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Generation Gap

Do you not remember that one time you told your grandparents school was tough and tiring, you
probably heard a response like this, we use to walk 20 km to reach school, hiked Everest everyday, and
the evergreen line we learned math on sand.

A very good day I bid to everyone present.

A situation where the older and younger generation find it difficult to understand each other is called
generation gap. There are various factors that cause generation gaps and ways to deal with them.

Lack of communication is one reason why generation gap occurs. Both parents and children are often
so busy with their individual lives they slack on spending quality family time. Family time is extremely
underrated and should definitely be given more importance as it helps us understand each other better.
The best way to make sure you spend time with your family is to allocate some time in your schedule
and make it compulsory, spending time with your kids isn’t a luxury or a privilege you give in to once in a
while it’s part of our duty. When you are able to keep up with the happenings in each other’s lives you
will be able to understand their perspectives clearer.

Moving on, technology in the 21st century is definitely another factor that further intensifies the
generation gap. The youth are often so caught up in keeping up with social media, everything is
uploaded onto Instagram and snapchat and these are things the older generation might never
understand. While we the younger generation do it for the kick of it, most of the time we’re just
updating our friends with the highlights of our lives, it’s just our way of communicating. The best way to
deal with this issue is to have a balance you don’t want to be left out when it comes to technology but
it’s also important to enjoy things at hand also the next time someone much older nags you about how
your so busy with technology sit next to them and show them what your doing chances are they’ll be
just as thrilled with the new filter on snapchat.

The old mentality coming from the older generation also creates a generation gap. Many a times we
find ourselves getting caught up in these situations where we’re unable to understand some actions of
the older generation in the name of culture, the older generation on the other hand tend to take a tad
bit too seriously when traditions are questioned or refuted. This often causes a conflict among both
generations that often leads to the youth being labelled as disrespectful, apparently, our generation
tend to forget our roots and the list goes on. The truth most of the time we the younger generations
barely understand the reason behind many traditions and this strips meaning of traditions. To make
traditions more relevant it is best to walk us through a ritual before it takes place. Some traditions
though have become non-practical in current times for example foot binding use to be a famous
tradition in China where tight binding was applied to the feet to modify the shape of the feet as it was a
mark of beauty. As times changed the people of China let go of this tradition as it no longer fit in well
with current times. It is best for us to alter culture and traditions as we evolve just to keep up with

The generation gap is an issue that people hardly take seriously, society is just going to have to give
and take rationally when it comes to the elimination of generation gaps.

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