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JAVA Class Curriculum

Topic 01: Basics of Programming, POP, OOP, AdvOfOOP

Topic 02: Class, Objects,First Program in Java

Topic 03: Command Line Arguments

Topic 04: Variables

Topic 05: Console Input-Strings

Topic 06: JDK Installation, Path Variable, Taking numeric inputs from

Topic 07: Data type Conversion, IF-Else Statement

Topic 08: Logical AND operator, Simple interest Program

Topic 09: Assignment Discussion, While Loop, For Loop

Topic 10: Do While, Example

Topic 11: Sum of Digits Program

Topic 12: Class,Object Creation

Topic 13: Constructors

Topic 14: Array of Integer, Programs for Max, Min

Topic 15: Array of Objects

Topic 16: Arrays of Objects Revisited

Topic 17: Array of Objects Practice

Topic 18: Scope of variables

Topic 19:: Access Specifiers

Topic 20: Practicing Access Specifiers

Topic 21: Function Overloading

Topic 22: Menu Driven Program Case Study

Topic 23: Menu Driven Case Study Practice

Topic 24: Employee Class Creation - Array of Objects Revisited

Topic 25: Inheritance Introduction

Topic 26: Practicing Inheritance

Topic 27: Practicing Inheritance, Shape Assignment

Topic 28: Shape Assignment Working

Topic 29: Abstract Function, Abstract Class

Topic 30: Dynamic Polymorphism -Overriding

Topic 31: Intro to Exception Handling

Topic 32: Handling the Exception

Topic 33: Exception Propagation

Topic 34: this keyword

Topic 35: this, static

Topic 36: Interfaces

Topic 37: Interfaces

Topic 38: Refer Java Doc

Topic 39: Packages Introduced

Topic 40: Packages

Topic 41: Frame Window

Topic 42: Frame Discussion Continued

Topic 43: Event Handling

Topic 44: Layout Demo

Topic 45: Event Handling Practice

Topic 46: Layout Practice

Topic 47: Radio Buttons, Layouts

Topic 48: Collections

Topic 49: Hash Table

Topic 50: Powerpack Queries in Java

Topic 51: DB Basics

Topic 52: Updating records

Topic53: JDBC Demo

Topic54: Socket Programming in Java

Topic55: Multi-Threading Introduction

Topic56: Multi threading, Applets

Challenges For You!!
Challenge 01: Simple Digit Adder

Challenge 02: Addition using Command Line Arguments

Challenge 03: Simple Calculator

Challenge 04: Student Markshit

Challenge 05: Factorial Calculator

Challenge 06: MultiNumber Digit Adder

Challenge 07: Class Marksheet

Challenge 08: Even Number Generator

Challenge 09: Prime Checker

Challenge 10: Multi-operations on Number Set

Challenge 11: Reusable Function

Challenge 12: Matrix Addition

Challenge 13: Single Employee Details

Challenge 14: Staff Details

Challenge 15: Names Filter

Challenge 16: Large Finder

Challenge 17: Using Math class

Challenge 18: String Functions

Challenge 19: Factorial Package & Class

Challenge 20: Pallindrome

Challenge 21: Vehicle Details

Challenge 22: Toy Graphics

Challenge 23: Exception Handler

Challenge 24: Custom Exception

Challenge 25: File Copier

Challenge 26: Flat File Handling

Challenge 27: Execution Counter

Challenge 28: Fibonacci Series

Challenge 29: Database Handling

Challenge 30: Character Type

Challenge 31: Math Server

Challenge 32: Customer Details

Challenge 33: Bank Application

Challenge 34: Packages and Classes

Challenge 35: Write a program to generate 10 integers & store it in array.

Challenge 36: Vector and Hashtable

Challenge 37: Addition GUI

Challenge 38: Rectangle Mover

Challenge 39: Click to Text

Challenge 40: Date Server

Challenge 41: Handling Number Format Exception

Challenge 42: Access using Index

Challenge 43: Exception handling in Bank Operations

Challenge 44: Rectangle

Challenge 45: Book Details

Challenge 46: Operations on Array

Challenge 47: Abstract Class Implementation

Challenge 48: Factorial in range with Custom Exception

Challenge 49: Supplier Details to file

Challenge 50: Your Window

Challenge 51: Window Resize Text Resize

Challenge 52: Color Change on Resize

Challenge 53: Toggling Black & White

Challenge 54: Circle Resizer with Arrow Keys

Challenge 55: Rectangle Resizer with Arrow Keys

Challenge 56: Random background on click

Challenge 57: Shapes on Click

Challenge 58: Login Form

Challenge 59: Calculator Design

Challenge 60: Data Entry Forms

Challenge 61: GUI Based DB Operations

Challenge 62: Collection DB

Challenge 63: Scrolling Text using Multithreading

Challenge 64: Echo Server

Challenge 65: Multithreaded Math Server

Challenge 66: Collections in Bank

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