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~-;j. 1
~ ~ 'lAf(1~C{'1( WU 154 'C{. ~ ~ ~ ~ ) ~."l.~.tft.-II

Sfi11 tf. 11
Serial No.

1. firffi : ~: cjlf: "SI'.~"SI'.Sfi. ~:

District PS: Y3l91.9 FIR No. Date
Gandhinagar CBI/ ACB/Gandhinagar RC0292019A0003 23.01.2019

2. ( 1) fcI.m>1: mwt :
Act Sections
mdian Penal Code 120-B IPC.
( 2 Y ~ fcI~ : mwt :
Act Sections

(3) fcI~yention of CorrupwtAct U/ss. 7, 7A & 8.

Act1988 (amended in 2~~ons

(4) -3FlJ fclm>1~ mwt : Conspiracyfor obtaining illegal gratification by the

OtherActs & Sections
public servant as a I reward for the dishonest
performanceof a duty ejther by himself or other I

public servant from a middleman, who collected

3. (qj) ma:rro~ : the same from unknown private personto pay to
(a) Suspected Offence the publicservantfor unduefavour
, in official work
by .using his personal influence. For this, the
. middle manalso chargedheavyfee as chargesfor
('{Sf ) R"1: fG:rtcf; his services. . ~
(b) Day Date Time «,

(ll) ~ 1R ~ >rrn m 'l1T mtcf;

(c) Informationreceived at PS Date
During January, 2019
~a:rro~ : ~ ~
Entry No. Date Time
GD 51. No.4 23.01.2019 11 hrs.

4. ~'l1T~: ffifum~
Type of Information Written/Oral Oral

5. "EfG-IT 'l1T ~
Place of Occurrence Vadodara

(qj) ~~~q~:
(a).Direction & Distancefrom PS 130 kms. South.

~ -;:t. / Beat No.


C~) "tfffi:
(b) Address

ell) tR11~<:1
3R ~ 8);nf~ -q t -m ~ -
(c) In case, outside the limit of this Police Station, then

~ ~CfiT1T'J ~
Name of PS District

6. ~ / ~.q1ICfl~f :
Complainant I Informant

(cti) -:rrq Source

(a) Name

(w) ftrnJ / -qfu CfiT -:rrq

(b) Father's I Husband's Name

ell) ~ fttf~ (~) ~:

(c) Date of Birth (d) Nationality

'il~'ilc:. ';f•..••••..••••••••••.••••••••••.•
'3I1~1 1",.,1..., ••••.•••••.•••••••
'3I1~1 ~I" CfiT ~ ••.•••••.•••••••••••
(e) Passport No Date of Issue Place of Issue

(T.t) oqcHilll
(f) Profession

(~) "tfffi-
(g) Address

7. "iRf/~/~/~Cfil'T'f~:
Details of known I suspected I ooknowo accused with full particulars
(~ ~ICfl(qCfl mm
31ffi ~ 'tFn ~ ~)
(Attached separate sheet, if necessary)

(1) 1)
Shri Anil Kumar Yadav, Controller of Explosives, PESO,Vadodara Sub
Circle Office, Vadodara.
(3)2) Shri Samrat Kapadia @ Samrat Parmar (Private Person), Partner in
Mis. Prime Engineering, A-23, Shayona'Complex, Opp. Memco BRTS
Bust Stop, Naroda, Ahmedabad.
3) Unknown others.

8. 31f~ / ~-q1IChct\ mu ~ ~ \lfA -q fcR;iiI q)f cmuT

.. .
Reasons fO~delay in reportinq by the complainant I Informant

No Delay . ~
/~ ~ 'Chl~ ~ : (~ a:tlq~~<1l m <it a:tWT ~ "tAl m1"f )
31m rt. s Stolen (Attach separate sheet. if necessary)
Particulars of prope re

,; 10. 31m/~~'Chl~~:
Total value of property stolen N/A

11. -lPl/~~~~:
Inquest Report I U.D. case No. if any

12. 'llY.ltr ~

(~3Hq~llCfi m <it 31WI ~ "tAld)~.
First Information contents (Attach separate sheet. if raqurre

A reliable source information has been received that Sh. Anil Kumar
Yadav, Controller of Explosives, Petroleum & Explosive Safety Organization
(PESO), Vadodara Sub Circle office, Vadodara, Department of Industrial Policy
& Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, located
at 8th floor, Yash Kamal Building, Sayajiganj, Vadodara, is indulged in corrupt
and illegal activities. It has been revealed that Shri Anil Kumar Yadav is
regularly obtaining illegal gratification from the private parties for official
acts/functions like processing of grant of license and inspection of sites (CNG
testing stations, Storage area/Godowns of explosive products, SMPV tank
fabrication etc.). He is obtaining illegal gratification for undue advantage from
any person with the intention to perform or cause performance of public duty
improperly or dishonestly or to forbear or cause forbearance to perform such
duty either by himself or by another public servant or as a reward for the
improper or dishonest performance of a public duty or for forbearing to
perform such duty either by himself or another public servant.
- 3A-
2. Source information has been received that there are many active conduits who
make liasoning with the officials of department of Petroleum & Explosive Safety
Organization (PESO), Vadodara Sub Circle office, Vadodara and get cleared the
licencing and inspection work of CNG Testing Stations, LPG-CNG godowns, fireworks
godowns and other official acts for various licensee parties across Gujrat state, some
of whom are in direct contact with Sh. Anil Kumar Yadav, Controller of Explosives,

3. Source has informed that one Sh. Samrat Parmar alias Samrat Kapadia of Mis.
Premium Hydro Engineering, shop No 35, Dev Residency, Opposite Nirman Homes,
100 ft. Road, Nr. Vandemataram City, New S. G. Road, Ahmedabad-382481 and
partner in Mis. Prime Engineering, A-23, Shayona Complex, Opp. Memco BRTS Bus
Stop, Memco Cross Road, Naroda, Ahmedabad, is also acting as a conduit for Sh.
Anil Kumar Yadav and in criminal conspiracy with him, he is collecting bribe money
from various private parties in connection with inspection and licensing work, on behalf
of Sh. Anil Kumar Yadav, Controller of Explosives and paying him subsequently. For
this Anil Kumar Yadav & Shri Samrat Kapadia are regularly in contact with each other.
4. The reliable source information has revealed that in furtherance of the above
conspiracy Shri Samrat Kapadia approached Sh. Anil Kumar Yadav, Controller of
Explosives for favorable inspection of 1). Swagat Enterprise, CNG Testing Station,
Rajkot, 2). Purusharth Auto, CNG Testing Station, Rajkot, 3). Shiv Auto, CNG Testing
Station, Morbi.

5. In furtherance to the said conspiracy, Sh. Anil Kumar Yadav deputed Shri
Mohan Lal Jana, Deputy Controller of Explosives, Vadodara for inspection and
informed Shri Sam rat Kapadia accordingly. The tentative date of the inspection was
kept for the 3rd week of January, 2019. Sh. Anil Kumar Yadav, Controller of Explosives
assured favorable and desirable inspection report by Sh. Jana and also directed Shri
Samrat Kapadia to arrange only accommodation and travel arrangements for Shri
Jana. For this favourable report, Shri Anil Kumar Yadav instructed Shri Samrat
Kapadia to arrange the bribe amount of Rs. 50,0001- for each inspection, which he
shall pay, whenever he (Shri Samrat Kapadiya) comes to Vadodara.
- 3B-
6. The source has informed that Shri Mohan Lal Jana had inspected the above
mentioned 03 sites on 19.01.19 and 20.01.19. After this inspection, on 21.01.2019,
Sh. Anil Kumar Yadav instructed Sh. Samrat Kapadia to deliver him the bribe money
from the above mentioned 03 parties and from the other parties whose inspection
related works were also pending with Sh. Anil Kumar Yadav.

7. Source has also informed that for obtaining the favorable inspection reports and
subsequent licensesl permission, Shri Samrat Kapadia also obtains heavy fee as
consultancy charges for himself.

8. Accordingly, Sh. Samrat Kapadia informed the respective parties and asked
them to make arrangement of bribe amount of Rs. 50,000 each for further delivery to
Sh. Anil Kumar Yadav. Source has informed that Sh. Samrat Kapadia is coming to
Vadodara on 23/01/2019 along with bribe money which will be delivered to Sh. Anil
Kumar Yadav, as per his directions.

9. The above acts of Sh. Anil Kumar Yadav, Controller of Explosives, PESO,
Vadodara, Sh. Samrat Parmar alias Samrat Kapadia of Mis. Premium Hydro
Engineering and partner in Mis. Prime Engineering, and other unknown persons
discloses punishable offences under section 120 B IPC rlw Section 7, 7A & 8 of PC
Act, 1988.


13. Cfil4cu~ '*'~ ~ : i.Fcn ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ 3fR1fi9(1 ~(3TI) ~ ~. m~ ~

"Cfi) 3<\i1IR(I ~ t-
Action taken: Since the above information reveals commission of offence(s) u/s as mentioned at
Item No.2

(1) ~~~~~~'M'{'f&31T31~
Registered the case and took up the investigation or

(2) ~(~~~-;ym) l'li -T. ~ ~ fW;n Tfqf

Directed (Name of 10) Rank No. Took up for

Sh. N. K. Verma Inspector of Police

(3) 'CfiRUT~~~~ 3l~

Refused investigation due to or

( 4) ~ ~"Cfi) ftfHi(lR(I ~ 7FU m-r ~~~3lJl:lR1R

Transferred to PS . District on point of jurisdiction

~ / ~"I1ICfi'dr "Cfi)~.~ ~ ~ ;' ~ wwn 7FU, ~ ~-~ an~ m

~ ~ I ~ ~ m
3lf~ I ~~11q)'dr "Cfi) R:'W"i"sre:A ~ ~ I ~
FIR read over to the complainant/informant, admitted to be correcUy recorded and a copy given to
the complainant/informant, free of cost.

~ Cfi\ ww:n q -ml ~ ~ "t:Wn I


~. ~'l\
tWfT~~~"Y·":)'· •
14. ~ I ~i4"ICfI"'f ~ ~
SlgnaturefThumb Impression Signature of Officer in-charge
of the complainant/Informant Police Statl&.mnish Geer
9fT1f I Nam~Y. Inspr. Gen. of Police &
( ~ ) I Rartiead of Branch No.
eBI : SPEDivn : Gandhinagar

15. "4141(14"Cfi)~~~~~ \ , ~\\\'J

Date and time of despatch to the court (R~r)
Dy. Inspr. Gen. of Police &
Head of Branch
eBI : SPEDivn : Gandhinagar

(~'fTU ~ ~ ~~ (j'('fug~)
Signature of recording Officer with date

~~ ~ tf\l ~1Ii)RCflfqitt@Q:, fq~qd' o~ 3R ~ :-

. Physical features. deformities and other details of the suspecVaccused : (If known / seen)

~.-B. ·fWT •~ tf\l *~IIi)R"fl Tf(R *~~ . *~ *~~

SI. (Sex) orfusI / qtf (Built) m. -q (Complexion) (Identificatioh
No. DatelYear (Height) , Mark/s)
of Birth (in ems)
1 2 3 '4 5 \ 6 7


~;fcR;f8;lUTOT ~ ~ -3m9 ~ ~
(Deformities! (Teeth) (Hair) (Eye) (Habits) (Dress HabiVs)
8 9 10 11 12 1.


\WfI / mffi ~ / Place of

~CfiTf.mR m~ ~ ~~ ~
(Language/Dialect' (Burn Mark) (Leucoderma) (Mole) (Scar)
14 15 16 17 18 19

. \

aTI~ / ~T.l1ICfl'd1,WU ~i:l / ~ ~ ~ -q ~ <n aTIWfl~ ~ ~ "tt\ m~ ~ tf\l

These fields will 'be entered only if complainanVinformant gives anyone or more particulars about the
OIC/GIP/RB ND-213-CBII04 dt. -6-04-000
Confidential I Registered A.D.
No. CRjIIIjRC0292019A0003j (_- .3 Date: 23.01.2019.

Copy to :

1) The Hon'ble Special Judge, CBI Court No.7, Mirzapur, Ahmedabad.

2) The Head of Zone, CBI, Mumbai Zone, Mumbai.

3) The Joint Secretary & CVO, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion,
Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, Room No. 259,
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi - 110 011.

4) Shri NK Verma, PI, CBI, ACB,Gandhinagar.

5) Guard File.

~, C!Y'~

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