Video Transcript: My HSBC Graduate Experience in Global Banking and Markets

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Video transcript

My HSBC graduate experience in Global Banking and Markets

Darcy – studied Mathematics

Elen – studied Economics
Skand – studied Engineering

Darcy: So much goes on inside HSBC. I’m 100 per cent sure that I could make my career just
in this one bank and never do the same job twice. I actually still sort of can’t believe that I’m

Elen: Global Banking and Markets is fantastic because you get the opportunity to work with
the largest clients, the huge global players that everyone knows of.

Skand: Banks, insurance companies, sometimes hedge funds. We help clients to work and
manage the exposure to financial markets.

Darcy: You get to talk to the CEOs and you get to see their passion in their business and help
them on their growth journey.

Elen: Before you begin on the desk, you do classroom work, learning, accounting skills and
how to build models.

Darcy: And then you start. Day one. In you come.

Skand: At the beginning of each rotation, you have a say on what you want to do and where
you want to work.

Darcy: People always comment on it, that the grads are so lucky that they’ve had the
opportunity to try out all the different areas.

Skand: Being such a global bank helps all the people working for the bank to think as a global
player. You have global requirements, at the same time you have global opportunities.

Darcy: In two years, I’ve worked in London, Hyderabad in India and I’ve just come back from
New York. The international opportunities are incredible.

Elen: In Global Banking and Markets, there are 600 people that sit on one floor. The most
senior people to the junior analysts. There’s no barriers, people are very open with their time.

Skand: Pressing the button “submit” was the best decision of my life because it opened a lot
of doors and it allowed me to explore what I was interested in.

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