation ofelectricalequipm entm ay lead to sparks form ing,and m ust
be avoided as a potentialfire hazard.
– Rotating parts m ustbe shielded againstaccidentalcontactwhen the engine is installed in other
equipm entorm achinery.
Guards are available from HATZ to protectbeltdrives,cooling fans and generators.
– Before attem pting to startthe engine itis essentialto have studied the starting inform ation in the
Instruction Book;this is particularly im portanton engines started with a starting handle.
– M echanicalstarting devices m ustnotbe used by children orpersons ofinsufficientphysical
– In orderto benefitfrom the advantages ofthe starting handle with kick-back dam ping,itm ustbe
used precisely as recom m ended in this Instruction Book.
– Before starting the engine,ensure thatallthe specified protective guards are in place.
– The engine m ustonly be operated,serviced orrepaired by persons who have received the appro-
priate training.
– Keep the starting handle and the key outofreach ofunauthorized persons.
– Neverrun the engine in closed orbadly ventilated room s.
Do notbreath in em issions -dangerofpoisoning!
– Also fueland lubricants could contain poisonous com ponents.Please follow the instructions ofthe
m ineraloilproducer(safety data sheets).

Im portantnotes on safe operation ofthe engine

– Stop the engine before perform ing any m aintenance,cleaning-and repairwork.

– Stop the engine before refuelling.
Neveradd fuelneara naked flam e ora source ofsparks.
Don’tsm oke.Don’tspillfuel.
– Keep explosive m aterials as wellas flam m able m aterials away from the engine because the exhaust
gets very hotduring operation.
– W earclose-fitting clothing when working on a running engine.
Please don’twearnecklaces,bracelets orany otherthings which you could getcaughtwith.
– Please pay attention to alladvice-and warning stickers placed on the engine and keep them in legi-
ble condition.In case a labelhas com e offoris no longerclearly legible,itm ustbe replaced im m e-
diately.To this effect,please contactthe HATZ service station in yourarea.
– Note thatany unauthorized m odification to the engine absolves its m anufacturerfrom liability for
the consequences.
Regularservicing in accordance with the details provided in this Instruction Book is essentialto keep
the engine operating reliably.

In case ofdoubt,always consultyournearestHATZ service station before starting the engine.

2. Description ofengine

1D41 • 1D42 • 1D50 • 1D81 • 1D90 S /Z engines

2391 / 12 2391 / 7

1 Cooling airinlet 11 Tank fillercap

2 Dry-type aircleaner 12 Oildrain plug,governorhousing
3 Decom pression lever 13 Oildrain plug,governorside
4 Stop lever 14 Speed controllever
5 Cooling airoutlet 15 Oilfillerpipe and dipstick
6 Silencer(m uffler) 16 Fuelfilter
7 Guide sleeve forstarting handle 17 Oilfilter
8 Cylinderhead cover 18 Type plate
9 Cold-startoilm etering device 19 Tank drain plug
10 Suspension lug 20 Com bustion airintake

Description ofengine

Fully-encapsulated version
1D41C • 1D42C • 1D81C • 1D90C engines

2392 / 1 2392 / 4

1 Capsule 10 Silencer(m uffler),encapsul.

2 Decom pression lever 11 Cooling airoutlet
3 Cold-startoilm etering device 12 Battery connection and centralplug
4 Com bustion and cooling airintake forelectricalsystem
5 Oilfilter 13 Stop lever
6 Cleaning hatch 14 Speed controllever
7 Side panels 15 Oildrain plug
8 Hold forstarting handle 16 Oilfillerand dipstick
9 Suspension lug 17 Type plate

3. Generalinform ation
3.1. Technicaldata
Type 1D41. 1D42. 1D50. 1D81. 1D90.
Engine m odels S,Z,C S,Z,C S,Z S,Z,C S,Z,C
M ode ofoperation air-cooled four-stroke dieselengine
Com bustion m ethod Direct-fuelinjection
Num berofcylinders 1 1 1 1 1
Bore /stroke mm 90/65 90/70 97/70 100/85 104/85
Displacem ent cm 3 413 445 517 667 722
Engine oilcontentwithoutfilter 1.1 1) 1.1 1) 1.4 1) 1.8 1) 1.8 1)
with filter 1.2 1) 1.2 1) 1.5 1) 1.9 1) 1.9 1)
Volum e ofoilbetween
„m ax“ and „m in“ m arks approx.L 0.4 1) 0.4 1) 0.5 1) 0.9 1) 0.9 1)
Consum ption oflubrication oil
approx.1 % offuelconsum ption atfullload
afterrunning-in period
Engine oilpressure
Oilterm perature 100 ± 20 °C m in. 0.6 barat850 r.p.m .
Direction ofrotation
looking atthe flywheel counterclockwise
Valve clearance at10 -30 °C
Inlet 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.30
Exhaust 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.30
M ax.angle from verticalin any
direction (continuous operation) m ax. 30° 2) 30° 2) 30° 2) 25° 2) 25° 2)
W eight(incl.fueltank,air-cleaner,
exhaustsilencerand electric starter)
Engine m odelS approx.kg 78 78 83 105 106
Engine m odelZ approx.kg 81 81 85 107 108
Engine m odelC approx.kg 100 100 – 126 127
Battery capacity m in /m ax 12 V -45 /88 Ah •24 V -36 /55 Ah
M odel S:non-encapsulated,norm alsystem ofbalancing
Z:non-encapsulated,add.system ofbalancing
C:SILENT PACK,add.system ofbalancing
1) These data are approx.-values.The m ax.m ark on oildipstick counts.

2) Exceeding these lim its causes engine breakdown.

3.2. Transport 3.4. Load on engine
A lug is provided on top ofthe engine Operating the engine fora lengthy period off-
as standard equipm ent,so thatthe en- load oratvery low loads can affectits running
gine can be lifted safely.Itis notsuitable for quality.
lifting com plete m achines orsim ilarwith the W e therefore recom m end a m inim um engine
engine attached,and this is strictly prohibited. load of15 % .Ifoperated atsuch low loads,itis
(See Chapter2.) bestto operate the engine ata significantly high-
erload fora shortperiod before switching itoff.

3.3. Instructions forinstallation

The „M anualforSelection and Installation ofEn- 3.5. Type plate
gines“ contains allthe inform ation you need if
yourengine has notyetbeen installed on orin
the equipm entitis intended to drive,orsetup
in its correctoperating position.You can obtain
a copy ofthis m anualfrom yournearestHATZ
service station. ➀ ➁
M oreover,we would like to pointoutthatin this

case,com m issioning is prohibited untilithas
been verified thatthe m achine into which this ➃
engine is to be incorporated com plies with the
regulations ofthe EC M achinery Directive.
Referalso to Chapter9 „Declaration forIncorpo-

The type plate is placed on the crankcase resp.
– 10 N
on the capsule (chapt.2)and includes the fol-
lowing engine inform ation:
– 0.35 Nm ➀ engine type
➁ code (only forspecialequipm ent)
F< ➂ engine num ber
– 120 N
➃ m ax.engine speed
M – 12.6 Nm
+ 70° Forany offeras wellas spare parts orders itis
necessary to m ention these data (also see spare
parts list,page 1).

The perm itted loads and elem ents on

the speed adjusting leverand the stop
levershould be observed as an exess can lead
to dam age to the contacts and innergovernor
The engine m ustbe in a horizontalposition be-
4. Operation fore adding oilorchecking the oillevel.
4.1. Before initialstart-up
Engines are norm ally delivered withoutfueland

4.1.1.Engine oil
Qualified are alltradem ark oils which fulfilat
leastone ofthe following specifications:
ACEA – B2 /E2 orm ore significant
API– CD /CE /CF /CF-4 /CG-4 orm ore
Ifengine oilofa poorerquality is used,reduce
oilchange intervals to 150 hours ofoperation. 6

Oilviscosity – Pulloutdipstick „1“ and add engine oilofthe

correctspecification and viscosity up to the
°F °C OIL: SA E...
„m ax“ m ark on the dipstick;(Chapter3.1.).
122 50

104 40

4.1.2.Oilbath aircleaner

86 30



68 20

50 10

32 0

14 -10
-4 -20

-22 -30

-40 -40

Please selectthe recom m ended viscosity de-

pending on the am bienttem perature atwhich
the engine is operated. 3 1
2393 / 6

Inappropriate engine oilm ay shorten the
engine’s service life significantly. – Take offthe oilreservoirand fillitup to the
m ark „1“ using engine oil.
– Attach the oilreservoir,m aking sure thatseal-
ing ring „2“is correctly seated and catches „3“
are tight.

Only refuelwhen engine is stopped.
Neverrefuelclose to open flam es or
flam m able sparks,don’tsm oke.Use only pure
fueland clean replenishing cups.Don’tspill
the fuel.

Alldieselfuels sold as fueland com plying with

the following m inim um specification can be

EN 590 or
BS 2869 A1 /A2 or 2287 / 11
ASTM D 975 -1D /2D 9

Im portant! – Ifthe fueltank is notm ounted on top ofthe

The use offuels ofdifferentspecifications re- engine,oris ata lowerlevel,operate the lever
quires the priorwritten consentofthe HATZ on the fuelfeed pum p untilfuelis heard to
headquarters. flow back to the tank through the return line.

2286 / 2
2292 / 4
– Before the firststartorifthe fueltank has – On fully encapsulated engines,m ove sleeve
been run dry,com pletely fillthe fueltank with
„1“ to one side to gain access to the feed
pum p.
The fuelsystem is bled autom atically ifthe
Afteroperating the feed pum p,m ake sure that
fueltank is attached to the engine orlocated
the sleeve is replaced correctly and m akes a
higherthan the injection pum p. good seal.

Attem peratures below 0 °C,winter-grade fuel
should be used orparafin added to the fuelwell
in advance.

Lowestam bient Paraffin contentfor:

tem perature when Sum m er W inter
starting,in °C fuel fuel
0 up to –10 20 % – 1
–10 up to –15 30 % –
–15 up to –20 50 % 20 %
–20 up to –30 – 50 %

4.1.4.M echanicaloilpressure 11
m onitor(optionalextra)
– To activate the m onitor,press lever„1“ for
The m echanicaloilpressure m onitorshould be approx.15 seconds.
• when firstfilling,orafterrunning the fueltank
• ifengine shutdown autom atically because lu-
bricating oilsupply was inadequate.
• afterfreeing itby turning atlow tem peratures
• afterreplacing the fuelfilter,Chapter5.4.1.

– Add fuel,chap.4.1.3.
– Check engine oillevel,chap.5.2.1.
2392 / 12


– Ifthe engine has a fullcapsule,press pin „1“

forapp.15 seconds.
– Ifthe engine has a fuelfeed pum p,operate its
leverforseveralstrokes atthe sam e tim e
(Figs.9 and 10).
– Re-assem ble allparts repositioned orre-
m oved.Check thatcapsule elem ents m ake a
good seal.

0000 053 755 00
1 2 3 4

5 6 7

0000 051 268 02

13 14

Instructions to activate the m echanicaloilpres- Do notenterthe guide sleeve of

sure controlare m entioned on the stickerplaced the starting device whilstengine
on the engine. is running -risk ofinjury !

Even with m echanicaloilpressure m onitoring
the oillevelm ustbe checked every 8 – 15
operating hours (Chapter5.2.1.).

4.2. Starting the engine

Do notrun the engine in closed or
badly ventilated room s – dangerof
poisoning!Before the engine is started,al-
ways m ake sure thatnobody is in the danger 050 145 00

area (m oving parts on engine orm achinery)

and thatallsafety guards are in place. L3 / 250

Check thatthe starting handle is in good condi-
tion:renew tubulargrip ifbroken,worn drive pin
etc. Neveruse any spray starting aids.
Lightly grease the sliding-contactarea between
the starting handle and the guide sleeve.

4.2.1.Preparations forstarting
– Ifpossible,disengage the engine from any
driven equipm ent.The auxiliary equipm ent
should always be placed in neutral.


STOP 1 0
2292 / 6

1 18

– Turn the decom pression leveruntilstop „1“ is

STOP reached.In this position the autom atic decom -
pression system is heard to engage and the
2396 / 3
engine can then be started;Figs.17 and 18.

– Setspeed controllever„1“ to a position be- 1

tween 1/2 START and m ax.START,according
to requirem ents.Selecting a lowerengine
speed willreduce sm oke when starting.
– M ake sure thatstop lever„2“ -iffitted -is in
the operating „START“ position.



Afterthe autom atic decom pression device has

engaged atits lim itstop,five turns ofthe crank
0 handle are needed forthe engine to build up
com pression and fire again.

2283 / 4


4.2.2.Starting with the handle – Turn the handle slowly untilthe pawlengages
in the ratchet,then increase turning force to
Forpreparations to startthe engine, build up speed.The highestspeed m usthave
see Chapter4.2.1. been reached when the decom pression lever
returns to the „0“ position (com pression).As
soon as the engine has started,pullthe start-
ing handle outofthe guide sleeve.
You m usthold the tubulargrip firm ly to
m aintain contactallthe tim e between
the starting handle and the engine.M aintain
turning force during the entire hand starting

Ifbackfiring occurs when starting the engine be-

cause the crank handle was notturned firm ly
enough,the briefreverse rotation atthe handle
tube separates the link between crank lug „2“
and driving dog „3“ (Fig.21).
– Ifthe engine begins to run backwards after
Forcorrectposition to adoptwhen starting the backfiring (sm oke em erges from aircleaner),
engine,see Fig.20. release the crank handle im m ediately and stop
the engine (Chapter4.3.).
Starting with the handle with kick-back – To restartthe engine,waituntilithas com e to
dam ping (retrofit) a standstill,then repeatthe starting prepara-

3 Starting by m eans ofthe standard

starting crank
In the countries ofthe European Union,
starting cranks withoutkick-back dam -
ping m ustnotbe used.

Forpreparations to startthe engine,

2 1
see Chapter4.2.1.

2395 / 4
– Forcorrectposition to adoptwhen starting the
engine,see Fig.20.

– Always hold tubulargrip „1“ with both hands.

– Take hold ofthe starting handle with both
hands and turn itatincreasing speed.The
m axim um speed ofrotation m usthave been
reached by the tim e the decom pression lever
has returned to the „0“ position (com pres-
sion).As soon as the engine has started,pull
the starting handle outofthe guide sleeve.
– Ifthe engine backfires because the crank han-
dle was notturned firm ly enough (the engine
m ay even startto run backwards),release the
crank handle im m ediately and stop the engine
2283 / 8
There is a risk ofinjury from the
rotating crank handle. 22

– To restartthe engine,waituntilithas com e to

a standstill,then repeatthe starting prepara-
Safety precaution
Forgreaterprotection againstaccidentalinjury
when starting with the handle,a handle with
kick-back dam ping can be used.

4.2.3.Starting in cold weather

Attem peratures below app.–5 °C,always turn
the engine overto ensure thatitrotates freely. 2392 / 9

– M ove the speed controlleverto the START
position;Fig.16. – Rem ove dirtfrom the coverofthe m etering
device and the surrounding area.Pulloffthe
– Place decom pression leverin centralposition
cover;Figs.22 and 23.
between „0“ and „1“ (Fig.17 and 18).
– Add a free-flowing lubricating oilto the
– Turn the engine overwith the starting handle
housing untilthe levelreaches the upperrim .
untilitis feltto rotate m ore freely (10 – 20
Replace the coverand press itin firm ly.Two
turns ofthe starting handle).
filling operations in succession are needed.
– Ifm echanicaloilpressure m onitoring is
– Turn the decom pression leveruntil
fitted,press lever„1“ orpin „1“ in forabout
lim itstop „1“ (fig.17 and 18).
15 seconds (Figs.11 and 12).
– Afterthis,startthe engine im m ediately.

4.2.4.Electric starter – Always turn the startkey back to position 0
before re-starting the engine.The repeatlock
Forpreparations to start,see Chapter4.2.1. in the ignition lock prevents the starterm otor
from engaging and possibly being dam aged
– The decom pression leverrem ains in pos.„0“. while the engine is stillrunning.
Neveroperate the electric starterwhen
Starting procedure the engine is running orcoasting to a
standstill.There is a risk ofbroken starterpin-
ion orring gearteeth.

Im portant:
Ifa startprotection m odule is installed,the start
key has to be returned to position 0 foratleast
8 seconds ifthe engine has failed to startbefore
a furtherattem ptto startthe engine can be
m ade.

Preheating device with autom atic

heating tim er(additionalequipm ent)
The preheating light„5“ lights up additionally at
tem peratures below 0° Celsius (Fig.24).
– Insertthe key to its stop and turn itto
– Afterthe lighthas gone out,startthe engine
position I.
– Battery charge telltale „2“ and oilpressure
warning „3“ m ustlightup.
– Turn startkey to position II(fig.24).
– As soon as the engine runs,release the start
key.Itm ustreturn to position Iby itselfand
rem ain in this position during operation.
The battery charge telltale and oilpressure
warning m ustgo outim m ediately afterstart-
ing.Indicatorlight„1“ is on when the engine
is in operation.
– Ifanything seem s to be incorrect,stop the en-
gine im m ediately and trace and rectify the fault
– The engine tem perature display „4“ (additional
equipm ent)lights up ifthe tem perature atthe
cylinderhead becom es too high.
Switch offthe engine and trace and elim i-
nate the cause ofthe problem ,chap.6.

Autom atic electricalshutdown system 4.3. Stopping the engine
(additionalequipm ent) Neverstop the engine by m oving the
This is characterized by a briefflashing ofall decom pression lever.During breaks
pilotlam ps once the starterkey has been turned in work oratthe conclusion ofthe working pe-
to position I(Fig.24). riod,keep the starting handle and starting key
in a safe place,outofreach ofunauthorized
Im portant! persons.
Ifthe engine cuts outim m ediately afterstarting
orswitches offby itselfduring operation,a
m onitoring elem entin the autom atic shutdown
system has tripped.The corresponding indicator
light(Fig.24,positions 2 -4)willcom e on.
Afterthe engine has stopped,the display con-

0000 050 616 01

tinues to glow forabout2 m inutes.
The electricaldevice then switches itselfoffau-
tom atically.
The display lights up again afterthe startkey
has been turned back to position 0 and then to
position Iagain.
Trace and elim inate the cause ofthe operating
faultbefore trying to restartthe engine
(see chapter6).

The display lightgoes outwhen the engine is 25

nextstarted. Neverstop the engine by actuating the
Even with autom atic shutdown m onitoring the decom pression lever!
oillevelm ustbe checked every 8 – 15 operat- Risk ofdam age to the engine.
ing hours (Chapter5.2.1.).




2396 / 3


– M ove speed controllever„1“ back to the

STOP position.

– On engines with the lowerengine speeds Electricalsystem
notaccessible,m ove speed controllever„1“
back,then m ove stop lever„2“ in the STOP
direction.Hold itthere untilthe engine has
– Once the engine is notrunning any longer,
release the stop lever.
The stop leveris returned autom atically to its
operating position START via a spring.


The charge „2“ and oilpressure telltales „3“

com e on.

– Turn the key to the 0 position and pullitout.

The telltale lights m ustthen go out.

Engines with an autom atic electricalshutdown
system (Chapter.4.2.4.)can also be switched
offby turning the startkey back to position 0.

5. M aintenance
The engine m ustbe stopped before any m aintenance work is attem pted.
Com ply with legalrequirem ents when handling and disposing ofold oil,filters and
cleaning m aterials.
Keep the engine’s starting key and starting handle outofreach ofunauthorized persons.
To im m obilize engines with an electric starter,disconnectthe negative battery term inal.
Atthe end ofthe m aintenance work,check thatalltools have been rem oved from the engine and
allsafety guards,covers etc.replaced in theircorrectpositions.
Before starting the engine,m ake sure thatnobody is in the dangerarea (engine ordriven
m achinery).

5.1. M aintenance sum m ary

M aintenace intervals M aintenance work required Chap.

Check oillevel. 5.2.1.

Check area round com bustion airinput. 5.2.2.
Check the aircleanerm aintenance indicator. 5.2.3.
Every 8 – 15 operating Check the cooling airzone. 5.2.4.
8-15 hours orbefore daily Check the watertrap. 5.2.5.
starting. Check the lowerpartofthe oilbath aircleanerfor
correctoilleveland freedom from dirt;renew oilif 4.1.2.
sludge has form ed. 5.3.1.

M aintenance ofoilbath airfilter. 5.3.1.

Replace engine oiland oilfilter. 5.3.2.
Every 250 operating Check and adjusttappetclearance. 5.3.3.
250 5.3.4.
hours Clean cooling airsystem .
Exam ine screw connections. 5.3.5.
Cleaning m esh insertin exhaustsilencer 5.3.6.

Every 500 operating- Replace fuelfilter. 5.4.1.

500 hours M aintenance ofdry-airfilter. 5.4.2


The above m aintenance chartis supplied with Fornew orreconditioned engines,the following
every engine.This labelshould be affixed to the m ustalways be carried outafterfirst25 operat-
engine orequipm entin an easily visible position. ing hours:
The m aintenance chartgoverns the m aintenance
intervals. – Replace engine oiland oilfilter,chap.5.3.2.
– Check tappetclearance,and adjustifneces-
– Exam ine screw connections,chap.5.3.5.
Do nottighten the cylinderhead fastening.

Forshortoperating periods:replace engine oil

and oilfilterafter12 m onths atthe latest,re-
gardless ofthe num berofoperating hours.

5.2. M aintenance every 8 – 15
hours ofoperation
5.2.1.Check engine oillevel
W hen checking the oillevel,the engine should
be standing level,and m ustnotbe running.

– Rem ove any dirtin the dipstick area. 1

2393 / 10


– Check thatdustoutlet„1“ on the centrifugal

dusttrap (depending on version)is not
blocked,and clean ifnecessary.

5.2.3.Aircleanerblockage indicator
– Run the engine atfullspeed shortly.

– Check oillevelatthe dipstick;top up ifneces-

sary as faras the „m ax“ m ark
(see Chapter4.1.1.).

5.2.2.Check airintake point

Severe contam ination is a sign thatthere are
large am ounts ofdustin the atm osphere and
the aircleanerm aintenance intervals should be 1

– Depending on the airintake pattern,check for

severe blockage;clean ifnecessary 2391 / 10
(see Chapter2).

Ifthe rubberbellows is pulled in and obscures

the green zone „1“,m aintenance work is due on
the aircleaner;Chapt.5.4.2.In dusty operating
conditions,check the rubberbellows several
tim es a day.

5.2.4.Checking cooling airzone – Trap the drops which em erge in a transparent
vessel.Since waterhas a greaterspecific
Severe contam ination is a sign thatthere are gravity than dieselfuel,the waterem erges be-
large am ounts ofdustin the atm osphere and fore the dieselfuel.The two substances sepa-
thatm aintenance intervals should be reduced. rate ata clearly visible line.
– As soon as dieselonly em erges atscrew „1“,
– Check the airinletand outletzones forblock- this can be tightened again.
age by coarse m aterialsuch as leaves,large
am ounts ofdustetc.,and clean ifnecessary Ifan externalwatertrap is attached,check its
(see chapters 2 and 5.3.4.). watercontentevery day,when the engine oil
levelis checked.The waterwhich has collected
– Ifa tem perature warning light„4“ is provided, is separated ata clearly visible line from the
itwillcom e on ifthe engine overheats,fig.27. dieselfuelabove it.
In this case,stop the engine im m ediately
(Chapter4.3.and 5.3.4.).

5.2.5.Checking the watertrap

The intervals atwhich you should check the
watertrap depend entirely on the am ountof
waterin the fueland the care taken when re-
fuelling.The norm alintervalis once a week.

2396 / 9


– Open drain plug „1“ and drain the waterout

into a suitable vessel.
1 – Ifthe drain plug is difficultto reach,an exten-
sion hose can be attached to it.

2396 / 7


– Loosen hexagon screw „1“ with approx.2-3


5.3. M aintenance every 250 – Ifthe sealing face is uneven,the aircleaner
body cracked and/orthe filterwoolcontentis
hours ofoperation
incom plete,installa new aircleaner.
5.3.1.Oilbath aircleanerm aintenance – Attach the upperpartofthe aircleanerwith a
new flange gasket.

2395 / 13


Catch waste oiland dispase acc.to

environm entalregulations. 35

– Sealing package acc.picture 35 is m ounted at

– Take offthe oilreservoir„1“ and clean it.
engines 1D41,1D42 and 1D50.
– Rem ove contam inated oiland sludge from the
oiltank,and clean itout.
– Take offrain cap „2“ and clean it.
– Clean the entire length ofintake pipe „3“.
– Check the inserted sealand renew ifin poor 1
– Fillthe oilreservoirup to the m ark with engine
oiland re-assem ble the oilbath aircleaner,
– Ifthe filterpack is very dirty,also clean the
upperpartofthe aircleaneras follows:
Rem ove the upperpartofthe aircleanerfrom
the engine and rinse itin dieseloil.
– Before re-assem bling the aircleaner,allow the
dieselfuelto drip offthoroughly,orwipe itoff. – Shim washers „1“ should be installed with the
convex side (outward curve)towards the nut.
– Neverattem ptany repairs (welding,brazing
etc.)to the oilbath aircleaner,oritm ay be – Re-assem ble the com plete aircleanerand fillit
rendered useless and the engine m ay also be with oilto m ake itready forfurtheroperation.
dam aged.

5.3.2.Changing engine oil, Fully encapsulated engines:
renewing oilfilter
The engine m ustbe stopped,and should stand
on a flat,levelsurface.
Drain the engine oilonly when itis warm .
Foroildrain plug,see Chapter2.

Risk ofscalding from hotoil.

Catch waste oiland dispase acc.to 1
environm entalregulations.

2292 / 9


W hen unscrewing oildrain plug „1“,m ake sure

thatthe drain tube is notloosened.Preventit
from turning ifnecessary with an open-ended
wrench ofthe correctsize.

– Clean the oildrain plug and attach a new seal.

Insertand tighten the plug.


– Unscrew the oildrain plug and allow allthe oil

to drain out.

2287 / 13


– Renew the replaceable lubricating oilfilterele-

m ent.

5.3.3.Checking and adjusting
valve clearances
– M ove the decom pression leverto
position „0“;Fig.17 and 18.


– Clean sieve bottom carefully in ordernotto

bend the netting. 1
W ipe outcap screw orblow itoutwith com -
pressed air.
Persons handling com pressed airm ust 41
wearprotective goggles.Neverdirect
the jetatanim als,persons oryourself! – In case ofthe enclosed design,please rem ove
the parts ofthe enclosure in the order1...4.
The decom pression leveris also taken off
Im portant! when the coveris rem oved.
Note the „TOP“ m ark on the oilfilter.Fig.39

– Check condition ofO-ring „1“ and renew itif

necessary (Fig.39).
– W etthe thread and the O-ring ofthe screw
plug with lubricant„K“ (see spare parts list). 1
– Add engine oilup to the „M AX“ m ark on the
dipstick (see Chapter4.1.1.) 2

– Run the engine fora shortperiod,then check

the oillevelagain and top up ifnecessary. 0
– Check thatthere is no leakage pastscrew plug
on the oilfilterhousing.
2393 / 15


– Unscrew cover„1“ and take offtogetherwith

gasket„2“.Neverre-use this gasket.

– Turn the engine overin the norm aldirection of
rotation untilcom pression is felt.


2 – In case ofthe enclosed design,place the lever
fordecom pression „1“ in horizontalposition.
43 Then,m ountthe coverofthe enclosure in the
– Check valve clearances between rockerand
valve stem ,using feelergauge „1“.Forthe – Aftera shorttestrun,check the cylinderhead
setting,referto Chapter3.1. coverforleakage.
– Ifvalve clearance is incorrect,slacken offhex.
5.3.4.Clean the cooling airsystem
– Turn adjusting screw „3“ with a screwdriver
untilfeelergauge „1” can justbe pulled Before cleaning,the engine m ustbe
through between the rockerand the valve stopped and allowed to cooldown.
stem with slightresistance to its m ovem ent
afternut„2“ has been retightened. Rem ove parts ofairduct.

– Attach the coveratthe cylinderhead again and Dry contam ination

tighten down uniform ly. – Clean allairguide elem ents and the com plete
cooling airzones on the cylinderhead,cylin-
– Depending on version m ountparts ofairduct. derand flywheelblades withoutm aking them
wet.Blow them dry with com pressed air.
Persons handling com pressed airm ust
wearprotective goggles.Neverdirect
the jetto anim als,persons oryourself!

M oistoroily contam ination
– Disconnectthe battery.Clean the com plete
area with a solvent,cold cleaneretc.according
to its m anufacturer’s instructions,then spray
down with a powerfulwaterjet.
Do notsplash electricaldevice with waterjet
orpressure jetduring engine cleaning.
Im portant!
W hen cleaning the engine,do notdirecta
jetofwaterora high-pressure jetatthe
com ponents ofthe electricalequipm ent.

2396 / 3
– Trace the cause ofany contam ination with oil
and have the leak elim inated by a HATZ 45
service station.
Adjustm entscrews on speed governor
– Installthe airguide elem ents previously re- and injection system are painted with
m oved. safty lacquer.Do nottighten oradjustthem .
The engine m ustneverbe run without
the airguide elem ents in position.
5.3.6.Cleaning m esh insertin exhaust
– Im m ediately afterre-assem bly,run the engine
silencer(additionalequipm ent)
untilwarm to preventresidualm oisture from
causing rust.

5.3.5.Checking threaded connections

Check the condition and tightness ofallthreaded
connections,wiring,hose clips and othercom -
ponents attached to the engine and its m ount-
ings,provided thatthese can be reached during
m aintenance work.
Do nottighten the cylinderhead bolts.


– Rem ove deposits from the m esh insertwith a

suitable wire brush.

5.4. M aintenance every 500
hours ofoperation
5.4.1.Renewing fuelfilter
Fuelfilterm aintenance intervals depend on the
purity ofthe fuelused;reduce them to 250
hours ofoperation ifnecessary.

Do notsm oke orbring a naked flam e

nearthe fuelsystem when working
on it.

Im portant!
Keep the entire area clean so thatno dirt
reaches the fuel.Fuelparticles m ay dam age
the injection system . – Unscrew the fuelfilterfrom its m ount.


– Shutoffthe fuelsupply line upstream and
– Place a suitable vesselunderthe filterto trap
downstream ofthe fuelfilteraccording to
escaping fuel.
item 1.
– Pullofffuelsupply line „1“ atboth ends offuel
filter„2“ and insertthe new filter.
– Always renew the fuelfilter.Note the arrows
indicating the correctdirection offuelflow.
– Secure the filterto its m ount.
– Open the fuelsupply line orprim e the pum p
untilthe fuelflows (see Chapter4.1.3.).

– Activate m echanicaloilpressure m onitor
– Run the engine briefly to check the fuelfilter
and lines forleaks.

5.4.2.Dry-type aircleanerm aintenance 2

Itis bestto clean the filtercartridge only when
the m aintenance indicatordisplays the appropri-
ate signal.
Apartfrom this,the cartridge should be renewed
after500 hours ofoperation. 2396 / 16


– Slacken offwing bolt„1“ and rem ove itwith


1 1

2 4
– In case ofthe enclosed design,please rem ove
the coverofthe enclosure in the order1...2.
The decom pression leveris also taken off 2393 / 1

when the coveris rem oved. 52

– Carefully pulloutfiltercartridge „1“.

– On the version with aircleanerm aintenance
indicator,check thatvalve plate „4“ is clean
and in good condition.
– Clean filterhousing and cover.
M ake sure thatdirtorotherforeign m atter
cannotenterthe engine airintake port.

Cleaning the filtercartridge
Dry contam ination


2281 / 5 – In case ofthe enclosed design,place the lever
53 fordecom pression „1“ in horizontalposition.
Then,m ountthe coverofthe enclosure in the
– Blow through the filtercartridge from the in- order2...3.
side,m oving the jetofdry com pressed airup
and down untilno furtherdustis expelled.
W arning:airpressure m ustnotexceed 5 bar.
Persons handling com pressed airm ust
wearprotective goggles.Neverdirect
the jetto anim als,persons oryourself!

– Tiltthe filterelem entand hold itagainstthe

light(orshine a lightthrough it)to trace any
cracks orotherdam age.
Im portant:
Ifthere is even the slightestdam age to paper
filterelem ent„2“ orsealing lips „3“,the filter
elem entshould notbe re-used.(Fig.52)

W etoroily contam ination

– Renew the filtercartridge.
– Re-assem ble in the reverse orderofwork.

6. M alfunctions – Causes – Rem edies

M alfunction Possible causes Rem edialaction Chap.

Engine willnot Speed controlleveris in stop or

startorstartis idle position.
delayed,although Stop leverin stop position. Setleverto „START“-position 4.2.
itcan be turned
overwith the No fuelreaching injection pum p. Add.fuel. 4.1.3.
starter. 4.1.4.
Check entire fuelsupply system
Ifno faultis found:
-supply line to engine
-fuelfilter 5.4.1.
-Function ofdelivery pum p
m ustbe checked. 4.1.3.
Com pression too low:
-Valve clearances incorrect Check valve clearances,adjustif
necessary. 5.3.3.
-Cylinderbore and/orpiston
ring wear See workshop m anual.

Injectornotoperating correctly. See workshop m anual.

Also applicable for Oilpressure lost. Check engine oillevel. 5.2.1.

engines with m e-
chanicaloilpres- Activate m echanicaloilpressure
sure m onitoring. m onitor. 4.1.4

Atlow tem pera- Lowerstarting tem perature lim it Com ply with cold starting
tures. exceeded. instructions. 4.2.3.
Operate preheatsystem
(optionalextra). 4.2.4.

M achinery notuncoupled. Disengage engine from m achin-

ery orequipm entifpossible.

Defective preheatsystem
(optionalextra). See workshop m anual.

M alfunction Possible causes Rem edialaction Chap.

Atlow Fuelseparates has inadequate Check whetherclear(notturbid)

tem peratures. resistance to low tem peratures. fuelem erges atthe fuelline de-
tached from the injection pum p.
Ifturbid orseparated -either
warm up the engine ordrain the
com plete fuelsupply system .
Refuelwith winter-grade fuelto
which paraffin has been added. 4.1.3.
Starting speed too low:
-Engine oilis too thick Refillwith a differentgrade of
engine oil. 5.3.2.

-Battery charge is insufficient. Check the battery;consulta spe-

cialistworkshop ifnecessary. 7.

Starterdoes not Faultin electricalsystem :

run orengine is -Battery and/orotherwiring is Check electricalsystem incl.
notturned over. wrongly connected. indiv.com ponents orcontacta
-W iring connections loose HATZ-service station. 7.
-Battery defective and/orflat.
-Defective starterm otor
-Defective relays,m onitoring
elem ents etc.

Engine fires but Drive stillengaged. Uncouple engine from driven

stops again as m achinery ifpossible.
soon as starteris Fuelfilterblocked. Renew the fuelfilter. 5.4.1.
switched off.
Fuelsupply interrupted. Check through the entire fuel
supply system atically.
Stop signalfrom m onitoring
elem entforautom atic shutdown
system (optionalextra):
- oilpressure lost Check oillevel. 5.2.1.
- cylinderhead tem perature
too high. Clean cooling airsystem . 5.3.4.

- alternatorhas failed See workshop m anual.

M alfunction Possible causes Rem edialaction Chap.

Engine stops by Fuelsupply is interrupted:

itselfduring re- -Tank run dry Add fuel. 4.1.3.
gularoperation. 4.1.4.
-Fuelfilterblocked Renew fuelfilter. 5.4.1.
-Defective feed pum p. Check through entire fuelsupply
system .
-Airin the fuelsystem . Check fuelsystem for
penetration ofair.
Check airventvalve.

M echanicaloilpressure m onitor Check engine oillevel. 5.2.1.

stops the engine due to low oil Activate m echanicaloilpressure
pressure. m onitor. 4.1.4.

M echanicaldefects. Contacta HATZ-service station.

In addition,ifauto- Stop signalfrom m onitoring

m atic engine shut- elem entbecause of: Check engine for:
down is installed. -oilpressure too low. Engine oillevel.
-cylinderhead tem perature Cooling airpassages blocked
too high. orcooling system otherwise
-alternatorhas failed See workshop m anual.

M alfunction signalfrom over-

voltage and polarity reversal
protection in voltage regulator:
-Battery and/orothercable
connections incorrectly con-
nected. Check electricalequipm entand
-Cable connections loose. the com ponents thereof.

M alfunction Possible causes Rem edialaction Chap.

Low engine power, Fuelsupply is obstructed:

outputand speed. -Tank run dry. Add fuel. 4.1.3.
-Fuelfilterblocked. Renew fuelfilter. 5.4.1.

-Tank venting is inadequate Ensure thattank is adequately

-Leaks atpipe unions. Check threaded pipe unions for
-Airin the fuelsystem . Check fuelsystem for
penetration ofair.
Check airventvalve.

-Speed controlleverdoes not Preventspeed controlfrom

rem ain in selected position. m oving.

Low engine power, Aircleanerblocked. Rem ove dirtfrom aircleaner. 5.3.1.

outputand speed, 5.4.2.
black exhaust Incorrectvalve clearances. Adjustvalve clearances. 5.3.3.
sm oke. M alfunction atinjector. See workshop m anual.

Engine runs very Too m uch oilin engine. Drain offengine oildown to
hot.Cylinderhead upperm ark on dipstick. 5.3.2.
overheat,telltale Inadequate cooling:
lam p (optional -Entire cooling airsystem Clean cooling airsystem . 5.3.4.
extra)com es on. contam inated.
-Inadequate sealing atairguide Check thatairguide plates and
plates orcapsule elem ents. enclosure elem ents are allpres-
entand m ake a tightseal.

– Do notsplash electricaldevice with waterjet
7. W ork on the electricalsystem orpressure jetduring engine cleaning.
Batteries generate explosive gases. – W hen carrying outwelding work on the en-
Keep them away from naked flam e gine orattached equipm ent,attach the earth
and sparks which could cause them to ignite. (ground)clip as nearas possible to the weld-
Do notsm oke.Protectthe eyes,skin and ing point,and disconnectthe battery.
clothing againstbattery acid.Pourclearwater Ifan alternatoris fitted,separate the plug con-
overacid splashes im m ediately.In case of nectorleading to the voltage regulator.
em ergency calldoctor.
The relevantcircuitdiagram s are supplied with
Do notplace any tools on top ofthe battery.
engines which have an electricalsystem .
Additionalcopies ofcircuitdiagram s can be
Always disconnectthe negative (–)pole ofthe
obtained on request.
battery before working on the electric device.
HATZ assum es no liability forelectricalsystem s
– The positive (+)and negative (–)battery ter-
which was notcarried outacc.HATZ circuitdia-
m inals m ustnotbe accidentally interchanged.
gram s.
– W hen installing the battery,connectthe posi-
tive lead first,followed by the negative lead.
Negative pole to earth (ground)on engine
block. 8. Protective treatm ent
– W hen rem oving the battery,disconnectthe
negative lead first,followed by the positive A new engine can norm ally be stored forup to
lead. 12 m onths in a dry place.
– In allcircum stances,avoid shortcircuits and Ifatm ospheric hum idity is high (orifexposed
shorts to earth (ground)atlive cables. to sea air),protection is sufficientforabout
6 m onths’storage.
– Ifelectricalfaults occur,firstcheck forgood Ifthe engine is to be stored fora longerperiod,
contactatthe cable connections. orlaid up outofuse,please consultthe nearest
– Replace a failed indicatorlightwithoutdelay. HATZ service point.

– Do nottake the key outwhile the engine is

– Neverdisconnectthe battery while the engine
is running.Electric voltage peaks can cause
dam age to electricalcom ponents.
– In case ofan em ergency startin m anual
m ode,leave the battery (which m ightbe dis-
charged)connected to the engine.
– Forem ergency operation withoutbattery,
m ake sure thatthe plug-and-socketconnector
to the instrum entbox is disconnected addi-
tionally before the engine is started.

Proposition 65 Warning

Diesel engine exhaust and some of its

constituents are known to the State
of California to cause cancer, birth
defects, and other reproductive harm.
Technical Library

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