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OF SCHOOL YEAR 2018-2019

MARCH 2019

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative
Schools Division of Benguet
La Trinidad District

La Trinidad National High School

Lubas, La Trinidad, Benguet

Junior High School

This researched here to attached, entitled PERCEPTION OF GRADE 10 STUDENTS AT LA

prepared and submitted by FROILYN V. BALIWAWA, JONES P. KELLY, KOBE CLARK C.
KIWANG, AINAH MAE B. VIERNES, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subjects
English 10 and Mathematics 10, is hereby accepted.


English Teacher Mathematics Teacher
Date Signed: ________ Date Signed: ________

Accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subjects English 10 and Mathematics
10 under the Junior High School Curriculum.


Head Teacher III School Principal II
Date Signed: ________ Date Signed: ________


The authors are very grateful to GOD ALMIGHTY for without his graces and blessings,
this study would not have been possible.
Immeasurable appreciation and deepest gratitude for the help and support are extended to
the following persons who in one way or another have contributed in making this study possible.
Sir Augustin Dao-anis, English teacher of La Trinidad National High School, for his great
assistance and valuable comments in the completion of this study.
Sir Arthur Ian Shontogan, Mathematics teacher of La Trinidad National High School, for his
continuous teaching us in solving the Mean, Median and Mode which contributed to the success
of this study.
To our parents who keep on supporting us in our study and keep on delivering us to do our
best in this research.
To our classmates and friends for their moral and inspirational words that encourages us to
finish our study.
To the students of LTNHS, specially to the respondents, for being cooperative in answering
the questionnaire.
Special thanks to Constancia Jane D. Cadias, Head Teacher III, and Flora D. Tubal,
School Principal II, for the constructive comments and for approving of this study.
Without their assistance, inspirational and encouraging words and helping hands, the
researchers would have not finished the study.

And once again, Thank you to all of you.







B VIERNES, March 2019. Perception of Grade 10 Students at La Trinidad National High School
on the Importance of Photography. La Trinidad National High School, Lubas, La Trinidad,

Adviser: Agustin Dao-anis, English Teacher, and Arthur Ian Shontogan, Math Teacher

This study was conducted to find out the perception of Grade 10 Students of La Trinidad
National High School on the importance of photography during the fourth quarter, school year

Purposely it seeks to answer what is the perception of male Grade 10 students at La

Trinidad National High School on the importance of photography. Also it focused on what is the
perception of female Grade 10 students of La Trinidad National High School on the importance
of photography.

The data gathered were statistically used analyzed using Mean, Median, Mode. A survey
questionnaire with four-likert scale was used for the qualitative interpretation of the perception of
Grade 10 student on the importance of photography.

The salient findings in the study are the following: 1.) Male Grade 10 students at La
Trinidad National High School perceive that the importance of photography is very important
with the highest percentage of 18; 2.) Female Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High
School perceive that the importance of photography is very important with the highest
percentage of 30; 3.) Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School perceive that
photography is very important.

Based on the findings, the succeeding recommendations are offered: 1.) Photography is
recommended to make of Grade 10 students of La Trinidad National High School because it can
improve their skills and knowledge in doing photography High Schools should include
photography on their curriculum for male Grade 10 students; 2.) Photography is recommended to
female Grade 10 students of La Trinidad National High School because it will help them when

they will go to Senior High. High Schools should provide photography lessons for female Grade
10 students; 3.) Photography is recommended to Grade 10 students of La Trinidad National High
School because they can encourage others to keep creating and to look closer. High Schools
should provide photography lessons to all Grade 10 students.


Title Page

Title Page............................................................................................................................. i
Approval Sheet.................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgement.............................................................................................................. iii
Abstract............................................................................................................................... iv-v
Table of Contents................................................................................................................ vi
List of Tables....................................................................................................................... viii
List of Figures...................................................................................................................... ix
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ x
Background of study……………………………………………………………….. x-xi
Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………….. xii
Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………………...
Hypothesis of the study…………………………………………………………….. xiii

REVIEW OF LITERATURE............................................................................................. xiv

METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................................. xv
Research Design……………………………………………………………………. xv
Population and local of study……………………………………………………….
Data Collection Procedure………………………………………………………….. xv
Treatment of Data………………………………………………………………….. xv
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION......................................................................................... xvi
Perception of Male Grade 10 Students
at La Trinidad National High
School on the Importance
of Photography…………………………………………………………………..
Perception of Male Grade 10 Students
at La Trinidad National High
School on the Importance
of Photography…………………………………………………………………. xvii
Perception of Male Grade 10 Students
at La Trinidad National High

School on the Importance
of Photography
Findings…………………………………………………………………………….. xix
Recommendations………………………………………………………………….. xiv-
Literature Cited.................................................................................................................... xxi
Appendices.......................................................................................................................... xxii
Letter of Respondents……………………………………………………………… xxii
Survey Questionnaire……………………………………………………………….
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH.............................................................................................. xxiv-


Title. Page

Perception of Male Grade 10 Students

at La Trinidad National High School
on the importance
of Photography .....................................................................................................

Perception of Female Grade 10 Students

at La Trinidad National High School
on the importance
of Photography ...................................................................................................

Perception of Grade 10 Students

at La Trinidad National High School
on the importance
of Photography .................................................................................................


Title. Page

Paradigm of Study .....................................................................................


This chapter discusses the rationale and theories of the study conducted. It also includes the
paradigm of the study, the statement of the problem and hypothesis of the study.

Background Of The Study

Photography as a medium is less than 200 years old. This is a practice of producing images
by the action of light, or related radiation, on a sensitive material or surface. Photography was
derived from the Greek word, "photos" which means light, and "grapheim" which means to draw.
Basically, photography is also an art and now, a vast of form because of its types, features, and
techniques used (Bellis, 2019).
Photography has greatly influenced the youth. With the use of new gadgets and inventions
starting from digital cameras to the current high-resolution cameras in cell phone, iPhones, and
laptops, photographer can now be a job of anybody, either amateur or professional. Moreover,
the newest part of a youth's social life is the social media sites wherein sharing and uploading the
photographs taken from their phones and cameras are very swift and comfortable (Geroche,
Geroche (2012) also stated in his research that computers were invented, taking and storing
photographs have improved. Nowadays, storage of countless photographs is not anymore a
problem because of the invention of memory cards in which the files can be transferred into the
computers. Also, software was made embellishing the photographs taken through editing (e.g.
Adobe Photoshop, Photoscape, Instragram). This software has greatly developed a convenient
and attainable way in expressing the art styles and techniques that photographer wants to achieve
with their photograph.
Masoner (2018) stated in her one of works that photography has incited debates over its use
and misuse in society. The camera often assist in the construction and communication of cultural
memory, history and identity. Research papers analysing the photograph's ability to document
and witness would have a great deal of resource material, and would involve thinking critically
about philosophy and ethics as well. A paper might be written on the impact on the society of
photographs of concentration camp victims or the atomic bomb aftermath during World War ll,
or a discussion of the ethics behind the voyeuristic photo journalism of the Dust Bowl in the

Nicole (2017) also brought up that photography technology does not greatly harm the
studies of youth today. Based from one of the researches, teenagers tend to do multitasking, but
when it comes to photography, it is the other way around. Many teenagers set aside the
unimportant things to do and learn to prioritize tasks. Based on the survey conducted, youth do
the taking and editing photographs only on their free time. Learning new knowledge about the
usage of cameras and software was also a benefit for them.
There are two ways on how photography technology can help the youth in socializing:
through social media site, and interaction outside their houses. Allowable reconnection to the
world were sharpened through photography. Eighty percent of the respondents in the survey said
that photographs uploaded help in making friends and socializing with other people through the
social media sites especially on Facebook. With the cameras on hand, youth can easily take
photographs anywhere and anytime they want. Participating and accompaniment of the parents
help to bring back the family bonding (Geroche, 2012).

Importance of the Study

This study is important, in order to know the perception of the Grade 10 Students give
importance to photography. They can connect people to their past, they remind them of peoples,
places, feelings, and stories. This can help people to know who they are. It help people connect
to something important to them
Photography can transform students perspectives. It can enhance
Verythe skill and
knowledge of the students. It is helping students to see different points of view. Furthermore their
Moderately Important
identities and social realities can be shaped by what they comprehend, be it positive or negative.
They can encourage each other to keep creating and look closer.
Not Important
This study is helpful to Grade 10 students because this will help them to choose
photography as their course. This can help them to know and understand more about
This study is important to educators because this can help them in their lessons, this
can help their students to show their hidden skills and talents.
This study is essential to researchers because this can help them conduct more
research about their related topics.

Conceptual Framework


Perception of Grade
10students at La
Trinidad National
High School on the Process
Importance of
Figure 1. Paradigm of Study

This study aimed to compare the Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School on
the importance of photography by sex on the fourth quarter of School Year 2018-2019.
Specifically it sought to answer the following:
1. What is the perception of male Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School on
the importance of photography.

2. What is the perception of female Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School
on the importance of photography.
3. What is the perception of Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School on the
importance of photography.

Hypotheses of the Study

The following are the hypotheses of the study:

1. Male Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School perceive that photography is
very important.
2. Female Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School perceive that
photography is very important.
3. Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School perceive that photography is
very important.

Photography is important to students because it enables the diffusion of objectives
information through the visual capture of things as they really are. Photography allows students
to accurately familiarize themselves with far-off landscapes and cultures. It also has the power to
sway public opinion through the presentation of emotionally moving images.
Photography adds to the validity of distributed information photographs that accompany
a news story for instance, add a dimension of corroboration to words that could be fabricated.
Photos also serve as visual aids for education, assembly and other purposes. Readers are able to
understand a subject when they can look at helpful pictures for reference (Quatem, 2013).

Photography is important to students because it shares so much about who they are as
individuals. What they find beautiful, fascinating, funny, delicious, inspiring. They allow them to
showcase their personal style, interests, relationships, and adventures to mask the passage of
Students can use photos express their selves and to communicate with one another.
Photographs evoke nostalgia. They serve as a chronicle of our lives, where we’ve begin, what
we’ve done, who were (Wills 2010).

Photography documents is important to students for reality in an instant, using Light and
time to reproduce a moment, as it perceived. This is what makes photography one of the most
important methods of documentation of people, events, and both historically and in the present
Photography has made waves of impact as method of truth-feeling in difficult times, a
way of disturbing scene to raise awareness of things (Samuel, 2013).
Youth has different perceptions and point of view about photographs. And with this
type of question, it could determine how they think and what behavior they have by knowing the
photographer they like (Shella, 2012).


This section discusses the research design, the population and locale of the study. It also
presents the procedure and instruments used in the treatment of data and realization of the goals
of the study.

Research Design

This research study was a quantitative in nature and used descriptive method to describe and
compare the Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School on the Importance of
Photography. Tabular presentations of data gathered from respondents were used to show the
interplay of the variables in the study.

Population and Locale of the Study

The respondents of the study were 120 Grade 10 students of La Trinidad National High
School, Lubas, La Trinidad, Benguet.

Data Collection Procedure

The survey questionnaire was administered to the respondents. After the respondents have
answered the instrument, they were immediately collected personally by the researchers.

Treatment of Data

This study is delimited to the use of Mean, Median, Mode, and Percentage only as statistical
tools to come up with salient findings, conclusions, and recommendations.


This chapter discusses the data gathered based on the results of statistical analysis. It also
presents the findings of the study.

Table 1. Perception of Male Grade 10 Student at La Trinidad National High School on the
importance of Photography.

Level Q1 Percentage Rank

Very Important 18 18% 1

Moderately Important 13 13% 3

Important 4 4% 4

Not Important 15 15% 2

Total: 50 50%

Mean: 12.5 Median:15.5 Mode: no mode

From the gathered data, the computed mean is 12.5, the median is 15.5 and the mode
is No Mode.
Table 1 presents the perception of male Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High
School on the importance of photography. Among the 50 male respondents, eighteen(18) of them
perceive that the importance of photography is Very Important which ranked 1.There are
thirteen(13) perceive that the importance of photography is Moderately Important which ranked
3.There are four(4) perceive that the importance of photography is important which ranked 4.
While there are fifteen(15) perceive that the importance of photography is Not Important which
ranked 2.
The result shows that male Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School
perceive that the importance of photography is very important. Therefore,the hypothesis that
states that, male Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School perceive that the
importance of photography is very important, is accepted.

Table 2. Perception of Female Grade 10 Students at La Trinidad National High School on the
Importance of Photography.

Level Q1 Percentage Rank

Very Important 30 30% 1

Moderately Important 10 10% 2.5

Important 10 10% 2.5

Not Important 0 0% 4

Total: 50 50%

Mean: 12.5 Median: 10 Mode: 10

From the gathered data, the computed mean is 12.5, the median is 10 and the mode is

Table 2 presents the perception of female Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National

High School on the importance of photography. Among the 50 female respondents, thirty(30) of
them perceive that photography is Very Important which ranked 1.Moderately Important and
Important ranked 2.5 with the same score of ten(10).There are zero(0) perceive that the
importance of photography is Not Important which ranked 4.

The result shows that female Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School
perceive that the importance of photography is very important. Therefore, the hypothesis that
states that, female Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School perceive that the
importance of photography is very important, is accepted.

Table 3. Perception of Grade 10 Students at La Trinidad National High School on the Importance
of Photography.

Level Q1 Percentage Rank

Very Important 45 45% 1

Moderately Important 23 23% 3

Important 28 28% 2

Not Important 4 4% 4

Total: 100 100%

Mean: 25 Median: 25.5 Mode: no mode

From the gathered data, the computed mean is 25, the median is 25.5 and the mode is no

Table 3 presents the perception of male and female Grade 10 students at La Trinidad
National High School on the importance of photography. Among the 100 Male and female
respondents, fourty-five (45) of them perceive that the importance of photography is Very
Important which ranked 1.There are twenty-three (23) who perceive that the importance of
photography is Moderately Important which ranked 3.There are twenty-eight(28) who perceive
that the importance of photography is Important which ranked 2.While there are four(4) who
perceive that the importance of photography is Not Important which ranked 4.

The result shows that the male and female Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High
School perceive that the importance of photography is very important. Therefore, the hypothesis
that states that, male and female Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School perceive
that the importance of photography is very important, is accepted.



Based on the result and discussions, the following findings are formulated:

1. Male Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School perceive that the importance of
photography is very important with the highest percentage of 18.

2. Female Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School perceive that the importance
of photography is very important with the highest percentage of 30.

3. Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School perceive that the importance of
photography is very important with the highest percentage of 45.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions are developed:

1. Male Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School perceive that photography is very

2. Female Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School perceive that photography is
very important.

3. Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School perceive that photography is very


1. Photography is recommended to make of Grade 10 students of La Trinidad National High

School because it can improve their skills and knowledge in doing photography.High Schools
should include photography on their curriculum for male Grade 10 students.

2. Photography is recommended to female Grade 10 students of La Trinidad National High

School because it will help them when they will go to Senior High. High Schools should provide
photography lessons for female Grade 10 students.

3. Photography is recommended to Grade 10 students of La Trinidad National High Schools

because they encourage others to keep creating and to look closer. High Schools should provide
photography lessons to all Grade 10 students.


Geroche, S.T. 2012. Photography (Research Paper) HW10: Chapter 2. Asia Pacific College,
Makati, 1232 Kalakhang Maynila.

Bellis, M. 2019. The History of Photography: Pinholes and Polaroids to Digital Images. San
Francisco Art Institute.

Nicole, V. 2017. The Effects of Modern Technology on Kids.

Masoner, L. 2018. Pros and Cons Of Films and Digital Cameras.


Letter to Respondents


Lubas, LA TRINIDAD, Benguet

January 30,2019

Dear Respondents,

We, the Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National High School are conducting a research
entitled: Perception of Grade 10 students at La Trinidad National on the Importance of

In this regard, may we request you to please answer with honesty in the attached questionnaire.
The data that you will be providing are essential in our study. Rest assured information that you
provide shall be treated with utmost confidentiality

Respectfully yours,





Survey Questionnaire

Direction: Please fill in the blanks with the correct information

Name: _____________ _____________ _____ Grade and Section: ____
Last Name First Name M.I. Date:______

Sex: __M__F

1.What is your perception on the importance of Photography?

Very Important
Moderately Important
Not Important


Froilyn V. Baliwawa is her name who is simple, friendly, kind, a loving person and have a
high dream in life. She is now 16 years old and she was born in La Trinidad Benguet.

She is studying at La Trinidad National High School which is a Grade 10 student. Playing
badminton, tennis but most of all playing guitar is her best hobby. His favorite food is all. She

loves also listening music even if it is a kankana-ey songs, because when she is listening to the
song she become relax. She don't have a favorite movie because most of all they are good to her.
Her favorite color is blue and black. She also loves reading books sometimes but most of all
reading an eBook or Wattpad is her best.

When she was in Grade 1, she don't want to stay in her classroom and when her mother said
that she needs to go out, she cry because she want her to stay on her side but her mother go out
because the class will about to start. But for now she is now in Grade 10. According to her,
sometimes she become lazy and she always compare herself to a flower, why? Because when she
failed in one thing, she feel like dying and she want to give up and it is the same to a flower if it
is not watered it will die. But for that she promise to herself that she will do his best, she needs to
study hard because someday she want to be a professional Chef. Another, she have a plans in life
that if she will already graduate in college she want to on Japan to work hard so that she can earn
money, to build his own houses, restaurants and to help his parents.

Today, she promise to herself that she will study hard to achieve her goals, dreams and to be
a successful person in the future.

"If you can do it, you will be a successful person".


She is Ainah Viernes, she is 16 years old. She was born on December 9, 2002 at Benguet
General Hospital. She is a Grade 10 student living at LA- 73 Lubas, La Trinidad, Benguet.

She want to finish her studies and get a job that she really want so that she wont't have any
regrets in choosing her work. She likes playing volleyball, basketball, soccer, table tennis,

badminton and many more. She also like hiking, going into the highest point of the mountains
and see the beauty of nature, taking pictures of them and saving as a memories with her friends.
She likes swimming because it relaxes her body if she is in water and sometimes it relieves

She loves eating ice cream, it is also one to relieved stress. She loves drinking Infinited
because it's delicious and it's one of her favorites. She loves dogs because they also understand
sometimes the human's feeling or emotion. She is watching Korean drama and movies if she is
bored or when she have time to watch. She can do everything with her inspiration.


He was born when his mother gave birth on March 27, 2002. He was born here in La
Trinidad and he grew up in a place when he can find the feeling of a real home. In their province,
Sagada is the hometown of his mother while his mother is in Apayao. They work hard to support
their family and do their best to spend time bonding whenever they can. Living with a supportive
family encourages him to dream and aim for good grades and good career.

Everyday when he go to school, he attend all his classes to learn more. He believe that each
lesson there are insights he can gain. He always strive to gain an understanding of their lessons
with the resources he have. He take notes to jot down he's misunderstanding so that he can find it
in the library or online. He can say that he is a responsible student that takes his studies seriously
because he want to achieve his dream.

Just like he said, he was born here in La Trinidad and lived here he's whole life. He hopes
that you have enjoyed reading his autobiography as much as he enjoyed writing it for you.


He is Jones P. Kelly, currently 15 years old and living in Rocky Side 1, Lubas. He finished
his primary education in Lubas Elementary School and is today attending La Trinidad National
High School to finish his Junior High School. He has two siblings who is also currently studying.
His parents are diligently working abroad to provide their daily needs. Both of his parents are
from Kapangan.

He is the last child of the three. He was born on March 12, 2003 in Baguio General Hospital.
His hobbies are composed of reading and watching Japanese comics and cartoons. His
inspirations is his family. His ambitions is to be a programmer and have a house of his own. He
likes trying things like beatboxing and playing puzzle games. He is currently studying to
hopefully move up to Senior High so that he can come close to his dreams.


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