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Third Edition 2001


June 2001

American Gas Association

400 N. Capitol Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20001

Catalog No. XK0101

Third Edition
Copyright © 2001
Registered by American Gas Association
Printed in the United Sta tes of America

This manual helps provide principIes and practices for pipeline purging and describes equipment
encountered in the natural gas industry. The information provided is based on sound engineering
principIes and good operating practices. The intent is to provide the operator with guide material
to help safely and successfuIly plan and implement a purging operation. The operator should use
this information with caution and recognize that the information may not be adequate for all
conditions encountered.

The material inc\uded provides guidelines for maintaining safe atmospheres inside pipes, holders, and other
facilities that are to be purged into service or taken out of service. Good operating practice as well as
federal and state laws require that precautions be taken to minimize or control mixtures of combustible gas
in the air during purging, welding and cutting operations.

New information presented includes information for purging pipeline s developed by the Gas Research
Institute (GRI), now known as the Gas Technology Institutc (GTI). In addition, there havc been significant
improvements made in instruments thal measure combustible gas mixtures.

This publication is not an operating code, but is instead guide material consisting of background
information and descriptions of various methods and procedures found by experienced operators to be
effective in minimizing or controlling combustible mixtures. Applicable federal, state and local regulations
musl be observed. The methods and procedures described within cannot be considered lo have universal
application because of various job conditions. The operator is cautioned that the material presented may
not be adequate under all conditions encountered.

We also wish to acknowledge the following for assistance in preparation ofthis manual.

Safety & Compliance Evaluation (SCE)

Ron Bursek

The American Gas AssocÍation CAGA)

Mario Carbone, KeySpan Energy
Glyn Hazelden, Hazelden Group
Harlan Rogers, Cinergy Corp.

The American Iron & Steel Institute (AISI)

Frederick L. Maddalena, US Steel Div., USX Corp
William Obenchain, AISI
The Technical Subcommittee on Coke Oven By-Products

Stannard & Company

James H. Stannard, Jr. P.E.

Larry T. Ingels, P.E.

Engineering Services Director
American Gas Association



1.1 IntToduction 2

1.2 Glossary ofTerms 2

1.3 Factors Affecting Purging 4

1.4 Supervision, Personne1, and Planning 6

1.5 lsolation 9

l.6 Sources ofIgnition 13

1.7 Vent Pipes for Purging 15

Table 1-1 Pressure Loss through 10Ft. vent Pipes 16


2.1 Introduction 19

2.2 Cautionary Note 19

2.3 Limits ofFlamrnability ofGas Mixtures 19

2.4 End-Points fOI Purging 24

2.5 Purging Facilities lnto Service 27

2.6 Purging Facilities Out of Service 30

2.7 Holding Purge 31

2.8 Purging Progress Charts 32

2-1 Limits ofFlamrnability ofGases & Vapors 20
2·2 The Calculation ofFlamrnable Limits 22
2-3 lnert Gas End Points for Purging into Service 30
2-4 Oxygen End Points for Purging into Service 30
2-5 Inert Gas End points fOI Purging our of Service 31
2·6 Combustible Gas End Points fOI Purging our of Service 31

2-1 Flamrnablc Limits for hydrogen, Carbon Monoxide, Methane 23
2-2 Flamrnability End Point Diagram- Air-Methane-Nitrogen 25
2-3 Flamrnability End Point Diagram- Air-Hydrogen-Nitrogen 26
2-4 Comparative Flamrnability End Point Diagram- Air-Methane-Carbon Dioxide 28
2-5 Comparative Flammability End Point Diagram-Air-Hydrogen-Carbon Dioxide 29
2-6 Purging Progress Chart 32
2-7 Purging Progre ss Chart- Combustible Gas is Replaced by Inert Gas 33
2-8 Purging Progress Chart- Air is Replaced by Combustible Gas 34


3.1 Introduction 36

3.2 Sampling 36

3.3 Gas Detection and Monitoring Instruments 38

3.4 Speeifie Gravity Determination 42

3.5 Use ofInstruments for Verifying Purging and End-Points 42

3.6 Moisture Measurement 43

3.7 Flow Meters 43

3.8 Testing of Gases Hazardous to Health 43

3.9 Deteetion and Measurement ofI-Iazardous Gases 46

3-1 Mobile Gas Analysis Equipment- Photo 37
3-2 Multi-Gas Monitor- Photo 38
3-3 Gas-Trae Gas Deteetor- Photo 39
3-4 Flame Ionization Gas Leak Deteetor- Photo 40
3-5 Gas Instrument Docking Station- Photo 41
3-6 Gas-Sentry Oxygen Monitor- Photo 42
3-7 Physiologieal Effeets of COz 45
3-8 Typieal Range ofMonitor Set Points and Alarms 46


4.1 Introduetion 48

4.2 General 48

4.3 Cornmercial Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide 49

4.4 Inert Gas Generators 56

4.5 Diesel Exhaust Engines 57

4.6 Steam 58

4.7 Water 60

4-1 COz Cylinder with Syphon Tube attaehment 52
4-2 Standard COz Cylinder in Horizontal Position 52


5.1 Introduction 64

5.2 Safety Precautions 64

5.3 Typical Purging Procedures Direct Displacement of Combustible Gas or Air 65

5.4 Inert Purge by Complete Filling with lnert Gas 75

5.5 Inert Purge Using Slug to Separa te Media Being Interchanged 77

5-1 Minimum Purge Velocity to Limit Statification ... 65
5-2 Distribution Main System for New Subdivision 66
5-3 Geometry and Operating Conditions Used to CaIculate the Purge Pressure in
Table 5-1 70
5-4 Pressure Drop Ca\culation Mcthods for Table 5-1 70
5-5 Air Mover Diagram 71
5-6 Typical Air Mover Installation 74
5-7 Arrangement for Displacing Air to Gas from Pipe 75
5-8 Graphical Presentation ofNitrogen Slug Shortening 78
5-9 Shortening ofNitrogen Slug During Inert Purging Operations 78
5-10 Explosive Lirnits ofNatural Gas Nitrogen Mixture with Air 79
5- II Typícal Procedure for Replacement of Air with Natural Gas 80
5-12 Typical Procedure for Replacement ofNatural Gas with Air Utilizing Slug
Purge 81
5-1 Purging Data for Inlet Control Procedure 69
5-2 Capacity ofVarious Air Movers 72
5-3 Measuring Injection Rates Through Hoses or Orifices 76
5-4 Nitrogen Required for Inert Slug 81


6.1 Introduction 84

6.2 LNG Metal Tanks 84

6.3 LNG Pre-stressed Concrete Tanks Purging into Service 90

6.4 LNG Plant Piping and Process Equipment 93

6.5 Shop Fabricated LNG Pressure Tanks 96

6.6 LNG Transports 100

6-1 Open Top Inner LNG Tank 85
6-2 Gas Tight Inner LNG Tank 87
6-3 Double Wall Sphere 88
6-4 LNG Tank- Cross Section 91

6-5 Expander- Compressor Schematic 94
6-6 CO 2 Absorber Schematic 96
6-7 Liquefied Natural Gas Transport 98
6-8 Schematic for LNG Transport 99


7.1 Introduction 104

7.2 Inerting Media 104

7.3 Description of LPG Facilities Requiring Purging 105

7.4 Vents, Piping, and Valves 105

7.5 Physical Properties of LP-Gases 107

7.6 Disposition of LPG Liquids and Vapor 107

7.7 Purging Piping and Equipment Out of Service 108

7.8 Purging Pressurized Storage Containers Out of Service 109

7.9 Purging Refrigerated Storage Containers Out of Service 109

7.10 Purging LP Gas Piping and Equipment lnto Service 110

7.11 Purging Pressurized Storage Containers lnto Service 111

7.12 Purging Refrigerated or Serni-Refrigerated Containers 111

7-1 Buried and Exposed Vessels Connected 106

(Taken from 1975 Edition of "Purging PrincipIes and Practice") 113

Figure 2-1, Flarnmable Lirnit Chart (H 2 , CO, CH) Al

Figure 2-3, Flarnmable Lirnit Chart (Parafin Hydrocarbons) A2

Figure 2-5, Flarnmable Lirnit Chart (CH 4 , Cl H 4 ' C ó H 6 ) A3

Figure 2-9, Purging End-Point Chart A3

Chapter 5, Gas Plant Facilities and Piping A5

Chapter 6, Gas Holders A6




1.1 Introduction 2

1.2 Glossary ofTenns 2

1.3 Factors Affecting Purging 4

1.4 Supervision, Personnel and Planning 6

1.5 Isolation 9

l.6 Sources of Ignition 13

1.7 Vent Pipes for Purging 15

Table 1-1 Pressure Loss through 10Ft. vent Pipes 16



When the combustible gas content of a pipe, which involves using an inert substance to keep
tank, or other enelosure is directly replaced by separate the two media being interchanged.
air, a mixture of gas and air within the The basic requirement for a successful and
flammable limits forms and remains during part safe purging operation is knowledge of the
of the operation. A similar mixture within principIes concerning the formation, analysis and
flammable Iimits oecurs when air is directly control of gas mixtures. Additional requirements
replaced by gas. inelude a thorough preliminary study of the
Carefully controlled purging of air fram application of these principIes for each situation;
pipelines by direct displacement with natural gas a well prepared procedure detailing the sequence
has been safely practieed for many years with the of events, a predetermined rate of introduction of
recognition that sorne flammable mixture is the purge medium and verification of end-points.
present. Purging of natural gas from pipelines Finally, the steps of the procedure must be
by dircct displacement with air also has been followed and carried out by capable, well-
similarly practiced. informed peopJe.
There are many situations in which Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4 cover general
formation of flammable mixtures during purging principIes of purging. Subsequent chapters
should be prcvented. As an example, flammable discuss application of the principIes to particular
mixtures in large pipelines, tanks and other large situations and provide some examples of typical
volume containers cannot be safely controlled or procedures. The appendices inelude information
tolerated even though there may be no apparent on purging facilities that were common in the
source of ignition present. Whenever flammable natural gas industry but for the most part, are no
mixtures cannot be tolerated, their formation longer in use. This information is includcd for
should be prevented by mean s of an inert purge, historical reference.


Words and expressions commonly used in Dilution: A form of purging in which

purging procedures are defined below: replacement of one substance by another is
accomplished with appreciable mixing.
Aeration: Provision of a constant supply of Disking: See Blanking
air by mechanical means. Displacement: A form of purging in which
Blanking: Insertion of a solid metal plate replacement of one substance by another is
across a pipe at fitting flanges. accomplished without appreciable mixing.
Channeling: The occurrence of Iighter End-point: Attainment of concentration
gases or fluids flowing over heavier gases or (percent by volume) of inert substance in the
fluids during a pipeline purging process. elosed system being purged that subsequent
Clear: See Purge admission of air, if purging out of service, or
Combustible: Capable of being ignited and admission of gas or vapor if purging into service,
rapidly oxidized when mixed with proper will not result in formation of a tlammable
proportions of air. mixture.
Combustible mixture: A gas and air Exhaust gas: The products of combustion
mixture that can be ignited at ordinary gas (primarily carbon dioxide and nitrogen) from
temperature and pressure. (See Flammable an inert gas generator that is used as an inert gas
limits) for purging.
Concentration: Percent by volume unless Explosive Iimits: See Flammable limits
otherwise noted. Explosive mixtures: Gas and air mixtures
that can be ignited at ordinary temperatures and
pressure. (Synonymous: Flammable mixtures)

Flammable Iimits: The lowest (Iower limit) Mixed gas: A term generalIy applied to
and highest (upper limit) concentrations of a mixtures of natural and manufactured gases
specific gas or vapor in mixture with air that can normalIy having a range of 600 to 1000 Btu per
be ignited at ordinary temperature and pressure. cu. fL In local instances, the term may refer to
(Synonymous: explosive limits, limits of mixtures of different heating value manufactured
tlammability and limits of flame propagation) gases. For purging purposes, it should be treated
Holding purge: The procedure of as a manufactured gas, unless conLaining more
malDtalDlDg in a cJosed system during than 75 Lo 80 percent of natural gas.
maintenance or repair an inert gas or liquid Natural gas: A mixture of gases produced
which has been introduced to replace the normal by nature in the oil and natural gas ficlds and
combustible contenL consisting primarily of methane and ethane and
Hot cutting: Cutting by oxy-acetylene torch low percentages of carbon dioxide, oxygen and
or other means into any pipeline or vessel nitrogen, normally having a heating value of 800
containing only combustible gas at slightly to 1300 Btu per cu. fL and a specific gravity
aboye atmospheric pressure. range of 0.59 to 0.75. Varying low percentages
Hot tap: Cutting into a pipeline containing a of propane, butane and gasoline may be presenL
combustible gas or liquid by use of a special Jt is not toxic but sufficient concentration in the
machine. The machine is attached to suitable atmosphere will produce oxygen deficiency.
fittings, which have been previously welded or 19nition temperature is approximatcly l600°F.
otherwise secured to the loaded pipeline. The Flammable limits are approximately 4 percent to
tapping machine and fittings are so constructed 14 percent gas in air.
that the required size opening may be cut in the Operator: From DOT Pipeline Safety
loaded pipeline and the machine may be safely Regulations Part 192, a person who engages in
removed without appreciable loss of the transportation of gas.
combustibles or taking the pipeline out of Pig: A cylindrical, spherical, or barrel-
service. shaped device that is moved through the pipe by
Inert gas: A gas, noncombustible and gas or air or liquid introduced behind iL When
incapable of supporting combustion, which used for purging, the pig separates media being
contains less than two percent oxygen and interchanged. 1t must be non-abrasive and non-
combustible constituents of less than 50 percent sparking when tlammable mixtures could be
of the lower explosive limit of the combustible encountered.
being purged. Pipe: See Pipeline
Inert purge: The act of changing the Pipeline: Long cylindrical conduit or tubing
contents of a pipe or container by using an inert used for transporting a gas or liquido
substance to displace the original content or to Purge: The act of removing the content of a
separate the two media being interchanged. pipe or container and replacing it with another
Flammable mixtures are thus avoided. gas or liquido See Inert purge, Displacement,
Isolation: Disconnection from all other Dilution. (Synonym: Clear)
equipment or piping of a chamber or space lo be Purge gas: Gas used to displace the
purged. contents of a container. To avoid tlammable
Liquefied natural gas (LNG): (From mixtures, the purge gas is usually inert except in
NFPA, 59, 1998) A tluid in the liquid state cerlain instances where the relatively smalI area
which is stored at cryogenic temperatures of - of contact alIows the amount of tlammable
200°F to -260°F and is composed predominantly mixture to be minimized and controlled
of methane possibly containing minor quantities satisfactorily.
of ethane, propane, nitrogen or other components Purge into service: The act of replacing the
normally found in natural gas. air or inert gas in a c10sed system by a
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG): Any combustible gas, vapor, or liquid.
liquid or liquefiable hydrocarbon, or mixtures of Purge out of service: The act ol' replacing
hydrocarbons, which are completely gaseous at the normal combustible content of a closed
60°F and 14.74 psig. and whose vapor pressure system by inert gas, air, or water.
at 105°F does not exceed 225 psig. ("American Pyrophoric: A substance or mixture that
Society of Testing Materials" designation) can ignite spontaneously.
Liquid petroleum gases usualIy con si si of Slug: A quantity ol' inert gas interposed
propane, propylene, butanes and butylenes, or between combustible gas and air during purging.
mixtures thereof. The slug does not fill the complete length of the

pipe but moves through the pipe as a separate shale, naphtha, LPG or waste, by processes that
mas s to prevent mixing of the gas and air. yield a gas that is gencraJly interchangcable with
Slug shortening: Process that takes place as natural gas.
a slug of gas is mixed with the upstream and Stratification: Process of different gases
downstream gases as the slug travels the length settling into layers.
of the pipeline. Ventilation: Thc proccdure in which doors,
Supplemental Natural Gas (SNG): AIso manholes, val ves, etc. are opened to permit the
know as Substitute Natural Gas or Synthetic Gas ingress of air by natural circulation to replace gas
(SG). A fuel gas produced from coal, oil, oil contents.


1.3(a) DISPLACEMENT VS. DILUTION OR can be controJled satisfactory by methods such as

MIXING described in Chapter 5.

The replacement of one gas by another in an

enclosed space or chamber takes place by mcans
of two distinct actions: (1) displacement and (2) 1.3(b) CAUSES OF DILUTION OR MIXING
dilution or mixing. In a purge that is effccted
entirely by displacement, the gas or the air that is The factors affecting the relative proportions
originally present is pushed out of the escape of displacement and mixing action in a purge
vcnts by the entering purge gas with little or no should be understood thoroughly so that careful
mixing of the purge gas and the original attention can be given to avoiding or minimizing
contents. Thus, the quantity of purge gas those factors or conditions which pro mote
required for purging by displacement mixing. Sorne of the more important causes of
approximates the quantity of gas or air being mixing during a purging are:
replaced. (1) A large area of contact, promoting
Frequently certain conditions, such as the natural diffusion;
size or shape of the ehamber or the nature of the (2) A long period of contact, pcrmitting
gases, cause the purge gas to mix with the natural diffusion;
original contents so that the purge tends to (3) Agitation resulting from a high input
proceed by dilution. Purging by dilution can be velocity;
accomplished in sorne situations by alternately (4) Gravitational effects resulting from
pressurizing and depressurizing the facility. To inlroduction of a heavy gas over a light gas
accomplish a satisfactory purge by dilution or or a Iight gas under a heavy gas;
mixing requires a volume of inert purge gas lhal (5) Temperature changes and differentials
may be four or five times the free space of the causing convection currents.
chamber being purged. This occurs because as Failure lo recognize the importance of such
lhe purging proceeds, increasing amounts of apparently insignificant things as the location of
purge gas are lost from the escape vents in the purge gas input connection, the rate of input
mixture with original contents. of the purge gas, or temperature differentials, can
Almost all purging operations are resul! in a purging operation being 80 to 85
combinations of displacement and dilution percent dilution and only 15 to 20 percent
actions. In actual practice it is impossible to displacement.
avoid sorne mixing of the purge gas with the gas
or air that is being replaced but, in general, the
less the mixing or dilution, the more efficient the l.3(c) AREA OF CONTACT
purge. Purging which proceeds wilh mixing or
dilution such as occurs in tanks and holders There is always sorne diffusion of the purge
should be accomplished with an inert purge gas into the original gas and of the latter into the
medium to avoid flammable mixtures. Purging purge gas at the surface of contac!. The amounl
without the use of an inerl medium should be of mixing which results from this diffusion is
Iimited to pipelines where the amount of mixing dependent upon contacto The arca of contaet
between the purge gas and the original contents

IS dependent on the size, shape and internal agitation or stirring of the chamber contents at a
construction of the chamber being purged. minimum. If the purge gas input connection is
Ordinarily little can be done to limit the mixing small relative lo the rate of input, Ihe velocity of
resulting from this factor. Nevertheless, contact the purge gas may carry it to the center or across
area has a very great effect on the efficiency of a the chamber, resulting in thorough mixing.
purge. When the only available input connection is
When purging a tall, narrow tower, the area relatively small, it may be better to use a low rate
of contact between the gases is small compared of input to attain purging by displacement in
to their volumes. Mixing is Iimited and the over a longer period of time rather than purging
quantity of inert purge gas used may not be by dilution, which may take significantly longer.
much greater than the volume of gas or air to be If the input velocity is high and the outlet vent is
c1eared out. large, the purge gas may stream or arc across
The crown 01' a storage holder, in contrast, is from the inlet to the outlet, limiting both
a flat, shallow dome, having a height displacement and dilution.
significan tI y less than the diameter. It is
impossible to avoid having a very large area of
contact in a chamber 01' this shape. ¡.3(f) DENSITIES OF GASES
Consequently, it is usually necessary to use at
least 1.5 to 2.5 volumes of inert gas per volume The relative densities of the purge gas and of
of free space in purging. the gas (or air) being purged have important
When purging a pipeline, the area 01' contact effects on the mechanics of the purging action.
may be so small that Iittle mixing will occur. Carbon dioxide has a specific gravity of
Advantage can be taken 01' this condition to approximately 1.5. This specific gravity is large
conduct an inert purge by use of a quantity of enough compared to that of natural gas
inert gas that is only a 1'raction of the volume of (approximately 0.6) to create a tendency for the
combustible gas or air to be replaced. It is inert gases to stratify and remain in a layer on the
possible to introduce just enough inert gas to bottom of a chamber filled with natural gas.
form a "slug" or piston between the original gas Therefore, when purging a Iight gas out of a
(or air) content and the entering air (or gas). chamber, an effort should be made to push the
This slug and the original gas or air ahead of it, lighter gas out through vents in the top of the
is pushed along the pipe to the end of the section chamber by admitting the heavier gas at the base.
being purged by air or gas introduced after it. Conversely, in putting equipment back into
Recen! research has greatly expanded the service, when heavy inert gas is to be replaced
understanding of the slugging process, by a light gas, the latter should be introduced at
particularly for larger diameter pipelines. See the top of the chamber and the heavier gas
Chapter 5 for more information. vented from the bottom.
When purging facilities out of service that
have contained gases with a higher specific
1.3(d) TIME OF CONTACT gravity, the vapors can be most effectively
replaced with a minimum of mixing by
The duration of contact of the surfaces of the introducing the inert gas al the top of the
purge gas and the original gas or air should be as chamber and displacing the vapors downward
short as possible. Excessive mixing by natural and out of bottom vents.
diffusion will result if the purge gas input rate is When purging facilities into service that are
too low. Interruptions and variations of the to receive such substances and after replacement
purge gas input rate should be avoided. of the air by an inert purge gas, the heavy vapors
or liquids should be admitted at the base of rhe
vessel and the purge gas displaced upward and
1.3(e) INPUT VELOCITIES out of the top vents.
The introduction of a fourth atmosphere
The velocity of the entrance of the purge gas will, in so me cases, facilitate the purging of a
has an important effect on the nature of the tank containing vapors appreciably heavier than
purge. As a rule, the size of the purge gas inlet the inert gas available. Heavier gases such as
to containers other than pipe should be as large butane, propane or benzyl vapors can first be
as practical, so that the input velocity will not displaced downward and out of bottom
exceed 2 or 3 feet per second. This keeps connections or vents by natural gas; the natural

gas then displaced upward and out of top vents topping distillation of deposits may be
by an inert gas and the inert gas replaced by air. aecomplished by:
The importance of differences in den sities in (1) Steaming of the chamber or system
facilitating or hampering a purging operation is prior to gas purging;
exemplified by the fact that it usually requires 50 (2) Using steam as the purging gas; or
percent more time and inert gas to replace the air (3) Admitting the purge gas at an elevated
in a large chamber than it does to effeet the same temperature, 150 to 180°F, saturaled with
degree of replaeement of natural gas under water vapor. See Chapter 3.
equivalent conditions. A purge gas such as For pipelines, the purging media, likelihood of
nitrogen has a specifie gravity of approximately "freeze-offs" and the possible need for line
0.97 whieh is almost identieal to that of air so drying should be eonsidered.
that mixing is not as greatly restrained by
stralifiealion as when natural gas is being
replaeed. 1.3(h) SUMMARY

A perfeet purge is one in which the

1.3(g) TEMPERATURE EFFECTS replacement of gas or air by a purge gas is
effected entirely by displaeement and only one
It is desirable to keep the temperature of the volume of purge gas is needed. Dilution or
purge gas entering a large chamber as low as mixing of the purge gas with the original content
practicable in order to minimize the possibiJity of a ehamber will resuIt in the quantity of inert
of setting up any "thermal eurrents." purge gas ordinarily required to be larger.
The eontraetion in the volume of gases Experience has shown that the quantity will be
caused by decrease in temperature is another approximately 1.5 or 2.5 times greater eompared
temperature effeet thal should be eonsidered. A with complete displaeement.
positive, though slight, pressure must be The meehanical efficieney of a purge may
maintained within a chamber being purged. be calculated from the ratio of the volume of the
Thus, when a sud den drop in atmospheric free spaee of the ehamber purged to the volume
temperature oeeurs during the purging of a of purge gas required to attain the desired end-
vessel, it may be necessary to reduce the rate of point:
release of the purged gas (or air), In order to lOO x Volume of Spaee
offset the contraction of the contents of the % Meeh.Eff.
Volume of Purge Gas Used
chamber or system. However, il may be
necessary to forego any attempts to control To attain as high a meehanieal efficiency as
temperatures or avoid thermal currents when the possible it is necessary to keep mixing and
ehamber being purged contains deposited solids dilution at a minimum by:
or Iiquids. Special preeautions should be taken if (1) Avoiding interruptions or variations in
the holder, tank, pipe or other faeility eontains purge gas input;
naphthalene or tar deposits, oils, solvents or (2) Using large input connections;
other materials that will volatilize and give off (3) Controlling the input veloeity;
combustible vapors as a resull of relatively small (4) Introducing purge gas al proper location
inereases in temperature aboye ambient. Either with respect to gas densities;
before or during the purge, these deposits should (5) Avoiding differenees and sharp changes
be heated to sueh a degree that there eould be no in temperature;
further volatilization of combustible vapors (6) Using vents large enough to permit
when air is admitted to the chamber. This ready escape of displaced gas.


l.4(a) SUPERVISION previous experience, be technically competent

and possess requisite authority. It is suggested
The person assigned the responsibility of that operators that do not have trained personnel
directing a purging operation should have had should arrange to have several of their capable

employees gain such experience by participating entrapment, engulfment, extreme noise and
in purging operations performed in other others which the operator must identify and
companies and under competent directors. Other provide for appropriate protection. A plan
options inelude seminars and training that administrator should be identified to ensure
concentrates on purging practices. Contractors compliance with al! safety rules developed by the
that have the demonstrated background, skills operator. AII necessary permits must be
and experience should also be considered. obtained. "Lock-out-Tag-out" procedures should
be developed and followed when appropriale.
Hazardous materials should be identífied.
1.4(b) PERSONNEL Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be
provided. Suitable personal protective
The purging of pipelines and other pipeline equipment should be used and mitigation plans
facilities are generally covered tasks as defined must be developed and implemented.
by the Department of Transportation Part 192 Site-specific evaluations may be necessary
Pipeline Safety Regulations Operator by the plan administrator.
Qualification Rule. Only persons who are Sorne atmospheric substances may pose
properly qualified should participate in a purging long-term adverse health hazards if the
operation unless lhey are under direct permissible exposure limit for a toxic substance
supervision of a qualified persono is exceeded. These substances should be
The number of persons required lo control a identified and appropriate action taken. The
purging operarion will vary depending on safcty of the personnel conducting the purging
complexity and magnitude of the purge. In case procedure must always be predominant in lhe
the purging requires an extended period, planning, implementation and follow-through of
provisions should be made for relief personnel. this operation.
The duties of those assigned to the purging
operation may inelude:
(1) Arranging for adequate supply of the 1.4(d) PLANNING
purging gas to be used;
(2) Controlling of the tlow of the purge The fol!owing is an outline of the planning
media; or preliminary preparations for a purging
(3) Controlling of the venting of the purged operation, which is intended to be deseriptive
gas; rather than definitive in nature. More specific
(4) Testing of the quality of the purge gas, and detailed instructions are discussed in
analysis of the purged gas, and evaluation of sections of the text devoted to purging of various
the purging operation; types of facilities.
(5) Establishing reliable communications; Written plans should be developed for al!
(6) Notifying the public where necessary. purging procedures. Service lines and smal!
diameter pipelines can be purged using the
general procedures outlined in the operator's
1.4(c) PERSONAL SAFETY Opcration and Maintenance Manual. More
complex purging operations may require specific
Personal safety is paramount during any delailed written plans.
purging operation. The Occupation Safety and
Health Administration (OS HA) rules have had a
dramatic impact on many aspects of the purging 1.4(e) FACILITIES INVOLVED
operation. While a detailed discussion of the
impact of these rules is beyond the scope of this The pipeline or facilities that are involved
manual, the operator should always rcad, should be clearly defined. Records should be
understand and follow the appropriate rules that checked and verified if necessary. Field
govern personal safety and good operating verification may be necessary.
practices. It is then important to decide what facilities
Appropriate personal protection equipment should be included in the purging operation.
should always be provided as necessary. Sometimes the reason for performing thc purge,
Confined space entry presents a number of as in the case of repairing a holder, makes it
potential safety issues ineluding oxygen obvious what is to be purged. In other cases, it
deficiency, toxic gases, tlammable gases, may be necessary to determine at what points

disconnections can best be made to isolate the The foregoing discussion would indicate
section to be purged. The goal is to prevent any that there is a second group of factors that should
leakage during or after the purge. The next be considered simultaneously in planning a
decision involves determining how to isolate the purge. They are:
facilities for purging. A number of methods of (1) The nature of the combustible gas
isolation are described in Section 1.5. and/or vapor involved;
The points at which the purge gas is to be (2) The choice of the purge gas to be used;
introduced and vented may affect how the (3) The manner of testing;
facility is to be isolated. As is pointed out in the (4) The end-point ofthe purging.
discussion of the basic factors affecting the
mechanics of a purge (Section 1.3(f)), the purge
gas should be introduced near the bottom of the
space to be purged in somc cases and at the top 1.4(g) SCHEDULE OF OPERA TIONS
in other cases.
Thus, the aboye factors are so closely related Scheduling and timing are the next factors to
that in planning a purge they can almost be be considered in planning a purge.
considered simultaneously: Selection of the time of day for performing
(l) What facilities are to be purged? the purging operation may be affected by many
(2) How will the facilities be isolated? factors not directly related to the purge itself
(3) Where to introduce inert gas and how to (i.e., demands and loads, availability of
vent the purge gas? personnel, etc.)
The length of time that will be required to
complete the purge may be estimated from the
size of the space to be purged and the anticipated
1.4(f) GASES INVOLVED rate of introduction of purge gas.
The purging operation should be broken
The nature of the combustible gas or vapor down into successive steps, the sequence of these
which is to be purged or which is to occupy the steps decided upon and the timing carefully
space after the air is purged should be identified. estimated and scheduled. This is particularly
The chemical composition, the specific gravity important if the facility being purged extends
and the limits of tlammability of this gas or over such an appreciable area that the director is
vapor should be known. A method by which the not in constant contact with all persons involved.
Iimits of tlammability of a gas mixture may be As an example, when all or part of a large plant
calculated is described in Section 2.3. is to be purged, or when several branches of a
Consideration should al so be given to the gas distribution system are to be purged. Each
possible presence in the facility of any deposits successive part of such a large-scale operation
or condensates, which may be vaporized during will be considered a separate purge.
the purging operation. These materials may
appear (even small amounts) in the gas mixture
being vented. 1.4(h) AGREEMENT ON PLAN
The choice of the gas to be used in purging
frequently will depend on the nature of the A written plan of action should be
combustible gas or vapor involved. Availability established that will inc\ude all of the decisions
and economics are generally the deciding factors. made thus far concerning:
(See Chapter 4 for inert purge media (1) The facility to be purged;
information.) (2) The gases involved;
The end-point of the purge should be (3) The purging operation time and
specifically and accurately defined as a part of schedule.
the preliminary planning. The manner of This plan of action might well inc\ude
expressing the end-point (i.e., in terms of the additional details such as:
percent of CO 2, N 2, O2, etc.) will be dependent (l) Installation of adequate input and vent
on the manner of testing to be employed. This in connections;
turo may be dependent on the nature of the purge (2) Listing of the valves to be operated;
gas and of the combustible gas involved in the (3) Deactivation of remote or automatic
purge. (See Section 2.4 for end-point data.) valve controllers;

(4) Listing of test equipment and l.4(i) SUMMARY OF PLANNING
accessories; The purging operation should be under the
(5) Instruction and assignment of direction of an experienced supervisor.
personnel; In planning a purge, definite decisions
(6) Provision for communication system; should be made concerning:
(7) Notification of public agencies, general (1) What is to be purged and how it is to be
public and affected customers; isolated;
(8) Supply, control and measurement of (2) What purge medium is to be used and
purge medium, including volume, rate, how it is to be introduced and vented;
pressures and temperatures; (3) The method of testing and the end-point
(9) Control of venting; (4) The time and probable duration of the
(10) Position and height of vent stack; operation.
(11) Elimination of sources of ignition; AII of these decisions should be composed
(12) Safety precautions and equipment, into a written plan of action. AII parties affected
including fire extinguishers; should be informed and all approvals should be
(13) Requirement for prior approval of all obtained. The plan should cover the procedure
deviations from the approved plan by all for obtaining approval for any deviation from the
involved departments. approved plan.


1.5(a) GENERAL (I) Actual detachment, by remoyal of

fittings or sections of pipe and capping,
Whcncver any facility is to be purged, it is blanking or plugging of the open ends;
essential to isolate it from the rest of the system (2) Inscrtion of blanks, which block f1ow;
either by mechanical means or by severing all of (3) Val ve closures;
the connections. Two distinct but related (4) Use of mechanical stop-off equipment;
objectives are thus accomplished: (5) Water sealing or f100ding of depressed
(1) Preventing any vapors (or air) or any sections;
inert gases from leaking out during the (6) Insertion of bags or stoppers in the pipe.
purging; Selection of a particular isolation method
(2) Preventing any vapors from leaking in usually is dependent on the operator's system
after the purging, when the facility is out of and its structural and operating conditions. It
service for inspection, repair or demolition. may be adyisable to use different methods at
If possible, the measures adopted for different locations on the same purging job, or
isolating the space for purging out of seryice even to use combinations of two methods at a
should al so provide the desired post-purging single location.
isolation. If bags, liquid seals, or similar When a high degree of reliability is required
means of isolation must be used while (for example, when workers will be inside a
purging out of service, thcy should be structure for a long period of time), removal 01"
replaced by permanent means of isolation sections of pipe, val ves or fittings and capping,
such as blanks or gaps before the purging blanking or plugging of open ends is
inert gases are replaced by air. recommended. This will proyide complete
detachment from supply sources.


There are a number of methods by which a
space may be isolated from adjoining facilities or The use of valves alrcady located in the
piping: system is the simplest and easiest method of
isolating the section or space to be purged. It

may not be recommended when complete shul- isolation must be used. This is important. A
off is required unless two val ves can be c10sed leaking valve may not only prevent attainment of
and the piping between them either removed or a satisfactory purge, but will also be useless in
vented. An alternative to double valving may be post purging isolation and wil! have lO be
considered when val ves designed with the block removed at the end of the purge before the inert
and bleed feature, which permits venting the gases are replaced by air or gas. Under such
volume between valve seals to atmospheric circumstances use one of the following
pressure, are available. This will provide lhe procedures:
sealing effectiveness. (1) Blank off the valve by inserting a metal
There are great differences in the disc at the downstream flange. (See Section
dependability of various types of val ves. 1.5(h), Blanks);
Frequently the valve may be in such a condition (2) When the pressure does not exceed the
or position that it cannot be made gas light recommended maximum operating pressure
merely by c10sing il. Any valve to be used in rating of the bag or stopper, insert bags and
conneclion with a purging operation should be stoppers upstream from the valve. If the
examined carefully as a part of the preparations pressure is in excess of the maximum
for purging and, if possible, c1eaned and recommended value, insert the bags and
conditioned. The time to determine whether a stoppers downstream from the val ve. In
particular valve can be used is prior to the start either case, pro vide a vent to atmosphere
of the purging operation. Valves should not be from the piping between valve and bag or
depended upon to maintain post-purging stopper. (See Section 1.5(i), Bags and
isolation or to prevent leakage of gas into the Stoppers);
space that is out of service. Locking and tagging (3) With a local holding purge near the
of val ves will minimize the possibility of val ve, remove Íl and cap the free ends of the
unintended operations of val ves during purging main;
operations. (4) Instal! one or more aspirators about two
pipe diameters downstream from the val ve
to pick up and discharge the leakage through
1.5(d) PLUG VALVES, BALL VALVES the val ve. (See Chapter 5)

Lubricated plug val ves and ball val ves may

be utilized to provide isolation for purging when 1.5(f) FLOW VALVES
the operation does not require complete
detachment. Particular attention should be paid Ordinarily check val ves, regulators, pressure
to their proper conditioning before starting the controllers and similar types of flow control
purging operation. equipment by themselves cannot provide the
degree of shut-off required for isolation during a
purge. However, they may be used in
1.5(e) GATE VALVES combination with other methods.

For sorne purging operations, gate valves,

particularly those designed for improved shut- 1.5(g) WATER SEALING OF PIPE OR
off, will provide satisfactory isolation. Because FACILITIES
of deposits or erosion, the discs of ordinary gate
val ves may not seat well enough to make them Occasionally depressed sections of pipe or
gas-tight. When used for low pressure purging the bottoms of sorne facilities can be flooded
isolation, gate val ves (both single and double with water to obtain isolation. Several
plate forms) can be sealed with a liquido For precautions should be observed in water-sealing:
liquid sealing, Iwo connections to the val ve body (1) The weight of the water that must be
are necessary: one for admission of the Iiquid introduced to attain an effective seal should
and one lo permit overflow of the liquid after the not be so great as to cause undue strain on
proper depth seal is obtained. the container or its supports;
If a valve cannot be c10sed tight enough to (2) Thc effective depth of the seal, or the
be sealed effectively with a Iiquid, or if the valve pressure provided by the height of the water,
construction or other circumstances prevent should be approximately twice as great as
liquid sealing, sorne additional method of either the normal pressure upstream from the

point of sealing or the purging pressure, In many instances, mechanical line stoppers
whichever is greater; may be utilized for isolating medium and high-
(3) The depth of (he seal ei(her should be pressure facilities for purging when line val ves
readily apparent or easy to determine and are not conveniently located. Mechanical line
should be frequently checked; stoppers are available for stopping off lines W' in
(4) There should be an ample supply of diameter through 30" and approved for very high
water right at (he seal to maintain it; operating pressure, depending on size and
(5) Means should be provided for the ready manufacturer. Mechanical line stoppers require
and rapid removal of the water in the event the installation of special fittings on the pipe to
of an emergency or as may be required as facilitate their use.
part of the purging procedure; Mechanical line stoppers should not be used
(6) The use of water seals in locations to maintain post-purging isolation. The
exposed to freezing temperatures should be completeness of shut-off can vary depending on
avoided; field conditions and must be checked prior to
(7) Care should be taken, or provisions purge operations.
made, to avoid entraining air in the water Mechanical line stoppers used in
supplied to a seal that is replenished conjunction with bag or diaphragm stoppers
constantly. downstream and a vent between will provide
(8) Care must be taken to properly dispose acceptable short-term isolation for purging of
of the water after the purging operation. facilities.

1.5(h) BLANKS 1.5(i)(2) Cylindrical Bag Stoppers

A blank or inserted metal plate in a pipe Of Cylindrical bag stoppers intlatable to as high
connection generally is considered an effective as 15 psig, in small sizes may be utilized for
method of isolation, however, only blanks isolating intermediate pressure facilities for
designed for the working pressure of the line purging. These cylindrical bags utilize a heavy-
should be used. When reliability is required, the duty can vas covering and can be used lo hold
use of blanks with fIat face tlanges and full face against line pressures equal to 60 percent of the
tlange gaskets is not recommended because of pressure in the bag according to the
the possibility of leakage through the bolt holes. manufacturer' s recommendations.
The use of blanks fitting inside the bolt circle The stoppers are available in sizes up to 36".
with ring gaskets provides a more reliable As is the case with all stoppers, cylindrical bags
method of isolation. should not be relied upon to maintain post-purge
Blanks can be inserted only at tlanges-and isolation.
then only when it is possible to force the fIanges
apart far enough for insertion. It is seldom
possible to spread a fIanged joint without 1.5(i)(3) Bags and Diaphragm Stoppers
damaging the gasket it usually contains; even
then, it is extremely difficult to insert and later Bags and diaphragm stoppers should not be
remove the blank without damaging the gasket. used alone as a mean s of effecting isolation for
If the gasket is damaged either during the purging, except in the case of low-pressure pipe,
spreading of the tlange or by the insertion of the because they cannot withstand appreciable
blank, it is difficult to make the insertion gas pressure differentials and surgcs. In addition,
tight. The use of blanks for isolation purposes they should not be used for post-purging
generally is restricted to locations that can be isolation.
subsequently regasketed without difficulty or Bags and diaphragm stoppers are frequently
made gas tight without gaskets and to locations used to prevent the gas which may leak past a
where valving or Ilooding cannot be used. valve from entering the space being purged. The
gas between the val ve and the bag or stopper is
vented to the atmosphere. If the pressure at the
upstream face of a leaking valve is not over the
1.5(i) BAGS AND STOPPERS rated operating pressure of the bag or stopper, it
is advisable to locate the bag and stopper ahead
1.5(i)(I) Mechanical Line Stoppers of the valve-thereby eliminating the venting of

gas which would have leaked through the valve Isolation may be accomplished by one of the
had the stoppers been installed downstream of following methods:
the val ve. (l) The section containing the fitting or
The "setting" or installation of bags and/or spacer-piece IS first val ved off and
stoppers in connection with purging isolation depressurized. Then bags and/or stoppers
should be entrusted only to persons who have are inserted ahead of and behind the fitting
had proper training or experience in this work. and the space between them given a local
When two stoppers or bags, or combination purge. When the fitting has been removed,
thereof, are to be utilized for isolation, the the open ends of the pipe should be capped;
downstream unit can be set first if it is desired to (2) In another method, after thc
check for proper sealing under pressure prior to depressurizing, the bolts of the flanges of the
setting the second unit. The second unit can be fitting or coupling are loosened and all of
checked at a vent between the two units. those on one half of the flange removed.
Holding pressures of bags and diaphragm Then temporary blanks of sheet metal cut to
stoppers vary with pipe diameter. fit within the boH cireles and having three
Manufacturer's recommendations should be long tabs that can be bent back and down
followed. over the edges of the flanges. They are
inserted at each flange to minimize the
escape of gas or infiltration of air as the
1.5(k) SQUEEZING OF PLASTIC PIPE fitting is removed. When the fitting is
removed, these temporary bJanks are
Squeezing of plastic pipe may be an retained in place by bent tabs, but they are
acceptable means of isolation. Only approved immediately covered with a standard blank
squeeze machines should be used and the or cap bolted into place. When removing a
manufactures instructions must be followed. All fitting or spool from a pipe or connection
machines used must achieve a gastight sea!. that contains inert gas, as at the end of a
Care should be taken to avoid static electrical purge and [or post-purging isolation, the
discharge before, during and after purge precautions of bagging and stopping or
operations. using preliminary tabbed blanks usually are


The most dependable method of isolation is
the actual disconnection or breaking of the A thorough physical check should be made
physical continuity of a connection or pipe by to ensure that all accessory piping and small
removal of a fitting or spoo!. This makes connections have been disconnected. This is
infiltration of gas impossible. Although the important in the case of plant piping and
method is almost universally used for post- facilities where instrument or sample lines may
purging isolation, caution should be exercised permit back-leakage from manifolds or bypasses.
when removing fittings or sections from pipe Visual inspection should be made, as drawings
containing combustible gas. To avoid possible are not always reliable.
hazard, the combustible gas can first be purged The standard method of testing to ensure
from the pipe by displacement with inert gas that isolation for a purging out of service is
after temporarily isolating by some means such complete is 10 reduce the pressure in the chamber
as flooding or e10sing valves. While the pipe or system to just abo ve atmospheric (or at least
contains inert gas, the fittings or sections can be appreciably below that in previously connected
removed for post-purging isolation before air is facilities). Then, note any rise in pressure by the
admitted. use of water manometers, over a period of time
If it is necessary to remove a fitting or related to the size of the space. In making this
spacer-piece from a pipe or connection test, all connections and vents should first be
containing combustible gas in order to obtain closed and examined for tightness. Then, the
isolation, proper electrical bonding should be depressurizing should be done slowly through
provided across the section to be removed prior one purge gas vent. Care should be taken not to
to rcmoval. reduce the pressure below 2" or 3" water column
as observed on a water manometer. A rise in

pressure within the isolated space of 4" water If the purged space has not been completely
column indicates an infiltration equivalent to 1.0 disconnected from any possiblc source of gas
percent of the volume of the space in the interval infiltration by detachment, tests of its contents
of observation. should be made to:
Such an isolation test should be made (l) Ensure completeness of replacement ol'
immediately before the start of the purging. inert gases by air at the end of the purge;
(2) Detect any infiltration of combustible
gas through connections;
I.S(n) POST-PURGING ISOLATION TESTS (3) Detect undue contamination of the air
by gases or vapors released from water or
Satisfactory post-purging isolation will be deposits.
provided if isolation for the purging has been
effected by detachment. The atmosphere of the 1.5(0) SUMMARY
chamber or space should be examined
periodically to detect contamination from other Isolation of eguipment or chambers to be
sources although tests to detect infiltration may purged should take into account the necessity of
not be necessary. Space contamination tests preventing infiltration of gas while the space is
should be directed toward the detection and out of service after the purging, as well as
measurement of substances in the atmosphere of infiltration during the purge. Isolation for the
the confined space that may be harmful or purging action may be accomplished by use of
distressing to anyone working therein. A multi- val ves, flooding of depressed sections, insertion
gas instrument should be used to test substances, of blanks, approved stoppers or actual
such as carbon monoxide or dioxide, hydrogen detachment. In isolating for the post-purging
sulfide, cyanide, oil vapors, etc. Flammability period entrance and repairs, actual detachment is
tests should be included. Contamination tests preferable.
and oxygen deficiency tests should be made The degree of isolation should be
immediately before confined space is entered determined by test. These may inelude: purging
and at intervals freguen! enough to ensure a safe isolation by observation of pressure increases
atmosphere during the time any person is in the within the space with all vents closed, use of gas
structure. It should be noted that the absence of monitoring instruments, post-purging isolation
oxygen could render some instruments by chemical analysis and flammability tests of
unreliable. AIl confined space rules must be samples of the atmosphere within the space or
followed. chamber.


1.6(a) GENERAL • Burning material

• Incinerators
During purging operations, it is of utmost (2) Sparks and arc
importance that all possible sources of ignition • Non-approved flashlights
be eliminated or controlled. The various sources • Torch igniters
may be represented by the elassification given • Sparks from engines, stacks, etc.
• Static electricity
(1) Flames
• Elcctrical shorts
• Open lights
• Lightning
• Pilot lights
• Sparks from tools (i.e., cutting or
• Blow torches welding eguipment)
• Matches • Solids traveling at high velocity in pipe
• Cigarette lighters (3) Heated materials
• Lanterns • Glowing metals, cinders and filaments
• Fire in boilers • Electrical Iights
• Water heaters

(4) Pyrophoric materials (Materials that can information may be found ID NFPA 77, Static
ignite spontaneously in the presence of a Electricity, 1993 Edition.
gas- air mixlure
In purging from combustible gas to air,
especiaHy when old piping is being purged, it 1.6(c) STATIC ELECTRICITY ON PLASTIC
should be remembered that purging remo ves PIPE
only gaseous or volatile materials. Undetected
Iiquid combustibles can be ignited by sparks Static eIectricity on plastic pipe presents a
carried back inlo a purged Jine when the Jine is different problem because lhe pipe is a
cut. It is possible that solid combustible material nonconductor (dielectric) and the charge cannot
remains in the Iines after purging is completed be drained by a ground connection.
and that pyrophoric or auto-ignition can lake Polyethylene pipe, for example, can gain an
place as soon as an adequate air supply is unbalanced static charge on its surface. The lack
available. Deposits of iron sulfide and other of conductivity in a dielectric means that each
material s can easily be oxidized providing small section, will acquire its own local charge
centers for auto-ignition. Therefore, special care and potential.
should be cxerciscd after purging and before Charges on plastic pipe are produced by
such piping is entered or disassembled. Iron normal handling. Contact betwcen hands or
sulfide deposits should be kept wet lO avoid cIothing and the pipe can produce voltages of
auto-ignition. about 9kv. The charges on the human body or
Values of ignition temperature reported in cIothing can be produced by normal walking or
the Iiterature are variable, can be used only in a sliding down the sidcs of a ditch; these charges
relative sense and even may be misleading unless can then be transferred to the pipe. Removal of
compete details of lhe procedure by which the dirt and dust prior to joining can produce
resuIts were obtained are given. The results voltages of 14kv. The steady flow of cIean gas
oblained are affected by a number of variables. at 30 psig, free of particIes, does not produce
The most important are lhe percenlage of voItages of significance (400 to 500 volts). Up
combustible in the mixture; the oxygen to 5,000 volts can be produced by pulsing gas
concentration, the "lag" or time required at a from no flow to full f10w quickly. The voltages
given temperature to cause ignition, the size, are increased to that level by a cascading effect.
composition and dimensions of equipment. The presence of particIes in the gas stream, such
When the tests are made, the pressure at which as rust, sand, or dirt produce charges as high as
the mixture is confined at the time of ignition 24kv. The voltage is cspecially high in arcas of
and the presence of catalysts and impurities in turbulence, such as elbows. The inside of the
the mixtures are critica!. pipe will ha ve a charge if lhe outside is charged
and vice versa. The size 01' the charge on the
secondary surface tends to 1'ollow the charge on
1.6(b) STA TIC ELECTRICITY the original sur1'ace. In summary, tests show that
charges can be developed on plastic pipe in lwo
Static electricity is one of the most difficult ways:
ignition hazards to control. There are few (1) By contact with cIothing or the hands in
operations in which it may not be present and it normal handling;
is more serious when the relative humidity is (2) By the f10w 01' gas which contains
low. Static electricity is generated in several particIes 01' rust or dirt.
ways: by friction, by making and breaking of Charges may decay in time. The process
physical contact between two objects and by the may quicken i1' the relative humidity is high.
passage of solids, liquids, or gases at high The application of a wet cloth instantly
velocity through small openings. reduces lhe voltage to a value beIow 500v.
Static electricity on materials, which are Removal of the wet cIoth results in a doubling of
conductors of electricity, may be eliminated by this voltage, however, this rebound effect can be
grounding all machinery, pipes and other eliminated if the wet cIoth is reapplied over a
cquipment when charges may accumulate. large area.
Before severing or disconnecting a pipe, a bond Application of a wet cIoth over the outside
wire should be attached to the metallic pipe at of the pipe causes an instantaneous reduction in
two points to provide a connection across the the charge on both inside and outside surfaces.
proposcd severance or disconnection. Further In purging or leak repair operations, a gas-air

mixture may be present in the area. Air will (2) The cIoth should be made wet by
diffuse baek into the pipe once the gas flow is submerging it in water;
stopped. In these cases, workers should avoid (3) The use of liquid dishwashing detergent
contact with the end of the pipe until the pipe in the water will help spread the water over
surface is wet on the inside as well as the the pipe (certain earIy plastics are
outside. The simple act of putting a metal insert susceptible to cracking after being subjected
stiffener into the pipe for a mechanical coupling to detergent. Detergent should not bc uscd
may cause an ignition, if a gas-air mixture is unless the environmental stress crack
present. Merely waving a hand in front of the resistance (ESCR) of the plastic used is
pipe end to test for gas flow while a co-worker sufficiently high);
slowly opens a val ve or releases a squeeze-off (4) Soft absorbent material such as cotton
tool may result in fire. terry cloth or towel material is
(5) All pipe which may be touched by
1.6(d) SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR workers should be kept wet throughout work
PLASTIC PIPE which might cause the release of gas.
Leaving wet cIoths on the pipe will
(l) AH pipes in ¡he work area should be accomplish this if the cloth is kept wet.
kept wet by wiping it with a wet cloth before
taking any action that might result in the
release of gas;


l.7(a) GENERAL the points at which vent pipes should be placed.

Chapter 5 on the purging of transmission and
The purpose of a vent pipe is to carry the distribution pipe provides greater details of
purged gas from the facility being purged to a particular requirements for this application.
point from which the purged gas can diffuse into
the air without hazard to the workers, the public
and all property. In general, this requires a pipe 1.7(b) SIZE OF VENT PIPES
long enough to carry the gases above the heads
of the workers. Pipes 6 to 10 feet long usually In general, the total cross-sectional arca of
suffice for most purging jobs performed on all the vent pipes in operation at one time should
equipment located out of doors. be sized to ensure the retention of a positive
Equipment located inside building may pressure in the chamber being purged, prevent
require longer pipes or lines to carry the venting the infiltration of air (if flammable gas is in the
gases to the outside atmosphere. The location of equipment) and ensure a gas velocity at the
gas lines in congested areas may also require outlet of the vent pipe greater than the rate of
longer pipes to carry the gases above nearby travel of the flame in the event the emerging gas
buildings, or to sorne other point. Gases heavier mixture should be ignited.
than air, such as LPG, require special precautions The rate of flame travel in tube 1" to 2" in
lo ensure that vented gas is conducted away from diameter for natural gas, propane and butane and
the work area and disposed of or disbursed is approximately 2 to 4 feet per second. Por
safely. most commercial gases the rate with air ranges
It may be necessary to install a number of from about 3 feet per second for producer gas, to
vent pipes to completely purge a piece of 6 to 7 feet per second for coke oven gas. Thus,
equipment. Whether there is one vent pipe or an exit velocity that will minimize hazards at
many vent pipes, they must be placed so that vent points should be selecled.
they will permit the space to be purged Table 1-1 lists the pressure drop in inches of
completely. No traps should be permitted. The water, for hourIy flows of 2,000 to 50,000 cu. ft.
following chapters, covering the actual purging per hour of gas (specific gravity - 1.00) through
procedures for various types of facilities indicate pipes 1" to 4" in diameter and 10 feet long.

This table may be used as a guide in (2) To obtain the flow velocities (V) in feet
selecting pipe sizes, applying, if necessary, the per second, from the cubic feet per hour (Q),
following eorrections for different specific for the various pipe sizes with area (a),
graviLies of the gas, or for different lengths of apply the following formula:
(1) The pressure loss varies directly as the V=~x 144 =Qx 0.04 =QF
square of the quantity of gas flowing. For 60x60 a a
example: the pressure loss with 4,500 cu. ft. in whieh
of gas per hour through 1 W' pipe is 13.5". . 0.04..
F IS the factor - - for vanous pIpe:
The pressure drop with 4,800 cu. ft. will be: a
(4800)2 . F for 1" pipe (d = 1.049") = 0.0463
13.5 x - - - = 13.5 x 1.14 =15.4lOches w.c.
(4500)2 F for 1 W' pipe (d = 1.380") =0.0267
The pressure loss varies directly as the F for 1 lf:¡" pipe (d = 1.610") = 0.0196
specific gravity of the gas. For example: the F for 2" pipe (d = 2.067") = 0.0119
pressure loss with 4,500 cu. ft. of 0.60 F for 2 lf:¡" pipe (d = 2.469") = 0.0084
specific gravity gas flowing through a 1 1,4" F for 3" pipe (d= 3.068") = 0.0054
pipe will be: F for 4" pipe (d = 4.026") = 0.0031
0.60 .
13.5 x - - = 8. 10 lOches w.c.


Pressure Loss in lnches ofWater, for Gas

Flows Through Ven! Pipes 10 Feet Long, with
Nominal 1" - 4" lnside Diameter
Specific Gravity = 1.000


Cu. Feet eerHour .J.: 1-1/4" .1:.l.!.r: L 2-1/2" _2:
2,000 10.5 2.7 1.0 0.2 0.1
2,500 16.4 4.2 1.6 0.4 0.2
3,000 23.6 6.0 2.3 0.6 0.2 0.1
3,500 32.1 8.2 3.1 0.8 0.3 0.1
4,000 42.0 10.7 4.1 1.0 0.4 0.1
4,500 53.1 13.5 5.2 1.2 0.5 0.1
5,000 65.6 16.7 6.4 1.5 0.6 0.2
6,000 94.5 24.0 9.2 2.2 0.9 0.3
7,000 128.6 32.6 12.5 3.0 1.2 0.4 0.1
8,000 42.6 16.3 3.9 1.6 0.5 0.1
9,000 53.9 20.6 5.0 2.0 0.6 0.1
10,000 66.6 25.5 6.1 2.5 0.7 0.2
15,000 149.9 57.3 13.8 5.7 1.6 0.4
20,000 101.9 24.5 10.1 2.9 0.7
25,000 38.3 15.8 4.5 1.1
30,000 55.2 22.7 . 6.5 1.6
35,000 75.2 30.9 8.9 2.1
40,000 98.2 40.4 11.6 2.8
50,000 63.1 18.1 4.3

Note(1) - Basad upon Ihe Gas Flow Formula: -

o - gas flow in cublc feet per hour
d - internal dlameter 01 pipe, inches
in which
PI - P2 - pressure drop Ihru pipe, inches 01 water
S - specific gravity 01 gas
L - length 01 pipe, in yards
e. gas Ilow constant: -
Diameler - 1"-1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2"-2-1/2" 3" 4"
Conslant - 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,300 1,350

The data are basad upon S = 1.00, and L = 3.333 yarda

. (equivalentof 10 feel)

1.7(c) FIRE SCREENS ON VENT PIPES (2) The mesh may become c10gged with
condensates and dust. The condensates may
The practice among natural gas companies be volatile oils or water. This can be quite
with respect to the use of tire screens on the troublesome and constant attention should
outlet ofthe purge vent pipes varies grcatly. be given to the screen. If condensates
If the velocity of flow is greater than the collect, it may be possiblc to dislodge thcm
speed of the flame travel, tirc screens should not by tapping the screen lightly, or it may be
necessary to remove the screen for cleaning
be necessary, however, sorne companies use
or replacement.
screens as a secondary precaution. They can
(3) The trapping of the volatilc oils on thc
protect against: screen in the test connection may affect the
(1) Unpredictable conditions; reading of the combustible gas indicator
(2) Unforeseen interruptions in the supply when it is used for testing the progress of the
of inert gas while purging from gas to air; purging. Instances havc occurred in which
(3) Carelessness that may develop when combustible mixtures were indicated long
purging into service rather than when after the time schedule and other test
purging out of service. apparatus showed the purging to be
Fire screens, in addition, tend to prevent completed. Invcstigation provcd that
flashback should an explosive mixture become trapped oils in the screen had volatilized and
ignited. indicated an explosive mixture stilI present.
In addition, fire screens are generalIy 50 to (4) Plugged screens wi 11 decrease the tlow
60 mesh wire screen between pipe at least 4 of the purged mixture and may stop it
entirely, unless constant attention is given to
times the area of the vent pipe. For example: 4"
keeping them clean and open.
flanges on 2" pipe.
In summary, careful attenlion should be
The disadvantages accompanying the use of given to whether tire screens should be used.
tire screens include: The disadvanlages may out-weigh the
(1) There is no assurance that the tlame will advantages of use. In general, their use should
not strike back through the screen. If the gas be given careful consideration when explosive or
discharging from the pipe should beco me combustible mixtures are present. They should
ignited, the center of the screen could not be depended upon to correct or offset any
beco me hot enough to ignite the gas-air faults in the purging conditions or procedures.
mixture approaching the screen


Natural Fire Protection Association, NFA59,

"Standard for the Storage and Handling of
Liquefied Petroleum Gases al Utility Gas
Plants", 1998 Edition.

Natural Fire Protection Association,

NFPA77, "Static Electricity", 1993 Edition.




2.1 lntroduction 19

2.2 Cautionary Note 19

2.3 Limits of Flarnmability of Gas Mixtures 19

2.4 End-Points for Purging 24

2.5 Purging Facilities lnto Service 27

2.6 Purging Facilities Out of Service 30

2.7 Holding Purge 31

2.8 Purging Progre ss Charts 32

2-1 Limits of Flarnmability of Gases & Vapors 20
2-2 The Calculation of Flarnmable Limits 22
2-3 lnert Gas End Points for Purging into Service 30
2-4 Oxygen End Points for Purging into Service 30
2-5 fnert Gas End points for Purging our of Service 31
2-6 Combustible Gas End Points for PUTging OUT of Service 31

2-1 Flarnmable Limits for hydrogen, Carbon Monoxide, Methane 23
2-2 Flarnmability End Point Diagram- Air-Methane-Nitrogen 25
2-3 Flarnmability End Point Diagram- Air-Hydrogen-Nitrogen 26
2-4 Comparative Flarnmability End Poin! Diagram- Air-Methane-Carbon Dioxide 28
2-5 Comparative Flarnmability End Point Diagram-Air-Hydrogen-Carbon Dioxide 29
2-6 Purging Progress Chart 32
2-7 Purging Progress Chart- Combustible Gas is Replaced by lnert Gas 33
2-8 Purging Progress Chart- Air is Replaced by Combustible Gas 34



The control of the purging operation limits and the changes in these limits as
requires a basic understanding of the combustible gas concentrations vary is
fundamentals and theory of purging. An important. This knowledge is invaluable in
understanding of the physical properties and estimating the purging end-points for the
interrelationships of oxygen, inert gases and combinations of different blends of combustible
combustible gases is essential. and inert gas and air or oxygen.
The necessary factors in a successful Defining end-points for purging and testing
purging operation may be calculated or estimated methods for the control of purging will be
using theoretically or experimentally determined presented. The flammability end point diagram
data. Although the discussion in this chapter is is a useful tool the understanding the impact of
directed primarily toward the purging of natural complex combustible gas mixtures. The
gas, other combustible mixtures will be flammability zone for these complex mixtures
referenced to better illustrate the practices and will become readily apparent.
principies of purging. The operation for purging a facility into
Knowledge of the flammability limits of service, out of service or holding a purge is best
combustible gas mixtures, the impact of pressure illustrated by the development of purging
and temperature variations on the flammability progress charts.


Throughout this chapter, the discussion will Furthermore, after a purging operation is
be con cerned primarily with theoretical or properIy conducted according to a safe procedure
calculated conditions in which it is assumed that and brought to a satisfactory end-point, the
the necessary factors are known or can be purged atmosphere must be rechecked. The
estimated from predetermined relationships. operator must ensure that condensates, residues,
From a practical point of view, however, there is leaks, or sorne other such condition will not
always the possibility that actual conditions may subsequently create a dangerous condition with
not correspond precisely with those which have the container. Due consideration should be
been derived, even though the best-known data given in this regard to the possible presence of
and the most justifiable methods are employed. substances within the container, which, due to
In conducting any purging operation, a good rule chemical reactions, may result in the production
to follow is to purge too much rather than too of combustible elements or cause spontaneous
little. combustion.


A basic requirement in approaching a flammable gas in air will finalIy be attained in

purging operation is the knowledge of the which a flarne will fail to propagate. The
flarnmable limits of the combustible gas in airo concentration of gas and air, just as this point is
When small increments of a combustible gas are reached, is referred to as the Upper Flammable
progressively mixed with air, a concentration is Limit of the gas in air. For practical purposes,
finally attained in which a flame will propagate the Upper Flarnmable Limit can also be
if a source of ignition is present. considered the same as the Upper Explosive
This is referred to as the Lower Flammable Limit (UEL).
Limit of the gas in airo For practical purposes, Safety requires that only the most reliable
this can be considered the same as the Lower experimentally determined flammable limit data
Explosive Limit (LEL). As further increments of be considered in purging calculations. Sample
the gas are added, a higher concentration of information is included in Table 2-1.

TA8LE2-1 Few combustible gases are composed of
lIMITS OF FLAMMABllITY OF GASES pure gases or vapors, but in most cases are
AND VAPORS, PERCENT IN AIR: mixtures of many different gases. In
GAS OR VAPOR LOWER UPPER approaching a purging operation it is therefore
Hydrogen 4.00 75.0 necessary to obtain the limits of flammability of
Garbon monoxide 12.50 74.0 the particular gas mixture in question. If the
Ammonia 15.50 26.60
Hydrogen sulflde 4.30 45.50 equipment and time are available, the fuel gas-air
Carbon disulfide 1.25 44.0 mixtures may be prepared and its flammability
Melhane 5.30 14.0 may be determined by ignition. It is much easier
Elhane 300 12.5
Propane 2.20 9.5 to determine the flammability limits of complex
Bulane 1.90 8.5 gas mixtures by calculation. Experience has
Iso-bulane 1.80 8.4
Penlane 1.50 7.80
shown that the results obtained generally are
Iso-pentane 1.40 7.6 sufficiently dependable.
Hexane 1.20 7.5
Heplane 1.20 6.7
Octane 1.00 3.20
Nonane 0.83 2.90
Decane 0.67 2.60
Tetradecane 0.50 LIMITS
Elhylene 3.1 32.0
Propylene 2.4 10.3
Buladiene 2.00 11.50
Flammability limits of complex gas
Butylene 1.98 9.65 mixtures are calculated using the mixture rule
Amylene 1.65 7.70 first applied in such estimations by Le Chatelier
Acelylene 2.50 8100
Allylene 1.74
in 1891. Stated simply, the mixture rule is that if
Benzene 1.4 7.1 two limit mixtures of different gases are added
Toluene 1.27 6.75 together, the resulting mixture also will be a
Styrene 1.10 6.10
o-Xylene 1.00 6.00 Iimit mixture (e.g. if both gas mixtures were at
Naphthalene 0.90 the respective UFL's, the resuIting mixture will
Anthracene 0.63
be at its UFL). The equation expressing this law
Gyclo-propane 2.40 IDA
Cyclo-hexene 1.22 4.81 is written as follows:
Cyclo-hexane 1.30 8.0
Melhyl cyclo-hexane 1.20
Gasollna·regular 1.40 7.50 PI P2 P3 P4
Gasoline-730ctane 1.50 7.40
Gasollne-92octane 1.50 7.60
NI N2 N3 N4
Gasoline-100 octane 1.45 7.50
Naphlha 1.10 6.00 Where PI, P2 , P3 , P 4 etc., are the proportions,
NOTE: More complete tables 01 dala are included in of each combustible gas present in the original
Appendix 01 "GASEOUS FUELS" publlshed by
A.G.A., 1954 (10) mixture, free from air and inert gas so that PI +
P 2 + P3 + P4 = etc. = 100 and NI, N2 , N 3 , N4 etc.,
2.3(a) PRESSURE EFFECTS ON are the limits of flammability of the mixture
COMBUSTIBLE LIMITS (upper or lower as the case may be) in air. L is
the corresponding limit of flammability of the
Pressures below atmospheric pressure do not mixture.
affect the limits of flammability of natural gas- An example of the application of this law is
air mixtures and most other gas-air mixtures. indicated by a natural gas of the following
From atmospheric pressure up to 300 psig. composition:
the lower limit of flammability is not affected,
but the upper limit rises as the pressure on the GAS %BYVOLUME LFL%GAS
mixture is increased. This widens the range of IN AIR
flammability as the pressure in creases, as shown Methane 80.0 5.30
below: Ethane 15.0 3.00
PSIG O lOO 200 300 350
UFL 15 18 24 32 40
100 combustible gas for which the tlammability
Lower Limit = 80 O 5 Iimits have been experimentally determined.
. 1.0 4.0 1.0 The tlammability limits of mixtures of hydrogen,
5.30 3.00 2.20 1.90 carbon monoxide and methane with CO 2, N 2 and
H20 are shown in Figure 2-1 with the different
combustibles in any of several ways, two of
= 4.46% Gas in Air which are represented by calculations A and B in
Table 2-2.
Any oxygen contained in a mixture may be In these examples, the inert gases CO 2 and
considered as though it were a part of the air N 2 are combined with the combustible H2 and
required of the combustion. The analysis of the CO and the small amount of CH 4 is taken alone.
flammable mixture should be con verted to an air- Next, the ratio of inert to combustible gas is
free basis before the flammable limits are obtained for each group as shown and the
calculated. tlammable limits for each such mixture are
Simple combustible inert mixtures may be obtained from Figure 2-1. The mixture rule
extrapolated directly from Figure 2-1. As an formula is now applied, using the data as shown
example take a mixture that is 90 percent in Table 2-2.
hydrogen and 10 percent nitrogen; the inert The summary at the bottom of Table 2-2
combustion ratio is nine. From Figure 2-1, the indicates the relative agreement between the
lower and upper flammability limits are calculated data and that experimentally
approximately 44 and 76 percent respectively. determined for this particular gas mixture. The
When mixtures are more complex and difference between calculated and determined
contain appreciable quantities of the inert gases, data in this case may have been due more to
such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide, calculation inaccuracies in the analysis of the gas mixture
of the flammability limits becomes somewhat (particularly for methane) than to the fault of the
more complicated and requires the use of an mixture rule formula. This points up the fact tha!
extension of the mixture rule. In this reliable gas analyses also are a necessary part of
modification the inert gases are considered by the calculated flammability limit data.
assuming that the original mixture is composed
of a number of sub-mixtures of inert gas and



Gas Analysis Combinations Ratio Flammable Limits

Gas Compasltlon Chosen Total Inert' Combustible Lower Upper
H2 12.4% 12.4H2 + 6.2 C02 18.6% 0.50 6.0 71.5
CO 27.3 27.3 CO + 53.4 N2 80.7% 1.96 39.8 73.0
CH4 0.7 0.7 CH4 0.7% 0.00 5.0 15.0
C02 6.2
02 0.0
N2 53.4

= = 19.0

Lower Limit '00

. 18.6 + -ªº1 + 0.7

6.0 39.8 5.0

Upper Limit = 100 = 70.8
18.6 + 80.7 t 0.7
71.5 73.0 15.0

Gas Analysis 12.4 H2 + 53.4 N2 ·65.8 4.31 22.0 16.0

27-.3 CO + 6.2 C02 - 33.5 0.23 15.0 71.0
same ~7CH4 - Q7 0.7 5.0 15.0

. ¡ . .
Lower Umit = 100
65.8 + 33.5 +!1.
22.0 - 15.0 5.0
= 18.7


Upper Limit = 100 =71.9

65.8 +~+E
76.0 71.0 15.0

Lowerlimlt Upper Umit

Summary { Oetennined 20.7 73.7.
Calculation A 19.0 70.8
Calculation 8 18.7 71.9

Figure 2-1


1\. I

'\ I

r~ u.

I 2~

N ::l
'\ >
v-. !\ I O~

/ "'-

)le " 1-
~ w


r-- ~
'\ u.

1/ ~
\ , ~., ~ ..J

<1:. \c>
~, ~
OS: 4
1 - P;;~~ f~ 1> l~ - ~
o ......

, l'
r-:::::~ r--....... '" . ~~

/ ) - - ~ [\"
co+ c-CJ;¡ F.::: l'
I /
J 1/ ' ~ ~'.~
'" "o
,v¡.V i~
~ ~ ~
80 10 60 50 40 30 20 JO
Figure 2-1 - Flammable limits lor hydrogen. carbon
monoxlde. methane. wlth nitrogen.
carbon dioxide and water vapor


Inert gases, such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen The relationships among constituents of the
and steam change the explosive limit range of three-component system (flammable gas,
certain com bustib le gases as show in Figure 2-1. atmospheric air and inert gases) may be
When these inert gases are mixed in suitable represented on triangular or rectangular
proportions with the combustible gases, the coordinates. A triangular plot for air, methane
formation of flammable mixtures can be and nitro gen is shown in Figure 2-2. This is
prevented. called a flammability end-point diagram.
There is no additional safety involved in Figure 2-2 could also be derived directly
unnecessarily prolonging a purging operation. from Figure 2-1. By estimating the percentage
So the question at this point is "How long should amounts of combustible, inert and air-mixtures at
the introduction of inert gas be continued in various points on the curves in Figure 2-1, a
order to ensure that the subsequent admission of flammability end-point diagram is obtained by
air or of combustible gas, as the case may be, plotting these same points on a triangular graph
into the container will not form a possible for these mixtures.
flammable mixture?" The end-points of purging Figure 2-3 shows the flammability zone for
must be determined to answer this question. a mixture of hydrogen, nitrogen and air. This
The discussion in the remaining parts of this graph was derived directly by estimating the
section refers primarily to inert purge gases percentages of the gas mixture at points 1, 2, 3
composed of CO 2 and N 2 or of gas containing and 4 as shown on Figure 2-1 and plotted on
various proportions of CO 2 and N 2 . Purging with Figure 2-3.
steam will be covered separately in a subsequent In this example, hydrogen was chosen to
part of the present chapter. demonstrate this process, but also to visually
The proper end-point of a purge may be indicate the vast range of flammability limits of
deduced from a graph or diagram of the different combustible gases. Natural gas has a
flammability limits in air of mixtures containing relatively narrow flammability range while
various proportions of the combustible gas and hydrogen has one of the widest ranges for gases
the inert gas being employed. It is possible to that are normally encountered in a purging
derive such a graph by experimental work operation.
involving the preparation and testing of The development of a flammability end-
numerous mixtures of the combustible gas and point graph will greatly aid in the understanding
the inert gas with air. A simpler procedure of the relationships of the gases involved.
employs calculation using Le Chatelier's formula Consider Figure 2-2. The horizontal axis XH
and the data from Figure 2-1. The calculation is represents combustible gas concentration, the
similar to that illustrated in Table 2-2. vertical axis XV indicates the concentration of
The mixtures for which the flammable limits atmospheric air respectively and the diagonal
are to be derived are estimated from various axis VH illustrates concentration of the inert gas
combinations of the combustible and inert gas nitrogen. Point V denotes 100 percent air or 21
mixtures to be used in the purging operation (i.e., percent oxygen, zero percent natural gas and
90 percent combustible gas + 10 percent inert zero percent inert gases. Point O represents 100
gas; 80 percent combustible gas + 20 percent percent nitrogen, zero percent air (or oxygen)
inert gas; 70 percent combustible gas + 30 and zero pereent methane. Point H denotes 100
percent inert gas; etc.). percent methane, zero pereent air or oxygen and
Sorne deviation may occur when the zero pereent nitrogen. Therefore, line VH
combustible gases involved are of larger represents all possible coneentrations of air and
molecular structure or approach vapors in nature methane and no nitrogen; all possible mixtures
such as benzene or gasoline. The caIculation still of methane, air and nitro gen are included within
may be used for all practical purposes for the the area XVH. Points A and B on VH represent
estimation of end-points of purging. For the lower and upper flammable limits of the
mixtures composed chiefly of the simpler gases, combustible gas in air respectively.
the calculated data may be taken to be as
dependable as the basic data relating to the
individual gases shown in Table 2-1 and Figure

100 V






~ H

O 20 40 60 80 100


Flammability end point diagram for the purging of methane with nitrogen at 70° F. The
A and B coordinates are 5 and 14 percent methane, and O-percentage nitrogen, respectively. The
e coordinate is a mixture of approximately 6 peTcent metbane, 36 percent nitrogen and 58 pereent
aiT. The triangle formed by the coordinates of A, B and e represent the flammability zone at 70
degrees F. Note: the flarnmabiJity zone area will ¡ncrease as the temperature increases.





80 "'-.




20~ ________ c~__~__.__~________~_______ _

O 20 40 60 80 100

Flammability end point diagram for the purging ofhydrogen with nitrogen can be
approximated from Figure 2-1. The approximate concentrations of hydrogen, nitrogen and air
have been estimated at points 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Figure 2-1. Those same concentrations points are
represented as points 1, 2, 3 and 4 above. Note: tbis metbod approximates the flammability zone
sincc the interior lines forming the triangle may not be precisely linear.


As inert gas is mixed with methane and air The development of graphs such as Figure
in the flammable range, other mixtures are 2-2 ilIustrates the relationship of the flammable
formed which have different lower and upper limits ofmethane, oxygen and nitrogen mixtures.
flammable limits. These new limiting mixtures A similar graph for mixtures of methane, oxygen
are represented by the lines AC and Be. As and carbon dioxide and is shown in Figure 2-4.
more nitrogen is added, AC and BC converge at As stated earlier, the primary purpose ofthis
point e. No mixture of combustible gas which manual is to deal with the purging of natural gas,
contains less than the amount of air represented however, it is instructive to consider other
at point C is flammable within itself. All flammable gases with respect to the flammable
mixtures within ABC are within the flammable limits. Natural gas has a relatively narrow
limits and must be avoided for safe purging flammable range (approximately 5-14%) while
practice. hydrogen has a broad flammable range
Mixtures within the area DCBH are aboye (approximately 4-75%). A similar technique
the flammable limits, but will become flammable may be used to develop a flammability zone
when air is added. Thus, in Figure 2-2, a graph for hydrogen, oxygen and combinations of
mixture containing 40 percent air, 40 percent nitrogen and carbon dioxide as shown in Figure
natural gas and 20 percent nitrogen (point E) is 2-5. It is apparent that safe purging of hydrogen
not flammable. If air is added to this mixture, its is significantly more difficult because of the
composition will vary along the line EV and as it large flammable zone. Greater care must be
enters the area ABC, the mixture becomes practiced for combustible gases as the flammable
flammable. zone increases.
Similarly, all mixtures within the are a Figures 2-2 through 2-5 represent the
VACF are below flammability limits but will extremes that may normalIy be encountered
become flammable if combustible gas is added, during a purging operation. The discussion in
since the mixtures may enter the area ABC. the next three sections regarding purging
Mixtures indicated by points in the area facilities into service, out of service and holding
XDCF are not only nonflammable, but cannot be a purge may be extended to any combustible gas
made flammable by adding either combustible or gas mixture using a flammability zone graph.
gas or air.


A safe purging operation of air from a limit. These purging end-points are given on the
container subsequently to be filled with natural right side ofTable 2-3.
gas may be indicated in Figure 2-2. As an inert Sometimes it is more convenient to control
gas is added, the air concentration drops along the purging by determining the oxygen content
ordinate VX to any point G below F. of the purged gases. In purging into service,
Subsequent addition of natural gas causes the inert gas is added to the container until the
mixture composition to change along line GH oxygen concentration of the mixture is decreased
(not shown), which crosses no part of the to the point where no mixture of this with the
flammable zone ABC. In the example shown in combustible gas would be flammable. This data,
Figure 2-2, inert gas should be added until the also presented by the U.S. Bureau of Mines, is
purged atmosphere contains at least 42 percent given in Table 2-4. Suggested purging end-point
inert gas, thereby reducing the air content in the data with a 20 percent safety factor are given on
purged atmosphere to 58 percent, or an oxygen the right half of TabJe 2-4 in terms of percent of
concentration of about 12 percent. oxygen for the purging of containers in
To render a given combustible-air mixture preparation to receive the various combustibles
nonflammable it is desirable to know what shown. Note: NFPA 69 requires that oxygen
percentage of inert gases is required. Table 2-3 end-points be caIculated at 60% of the limiting
gives the values for a number of combustibles oxidant concentration. The reader is urged to
investigated by the U.S. Bureau of Mines. To review both sources for the applicable standard
ensure safety, purging should be continued to a to their operation.
point at least 20 percent beyond the flammable








O 20 40 60 80 100


The eomparative flammability end point diagram for the purging ofmethane with earbon
dioxide and nitrogen.



80 k - I I P - - - -


60 "

201,,------~--------_+_~-------4 __- - - - - -

o 20 40 60 80 100


The comparative flarnmability end point diagram for the purging ofhydrogen with
carbon dioxide and nitrogen.





Purge Medium C02 N2' C02 N2' Purge Medium C02 N2 C02 N2
Combustible Percent required Purging End Combustible Percent 01 Oxygen Purging End
lo render mixtures Points with below which no Polnls with
non-flammable 20%Salety mixture is 20% Salety
Factor flammable Factor
Hydrogen 57 71 66 77 Hydrogen 5.9 5.0 4.7 4.0
Carbon Monoxide 41 58 53 66 Carbon Monoxide 5.9 5.6 4.7 4.5
Methane 23 36 38 49 Methane 14.6 12.1 11.7 9.7
Ethane 32 44 46 55 Ethane 13.4 11.0 10.7 8.8
Propane 29 42 43 54 Propane 14.3 11.4 11.4 9.1
Butane 28 40 42 52 Butane 14.5 12.1 11.6 9.7
Iso-butane 26 40 41 52 Isobutane 14.8 12.0 11.8 9.6
Pentane 28 42 42 54 Pentane 14.4 12.1 11.5 9.7
Hexane 28 41 42 53 Hexane 14.5 11.9 11.6 9.5
Gasoline 29 43 43 55 Gasoline 14.4 11.6 11.5 9.3
Ethylene 40 49 52 59 Ethylene 11.7 10.0 9.4 8.0
Propylene 29 42 43 54 Propylene 14.1 11.5 11.3 9.2
Cyclopropane 30 41 44 53 Cyclopropane 13.9 11.7 11.1 9.4
Butadiene 35 48 48 49 Butadiene 13.1 10.4 10.5 8.3
Benzene 31 44 44 55 Benzene 13.9 11.2 11.1 9.0
• Nitrogen percentages do not include nitrogen 01 the
air in mixtures.


The operation of purging natural gas from a Table 2-5. Again the requirements NFPA 69
container to be filled subsequently with air may implies that U.S. Bureau of Mines oxygen end-
al so be illustrated using Figure 2-2. As inert gas points listed in these tables do not meet the
is added, the natural gas concentration decreases safety margins of a 60% limiting oxidant
from point H (at the right) along abscissa HX to concentration. The reader is urged to research
a point J beyond D. Subsequent addition of air the appropriate standard that applies to their
results in a change in the mixture composition operation.
along line JV (not shown), which crosses no part It is sometimes more convenient to control
of flammable zone ABC. In the example shown the purging by determining the combustible
in Figure 2-2, at least 88 percent of the natural content of the purged gases. In purging out of
gas should be replaced by inert gas when the service, inert gas is added to the container until
container is purged out of service. the combustible gas concentration of the mixture
To render a given combustible is decreased to the point where no mixture of this
nonflammable should air be added to it in any with any amount of air would be flammable.
amount, it is desirable to know what percentages These data are given on Table 2-6. Suggested
of inert gases are required. Table 2-5 gives the purging end-point data with a 20 percent safety
data for a number of combustibles investigated factor are given on the right side of Table 2-6 in
by the U.S. Bureau of Mines. To ensure safety, terms of the percent of combustible in a mixture
purging should be continued to a point at least 20 which will remain nonflammable regardless of
percent beyond the flammable limit. These any amount of air which may be added to it.
purging end-points are given on the right side of


A holding purge is similar to the purging of Figure 2-2 also may be applied to a holding
a faciJity out of service except Ihat in a holding purge for natural gas. Natural gas concentration
purge an inert atmosphere is maintained and is decreases during purging from point H (at the
not replaced at once by air. Alterations or right) along abscissa HX to a point J beyond D.
repairs can sometimes be made safely on closed Natural gas may then be readmitted at any time,
systems under such conditions, after which the composition of the mixture changing from J
combustible gas is readmitted and the equipment along XH until H is reached and the facility is
is retumed to service. retumed to service.




Purge Medium cc" N' CO' N' Purge Medium CO' N' CO' N'
Combustible Percenl required lo render Purging End Combustible Percent 01 Combustible Purging End
mixtures non·flammable Pointswith below which no mixture Poinlswith
when air is added in any 20% Safety is flammable when air is 20% Salety
amount Factor added in any amounl Factor

Hydrogen 91 95 93 96 Hydrogen 9 5 7 4

Garbon Monoxide 68 81 74 85 Carbon Monoxide 32 19 26 15


Methane 77 86 82 89 Methane 23 14 18 11

Ethane 88 93 91 95 Ethane 12 7 9 5

Propane 89 94 91 95 Propane 11 6 9 5

Bulane 91 95 93 96 Butane 9 5 7 4

lso·butane 91 95 93 96 Iso·bulane 9 5 7 4

Pentane 96 97 97 98 Penlane 4 3 3 2

Hexane 96 97 97 98 Hexane 4 3 3 2

Gasoline 93 96 95 97 Gasoline 7 4 5 3

Ethylene 90 94 92 95 Ethylene 10 6 8 5

Propylene 94 96 95 97 Propylene 6 4 5 3
Benzene 93 96 95 97 Benzene 7 4 5 3


A good method to link the results of tests when purging is effected entirely by
with control of operations is to compare the displacement.
actual results with the desired results throughout When purging is entirely by mixing or
the progress of the operation. This may be dilution, the change in the average inert gas
accomplished by means of a purging progress content of the mix inside the container follows
chart which is a graph or diagram of the the line CDF. The location of this line is
theoretical compositions of the mixtures or purge determined from the theoretical compositions of
gases which will be forced from the vents during mixtures of the original contents of the chamber
the purging either by displacement or by with the proportions of purge gas indicated on
dilution. By plotting the compositions of the the ordinate. When complete dilution is
vented gases as actually determined through tests occurring, there could be theoretically little, if
on this diagram, it is possible to judge to what any, difference between the mixture of gases
extent mixing is occurring and how the within the chamber and the mixture leaving it.
replacement is proceeding. The operator can The line CDF represents the change in the inert
identify the causes and the corrections of gas content of the gases leaving the vents during
undesirable conditions may be obtained from a purging proceeding entirely by admixture or
such a comparison of the actual changes in dilution.
composition ofthe vented mixture, with changes
that could be expected on the basis of theory or
past experience. Figure 2-6 represents a generic
chart of this type for a facility that is being
purged out of service.
The accumulated volumes of inert gas
introduced into the facility at a particular time is
represented by the ordinate of the purging
progress chart (Figure 2-6). The ordinate units
may be either cubic unit of inert gas per cubic
unit to be purged, or cubic unit of inert gas per
total units of the space to be purged. The
abscissa represents the compositions of the
mixture escaping from the vent at the same time.
The abscissa units may be the percentage of the
inert purge gas in the vented mixture, or more
practically they may be the characteristics of
composition; i.e., the percent by volume of
carbon dioxide or of oxygen in the vented
The abscissa point C is the inert gas content
of the original contents of the container to be
purged. Point A represents 100% inert gas in the
container. In theoretically perfect purging,
effected entirely by displacement, the carbon
dioxide content ofthe vented gases would follow
a course C to B to A, suddenly jumping from a
minimum to a maximum concentration when the
chamber became filled with purge gas. In the
absence of any mixing, until the purge gas PERCENTAGE - PURGE GAS
content had become large enough to completely
fill the space, only the original contents of the Purgíng Progress Chart
container would be vented. After that only the
inert purge gas would appear. The line CA FIGURE 2-6
represents the change in the average percentage
of inert gas in the total contents of the container

The line LN is the end-point of the purging as If the inert gas concentration falls to the
estimated from a graph similar to Figure 2-2, right of BDF, it indicates that:
prepared from the flammable limit data for (1) Live gas or air is leaking into the
mixtures that cannot be made flammable by chamber;
either adding air or natural gas. The construction (2) Appreciable amounts of inert gas weTe
and interpretation process has previously been lost in the early parts of the operatíon by
explained in this chapter. The line LN is the arcing across the vessel or by leaking from
concentration of inert gas in the vented purge gas ínlet connections;
indicating that the concentration of combustible (3) A serious contractíon of the contents of
gas remaining in the container is too low for the container has occurred, possibly due to
subsequent admission of air to produce a cooling.
tlammable mixture. A purging progress chart for a purgíng
It is impossible to attain 100 percent operation in which air is to be replaced by inert
displacement in a purging operation in which an gas is shown by Figure 2-8. Jt is simílar to that
inert gas is employed. Instead of a series of used for the gas to inert purging as given by
points along C to B to A for displacement or Figure 2-7 except for one slight difference. The
along C to D to F for dilution, actual test results purging of air from a vessel is measured by the
of purging operations yield a series of points, as decrease in oxygen content from 21.0 percent
shown in Figure 2-7. downward. It is therefore more desirable and
Actual results have shown that the inert gas instructive to use the oxygen content of the
vented during the purges were generally located vented gases for the abscissa values in air
between the lines WX and YZ in Figure 2-7. lt purging program charts rather than the inert gas
can be postulated that, in purging combustible as in the case ofFigure 2-7.
gas from a large vessel or chamber, the optimum
operation will be indicated by the inert gas
content of the vented gas approaching the lower
part of the YZ curve and the upper part of the
WX curve.
If the concentration of inert gas in the vented
mixtures fall to the left of or below the line CA,
it is an indication that the purge gas is passing '-'
through the chamber directly from the inlet to the N F o.
outlet vent. In such a case, purging action by X
, Z
,, ...
displacement or by dilution is minimal. This \
,, \ '=
might be corrected by using a vent in a different
location or by decreasing the velocity of the inert
gas at the inlet by lowering the input rate or A B S¿=
,, '".,¡
increasing the area of the inlet opening. ,, ~
If the inert gas concentration lies in the area ,, Q;

between AC and WX, the purge gas is mixing

,, 0.8 CJ)
with the original contents ofthe container instead ,, =
of tending to stratify at the bottom of the L , 0.6 'c
chamber. This may be due to one or more of a y
number of causes: :o'-'
(l) Too long a time of contact which fosters
diffusion caused by too low an input rate;
(2) Too high a temperature for the inert gas
(over 150°F), which may result in setting up 0.0 .20 .40 .60
convection currents within the chamber
(3) Too high a velocity of the entering inert
Purging Progress Chart
gas as compared to the velocity of the Combustible Gas Is Replaced By Inert Gas
escaping purge gas, thereby resulting in a
mechanical stirring action; FIGIJRF. 2-7
(4) Irregular or pulsating flow of gases at
the inlet causing eddy currents and chuming.

Stratification is not very pronounced in air
purging. There is generally little difference in
the densities of the inert gases as compared to
air, so that larger proportion of an air purging
consists of dilution. This is indicated by a
relatively rapid drop in the oxygen content of the
vented gases right at the start of the purge, with
the change in oxygen content subsequently
tending to run parallel to the dilution effect line
CDF. The Iines WX and YZ in Figure 2-8
indicate the normal variation in the change of
oxygen content of the vented gases during
representative purging samples of air from the
The various diagnoses for the relationships
between oxygen content and inert input volume
which yielded points outside WX and YZ on the
air purging chart are comparable to those offered
for the gas purging chart. An ideal purge would
be one in which the change in oxygen content of
the vented gas followed the course C to B to A.
Points aboye the line AC indicate arcing across
and points below DF may indicate leakage in of
air or leakage out of inert purge gas.
It is of interest to note that the end-point line
PERCENTAGE - OXYGEN IN MIXTURE LN in Figure 2-8 for the air purging tends to be
c10ser to the center of the chart than in the case
Purging Progress Chart of the end-point line LN in Figure 2-7 for the
Air Is Replaced By Combustible Gas combustible gas purging. However, the volumes
of inert gases required to purge the container in
FIGURE 2-8 the two cases were relatively c1ose. The reason
for this is generally a function of the den sities of
the various gases involved.


Natural Fire Protection Association,

NFPA69, "Standard on Explosion Prevention
Systems", 1997 Edition.




3.1 Introduetion 36

3.2 Sampling 36

3.3 Gas Deteetion and Monitoring Instroments 38

3.4 Speeifie Gravity Determination 42

3.5 Use ofInstroments for Verifying Purging and End-Points 42

3.6 Moisture Measurement 43

3.7 Flow Meters 43

3.8 Testing of Gases Hazardous to Health 43

3.9 Deteetion and Measurement of Hazardous Gases 46

3-1 Mobile Gas Analysis Equipment- Photo 37
3-2 Multi-Gas Monitor- Photo 38
3-3 Gas-Trae Gas Deteetor- Photo 39
3-4 Flame lonization Gas Leak Deteetor- Photo 40
3-5 Gas Instrument Doeking Station- Photo 41
3-6 Gas-Sentry Oxygen Monitor- Photo 42
3-7 Physiologieal Effeets of CO 2 45
3-8 Typieal Range of Monitor Set Points and Alarms 46



The usefulness of gas deteclÍon instruments is other than natural gas, detecting and
has been well established in the gas industry. monitoring products or instruments may be used
They are ordinarily used to perform two types of to sample, monitor and deteet many of the gases
service. The first is to perform routine tests for involved in the purging operation.
locating leaks and test atmospheres in manholes, For the purpose of this manual, gas detecting
val ve pits and similar 10calÍons for combustible or monitoring instruments will be defined as the
mixtures. The second is testing of mixtures that following:
are incidental in the proper control of purging (1) Gas detector - an instrument or deviee
operations. It is with particular reference to the whieh detects the presenee of the gas and
latter use that this chapter is written. indieates or quantifies the amount of gas in
Quantitative and qualitative testing is the mixture;
necessary to maintain and ensure control during (2) Gas indicalor - an inSlrument or deviee
purging operation and determine the which deteets the presence of the gas but
completeness of the purge. does not indieate or quantify the amount of
In the natural gas industry, there are gas in the mixture;
generally three types of gases involved in the (3) Gas monitor - an instrument or device
purging operation: that continuously detects and quantifies the
(1) Natural gas - either to be purged into or amount of gas in the mixture.
out of service; Equipment for the measurement of the
(2) Inert gas - used for the purge, either physical properties (specific gravity, dew poinl)
totally or as a slug; of the gases may be desirable or necessary to
(3) Air - which in combination with natural provide additional information, to identify
gas may produce a mixture within the cerlain gases or rapidly indicate changes in the
f1ammable Iimits. gas composition.
The emphasis of this manual is on purging
natural gas. However, when the combustible gas


Sampling is one of the procedures for the tests are made on poor samples. Sampling
obtaining a representalive portion of the gases to points should therefore be chosen with careo
be analyzed. The size of the sample and the Samples taken must be representative of the
frequency of collection are determined by the mixture being tested to be fully satisfactory.
purging operation needs and subsequent sample Precautions should be observed to ensure that the
analytical procedures. samples are neither contaminated nor altered in
Analytical test results, which may be useful any way that might affect the integrity of the
as an operaling guide during the purging sample. Sueh factors as sample tubes, pumps,
procedures, must be made available to the lubricants, internal leakage, dead spaces, etc.
operating personnel in a timely fashion. The should be considered.
sampling and testing proeedure that should be Sample containers should be of such types
used is one which will permit the utilization of as will protect the sample from deterioration and
the test results in the shortest practical time. contamination. Consideration should be given to
The purpose and scope of the sampling adequately marking and recording of samples
should be specific. Most methods for the testing with provisions for noting all of the necessary
and analysis of gas samples have been developed information which should be furnished with the
to a high degree of accuracy. The results sample. This inc1udes information such as date,
obtained, however, are no better than the sample time, name of sample, sampling point, gas
taken. Analytical results may be misleading if sampled, reference number, etc. Portable


electronic gas monitoring instruments allows the should be constructed of materials lhat will nol
operator to have accurate and timely information allow adulteration or contamination of the
at the job site. See Figure 3- J. sample. In general, the connections should be as
However, if samples are lo be lransported short as practicable. Sampling connections must
any distance, special precautions may be be tight to prevent contamination of the sample.
necessary to ensure that the sample will arrive An adequate sample may be obtained from
intact and uncontaminated. simple sample connections in places where the
A few general guidelines should be gas is well mixed, as in purge vents or small
considered for the sampling procedure required pipelines. Sampling connections that extend
during purging operation. A sufficient number only to the inside of the wall or shell of large
of sampling points should be established to containers or gas mains are not generally
furnish the necessary information with respect to satisfactory. The connection in large containers
a purging control. No additional safety or such as tanks and holders should extend inside
efficiency may be necessarily achieved by far enough to prevent possible surface
requiring an excessive number of sampling condensate from entering the sample tube. In
points. It may be apparent during the purging large pipelines, the sampling tube should extend
operation that additional points may be required, into the pipe a distance egual to Yí lhe diameter
or that the information secured at one or more of ofthe pipe.
lhe original points is not meaningful. Proper Sampling probes composed of the softer
advance planning should reduce the likelihood of non-sparking metals such as copper or aluminum
having to change sampling locations during the are recommended. Due consideration should be
purge and thereby reduce the possibility of given to ensure that such metal sampling probes
erroneous or unnecessary information. Sample will not come inlo contact with eIeclrical
connections should be of the correcl size. They connections of any sort. Glass or plastic
sampling pro bes also may be employed.


3.3(a) GENERAL sampling pumps that can draw samples from

remote locations up to 100 feet. In many
Site-specific detailed gas analysis of natural purging operations, a properly chosen multi-
gas is generally not required for purging since tester may be an inexpensive and reasonable
the constituents of natural gas are usually known alternative to instruments with more Iimited
prior to the purging operation. In cases where applications. See Figure 3-2.
more complex mixtures are encountered, the use Probably the first necessity for gas detection
of gas detection and monitoring instruments may instruments arose as a result of the mining of
provide the necessary information. coal. As early as 1700, coal mine atmospheres
Where gas detection, monitoring, or were tested by lowering a dog down the shaft in
measurement is required, excellent gas a basket. Small animals and birds have
instruments are available. Recent technological continued to be used until relatively recently,
and electronic advances in these instruments chiefly for detecting leaks, dangerous
have significantly improved the ease of atmospheres containing toxic gases, or an
operation, portability and dependability of these oxygen deficiency.
units. Instruments and monitors are available Candles and open flame lamps originally
that are capable of detecting and monitoring used to provide underground Iighting served aIso
oxygen, combustible gases and many toxic as the first crude and unsafe devices for the
gases. These instruments are designed to detect, detection of combustible gas and/or oxygen
qualify and quantify accurately many of the deficient atmospheres. The first safety lamp was
gases that may be encountered. invented about 1813. Since that date, there have
Improvements have also been made in been significant improvements made in not only
reliability, senSltlvlty, ease of calibration, the detection of combustible gas, but also
functionality, calibration and storage of virtually all gases that are routinely encountered
information in many purging operations. These during the purging operation.
instruments may be equipped with internal


3.3(b) TECHNOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENTS • Will respond to any gas with
conductivity different than air;
Recent technological improvements are now • Not accurate In reduced oxygen
available that provide the operator with a wide concentrations.
range of products and instruments that, when Catalytic bead sensors:
used in the proper application, enhance the safety • Most common technology used for
and effectiveness of the purging operation. Each detecting combustible gases in portable
of these technologies has their own advantages instruments;
and limitations and it is incumbent on the • Responds to any vapor which can be
operator to ensure the correct instrument is being burned;
applied. • Dctects combustible from 0-100%
The most common lechnologies for Lower Explosive Limit (LEL)
detecLing combustible gases during the purging • Damaged by gas concentrations in
operation are: excess of 100% LEL;
(1) Thermal conductivity; • Not capable of detecting gas in oxygen-
(2) Catalytic bead; free environment.
(3) Infrared; Infrared gas sensors:
(4) Flame ionization. • Emcrging technology for dctecting
These technologies may be found in single combustible gases;
gas combustible gas indicators or multi-gas, • Will detect combustible from 1% LEL
oxygen and combustible gas instruments. to 100% of volume;
Some of Ihe fealures, advantages and
• Can be very gas specific;
Iimitalions of each of these technologies is
• Will detect gas accurately in inert
summarized below. The operator is advised to
work with the supplier or manufacturer's
• Cannot dctcct hydrogen.
representative to ensure that the proper
Flame ionization:
instrument is being used at the purging
• Capable of detecting combustible
hydrocarbons in parts-per-million (PPM)
Thermal conductive sensors:
• Traditional "hot wire" gas sensor;
• AvailabJe for use on vehicles for mobiJe
• Response based on difference of
thermal conductivity of target gas in air;
• Detects all combustible hydrocarbons
• Capable of detecting gas to 100% of
and does not distinguish natural gas
• Equipped with tlame suppressors.


3.3(c) COMBUSTIBLE GAS DETECTORS are easy to calibrate. Self-diagnostic features
and automatic zeroing are generally included.
Many of these instruments use internal sampling
The combustible gas indicator was probably the pumps and therefore are intrinsically safe.
most widely used instrument for purging to Hydrocarbon detection in the parts-per-million
detect and measure gas concentrations up to the (PPM) range is commonplace.
lower explosive limit (LEL). As described Automatic docking stations (Figure 3-5) can
aboye, there ha ve been a significant number of provide automatic calibration, instrument
technological improvements made in diagnostics and automatic battery charging. In
combustible gas indicators (Figures 3-3 and 3-4). addition, docking stations can be an automated
These instruments are generaIly 100% solid instrument management system that downloads
state, require little maintenance and tend to be and stores information and maintains database
vcry durable. The detection of thc combustible information for up to five instruments.
gas may use several different types of technology Summaries of individual instrument data trends
including electrical resistance, flame ionization, are viewable in easy-to-read graphs and data-
infrared and catalytic diffusion. Many are logging history.
microprocessor control, havc digital displays and



3.3(d) OXYGEN MONITORS available that are designed to be a complete

monitoring instrument for multiple applications.
Oxygen is one of the three constituents most See Figure 3-2. These instruments inelude
signifIcant in purging control, the other two infrared sensors, an oxygen sensor, a catalytic
being inert and combustible gas. Gas mixtures, PPM hydrocarbon sensor and electrochemical
which contain limiting fraetions of oxygen, toxic gas sensors. These de vices have many of
become nonflammable and safe with respect to the advantages listed in the previous section
explosion hazards as long as no inerease in the regarding combustible gas indicators.
oxygen is allowed. The determination of the The gases that may be detected or monitored
oxygen content of inert gases and purge gases is, with a multiple gas monitor inelude the
therefore, a very important part of purging following gases:
Electronic monitors are available that will • Ammonia
detect oxygen in concentrations from zero to • Carbon dioxide
30% of volume in 0.1 % inerements. The oxygen • Carbon monoxide
monitor uses an electrochemical sensor. Many
of the oxygen monitors are also mulli-gas
• Chlorine

monitors and detectors. These devices have

• Chlorine dioxide

many of the advantages listed in the previous

• Hydrogen ehloride
section regarding combustible indicators. See • Hydrogen cyanide
Figure 3-6. • Hydrogen sulfide
• Methane
• Nitric oxide
• Sulfur dioxide
Multiple gas monitors and detectors are



The specific gravity or density of natural gas improvements made in instruments that measure
tends to be relatively constant. Por other specific gravity. These instruments are easy to
combustible gas mixtures and purging mediums, use, portable, require little maintenance and tend
there may be a significant difference. The to be very durable. Many are microprocessor
property may then be utilized as part of the controlled, have digital displays and are easy to
purging control. There have reeently been a calibrate.
significant number of technological


In Chapter 2, an extensive discussion on ability to verify purging end-points. As pointed

calculating or estimating purging end-points was out earlier in this section, instruments that are
presented. In actual field conditions, it is inexpensive, durable and reliable are available
important to have the ability to accurately for most gas mixtures that may be encountered in
measure the gas mixtures at predetermined the field. These easy to use, multi-function
locations during the purging operation. instruments can provide valuable information to
The advance in technology for instruments ensure a safe and successful purging operation.
that monitor or detect has greatly enhanced the


The measurement and monitoring of Water dew point temperature of a gas is the
moisture in gases is a necessary part of purging temperature at which the gas is saturaled wilh
LNG tanks ar other vessels into and out of water vapor at the existing pressure.
service, where moisture cannot be tolerated. Relative humidity is the amount of water
The water content of a gaseous system may vapor in a unit volume of gas compared to the
be described in several ways, although each is total amount thal could be contained in the same
easily converted to the other. Dew point, relative volume under the same conditions of pressure
humidity, pounds of water per million cubic feet and temperature.
of gas, all expressed at specific temperatures and There are a number of reliable state-of-lhe-
pressures, are the common terms to describe art instrumenls available lO measure the water
water conten!. content of various gases. These instruments are
reliable, incxpensivc, durable and easy to use.


There are several types of flow meters operating pressures which may exceed 1000
available depending on the operator's psig., a turbine type meter will better meet the
requirements. For air or gas flows normally not requirements.
exceeding 0-2000 SCFH and 100 psig. One type of turbine meter operates on an
maximum operating pressure, the variable area electronic impulse provided by a vaned rotor
flow meter was commonly used. This is mounted in the gas stream. As the rotor
basically a vertical, transparent, internally revolves, the pulses can be relaycd to a gas meter
tapered tube with the larger laper diameter at the compensator that provides visual reading of flow
topo The tube is calibrated with a certain unit rate and totalized flow. This instrument can
scale and contains a float thal is slightly smaller compensate for static line pressure, temperature,
in diameter than the small end of the tube. As a density and specific gravity to convert the
gas is introduced through the bottom of the tube, measurements to engineering units at standard
the float will move upward to be supparted at a conditions. It is obvious that this type of flow
point where the annular space between it and the measurement system is far more sophisticated
tube is just large enough to pass the medium than the variable area flow meter.
flowing through the system. Positive displacement rotary meters al so are
Depending on the scale calibration, weight available in a wide range of capacities but unless
of the float and the medium being measured, a they are used with other instrumentation, only a
direct reading of flow can be obtained. The scale total volumetric flow can be obtained. These
units can be related to a prepared calibration meters are designed far operating pressures of '4
curve to determine actual flow. For high psig. to a maximum of 125 psig.
capacity flows upwards of 2000 SCFH and


3.8(a) GENERAL or oxygen starvation. Precautions must be taken

to prevent such mishaps. Since one of the
Natural gas is neither toxic nar poisonous. objects of purging is the removal of equipment
However, purging other gases that may be either from service for repair work, reliable tests must
toxic or poisonous into or out of service may be available for the examination of the contents
present physiological hazard. Severe injury or of the purged container. Care must be takcn to
death may result from a toxic reaction, poisoning ensure that the atmospheres are safe and will

remain safe for entry by the workers charged may be encountered in numerous situations such
with the task of completing proposed repair as in tanks, vaults, pits, tunnels, large diameter
work. pipes, or in any poorIy ventilated area where the
air may be diluted or displaced by gases or
vapors of volatile materials. In addition, care
3.8(b) INERT PURGE GASES must be taken where oxygen may be consumed
by chemical or biological reaction processes.
lnert gases commonly available for purging Normally, air contains about 21 percent
are composed primarily of carbon dioxide or oxygen at sea leve\. The first physiologic signs
nitrogen. Since neither of these gases will of a deficiency of oxygen (anoxemia) are
support Jife, inhalation of abnormal increased rate and depth of breathing. Oxygen
concentrations should be avoided, as the oxygen concentrations of less than 16 percent by volume
may thereby be reduced sufficiently to cause cause dizziness, rapid heartbeat and headache.
oxygcn starvation or smothering. For the same Workers should not enter or remain in areas
reason, personnel should not enter trenches, where tests have indicated less than 19 1/2 percent
valve pits, manholes and the like into which inert oxygen unless wearing sorne form of supplied-
gas is being vented. air or self-contained respiratory equipment.
This is also one rcason for the specification Oxygen deficient atmospheres may cause
of adequatc vents in purging operations, inabiJity to move and semiconscious lack of
particularly for those that must be carried out concern about the imminence of death. In cases
inside buildings or other enelosed areas. It is of sudden entry into areas containing little or no
necessary in such cases to install vcnt lincs that oxygen, the individual usually has no warning
carry well outside of the buildings and away symptoms but immediately loses consciousness
from windows and doors. Combustion products and has no recollection of the incident if they are
that are intended as an inert purge gas may rescued and revived.
contain carbon monoxide in sufficient quantities The fire hazard of oxygen deficient
10 have toxic effects. atmospheres is below normal. When the oxygen
content of the atmosphere is below 16 percent;
many common materials wilJ not burn.
3.8(c) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE Portable instruments (see Figure 3-6) are
CONCENTRATION OF TOXIC GASES AND available for measurement of oxygen deficient
V APORS FOR PROLONGED EXPOSURES atmospheres for worker safety and for measuring
the state of completion when gas pipes or
It is beyond the scope of this manual to containers are being purged of air. Many of
inelude the physiological reactions and different these instruments continuously monitor the air
methods of detection of all of the various gases for oxygen with both visual and audible alarms.
and vapors which might be encountered in The Occupational Safety and Health
connection with a purging operation. Administration (OS HA) has specific provisions
This discussion will be confined to sorne of and regulations when an oxygen deficient
those gases most commonly found in the purging atmosphere may be encountered. It is beyond
of containers or pipelines in the natural gas the scope of this manual to describe the OS HA
industry. If the proposed purging should involve requirements. The operator must review the
other types of gases or vapors, due consideration OS HA requirements and ensure complete
should be given to the possible physiological compJiance with all provisions of OS HA and all
hazards and special methods detailed for the other applicable rules and regulations.
detection of the harmful constituents.
Appropriate health and safety regulations
should he referenced to determine the maximum 3.8(e) CARBON DIOXIDE
allowable concentrations of toxic gases to
determine safe exposure levels. Carbon dioxide is an odorless gas and is
non-toxic in small quantities. Normally, pure air
contains approximately 0.05 percent carbon
3.8(d) OXYGEN DEFICIENT ATMOSPHERES dioxide. CO 2 vitiation of the air due to human
occupancy is generally of no physiological
Exposure to oxygen deficient atmospheres is concern because the changes are too small to
an ever-present hazard in purging operations. It produce appreciable effects.

The specific effect of carbon dioxide on Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, highly toxic
human beings is to increase lung ventilation, but gas, rapidly causing death when inhaled in
exposures to less than 3.0 percent are not relatively low concentrations. The notoriously
considered serious. bad "rotten egg" odor ofhydrogen sulfide canuot
Appreciable quantities of COl which might be taken as a warning sign because sensitivity to
result iri physiological hazard to human life, may this odor disappears rapidly with the breathing of
be determined with the instrumentation that use a small quantity ofthe gas.
infrared continuous auto-ranging detection The threshold limit value for prolonged
described earlier in this chapter. The exposure is 10 PPM. As little as 100 PPM may
physiological effects of CO 2 are shown in Figure cause coughing, irritation of eyes, loss of sen se
3-7. of smell, sleepiness, throat irritation, etc., within
The unexplained presence of appreciable minutes and the very real possibility of death in a
quantities of COl should be considered as a few hours with a concentration of 250 PPM.
warning of a hazardous atmosphere, not only Death may occur in a very few minutes with a
because of the CO 2, but because CO 2 may be concentration as low as 600 PPM.
associated with other and usually more Because of the toxicity of hydrogen sulfide,
significant amounts of undesirable gases. it is most important to be able to detect small
concentrations quickly. Portable, electronic,
PPM EFFECTS continuous monitoring, hydrogen sulfide
30,000 Weakly narcotic, decreasing indicators are available for extended sampling
activity of hearing and periods. Instruments use electrochemical sensors
increasing blood pressure to continuously monitor for hydrogen sulfide.
50,000 30-minute exposure may be
70,000- May produce 3.8(h) AMMONIA GAS
100,000 unconsciousness in a few
minutes Ammonia gas is a strong irritant and can
produce sud den death from bronchial spasm.
FIGURE 3-7 Concentrations small enough not to be severely
PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF CO 2 irritating are rapidly absorbed through the
rcspiratory tract and metabolized so that they
cease to act as ammonia.
The threshold limit value for ammonia is 50
3.8(f) CARBON MONOXIDE PPM for an 8-hour workday. Gas masks are
use fuI for concentrations up to about 3 percent
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless aboye which severe skin irritation will prevent a
gas which should not be inhaled by human prolonged stay in the area.
beings in concentration aboye 50 parts-per- Ammonia can also be monitored with
miI1ion (PPM) or 0.005 percent. Poisoning is portable, electronic, continuous monitoring,
entírely by inhala tío n of the gas and an ammonia detectors for extended sampling
individual who is comparative1y quiet may periods. This instrument continuously monitors
display few symptoms. for ammonia using electrochemical sensors.
The most common symptoms of complete
asphyxia are pounding of the heart, dull
headache, flashes before the eyes, dizziness, 3 .8(i) METHANOL
ringing in the ears, nausea and sometimes (but
not often) convulsions. Methanol (methyl aleohol) is a colorless
As described earlier in this chapter, portable, liquid with a rather pleasant odor. The threshold
electronic, continuous monitoring, CO monitors limit value for prolonged exposure is 200 PPM.
are available for extended sampling periods. The aleohols are noted for their effect on the
This instrument continuously monitors for CO central nervous system and the liver but vary
using electrochemical sensors. widely in their range oftoxicity.
Methanol poisoning usually is produced by
3.8(g) HYDROGEN SULFIDE inhaling high concentrations of vapor in an
enclosed place such as a tank. The signs of
poisoning include headache, nausea, vomiting,

violent abdominal pains, aimless and erratic hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide, are not
movements, dilated pupils, sometime delirium toxic to human beings. High concentrations of
and such eye symptoms as pain, and tendemess natural gas may cause asphyxiation because of
on pressure. Peculiarities of methanol poisoning the displacement of oxygen. See Section 3 .8( d).
include its exceptionally severe action on the Combustible gas detectors and monitors are
optic nerve. usually used for the detection of hydrocarbon
gases. See Section 3.3 for a detailed discussion
of combustible gas indicators.
Natural gas, LNG, SNG and LPG gases,
which are free of toxic substances such as


Single or multi-gas instrurnents are available sensors to continuously monitor aH of the gases
for the detection and measurement of toxic gases listed aboye. See Figure 3-8 for the typical range
which may be found in tanks, vessels, mains, or of monitor set points and alarms for sorne of the
vaults to be purged. These devices are state of gases discussed in the previous section.
the art instrurnents that use electrochemical


CL266 C0262 HS267 N0268 OX231 S0261
Gas Monitored Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Sulfur
Chlorine Monoxide Sulfide Dioxide Oxvgen Dioxide
Range of Oto 199.9 Oto 1999 Oto 1999 Oto 1999 Oto 30.0% Oto 1999
Monitor ppm ppm ppm ppm ofvolume pprn
Readout 0.1 ppm I ppm 1 ppm 0.1 ppm 0.1% 0.1 ppm
Alarm Set 0.5 ppm 35 ppm 10 ppm 3 ppm 19.5% of 2 ppm
Point (Factorv) volume
Alarm Set 0.1 to 25 1 to 300 1 to 25 ppm 0.1 to 25 17.0%- 0.1 to 15
Point Range ppm ppm ppm 19.5% of ppm



Daniel Industries, Jnc., Houston, TX

Industrial Scientific Corporation, Oakdale, PA

J and N Enterprises, Wheeler, IN

Heath Consultants lns., Houston, TX

Bascom-Tumer Jnstrurnent, Inc., Norwood, MA



4.1 Introduction 48
4.2 General 48
4.3 Cornmercial Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide 49
4.4 Inert Gas Generators 56

4.5 Diesel Exhaust Engines 57

4.6 Steam 58
4.7 Water 60
4-1 CO 2 Cylinder with Syphon Tube attachment 52
4-2 Standard CO 2 Cylinder in Horizontal Position 52



Incrt purging is the process of replacing the percent of the lower explosive limit of the gas to
atmosphere within a container by an inert be purgcd.
subslance in a manner as to prevent the Although most natural gas distribution
formation of an explosive mixture. The success operators prefer nitrogen this chapter will discuss
of an inert purging operation depends upon the various inert substances that are commonly
inert gas or liquid selected; therefore, the inert available for purging in the natural gas industry.
substance must meet specific requirements. The inert gases and water that will be discussed
Generally, the inert substance should be non- have proven to be satísfactory when used for the
combustible, unable to support combustion, appropriate circumstances considering their
contain less than 2 percent oxygen and contain respective properties and characteristics.
combustible constituents that are less than 50


4.2(a) TYPES OF INERT PURGING MEDIA combinations of each. The volumes can be
determined by applying the appropriate formulas
Although commereially prepared nitrogen is for these shapes. The formulas for these vessels
the most common inert gas used in the natural or other unusual or unique containers may be
gas industry the following types of inert purging located in appropriate reference manual s or
media are al so used: engineering handbooks.
(l) Commercially prepared carbon dioxide;
(2) Products of combustíon from inert gas
(3) Exhaust gas from internal combustion 4.2(c) CHANGE IN GAS VOLUME DUE TO A
(4) Steam;
(5) Water, as purging medium should be When a gas at one temperature is changed to
considered in specialized situations. another temperature by any means, it changes
The selection of the proper, or best, inert volume if the pressure remains constant. This
medium to use in a particular circumstance change in volume is directly proportional to the
depends upon many factors, including its change in its absolute temperature which is
3vailability, comparative advantages, 460°F (or 273°C) greater than tha! indicated by
disadvantages and economics. The operator the thermometer. That is, if VI = the original
should evaluate the relative merits of the various volume at temperature ti and V 2 = the new
purge media when making a decision. volume at temperature t2, the relationship is
expressed by the following:

(a) for Fahrenheit temperatures (6)

V2 (t 2 + 460°)
VI (ti + 460°)
The volume to be purged should be Or
calculated in order that the correct quantity of
inen gas or water can be estimated. This will V = VI (t 2 + 460°)
ensure that sufficient quantity of the inert gas is 2 (ti + 460°)
available for the purging operation.
Gas plants, holders, or other equipment may
include squares, rectangles, cylinders, spheres or

(8) pressure P2, with a barometer reading of B, the
relationship is expressed by the following:

V2 (P¡ +BI)
VI (P2 + B 2 )
VI (t 2 + 273°)
(ti + 273°) Or

VI (P¡ + B I)
That is, lhen, as the lemperature rises, the V2 (JI)
volume increases; or, as the temperature (P2 + B 2 )
decreases, the volume decreases.


In practice, problems arise where both
When a gas at one pressure is changed to temperature and pressure vary. In this case, the
another pressure, the volume changes in value separate formulas for temperature and pressure
opposite to the change in pressure. In other are combined as follows:
words, as the pressure increases, Ihe volume
decreases and vice-versa.
This change is proportional to the change in (a) for Fahrenheit units: (12)
Ihe absolule pressure that may be measured in a V2 PI +BI t o +460°
number of different units, however, the common --'---"- X -
units are pounds per square inch or inches of VI P2 +B2 ti +460°
mercury. The absolute pressure is equal to the
barometric pressure plus the gage pressure, both (b) forCelsiusunits: (13)
in the dimensionally correct units, at the time of
V2 P¡ + BI t 2 + 273°
the reading. --'---'-x - - - - -
Therefore, if a gas at Volume VI and at gage VI P2 +B2 ti +273°
pressure of PI is changed lo Volume V2 al gage


4.3(a) ADAPTABILITY pounds (about 425 cu. fL) under a pressure of

about 850 psig.
Commercially prepared nitrogen (N 2) and In the gaseous state, N 2 is furnished in
carbon dioxide (C0 2) are satisfactory for purging portable eylinders under high pressure.
facilities of practically all descriptions and sizes. Generally, Ihe mosl eommon size eylinder holds
about 16-17 pounds (about 220 eu. ft.), at about
2,200 psig. This varies in many arcas of the
4.3(b) KINDS AVAILABLE country and higher-pressure eylinders with
greater volume are eommon.
Commercially, nitrogen is supplied as a Sinee N2 and CO 2 eylinders may be similar
liquid or gas and carbon dioxide is supplied in in appearanee and size and both are available, it
the liquid or solid state. may be advisable to verify the contents of the
In the liquid state, N 2 and CO 2 are available cylinders using an inslrument designed to deleet
in tank trucks and in railroad tank cars. COl is CO 2• lt is not always certain that the eolor-
furnished in portable cylinders holding about 50 coding of cylinders can be relied on.
In the solid state, only COz is available, in
Lhe form commonly known as "dry-iee".

4.3( c)(1) Pressure Indicating Devices
The general advantages of using commercial
lnstallation of a pressure meter, monitor, or N2 and CO 2 as purging media incIude:
chart on the facility to be purged, as cIose as (1) The quality of the gas is constant, both
possible to the CO 2 or N 2 entry point, is N2 and CO}, being better than 99.7 percent
necessary to show that the maximum allowable pureo No time is required for adjustment of
pressure is not heing exceeded. The device must the quality either prior to or during the
be within the view of the person controlling the purging operations as is required with other
flow of the inert gas so the operator can shut off sources, such as automotive exhaust, inert
the flow instantIy if necessary. producers, etc.
(2) The inert gas is available as soon as
connections are complete, by opening the
4.3(c)(2) Gas Analysis Instruments valve on the container. Other sources
require quality adjustment such as
A multi-gas monitoring or detecting temperature, control, etc.
instrument, calibrated for the gases involved, (3) Carbon dioxide is readily analyzed by a
should be available for analysis of the gases CO 2 monitor making it simple matter to
escaping from the purge vent. In addition, the follow the progre ss of purging in the field.
multi-gas instrument will be necessary following Nitrogen, however, is one of the most
the purging operations as a combustible gas difficult gases to identify and is usually
indicator, an oxygen indicator and other needs as estimated only by indirect methods.
the purge requires. Various instruments are (4) Both commercial CO 2 (specific gravity
discussed in detail in Chapter 3. 1.53) and N 2 (specific gravity 0.97) are
nearly pure and their specific gravities
remain relatively constant; making them
readily detectable by gravitometers in most
(5) CO 2 is ideal for purging low points or
low elevations where it can be added slowly
Nitrogen is a gas at atmospheric temperature
and pressures having a specific gravity of 0.97 in order to displace a lighter gas. The higher
specific gravity of this gas may result in
and a specific volume of about 13.50 cu. fl. per
pound. Unlike CO 2, N2 is chemically inert and it stratification, which in most instances of
purging would be an advantage.
will not solidify on rapid expansiono
Nitrogen is maintained as a liquid during Its lower specific gravity causes N 2 to tend
to diffuse more readily than CO 2 in air or
delivery in low pressure, well-insulated
lighter gases. This, generally, will cause
containers (trucks or tan k cars). In transit, the
more N 2 than CO 2 to be required.
container is vented to the atmosphere. During
Conversely, the lower specific gravity of
the purging operation, only a few pounds per
square inch are maintained in the N 2 container. nitrogen makes it useful for purging LPG
where it can be added slowly to displace the
Carbon dioxide is a gas at atmospheric
heavier LPG downward.
temperatures and pressures, having a specific
(6) The explosive range of combustible gas
gravity of 1.53 and a specific volume of 8.54 cU.
ft. per pound. The gas is very soluble in water, mixtures is depressed to a greater extent by
tends to solidify on too rapid expansion and is CO 2 than by N 2 or any other gas generally
chemically active forming carbonates as solid available for purging purposes. See Figures
2-4 and 2-5.
dust particles
Carbon dioxide generally is maintained as a (7) The greater solubility of CO 2 in water,
liquid in bulk storage at a temperature of with the consequent increase in its acidity
and corrosiveness and the formation of
approximately O°F and a corresponding vapor
carbonates, may be an important factor in
pressure of approximately 300 psig.
sorne instances.

In piping or vessels containing water there Although cylinder gas is convenient, it is
may be a small amount of contraction due to the usually more expensive. Costs will vary
CO 2 and N 2 being soluble in water. GeneraJly, depending on the size and location of the jobo
complete saturation of the water is rarely Cost comparisons should include the cost of
experienced in a purging operation. Generally introducing the gas into the facility as well as its
the facility would not be idle for a sufficient purchase.
period for saturation to occur, however, if it were The cost of manifolding many cylindcrs or
to be idle for a longer period, air would probably of extending the time of the job if they are used a
be admitted to replace the CO 2 or N2. It is few at a time should be considered. The weight
doubtful, thcrefore, that solubility will cause any of material handled when using cylinders is
dangerous decrease in the pressure in the facility, largely dead weight that must be returncd aftcr
provided there was a sufficient positive pressure the job is completed-70 percent for carbon
in the faci!ity when purging operations are dioxide and 85 percent for nilrogen.

4.3(g)(2) Handling Cylinders

Cylinders should be handled carefully.
Purge vents are recommended for the escape They should not be dropped, struck by other
of the purge gases. As a rule, the vents should objects or used for supports or rollers.
be located at the high points of the facility, or Never !ift cylinders by slings, caps or
any "pockets" being purged. Both N2 and CO 2 electric magnets. A platform, cage, or suitable
are heavier than any of the usual supplemental stand should be used on cylinders that are to be
and natural gases (Iiquid petroleum gas handled by a crane or derrick.
excepted), so stratification will tend lo take place Before moving a cylinder, close the valve
in large facilities. The heavy inert gases settle to and install a protective cap and keep the cap in
the bottom and lhe lighter gases rise to the top place over the valve when the cylinder is not in
until the lights gases have been completely use.
cxpelled. If a cylinder is frozen to the ground, the use
When air is purged with N2, there may be a of warm (not boiling) water is recommendcd to
large amount of mixing because both gases have loosen the cylinder. Do not pry under valves or
very nearly the same specific gravity. protection caps.
A cylinder may be raised from a horizontal
to a vertical position by the protective cap after
4.3(g) NITROGEN AND CARBON DIOXIDE making certain that is properly hand-tightened.
IN CYLINDERS Do not use valve protection caps for lifting
cylinders from one vertical position to another.
4.3(g)(l) Relative Merit of Cylinders Store cylinders in well-protected, weIl-
ventilated, dry locations, away from sources of
Cylinders are ideal for relatively small jobs heat and combustible material; avoid storage in
requiring up to aboul 5,000 cu. ft. of inert gas, subsurface locations. Cylinders should be stored
although lhere is no limit to the size of job for away from elevators, stairs and gangways where
which they can be used. Typical data for full they might be knocked over or damaged by
cylinders that can be used for planning jobs passing or falling objects.
follows: (As stated earlier, higher pressure Secure cylinders in the upright position and
cylinders with greater capacity are available. in assigned storage areas prominently posted
Exact weights vary with suppliers.) with names of the gases. Segregate cylinders
Item Carbon Nitrogen with the nonflammable CO 2 and N 2 stored apart
Dioxide from oxygen and fuel-gas cylinders.
Weight when full-pounds 193 149 Cylinders should be stored in the open, but
Weight of gas-pounds 60 16 in all cases should be protected against extremes
Pressure when full-psig 830 2,200 in temperature (screened against direct rays of
the sun and sheltered from accumulations of ice
Volume at Atmospheric and snow).
Pressure-700(cu. ft.) 528 226 It is required that a cylinder be condemned
Standard cu. fl. per pound 8.76 13.8 when it leaks or when corrosion, denting,

bulging or evidence of rough usage exists to the cylinders during the purge. The manifold piping
extent that the cylinder is likely to be weakened must be sufficiently flexible to be able to avoid
appreciably. Remove the leaking cylinder out of stress from distortion during usage and should
doors to a well ventilated located. have adequate strength to contain the gas
Notify the gas supplier and follow his pressure up to the point of expansion into the
instructions as to the return of the cylinder. piping being purged.
Return doubtful cylinders to the supplier for re- Limit the rate of withdrawing gas from the
inspection. cylinders to avoid excessive temperature drops.
Use cylinders in the order received from the The magnitude of temperature drop may cause
supplier. Empty cylinders should be marked carbon dioxide to solidify and temporarily stop
"empty", segregated from full cylinders and flow. This can be alleviated by securing carbon
promptly returned to the supplier. Keep val ves dioxide in cylinders wilh siphon tube (Figure 4-
closed and protection caps in place on empty 1) or using them in a position with the
cylinders. withdrawal valve in a bottom position. This
causes the carbon dioxide to leave the cylinder in
ilS naturalliquid stale and vaporize at sorne point
4.3(g)(3) Using Carbon Dioxide Cylinders in the piping where the formation of solid carbon
dioxide is less likeIy to stop the piping. See
Securely [asten cylinders to a permanent Figures 4-1 and 4-2.
object or bundle together when in use. As many
cylinders as practical should be manifolded
together to avoid delays when exchanging


-+--6-C~ GAS


I-C,," GA~_ _+_2_-_C_O_2_LI.,QUIO

Figure 4-2 - Standard CO 2 Cylinder in Horizontal

Position, about '12 full, showing relative positions of CO 2
liquid and gas.
Figure 4-1 - CO 2 Cylinder with Syphon Tube Attachment.
This becomes a Standard CO 2 Cylinder without the Syphon

4.3(g)( 4) Connections Between the CO2 Cylinder which otherwise would be hidden by insulation.
and Equipment to be Purged Stranded wire is more flexible than solid wire
and is less likely to be broken off at the test clip
Connections between the CO 2 cylinder and terminals.
the facility to be purged can be constructed of
either commercially manufactured high-pressure
flexible metallic hose connections or a manifold 4.3(g)(6) General Rules for Using N 2 from
assembled on the jobo Either is satisfactory if Cylinders
connected and used in the proper manner.
High-pressure flexible metallic hose, Unlike COz, compressed N 2 is not a liquid in
available commercially, is furnished in several the cylinder; therefore, the cylinder may be held
capacities. The cylinders may connect in parallel in any convenient position during use.
to a metallic hose of the proper diameter and Connections between the cylinder and
length. The manifold should be provided with facility can be assembled satisfactory from
valves permitting the discharge of each cylinder pipefittings. However, due to the exceedingly
independently and permitting the removal and high pressures in the N 2 cylinders, special high
replacement of empty cylinders while another or pressure fittings are required. For flows of N2
others are discharging. less than 50 cU. ft. per minute, the manifold
A single connection, or a manifold, can be requires the use of a regulator to reduce the
assembled from pipefittings if CO 2 is to be at a pressure from the eylinder pressurc to the low
low pressure in the piping. It is recommended pressure required for the purging.
that the pipe size be at least 1" and preferably 1 For flows of N 2 greater than 50 cU. fl. per
lA" or 1 W'. The latter sizes will help to minute, the capacity of the regulators used may
eliminate largely the freezing or solidifying of be considered or the manifold may be used
the CO 2 in the manifold. Vaporization of liquid without regulators.
CO 2 takes place in the piping immediately after To determine the rate of withdrawal of
the cylinder outlet valve by which the flow is nitrogen from a cylinder, a pressure gauge may
controlled so the piping should be large enough, be installed on lhe outlet control valve of each
as mentioned aboye, to carry gas instead of cylinder.
liquido This arrangement gives a more satisfactory
Tf the cylinders are solidly connected to the method of controlling high rates of flow of N 2•
equipment to be purged the manifold should be Injection is through a high pressure '12" pipe
of extra heavy material. It is recommended, manifold with a single W' needle valve [or
however, that for ease of inslallation a flexible regulating the flow. AII fittings in the manifold,
connection should be installed as close as up to and including the W' needle val ve, must be
possible to each cylinder. rated for the appropriate high pressures. Several
cylinders can be connected in paralle1 aild the
single valve used for regulating the flow. Flows
4.3(g)(5) Electrical Bond Connection as great as 700 cu ft. per minute have been
obtained through this type 01' manifold.
In use, the cylinder should be directly However, it is recommended that additional
connected to the equipment being purged with manifolds with throttle valves be used for rates
the metallic tubing or pipe. Tf such a direct over 500 cU. ft. per minute.
connection is not made, electrically bond the Freezing may oecur between the throttle
cylinder, tube, etc. to dissipate any static charge. valve and the cylinder, al temperatures below
For bonds and ground connections from
32°F. This freezing tends to occur [irst at the
cylinders and/or a stand, it is suggested that a
cylinder control valve orifice and begins when
single wire be used, not smaller in size that # 14 the withdrawal rate is about 50 cU. ft. per minute.
AWG. Bare stranded wire is preferred because
bare wire shows any and all breaks in the wire

4.3(h) LIQUID BULK CARBON DIOXIDE 4.3(h)(3) Equipment Required for Purging

Low-pressure carbon dioxide is carbon The equipment that is required for purging
dioxide which is stored and handled in its liquid with liquid (bulk) CO 2 is comparatively simple.
form at a controIled cryogenic temperature. It consists primarily of a transport unit or other
The reduced temperature serves to suppress container with the required amount of carbon
the vapor pressure so that the liquid carbon dioxide, a means for vaporizing the carbon
dioxide can be stored and transported in large dioxide and a means for regulating the flow of
size containers designed for relatively low vaporous carbon dioxide into the space to be
working pressures. In this way, it is possible to purged.
handle liquid carbon dioxide in bulk quantities as
with petroleum products and other low pressure
liquefied gases. 4.3(h)(4) Advantages of Liquid BulkC02

Up to 400,000 cu. fl. of CO 2 gas is

4.3(h)(I) Storage Units obtainable in a single transport unir.
It is delivered to the point of use. This frees
Stationary storage units are constructed in the operator of the trouble and expense of
capacities ranging from 750 pounds to 125 tons. transporting other sources of inert gas, (such as
The pressure vessels are designed for working cylinders of CO 2 or N 2 or inert gas producers,
pressures from 300 to 325 pounds per square etc.) to the purging site.
inch. Four to six inches of thermal insulation is The set-up time is negligible with proper
applied to the pressure vessel to assist in equipment and CO 2 vapor can be applied at rates
maintaining the necessary low temperature. An higher than 6,000 lbs (51,000 cu. ft.) per hour.
air-cooled mechanical type refrigerator provides Actually, the rate is determined by the size of the
the refrigeration required for prolonged storage. vaporizer and there appear to be no reasons why
The containers are equipped with pressure a vaporizer cannot be constructed for any rate
relief val ves in accordance with code that may be required.
requirements. The purpose of these val ves is to It can be stored in specially designed tanks
prohibit the pressure within the container from (4.3(h)(l)) at any desirable location so that it can
rising aboye a specified maximum as protection be instantly available when required.
for the container. It is a comparatively economical means of
purging relatively large volumes, when all cost
factors are considered, including cost of material,
trucking, connection material and equipment,
4.3(h)(2) Transport Units
vaporization, labor, etc.
Low-pressure liquid carbon dioxide
transport units are available in several sizes 4.3(h)(5) Disadvantages ofLiquid Bulk CO 2
including 3-5 ton truck transports, 8-10 ton semi-
trailers and 24-ton railroad car units. It may not be economically available at
These transport units are weIl insulated but every point where purging is to be done. Liquid
are not provided with mechanical refrigeration. (bulk) CO 2 requires special transport facilities
Under ordinary conditions, the liquid carbon
that may not be within reasonable, practicable,
dioxide is loaded at a somewhat reduced economical trucking distance from the source of
temperature and pressure so that the delivery
supply. This may not be a significant
usually can be made before the carbon dioxide disadvantage as the transport facilities are
warms up sufficiently to activate the pressure
constructed to go long distances and to hold the
relief val ve. CO 2 at low temperatures for sorne time.
The capacities of the transport units
The costs vary from place to place
mentioned aboye, in equivalent cubic feet of CO 2
depending upon the distance the CO 2 must be
gas at 8.5 cu. ft. per pound are:
transported. Limitation, then, is really a matter
of economy rather than physical availability.
Capacity-tons 3 5 8 JO 24 The purging site might be inaccessible to the
Capacity-IOOO 51 85 136 170 408 truck. Long lengths of tubing or pipe might be
cu. fl. required.

4.3(h)(6) Properlies of Low Pressure (Liquid) Liquid nitrogen is available with mobile and
CO 2 skid mounted pumpers. Typical capacities range
up to 2,000 gallons of liquid N 2 at 2640 psig and
Low-pressure liquid carbon dioxide is 70°F, with gaseous equivalent up to 190,000
generally mainlained al a temperalure of SCF. Larger capacity tanker trucks are available.
approximately O°F and a corresponding vapor Pumps and vaporizers on both truck and
pressure of approximately 300 pounds per square skid mounted units can generate N 2 gas at rates
inch. If liquid al this temperalure is released to between 10,000 and 500,000 SCF per hour and
atmospheric pressure, about 47 percent by at pressures up to 10,000 psig.
weight will be converted instantly to dry ice. The N 2 gas can be delivered at temperatures
The remainder will flash to vapor at minus between 40 and 800°F, controlled within 5
110°F. In order to convert all of the liquid to percent. This eliminates problems of
vapor, heat must be added al arate of about 150 overheating, freezing and thermal shock.
Btu per pound.
The pressure vessels (trucks, tank cars and
storage tanks) are equipped with pressure relief 4.3(i)(2) Storage Units
val ves. At first thought, it may appear that in
case of a failure of the refrigerating system, the Stationary storage units may be installed for
pressure will rise to the relief valve setting and any desired capacity.
the carbon dioxide will be lost quickly by Low-pressure liquid bulk nitrogen can be
bleeding to atmosphere. This, however, is not stored in specially designed and constructed
(he case because a considerable amount of heat cryogenic storage vessels. High-pressure
must be absorbed by the liquid before it can nitrogen is stored as a gas at about 2,200 psig. at
vaporize. In other words, the removal of sorne of atmospheric temperature. Typically, cylinders 5
the vapor through the pressure relief val ve to 40 feet in length are manifolded together.
produces a self-refrigerating effect. For instance,
bleeding off carbon dioxide vapor at the rate of
approximately 10 pounds per hour will serve to 4.3(i)(3) Advantages ofLiquid Bulk Nitrogen
maintain a 4-ton capacity storage unit at the
desired temperature and pressure. This is Arrangements can be made for additional
generally true even when the ambient trucks to supply as much N 2 as may be requircd
tempera tu re is as high as 100°F for any operation.
Liquid nitrogen can be delivered to the point
of use. This frees the user of the trouble and
expense of transporting other sources of inert gas
4.3(h)(7) Handling of Liquid (Bulk) CO 2
(such as cylinders of CO 2, N 2, or inert gas
producers, etc.) to the purging site.
To transfer the liquid CO 2 from one
The set-up time is negligihle. There is less
container to another a rotary type liquid pump is
piping required than with any other source of
used. The transfer operation usually is handled
inert gas. A vaporizer is required, but usually the
by the supplier. The supplier usually furnishes a
delivery truck is equipped with one, so a separate
vaporizer of sufficient size for the rate of COz
one is not required. Also, the truck is equipped
required and can furnish all other necessary
with flexible delivery hose and can connect to a
information upon request.
suitable fitting on the equipment to be purged.
When aH cost factors are considered including
the cost of material, trucking, connection
material and equipment, vaporization, labor, etc.,
liquid nitrogen provides a comparatively
economical means of purging relatively large
Low-pressure liquid nitrogen is nitrogen that
is stored and handled at cryogenic temperatures
and at pressures only slightly aboye atmospheric.
4.3(i)(4) Disadvantages of Liquid Bulk Nitrogen
4.3(i)(I) Transport Units
It may not be economically availablc at
every point where purging is to be done. The

special transport facilities may not bc within The driver of the delivery truck can operate
reasonable, practicable, economical trucking the pumping and temperature controlling
distance from the source of supply. This may equipment on the truck to supply any required
not he too much of a disadvantage as the material rate of tlow within the capacities of the
can be kept in the truck (and therefore, can be in equipment.
transit) for about one day. The operator provides the labor for making
The purging site might be inaccessible to the preliminary purging preparations. This will be
truck. Long lengths of tubing or pipe might be required regardless of the type of inert media.
required. The required fittings on the facility to be purged
need to accommodate the filling hose from the
truck. The purging supervisor will need to
4.3(i)(5) Connections for and Handling Low instruct the truck operator in regard to pumping
Pressure (Liquid) Nitrogen rates desired and completion of the purging
Gaseous nitrogen for purging can be
delivered directly from the truck to the facility to
be purged, as discussed previously.


4.4(a) GENERAL In the instalIation of the inert gas plpmg,

eare should be taken that no traps are permitted.
An acceptable purging medium is products If low points are necessary, drains or drips
of combustion produced by carefuIly controIled should be provided. Drains should be checked
combustion of various fuels. These combustion frequently.
products can be prepared in inert gas generators.
Since nitrogen constitutes approximately 79% of
air, the product of an inert gas generator is 4.4(c) COOLING WATER
predominantly nitrogen also.
Thc inert gas generators can be designed to Sufficient water must be provided to cool
produce practicaIly perfeet eombustion of fuel the products of combustion from the inert gas
gases or oil. The produets of combustion ean be generator to a usable temperature; not higher
cooled to 130°-150°F, depending primarily upon than 150° for normal usage
the temperature of the cooling water. Most of The quantity of water required varies with
these units will yield mixtures of carbon dioxide its own temperature and the temperature to
and nitrogen containing less than 0.5 percent of which the products of combustion should be
either oxygen or carbon monoxide. Production cooled.
capacities range up to 100 MCF/hour. Clean water is essential. Dirty water wilI
The inert gas generator can be powered by a tend to plug the sprays and, over time, build up
gas or diesel fueled engine, thus avoiding the deposits in the cooling chamber. When the water
need for electric power. supply is taken from river, creeks or lakes it
should be cleaned before it is used. In the
absence of water cleaning facilities it is
4.4(b) PIPING FOR FUEL AND FOR INERT suggested that city water or welI water be used
GAS GENERATORS when available.
In addition, provision must be made to
When the required pressures and rates of dispose of the cooling water. A permit may he
tlow of the fuel and inert gas are known, the required to dispose of the water.
sizes of the piping can be deLermined by using
either a gas flow computer, or by calculation
using one of the common formulas for the tlow
of gas through pipes.

4.4(d) PURGING CATALYTIC UNITS Nickel carbonyl is a volatile liquid, boiling
at 109.4°F. It may be absorbed through the skin
Manufacturers' recommendations should be as a liquid, or into the respiratory system as a
followed when purging any catalytic unit. Purge vapor. Density of nickel carbonyl vapor is about
gas containing carbon monoxide should not be six times that of air.
used for purging equipment containing metallic It is recommcnded that carbon dioxide or
nickel, as in catalytic reforming units, for nitrogen be used for purging equipment
example. At temperatures below 400°F, carbon containing nickel. Caution al so should be
monoxide reacts with metallic nickel to form observed in entering equipment containing nickel
nickel carbonyl. This compound is about five which was pressurizcd with gas containing
times as toxic as carbon monoxide. The carbon monoxide before purging with CO 2 or N 2 •
maximum allowable concentration of nickel Nickel carbonyl present in the liquid phase may
carbonyl that may be tolerated is an 8 hr time not have been completely vaporized and
weighted average (TWA) of 0.001 parts per removed during the purging operation.
mili ion.


The advantages for diesel gas exhaust
The products of combustion from diesel purging incIude:
engines have been used as inert purge gas in (l) lt can be a faster and more convenient
instances wherc the composition of the products purging technique than regular nitrogen
meets the requirements of the situation and the purging. The schcduling and opcration of
oxygen can be safely handled. the diesel purging engine can be easier than
Studies have shown that purging with diesel lhat of commercial nitrogen eyuipment.
exhaust is both safe and economical. Like inert (2) The actual cost of the diesel exhaust can
gas generators, the principIe product of be significantly less than that of commercial
combustion of a diesel engine is nitrogen. The nitrogen.
products of combustion also include water, (3) Diesel exhaust has a distinct odor thal
carbon dioxide and oxygen. Small amounts of may be an additional safety factor in
other gases are also present. determining unwanted purge gas within a
The studies cited aboye indicate thal gas breathable atmosphere.
mains could be safely purged using diesel
exhaust provided that the oxygen concentrations
is less than 11 %. Care must be taken to ensure 4.5(c) DISADVANTAGES OF DIESEL
the products of combustion do not contain EXHAUST
oxygen aboye the 11 % threshold plus an
appropriate factor of safety. To produce the
The disadvantages for a diesel gas exhaust
maximum volume of exhaust gas with minimum
purging include:
variation in composition, engines should operate
(1) The exhaust products gcncrally must be
under a full, steady load. cooled prior to introducing into the main.
Care must be taken if the main to be purged
Arrangements should be made for
would be damaged by high temperatures (above
equipment, such as a self contained unit in
140°F). It will be necessary to cool the exhaust which the cooling agent can be re-circulated.
gas prior to introducing it into the main. A heat (2) Testing and verification of the level of
exchanger similar to that described for the inert oxygen in the exhaust products is necessary.
gas generator would be appropriate. (3) Cylinders of nitrogen may be more
convenient for small purging operations.


4.6(a) GENERAL temperatures keep the vapors volatile and

the steam carries these vapors along with it
Steam can be successfully used for purging as it passes through the facility until both
when it is available and when the higher steam and vapors pass out through the exit
temperatures and moisture incident to steam venl.
purging are not objectionable. (4) Cleaning effecl. The heating effect of
Steam is useful as the medium for distilling the steam softens and melts the tarry
volatile oils when their removal is necessary. deposits in the facility and causes them to
The removal of oil from a light oil scrubber, for run off. This effect may be beneficial to the
example, packed with oil-soaked parts and future operation of the facility in addition to
elements, is hardly possible by inert purging the desired elimination of the volatile
alone. The problem then becomes one of portion of those deposits. Sometimes such
reducing the vapor pressure oi" the oil to a point tar substances will cool and solidify in the
where it will not vaporize a sufficient quantity to drains and plug them, therefore drains must
become a hazard. The steam does this "topping" be examined frequently to be sure they are
as it is called. It is useful because the rate oi" open. If for no other reason, stoppages must
volatilization oi" the oils is largely a function of be cleared at once to prevent the rapid
temperature and the steam acts as a carrier of the development of possibly excessive pressures
oil vapors produced at this temperature. in the facility.
(5) Quantity of steam condenses. An
appreciable quantity of steam condenses in
4.6(b) ADV ANTAGES OF STEAM AS A the facility before actually replacing an
PURGING AGENT equivalent volume of the original gas or air
contents. As the condensed steam runs
Steam is an inexpensive, effective purge down over the contents and inside of the
medium for situations where high temperature facility, it tends to carry with it any loosened
and moisture are acceptable. solid particle of tar, coke breeze, carbon, etc.
(1) Provides direct displacemenl. At that otherwise would not be removed. This
pressures at or near atmospheric, one pound is an additional benefit not obtained by other
oi" steam occupies a volume of about 26.5 inen purging media except water.
cu. fl. When steam is introduced quickly, in As mentioned in the previous section, drains
relatively large volumes, into a space must be examined frequently and opened at
containing flammable gas or air, it expands once if stoppages occur.
rapidly into a large, relatively solid "slug" of (6) In conjunction with inert gases. Steam
steam. This tends to push ahead of it may be used in conjunction with inert gases,
whatever gas or air was in the facility. This such as CO 2, N 2 and combustion products.
is particularly effective in containers of It is the most practical so urce of higher
comparatively small diameters such as are temperatures.
listed in "Facilities Suitable of Steam
Purging" in Section 4.6(d).
(2) High temperatures. The comparatively 4.6(c) DISADVANTAGES OF STEAM AS A
high temperatures of the steam atmosphere PURGING AGENT
cause the volatilization of any light oils,
benzol, naphthalene, tar or other As was noted in the previous section, steam
combustible material that will volatilize is not recommended for indiscriminate use in all
under small increases in temperature aboye kinds of facilities.
atmospheric. Inert gases at ordinary (1) Interruptions. Interruptions of purging
temperature will not accomplish this. while using steam generally require special
(3) Steam distillation. Steam is an ideal instructions. The consequences of
carrier for the volatilized vapors mentioned interruptions not planned for may result in
aboye. The comparatively high the rapid development of a serious condition

due to the cooling and condensation of the Generally, steam is not recommended for
steam and the resultant sudden drop in use in the following facilities:
pressure within the container. (1) Cast iron facilities, such as piping
(2) Quantity in question. An appreciable facilities, in which excessive expansion may
quantity of the steam condenses in thc set up strains that may cause the pipe to
facility during the progress of a steam break and joints to leak.
purging. It is difficult, therefore, to estimate (2) Facilities with c10se c1earances, such as
the actual amount of steam required for a boosters, exhausters, compressors, station
given purge jobo meter, engines, etc. in which excessive
temperature may cause permanent warping
or maladjustment.
4.6(d) FACILITIES SUITABLE FOR STEAM (3) Facilities with large and effective
PURGING condensing surfaces, such as holders (except
when tars or oils are present), wet meter,
The construction of the following types of purifiers, etc.
facilities makes them generally adaptable to the (4) Tanks which are used for the storage of
use of stream as a purging medium, because the combustible substances, such as oils or
variation in temperature will not cause any gasoline and which are open lo the
structural or mechanical damage. In actual atmosphere. The use of steam in such cases
application, each facility must be considered on may resul t in explosions due to temperature
the merits of its own eonstruetion. effects or to thc discharge of static
Generally, such facilities inelude: electricity. The same facilities could be
(1) Steel serubber towers of various sorts purged with an inert gas first, after which
and sizcs; steam may be used.
(2) Water gas machines and attached (S) LNG facilities such as storagc tanks,
equipment; process plants and transports, which should
(3) Producer gas machines and attached not be subjected to moisture contamination.
equipment; (6) High strength pipe; due to sudden
(4) Tubular and direct contact condensers temperature change, where the introduction
(S) Relatively short lengths of pipe, of steam may cause damage.
particularly if located aboye ground. Steam
is not recommended for purging cast iron
pipe because of the danger of cracking the 4.6(t) PRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED
pipe or causing leaking joints;
(6) Liquid petroleum gas storagc tanks, Generally, a large proportion of the steam
piping, vaporizers and other associated admittcd to thc container will be condensed upon
equipment, particularly when purging out of coming in contact with the colder sides or parts
service or for c1eaning purposes. (See also for the facility. This condensation becomes less
Iimitations on steam for LPG equipment in rapid as the facility rises in temperature but, of
Chapter 7.) course, is never climinated.
The condensed water runs down to the
bottom of the facility from which it must be
4.6(e) FACILITIES NOT SUITABLE FOR drained continuously because:
STEAM PURGING (1) Water is hcavy and its accumulation
upon or in a facility that has not been
The construction of and the material in designed for heavy loads may cause damage
ccrtain types of facilities make them generally to the shells, casings, foundations, etc.
unsuitable for lhe use of steam as the only (2) The water may contain dissolved salts
purging medium. The high temperatures and varying concentrations of oil and sludge
necessary to use steam may produce excessive that have been washed from Ihe interior of
strains, flange leaks, cracking of castings, etc. Ihe facility. The undesirable
Temperatures significantly aboye ambient may "contaminations" should be withdrawn as
damage sorne pipe coatings and plastic materials. quickly as possible. This washing effect by
In addition, excessive condensation may damage the condensed steam is desirable and
finished or bearing surfaces. materially aids the purging operation.

If it becomes necessary to shut off the steam watch should be kept on these gauges lo
and discontinue purging operations, ensure that a stable condition is mainlained.
arrangements must be made to neutralize the (3) Excess pressure must be avoided at all
contraction that will take place within Ihe facility times. Before the pressure is increased,
caused by the cooling of the contents. The careful consideration must be given to the
condensation may be sufficient to produce a relative advantages and disadvantages of
vacuum capable of causing damage to Ihe facility such an increase.
and possible collapse. If the maximum allowable pressure is
To guard against possiblc damage, the known for the facility this must not be exceeded.
following recommendations are made: If the maximum allowable pressure is nol known
(1) An operator should be in constant the recommended rule is to opera te at as low a
attendance at the conlrols for admitting pressure within the container as will accomplish
sleam and/or inerl gas, so Ihal remedies can the desired result. Such a pressure should nol
be applied immediately when undesirable exceed five pounds per square inch.
conditions develop within Ihe facility. The pressure within Ihe facilily must be
(2) The pressure gauges, or manometers, maintained aboye that of the atmosphere. This
provided for should remain in place to should be accomplished by admitting whatever
indicate the pressure within the facility kind of gas will prohibit an explosive mixture
during the shutdown periodo A careful wilhin the facility.


4.7(a) GENERAL skimmed off, or run off through the

overflow of the purge pipe. Water healed to
Water can be useful as a displacing medium over 1600 tends to "top" the light oils so that
in those cases where residual water, if it is when the purging is completed, the volatile
objectionable, can be removed sufficiently fractions of the oil have been removed.
before the facility is put into service. The Proper disposal of this water-oil mixture
facility and its foundations must have been must be exercised.
designed and constructed to withstand the weight (3) Inspirating action. Water can be used lo
of water required lo fill it and freezing draw in the final contents of the facility,
temperatures will not be encountered. The water whether it is air or flammable gas, as the
used should be c1ean. Care must be taken to water is drained or pumped from the purged
ensure proper disposal of the water. facility.


The advantages of water as purge medium The disadvantages of using water as a

inelude: purging agent inelude:
(1) A vailability. Water usually is available (1) Weight. The weight of water is one of
in sufficient quantities and is positive in its its greater disadvantages. Therefore, when
displacement action. It tends to fill every considering water as a purge medium, the
space in the vessel or piece of equipment so slructural specifications musl be sludied
long as proper venting is provided to prevent carefully to detect weakness that may make
pickels of Ihe gaseous contents from being purging with water impracticable.
trapped within the unit. Note: if any riser or pipe extends aboye the
(2) Washing action. As water enters top of a tank and allowed lo fill with water, the
equipmenl that contains light oils, it tends to pressure at the bottom of the tank is equivalent to
wash the oil from anything it contacts. The the hydrostatic head from the bottom of the tank
oil floats on the water and can be either to the water level in the riser pipe.

(2) Disposal of water. The disposal of the the overflow of light oils and sorne water should
used water presents a problem. Water used be provided near the bottom end of the vent pipe.
for purging may contain tars, oils, or other If this connection is not provided, the oils and
undesirable materials. State and local laws water will have to either remain in the facility, or
prohibit these materials from being put into overflow the end of Ihe vent pipe and run over
streams, rivers, or sewers, therefore the exterior of the equipment. The overflow is
contaminated water must undergo sorne dangerous and messy. A shut-off valve should
purifying process. A permit may be be installed in the venl pipe immediately abo ve
required before disposal. the side outlet draw-off pipe and closed when
(3) Not adaptable to all equipment. Water water has filled the facility and begins to run off
should not be used in certain types of to the drain through the side outlet.
equipment such as LNG facilities, If the equipment contains pockets where gas
compressors, pressure regulators or orifice might be trapped, arrangements should be made
meter plates. before the start of the purging work lo vent them,
(4) May not completely remove oils and wherever possible. This usually is applicable to
tarso Water may not completely remove oil piping, where there may be numerous vertical
or tar residues from a facility. bonds where the gaseous contents may be
(5) Hydrates in natural gas. Hydrates may trapped.
be formed at high pressures and low
temperatures in the combination of water
with natural gas. Under the proper 4.7(d)(3) Piping
conditions, a cup of water may form
sufficient hydrates to fill solidly 6 to 8 feet If water is used lo purge a seclion of pipe, an
of 8" pipe. Likewise, under certain appropriate pig should be considered as a means
conditions of temperature or pressure of separating the water from the material being
reduction, the freezing of water at regulators purged. This will also prevent trapping of the
or in small orifices may cause stoppages in material being purged.
gas piping.

4.7(d)(4) Drains
Suitable drains should be provided to
4.7(d)(l) Inlel Supply Connection dispose of the water.

Connections must be made between the

source of the water and the equipment to be
4.7(d)(5) Pressure Gauge
purged. A shut-off val ve should be installed in
the connection near the equipment so the
Pressure gauges should be installed on the
operator can see the equipment and be in a
facility at points where they will indicate the true
position to shut off the supply instantly in case of
pressure within the equipment and be in constant
view of the operator of the water control val ve.
Consideration should be given to the
It is suggested that a gauge to indicate the
installation of a suitable check val ve in the inlet
maximum pressure be installed as c10se as
supply lineo This prevents accidental backflow
possible to the lowest point of the facility lo be
of undesirable material into the water supply line
in case excess pressure should develop in Ihe
Water fed into the system too rapidly for the
facility being purged.
number of vents provided may cause pressure to
be built up in excess of the weight of water. In
certain facilities, this may ha ve serious
4.7(d)(2) Vents
consequences, therefore each facility must he
studied and treated as an individual problem in a
A vent pipe should be installed at the highest
manner commensurate wilh its construction and
point of the facility to be purged, specifically
where pockets of gas might be trapped.
A side outlet connection attached to a
container or tank of appropriate size to handle

4.7(e) PRECAUTIONS dilute the original contents of the facilities,
therefore, care must be taken to prevent air from
As oils are volatilized, they will diffuse into mixing with those contents.
the space above the rising water leve!. It must be
remembered that no inert gases are being used to


Carbone, M., Loo, O., Rush, W., "Purging

Gas Mains with Diesel Exhaust is Fast,
Economical, Convenient and Safe," Brooklyn
Gas Company, Institute of Gas Technology,




5.1 Introduction 64

5.2 Safety Precautions 64

5.3 Typical Purging Procedure Direct Displacement of

Combustible Gas or Air 65

5.4 Inert Purge by Complete Filling with Inert Gas 75

5.5 lnert Purge Using Slug to Separate Media Being lnterchanged 77

5-1 Minimum Purge Velocity to Limit Statification ... 65
5-2 Distribution Main System for New Subdivision 66
5-3 Geometry and Operating Conditions Used to Calculate the Purge Pressures
in Table 5-1 70
5-4 Pressure Drop Calculation Methods for Table 5-1 70
5-5 Air Mover Diagram 71
5-6 Typical Air Mover Installation 74
5-7 Arrangement for Displacing Air to Gas from Pipe 75
5-8 Graphical Presentation ofNitrogen Slug Shortening 78
5-9 Shortening ofNitrogen Slug During Inert Purging Operations 78
5-10 Explosive Limits ofNatural Gas Nitrogen Mixture with Air 79
5-11 Typical Procedure for Replacement of Air with Natural Gas 80
5-12 Typical Procedure for Replacement of Natural Gas with Air Utilizing SIug
Purge 81

5-1 Purging Data for Inlet Control Procedure 69
5-2 Capacity ofVarious Air Movers 72
5-3 Measuring Injection Rates Through Roses or Orifices 76
5-4 Nitrogen Required for Inert Slug 81



Typical purging procedures applying the (2) Inert purging by completely filling with
principIes outlined in Chapter 1, 2 and 3 to inert gas. (See Section 5.4)
segments of transmission and distribution pipe (3) Inert purging utilizing a slug to separate
wilI be discussed in this chapter. These purging the media being interchanged. (See Section
procedures have been developed in the gas 5.5)
industry over many years in the instalIation of The choice of one of these procedures or
thousands of miles of pipe. Research published modifications of them depends upon the physical
by the Gas Research Institute has provided configuration and combination of sizes of pipe
additional and technically supportable guidelines and upon certain local conditions. No one
for safe, reliable and accurate purging practices. procedure set forth in this chapter will satisfy all
TYPICAL PURGING PROCEDURES conditions that may be encountered.
(1) Direct displacement of air with
combustible gas or vice versa. (See Section


In addition to the safety precautions where practical by transferring as much as

described in Chapter 1, following are additional possible of the combustible gas content of the
precautions that should be considered when pipeline to be purged to other parts of the
preparing for a purging operation. system.
When it may be necessary to discharge large
volumes of combustible gas into the atmosphere,
5.2(a) VOLATlLE LIQUIDS it is essential that the combustible gas be
diffused into the air without hazard to the
Special precautions should be taken in cases workers, the public, or propcrty. Vertical vent
where Iiquids such as drip oil, crude oil, stacks of sufficient height and capacity with
gasoline, liquid condensates, or oil from scrubber valving to provide safe control should be used.
may have entered a pipeline that is to be taken The location of these vent pipes should be
out of service for repair or replacement. The selected with due consideration of buildings,
precautions may vary depending upon the overhead power lines, aircraft landing pattems
situation. and other potential sources of ignition.
Usually the frrst step before blowing down a Consideration must be given to public
pipeline is to remove liquid from the pipeline to relations with regard to objectionable noise and
be purged. If only a small volume of liquid is odor as well as to any applicable federal, state
suspected, purging may proceed. and local noise and polIution abatement
requirements. Such considerations may inelude
the use of noise suppressors, reduction of line
5.2(b) VENTING OF GAS pressure, deodorizing filters, etc.

Disposal of large volumes of combustible

gas into the atmosphere should be minimized

5.2(c) SULFUR precautions. These include testing for iron
sulfide in the pipeline, followed by an
When gas with high concentrations of sulfur appropriate purge procedure to prevent
has been present in a pipeline, or small spontaneous combustion.
concentrations of sulfur gas have been present
for long period, it is necessary to follow special


~ 8

~ 7
O 6
>el) 5
::l 4
3 Air-Heavy Gas
E 2
Note 1 Note 2
O 10 20 30 40 50
Pipe Inside Diameter (ineh)



Note 1: Mínimum velocity for turbulent flow, Reynolds # = 4000.

Note 2: Minimum velocity to limit stratification.
Note 3: The minimum purge velocity depends upon the pipe diameter and the density difference
between the purge gases. Gases with larger density differences require higher purge velocities.
Light Gas Specific Gravity = 0.55. Heavy Gas Specific Gravity = 0.70.



5.3(a) GENERAL mmlmlze mixíng, the purge velocity in the

pipeline should be high enough to limit
During purging, combustible gas introduced stratification of the gases and create turbulent
directly and rapidly into a pipeline containing flow at the interface ofthe gas and air.
air, or air similarly introduced into a pipeline The minimum allowable purge velocity to
containing combustible gas, forms a region of limit stratification and provide turbulent flow is
mixed gas within the flammable range. To shown in Figure S-l. A slow purge of less than

shown in Figure 5-1 may pennit excessive (5) Open vent at 2 and close when natural
mixing and stratification of air and combustible gas end-point is reached.
gas and should be avoided due to the potential (6) Open vent at 3 and close when natural
for ignition from solid particles inside the pipe gas end-point is reached.
scale. The greater the velocity, the greater the (7) Open vent at 4 and close when natural
turbulence and, therefore, less chance of creating gas end-point is reached.
a long section of air-combustible gas mixture. (8) Open vent at 5 and close when natural
gas end-point is reached.
Example procedure for Figure 5-2: (9) Purge aH service Iines instaHed.
(J) Close off 2" Enes at C and D, isolating (10) Open isolation points C and D.
by pinch, fitting, valve or other means. (ll)Open valve B.
(2) Open vent at l. (l2)Partial (stub) service Iines may be
(3) Open valve A. Leave valve B c1osed. purged when extended later.
(4) Close vent at 1 when natural gas end-
point is reached.


2 2"
1100 FT.
O u.


1100 FT.


5.3(b) SMALL DIAMETER PIPE - 4" AND minimum velocity in Figure 5-1. AH parts ofthe
SMALLER piping system must be purged completely and
combustible gas vented to the atmosphere must
Lines of 4" diameter and smaller can be be discharged safely. Purging should progress
purged by direct displacement of air with without interruption. The configuration of the
combustible gas or combustible gas with air piping system detennines the number and
provided that the purge velocity is aboye the locations ofpoints where combustible gas should

be vented. Possible ignition sources should be without popping out, to be sure all the air is
eliminated where combustible gas is vented to out of the line.
the atmosphere. See Figure 5-2. (5) Appliances with spark ignition should
be put back in service by purging the line al
the drip leg using the appliance valve.
5.3(c) PURGING SERVICE UNES (6) To purge a fuel line lo an appliance
which has a combustion chamber and a pilo!
When purging normal sized service lines light, tum appliance and pilot valve off,
containing air or an air-gas mixture, the make sure combustion chamber is free of
combustible gas itself is satisfactory for the combustible gas, then use one of the
purging medium. Purge out of doors wherever following methods:
practicable. Proper precautions must always be (a) If there are no open flames in
taken to avoid venting of sufficient gas to form the spacc where the appliance is
an explosive mixture or create objectionable located, disconnect the pilot tubing
odors or an oxygen deficient condition within a and use the pilot valve to control
room or space. the flow, holding a flame at the
Afier the service line has been tested for open end. Purge the line until the
tightness with the meter service shut-off c10sed flame bums steadily.
combustible gas is admitted into the service line: (b) Purge through the pilot,
If the meter is located outdoors, allow the air controlling flow with the pilot
from the service line to vent near the meter until valve and maintain a constant
an odor of gas appears. If the meter is inside, the flame at the pilot until the pilot
air-combustible gas mixture should be light is stable.
discharged through a flexible hose or other Relatively long fuel lines or lines 2" or
means to the outside of the building. New lines larger in diameter should be purged to the
in active for a long time may absorb the odorant outside ofthe building through a hose. Ifthere is
and the gas may not be detectable. This may a reason to suspect that the line contains either
result in the gas bcing vented before odor is propane, welding gas, etc., it is advisable to
detected. purge with inert gas. Make sure there is a valve
to control the flow into the hose and direct the
discharge away from any opening in a building.
5.3(d) PURGING RESIDENTIAL FUEL UNES Purge until alI of the air or air-gas mixture is
When residential fuel lines containing air or
a combustible gas mixture are purged with
combustible gas, it is necessary that precautions 5.3(e) LARGE DIAMETER PIPE - GREATER
be taken to avoid an explosive mixture within the THAN 4"
appliance or interior space. Care should be taken
to avoid an objectionable odor or oxygen As pipe diameter increases the volume of
deficiency in the space. flammable mixture increases and it becomes a
The following methods are recommended more important consideration during purging
for purging new and existing fuel lines before operations.
putting them into use. The length of the flammable region is
(1) Make certain that the line is gas tight dependent upon the contact time of the gases
and that aIl openings are properly plugged, purged, therefore, longer pipe lengths or lower
capped, or severed before tuming meter on purge velocity will increase the length of the
and aIJowing gas to enter system. flammable region.
(2) Valve off alI appliances with spark The folIowing procedures incorporate these
ignition. principies.
(3) Do not purge by breaking a union and
letting gas blow; use a valve to control the
flow ofgas.
(4) AH appliances with pilot lights should
be relit. Wait until the flame bums steadily,

5.3(t) PROCEDURE FOR DISPLACEMENT (5) Start purging by bringing the inlet
OF AIR WITH COMBUSTIBLE GAS control pressure quickly to the pressure
determined in step 2. Maintain the pressure
The following procedure, ofien caBed the for a period of time equal to two minutes for
Inlet Control Procedure, should be used for each mile of pipe in the section being
purging dry pipe. purged.
(1) Determine the blow-off size (using the (6) Verify completeness of the purge at the
smalIest eros s sectional area of any end ofthe determined time (two minutes per
component), pipeline size and the length of mile). A combustible gas indicator or other
section to be purged. sampling device can be used for analyzing
(2) Obtain the inlet control pressure from the gas-a ir mixture throughout the purging
Table 5-1. operation and for confirming the gas to be
(3) To observe the inlet pressure, connect a free of air.
pressure gauge to a tap located as c10se as (7) Purge an additional percentage volume
possible to the line to be purged. The gauge of gas to obtain additional safety margin to
should be accurate and readable to within 1 ensure that the pipe is void of flammable
psig. (Note: The gauge should be connected mixture. (Typical additional purge times
through several feet of flexible tubing to range from 50% to 200% of the initial purge
eliminate excessive vibration.) duration.)
(4) Open the blow-off valve at the (8) Close the blow-off valve and retum the
downstream end of the section to be purged. pipeline to service.
Downstream blow-off valves should always
be in the fully open position.

Basis for the Purge Pressure Calculated in Table 5-1

To estimate the purge pressure required to The calculated pressure, since the blow-off valve
obtain a purge time of 2 minutes per mile of should be opened method assumes the pipeline is
pipeline, the flow rate and pressure drop through initially at atrnospheric prior to starting the flow
the piping must be determined. This is of gas at the inlet. Once gas starts to flow into
accomplished by computing pressure drops in the pipeline, the pressure in the pipeline starts to
particular segments ofthe pipeline (See Figure 5- rise. The gas already in the pipeline is
4) for given inlet pressures. The inlet piping and compres sed and the amount of gas stored in the
blow-off piping are modeled as adiabatic (no pipeline increases. A steady flow model would
heat transfer) pipes with friction. The main not correctly account for these factors.
pipeline segment is modeled as an isothermal Figure 5-3 summarizes the pipeline
pipe with friction. geometry and operating conditions that were
A time-dependent model is required to assumed for calculating the purge pressure
correctly model the pipeline purging operation. shown in Table 5-1.


Purging Data for Inlet Control Procedure

Minimum Inlet Pressures- PSIG
(By line size)


LENGTH Inle! Pressure (psig ) Inle! Pressure (psig ) Inlet Pressure (psig)
(MIL E) 4" Pipe 6" Pipe 6" Pipe 8"Pipe 10" Pipe 12" Pipe 12" Pipe 16" Pipe 18" Pipe 20" Pipe 22" 24" Pipe
1 6 9 3 3 3 5 2 3 4 5 8 12
2 12 13 7 5 5 7 3 4 5 6 8 12
3 18 17 10 7 7 8 5 5 5 7 9 13
4 24 21 13 10 9 10 6 6 6 8 10 14
5 32 25 16 12 II II 7 7 7 8 1I 15
6 40 30 20 14 12 13 9 8 8 9 12 15
7 49 35 24 17 14 14 10 9 9 10 12 16
8 59 41 28 20 16 16 II 10 10 11 13 17
9 71 46 33 22 18 18 13 11 II 12 14 18
10 83 52 38 25 20 19 14 12 12 13 15 19
11 97 59 43 28 22 21 16 13 13 14 16 20
12 66 48 31 25 23 17 14 14 15 17 20
13 73 54 35 27 25 19 15 15 15 17 21
14 81 60 38 29 27 21 16 16 16 18 22
15 90 67 42 32 29 22 18 17 17 19 23
20 63 45 40 31 24 22 22 24 28
25 90 62 52 42 31 28 28 29 33
30 81 66 54 39 35 33 34 38
35 82 68 47 42 40 40 44
40 84 57 50 46 46 50
45 67 58 54 53 56
50 79 67 61 60 63

LENGTH Inle! Pressure (psig) Inle! Pressure (psig) Inle! Pressure (psig)
(MIL E) 20" Pipe 22" Pipe 24" Pipe 24" Pipe 26" Pipe 3D" Pipe 34" Pipe 36" Pipe 42" Pipe 48:" Pipe
I 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 6 10
2 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 6 11
3 3 4 5 3 3 4 3 4 6 11
4 4 5 5 3 4 5 4 4 6 11
5 5 5 6 4 4 5 4 4 7 12
6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 5 7 12
7 7 7 7 5 5 6 5 5 7 12
8 7 7 8 6 6 6 5 6 8 12
9 8 8 8 6 6 7 6 6 8 13
10 9 9 9 7 7 7 6 6 8 I3
II 10 9 10 8 7 8 6 7 9 13
12 10 10 10 8 8 8 7 7 9 14
13 II II 11 9 9 9 7 7 9 14
14 12 12 12 9 9 9 8 8 10 14
15 13 12 12 10 10 10 8 8 10 15
20 17 16 16 13 13 12 10 10 12 16
25 22 20 19 17 16 15 12 12 14 18
30 27 24 23 20 19 17 14 14 15 20
35 32 29 27 24 22 20 17 16 17 22
40 38 34 32 28 26 23 19 18 19 24
45 44 39 36 32 29 26 21 21 21 25
50 51 45 41 37 33 29 24 23 23 27
(1) Purge pressures that exceed 100 psig are not shown in the tableo Possible detonation offlammable gases could
create unsafe pipeline pressures. Longer purge times (greater that 2 min/mile) and lower purge pressures should be
used. See Figure 5-3 for geometry and operating conditions used to caIculate the purge pressures in Table 5-1.
(2) Add 5 psig to the pressures shown in Table 5-1, if purging is done through a crossover arrangement and the
pressure is measured at the crossover valve. Example: A 30" pipe, 13 miles long, is to be placed into service. A 10"
blowdown is to be used for venting. A fifty percent safety factor is selected. Table 5-1 shows that 30" pipe, 13 miles
long, requires a natural gas inlet pressure of9 psig. The length oftime is 13 miles times 2 minutes per mile or 26
minutes. After 26 minutes have elapsed, the venting continues for an additional 13 minutes more. Then the blowoff
val ve is cJosed.

Pipeline Temperature (F) 60 Gas Initially in Pipeline Air

Tnlet Gas Temperature (F) 60 Gas Injected into Pipeline Nat Gas

rnlet Pipe Length (ft) 8 Gas Specific Gravity 0.60

Blowoff Pipe Length (ft) 8 Average Purge Velocity (ftlsec) 44

BlowoffValve ID to Pipe ID 1:1 Pipe Absolute Roughness (ft) 0.0008

Blowoff Valve Effective Length 18 Pipe Wall Thickness (for ID's) STD
Figure 5-3
Geometry and Operating conditions Used to Calculate the Purge Pressures in Table 5-1

t- *
Control Presaure
Adiabatic FIow- .-.-
wIth FrIcIIon
(Fanno FIow)

The pipeline is divided into a number of segments to aid in calculating the pressure drop and flow rate
through the piping system. The caJculation method for each segment ofpipe is shown aboye.

Figure 5-4
Pressure Drop Calculation Methods for Table 5-1


Air movers are essentially portable If a single air mover is utilized to purge a
ventilating devices that have no moving part, continuous section of pipeline, the opening at the
employed as either blowers or exhausters. They inlet to the line being purged must be at least
are most commonly used to evacuate toxic or equal in area to the outlet of the air mover being
explosive atmospheres from confined places, used. The capacity of the air mover must
such as boilers, chemical vats, scrubbers and the provide sufficient tlow such that the pipeline
like with compressed air being used to operate velocity is above the stratification velocity
the air mover. The focus of this section is the identified in Figure 5-1.
use of air movers to evacuate gas from pipeline A continuous supply of gas or air must be
with the pressure from the pipeline gas or maintained in the air mover to provide a constant
compressed air being used to power the air and unfailing flow rate at each blow-off. An
mover. (See Figure 5-5) alcohol bottle should therefore be set up so that
Like many other tools used on natural the supply control val ve can be quickly freed of
gas pipeline, they must be used with care, any icing where moisture-Iaden gas or air is used
discretion and advance planning. When air for supply
movers are properly utilized cuts or repairs of alI The air mover device converts the pressure
descriptions on the gas pipelines at atmospheric of a compres sed air or gas into a large induced
pressure can be made without the danger of gas volume ofmoving atmosphere (Figure 5-5).
venting or flowing through openings and into a In the air mover, the supply air or gas is
work area. expanded at a high velocity through an annular
In the absence of compressed air to operate orifice. The design of the device produces a
the air movers, natural gas may be used. If air is powerful venturi effect. This causes the
used, the time required to evacuate the gas from atmosphere being moved to be drawn through
the pipeline wilI be longer because the amount of the beIl of the air mover and delivered with the
energy available from air compressors is usuaIly expended air or gas supply through the outlet
less than that normaIly available from high horno
pressure gas in the pipeline.
If compressed air is to be used to operate the
air movers, radio communication between the
control and work areas should be established, or
an alternate source of air supply made available
for use in case the primary source fails.
In practice, air movers are instaIled on blow-
offs (Figure 5-6) on each end of a blowdown
section to draw air into the pipe at the work site
and move combustible gas through the pipe
toward the air mover. A 0-100 psig. gauge
aIlows the operator to make any adjustment in
supply necessary to produce the desired control
of draft at the point of severance in the
blowdown section. The seal between the air
mover and the blow-off valve face is
accomplished by a gasket cut from W' thick soft "'jIlIiIi--- COMPRESSED AIR OR
sheet rubber. The air mover is attached to the
blow-offwith three 6" sharp pointed "c" cIamps,
spaced evenly around the bel!. The sharp points
provide the metal-to-metal contact across the soft
rubber gasket necessary to drain off effectively
any possible buildup of static electricity during Figure 5-5 Air Mover Diagram
the operation of the air mover.

When selecting model size and air or gas . fA' InducedAir Flow Rate
pressure requirements, select the conditions that V e 1oC1t)'O lr= - - - - - - - - -
will produce a velocity aboye the limits shown in
Figure 5-1 to minimize the length of the 520.0Scfm .
- - - - = 110ft.permm.
combustible mixture. 4.71sq.ft.

Note: (2) A 6" air mover at 30 psig. through a full-size

(1) Select pressure and model size to obtain access hole with air supply and through a plug
the desired average velocity of air within the valve.
pipeline for various conditions as shown by . fA' Induced Air Flow Rate x 40%
Ve IoClty o Ir = - - - - - - - - - - -
the flow rates given in Table 5-2 below for InsideArea
full size access hole plug valve with air and
plug valve with gas supply. 107 ft. per mino
(2) When an air mover is mounted on a 4.71
plug val ve, the air mover capacity is 40
percent of the listed induced air value and (3) A 6" air mover at 50 psig. through a full-size
when gas is used as the supply, the corrected access hole with gas supply and through a plug
volume of induced air is further reduced by valve.
60 percent. . fA' InducedAir x 40% x 60%
V e IoClty o Ir = - - - - - - - - - -
Examples of Use: Inside Area
Determine velocity of air within a 30" 2058 x AO x .60
pipeline using table 5-2: 105ft.permin.
(1) A 3" air mover at 50 psig. through a
full-size access hole with air supply but not The supervisor at the worksite should be
through a plug valve. responsible for maintaining a sequence of events
that will accomplish the work in a safe and
successful manner.

Table 5-2. Capacity ofVarious Air Movers

MODEL PRESSURE AlR AlR A1R NOM PIPELINE SlZE S" lO" 12" 16" 2O" 24" 30" 36"
lNSIDE AREA - SQ. .360 .S73 .81 9 1.31 2.07 3.01 4.71 6.76
3" 20 PSIG 19.0 SCFM 274SCFM 255.0SCFM I
30 26.4 397 370.6
40 33.4 496 4626
50 40.8 561 5201
60 49.8 614 5611
663.6 -'""' IIIIIIII ... ~
6" 20 48.0 900 852.0
1658.0 ....-

50 192.0 2250 2058.0

60 242.0 2700 2458.0
70 293.0 3150 28S7.0
lO" 30 149.0 2900 2751.0
42 214.0 3700 3486.0
55 261.0 4240 5879.0
70 342.0 50SO 4708.0
81 398.0 5560 5162.0


Prior to reducing the pressure in the isolated segment of pipe to be removed. Inspect
section to just aboye atmospheric, the following inside of pipe or coupon for the presence of
items should be accomplished: liquids and iron sulfide. (See Section 1.6)
(1) Instruct all persons assigned to the In "hot cutting" the pipe, leave one inch or
project. more of metal on the topside of pipe if it shows
(2) Check material and equipment required evidence of being twisted or contracted. This
to complete the scheduled work. should be carefully watched for by the cutting
(3) Verify operability of all valves involved torch operator during the progress of the cut.
and lubricate if necessary. Before completing the cut, the pipe should be
(4) Isolate other sources where gas may restrained by clamps, side-boom or blocking.
enter the section to be isolated. As the cut is being made, seal and
(5) Deactivate remote control or automatic extinguish fire with fireproof "mud" and
valve operators. extinguish all fires in the work are a when
(6) Shut-off rectifiers within a prescribed completing the cut. Inspect the inside of pipe
distance from the work sites. and coupon for liquids and iron sulfides to
(7) Establish a reliable communication determine if air movers may be used.
Caution should be employed if liquid Size ofCut
hydrocarbons are suspected of being in the Size of Pipe Size of Access Coupon
isolated section of pipe. If liquid hydrocarbons 26" to 36" 24" elliptical hole
are present, removal of the liquids is necessary 12" to 24" 16" elliptical hole
and may be accomplished by the following: 10" and under Sever and separate pipe
(1) Install a siphon drip;
(2) Dril! holes in the pipe; (Note: The access coupon width should be
(3) Sever the pipe with mechanical approximately 70 percent ofthe pipe diameter.)
cutters; (6) Complete the installation of air movers
(4) Internally c1ean the pipe. at blow-off locations as shown in Figure 5-6
The procedure for displacement of gas with and
air is described below in a sequence that should (a) Attach streamers to center of
be followed after the isolated section has been air mover outlets so operation of the air
reduced to just aboye atmospheric. (Note: No air movers can be visually observed and
should be allowed to enter the blow-off prior to monitored at all times.
cutting out the access coupon or "hot cutting" the (b) Fully open blow-off valves
pipe.) on Iy after receiving authorization from
(1) Install air movers on blow-offs as the supervisor at the work location.
shown on Figure 5-6 at each end of the (c) Attach streamers to the
isolated section. upstream and downstream edges of
(2) Install shunt wire and ground at the access hole or end of pipe and observe
work site as shown in Figure 5-6. The shunt angle of streamers to determine that air
wire should remain attached to the pipe until is flowing into the pipe toward both air
the stringer weld has been completed. movers.
(3) A handle may be welded at the access (d) When authorized, slowly open
coupon for ease of handling when removing control val ve to air movers for five
the access coupon from the pipe. minutes until the desired set pressure is
(4) Dril! or cut a small hole near the access achieved at the work location (do not
coupon area. This hole is used to check the exceed 80 psig.). (Operate air mover
gas pressure and also enables the person in for five minutes at reduced pressure so
charge to control the fire using the air will not bypass the gas.)
blowdowns while noting the flame height. (e) The air mover at the higher
(Note: Sufficient fire extinguishers of the elevation will require less control
proper type must be located at each work pressure than the air mover located at
site. Electric drills are not to be used.) the lower elevation.
(5) Proceed to "hot cut" the elliptical (f) When equalizing the
shaped access coupon with a diameter movement of air in both directions as
approximately 70 percent of the pipe indicated by the streamers, the
diameter at the approximate center of the evacuation of the pipeline should

continue for tifteen minutes; then test (h) When the cutting has been
with a combustible gas indicator for the complete, the air mover may be
presence of gas in and around the access adjusted to arate required for the next
opening or in the ends of the pipe. If no operation.
gas is indicated, the pipeline is available (7) The air mover rate should be adjusted to
for the cutting "cold" operation. (Note: arate that will minimize welding problems
The movement of air into the access on the replacement pipe. The low air mover
hole or open ends of the pipe must be flow should be retained until the work is
maintained throughout the cutting and completed and inspected.
welding operation.) (8) Upon completion and acceptance of the
(g) Prior to cutting out the welds, remove air mover equipment and
cylindrical piece of pipe, reduce the air retum pipeline into service by a method
mover rate to minimize spark travel in su eh as displacement of air with combustible
the pipe. Before severing, the pipe gas (Section 5.3); displacement of air with
should be restrained by clamps, side- inert gas (Section 5.4); or slug purging
boom or blocking. (Note: Fire (Section 5.5).
extinguishers of the proper type or Note: AII safety precautions should be
available inert gas should be located at strictly observed at all times.
the work site for use in the event of a
tire within the pipe.)







.! INS1AlL A mOlo SIIun VIR[ ACROS! lHE "'HIlE SEellON 10 BE





5.4(a) GENERAL

The three most commonly used inerts are 5.4(b) TYPICAL PROCEDURE, PURGE BY
carbon dioxide, nitrogen and inert gas generator COMPLETE FILLING
products. The general advantages of using WITHNITROGEN
carbon dioxide and nitrogen are:
(1) Constant quality; (1) Determine volume of air or gas to be
(2) A vailability immediately upon displaced from 110 foot long isolated
completion of connections without waiting section of 30" pipe (internal diameter = 29")
for a gas generalor to be put into operation; 2
n(29 ) . J J
(3) Ease oftransportation and connection. F1ow Area = J = 661m- = 4.59 ft-
Carbon dioxide (COz) is ideal for purging 2-
low points because it is heavier than natural
gas and causes diffusion less readily than Volume=llOx4.59=S04.6 eu. ft.
nitrogen (N 2); thus less CO 2 than N 2 is
generally required. However, since CO2 is Provide 50 pereent additional nitrogcn for
more soluble in water than N 2, problems can purge gas: (504.6)(1.5)=756.9 std. eu. fi.
be created where prolonged contact between (2) Install connection to injeet nitrogen
the COz and any water that may be present (Sce Figure 5-7).
in the pipeline. (3) Install vent stack.
An inert purge of a pipeline may be (4) Isolate seetion of line, blow down to
accomplished by filling the en tire line with inert atmospheric pressure and leave stack open.
gas. The volumetric capacity of various sized (5) Inject nitrogen, venting at stack. Table
pipes can be calculated. A volume of 10 percent 5-3 indicates that a manifold pressure of 45
to 50 percent more inert gases than the total psig. will provide an injection rate of 1350
volume of the hne, added rapidly, will ensure cu. ft. per minute through 50 fee! of 2" LD.
complete filling. However, vent gases should be hose. The purge velocity would exceed the
analyzed with suitable analytical equipment to velocity for Figure 5-1 (4.5 fi./sec).
make sure that the line has be en filled with the (6) Verify completion of purge end-point
inert gas and the specified end-point reached. by instrument as indicated in Table 2-6.


~ Manifold and
SEE FIG. 3-9

- - - - - - - - - - Isol""on Polnt .. ~
Measuring Injection Rates Through Hoses or Orifices

Determination ofpressure required to inject various flow rates ofnatural gas, nitrogen or air through various
size hoses and orifices, which can be used as flow meters.

Required Pressure Up Stream ofHose or Orifice, Psig

Oesired ORlFICES
Injecl Each 3/4" LO. Each 1-114" EACH2"
Rate 50' Hose 50' Hose 50' Hose 3/8' 112" 5/8" 7/8" 1-118" 1-3/8"
CFM Gas N,-Air Gas N,-Air Gas NrAir Gas NrAir Gas N,-Air Gas N,-Air Gas N,-Air Gas N,-Air GasN,-Air
10 3 3
20 4 5
40 9 11
60 15 18 20 25
80 21 26 31 39
100 28 35 4 6 42 52 18 23
120 35 44 5 S 52 65 24 30
130 39 49 6 9 58 n 27 34
140 43 54 7 10 63 78 30 38
160 51 64 8 12 74 92 37 46 19 24
200 68 87 11 17 86 liS 48 60 26 33
230 82 103 14 21 113 - 58 73 33 41
270 IDO - 19 26 3 4 - - 69 86 39 49
320 - NOTE: - 23 33 4 5 - - 85 lOS 49 61 19 24
370 - - 28 40 5 7 - - lOO - 58 73 24 30
420 - MULTIPLE 34 46 6 8 - - - - 69 86 29 36
430 - 35 47 7 9 - - - - 71 88 30 38
530 - - 44 60 8 12
- - - - 91 112 40 50 20 25
620 - HOSES - 55 75 11 16
- - - - 109 - 49 61 26 32
700 - - 62 87 13 19 - - - 57 71 30 38 16 20
- - -
no - MAYBE- 65 89 14 20
- - - - - - 58 73 31 39 17 21
830 - - 78 \05 17 26 - - 70 87 38 43 22 27
- - - -
900 - USED - 85 - 18 30
- - - - 77 95 42 53 24 30
20 31
- -
950 90 - 82 101 45 56 26 33
- -
- - - - - -
1000 95 - 21 32 87 - 48 60 28 35
- TO - - - - -
\050 23 33 - -
51 64 30 38
- - - 92 -
- - - - - - -
1070 - - 24 34 94 - 52 65 31 39
- INCREASE - - - -
1170 27 38 - - 58 74 35 44
- - - - - \04 -
1200 28 39 - - - - 60 75 36 45
- - - - - - - -
1350 33 45 - - - - 69 86 42 53
- THE - - - - - - -
1520 38 52 - - - - 80 99 49 61
- - - - - -
- -
- - - -
- -


Formation of flammable mixtures during various purge velocities which just exceed the
purging can be prevented with inert gas without stratification velocity in pipelines being purged
filling the entire length of the isolated section of at atmospheric pressure. Further increases in
pipe with the inert gas. This is accomplished by velocity (as shown in Figure 5-7) have minimal
maintaining a quantity of inert gas known as a effect on further slug shortening.
slug between the air and combustible gas while Purge velocities can be controlled by
the two are being interchanged. The slug of inert maintaining a predetermined pressure differential
gas travels through the pipe as a separate mass across a restriction in the line used to insert the
preventing the mixing ofthe air and combustible inert gas, air or natural gas into the pipe being
gas. The slug must be long enough to allow for purged. Standard orifices or even standard hoses
shortening by reason of mixing with air on one may be used as the restriction. Table 5-3 shows
end of the slug and combustible gas at the other injection rates measured through hoses and
end. If a purge cannot immediately follow the orifices. The pressure drops indicated in Table
insertion of the inert gas slug because of 5-3 are greater than those used to produce critical
unforeseen delay, additional inert gas must be velocity so that the amount of downstream
inserted and an entirely new slug established. pressure is of little relative importan ce. The
Precaution should be taken to avoid damage to amount of nitrogen required for inert slug
high strength pipe by sudden temperature change purging of various size pipelines is the volume
caused by rapid introduction of a purge gas. necessary to form a slug that will reduce to zero
It is necessary to know what happens to a length by the time the slug reached the pipeline
slug of inert gas during purging, particularly how vent. In other words, there will be no pure inert
much the slug shortens or deteriorates under buffer gas between the natural gas and air just at
various conditions in order to determine the the instant the purge is completed. However,
amount of inert gas needed and the velocity to be extra inert gas should be introduced when the
maintained during purging. Early experimental slug is formed so that a finite length of slug will
studies conducted a number of years ago exist at the end of the purge. A suggested
involving limited lengths of pipeline (3.3 miles additional volume is that which would fill 100
or less) were used to develop empirical feet of the pipe being purged. Therefore, the
correlation of slug shortening as a function of required nitrogen values for inert slug purging of
purging velocity and pipe length. Earlier various size pipelines in Table 5-4 retlect this
versions ofthis practice used these results. More additional volume.
recent studies based on more advanced modeling Although the data presented here is based
and additional experimental results form the upon a slug of 100 percent nitrogen remaining in
basis for the purging operations outlined in the the pipeline at the end of the purge, a factor of
following sections. safety results from the fact that a mixture of 85
Figure 5-8 provides a graphical presentation percent or more of nitrogen with natural gas
of the slug shortening process and definition of cannot be made to bum regardless of the amount
the relevant terminology. of air present as shown in Figure 5-10.
The initial length of the slug required for Accordingly, the effective and safe length of
purging a given size pipe is dependent primarily non-combustible slug is the length of any pure
upon two factors: the length of the pipe and the nitrogen plus the length of mixture including
velocity of the slug within the pipe. Figure 5-9 more than 85 percent of nitrogen. (See Figure 5-
indicates the amount of shortening of a nitrogen 8)
slug for various sizes and lengths of pipe at

Gas and
START Nitrogen Air



a +b


~ 1000
UJ 100
100 1000 10000 100000
Length of Pipe (ft)



-40 -------+-~-_l 40
.... I

< -,e, ..~ __ -l. --t---- - . 36 ~

.S .S
~ 3:! 32 ~
¡ :
--+----.1 28 ~

i 11'1 _. ._-j-----

~-1' -i- - ~.
24 ~
~ 20 --.- ~ -Mixt~~'" - --1-- - 20 ~
r..;'" l' . ,..
16 '---+--+--+-_.--~--- .:--~ ----Í- -- ~. 16 v"E
~ I . ,

'" 12
;; 12 3
:: 8 - -- 1 8 ::
"t-: ~
4 4 """

O o
O 2 3 4 5 6 7
Volurnctric Ratio of Nitragen 10 Natural Gas in Mixture
O 50 67 75 80 . 83 86 88
Pcrccnt Nitrogen in Natural Gas-Nitrogen Mixture by Volurnc
.64 .80 .86 .89 .90 .91 .92 .93
Spccific Gravity a( Natural Gas-Nitragen Millturc



Example: (2) The amount of nitrogen necessary to

If a mixture contains 83 percent nitrogen purge short lengths (500 feet or less) of
and 17 percent natural gas, the lower flammable large-diameter pipe satisfactory at practical
limit of the mixture in air would be 31 percent; purge velocities exceeds the volume of the
the upper flammable limit 40 percent. line.
Pigs are used in sorne cases to avoid mixing (3) Changes in horizontal or vertical
of gas and air. They may be placed directly direction because of ells or retum bends do
between the combustible gas and air or at each not tend to destroy the nitrogen slug.
end of a slug of inert gas. In the latter case, the (4) A temperature variation in the order of
pigs minimize the dilution of the slug of inert 20°F between tests has no effect on mixing
gas. A velocity of 50 feet per minute has been ofthe nitrogen slug with combustible gas or
used successfuIly for moving a foam plastic air.
purging pig through pipe 16" in diameter and (5) The same amount of inert gas, as a slug,
larger. may be used if either combustible gas or air
Following are additional facts regarding is being purged from a line.
inert slug purging which have be en determined (6) Turbulence, even if it causes mixing, is
experimentally. much les s the cause of deterioration of the
(1) Purge velocity is extremely important. slug than is stratification.
Avoid a slow purge. Velocities less than (7) A delay of approximately three minutes
those shown in Figure 5-1 allow between the addition ofthe inert gas and the
stratification between heavier and Iighter purge with air or combustible gas will
gases. destroy the slug. (Delays of any nature
should be avoided.)

Manifold and
SEE FIG. 3·9
Vent Stack


Replace air with natural gas in a newly c10sing nitrogen manifold val ve as gas
instaIled segment of 5,000 feet of 16" pipe bypass valve is opened. Progre ss of the
utilizing an inert gas slug purge to prevent purge may be followed by observing. Stop
formation of a flammable mixture. The tie-in is injection of gas when combustible gas
to be made after purging by cutting and welding indicator at vent indicates essentiaIly 100
while both the old and new pipe segments percent gas.
contain natural gas. (6) Close vent.
(1) InstaIl vent stack. (7) During tie-in, the foIlowing
(2) Install temporary connection to InJect precautions should be observed to keep
nitrogen and natural gas. Table 5-4 shows air from entering lineo
that 605 cu. ft. Uust slightly over three (a) A very slight positive internal
cylinders) of nitrogen will be needed. (Table pressure should be maintained
5-4 shows that 273 cu. ft. per minute must while cutting and welding. Before
be injected to maintain a slug velocity of cutting the line, dril! or torch cut a
210 feet per minute to avoid stratification.) small test hole at the work site to
(3) Blow down line to atmospheric pressure verify that internal pressure can be
and leave vent stack open. controIled. Verify control by
(4) Inject nitrogen while maintaining a observing flame height at test hole
pressure of26.4 (interpolate) psig. or higher while adjusting slight input of gas
at the nitro gen manifold using a 1 Vi' hose. through a small bypass. If there is
(Table 5-3 shows that a pressure of 26.4 leakage of gas at isolation points,
psig. at the nitrogen manifold will provide the pressure can be control1ed by
an injection rate of 273 cU. ft. per minute adjusting vent stack valves while
through the 50 feet of l v." I.D. hose.) observing flame height at the test
(5) Inject natural gas immediately holeo If infiltration is excessive, a
following the nitrogen, maintaining at least venturi type exhauster can be used
19.2 psig. on the gauge at the bypass fitting, on the vent stack.

(b) AH cuts in the pipe should be (d) All joints should be taped as soon
progressively mudded during torch as the pipe is in place.
cutting leaving no more than a few (e) The air which gets into the pipe in
inches of cut open at a time. spite of the foregoing precautions
(c) When a pipe is opened to the should be purged from the bottom of a
atmosphere, the open ends should be joint before welding is done. The
immediately covered by sorne completeness of the purge, essentially
appropriate closure. 100 percent gas, should be checked by
an instrument.


Pipe * Minimum
Cubic Feet of Nitrogen for an Inert Slug
Pipe Volume Slug Injection
Pipe Length in Feet
Size per Foot Velocity Rate
(inch) (CF/ft) (ft/min) (CFM) 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 20000 50000
4 0.09 125 II 19 23 29 40 53 71 107
6 0.22 130 29 46 56 70 98 129 173 261
8 0.37 150 56 77 94 117 164 217 291 439
10 0.58 165 96 121 147 184 257 340 457 688
12 0.83 180 149 173 211 263 368 486 653 985
16 l.3 210 273 280 342 430 605 802 1,080 1,632
18 1.67 220 367 360 440 553 777 1,030 1,387 2,097
20 2.08 235 489 448 548 689 968 1,283 1,728 2,611
22 2.51 245 615 541 661 831 1,168 1,548 2,085 3,151
26 3.51 265 930 757 925 1,162 1,633 2,165 2,916 4,406
30 4.67 285 1,331 1,007 1,230 1,546 2,173 2,880 3,880 5,863
34 5.97 305 1,821 1,400 1,733 2,204 3,137 4,189 5,677 8,630
36 6.72 315 2,117 1,576 1,951 2,480 3,531 4,716 6,391 9,714
.. . .
*100 ft of addltlOnal pIpe lme volume IS mcluded .

Example: provide the 590 eu. ft. required for the
Replaee the natural gas with air in a seetion higher purge veloeity.
of 16" pipe 5,000 feet long utilizing an inert (3) Isolate pipe segment to be purge;
gas slug purge to limit formation of a blow down to atmospherie pressure and
flammable mixture. leave vent staek open.
(1) Install vent staek. (4) Injeet eylinders of nitrogen,
(2) Install eonneetion to injeet nitrogen and maintaining a pressure of 26.4 psig. at
alf. Table 5-4 shows that 605 eu. ft. of the nitrogen manifold.
nitrogen Uust slightly over three eylinders) (5) Injeet air immediately following
will be needed. To maintain a minimum the nitrogen, maintaining at least 26.4
purge veloeity of 210 feet per minute (see psig. on the gauge at the inlet to the air
Table 5-4) the eorresponding injeetion rate hose, closing the nitrogen manifold as
for either the air or nitrogen is 273 eu. ft. per the air valve is opened. Progre ss of the
minute. For air injeetion, three 105 cfm air purge may be monitored with a multi-
eompressors are required. Table 5-3 shows gas monitoring instrument at the vent
that a pressure of 26.4 (interpolated) psig at staek.
the nitrogen manifold will pro vide an (6) Stop injeetion of air when oxygen
injeetion rate of 273 eu. ft. per minute indieator at vent indieates 20.8 pereent
through the 50 feet of 1 'j.," I.D. hose. Only oxygen or higher.
three eylinders of nitrogen will be needed to (7) Close vent.


GRJ-97/0104 Johnson, lE., Svedeman, S.J. and

Kuhl, C.A., "Pipeline,Purging PrincipIes and
Praetices Researeh," Southwest Researeh
Institute, January 1997.




6.1 Introduction 84

6.2 LNG Metal Tanks 84

6.3 LNG Pre-Stressed Concrete Tanks 90

6.4 LNG Plant Piping and Process Equipment 93

6.5 Shop Fabricated LNG Pressure Tanks 96

6.6 LNG Transport 100

6-1 Open Top Inner LNG Tank 85
6-2 Gas Tight Inner LNG Tank 87
6-3 Double Wall Sphere 88
6-4 LNG Tank- Cross-Section 91
6-5 Expander- Compressor Schematic 94
6-6 CO 2 Absorber Schematic 96
6-7 Liquefied Natural Gas Transport 98
6-8 Schematic for LNG Transport 99



The purging of liquefied natural gas (LNG) the gas mixtures. A welI-prepared written
metal tanks, pre-stressed concrete tanks, plant procedure detailing the sequence of events, the
piping, process equipment and transports is done control of the purge medium and a weIl-defined
lo prevent the presence of a combustible gas- end-point are important eIements of a successful
oxygen mixture in the tank proper and in the purging operation. The folIowing sections will
insulated spaces. Safe purging operations present guide material for the purging of metal
require a basic knowledge of the principIes and concrete tanks, piping and process
regarding the formation, analysis and control of equipment and transport facilities.


6.2(a) GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS An open top inner tank is shown in Figure 6-1.
The LNG is contained in the inner tank that is
A detailed and specific written purging surrounded by an annular space containing
procedure, incIuding the tank designer's insulation. An insulated deck or roof is located
recornmendations, should be prepared for each aboye the inner tank. In sorne designs, (he roof
individual tank. Everyone in the crew should be is suspended from the outer tank roof. The
familiar with the hazards of oxygen deficiency. annular space and the volume aboye the
Care must be taken to ensure that oxygen insulated roof wilI contain natural gas when lhe
deficient pockets do not build up in the work tank is in service since this space is in
area, especially where exhaust nozzles are at cornmunication with the inner tank through open
ground level. If weather conditions are such lhat vents, which are placed in lhe insulated deck.
the air is stilI, forced ventilation of the work are a The tank can be broken down into six
should be considered. different spaces or areas that require purging
The purging gas selected should be inert and when rernoving the tank from service or when
dry and available in sufficient quantities. Liquid putting the tank into service. The six areas are:
nitrogen is a preferred source of inert gas (1) Liquid container;
because when vaporized it satisfies the aboye (2) Vapor space in lhe dome roof;
requirements and is compatible with LNG (3) Perlite in the side walI;
storage temperatures. Where lhe inert gas is not (4) Resilient blanket in the side walI;
temperature compatible with LNG storage (5) Load-bearing insulation;
temperatures, it must be displaced with natural (6) Insulated deck.
gas prior to cool down. The liquid container is generally purged by a
There should be a physical isolation between combination of two rnechanisms; namely, first
the tank and any possible source of flarnmable displacement (sometimes calIed pistoning) and
gas or liquid until the tank is purged. A physical second, dilution. The vapor space in the roof is
isolation exists when the piping is blanked or purged in the same manner.
physicalIy separated and sealed such that an air The side waIl insulation space, which contains
gap exists. the perlite, is somewhat more complicated
Irnmediately prior to introducing a because the perlite is a granular and fmely
flammable product, lhe atrnosphere in the tank divided material with vapor in the void spaces
should be sampled and the inert purge verified. and methane absorbed onto the surface of the
perlite particIe. In order to purge the space, lhe
gas in the void spaces and the gas that is
6.2(b) PURGING INTO SERVICE METAL absorbed on the perlite partic1es must be
OPEN TOP INNER T ANKS removed. The purge mechanisms used are
displacement, dilution and diffusion. In
addition, the methane which is absorbed onto the

perlite surfaces is a function of the temperature suspended deck insulation is diffusion and
of the perlite. To remove methane, the perhaps sorne displacement.
temperature of the bed of perlite musl be warmed The procedure includes the following steps:
up to near ambient. (1) Arrangements should be made to
The resilient blanket, which makes up part procure a supply of inert purging medium.
of the material in the sidewaJl, also has void If the supply is in liquid form, a vaporization
spaces. However, lhese spaces are quite open system should include a pressure indicator
and flowing gas through the fibrous structure is and a temperature indicator downstream of
relatively easy. ActuaJly, one of the problems the vaporizer and a throttling val ve to
encountered in purging the sidewall is the fact control the flow into the tank being purged.
that gas will preferentiaJly flow through the If the inert purging medium contains water
fiberglass blanket. vapor, a drying system is required. If
The insulating foundation is a tight structure nitrogen is being used as the medium and if
with very few void paces and consequently there 9.7 percent by volume oxygen is the
are few places to purge. The sand layer directly required end-point, then theoretically,
underneath the liquid tank bottom, which is enough nitrogen is required to displace 54
porous, can be readily purged. percent of the air in the tank. In practice,
The deck insulation, whether it be perlite or however, the required volume of nitrogen
mineral wool, is supported on the deck structure gas ranges between 100 percent to 150
at the top of the liquid container. There is no percent of the volume to be purged. The
way built into the structure to force gas by additional volume is required because of
differential pressure to pass through the mixing and diffusion between the nitrogen
insulation material on the deck. Consequently, purge gas and the air being purged from the
the principIe mechanism for purging the tank.





A set of data should be taken prior to (4) Upon obtaining the desired end-point
staft of the purging operation. During condition in the inner tank, nozzle "B" is
purging operation, periodic readings should cIosed and nozzle "e" in the annular space
be taken of tank pressure; pressure opened to commence purging of the annular
difference between the inner tank and the space downward. Purging in this manner
annular space; approximate flow rates; vent maintains a positive pressure dif1'erence
gas composition at point "B" (refer to Figure between point I and 2 across the bottom of
6-1); the total guantity of purging medium the inner tank. lt is important to maintain
being used; and water dew point readings. the inner tank at a higher pressure than the
As shown in Figure 6-1, purging begins annular space to avoid lifting ¡he inner tank
with the introduction of the medium into bottom. If it becomes necessary to purge
nozzle "A" at or near the bottom of the inner upward through the annular space, the
tank. If no bottom penetrations are annular space pressure at point 2 must not
available, the purge gas should be exceed the inner tank pressure by more than
introduced through a nozzle, which has an a very few inches of water column. The
extension inside the tank that terminates at storage tank designer should be consulted to
or near the bottom of the inner tank. This establish this maximum allowable pressure
may be a product pump discharge outlet, for differential.
example. The displaced air is purged Purging should be continue downward
through nozzle "B" on top of the tank. It is through nozzle "e" until the desired end-
recommended that the inner tan k should be point is obtained at all the nozzles "e".
purged first; and, thus, nozzle "e" on the There should be enough purging nozzles
annular space should be cIosed during the "e" provided to ensure there is not
purging of the inner tank. Manometers channeling of f10w within the annular space
should be connected to read the inner tank insulation, taking into consideration the
pressure and the pressure difference between height and diameter of the tank and the
the inner tank and the annular space, as proposed purging f10w rateo A method to
shown in Figure 6-1. eare must be taken check for channeling is to stop the annular
not to exceed the design pressure of the tan k space purge for a period of hours and then
during purging operations. Tank safety start again. If the oxygen concentration has
val ves should be in operation during the increased when the purge is resumed,
purging operations. channeling is taking place and purging
(2) When the inner tank is to be purged, the should continue. ehanneling will give a low
inert purging gas should be admitted at oxygen reading and it would not be apparent
ambient temperature and at approximately in a continuous purge.
lOto 20 percent of the full rate to the bottom After the desired end-point is obtained,
of the tank. If the inert purge gas has a the purging supply may be disconnected and
specific gravity egual to or less than air, the nozzles cIosed. Jt is suggested that after
such as nitrogen, it is suggested that a a period of time, the atmosphere in the tank
"buffer" zone of purge gas at ambient again be sampled.
temperature be established. From the dew If the tank is to remain in an inerted
point, the minimum temperature at which state for a length of time before natural gas
the nitrogen should initially enter the tank is to be admitted or it is to be cooled down
can be determined. The "buffer" zone will with LNG, a positive pressure must be
aid in preventing the condensalÍon of water maintained within the tank.
vapor 1'rom the air by the cold nitrogen. Purge all lines connected to the tank up
After several hours, the purging rate may be to the physical disconnections. At this time,
increased to the 1'ull rate and the purge gas the tie-ins to the tank may be made.
may be introduced at a colder than ambient If natural gas is to be admitted to the
temperature. The cold nitrogen also will tank prior to cool down, care must be taken
1'acilitate the piston effect 01' the purge gas to use dry natural gas. If the air was purged
due to its higher density. from the tank with nitrogen, it will only be
(3) eontinue purging in this manner unlÍl necessary to displace the nitrogen in the
the desired end-point is obtained at nozzle inner tank with natural gas. This may be
"B". accomplished by admitting natural gas

through nozzle "B" at the to of the tank and same general precautions as outlined in Section
venting Ihe inert gas through nozzle "A" at 6.1 also should be applied to purging the double
the bottom of the tank. The nitrogen may be wall tank.
allowed to remain in the annular space to The procedure ¡neludes the following steps:
eventually diffuse and be replaced by natural (1) The inner tank is purged first,
gas vapor. If the annular space was employing a procedure similar lo that
previously purged with COl> it will be recommended for the open top inner tank
necessary to displace the CO 2 with natural (Section 6.1). Upon completion, a positive
gas or nitrogen prior to tank cool down. pressure should be maintained in the inner
This is because the carbon dioxide may tank.
solidify and possibly impair the insulation (2) After the inner tank is purgcd and
adjacent to the inner tank when the tank is e10sed off, the out tank is ready to be
cooled down to LNG storage temperature. purged. Begin admitting lhe purging gas to
As an alternative to displacing the the purge nozzles at point "C". Enough
nitrogen from the inner tank with natural nozzles must be provided to assure a good
gas, the inerted LNG tank aIso may be flow distribution up the annular space and
cooled down directly with LNG following out the nozzle at poinl "D" near the center of
the manufacturer's specifications. the outer roof. This distribution also may be
accomplished by use of a purge ring around
the bottom of the annulus. A positive
6.2(c) PURGING INTO SERVICE METAL differential pressure should be maintained
DOUBLE WALL GAS TIGHT INNER TANKS between points 1 and 2, as observed on a
manometer connected to these points (refer
The double wall gas tight inner tank, shown to Figure 6-2). It is necessary for the inner
in Figure 6-2, consists of an inner tank for tan k to be at higher pressure than the outer
storage of LNG and an outer tan k to contain tank so that an uplift is not created on the
insulation completely around the inner tan k. The






tank bottom. Purging of lhe outer lank should The ouler sphere serves as a vapor-tight
continue until the required end-point has been container minimum by utilizing a loose till
reached at nozzle "D". A sufficient number of perlite and high vacuum insulation system in the
sample points may be installed around the annular space. The same general precautions as
periphery of the top of lhe lank lo ensure thal outlined in Section 6.1 should be applied.
flow channeling is not taking place. A method to The procedure ineludes lhe following sleps:
check for channeling is to stop the annular space During the purging operation, periodic
purge for a period of hours and then start again. readings should be taken of instrumentation
If lhe oxygen concenlralion has increased when monitoring the purge. This should inelude purge
the purge is resumed, channeling is taking place gas pressure, approximate flow rale, lhe tank
and purgi ng should continue. Channeling will pressure, the vent gas composition and the total
give a low oxygen reading and it would not be quantity of purge gas used up to that time.
apparent in a conlinuous purge. The direction of Although the density of the purge gas may
purging flow in the annular space of a double be slightly less than air, there are certain
wall gas tight inner tank is opposite to that of an advantages in introducing it at the bottom of the
open top inner lank. If there is only one sensing inner sphere. Because an oxygen deficient
penetration on the top of lhe tank, lhere is no atmosphere is dangerous, the vented gases must
way of checking for flow channeling. be safely exhausted. Venting high in the air best
Consequently, in this or similar situations, it accomplishes this.
may be desirable to introduce the purging gas at Install a thermometer and a pressure gauge
the lop of the tank. At this poinl, lhe syslem for as shown in Figure 6-3. Begin admitting about
maintaining pressure in the annular space should 10-20 percent of full purge rate at ambient
be connected to the oul tank. The inner tank is tcmperature to the inner tank at nozzle "A" and
lhen ready lo receive dry natural gas or be cooled vented at "B". Be certain that the maximum
down with LNG following the manufacturer's allowable tank pressure is not exceeded during
specifications. purge. The purge gas can be admitted at a colder
temperature after allowing several hours to build
up a "buffer" zone that prevents cold purge gas
6.2(d) PURGING INTO SERVICE DOUBLE from condensing water vapor in the air.
W ALLED SPHERES If nitrogen is used and 9.7 percent oxygen is
the desired end-point, then 100 to ISO percent of
The double wall sphere is essentially a the tank volume will be required.
sphere within a sphere, where the inner sphere If cool down is to follow within a day or
shown in Figure 6-3, is the only one subjected lo two, the safety valve can be left open and a very
the cryogenic temperatures and pressures of the slow nitrogen bleed continued to keep air from
LNG in storage. enlering the tank. If the final product purge is




not to occur for sorne time, it is advisable to should be obtained from Chapter 2. It is
close the safety val ve to conserve nitro gen and suggested that the lowest end-point be obtained
maintain a positive pressure in the inner sphere. at the sample point to signify completion of the
inner tank purge.


When the inner tank has been inerted, the
(Also applies to Purging Pre-S!ressed Concrete annulus should be inert gas purged by opening
LNG Storage Tanks Out of Service-See Section the nozzles at "C" (see Figure 6-1) and allowing
6.3(e» the purging gas to remove lhe natural gas in the
annular space. This is done to ensure that no
In the event that it is necessary to take a uplift of the tank fIoor occurs. It is
LNG tank out of service, a detailed and specific recommended that enough nozzles be provided
written purging tank procedure, including the to ensure a good fIow distribution rate and that
tank designer's recommendations, should be gas samples be taken at enough points lO assure a
prepared for each individual tank. uniform purge to the desired end-point. If repair
The procedure includes the following steps: work is to be done on lhe inner tank bottom of a
Remove as much LNG as possible by double wall metal tank, appropriate end-point
pumping to another storage tank, a vaporization measurements will be needed for the bottom
system or a truck terminal. If it is not possible to insulation space. The tank designer should be
empty complete\y the contents of a tank by consulted for the proper procedure.
pumping, the remaining LNG may be disposed
of by introducing warm dry natural gas or
nitrogen to vaporize the LNG in the tank. 6.2(g) PURGING OUT OF SERVICE DOUBLE
If it is necessary to warm the tank, introduce W ALL GAS TIGHT INNER
cither warm dry natural gas or nitrogen to the TANK INSULATION SPACE
bottom of the inner tank and discharge the
effluent from the top of the tank through the The insulation space should be purged from
vapor withdrawal line or other lines terminating the bottom through nozzle "C" and vented at the
bclow the insulated roof. Caution should be top of the tank through nozzle "D" (see Figure 6-
exercised in introducing the warm gas at arate 2). See paragraph 6.2(f) for purging of bottom
that will avoid exceeding tank design pressure insulation.
and creating excessive temperature differences in
the tank bottom. The designer should be
consulted to establish these allowable 6.2(h) PURGING OUT OF SERVICE DOUBLE
differences. Continue introducing warm gas W ALL SPHERE INSULA TION SP ACE
until the bottom of the tank has warmed to the
point where liquid residuals such as propane, (1) If it is a vacuum jackcted insulation
butane or heavier hydrocarbons are no longer space, the vacuum should be broken by
sustained. A positive pressure should be slowly admitting a suitable inert purge gas
maintained in the tank with natural gas until the to the insulation space until atmospheric
inert purge gas system has been connected and is pressure is reached.
ready to operate. (2) Sample the insulation atmosphere. If
Before introducing the inert purge gas into the desired end-point has not been attained,
the tank bottom, the tank should be physically re-evacuate the insulation space and re pea!
disconnected from any source of natural gas or step l.
LNG. Introduce the purge gas at the tan k bottom
and continue venting until the desired end-point
is obtained at nozzle "B". It should be 6.2(i) INERT GAS TO AIR - INNER T ANKS
remembered that LNG is a mixture of
hydrocarbons including methane, ethane, butane, In sorne cases, it may not be practical to
propane and heavier elements. The combustible repair the tank when it is under an inert gas
gas end-points for the individual constituents atmosphere. It is then necessary to purge the

inert gas with air. Referring to Figure 6-1, open
vcnt "B" and introduce clean air into the bottom 6.2(k) INERT GAS TO AIR - INSULATION
of the tank at nozzle "A" at the highest practical SPAeE DOUBLE W ALL GAS TIGHT INNER
rateo eare should be taken not to exceed the TANK
maximum tan k design pressure or pressure
differcntial. eontinue this operation until the Referring to Figure 6-2, air can be
sample taken al nozzle "B" indicates an oxygen introduced al nozzles "e" and exhausted at
content of approximately 21 percent by volume. nozzles "D" on top of the tank. Enough nozzles
The inner tank atmosphere should be should be provided lo assure a good flow
continuously monitored during the entire repair distribution. eare should be taken to assure that
operation. eontinuous ventilation of the inner maximum allowable pressures and pressure
tank al so is advisable. differentials are not exceeded. A system
employing aspirators or air blowers can be used
to pro vide the airflow. Sufficient sampling
6.2(j) INERT GAS TO AIR - INSULA nON should be made to assure a uniform 21 percent
SPAeE OPEN TOP INNER TAN K by volume oxygen contenl in the annular space.
The annular space should be continuously
When the inner tank has an air atmosphere, monitored during the repair operation. It is
the annular space may be purged to air by advisable also to maintain thc ventilation
opening the nozzles at "e" (Figure 6-1). Fresh operation during this period of repair.
air should be continuously admitted lo the inner
tan k through nozzle "A". It may be necessary to
utilize a system of blowers or gas jet 6.2(1) INERT GAS TO AIR - INSULATION
compressors to "pulI" the air from the inner tank, SPAeE DOUBLE W ALL VAeUUM
down thc annular space and out nozzles "e". JAeKETED SPHERE
The exhaust from nozzle "e" should be stacked
lo prevent an oxygen deficient atmosphere from The inerted insulation space should be
developing in a working area. This operation evacuated and the vacuum broken by slowly
should be continued until the samples indicale a admitting air to the insulation space. Samples
uniform "air" atmosphere (21 percent oxygen by should then be taken until oxygen content is 21
volume) within the annular space. If it is percent by volume and the procedure repeated if
practicable, the ventilation of the annulus should necessary.
continue for lhe entire repair operations. Thc eontinuous monitoring should be employed
annulus should be continuously monitored for the repair periodo eare should be taken to
during the entire repair procedure. eare should assure thal allowable pressures and pressure
be taken not to exceed maximum alIowabJe differentials are not exceeded.
pressures or pressure differcntials during the


6.3(a) GENERAL be given to the control of moisture retained in the

tank walls.
The purging of LNG pre-stressed concrete A detailed and specific written purging
tanks is done lo prevent, al any time, lhe procedure, including the tank designer's
presence of a combustible gas-oxygen mixture in recommendations, should be prepared for each
the tank proper and in the insulated spaces. individual tank.
The procedure for purging into service pre- The start of the purging operation constitutes
stressed concrete LNG slorage tanks differs from the end of construction and the beginning of
the procedure for metal tanks because during the placing tank into service. No further entry into
inert gas purging operation, consideration must the tank is possible. The purging operation
includes the reduction of the oxygen content

Vapor Draw-Off

(Top Fill)

Bottom FiII

Copper Tubing
From Nozzle..

Copper Tubing
Purge Ring ..

within the tan k to the desired end-point as valves and instrumentation during the purging
defined in Chapter 2, the removal of moisture operation.
(reduction of dew point temperature) and Provide all temporary supply connections,
optionally, the replacement of inert purge gas vaporizers and appurtenances necessary for
with natural gas. adequate supply of purge gas during the purging
There should be a physical disconnection operation.
between any possible source of flammable gas
and/or Iiquid in the tank until the tank is purged. 6.3(b) INERT PURGE GAS, INSTRUMENTS
A physical disconncction exists when the piping and EQUlPMENT
is separated and sealed so that an air gap exists.
Inert purge gas should be manifolded to the A volume of inert gas, approximately 100
inner tank through Iines that terminate near percent to 150 percent of the volume to be
bottom of the tank. (See Figure 6-4) purged, is required. If the inert purging medium
Ambient dry natural gas may be introduced contains water vapor, a drying system is needed.
into the inner tank after the air has been replaced After attaining the desired end-point, additional
with inert gas and the desired end-point has been quantities may be required to lower the moisture
reached. Thc purged condition should be content of the inner tank atmosphere. Furnish,
maintained until the start of the cool down calibrate and instalI the following instrumcnts:
operation. Just prior to introducing the (1) Gas flow meter for continuously
flammable product, the tank atmosphere should indicating, recording and totalizing of purge
be samplcd and the incrt purge verified. Provide gas supply;
alI necessary operating personnel for manual (2) Pressure gaugc(s) for monitoring
operation and monitoring of all equipment, internal tank pressure during purging;

(3) A manometer, if necessary, to monitor watching differential pressure manometer,
differential pressure between inner tank and total flow and tank pressure.
annular space; (5) Inspect periodically to ensure integrity
(4) Portable oxygen analyzer and sample of lemporary piping and instrumentation and
bulh to take sample in the tank and monitor to ensure that no abnormal conditions exist.
the oxygen content of the purge outlet gas; (6) As the purging proceeds, temperature of
(5) Portable dew point instrument for the purge gas may be reduced to a point
periodic indication of internal tank dew equaling the average dew point temperature
point temperature. of the least set of samples.
(7) If the inert purge gas supply
temperature is decreased, monitor the inner
6.3(c) PREPARATION OFTANKAND lank lhermocouples. Do not permit a
PERSONNEL temperalure reduction that would cause the
differenlial lemperalures across the concrete
Supervisory and operating personnel should wall and between the waJl and floor to
be adequately instructed on the purging exceed lhe tank designer's specifications.
procedure specified and the operation of (8) When the inner tan k end-point is
equipment used for purging. Inspect the inner reached at nozzle "B" (Figure 6-4), open the
lank lO ensure that alI free water, condensate, insulation space purge nozzles "C" and close
dirt, debris and other foreign material have been vent "B". Continue purging until samples
removed to the fullest extent. taken al each purging nozzle indicate the
InstaJl temporary purge piping as necessary desired end-point. Then interrupt the flow
lo ensure adequate inen purge gas supply. of inert purge gas and se al the tank.
AH block val ves for pressure relief devices FoJlowing a designated period of time, lake
should be fully open and relief devices fully a complete set of samples. lf all samples
operational. indicate the desired end-point, tank purging
shaJl be considered complete. Care should
be taken to maintain a positive pressure
6.3(d) PROCEDURE within the tank after completion of purge.
(9) If it ever becomes necessary to purge
(l) It is recommended that tank purging be upward through the annular space, the tank
an uninterrupted operation with a positive designer should be consulted to establish the
pressure maintained within the tank until the maximum allowable pressure differential
start of cool down. between the annular space and the inner
(2) A set of data should be taken prior to tank.
start of the purging operation. During (10) Purge all lines connected to the tank up
purging operation, periodic readings should to the physical disconnects.
be taken of tank pressure; pressure (11) After aJl lines from the natural gas
difference between the inner tank and the supply to the physical disconnects have been
annular space; approximate flow rates; vent purged, the tie-Íns to the tank may be made.
gas compositions at purge outlets and at
other locations within the tank as specified;
total quantity of purging medium being 6.3(e) LNG PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE
used; inner tank dew point. TANKS PURGING OUT OF SERVICE
(3) Care should be taken not to introduce
purge gas at a temperalure below the dew As this procedure is essentially the same as
point. that recommended for purging out of service
(4) Purge gas flow rate through the vent open top inner tank metal LNG tanks, the
valve should be such that a eonstant positive procedure given in Section 6.2(e) should be
internal lank pressure is maintained. followed.
Monitor tank pressures every thirty minutes
via remote and local pressure instruments,


6.4(a) GENERAL controlled by starting at the plant inlet and

inert gas purging the first section of pipe or
This section discusses general consideration vessel completely before opening the next
and gives sorne specific examples that can be val ve. Although this method of purging
used In purging LNG plant piping and requires more testing and effort than a
equipment. straight-through purge of the whole plant, it
Since every LNG plant is unique in its provides the safest overall approach. New
design and layout, there can be no universal plant design and construction can be planned
purge procedure. However, there are sorne to provide installation of enough drains and
general precautions that should be noted bleeds to handle future purges in this
regardless of the type of facility or the magnitude manner.
of the purge project. For example, precautions (4) After the inert gas purge of the plant is
should be taken to eliminate all traces of residual completed, the piping should be connected
hydrostatic test water prior to or during purge to to the natural gas piping, the inert gas in the
avoid later problems of freezing and ice damage gas treatment systems should be displaced
to facilities. with natural gas and the natural gas
Although nitrogen is generally the best of treatment syslems started. This provides
the inert purge gases for LNG applications, it is c1ean, dry natural gas for compleling the
not a cure-all. Small quantities of nitrogen left in purge on the remaining systems and the
cascade or mixed refrigerant streams can reduce tanks.
the system efficiency. Carbon dioxide and dry
purge gas from an inert gas generator can be
used if these gases can be completely replaced 6.4(c) VESSELS CONTAINING PERLITE,
by c1ean, dry natural gas and if contaminated, MOLECULAR SIEVES AND ACTIV ATED
pretreatment systems can be regenerated to CHARCOAL
dispel absorbed CO 2 .
A detailed purge procedure should be There are two major problems in purging
prepared for each purge project. AII personnel these types of vessels. First, they require more
involved in the project should be familiar with time and purge gas than do empty vessels.
the procedure and the hazards of oxygen Second, it is almost impossible to eliminatc all
deficiency, fire and explosion. the natural gas or air previously contained in lhe
vesseIs and absorbed by the solid malter. This
means that if a vessel of this type is purged out
6.4(b) INITIAL LNG PLANT PURGE of servicc, disconnected and opened, it is
necessary to blow inert gas or air through the
(1) Prior to inert gas purging of a new unit and monitor the vented gases carefully to
plant, a detailed procedure should be ensure that an explosive mixture does not
written. The plant should be checked to see develop in the vcssel during the maintenance
if it is physically disconnected from all operation. It may be necessary to remove
sources of flammable gases and Iiquids. AII carefully the solid matter containing absorbed
bolts on flanges and valve packing should be natural gas in order to purge successfully such
checked for tightness. Drain val ves and vessels to a safe leve!.
bleeds should be checked for obstructions
such as dirt or ice. AII valve stems should
be lubricated and all val ves c1osed. 6.4(d) PURGING AN EXPANDER - SAMPLE
(2) Since most LNG plant systems contain PROCEDURE
check val ves, it is generally easier to purge 6.4(d)(l) General
the plant and/or subsystems in the direction
of normal flow. There are a few unique aspects in purging
(3) Because of the complexity of plant expander-compressors and centrifugal
piping systems, the inert gas purge is best compressor units that must be considered.

In general, these units have auxiliary piping (4) Reduce gas pressure in and around the
such as se al gas and luoe oil systems that cannot unit to the lowest positive pressure possible
be ignored when purging. before venting the contents to atmosphere.
Care must be taken to keep the inert gas PURGING
pressureand flow rate through the unit to a level (5) Close the expander and compressor
which will prevent the rotation of the shaft while inlet and out valves A, B, C and D.
the lube system is out of service. (6) Open vent 2 and 6 and reduce the
Since the volume of these units is relatively pressure in both sides of the unit to
smaJl, they can be flushed out with clean, dry approximately 0.5 psig. Close the vents and
natural gas very easily after purging. This check for pressure buildup due to leakage.
permits the use of any purge medium that will (7) If there is no leakage, reopen vents 2
not leave a residue in the unit or contaminate the and 6.
lube oil system. (8) Slowly introduce inert purge gas
through val ves 1 and 5 while venting
through val ves 2 and 6. Warning:
6.4(d)(2) Purging Out of Service - Gas to Air Excessive inert flow could spin the rotating
element and cause bearing damage.
PRELIMINARY PREPARATION (9) As (he desired end-point is approached,
(1) De-energize all electrical circuits to the break a union or open a vent val ve in the
unit. se al gas and the lube oil vent Iines.
(2) Inspect inert gas hoses, piping and (10) When the desired end-point has been
apparatus. Blow inert gas through them to reached at all vent points, stop the flow of
prevent moisture, dirt and other inert gas and open the unit to atmosphere.
contaminants [rom entering the unit. (11) Physically disconnect the unit if it is to
(3) Install inert connections on vent valve 1 be out of service for an extended periodo
and 5. (Figure 6-5)

A o






NOTE: Arrows indicate normal process flow.


6.4(d)(3) Purging lnto Service - Air to Gas PRELIMINAR Y PREPARATION

PRELIMINARY PREPARATION (1) Bring the temperature of the tower to

(1) Reduce the gas pressure in the adjacent ambient temperature.
piping to the lowest positive pressure (2) Drain all methanol from the vessel.
possible before venting the contents to (3) Pass warm natural gas through thc
atmosphere. tower to evaporate and carry off as much
(2) Install vents, gauges and inert methanol vapor as possible. Care must be
connections if they were removed. taken not to contaminate other parts of the
PURGING plant with thc methanol-Iaden natural gas.
(3) With the unit still physically This gas may have to be vented and flared,
disconnected, slowly introduce the inert gas or the methanol could be evaporated and
through val ves 1 and 5, taking care not to vented with the inert gas later on in the
spin the rotating element. purge.
(4) Test the purged gases at vent 2 and 6 (4) Install an inert purge gas connection on
and at the bleeds in the se al gas and lube oil val ve 2 and a vent connection on valve J.
vent lines. When the desired end-points (Figure 6-6)
have been reached, reconnect the piping. (5) Reduce thc gas pressure in the vesscl
(5) Stop the inert gas flow to the unit. and adjacent piping to the lowest positive
(6) Slowly open val ves A and D and pressure possible without venting to
displace the inert purge gas with clean atmosphere.
natural gas. PURGING
(7) Close vents 2 and 6. (6) Close methanol inlet and outlet val ves
(8) Remove all vents and inert hoses and A and B and gas inlet and outlet valves C
piping. Plug all bleed val ves used. and D.
(9) Energize all electric circuits to the unit. (7) Open vent 1 and reduce the pressure to
(10) The unit is now ready for operation. approximately 0.5 psig. Close the vent and
check for pressure buildup due to gas
leakage or evaporating liquids.
6.4(e) PURGING A CO 2 ABSORBING (8) If there is no pressure buildup, open
TOWER SAMPLE PROCEDURE vent 1 and introduce inert purge gas at valve
(9) When the desired cnd-point has becn
6.4( e)( 1) General
reached at vent 1, close inert inlet valve 2
Purging much of the LNG plant equipment and open the unit to atmosphere. Warning:
Refer lo Chapler 3 for the effect of melhanol
presents a problem not only in the displacement
of air or natural gas, but also in the elimination vapor on combustible gas indicators and
of flammablc and/or toxic vapors from process methanol vapor as a toxic gas.
(lO)Physically disconnect the unit if it is to
liquids normally contained in the units. These
liquids could be pretreatment solutions such as be out of service for an extended periodo
methanol or condensates such as odorant, heavy Aerate if it is to be opened to the
hydrocarbons or LNG itsclf. atmosphere, otherwise it should be kept
under positive pressure with inert gas.
(Il)It may be necessary to ventilate the unit
6.4(e)(2) Purging Out of Service - Gas to Air whiJe it is open.


A e

CO 2


NOTE: Arrows indicate

nounal pt'"oc:ess flow~


B o



6.4(e)(3) Purging Into Service - Air to Gas (4) When the desired end-point is reached
at vent valve 1, reconnect the unit and stop
PRELlMINARY PREPARATION the inert gas flow.
(5) Open gas inlet val ve D and gas out the
(1) Reduce the gas pressure in adjacent vessel. Close vent valve l. Open val ve C.
piping to the lowest positive pressure (6) Open methanol valve A and B and fill
possible without venting to atmosphere. the vessel to the proper level.
(2) Install vents, gauges and inert (7) Remove all temporary piping and plug
connections if they were removed. all bleed val ves used.
(3) Introduce inert purge gas through valve
2 and vent at valve l.


6.5(a) GENERAL

This section discusses precautions to be 6.5(b) DESCRIPTION OF TANKS

observed and, in general terms, procedures to be
followed in purging shop-fabricated LNG tanks Shop-fabricated vessels are generally
into and out of service. The larger field-erected vacuum-jacketed with long, small diameter
spherical pressure ves seIs are covered in piping passing through the insulation. They can
Sections 6.2(d), 6.2(e) and 6.2(g). be vertical OI horizontal.

Vertical tanks have plpmg at top and not have supports suitable for the weight of
bottom. They can be made and shipped up to a fuIlload of liquid nitrogen or water.
approximately 12,000 gallons capacity.
Maximum allowable working pressures usually 6.5(d)(l) Purging Into Service
are from 50 to 250 psig.
Horizontal tanks commonly have alI their (1) Both vertical and horizontal shop-
piping at one end. They can be made and fabricated vessels are sometimes shop-tested
shipped up to approximately 60,000 gallons with liquid nitrogen and shipped with a
capacity. Maximum alIowable working positive pressure of nitrogen. However, it
pressures usually are from 50 to 150 psig. must be assumed that a newly installed
system will have nitrogen-air mixtures in the
tank, connecting piping, vaporizers, etc.
6.5(c) GENERAL PRECAUTIONS Unless it can be shown by a positive
sampling technique that the vessel is purged
(1) A detailed procedure should be to the desired end-point, the folIowing
prepared for each purging situation and procedures should be applied.
should incJude the tank manufacturer's (2) Horizontal vessels, because of their
recommendations. shape and plpmg arrangement, are
(2) Tie-ins to a natural gas system should practically impossible to purge by dis-
not be made until the LNG tank and system placement and difficult to purge by ordinary
have been purged. dilution techniques: several container
(3) Inner vessels are designed for internal volumes of nitrogen could be passed through
pressure, as indicated on the code plate, but the piping and one end of lhe vessel wilhout
may not be abJc to withstand internal much effect on oxygen concentration at the
vacuum. Vacuum jackets are designed for other end of the vesseJ.
internal vacuum, but can take only Iimited The basic recommended technique is
internal pressure. AII pressure and vacuum dilution by pressurizing with nilrogen so that
safety relief devices should be opcrationaJ. the desired end-point is obtained afler
(4) At least two people should work on a venting. This can be done either by a single
purge operation. AH should be familiar with pressurization or by multiple
the procedure to be followed and with the pressurizations.
equipment involved. For purging into scrvicc from air, this
(5) In most cases, the only instruments technique requires approximately 1.2
required are the pressure gauge on the tank volumes of nilrogen. With a starting oxygen
and an analyzer to determine that the end- concentration of less than 21 percent, less
point has been obtained. nitrogen is required.
(6) The usual purging medium is nitrogen With the pressurization technique, time
since both carbon dioxide and water are is required for mixing. The vesseJ conlents
solid at LNG temperature. From dew point should be analyzed during blow down. If
readings, the minimum temperature at which concentration of oxygen in the ventcd gas is
nitrogen can enter the tank can be lower than expected, more mixing time
determined to avoid water vapor should be allowed. A high-lhan-expected
condensation. concentration of oxygen in the vented gas
Carbon dioxide or dried combustion indicates a helpful displacemcnt and blow
products can be used, but must be replaced down should proceed.
with dry natural gas before cool down. Mixing in the long slender pipes is very
Nitrogcn can be supplied as cylinder slow, but these pipes are readily purged by
gas or as liquid. Liquid nitrogen can be venting when vesscl contents have reachcd
vaporized for use as gas, or can be used the proper concentration. Blow down
directly. If N 2 is used directly, tank pressure should be done through all Iines in
should be carefully monitored and kept succession. Pressure buildup and liquid
positive. (Original contents could condense, level gauge circuits, which connect from top
producing negative pressure.) of vessel to bottom of vessel, should be
Most LNG vessels have a design disconnected at sorne point and blow down
minimum working temperature of -320°F for both ends.
and can contain sorne liquid nitrogen, but do

(3) Vcrtícal vcsscls, by thcir configuration pressure is 18 to 20 psig. Then, let gas out
and by thc fact that there are pípíng
conncctions at both top and bottom, might (4) through one line at a time until vented
lend themselves to dísplacement purgíng. gas composition ís satisfactory. If completc
Howcvcr, thcír rathcr large diamctcr lo mixing occurs, all gas vented after the line is
heíght ratío and the small díameter of the cleared and gas remaíning ín tank wíll be 9.7
piping make considerable mixing likely. percent oxygen. If mixíng ís incomplete,
Vertical vessels also can be purged by gas vented from top lines wíll at first be
prcssure-dilution or by a combination higher than 9.7 percent oxygcn and gas
technique. For example, starting with air in rcmaining ín tank wíll bc less than 9.7
a tank at room temperature and seeking an percent O2 .
end-point of 9.7 percent O2, admit N2 at a 6.5(d)(2) Cool Down
tcmpcralurc high enough lO avoid
condensation of water vapor in the tank Cool down procedure should follow
through the bottom fill line until tank manufacturer' s recommendatíons.

Vacuum Jacket Inner Vessel

Pressure Building Coil

-Liquefied Natural Gas Transport

..... FIGURE 6-7

)h_-J---AUX. RElIEF
_ - - SAFETY



--=::::::-:::-~~~::.:..:...._==. ¡.-_-'--L.:r ~~~~i.~~OR



(3) If any welding is to be done, the

insulation space also should be inerted.
Admit nitrogen slowly through a vacuum
valve until insulation space is at atmospheric
Remove liquid and/or aIlow it to boil off
pressure. Check gas composition at a safety
until tank is empty. Bringing the insulation
head at the end opposite to that being used
space lo almOspheric pressure with N 2 will
lo admit N 2 • Use the thermal conduclivity
accelerate boil-off. AIIow 24 hours or more
scale of a combustible gas detector that has
afler last detectable Iiquid is out to evaporate
been calibrated for the heaviest hydrocarbon
puddles at far end of tank. Vent tan k to
expected in nitrogen. If concentration is
atmospheric pressure.
satisfactory-2 percent or less by volume
(2) Inerting from LNG service is similar to
hydrocarbon in nitrogen-replace safety head,
inerting from air except that much larger
wait 12 hours or more and check gas
volumes of nitrogen are required. A
composition again. If concentration is not
reduction from 100 percent natural gas to 10
satisfaclory, re-evacuate the insulation space
percent natural gas can be done in one
and again break vacuum with nitrogen. (In
pressurization to 10 atmospheres absolute,
this unlikely case, the tan k should be tested
two pressurizations to 3 '12 atmospheres
for an inner vesselleak.)
absolute, or four pressurizations to 2
atmospheres absolute.


6.6(a) GENERAL (5) Detailed written inslruclions should be

given for each purging operation. Since
This section discusses precautions lo be purging of transport is much more frequent
observed and, in general terms, procedures to be lhan purging of large storage tanks, it may
followed in purging LNG transports inlo service be desirable to have several slandard
and out of service. procedures pre-written and for each purge to
tell the technieian in charge which procedure
to use.
6.6(b) DESCRIPTlON OF TRANSPORTS (6) Two people should work on a purge
operation. Both should be familiar with lhe
LNG transports are well-insulated pressure procedure to be followed and with the
vessels of material s suitable for serviee at least equipment involved.
down to the normal boiling point of methane (- (7) In most cases, the only inslrumenls
260°F). Most, Iike liquid nitrogen transports, are required are lhe pressure gauge on the
vacuum-jaeketed. Sorne, Iike transports for transpon and an analyzer to determine that
liquid ethylene and other low-temperature the end-point has been obtained.
Iiquefied gases, are foam insulaled. (8) Purging medium for LNG transports
The piping connections of LNG transports usually is nitrogen since both carbon dioxide
usually are all concentrated in one arca, most and water are solid at LNG temperatures.
commonly at the rear. Piping through the From dew point readings, the minimum
insulation contains expansion loops and liquid temperature al which nitrogen can enter the
lraps and usually is quite long and small in tan k can be determined to avoid water vapor
diameler. condensation.
A vacuum-jacketed transport is shown in Carbon dioxide or dried combustion
Figure 6-8. Hauling of liquid nitrogen, liquid produCIS can be used, but must be replaced
elhylene, Iiquid ethane and refrigerated propane with dry, natural gas befo re cool down.
has been done, or proposed, in LNG transports. Nitrogen can be supplied as cylinder
Tbus, tbere may be other purging situations is gas or as liquid. Liquid nitrogen can be
addition to air-to-LNG and LNG-to-air. vaporized for use as gas or can be used
directly. Many LNG transports have a
design minimum working temperature of -
6.6(c) GENERAL PRECAUTIONS 320°F and can be partially filled with liquid
nitrogen, but those specifically designed for
(1) Do not take a transport eontaining LNG, LNG (approximately 3.5 to 4.0
LNG vapors, or any other combustible into a pounds/gallon) should not be completely
garage for maintenance-either work out-of- filled with liquid nitrogen at 6.75
doors or purge the transport. A lransport pounds/gallon. (No LNG transport is
containing combustibles may vent. This designed for the weight of a complete fill of
becomes a hazard in a building where water).
ignition sources are present. (9) Tank pressure should be earefully
(2) Do not do any welding on a transport monitored and kept positive if LN 2 or any
until both inner vessel and insulation space other substance that f1ashes to a lower
atmospheres are known to be safe. temperature than the equilibrium
(3) Inner vessels are designed for internal lemperalure of the tank contents, is used
pressure bul may nol be able to take internal directly. (Original contents could condense,
vacuum. Vacuum jackets will take only produeing negative pressure.)
slight inlernal pressure and usually are
equipped with safety devices that open al a
fraction of a psig. 6.6(d) GENERAL PROCEDURE
(4) Maximum allowable pressure and
vacuum should be known and all related (1) The configuration of transports-short,
safety relief devices should be operational. horizontal cylinders of relatively large

diameter-make purging by displacement from 220 to 300 SCF, so 7 to 9 cylinders are
practically impossible. The common piping rcquired.
arrangement make purging by dilution After pressurizing, allow as much time
somewhat difficult-it is possible to pass as possible for mixing. Then blow down to
several container volumes of inert gas atmospheric pressure. Vent slowly through
through the piping and the rear of the vessel one line at a time and measurc oxygen
without vaporizing a pocket of liquid that concentration. Since mixing in the lines will
might be at the front of the vessel. Even be slight, the initial f10w from each line is
vapors at the front might not be effectively Iikely to be air (21 percent O 2). This should
diluted. gradually drop toward the desired end-point.
(2) The basic technique recommended is Since it is important to purge each line
pressure-dilution-pressurizing the liquid by venting, all the pressure must not be lost
vessel with nitrogen to such a level or such a through the first line or two. A connection
number of times that the final mixture will in the pressure build circuit and one in the
have the desired end-point described in liquid level gauge circuit, should be broken
Chapter 2. While this is a relatively and the lines purged from both sides.
inefficient procedure in terms of nitrogen (3) There may be occasion to put into LNG
consumption, the vessel volumes are small servicc a transport that has becn carrying
enough that the cost is not very great. liquid nitrogen, liquid ethylene, liquid
(3) Since piping is long and small in ethane, or liquid propane. Since none of
diametcr, mixing will be very slow in the these is an oxidizer, the problem of forming
pipes and each line should be vented to explosive mixtures does exist; the desired
atmosphere during vessel blow down. For concentrations of these substances in the
sorne lines, particularly at the pressure tank depends on other considerations. In
buildup coil and contents gauge, it may be most cases, it is desirable to remove all
necessary to break a connection and vent to liquid to avoid possible freezing.
atmosphere from both sides. A transport vessel freshly emptied of
(4) Gas composition should be monitored liquid nitrogen may freeze a portion of the
during blow down(s) to ascertain that incoming LNG, resulting in a possible pipe
mixing has occurred and that the expected blockage. Allowing the vessel a day to
end-point has been obtained. warm up after being emptied of liquid
nitrogen will prevent any blockage.
Transports containing ethylene or ethanc
6.6(e) PURGING INTO LNG SERVICE vapors are warm enough to boil off
considerable quantities of LNG. With LPG
(1) New transports are often factory-tested vapor there is a possibility of the formation
with liquid nitrogen and shipped with a of sol id s by rapid introduction of LNG, so
positive pressure of nitrogen. When positive sorne dilution with vapor natural gas may be
nitrogen pressure is still present at the time desirable. (A very slow input of LNG will
the transport is to be put into service, only a largely evaporate in the inlet piping and
check on nitrogen purity is required to be provide gas for pressurization.) Refer to
sure that it is safe to admit natural gas. Section 6-5(c) for pressure considerations.
(2) To inert a transport that is full ol' air, (4) When a transport has been inerted with
pressurize with nitrogen at a temperature nitrogen (or has been transporting nitrogen),
high enough to avoid condensation of water consideration should be given to disposal of
vapor in the tank through whatever line the nitrogen vapor when filling with LNG.
terminates l'urthest forward inside the inner If boil-off vapor is to be delivered into a
vessel, to a pressure that will assure the distribution system where a high
desired end-point. concentration of nitrogen would create
For example, an 11,650 gallon gross problems, vapor should be vented to
transport contains 1,560 standard cu. ft. of atmosphere initially and analyzed until
oxygen. To bring this to 9.7 percent oxygen nitrogen concentration is acceptable.
requires adding 1,820 standard cu. ft. of pure
nitrogen, which will give a pressure of 2.2 6.6(f) COOL DOWN
atmospheres absolute or about 18 psig.
Standard nitrogcn gas cylinders contain

Cool down procedure should follow Any transition from LNG to one of the other
manufacturer's recommendations. commodities mentioned previously should
involve both gas people and the shipper of the
other commodity. The extent of removal of
6.6(g)PURGING OUT OF LNG SERVICE natural gas necessary will not be governed by
explosive mixture considerations, but by purity
required in the other commodity. The shipper
(l) lnerting a vessel containing a natural should know the requirements for their product,
gas can be done in the same way as inerting but their plant (particularly a nitrogen plant) may
a vessel containing air, except that more not be a suitable place for venting natural gas.
pressure and/or repeated pressurization will
be required
For example, if the desired end-point is 6.6(i) CONNECTIONS
10 percent natural gas, a single
pressurization must go to 10 atmospheres Transports and the loading and unloading
absolute or 132 psig. Since most transports facilities for them, necessarily involve sorne
have a 70 psig. maximum allowable piping and hoses which are frequently connected
working pressure, at least two and disconnected. These Iines may fill with air
pressurizations usually are required. between uses. Prior to connecting, such lines
Pressurizing to 3.5 atmospheres absolute or usually are c1eared by admitting natural gas and
37 psig., give 28.6 percent natural gas and a allowing it to f10w to the atmosphere through
second pressurization reduces natural gas both sides of the joint.
concentration to 8.2 percent. Four
pressurizatíons to 2 atmosphere absolute
will give a final natural gas concentration of
6.3 percent.
Nitrogen required for these three cases,
with a transport gross volume of 11,650
gallons would be 14,000 SCF, 7,800 SCF
and 6,300 SCF. This sort of quantity could
be supplied as cylinder gas, bulk Iiquid, or
by liquid cylinders.
As in inerting from air, lines should be
purged by venting to atmosphere one by one
and vent gas composItlon should be
monitored. A reading appreciably higher in
nitrogen than the expected end-point
generally indicates a lack of mixing and
vcnting should be stopped for a while.
(2) In purging out of service, the insulation
space should be considered. If extensive
repair work is to be performed, this space
should be filled with inert gas. With safety
heads in working condition, admit a slow
flow of nitrogen through a vacuum valve to
bring the insulation to atmospheric pressure.
Let the tank stay this way overnight if the
inner vessel was initially warm, longer if it
was initially cold. Remove a safety head
cover, admit a very slow flow ofN z from the
opposite end and check combustible
concentrations at the open safety head. If
concentrations are not satisfactory, evacuate,
again admit N z and again evacuate.




7.1 Introduction 104

7.2 Inerting Media 104

7.3 Description of LPG Facilities Requiring Purging 105

7.4 Vents, Piping and Val ves 105

7.5 Physical Properties ofLP-Gases 107

7.6 Disposition ofLPG Liquids and Vapor 107

7.7 Purging Piping and Equipment Out ofService 108

7.8 Purging Pressurized Storage Containers Out of Service 109

7.9 Purging Refrigerated Storage Containers Out of Service 109

7.10 Purging LP Gas Piping and Equipment Into Service 110

7.11 Purging Pressurized Storage Containers Into Service 111

7.12 Purging Refrigerated or Semi-Refrigerated Containers 111

7-1 Buried and Exposed Vessels Connected 106



Prcvious chapters have discussed in detail Petroleurn Gases at Utility Gas Piants"
the principies of purging such as segregation and respectively. Both of those standards have been
isolation, theory of purging and end-points, incorporated in 49CFR 192 by reference
instruments for testing and available inerting In addition to such conventional utility
media. The diseussions which follow add to or pipeline uses, LP Gas has been utilized as a fuel
emphasize the basic principies as they apply to for sorne isolated facilities such as remote
purging of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) engine-generator sets for communications or
equipment that may be utilized in gas utility other standby power systems. As with any other
operations. system handling, storing or utilizing flammable
Liquefied petroleum gases, most generally liquids or gases there is an occasional need to
propane, have been used for peak shaving in the take such facilities into or out of service. Such
form 01' propane-air (and occasionally butane-air) operations should be carefully planned and
or for propanc blcnding with natural gas. In executed in order to assure safety.
addition, both propane vapor and propane-air Liqucfied petroleum can exist as either a
have been utilized as base load sources for sorne liquid or a vapor at room temperature. LPG is
isolated distribution systems. Such operations stored as a liquid at its boiling point. In addition,
are subject to the Federal Pipeline Safety the flammable limits of LPG are somewhat
regulations, as found in the Code of Federal different from those of natural gas. Likcwise,
Regulations, 49 CFR Part 192 as well as the there is a significant difference in the specific
provisions of the National Fire Protection gravity, or density, of LPG and natural gas.
Association's (NFPA) Standards 58 and 59, Because of those differences, sorne variations in
"Standard for the Storage and Handling of the purging procedures, as previously outlined,
Liquefied Petroleurn Gases" and "Standards for should be considered and implemented when
the Storage and Handling of Liquefied purging LPG equipment into or out of service.


In general, a system containing, or designed Both nitrogen and carbon dioxide are readily
to contain, LPG may be safely purged with most available from industrial gas marketers in
of the commonly used purging media such as pressurized cylinders, which should prove
carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water, or inert gas adequate and easily handled for relatively small
generator products of combustion. However, purging operations. When selecting a purge
because of the solubility of sorne of those medium for larger projects, such as purging
products in propane or the potential for later storage containers into or out over service,
problems, such as hydrate formation or the consideration should be given to the use of
accumulation of non-condensables in the vapor transport delivered Iiquefied nitrogen or carbon
space, considerable care should be exercised in dioxide. Such products are generally available
the choice of a purge medium. Moreover, it throughout the country and often the supplier can
should also be remembered that natural gas is also provide the pumps and vaporizers necessary
considerable less dense than any of the usual to supply the purge medium in the gaseous state
purge gases while LPG is as heavy, or heavier, at high pressures.
than most of the purge gases. That difference When utilizing carbon dioxide as a purge
alone should usually rule out the displacement medium, it should be remembered that CO 2 will
method of purging LPG facilities. Furthermore, "flash" to solid dry ice when released from its
the availability, cost and convcnience associated storage pressure. Therefore, proper planning and
with the several mediums may also have some equipment should be provided to preheat the
influence on the ultimate selection of the purge fluid before its release.


Utility facilities involving the use of LPG There are several variations in the design of
may consist of LPG liquid storage containers(s), refrigerated LPG storage containers. Those
loading/unloading facilities serving the storage variations might inelude single wall, externally
container(s), liquid pumps, vapor compressors, insulated containers; double wall, insulated
gas and liquid meters, vaporizers, gas-air mixers containers with either open or elosed inner
and, in sorne cases, air compressors, dryers and containers; and semi-refrigerated LPG
associated equipment. In addition, a refrigerated containers. Likewise, the pressurized ambient
facility will inelude refrigeration and boil-off temperature containers may consist of a single
handling equipment as well as product container or multiple containers that are
vaporizers or heaters. manifolded together. AIso the pressurized
Large volume storage facilities may inelude containers may be aboye ground, partially below
underground storage, such as mined caverns or ground, mounded or buried. Each of these
dissolved salt dome caverns, or refrigerated container eonfigurations, both refrigerated and
storage containers and multiple or single pressurized, will present their own unique
pressurized ambient temperature storage problems with respect to the bes! and safest
containers. Jt should be noted that the purging technique. Therefore, it is important that
following discussions would not inc/ude advice a purging procedure involving LPG storage
or recommendations regarding the purging of containers be carefully considered before it is
underground storage caverns. implemented.


In general, the proper design of LPG transfer and equipment if those appendages should
piping will minimize the number and size of become cooler than the temperature of the liquid
drips, drains and vents, particularly in the liquid within the main storage container. It is for this
piping. Therefore, the access to that piping may reason that well designed vapor lines will be
be limited and careful planning may be required sloping back toward the container lo allow such
to assure the adequacy of the purge in such condensation to return to the storage container.
piping. While most utility LPG plants have been Because of this phenomenon, as well as the
designed and constructed in accordance with possibility that back check or differential val ves
NFPA 59, the pressurized containers have in the piping system may trap liquid, it would be
customarily been fitted with both the vapor and prudent to consider that all of the idle piping in
liquid connections required by NFPA 58. In an LPG facility is full of liquid which must be
either case, the container connections for both disposed of before any attempt is made to purge
liquid and vapor service, with the exception of the system.
relief val ves, restricted gauge connections and To better illustrate this phenomenon, Figure
plugged openings, should be fitted with either 7 -1 represents a mounded, or buried, propane
back-flow check val ves, excess flow val ves or container that is interconnected with another
emergency shut-off val ves. Sorne of those aboye ground vessel thal is exposed to the
val ves are mounted internally within the atmospheric temperature changes. Assume that
container, which may make their existence not the mounded container is maintained at a near
readily apparent. The presence of those product constant temperature of about 60°F and that the
control val ves makes it even more essential that container is essentially full and the exposed
proper preplanning of any purge procedure be vessel starts out at the same temperature as the
carefully drafted so that those val ves do not mounded container and contains only propane
obstruct the procedure. vapor. With those assumptions, it can be stated
As mentioned earlier, LPG is generally that the system is basically in equilibrium. Then,
stored at its boiling temperature. In the case of assuming that the atmospheric temperature falls
pressurized storage, this means that liquid is significantly, possibly the result of a cold rain or
likely lo condense and collecl within piping runs sleet, the vapor within the exposed container will

begin lO condense and the vapor pressure of the mav be either a submerged gravity connection
exposed portion of the system will also fall. The thr¿ugh the sidewall or floor of the container, or
result will be that the pressure ofthe vapor aboye one or more "over-the-top" submerged pumps
the liquid in the mounded container will fall that are installed in a pump well that penetrates
below the vapor pressure of the Iiquid below it. the roof of the container. (It wOllld be most
That ¡iquid will begin to boil in order to produce llnusual for a container jitted with over-the-top"
the vapor required to achieve equilibrium. pumps to have even a small submerged gravity
connection or drain, with the possible exception
of a very small, or restricted gauge connection.)
In addition to the liquid withdrawal
connections, a refrigerated LPG container will
usually be fitted with two, or more, liquid fill
connections which are ofien manifolded together
outside of the container. One of those fill
connections is usually provided as a spray head
in the top of the container and its purpose is to
provide a means of initial cool down of the
container when it first is placed into service. In
sorne cases, both a bottom fill and a top fill
connection are provided so that the incoming
fluid may be selectively placed in the container
in order to prevent stratification when liquids of
differing densities are introduced. Finally, a
refrigerated container is equipped with one, or
more, vapor connections. One of those
connections is for boil-off recovery and the other
connection, if not combined with the boil-off
Because of the difference in temperature line, is used for vapor return during transfer
between the mounded vessel and the exposed operations.
vessel, equilibrium will not be achieved and Sorne refrigerated container s are also
condensation will continue in the exposed vessel equipped with a discretionary vent valve that
until it is full. This phenomenon is ofien referred may be manually controlled in order to handle
to as "cry-pumping"' because it is a fairly unexpected venting requirements. Those
common occurrence in cryogenic systems. discretionary vents are in addition to the relief
Conversely, movement of product from the valves and vacuum breakers required by the
exposed vessel into the lower temperature applicable design codeso In the case of the
mounded container may be expected if the double walled containers, there is also purge
exposed container starts out containing liquid piping installed in the insulation spaces to
and the ambient temperature rises aboye the facilitate the purging of the insulation, both into
temperature ofthe mounded container. and out of service.
Refrigerated LPG containers, which are It should also be noted that a refrigerated
quite similar to the LNG containers that have LPG container is usually incapable of
been previously described, are usually withstanding even a slight vacuum condition
constructed in accordance with the American without collapsing and destroying the container.
Petroleum Institutes Standard, API 620, "Design Therefore, a prime consideration of any purge
and Construction of Large, Welded, Low procedure involving a refrigerated container
Pressure Storage Tanks" and, in recent year, should be the avoidance of a vacuurn condition.
with sorne supplementary requirements of either A vacuum may occur if liquid or vapor is
NFPA 58 or 59. Such containers are equipped withdrawn too rapidly or if cold liquid is
with one, or more, liquid withdrawal lines which admitted to a warm vapor space to rapidly.


While commercial LP-Gases are usually raise the boiling point and lower the vapor
referred to as propane, butane, or propane-butane pressure of the remaining liquid.
mix, they are in reality, a mixture of a number of Toward the other direction of composition
hydrocarbon compounds including methane, change, it should be noted that many LP-Gas
ethane, propane, propylene, iso-butane, n-butane, peak shaving facilities (such as propanc-air
butylenes and pentanes plus. Por example, plants) utilize high pressure natural gas as a
commercial propane may contain all of those "pad" over the stored liquid instead of pumps to
constituents, but will be predominately propane move the liquid out of storage at a pressure that
and propylene so the total composition will exceeds the normal vapor pressure of the storcd
approximate mos! of the physical properties of LP-Gas. Propane is capable of absorbing a large
pure propane. Likewise, commercial butane will percentage of methane in the liquid phase which
usually consist of a mixture that is predominately will significantly raise the vapor pressure of the
iso-butane, n-butane and butylenes along with stored liquid if the natural gas pad has been in
some of the other above-mentioned constituents place for an extended period of time.
so as to produce a mimic of pure butane. It Either phenomena, weathering or methane
should be evident that a Butane-Propane mi x, absorption, will markedly alter the composition
identified as a percentage of one or the other, of the vapor over the stored liquid. Therefore,
may differ considerably from a simple mix of the any purging procedure should anticipate that the
two pure compounds. combustion behavior of any LPG vapor may be
Another issuc that may further obscure the somewhat different from the published value for
composition of a LP-Gas that may be the the pure product.
concern of a purge procedure, has to do with Considering the wide possible variations in
history of the stored liquido In the case of a the actual composition of the LPG in the system,
system that utilizes vapor withdrawal, as it is recommended that whcn using "end-points"
opposed to liquid withdrawal, of the stored as a measure of purging for LP-Gases it would
product there will be a gradual weathering (i.e., be prudent to use the purging end-point with
the preferential vaporization of the light, or low 20% safety factor of propane when purging into
boiling, ends) which will result in a gradual service and butane when purging out of scrvice.
buildup of the heavier constituents and in turn


When taking a LPG facility out of service if not eliminate, any release of LPG liquid or
there may be a question as to the ultimate vapors to the atmosphere. Generally, thc transfcr
disposal of any stored liquids or of the remaining of the liquid to another container will satisfy that
vapors. Obviously, the most desirable way to objective. However, the removal of the
dispose of any stored liquid is to save it by remaining vapor may require some release of
transferring it to another container. In the case product to the atmosphcrc. Not only should that
of a facility that has muItiple containers, such an release be minimized from an environmental
option merely requires that sufficient space is standpoint, it should also be done in a manner
available in the other on-site containers and that that does no! create an additional hazard.
there is the equipment to facilitate such a Liquid withdrawal from pressurized LPG
transfer. If on-site storage is not available, it is containers should be through the liquid
suggested that contact be made with a local LPG withdrawal connections of the container. When
marketer who may be able to provide both all of the liquid has been removed, (he vapor
transports and transfer equipment to facilitate the should then be cither withdrawn or vented. In
product removal and possible interim storage or the case of the larger pressurized containers, the
sale. most desirable and safest method of vapor
Por both environmental and safety reasons, withdrawal and disposal is through the use of a
the goal of any procedure should be to minimize, LP·Gas vapor compressor. The vapor

compressor takes its suction from (he vapor propane-air mix, which has different combustion
space of the container that is being emptied and characteristics than propane and the flaring
it compresses that vapor for delivery into the operation should be c10sely and continuously
liquid of another LPG container. The monitored and controlled.
compressed vapor is condensed by the liquid in Another possibility for the disposal of LPG
the second container. The reduction of pressure vapors at a utility operation is to slowly bleed the
in the tank being emptied not only removes the vapors into a lower pressure gas distribution
vapor but it al50 causes any "heel" of remaining pipeline. However, such an approach must be
liquid to evaporate, thereby hastening the undertaken with considerable caution. If
ultimate clearing of product from the container. propane vapors are to be blended into an
This procedure is commonly used by the propane operating natural gas distribution system, there
industry in the transfer of liquid from raiIcars should be sufficient flow-by to adequately dilute
and transports into fixed storage. lf a the pro pan e before it reaches any customers.
permanently installed vapor compressor is not Finally, there is the choice of venting the
available, sorne propane marketers have engine propane vapors directly to the atmosphere.
driven portable compressors that they use for When this is necessary, the preferred approach
remote transfer operations. It is often possible to should be to dilute the remaining vapors with
draw the pressure down in the vapor space to as sufficient inert purging gas to make the vapors
low as five psia. nontlammable. However, it should also be
lf it is not possible or practical to utilize a pointed out that undiluted vapor may be safely
vapor compressor to evacuate the vapor space of vented if it is directed vertically in an unimpeded
a container, it is also possible to flare the jet at high velocity, which will assure the mixing
remaining vapor. Sorne utility LP-Gas facilities of ¡he jet with air to less than the lower
are already equipped with a flare stack that is flammable limit. LP liquids or vapors should
used during the startup of a peak shaving always be released out-of-doors with adequate
operation. However, it should be pointed out air movement.
that such a flare was most likely designed for a


As was mentioned earlier, it would be butane. lf (he system pressure has be en reduced
prudent to assume that all piping and associated to atmospheric pressure (14.69 psia), it can be
equipment of an LPG facility are filled with shown that raising the pressure within that
liquid. Therefore, it would be unwise to simply system with the addition of nitrogen to an
open up a flange, on even a short piece of piping, absolute pressure of 26 atmospheres, which is
with the assumption that only a small amount of approximately 367 psig., would achieve that
gas will be vented. The proper approach should dilution. Since many piping systems have not
be to first isolate the portion of the system that is been designed and tested for such a pressure, the
to be purged and then to vent the vapors from alternative is to pressurize the system with
that isolated system to a lower pressure system if carbon dioxide to an absolute pressure of about
such a system is available. That venting should 15 Y2 atmospheres or about 213 psig., which is
be preferably done from a high point of the within the design pressure of most LPG piping
system. When the pressure in the piping or systems. lf it is more economical or practical to
equipment has been lowered to essentially use nitrogen, the pressure may be raised to the
atmospheric pressure, the safest procedure would design pressure and then the mixture ean be
be to introduce an inert purge gas in sufficient vented at high velocity, as described aboye, to
quantities to assure that the remaining entrapped achieve atmospheric mixing below the lower
vapors are nonflammable (i.e., that the end-point flammable limit and then the pressurizing and
has been achieved). For example, it has been venting cycle can be repeated a second time. (It
shown earlier that the safe end-point for butane, might be noted that it requires less than a 5psi
with a 20% margin of safety is 96% nitrogen and differential to aehieve the minimum vent
4% butane or 93% carbon dioxide and 7% velocity.)


As indicated earlier, the liquid in the aehieved during the purging operation. If the
container should be removed through the liquid container is to be returned lO serviee al a later
withdrawal connections of the container. The date, it is recommended that a pressure of about
remaining vapor should be either reeovered or 10 psig be allowed to remain in the vessel in
vented and the residual vapor pressure reduced to order to proteet it from corrosion. On the other
near atmospheric pressure. Then either nitrogen hand, if Ihe container is lo be enlered for
or carbon dioxide should be introduced as was inspection or repair, for the safety of personnel il
described aboye to aehieve the desired end-point should be further purged with air until lhe
before the vessel is vented to the atmosphere. It oxygen level in the container has been verified lO
is recommended lhat, prior lo the pressurizalion, be in excess of 19.5% before the vessel is
the nameplate of the container be consulted to entered.
determine the safe pressure level lhat can be


As was mentioned earlier, the fact that associated with the container, it may be possible
propane and butane vapors are as heavy as or to liquefy those excess vapors for disposal to
heavier than the readily available purge mediums other containers. Otherwise, it will probably be
mean s that the proeedures oullined earlier for the necessary to either vent or flare the excess
purging of liquelied natural gas (LNG) vapors. If it is necessary to vent the vapor,
eontainers may nol be appropriate for a considerable caution should be exercised as there
refrigerated LP-Gas container. Furthermore, the will not be enough pressure available to assure
displacement techniques that were discussed in adequate mixing of the vapors at the vent exit.
relation to natural gas purging practices probably Therefore, the venting operation should be
will not work when purging an LP-Gas facility. continuously monitored and consideration should
When purging a refrigerated LP-Gas be given to stopping the operation under certain
container out of service, the first step is to conditions of low winds.
remove as much of the liquid product as possible During the container warm-up, the container
through the normal liquid withdrawal floor and wall temperatures should be frequenlly
connections and equipment, being careful to monitored to assure that the en tire container is
avoid approaching a zero gauge pressure or brought up to a temperature that al least exceeds
vacuum condition in the container. When that the boiling point of butane-approximately 30°F.
has been accomplished, it should be assumed Likewise, during the warm-up operations, the
that a liquid "heel" remains in the container and container pressure should be continuously
lhat "heel" will not disappear until the container monitored, so as to prevent a vacuum condition
is fully warmed up. The variable composition of that could destroy the container. When the
LP-Gases was addressed earlier and it should be warm-up has been completed, it may be
assumed that butanes plus will be the last liquids necessary to shut-in the container while the
to evaporate - even if the refrigerated product necessary purging equipment is arranged.
was propane. During tha! time, lhe container pressure should
More, if not all, refrigerated LP-Gas still be monitored continuously to guard againsl
containers have either product heaters or a vacuum condilion. 1t should he noled that
vaporizers associated with the facility. It may either a cooling of the container, possibly as a
prove possible, either through valving of the resull of the delayed warming of the insulating
existing piping or the installation of temporary material, or of a high pressure barometric
bypasses, to circulate and heat the LP-Gas condition can create an unexpected loss of
vapors through the container to facilitate the pressure in the container. It is suggested that an
container warm-up. The warm-up of the automatic vapor make up system utilizing either
container and its contents will result in the need LP-Gas or an inerl gas be provided lo further
lO dispose of excess vapor. Depending upon the protect the container.
capabilities of the reliquefaction system

Whcn thc container has bccn completely reliquefy the vapors, it is recommended that the
warmed to the desired temperature, the inerting vapors be released at the top of the container so
mcdium can then be introduced. If the container as to promote adequate atmospheric mixing
is to be returned to service at a later date, it is away from possible sources of ignition.
recommended that either dry nitrogen or dry Furthermore, during such direct venting to the
carbon dioxide be used as the purge medium, so atmospherc, the surrounding areas should be
as to preclude the introduction of water or water frequently monitored for combustible gas and the
vapor into the system. (Note: If a hydrostatic purging operations should be stopped during
retesting of the container is contemplated, the periods of low winds or inversions.
need to use a dry purge medium becomes The determination of the end-point of the
unnecessary.) It is suggested, however, it is not purge will require the use of very accurate
mandatory, that the purge gas be introduced instrumentation. With an end-point of only 5%
through or at the bottom of the container so that fuel, the use of either a gravitometer or a
the excess vapor may be withdrawn through the combustible gas detector would give clearly
normal vapor handling piping at the top of the questionable results. The difference in density of
container. pure nitrogen and a mixture containing 5%
Initially, the vapors leaving the container propane would be less than 2%. If a dilution
during the purge operation will be nearly pure type combustible gas detector is used, which has
LP-Gas, with Iiule of the purge gas mixed in. been calibrated in air, the error may be
Again, depending upon its design and its ability significant because the purge gas would cause an
to dispose of the resultant liquid, the apparent oxygen deficient atmosphere at the
reliquefaction equipment may be utilized during detector. It is therefore rccommended that
the early stages of the purge operation so as to considerable care be exercised in the selection of
avoid venting or fiaring of the product. As more the instrumentation to be used to verify the
of the purge gas beco mes mixed into the stream, adequacy of the purge.
the capability of the reliquefier to vent non- After the end-point has be en achieved, the
combustibles will be overwhelmed and it will container may then be safely purged to air.
then be necessary to either vent or fiare the Again, if entry is to be made into the container, it
vapors. As the vapors beco me richer in the inert is essential that an oxygen level in excess of
purge gas, the fiammability of the mixture will 19.5% be achieved before anyone is allowed to
beco me more questionable. Therefore, it is enter the container. Furthermore, as with the
rccommended that the flare, if it is used, also be pressurized containers, it is advisable to maintain
continuously monitored to assure that it remains a dry nitrogcn atmosphere within the container if
ignited. After it is no longer possible to fiare or it will be eventually returned to service.


Generally the plptng and equipment equipment with either nitrogen or carbon dioxide
associated with most LP-Gas facilities have to a pressure that will assure achievement of the
relatively small volumes and the piping runs are end-point and then allow the system to stand for
usually quite short. Based upon those relatively a while to assure mixing before blowing the
small volumes and short piping lengths, an system down. With an end-point of 54% for
adequate and safe purge prior to placing small nitrogen, this would mean that the pressure
volume sections of a system into service can should be raised to 18 psig with the nitrogen. In
often be achieved by merely sweeping the Iines the case of carbon dioxide, it would only be
and equipment c1ear with a "good blow" of an necessary to raise the system pressure lO 11 psig
inert gas, such as nitrogen. The safer procedure, to achieve the safe end-point.
however, would be to pressurize the piping and


Pressurized LP-Gas storage containers may three or four times - depending upon the
be safely purged with either nitrogen or carbon pressure available to charge the container. For
dioxide to achieve the end-points as outlined example, if the container is charged with LP-Gas
aboye for piping and equipment. However, there to a pressure of 60 psig. and then vented three
are sorne additional steps in the purging process times, the resulting concentration of non-
that should be accomplished in placing a storage condensables remaining in the container will be
container into service. lf the container is filled less than 1% by volume. However, if the
with Iiquid immediately after the inerting purge, container can be charged to 135 psig., it will
the mixture of air and the inerting gas wilI require only two cycles to achieve the 1%
remain in the container as a non-condensable concentration. In the case of the larger LP-Gas
gas. Because of the behavior of the mixture oí' containers, the pressurized container should be
gases, according to Dalton's law, the pressure oí' allowed several hours between the time of
the non-condensables will become additive to the charging and the venting of the container in
vapor pressure of the LP-Gas. Thus the pressure order to promote adequale mixing by diffusion
in Ihe vapor space of the container may be within the container. AIso, the venting should be
considerably aboye the pressure that would be carefully supervised and be at high velocity in a
anticipated under normal operating conditions. vertical unimpeded jet.
That phenomenon could result in the premature After the vapor space has been purged of lhe
operation of the relief val ves serving the non-condensables, the use of a vapor return
container. Furthermore, if the product transfer practice should be acceptable. If high-
withdrawal from the container is vapor, the pressure vapor is not available, it may prove
product will be a mixture of LP-Gas and the non- necessary to introduce a small quantity of liquid
condensable which could produce an unsafc LP-Gas into the container and then vent the
condition al the appliance. vapor space until it can be confirmed by
The normal mode of transfer into the larger instrumentation lhat the non-condensables ha ve
LP-Gas containers provides for a vapor return to been eliminated.
the supply vessel, usually a railcar or transport. If the container that is being placed into
The use of the vapor return system would move service either is new, recently hydrostatically
the non-condensables inlo the supply container. tested or has been open to the atmosphere for an
However, it is recommended that this approach extended period of time it may be necessary to
not be considered unless the LP-Gas supplier is add sorne additional odorant to the first fill of the
in full agreement with such an operation. container. It has been observed that the iron
Moving the non-condensables into the supply oxide on the inner surfaces of such a container
container merely moves lhe problem lo another may deplete the odorant in the liquido Usually,
transfer operation and the supplier may not be the over-odorization of the first charge of liquid
prepared to handle a returning container full of will adequately condition the container so as to
non-condensables. prevent future odorant depletion. It is
Depending upon the availability of recommended that the container supplier, in the
vaporized LP-Gas, the most practical approach is case of a new or rebuilt container, or the LP-Gas
to charge the container to a high pressure with supplier be contacted for additional advice
the LP-Gas and vent the non-condensables to the regarding the initial filling of the container
atmosphere. That procedure should be repeated


The design pressure of most refrigerated or there may be an opportunity to utilize the
semi-refrigerated LP-Gas storage containers is displacement method that has been described
usually less than a few pounds per square inch. previously for LNG container purging. Carbon
Therefore, the pressurizing and venting dioxide can be utilized to achieve the initial
procedure for purging is impractical. However, inerting purge, but then the purge of the non-

combus1ibles will, of necessity, be by mlxmg.
On the other hand, if the initial inerting purge
utilizes nitrogen, the non-condensables may be
purged utilizing the displacement technique.
Furthermore, there may be an opportunity to
achieve a modest displacement effect during the
inert purge if nitrogen is lhe inerting medium.
In either case, wilh CO 2 or N 2 il is suggested
that the inerting gas be injected into the bottom
of the container at a low velocity. In the
mean time, the container should be vented to the
atmosphere from the top of the container. If the
temperature of the nitrogen can be maintained
substantially below the temperature of the air in
the container, the piston or displacement effect
should be enhanced. The progress of the purge
operation may be monitored with any oxygen
sensor in the vent stream. If the displacement
effects are working, the oxygen level should
remain nearly constant and very c10se to the
normal 21 % until the interface reaches the
Assuming that there has been no significant
change in the oxygen level during the purge and
enough inerting medium has been admitted to
the container to achieve the desired end-point, it
may be worthwhile to stop the operations and
seal in the container for several days to permit
further mixing by diffusion. Then the container
should be checked at several levels, if possible,
to verify the adequacy of the purge. If the
oxygen contenl is below 12%, the end-point has
been achieved and it will then be safe to admit
LP-Gas into the container.
As in the case with the pressurized
containers, the presence of the mixture of air and
inerting gas within lhe container should be
removed before substantial quantities of liquid
are introduced into the container. If the inerting
purge was with nitrogen, the most effective
method to c1ear the container of the air-inerting
mixture is by lhe introduction of LP-Gas vapors
at the bottom of the container at low velocity to
achieve a piston or displacement effect to move
the non-condensable to the top of the container
for venting. The extent of the removal of the air-
inerting gas will depend upon the ability of the
reliquefier to handle and vent the non-
condensable. When the vapor space has been
c1eared of the air-inerting mixture, cool down of
the container can commence and it should be in
accordance with the instructions of the tank


The information contained in this appendix Holders", is also presented as it was in the 1975
is taken directly from the 1975 edition ofthe edition.
AGA "Purging PrincipIes and Practice" Manual. For additional historieal infomlation, the
Although the information is dated and gene rally reader is eneouraged to reference the 1975
no longer used in the natural gas industry, it is edition ofthe AGA "Purging PrincipIes and
presented for historieal referenee. Practices Manual". The reader should use this
Figures 2-1, 2-3, 2-5, and 2-9 are direet information within the context of its origin and
reproductions taken from that manual. Chapter reeognize that this information may not meet all
5, "Gas Plant Facilities and Piping", is presented conditions. The operator should use sound
as it was in the 1975 editíon. Chapter 6, "Gas judgment and good engineering and operating

Al Figure 2-1, Flarnmable Limit Chart (H 2, ca, CH 4)

A2 Figure 2-3, Flarnmable Limit Chart (Parifin Hydrocarbons)

A4 Figure 2-9, Purging End-Point Chart

A5 1975 Edition, Chapter 5, Gas Plant Facilities and Piping

A6 1975 Edition, Chapter 6, Gas Holders

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I j ~ ~. "~~~o


u~ V ~~
eo 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 l)
Figure 2-1 - Flamrnable limits for hydrogen, carbon
monoxide, methane, with nitrogen,
carbon dioxide and water vapor




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\ . \
........ 1\ lE:
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~ 8 lE:

\ o~t ~\~ .~-S-

\. Z

~ \ ~" -. ~~
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O ~
.. '-'o~"
g ... o. 6
1\\. ,,~
k ~,

N~· \' :. " ,\.

\1\,,,, . .
, \ '00 \

, o

~-~ \\ ~
~ >
,\ ,

,,\ ..
~ ~~

1\ ..

50 40
" O ~
~~ ~~ ~
~ ~~
~" K "
~ ,\

~ ~~ ~ ~~
"\ ...


10 60 O
Figure 2-3 - Flammable limits tor paraffin hydro-
carbons witll nitrogen and carbon dioxide


\'..._4-_HFLAMMAS LE LIMITS FO R r- 20
t - - - t - - t - - + - - f - "'H---f---fJ"'>'--H ETHVLEHE
t--~---+--+---+-~~--+---+--_\'\+I WITH CARBON DIOXIDE. f--- 18

\ I
70 no 50 40 30 20 10 o
Figure 2-5 - Flammable limits for methane, ethylene,
benzene, with nitrogen carbon dioxide and
water vapor



85 Btu Blast
120 Btu Producer
I 90


970 Btu Natural.
540 Btu Carb. Water
550 Btu Coke Oven
l. Purging Into Servlce
M Bao Btu Mued
R 2590 Btu Propane I 80
l'urging an air-filled container
back into combustible gas ser-
U 3370 Btu Butane
vice using sn lnert gas. Beg1n
at P01nt X aOO as the inert gas I 81 ti)
70 <(.!)
ls added, tbe air concentration
drops along the XY axis to Point
P. Subsequent additions of pro-
I ...J
ducer gns causes tbe mixture com-
pos1tion to change along Line PZ,
which croases no part of the flam_
/ 60
mable zone.

2. Purging Out 01: Service

/ w

Purging a producer gas-tilled con- / 50 co


tainer out oí service with an in-

ert g8S. Begin at Point Z and as
the inert gas is added, the f'uel
/ ~

gas concentration drops aloag the

ZY axis to Polnt PI' Subsequent / P, 40
additions of sir causes the mix-
ture cOlllpOs1tion to change along
Lin" P1X, which cros:;es no part
I ,,'"
of the fl_ble

FlAMMABIlITY ZONE.. _~.,.~~~p,,?

/ 30



H B, R W
U y
80 60 40 20

Figure 2-9 - Purging end points of fuel gases


The material in this chapter describes application of requirements. (See section 3.31, Purging Catalytic
principies outlined in Chapters 1, 2 and 3 to some Units.) LNG facilities other than liquifaction plants are
facilities encountered in gas plants and compressor discussed in Chapter 4.
stations. It is nol practical in a publication of this kind Plant facilities to be purged may differ widely in
to include detailed sample procedures for purging SNG appearance, size, construction and function, but
plants or LNG liquifaction plants. Because of the basically each is a closed system having inlet and
complexities and many variables, each purging pro- outlet connections. The volumetric capacity of differ-
cedure must be tailored individually to the particular enl units to be purged will vary considerably and musl
plant involved. Purging facilities must be kept in mind be determined by computat1on or so me other reliable
in the design of each plant and must be reviewed at method.
each stage for adequacy in meeting process and safety


In addition lo Ihe general requirements tor should be a vent at the highest point in addition
preparalion 01 the purging procedure (Chapter 1), the to the one at the oullet valve. The vent or vents
following are recommended: should be sufficiently large to permit passage of
(1) Prepare lor forced ventilation to be used after the the purged gas without an appreciable bulldup of
purge is completed if necessary. pressure within the facility.
(2) Inert gas supply: An adequate and reliable supply So me types of facilities are so constructed
of inert purge gas should be available. This sup- internally that they have more than one apex or
ply may be estimated as 1.5 lO 2.5 volumes for pocket that will not be purged readily unless each
each volume of the facility being purged, pro- is individually vented.
vided there are no volatile oils, oil emulsions, Plant piping systems frequently have several
etc. The composition of the purge gas should be branches to duplicate facilities and a bypass.
known or tested to determine if it is suitable. Oil Vents should be provided at the end of each
scrubbers, which contain wood grids saturated branch. Plant piping is seldom adaptable for slug
with oil, may be purged wilh sufficient steam to purging.
remove the oil, washed with warm oil from which A pressure gauge should be provided on the
light ends have been removed, or washed with inert gas equipment or at the inlet to the facility.
hot water. Inert gas may be used to complete the Another gauge may be provided near the oullet.
purge. In coal gas plants many facilities colleet The inert gas conneetion should be made on
considerable crystallized naphthalene. Steam the inlet gas connection just inside the inlet
may be used to vaporize the naphthalene and valve, if possible. If the valve is directly against
purging completed with inerts. the facility itself or if the inlet connection does
(3) Vents and test connections: Necessary vent not direct the inerts to the bottom, the inert gas
pipes with test connections should be prepared connection should be made at the base of the
in advance. Place the vent pipes near the outlet facility itself.1f plant piping is being purged with
valve which is usually located at or near the top: inert gas, it is preferable to make the inert con-
at the apex of the facilíty, or, if the outlet pipe nection at the lowest point of the pipe, although
is a return bend coming off the top, at the highest this may not always be possible. The size of the
point of the bend. connection should be decided from the volume
In other words, if the oullet valve is not at the of the facility and the source of inert seleeted.
highest point of the space to be inerted there



5.15a. GENERAL The valves should be closed and sealed, isolating the
facility from all sources of flammable gas. This also
At this point all preliminary preparations should be applies to any means other than valves that may be
completed and everything ready to complete the used to isolate the facility. Whenever practical, an
purging operation. actual physical break or separation is the preferred

method. (See Section' .'9, Isolation). The water should be left in the tank at least 24 hours to
Open one vent and reduce the pressure in the unit to float the oil that may have been clinging to the shell.
approximately , .. w.C. pressure, close the vent and The residual oil floating on the water should be
watch the gauge atleast five minutes for an increase of skimmed off before the water is drawn out. If there are
pressure. An increase indica!es leakage into the facility not sufficient manholes to accomplish this, it may be
which must be located and stopped. necessary lo make additional openings in the crown.
If the pressure remains constant, the vents should be When skimming has been completed the water is
opened and the purge gas introduced immediately. drawn off. Bottom manhole plates are then removed
Continue purging until gas taken from the test and natural ventilation will take place.
connection at each ven! proves to be in the safe range It may be desirable to purge the entire contents with
on the particular instrument used to determine the end inert gas. In this case, the inert gas connection should
point. be installed aboye the maximum level of the material in
The interior surfaces of some facilities become the tank, and the inert gas admitled while the liquid is
coated with light oils or tars and the facilities may drained or pumped out.
contain liquids at low points which tend to vaporize There may be residuals in a tank which will volatilize
during the purge. It is, therefore, not at all unusual to after inerting has been completed, creating hazards in
find that even after satisfactory purge gas end points the presence of air at normal temperatures. The
have been reached, light oil vapors are present. These temperature of the purge gas should be raised to
oil vapors may be swept out by continued pu·rging. eliminate these residuals either by the operation 01 an
(Raising the temperature of the inert gases to inert gas generator at higher temperatures or by the
130°-160°F. will speed this up.) introduction of steam with the inerts. Extra
When purification facilities (dry or liquid) are being precautionary measures should be taken when using
purged using C02 it is often found that due to higher temperature purge gas or steam so as to avoid a
absorption, the C02 in the purged gas remains below pressure buildup within the facility.
that in the inert gas. Therefore, the C02 content of the Sleam alone may be .used to purge small tanks up to
purged gas does no! always indicate the degree of approximately 30,000 gallons if the tanks are shaped so
purging. A gas chromatograph can be used to the steam can 10rm a slug and displace the vapors
determine whether the desired end point has been ahead of it, or if steam can be furnished in sufficient
reached. quantity to completely till the tank almost
Steam alone isnot recommended for the purging of
large tanks used for the storage of volatile oils.
Wash boxes and other facilities which have been
designed, built and installed to hold a full weight of
water may have their flammable gas or vapor contents 5.15d. POST PURGING CARE
displaced by filling the facilities with water, the gas or
When purging is completed, the lacility should be
vapor escaping through a vent or vents provided for the
opened immediately and allowed to ventilate.
purpose. After the flammable contents have been
Complete any physical disconnection trom the gas
displaced, air may be admitted as the water is drained
lines and make the temporary isolation permanent it
from the facility. When the top and bottom manhole
the facility ís to remain out ot service.
plates are removed, or other openings are made,
If the facility cannot be opened immediately,
natural ventilation takes place.
provision should be made to maintain a positive
5.15c. TANKS pressure of purge gas.
A facility which has been opened should be tested
Most oil and tar tanks are vented to the atmosphere with the combustible indicator to detect vaporizatíon of
and probably do not require purging before being oils coating the interior. 11 the tacility ventilates
opened. A combustible indicator test will confirm this. readily, there should be no indicatíon of vaporization;
When such a tank has been emptied and the top and but if it does not ventilate, these vapors may buíld up
bottom openings have been made, ventilation will to the danger point and must be blown out. The
remove residual vapors. Air movers, which are venturi Irequency of testing depends upon whether or not such
air aspirators (see Seetion 8.55b.), or fan blowers will vapors are presento
hasten aeration. If work, such as cutting and welding, is to be done in
Inerting is recommended if the tank contained a or on a facility which has been permanently isolated,
volatile oil, or if gas under pressure was maintained in purged and opened to the atmosphere, care should be
the top of the tank over the oil. There may be local taken to remove all combustible materíal from the
ordinances concerning the handling of tanks interior. Careful tests should be made to insure the
containing volatile oil which must be followed. purity of the atmosphere inside.
The tank may be filled with water, as in the case of The facility should be well ventilated and tested for
wash boxes. If the tank has a conical or dome crown, it oxygen deficiency and for vapors and gases harmful to
can be filled with water only to the base of the crown. health before workers are allowed to enter it.
An inert gas connection should be installed just aboye If there is any danger of spontaneous combustion
the water level and the crown purged with inert gas. while the facility is open (such as boxes containing

fouled oxide), a fire hose or other suitable lire maintain a holding purge during the progress 01 the
extinquishers should be arranged readied for instant work. A slow flow 01 inert gas through the lacility
use. should be maintained to be sure inerts in the lacility
In some cases, particularly if cutting or welding is to are nol replaced by air during the progress 01 Ihe work.
be done on the outside of the facility, it is advisable to



5.17a. GENERAL 5.17b. WASH BOXES

Al! preparations and precautions that were made for Wash boxes and some other facilities may use water
removing the lacility from service and maintaining its for displacing the air; then flammable gas may be
salety while open should still exist. drawn in as the water is drained or pumped out.
(1) If a new facility is being put into service, all
preparations should be made exactly as though it 5.17c. TANKS
had been in service. In this case it is usually
necessary also to purge sections of pipe in order If purging is considered necessary to return tanks to
to tie the facility to the system. A written pro- service, it is recommended that inert gas be used. If
cedure should be made up in advance of the flammable gas pressure is to be maintained over the oil
purge to carry the work through safely. in the tank, the connection may be made after the
(2) Pipe connections, removed for permanent iso- inerting is completed.
lation, are reconnected, but temporary isolation,
such as sealed valves, is maintained. 5.17d. POST PURGING CARE
(3) The final opening should remain open until it is
time to start purging. If the lacility is not immediately returned to service
(4) When all preparations have been completed, and it is not desirable to admit flammable gas, a
close the final opening and introduce the purge positive pressure should be maintained with purge gas.
gas. Continue purging un¡i¡ samples taken at If the lacility not immediately returned to service
each test connection show that a satisfactory end contains Ilammable gas, a positive pressure should be
point has been attained. Shut off the inert gas maintained with flammable gas.
supply. If any valves were sealed which are normally closed,
(5) Admit flammable gas and allow the purge gas to they must be opened sufficiently to release the sealing
escape through th·e vents until tests at the vents material or drained in some other manner. Neglect 01
show that proper end points have been attained. this step may cause serious complications if the valve
Close all vents. Connect all necessary auxiliary was sealed wHh water and is located where exposure to
piping, il any, and return to service. freezing temperatures· is possible.



5.21 a. GENERAL splash around and thoroughly wash all parts 01

the tank interior.
A drip truck tank may contain solids, principally pipe (3) Empty tank.
dust, which have been pumped or blown from the (4) Attach a pressure gauge and steam hose at point
main. It also may contain tars and volatile oils which "A". (Figure 5-1)
should be "topped" before the tan k can be considered (5) Crack drain valve "b" so condensate may run out.
safe to be opened for repairs. A suggested procedure (6) Turn steam into tan k at point "A", keeping the
to do this lollows. pressure on the gauge within a safe limit lor the
tank, and then continue to steam until tests show
5.21 b. FROM FLAMMABLE CONTENTS TO AIR that the desired end points have been reached
and the tank is "safe".
(1) Fill the truck about 112 to % full of a hot water (7) Open tank cover (in this case under vent "a",
solution containing 3% caustic soda and 2% Figure 5-1 ) and allow it to air out.
sodium metasilicate. Handle the chemicals and NOTE: If it is considered advisable to work with a
solution with care to avoid burnsor serious injury holding purge, the steam may be kept on at point
to the eyes. Chemical safety goggles or face "A" or a cylinder of C02 may be attached in place
shield, gloves and protective clothing are of the steam and the tank may be filled with C02
recommended. during the work. .
(2) Orive around for a period to cause the solution to


I (J=~
'ICt I I lq
11'-0· 11

11 A

Figure 5-1-0rip Truck Tank

5.21 c. FAOM AlA TO FLAMMABLE CONTENTS (2) Fill tan k with C02 until the Orsat test shows less
than 5 percent oxygen.
(1) Connect a pressure gauge and a cylinder of C02 (3) Orip oil may now be put in the tank.
at point "A"



5.23a. AEMOVING A COMPAESSOA FAOM SEAVICE Suitable gas detection equipment should be used to
check tor leakage prior to disassembling the
To remove a compressor from service for inspection equipment.
and/or maintenance, iso late the equipment by closing Compressors, sections of piping, and related station
all suction and discharge valves and evacuate all equipment should be purged by means 01 an inert gas,
pressure from the isolated piping and equipment by preferably nitrogen. or by use of air movers. This
blowing the gas to atmosphere. In the event that this should be completed before any maintenance or
procedure is not sufficient to block all gas from alteration work such as welding, cutting or grinding,
entering the working area, blind flanges should be which would create a tire hazard, is performed on or in
installed, or the lines and equipment should be vented the immediate area 01 the isolated eQuipment.
to a safe area.



SUeTlON HEADER -"--+o¡-----Jt-- --for-----~-DISCHARGE HEADER

Figure 5·3
In the event purging is deemed necessary, care means should be employed to prevent gas Irom
should be taken to assure that the purge rate is entering the isolated syslem.
sufficient to create complete mixing 01 the purging (8) If it beco mes necessary lo enter a compressor
medium and the natural gas in the equipment, and to cylinder, or il welding or cutling operations musl
achieve positive displacement 01 the natural gas Irom be perlormed, Ihe isolated compressor and
all chambers and pockets 01 the system being purged. piping should be purged. and suilable precau-
The volume 01 inert gas or air required depends on the tions should be taken lO prevent the accumula-
conliguration 01 the system, but should be at least tion 01 combustible gas in the compressor
twice the volume 01 the system to be purged. building.
Valve operators which control the suction,
discharge, bypass and blowdown valves should be
disarmed to guard against inadvertent operation while
that part 01 the system is out 01 service.
Valve cap clearance pockets, end unloaders, etc. Compre~sor:;, seclions 01 piping, and related
should be in an open position lor purging. equipment 1hat have been opened or vented, should be
Precautions should be taken to ensure the purged with gas belore they are returned to service.
compressor or compressors and related piping to be Purging should be 01 a sufficient duration to assure a
purged are completely isolated lrom the rest 01 the complete purge. Special attention should be given to
system. Ihe volume and conliguralion 01 the syslem. Where
Sample procedure to be used when removing a appropriate, assurance 01 a complete purge can be
compressor Irom service lollows: (Reler to Figure determined by sampling the contents in Ihe
5-3) compressor and relaled piping.
(1) Close and lock suction and discharge valves. A sample procedure to be used when restoring a
(2) Open and lock bypass valve. compressor lo service lollows: (Reler to Figure 5-3)
(3) Open and lock blowdown valve. (1) Secure all valve caps, Ilanges, heads, etc.
(4) Check bleed-off valves and/or gauges for (2) Close by pass valve.
possible leakage. (3) Admit sufficient gas to purge system.
(5) Loosen head, valve cap, Ilanges, etc., and use (4) Close blowdown and suction valves.
suitable gas detection equipment to ensure (5) Use combustible gas indicalor lO check for
isolating valves are holding. leakage and read gauges to verily suslained pres-
(6) If no abnormal amount 01 gas is present, sure.
compressor can be o pened lor inspect ion and I or (6) Open suction and discharge valves lo load com-
repair. pressor. (This slep may be modilied or deleled
(7) II leakage cannot be prevented at the isolating where automatic sequence starting systems are
valves, blind Ilanges, vents or other suitable employed.)



5.25a. PRELlMINARY (3) No artificial lights, other Ihan salety, dry cel!
flashlights, should be used inside the tank until
(1) Appoinl a supervisor or engineer to be in charge after the purging is completed. Portable lighls
01 the purging operation. and other electrical equipment used outside the
(2) Determine the type of product and Ihe amount 01 tan k in Ihe path of possible vapor travel should be
sludge conlained within the tank. explosion proof and approved lor hazardous loca-
(3) Make an external inspeclion of Ihe tank and sur- tions.
vey Ihe immediale area lo determine il il is sale (4) Care should be taken lo avoid spontaneous com-
lor the purging operalion. bustion, such mighl occur as with sludge re-
(4) Train and indoctrinale all personnel to be used in moved Irom the lank and with crude oil, both 01
the purging operation. which contain significant quantities 01 hydrogen
(5) InspecI all equipment lo be used to assure it is in sulfide (sour stock). These materials may contain
good operaling condition. linely divided iron polysulfide deposits, which
are pyrophoric on exposure to airo
(1) Eliminate all sources 01 ignition from the area
where Ilammable vapors may be released or may The tank il/ustrated in this procedure is a vertical
travel. cylindrical tank wilh a conical dome, either with or
(2) Barricade the area and posl warning signs lo without Ilammable gas or inert gas in the space above
keep out vehicles and other sources 01 ignition. the stored gas.

(3) Open vents "V1", "V2" and "V3" if they are valved.
(4) Admit inerts at Point "A". (It water is useéJ, lill
the tan k to the edge of the dome, then start purge
gas at Point "B" and purge the dome through vent
(5) Test the purge gases at vent "V1" and "V3". When
the desired end points have been attained, shut
off the flow 01 purge gases and I or water.
(6) Open top manhole to atmosphere.
(7) II water was used, drain water Irom the tan k
through bo1tom connection Point "A".
(8) Open bottom manhole and install a suitable
blower or air mover to aerate the tank il nec-
Oil tanks also may be Ireed 01 flammable

, '"
vapors by displacing the hydrocarbon vapors with
air. However, special precautions are reQuired

A when vapors are displaced by mechanical ventila-
tion, steam ventilation or natural ventilation.

Figure 5·5 5.25e. PURGING INTO SERVICE

(1) Before the tank is opened, pump or drain off all (1) Connect inerting machine or purge gas to Point
residual product to the lowest possible level. "A".
This pumping or draining may be augmented by (2) Open vents and valves at "V,", "V2" and "V3'"
the addition 01 water through existing piping Install pressure gauges.
connections-not through a rool opening-to (3) Install manhole covers.
float any remaining product. (4) Introduce purge gas at Point "A".
(2) Blank off all piping connected to the tank, at a (5) Test purge gases at vents "V"'. "V2" and "V3"
point as close to the tank as possible and on the until desired end point has been reached.
tan k side ot theJank valves. ._.J.6)_Sb.uLoJLpurge gas and disconnect from Po;nt
(3) Orain and flu~h alllines which enter the tank. "A"~
(7) Remove all blanks previously installed in the
5.25d. PURGING OUT OF SERVICE pipes connecting to the tank, and reconnect
(1) Existing tank vent "V1" may be suitable as a (8) If gas pressure is to be maintained in tank, dis-
purge point 10r inerting. If not, install a suitable place inert gas with gas from Point "B" and re-
vent connection. Install additional vents "Vi' and move or close all vents.
"V3" at the apex and on the manhole. Also install (9) Tank may be filled.
pressure gauges. Additional information on the cleaning and repairing
(2) Install gas connections 10r inert purge gas at oil of tanks may be obtained from the American Petroleum
line "A". (Water may be used to purge the tank Institute. Bulletin API RP 2015 Recommended Practice
and, il so, connect the water line to line "A", and lor Cleaning Petroleum Storage Tanks. and API PSO
the purge gas to Point "B" omitting the vent 2207 Preparing Tank Bottoms for Hot Work.



The recommended purging procedure discussed in Placing a holder containing air into flammable gas
this chapter for all cases and types of holders, applies service.
to the following situations: NOTE: The term "holder" includes all types of gas
Removing a holder containing flammable gas from storage containers, except lNG and liquefied
service. petroleum gas storage tanks.


The preliminary preparations required prior to 6.13d. HOLDER CONTENTS

purging a holder include the following items essential
to the safe conduct of the operation: If the contents of the holder is not known, It should
be tested by gas analysis to determine definitely the
6.13a. SUPERVISION makeup.

Competent and experienced supervision should be 6.13e. PURGING PERIOD

provided, a written purge schedule prepared, and the
procedure discussed with all personnel involved. The If possible, arrangements should be made for the
purge schedule should include approved drawings entire purging operation to be performed and
marked to indicate the location of the purge vents, inert completed during the day. Night operations require
connections, seal bonnets (livezey seals), bypass lighting facilities which, if not sufficiently extensive,
valves, inlet and outle! connections, valves adjacent to can result in unsafe working conditions. Night
holder, stopper and bag locations, drips (with operations should therefore be avoided unless
reference to seal depth), etc. necessary beca use of special circumstances.
If a long purge is necessary and interruptions can-
6.13b. GAS ANALVST ANO EQUIPMENT not be tolerated, and since the critical periods in a
purge are the beginning and the end, then it is
A competent gas analyst, equipped with gas advisable to start in the middle of the day, using the
analysis apparatus and combustible gas indicator night hours for the time-consuming but relatively
should be available throughout the operation. AII simple job of admitting the required amount of purge
chemical apparatus, solutions and instruments should gas, and completing the final work in daylight.
be in a serviceable condition prior to purging and in Although a purging operation should not be
inclement weather a working enclosure should be conducted in haste, nor safety sacrificed to time,
provided, heated if necessary. convenience or expense, there is no additional safety
provided by unnecessarily prolonging the operation.
Definite arrangements should be made with those in
authority to shut down and completely bypass the There should be available an adequate and reliable
holder from the distribution system, for the required supply of inert gas, at least twice the volume of the
periodo holder to be purged, provided there are no volatile oils,
The following procedures should be observed: oil emulsions, etc.
(1) WATER-SEAL HOLDER: The inert gas should be tested to determine that it is
After the oil and emulsion have been removed but of a suitable composition.
prior to severing the flammable gas tines, the
holder should be deflated to a point where al! 6.13g. REMOVAL OF OIL ANO EMULSION
sections are landed except the inner section,
which should remain inflated about three feet. Holders which have been In flammable gas service
(2) WATERLESS HOLDER: may contain deposits of volatile oils, oil emulsion,
The holder should be deflated to a height such etc., depending upon the holder type. These oils and
that the piston deck is brought below the lowest emulsions will develop flammable vapors which when
manhole on the shell, prior to severing the flam- mixed with air are susceptible to explosion, and should
mable gas lines or to starting any preparatory be removed before purging the holder.
work on the holder proper. (1) In the water-seal holder flammable gas is dis-
(3) PRESSURE HOLDER: solved in the tan k water, and the interior surface
The holder content should be reduced to about 6" of the tan k water may be covered with drip oil,
pressure after draining out the oil, if any, but drip oil emulsion, or both. The water also may
prior to severing the flammable gas lines. contain an emulsion of volatile oils in suspen-

sion below the surface. As much of the oil and after purge of holder.
emulsion as possible should be removed by (b) Kloenne type - Water should be intro-
skimming prior to initially deflating the holder. If dueed, through a line provided on the top of
the holder is equipped with a permanent skim- the piston, onto the bottom of the holder until
mer, the major portion of the oil and emulsion the water level is above a closed and sealed
may be readily removed. drain connection provided in the side of the
If the holder is not so equipped Ihe oil and shell near the bottom. The drain eonnection
emulsion may be removed with a portable skim- should then be opened and the oil and water
mer, illustrated in Figure 6-1, which should be drained from the holder. This proeedure
placed successively at several points around the should be repeated unlil elear water, free of
eircumferenee of the holder. In the later stages of oil, runs from the drain.
skimming more water than oi/ wi/I be drawn off, (e) Wiggins (Dry Seal)-Water should be intro-
but the process should be continued until the oil duced through a conneetion in manhole at the
and elT'ulsion have been removed, even though bottom of the shell to determine presence of
the tank water level will be lowered several oil and lo remove oil by floating il off through
inehes. eondensate drain.
(3) Pressure holders should be drained of any oil
aeeumulation prior to reducing the holder pres-
U!lrD A'e¡, BLOCK a. TACl<lE T"US
Neeessary vents, piping and aceessories should be
provided for in advance. If the connections for these
items are to be inslalled on a holder Ihat is lo be taken
Toe I'I"'l IW!IT Il~ "~'T
out of serviee, the workmen doing the drilling, lapping
l'I.u..1l TO ,,[I:P 91(1""~1I. and inslallation should be provided with proper safety
and respiratory equipment. Also, hand or air power
tools and equipment should be used lo reduce the fire
In selecting the locations of the various vents and
the inert gas eonnection il is important lo reduce to a
minimum the possible existenee of "dead" pockets,
whieh will handicap complete purging.
Appropriate vents (Figure 1-9) should be provided on
the holder "B" (Figures 6-3,6-11) as follows:
(1) Water-seal holder: On the crown, at or near the
center, auxiliary vents should be provided at four
points near the outer circumferenee, spaced
about 90° apart, to assist in equalizing
Figure 6-1-Portable Skimmer distribution of inert gas and to expedite the
(2) Waterless holder: A vent opening should be pro-
(2) The waterless holder may accumulate oi/s on the vided in the piston of an M.A.N. holder diametri-
bottom plating. If it is determined that these oils cally opposite the point where the inert gas is to
are volatile, they should be removed after the be admitted, and in the piston of a Kloenne hold-
piston has been lowered so that the piston deck er at or near the center of the crown. This opening
is below the shell manhole. should be connected by a flexible line earried to
(a) M.A.N. type-Water should be introduced, the outside of the holder through a manhole in
through a line provided on the top of the pis- the shell. The end of the flexible line may have a
ton, onto the bottom of the holder until it vent pipe attaehed to it, and should be elevated to
overflows into the lowest holder connection. a poinl at least six feet aboye ground level. The
The water will float off the oil through the flexible fine should permit inflating the piston
connection and permit its removal by the drip three feet without damaging the holder or vent
pump. The complete removal of the oil can be connections.
ascertained by observation of the water efflu- (3) Pressure holder: On spherical or vertical cylindri-
ent from the. drip pump discharge. Some cal tanks, a vent should be on top of holder, at or
holders have a fine that extends to the inner near the center.
area of the holder.The fine could be used to Horizontal cylindrieal tanks, if the inert gas
remove the volatile oils; however, if the oil is connection is midway belween the ends, two
not volatile, leave the oil in the holder unti/ standard vents should be provided on the top
of the holder, one near each end. If the inert gas gas connection is at one end of the tank, a test
connection is at one end of the tank, a standard cock should be provided on top of the holder
ven! should be provided on top at the opposite about one-third the length of the holder from the
end, or two vents provided, one at the middle inert gas inlet. Where permanent test cocks can-
of the top and one at the opposite end. not be installed, provide temporary test Iines
These vents, with the valve fully opened, during the purging operation to sample across
should be of sufficient size to discharge the the cross-section of the holder between the inert
purge gas without building up more than 1" of connection and the vent.
water pressure within the holder.
Vents also should be provided on all holder
connections except that one utilized for the inert
gas supply (Figures 6-3, 6-7).
A water gauge should be connected to the holder to
show the pressure therein.

The inert gas supply should be piped and connected SEAL BONNETS
to one of the holder connections indicated in Figures
6-3, 6-7, after which the holder drip on that connection Seal bonnets (Livezey Seals) in water-seal holders,
is pumped, if water sealed. shold be provided with full size bypasses (Figure 6-3).
This arrangement insures complete purging of the
TESTCOCKS bonnets and permits utilization of a holder connection
for the inert gas inlet under all circumstances. If, tor
Test cocks are provided on the vents, and in any reason, it is not convenient to install seal bonnet
addition should be provided as follows: bypasses and it has been ascertained that the seal
(1) Water-seal holder: On the crown, at the auxili- bonnets give a greater depth of seal than can be
ary vents. overcome by the available inert gas pressure, then it
(2) Waterless holder: On the piston at four points will be necessary to provide an inert gas inlet
near the outer circumference, spaced about 90 D connection to the crown of the holder with a length of
apart and provided with nipples extending steam hose as indicated at "E", Figure 6-3. Also, under
through and about 6" below the piston deck. such a circumstance, a vent opening should be
(3) Pressure holder: On horizontal cylindrical tanks, provided in each of the seal bonnet (Livezey Sea!)
if the inert gas connection is midway between the covers and an inert gas supply connection instead of a
ends, a test cock should be provided on top of vent should be provided at each holder connection to
the holder midway between the vents. If the inert permit purging out of the standpipes and seal bonnets.



.... / '


y-- IU.Mov"eL~ '~NG-.o 1tE:~VA&LE. ~~
~ .5PM~e. ~1~eE.
~'Ae~ ....e. ,

e Figure 6·3 ~


~P.C'l P,E,Ct.
Re,MOVAlM.l. 'LA".(.ED.

Figure 6-5


f-~MOV~6U1. I'\.AN~U) RItHOVMH.f "'LA

e e
Figure 6-7

VAlVES be deflated lo a height 01 about 6" aboye the landing
Val ves should be provided in the holder inlet and A grealer volume, perhaps keeping Ihe holder several
outiet flammable gas lines, adjacent lo Ihe holder and feel aboye landing, should be left when a possibility of
so localed as 10 be readily accessible. a temperature volume change (overnight) will occur
before Ihe inerting of Ihe holder lo prevenl the
6.13i. ISOlATION OF A HOLDER BEING REMOVED collapsing 01 the holder crown.
FROM SERVICE Malerials should be arranged lo permil convenient
reconneclion when the holder is lo be returned to
Positive isolalion 01 the holder Irom Ihe initial service.
admission 01 air or flammable gas unlil the purging
operation has been completed is necessary to prevent 6.13j. VENTllATING FACILITIES
the possible formation 01 explosive mixtures.
The holder should be completely severed from all A ventilating blower, or an air compressor should be
Ilammable gas conneclions, and remain disconnecled installed to provide air to displace the inert gas and
Ihroughout Ihe entire period it is out 01 service. The ventilate the holder alter purge has been completed.
physical separalions should be made in the Ilammable
gas lines, by removing valves, pipe seclions or fittings, 6.13k. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES
or by rotating a litting Irom the normal flow direction,
as determined by convenience and availability. (1) Workers should be cautioned that both inert and
The actual performance of this operation requires purge gases are suffocating and may be toxic,
water sealing 01 the holder drips, and installing 01 and, therefore, should not be inhaled.
stoppers and vents in the flammable gas lines, to (2) Because 01 the properties 01 flammable and
iso late that section of the line where the physical purge gases, the holder's vents should be ex-
separation is to be made. The isolated sections are tended off to one side or upward away Irom or
then purged with inert gas, the severances made, and aboye windows and doors 01 adjacent buildings.
every open end closed with a blank Ilange cap, or plug, (3) Precautions should be taken against all sources
after which air is removed from the pipe sections at the 01 ignition (open llames, welding and burning,
severances by again purging. smoking, electrical equipmenl, etc.) in Ihe im-
Before severing the last flammable gas connection medipl~ vicinily of the holder. Purging should nol
of a water-seal or waterless holder, the holder should be undertaken during an eleclrical storm.


The following purging procedures apply alter the be tested immediately to determine the progress 01 the
preliminary preparations heretofore described have displacement.
been completed. Purging operations should not be When the purge gas analysis shows thal the
started when electrical storms are threatening and con- contents 01 the holder have been displaced with inert
sideration should be given to Slopping venting if gas to a pOint of salety, vent "B" and auxiliary vents are
slorms develop during purging. closed, all vents "A" are opened and the holder drips
pumped, ji water sealed. If the seal bonnets (livezey
Seals) 01 a water-seal holder are not provided with
6.15a. INSTRUCTIONS APPUCABlE TO All bypasses, then inert gas is admitted at each 01 the
ClASSES AND TYPES OF HOlDERS holder drips consecutively, the vent in the seal bonnet
cover opened and the holder drip pumped, ji water
The inerl gas, 01 a specified quality, is admitted to sealed. Purging of the holder connections, standpipes
the holder with all vents "A" closed and vent "B" open and seal bonnets through vents "A" or through the
(Figures 6-3, 6-11): auxiliary vents and the seal bonnet vents in the seal bonnet covers, as the case may be, is
bypasses on water-seal holders also should be open. A continued until the purge gas at these vents is shown
minimum pressure of 1" of water, and prelerably a by test to be 01 a safe composition.
slightly greater pressure, should be maintained in the During the purging period there may be a tendency
holder throughoul the purging operation. If trouble for 1he inert gas to by pass directly from the inlet
should develop wilh the inert supply, this practice will connection to vent "B". This may be detecled by a
assure a posilive pressure within the holder whjle the comparison of purge gas analysis 01 samples from the
condition is being remedied, assuming, 01 course, that various holder test cocks as described hereafter.
Ihe venls are closed during Ihe emergency Bypassing should be broken up as follows:
Frequent samples 01 Ihe inert gas delivered into the (1) Water-seal holder: Close holder vents and inflate
holder should be lesled al once to insure maintenance holder about 6" with inert gas; Ihen continue
01 the required quality. purging by opening vents and deflating holder to
As the purging continues, samples 01 the purge gas 1" pressure.
laken al Irequenl inlervals Irom the test cocks should (2) Waterless holder: Clase ven! "B" and inflate
holder about one foot with inert gas; then con- WATER-SEAl HOLDER
tinue purging by opening vent "B" and deflating Several hours may be saved by closing up the tank
holder to 1" pressure. overflows and raising the level 01 the water to the top
(3) Pressure holder: Partially close vent or vents "B" 01 Ihe tan k after the oil and emulsion have been
and increase pressure in holder; then continue removed and the holder deflated, Ihus reducing the
purging by opening the vent or vents "B". volume 01 gas to be purged out.
Sufficient inert gas should be put into the holder After the supply 01 inert gas is connected and ready,
after purging has been completed, to provide for and the holder has been completely severed Irom the
shrinkage in the volume 01 the holder contents on flammable gas lines, the holder should be deflaled the
cooling. Raise the holder sufficiently to provide for remaining lew inches by allowing the gas to escape
shrinkage. This will prevent a negative pressure from through vent "B" (Figure 6-3). The admission of inert
developing within the holder. This condition may occur gas should begin belore the holder is landed and while
during the period of the actual displacement 01 the there is still some gas pressure under the crown.
inert gas by flammable gas or air, and without the In the event the permanent supportive frame has
proper precautions could result in damage to the deterioraled lo Ihe exlent it lails to provide adequate
holdercrown, piston, or shell. support lor the crown, special precautions should be
taken to prevent collapsing the crown when landing the
The steam for removing the last portions of volatile
oils which may be in the holder, should be admitted
through 3/4" pipe jets projecting through the crown at
four points 90· apart, and about one eighth of the
During the process of purging, the concurrent diameter from the outer edge 01 the crown. The pipes
admission into a holder of steam with the inert gas should be flattened at the outlet end, and these nozzles
serves to maintain a higher temperature within the should be inclined, giving the steam an angular
holder and promote the removal of volatile oils which projection against the surface of the tank water, and
were not drained off. In the case of a Wiggins holder, imparting a circular motion thereto.
however, steam should not be used because of the The grips of the holder sections should be purged by
possibility of damaging the diaphragms. The flow of providing two holes which can be readily closed or
steam into the holder should be stopped when all plugged in each 01 the grips, at locations diametrically
purge gas samples from the holder, as tested by a opposite each other, to allow displacement 01 the
combustible gas indicator, show 85 percent or less of flammable gas by the application of an inert gas
the lower explosive limit concentration. In all cases, through one 01 the openings.
the supply of inert gas to the holder should be After complete purging of the holder and holder
continued for a time after the admission of steam has connections has been initially indicated, and the
been stopped in order to compensate for the admission 01 inert gas has been suspended, repeated
subsequent rapid and appreciable shrinkage 01 the observations should be made with the combustible gas
contents. indicator to ascertain whether or not the liberalion of
Bypassing 01 the inert gas within the holder is Ilammable gas and/or oil vapors from the tank water
indicated when samples of the purge gas from the test continues. A reliable determination requires approxi-
cocks other than at vent "B" show a higher combustible mately two hours. It the observations do indicate a
gas content and a lower carbon dioxide content than continued liberation 01 flammable gas and/or oil
the purge gas from vent "B" test cock. vapors, purging with inert gas and the admission 01
If the purging operation on a water-seal or waterless steam must be resumed, and possibly repeated, until
holder is to be suspended to avoid night work, or for lurther observations show that this condition has been
other reasons, all vents ("A", "B", and auxiliary) must overcome.
be closed and remain closad until purging is resumed. There may be so me difficulties connected with the
If steam is being admitted to the holder, it must be purging 01 old holders which are not met with in the
shut off first, and the admission of inert gas continued case of new holders. Particularly with holders having
until the holder has been inflated not less than two masonry tanks, rubbish and solid malter of
feet. In this position it may salely remain for an considerable stability may have accumulated beneath
indefinite periodo the inner section to a height of several feet aboye the
When .Drsat analyses and tests by a combustible gas bottom, in which case the cup 01 the inner section may
indicator 01 purge gas samples Irom all test cocks be badly damaged upon deflating the holder. Because
show 85 percent or less 01 the lower explosive limit of their frequent landings the outer sections of a holder
concentration, the flammable gas and vapors in the usually prevent the formation 01 such obstructions.
holder and holder connections will have been displaced The actual conditions should be ascertained by
by the inert gas to a point 01 safety. AII vents "A", "B", sounding with a long rod. In most cases, tht: obstruc-
and auxiliary, should then be closed and the holder tions may be dislodged either with a long-handled
(water-seal or waterless) should be inflated about two rake or with a water jet, though on rare occasions
feet with inert gas. dredging may be necessary. If the purpose of purging

is to dismantle the holder, the obstructions in the be closed and the lines severed outside 01 the valves.
bottom of the tank, if any, require no attention. The remaining gas pressure on the holder should be
dissipated through the vent or vents "S" (Figures 6-9,
WATERLESS HOLDER 6-11), and inert gas and steam admitted concurrently
No purging should be done into the space aboye the through the inert gas line while there is still some
piston. With the M.A.N. type holder, the skimmer pressure on the holder.
When the holder has been purged, and the steam
weirs should be lowered as far as practicable to reduce
the quantity of sealant in the dam. shut off, the flow of inert gas is continued until the
After the supply of inert gas is connected and ready temperature of the purge gas has been reduced to
and the holder has been completely severed from the normal.
flammable gas lines, the piston should be deflated the
remaining few inches by allowing the gas to escape
through vent "S" (Figures 6-5, 6-7). The admission 01
inert gas should begin before the piston is landed and
while there is still some gas pressure on the piston. CYL INDRI CAL PRESSUltt TANI(
The steam, to remove the volatile oil which may still
be in the holder, should be introduced into the holder
through the inert gas line, concurrently with the inert
.zp ;.S Q.S:WU¡ . 4 . Pb "';Sr.lA) .•
If the sealing arrangement of the holder outlet
connections is not equipped with lifting rods, the Figure 6-11
purging 01 these connections requires li1ting the piston
wit~ ~nert gas about one or two 1eet above the landing
After the holder and holder connections 01 the
M.A.N. type have been purged, the sealant seal tanks
and sealant risers should be purged by admitting inert
gas from the holder through the equalizer line and
One manhole on the holder crown or piston should
purging through the test cock plug on top of the seal
remain open until the purging operation begins. AII
tank. The outer annular which chamber receives the
other manholes should be closed.
sealant on the bottomóf awaterless holder also should
Sypassing of the inert gas wlthin the holder is
be purged at this time by rotating the peripheral sealant
indicated when samples of the purge gas from the test
samplers to bring their ends above the sealant in the
cocks other than at vent "S" show a higher oxygen
dam, opening the samplers to air, and throttling the
content than the purge gas from vent "B". (Figures 6-3,
piston vent to force inerts over the sealant dam wall to
displace gas and sealant vapors through the
Should it be necessary to suspend the purging
operation, all "A" and auxiliary vents should be closed,
and vent "S" should remain half open to prevent the
development of a vacuum within the holder caused by
shrinkage of the contents on cooling.
After the oil, if any, has been drained from the
When analyses of the purge gas samples from all
holder, and the gas pressure reduced to about 6" the
vents and test cocks show an oxygen content of less
valves on all tlammable gas tines to the holder should
than 5 percent by volume the air in the holder and
holder connections will have been displaced by inert
gas to a point of safety.
After the holder and holder connections have been
completely purged of air, and the holder (water-seal or
I waterless) inflated with inert gas to a height of about
I two feet with ;¡II ven1s closed, preparations should be
made to connect the flammable gas line to the holder.
HORTO,.¡I:iPHE:RE: The inert gas must be retained in the holder during
----1-1---··- this operati~n either by water sealing the holder drips,
or by keepmg the holder valves "O" closed If the
physical separation is similar to that shown in Figures
6-3,6-11. Stoppers and vents should then be installed
in the flammable gas lines, in order to isolate the
severed sections and permit necessary purging and the
installation of the flammable gas tine connections.
After the connections have been. completed, air is
Figure 6-9 purged from these sections, and the holder drips
pumped, if water sealed.

The inert gas should be displaced from the holder After the holder and connections of the M.A.N. type
and connections by admitting flammable gas through have been purged with inert gas, and before the inert
one holder valve "O" (Figures 6-3, 6-11), and allowing it gas has been displaced with flammable gas, the
to purge through vents "A" of a water-seal or waterless sealant circulating system should be placed in
holder (Figures 6-3, 6-7), or vents "B" of a pressure operation, and the proper sealant depth established in
holder (Figures 6-9, 6-11), until the purge gas samples the piston cupo The sealant tanks should be purged by
give salisfactory analyses. admitting inert gas from the holder through the
equalizer line and purging through the test cock plugs
WATER-SEAL HOLDER on top of the seal tanks.
The outer annular chamber for receiving the sealant
AII seclions of Ihe holder should be landed before on the bottom of a waterless holder should al so be
commencing purging. purged at this time by rotating the peripheral sealant
Several hours may be saved by closing up the lank samplers to bring their ends aboye the sealant dam,
overflows and raising the level of the water to the top of opening the samplers to air, and throttling the piston
Ihe lank, thus reducing Ihe volume 01 the air to be vent to fo~ce inerts over the sealant dam wall to
purged out. displace gas and sealant vapors through the samplers.
The holder and connections should then be purged After the flammable gas lines have been connected
with inert gas to a satisfactory end point, leaving the to the holder, the piston should be partly deflated, and
holder partially inflated. before it lands and while there is still some pressure on
After the flammable gas lines have been connected the piston, flammable gas should be admitted to purge
to the holder, the inner section should be partly out the balance of the inert gas in the holders and
deflated, and before it lands and while there is still connect ions.
some pressure on the crown, flammable gas should be
admitted to purge out the balance of the inert gas in the PRESSURE HOLDER
holder and connections.
The seal bonnel bypasses should be closed after the Afler the holder and connections have been purged
inert gas has been displaced with flammable gas. with inert gas, a positive pressure should be
maintained in the holder while the connections to the
flammable gas lines are being made.
After the flammable gas Unes have been connected
The piston should be landed before beginning the lo Ihe holder, the inert gas should be subslantially
purging operation. No purging should be done into the displaced with the flammable gas without building up
space aboye the piston. If the sealing arrangement of more than one pound per square inch pressure, purging
the holder oullet connections is not equipped with through the vents. The final operating pressure on the
lifting rods, the purging of these connections will holder should be built up gradually after purging out 01
require lifting the piston with the inert gas, about one the inert gas has been completed.
or two feet aboye the landing position.


The following procedure should be carelully blower or blowers, located outside and conven-
followed when a holder has been withdrawn from iently connected.
service for repairs or an inspection.
6.17a. GENERAL
(1) Admission of the inert gas may be suspended
(1) After a holder and co~nections have been upon completion of the purging of the holder
completely purged 01 flammable gas, the inert and holder connections as indicated by reaching
gas should be displaced with air, as sUbseQuent- a satisfactory end point. At that point ventilation
Iy described. openings should be made immediately in the
(2) Workers should not enter Ihe holder until anal- holder crown. This includes opening all man-
yses of samples of the contained almosphere, holes in the crown and removing the seal bonnet
withdrawn from several points in the holder, cover.
indicale that it has been thoroughly ventilated. (2) In addition, several openings, 15 to 35 sQuare feet
Applicable federal, state and local codes and in area, diametrically opposite, should be made
regulations should be followed. by removing the thinning crown plates near the
(3) While the holder contains air, frequent tests outer curb. An addltional opening should be
should be made to check the work area and other made at the center. These openings can be made
critical points for combustible gas or an inade- carefully by mechanical means, preferably with
Quate oxygen supply. This practice is particularly a powered ripping chisel. Prior to any personnel
important when the work to be done within the entering the holder, the inert gas should then be
holder involves welding or burning, in which case completely displaced by a ventilating blower
the holder must be kepl ventilated by means of a located outside of, and connected to the holder

by a sheet metal or canvas pipe. After the waler has been removed Irom the
(3) If the tank water is to be removed, it should be holder tank there may be tound a large accumula-
done so without delay at this time. Otherwise, an lion 01 sludge, composed ot rubbish and dirt
ample supply 01 air must be maintained in the together with tar and oil. This must be removed,
space under the crown by a ventilating blower. during which process air must be supplied to the
(4) While it is possible to make the intended inspec- men wOrking in the bottom 01 the tank trom a
t ion 01, or repairs to a holder after it has been ventilaling blower located outside the holder.
purged but with the water remaining in the tank,
it may be necessary or desirable to remove the 6.l7c. WATERLESS HOLDER
water. Even though great care is exercised in the
purging operation, the water' in many holder Upon completion 01 purging lor eilher the M.A.N.,
tanks has been found to contain an emulsion 01 Kloenne type, or Wiggins dry-seal type, the piston
volatile oils in suspension in the water below its should be landed and the inert gas displaced through
surface which cannot be completely removed. the vents, and ventilation ot the holder maintained by
This emulsion may rise to the surface 01 the air supplied by a large capacity ventilating blower
water after purging has been completed and located outside 01, and conveniently connected to the
liberate Ilammable gases or vapors or object- holder.
ionable odors, a condition which may be aggra-
vated at high atmospheric temperatures. 6.17d. PRESSURE HOLDER
(5) Depth samples 01 the water in the tank should be
taken Irom the interior belore proceeding with Alter the purging operation has been completed, the
inspection or repairs, and il the presence 01 an inert gas should be displaced through the vents with air
emulsion is disclosed, the tank water should be supplied by a ventilating blower ot sufficient capacity.


(FIGURE 6-13)

6.19a. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT facilitate subseQuent removal 01 Ihese bolts with

rolating fittings T-l, T-2, T-3, and T-4.
The lollowing schedules cover the purging, severing (7) Install rigging in preparation for handling and
and reconnecting operations lor the 5,000,000 cu. ti., rotating littings T-l, T-2, T-3, and T-4, 90° on
tive section holder No. 1 at the East 63rd SI. Holder drips 0-1, 0-2, 0-3, and 0-4 respective/y.
Station, New York City, in connection with the general (8) Prepare blank flanges BF-l, BF-2, BF-3, and
overhauling ot the holder. The inert gas was obtained BF-4 with a 2" plugged hole in each tor purging
from a Harrison purging machine (inert gas producer). purposes, blank flanges for bulls 01 T-l, T-2, and
The locations ot the various vents, gauges, valves, T-3 with a 3/.i" plugged hole in each for C02 con-
connections, etc. relerred to in the projected schedules neclons, and a blank t/ange tor bull of T-4 with a
are indicated in Figure 6-13. 6" inert gas connection.
(9) Install a 2112" val ved connection at M-l for the
6.19b. REMOVAL FROM FLAMMABLE GAS SERVICE inert gas machine fuel supply.
(10) Install a 6" holder vent at HV-9, and 2" auxiliary
PREPARATION holder vents at HV-l0, HV-ll, HV-12, and HV-'3,
also a U-gauge at G-5.
(1) Contact the System Operation Oepartment to
verify the outage date on the holder. SEVERING HOLDER CONNECTIONS
(2) Utilize portable skimmers to determine the pres-
ence 01, and to remove the oil on the surface 01 GENERAL
the tan k water.
(3)lnstall vents on valves A, B, C and O, and con- (1) Bring holder down to approximately 6 feet above
nections lor sealing these valves with water il landing.
lound necessary. (2) Close and lock val ves A, B, C, and D and seal
(4) Install 3/.i" C02 gas connections at V-', V-3, V-5, holder drips 0-', 0-2, 0-3, and 0-4 with water to
and V-7, 2" vents at V-2, V-4, V-6, and V-8, and a depth of 10 leet.
gauges at G-l, G-2, G-3, and G-4.
(5) Prepare syphon lor sealing holder drips 0-1, 0-2, HOLDER CONNECTIONS BETWEEN VALVE A ANO
0-3, and 0-4, to a depth ot 10 feet with water ORIP 0-1
from holder tank.
(6) In joints at bulls (side outlets) of T-l, T-2, T-3, (1) Open V-2 to relieve pressure, then close V-2 and
and T-4, and at FF-l, FF-2, FF-3, and FF-4, re- check G-l to determine whether or not valve A
place old bolts with new bolts consecutively to is tight. With no indicated buildup 01 pressure,

open V-2 and admit CO 2 at V-l, purging 0-1 of With no indicated buildup of pressure, open V-4
flammable gas through V-2. When a satisfactory and admit C02 at V-3, purging main and 0-2 of
purge gas sample analysis is obtained, shut off Ilammable gas through V-4. When a satislactory
C02, close V-2 and replace plug at V-l. purge gas sample analysis is obtained shut off
(2) Rotate fitting T-l 90" and install blank flange C02, close V-4, and replace plug at V-3.
BF-1 and blank flange on bull of T-1. (2) Rotate fitting T-2 90° and install blank Ilange
(3) Open V-2 and admlt C02 at %" connection in BF-2 and blank Ilange on bull 01 T-2.
blank flange on T-1, purging drip 0-1 of air (3) Open V-4 and admit C02 at %" connection in
through V-2. When alr is satisfactorlly purged out blank flange on T-2, purging drip 0-2 01 air
shut off C02, plug 3/4 'rClpening, and close V-2. through V-4. When air is satisfactorily purged out
(4) Unlock and crack open valve A and remove plug shut off C02, plug %" opening, and close V-4.
In BF-1 . When valve has been satisfactorily purg- (4) Remove 2" plug in BF-2, admit C02 at V-3 and
ed wlth flammable gas, replace plug in BF-1. purge main 01 air from V-3 to BF-2. When air has
been satisfactorily purged out, shut off C02, and
DRIP 0-2 (5) Unlock and crack open valve B, remove plug in
BF-2, and displace inerts in main with flammable
(1) Open V-4 to relieve pressure, then close V-4 and gas. When main has been satisfactorily purged of
check G-2 to determine whether valve B is tight. inerts, replace plug in BF-2 .

~".......,.......;""......."..(.'I 0-1.-2. -l,-4
'..+-_--t--rf - I.-2.-1,-4
FF-I,-Z.-3,-4 - - - - I r - - t



Figure 6·13-Water Seal Holder

HOLDER CONNECTION BETWEEN VALVE CANO (2) Make up the necessary 6" gas connection
DRIP D-3 between fitting T-4 and the outlet side of the inert
gas machine.
(1) Open V-6 to relieve pressure, then close V-6 and (3) Open all by pass valves at seal bonnets.
check G-3 to determine whether or not valve C (4) Open crown vent HV-9, bleed holder down to
is tight. With no indicated buildup o, pressure, purging position of 6" above landing, then close
open V-6 and admit C02 at V-5, purging main HV-9.
and D-3 of flammable gas through V-6. When a (5) Start up inert gas machine and when analysis
satisfactory purge gas sample analysis is ob- indicates a satisfactory quality, pump out drip
tained, shut off C02, close V-6, and replace plug D-4 and admit inert gas to the holder through T-4.
at V-5. (6) Open crown vents HV-9, HV-10, HV-11, HV-12,
(2) Rotate fitting T-3 90° and install blank flange and HV-13, and by regulating HV-9 maintain a
BF-3 and blank flange on bull of T-3. positive pressure at G-5 with the inner section not
(3) Open V-6 and admit C02 at :lA" connection in less than 6" above landing. When analyses of the
blank flange on T-3, purging drip D-3 of air purge gas samples from the crown vents indicale
through V-6. When air is satisfactorily purged out the holder contents are satisfactorily purged,
shut off C02, plug :lA" opening, and close V-6. close HV-9, HV-1 0, HV-11, HV-12, and HV-13.
(4) Remove 2" plug in BF-3, admit C02 at V-5 and (7) When the inner seetion is inflated approximately
purge main of air from V-5 to BF·3. When air has 2 feet above landing, shut off inert gas machine,
been satisfactorily purged out, shut off C02, and close and lock valve at M-1.
replace plugs in BF-3 and V-5. (8) Pump out drip D-3. Remove plug in blank flange
(5) Unlock and crack open valve C, remove plug in on T-3, open V-6, and purge out standpipe and
BF-3, and displace inerts in main with flammable drip through these openings using inerts from
gas. When main has been satisfactorily purged of holder. When satisfactory purge gas sample
inerts, replace plug in BF-3. analyses are obtained, replace plug at T-3 and
DRIP D-4 (9) Pump out drip D-2. Remove plug in blank flange
on T-2, open V-4, and purge out standpipe and
(1) Open V-8 to relieve pressure, then close V-8 and drip through these openings using inerts from
check G-4 to determine-whetheLvabte_D is tight. holder. When satisfactory purge gas analyses are
With no indicated buildup of pressure, open V-8 -obtained; replace plug-atT-2 and close V-4.
and admit C02 at V-7, purging main and 0-4 of (10) Pump out drip D-1. Remove plug in blank flange
flammable gas through V-8. When a satisfactory on T-1, open V-2, and purge out standpipe and
purge gas sample analysis is obtained shut off drip through these openings using inerts from
C02, close V-B, and replace plug at V-7. holder. When satisfactory purge gas analyses are
(2) Rotate fitting T-4 90° and install blank flange obtained, replace plug at T-1 and close V-2.
BF-4 and blank flange on bull of T-4. (11) Open HV-9, HV-10, HV-11, HV-12, and HV-13,
(3) Open V-8 and admit C02 through reducer in- and land the inner section by regulating HV-9.
stalled in 6" inert gas connection in blank flange (12) Open crown manhole and check for light oil.
on T-4, purging drip D-4 of air through V-8. When (13) Remove seal bonnet covers, and several crown
air is satisfactorily purged out shut off CO 2 , sheets at three equi-distant points on the crown.
close 6" inert gas connection; remove reducer (14) Remove two diametrically opposite plugs on the
and close V-8. outer section and purge out the grip by admitting
(4) Remove 2" plug in BF-4, admit C02 at V-7 and C02 through one opening and purging both ways
purge main of air from V-7 to BF-4. When air has around the grip to the opposite opening. When a
been satisfactorily purged out, shut off C02, and satisfactory purge gas sample is obtained, shut
replace plugs in BF-4 and V-7. off the C02' Repeat the procedure for the three
(5) Unlock and crack open valve D, remove plug in remaining grips.
BF-4, and displace inerts in main with flammable (15) Install connections from sufficient air blowers to
gas. When main has been satisfactorily purged of provide necessary ventilation within the holder.
inerts, replace plug in BF-4.
ANCE Remove all gauges, vents, connections, etc., and
Notify the system operation department that the plug all openings used in conjunction with the purging
holder is now physically disconnected from the gas of the holder and holder connections.
distribution system.
Chemist's Report "A" summarizes the various gas
(1) Conneet the inert gas machine to the fuel supply sample analyses made during the actual removal of the
at M-1. holder from flammable gas service.


Water-Seal Holder No. 1, East 63rd St. Station

Removal From Flammable Gas Service
Inert Gas Analyses (Average)-Harrison Inert Gas Generator Analysis
% ByVolume
Date Time CO. O 2 CO
3-29-44 11:05 A.M.-6:00 P.M. 14.6 1.2 0.0
3-30-44 8:05 A.M.·2:00 P.M. 14.8 1.0 0.0
Purge Gas Analyses:
Indicator COI
Date Time location Reading* % ByVolume

3-27-44 9:25 AM Valve B to Orip 0-2 3.3

2:10 PM Orip 0-2 85+
3:00 Valve B to BF-2 85+
3-28-44 8:50 AM Valve A to Orip 0-1 3.5
10:50 Valve C to Orip 0-3 2.0
11:20 Orip 0-1 85+
1:05 PM Valve Oto Orip 0-4 4.0
1:15 Orip 0-3 85+
1:40 Valve C to BF-3 85+
2:20 Orip 0-4 85+
3:00 Valve Oto BF-4 85+
3-29-44 6:00 PM Crown Vent 15+
3-30-44 11:05 AM CrownVent 10.4
12:45 PM Crown Vent 7.0
1:50 Crown Vent 4.9
2:00 Crown Vent 4.4
2:05 AII Crown Vents 4.0 - 4.5 Holder Purging Complete
2:20 Standpipe & Orip 0·3 4.3
2:35 Stand pipe & Orip 0·2 4.4
2:50 Standpipe & Orip 0·1 4.2
3:00 Several Crown Sheets Removed
3:30 No. 1 Grip 4.5
NO.2Grip 4.3
NO.3Grip 4.4
No.4Grip 4.2
3-31-44 8:45 AM AII Vents 0.0
NOTE: * - Tests made on samples containing 50% purge gas and 50% airo

6.19c. RETURNING HOlOERTO FLAMMABlE GAS (6) Install 3t&" C02 gas connections at V-1, V-3, V-5,
SERVICE and V-7, 2" vents at V-2, V-4, V-6, and V-B, and
PREPARATION U-gauges at G-1, G-2, G-3, and G-4.
(7) Prepare syphon for sealing holder drips 0-1, 0-2,
(1) Notify the System Operation Oepartment of the 0-3, and 0-4 with water from the holder tank.
approximate time and date that flammable gas (8) Prepare rigging, etc., to remove blank flanges
will be reQuired for the holder. BF-1, BF-2, BF-3, and BF-4, and blank flanges
(2) Install and leave in open position the holder vents from bulls 01 T-1, T-2, T-3, and T-4, also to rotate
HV-9, HV-10, HV-11 , HV-12 and HV-13, also fittings T-1, T-2, T-3, and T-4 back lO original
install U-gauge G-5. position.
(3) Check that the seal bonnet by pass valves are (9) Connect inert gas machine lO M-1, .and unlock
open. and open valve admitting flammable gas lo con-
(4) Replace all crown sheets previously removed, trol valve on Harrison machine. Make up Ihe
and all seal bonnet covers. necessary 6" inert gas connection between
(5) Install vents on valves A, B, e, and O, and con- fitting T -4 and the outlel side 01 the inert gas
nections for sealing these valves with water, if machine ..
found necessary. (10) Remove air blower connections lo holders.


Water-Seal Holder No. 1, East 63rd St. Station

Returning to Flammable Gas Service

Inert Gas Analyses (Average) - Harrison Inert Gas Generator

% ByVolume
Date Time CO, O. CO
8-10-44 8:20 A.M.' 3:00 P.M. 15.0 0.3 O_O
Orsat Analysis Combustible
% ByVolume Gas Indicator
Time Location 02 CO. (.) Reading Cl

8-10-44 11:40 A.M. Crown Vent 0.6

1:00 P.M. Crown Vent 8.7
1:30 Crown Vent 7.0
2:10 No. 1 Grip 85+
2:40 No.2Grip 85+
3:30 No.3Grip 85+
3:45 No.4Grip 85+
3:50 Crown Vent 4.6 - Holder Purging Complete.
3:55 Valve Oto BF-4 4.0
4:15 Standpipe & Orip 0-3 4.7
4:30 Standpipe & Orip 0-2 4.5
4:50 Standpipe & Orip 0-1 4.6 3.8
8-11-44 9:30A.M. Valve C to BF-3
10:50 Valve Oto Orip 0-4 85+
11:55 Valve C to Orip 0-3 85+
12:15 P.M. Valve B to BF-2 3.5
1:30 Valve Ato BF-1 4.0
3:20 Valve B to Orip 0·2 85+
6:15 Valve Ato Orip 0-1 85+

NOTE: (1) Tests made on samples containing 50% purge gas and 50% airo
(2) CO. in cylinders used as inert medium for these points.

PURGING HOLDER, STANOPIPES, ANO ORIPS torily purged of airo close vents HV-9. HV-10.
OFAIR HV-11. HV-12 and HV-13. Allow inner section to
inflate to 6 feet above landing, then shut down
inert gas machine, close and lock valve at M-l.
(1) Start up the inert gas machine, venting to atmos- and seal drip 0-4 with water to a depth of 10 feet.
phere and checking sample analyses until a satis- (5) Open V-6. remove plug in blank flange on T-3.
factory quality is indicated. and purge out air from standpipe and drip 0-3
(2) Replace manhole cover on holder crown and through these openings, using inerts from
close vents HV-9, HV-10, HV-11 , HV-12, and holder. When satisfactory purge gas analyses are
HV-13. obtained, clase V-6, replace plug in T-3. and seal
(3) Admit inert gas to holder through T-4 and inflate 0-3 with water to a depth of 10 feet.
inner section. Open HV-l0, HV-ll, HV-12, and (6) Open V-4, remove plug in blank flange on T-2,
HV-13, and regulate HV-9 to maintain the inner and purge out air from standpipe and drip 0-2
section 6" above landing with a positive pressure through these openings, using inerts from
at G-5. holder. When satisfactory purge gas analyses are
(4) When the analyses of samples from the crown obtained, clase V-4, replace plug in T-2. and seal
vents indicate the holder contents as satisfac- 0-2 with water to a depth of 10 feet.

(7) Open V-2, remove plug in blank flange on T-1, valve S is tight. With no indicated buildup of
and purge out air from standpipe and 0-1 through pressure, remove plug in BF-2 and admit C02 at
these openings, using inerts from holder. When V-3, purging main of flammable gas through
satisfactory purge gas analyses are obtained, BF-2. When a satisfactory purge gas analysis is
close V-2, replace plug in T-1, and seal 0-1 with obtained, shut off C02 and remove BF-2.
water to a depth of 10 feet. (3) Remove blank flange on bull of T-2, rotate fitting
(8) Remove two diametrically opposite plugs in the T-2 90· , and make up flanged joint between main
outer section and purge out the grip by admitting and T-2.
CO 2 through one plug opening and purging both (4) Open V-4 and admit C02 at V-3, purging main
ways around the grip to the opposite opening. and drip 0-2 of air through V-4. When a satisfac-
When a satisfactory purge gas sample is ob- tory purge gas sample analysis is obtained, shut
tained, shut off the C02' Repeat this procedure off C02, plug V-3, and close V-4.
for the three remaining grips.
DRIP 0-1

DRIP 0-4 (2) Remove plug in BF-1 to relieve pressure, replace
this plug, and check G-1 to determine whether
(1) Close and lock Valve D. valve A is tight. With no indicated buildup of
(2) Remove plug in BF-4 to relieve pressure, replace pressure, remove plug in BF-1 and admit C02 at
this plug and check G-4 to determine whether or V-1, purging holder side of valve of flammable
not valve O is tight. With no indicated build up of gas through SF-1. When a satisfactory purge gas
pressure, remove plug in BF-4 and admit C02 at analysis is obtained, shut off C02 and remove
V-7 purging main of flammable gas through BF-4. SF-1.
When a satisfactory purge gas sample analysis is (3) Remove blank flange on bull of T-1 , rotate fitting
obtained, shut off C02 and remove BF-4. T-1 90·, and make up flanged joint between valve
(3) Remove blank flange on bull T-4, rotate fitting AandT-1.
T-490° , and make up flanged joint between main (4) Open V-2 and admit C02 at V-1, purging valve
and T-4. and drip 0-1 of air through V-2. When a satisfac-
(4) Open V-8 and admit C02 at V-7, purging main tory purge gas sample analysis is obtained,
and drip D-4 of air through V-8. When a satisfac- shut off C02, plug V-1, and close V-2.
tory purge gas sample analysis is obtained, shut
off C02, plug V-3 and close V-8.
DRIP 0-3 (1) Unlock and crack open valve O, and pump out
drip 0-4.
(1) Close and lock valve C. (2) Open HV-10, HV-11 , HV-12, and HV-13, and
(2) Remove plug in BF-3 to relieve pressure, replace regulate HV-9 to maintain the purging position
this plug and check G-3 to determine whether of the inner section at 6" above landing.
valve C i6 tight. With no indicated buildup of (3) Unlock and crack open valve C, and pump out
pressure, remove plug in BF-3 and admit C02 at drip 0-3.
V-5, purging main of flammable gas through (4) Unlock and crack open valve S, and pump out
BF-3. When a satisfactory purge gas analysis is drip 0-2.
obtained, shut off C02 and remove BF-3. (5) Unlock and crack open valve A, and pump out
(3) Remove blank flange on bull of T-3, rotate fitting drip 0-1.
T-3 90", and make up flanged joint between main (6) When the analyses of the purge gas samples
and T-3. from the crown vents indicate that the holder and
(4) Open V-6 and admit C02 at V-5, purging main holder connections have been satisfactorily
and drip 0-3 of air through V-6. When a satisfac- purged, close HV-9, HV-10, HV-11 , HV-12, and
tory purge gas sample analysis is obtained, shut HV-13.
off C02, plug V-5, and close V-6. (7) Close all bypass valves at the seal bonnets.
(8) Notify the system operation department that the
HOLDER CONNECTION BETWEEN VALVE B ANO holder is physically connected to the gas distri-
DRIP 0-2 bution system and is ready for service.

(1) Close and lock valve B. REMOVAL OF PURGING ACCESSORIES, ETC.

(2) Remove plug in SF-2 to relieve pressure, replace
this plug and check G-2 to determine whether Remove all gauges, vents, connections, etc., and

plug all openings used in conjunction with the purging SUMMARYOFGASSAMPLEANALYSES
of the holder and holder connections.
Chemist's Report "B" summarizes the various gas
sample analyses made during the return of the holder
to flammable gas serviee.



6.21a. oESCRIPTION OF PROJECT (8) Prepare rigging tor removal and handling of
valves A, B, and C, also for installation of blank
The following schedules cover the purging, severing flanges BF-1, BF-2, BF-3, BF-4, BF-5, and BF-6.
and reconnecting operations tor the 7,000,000 eu. tt. (9) Provide 2" plugged holes for purging purposes
waterless holder No. 5 at the 45th Street Holder in BF-2, BF-4, and BF-6, a 6" inert gas con-
Station, New York City, in eonnection with general nection in BF-1, and a 3¡4" plugged hole in each
repairs made on the holder. The locations of the of BF-3 and BF-5 for C02 eonnections.
various vents, gauges, valves, connections, etc., (10) Install a 2Y2" valved connection at M-1 for the
referred to in the projected sehedules are indicated on inert gas machine fuel supply.
Figure6-15. (11) Draw up, by lifting rods, the seal caps suspended
below the pistan and over the holder connec-
(12) Install a 6" holder vent conneetion in piston at
PREPARATION HV-1, and bring connection through lowest man-
hole on shell to vent located outside of holder.
(1) Contact the System Operation oepartment to Also install a U-gauge, wlth connection in piston,
verify the outage date on the holder. at G-3, and four test cocks on pistan near the
(2) oeflate holder to a pOint where pistan deck is outer circumference spaced about 90° aparto
below lowest manhole on the shell. (13) Install water connection through piston and allow
(3) Close valves A, B, and C. water to enter on bottom of holder to determine
(4) Install vents on valves E and-F, and connections presence of, and to remove oil by floating off
lor sealing these valves with water if found nec- through lowest holder connection into drips.
essary. Remove oil, if any, and water from drip by means
(5) Provide 3/." plugged hales at V-1 and V-4 for C02 of drip pump.
gas connections, 2" vents at V-2, V-3, V-S, and
V-6, and gauges at G-1 and G-2. SEVERING HOLDER CONNECTIONS
(6) In joints at valves A, B, and C replace old bolts
with new bolts consecutively to facilitate sub- HOLDER CONNECTIONS BE1WEEN VALVE E ANO
sequent removal of these valves. DRIPS 0-1 ANO 0-2
(7) Provide water supply to seal holder drips 0-1,
0-2, and 0-3 with water.
U G '1
HV-I -
(1) Close and lock valve E, and seal holder drips 0-1

7,000,000 cu "T _TERl[SS HOLDER
/ ,,
/ I

, ' I
' 0 .1

Figure 6-15-Waterless Holder

and 0-2 with waterto a depth of 10 feet. NOTIFICATION OF COMPLETEO HOLDER SEVER-
(2) Open vent on valve E to relieve pressure, then ANCE
close vent and check G-l to determine whether
valve E is tight. With no indicated buildup 01 Notify the System Operation Oepartment that the
pressure, open V-2, V-3, and V-6, also valves holder is now physically disconnected from the gas
A and B, and admit C02 at V-l, purging mains distribution system.
and drips 0-1 and 0-2 of flammable gas through
vents V-2, V-3 and V-6. When satisfactory purge PURGING HOLDER, CONNECTIONS, ORIPS, ANO
gas sample analyses are obtained shut off C02, TARTANKS
close V-2, V-3, and V-6, and replace plug at V-1.
(3) Remove valves A and B and install blank flanges (1) Connect the inert gas machine (Harrison) to the
BF-l, BF-2, BF-3, and BF-4. fuel supply at M-l.
(4) Open V-3 and admit C02 at ~" connection in (2) Make up the necessary 6" gas connection
BF-3, purging drip 0-2 of air through V-3. When between BF-l and the outlet side of the inert gas
air is satisfactorily purged out, shut off C02, machine.
plug ~" opening, and close V-3. (3) Open holder vent HV-l, bleed piston down to
(5) Open V-6 and admit C02 through reducer in- purging position 01 6" above landing, then
stalled in 6" inert gas connection in BF-l. close HV-l.
purging drip 0-1 01 air through V-6. When air is (4) Start up inert gas machine and, when analysis
satisfactorily purged out, shut Off C02, close 6" indicates a satislactory quality, pump out holder
inert gas connection, remove reducer, and close inlet drip 0-1 and admit inert gas under piston
V-6. through BF-l .
(6) Remove 2" plugs in BF-2 and BF-4, open V-2, (5) Open holder vent HV-l, and by regulating this
admit C02 at V-l and purge main 01 air through vent maintain a positive pressure at G-5 with the
BF-2, BF-4, and V-2. When air has been satisfac- piston not less than 6" aboye landing. When
torily purged out, shut off C02, close V-2, and analyses of the purge gas samples trom the
replace plugs in BF-2, BF-4 and V-l. various test cocks and vent HV-l indicate the
(7) Unlock and crack open valve E, remove plugs in holder contents as satisfactorily purged, close
BF-2 and BF-4, and displace inerts in main with HV-l.
Ilammable gas. When main has been satisfac- (6) When the piston is intlated to about 2 teet above
torily purged 01 inerts, replace plugs in BF-2 and landing, shut off the inert gas machine, close
BF-4. and lock valve at M-l.
(7) Pump out drip 0-2. Remove plug in BF-3, open
HOLDER CONNECTION BETWEEN VALVE F ANO vent V-3, and purge out connection and drip
ORIP 0-3 through these openings, using inerts from
holder. When satisfactory purge gas sample
(1) Close and lock valve F, and seal holder drip 0-3 analyses are obtained, replace plug in BF-3 and
with water to a depth of 10 leet. close V-3.
(2) Open vent on valve F to relieve pressure, then (8) Pump out drip 0-3. Remove plug in BF-5, open
close vent and check G-2 to determine whether vent V-5, and purge out connection and drip
valve F is tight. With no indicated buildup of through these openings, using inerts trom
pressure, open V-5 and valve C, and admit C02 at holder. When satislactory purge gas sample
V-4, purging main and drip 0-301 flammable gas analyses are obtained, replace plug in BF-5 and
through V-5. When a satislactory purge gas close V-5.
sample analysis has been obtained, shut off (9) Close 6" tar line between holder and pump box
C02, close V-S, and replace plug at V-4. No. 1. With gas equalizer line open, remove 3"
(3) Remove valve C and install blank flanges BF-5 plug in top ot tar tank, and purge out tlammable
and BF-6. gas !rom tank through this 3" opening with inerts
(4) Open V-5 and admit C02 at ~" connection in from holder. Replace plug and open 6" tar tine
BF-5, purging drip 0-3 of air through V-5. When when purging has been completed. Repeat this
air is satisfactorily purged out, shut off C02, operation at each ot pump boxes Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5,
plug ~"opening, and close V-5. and 6 consecutively.
(5) Remove 2" plug in BF-6, admit C02 at V-4, and (10) Open HV-l, and land piston by regulating HV-l.
purge main of air through BF-6. When air has (11) Provide connections from sufficient air blowers
been satisfactorily purged out, shut off C02 and (heat killers) to displace the inerts and to main-
replace plugs in BF-6 and V-4. tain necessary ventilation within the holder.
(6) Unlock and crack open valve F, remove plug in
BF-6, and displace inerts in main with flammable REMOVAL OF PURGING ACCESSORIES, ETC.
gas. When main has been satislactorily purged 01
inerts, replace plug in BF-6. Remove all gauges, vents, connections, etc., and
plug all openings; used in conjuncton with the purging
of the holder, holder connections, and mains.

SUMMARY OF GAS SAMPLE ANALYSES (5) Provide water supply to seal holder drips 0-1,
0-2, and 0-3 with water.
Chemist's Report "C" summarizes the various gas (6) Prepare rigging for reinstallation of valves A, B,
sample analyses made during the actual removal of the and C, also for removal of blank flanges BF-1,
holder from flammable gas service. BF-2, BF-3, BF-4, BF-5, and BF-6.
(7) Connect inert gas machine to M-1, and unlock
6.21 c. RETURNING HOLDER TO FLAMMABLE GAS and open valve admitting flammable gas to
SERVICE control valve on Harrison machine. Make up the
6" inert gas connection between BF-1 and the
PREPARATION outlet side of the inert gas machine.
(8) Remove air blower connections to holder.
(1) Notity the System Operation Oepartment of the
approximate time and date that flammable gas PURGING HOLDER, CONNECTIONS, oRIPS, ANO
will be required tor the holder. TARTANKS OF AIR
(2) Install and leave in open position holder vent
HV-1, also install U-gauge at G-5, and tour test (1) Start up the ¡nert gas machine, venting to atmos-
cocks on piston near the outer circumference phere and checking sample analyses until a satis-
spaced about 90° aparto factory quality is indicated.
(3) Install vents on val ves . E and F, and connections (2) Clase holder vent HV-1, and admit inert gas
for sealing these valves with water, if found nec- under pistan through BF-1. Open and regulate
essary. HV-1 to maintain a positive pressure at G-3 and
(4) Install 2" vents at V-2, V-3, V-5, and V-6, and the pistan at a purging position of 6" above land-
gauges at G-1 and G-2. ing. When the analyses of the purge gas samples


Waterless Holder No. 5, West 45th Sto Station
Removal From Flammable Gas 5ervice
Inert Gas Analyses (Average) - Harrison Inert Gas Generator
Orsat Analysis
% ByVolume
Date Time COz O. CO
2·29-44 11:45A.M.-6:00 P.M. 14.3 1.0 0.0
3·1 -44 8:05 A.M.-4:00 P.M. 14.6 0.8 0.0

Purge Gas Analyses: Combustible

Gas Indicator COz '2)
Date Time Location Reading') % ByVolume'
2·28-44 10:45AM Valve Eto Orip 0-1 and Orip 0·2 3.1
1:30 PM orip 0·1 85+
2:15 Orip 0·2 85+
3:50 Valve Eto BF·2and BF-4 85+
2·29-44 10:00AM Valve Fto Orip 0·3 3.5
11:55 Orip 0·3 85+
1:50 PM Valve E to BF-6 85+
4:00 Pistan Vent 15+
3· 1-44 9:30AM Piston Vent 11.1
11:35 Pistan Vent 7.5
2:25PM Piston Vent 4.5
3:30 Pistan Vent and all Test Cocks 4.1 to 4.3 Holder Purging Complete
4:15 Connection and Drip 0-1 4.2
4:55 Connection and orip 0·2 4.3
5:35 Connection and orip 0·3 4.2
3· 2-44 8:40AM Piston Vent and all Test Cocks 4.3
10:45 TarTanks, Nos. 1-6 4.4

NOTE: (1) Test made on samples containing 50% purge gas and 50% airo
(2) CO, in cylinders used aS'inert medium for these points.

from the various test cocks and HV-1 indicate the completed, shut off C02, close V-2, and remove
holder contents as satisfactorily purged of air, BF-2 and BF-4.
close HV-1. (3) Remove BF-1 and BF-3, install valves A and B in
(3) Allow the piston to inflate to about 2 feet above position between main and drips 0-1 and 0-2
landing, then shut down the inert gas machine, respectively, and make up flanged joints.
close and lock valve al M-1, and seal drip 0-1 with (4) Check that valves A and B are open, open V-2, V-3
water to a depth of , O feet. and V-6, and admit C02 al V-1, purging main and
(4) Open V-3, remove plug in BF-3, and purge out air drips 0-1 and 0-2 of air through V-2, V-3, and
from connection and drip 0-2 through these V-6. When salisfactory purge gas sample anal-
openings, using inerts from holder. When satis- yses have been obtained, shul off CO 2 , plug V-1,
factory purge gas sample analyses are obtained, and close V-2, V-3, and v-s.
close V-3, replace plug in BF-3 and seal 0-2 with
water to a depth of 10 feet. OISPLACEMENT OF INERT GAS IN HOLDER ANO
(5) Open V-5, remove plug in BF-5, and purge out air HOLDER CONNECTlONS WITH FLAMMABLE GAS
'rom connection and drip 0-3 through these
openings using inerts from holder. When satis- HOLDER CONNECTION BETWEEN VALVE F ANO
'actory purge gas sample analyses are obtained, ORIP 0-3
close V-5, replace plug in BF-5 and seal 0-3 with
water to a depth o, 10 feet. (1) Unlock and crack open valve F.
(6) Close 6" tar line between holder and pump box (2) Open V-S, purging main and drip 0-3 of inerts
No. 1. With gas equalizer line open, remove 3" through V-S with flammable gas. When salis-
plug in top of tar tank and purge air out of tan k factorily purged, close V-S and valve F, also
through this 3" opening with inerts from holder. close and lock valve C.
Replace plug and open 6" tar line when purging
has been completed. Repeat this operation at HOLDER CONNECTIONS BETWEEN VALVE E ANO
each pump box Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, consecu- ORIPS 0-1 ANO 0-2
(1) Unlock and crack open valve E.
RECONNECTING HOLDER CONNECTIONS (2) Open V-3 and V-6, purging main and drips 0-2
and 0-1 of inerts through V-3 and V-6 with flam-
HOLDER CONNECTION BEJWEEN _VAL'I~Y ANO mable gas. When satisfactorily purged, close
DRIP 0-3 V-3, V-6, and valve E, also close and lock valves
Aand B.
(1) Close and lock valve F.
(2) Open vent on valve F to relieve pressure, then HOLDER ANO CONNECTIONS TO DRIPS 0-', 0-2,
close vent and check G-2 to determine whether ANO 0-3
valve F is tight. With no indicated buildup of
pressure, remove 2" plug in BF-6, admit C02 at (1) Open valve E, unlock and crack open valve A, and
V-4, and purge main of flammable gas through pump out drip 0-1.
BF-6. When purging operation has been satis- (2) Open holder vent HV-1, and regulate Ihis venl lO
factorily completed, shut off C02 and remove maintain the purging position of the piston at
BF-6. 6" above landing.
(3) Remove BF-5, install valve K in position between (3) Unlock and crack open valve B, and pump out
main and drip 0-3, andrnade up flanged joints. drip 0-2.
(4) Check that valve C is open, open V-S, and admit (4) Open valve F, unlock and crack open valve C,
C02 at V-4 purging main and drip 0-3 of air and pump out drip 0-3.
through V-S. When a satisfactory purge gas (5) When the analyses of the purge gas samples
sample analysis is obt~ined, shut off C02, plug from the various test cocks and vent HV-1 indi-
V-4, and close v-S. cate that the inerts in the holder and connections
have been satistactorily displaced by flammable
gas, close HV-1 .
(6) Inflate piston to about 2 teet above landing, then
DRIPS 0-1 ANO 0-2 close valves A, B, and C.
(7) Lower to normal position, by means of the lifting
(1) Close and lock valve E. rods, the seal caps suspended below the piston
(2) Open vent on valve E to relieve pressure, then and over the holder connections.
close vent and check G-l to determine whether (8) Close 6" tar line between holder and pump box
valve E is tight. With no indicated buildup of No. 1. With gas equalizer line open, remove 3"
pressure, remove 2" plugs in BF-2 and BF-4, plug in top of tar tank, and purge out tank
open V-2, admit C02 at V-' and purge main of through this 3" opening with flammable gas from
flammable gas through BF-2, BF-4, and V-2. holder. Replace plug and open 6" tar line when
When purging operation has been satisfactorily purging has been completed. Repeat this opera-

tion al each 01 pump boxes Nos. 2. 3, 4, 5, and 6 (10) Notity the System Operation Oepartment tha! the
consecutively. holder is physically connected to the gas distri-
(9) Remove HV-l connection, gauge G-3, and test bution system and is ready tor service.
cocks in piston, and plug all openings. Also
close manhole in side 01 holder shell.


Waterless Holder No. 5, West 45th St. Station
Returning To Flammable Gas Service

Inert Gas Analyses (Average) - Harrison Inert Gas Generator

% ByVolume
Date Time CO, O. CO
6-19-44 9:30 A.M.· 4:00 P.M. 13.8 0:6 0.0
6-20-44 8:15 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. 14.6 0.4 O_O

Purge Gas Analyses:

Orsat Analysis Combustible
% ByVolume Gas Indicator
Date Time Location O. CO. Readingv
6-19-44 1:30 P.M. Piston Vent 11.6
6-20-44 8:30A.M. Piston Vent 8.4
10:10 Piston Vent 7.6
12:20 P.M. Piston Vent 5.5
2:30 Piston Vent and all Test Cocks 3.2 - Holder Purging Comp_
3:45 Drip 0-2 3.2
6-21-44 9:45A.M. Orip 0-3 3.4
10:00 A.M. to
11:15A.M._ __lar Tanks, Nos. 1-6 3.2
12:50 P.M. Valve E to BF-2 and BF-4 3.5
1:05 Val ve F to BF-6 3.8
4:10 Valve E to Orip 0-1 and Orip 0-2 85 +
6-22-44 10:15A.M. Valve F to Drip 0-3 85 +
3:00 P.M. Holder deflated, flammable gas admitted, piston floating on line.

(l)Tests madeon samples contining 50% purge gas and 50% airo
(2)CO. in cylinders used as inert medium lor these points.


Remove all gauges, vents, connections, etc., and Chemist's Report "O" summarizes the various gas
plug all openings used in conjunction with the purging sample analyses made during the returning of the
of the holder and holder connections. holder to flammable gas service.



6.23a. OESCRIPTION OF PROJECT pounds per sq. in.) Hortonsphere, in connection with
The following schedules cover the purging, severing, repair work on the holder. The locations of the various
and reconnecting operations tor the 113,000 cU. tI. vents, gauges, valves, connections, etc., reterredlo in
actual physical volume (549,000 cU. tt. usable gas at 72 the projected schedules are indicated on Figure 6-17.


113,100 CU. FT., ACTUAL
200,000 cu.ft. VOLUME
(5.4~ 14- HjJ> TO HIGH PRESSURE 549,000 CU Ft
72 PSI


_VALVE 53 (Normolly

(Normolly Opon 500 GAL.
/-_ _ _......-J7"'~"---VALVE 54 (Normally Closad)

Figure 6-17 -Hortonsphere

6.23b. REMOVAL FROM FLAMMABLE GA5 5ERVICE (2) Make up connection between V-1 and the outlet
side of the inert gas machine.
PREPARATION (3) Close and lock valves 32 and 45.
(4) Check that valves 43 and 44, also drip val ves at
(1) Contact the 5ystem Operation Department to bottom of holder, are open.
verify the outage date on the holder. (5) Open valve 54, then crack open valve 53 to bleed
(2) Install 2" inert gas connection at V-1, 1112" vent at down high pressure gas in Hortonsphere to water
V-2 and gauge at G-1 . seal holder and low pressure system.
(3) In both joints of valve 43, replace old bolts with (6) When G-1 indicates that gas pressure in Horton-
new bolts consecutively to facilitate subsequent sphere is equivalent to water seal holder pressure
removal of these bolts when removing valve 43. (5.4" to 7.4" water) close and lock 8" valve 44.
(4) Install rigging, etc., in preparation for removal of (7) Open vent V-2 and relieve pressure in Horton-
valve43. sphere and holder connection. When G-1 indi-
(5) Prepare blank flange BF-1 for open end of 8" line cates zero pressure, close vent V-2 and check for
after removal of valve 43. buildup.
(6) Install 4" holder vent V-3 on top of Hortonsphere. (8) When no buildup of pressure is indicated, open
(7) Prepare to disconnect drip lines from bottom vents V-2 and V-3, also close drip valves at bot-
of holder. tom of Hortonsphere.
(8) Prepare to remove manhole covers MH-1 and (9) 5tart up inert gas machine and when analysis
MH-2 at top and bottom of holder, respectively. indicates a satisfactory quality, admit inert
(9) Provide air blower and connection for ventilation gas at V-1, purging Hortonsphere and holder con-
of holder after flammable gas has been purged nection of flammable gas from V-1 to vents V-2
out. and V-3. When a satisfactory purge gas sample is
(10) Provide a 2" valved connection at M-1 for the inert obtained, close V-1 and shut down inert gas
gas machine fuel supply. machine. Also close valve 43.
(10) Disconnect drip lines at bottom of holder, remove
PROCEDURE MH-1 and MH-2, and connect air blower dis-
charge to bottom. manhole opening.
(1) Connect the inert gas machine to the fuel supply (11) 5tart air blower and purge out inert gas in holder
at M-1. . with air through V-3 and top manhole opening.

(12) When holder has been satisfactorily ventilated, PROCEDURE
remove valve 43, install BF-1 on open end of 8" (1) Connect the inert gas machine to luel supply at
line and make up ioint tight. M-lo
(13) Start up inert gas machine and when analysis (2) Make up connection between V-1 and the outlet
indicates a satisfactory quality admit inert gas side of the inert gas machine.
at V-l, purging section of 8" line between BF-l (3) Close and lock valves 32 and 45.
and valve 44 of air from V-l to vent V-2. When (4) Check that valve 44 is open.
satisfactory purge gas analyses are obtained, (5) Open valve 54, then crack open valve 53 to bleed
close V-l and shut down inert gas machine, down high pressure gas in 8" line to water seal
also close and lock valve al M-l. holder and low pressure system.
(14) Remove inert gas connection and install vent at (6) When G-l indicates that gas pressure in line is
V-l, also close vent V-2. equivalent to water seal holder pressure (5.4" to
(15) Remove lock and crack open valve 44, admitting 7.4"), close and ! ock va!ve 44.
flammable gas and purging line of inert gas from (7) Open vent V-2 and relieve pressure in line. When
valve 44 to vent V-l. When a satisfactory gas G-l indicates zero pressure, clase vent V-2 and
sample is obtained, close vent V-l. check for buildup.
(16) Remove locks at valves 32 and 45.
(8) When no buildup of pressure is indicated, open
(17) Clase valves 53 and 54, and operate valves 32 and
vent V-2.
45 as directed by Gas Holder Operation Bureau. (9) Start up inert gas machine and, when analysis
(18) Notify the System Operation Department that the indicates a satisfactory quality, admit inert gas
holder is physically disconnected from the gas
at V-l, purging tine of flammable gas Irom V-l to
distribution system.
vent V-2. When satisfactory purge gas sample is
obtained at vent V-2, clase V-l and shut down
(10) Remove BF-1, reinstall and open valve 43, and
Remove gauge and vents, and plug all openings used make up ioints tight.
in connection with the purging 01 the holder and holder (11) Start up inert gas machine and when analysis
connection. indicates a satisfactory quality admit inert gas at
V-l, purging Hortonsphere and connecting line 01
air from V-l to vents V-2 and V-3. When satisfac-
6.23c. RETURNING HOLDER TO FLAMMABLE GAS tory purge gas analyses are obtained, close V-l
SERVICE and shut down inert gas machine. Also close and
lock valve at M-l.
(12) Close vent V-2.
PREPARATION (13) Open drip val ves at bottom of holder, and check
that drip oil removal valve at drip tank is closed.
(1) Notily the System Operation Department of the (14) Remove lock and crack open valve 44 admitting
approximate time and date that flammable gas f1ammable gas and purging connecting tine and
will be required for the holder. Hortonsphere of inert gas from valve 44 to vent
(2) Install 2" inert gas connection at V-l, 1 V2" vent V-3. When a satisfactory purge gas sample is ob-
at V-2, and gauge at G-1 . tained, close vent V-3.
(3) Install rigging, etc., in preparation for reinstalla- (15) Remove locks at valves 32 and 45.
tion of valve 43. (16) Close valves 53 and 54, and operate valves 32 and
(4) Prepare to remove blank flange BF-l. 45 as directed by gas holder operations bureau.
(5) Install and leave in open position 4" holder vent (17) Notify the System Operation Department that the
V-3 on top of Hortonsphere. holder is physically connected to thegas distri-
(6) Remove air blower connection to holder. bution system and is ready for service.
(7) Reinstall manhole covers MH-l and MH-2 at top REMOVAL OF PURGING ACCESSORIES, ETC.
and bottom of holder, res pective Iy , and make up
ioints tight. Remove gauge, vents, inert gas connection, etc.,
(8) Reconnect drip lines and check that drip valves and plug all openings used in connection with the
are closed at bottom of holder. purging 01 the holder and holder connections.


(FIGURE 6-19)

6.25a. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT holder in connection with repair work on the holder.
The locations of the various vents, gauges, valves,
The following schedules cover the purging, severing connections, etc., referred to in the projected
and reconnecting operations for a typical Wiggins schedules are indicated on Figure 6-19.

Caution: Steam should not be used for any phase of (6) Prepare rigging for removal and handling of SPOOI
purging in connection with a Wiggins holder because pieces SP-1 and SP-2, also for installation of
of the possibility of damaging the diaphragms. blank flanges BF-1, BF-2, BF-3, and BF-4.
(7) Provide a 3/." plugged hole in each 01 BF-2 and
6.25b. REMOVAL FROM FLAMMABLE GAS SEAVICE BF-4 lor C02 connections.
(8) Prepare to block open volume control valve at
PREPARATION V-5 to serve as a vent. Also check that permanent
vent connection V-6 is clear.
(1) Contact the System Operation Oepartment to (9) Install water connection W-l through manhole at
verify the outage date on the holder. bottom of shell and allow water to enter on bot-
(2) Install vents on valves A and B, and connections tom of holder to determine presence al, and to
for sealing these valves with water if found nec- remove oil by floating off through candensate
essary. drain C.
(3) Provide ~" plugged holes at V-l and V-3 for C02 (10) Alter water has been removed from holder
gas connections, 2" vents at V-2 and V-4, and through condensate drain, close and lock valve C
gauges at G-1, G-2, and G-3. in line from drain box, and provide an inert gas
(4) In joints at spool pieces SP-1 and SP-2, lacated connection to this valve.
between valves A and B, and holder drips 0-1 and (11) Provide for a continuous supply of satisfactory
0-2 respectively, replace old bolts with new bolts quality inert gas to valve C from Harrison Inert
consecutively to facilitate subsequent removal of Gas Generator or other available source. If Har-
these spool pieces. rison generator is used, instal! a 2" valved con-
(5) Provide water supply to seal holder drips 0-1 and nection at M-l for fuel supply.
0-2 with water. (12) oeflate holder to a point where piston is approxi-
mately 1 foot above landing.
~ .E1.8~MNf NT

n:'l [SCQPlNG QUTER SEA:, ~"


. I
E.!.illlli.. /

/ /
8F - 2

., I

~ "A"

SEVERING HOLDER CONNECTIONS check G-1 to determine whether or not valve A is

tight. With no indicated buildup 01 pressure,
HOLDER CONNECTlON BETWEEN VALVE A ANO open V-2 and admit C02 at V-1, purging spool
oRIP 0-1 piece SP-1 and drip 0-1 01 flammable gas through
V-2. When a satislactory purge gas sample anal-
(1) Close and lock valve A, and seal holder drip 0-1 ysis is obtained, shut off and disconnect C02
with water. supply at V-1,
(2) Open V-2 to relieve pressure, then close V-2 and

(3) Remove SP-1, also install blank flange BF-l on C and shut down source of inert gas supply. II
valve A and BF-2 on 0-1. Harrison machine is used, close and lock fuel
(4) Admit C02 at l¡4" connection in BF-2, purging supply valve at M-l.
0-1 01 air through V-2. When air is satisfactorily (7) Pump out drip 0-1, open vent V-2 and purge out
purged out, shut off C02' plug lA." opening and connection and drip through V-2, using inerts
close V-2. Irom holder. When satisfactory purge gas sample
(5) Unlockand crack open valve A. Also open valve analysis is obtained, close V-2.
vento When valve has been satisfactorily purged (8) Pump out drip 0-2, open vent V-4, and purge out
with flammable gas close valve vent. connection and drip through V-4, using inerts
Irom holder. When satisfactory purge gas sample
HOLDER CONNECTION BETWEEN VALVE B ANO analysis is obtained, open vents V-2, V-5, and V-6
ORIP 0-2 and land piston.
(9) Provide connections Irom sufficient air blowers
(1) Close and lock valve B, and seal holder drip 0-2 to displace the inerts and to maintain necessary
with water. ventilation within the holder.
(2) Open V-4 to relieve pressure, then close V-4 and
check G-2 to determine whether or not valve B REMOVAL OF PURGING ACCESSORIES, ETC.
is tight. With no indicated buildup of pressure,
open V-4 and admit C02 at V-3, purging spool Remove all gauges, vents, etc .. and plug all
piece SP-2 and drip 0-201 f1ammable gas through openings used in connection with the purging 01 the
V-4. When a satisfactory purge gas sample anal- holder and holder connections.
ysis is obtained, shut off and disconnect CO 2 at
(3) Remove SP-2, al so install blank f1ange BF-3 on SERVICE
valve B and BF-4 on 0-2.
(4) Admit C02 at l¡." connection in BF-4, purging PREPARATlON
0-2 of air through V-4. When air is satisfactorily
purged out, shut off C02' plug 3/." openings, (1) Notify the System Operation oepartment al the
and close V-4. approximate time and date that f1ammable gas
(5) Unlock and crack open valve B, also open valve will be required lor the holder.
vent. When valve has been satislactorily purged (2) Install vents on valves A and B, and connections
with Ilammable gas, close valve vent. lor sealing these val ves with water, il lound
NOTlFICATION OF COMPLETEO HOLDER SEVER- (3) Install2" vents at V-2 and V-4, and gauges at G-l,
ANCES G-2, and G-3.
(4) Provide water supply to seal holder drips 0-1 and
Notify the System Operation Oepartment that the 0-2 with water.
holder is now physically disconnected from the gas (5) Provide rigging lor removal 01 blank flanges
distribution system. BF-l, BF-2, BF-3, and BF-4, also lar reinstalla-
tion 01 spool pieces SP-1 and SP-2.
PURGING HOLDER, CONNECTIONS, ANO oRIPS (6) Prepare to block open volume control val ve at V-5
to serve as a vent.
(1) II the Harrison Inert Gas Generator is used, con- (7) Provide lor a continuous supply 01 satislactory
nect machine to luel supply at M-l. quality inert gas to valve C Irom Harrison genera-
(2) Make up the necessary connection between valve tor or other available source. If Harrison genera-
C and source 01 inert gas, and provide inert gas tor is used, install a 2" valved connection to M-l
up to this valve. lor luel supply.
(3) Open vent V-6, bleed out Ilammable gas until (8) Remove air blower connections to holder and
G-3 indicates substantially zero pressure in close up manhole openings in piston and shell.
holder, then close V-6.
(4) Unlock and open valve C, and admit satislactory PURGING HOLDER, CONNECTIONS ANO oRIPS
quality inert gas Irom Harrison machine or other OFAIR
available source into holder.
(5) When holder seals are inflated and piston is (1) JI the Harrison machine is used. connect machine
raised approximately 1 loot, shut off inerts, open to luel supply at M-l.
vents V-5 and V..fJ until G-3 indicates zero pres- (2) Make up the necessary connection between valve
sure. Regulate vents V-5 and V-6 to again raise C and source 01 inert gas. and provide inert gas
piston, and repeat process until analyses 01 the up to this valve.
purge gas samples from the vents indicate the (3) Close vents V-2. V-4, V-5, and V-6.
holder contents as satisfactorily purged. (4) Unlock and open valve C. and admit satislactory
(6) Close vents V-5 and V-6, and, when piston is' quality inert gas Irom Harrison machine or other
inflated to about 2 feet above landing, close valve available source into holder.

(5) When holder seals are intlated and piston is (4) Open vent V-4 and admit C02 at V-3, purging
raised approximately 1 foot, open vents V-S and SP-2 and D-2 of air through V-4. When a satisfac-
V-6 until G-3 indicates zero pressure. Regulate tory purge gas sample analysis is obtained, close
vents V-5 and V-6 to again raise piston, and re- V-4, also shut off and disconnect C02 supply at
peat process until analysis of the purge gas V-3.
samples from the vents indicate the holder con-
tents as satisfactorily purged of airo DISPLACEMENT OF INEAT GAS IN HOLDER AND
(6) Close vents V-5 and V-6, and when piston is HOLDER CONNECTlONS WITH FLAMMABLE GAS
intlated to about 2 feet above landing close and
lock valve C and shut down source of inert gas HOLDER CONNECTION BETWEEN VALVE A AND
supply. Also, remove inert gas connection and DRIP D-1
restare drain connection to valve C. If Harrison
generator is used, close and lock ftlel supply (1) Unlock and crack open valve A.
valve at M-1. (2) Open V-2, purging SP-1 and D-1 of inerts through
(7) Open vent V-2 and purge out connection and V-2, with tlammable gas. When satisfactorily
drip D-1, using inerts from holder. When satisfac- purged, closeV-2, also close and lock valve A.
tory purge gas sample analysis is obtained close
V-2 and seal drip D-1 with water. HOLDER CONNECTION BETWEEN VALVE B AND
(8) Open vent V·4 and purge out connection and DRIP 0-2
drip D-2, using inerts from holder. When satis-
factory purge gas sample analysis is obtained (1) Unlock and crack open valve B.
close V-4, and seal drip D-2 with water. (2) Open V-4, purging SP-2 and D-2 of inerts through
V-4 with flammable gas. When satislactorily
purged, close V-4, also clase and lock valve B.
DRIP D-1 (1) Unlock and crack open valve A, and pump out
(1) Close and lock valve A. (2) Open vents V-5 and V-6, and regulate these vents
(2) Open valve vent to relieve pressue in valve A, then to maintain the purging position of the piston at
close vent, check with gauge to determine 6" above landing.
whether or nol valve is tight. With no indicated (3) Unlock and crack open valve B, and pump out
buildup of pressure, remove BF-1. 0-2.
(3) Remove BF-2, install spool piece SP-l between (4) When analyses 01 the purge gas samples from
valve A and D-1, and make up tlanged joints. V-S and V-6 indicate that the inerts in the holder
(4) Open vent V-2 and admit C02 at V-l, purging and connections have been satislactorily dis-
SP-1 and D-1 of air through V-2. When a satisfac- placed by flammable gas, clase V-5 and V-6.
tory purge gas sample analysis is obtained clase (5) Intlate pistan to about 2 feet above landing, then
V-2, also shut off and disconnect C02 supply at clase valves A and B.
V-1. (6) Remove lock at valve C, also remove G-3 and
water connection in manhole at bottom of shell,
DRIP 0-2 (7) Notify the System Operation Department that the
holder is physically connected to the gas distri-
(1) Close and lock valve B. bution system, and is ready for seNice.
(2) Open valve vent to relieve pressure in valve B,
then close vent and check with gauge to deter- REMOVAL OF PURGING ACCESSORIES, ETC.
mine whether or not valve is tight. With no indi-
cated build up of pressure, remove BF-3. Remove all gauges, vents, connectons, etc., and
(3) Remove BF-4, install spool piece SP-2 belween plug all openings used in conjunction with the purging
valve B and D-2, and make up tlanged joints. of the holder and holder connections.


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