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A Research Proposal


I. Background of The Study

Language is one of the most important things in communication and it

used as a tool of communication among the nations in all over the world. The

purpose of communication is to send a massage from the writer or speaker to

reader or listener. The fact that the human is social mankid, they cannot survive

without interacting to another peoples. Language was born to start their own way

to interect.

English is one of International language. As an international language

English is very important and has many interrelationship with various aspects of

life owned by human being. In Indonesia, English consudered as the first foreign

language and taught formally from elementary school up to the university.

English has four basic skills, they are listening, speaking, reading and

writing. In this section writer focuses on writing skill. Writing is one of producted

language skill. Writing is one of the language skill that be taught besides the other

skills. Myklebust (1960:7) writing is composed of succesful development in three

other language modes, deriving its focus on aural, oral, and visual receptive

components. Writing is regarded as a productive skill it aims at assisting students

in expressing their idea.

Writing make the students are supposed to be able to express their ideas,

feeling through writing form. There are many ways to express writing and one of

them is a text. The text has some types; they are report, analytical exposition,

hortatory exposition, narrative, procedure, recount, recount, spoof, anecdote,

discussion, explanation, news item. One kind of the text is recount text. Recount

text is a text which tells about something that happened in the past. The details in

a recount can include what happened, who was involved, where it took place,

when it happened and why it occurred. Its purpose or goal is to entertain or inform

about the past activity to the reader or listener. The generic structure of Recount

text are orientation, events and re-orientation. Orientation introduces setting and

participants. Events tell what happened in sequences.

Based on finding on the field, the ability to write English generally still

weak among student because there are some problems when giving the writing

items to students, especially in recount text. The first problem, the student is not

comprehensible in writing recount text, because the ideas are not clearly stated

and sentences are not organized well. The second problem is there are many errors

in grammar, sentence pattern, vocabulary still less and confuse in determining

generic structure of the text. Therefore, many students are good in writing recount

text in Indonesian language because Indonesian language is their first language

but not in English. They still have confuse and difficult to arranging words in the

text and selection suitable words.

From this problem, the teacher needs a way to fix and improve students’

ability in writing recount text. One of the alternatives is applying Interactive

writing strategy. Interactive writing strategy involves the student in a thought

process that is converted to writing. By discussing what they will write, and when

and why conventions of writing are used. It means the students will encouraged to

write recount text with using Interactive writing strategy.

Based on the explanation above, the writer interested to conduct a research

entitled “Interactive writing strategy in students’ writing recount text”.

II. Literary Review

The writer would like to describe some theories related to the study. The

theories focus on writing, understanding of recount text and understanding of

Interactive writing strategy.

a. Writing

Writing is one of the four language skills. Writing is perhaps the most

demanding skill of English. It has to be deliberately cultivated. Unlike listening

and speaking, it is not something which is natural to human. It is the skill which

has been developed in civilized society to past on knowledge or messages beyond

constrains of here and now.

Harmer (2004 : b.86) states that writing is a process and what we write is

often heavily influenced by constraints of genres, then these elements have to be

present in learning activities. Boardman (2002 : 11) states that writing is a

continuous process of thinking and organizing, rethinking, and reorganizing.

Writing is a powerful tool to organize overwhelming events and make them

manageable. Writing is really a form of thinking using the written word.

Writing is discovery process, it involves discovering ideals, discovering

how to organize them and discovering what that you want to put ever to your

reader. So a lot of what a writer does a writer doesn’t actually appear on the page.

b. Recount Text

According to Anderson &Anderson (1997: 48) a recount is speaking or writing

about past events or a piece of text that retells past events, usually in the order which they

happened. There for the experience of the readers themselves, such as their adventure and

their day’s activities.

c. Interactive writing

According to Pinnel & McCarrier (1994), Interactive writing is a form of

shared writing or language experience lesson in which the teacher and students

compose a story or text and share the pen in writing the word down on a chart or

writing paper. The student are supported in using conventional spelling,

capitalization, and punctuation. They are encouraged to write the parts of the text

they are able to write. The teacher supplies the nonphonetic parts of wordas a

support the students’ decision making as they practice writing with conventional

spelling and mechanics.

III. Research Question

The writer stated the problems to be researched through the question as


1. How does Interactive writing strategy help the students compose

writing recount text at ten grades students of SMA Tunas Persada

Malangbong – Malangbong?

2. How do the students’ response toward Interactive writing strategy at

ten grades students of SMA Tunas Persada Malangbong –


IV. Purpose of The Study

According to problems above, this research is aimed at:

1. To know how does Interactive writing strategy help students’ ability in

writing recount text at ten grades students of SMA Tunas Persada

Malangbong – Malangbong.

2. To find out the students’ responses toward Interactive writing strategy

at ten grades students of SMA Tunas Persada Malangbong –


V. Significance of The Study

The significance of the study is a follows:

1. To the teachers, the result of this research is expected to give a description

about the influence of implementing using Interactive writing strategy for

teaching English writing.

2. To the students, the result of this research is expected to improve their

writing ability.

3. To the other writers, the result of this research will might be used as one of

references in doing another research in teaching English.

VI. Methodology

a. Research Design

The research will employ qualitative research design embracing the

characteristic of case study. According to Creswell (2012:6), “Qualitative research

is best suited to address a research problem in which you do not know the

variables and need to explore. The literature might yield little information about

the phenomenon of study, and you need to learn more from participants through


b. Research Site and Participants

The research is carried out at ten grades of Senior High School at SMA

Tunas Persada Malangbong – Malangbong. The writer only takes one class of X-

MIA consisting 30 students.

c. Data Collection

In this study, the data will be obtained from several sources and the

methods of data collection are students’ text, interviews and questionnaires.

d. Data Analysis

In qualitative research typically we gather a text database, so the data

analysis of text consists of dividing it into groups of sentences, and the result of

data analysis not statistic but a description of individual people or places

(Creswell, 2012:18). The data will be analysis from students’ recount text as the

result of students when they got learning process use Interactive writing strategy.

The analysis also gathers from interview and questionnaires.

VII. Organization of paper

In organizing the research writing, the writer may organize this paper into

five chapters that contain:

Chapter I – Introduction

Chapter I Introduction consists of the background of study, literature review,

research questions, purposes of the study, the significance of the study,

methodology of the research (research design, research site and participants, data

collection and data analysis) and organization of paper.

Chapter II – Review of Related Literature

Chapter II Review of Related Literature consists of writing (the definition of

writing, the writing process, the importance of writing and the problem of

writing), recount text (the definition of recount text, the feature of recount text,

and the example of recount text) and interactive writing strategy (the definition of

interactive writing strategy, and the application of interactive writing strategy).

Chapter III – Methodology of Research

Chapter III Methodology of Research includes of the objective of the research, the

time and place of the research, the research methodology, the population and

sample, the instrument of the research, the technique of data collecting, the

technique of analyzing data.

Chapter IV Research Finding and Discussion

Chapter IV Research Finding and Discussion includes of the result of test, data

analysis and interpretation, and discussion of the study

Chapter V Conclusion and Suggestions

Chapter V consists of conclusion and suggestion.


Anderson, M. and Anderson, K. 2003.Text Types in English 2. South Yarra:

Macmillan Education Australia

Ann Hogue. 1999. Writing Academic English, Volume 1 Longman academic

writing series. Longman Boardman, Cynthia A. and Jia Frydenberg. 2002.
Writing to Communicate: Paragraphs and Essays 2nd Edition. White
Plains. Pearson Education. Inc

Creswell, John W. 2012. Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and

Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. (4th Ed). Boston :
Pearson Educations Inc

Harmer, Jeremy. 2004.How to Teach Writing. Harlow: Pearson Education

Lexy J. Moleong. 2010. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, Bandung : PT Remaja

Myklebust, H. 1960. The psychology of deafness: Sensory deprivation,
learning and adjustment (Second edition in 1964 ed.). New York, NY:
Grune and Stratton, Inc.

Pinnell, G., and McCarrier, A. (1994) Interactive writing : A transition tool for
assisting children in Learning to read and write. In E. Hiebert and B.
Taylor (Eds), getting reading right from the start: effective early literacy
intervanions (pp. 149-170). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

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