Emsi Potential Healthcare Report 2018

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wl! Emsi Estimate of the Potential for New Investment and Development of Expanded Healthcare Services in Pullman Executive Summary Pullman Regional Hospital is proposing expanded facilities and services, which include a wellness center, education facilities, medical fitness center, children’s and women’s health centers, and more opportunities for physician and residency training, Aragion’s need for more healthcare services stems from a combination of new demand due to population growth, improved access and desirability of service or product offerings, and new demand stimulated by attracting new residents to an area Whitman County, and the nearby counties of Latah County and Nez Perce County in Idaho, and Asotin County in Washington, all are experiencing a rapidly aging population The population cohort aged 65 and older is increasing significantly, while the age cohorts between 45 and 64 are not growing as rapidly as in the past. The current trends toward an aging population will require more medical and in-home care in the coming years. Whitman county is projected to see a decline in the pace of growth in every age group, except for the those aged 65 and older. That age group specifically is projected to grow significantly in Whitman county and the surrounding area. Population estimates are based on place of residence and do not reflect student population INCREASED NEED FOR HEALTHCARE SERVICES In addition to the estimated natural levels of population growth of about 0.5% per year Pullman will ikely experience even greater population increases than expected because of accelerated growth dus to: + New jobs at Washington State + Continued growth and hiring University and the University of Idaho at Schweitzer Engineering because of increasing student enrollment Laboratories + Migration + The expansion of the aliport We estimate that annual population growth in Whitman County will be 25% through 2023 based on past population trends coupled with the accelerated growth indicators listed above. In the next five years, the need in Pullman for hospital services could increase by $20 million, and approximately $12 million could be met by Pullman Regional Hospital. This represents annual average growth in revenues of about § 6% This estimated growth in revenues stems both from population growth and increased spending on healthcare. 2010-2015, 2015-2020 2020-2025 WHITMAN COUNTY AREA 4 POPULATION GROWTH TRENDS BY AGE COHORT TRENDS IN INNOVATION While healthcare continues to be on the cutting edge of research and innovation, three notable trends being pursued by hospitals are Technology transfer and entrepreneurial development Hospitals employ highly talented and educated professionals who conduct research and in that process, develop new instruments and technologies. Among the obstacles in bringing innovative ideas to market are ownership rights to the new technology, and business risk aversion common to researchers and physicians. Digital health management Digital health innovations include wearable sensors, remote monitoring, more variety in communicating with healthcare professionals, such as texting and email, and better management of consumer data and privacy issues. Patient communications Younger generations sre accustomed to doing a significant amount of research before major purchases. Simultaneously, the number of people enrolled in high deductible health plans is increasing rapidly. As the responsibility for paying for healthcare shifts to consumers. consumers are shifting to becoming more conscientious consumers Pullman Regional Hospital's expansion plans will take healthcare in Pullman to new levels of service and accessibility - enabling the hospital to take advantage of new trends in healthcare, expand services to a growing population and increased numbers of seniors, and attract younger doctors through the residency program,

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