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[1] Should High School Students Be Drug Tested ?(2)

G: Hi!

G: Ok!

G: I think they shouldn’t.

G: First, the price to make a drug tests is expensive.

Second, if their friend find out they have used drugs before, they may
be hated or abused. This can cause a psychological trauma, they will
think foolishly can’t make the right decision, they may drop out or
worse is commit suicide. And the co That was my thought. What about

G: Why ?
[2]Do Parents Have Different Hopes And Standards
For Their Sons Than For Their Daughters?(1)
G: Hi

G: I have a question for you would you like to answer?

G: Do parents have different hopes and standards for their sons than
for their daughters?

G: I think they don’t.

Firstly, parents who treat children unfairly between boys and girls are a
social problem

Second, I believe that parents now have equal hopes and standards for
both their sons and daughters. I do think that some people may be in
the state of mind from the 50’s but most parents now just want all their
kids to be successful and do what they feel is the best thing for them
and something that they may be good at.
[3]Should Couples Live Together Before
G: Hi

G: Ok. What question?

G: If they live together, many couples will overcome the difficulties,

solve the big and small collisions to reach a stable marriage. With so
many couples together, doing everything together and experiencing the
lessons of a marriage. They know how to take care of their loved ones.
They learn to sacrifice and live more responsibly. They can understand
each other more so that after marriage can be more happy. What
about you?

G: Why?
[4]Which Is More Important: Talent Or Hard
G: Hi

G: I have a question to ask you?

G: Which is more important: talent or hard work?

G: I think hard work is more important.

G: Hard work is more important than talent because hard work can help
you win a scholarship to a good college. Many believe that talent is
more important than hard work. Because, talent can only help you in
life. And Talent only makes things easier to do but when there are more
difficult jobs, perhaps talent can help you a little or talent is useless for
that job. So, hard work makes the difficult jobs becomes easier when
we work hard.

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