The Sun of Dawn

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The Sun Of


By; Jasmine Call

Copy righted; 2010

All people in this story belong to me and it all the names I got in this story belongs to the
Native Americans.
Words: 3,028


One Shot

Why am I so warm?

It was so cold only a moment ago. Then I remembered that I am dead, so this explains why I
am now warm and can’t feel a muscle in my body. Yet this seems just fine to me, for my life
was hard and death was the only way to finally relax and find peace.

‘’wake up. It’s time for you.’’ the voice was stern and deep, frightening, calm and oddly
soothing. The voice makes my heart beat in terror and love. Some deep part of me tells me
that I finally found my destiny. My eyes flutter open and I find myself blind seeing only
darkness, until suddenly a candle flares before me. This candle sits in the middle of a
round, black wooden table, at which I find myself scared. I see a man across from me. He
seems dark not only because he is clad in black his entire demeanor is such. He is also the
most handsome that I’ve ever seen, with a face sculpted like a Greek god. Long black hair
pulled back in a lose braid. He stared at me, saying nothing at all for the longest time,
driving me crazy. Shouting even though is my normal approach to situations like, these
seems wrong. Instead I find myself calmly asking in a whispering voice.

‘’who are you? Why am I here? Why am I not dead?’’ he simply smiles at me, making him
look curtly handsome as his dull and sparkle with mischief and cruelty. He lifted his 2 nd
finger and beckoned me to come closer. I shake my head in answer, his smile disappears as
fast as it appeared and he in front of me before I could blink. I was frozen so much by the
shock of what he just did that the only energy I had was left was just to let out was blood
curly scream I heard glass shatter from my scream, the man was distracted I took the
distraction as a opportunity and punched his face he whipped back and I ran. I know I was
being stupid running from a person like that I mean after all I am dead so I can’t die again,
could I? I ran as fast as I could before I felt a cold hand grip me in an iron grip I yelped
startled, so much for getting away. I kicked and squirmed trying to get out of it next thing I
know I am strapped to a bed with the guy hovering over me his eyes were red they
darkened slightly I tugged on the leather straps to try and get out nothing didn’t even
budge. I looked at the person wondering what he was going to do to me.
‘’Naughty girl, trying to get away from Me.’’ he purred he ran his fingers through his hair
and mumbled something under his breath before glaring at me.

‘’why did you try and run? I wasn’t going to do anything.’’ He said his voice was beautiful
like music to my ears. I shook my head.

‘’I’m sorry people just do not appear that fast so I got scared and ran.’’ I told him with a
shrug he had a thoughtful look on his face then he pressed his lips into a thin line.

‘’why did you comment suicide belle? Do you know where you are right now? No you don’t,
do you.’’ He finished the answer himself the truth was I have no clue where I was I only
knew I wanted out I was scared and I was dead since I took my own life.

‘’ no I have no clue where I am. I mumbled I looked down when I said this he inhaled a
breath and let it out. I felt his hand on my chin I looked up and his eyes looked sad.

‘’why are you sad? People like you don’t need to be sad.’’ I asked him I took his hand and
noticed they were claws now looking closer I saw a pointy tail swishing back and forth. He
had horns they were black sticking out of his head in the middle.

‘’Belle I am going to ask once and only once why did you kill yourself?” he asked I shrugged
not wanting to tell the truth. He growled and got in front of my face his minty breath fanned
in front of me, I inhaled it savoring the smell of comfort of me, taking a deep breath and
exhaled and began my horrible tale.

‘’when I was little, I used to create fire so my parents took me to a special doctor I was in
the hospital for four years as their genie pig. I was going to go in the laboratory where they
kept people like me so I went in my cage when it happened I created a fire while sleeping
making everyone die that night and I regret it I killed over a thousand people, children, and
adults. I didn’t know how I did it I just knew I was tired of all the needles, countless test,
and the making fun of. I went and decided to go back to my house to see if they wanted me
still, I got to my parents house and found that I had a little sister I lied telling them I was
able to go home since I could control it.’’ I sighed and took another breath before

‘’what’s your name?” I asked him I just realized I had no clue what his name was.

‘’ why do you not listen?’’ he sighed in demanded voice I shrugged and waited.

‘’don’t laugh but its Farkas.’’ He told me I laughed a little and he frowned.
‘’ I’m not laughing at you promise.’’ I replied if only he knew my real name. I thought he
looked back at me with a frown.

‘’what is your real name if it is not belle?’’ he asked I gaped he must have read my mind!

“FALA it’s a Choctaw name meaning crow. My parents were traditional or they used to be.’’
I mumbled Farkas pulled me closer to him and I snuggled into his body warmth and I
sighed. Farkas hands that seemed to be only claws brushed my hair out of my face.

‘’I went to my parents house and decided the hell with it and went inside I watched
everyone turn towards me and their expressions were a mix of disgust and joy.’’ I told him
memories were coming and going in my head. I told him about everything in my life, the
abuse, cutting me trying to take my life five times before I gave up.

‘’ I took my life because they were scared of me and I them so I commented suicide seemed
the easier way out they were going to send me in an asylum.’’ I murmured to him I snuck a
peek at him and sighed he looked mad but not at me he looked down and smiled at me. My
heart pounded in my chest I wanted to kiss him so bad it hurt I wondered if he felt the same
but of course I was fooling myself.

‘’I want to kiss you FALA but we cannot it would ruin everything I stand for.’’ He replied
damn him and him reading my mind I pouted and snuggled back against him and closed my
eyes wishing, I could stay here forever no problems to worry about. No nothing…I don’t
think. The light in the candle flickered off and it was silent all I could see was the color of
Farkas eyes they were red neon they glowed a vibrant color they seemed to peer right into
my soul. I laid in the dark waiting for something to ruin the moment when a bright light
came in I burrowed closer seeking darkness. It got brighter and brighter until I felt my skin
burning off my body I clenched my fist in effort to not cry out in the pain. Then like that it
was gone and I was left gasping from the effort of the pain I cried silently making no
sounds. Farkas was behind me breathing hard.

‘’what the hell was that?’’ I whispered the candle was back on I looked down at myself and
let out a Shrek.

I was purple with scales on my body covering everything my back had spikes on it, with
wings I screamed when I felt them grow out of my back I convulsed static electricity went
through my body, my eyes glowed as I looked in the mirror I looked like a freak. I hissed a
long hiss as I smelt a very unfamiliar smell. I sniffed and followed it and saw Farkas looking
wide eyed at me, I looked at him my head cocked to the side with a natural expression on
my face.

‘’I’m so sorry.’’ He whispered and bowed his head I looked confused at him.
‘’what are you sorry for?’’ I asked confused my ears were pointy I heard distance yelling
and people screaming in pain then there was silence and a booming voice echoing off the
walls I whimpered and hid behind Farkas.

''Hol van? AZT Varta, hogy AZ Ú j Fogoly nekem KÉ T ó rá val ezelő tt. Keresd MEG ot!''
(‘’Where is he? I expected him to bring the new prisoner for me two hours ago. Go
find him!’’) The voice said I didn’t understand it but by the sounds of it Farkas did not like
it. He tensed and moved closer to me growling softly. After five minutes a thundered sound
boomed and knocked down the door.

(Third point of view)

The demon liked creatures came in the door with a leash it was pure silver they held it with
gloves, their skin was very allergic to it. FALA was now hiding in the darkest of the part of
the room as they took Farkas out of the room they did not use the sliver chain on him they
were going to use it for FALA she huddled in the corner as they beckoned her out.

‘’come on you newbie we take you to master for him to decide where you go’’ he said in
plain English. Then the last thing you hear in the Everest castle was a scream that would
send anyone to their knees filled with agony before it was dead silent.

Farkas (in the prison of demon ward)

He heard the scream and shuddered from it they must have put the silver collar on her and
broke her wings from making her not leave. Farkas took a breath in his non beating heart
he wanted to go rescue her she was his mate and he failed her. A sound alerted him he was
not alone not by a long shot; he looked up and saw his master he bowed getting on his
knees and offering his neck to him.

''Felkel tá rgyá t 29330'' (Get up subject 29330) NOOTAU said in a sneer he was mad at his
2nd in command for disobeying orders.

He got up from his knees and straightens up like a solider saluting his general. He looked
up at NOOTAU and waited for him to speak.
''Tá rgyá t 29330 van tiltva a tró nterem, bá rmi foglalkozni velem akkor tekinthető szabad nekem, de nem ezen a
helyen fogja tö lteni a tö bbi a szá nalmas élet ebben a kastélyban tá rgyak hívja pokol tisztítá s vagy megszakítá sá t a
tö bbiek a vacsora, vagy bá rmit, ami szü kséges is, meg fogja kezdeni a harcok mérkő zés 2 ó ra nekem és az ú j témá t.''
(Subject 29330 you are banned from the throne room, anything to deal with me you are
considered free to me but not from this place you will spend the rest of your pathetic life in
this castle you subjects call hell cleaning or severing the others their dinner or whatever
they need also you will start fighting in matches in 2 hours for me and my new subject.)
NOOTAU growled the last part and went back up to the surface leaving a speechless person
in his wake.

They walked to the throne room with FALA she was burning with every time she walked
the silver chained rubbed her small body raw. They stopped at the biggest door she had
ever seen in her life. They shoved her forward when the door opened and she saw the
scariest man sitting in the middle with a glare and a thoughtful look on his face.

His body was buff like a professional wrestler. His face was scared up so he face was
twisted in a permit scowl his lower face was up in such a twist it showed all his gleaming
teeth they were as long as elephant tusk were bared like a wolf ready to launch at anything
at once. All the minions bowed in respect leaving FALA confused at what to do NOOTAU got
up from his perch and circled her inspecting her, 10 minutes later she was sent to the
hospital to get checked out and to get her tubes tied making it were she would never have
children in her life. The thing she saw was the horrible thing she ever seen. A bed sat in the
middle of a white room covered in a sheet with restrains on the sides next to the bed sat a
big tray of medical tools, there were so many needles and utensils on the tray she started
getting nervous and her wings flapped in response, the demon that was closer to her
nudged her forward and put a comfort hand on her shoulder her face sympathetic for the
demon had the same thing but she had her son taken and killed in front of her. They took
her to the bed and stripped her down showing her whole body to everyone in the room
they looked at her in lust but no attempt to show it.

‘’Lesz, hogy nem pró bá lta meg á thelyezni vagy fá jni fog rosszabb.’’(You will make no attempt to move or
it will hurt worse.)The thing told her in their language but FALA did not understand. She
screamed when the first needle was injected in her arm they more of shoved it in her arm
making it bleed.

‘’STOP! IT HURTS.’’ She screamed at the doctor. They held her down more strapping her
head down her wings were already broken but they would heal in a few hours.

FALA! Stop it they will hurt you worse if you scream. Farkas told her in her mind he
could feel everything she was feeling or thinking.

I need you were you? She replied she started crying.

Baby don’t cry I’m in the castle just not with you may not be for awhile. He told her
sending a dose of comfort and love. He wanted to save her from his master but he could not
he was bonded to the room and he tried but it only caused him pain and a light dragging
him back.’’ I want my mate!’’ he demanded the angel, the angel shook his head and dragged
him as he dug his nails in the granite wall marking it deep, with his nails. He stayed in that
room a human box to him only a slot for his food to come in and a small window with bars
on it for five years wanting his mate he talked to her often and anytime he did she was in
pain and being tortured.

After five years, he was ready to get out of the Pandora box. He looked out the slot and
watched it waiting for the angels to go to bed before knocking the door down when it
happened five demons came barging at him.

He kicked and punched until they were all dead, moving at inhuman speed he tried to talk
to FALA.

‘’Baby, I’m coming for you to get set free.’’ He said and was replied with a small smile in his
head and a wave of love. He ran to the commands area and looked and saw what made him
more anger at his master. FALA was in a giant water tank, filled with red substance, her
body was floating in a fetal passion her tail twitching with her ears, her eyes were closed as
if she was sleeping but she was comatose she was covered in head to toe in scars so bad
they were going to be there her whole life. He put his hand on the tank and waited for the
tank to drain, after ten minutes it slowly started to drain of its red water and she started
jerking and convulsing she looked around and a smile came on her face.

‘’I knew you would come’’ she mouthed to him; he nodded and picked her up and
teleported away from his the only home he’d ever known and didn’t look back.

In the distance of the Everest castle you could hear their master roar in fury.

Were free for now…he thought and smiled brightly his canine teeth showing as he looked
down at FALA she smiled back and hugged him tightly just enjoying his comfort.

Should I continue it? Yes? No?

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