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The topic for today is road traffic accidents in Ghana.

This topic was selected because It is very

important that everyone knows more about it and how to prevent it.

Road traffic accidents has been a serious topic on every network or platform because the statistics
show that it has been on the increase for the last 4 years.

insert statistics Every day, hundreds of road traffic accidents occur across the country. In fact,
statistics show that there are more than 10 motor vehicle-related deaths per day*

◦ Road accidents occur for a variety of reasons. Often, drivers are distracted while
behind the wheel,

✓ Speeding is the second most common cause of road accidents. Driving above the
speed limit is a common practice for many motorists. The faster a vehicle travels, the longer it
takes to slow down in the event of an obstacle

◦ Drunk driving is another major cause of accidents, particularly on weekends and

holidays. When people drive after consuming alcohol

◦ How to prevent road accident

◦ Dont overspeed

◦ Pedestrians should look left, right and left again before crossing the road

◦ Don't drink and drive. If you drink don't drive.. if you drive, don't drink .

◦ Use functionable cars, with working brakes and headlights

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