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Earth and Planetary Science Letters 459 (2017) 381–393

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Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Enrichment of Sr in continental waters due to calcium carbonate
Netta Shalev a,b,∗ , Ittai Gavrieli b , Ludwik Halicz b,c , Amir Sandler b , Mordechai Stein b ,
Boaz Lazar a
Institute of Earth Sciences, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Edmond J. Safra campus, 91904, Jerusalem, Israel
Geological Survey of Israel, 30 Malkhei Israel Street, 95501, Jerusalem, Israel
Faculty of Chemistry, Biological and Chemical Research Centre, University of Warsaw, Żwirki i Wigury 101, 02-089, Warsaw, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: δ 88/86 Sr data published over the last few years suggest that continental waters are enriched with 88
Received 27 April 2016 as compared to the rocks in their drainage basins. In an attempt to understand this phenomenon, this
Received in revised form 17 November 2016 study established the fractionation in the 88 Sr/86 Sr ratio during precipitation of continental carbonates
Accepted 23 November 2016
(i.e., carbonates precipitated on land from surface, pedogenic, or ground waters), and evaluated the
Available online 12 December 2016
Editor: M. Bickle
contribution of this process to the 88 Sr-enrichment in rivers. For this, stable and radiogenic Sr isotopes
(88 Sr, 87 Sr and 86 Sr) were measured in calcite samples and their precipitating waters collected in various
Keywords: continental environments, such as soil, cave, streams and groundwater.
strontium isotopes The results indicate that continental carbonates are 88 Sr-depleted relative to their precipitating waters,
δ 88/86 Sr placing them as one of the most 88 Sr-depleted reservoirs on earth. The average difference in δ 88/86 Sr
Sr enrichment values between waters and solid CaCO3 (tufas or speleothems) that they precipitate is carb-water =
isotope fractionation −0.218 ± 0.014h (1SD). An even larger fractionation (εcarb-water = −0.285 ± 0.02h) was measured
continental waters
in groundwater with particularly high carbonate-alkalinity and high carbonate precipitation rate that
continental carbonates
depleted ∼65% of the Sr in the groundwater, resulting in substantial 88 Sr-enrichment in the residual
dissolved Sr (δ 88/86 Sr = 0.656h). Results also suggest that pedogenic carbonate precipitation in soil
profile removes 50–85% of the Sr from the recharging soil–water, thereby increasing the δ 88/86 Sr value of
the soil-water from ∼ 0.18h to 0.3h–0.6h. Similar 88 Sr-enrichment was observed in drip water from
a karst cave.
A maximum removal flux of Sr into continental carbonates of about 20 Gmol(Sr) ·y−1 is required to yield
the reported 88 Sr-enrichment in global rivers (δ 88/86 Sr = 0.32h) relative to their rock sources when
using the fractionation factor derived in this study, carb-water = −0.218h, and the published δ 88/86 Sr
composition of marine carbonates of 0.16h. This surprisingly large flux requires that ∼40% of the
originally weathered Sr should co-precipitate with continental carbonates. This calculation may suggest
that CaCO3 precipitation is a significant mechanism in the continental Sr cycle. It is possible however
that other mechanisms such as Sr uptake by plants or incongruent weathering of silicates, could also
contribute to the riverine 88 Sr-enrichment. Alternatively, the average δ 88/86 Sr value of marine carbonate
rock sections undergoing weathering is higher than suggested in current literature. It is concluded that
additional δ 88/86 Sr data on marine carbonate rock sections should be collected to resolve the enigma of
the high value of riverine δ 88/86 Sr.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The continental strontium cycle and its effect on the strontium

*Corresponding author at: Institute of Earth Sciences, the Hebrew University, Ed- content and isotope composition of the oceans have traditionally
mond J. Safra campus, Jerusalem, Israel, 91904. Fax: +972 2 5662581.
been evaluated through the 87 Sr/86 Sr isotope ratio of the major
E-mail addresses: (N. Shalev),
(I. Gavrieli), (L. Halicz), (A. Sandler), rivers that drain the exposed continental terrains (e.g. Faure, 1986; (M. Stein), (B. Lazar). Veizer, 1989). Recently, with the advances in mass spectromet-
0012-821X/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
382 N. Shalev et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 459 (2017) 381–393

Continental carbonates precipitate on land from surface, pedo-

genic, or ground waters (Deocampo, 2010) in a range of environ-
ments, including rivers (tufa), lakes, soil (pedogenic carbonates),
veins, caves and through local re-crystallization of marine car-
bonates by freshwater. The total amount of these carbonates is
not known, but elevated Sr/Ca ratios in Himalayan water were
explained by the precipitation of an unexpectedly large amount
of continental carbonate in the catchment area: 50–80% of the
originally weathered Ca (Galy et al., 1999; Jacobson et al., 2002;
Bickle et al., 2015). If this estimate is representative of other en-
vironments in which continental carbonates precipitate, then car-
bonate sink is huge, and may also be a sink for Sr. However,
measurements of δ 88/86 Sr values of such carbonates and their
associated waters are rare and inconclusive (Chao et al., 2013;
Shalev et al., 2013; Chao et al., 2015; Pearce et al., 2015).
The present study aims at providing new data on the impact
of precipitation of continental carbonates on the δ 88/86 Sr value of
continental waters. The stable and radiogenic Sr isotopic compo-
sitions of different types of continental carbonates and associated
waters in several environments, including streams, groundwaters
Fig. 1. Major Sr fluxes and their published mean δ 88/86 Sr values (After: Krabbenhöft and soils, were investigated. The dual isotopic system of δ 88/86 Sr
et al., 2010; Moynier et al., 2010; Charlier et al., 2012; Vollstaedt et al., 2014; Pearce
and 87 Sr/86 Sr was used to determine the sources and evolution of
et al., 2015).
continental Sr for each environment, and to quantify the Sr iso-
tope fractionation. Finally, the implications of the new results for
ric analysis of the stable isotopes of strontium (δ 88/86 Sr), the
the global continental Sr budget are addressed.
Sr continental–ocean budget was re-evaluated (e.g., Halicz et al.,
2008; Krabbenhöft et al., 2010; Wei et al., 2013; Chao et al., 2015;
2. Materials and methods
Pearce et al., 2015). It was suggested that processes occurring on
land are accompanied by Sr isotope fractionation that affect the
2.1. Materials
δ 88/86 Sr of rivers and, in turn, that of the ocean (e.g., Chao et
al., 2015; Pearce et al., 2015). The modern ocean has a δ 88/86 Sr
Several continental carbonates and their precipitating waters
value of 0.39h (e.g., Fietzke and Eisenhauer, 2006; Ohno and Hi-
from Israel, and one such pair from France, were selected to
rata, 2007; Halicz et al., 2008), which is higher than the modern
represent a range of continental carbonate types and environ-
riverine discharge (0.32h; Fig. 1; Krabbenhöft et al., 2010; Pearce
ments, including groundwater-tufa, streams-tufa, desert springs-
et al., 2015). However, the rivers are 88 Sr-enriched relative to both
tufa, speleothems and pedogenic carbonates. Sampling details are
carbonate and silicate rock sources. While the δ 88/86 Sr value of ter-
presented in Table A.1 (Appendix A).
restrial silicate rocks is estimated at 0.30h (Moynier et al., 2010;
Charlier et al., 2012), the mean δ 88/86 Sr value of carbonate rocks
2.1.1. Stream waters and tufas
exposed on the continents is largely uncertain. The flux-weighted
Several streams, draining mainly Mesozoic carbonate rocks,
average δ 88/86 Sr value of modern biogenic marine carbonates and
were sampled (Fig. 2): the Banias and Dan streams are fed by
the Phanerozoic mean marine carbonates, based on brachiopods
the Jurassic limestone aquifer of Mt. Hermon in northern Israel,
and belemnites record, are 0.21h and 0.16h, respectively, signif-
which is characterized by its highly developed karst system. Tufa
icantly lower than that of modern seawater (Halicz et al., 2008;
was sampled within the Banias stream in the form of a thin coat-
Krabbenhöft et al., 2010; Vollstaedt et al., 2014).
ing on bedload boulders, and within the Dan stream in the form of
Based on riverine 87 Sr/86 Sr, the proportion of Sr derived from a coating on a submerged metal pipe. The base flow at the David
weathering of carbonate and silicate rocks is estimated to be about stream, located in the Judean Desert, eastern Israel, is derived from
60:40, respectively (Pearce et al., 2015 and references therein). springs issuing from an Upper Cretaceous carbonate aquifer. Tufa,
Given this ratio and the δ 88/86 Sr compositions of carbonate and sil- up to few tens of centimeters thick, covers the rocks wherever
icate rocks quoted above (16h and 0.30h, respectively; Moynier the water forms small waterfalls. A sample was collected from the
et al., 2010; Charlier et al., 2012; Vollstaedt et al., 2014), the uppermost ∼2 cm tufa closest to the water stream. In addition,
δ 88/86 Sr of the global rivers should have been ∼ 0.22h. How- the Huveaune River, Provence, France, draining the Jurassic karstic
ever, this value is considerably lower than the measured river- limestones of the Sainte Baume Massif was sampled. CaCO3 precip-
ine δ 88/86 Sr composition of 0.32h (Krabbenhöft et al., 2010; itation, enhanced by the presence of Cyanobacteria, forms terraces
Pearce et al., 2015), reinforcing the suggestion that weathering- and local ponds along the river. Soft carbonate deposits that cover
related processes fractionate Sr isotopes on the continents (Fig. 1). the river bed were sampled, along with river water.
Several mechanisms were proposed for the 88 Sr-enrichment of
continental waters (summarized in Chao et al., 2015): 1) Prefer- 2.1.2. Drip water and speleothems
ential adsorption of the lighter isotopes onto particles; 2) Bio- Drip water and its associated carbonates (stalagmites) were
logical fractionation during uptake of Sr (De Souza et al., 2010; sampled in the well-studied Soreq cave, central Israel (e.g. Bar-
Andrews et al., 2016; Bullen and Chadwick, 2016); 3) Incongru- Matthews et al., 1991; Fig. 2). The stalagmites were sampled
ent weathering of silicate minerals, during which the heavy 88 Sr from their surface (∼2 mm), representing recent precipitation. The
isotope is preferentially released into solution (Halicz et al., 2008; 10–40 m thick caprock above the cave consists of Cenomanian
Wei et al., 2013; Chao et al., 2015; Stevenson et al., 2016); and dolostone, locally covered by ∼30 cm thick terra rossa soil, which
4) Precipitation of 88 Sr-depleted continental carbonates, which en- evolved mostly from settled dust (Yaalon, 1997). Soreq caprock and
riches the residual solution with 88 Sr (Chao et al., 2013, 2015). Jerusalem dust were sampled as well.
N. Shalev et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 459 (2017) 381–393 383

2.2. Samples preparation and analyses

Carbonate samples were homogenized and 50–500 mg aliquots

were dissolved in 0.5M acetic acid at 50 ◦ C. The solutions were
then evaporated to dryness, dissolved in concentrated HCl, evapo-
rated to dryness, dissolved in concentrated HNO3 and evaporated
again. Finally, the samples were dissolved in 8N HNO3 .
Water samples were filtered (0.45 μm) in the field and stored at
4 ◦ C until treated. Treatment included evaporation to dryness and
re-dissolution in 8N HNO3 .
Sr isotopic abundances were determined by MC-ICP-MS (Nu
Plasma-I, Nu Instruments, Wrexham, UK, fitted with the Aridus de-
solvating nebulizer) at the Geological Survey of Israel. The double-
spike technique was used for instrumental mass bias correction
(Shalev et al., 2013). Since this method requires measuring both
spiked and unspiked portions of a sample, two aliquots were
taken from each sample. The spiked portion was mixed with the
Sr–87 Sr spike to obtain a total Sr sample/spike ratio of 2.3.
The 84 Sr–87 Sr spike solution (84 Sr-0.4953, 86 Sr-0.0049, 87 Sr-0.4586
and 88 Sr-0.0412, total Sr concentration = 6.3 mg/l) was prepared
and calibrated in IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany (Krabbenhöft et al.,
A column containing Eichrom-Sr-Resin (50–100 mesh) was used
to separate Sr from the sample matrix. Following the loading of
the sample to the column, the matrix was rinsed with 8N HNO3 ,
after which Sr was eluted with 3.5 ml of 0.05N HNO3 . Overall Sr
recovery was >95%.
Major elements (Ca, Mg, Sr, K and Na) were determined using
ICP-OES (Optima 3300, Perkin–Elmer), with precision of ±5%. Five
mg/l Sc were added to all samples as an internal standard and the
results were quantified on a calibration curve produced for each
session. Accuracy was checked by running an international stan-
dard (IAPSO or USGS M-184-198) with each session.
Fig. 2. Location of sampling sites in Israel and France. Colors of circles denote
different types of environments: stream waters and tufas (blue), drip water and 2.3. Data reduction
speleothems (green), Hula Valley groundwater and carbonates (purple) and pedo-
genic carbonates (brown). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
The double-spike inversion was calculated using the Double-
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).
Spike MATLAB ToolBox software (Rudge et al., 2009). The inputs
for this algorithm are the measured (instrumental biased) isotopic
2.1.3. Hula Valley groundwater and tufa compositions (84 Sr, 86 Sr, 87 Sr and 88 Sr) of the spiked and unspiked
A massive tufa cap precipitates on the outlet pipe of a leak- portions of the sample, after correction for 86 Kr, 84 Kr and 87 Rb
ing abandoned gas exploration well, Hula Valley-1 (HV-1), in the isobaric interferences (Shalev et al., 2013). In addition, the exact
Hula Valley, located within the Dead Sea rift valley in northern isotopic composition of the spike is needed. The algorithm yields
Israel (Fig. 2). Groundwater and tufa from this well and ground- the isotopic composition of the unspiked portions of the sample
water from an additional sealed well, Gonen-6 (G-6), were sam- (84 Sr, 86 Sr, 87 Sr and 88 Sr), corrected for instrumental mass bias.
pled. These wells are drilled into an artesian aquifer at a depth of The 88 Sr/86 Sr ratio obtained from the MATLAB algorithm is re-
a few hundred meters, where water is associated with methane ported in the common permil notation relative to SRM987 stan-
(Nissenbaum and Magaritz, 1991). The origins of methane are dard (88 Sr/86 Sr = 8.375209; Nier, 1938):
∼2500 m thick organic-rich sediments, which were deposited in  
(88 Sr/86 Sr)sample
freshwater lakes and swamps from Mid-Miocene to Recent (Bein, δ 88/86 Sr[h] = − 1 × 1000 (1)
1986). (88 Sr/86 Sr)SRM987
Water from G-6 well was sampled in 2011 during an acci-
The δ 88/86 Sr long-term average of IAPSO seawater standard is
dental sealing failure. Two samples were collected: the first was
0.382(10)h (2SEM, n = 58), identical to the 0.386(5)h reported
immediately acidified and therefore preserves the original water
earlier (Krabbenhöft et al., 2009). Each IAPSO replicate was mea-
(sample G-6), whereas the second was stored and cooled with lit-
sured several times during one measurement session and the
tle head space, allowing degassing of CO2 . This latter bottle was
2SEM errors on the average δ 88/86 Sr of each session are presented
opened in 2014 and the water and CaCO3 that precipitated in it
in Fig. 3. Note that all values from individual sessions are similar,
were analyzed (samples G-6-bottle and G-6-bottle-carb., respec-
within error, to the long-term average (Fig. 3).
tively). 87
Sr/86 Sr ratios were determined following two different proce-
dures, the “traditional” procedure (87 Sr/86 Sr), and the double-spike
2.1.4. Pedogenic carbonates procedure that obtains the “true ratio” (87 Sr/86 Sr∗ , after Krabben-
Two pedogenic calcic nodules were sampled from the lower höft et al., 2009, 2010; Table 1). The “traditional” procedure, which
and upper parts of a soil profile near Noam ephemeral stream, cen- is determined from the unspiked measurement, assumes that the
tral Israel. The soil is a light brown clayey loam that developed on 88
Sr/86 Sr ratio is constant and equal to 8.3752 (i.e., δ 88/86 Sr = 0h).
Eocene chalk. The chalk bedrock was also sampled. The instrumental mass discrimination for 87 Sr/86 Sr is corrected
384 N. Shalev et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 459 (2017) 381–393

Fig. 3. Long term δ 88/86 Sr measurements of IAPSO seawater standard. Average of

each measurement-session is shown together with the long-term average value. Er-
ror bars are 2SEM. The number of measurements curried out in each session is
indicated. All results are identical within the long-term average ±2SEM range (yel-
low rectangle). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article).

based on this assumption, thereby effectively erasing the relatively

minor variation in the radiogenic 87 Sr/86 Sr ratio, which may arise
from natural fractionation processes. In contrast, the double spike
algorithm of Rudge et al. (2009) corrects all three isotopic ra-
tios (88 Sr/86 Sr, 87 Sr/86 Sr and 84 Sr/86 Sr), yielding the true ratios.
The long-term average of 87 Sr/86 Sr∗ of the IAPSO seawater stan-
Fig. 4. Sr isotopic compositions of the studied materials. A) 87 Sr/86 Sr ratios. Errors
dard obtained using this technique is 0.709296(8) (2SEM, n = 58), are within symbols (2SEM); B) δ 88/86 Sr values. Error bars are 2SEM. Continental car-
within error of the 0.709312(9) reported by Krabbenhöft et al. bonate (yellow) and their precipitating waters (blue) are presented wherever these
(2009). A validation procedure for the analytical process, which waters exist. Country carbonate rocks (brown) and dust carbonates (pale brown) are
also shown. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
considers the correspondence between the traditional 87 Sr/86 Sr
reader is referred to the web version of this article).
and 87 Sr/86 Sr∗ ratios, while taking into account the natural frac-
tionation in 87 Sr/86 Sr system, is presented in Appendix B. However,
are heavier than the Phanerozoic mean marine carbonates (0.16h;
the results presented hereafter are the traditional 87 Sr/86 Sr ratios,
Vollstaedt et al., 2014).
thereby allowing comparison with previous data.

4. Discussion
3. Results
4.1. Sr isotope fractionation during precipitation of continental
The 87 Sr/86 Sr ratios of most samples, including the marine car- carbonates
bonate rocks and the carbonate fraction of settled dust samples,
lie within the range of 0.70727–0.70830 (Table 1; Fig. 4A). This Sr isotope fractionation during carbonate precipitation was
range is consistent with 87 Sr/86 Sr ratios of Mesozoic–Cenozoic ma- evaluated using the isotopic compositional differences between
rine carbonate rocks and the carbonate fractions of terra rossa soil pairs of precipitate and associated water (carb-water ):
and loess in Israel (Haliva-Cohen et al., 2012). The silicate fraction
of the settled dust has a much higher 87 Sr/86 Sr ratio (0.71071; Ta- carb-water = δcarbonate − δwater (2)
ble 1), similar to ratios previously reported for silicate fractions During such a fractionation process, the δ 88/86
Sr value varies but,
of dust in Israel (e.g., Haliva-Cohen et al., 2012). The Hula valley by definition, the 87 Sr/86 Sr ratio remains unchanged (see Ap-
samples with lower 87 Sr/86 Sr ratios (∼0.7062) are probably re- pendix B for discussion of the actual fractionation that takes
lated to waters originating from the Neogene–Quaternary basalts, place in the 87 Sr/86 Sr system). Hence, isotope fractionation in
(e.g., ∼0.7032; Stein and Hofmann, 1992) and basaltic soils at the the 88 Sr/86 Sr system is described by horizontal lines on a dual
Golan Height and the Galilee Mountains bordering the Hula valley. 87
Sr/86 Sr versus δ 88/86 Sr plot. To ensure the co-genetic relations
Springs that discharge the basaltic aquifers are characterized by between the precipitate and water, only pairs that fell on the same
low 87 Sr/86 Sr ratios, contributing non-radiogenic Sr to the associ- horizontal line (fractionation line) were considered. Materials that
ated groundwater (e.g. 87 Sr/86 Sr ratios ∼0.7047, Spiro et al., 2011). derive their Sr from different sources are not likely to fall on the
The carbonates and waters sampled during the current study same horizontal line because of the different radiogenic contribu-
display a wide range of δ 88/86 Sr values (0.004h–0.656h; Table 1; tion of 87 Sr.
Fig. 4B). Within this range, the carbonates are relatively 88 Sr-
depleted (δ 88/86 Sr = 0.004h–0.118h), with an average of 0.073 ± 4.1.1. Fractionation between freshwaters and carbonates
0.037h (1SD, N = 10). Four of the water samples (Soreq cave, Four out of five pairs of cave/stream waters and associated
Dan stream, Huveaune river and David stream), which derive their carbonates fall on four different horizontal lines (Fig. 5A), in-
Sr from marine carbonate terrains of different ages, have similar dicating the co-genetic relation of each distinct pair and their
low δ 88/86 Sr values, averaged to 0.250 ± 0.026h (1SD). More 88 Sr- different Sr sources. Still, all four pairs yield similar carb-water
enriched values were measured in the Banias stream (0.324h) values (average = −0.218 ± 0.014h; 1SD; Table 2), suggesting
and in the Hula Valley groundwater (up to 0.656h). The δ 88/86 Sr that −0.218h may be considered as the 88 Sr-fractionation fac-
values of the four marine carbonate rocks – two Cenomanian dolo- tor, ε (≈carb-water ), in the process of precipitation of carbon-
stone, Turonian limestone and Eocene chalk (0.204 − 0.376h) – ates from continental waters. This further implies that the light
Table 1
Sample location, chemical composition and Sr isotopic compositions. 87
Sr/86 Sr∗ is the true ratio and 87
Sr/86 Sr is the “traditional” ratio.

Sample Description Location Mg Ca Sr Na K Sr/Ca δ 88/86 Sr 2se n 87

Sr/86 Sr∗ 2se n 87
Sr/86 Sr 2se n
(mM/M) (h) ·10−5 ·10−5

Continental carbonates (mg/g)

11-2-sg-151 Stalagmite Soreq cave, central Israel 4.7 394 0.1 n.d. n.d. 0.13 0.060 0.029 4 0.70820 1.9 4 0.70818 1.1 4

N. Shalev et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 459 (2017) 381–393
5-3-sg-151 Stalagmite Soreq cave, central Israel 5.3 385 0.1 n.d. n.d. 0.13 0.068 0.031 4 0.70831 1.3 4 0.70829 0.8 4
Banias stream tufa-1 Tufa Banias stream, northern Israel 1.6 316 0.2 bdl 0.2 0.31 0.100 0.037 4 0.70730 3.2 4 0.70727 0.8 3
Dan stream tufa-1 Tufa Dan stream, northern Israel 1.1 76 0.03 bdl 0.3 0.20 0.062 0.050 4 0.70768 2.4 4 0.70766 0.8 3
Huveaune river tufa∗ Tufa Huveaune river, Provence, France 0.3 240 0.1 bdl bdl 0.14 0.004 0.068 4 0.70787 5.6 4 0.70786 3.8 3
David stream tufa Tufa David stream, eastern Israel 10.8 345 0.64 0.17 0.05 0.85 0.024 0.010 4 0.70796 3.7 4 0.70796 2.8 4
HV-1 tufa Tufa Hula Valley, northern Israel 12.7 309 0.8 0.4 bdl 1.24 0.118 0.043 4 0.70625 3.2 4 0.70623 1.4 3
G-6-bottle-carb.∗ Carbonate Hula Valley, northern Israel n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.74 0.095 0.056 7 0.70623 4.9 7 0.70619 3.0 4
Noam-3 carb. Pedogenic carbonate Noam eph. stream, central Israel n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.91 0.096 0.030 10 0.70830 3.1 10 0.70824 3.8 3
Noam-8 calcrete Pedogenic carbonate Noam eph. stream, central Israel 5.2 378 0.34 0.1 0.3 0.41 0.105 0.045 8 0.70819 2.8 8 0.70814 4.3 3

Continental freshwaters and seawater standard (mg/l)

11-2-151 Drip water Soreq cave, central Israel 30.4 73 0.1 n.d. n.d. 0.69 0.259 0.022 4 0.70825 2.0 4 0.70816 1.7 4
Banias stream water-1 Stream water Banias stream, northern Israel 12.5 72 0.3 6.5 2.4 1.81 0.324 0.026 5 0.70743 4.7 5 0.70730 2.1 3
Dan stream water-1 Stream water Dan stream, northern Israel 4.7 63 0.1 2.8 1.1 0.55 0.263 0.019 4 0.70748 4.5 4 0.70736 0.8 2
Huveaune river water River water Huveaune river, Provence, France 6.2 76 0.1 3.0 0.2 0.83 0.236 0.046 5 0.70794 2.9 5 0.70784 1.3 3
David stream water Stream water David stream, eastern Israel 29 50 0.6 46.5 2.7 5.24 0.242 0.039 4 0.70803 3.1 4 0.70795 2.8 4
HV-1 groundwater Groundwater Hula Valley, northern Israel 290 43 0.5 137 15 5.57 0.656 0.042 5 0.70648 3.5 5 0.70624 6.3 2
G-6 Groundwater Hula Valley, northern Israel 187 458 1.3 311 16 1.30 0.390 0.020 7 0.70635 8.0 7 0.70621 0.9 4
G-6-bottle Groundwater, bottled for 3 years Hula Valley, northern Israel 180 275 0.9 344 17 1.56 0.475 0.018 7 0.70638 1.2 7 0.70619 1.4 4
IAPSO Seawater standard 1310 466 7.7 7.58 0.382 0.010 58 0.70930 7.9 56 0.70915 0.9 26

Marine carbonate rocks and dust-carbonate (mg/g)

Soreq caprock-2-dol Cenomanian dolostone Soreq cave, caprock, central Israel 112 242 0.16 n.d. n.d. 0.07 0.346 0.010 4 0.70761 1.5 4 0.70749 0.9 4
Chalk NOAM-9 Eocene chalk Noam stream, central Israel 4.7 258 0.84 12.4 1.0 0.33 0.204 0.021 8 0.70790 1.9 8 0.70784 0.6 4
Limestone SA-568B-flo. Turonian limestone Jerusalem, central Israel 1.1 337 0.08 14.7 0.8 0.02 0.340 0.025 8 0.70768 2.0 8 0.70757 2.8 4
Dolostone SA-574A-flo. Cenomanian dolostone Meron Mt., northern Israel 89.2 182 0.08 8.1 2.3 0.04 0.376 0.026 8 0.70790 3.0 8 0.70776 1.9 4
Dust JER-14-carb.∗∗ Carbonate fraction of settling dust, 2014 Jerusalem, central Israel 24.2 318 0.8 4.9 4.0 0.24 0.182 0.034 8 0.70836 2.5 7 0.70830 2.3 8
Dust JER-14-sil.∗∗ Silicate fraction of settling dust, 2014 Jerusalem, central Israel 14.8 14.1 0.1 4.8 12.9 0.183 0.033 0.71076 2.3 7 0.71071 3.2 8

Concentrations in the solids are in mg in the carbonate fraction per gram bulk dry solid, except where concentrations were normalized to gram wet bulk solids (∗) or to gram of the carbonate/silicate fraction (∗∗). Isotopic
measurements were done on the carbonate fraction. n.d.: not determined. bdl: below detection limit.

386 N. Shalev et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 459 (2017) 381–393

Table 2
Stable Sr isotopic differences (carb-water ) and Sr partition coefficients (K d ) calculated from the current data.

Solid sample Water sample Description  Error,  Kd Error, K d

11-2-sg-151 11-2-151 Stalagmite-Drip water −0.199 0.036 0.182 0.012
Banias-tufa-1 Banias-water-1 Tufa-Stream water −0.224 0.045 0.173 0.007
Huveaune-tufa Huveaune-water Tufa-River water −0.232 0.082 0.168 0.012
David-stream-tufa David-stream-water Tufa-Stream-water −0.218 0.040 0.155 0.006
Average stream waters and tufas (1SD) −0.218 0.014 0.169 0.011

Reduced groundwater
HV-1-tufa HV-1-water Tufa-Groundwater −0.538 0.060 0.222 0.011
G-6-bottle-carb G-6 Tufa-Groundwater −0.295 0.059 0.570
G-6-bottle-carb G-6-bottle Tufa-Groundwater −0.380 0.045 0.474 0.014
Average groundwater and tufas (1SD) −0.405 0.123 0.422 0.180
Rayleigh distillation calibrated values −0.285 0.020 0.45 0.02

Pedogenic carbonate
Noam-3-carb. Not available Pedogenic carbonate-soil water <−0.085
Noam-8-calc. Not available Pedogenic carbonate-soil water <−0.085

isotope, 86 Sr, is preferentially incorporated into the solid phase.

This behavior is similar to Ca and Mg isotope incorporation in
travertine and speleothems (Tipper et al., 2006; Galy et al., 2002;
Immenhauser et al., 2010).
The carb-water of Sr isotopes was experimentally shown by
Böhm et al. (2012) to reflect the kinetics of the reaction and, there-
fore, to vary as a function of the partition coefficient of strontium
between solution and calcite (K d ):

Kd = (3)
The calculated partition coefficients of the four carbonate-water
pairs range between 0.155 and 0.182 (Table 2). Following Böhm
et al. (2012), these K d values should have been accompanied by a
slightly more negative carb-water (between −0.29h and −0.25h)
than those measured in the present study. This difference may sug-
gest that the discrimination against the heavy isotopes is slightly
smaller in continental carbonates than in seawater under similar
K d or be due to additional kinetic factors that are beyond the
scope of the present study.

4.1.2. Pedogenic carbonates

Strontium in the Noam soil profile has two potential sources:
settled dust and Eocene chalk bedrock (Yaalon, 1997). 87 Sr/86 Sr ra-
tios in the pedogenic carbonates of this profile are similar to the
ratio measured in the dust, whereas the δ 88/86 Sr values are sig-
nificantly lower than in the dust and the bedrock (Fig. 5B). While
this isotope difference between the pedogenic carbonates and their
lithogenic sources indicates isotope fractionation, the composition
of the precipitating waters (for the carb-water ) is not available and
must be estimated. The silicate fraction of the dust is less soluble
than the carbonate fraction and is characterized by low Sr concen- Fig. 5. Sr isotope compositions of continental carbonates and their Sr sources on a
tration, high 87 Sr/86 Sr ratio and a similar δ 88/86 Sr value (Table 1). Sr/86 Sr versus δ 88/86 Sr plot. Dashed red lines: horizontal fractionation lines. Error
bars are 2SEM. A) Sr isotope fractionation between freshwaters (blue) and carbon-
Hence, its strontium contribution to the pedogenic carbonates is
ates (yellow); B) Sr isotope compositions of pedogenic carbonates and potential
likely small and will not affect the δ 88/86 Sr value of the pedogenic carbonate sources. Yellow: pedogenic carbonates, orange: carbonate dust, brown:
carbonates (although it could affect its 87 Sr/86 Sr). Accordingly, only bedrock, dashed green line: mixing line of Sr sources. (For interpretation of the ref-
the carbonate sources are considered in the following calculation erences to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
(Fig. 5B). this article).

The mixing line between the carbonate fraction of the dust and
the bedrock is the locus of all possible initial Sr isotope composi- by a change in the isotopic composition of the precipitating wa-
tions of water infiltrating through the Noam soil profile, before the ter along the horizontal fractionation line, whereby the remaining
onset of secondary carbonate precipitation. The initial composition Sr becomes more 88 Sr-enriched. Accordingly, the isotopic composi-
of the precipitating water, before the onset of the pedogenic car- tion of the water from which the carbonate precipitated must have
bonate precipitation, is thus given by the intersection between the been heavier or identical to this initial composition, depending on
horizontal line and the mixing line joining the potential sources the amount of precipitated carbonate. Thus, the resulting isotopic
(Fig. 5B). The isotope fractionation occurring during the precipi- difference between the initial δ 88/86 Sr value of the water and the
tation of pedogenic carbonate in this soil must be accompanied sampled carbonates, carb-initial ≈ −0.085h, is a minimum value
N. Shalev et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 459 (2017) 381–393 387

for the isotopic fractionation. The difference between the carbonate Mg, K and Na (Fig. 6B), and the fact that all samples fall on the
and its instantaneous precipitating water may be more negative if same horizontal fractionation line (Fig. 6C), suggest that the wa-
the water has previously precipitated carbonate, resulting in more ters have the same origin and differ only by the amounts of CO2
isotopically enriched residual Sr in the water. lost and Ca-carbonate precipitated.
Assuming that the Sr fractionation factor in the pedogenic Thus, the three water samples can be treated as representing
carbonate is similar to that of the tufa/speleothem-water pairs the progressive impact of carbonate precipitation on a Rayleigh-
(carb-water = −0.218h), the 88 Sr-enrichement in the water and distillation plot (Fig. 6D). In the following calculation, sample G-6,
the fraction of Sr precipitated in pedogenic carbonates (1 − f Sr ) which has the highest Sr concentration, is taken to represent the
prior to the formation of the sampled carbonate can be estimated parent groundwater composition, even though it could have al-
by applying a Rayleigh distillation equation: ready precipitated some Ca-carbonate in the subsurface.
The 88 Sr-isotope enrichment factor, ε (≈), was determined by
(ε /1000)
δwater = (δ0 + 1000) · f Sr − 1000 (4) fitting a Rayleigh distillation curve (equation (4)) to the measured
isotopic compositions of the water samples. The best-fit curve
where f Sr is the remaining fraction of Sr in the water, ε is the
(blue curve in Fig. 6D) yields ε = −0.285 ± 0.02h (error denotes
enrichment factor (ε ≈ ), δ0 is initial water composition as de-
the range of ε values which yield curves that fall within the er-
duced from the intersection between the MDF line and the mix-
ror bars of the measured water samples). This fractionation factor
ing line (∼0.18h; Fig. 5B), and δwater , the δ 88/86 Sr values of the
is more negative than those found in tufas and speleothems (Ta-
precipitating water, is calculated from the δ 88/86 Sr of the product
ble 2), as well as in most marine carbonates (e.g., Krabbenhöft et
sampled carbonates. These carbonates may be the instantaneous
al., 2010; Vollstaedt et al., 2014). Similar large fractionations were
product, the cumulative product, or a mixture of both. Therefore
previously measured in some coccolithophores (biological marine
the δ 88/86 Sr values of the products were calculated for both ex-
calcite), which were cultured at relatively high temperature that
treme scenarios, respectively:
increased their growth rate and K d (Stevenson et al., 2014), and
in a sample of inorganic calcite synthesized at high growth rate
δinst-prod = δwater + ε (5)
(Böhm et al., 2012). Thus, our results corroborate previous sug-
ε ln f Sr gestions that precipitation kinetics impact the isotope enrichment
δcum-prod = δ0 + ε ln f Sr − (6)
1 − f Sr factor, and that enhanced Ca-carbonate precipitation is accompa-
nied by increased Sr isotopic fractionation.
where δinst-prod and δcum-prod are the δ 88/86 Sr values of an instan- Using ε = −0.285h and equations (5) and (6), the δ 88/86 Sr
taneous carbonate precipitate and a cumulative precipitate, respec- curves of the instantaneous product (δinst-prod ) and the cumulative
tively. Taking the measured δ 88/86 Sr value of the pedogenic carbon- product (δcum-prod ) were plotted (Fig. 6D) together with the two
ates (∼0.10h) as either δinst-prod or δcum-prod , the δ 88/86 Sr value of samples of carbonate precipitates. The results suggest that the car-
the precipitating water, as calculated from equations (4)–(6), is be- bonate from bottle of G-6 (G-6-bottle-carb) is a cumulative product
tween 0.3h and 0.6h, while the residual Sr ( f Sr ) is 15% to 50%. that precipitated from the water after sampling and following de-
Hence, soil waters leave 50–85% of their original Sr (1 − f Sr ) in gassing. In contrast, the tufa sampled from the massive carbonate
the soil profile. This substantial removal of Sr is consistent with coating on HV-1 well pipe (Fig. 6A) is not a direct product of the
the elevated Sr/Ca ratios in the pedogenic calcites relative to their sampled water but contains several layers that, over the years, pre-
Sr sources (0.41–0.91 and 0.24–0.33 mM/M, respectively, Table 1). cipitated from the leaking groundwater. Its isotopic composition
Since K d < 1 (Table 2), such high fraction of Sr removal requires suggests that it precipitated from water with higher f Sr than the
also that nearly all the Ca (>90%) is precipitated as pedogenic cal- present leaking water (Fig. 6D).
cite. This condition may be met in the semi-arid climate of Noam The Sr partition coefficient (K d , equation (3)) between the
site during the dry season, when soil water is subjected to massive groundwater and its carbonate precipitate was determined using
evaporation. This further implies that the remaining soil water at the Rayleigh distillation equation for the Sr/Ca ratio:
the end of the dry season has a significantly elevated δ 88/86 Sr value
and Sr/Ca ratio. During the wet season this water is flushed into ( K −1 )
(Sr/Ca)solution = (Sr/Ca)solution-initial · f Ca d (7)
the groundwater reservoir. Therefore, soils are a potential signifi-
cant 88 Sr-enrichment medium for infiltrating water that returns to The best fit of equation (7) for the measured data was found to be
the continental reservoirs (e.g. groundwater). Below, we show that with K d = 0.45 ± 0.02. This value is significantly higher than that
in other environments with extreme conditions of carbonate pre- found in other natural calcite and is another indicator of the high
cipitation, the enrichment of groundwater in 88 Sr may also be very precipitation rate from the Hula groundwater system.
4.2. Impact of precipitation of continental carbonate on δ 88/86 Sr of
4.1.3. Fractionation between groundwater with high alkalinity and continental waters
The Hula groundwater is characterized by extremely high alka- The δ 88/86 Sr values of the continental waters (>0.236h) that
linity (>100 meq/l in G-6-bottle). Massive Ca-carbonate precipita- drain marine carbonate terrains are heavier than the estimated
tion from the Hula groundwater (Fig. 6A), enhanced by degassing mean δ 88/86 Sr of marine carbonates (0.16h, Vollstaedt et al., 2014)
of CO2 , is reflected in the chemical compositions of the three wa- and the “unfractionated” δ 88/86 Sr of global rivers (0.22h; dis-
ter samples collected from this unique system (Fig. 6B). Ca and cussed above, section 1). The contribution of silicate-derived Sr is
Sr concentrations are highest in the sample from the sealed well likely minimal in such terrains, particularly given the much lower
(G-6), intermediate in the bottled sample with small headspace concentration of Sr in silicates. The 88 Sr may be enriched dur-
(G-6-bottle), and lowest in the leaking water from well HV-1. ing precipitation of continental carbonates such as those discussed
Due to the substantial depletion in Sr concentration (leaking wa- above. Some examples of such enrichment processes are discussed
ter from well HV-1 contains only ∼35% of the Sr relative to G-6) below.
and the consequent increase in δ 88/86 Sr values of the water (up The sources of strontium at the Soreq cave are well constrained
to 0.656h), the carbonates and waters cannot be considered as and include the dolostone caprock and the settled atmospheric
instantaneous carbonate-water pairs. However, the similarities in dust which is a major component of the terra rossa soil above the
388 N. Shalev et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 459 (2017) 381–393

Fig. 6. Hula Valley tufa and groundwater. A) Photo of the massive carbonate coating on HV-1 well pipe; B) Major cations concentrations in the Hula groundwater; C) Sr isotope
compositions on a 87 Sr/86 Sr versus δ 88/86 Sr plot. Yellow: carbonates, blue: groundwater, dashed red line: horizontal fractionation line. Error bars are 2SEM; D) δ 88/86 Sr versus
the remaining fraction of Sr in the precipitating water. The blue line is a Rayleigh distillation curve fitted to the Hula groundwater samples (blue diamonds). The theoretical
instantaneous and cumulative carbonate precipitates are denoted by the yellow dashed and solid lines, respectively. The carbonate samples (yellow triangles) are located
based on the f Sr of their associated water, although they are not true instantaneous water–precipitate pairs. Arrow on carbonate of HV-1 points towards more 88 Sr-depleted
water from which it must have precipitated. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).

cave (e.g. Sandler et al., 2015). The 87 Sr/86 Sr ratios indicate that the dripping water (0.7 mM/M) relative to its Sr sources (0.24 and
only a small amount of Sr is derived from the silicate fraction of 0.07 mM/M in dust and dolostone, respectively, Table 1) and is
the dust, as is the case for the pedogenic carbonates (section 4.1.2 lower than the Sr removal calculated in the soil profile (50–85%;
above). Therefore, only the carbonate sources for Sr are discussed. section 4.1.2 above).
The original composition of the drip water (δ0 ) is represented by The Sr-depleted-88 Sr-enriched groundwater that leaks from the
the intersection of the mixing line between these sources (Fig. 7) HV-1 well (δ 88/86 Sr = 0.656 ± 0.042h) is among the heaviest wa-
with the horizontal line. The slightly higher δ 88/86 Sr of the sampled ters that have been reported so far in the literature. This excep-
drip water suggests an earlier phase of carbonate precipitation. tionally high value is attributed to two factors: 1) the high frac-
Applying equation (4) with the following parameters: 1) ε ≈ tion of Ca-carbonate precipitated (1 − f Ca ), accompanied by high
carb-water = −0.218h (Table 2); 2) δ0 – the initial δ 88/86 Sr value Sr removal (1 − f Sr ); and 2) a large isotopic fractionation dic-
as deduced from Fig. 7; and 3) δwater – the δ 88/86 Sr value of the tated by the high precipitation rate. The highest published δ 88/86 Sr
sampled drip water, indicates that the fraction of Sr that precipi- values (up to 0.82h) were measured in mud volcano fluids in Tai-
tated as calcite during the infiltration path prior to reaching the wan (Chao et al., 2013), which are similarly depleted in Sr and
cave (1 − f Sr ) is ∼0.2. i.e., about 20% of the original Sr in the Ca due to massive Ca-carbonate precipitation associated with the
water precipitated before reaching the dripping site. Such a signif- degassing of CO2 from exceptionally highly alkaline groundwater.
icant Sr removal requires removal of ∼70% of the Ca during calcite While the Hula groundwater derives its high alkalinity from the
precipitation, which is consistent with the elevated Sr/Ca ratio of decomposition of organic matter, the alkalinity in the mud vol-
N. Shalev et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 459 (2017) 381–393 389

mass balance calculation presented by others and adopted here as-

sumes δ 88/86 Srcarb-rocks = 0.16h for the marine carbonate source
rocks (after Vollstaedt et al., 2014). However, as discussed below,
the more representative δ 88/86 Srcarb-rocks value is probably more
Sr-enriched. This assumed value for δ 88/86 Srcarb-rocks (0.16h)
was calculated by Vollstaedt et al. (2014) based on the Phanero-
zoic mean of well-selected brachiopods and belemnites (chosen
for reconstructing seawater values), whereas the mean δ 88/86 Sr of
bulk marine carbonate sediments is not well constrained. Based
on modern biogenic marine carbonates, Krabbenhöft et al. (2010)
estimated the modern marine carbonate flux-weighted average
value to be 0.21h. However, in the present study we measured
higher δ 88/86 Sr values in four exposed marine carbonate rocks:
two dolostones (Upper Cretaceous), one limestone (Upper Creta-
ceous) and one chalk (Eocene), with an average of 0.32 ± 0.08h
(1SD; Table 1 and Fig. 8A). In addition, three of the four car-
Fig. 7. Sr isotope compositions of the Soreq cave system on a 87 Sr/86 Sr versus bonate matrix samples from the geological record measured by
δ 88/86 Sr plot. Yellow: speleothems, orange: dust, brown: caprock, dashed red line: Vollstaedt et al. (2014) are also significantly heavier than bra-
fractionation line, dashed green line: mixing line of Sr sources. Error bars are 2SEM. chiopods or belemnites from the same sample (with averages of
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is re- 0.30h versus 0.12h, respectively). Given this implied uncertainty
ferred to the web version of this article).
in δ 88/86 Srcarb-rocks , its impact on the riverine 88 Sr-enrichment was
cano fluids is derived by inorganic water–rock interactions (Chao Inserting the assumed values in equation (4) implies that only
et al., 2013). These two cases emphasize the significant role of 62% of the initial weathered Sr remains in the rivers that reach
carbonate-alkalinity, whether organic or inorganic, in determining the oceans (i.e., 38% of the Sr is removed). However, if as sug-
aquatic δ 88/86 Sr value. gested above, δ 88/86 Srcarb-rocks is > 0.16h, the fraction of Sr re-
The above examples, and the calculated δ 88/86 Sr of the infil- moved, 1 − f Sr , is smaller accordingly (Fig. 8B). The uncertainty
trating soil water (0.3h to 0.6h, see section 4.1.2), emphasize in the fraction of precipitated Sr, 1 − f Sr , which stems from nat-
the important role that precipitation of continental carbonates has ural variability of the parameters, is about ±0.08 (Appendix C).
in determining the δ 88/86 Sr value of continental water on a local Palmer and Edmond (1989) estimated that the riverine Sr flux
scale. The possible impact of continental carbonates precipitation to the ocean is ∼33.3 Gmol(Sr) ·y−1 . Based on this value and
on the δ 88/86 Sr value of the global riverine flux to the ocean is dis- δ 88/86 Srcarb-rocks = 0.16h, the maximum total Sr weathering flux
cussed below. would be ∼53 Gmol(Sr) ·y−1 , of which ∼20 Gmol(Sr) ·y−1 is de-
posited as continental carbonates (sink). If correct, this continental
4.3. Impact of continental calcium carbonate precipitation on δ 88/86 Sr Sr sink is huge, and is equivalent to about 10% of the marine Sr
of the global riverine flux sink (174 Gmol(Sr) ·y−1 ; Krabbenhöft et al., 2010).
Estimates of the total annual continental carbonate deposition
The average δ 88/86 Sr value of 31 samples of continental carbon- are rare due to the diversity of carbonate types (e.g., pedogenic car-
ates measured in the current and previous studies (Shalev et al., bonates, cave deposits, rivers tufa, lakes carbonates and secondary
2013; Chao et al., 2015; Fruchter et al., 2016) is 0.076 ± 0.053h. carbonates in rocks). Based on water chemical compositions and
This places continental carbonates as one of the most 88 Sr-depleted radiogenic Sr ratios, Bickle et al. (2015) explained the elevated
reservoirs on Earth (Fig. 8A). The current study demonstrates that Sr/Ca in downstream Himalayan water by the precipitation of sur-
precipitation of continental carbonates enriches continental water prisingly large amount of continental carbonates in the catchment
with 88 Sr on local scale, but the question is whether this mech- area (50–80% of the originally weathered Ca, 0.2 ≤ f Ca ≤ 0.5). This
anism can explain the global 88 Sr-enrichment in rivers flowing to conclusion is in accordance with field observations and Ca and
the oceans relative to their rock sources (Krabbenhöft et al., 2010; Mg isotopes compositions of the Himalayan water (English et al.,
Pearce et al., 2015). 2000; Tipper et al., 2006, 2008). Based on the Sr partition co-
If the rivers’ 88 Sr-enrichment is assumed to be due only to efficient found in the present study for carbonates (K d = 0.169;
the preferential sequestration of 86 Sr in the continental carbon- section 4.1.1; Table 2), this implies that 11–24% of the original
ate reservoir, the Sr removal to this reservoir can be globally weathered Sr is removed to these continental carbonates (1 − f Sr ):
estimated. In the calculation presented below, the following as-
sumptions are made: 1) riverine Sr discharging to the oceans f Sr = ( f Ca ) K d (8)
has δ 88/86 Srrivers = 0.32h (Krabbenhöft et al., 2010; Pearce et Even if such extensive Sr removal (1 − f Sr = 11–24%) into continen-
al., 2015); 2) the 88 Sr/86 Sr isotope enrichment factor during tal carbonates reservoirs occurs on a global scale, a process that
continental carbonate precipitation is ε = −0.218h, as mea- cannot be ruled out, it will elevate the δ 88/86 Sr of global rivers by
sured in this research; and 3) the average value of silicate rocks only up to 0.06h. For this process to account for the entire 88 Sr-
is δ 88/86 Srsil-rocks = 0.30h, that of marine carbonate rocks is enrichment in the riverine Sr, the original unfractionated waters
δ 88/86 Srcarb-rocks = 0.16h, and their Sr contributions to global (δ 88/86 Srunfract ) should be 0.26–0.29h (and not the 0.22h as-
rivers is 40:60, respectively (Moynier et al., 2010; Charlier et sumed earlier). To attain this value, δ 88/86 Srcarb-rocks should be be-
al., 2012; Vollstaedt et al., 2014; Pearce et al., 2015). Thus, the tween 0.23h and 0.29h (Fig. 8B). Considering the measured val-
initial “unfractionated” isotopic composition of continental water ues of the marine carbonate rocks, the higher δ 88/86 Srcarb-rocks val-
(δ 88/86 Srunfract ) is 0.22h. ues suggested here seem reasonable. It is therefore suggested that
In addition to the existing natural variability of all of these pa- the average δ 88/86 Sr value of exposed marine carbonate rocks un-
rameters (see discussion in Appendix C), there is a significant un- dergoing weathering is higher than previously suggested (0.16h).
certainty in the choice of the initial stable-isotopic value of Sr de- However, other fractionation processes that operate to enrich the
rived from weathering of marine carbonates (δ 88/86 Srcarb-rocks ). The riverine stable Sr isotope composition, such as biological uptake of
390 N. Shalev et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 459 (2017) 381–393

our data indicates that the continental carbonates comprise one

of the most 88 Sr-depleted reservoirs on earth, with an average
value of δ 88/86 Sr = 0.076 ± 0.053h. The isotopic differences be-
tween waters and tufas or speleothems have a relatively narrow
range (carb-water = −0.218 ± 0.014h ≈ ε ). Based on this isotopic
fractionation and the δ 88/86 Sr values of pedogenic carbonates and
their Sr sources, we suggest that the associated soil water that
precipitated these carbonates has lost 50–85% of its Sr to the pe-
dogenic carbonate, leaving the remaining soil water 88 Sr-enriched
with δ 88/86 Sr values between 0.3h and 0.6h. An even larger iso-
tope fractionation was measured in tufa precipitated from a high
carbonate-alkalinity groundwater (ε = −0.285 ± 0.02h, Hula Val-
ley), possibly reflecting an enhanced kinetic effect related to the
rapid precipitation of the tufa. Thus, our study clearly shows that
precipitation of carbonates from waters on the continents may
cause a significant increase in the stable Sr isotopic ratio of the
continental waters.
Given the estimate of the stable Sr isotopic fractionation de-
termined here, and the assumed composition of the silicate and
carbonate source rocks and their relative Sr contribution to the
global rivers, the maximum global Sr sink in continental carbon-
ates is calculated to be ∼20 Gmol(Sr) ·y−1 (38% of the originally
weathered Sr). Thus, extensive continental carbonates precipita-
tion (11–24% of the weathered Sr), such as inferred for the Hi-
malayan rivers (Bickle et al., 2015), cannot be ruled out, and
may elevate the δ 88/86 Sr of global rivers by up to 0.06h. How-
ever, even this high fraction of Sr sequestration in continental
carbonates cannot explain the 88 Sr-enrichment of global rivers
(δ 88/86 Sr = 0.32h) relative to the assumed weathered composi-
tion (δ 88/86 Sr = 0.22h). It is therefore suggested that the δ 88/86 Sr
Fig. 8. Global continental Sr budget: reservoirs and fluxes. A) Measured δ 88/86 Sr value of exposed marine carbonate rocks undergoing weathering is
values of continental Sr reservoirs. Data from current study denoted by black x higher than previously suggested (δ 88/86 Sr = 0.16h) implying that
symbols; Colored symbols are published data from: Ohno and Hirata, 2007; Halicz
the global weathered stable Sr isotopic composition is >0.22h.
et al., 2008; Krabbenhöft et al., 2010; Moynier et al., 2010; De Souza et al., 2010;
Charlier et al., 2012; Raddatz et al., 2013; Chao et al., 2013; Shalev et al., 2013;
The large uncertainty in this value is thus the limiting factor in
Wei et al., 2013; Neymark et al., 2014; Stevenson et al., 2014; Vollstaedt et al., 2014; the quantification of the continental Sr reservoir and isotopic bud-
Chao et al., 2015; Pearce et al., 2015; Voigt et al., 2015; Bullen and Chadwick, 2016. get.
Black lines are estimated average of the reservoirs: silicates 0.30h (Moynier et al.,
2010; Charlier et al., 2012); Marine carbonate Phanerozoic mean 0.16h (Vollstaedt
et al., 2014) and weighted average of modern carbonates 0.21h (Krabbenhöft
et al., 2010); Riverine flux weighted average 0.32h (Krabbenhöft et al., 2010;
Pearce et al., 2015); Continental carbonates average 0.076h (current study; Shalev We thank N. Teplyakov, Y. Zakun and the GSI geochemical
et al., 2013; Chao et al., 2015; Fruchter et al., 2016); B) Sensitivity tests for the division staff for their help in the laboratory work. We thank
fraction of Sr removed to the fractionated reservoir on the continents. The tested Y. Burstyn for sharing his knowledge of the Soreq cave and for
initial compositions (δ 88/86 Srunfract ) are shown on the lower horizontal axis and
were calculated from δ 88/86 Srsil-rocks = 0.30h for silicate rocks and different val-
help in the field. A. Babad and F. Gelman provided samples from
ues for carbonate rocks (δ 88/86 Srcarb-rocks , presented in the upper horizontal axis). the Hula Valley. We also thank the staff of the Israel Nature and
The black line shows the results obtained with ε = −0.218h. The blue dashed Parks Authority for helping with stream sampling. We gratefully
lines indicate different estimations for δ 88/86 Srcarb-rocks (0.16h from Vollstaedt et acknowledge C. Pearce, B. Peucker-Ehrenbrink and M.J. Bickle (ed-
al., 2014; 0.21h from Krabbenhöft et al., 2010; and 0.32h from this study).
itor) for their constructive comments that considerably improved
earlier version of this manuscript. This study was funded by: DFG
Sr (De Souza et al., 2010; Andrews et al., 2016; Bullen and Chad- German–Israeli–Palestinian trilateral project TRION (Ei272/30-1);
wick, 2016), incongruent weathering of silicate minerals (Wei et the Israeli Ministry of Science, Technology and Space (an Eshkol
al., 2013; Chao et al., 2015; Stevenson et al., 2016) or adsorption scholarship to NS); and Dalia and Dan Maydan Fellowship (to
of the lighter isotopes onto particles (Chao et al., 2015), cannot NS).
be ruled out. It is therefore concluded that the limiting factor for
studying the continental stable Sr isotope budget is the small num- Appendix A. Sampling details
ber of measurements of bulk exposed marine carbonate rocks.
Table A.1
5. Summary Sampling details.

Water/solid sample Sampling date Latitude Longitude Temp. pH

This study evaluates the role of precipitation of calcium carbon- (◦ C)

ates in continental environments in determining the δ 88/86 Sr val- David stream water 12/05/2015 31.470 35.390
HV-1 groundwater 21/07/2013 33.107 35.612
ues of continental waters, which are generally more 88 Sr-enriched
G-6 24/11/2011 33.112 35.622
than their source rocks. Banias stream water-1 30/09/2013 33.236 35.678 17.2 8.7
For this, we analyzed the δ 88/86 Sr values and 87 Sr/86 Sr ratios Dan stream water-1 30/09/2013 33.243 35.646 16.2 8.0
of calcium carbonates and their precipitating waters from various 11-2-151 06/03/2013 31.756 35.024 19.6 8.2
continental environments (e.g., springs deposits, tufas, pedogenic Huveaune river water 12/06/2013 43.345 5.762
Noam 04/10/2011 31.562 34.804
carbonates and cave-speleothems). Combined with other studies,
N. Shalev et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 459 (2017) 381–393 391

Appendix B. 87 Sr/86 Sr∗ vs. traditional 87 Sr/86 Srtrad :

a measurement verification procedure

The radiogenic 87 Sr/86 Sr ratio was determined following two

different procedures, the “traditional” procedure, to obtain the
“traditional ratio” (87 Sr/86 Srtrad ), and the double-spike procedure,
to obtain the “true ratio” (87 Sr/86 Sr∗ , after Krabbenhöft et al., 2009,
2010). Both procedures assume that the instrumental fractionation
is proportional to the relative mass differences between the iso-
topes and hence will follow the slope of mass-dependent fraction-
ation (MDF) (Fig. B.1A). When using the δ notation (equation (1)
in the main text) for both 87 Sr/86 Sr and 88 Sr/86 Sr ratios (relative to
SRM987 standard: 87 Sr/86 Sr = 0.710240 and 88 Sr/86 Sr = 8.375209;
Nier, 1938), the MDF line will follow a linear function with a slope
close to 0.5 (0.504–0.507; after Young et al., 2002). This line in-
tersects the δ 87/86 Sr axis at b and not at the origin because of the
radiogenic contribution of 87 Sr:

δ 87/86 Sr = 0.5 · δ 88/86 Sr + b (B.1)

The common notation for the ratio that includes the radiogenic
Sr is 87/86 R (87/86 R = 87 Sr/86 Sr ratio). Converting the δ 87/86 Sr no-
tation to the R notation, using equation (1), yields a new linear
87/86 R SRM987 · 0.5 b · 87/86 R SRM987
R= · δ 88/86 Sr +
1000 1000
+ R SRM987 (B.2)
87 86
Given that Sr/ Sr of SRM987 is 0.710240 (Nier, 1938), equa- Fig. B.1. Comparison of 87 Sr/86 Sr∗ and 87 Sr/86 Srtrad . A) Schematic illustration of
tion (B.2) can be rewritten to yield: the true, the measured and the “traditional” 87 Sr/86 Sr ratios on 87 Sr/86 Sr versus
δ 88/86 Sr diagram. The mass-dependent fractionation (MDF) line connecting these
R = 0.00036 · δ 88/86 Sr + b(R) (B.3) three points is indicated by red solid and dashed lines; B) Comparison between the
“traditional” 87 Sr/86 Sr ratios obtained by the “traditional” technique and the same
87 Sr/86 Sr ratios (b(R) values) obtained by applying the MDF linear equation (equa-
where b(R) is the Y intercept on a Sr/86 Sr vs. δ 88/86 Sr plot
tion (B.3)) with the 87 Sr/86 Sr∗ and δ 88/86 Sr values obtained from the double-spike
(Fig. B.1A) and is equal to: algorithm for each sample. The blue line indicates the 1:1 proportion between the
values obtained in both procedures. (For interpretation of the references to color in
b · 87/86 R SRM987
b(R) = + 87/86 R SRM987 (B.4) this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).
calculate b(R) for each sample. The b(R) values of all samples cal-
(b is the Y intercept on a δ 87/86 Sr vs. δ 88/86 Sr plot, equation (B.1)). culated by this method were found to be identical, within error,
The “traditional” ratio (87 Sr/86 Srtrad ) assumes that the 88 Sr/86 Sr to the 87 Sr/86 Srtrad ratios obtained by the “traditional” procedure
ratio in nature is constant and equal to the 88 Sr/86 Sr ratio in (Fig. B.1B), thereby reinforcing the results. Note that, theoretically,
SRM987 (i.e., δ 88/86 Sr = 0h) and the instrumental (as well as nat- 87
Sr/86 Srtrad and b(R) are identical, but, in practice, the former
ural) mass discrimination for 87 Sr/86 Sr is corrected based on this was determined by a single measurement, whereas in the present
assumption. Therefore, by definition, the intersection point, b(R) , of study the latter was calculated from an additional measurement of
all MDF lines (equation (B.3)) should be equal to the “traditional” the spiked sample, and using the calculation approach presented
value (87 Sr/86 Srtrad ; Fig. B.1A). Accordingly, the MDF equation can above.
be rewritten as:
87/86 Appendix C. Sensitivity tests of global estimated f Sr
R = 0.00036 · δ 88/86 Sr + 87/86 R trad (B.5)
Using equation (B.3) and the δ 88/86 Sr and 87 Sr/86 Sr∗ values ob- A calculation of the global fraction of Sr removed to the conti-
tained with the double spike technique, it is now possible to nental carbonate reservoir out of the initial weathered Sr (1 − f Sr )

Table C.1
Sensitivity tests on the estimated 1 − f Sr (0.38) based on the uncertainty in the input parameters. Each uncertainty indicates the published natural and analytical variability
of the chosen parameter, unless otherwise mentioned.

Parameter Value Uncertainty Range of f Sr due to uncertainty Sr removal % (1 − f Sr ) · 100

Global riverine δ 88/86 a
Sr 0.32h 0.005h 0.61–0.64 36–39
Isotope enrichment factor during −0.218h 0.014h 0.60–0.64 36–40
continental carbonate precipitation, ε
Riverine Sr derived from silicate rocksb 40% 20% 0.55–0.71 29–45
δ 88/86 Sr of silicate rocksc 0.30h 0.07h 0.55–0.71 29–45
δ 88/86 Sr of carbonate rocksd 0.16h 0.02h 0.59–0.66 34–41

a b
From: Krabbenhöft et al. (2010) and Pearce et al. (2015); Uncertainty is based on Gaillardet et al. (1999) and Pearce et al. (2015), but in order to account for all
possible values, we considered a larger range of values; c From: Moynier et al. (2010) and Charlier et al. (2012); d Secular variability of selected carbonates from:
Vollstaedt et al. (2014) and Pearce et al. (2015). The uncertainty in the δ 88/86 Sr of carbonate rocks, which stems from the type of carbonate measured, is further discussed in
the text.
392 N. Shalev et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 459 (2017) 381–393

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